ENG2611 ASS2

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Name: Palesa Rose Molupe

Student no: 18387144

Module code: ENG2611

Unique code: 858764

Assignment no: 02

Module: Applied English Language For Foundation And Intermediate Phase

first additional language

1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works

Or inventions of another as if they were one’s own. I know that plagiarism

Not only includes verbatim copying, but also the extensive use of another

Person’s ideas without proper acknowledgement (which includes the Proper

use of quotation marks). I know that plagiarism covers this sort of Use of

material found in textual sources and from the Internet.

2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.

3. I understand that my research must be accurately referenced. I have Followed the

rules and conventions concerning referencing, citation and the Use of quotations

as set out in the Departmental Guide.

4. This assignment is my own work, or my group’s own unique group

Assignment. I acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment, or part

Of it, is wrong, and that submitting identical work to others constitutes a Form

of plagiarism.

5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow, anyone to copy my work With the

intention of passing it off as their own work.


Student no : 18387144

Signed: 9506080304089

Date: 22/06/2024

1. Yes, the extract is an example of children’s literature because the author uses
simple language and most characters are children.
2. The plot of this extract revolves around four children who where sent away from
London to stay with an old professor in the countryside during war.
3. The character that the author has developed more than others is Lucy , the
statement is true because it is evident in the extract when the author focuses more
on her reaction towards the professor , her fear of him and her feelings about the
professor when they first meet. The author developed Lucy more than others as he
provides insight on her growth , actions, thoughts, feelings and development
throughout the text.

• The extract is s relevant to foundation/ Intermediate Phase EFAL readers

because of its theme of family , fear, curiosity of children and their
interaction with the professor that is in a way that young readers can
relate to with regard to first impressions.
• The extract is appropriate for EFAL readers as the author displays
personal growth of young children and the manner in which they
overcome challenges young children can relate to it.
• The manner in which the author describes facial expressions or nuanced
emotions of characters might be irrelevant and confusing for EFAL
readers considering their age and knowledge.
• The author complex vocabulary and cultural references might be less
relevant to EFAL readers as they are unfamiliar to them.


• Age stereotype: the extract portrays the stereotype of a wise old man and
possibly absent – minded as the author describes the man as an ‘ old
professor “ who has shaggy white hair.
• Social stereotype: the extract tells us about the names of all three
servants and the housekeeper Mrs. Macready only and there are not
included in the storyline, this shows how their input is not valued and
needed .
• Traditional gender stereotypes : the classification of girls and boys rooms
shows the stereotype of how boys and girls are suppose to have separate
living arrangements , behave and interact according to societal gender
• Children’s reactions: the manner in which the children reacts towards
the old professor displays the stereotype of young children being fearful
and displaying signs of mischievous behaviour as one of the youngest
tried to laugh to the old professor physical appearance.

6. To make the extract more relevant to a South African foundation

phase EFAL classroom

I will start by changing the names of characters and use names such as Thabo, Mpho or
Sipho to accommodate different diversity of all learners. I will use simple vocabulary and
sentence structure that suit the proficiency level of foundation/Intermediate Phase EFAL
readers or provide them with background information and clear definitions on unfamiliar
concepts so that they can be able to analyze and evaluate the extract. I will use
traditional, cultural and historic events that they can relate to according to their prior
knowledge and experience . I will also change the setting of the story from a township
area to a luxurious rural area to make the story more familiar I will also promote local
authors. To make the extract appropriate and relevant to South African foundation phase
EFAL classroom I will change the language of a text, focus on cultural preferences and
change the setting to promote inclusivity and diversity. This way students will be able to
the text based on their knowledge and experience.
Section B

1.The narrator of the extract is Salva, the usage of first – person perspective (Salva might
have slept) and the highlighting of his feelings and observations shows us that he is the
narrator .


• Fisherman of the Nile river

• Local agricultural community • The narrator cultural/traveling group.

• To make the extract more real for foundation phase EFAL learners and involve
them through multimodal responses I will use visual aids such as photographs,
videos or a simple drawing that convey the message of a text or do a presentation
of fishing using whiteboards and fishing material as children learn best when they
have an idea of what is going on and they may be able to understand the concept
better or quickly using this method.
• I will also use drama by first reading the extract aloud to them and then instruct
them to act out the scenes of a text or engage them in a question-and-answer
session so that they can understand the text better or simply take them to a school
outing so that they can actually see aquatic animals and have a real life


• The extract portrays the uncle as a leader of the community as he is mostly

respected due to wealth and feared because of his possession of a firearm
• The extract shows that the traveler’s and the fisherman had no good relationship as
the writers portrays traveler’s as beggars For food the writer also shows the sign of
intimidation as they willingly give the uncle food without any force.
• The extract displays sign of friendship as he illustrate how the journey of travelers
being monotonous.
• The extract shows a good relation between Salva , the uncle and other traveler’s as
they live in a sense of brotherhood.
5. The extract from A Long walk to water by Linda Sue Park is a good example of
Multicultural literature in a South African foundation phase EFAL classroom as it shows
diverse cultural perspectives and experiences.

Multicultural literature plays an important role in promoting cultural awareness , empathy

and understanding among learners from various backgrounds. When exposing students to
literature that portrays the customs ,tradition and culture of various groups teachers
promote inclusivity and diversity. The extract shows different types of people which Salva
and his crew came across as they embark on their journey of fishing trying to get some

The extract also displays variety of food which can be classified according to different
tribes or communities. Multicultural can help learners view themselves or their
community in a text, this type of text serves as a window into the traditions, languages and
customs of various cultural groups within South Africa fostering a sense of pride and
respect in one’s own culture and towards others. The extract is a good example of
Multicultural literature as the content of it will give learners an opportunity to critically
discuss issues such as social justice, cultural differences, language barriers and







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