Relational Database and Structured Query Language (SQL)

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Relational Database and

Structured Query Language

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically
stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a
database management system (DBMS).

*There is non-relational Database Also

Benefit Relational Database
- Simplicity and Ease of Use: Relational databases follow a well-defined
structure organized into tables with rows and columns.
- Data Integrity and Accuracy: Relational databases enforce data integrity
through mechanisms like primary and foreign keys.
- Flexibility and Scalability: Relational databases are highly flexible. Can easily
add new tables, modify existing ones, and scale the database.
- Data Security: Relational databases offer built-in security features like user
permissions and access controls. (Read/Write/Delete)
- ACID Compliance: Relational databases adhere to the ACID (Atomicity,
Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties.
Components of Relational Database
- Table/views/materialized views
- Column
- Row
- Key -> a set of attributes or an attribute that uniquely identifies a row in a
table (PK, FK)
- Index -> a data structure that allows users to quickly access specific
information without having to read the entire table's data
Server - Client Interaction in SQL
Most Popular DBMS
- Postgresql
- Oracle
- Microsoft SQL Server
DDL -> Data Definition
Language (Mendefinisikan
DML -> Data Manipulation
Language (Manipulasi Data)
DCL -> Data Control
Language (akses)
TCL -> Transaction Control
Language (mengatur alur
Data Type
- VARCHAR -> String, Text -> VARCHAR(5)
- TEXT -> unlimited chars
- INT -> angka bulat - & +
- DECIMAL -> angka pecahan dalam koma
- FLOAT -> angka pecahan, dalam binary , 0.5 -> 1 / 11
- UUID -> identifier dalam string, tp sortable
- ARRAY -> set of value. A, (12,21,30,5)
- TIMESTAMP -> waktu. Respect to localization
- DATETIME -> waktu ga respect ke localization
Postgresql - Installation
Follow this instruction here :
Dbeaver - Installation
Hands On
- Connect DBeaver to PostgreSQL Server
- Create Database
- Insert Data
Create All table
from diagram

Insert some
data for all

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