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1 1. INT ROD UCTI ON 1 .


cial int ermedia r y a ccepti ng d eposi tsandgr anti ngl oanswhich also offers the variet y o f
services li ke conserv ati on foreign cu rren c y int o domesti c curren c y and vic e vers a,
lending mone y, savin g d eposi ts, etc . Nepal Bank Lim it ed, the first bank in Nep al was
establis hed in Kartik 30, 1994. Its head offic e is located at Dha rmaP ath,Kathm and
u.NBLwasfo rmedunde rtheprincipl eofjoi n t venture wher e 40%issubscribed b y gov ern
mentand 60%b ypriv atese ctor.N B L isapion eerb ankin g having bran ches all ove r the Nep
al. The bank has been p roviding it s servic es throu gh it s branch offic es in t he d ifferent geo
graphi cal l oc ati ons of the countr y. Bein gthefirstc omm erc ialbankofNep al,
thehist or yo fNBLisve r yold.His majest y kin g Tribhuw an inaugur ated N epal Bank Lim it ed
on Ka rtik 30, 19 94 BS . The inau gur ati on of NBL ma rked the be ginni n g of the an e ra of
fo rmal bankin g o f N epal, unti l then all the monetary tran s acti on we re c arri e d b y privat
e deal ers. In t hat era v er y few peopl e had und ersta nding r e gardin g the n ew concept of
formal b anking. H ence , ( NBL, 1994 ). Accordin g to NBL , the tot al deposi t for
the first ye ar was NRs. 17,02,025 where curr ent deposi t w as about NRs. 12,98,898 fix ed
was about NRs. 3, 88,964 and saving was NRs. 14,163. Loan disbu rsed and out standing at the
end of the ye ar was NRs. 1,985,000 (NB L, 1 994). In th e absen c e of an y b ank in
Nep al the economi c p ro gress o f the countr y was being hamp ered and causing inconveni
ence t o the people and therefo re with the objecti veoffulfil li ngtheneedb yp rovidings ervic
etothepeopl e an dforthe bett ermen t of the countr y N epal B an k Lim it ed was establis he
d. (NB L, 1994 ). Visi on of Nep alB an k Limit ed Miss ion S tatemen t Network for
inclusi on: Use bank 's netwo rk to i ncreas e its r each all ove r the countr y from
urb an ar eas to rural are as and help in im proving the li fest yl e of

2 rural population and in turn become the bank of choice of co rporate, med ium busi
nesses and rur al market. E n h an cin g the Valu e To empl o ye es, shar ehol ders,
governm ent and cu stom er world class bank ing. P rovide world cl ass ban king se rvices b y
achiev ing ex cell enc e in custo mer service and adopti n g high l evel technolo g y standa rds.
Valu e S tate men t: S PIR IT S egmented busi n ess ap proach: fo r risk mana gement
and enhan cemen t of efficien c y. P a rtnership: W it h all stakeho lders includi n g the
Government, empl o ye es. I nnovati on: Of busi ness areas and forproviding b anking
servic es, and enha nce competit iveness. R esponsi veness : r es ponding t o t he changi ng
nee d of t he mar ket / societ y/ busi nes s on t i mel y bas i s. I ntegrit y: Uphold
trustworthi ness and busi ness ethics in t he busi ness proce ss. T otal banking solut ions:
To cate r the need of all secti ons of societ y. 1 .2 BRI EF HI STORY 1.2.1 Hi
story of B an k in g in Nep al In contex t of Nep al, goldsm it hs, merchant s
and mone y l enders we r e the ancient b ankers of Nep al. Tejar ath Add a establis hed
durin g th e tenu re of Mini ster R anoddip singh in 1877 A.D. w as the first step to wards the
inst it uti on developm ent ofbankin g inNepal.T eja rathAddadid not collect deposits
fromthepubli c butgav e loans to the empl o ye es and publi c against the b ull ion and it
also was n ot able to facil it ate the growin g tra de with Tibet and India. Thus,
there w as a "T reat y of peac e and Friendshi p " betwe en the Government of
Britai n and gove rnment of N ep alin1923 A.D.later,'T ejar ath'wasreplac edb
ythefirstcomm ercialbank,NepalBan k Lim it e d during the tim e o f J udda S hamsher in
1937 A.D. Howeve r,thetrendofmodernB ankingst artinginNep alwiththeincepti on

3 ofNepalB ank Lim it edo n1994B.S .(1937A. D.).NepalBankLim it edw asaddressed b ythe
Nep alBank Lim it e dAct.Atti meth eauthori z edcapit alof Nep alB ank Lim it ed (NB L) was R
s.10 mi ll ion, divi ded int o 100000 shares of R s. 100 each. Nepal R astra Bank w as
set up in 201 3 B.S . (Ap ril 26,1956 A. D.) as a central bank un der Nepal R astra Bank Act
201 2 B.S .(1955 A.D.) to dischar ge the centr al bankin g responsi bil it ies includi ng guidi n g
the dev elopm ent financial s ector i n Nepal . S im il arl y, R a stri ya Banij ya Bank
was establis hed in 2022 B.S . as a full y gove rnment owned comm ercial B ank. It w as with
the view that int egrate speed y developm ent of the count y was possi ble onl y when
competit ive banking servic e reach es nooks and cor ners of the countr y. It provides fin ance
for a gricult ur e producti vit y could be en hanced b y int roducti on modern a gricult ure
techn iques. Until the mi d 1980s, Nepal 's fin ancial s ector w as closed to for eign b
anks andwas ef fecti vel y controlled by state owned banks R astri ya Banij ya Bank
( R BB) and Nepal B ank Lim it ed (NB L). In 1984 A.D. Liber ali z ati on poli cies was ad
opted an d bankingindus tr ywasop e nedtoprivate s ector. Afte r1984A.D., ther ewas ra
pidentr y of joi nt ventur e comm ercial banks in the Nepale se financial market. In t he
phase, Nabil B ank (1984A. D.), Nepal Indo - S uez Bank ( 1985 A.D.), and N epal G
rind la ys Bank (1987A. D.) enter ed the market. In second p hase, Himala yan Bank,
N epal S B I Bank, N epal B an gledesh Bank, Eve rest, B ank of Kathm andu, and B ank o f C e
ylon entered the m arket. 1.2.2 Classi f ication of Nep alese Fin an cial In
stitution BA F IAct2073 andN epalR astr aBank, A ct2058h asc ate gories Bankand
financial Insti tut ion on the basis of mi nim um ca pit al requirement, functi on car ried b y
BAF IS and their are a of functi on c arri ed NRB has cate gories BA F Is as A, B, C,
D level but infrastruct ure Dev elopm ent Bank will not come under above classificati
on. L evel Nation al L evel Up to T h ree Provin c e Up to 10 Districts * Upto 3 Provin
ce Upto to 5 Districts * A R s. 800 C rore - -

4 Beside K athm andu Vall e y, Financial ins ti tut ions work ar ea will be r elated to
specified dist ricts * Beside K athm andu Val le y, Micro Fin ance work area will be
rel ated to spe cified dist ricts. In f rastru cture Devel op men t B an k It is clearl y st
ated that thi s bank, which was establi shed to invest in large sc ale infrastructur e dev elopm
e nt projects, will be functioni ng in accord ance wit h Arti cle 49 (5) of B afia 2073, ev en if it
is not plac ed in a n y cate go r y as p er B a fia 2073. At present,Nep alInfr astruct ure D
evelopm ent Bank h as been establis hed witha working capit al of R s 20 bil lion and
has been brou ght int o operati on. S incetheint ernshipiscompl etedinoneoftheC omm
ercialBankofNep al, the anal ysis is speci all y focus on the A C LAS S cate go r y deposi
tor y i nsti tut ion (Comm ercial Bank). Co mme rcial B an k InNepal 'sb ankings yste
m,cate gor yA banksa redefinedascomm erci alba nks.S uch banks ar e all owed to ca rr y out
Unive rsal B anki ng op erati ons. C lass A banks ar e classifiedas n ati onalleve lbanksonl
y,whilethemi nim umpaid - upcapit alshoul dbe R s 8 bill ion when estab li shing such banks. C
lass A banks perform the functi ons mentioned in Arti cle 49 S ecti on A of the BA F IA. . C
urrentl y, the re a re 25 C lass A banks i n Nepal. The List of Comm ercial Bank in Nepal ar e:
B R s. 250 C rore R s. 120 C rore R s. 50 C rore C R s. 80 C rore R s. 80 C rore R
s. 40 C rore L evel Nation al L evel Region al L evel 4 - 10 d istricts * 1 - 3 d istricts *
D R s. 10 C rore R s. 60 C rore R s. 6 C rore R s.2 C rore R s. 1 C rore

5 Li st of Ba nks and Fi na nci al ins ti tuti ons S .N. Na me Op eration Date (AD )
Head of fice Paid up cap ital (Rs. in cror e) Work in g Area L in k s to Related B an k
1. Nepal Bank Ltd. 1937/11/ 15 Kathm andu 649.95 National Lev el www.nepa np 2. R astri ya Banij ya Bank Ltd. 1966/01/ 23 Kathm andu 858.90
National Lev el www.rbb.c 3. Agriculture Developm e nt Bank Ltd. 1968/01/ 21
Kathm andu 1037.44 National Lev el www.adb. 4. Nabil B ank Ltd. 1984/07/
12 Kathm andu 618.35 National Lev el www.nabil np 5. Nepal Investm ent
Bank Ltd. 1986/03/ 09 Kathm andu 870.66 National Lev el www.nibl. 6. S
tandard C hartered Bank Ltd. (previous l y, Nepal G rind la ys Bank Ltd.) 1987/02/ 28
Kathm andu 374.99 National Lev el www.stand ardcha rter e 7. Himalayan
Bank Ltd. 1993/01/ 18 Kathm andu 449.91 National Lev el www.hima la ya nbank. 8. Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. 1993/07/ 07 Kathm andu 388.37 National Lev el
www.nsblc 9. Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd. 1994/06/ 06 Kathm andu
401.18 National Lev el www.nbbl. 10. Everest Bank Ltd. 1994/10/ 18 Kathm
andu 274.26 National Lev el www.eve r estbanklt d.

6 11. Lax mi Bank Ltd. 2002/04/ 03 Kathm andu 303.92 National Lev el www.lax m np 12. C it iz en Bank Ltd. 2007/04/ 20 Kathm andu 553.74 National Lev el
www.ctz n np 13. P rime C omm ercial Bank Ltd. 2007/09/ 24 Kathm andu
489.19 National Lev el www.epri 14. S unrise Bank Ltd. 2007/10/ 12
Kathm andu 530.14 National Lev el www.sunri 15. Megha Bank Nepal
Ltd. 2010/07/ 23 Kathm andu 401.20 National Lev el g abanknep al
16. C entur y C omm ercial Bank Ltd. 2011/03/ 10 Kathm andu 368.90 National Lev el
www.cent ur 17. S anim a Bank Ltd. 2012/02/ 15 Kathm andu 530.59
National Lev el www.sani 18. Machhapuc hhre Bank Ltd. 2012/07/
09* Kathm andu 386.45 National Lev el www.mac .np 19. N IC Asia Bank
Ltd. 2013/06/ 30* Kathm andu 581.96 National Lev el www.nicas 20.
Global IME Bank Ltd. 2014/04/ 09* Kathm andu 616.43 National Lev el www. glob
alimebank. 21. NMB Bank Ltd. 2015/10/ 18* Kathm andu 543.01 Nati onal
Lev el www.nmb. 22. P rabhu Bank Ltd. 2016/02/ 12* Kathm andu 588.14
National Lev el www.prab hubanklt d. 23. S iddhartha Bank Ltd. 2016/07/ 21*
Kathm andu 302.21 Nati onal Lev el www.sidd harthabank 24. Bank of Kathm
andu Ltd. 2016/07/ 14* Kathm andu 457.69 National Lev el www.bok . 25. C
ivi l Bank Ltd. 2016/10/ 17* Kathm andu 458.38 National Lev el www.civil
7 1.2.3 Hi story of Nep al B an k L imited Nepal Bank Lim it ed, the first bank of
N e pal was establis hed in N ovember 15, 1937 A.D. (Kartik 30,19 94). It w as formed und e r
the principl e of J oint venture (joint Æ capit al w as R s. 10 mi ll ion & iss ued capit al R s. 2.5
mi ll ion of which paid - up capit al was R s. 842 thou sand with 10 shareholders. The bank has
been providing bank ing through it s branch o ffices in the different geo gr aphical l o cati ons
of the countr y. His Majes ty Kin g Tribhuvan inaugur ated Nep al Bank Lim it ed on Kartik 30,
1994 Bikram S ambat. This marked the beginni n g of an era of formal banki ng in Nepal. Until
then all monetar y t racti ons w ere ca rried out b y private deal ers and tr ading cente r.
Then P rim e Mini ster Ma haraja J uddha S hum sher J .B.R . speaking on the oc casion wi th
the kind permiss ion of His Majest y the Kin g state d thi s work which is being done in the
larger int e rest of the n ati on is a gre at mom ent for me. Until toda y a bank could not be
openedinN epal. Th ere fo rethi sbank, whichisb eingestablis hedunde rthen a meof Nepal
Bank Lim it ed to fill that, need and to be inau gur ated b y His Majest y, is a mom ent of Æ
pe ople whether richor poo need the support and best wishes of all , which I am
confid ent, wil l be forthcoming. In that e ra, v er y few un derstood or h ad confide nce in thi
s n ew concept of formal b anking. R isi ng e quit y sh ares w er e not ea s y and mobi li z ati on
of deposi ts even more difficult. This wa s evident when the bank floated equit y shar es worth
NRs. 2,500,000 but was succ es sful onl y in r aisi ng R s. 8 42,000. was being h amper
ed and caus ing inconv enienc e to the people and th ere fore with the objecti ve of
fulfil li ng that need by providing servi ce to the people and for the b ett erment of
the countr y, thi s law in hereb y promul gated fo r the establis hment of the Bank and its

8 1.3 Natu re of Organi zation : - Nepal Bank Lim it ed has seve ral natur e these
are as follows: - Focus on buil ding the p osit ive net worth and meeti ng mi nim
um capit al requirement over th e co mi ng five ye a rs. Focus on increasin g th e c
ustom er based and marke t share. Max im um the potenti al of the bank st aff.
Focus on mi nim iz ing the risk associated wit h the b usiness. Focus on providi ng the
w orld class busi ness sol uti on. Focus on increasin g th e sust ainable profit . 1 .4
Bus iness Vol ume Cond en sed S tate men t of Fin an cial Position ( Qu arterly)
Assets T h is Qu arter E n d in g Immed iate Previou s Year E n d in g C ash and cash
equival ent 9,548,993,323 6,418,943,689 Due from Nepal R astra B ank 8,320,630,143
6,841,253,290 P lacement with Bank and Financial Insti tut ions 506,432,245
491,033,317 Derivati ve Fin ancial Inst rument 2,708,570 491,906,856 Other Tradin g
Assets 80,001,206 127,684,427 Loan and advan ces to B/ F Is 6,086,580,235
6,159,622,876 Loan and Adv ances to C ustom ers 167,455,554,926 171,797,577,760
Inv estm ent S ecurities 35,728,781,276 42,737,711,342 C urrent Tax Assets
1,582,230,295 1,818,798,367 Inv estm ent in S ubsi diaries - - Inv estm ent in
Associates - - Inv estm ent P ropert y 160,952,008 108,545,596 P ropert y and Equipm
ent 13,209,257,288 12,503,588,833 Goodwil l and Intan gibl e assets 34,682,913
35,435,219 Defe rred Tax Assets - - Other Assets 9,739,381,496 9,970,294,759
9 As on Q u arter en d ed Ashw in , 2079 (Mid Octob er of 2022)
Debt secu rities iss ued 3,494,471,766 3,494,336,625 S ubordinated Li abil it ies - - T
otal L iab ilities 216,362,763,715 223,715,936,180 E q u ity S hare C apit al
14,405,904,831 14,405,904,831 S hare P remi um - - R etained Earnin gs 2,902,524,113
3,563,835,442 R eserves 18,784,993,262 17,816,719,878 T otal eq u ity attrib u tabl e to
eq u ity h old ers 36,093,422,207 35,786,460,152 Non - con troll in g in teres t - - T otal
Eq u ity 36,093,422,207 35,786,460,152 T otal L iab ilities an d E qu ity 252,456,185,921
259,502,396,331 T otal Assets 252,456,185,921 259,502,396,331 L iab ilities
Due to Bank and Financi al Insti tut ions 582,105,350 1,090,678,643 Due to Nepal R
astra Ban k 5,834,885,046 5,888,868,046 Derivati ve Fin ancial Inst ruments 2,669,298
508,072,543 Deposi ts from C ustom ers 196,581,958,969 196,063,952,128 Borro wings
657,750,000 7,304,175,000 C urrent Tax Liabili ti es - - P rovisions 62,402,692
65,966,539 Defe rred Tax Liabili ti es 4,086,766,472 4,259,747,017 Ot her Li abi li ti es
5,059,754,121 5,040,139,639

10 Co ndens ed Statement of Pro fi t or Lo ss As on Q u arter

en d ed A sh w in , 2079 (Mid October of 2022) Other oper ati ng incom e 57,918,532
57,918,532 53,566,242 53,566,242 T otal op eratin g in come 2,156,989,228
2,156,989,228 2,078,214,378 2,078,214,378 Impai rment char ge/ (rev ersal) for loans
and other loss es 214,470,014 214,470,014 121,838,436 121,838,436 Net op eratin
g in come 1,942,519,214 1,942,519,214 1,956,375,942 1,956,375,942 Op eratin g E
xp en ses P ersonnel Ex pense 876,568,128 876,568,128 751,206,676
751,206,676 Par ticu lars Curren t Y ear Pr eviou s Year Corresp on d in g Up to T h is
T h is Qu arter Qu arter (YT D) T h is Qu arter Up to Th is Qu arter (YT D) Inte rest In
come 5,385,108,829 5,385,108,829 3,345,704,150 3,345,704,150 Inte rest ex pense
3,477,912,894 3,477,912,894 1,686,686,783 1,686,686,783 Net in ter est in co me
1,907,195,935 1,907,195,935 1,659,017,366 1,659,017,366 Fees and C omm iss ion In
come 228,247,927 228,247,927 282,337,632 282,337,632 Fees and C omm iss ion
Ex pense 8,050,706 8,050,706 9,637,516 9,637,516 Net f ee an d co mmiss ion in
come 220,197,220 220,197,220 272,700,116 272,700,116 Net in ter est, f ee an d co
mmiss ion in come 2,127,393,155 2,127,393,155 1,931,717,482 1,931,717,482 Net
tradin g income (28,322,460) (28,322,460) 92,930,654 92,930,654

11 Other Oper ati ng Ex pense 187,591,716 187,591,716 210,739,889 210,739,889

Depre ciation and Amorti z ati on 84,330,018 84,330,018 44,343,748 44,343,748 Op
eratin g p rof it 794,029,353 794,029,353 950,085,629 950,085,629 Non - oper ati ng
In come 1,126,837 1,126,837 8,139,151 8,139,151 Non - oper ati ng ex pense
Prof it b ef ore In co me tax 795,156,189 795,156,189 958,224,780 958,224,780 In
come tax Ex penses C urrent Tax 236,942,410 236,942,410 249,677,240
249,677,240 Defe rred Tax (45,884,275) (45,884,275) (46,308,378) (46,308,378) Prof
it/(loss) f or the p eriod 604,098,054 604,098,054 754,855,918 754,855,918
1 .5 Nature a nd Number of Empl o y ee's ThenatureofN ep
alBankLtdhas"pioneerbankwithcompl etebankingsolut ion". Use banks network to in creas e it
s re ach all ove r the countr y from u rban areas to rural areas andh elpin im provi ng the li
fe st yle of ru ral p opulation and in turn b ec ome the b ank of choice of corpor
ate, me dium busi ness and rural m arket. Enhancin g the value to e mpl o yee, sh are
holder, go vernment and custom er world class bankin g s ervic es by a chievin g ex
cell ence in custom er s ervic e and ad opti ng hi gh level technolo g y stand ar ds. P
artnership with all s takeholders includin g the gov ernment, empl o ye e, shareholders and
custom er innovation of p rov idi ng advan ce bankin g services, and enhanc e
competit iveness andinourorganiz ati on.Therear e 18empl o ye einourNBLC it y Office J
anakpurb ranc h such as mana ge r, sub man ager, c ash m ana ger et c. 1 .6 Pro duct a nd
Serv i ces The produ cts and s ervic e s offe red b y th e Bank fo cuses on cate ring the n ee ds
of the custom ers. The p rodu cts and s ervices c an be m ain ly cate go riz ed as d
epo sit and cr edit . Howeve r, ther e a re v ari ous other produ cts and services p rovided b y
N B L to ensu re custom er sati sfa cti on and to retain it s custom ers for more than sevent
y ye ar s.

12 Deposi ts Deposi t is the major source of funds upon with the bank grows. Th e bank
all ows for op enin g two t ypes o f ac counts to accept deposits for thei r c ustom ers i.e. Inte
rest bearing accounts and non - int e rest - be arin g accounts . Throu gh thi s a ccount
bank coll ects mone y f rom publi c and lend mone y to those who ne ed them. The
various t ypes are as follows: - a) C urrent Acco unt NBL cu r rent a ccount sa ves the
hassl e of car r yin g cash. Mainl y thi s acco unt is int ended for Busin ess/ cor porate
houses. This ac cou nt is non - int erest bea ring and it comes with a cheque book.
A current account can be open ed with a mi nim um amount decided by the
specific br anch. Once the account is open ed, it s holder will receive cheque boo k
containing 10 p ersonali z ed ch eques. C ompl eted Account Opening Form C
ertificate of R e gist r ati on In come Tax C ertificate Audit R eport Tax C learance
Memorandum of Associa ti on Arti cles of Association Evidence of identificati on of
Account Operator Two recent passport siz e photogra phs of Account operator(s )
b) S aving Ac count A savin g account is an int erest - be arin g deposi t acc ount held
at a bank that provides a modest int e rest r ate. It can b e used to sav e mon e y f or spe
cific ex penses or for lon ger term undefin ed goals, all while earnin g int erest on the
mone y in t he ac count . Documents required to o pen savin g account ar e as follows: -
C ompl eted Account Opening Form One r ecent passport siz e photogra ph of Ac
count Operator Evidence of identificati on of Account Operator c) Fix ed Deposi t
Account NBLh asbeen off erin gdi ffer entschem estoatt ra ctcustom erst hrou ghfix edaccount

13 product. Fix ed D eposi t c an be opened with a mi nim um balance of NRs. 25 ,000 in NB

L. An y indi vidual including indi viduals, mi nors, trust associati on societies corpo
rate offices etc. ar e eli gibl e to open Fix ed Deposi t Account. Total d eposi t is pa
yable on maturit y. P enal int erest is levied on withdra wal o f fix ed deposi t prior to m
aturit y. The tenure of fix ed deposi t is three mont hs, six months, one ye ar, two yea rs
an d more than two ye ars. C ompl eted S aving Ac co unt Opening Fo rm C ompl eted
FD Account Opening Form Evidence of identificati o n of Account Operator One rec ent
passport s iz e P hotograph of a ccou nt operator. d) Other Deposi t There ar e
other diff erent accounts for custom er wi th different fa cil it ies li ke Normal call
deposi t, S pecial call deposi t, FC Y savin g depo si t etc. 1.6.1 Intere st Rate s on
Deposits E ff ective Fro m Kartik 01, 2079 (October 18, 2022) In terest Rates on
Dep osits S .NO . Dep osit T yp e Min imu m B alan ce Rate Per Ann u m 1 S aving
Deposi t 1.1 Normal S aving 500.00 7.133% 1.2 NBL Diamond S avin g 500.00 7.63%
1.3 W omen S pecial S aving 500.00 7.63% 1.4 Yuva Bach at Khata 0.00 7.63% 1.5 S
antati S aving Account 0.00 7.63% 1.6 NBL S taf f Pension S aving 0.00 8.13% 1.7 R
emi tt ance S aving A cco unt 0.00 10.133% 1.8 Inv estor 's S avin g Ac coun t 0.00
7.63% 1.9 S enior C it iz ens S pecial Saving 500.00 7.63% 1.10 P rofessi onal's S avin g
500.00 7.63%

14 1.11 S ocial S ecurit y S avin g A ccount 0.00 7.63% or Ne goti able 1.12 P ension
P a yment S avin g Account 0.00 8.13% 1.13 NBL S pe cial S avin g 50,000.00 8.13% In
terest Rates on Dep osits 1.14 Earthquake R eli ef S aving 0.00 8.13% 1.15 TU P
ension S aving 0.00 8.13% 1.16 NBL S taff S alar y S aving 0.00 9.133% 1.17 S alar y
S avin g Account 0.00 9.133% 1.18 Nari S amm an Bach at Khata 10,000.00 8.13%
1.19 S ambandha Ba chat Kh ata 0.00 8.13% 1.20 Na garik Bat chat Khat a 1,000.00
8.13% 1.21 S amriddha Nepal Abhi ya n Bachat Khata 0.00 8.13% 1.22 Green S avin g
D eposi t 1,000.00 8.13% 1.23 C hhori (Beti ) K al ya n B a chat Khat a 5,000.00 8.13%
1.24 C hhori S uraksh ya B ach at Khata 0.00 8.13% 1.25 Balbalika Bach at Khata 0.00
8.13% 1.26 NBL S hubha G ya n Ba ch at Khata 0.00 7.133% 1.27 NBL S ah a yatri B
achat K hata 500.00 7.133% 1.28 NBL P ione er S aving D ep osit Account 10,000.00
9.13% 2 Fix ed Deposi t 2.1 3 mont hs 25,000.00 2.1.1 Indivi dual 12.133% 2.1.2
Insti tut ional 10.133% 2.2 Above 3 Mont hs upt o 6 Mont hs 25,000.00 2.2.1 Indivi
dual 25,000.00 12.133% 2.2.2 Insti tut ional 10.133% 2.3 Above 6 Mont hs upto 1
Year 25,000.00 2.3.1 Indivi dual 12.13% 2.3.2 Insti tut ional 10.133% 2.4 Above 1
Yea r upto 10 Years 25,000.00 2.4.1 Indivi dual 12.13% 2.4.2 Insti tut ional 10.133%

15 2.5 R emi tt ance Fix ed Deposi t (3 mont hs and above) 5,000.00 13.133% 3 R
ecurring Deposi t 3.1 R ecurrin g D eposi t 1,000.00 12.13% 4 Empl o ye e W elfar e
Acc ount 4.1 Empl o yee W elfa re Acco unt 0.00 8.13% In terest Rates on Dep osits
5 Akcha ya Kosh 5.1 Aksha ya Kosh 25,000.00 10.13% or Ne goti able 6 NBL Trust F
und 6.1 NBL T rust Fun d 0.00 10.13% 7 C all Deposi ts 7.1 Normal C all Deposi ts
100,000.00 3.566% 8 FC Y S aving Deposi t 8.1 USD 100.00 5.75% 8.2 EUR O 100.00
4.00% 8.3 GBP 100.00 4.75% 8.4 J P Y 100.00 2.40% 9 FC Y C all Deposi ts 9.1 USD
100.00 2.875% 10 FC Y Fix ed Deposi t 10.1 USD 500.00 5.0% 11 NRN Saving Deposi
t 11.1 USD USD 1,000.00 5.75% 11.2 GBP GBP 900.00 4.75% 11.3 AUD AUD
1,600.00 5.10% 12 NRN Fix ed Deposi t 12.1 USD USD 1,000.00 7.25% 12.2 GBP
GBP 900.00 6.25% 12.3 AUD AUD 1,600.00 6.60% Loans and Advan ces NBL also
provides the f acil it y of loans for whic h it charges certain

16 rate of int erest on bor row ers. The main loan produ cts t hat t he NBL h as be e
n providi ng are as follows: - Home Loan Educati on Loan Business Lo an Gold
Loan Forei gn empl o yment Loa n Overdr aft/workin g capit a l Loan Auto Loan C
onsum pti on/customer loan P ersonal Loan Fix ed Loan P roject finance Loan C
onsortium Lo an R emi tt ance R emi tt ance is t he acti onof sending of funds i n the form
of pa ym ent or a gi ft. NBL Bank h as it s own brand of remi tt anc e servic e that is cate red
especiall y to workersempl o ye d remi tt ance produ ct off eri ng service to int ernati ona
l as well as domesti c remitt ers as well . Tie - ups h ave b een fo r ge d with compan
y su ch as Mawarid Ex ch an ge LLP to facil it ate remi tt ance throu gh C entur y Bank R emi t
from U.A.E.A dedicated savin gs account, the NBL R emi t S avin gs A c count has also be en d
ev eloped and im plemented b y th e bank making it easie r for reci pients of remi tt ance fun
ds to enter the bankin g s ys tem while helpi ng th em inst il l in themselves, and
im proving their habit of savin g. The y ar e Himal R emi t, P rabhu Mone y T ransf er, IME,
W estern Union Mone y Transfe r, Cit y Ex press and Mone y G ram. ECC Servi ce
Electronic C heque C lea r ing (NC H L - ECC ) is an im age - b ased, cost - effe cti ve, M IC R
chequ e processi n g and sett lemen t solut ion where an o rigi nal p ape r is converted int o im
a ge fo r ele ctronic p rocessi n g o f the finan cial trans acti ons between participatingmember
B a nks/ F Is. Th eph ysical movementofthe ch equesar etrunc atedor stopp ed at the level of
th e presenti n g bank in the NCH L - ECC s ystem. Th e chequ e does

17 not ph ysi call y tr avel to th e clea ring house or to the pa yin g bra nch as it
used to do in manual clearin g proc ess, result in g in a faster and easie r p rocessi
n g of the ch eque transacti ons. R egula rele ctronicchequ ecle arin gsupportscl eari ngo f
chequ es of up to NPR 200 mi ll ion in case of NPR cheques and up to 2 mi ll
ion in case of USD, GBP and EUR cheques from S unda y to Thursda y. 1.7
Organizatio nal Stru ctur e The organiz ational structure is the formal arr angement of
job withi n an organiz ati on. Designin g an organiz ati onal structure mana ge r go through
the process call ed or ganiz ati onal design, that invol ves de cisi on about ke y elements. Or
ganiz ati onal structure d efines ho w jo b tasks ar e formall y div ided, grouped and coord
inated. The overall department of th e bank is under the contr ol of Board of D irector. The
bank is under the control of NRB. NRB has appoint ed a five members mana geme nt comm it
tee. This management comm it tee per forms as the Bo ard of Directors of the
bank. C hief ex ecuti ve officer is und er the Board of Dire ctors ( BOD) followed by
G ene r al Mana gers (GM), Deput y G ener al Mana ger ( DGM) and th en other departments.
T he sim pli fied organiz ati on st ructure of NBL is s hown below: -


19 2 .OBJECTI VES 2.1 S tud yin g the ch os en Organi zation During the int
ern ship period, the main aim is to gain and ex plain about the knowledge ex perienc
edduringt hebankin goperati onsthroughobservati on,int eracti on. Likewis e, the othe r speci
fic objecti ves are as follo ws: a) To have a work ex perience on the bank. b) To
be fami li ar with the principl es, manuals, pro visi on, guidelines, re gulations of the
oper ati onal acti vit ies. c) To perc eive bro ader kno wledge by invol vin g ow n self
in the sit uati on and work environment. d) To observe the policies a nd the regul ati
ons i n the financial sector. 2 .1 S p ecif ic Ob jective Nepal B ank Li mi ted
has the following o bjecti ves. Focus on buil ding the po sit ive net worth and mee
ti ng mi nim um capit al requirement over th e co mi ng five ye ars. Focus on incr
easin g the custom er base and marke t share. Max im iz e the potential/efficienc y
of bank 's staff. Focus on mi nim iz ing the risk associated wit h the busi ness. Focus
on providi ng the w orld class busi ness sol utions. Focus on increasin g the s ustainable
profit. 3 .METHODOLOGY Methodol og y is the descriptio n of the procedure follow ed
while coll ecti ng the necessa r y d ata and inform ati on needed for r esea rch work
and report p repa rat ion. Various data we re coll ect ed b y ob servati on, makin g inqui
ries with conce rned sta ffs, quanti tative datacoll ect edfromthe p ast records. The
following methodolo gie sa re us ed in thi sstud y. 3.1 PRI MARY DAT A P rimar ydataa
rethoseda tawhicharecoll ecteddir ectl yf romtheconcern edperson personall y and fa ce to
fac e on the spot . P rimar y d ata is first h and data. The y are gen erall y used in
those ti mes where the se conda r y d ata d o not provide an adequate basis for anal
ysis .

20 3.2 S E CONDARY DATA S econdar y dat a ar e those data which a re gen era ted from
directl y or indi rectl y. These data are coll e cted by annual r eport, web sit e, publi c
documents, newspapers, articles etc. In formation wer e coll ecti on from the official
webs it e Differ ent books of journals and magaz ines, ne wspapers, bank
pro files, re gular m anuals of the d epartments, annual r epor ts were gathe red for the
prepar ati on of the r eport. In formation gather ed fro m t he related st aff members wer e
thoroughl y studi ed and hence record ed for c reati n g bett er understandin gs with the
bank and the bankin g tr ansacti ons . 4 .OBSERVATI ONS Fu n ction of cu stome r se
rvice d ep art men t 4.1.1 Customer S e rvice Dep art men t C ustom er Service Depart
ment is a primar y level d epartment t hat gen erall y deals with custom ers dir e ctl y and
re gula rl y. This d epartment is basic all y dir ected towa rds providing the surf ace
leve l assi stance to the custom ers i.e., to provide gene ra l information about
banking s ystem, product andservices provide db y the bank. The ver y fi rst thi ng
that the people seek in the organiz ati on is the prompt service and the p erson at t he
custom er serviced eskprop erl y han dles them. The custom e r service divi sion c an
answ er qu esti ons, resolve p roblems, and h elp you establis h new a ccounts and servi
ces, a nd providing information on products, forms, and publi cati ons. Banks and other financi
al inst it uti on are int roducin g mor e an d more innov ati ve servic es such as ATM, debit c
ard, int ern et ba nking,lock erse rvicesa ndvariousotherservic es f ortheircustom erstoserv
ethemmore efficientl y and e ffe cti vel y. A custom e r is the most im portant visitor on
the busi ness premi ses durin g the int er nshi p period, the acti vit ies perfo rmed by
me in thi s department are: - Account openin g Account closi ng Balan ce enquir y
and ac c ount s tatement Instru cti ng to fill Up form for differ ent reasons S
ignature C han ge P hotocop y C heque iss uance Handli ng compl ains

21 Verific ati on of signs and documents . 4.1.2 Loan Depa rtment This department
lends the mone y to custom ers for various purposes with an int erest rate which is add ed in
base rate. Th e int er est rates ma y fluctua te in ti me. NBL provides various loans li ke as
follows: - Business Loan The loan which is provi ded to an y o r ganiz ati on for its
operati on of busi ness is Business loan. Unde r it, following document is necessa r y C
it iz enshi p and photogra ph Firm/ re gist rati on c ertific ate/P AN Memorandum of
article C ustom er Loan Itwasaloant ypewhichi sprovidedtothecustom
ersfortheirpersonalusesuch as purch ase of land an d buil ding, maintenance of buil ding ,
purchase of vehicles. Furthermo re, it has be en classified as: .1 P ersonal term loan .2
P ersonal ove rdra ft .3 Educati onal loan .4 Home loan .5 Auto loan 4.1.3 Electronic
C heque C le ari ng D epartment ECC refers to the sending and re ceivi n g of che ques
electronicall y. R ec eivi ng cheques from presenti n g members for outwa rd clearin g and
assuring t he presented cheques vali dit y is done in ECC department. The one who makes the
cheque pa ym ent mu st have the signature in front of the cheque as well as back side of the
cheque. One shoul d writ e the ac count num ber and br anch whe r e he/she wants t o
deposi t the amount . 4.1.4 MS D/ P ension Departme nt MS DreferstoMana gementS
ervicesDep artment.Underthi sDepartmentIl earn about gener al servic es of bank and
task r elated to pension management. In the same department task related to
Demat ac count openin g is don e . Detail of Assi gned W or k R esponsi bil it ies

22 As per the requirem ent o f the B BA C urriculum, o ne has to compl ete twelv e
we eks int ernship period in the work place as per thei r partial fulfil lm ent of B BA pro gram
accordin g to their sp eci ali z ati on subj ect. The in tern has started the int e r nshi p period
effe cti vefrom.Durin gthi s periodtheint erncametolearnman ymor eabout theworkin g
environment, work pro ce dure and cult ure in custo mer service dep artment . During int
ernship pe rio d of tw elve w eeks int e rn was plac ed in custom er servi ce department,
credit dep artment, ECC /R emi tt ance depa rtment and MS D/P ension department of N epal
Ban k Ltd. At C it y Of fice J ana kpur Bran ch . 4.2.1 Tabular R epr esentation o f
Internshi p Dur a ti on W orking P eriod (week ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C S
D C redit Department ECC / R emi tt ances MS D/ P ension
Department The overall a cti vit ies performed durin g int ernship period a re
ex plained below: - Week 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Voucher fill - up and cheq ue fill - up
Fil l an account openin g f orm Fil ing and Index ing Issu e an M IC R chequ e Le
arn to coll ect documen t required to open the ac c ount Week 4 th ,5 th an d 6 th
Open account and iss ue a cheque in pro gram S can account openin g fo r m and
upload the form for further requir ements Trust AM L and S c re ening approv e
Open mobi le banking an d int ernet bankin g Issu e ATM
23 Verif y si gn ature R aise memo Week 7 th an d 8 th Foll ow - up C all s for
EM I P a yments Other W orks assi gned by C redit Department Week 9 th an d 10
th Fil l the voucher fo r clea ring S can the im age o f chequ e S end the scanned
ch eque s to clearing house Form Fil l - up fo r IP S and R emi tt ances Week 11 th an
d 12 th Le arn about how to work on P ension Management Information S ystem
Fil l the openin g form of DEMAT account Fil l the C - ASBA form Open the
DEMAT a ccou nt in s ystem Issu e the share in s ystem Problems Encountered D
uring Fulfill ing W ork Re sponsibilit y During 12 we eks of int er nshi p period diffe rent pr
oblem has been arises rel ated to different d epartments a nd i ntern ee was su cces sful
in solvi ng these p r oblems. The problems encount ered du ring fulfil li ng wo rk respo
nsibi li t y ar e as follows: - During the int ernship, the int erne e found that the r e was a
gap b etween the or y and pr acti c e. Th e d ecisi o nshoul dbe m ade ac cordi ng tochan
gin g environm ent. There are man y custom e rs who has not given th eir full
information in their Know Your C ustom er ( KYC ) form which c reat e problem in updati
ng, then int ernee must inform t o supervisor. Inte rne es are not w ell tra ined to operate
the mode rn softwar e and appli c ati on. S o, the y shoul d learn fro m t heir supervisor. C
ustom er beli eve on int ern and alwa ys wan t to talk with the senior staff C
omm unicati on problem (Nepali and En gli sh). P roblems related to t he mi stake due
to the error in the s ystem. P roblems related to t he mi stake done by other e mpl
o yees.

24 Due to il li terate ac count holder, the y w ere v er y m uch pric e sensit ive
and alwa ys had a compl ain of deposi t amount i s less as per them. Authorit y and ri
ght wer e not properl y dele gat ed. 5 . ANALYSI S AND REVI EW 5.1 Anal ysis of Data
Collection on Any Sp ecif ic Issu es A ver y casu al acti vit y is happening int end ed b y t he
banking busi ness. A fter the loan is provided by the bank, re gular inspecti on and
moni toring a re not made to know whether th e debtorhasusedthe
loaninprocedureornot.Duetothi sreason,thereisgre at amount of uncove red b a nk loan. Bank
onl y depe nd on the dir ecti on and guide li nes of NBL B ank Ltd. But the y do not have clear
view a nd also have not formul ated their own cash m ana gement te am. This stud y b
asicall y de als wit h the following iss ues of joint venture b ank. W hat kind of loan
poli c y the selected loan has followed? Is ther e an y va riati on in the performan ces, profit
abil it y, income, investm ent and r epa yment? Is ther e an y diffe ren ce in between loan
and investm ent followed b y t he selected comm er cial bank? 5.2 Critical An alysi s of the
Th eoretical Con cep ts R elatin g to Practi cal E xp eriences in the Dep art men t Although
there are different secti ons, Int erne e got o pportunit y to work at cust omer
service dep artment, MS D, remi tt ance, c redit , an d ECC department. Having theor eti cal
knowledgeandpr acti calknowledgeinthefieldistwodiffer ent partsofedu c ati ons ystem. As a
whole int ern beli eve that the observati on of r eal bankin g scen ario that m ade durin g the
internship period will be helpful to under stand the banking s yste m. The ke y
observati on durin g the internshi p period is as foll o ws: - The workin g s ystem of t he
depa rtment i s s ystema ti c and rigid There is proper coo rdinati on between the
staffs. S taffs have p roblem with comput ers and its appli cati on All empl o yees
must do att endance throu gh electro nicall y which avoids

25 staff del a ys in t he bank. There is proper mana ged infrastructur e. The elect
ronic li ke comput ers and its peripherals were most l y out of prop e r working
condit ions. Though ther e is C C TV, infrastructur e of the bank is sufficient. The
con cept of tr ansfe r, rotati on and promoti on of empl o yees cause seve ral
problems. It focuses more on the ideas of custom er feedb ack a nd output s as
the y ar e ex pressed with our product and servi ces . ATM service is not avail able
to all branches of the B ank N etworks. It has stron g top mana ge r ial team.
There is under and over work load empl o ye es. 5.3 Kn ow ledge Gain f rom t h e
Work Assign ed Inte rnship desi gned to ex pand the d epth and bre ad th of ac
ademi c le arnin g f or ones in his or he r p articulars areas of stud y. It is an opportuni t
y to re ceive e x perience in appl yin g theories le arn ed in the classroom to spec ific ex
perienc e in the co mm unit y and the world. A su ccessfull y int ernship can give val
uable info rmati on in ma king decisi on about the dir ecti on of future students or
empl o ym ent. An int ernship is an opportunit y to not onl y use and develop
industry r elated knowl ed ge and skil ls that are tr ansf erable to the world of
work. It is the en hancement to th e knowle dge of the int ern. Th e kno wledge
gain ed from the wo rk assi gned includes the following: - B y doin g the internshi p a t
NB L int ern kne w the i mportance of do cumentat ion. ve r y im portant t o file the
documents prop erl y and keep them saf e. Acquired the knowled ge to the technolog
y li ke scan ner, printe r and photocop y machine. This int ernship provides opportuni
t y to use Banki ng s ystem. It h as helped to identif y t he problems, understand it
s reason and its accur at e mi ti gati on or solut ion i n right t im e. S elf - confiden ce
is one of the most im portant att it udes which help us dev elop our car eer. Le
arn to make e ffe cti ve c omm unicati on skil ls for quick and efficient servi c es. Le
arn ed to obtain insi ght int o care er opportuni ti es through int eracti on, observ ati
on and work ex perience in t he organiz ati on.

26 Le arnt the pro cess invol ved in the back ward aft er a consum er d eposi t
the mone y or withdraw the mone y from remi tt anc e i.e. debit and credit proc ess.
6. CONCL USIO N AND RECOMME NDATIO NS 6.1 Contrib u tion of In tern sh ip in Kn ow
ledge Gain It was a gr eat ex perience working as an int ern at NBL. Intern has gain lot of ex
periences f rom the int ernship, which w as in b anking sector. This int ernship
pr ogr am help ed int ern to learn p rofessi onal att it ude for futur e prospects and
to learn practi call y apa rt from ac ade mi c courses. Du ring thi s period, int ern was
abl e to lea rn diff erent services and p roducts that are deli ve red by bank, or
ganiz ati onal cult ure, n ature of or gani z ati onal problems, etc. Knowled ge o f both the
oreti cal and practi cal aspects and ex posure in the practi c al f ield is must to be competi ti ve
in thi s world. R eal work s ett ing is a diverse sit uati on than the classroom lea rning scenario.
Th e int ernee founded, int o r eal work s ett ing the re were novel probl em, difficulti es an d
chall en ges which mak e t he person mor e d ynami c and enthus iastic. W hil e deali ng with
the compl ex it ies we develop the int erp ersonal an d comm unicati on skil ls which furthe r
shape our pe rsonali t y. A s an int ern being a part of NBL, v arious thi ngs tha t are
learned during int ernship pe riod are as follows: - Learned how to deal with
varieti es of people and their queries and providing approp riate inf ormati on to t he
custom ers. Le arn ed to comm unicate effe cti vel y with the people im proving int er -
p ers onal skil ls. Le arnt the im portanc e of relation between cli ents a nd bank.
Acquired kno wled ge ab out the different t yp es of services provided by the C
ustom er S ervic e D epartment (C S D). Le arn ed ac count openin g pro cedur e,
statement p rintin g, a ccount closi ng, and chequ e iss ui ng. R eali z ed the work
pressure at the ti me of performi ng tasks. Ex perienced the im portance of time fa
ctor in ban k for both custom er and empl o ye e. Duringint e rnshiptheint e rneele arnit
ofothe rex pe ctotherthantheb ankin gsuch

27 as to socializ e with the people, deal with senior staffs, and de al with the int ern, so as to
make the workin g enviro nment friendl y. This int ernship pro gram helps in lea rnin
g the behavioral iss ues which are the most im portant withi n and outsi de the organiz ati
on. Lastl y,N B Lis ex cell ent in term of their servi ces. N B L bank is on e of the
mo st promisi ng banks toda y and most managed bank and have an opportuni t y to i
ncr eas e their market. 6.2 Gene ral Co mments and Su ggestion f or the Compan y NBL
is one o f the most succ essful banks in Ne pal. It h as a lar ge netwo rk in different part of
the countr y. N B L with mode rn technolog y and ex perien ced sta ff and withi n a
short period of ti me of it s op erati ons h as achieved signi ficant su cc ess. It w as an int
eresti ng ex perience to do int ernship in NBL. T he staffs wer e highl y co operati ve and due to
their keen help le a rned big d eal about acti v it i es in NBL. It furth er h elped to find out the
gap b etween w hat to learn and what market ne eds. S ome of the stud y and observati ons
made durin g int ernship has led some f eedba ck and recomm e ndati ons and
suggesti ons fo r effici enc y and ef fe cti veness i n per formanc e a re: - P roper
maintenance of co mput ers and other device s shoul d be ensured ti mely in re
gular f ashion . The or ganiz ati on shoul d improve its departmental overload. The
operati ons shoul d im prove s ystem ati z ed and in proper flow of the wor k. The
bank has ef ficient IT infrastructur e i.e. S er ver R oom, Backup et c. the concept of transf er,
rotat ion and promoti on of job problematic which ca use severalprobl ems.It shoul d be im
proved.Alsoproperplannin g o fleav e ofsta ffs shoul d be done. S taffs shoul d be f ami
l iar with IT and t echnolo gies. S taffs shoul d be provide d adequate tr aini ng on u
se of comput e rs and other devices. Good corpor ate gov erna nce shoul d be ensured
that maintains sust ainable profit abil it y in the s yste m. The bank empl o ye rs shoul
d manage the mana ge rial documents properl y. and financial resou rces.

28 NBL should grab more o pportunit ies as soon as p ossi ble by adopti ng effici
ent and latest market strate gi e s. Re - structure and re - or ganiz e the job and r esp onsi
bil it ies so that there is efficien c y in job competi ti on. NBL C it y Offi ce J anakp ur shoul d
or ganiz e finan cial li terac y P ro gram ti me to ti me to financiall y li te rat e it s C ustomer as
most of the custom er even have no idea about h ow to fill vo ucher and chequ e. Though
at p resent N B L i s providing traini n g pro grams t o it s empl o yees at a certain l evel, it
shoul d organiz e such pro grams on a re gular basis so as to enhanc e the skil l
and competency of s taff. The rotati on s ystem shoul d be adopted. Impl e mentati
on of loan shoul d be fast. The tr aini ng shoul d be given in certain basis.

29 7 . REFE RENC ES Bist , R it u R aj and Tric handra Bhand ari (2022) , "N epal B
ank Lim it ed, Assist ant Lev el", Aksha ranka P rak ashan P vt. Ltd, Kathm an du Agarw
al G.R (2010), Mana gement in Kathm andu, Asia P ubli cati on Katuwal S h yam B
ahadur (2011), Meth odolog y M ade M olung Foundati on, Kathm andu, Nepal P
radhan R .S , Buddh a Academi c Enterprises, K athm andu Adhikari Dev R aj, Buddha
P ubli cati on, Kathm andu P oudel, J Baral, S B R ana and R .R Gautam (2014), Asmit a P
ubli cati on, Kathm andu ank www.nepalb
htt p:/ / mone y/i nvestm ents/ the - i mportance of 20130315 www. goo www.nrb.or www.wo rldbank.or g/en/ about/ hist or y www.t - t ypes - of - bank

30 8 .ANNEXURE Ra t io s as per NRB Di recti ve Pa rticula rs Curren t Y ear Pr

eviou s Year Corresp on d in g T h is Qu arter Up to T h is Qu arter (YT D) T h is Qu
arter Up to T h is Qu arter (YT D) E arn in g Per sh are Basic E arnin gs P er S har e
16.77 23.89 Dilut ed Earnin gs per sha r e 16.77 23.89 R atio as per NR B D
irectives R ati os as per NRB Direct ives C apit al fundto R W A 15.43%
16.42% Non - P erformin g Loan (N P L) to tot al loan 2.36% 2.00% Total Loan Loss
provisio n to Total NP L 120.85% 141.18% C ost of Funds 6.92% 4.22% C redit
to Deposi t R ati o 85.14% 86.23% Base R ate 8.92% 5.93% Inte rest R ate S pr
ead 3.66% 3.69%

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