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6 Health and Well-being Mark Scheme

Highest mark: 36 / 45 (80%)
Average : 24.1 /45 (53.6%)

Overall comment :

Read and answer accordingly to the questions. Some students did not answer things that have been asked.

When you answer each question, describe points if needed.

Mainly miss marks because of not enough points in each question > should look at the marks given in each question and answer points accordingly.

Attempt all the questions! Do not leave it blank / Explain too much time on each question.

Strength - no need to mention muscular strength

Question Model answers Example 1 of losing points + reason Example 2 of losing points +

1 Define "health", based on World Health *1 mark as mention physical, mental and health , is mean your body is good to be abbly to be freely do
Organization. social well-being. and strong , no sick what every you want to do with
(1 mark) out think your metal health
-A state of complete physical , mental and 0 mark problem like muscles pain or
social well-being. Did not mention 3 elements of health something
-Not simply the absence of disease or
infirmity. 0 mark
Did not mention 3 elements of

2 Flexibility and agility are two * 2 mark max for explanations relating to Agility can change body position or they need to jump and throw
components of fitness that are each component. direction quickly and maintain the ball
important when playing handball. balance, Flexibility is able to perform
Explain how flexibility and agility can Flexibility more well, it can throw the ball 0 mark
benefit a performer when playing - Goalkeeper will able to stretch further. NO mention anything about the
handball. arms/legs fully to block the ball from component of fitness
going in the goal. 2 marks only - did not answer how
(4 marks) - Performer will able to extend the does it related to handball game Flexibility will helps you to
elbow to get maximum power when prevent some serious injuries
shooting. and agility will help people
- Able to reach to steal the ball when playing handball to improves
an opponent is dribbling / holding / their balance and flexibility
passing the ball.
0 mark
Agility Unclear explanation of
- Able to change direction quickly components and did not
when attacking to prevent an answer how does it related to
opponent. handball game
- Goalkeeper able to change
direction quickly when the ball is 1 more explanation needed for
shot into goal in any direction to each component
keep the ball away from the goal
- To get rid of the opponent by

3 Name and describe a fitness test for *1 mark for naming the test Push up sit and strengh test
flexibility. 2* mark max for description 0 mark
(3 marks) *Accept other standard test 0 mark - not related Wrong spelling / name

4 Name and describe a fitness test for *1 mark for naming the test One of the fitness test for Agility is The T-Test. The T-test is a
agility. *2 mark max for description Illinois Agility Test(IAT) been used to running test of agility, include
(3 marks) *Accept other standard test test fitness. This is one of the fitness forward, lateral, and backward
test used to test the person physical movement.
2 marks only , need 1 more
1 makr only explanation
You did not describe the Illinois
Agility Test, how does it testing for
5 Name two components of fitness, other *Any 2 of : endurance and strength
than flexibility and agility, required by
the players in the above activity. Power / speed/ balance / coordination / 1 mark only, did not mention which
(2 marks) reaction time/ muscular endurance / endurance
cardiovascular endurance / strength

6 Describe two possible benefits of *Any 2 of : meet new friends, improve skills Joining a handball team can
joining handball team in terms of social *Accept other standard answer related to 1 mark only improve the persons muscle
well-being. social health improve skill - how does it related to and the upper body strength. It
(2 marks) social? can help the person to have
- meet new friends more body's flexibility.
- get and gain support from other Handball help you keep fit, expand 0 mark - not related to social
teammates your social circle.
- improve communication skills
- Develop sense of belongings 1 mark only Keep fit -physical

Accept other standard answer related to

social health

7 *Accept other standard answer They have to be great at each of the

Suggest two reasons that the coach fitness components.
carried out fitness test on elite handball
players. 0 mark
(2 marks) how?

8 Define the term VO2 max. The maximum rate of heart when you VO2 max measures how much
(1 mark) do exercise oxygen you breathe while
0 mark doing exercise as hard as you
Define the term = meaning can.

0 mark
breathe 'in' or 'out'? you
missing the most important
word , breathe in
9 Identify which one of the above 1 mark for correct activity : 5km rowing requires a higher v02 5km rowing, because 5km is a
activities generally requires the higher - 5 km rowing max beacuse 5km rowing is more long distance and at the hole
VO2 max. Give two reasons why this intensive as it needs more strength time you need use your body
activity requires a high VO2 max. 2 mark max for description and power than table tennis and they power to move so can required
(3 marks) Accept other description have to row for 5km which makes it the higher VO2max.
to an endurance sport.
- 5km rowing is a cardiovascular 2 marks only
endurance activity 1 mark only need use your body power - it
- 5km rowing performer needs to have is unclear how power related to
oxygen constantly supplied to the Is rowing really require more strength vo2 Max
muscles to provide energy to the and power? and how does it related
duration and long distance of the activity to more vo2 max? You did not
- the performer will work at a low to explain clearly why 5km is endurance
medium intensity for most of the race sport and why table tennis is not. 5KM rowing will require more
- The higher VO2 max slows down the VO2 max than Table tennis
build-up of lactic acid / means improve because 5KM rowing uses
efficiency at removing lactic acid more body strength than table
tennis. 5KM rowing requires a
lot of energy in the body to row
the boat as hard as possible.

10 Name one fitness component shared in Any 1 of component of fitness muscular strength, in table Tennis Agility, with the lower body
above activities. Explain how that (1 mark ) also accept other reasonable you need your hand to hit the ball, explosive power with balance
component benefits these activities. answer : rowing need your hand to move, they and stability on movement.
Power / balance / coordination / /strength both need your arm muscles so they
shared muscular strength. 1 mark only
1 mark for table tennis; 1 mark for rowing so how it related to table tennis
1 mark only and rowing?
- Strength, so how is these actions related to
- table tennis if you have greater strength strength ? Mention explain strength
you can hit the ball harder. use in table tennis/ rowing push up, strength and. Power
-5km rowing if you row with more strength, 0 mark
they can go faster. reaction time, it will benefits you to Too many unclear which one
have a shorter reaction time so you
- Coordination won't miss the ball
-playing table tennis uses both legs and 1 mark only
arms to move around to catch the table No mention rowing
-rowing uses 2 hands , both hands has to
coordinate with each other to row.

- Power
-power is used when table tennis user
slams the ball.
-power is used when rowers row the paddle
hard and fast.

- balance
-table tennis player needs to balance when
hitting the ball and prevent falling down
-rowing performers need to balance so the
boat will be steady and will not sink

11 Describe how factors can affect a Males usually have a higher Vo2 Factors can affect the
performer’s VO2 max. (4 marks) max than females, and people who performer's VO2 max
are younger usually have higher depending on the age age,
Describe how = explain vo2max the older people. gender and body composition
of the person.
0 mark
did not answer 'how' factors affect 2 mark only
VO2 max did not answer 'how' factors
affect VO2 max

Age, gender, and body composition.

Male have a greater oxygen value
than females.

2marks only . Explain should come

with each factor

12 Name two features of mental health, have self esteem and being able to Stress, if you are less stressed
describe how each feature helps when manage your own emotional out while playing you can
participating in the above physical problems perform better.
activities . (4 marks) 2 marks only Good sleep, if they got enough
describe how each feature helps sleep they should have enough
when participating in the above energy to perform at their best.
feature = aspect of something (~ physical activities
characteristic) 3 marks only
that mean it is physical related.
Better say - focus better to
perform at their best.

13 State a role of protein in the body. *Any 1 of : growth and repair

0 mark Unfinished / not clear

14 Suggest a physical activity that might *1 mark for physical activity; running sprints, swimming long
require a performer to have a diet rich *1 mark for description distances or lifting weights
in protein. Describe an example of *Accept other suitable answers 1 mark only
how having extra protein can benefit only 1 example needed with
performance in this activity. - Body builder, muscles are built from explanation
Physical activity = sport / exercise protein and performers are training to build
muscles so protein is needed.

-Weight lifting requires more proteins to

build and repair muscles , to help them gain
more muscles .

-Track and field. Rich proteins can help

benefit us in track and field training because
the protein inside our bodies help repair and
strengthen the muscle tissues.

15 All athletes need to drink water *Any 2 of : Drinking water can help transport the 1. The player might be
regularly when involved in physical nutrients inside the body and keep dehydrated… what
activity. Suggest two reasons of -regulating your body temperature you healthy. Water inside your body 2. The player might need
drinking water during the training. -transport nutrients to give you energy. temperature will strengthen your to cool down his body
-lubricates the joints joints while your are doing running.
-replace lost water when sweating
-alllow blood flow easily 1 mark only 1 mark only
-prevent dehydration/ heatstroke Unclear how water strengthen your
joints while your are doing running. Should explain after saying the
player might be dehydrated .....

16 *1 blank = 1 answer *** name of test** If component did not match

Complete the table to show different Should also add a word ‘test’ with fitness test > no point
physical activities, a key component of
fitness required for the physical activity Physical activity Component of Name of test
and the name of a test that could be fitness
used to measure each component of
Long jump Power > standing long
fitness. (5 mark) jump test
Physical activity Component of fitness Name of test /
> 30m sprinting
Long jump Speed test
/ > sit and reach
Baseball Coordination
Metre-ruler drop test
Baseball Coordination Anderson wall
toss test

Table tennis / Reaction Metre-ruler drop

sprinting / test
fencing/ baseball
/ softball /
football/ boxing /

17 Describe the method of Metre-rule *Any 3 description of : One person drop and ruler and the
drop test. (3 marks) other person needs to catch it before
Reaction time- metre-ruler drop test it hits the ground

2 marks only
Missing 1 more point.

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