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AGENDA: Gender and Children Analysis, Vol.

3 (1), 2021, (June)

ISSN Print:2615-1502ISSN Online:2723-3278
Available online athttp://ecampus.iainbatusangkar.air

The Role of the Family in Overcoming Children's Anxiety

Regarding the Sound of Rainwater After the Cold Lahar Disaster

Bulan Adrianti Abstract:A child's anxiety cannot be separated

Student at Batusangkar State Islamic Institute, West Sumatra, from the role of the family in it. After the cold
Indonesia lava disaster, many children experienced anxiety about the sound of rainwater which
reminded them of the cold lava flood incident.
Wahida Fitriani The role of the family is very important in
Batusangkar State Islamic Institute, West Sumatra, Indonesia helping children overcome this anxiety. This research aims to explore how family support
can reduce children's anxiety about the sound
of rainwater after a disaster. The method used
Putri Yeni
is qualitative with a case study approach,
Batusangkar State Islamic Institute, West Sumatra, Indonesia
involving in-depth interviews with affected families. The research results show that
emotional support from the family, such as
providing a sense of security, listening to
children's complaints, and providing calming
explanations about the sound of rain, is very
effective in reducing anxiety. Apart from that,
joint activities such as playing and telling
stories also help children feel more
comfortable. Active family involvement in
providing support has consistently been proven
to restore children's emotional well-being. This
research emphasizes the importance of the
family's role in the psychological recovery
process of children after a disaster, and
provides recommendations for families and
related parties in dealing with similar problems
in the future.

Keywords: Family, children's anxiety, cold lava disaster


The cold lava flood was a disaster that occurred after the eruption of Mount
Merapi. This disaster occurred because of the high intensity of rain on the slopes

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
of Mount Marapi which was able to cause landslides on the slopes of Mount
Marapi. Heavy rain that falls in the area around the volcano will erode the
mountain slopes and bring unconsolidated volcanic material (for example,
volcanic ash, sand, gravel and rocks) down to lower areas following the flow of
the river. Due to the existence of settlements in the river area, these settlements
became zones affected by the cold lava flood. Several residents in the settlement
were lost and had to be immediately evacuated after the cold lava flood occurred.
Natural disasters such as cold lava can leave a deep psychological impact,
especially on children. The sound of raindrops after these disasters often triggers
significant anxiety in them.

Children often have different reactions to the sound of rainwater after

experiencing a cold lava disaster. This anxiety can affect their overall well-being
and can disrupt the child's psychology. This anxiety can vary from fear to severe
anxiety. This was caused by the sound of rainwater and the traumatic events they
experienced during the disaster and talk from local people who said that there
would be a subsequent flood of cold lava with a greater intensity than before that
would occur in the near future.
In facing these challenges, families have an important role in helping children
overcome their anxiety. The support and understanding provided by parents and
family members can help reduce the psychological impact they experience. In
dealing with children's anxious reactions to the sound of rainwater after the cold
lava disaster, families have an important role in providing emotional and
psychological support. Providing a sense of security, listening to and
understanding children's fears, as well as providing an understanding of the cold
lava flood disaster and safety measures can help reduce children's anxiety.
Ongoing anxiety about the sound of rainwater can have a negative impact on
children's overall well-being. This can affect their sleep, interfere with daily
functioning, and even affect their academic performance. Additionally, unresolved
anxiety can continue into adolescence and adulthood, affecting their mental health
in the long term. An in-depth understanding of children's anxious reactions to the
sound of rainwater after a cold lava disaster is important to inform appropriate
support approaches from families. In this way, children can get the support they
need to recover emotionally and psychologically after traumatic experiences such
as natural disasters.
Family is the most important element in parenting because children grow up
and are educated by the family. Parents are the role models that the children in the
family look up to and follow. Therefore, the role of the family in raising children
is a series of responsibilities that must be carried out by parents. If child care is
not carried out properly and correctly, problems and conflicts will often arise,
both within the child himself, between the child and his parents, and with his
environment.(Rakhmawati, 2015)
The family is the first and main educational forum in the history of a
child's life, which is an important basis for the formation of human character. A
harmonious and dynamic family atmosphere is very important to form strong
character and a good soul in children. This can be achieved if there is strong two-

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
way coordination and communication between parents and
children.(Hyoscyamina, 2011)
The important role of parents in supporting their children in overcoming
anxiety after the cold lava disaster. Strategies of a warmer, more responsive
approach and more moderate regulation from parents may be helpful in reducing
children's anxiety and facilitating their psychological recovery. the importance of
the role of parents in supporting their children in overcoming anxiety after the
cold lava disaster. Strategies of a warmer, more responsive approach and more
moderate regulation from parents may be helpful in reducing children's anxiety
and facilitating their psychological recovery.

By understanding the important role of families, especially parents, in this

context, it is hoped that it can inform the development of more effective
interventions to support children's well-being. The aim of this research is to
explore the role of families in overcoming children's anxiety about the sound of
rainwater after the cold lava disaster in Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. It is hoped
that this research will provide useful insights for families, mental health
practitioners and communities in supporting children who experience post-disaster

This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach and
observation and interview methods. This approach was chosen to understand in
depth the role of families in overcoming children's anxiety about the sound of
rainwater after the cold lava disaster. Apart from that, this research also uses a
literature review method to identify, analyze and synthesize relevant literature
about the role of families in overcoming children's anxiety about the sound of
rainwater after the cold lava disaster.

The observation method in this research involves direct observation of family

interactions and activities related to their efforts to calm children who experience
anxiety due to the sound of rainwater. This observation is carried out in a natural
environment, such as a house or other place where the children are often when it
rains. Researchers recorded the behavior, reactions, and strategies used by family
members in these situations. Interview methods were conducted with family
members, including parents and children, to gain a deeper understanding of their
experiences and views.


A. Worry
Anxiety is a part of life and is experienced by every individual. Under normal
conditions, anxiety can be a source of motivation that drives a person to move
forward and achieve success. However, excessive anxiety that goes beyond
normal limits (neurotic) can disrupt personal stability and life balance(Hayat

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
Abdul, 2014) Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings
such as tension, fear, and worry, and is accompanied by activation of the central
nervous system. Anxiety arises when someone faces or thinks about a future event
that is still uncertain. In general, experts differentiate between fear and anxiety.
Fear is a reaction to real danger from the outside, while anxiety is related to
unclear threats, such as obstacles, pressure, and feelings of pressure that arise in
consciousness.(Muarifah A, 2005)
Anxiety disorders in childhood can be an indicator of various psychiatric
disorders in adolescence. It appears that some children who should receive a clear
diagnosis are not accommodated by current GAD diagnosis rules. Future research
will need to assess whether OAD is worthy of reconsideration as a distinct
nosological entity.(Bittner et al., 2007)
Sigmund Freud put forward the opinion that anxiety is a state of tension that
forces individuals to act. According to him, there are three types of anxiety,
namely:(Hayat Abdul, 2014)
a. Reality anxiety is fear of danger originating from the external
environment. This level of anxiety is proportional to the level of threat
b. Neurotic anxiety is the fear that a person's impulses will get out of control
and trigger actions that could result in punishment.
c. Moral anxiety is fear of one's own conscience. Individuals with good
morals usually feel guilty if they perform actions that go against their
internal moral code or the norms received from their parents.
The following factors can increase or decrease anxiety(Shalahuddin et al.,

a. Self-Confidence: Individuals who have high self-confidence tend to be

better able to cope with stressful situations, so their anxiety levels are
b. Social Support: Feeling cared for and supported by others can provide a
sense of security and reduce anxiety. This support can be emotional,
informational, or material support.
c. Modeling: Behavior exhibited by others can influence an individual's
anxiety level. For example, if a child sees their parents anxious when it
rains after a disaster, the child is likely to feel anxious too.

After a disaster, children may experience various psychological problems such

as trauma, anxiety, and stress. Addressing these psychological impacts is critical
to helping children recover and resume their lives as normal. Approaches that
only identify general psychological impacts may not be sufficient to understand
the specific needs of each child. Each child's psychological condition can vary
greatly depending on their experiences during a disaster, the support they receive,
and other individual factors.(Thoyibah et al., 2019)
Anxiety disorders are hereditary, and although much evidence supports the
role of genetic/biological parameters in their development, this does not fully

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
explain their etiology. The role of parental behavior as a factor that allows the
transmission of anxiety from parents to children.(Turner et al., 2003)
Overcoming anxiety in children can be done through play therapy and dance
therapy, which allows them to express themselves and leads to a reduction in
trauma levels. These therapies aim to maintain children's mental balance and
reduce the impact of long-term trauma. Apart from that, playing and singing
activities with chants can help reduce the trauma experienced by children due to
disasters by reducing their anxiety levels. Play therapy, dance therapy, and self-
motivation have proven effective in reducing anxiety in children. By
implementing these therapies, it is hoped that children's mental stability can be
maintained. Self-motivation aims to increase the enthusiasm of children affected
by the cold lava disaster.(Turner et al., 2003)
Anxiety disorders (ADs) are on the rise globally, and app-based interventions
offer evidence-based treatment options with great potential as well as comparable
effects to traditional treatment models in efficacy trials. Although several recent
meta-analyses show increasingly strong evidence for the effectiveness of app-
based interventions for treating anxiety, challenges remain regarding low levels of
user engagement, which reduces their effectiveness and hinders wider
implementation in healthcare. Although there is great potential in app-based
interventions to treat anxiety, a better understanding of user engagement and its
impact on health outcomes is critical to increasing their effectiveness and
implementation in healthcare.
Play therapy to overcome anxiety in early childhood is a counseling process
carried out by a professional or therapist using game media. The play therapy used
must be adjusted to the child's stage of cognitive development, especially those in
the preoperational phase. The toys chosen should be symbols that allow the child
to process information through indirect imitation activities, such as symbolic play,
drawing and the use of spoken language.(Habibi, 2022)

B. Family role
The family is a social unit that indirectly plays a role in the development and
growth of children. When compared to wider society, families have very close ties
to children. Families have special methods in shaping children's personalities. The
success of families in supporting children's development and growth is reflected
in the formation of mature personalities, so that children are able to express, carry
out activities, achieve achievements and actualize themselves in society. To
become a family that can give full attention to the child's development and growth
process, parents need to understand the importance of their role in the context of
developmental psychology. In this case, there are various theories that can be used
as a guide to educate parents and families that children's development and growth
will be optimal with full support from the role of parents and family.(Ulfa, 2020)

The mother is identified as a figure who has a central role in providing

emotional support to children. This includes listening, understanding, providing

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
support and appreciation for the child. This support is important to create a sense
of comfort and confidence in children, so that they are able to develop their
abilities and face failures in their development process without fear or
disappointment. Supporting children's independence is one of the essential family
roles. When children feel supported in their growth and development process,
including toilet training, they tend to be more confident and not feel burdened by
failure. This support provides a strong foundation for children to overcome
challenges and develop abilities independently. In the specific context of the
article regarding overcoming children's anxiety about the sound of rainwater after
the cold lava disaster, the mother's role as a provider of emotional support is very
relevant. Mothers can provide a calming presence and provide a sense of security
to children when they experience anxiety. A mother's ability to manage her own
emotions also plays an important role in influencing how she can help her child
manage their anxiety. Although mothers have a significant role in providing
emotional support, it is important to consider the influence of the overall family
environment. Support from other family members also has an impact on a child's
emotional well-being, including fathers and siblings.(Aprianti, 2019)

The role of the family also requires communication. There are several
important points that can be explained based on the material you provide:
Understanding the Communication Model of Each Family Member. A family that
is effective in communication is one that is able to recognize and understand
appropriate communication methods for each family member. This includes
understanding the verbal and non-verbal language used, as well as how best to
interact with each other with respect. Communication between parents and
children is very important in all aspects of life. This helps children in the process
of their physical, emotional, social, moral, interest and personality development.
Through this communication, parents can provide direction, emotional support,
and teach good values and habits such as praying, reading the Koran, and
memorizing the stories of the prophet. Communication Internalization Method:
Communication within the family does not only occur through verbal
conversations, but also through activities such as eating together, performing
worship, and interacting with good morals. This helps strengthen family
relationships and builds a solid foundation for a child's development. Ineffective
Communication and Its Impact: The absence of effective communication in the
family can cause gaps between family members. Children may demonstrate
respectful behavior inside the home, but behave differently outside the home if
they do not feel heard or understood by their parents.(Rahmawati & Gazali, 2018)

Four Things to Pay Attention to in Communication:(Rahmawati & Gazali, 2018)

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
a. Simple Conversations: It is important to talk to children intimately
and openly about things that are easy to understand and interesting to

b. Chaterik Communication: Giving children the opportunity to convey

their feelings or problems, while parents listen patiently.

c. Informative Communication: Shifting the conversation to deeper

matters, where parents and children share feelings, thoughts and
opinions with each other by following and providing the necessary

d. Persuasive Communication: Encourages children to understand and

obey their parents' wishes, but still respect the child's perspective and

Through understanding and implementing effective communication, families

can play an important role in helping children overcome anxiety, build
independence, and strengthen positive emotional relationships in facing various
life challenges.

The way to overcome anxiety and fear disorders which is expected to reduce
these disorders is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT, or Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, is effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety syndrome in
children, requiring re-evaluation of patients with anxiety disorders. CBT not only
treats anxiety but also serves as a preventative measure to interrupt the
development of anxiety and establish a more positive attitude in the future.
However, high parental anxiety can be a barrier, as they may inadvertently
provide responses that are inconsistent with CBT principles. CBT can identify and
address problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviors, helping to change behavior
into more positive experiences.(Pertiwi, 2022)

Family is not just a gathering place for father, mother and children, but more
than that. Family is the most comfortable place for children, where all aspects of
their life begin to develop. From the family, children learn to socialize, actualize
themselves, express opinions, and develop behavior that may be deviant. This
research aims to understand and evaluate the role of parents in children's character
education and the obstacles faced in this role. This research is a literature study.
This research found that the role of parents in shaping children's character
includes providing role models, providing opportunities to practice, giving
responsibility, supervising, and guiding children to be wise in choosing friends.
Barriers faced by parents in this role include internal and external barriers. If put

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
in the context of the family's role in overcoming children's anxiety about the
sound of rainwater after the cold lava disaster, the role of parents is similar in
providing emotional support, being a good example, and creating a safe and
supportive environment for children to overcome their anxiety.(Puspytasari, 2022)

It is important to consider parental factors as potential risk or maintenance

pathways in child anxiety. The exact contribution of parental factors remains
unclear for several reasons. First, some aspects of parental care tend to have a
greater influence on children's anxiety than other aspects. This review will
consider the strength of evidence of the main factors that have been evaluated
empirically. Second, methodological factors have a significant influence. Varying
degrees of association between parental parenting and child anxiety were
reported: high-quality observational assessments of parental parenting, for
example, were typically associated with stronger effects compared with parent or
child reports, and stronger associations were found when anxiety was diagnosed
directly. clinical comparison with assessment using a questionnaire.(Creswell et
al., 2011)

Participant Profile
Fathiya, a 6 year 10 month old girl, was a participant in this study. Fathiya
is the second of two siblings, with an older brother who is in the 6th grade of
elementary school. Fathiya lives with her parents; Fathiya's father works as a
security guard at an Islamic boarding school in Bukittinggi, while her mother acts
as a housewife. Fathiya's daily life is usually spent playing at home, and she rarely
leaves the house.
Impact of the Cold Lahar Disaster
On May 11, 2024, a flood of cold lava occurred near Fathiya's house. This
incident had a significant impact on Fathiya's psychological condition, causing her
to experience severe anxiety every time she heard the sound of rain and when she
was in the dark. When it rained and the lights went out, Fathiya's face turned pale,
and she showed excessive fear, only wanting to be carried by her mother and not
wanting to be left far from her parents.

Family Efforts to Overcome Anxiety

Fathiya's family made various efforts to overcome Fathiya's anxiety. After
this incident, Fathiya's family did not leave her alone when it rained or the lights
went out. This even though it interferes with their daily activities, such as cleaning
the house which has to be stopped when it rains. Emotional Support: Fathiya's
parents provide emotional support by always being by her side and providing a
sense of security. Fathiya felt calm when her mother carried her during the rain.
Distraction through games is when the family tries to divert Fathiya's attention
from the sound of rain by inviting her to play. This helps reduce his focus on the
sound of the rain and reduces his anxiety.

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021
Observed Changes
Since Fathiya's family implemented these strategies, several positive
changes have been observed, namely Reduction of Anxiety: Although Fathiya still
shows signs of anxiety when it rains, the intensity is less than when it first
happened. He began to be distracted by games that caught his attention. Increased
Self-Confidence With constant support from her family, Fathiya showed an
increase in her sense of security and self-confidence. He is no longer too afraid if
he has to be a little far from his parents, as long as they are within sight.

Challenges and Solutions

However, Fathiya's family also faces several challenges, namely Disruption of
Daily Activities: Parents' activities are often disrupted because they have to focus
on Fathiya when it rains. The solution implemented was to divide tasks between
family members so that one could focus on Fathiya while the others continued
with the housework. Consistency in Mentoring: Consistency in providing support
and mentoring is a challenge in itself. The Fathiya family realizes the importance
of remaining consistent in their approach to see more significant results.

Fathiya's family's efforts to overcome Fathiya's anxiety showed positive results.

Strong emotional support, constant companionship, and distraction through games
proved effective in reducing Fathiya's anxiety about the sound of rainwater after
the cold lava disaster. Despite several challenges, Fathiya's family was able to find
effective solutions to help Fathiya overcome her anxiety.

Fathiya's family's efforts to overcome Fathiya's anxiety showed positive
results. Strong emotional support, constant companionship, and distraction
through games proved effective in reducing Fathiya's anxiety about the sound of
rainwater after the cold lava disaster. This research highlights the important role
of the family, especially mothers, in providing emotional support and creating a
safe environment for children who experience anxiety. In addition, distraction
strategies through interesting activities can help reduce children's focus on anxiety
triggers and increase their sense of security and self-confidence. Despite facing
challenges such as disruption to daily activities and the need for consistency in
approach, Fathiya's family was able to find effective solutions to help Fathiya
overcome her anxiety. These findings emphasize that family-centred approaches
can play an important role in supporting children to recover from trauma and
overcome anxiety. Furthermore, this research also confirms the importance of
better understanding user engagement in app-based interventions to increase their
effectiveness and applicability in mental health care.

Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021

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Agenda, Volume 3 Number 1, June 2021

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