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Marking Guide Geotechnical engineering Setting B

Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (30 Marks)

1. C) Cohesion
2. A) Terzaghi's equation
3. B) 15°-30°
4. C) Cohesion
5. D) Plasticity
6. B) Hydrometer analysis
7. B) Permeability
8. C) Raft foundation
9. C) Compressibility
10. A) Terzaghi's equation
11. D) Shear strength
12. B) Bearing capacity failure
13. D) cm/s
14. B) Angle of internal friction
15. C) Rate of loading
16. B) 0.2-0.5
17. C) Atterberg limits test
18. C) To enhance drainage
19. C) To improve soil strength
20. A) Terzaghi's method
21. C) Clay
22. C) Proctor compaction test
23. B) 0.01-0.1 cm²/s
24. A) Dilatancy
25. D) To evaluate soil strength properties
26. A) Water content
27. A) To simulate construction loads
28. D) Permeability
29. A) Reduction in soil volume due to applied load
30. B) Liquefaction

Part B: Structured Questions (40 Marks)

5. Describe the role of "shear force" in structural analysis. Provide an example
scenario where understanding shear force distribution is crucial in the design of a
structural element. (7 marks)

Shear Force: Shear force VVV is the force that acts parallel to the cross-section of a
structural element (such as a beam or a column). In structural analysis, understanding
shear force distribution is crucial because it affects the design of structural elements,
particularly in determining the size and spacing of shear reinforcement (such as stirrups
in beams or shear links in columns) to prevent shear failure.
Example Scenario: In the design of a reinforced concrete beam, understanding the
distribution of shear forces along the beam span is critical. For instance, near supports
where the bending moment is high, shear forces also tend to be significant. Engineers
must ensure that the beam's cross-section is adequately designed to resist these shear
forces. Insufficient shear reinforcement can lead to shear failure, compromising the
structural integrity of the beam.
Therefore, shear force analysis informs the design of structural elements to ensure they
can safely carry the applied loads without failure due to shear forces.

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