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We have seen several kinds of plants and

animals. However, there are other living
organisms around us which we normally
cannot see these are called microorganisms
or microbes. We can only see them with the
help of microscope.
Types of microorganisms
• Microorganisms are classified into five major groups.
These groups are-
• Bacteria
• Fungi
• Algae
• Protozoa
• Virus
Where do they live
Microorganisms may be single-celled like bacteria, some
algae and protozoa, or multicellular, such as many
algae and fungi. They live in all types of environment,
ranging from ice cold climate to hot springs; and
deserts to marshy lands . They are also founds inside
the bodies of animals including humans. Some
microorganisms grow on other organisms while others
exist freely.
Friendly microorganisms
Some microbes are used in many things like decomposing
organic wastes, making medicines, alcohol, vines,
curd, bread and other bakery products.
• They are used in making of alcohol and vine in large
• They are used in medical for making vaccine and
• They are used in increasing soil fertility by
decomposing organic wastes.
• They also clean environment.
Harmful microorganisms
Microorganisms are harmful in many ways. Some of the
microorganisms causes diseases in human beings, plants
and animals. Such disease causing microbes are called
pathogens . Some microbes spoil food, clothes and leather.
• Some microbes cause disease in human example- polio.
• Some microbes cause disease in animals example-anthrax.
• Some microbes cause disease in plants example- citrus
• They spoil the food and make it poisonous.
Some human disease causing microbes
Causative Mode of
Human disease
microbe transmission
Tuberculosis Air
Cholera Water/food
Typhoid Water

Measles Virus Air

Chicken pox Virus Air/ contact
Polio Virus Air/water
Hepatitis A Virus Water

Malaria Protozoa Mosquito

Some plants diseases causing microbes
Plant diseases Microorganisms Mode of
Citrus canker Bacteria Air

Rust of wheat Fungi Air, seeds

Yellow vein mosaic of Virus Insect

bhindi (Okra)
Thank you
Maded by Ojas Rathore

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