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Binnet-Simon Test (1905) Alfred Binnet & Theodore Simon

Verbal Intelligence Tests(Language Test) Goddard Intelligence Test(1910)

Stanford-Binnet Test (1916)

Good Enough A Drawing A Man Test(1905)

Pinner Patterson Test(1917)

Kohs-block design Test (1920) SAMUEL C. KOHS

Individual Test
Poerteus Maize Test(1925)

Non-verbal Intelligence Tests(Activity/Pictures Test) Pass along Test W.P.ALexender

Minnesota Pre-school Test (1940)

Intelligence Test Merrill-Palmer Test(1948)

Weschler Object Assembling Test (WAIS){1949} David Wechsler

Bhatia Battery (1955)

Army Alpha Test (1917) Robert York's

Verbal Intelligence Tests Terman Group Test of mental ability (1920)

Army General classification test

Group Test Army Beta Test (1917)

Cattle Culture Free Test (1920)

Non Verbal Intelligence Tests
Chicago Non verbal test (1936)

Raven's Progressive Matrices Test(1938)

Strong Vocational Interest Test

Heapner's Vocational Interest Test

Cheeten's Vocational Interest Test

Interest Test Cuder Preference Vocational Interest Test

Steward & Brenard Vocational Interest Test

Kulshreshtha Vocational Interest Test

Kulshreshtha Educational interest Test

Case History Method

Questionnaire Method

Torrence's Test Interview Method

Baquer's Mehandi Test Creativity Tests Non Projected Personality Test Audiography Method

Passie Test of Creativity Rating Scale Method

THERSTON Pair Comparison Test Sociometric Method

SAPHIR Sequencial Diffrence Method Psychological Non Projected Personality Test

LICKERT Lickert's Aptitude Test Standardized Test Ink Blot Test ROSCHARCH
Aptitude Tests
THERSTON & CHEV Common Eye Difference Method Thematic Appreciation Test

GUTMAN Scalogram Method Word Association Test

EDWARD & KILPATRICK EK APTITUDE TEST Projected Personality Test Sentence Completion Test

GENERAL Achievement Test Play & Drama Method

Achievement Test
Diagnostic Achievement Test Repressive Movement Test

Dream - Analysis Method

Minnesota Clerical Test

Minnesota Vocational Test for Clerical Work
General Clerical Test

Minnesota Mechanical Aptitude Test

Stenquiest Assembly Test

Mechanical Aptitude Test
Mec-quierre Test of Mental ability

Pennet Test of mechanical comprehension

Personality Test Motor Dexterity Test O'Connor tweezer

Motor Dexterity Tests
Steadiness Test of Motor Dexterity

N.I.I.P. Shape Relation Test (NIIPSRT)

Spatial Ability Test Minnesota Paper from Board Test

Minnesota Spatial Relation Test


Artistic/Aesthetic Ability Apt Test Art Judgement Test MEIER

Aptitude Test Sea-shore Measurement of Musical Talent

Number Ability Differential Aptitude Test

Verbal Reasoning

Mechanical Reasoning

Differential Aptitude Test Abstract Reasoning

Space Relation

Language Ability Test

Clerical Speed And Accuracy Test

Teaching Aptitude Test

Medical Aptitude Test

Business Aptitude Test

Other Tests
Law Aptitude Test

Specific Acedemy Subject Test

Graphic Art Test

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