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Covernment of West Bengal

Department ol Health and Fanrily Welfare

Dental Branch
"B" Wing.3'd.FIoor, Block - GN- 29 ,
Sector -V, Salt [.ake City .Kolkata.70009l

No. HF/O/Dental/2 5l llF W -2609917 412020 Dated, 7'r' February 2024


The Govemor has been pleased to recognize the post graduate (M.D.S) degree as awarded by concemed
Universities in tavor ofthe tbllowing officers of West Bengal Dental Service as per the table below:

Date of
SI, Name of tlre Dcntal Present place of I l)ate of
No Posting
Degree publication of
Surgeon c t'1tc1
Dr. R. Ahmeii MDS(Oral and
Dr'. Abh ishek
()l Dental College Maxillof'acial 2 7-06-2023 2't -06-2023
Ghosh & Hospital. Pathology and
Kolkata Microbiology )
Dr. Acishi Diamond M DS(Pediatric and
27 -06-7023 21 -06-2023
0l. Chattelice Llalbou r Preventive
cit\{c&H Dentistry)
Dr. Arani Roy MDS(Oral Medicine 27-06-2023 27-06-7023
( ).1 I3alurghat SSI I
& Radiology)
Dr. Arnab M DS(Prosthodontics
Kandi SDll. 27-06-2023 27 -06-2023
0+ Pradhan and Crown &
B uldt an l)t. n la I
Dr. Baishakhi ('ollegc.t MDS(Conservative
27-06-2023 27-06-2023
05 Sark:rr Dentistry &
Ilospital. I'Lrlba
Pratulla Chantlra
Sen Covt MDS (Orthodontics
Dr. Bina Nandi Medical Collcge & Dento-f-acial ll-08-2016 29-08-20 r 6
and Hospital. Orthopedics)
MDS (Pediatric and
Dr. Debasis.lana lanrpul SS l l.
Is 27 -06-2023 27-06-2023
,,, Preventive
I Uttar DinaigrLrr
Dentistry) I

Dr. Md Colam MDS(Orthodontics

Sagaldighi SSI I )7 -06-2023 27-06-2023
0lt Ilasan & Dento-lacial
Dr'. (iourah l)as !1DS (Oral and
KumargLrn j
08- I 2-201 7 0tt- 1 2-201 7
09. fIPHC- Daksh in Nlaxillol-acial
Dina.jpur S urgerl')
Dr. Hemanta Jhalgranr MDS(Pediatric and
t0. 27 -06-2023 21-06-7023
Ghosh GMC&II. Preventive
.lhalgrarn Dentistry)
Kalna SS 11. MDS(Pediatric and
ll Dr. NupLrr Saha
Purba Preventive
27 -06-2023 2'7 -06-2023

Ilardharnan Dentistry)
North Bengal
Dr. Prantika MDS(Conservative
12. Dental College& 27 -06-2023 2'1-06-2023
Mandal Dentistry &
ll l Dr. Sand ip Kulavi NRS MC&H
M DS(Periodontics)
27 -06-2023 27-06-2023
ll Kolkata
Dr. Sanjoy BolpLrr SSH MDS
1"1 77-06-2023 27 -06-7023
Karrnakar ( Prosthodontics and
Birbhrrnr Crown & Bridge)
Barasat MC &H. M DS(Orthodontics
l5 Dr. Sampita Dhali
North & Dento-t'acial 27-06-2023 i 27-06-2023
24Parganas Orthopedics)
Dr. Sayantan
Islarnpur SSH. 27 -06-2023 27-06-2023
I 'u Datta M DS(Periodontics)
LJttar Dirrajpur'

t7. Dr. Soma Mallick 27 -06-2023 27 -06-2023
llarboLrr M DS(Periodontics)

MDS( Oral
Dr. Subrata
l8 Bijoygarh SGH, Medicine & l0-0 l-2019 l0-01-20 l9
B isrvas South 24 Pgs Radiology)

BLrrd\\ an [)!'ntal
MDS(Oral and
l9 Dr. Su pri1,o Pau I Collegc & 27 -06-2023 27 -06-2023
Ilospital. l'Lrrba
Bardhauran I

M DS(Prosthodontics
Galdcn l{each
l0 Dr. Vijay Tomar and Crown & 71-06-2023 27 -06-2023
SCH. South 24

Sanrrrilani MDS (Oral and
]I Dr. Vinay Rana
Medical College Maxillothcial l0-08-2023 l0-08-2023
& Hospital, Surgery) |


2. Necessary entries should be rnade in tlteir Service Book.

Additional Scc ,o"tl"w

to the Govt. of West Bengal
No.HF/O/Derrtal/2 5l HFW -26099 /7112020 Dared, 7'r' February 2024

Copy tbrwarded for information and necessary action to the:-

L Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, 'l'reasury Building, Kolkata-700001 I

2. Principal Accountant General (Audit-l), West Bengal, Treasury Building, Kolkata-700001;
i. Director of Health Services, Dept. of H&FW, Govt. of West Bengal
4. Senior Special Secretary (Dental), Dept. of H&FW, Govt. of West Bengal
5. Deputy Secretary (Dental), Dept. of H&FW, Co!'1. of West Bengal
6. Deputy Director of Health Services (Adrninistration), Dept. of H&FW, Govt. of West Bengal
7. Assistant Director of Health Services (Accounts), Dept. of H&FW. Govt. of West Bengal
8. Assistant Director of Health Services (Dental), Dept. of H&FW. Govt. ol'West Bengal

9-17. Principal,A4sVP. Diamond Harbour GMC&H. Diamond Harbour HD/ Dr. R. Ahmed Dental
College & Flospital. Kolkata/ Bankura Sarnmilani /llulduan Dcntal College & Hospital. Purba
Bardhanran,' Barasat GMC&l I.N-orth l.l I'gs/ NRS MC&ll. Kolkata/ North Bcngal Dental
C ollesc'& llospital. Darjceling/ Pratilla Charrdla Se'n Covt Mcdical Ciollege ancl t Iospital.
Arambagi Jhargram GMC&H. .lhargrant

18. CMOH. All districts including Health Districts.

l9-26. Superintendent. Balurghat SSH / Kandi SDH. Mtrrshidabadi lslanrpur SSI l. Uttar
DinajpLrrr Sagardighi SSH. Murshidabad/ Kalna SStl. PLrrba Bardharnan/ Bolpur SSH.Birbhuml
Biioygarh S(lll. South 24 Pgs/ Garden Reach SCll. South 24 Pgs
27. Treasury Otlicer... ... .. ... .
18. Dr. .....
29. PA. to the Principal Secretary of this Departrnent.
30. IT Cell. for posting in the Health Website.

Additional Secretary
to the Covt. ol' West Bengal

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