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CA: March 2022

CA: March 2022
GS Paper-I: (TS23E1002)
1. Answer: (d)
The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC):
 Digital currency backed by the Central Bank of a country. Just like currency notes issued by
the Central Bank, the CDBC is a legal tender and accepted for the payment of various
transactions within a country.
 Unlike the crypto currencies, the CBDC is backed by the Central Bank and hence, enjoys
more amount of stability and less volatility.
 Also called as the "Programmable Money", as it can be programmed for certain selected
users or within specific region of a country.

Challenge of Disintermediation of the Banks:

2. Answer: (d) transactions in a secure, standardized and

Explanation: reliable environment.
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Hence, SWIFT is not a payment network.
Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) Rather, it is a messaging network that
provides a network that enables the enables the banks and the financial
financial institutions worldwide to send institutions to send and receive messages
and receive information about the financial about financial transactions.

It is a global member-owned cooperative State Development Loans (SDLs). They
that is headquartered in Brussels can also investment in the Corporate
(Belgium). It was founded in 1973 by a Bonds.
group of 239 banks from 15 countries,
 The RBI imposes a limit on investment
which formed a cooperative utility to
under this Route. Presently, it is Rs. 1.5
develop a secure electronic messaging
lakh crores.
service and common standards to facilitate
cross-border payments.  Minimum retention period for the

Can SWIFT impose sanctions?: As a investment is 3 years.

utility with a systemic global character,  Minimum percentage of investment,
SWIFT has no authority to make which has to retained, is 75%.
sanctions decisions. Any decision to  The FPIs that wish to liquidate their
impose or to lift sanctions on the countries investments under the Route, prior to
or individual entities rests solely with the
the end of the retention period, may do
competent government bodies and
so by selling their investments to
legislators. Whilst sanctions are imposed
another FPIs. However, the FPI buying
independently in different jurisdictions
such investment shall abide by all the
around the world, SWIFT cannot arbitrarily
choose which jurisdiction’s sanction regime terms and conditions applicable under
to follow. Being incorporated under the the Route.
Belgian law, it must instead comply with New Announcement: The RBI has decided
the related EU regulation, as confirmed by to increase the investment limit under VRR
the Belgian Government. from Rs. 1.5 lakh crores to Rs. 2.5 lakh
3. Answer: (d)
Explanation: 4. Answer: (a)
The Voluntary Retention Route (VRR): Explanation:
Introduced by the RBI in March, 2019, to
The e-RUPI prepaid digital voucher is a
enable the FPIs to invest in debt markets in
person-specific and purpose-specific
India. Broadly, the investments through the
Route are free from the macro-prudential cashless voucher, developed by the NPCI
and other regulatory norms applicable to (The National Payments Corporation of
the FPI investments in debt markets. India). It can be used by the individuals,
However, for availing such a benefit, the corporates or governments. e-RUPI runs on
FPIs should voluntarily commit to retain a the UPI platform. e-RUPI vouchers are
required minimum percentage of their presently being used largely for COVID-19
investments in India for a period. vaccination purposes.
RBI's Regulations on VRR: New Announcement: The RBI has
 Any FPI registered with SEBI is eligible proposed to increase the cap on amount for
to participate through this Route. e-RUPI vouchers, issued by the
Participation through this Route shall
Government, from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh
be voluntary.
per voucher and allow the use of the e-
 The FPIs are eligible to invest in any
RUPI voucher multiple times (until the
Government Securities, i.e., the Central
amount of the voucher is completely
Government dated Securities (G-Secs),
Treasury Bills (T-Bills), as well as the

5. Answer: (b) 7. Answer: (c)
Explanation: Explanation:
The Agriculture Orientation Index (AOI) Details about the World Food Programme
– (WFP) –
Measured by: The Food and Agriculture Role: A UN Organ which focusses on
Organisation (FAO) to measure the ending hunger and ensuring food security.
country's progress towards SDG-2 (End Established in 1961.
Hunger, achieve food security and
Governance: An Executive Board
improved nutrition).
consisting of 36 Member States.
Calculation: Calculated as the percentage
Chairperson: The Executive Director
of the Government's expenditure on
appointed jointly by the UN Secretary-
agriculture, divided by the share of
General and the Director-General of the
agriculture in the GDP.
Rationale: An AOI greater than 1 reflects a
Funding: Entirely funded through the
higher orientation towards the agriculture
sector, which receives a higher share of voluntary contributions of the donor
government spending, relative to its governments, institutions, corporations
contribution to economic value-added. An and individuals.
AOI less than 1 reflects a lower orientation Relationship with the SDGs: WFP’s
to agriculture, while an AOI equal to 1 activities contribute to the advancement of
reflects neutrality in a government’s other SDGs: SDG 1 (ending poverty); SDG 3
orientation to the agriculture sector. (good health and well-being); SDG 4
Present Status: India's AOI is lower is (quality education); SDG 5 (gender
comparison to other Asian countries. equality); SDG 13 (climate action);
and SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong
6. Answer: (c) institutions).
Explanation: Note: In October 2020, the WFP was
Details about the Chief Economic awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for its
Advisor: efforts to combat hunger”.
 Heads the Economic Division of the
Department of Economic Affairs in the 8. Answer: (d)
Ministry of Finance. Equivalent to the Explanation:
rank of Secretary to the Government of
The Present Status of Coal Mining in
 Mainly advisory role to advice the
With an annual production of 783 MT,
Government on important economic
India was the second largest coal producer
in the world, after China, in 2019.
 Cadre controlling authority of the
Countries with the highest coal reserves:
Indian Economic Service (IES) and deals
USA, Russia, Australia, China and India.
with examination, recruitment and
training of the IES officers. Countries with the highest coal production:
 Most important role is to prepare the China, India and USA.
Economic Survey, which is presented Top states in coal production:
one day before the presentation of the Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand.
Union Budget.

9. Answer: (a) Productivity: Though, India occupies the
Explanation: 2nd largest area, but produces only 7% of
As per the World Trade Organization the total world production. This clearly
(WTO), e-commerce is defined as the highlights that the countries, such as Iran,
“production, distribution, marketing, Spain and Greece, have much higher
sale or delivery of goods and services productivity of saffron due to technological
(such as films, music, video games, adoption and efficient processing.
software, newspapers, books etc.) by
electronic means. 11. Answer: (c)
In 1998, the WTO members came out with Explanation:
a Declaration on Global Electronic  The Survey of Villages and Mapping
Commerce, under which the countries with Improvised Technology in
have decided not to impose customs duties Village Areas (SVAMITVA) is a Central
(or a moratorium on customs duties) on e- Sector Scheme of the Ministry of
commerce transactions. This moratorium is Panchayati Raj. E-Property Cards have
renewed by the members at every been distributed under the Scheme to
Ministerial Conference, which usually the property owners.
happens every two years.  One objective of the Scheme is to
Present Debate over Moratorium on facilitate the monetization of the
Customs Duties on E-Commerce: The properties of the citizens of rural India,
developed countries are the major exporters by enabling them to use their property
of these digital goods and services. Hence, as a financial asset by taking loans and
the developed countries are in favour of other financial benefits. Data for grant
making this moratorium on e-commerce of property loan through the SVAMITVA
transactions permanent. In a way, the Scheme is not maintained by the
developed countries want that no member Ministry.
country should impose customs duty on
 The Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR)
these e-commerce transactions in future.
is implementing the Central Sector
Scheme, SVAMITVA, with the aim to
10. Answer: (b) provide the ‘Record of Rights’ to the
Explanation: village household owners, possessing
Saffron is the most expensive spice, known houses in the inhabited areas in the
for its aroma and colour, and used for villages.
flavouring, colouring and in medicinal and  Legal ownership rights (Property
pharmaceutical industries. cards/Title deeds) are issued by
Cultivation: Saffron production is mapping of the land parcels, using the
restricted to well-drained Karewa soils in drone technology.
the Union Territory of Jammu and  It is being implemented with the
Kashmir. Pampore region is commonly collaborative efforts of the Ministry of
known as ‘the Saffron Bowl of Kashmir’. Panchayati Raj, the State Revenue
Other important areas include: Budgam, Department, the State Panchayati Raj
Srinagar and Kishtwar districts. Department and the Survey of India
Production: Total world production of (SoI).
saffron is around 300 tons per year. Iran,  The states need to sign a Memorandum
India, Spain and Greece are the major of Understanding (MoU) with the SoI for
saffron producing countries.

the implementation of the Scheme. So  The 15th Finance Commission (FC), in
far, 29 states, including the state of its report for the period from 2021-22 to
Rajasthan, have signed the MoU with 2025-26, has divided the ULBs into two
the SoI. The Scheme aims to cover all categories:
the villages across the country by (a) Million-plus urban
March, 2025. agglomerations/cities (excluding
Delhi and Srinagar); and
12. Answer: (d) (a) All other cities and towns with less
than one million population (Non-
million plus cities).
Recommendations of the 15th Finance
 The 15th FC has recommended
separate grants for them. Out of the
 Distribution of grants between the rural total grants recommended by the
and the urban local bodies, in the ratio Commission for Non-Million Plus cities,
of 67.5:32.5 to all tiers in the Panchayat 40% is basic (untied) grant and the
- Village/Block/District - create remaining 60% is tied grant. Basic
durable community assets, improve grants (untied) are utilised for the
overall functioning and provide location specific felt needs, except for
employment opportunities. the payment of salary and incurring
 Recommend grants to all tiers of the other establishment expenditure.
Panchayati Raj.
 Give grants to the Fifth and Sixth 13. Answer: (b)
Schedule areas and the Cantonment Explanation:
Boards. PM-DevINE (Prime Minister’s
 Special focus on districts having higher Development Initiative for North-East):
concentration of SC/ST population.  A new scheme, PM-DevINE, was
 Provide tied grants to the rural local announced while presenting the Union
bodies - improve sanitation, ensure Budget 2022-23.
open-defecation free (ODF) status,  The Finance Minister stated that the
supply of drinking water, rainwater PM-DevINE will be implemented
harvesting and water recycling. through the North-Eastern Council.
 Tied grants have also been allocated to  An initial allocation of Rs. 1,500 crores
the ULBs (urban local bodies), over and will be made for the new scheme. It will
above the Central Sponsored Schemes fund infrastructure, in the spirit of PM
for drinking water, including rainwater GatiShakti, and social development
harvesting and recycling, and solid projects based on the felt needs of the
waste management.
 This will enable livelihood activities for
 Differentiated the need of the larger
the youth and the women, filling the
cities by categorising fifty million-plus
gaps in various sectors, the Minister
explained. However, it will not be a
 Provided additional funds to the ULBs substitute for the existing Central or
for issues critical for planned State Schemes.
urbanization, problems of sanitation,
Initial List of the Projects under PM
air quality, ground water depletion, DevINE:
supply and management of water, and
 Establishment of Dedicated Services for
efficient solid waste management.
the Management of Paediatric and Adult

Haemotolymphoid Cancers in North-  FIR is a written document prepared by
East India, Guwahati (Multi-State). the police, when they receive
 NECTAR Livelihood Improvement information about the commission of
Project (Multi-State). any cognizable offence. It is the first
 Promoting Scientific Organic Agriculture step towards registering of an offence,
in North-East India (Multi-State). which further leads to investigation by
 Construction of Aizawl By-Pass on the the police.
western side.  Information about any cognizable
 Gap funding for the Passenger Ropeway offence is written down by the police as
System for Pelling to Sanga-Choeling in an FIR, under Section 154 of Criminal
West Sikkim Procedure Code (Cr.PC). The term FIR,
however, is not mentioned either in the
14. Answer: (a) Indian Penal Code or the Criminal
Explanation: Procedure Code.
Cognizable Non-bailable Offence Important Constituent of Section 154 –
Offence Cr.PC:

 Cognizable  Non-bailable o Every information relating to the

offence has offence has also commission of a cognizable offence
been defined been defined must be reduced in writing.
under the Code under the Cr.PC. o Such written information about the
of Criminal  When a person is commission of the offence must be read
Procedure accused of non- over to the informant.
(Cr.PC). bailable offence, o Such written information must be
 Cognizable then in such a signed by the informant.
offence means a case, bail can Zero FIR:
case in which a only be granted  When a police station receives a
police officer by the Court and complaint regarding an alleged offence
may arrest not by an officer. that has been committed in the
without  Application for bail jurisdiction of another police station, it
warrant. has to be made in registers an FIR, and then transfers it to
 Cognizable the Court in such the concerned police station for further
offences are cases of non- investigation. This is called a Zero FIR.
usually offences bailable offence.  Since the FIR is registered outside the
which are jurisdiction of the assigned police
serious in station, no serial number is assigned to
nature, like it and instead it is assigned a number
murder, rape, “0”.
dowry death, Such FIR is registered, irrespective of
kidnapping etc. the area where the offence has been
committed. After the police station
15. Answer: (a) registers a Zero FIR, it transfers it to
Explanation: the jurisdictional police station,
First Information Report (FIR): where the offence has occurred.

16. Answer: (b)
Ukraine borders Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia.

17. Answer: (a)

Rivers draining into the Black Sea: Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, Don.
Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is located on the Dnieper River.

18. Answer: (c)
The European Union Member States: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland and Germany – and Russia are all directly bordering the Baltic Sea. Parts of Norway and
Belarus, both no riparian countries, are in the catchment area of the Baltic Sea.


19. Answer: (a)
The World Social Protection Report 2020-22, brought out by the International Labour
Organization (ILO), shows that spending on social protection (excluding health) in India is
1.4% of the GDP, while average for low-middle income countries is 2.5%. This continued
negligence does not bode well for inclusive development in India.

20. Answer: (a)

The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline is a 1,200-km pipeline that runs from Ust-Luga in Russia to
Greifswald in Germany through the Baltic Sea. Nord Stream 2 runs parallel to an existing gas
pipeline, Nord Stream, which has been working since 2011.

21. Answer: (a) Vitality and Endangerment Framework. It

Explanation: provides for 6 categories of the
The degrees of endangerment of a language endangerment of the languages.
have been based on UNESCO’s Language Endangered Languages:

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 10
UNESCO provide a classification system to • Shikhara (superstructure) rises over the
show just how 'in trouble' the language is: Garbhagriha and together with sanctum
• Vulnerable: Most children speak the they form the Vimana (Mulaprasada) of
language, but it may be restricted to a temple.
certain domains (e.g., home). • A ribbed stone, Amalaka, is placed atop
• Definitely endangered: The children the Shikhara with a Kalash at its finial.
no longer learn the language as a • An intermediate Antarala (vestibule)
'mother tongue' in the home. joins the Garbhagriha to an expansive
• Severely endangered: The language is pillared Mandapa (porch) in front,
spoken by the grandparents and the chiefly facing east (or north).
older generations, while the parent • The temple may be approached via
generation may understand it, they do entrances with gigantic Gopurams
not speak it to the children or among (ornate entrance towers) towering over
themselves. each doorway.
• Critically endangered: The youngest • In the Prakaram (temple courtyard)
speakers are the grandparents and the several minor shrines and outbuildings
older, but they speak the language often abound.
partially and infrequently. • The Vimanas are either stellate, semi–
• Extinct: There are no speakers left. As stellate or orthogonal in plan.
per UNESCO, India has 197 languages • The intricately carved banded plinths, a
classified as ‘Languages in Danger’. distinguishing characteristic of the
Some of these languages include: Hoysala temples, comprise a series of
Apatani, Asur, Bodo, Ho, Manipuri, horizontal courses that run as
Jarawa, Ladakhi, etc. rectangular strips with narrow recesses
Five languages from India have been between them.
marked as extinct. • The temples are sometimes built on a
raised platform, or Jagati, which is used
22. Answer: (c) for the purpose of a Pradakshinapatha
Explanation: (circumambulation).
The Chalukyas are considered as the
Temple Location Dynasty
inventors and the developers of the Vesara
Kesava Temple Somnathpur Hoysala
style of architecture.
Chennakeshava Belur Hoysala
24. Answer: (d)
Virupaksha Hampi Vijaynagar
Books Written By Ramanujacharya:
Meenakshi Madurai Pandyas
Temple • Vedartha-Sangraha: A treatise
presenting the tenets of Visishtadvaita,
a reconciliation of different conflicting
23. Answer: (d) Shrutis.
Explanation: • Sri Bhashya: A commentary on
The Hoysala Temple Architecture: Vedanta Sutras. Sri Bhashya is Sri
• A cuboid cell, Garbhagriha (sanctum Ramanuja’s magnum opus, which is the
sanctorum) houses a centrally placed greatest commentary on Brahma
Murti (enshrined icon) on a Pitha Sutras.
(pedestal). • Gita-Bhasya: A commentary on

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 11
• Vedanta-Dipa: A commentary on • Moksha, or spiritual liberation, is seen
Vedanta Sutras. as the joy of contemplating the
• Vedanta-Sara: A commentary on Brahman (rather than release from the
Vedanta Sutras meant for the life-death-rebirth cycle), and that joy is
beginners. the result of devotion, praise, worship
• Saranagati-Gadya: A prayer of complete and contemplating the divine perfection.
surrender to the lotus feet of Lord
Srimannarayana. 26. Answer: (b)
• Sriranga-Gadya: A manual of self- Explanation:
surrender to Lord Vishnu. In 1930, C.V. Raman became the first
• Shri Vaikuntha Gadya: Describes Shri person from Asia to be awarded a Nobel
Vaikuntha-Loka and the position of the Prize in any field of science. The date of the
liberated souls. discovery, February 28, is now celebrated
• Nitya Grantha: A manual intended to as the National Science Day in India. He
guide the devotees about day-to-day was awarded the Noble Prize in Physics for
worship and activities. his study on scattering of the light and the
Advaita Anubhuthi is written by the discovery of the Raman Effect.
Advaita proponent Adi Shankaracharya. Applications of the Raman Effect:
• Raman amplification, based on the
25. Answer: (b) Raman scattering, where the lower-
frequency photons are pumped to a
high-frequency regime with a surplus
amount of energy. This method is
• One of the main branches of the applicable to telecommunications.
Vedanta Philosophy of Hinduism.
• Raman spectroscopy, which works on
• It is a Sanskrit term that is the basis of the Raman Effect and finds
commonly translated as “qualified applications in various fields, like in
non-dualism” or, precisely, “non- nanotechnology to understand the
dualism with differentiation”. structure of nanowires, in biology and
• Ramanuja believed that knowledge medicine where the low-frequency DNAs
(Jnana) and devotion (Bhakti) were of and proteins are studied and chemistry
equal importance. And identified a to understand the structure of
personal God with Absolute Reality, or molecules and their bonds.
the Brahman, as mentioned in the • Raman scattering is used in remote
Upanishads and the Vedanta Sutras. sensing and planetary exploration.
• Raman scattering is used to sense the
• According to the Vishishtadvaita minerals in Mars.
Philosophy, the Brahman is eternal, but
also includes the elements of plurality.
27. Answer: (c)
• The soul, or self, and the material world
both exist only through the Brahman.
A gravitational lens can occur when a huge
• Vishishtadvaita does not see the world
amount of matter, like a cluster of galaxies,
as simply illusion, which would make it
creates a gravitational field that distorts
separate from the Brahman. The
and magnifies the light from distant
material world is a part of the
galaxies that are behind it but in the same
Brahman's nature.
line of sight. The effect is like looking
through a giant magnifying glass. It allows

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 12
researchers to study the details of early  Unclear Price Determination: Because
galaxies too far away to be seen with the crypto assets are only used to trade
current technology and telescopes. a small number of commodities, their
Smaller objects, like individual stars, can price determinations in relation to the
also act as gravitational lenses when they sovereign fiat currencies are uncertain.
pass in front of more distant stars.
 Induces Inequality: Apart from the
critical price stability difficulties, they
28. Answer: (d) also have the potential to exacerbate
Explanation: inequality, as only a few have access to
The Indian Neutrino Observatory: it.
• It is a proposed Particle Physics  Environmental Impact: The overall
Research Mega Project.
carbon footprint of the crypto
• The objective of the Project is to study currencies is comparable to that of a
neutrinos in a 1,200-metre-deep cave.
few megacities, and mining assets in
• The Project is proposed to be set up at
this manner is unwieldy, energy-
Pottipuram village, in Theni district, in
inefficient and unsustainable.
Tamil Nadu.
• The proposed site in Theni district
was identified because the rock burden 30. Answer: (a)
of over 1 km in all directions shields the Explanation:
detector from other cosmic rays. The amount of energy produced from
• Since neutrinos can easily pass through fusion is very large – four times (400%) as
anything, they will reach the detector, much as the nuclear fission reactions.
while other particles will be filtered out
As of now, nuclear fusion energy is using
by the rocks in the mountains.
higher atoms of hydrogen, and not oxygen
• The geographical location is also
or nitrogen.
peculiar, as all the existing neutrino
detectors (in other countries) are at No country, including India, produces
latitudes larger than 35 degrees North nuclear fusion energy for commercial
or South. purpose.
The International Thermonuclear
29. Answer: (d) Experimental Reactor (ITER) is an
Explanation: International Nuclear Fusion Research and
Issues with Application for Crypto Mega Engineering Project. This Project aims
Currencies: at transition from the experimental studies
 Currency qualities and monetary of plasma physics to full scale electricity
regulations have developed and are well producing fusion power station. So, it will
regulated, and it is unclear if crypto be producing great amount of energy in
currencies are compatible with them. very less time and this has not been
 Macro-economic consequences of achieved in any fusion reactor. In this
Blockchain-based crypto currencies are Project, 7 members are participating
not well-understood. (funding and running), viz., the European
 The value of the crypto assets is Union, India, Japan, China, Russia, South
determined by their ability to be Korea and the United States. The focus of
swapped for other currencies. the Project is to develop a fusion reactor
that used helium 3 and deuterium.

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 13
31. Answer: (c)
Tokamak, a device used in nuclear-fusion research for magnetic confinement of plasma. It
consists of a complex system of magnetic fields that confine the plasma of reactive charged
particles in a hollow, doughnut-shaped container.

32. Answer: (d)

Recently, India has got Asia’s largest Bio-CNG plant in Indore. CNG stands for ‘compressed
natural gas.’ Bio-CNG is a renewable fuel obtained by purifying Biogas – in contrast to CNG,
which is a non-renewable source of energy. Biomethane can also be compressed and bottled
into cylinders, and it is called Bio-CNG, or simply Compressed Biogas (CBG). It contains about
92%-98% of methane and only 2%-8% carbon dioxide. The calorific value of Bio-CNG is about
52,000 kilojoules per kg, which is 167% higher than that of Biogas. High methane content
and calorific value, combined with the low quantity of moisture, hydrogen sulphide and
impurities, make Bio-CNG an ideal fuel for automobiles and power generation. The low emission
levels of Bio-CNG make it a more environment-friendly fuel than Biogas.

33. Answer: (b) (iv) Soil and water quality appraisal in the
Explanation: salt affected land forms of Nagapattinam
The National Natural Resources district (Tamil Nadu), using the Remote
Management System (NNRMS) scheme of Sensing (RS) and the Geographic
the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Information System (GIS) techniques; (v)
Climate Change is a Central Sector Application of remote sensing for integrated
Scheme. The prime objective of the NNRMS land use, water and energy management in
scheme is the utilization of the Remote the rural areas: Exploring energy
Sensing Technology for inventorization, plantation opportunities, public systems
assessment and monitoring of the country’s group; (vi) Land use dynamics and their
natural resources. impact on micro-elements, structure,
composition and diversity of the
The major achievements of the scheme,
Achanakumar - Amarkantak Biosphere
inter alia, include: (i) Development of
Reserve, using the satellite remote sensing
knowledge-based decision tool to simulate
and the GIS techniques; and (vii) Natural
the mechanism of vegetation change, due
resources assessment of selected eco-
to climatic change in the Western
tourism sites of Gujarat and its associated
Himalayan Eco-region; (ii) Monitoring of
environments, using remote sensing and
snow and glaciers of the Himalayan Region;
(iii) Desertification status mapping of India;

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 14
34. Answer: (c) Andhra Pradesh. In 2010, it was designated
Explanation: as a Biosphere Reserve. It is famous for the
The Satkosia Tiger Reserve is located in Red Sanders trees. It was formed during
Odisha's Angul district. In 2007, it was the Precambrian era. Minerals contained in
designated as a Tiger Reserve. It comprises these hills include sandstone and shale,
two adjoining sanctuaries of Central interbedded with limestone. They are
Odisha, named the Satkosia Gorge bounded by the Rayalaseema Uplands to
Sanctuary and the Baisipalli Sanctuary. It the west and north-west, and the Nandyal
is located in the Eastern Ghats
Valley to the north. Tirupati, a major Hindu
Mountains, where the Mahanadi River
pilgrimage town, is in the hills.
flows through a deep gorge. It provides a
habitat for the moist deciduous forests, dry
deciduous forests and moist peninsular Sal 37. Answer: (b)
forests. Explanation:
The Crimson Rose is a large swallow-tail
35. Answer: (b) butterfly, belonging to the genus Pachliopta
Explanation: (roses) of the red-bodied swallow-tails. A
The Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary is the black butterfly, with two white bands on
second largest Wildlife Sanctuary in the forewing and two rows of bright
Kerala. It is an integral part of the Nilgiri crimson patches on the hindwing. The
Biosphere Reserve. It is bounded by the shapes of the crimson patches vary. It is
Nagarhole National Park and the Bandipur found in India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and
National Park in Karnataka in the north- possibly the coast of western Myanmar. In
east, and on the south-east by the India, it is found in the Western Ghats,
Mudumalai National Park in Tamil Nadu. southern India (Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
The Periyar National Park is the largest and eastern India (West Bengal and
Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala. Odisha). It is a straggler in the Andaman
Islands. It is categorised as ‘Least Concern’
36. Answer: (c) as per the IUCN Red List.
The Seshachalam hills are the hilly ranges
part of the Eastern Ghats in southern

38. Answer: (d)

The single-use plastics are the goods made primarily from the fossil fuel–based chemicals (petro-
chemicals) and are meant to be disposed of right after use. Candy sticks, bottles, wrappers,
straws, bags, polystyrene (thermocol) for decoration and wrapping/packaging films around
sweet boxes are the examples of single-use plastics.
Pollution due to single-use plastic items has become an environmental challenge confronting
humanity. The Government of India notified the Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules,
2021, prohibiting identified single-use plastic items by 2022. In the 5th United Nations
Environment Assembly, a historic resolution was passed to end plastic pollution. It committed
the nations forge an international legally binding agreement by 2024 to end plastic pollution.
The resolution addresses the full lifecycle of plastic, including its production, design and
disposal. India imposed a nationwide ban on plastic bags, cups and straws on 2nd October,
2019, in its most effective measure to stamp out the single-use plastics from the cities and the
villages. India has received international praise for its “Beat Plastic Pollution” resolution, which

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was announced on the World Environment Day (5 June) last year and committed to eliminate
the single-use plastic by 2022.

39. Answer: (c) prosecution in the Special Court in

Explanation: respect of the cases investigated by the
"Special Court" under the Lokpal Act agency.
means the court of a Special Judge, The Lokpal Act provides supervisory power
appointed under the Prevention of of the Lokpal over the CVC and the CBI.
Corruption Act, 1988. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act do not
According to the Lokpal and Lokayuktas empower the Lokayukta to conduct
Act, 2013, a bench consisting of not less inquiry and investigations on the Chief
than 3 members of the Lokpal shall Minister.
consider every report received from the The jurisdiction of the Lokpal to include the
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Prime Minister, the Ministers, the Members
Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), or of the Parliament, Groups A, B, C and D
other competent authority – officers and the officials of the Central
(a) May grant sanction to its Prosecution Government.
Wing or the investigating agency to file However, the Lokpal shall not inquire into
charge-sheet or direct the closure of any allegation of corruption against the
report before the Special Court against Prime Minister on the matters of
the public servant. international relations, external and
(b) May direct the competent authority to internal security, public order, atomic
initiate the departmental proceedings or energy and space, unless a full bench of
any other appropriate action against the the Lokpal, consisting of its Chairperson
concerned public servant. and all members, considers the initiation of
The Lokpal may, after taking a decision on inquiry and at least two-thirds of its
the filing of the charge-sheet, direct its members approves of such inquiry.
Prosecution Wing or any investigating
agency, including the CBI, to initiate

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 16
40. Answer: (c)
Important Global Events on Road Safety:
o 2010 – Reduce Road Accidents by 50% by 2020 - The United Nations General Assembly
adopted the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, aimed at
reducing fatalities in road accidents by 50% by the year 2020.
o 2015 – The Brasilia Declaration was finalized at the Second Global High Level
Conference on Road Safety, held in Brazil. It laid down the recommendations on
strengthening the existing legislations, adopting sustainable transport and strengthening
post-crash response. In the Declaration, the participants re-asserted their commitment to
reduce the deaths caused due to traffic accidents to half by the year 2020. This target was
set under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 3.6.
o 2020 - Reduce Road Accidents to Zero by 2030 – The Third High Level Global
Conference on Road Safety for Achieving Global Goals 2030 – where it was
conceptualised to have zero road fatalities in India by 2030.

Targets of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being
for all at all ages.
3.1. Maternal Mortality: By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70
per 1,00,000 live births.
3.2. Neonatal and Child Mortality: By 2030, end preventable deaths of the new-borns and
children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least
as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live

RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 17
3.3. Infectious Diseases: By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and
neglected tropical diseases, and combat hepatitis, waterborne diseases and other communicable
3.4. Non-communicable Diseases: By 2030, reduce by one-third premature mortality from
non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and
3.5. Substance Abuse: Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including
narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol.
3.6. Road Traffic: By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic
3.7. Sexual and Reproductive Health: By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and
reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and
the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.
3.8. Universal Health Coverage: Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk
protection, access to quality essential health-care services, and access to safe, effective, quality
and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
3.9. Environmental Health: By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses
from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination.

41. Answer: (c) and universities, subject to the

Explanation: provisions of Entries 63, 64, 65 and
Delivery versus Payment (DvP) is the mode 66 of the Union List.
of settlement of securities wherein the o Entry 26 of the Concurrent List:
transfer of securities and funds happen Legal, medical and other professions.
simultaneously. This ensures that unless o So, based on Entry 25 of the
the funds are paid, the securities are not Concurrent List, two things are clear:
delivered and vice versa. DvP settlement 1. The State Government can legislate
eliminates the settlement risk in on the matters pertaining to medical
transactions. There are three types of DvP education.
settlements, viz., DvP I, II and III 2. However, the State Government
cannot legislate on such matters
42. Answer: (a) provided under Entries 63, 64, 65
Explanation: and 66 of the Union List.
Call money market is a market for State List:
uncollateralized lending and borrowing of o Entry 32 of the State List -
funds. This market is predominantly Incorporation, regulation and winding
overnight and is open for participation only up of corporations, other than those
to scheduled commercial banks and the specified in List I and universities.
primary dealers.
44. Answer: (b)
43. Answer: (c) Explanation:
Explanation: Offences under Part C of the Schedule of
o Entry 25 of the Concurrent List allows the Prevention of Money Laundering Act,
both the State and the Centre to 2002 (PMLA), deal with trans-border crimes
legislate on education, including and reflects the dedication to tackle money
technical education, medical education laundering across global boundaries.
Special Courts have been set-up in a
RAUSIAS-TS23E1002 18
number of States/UTs by the Central o In a major landmark case of Bachan
Government to conduct the trial of the Singh v/s the State of Punjab, the
offences of money laundering. The Supreme Court held that the death
authorities under the Act, like the Director, penalty given to a convict is
Adjudicating Authority and the Appellate constitutional and will be done in the
Tribunal, have been constituted to carry rarest of rare cases.
out the proceedings related to attachment o The Court said that death penalty is a
and confiscation of any property derived lawful infliction of death by the state as
from money laundering. a punishment for wrongful and heinous
Section 25 of the PMLA: The Appellate committed by the accused.
Tribunal, constituted under the Smugglers o The Court said that capital
and Foreign Exchange Manipulators punishment is not against the Right
(Forfeiture of Property) Act, 1976, shall to life and personal liberty, as
be the Appellate Tribunal for hearing the guaranteed under Article 21, because
appeals against the orders of the death penalty through capital
Adjudicating Authority and the other punishment has been established
authorities under the Prevention of Money under law (Section 366 of the Code of
Laundering Act, 2002. Criminal Procedure) and is a legal
Offences: process.
Under the PMLA, the commission of any o Thus, the state is empowered to take
offence, as mentioned in Part A and Part C away the life of the citizens through
of the Schedule of the PMLA, will attract procedure established by law, if they are
the provisions of the PMLA. Some of the found guilty of crime committed which
Acts and offences, which may attract the is punishable with death penalty and is
PMLA, are enumerated below: a rarest of rare cases.
 Part A enlists the offences under The Capital Punishment is based on ‘the
various Acts, such as: The Indian Penal deterrent theory of punishment’ and instils
Code; the Narcotics Drugs and the fear of punishment, including death
Psychotropic Substances Act; the among the wrong doers.
Prevention of Corruption Act; the The Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.PC):
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act; the  Section 366: When the Court of
Copyright Act; the Trademark Act; the Sessions passes a sentence of death,
Wildlife (Protection) Act; and the the proceedings shall be submitted to
Information Technology Act. the High Court, and the sentence shall
 Part B specifies the offences that are not be executed unless it is confirmed
Part A offences, but the value involved by the High Court.
in such offences is Rs. 1 crore or more.  Section 368: In any case submitted
 Part C deals with trans-border crimes under section 366, the High Court –
and reflects the dedication to tackle (a) may confirm the sentence, or pass
money laundering across global any other sentence warranted by
boundaries. law, or
(b) may annul the conviction and
45. Answer: (a) convict the accused of any offence of
Explanation: which the Court of Sessions might
Bachan Singh v/s the State of Punjab, have convicted him, or order a new
1980: trial on the same or an amended
o Hanging is done in India in the rarest of charge, or
rare cases as per the Criminal (c) may acquit the accused person.
Procedure Code.

RAUSIAS-1002 19
 Section 369: The death sentence shall the accounting guidelines prescribed for
be presided by a Division Bench (A market repo transactions.
Bench of 2 judges or more) and the In order to distinguish repo/reverse repo
order should be signed by at least two transactions with RBI from market repo
judges of the Bench. transactions, a parallel set of accounts
similar to those maintained for market repo
46. Answer: (d) transactions but prefixed with ‘RBI’ may be
Explanation: maintained.

The CCIL is the clearing agency for G-Secs.

It acts as a Central Counter Party (CCP) for 48. Answer: (c)
all transactions in G-Secs by interposing Explanation:
itself between two counterparties. In effect, Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of
during settlement, the CCP becomes the strong wind in the upper levels of the
seller to the buyer and buyer to the seller of atmosphere. The winds blow from west to
the actual transaction. east in jet streams but the flow often shifts
CCIL also guarantees settlement of all to the north and south. Jet streams follow
trades in G-Secs. That means, during the the boundaries between hot and cold air.
settlement process, if any participant fails Since these hot and cold air boundaries are
to provide funds/securities, CCIL will make most pronounced in winter, jet streams are
the same available from its own means. For the strongest for both the northern and
this purpose, CCIL collects margins from southern hemisphere winters.
all participants and maintains ‘Settlement The earth's rotation is responsible for the
Guarantee Fund’. jet stream as well.

47. Answer: (b) 49. Answer: (c)

Explanation: Explanation:
LAF is a facility extended by RBI to the The Fixed Income Money Market and
scheduled commercial banks (excluding Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA),
RRBs) and Primary Dealers to avail of an association of Scheduled Commercial
liquidity in case of requirement or park Banks, Public Financial Institutions,
excess funds with RBI in case of excess Primary Dealers and Insurance Companies
liquidity on an overnight basis against the was incorporated as a Company under the
collateral of G-Secs (Government Security) Companies Act, 1956.
including State Development Loans (SDLs).
FIMMDA is a voluntary market body for the
Basically, LAF enables liquidity bond, money and derivatives markets.
management on a day to day basis. The FIMMDA has members representing all
operations of LAF are conducted by way of major institutional segments of the market.
repurchase agreements (repos and reverse
repos) with RBI being the counter-party to
50. Answer: (b)
all the transactions. The interest rate in
LAF is fixed by RBI from time to time.
LAF is an important tool of monetary policy S.No. Place Location
and liquidity management. 1. Mohenjo-daro Sindh
The accounting norms to be followed by 2. Sutkagen Dor Balochistan
market participants for repo/reverse repo
3. Ropar Punjab
transactions under LAF and MSF (Marginal
Standing Facility) of RBI are aligned with

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