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Minda Sari 19022028

Dosen Pengampu: Elise Muryanti, M.Pd

Departemen Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini


1. Please write down your Name, Student’s Register Number/ NIM, and your class section/
2. Please listen to the video topic 1 till 10, and answer the following questions
3. Please submit your answer sheet due to April, 8th 2022, thank you


Topic I. Environmental Impact of Logging

1. What do trees provide?
Producing oxygen, preventing floods and landslides, and maintaining groundwater reserves
are some of the benefits of trees for human life and all living things. Trees also have an
ecological function which is very important for the preservation of biodiversity, as well as
providing economic benefits derived from wood, sap, leaves, fruit and others.
2. What are the benefit of trees to aquatic habitats?
preventing erosion, regulating the water system, lowering local temperatures, a place for
animals to live, maintaining the balance of nature

Topic II. Bird Migration

1. What does the bird sanctuary provide?
asylum is a shelter given to someone else for some reason. It provides a wetland habitat that
has become very popular with migrating birds, some across the Sahara.
2. How was this sanctuary built?
 install bird feeders
Installing a simple bird feeder is the first step and an easy way to bring in more birds
 choose the right seeds and food
A birdeed mix with an assortment of small seeds, sunflower seeds, corn kernels, nuts and
fruit will cover all bases for most species. Black oil sunflower seeds are always a big hit,
especially in winter
 water sources
Installing a bird feeder or two is a great start for turning your property into a bird-friendly
habitat, but adding a water source will really make your backyard attractive to wildlife.
 vegetation and bird protection
You can make your backyard attractive to birds with just a little landscaping. Planted trees
and shrubs provide hiding places and nesting spaces, and hunting areas for ground feeders
such as Robins and Catbirds. Add a bird box or bird cage to encourage breeding. Leave dead
trees where they stand if you don't mind, and if it's safe to do so. It provides nesting sites for
some birds, and feeding areas for woodpeckers.

Topic III. Plant Life in the Taklamakan Dessert

1. Why aren’t there a lot of plants throughout the Taklamakan dessert?
The desert is an area that is not easy for plants to grow, because it is very hot during the day,
freezes at night and lacks water. The Taklamakan Desert is actually known as the warmest
and driest desert in China. However, don't think that the weather in this desert will always
drain your sweat. In winter, the temperature in this desert can get very low. The record cold
temperature in the Taklamakan Desert is -32 degrees Celsius.
2. Are there still a lot of stressors on the dessert fringe, please mention?
no. only about the problem of weather conditions in the desert

Topic IV. Peripheral Vision on Sports

1. How does vision affects an athelete’s performance?
yes. Vision can affect the performance of an athlete because in a competition athletes must be
able to see what is faced in front of them so they can think of strategies to be used to win a
match. an example of one sport is playing basketball, when athletes have visual impairments
while playing they will find it difficult to see people around even the ring that is the goal.
when athletes are unable to control these conditions it will certainly affect their performance
while playing
2. What does the basket ball player need to pay attention to?
 The ball can be thrown in any direction using one or both hands.
 The ball can be hit in all directions using one hand, but may not be hit using a fist
 Players are not allowed to run while holding the ball. The player must throw the ball
from the point where he received the ball, but is allowed if the player is running at
normal speed.
 The ball must be held in or between the palms. Arms or other limbs are not allowed to
hold the ball.
 Players are not allowed to butt, hold, push, hit, or tackle an opponent in any way. The
first violation of this rule will be counted as a mistake, the second violation will be
sanctioned in the form of disqualification of the violating player until his team's
basket is entered by the opponent's ball, and if the violation is committed with the aim
of injuring the opponent, then the violating player will be subject to a penalty of not
being allowed to play throughout the match . At this time, substitutions are not
 An error is made by a player when he hits the ball with a fist (punching), violates
rules 3 and 4, and violates the things mentioned in rule 5.
 If either side commits three consecutive fouls then those errors will count as a goal for
the opponent (consecutive means without any counter fouls by the opponent).
 Goals occur when the ball thrown or hit from the field enters the basket, in this case
the player guarding the basket does not touch or interfere with the goal. If the ball
lands on the edge of the basket or an opposing player moves the basket, it will not
count as a goal.
 If the ball goes out of bounds, it will be thrown back in and played by the first player
to touch it. If there is a difference of opinion about possession of the ball, the referee
will throw it into the field. The ball thrower is given 5 seconds to throw the ball in his
grip. If he holds longer than that time, then possession of the ball will change. If either
side does something that can delay the match, the referee can give them a warning of
a violation.
 The party that manages to put the ball into the most hoops will be declared the

Topic V. History of the Circus

1. Please make a brief history of the spring field circus
Each performance shown in the circus has its own history. Shows of acrobatics, balance and
juggling are known to have existed since the time of Ancient Egypt, or around 2500 BC.
Meanwhile wild animal attractions were exhibited in gladiatorial performances in the Roman
era. At that time, the thing that became an attraction was still limited to the ferocity of wild
animals, not having special skills like in a modern circus. While in China and Greece, they
also have distinctive performing arts that are displayed in front of the king or for the
entertainment of the people.
Before the Roman Colosseum was founded, the first stadium in Italy was the Circus
Maximus, which was built in the 6th century BC. Circus Maximus is an oval-shaped field and
circuit, with pillars at each end, as well as several seats for spectators. The stadium was used
for chariot races pulled by horses, called Ludi, a folk entertainment in Roman times. In
addition to chariot races, performing activities at Circus Maximus also include religious
activities and parties.
In the 18th century, circuses spread throughout most of Europe, but only a few reached the
Americas. Until finally in 1793, John Bill Rickets, a Scottish equestrian, held a show in
Philadelphia, United States. The show consists of horse riding, tightrope walking,
pantomime, and clown entertainment. Thanks to the variety in his shows, Bill Rickets is
claimed to be the first person to bring the circus to America. Even the first animal attraction
show was carried out by him.

Topic VI. Uses of Leisure Time

1. Please mention some of intellectual activities based on text, what are they?
 take additional classes
 go to a new place
 enjoy the natural scenery
 Gathering with Closest Persons
 take part in social activities
 Reading book
 watching movies
 distribute hobbies
 Take Care of Yourself
 exercising
2. Why does people who engage in a variety of active past times tend to be healthier both
physically and emotionally?
ancient people lived in a traditional era. the environment and the food consumed comes from
nature without pollution and the interference of technological tools. everything that is
consumed and the activity that they do becomes positive energy for the body, it is different
today which tends to damage parts of the body so that it is susceptible to disease

Topic VII. First Headlamps

1. Why does train travel became increasingly common in the mid to late of nineteenth
At the end of the 19th century, cities in Europe were getting bigger so that the streets were
even more congested. To solve this problem, London tried to build a railway that was
placed under the city streets. This was felt to be quite effective and big cities began to
implement similar things in their cities. With so many companies entering the railroad
industry, the competition is getting tougher. Companies are increasingly competing to
create the fastest trains in the world. In 1964, Japan also created the shinkansen, a bullet
train, which won a record as the fastest train consistently. Until now, the shinkansen is
considered the fastest public train ever.

Topic VIII. Major Subway of Europe

1. Please explain about London’s underground, what does it look like?
The London Underground (also known as the Tube or the Underground) is the electric rapid
transit network serving the City of London and Greater London areas such as
Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. This network has a total route length of 402 km
with 272 stations. The Underground is the oldest rapid transit system in the world, having
been in operation since 10 January 1863 on the Metropolitan Railway which is now part of
the Ring Line and the Hammersmith & City Line and the Metropolitan Line. In addition, it
was also the first network to operate electric traction trains in 1890, now part of the Northern
The Underground logo in the form of a red circle with a blue horizontal rectangle in the
center has become an icon for the city of London and will be immediately recognized by the
public. The blue rectangle says UndergroundD or if it is used as a station sign it will say the
name of the station.

Topic IX. Electric Cars around the Globe

1. Where are the urban and rural areas located?
Rural communities and urban communities are not two completely separate communities. In
fact, there is a close financial relationship, which is dependent, because the city depends on
each other in meeting the needs of its citizens for food, the village is also a source of manual
labor for certain types of work in the city. Cities also produce goods that are also needed by
rural people, cities provide personnel who serve the fields of services needed by rural people

Topic X. Origin of Writing

1. Room A and C, what are these rooms all about?
In hotels, rooms are categorized and priced based on bed size, number of beds in the room, as
well as furnishings, interior design and ancillary amenities. A guest room classified as
"single", for example, could indicate a smaller room, twin beds, the number of occupants that
have enough space, and the like. Currently there are even rooms with a more special type and
have a special theme.
2. What is the speaker favourite part of the museum?
historical heritage. favorite part of the museum when seeing some historical relics from
centuries. seen today is very unique when you are used to objects in modern times, different
from objects in museums. there are various paintings that have their own meaning and

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