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Midterm Exam (Term 3/2023)

Instructor: Ajarn. Suttipong Kiartivich Time: Take Home Exam

No. of Pages: Minimum 5 pages (not include cover page)

NAME :…Nongluck Jaipakdee………………………………………………………………………........

STUDENT ID. NO. …2103030003……Roster No……1……………


Parts Description No of Possible Score


Part I Critical thinking / 1 30

Total 1 30

Midterm Paper.
Take any one or more of the topics that we have covered during this term
and write a logical, analytical, and critical paper on the subject(s).
The paper should include information that you have researched in
addition to the lecture. Add new information that is relevant and recent. In other
words, find new information to add that you found interesting that I have not
covered during the lecture.
In essence, the multidimensional answers need to demonstrate your
critical thinking skills through (1) Knowledge; (2) Comprehension; (3)
Application; (4) Analysis; (5) Evaluation; (6) Creation/Synthesis.

(1) Knowledge: Exhibits previously learned material by recalling facts,
terms, basic concepts and answers.
(2) Comprehension: Demonstrating understanding of facts and ideas by
organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions and stating
main ideas.
(3) Application: Solving problems by applying acquired knowledge,
facts, techniques and rules in a different way.
(4) Analysis: Examining and breaking information into parts by
identifying motives or causes; making inferences and finding evidence to
support generalizations.
(5) Evaluation: Presenting and defending opinions by making judgements
about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
(6) Creation/Synthesis: Compiling information together in a different way
by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.

Essential elements required for the paper:

1. Describe: Write about the facts, process or event. Write in a systematic
order, and emphasize the most important points.
2. Explain: Focus on the ‘why’ or ‘how’ of a particular issue, to clarify
reasons, causes and effects.
3. Argue: Systematically support or reject a point of view by presenting
4. Critique: Identify and discuss both the positive and negative aspects of
a topic.
5. Compare and contrast: Find the similarities and differences between
two or more ideas, events or interpretations.
6. Relevance: it directly answers the question
7. Understanding of the topic
8. Evidence of the use of appropriate material (e.g. books, journal articles,
9. Organization of material into a coherent structure: introduction,
argument and evidence, conclusion
10. Clear style, including accurate spelling, clear sentence construction
and punctuation
11. References
12. Bibliography
13. Use of own words, except where directly quoting from another source
14. Language: avoidance of inappropriate slang, racist or sexist language

The paper should be a minimal of 5 pages (not including the front

page or the References): 4 A, double space, format paper with APA Sixth
Edition. There is no maximum page limit.

 *** SUBMISSION on : MIDTERM  7 MAY 2024,

8:30 – 9:30 (WEEK 6)

 Only accept submissions online via the submission link in the


PowerPoint presentation: Materials According to Blackboard learn

Creative advertising is a form of marketing that uses original ideas,

designs, and stories to communicate their ideas or promote their products and

services. To create an advertisement that will be able to showcase what they are

selling, look at the brand, understand how they differentiate, and point out who

their target audience is (University, 2014). Creative advertising is all about

using visuals, sounds, and words to communicate their brand to their customers

and potential customers. Using advertisements to capture the attention of

potential customers and their target audience. The goal of creating a creative

advertisement is to make the brand unique and stand out from the crowd and all

the possible competitors in the same field. By using creative advertising, it

allows the brand to create brand awareness and boost its sales. Creative

advertising needs strategic thinking as well as creativity, and individuals with

creativity can produce authentic advertisements to promote their brand

(University, 2014). Creative advertising is in between the borders of

psychology, art, and commerce, having the power to be able to capture, inspire,

and create impacts. With today’s media landscape, where the consumers are

overthrown with many countless messages trying to grasp for their attention,

being able to create a unique and captivating advertisement is an advantage

towards the business. As its center, creative advertising is just more than selling

products and services; it is about making connections, drawing out emotions,

and influencing perspectives. To be able to understand the psychology behind

creative advertising creates an advantage for marketers to pinpoint the consumer

behavior and make them able to create and deliver a more meaningful message

that can relate to their audiences.

Advertisements are a special element that is used regularly in the business world

in the context of marketing. It is one of the ways that we, as producers, are able

to convey the message to our consumers. Before we are able to produce an

advertisement, we need to establish a media plan. In terms of advertising, the

media plan points out the audience, location, timing, reach, frequency, cost, and

goals for placement of your ad campaign (Pych, 2023).

1. Goals: it is the first thing in creating a media plan which is to be able

to make a clear and measurable objective that the advertising

campaign can reach. Whether the purpose is to increase brand

awareness, generate leads, or to establish a goal that can act as a

guideline for the different decisions to be made.

2. Budget: to be able to allocate financial resources effectively is

essential to ensure the success of the advertising campaign. The

budget is there to help outline the media plan and the total amount that

is set for the advertising expenditure, also for the different media

channels based on the effectiveness and is it able to reach the

3. Placements: to select the most suitable media placements is very

important for reaching the target audience effectively. To be able to

identify the distribution channel whether it would be TV, digital,

outdoor advertising, radio or print by being able to identify it makes

the message clearer and it makes sure that they reach the right people

at the right time.

4. Timing: timing is a very important factor because it has a very

important role to play in the success of advertising campaign,

consumer behavior tends to change due to different factors such as

holidays, cultural events, and seasonality. The timing of the

advertisement is very important because of the duration of the running

advertisement has the impact to maximize the engagement.

5. Reach: the goal of the media plan reaches s to be able to maximize the

number of individuals within a given target audience who has access

to the advertising message. By being able to identify the media

channel and the strategies used, advertisers can boost their brand

visibility and make it more well-known to different target audience.

6. Frequency: frequency means the number of people that are exposed

to the message in a specific time period. To be able to achieve the

right balance between frequency and reach it is an asset in creating

brand awareness and putting the message out there again without

making the customer feel to overwhelmed or forcing.

7. Costs: to optimize the ROI (return on investment) of the advertising

campaign it requires a cost-effective management. The cost of the

media plan outline includes media placement, distribution, production,

and other related expenditures.

8. Ad Specs: ad specification means the technical guidelines and

requirements to creating an advertisement which meets the

specifications of the different media channels.

9. Creative: the creative part of the media plan focuses on making an

engaging and compelling ad content that fits with the target audience.

From using eye-catching visuals and persuasive copywriting, creative

visuals that plays an important role in capturing the audience attention,

creating feelings, and driving action.

10.KPIs: KPIs (key performance indicators) are used to evaluate the

success and effectiveness of the advertising campaigns. To establish a

KPIs it allows advertisers to measure their progress towards achieving

campaign goals and make data-driven decisions to enhance


Overall being able to establish a well-crafted media plan that has a clear goal

and allocates resources to selecting optimal placements and measure the

performance. By using the ten components in the planning process, advertisers

are able to maximize the impact, reach, and effectiveness of their advertising

campaigns, producing results and achieving their marketing goals.

To be able to create a successful. Creative Ads that engage your audience and

are able to entice them to wanting more they start with a hook. The hook is the

attention-grabber which can be a captivating video, eye-catching headline, a

banner, the hook is very crucial. Being able to hook your audience makes the

next step vey easy because then you engage them with a story. People are

normally naturally drawn to stories because of the way it makes them feel. By

including the element of storytelling into your advertisement, you can form a

deeper connection with your audience. Finally, you are able to capture our

audience attention with your story it is the next part where we offer. It is the

part where we are going to provide value and encourage your audience to take

action and do something. The framework that could be used in shaping the

structure of your ad would be the “AIDA funnel”, which stands for attention,

interest, desire, and action (Siu & Written By Eric Siu Eric Siu is a seasoned

entrepreneur and CEO of the digital marketing agency Single Grain, 2023).

1. Attention: to grab the attention of your target audience.

2. Interest: after we have grabbed their attention it is important to keep our

target audience interested. Engage them with visuals and contents that

would keep them hooked for longer and eager to learn more.
3. Desire: once we are able to build the interest and attention, we then need

to build up the desire of wanting the thing we are offering our consumers.

4. Action: the final stage is to provide our audience with a clear action such

as guiding them towards the action that we want them to take such as

making a purchase, contacting our business, and etc.

In conclusion, as an advertiser, marketer, or businessman/women; if we are able

to produce an ad campaign where we can entice and keep our target audience

interested until the point that they purchase or use our products it is a success.

Creating an advertisement is simple and anyone can produce one but to create a

creative advertising it includes many factors and attributes that we need to

include into our ad to make it interesting for our viewers. Once. We are able to

create a meaningful, unique, and creative advertisement that hooks our audience

we have achieved our goal.


University, F. (2014). What is creative advertising?. Falmouth University.

Pych, J. (2023, October 10). Media Planning Basics: The 10 parts of a media plan. Bionic
Advertising Systems – Media Planning Software and Media Buying Software.

Siu, E., & Written By Eric Siu Eric Siu is a seasoned entrepreneur and CEO of the digital
marketing agency Single Grain. (2023, November 22). Why ad creatives are the key
ingredient to successful ads. Single Grain.

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