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ai Designation: D 4097 - 95a‘? Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Resin Corrosion-Resistant Tanks* ‘hasta aud unr the Sc dination D 097 th mmr mda following he desinton nets the sear of cipal adopon or he ese evs. the ear of st evn A wmber ih preessnlcts the yea a eager A ‘sper epon nds an itor change ice the at even o ego “= Noe—Corocions were made to 62.1 and Table X2.1 i Anus 196, 2 Note Covet wee ate to Fae Ua he svn eu in 62.1 in Peay 199, (© None—Comertm we mae so ane tn Soe 198 1. Scope LI This specification cavers cylindrical tanks fabricated by contact molding for ahave-ground vertical installation, contain aggressive chemicals at essentially atmospheric pres- sure, and made of « commercial-grade polyester or vinyl ester, resip. Included are requirements for materials, properties, ‘design, construction, dimensions, tolerances, workmanship, and appearance, 1L2 This specification does not cover the design of vessels intended for pressure above hydrostatic, vacuum conditions, except as classified herein, or vessels intended for use with liquids heated above their flash points. 1.3 The values given in parentheses are provided for infor- ‘mation purposes only. None 1-Special design consideration should be given to vessels subject to superimposed mechaicalfoess, such 2¢ earthquakes, wind load, or agitation, fo vessels subject to service temperate in excess of 60°F (82°C), and to vessels with unsupported bottoms ‘Nowe 2—There i ao similar or equivalent 150 standard LA The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 11, of this specification: This Standard does not purpon wo address all ofthe safety concerns, ‘any, associaved with es use. It isthe responsibiliyyof the ser, of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita tions prior to use. 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: C581 Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of ‘Thermoseiting Resins Used im Glass Fiber Reinforced Structures Intended for Liquid Secvice” C582 Specification for Contact-Molded Reinforced Ther- "Thi spittin i under the jurition of ASTM Corie D-20 on Pesta and the dhect mapensy of Suteommiee D203 om Renee (Caren elton sppented Ost 10,1098 Puihad Dear 1935 Originally AnaclBeok of ASTM Seana, Nol 080% Capt AST, 0 Rar Hat Crab, PDE 26D a St -mosetting Plastic (K't#) Laminates for Corrosion Resistant Equipment” D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulation Materials for Testing 638 Test Method for Temile Properties of Pastis* 790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Mater- als? D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics? 12150 Specification for Woven Roving Glass Fabric for Polyester-Gilast Laminates! 2583 ‘Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of « Barcol Impressur 2584 Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinfincet Resins’ 29% Specification for Filament-Wound “Fiberglass” (Glass Fier Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe! 1.2997 Specification for Centrfugally Cast “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosening Resin) Pipe! 1D 3802 Practice for PackagingPacking of Platics* 4024 Specification for Machine Made Fiberglass Flanges? 1.5421 Specification for Contact Molded Fibenslass Flanges F 412 Terminology Kolating to Plastic Piping Systems? 2.2. ANSI Standards: B 16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125, 250, and 8007 164 Stect Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings? 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions —Definitions are in accordance with Termi- nologios D 883 and F 412, unless otherwise indicated. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: > nol Book of ASTM Stor, Vl 0801 “Doron sce 86 tal Book of ASTM Stand, Yo O02 * Amal Bak of AST Siandords, Vo 08.3, "Asie fom he Amin Natal lands Iie, 1 W. 2a Sts 1h Flor, New York, SY 10036, (b D 4097 ‘TARLE 1 Minimum Accaptabie Contact Molded Laminate Physica! Propartios Fane Tks, Tawa eeew aa es S78) ___d/bmdw BS odo) ‘Tiina tenale awe min, on Pa) 3 000 (20 2000 273) 1 ooo 90.) 7 000 038) Femi srena mmr!) 0.000(1 103) 8000 (310) 20000 (1358), 220m 517) Feral radius etsy anger) (WPa)__ 70000048753) 200 00.5 158) saan 2083) + ven i) 32.1 comact molding—includes the “hand lay-up" of @ combination of the “hand lay-up" and the “spray-up" mana- facturing processes, 4. Classification 4.1 Tanks meeting this specification are classified according to type. It isthe responsibilty of the purchaser to specify the requirement for Type Uf tanks, the operating pressure or actu levels, andl the safety fieior required far extersal pressure. Absence of a designation of type required shall imply that Type Fis adequate 4.1.1 Type Atmospheric pressure tanks vented directly to the atmosphere, designed for pressure no greater or lower than stmospheric 4.1.2 Type I—Atmospheric pressure tanks vented directly into a fume conservation system, and designed to withstand, the specified positive aud negative pressure not w exceed LA in of water (355.6 mm) whew all tie-down lugs are moperly secured, in accordance with the fabricator’s recommendations Tor tat-bottom tanks, ‘12 Tanks meeting this specification are classified according to type as follows: 42.1 Grade 1—Tanks manufiotured with a single generic type of thermoset resin throughout. 42.2 Grade 2—Tanks manufactured with diferem generic types of theimeset tesin in the bactiet and the stuctural portion, [Not 3—The external comasive environment de to spillage or como ave vapors should be wonsidered when apesilying Grads 2 tanks (6 7133) 5, Materials and Manufacture 5.1 Resin —The resin used shall be a commercial grade, carasion-resistant thermoset that has either been evaluated in 2 Tamsin hy est nv acon with 11-3, ar dha has heen determined by previous documented service to be acceptahle for the service conditions. Where service conditions have not been evaluated, a suitable resin may also be selected by fgrcement between fabricator and purchaser Sill The resin shall contain no pigment, dyes, colorants, or filler, except as follows: L.A thixotropie agent that does not interfere with visual inspection of lasminate quality, or with the required tvtosion resistance ofthe famine, tay be added fv viscose contro [Nore 4—The ation ofa thixoropic agent may reduce the resistance of any rein systema to cettin corrosive chemical environments, ti the respansiiity ofthe fabricator svn a thioropie agent im the rein required for 71 and 7.12, asst compaibity with the ‘onrsive envionment when tis has heen repninet hy the purchaser Rosin pastes used to fill crevices before overlay shall not be subject tothe limitation of $.1.1 Resin may contain pigment, dyes, or colorants when agreed upon between fabnicalor and purchser. ‘Nore S—The addition of pigment, des. or colorants may inertee with visual inspection of laine quay Ultraviolet absorbers may be added for improved ‘weather resistance if agroed upon betwoen the fabricator and the purchaser. Antimony compounds oF other fire-retardant agents may be added to halogenated resins for improved fire resis tance, iPagreed upon between the fabricator and the purchaser Nore 6-—ecavse the ation of Fire retardant agens may interfere with visa! inspection of fina uly. hey should note Used i the nner surtace (7.11) of afenor layer (7.12), unless thei functional audvanages would outsigh te loss of visual inspection, 5.2 Reinforcement: 52.1 Chopped-Strand Met—Chopped-suand mat shall be constructed from chopped commercial-grade E-type glass sirands bonded together using w binder. The strands should be treated with a sizing that is chemically companble with the resin system used. Nore. 7—The selection ofthe particular chopped-stand mat is depe dene upon the performance characteristics required of he falshsd peu tnd upon the processing techniques to be used 5.22 Nomvoven Biaxial or Unidivectal Fabrie—These products shall be a commercial grade of E-type glass iber with, 4 sizing that ie chemically compatible with the resin system, used, 5.2.3 Woven Roving —Woven roving shall be in accordance with Specification D 2150 5.24 Surface: Mat—The reinforcement used for the inner surface (7.1.1) shall be cither 2 commercial-grade chemical resistant glass surface mat or an organie-fiber surface mat. In environments that attack glass, the use of an organic-fiber surface mat is required. 6, Design Requirements 6.1 Straight Shell The minimum required wall thickness fof the cylindrical straight shell at any Aid level shall be determined by the following equation, but shall not be loss than where: 1 ~ wall thickness, in. (an) Sip = allowable hoop tensile stress (not to exceed Yiw of the lullimate hoop strength). psi (kPa) (see 11.8), P= pressure, psi (kPa, Hf = Mid bead, in. (nam), Y= ypevilie privity of Aid, st D_ = inside diameter of tank, in, (mm) Nore 8-The use of am acceped analytical technique, such as lami- tod pate theory (LPT), for design and analsia of eompouite vessels may predict soesses. strains and strength om a ply-by-ply basis, given ‘om tate lamina properties, ‘Neve 9—The ealentron 1 sable for rhe shel sign af evant ished-horlom tanks tht are mounted or supported bslow the tangent of the dishedchonnm head “Sporn cnnsiderinn nist he elven ta the Teading on the stsight shell at th support when tank hse mounting supp cated abovs the tangent lie Nowe 10—Table X21. Appendix X2,lastates minima stuight-hel 6.2 Design for Eternal Pressure: 6.2.1 Cslindrieal Shells—For cylinchical shells, compute the value 1.73 (D,/". If the result is less than L/D, of the cylinder, compute P , as follows: 2, 20BFuD JL, Ifthe result is greater than L/D,, of the eylinder, compute P, as follows: LeLEHEMD,LWHD, TD a5, cunside diameter. i, lower of hoop tensile modulus or axial tensile modu Jus, psi (kPa F = design factor = . = design length, in. (mmm), of a vessel section, takin as the largest of the following: (a) the distance between hhead tangent lines plus one-third the depth of exch formed head, if there are no stiffening rings (exctud- {ing conical heads and sections); (5) the distance between cone-to-cylinder junctions for vessels with a cone oF conical heads if there ate no stiffening rings (c) the greatest center-to-center distance between any ‘oo adjacent stiffening rings; (d) the distance from the center ofthe frst stiffening ring co the formed head tangent line plus onesthied the depth of the Fernie fncad (excluding conical heads and sections), all imoasured parallel to the axis of the vessel; (e) the distance trom the test stlfening ring un the eylinder to the cone-to-eylinder junction, FP, = allowable extemal pressure, psi (KPa), and ¢° = wall thickness. in, (ram) (nominal) 62.2 Torispherical Heads—For torispherieal heads, com- pute the allowable extemal pressurs, P ,, as follows: Py OE HOR. F whore: R,, = outside crown radius of head, in. (mmm). 6.23 Silfening Rings-—The required moment of inertia, ,, ofa circumferential stiffening sing for eylindsical shells under extemal pressure or infernal vacuum shall not be fess than that determined by the following: ~ PL Fae where: P= shell ouside diameter, in, (mm), E, = hoop tensile modulus. pst (kPa), FP = design factor = 3, J, = moment of inertia, in(mm'), of sttfener for the elfective fength of shell 2, 1, = one-half of the distance ffom the centerline of the stiffening ring to the next line of support on one side, plus one-half of the conteriine distance to the next fine of support on the other side ofthe stiffening ring, both measured parallel to the axis ofthe eylinder, in. A tine of support is the following: (a) a stiffening ring that meets the reyuitements of this paragraph (A) a circumferential fine on a head at one-third the depth ‘of the head from the heed tangent line; (©) @ cone-to-eylinder junction, jctual external pressure, psi (KPa), ‘Typical hall-round stiffener sizes and dimensions for differ. ent values af J, afe shown in Fig. 4. Other stiffener profiles meeting the required moment of inertia may be used. 63 Top Head—The top head. regardless of shape. shall be able to support 250-Ib (113.4 ky) loal on a 4 by din (100 hy 100 mm) area without damage and with a maximum deflection of 4% of the tank diameter. 6.3.1 The minimum thickness of the top head shall be (68 mm) Nor H-Support of auxiliary equipeent, snow lad, or operating personne, may requ adstonalrinoneoment athe wee wf stenng ‘bs, or both, sandwich construction. or ohersttening sysems, 64 Bottom Head: 64.1 The minimum thickness for a fully supported ft bottom head shall be as follows: Ye in. (48 om) for 2 to 6-f (0.6 to I.8m) diameter, Yen. {6:4 mm) for over 6 to 12-H (1.8 to 3.7-m) diameter, and ¥% i, (9.5 mm) for over 12- (3.7 m) diameter 6.42 Botiom heads may be molded integrally with the sraightshell, or may be molded separately with & straight ‘lange length for subsequent joining to shell 6.4.3 The radius of the bottom knuckle of a lat-bottom tank shall be not less than | in. (25 mm) on tanks 4 for smaler in dligmeter and 1.5 in GR mm) on eke farger than 4 fin diameter. The mvinimumn thickness ofthe radiused scetinn shall bbe equal to the combined thickness of the shell wall and the bottom. The reinforcement of the knuckle-adius arca shall taper so that is tangent tothe Hat bottom, and shall not extend ‘eyond the tangent line oto the tak bottom, unless methods ‘of manufacture are used that maintain fal-botiom configuta- tion, and shall extend up the vertical tank walt a minimum of length 2" of 8 in. (203 tam) on tanks up to 41219 man) in diameter. and 12 in. GOH mm) on tanks over 4 f (1219 mm) in diameter. The reinforcement shall then taper into the side wall ‘over an addtional length * Af” of 4 in, (102 mam) (soe Fig, 1. Methods of manufacture that incorporate stiffening bands as a means of knuckle stabilization, are permissible alternatives by agreement between purchaser and fabricator, provided that the fabricator can document the validity of design, 6.44 The tank bouwom shall not have variations trom a nominally Mat pine dhat would prevent uniform contact of the entire bottom surface with 2 properly prepared support surface Pe €h 0 4097 Tank bottom must be flat over Aigute 18 Fer Integral Hecd to Shell ie |e 5) bas ca wal Foe FIG. 4 Flat-Bottom when the tank is filed with liquid, The bottom laminate surface shall he 2 hand-work finish and shall have no excessive laminate projections that would prevent uniform contact with a properly juepared at suppont su ace whem the tank is filled with liquid ‘Non 12—This requirement snot intended o exclude the use of dain noeren, which are commonly used atthe bottom of the side shell However fnandion cucu aterequinn of he appropeate dimensions Tir nozle type and sie 6.45 The thickness of an elevated rorispherical dished hottom, suitable for supponiing the weight of the fluid head, shall be determined by the following equation, but shall not be less than ¥in in, (4.8 mah 885 PHS ~ 0.885 (0.036 HR) Sor (BBS (0.2489 y HAYS) where: 1 = thickness. in (onm) S = allowable stress (not to exceed 1/10 of ultimate strength), psi (kPa) (see 11.8), y= specie gravity of fuid B ~ gwessure. psi (aPa). R= inside radius of dished head, in, (mm), and 1H = distance trom the top ofthe fluid to the deepest portion ‘of the bottom, in, (rm). Nore 13 This equation and the sltemstive shown in Appendic X3 sould be used with caution sineeobjoton hasbeen raised concen ‘oir applicslty to RTR outarils,Diseotiity sence at the lle should be consdcred, This 1 under sty and thi document ll be Minimum thickness of cllipsodial heads, 2:1) shall he exlenated as Fallows Interior ‘ery R Tank bottom must be flat over engin of debe cohforcing LSS SERIES, cones S Soe tone ot toxam reoe Tank Commer Detail 6.45.2 Minimum thickness of conical heads shall be caleu- lated ae follows oo Beowiat wher: [Mu = one half of included (APEX) angle of the cone atthe ccemterline of the head (not greater than 30°) 64.6 The torispherical dished-boiom head shall have a radius of curvature that is equal to or less dian the inside diameter of the tank straight shell, and a minimum knuckle radius of at least 6 % of the diameter of the head. 6447 Deflection of the flat bottom when the tank is empty, commonly known as “oil canning,” is permissible as Tong as the requirements of 6.4.4 are mel, 6. Open-Top Tonks—The top edge of open-top tanks shall have a horizontal reinforcing flange or other means of tein- forcement sufficiently rigid to maintain the shape of the rank installation. The flange shall be iw accordance with Table 1. See Table 2. 6.6 Joints TABLE 2_ Standard Tank Insce Blamoters co em = my Boro; e727 95 08) 30 769) (824) 108 2743) Bota) be Gere) ‘20 (048) a2 (06h Te 929) 122 93591 face, tae (088) (ib D 4097 6.6.1 The cured resin surfaces to be overlayed shall be roughened using 36 of coarser grit abrasive media, ‘The roughened arca shall extend beyond the lay-up area so that no rinforeement is applied to an unrougheneal surface Surfaces shall be clean and dry before lay-up. The entire roughened area shall be coated with paraffinated resin after the joint lay-up is made, 6.62 The secondary laminate joints are used to join hoop segments ofthe straight shell, o fo join the bottom or top head to the shell, The thickness of the structural joint overlay shall ‘be equal to the shell thickness as determined in 6.1 66 9 The mininnuin with of the structural joint evesiay for bottom supported tanks is shown in Table 3 668 The corrosion-resistant barier component of the joint shall be formed in the same manner as the inner surface and the interior layer (7.1.1 and 7.1.2) and shell not be considered a structural element in determining joint thickness. The mvini- ‘mum overlay width shall be 4 in. (100 mam) 6.65 The thickness of a joint near the bottom tangent line shall not he considered to conaribute to the knuckle reinforce- ment of 64.3, but shall be additive thereto, 6.7 Fidings: 6.7.1 The more common method of fabricating nozzles is by contact molding both the nozzle neck and flange to the dimensions shown in Table 4. The corrasion-resistant barrier of the nozzle shall be at least equivalent to the inner surface and imerior layer (71-1 and 7.1.2) and shall be fabricated from the same resin as the tank head or shell 10 which itis attached. 6.7.2 Accepiable alternative methods ate the use of coma molded pipe, flament-wound pipe in accordance with Speci fication D 2996, or centifugally east pipe in accordance with Specification D 2997, joined to a suitable contact-molded {Specification D 3421}, compression-molded, or filament- ‘wound flange (Specification D 4024), The corrosion resistant barter of the contact molded portions of such nozzles shall be ‘equivalent to the inner surface and interior layer (7.1.1 and 7.1.2) and shall be fabricated fiom the same vesin as the lak hhead or shell to which itis etached. 6.73 Nozzles 4in. (102 mm) and smaller shall be supported by a suitable gussoting technique using plate gussets oF conical ‘gussets, as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig, 3. Plate gussets, where needed, shal be evenly Spaced around the nozzle and are to be aaikied safer complete assembly of nozzle on shell. Larger nozzles, subject fo superimposed mechanical forces, require special consideration 6.74 Manways installed in top heads may be of the flanged design or of a nonfianged design, as agreed upon between the Fabricator and purchaser. Side-shell manways shall be in accordance with 732 and 73.3. ‘ Typical manway dimensions are shown in Table 3 or 11 (1.X sigh shal may aed th tp and sde-sell opening tuanways ow safety ad maintenance easier, 6.758 Vents 6.7.1. Vents that discharge freely wto the atmosphere shell bbe provided in all Lype I closed top tanks. Minimum vent size stall be suiicient to handle the Row displacement of all, combined inlet or outler nozzles without eeating any pressure above simaspheric pressure, or any vacuum condition, Nowe 15_Spavil vont suing comtideration should be given to the snamerous operating situation that could otherwite cause postive oF 3 ‘TABLE 3. Minimum Wieths of Jolet Overlay for Circumferential Joints wets of aise (ram Co a HP stance rom he op of the nus evel to Be a, and 1B niga ameter oh tan, 4) “Asa onl overly wit hal etic the wit shown ine tb aC eek Ce ) @p D 4097 TARLE 4 Reinarcing Flange for Opan-Tap Tanks*? A Farge Panga Drarnons vom Biesioy 4(1215) B(HRD) BRAD) SEG) Wao RIE) OR) — YM Wah, (mm) Thane inom) Pro x x x = o = 7 © z Ten 1a nz, a a a © 2 E F & 5 Die) aay cuit) a a a e . e r S c zie 1/203) roam a a a c 3 e F & Bo 2tyaien 3710) 10028) a a a € 3 E F & ELEY MTC) (388) x a 8 ° ° E F c : fos.) aati) Wieser a 4 3 ° e e F & ° 30) 1/203) wear a 4 ¢ E 5 6 6 H H 3m) aya) ieesee) a a € e F & 8 5 i 30m) 37809) mnaen) 2 a 5 F F 5 * : x ate) 4a) 2G) & . 3 t & f : « aio a e e & 4 H k k Beltoom Ok 8 € a k K slew) A ° c u a K Roatan merge al aera ae a a A RE Banga nctoss set be aot it ance sess wal css e LOS a na sr] in polyester r 4 eenurmen FIG. 2 Platectype Gussote 2 plies of (ote ueye’) [Nove Thi design dacs not require lay-up of nozzle neck \o exterior tank wall FIG. 3 Conical-Tyne Gussets gave ene in # ch tai, Sines orci «eke tah with top vent can aussi fo be overpreesurizad a sully siz overflow ot ‘ther approprite protection may be equzed wo preven overpresaing the ‘3k 676 Type 1 tanks shall be designed to withstand the specified positive or negative pressures not to exceed 14 in, of water (355.6 mm). Special design consideration shal be given te buckling of tank wall and heads, the hold-down lug system, andl top and bottom knuckle requirements. Fluid level in the tank is an important consideration in the analysis, Hlat-bottom tanks shall have all hold-down lugs properly secured to the foundation, in accordance with the tank fabricator’s recommendation for the design of the lugs used Gp D 4097 TABLE 5. Typical Dimer Nore 1—Bolt size equals bot Hole diameter minus in. (3 ma) Nore 2 Gaskets shell beni. thickfulbfoeeletomcric material heving hardness of Shore A sions of Manways, ‘man Drie Meira Tans of arr way Wal tunmon —“fargearacavee “rime aa ore “noma "clare Ce, Mamet ct Sot Hoe Dat in ne int inn mimpee oe min) Presswd Waruay ab IS pag 2 273/260) Vasa) ric 25160) 2» aac) 2 sins ‘esa sates re) z ahater u ae! 1syaiatoy antes) 294/240) e seat MonaayAortahrePressire vp 003 509 » 7/240 Yoon ace 09) » vegen 2 wires sees Vaes os 2 722% a Era weiss) ia tsa) soso) ie satan = O08 m [Ey (ASMELANEI B88) 2 Ota [0 mn cnr corte of oct bot hes ASMEANG 8 168) oe in 3 recat tntweon bt ce on carton and forthe tank installation and operation. 90% of the resin manufacturer's minimum specie badness 68 Hold-Down Lugs—Hold-down lugs shall be a requit ‘ment on al tanks for outdoor service, on all Type Hl tanks, and fon tanks subject to seismic loads or vibrations. The dasign ‘number and attachment of such lugs isthe responsibility of the fabricator, based on the wind, seismic, and other loads speci- fel by she purchaser 6.8.1 Hold-dowa lugs shall be placed on the tank in such a way that they do not protrude below the bottom surface of the tank 6.9 Lifting Lugs—Lifting lugs or other provisions for HiRing tanks {see Appendix X1} shall be provided for tanks over S00 1 (227 kg) in weight 7. Laminate Construction Requirements 7.1 Sieturad Tank—The laminate comprising the struc. ‘weal tank (bottom, cylindrical shel, top head) shall consist of 1 corrosion-tesistant barrier comprised of an inner surface interior layer, and a structural layer. TAT Inner Suface—The inner surface exposed tw the chemical environment shall be a resin-rich layer 0.010 and £0,020 in. (0.254 to 0.508 mm) thick, reinforced with a suitable ‘chemtcal-resisiant glass-tibersurlneing mat or with an organic Aber surfacing mat, in accordance with $2.1 Nowe 16—Thisresinsich ir surface will wally contain Iss than 20% by Weight of reinforcing mera. 7.1.2 Interior Layer—The inner surface layer exposed to the corrosive cavironment shall be followed with layer ‘composed of resin, einforeed only with noncontinuous elass- Biber strands applied in 2 minimum of two plies of chopped strand mat equivatent to a total of 3 o2/M°(0.92 kim"). AS an alternative, a minimum of nwo passes of chopped roving of ‘winimury length 0.5 in. (13 mm) to a maximum length of 2.0 in. (50.8 mm), shall be applied uniformly to an equivalent weight. Each ply of mat or pass of chopped roving shall be well rolled prior to the application of additional reinforcement. The ‘combined thickness of the inner surface and interior layer shall not be Tess than 0.19 in, (2.5 mm. Glass content of the innerliner and the interior layer combined shall be 27 = S% by weight, when rested in accordance with 1.4 The dewiee of eure of the laminate shall be suck as to exhibit « Barcol hardness on the inner surface of at least for the cured resin, when tested in accordance with 11? and Note 19, Note 20, and Note 21 7.13 Contact Molded Seucrural Laver in Top and Bontom Hoads—Suinseqquent reinforcement shall be comprised of 1.3 ‘oz/ft (0.46 kg/m’) chopped strand mat or equivalent weight of chopped roving or shall be eoupised oF chopped strand sat or chopped roving and such additional nmber of alternating plies of 24 oriyd'(0.81 kg/m!) woven roving or 18 o2iyd(0.61 gin?) nonwoven biaxial fubric to a thickness as required to ‘meet the physical properties that are used for the design, The use of woven roving is optional, The designations of these specific weights of glass reinforezment are for reference only and_may be comprised of other weight combinations of reinforcement materials, when agreed to hotween the fabricator and purchaser. Bach successive ply of pace of reinforcement shall be well rolled prior to the application of additional reinforcement. Where waven raving of nonwoven fabric 1s used, choppedt sinind glass reinforcement shall be used as alternating and final layers. AH waven roving and nonwovrn, fabric, surfacing mat shall be avertapped. Laps in subsequent layers shall be staggered atleast 2.2 the preceding layer. When the outer surface of this structural layer isto be subject 10 spillage or a corrosive environment, a resin-rich layer in avcordance with 7.1.1 shall be applied over te final layer of reinforcement. in, (60 mo) fiom laps in Where airinhibited sesin is exposed to aig, full surface cure shall be obtained by costing such surface with a coat of resin containing 0.2 to 0.6 % paraffin with a melt point of 122 w 126°F (50 10 52°C). Other wehniques such as sprayed, wrapped, or overlaid films ate also acceptable methe ods to attain surface cure. The acetone sensitivity test may be used t0 check surfice cure (see Note 20), Tanks used for outdoor service or subject to ultra violet exposure shall incorporate provisions to minimize ult violet degradation, Suitable methods include use of ultraviolet absorbers. incorporation of pigment of sufficient opacity in the ‘ter surface of the resin rich layer, or use of resins inherently resistant to ultraviolet degradation. Since pigmentation makes, inspection dificult, it shall be added aller inspection otherwise by agreement between the purchaser and fabricator (ib D 4097 7.1.4 All woven roving, nonwoven biaxial fabri, and sur- Facing mat shal be overlapped. Laps in subsequent layers shall be staggered at least 2.23 in, (67 mm) from laps an the preceding layer 7.1.5 Where woven roving or nonwoven bisxial fabric is used. choppet-strand glass reinforcement shull be used as alternating and final layers. 7.2 Joints 7.2.1 The width of the first layer of joint overlay shall be 3 in. (76 mm) minimum. Successive layers shall uniformly increase in width to that specified in Table 6 fo form a smooth contour laminate centered on the joint. 7.2.2 A highly filled resin paste shall be placed in the crevices beoween joined pieces, leaving a smooth surface for lay-up. 7.2.3. The cured resin surfaces to be joined shall be rough- ened using 36 or coarser abrasive grit media to expose glass fibers, This roughened aren shall extend beyond the lay-up areas so that no reinforcement is applied to an unprepared surface. The entire roughened area shall be coated with paraffinated resin after joint averlay is made. 72-4 The interior averlay of a joint shall consist of minimum of two plies of 1.5 oz/t%(0.46 kg/m’) chopped strand ‘mat reinforcement, followed by a resin-tich layer reinforced with surfacing mat. This overlay shall be the equivalent of V1.1 and 7.1.2 combined, and shall be centered on the yon. It shall be finished in accordance with 7.1.3 7.2.3 The outer structural overlay ofa joint shall be centered fon the Joint, fabricated in accordance with 6.6.1, and shall be finished in accordance with 719 7.3 Fittings and Accessories 73.1 The surface of fitings, tank accessories, and the laminates requited for their installation, that arc exposed to the corrosive media, shall be constructed in accordance with 7.1.1 and 7.1.2, except for those fiting surfaces which are made by manufacturing processes other than contact molding, 73.1.1 The cut edges of all laminates exposed to the clvemical environment shall be sealed with laminate conforen- ing to TLE and 71.2, Where shape, thickness, or ether restrictions preclude covering the edges with the preceding laminate, such eut edges and any machined lange faces shall be at feast coated with resin, In either ease, the resin used shall be that used in the equipment laminate and finished an accordance with 7.1.32 73.2 Nozele and Manway Installation— Flanged noz2tes may be installed with the pipe stub flush withthe inside of the tank shell (Flush Type, Fig. 4) or projecting invite the tank (Penetrating Type, Fig. 5) 73.2.1 Noszte Projection—The installed nozzle shell main- lain a minimum clearance of 3 in, (76 mm) between the back face of the Mange and the exterier of the cutout opening reinforcement, In addition, this clearance shall not be less than the shear distance required for proper installation of the nozzle (900 1.5.3). 73.2.2 Cutout Reinforcement Laminate When a vessel shell or head is cut in an area bearing hydrostatic pressure, P, the eutout shall he reinforced on a circular area concenerie with the eutout as shown in Fig 4 md Fig 3 Acceptable patterns of reinforcement placement are shown in Fig. 6 Cutout Reinforcement Diameter— The outer diam- eter of the cutout reinforeing laminate ¢ shall not be les than to limes the nominal nozzle diameter. For nozzles less than 6 in, (152 mm) in diameter, the minimum cutout reinforcement diameter, d,, shall be the nominat nozzle size plus 6 in, (152 mm). 7324 Cato Reinfonemens Thiekness— The thickness, 1, fof the cutout reinforcement laminate for nozzles installed i cylindrical shells or dished heads shall be determined as Fallows: where = 1.0 for nozzles 6-in. (152-mm) diameter and larg K = did, d) for nozzles less than G10. {152-mn) dian P= hydrostatic pressure at the point of nozzle installation. psi (kPa), D. = inside diameter of tank, in. (mm), ‘5, = allowable tensile stess (not to exceed 1 / 10 of the tllimate strength of the eww reinforcing laminate) able 61, 4. = nominal nozzle diameter in. (num), and 4, = cutout reinforcement diameter, in. (mm) "This thickness, 1, may be applied to the outer or inner surfaces, oF be divided between thom as shown in Fig. 6. [None 1/—When J caleulated to bea, (4.2 mn) oF es, sam Bs dlregarded. asthe stength requirements willbe met by the overlay thicknoss shown in Fg. and ig 75.2.5 When reinforcing materials ate cut t facilitate placement arenind an installed nierle, joints in successive reinforcing layers should be staggered to avoid overlapping and (on cylindrical shell installations) shall not be placed so they parallel the axis ofthe tank. The inteat ofthis requirement 's f0 avoid orienting joints in ountoreing layers perpendicular to the maximum load-bearing direction (circumferential). 7.33 Nozzle Installation Laminates— Nozzle installation lemninate dimensions are shown in Fig.4and Fig. 5. Installation Fwninate placements ste shown in Fig 6. The all interior installation laminate placement is used only when the nozzle ‘being installed has an integral conical gusset preventing application of an exterior laminate. F331 Installation Laminate Thickness The inside and TABLE 6 Shear Bond Lenath (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) Now # Whe inset ov seven only as eorosian barcr, the toa shear length mus be plac on the exterior ery Pass. 1/48) 9/TOR) 3/AGH) T/A 1/209 9/wGs) 3/8c Tw 3/80) 7/8 TESA Wea) (gear ant in. 38) 376) 376) 31/2400) 44100) 4442 Sm «6/2 74178) 900) nat 0) at ae wag (ERI PS € aN FQ 5) fe & ‘bustae ener Bena Ges" 535) Pre ES ie Iran ise th 1S faaae’ nek tcknes, Cee Tabi 9) GHP ceifrcemet donwler (umes of 2 Gwe 3 or ¢ $,6,1n) (eee Serene le acs Sees 758) & > en, fein} ants Sr rit womans 73:32) Gee 7358 aes Stet raoreement nae (oe EP pevege tone Greater of or Sian 7335) Pree PT RIO Ghd an FIG, 4 Flush Nozzle Installation ‘outside installation thicknesses (rand .) combined shall be at Teast as thick as the nozzle neck. 73.5.2 Inside Installation Laminate Construction—Uhe in- side insiallation laminate shall be constnueted using only oncontinuous glass reinforcement, except that when woven roving is included 10 strengthen the laminate, it shall he preceded and fallowell by a layer of 114 07 mat and chen covered with a faminate equivalent to 7.11 and 7.1.2. When the inside laminate consists only of a corrosion barrier, the length of the laminate, i shall be a minimum of 3 in, and ‘shall be the lesser of in, or the nominal radius ofthe nozzle, Installation Laminate Lengths Ue length of the outside laminate, f,, and the inside laminate, shall each be equal to the shear length, 1, given in Table 6, based on the thickness of the individual Luminates 7.3.34 Innozzle installations where the installation overlay is installed before the cutout reinforcement has fully eure that portion ofthe overlay whieh extends onto the tank shell may be ‘considered to become a part of the cutout reinforcement laminate ifthe installation laminate fength is extended to the required cutout reinforcement diameter, Monolithic Installation—The tral bond thickness, fe shall be the greater of cither the cutout reinforcement thickness, oF the outside boud thickness, 734 Gussets—It gussets (ether plate or conical) are used to stiffen the installed vole, gusset installation kuninates are in addition t the requirements of 7.3.3. Typical plate type and conical type gussets are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Other gusseted nozzle installations may be used as agreed upon between fabricator and purchaser 73.5 Location of Cutouts on the Shell For cutouts made within 6 in. (152 mam) of the knuckle radius arca of a head oF within 6 in. (152 mm) of a shell-to-shell or shell-to-head joint, additional hole eutout reinforcement is requited, unless the area of inctallation is at a point within the Vessel that is not exposed to hydrostatic pressure 7.5.6 All nozzles and manvways shall be installed sn aocor- ddance with Fig, 4 and Fig. 5, Ihe interior overlay shall present the same corrosion resistance to the fluid as specified in 7.1.1 and 7.1.2. 8. Requirements 8.1 Physical Properties—The minimum physical properties of the laminate constructions used 10 manufacture various potions of a tank and is accesses all he ay shawn in Table 6 when tested im accordance with 11.5 and 11.6 or as agreed ‘upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser, 8.2 Degree of Cure Degree ofcure of the laminate shall be found by determining the Barcol hardness as indicated in 117 BE ine Sate Cai See fe ade sae Pa oe 9355) Boo Stare nat Re a “le 6) Tiina eae ctor meaty rmeeone 7.232) 1h 2 roam neck ‘etna (oe en {in = monet bord (gretor of tor tllowe 7.3335) Pr i icher (ot er ¢ Lefetiocae 378i. 5 tym FIG. 6 Per Nove 18-The use of ernie reinforcing materials may redave the arco! hardest readings without nocesaly Indiatng underure, Nove 19 A test forthe surface care of polyester eins isa follows Remove mold cease or pati wax, if preter and wipe clean of dust ala sll amount of acetone onthe laminate sre until it evagoats Ie the srtacebocomes softensd o tacky, Is an indeation of undercue 9. Dimensions and Tolerances 9.1 Standard tank diameters, based on internal measure ‘meats withthe tank in the vertical position, are listed in Table 7, Tolerance on the inside diameter, including out-of- roundness, shall be = 1 %. 9.2 Where employed, shell taper shall be additive to the figure used forthe tank diameter. unless mherwise specified hy the manufacturer and accepted by the purchaser. The shel taper shall not exceed ‘4 per side. 9.3 Tolerance on overall tank height shall be ¥6%, bul shall not exceed 1% in, (E13 mm} 9.4 Nozzle flange faces shall be perpendicular to the cen- terline of the pipe within tolerances shown in Fig. 7, and shall be fat within + 'Asin. (£08 mm) dhrough 18in. (457mm) nozzle size and Ye in. (1.6 mam) for lager nozzles sizes. Tolerances on installation are shown in Fig. 7. rating Nozzle ln 9.5 The standarel orientation af Flanges shall provide bolt hotes straddling the normal centerlines of the tank. Bolt holes ‘of flanges located on the tank top or bottom shall straddle the principal X-Y centerlincs of the vessel of lines parallel to it as shown in Fig. 7 9.6 The location of nozzles shall be held to the tolerances shown in Fig. 7 10, Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 10.1 The minimum acceptable level for workmanship and finish of the finished laminae shall conform to the require- ments specified in Sectiou 9 of Specification © 582, ‘Nore 20—A represen lamas sample muy be used for deen ation of an sccepiale surface fish and accepable level of visel Imperfections 11, Test Methods Ld Condetroning Condition the specimens prior to test at 23 = 2°C (70 to 77°F) for not less than 40 hin accordance with Procedure A of Method D 618, for those tests when condition- ing is tequired sn in all eases of disagreement 1.2 Test Conditions Conduct the test ata laboratory pb D 4097 ALL ExTERIOR auaweny CORROSTOW RARRTER ALL INTERIORS) oem won Sa Mu ETERTONCH) owe {This installation method i act only when the nocee is bing installed with an otra emical goss which would prevent sptiaton of FIG. 6 Nozzle Installation end Cutout Reinforcement Location Altemate temperante of 70 ta TF Q3 = 2°C) unless otherwise specified 11.3. Chemicul Resistance uf Resin—Determine the chen cal resistance of the resin in accordance with Practice C $81, 114 Glass Content—Determine the glass content of the snner linge and steno layer combuned, Obtain atest sample by carefully spliting these combined areas from the structural layer. The ylass content of the separated sample shall be determined in accordance with Test Method B 2584, 115 Tensile Sirengrh ‘Tensile strength of the laminate shall be determined in accordance with Method D 638, 116 Flexural Properties—Determine the flexural strength and tangent modulus of elasticity ofthe laminate in accordance with Method D 790, 11.7 Degree of Cure—Degroe of eure of the laminate shall be found by determining the Barcol hardness in accordance with Test Method D 2383, ILS Physical Properties Where ceguired, physical prop- erties shall he determined in aceordance with the test methods listed in Specification C 82. [Nome 21 A useful technique 19 chick fr eure of non molded surtace oFa polyester laminate isa flows: Rub a few drops of acecone fo the lariat saris unit evaporates the surface becomes salened or tacky. ean indication of under cure None 22—-Bave huliss values nay vary whines ave etl a temperatures hat ifr from ths shen 17 12, Product Marking 19 1 The tank shall he markeel 10 identify the producer, date fof manufacture. the capacity, all resins used, inner surface reinforcements. specific gravity, design temperature, and the words “Pressure-Atmospheric.” or the operating pressure and vacuum, shall be imprinted on the tank. 122 Additional marking requirements may be needed tor compliance with local codes. It is the responsibility of the purchaser or the user, oF both, to specify adaitional labelling requirements for the vessel, such as liquid content, operating and safety instructions, NEPA symhs, and any other warnings @ 0 4097 a “ks ‘TABLE 7_Dimonsione for Contact Molded Nozzle (25 psi Rating) Toa wae Verma Wal Tein Fangs sma Fa Veinan Diener (0, Tresose (ah Trikes. Thetness. ‘ena Oh Te5) 3/16) TA) 788) Ty 128 sh8e) a vate) 2159 2e4 3/188) 17218) 1206) 206 306, Site sata Yaw 20 (103) Shee) 17203) 1200) zim bus) 3/18) 12H) 17206) zon, been 3/16) s/s shisie aya roieoe, 3/108) nywen 3/0) 23/4) 12 (305) 3/188) aaa) aye, ‘Soe Yass, 4/26) : Frey aint) 46 406) iA) rhea) 3472 (60) ue Veh ‘iene 3 a/ls 201508) Ae 17203) 03) 2esi0) aie afi 12010 necessitated by local eas 13, Packaging and Package Marking LL All packing, packaging, and marking provisions of Practice [3892 shall apply to this specification 14, Shipping HL Since there are variations in the design of support cradles, lifting and hold-dawn lugs, and methods of shipping, the manufacturer's special instructions shall be followed in all 1-42 Tanks shall be mounted on cradles if shipping horizon- tally, or on a suitable skid of pallet if shipping in the vertical position. The cradles or skid shall be padded and secured to the hed of the vebicle in such a manner that will prevent damage fo the tank with nocmal handling. The tank shall be secured 19 the eradies or skid so that there can be no movement ofthe tank ina relation to the skid or cradle under normal handling. 143 A suitable stiffening member shall be provided at the ‘open enul of upensiop tamks 14.4 Tanks shall be loaded to provide at least 2-in, (50.8- ‘mm) clearance between the tank (including fitings) and the boulkhesds or bed of the vehicle 14.5 When two or more tanks are shipped on the same vehicle, sufficient clearance or padding shall be provided between tanks to prevent contact in transit, 14.6 Upon arnval at the destination, the purchaser shall be responsible for inspection for damage in transit. IP damage has occurred, claim should be filed with the carrier by the purchaser and the supplier should be notified. Ifthe damage is, not fist repaired by the fabricator prior to the tank being put, into service, the purchaser aecepts all fiture rexponsibility for the effects of tank failure resulting from such damage 15, Keywords 15.1 above ground: atmosphere: contact-molded: polyester: vinylester (b D 4097 ie Nozze nega Dima pw a2 [Nore [Larger toleranecs may be agreed upon between purchaser and fabricator for tanks over 12 fin diameter. FIG, 7 Nozzle Location and Orientation Tolerancoe APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) XI. HANDLING AND INSTALLATION X11 Handling XILL1 The following normal precautions should be taken in handling the tank at the destination: XIII Proper rigging practices should be observed at all limes. Hoisting equipment operators should atach a guide line to prevent the tank from swinging out of contrat XII12 The tank should not be deopped or allowed to ‘object. Damage enused by such action may stant Tine, as well as strike any ott result in eracking the inner corrosion: ‘he structural portion ofthe tank. XILLL3 The tank should not be rolled or slid on rough ‘round. Never set a lank upon a filing or other protrusion that may be attached to the shell XILLL4 In working around the tank, care should be exer cised 10 prevent tools, scaffolding. oF other objects from siking the rank or being dropped on, or inside the tank Solt-saled! shoes should be warn by workman entering the tank. Where ladders are used (incl and outside}, all paints of ‘contact with the tank should be cushioned to protect the surface from seratching or point loading XLLLLS The use of a crane is recommended, both in fiing ({]b D 4097 and positioning the tank. The clearance between the head shackle ofthe crane and the tank should be at feast equal to the span between the lugs used for lifting. If this is not possible, a spreader har mist he ssed tn approximate the same angle in lifting. XILI.L6 Where tanks are not equipped with lifting hugs, it {is recommended that such tanks be lifted with rope slings (over 1 in. in diameter) or fabric straps positioned near each end of the tank. Tanks can be moved by positioning forklift trucks on either side of the tank with forks padded. XI1LL.7 Under no conditions should chains or cables be allowed fo contact a tank Full protection nmust be provided when using chains or cables. Do not attach lifting devices to any fiting other than lifting lugs X11.1.8 When stonng the tank on the ground prior to ‘installation, i should be placed on the shipping cradles and tied own s0 that it cannot roll due to wind ot sloping ground, X12 Installation X1.2.1 Vertical Mat bottom tanks should be installed on a base providing continuous support and having sufficient strength to support the weight of the tank full of liquid wi igihle deflection Fall support of the bottom should be obtained by one of the following: X1.2.1.1 Ifthe surface of the pad and the bottom of the tank are flat and have no projections from the plane surface, the tank may be set on such a surface. X1.2.1.2 AF the conditions of X1.21-1 cannot be met, ‘methods of support recommended by the manufacturer should be used, X1.2.2 If the tank has a bottom drain, a hole should be provided in the pad with sufficient clearance so that the drain and its lange will not contact the bese at any point 1.23 Erection of Vertical Tank X1.2.3.1 Tanks should be handled with a crane, uilzing the lifting lugs provided. Do not attempt to lif the tank by attaching 10 olher fiings. Prior fo hoisting the top end. & suitable protéetion pad of material should be placed under the bottom pivot point of the tank so that as tho tank rises, the ‘strain is taken on the pad. The hoist ite should be connected to the top lifting lugs, and tank should be raised carefully using guide ropes to prevent sudden swinging X1.2.3.2 All hold-down tugs supplied should be utilized to secure the tank to its pad Hold-down hugs should he gronte ew shimmed to prevent excessive lnads being trans-ferred to the tank shel X1.2.3.3 Valves, controllers, or other heavy items connected to the tank nozzle should be independently supported. X1.2.34 When agitators, mixers. or conling/heating enils| are tobe installed, special design considerations are to be used TABLE X21 Wall Thicknesses* aif’ a8 pe a 7 Be Se Se Spe aye Swe aye sje spe aye spe ape aye Sys 37 4 Sy 3/18 318 3/18 3/1 3/18 Sie Syte 3/6 3/18 are Aye dhe Seis arte 3 Shi 3718 398 Ste Sp Syme Sassi She Sie ate ate eae ae s Roi ye Mae Aon yi ye Mae apn Aye tet a a Va ta 2 aye Ayis a)te ae afi afte aye tye te” ya Wats Ete Bite Byte 2 aye apie ate ase aie ays ha aoe aye Meek te Site Blas She Byte fie 4/48 3/48 1a ape ak afk tk Bie Byte Bye B/N fe a8 aye a/ie afte af 1d TPk ak tsk hae arte 5/8 v8 378 Ty Site Shite spt tye 8 te Tk Ste Byte Bye aye” Sia ye Whe Tye 2 syle 3p je tye pa fa Byway afm Yow 1p ve 2 She ia aya aya pe aw ane spe Spe ae fa wa va ae a apie ia ta tae BYie ste sie fe ae ae ia he she Diane om Tk Diamar, (St Unt) pe a Tite 1684802 «m em Wal Trees 12 rr ee er) Ge re ars are are 2a 47% 478 «478474747 ATG TB 6 635 6366358 208 (etm tree Ue 48 te eae Bae S38 bas Foe Foe Fae ae ie 4m thee Me 48 Ga baba a 7M 7H ie ae ae im 4% 4% Ate Oe b8s Ga 033 To tM fe 95) as abs Piers ers ee 635 To 983 85) 85) oH ete ame Gre bss B35 Gs Bas Tae rae 32 8 nn am 270 en ite Gas eas eae bas Tan at Foe re mere) 1 ie Gas Gas Gas as roe 7o8 988 fn 270 ter tas dst “Tuan boned one deg face of 1 $d kd apse goVy of 2 ung We vane atch ded 71.4772 and 74 Send Be ara lomite pry aoperton a Spectesn C582 Tob 7 (fh D 4097 1X2, WALL THICKNESSES X2.1_ The wall thicknesses shown in Table X2.1 can be used asa guide for tanks designed in accordance with the equation iw 6.1. using the minimum laminate physical properties given in Table 6. X3. DISHED BOTTOM X3.1. Analtemnative method for calculating the thick an elevated torispherieal dished! owtar eal is follows: (refer to Fig. X3.1) PRS = 0036 y HRL2S oF (02489 y HR.WI2S) 1.7 PR.W2S = 0.036 y HR. W28 or (0.2489 7 HR W2S) where: 1, = head thickness in area ofthe crown radius, in, (ram), 1, = bread thickness in aren oF the Knuckle tains, in (am) = allowable stress, psi (kPa), 4 = Specitie gravity of fluid P= pressure, psi (kPa). R= crown radius of dished head, in, (mm), Hf = Buid head, in. (am), We = steess intersification factor — (1/4) + square root Rt), and 7 = knuckle radius of the dished head, in. (mm). FIG. X3.4 Thiokness of Dishod-Bottom Head 1X4, EXPRESSION OF HOOP X4.1 The hoop tensile modulus of @ laminate, composed partially of filament winding and partially of a contact molded lines. is expressed by the following: where E, = hoop modulus of total laminate, NSH MODULUS OF 4 LAMINATE E yy = hoop modulus of flament winding, Fy” = modulus of lines 1° = tofal thickness, & liner thickness, and few lancnt wins thickness = This expression will give a good approximation of tot laminate modulus for values of Ep of 3:0-60 10" pi (207-414 kPa) &b 4097 in aman Sy nsig ant ata ae nan repactng ha way of a pate hater in cemmecon sunny tom mantoned nth staan Uren ot stars wa spre) sce at alan oe roy of ay eh alot he the of iingent of euch eh, reentry hon reponcty Te tarda e ub o evican a ary tin by to reper lehnl commtee ands be viene every Se years a \trtroied ier reapprove rman Yor smmeni ae red aero hs sted edd rare fd shoud be atest fo ASTM ladguaers Your convents al eave carl consuoa eee erase fectneat cnmitee, whch ov may ster ov fe ar eur ones Pave net eae 9 a Pea YouSTOGE Me JOU ‘ews snow othe ASTM Gormioe on Sandarcs 10 fa feenr Gre. West Gansnanonten PA T9278 Ti saa canyon oy ASTH 100 Ra Harr Dw. sea Conocean 8 UEZRPN Unt Sats eat repnns (angle or mute copes) of ne standard ay be abled By coracing ASTM al Da stove ators oo 10.8 9585 [Bnone) 61082 9595 (lx) or concent (rma or egh be ASTM webelofMpew sein)

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