Sarhain's Guide to the Silver Flame

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CREDITS over by her guardian, the dragonhound Skaravojen, and a
small congregation of priests. Artwork by LullabyDragon.

Designer: Luke Robinson

Editor: Matthew "Regitnui" Booth AUTHOR’S NOES
Playtesters: Amandine Bru, Elliot Robins, Jamie Evans, Steph
Millar This guide is at once a collation of existing lore, an expansion of
Cover Illustration: Front and Back Cover by LullabyDragon it, and in some cases, a disagreement with it. Everything in here
Interior Illustrations: Jaela Daran and Melysse Miron by reflects my own thoughts and views on the Silver Flame, and
LullabyDragon. Drego Sarhain and Solgar Dariznu by Kelsey some of it will disagree with or otherwise contradict what can
Baritell. Dax’Athla and Skaravojen by Nyra. Shulassakar by be found in canon sources. I hope you like what I’ve come up
Crowva. Couatl by Jacob E. Blackmon. Some artwork © with and enjoy reading it regardless! Eberron is a fantastically
2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights customisable setting, so I encourage you (with all sources) to
reserved. Tiefling by Blake Davis. DMsGuild creator packs take what you like and ignore what you don’t. At your table, the

provided by Wizards of the Coast. only Eberron that matters is your Eberron.
Character Cameos: Amandine Bru (Dax’Athla), Jason Pope-
Bayne (Taras Gileal), Rebecca Grey (Chantalyn Sarhain),
Samantha Flynn (Maria Knoxos)

Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Some material inspired by Cultures of Thrane and Politics of
Thrane by Joseph Meehan.
Some material inspired by and made in collaboration with
Ghaash’kala: Paladins of the Wastes. The Heretic’s Pyre and
Hope’s Meridian originally appeared in Hektula’s Khyber
Codex by Jamie ‘geckopirate’ Bernstein.
Material on Rellekor inspired by Tiefling Treatise by Megan
Caldwell. e
Intro fiction by Jason Pope-Bayne.

Thank you to everyone in the Eberron discord, including but

not limited to those above, for inspiring me to write this book,
and for helping me to hash out so many of the ideas present

Jaela Daran, the 11-year-old Keeper of the Flame, communes

with the Voice in the Flame within Flamekeep. She is watched

Disclaimer: The author of this book is not a rakshasa, and anybody claiming otherwise is clearly working to undermine the reputation of Thrane within t he global
community. Thrane opposes the children of Khyber in all their forms.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by Luke Robinson and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Chapter 1: The Silver Flame .............................................. 1
What is the Silver Flame? ............................................................ 1
Couatl and the Silver Flame ........................................................ 1
Aasimar ............................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2: The Church of the Silver Flame ...................... 1
Doctrine ........................................................................................... 1
History of the Church .................................................................. 5
Organization and Hierarchy ...................................................... 9

Thrane ............................................................................................ 17
Miron’s Tears .............................................................................. 19
The Pure Flame ............................................................................ 21
The Tarnished ............................................................................. 23
Chapter 3: Ghaash’kala ................................................... 27

History of the Ghaash’kala ...................................................... 27
Ghaash’kala Society ................................................................... 30
Adventure Hooks ........................................................................ 32
Chapter 4: Masvirik’uala ................................................ 33
History of the Masvirik’uala .................................................... 34
Masvirik’uala Society ................................................................ 36
Wyrmwatch.................................................................................. 37
The Poison Dusk ......................................................................... 38
Chapter 5: Shulassakar.................................................... 41 e
History of the Shulassakar ........................................................41
Shulassakar Society ....................................................................41
Chapter 6: Other Cultures and Serpent Cults................ 46
Church of Embers ....................................................................... 46
Qaltiar ........................................................................................... 47
Darkwatchers .............................................................................. 47
Chapter 7: Player Options .............................................. 48
Races.............................................................................................. 48
Cleric ............................................................................................. 48
Paladin .......................................................................................... 48
Monk ............................................................................................. 49
Wizard ........................................................................................... 50

Chapter 8: Treasures ....................................................... 51

Common Treasures ..................................................................... 51
Church of the Silver Flame Treasures ..................................... 51
Shulassakar Treasures .............................................................. 53
Chapter 9: Bestiary ......................................................... 54
Church of the Silver Flame ....................................................... 54
Ghaash’kala ................................................................................. 59

Masvirik’uala .............................................................................. 61
Shulassakar .................................................................................. 63
Couatl ............................................................................................ 66

Together, the couatl and the dragons went to war with
WHAT IS THE SILVER FLAME? the overlords. Two of their greatest sages, Hezcalipa and
Ourelonastrix, discovered the Draconic Prophecy and the
The Silver Flame is a gestalt celestial force that was
way to manipulate the future. The balance of power
forged in the Age of Demons, when the couatl sacrificed
during the first age favoured the fiends. The couatl soon
themselves to bind the overlords. Its power has been
realised that there was no scenario where the overlords
wielded by many champions across the ages, across the
were defeated without the couatl’s sacrifice.
world. The Silver Flame is not a god. It was created for an
Led by Hezcalipa, the couatl abandoned their bodies
explicit purpose: to be the cage that keeps the apocalypse
and fused their immortal essence together, creating a
at bay. It cannot influence the world on its own but can
well of pure divine energy, the Silver Flame. The Silver
empower mortals to fight for it. Ultimately, it is a
Flame could bind the overlords as they were defeated by

resource to be used to fight against evil. The Silver Flame
the dragons and other mortal species. Various groups
protects the entire world from the overlords. It doesn't
that worship the Flame believe that it is strengthened
elevate any culture or ancestry, and by extension, those
and reinforced by mortal souls.
who wield its power should protect everyone from evil.
While they were not completely removed from the

COOL, BUT WHAT IS IT? world, the couatl are thought to be extinct as individuals.

In their final days, the couatl prepared human
It could be that the Silver Flame is exactly what it seems volunteers from Sarlona, and tasked these humans with
to be, a gestalt celestial entity formed from the collective guarding their ruins, eventually creating the shulassakar
immortal essence of most of Eberron’s couatl. It is a and thus yuan-ti. The couatl also created the shared
force that permeates the world, like gravity, and while dream of the lizardfolk that would become the
there are locations where expressions of it are visible, Masvirik’uala, or Cold Sun Federation. The lizardfolk
it’s not a thing you can really see or visit. guided by these dreams work to prevent the release of
The exact nature of the Silver Flame isn’t known, but Masvirik, the Cold Sun.
there are likely multiple theories debated by scholars.
One such theory is that the Flame is a vast, continuous
metaconcert maintained by the couatl. The argument for
this theory is that the couatl were psionic, and often
blurred the line between the psionic and the divine. The
existence of the shared dream of the Masvirik’uala
seems to support this theory: as far as anyone knows,
The Silver Flame is one of the most common sources
of aasimar on Eberron, creating more of them than any
other force. The shulassakar are effectively one form of
Silver Flame aasimar, but not the only form this blessing
they don’t go to Dal Quor when they dream, so are likely
Silver Flame aasimar appear like their parent race, so
“dreaming” within the Flame.
human aasimar appear to be human, lizardfolk aasimar
It is also possible that the Silver Flame blankets the
appear to be lizardfolk, and orc aasimar appear to be
Material Plane in a manner like the Border Ethereal and
orcs. Many of them may also manifest some of the traits
could be considered its own (artificial) plane of
of the couatl, making them appear more like the
existence. This theory also allows for the Masvirik’uala
shulassakar, such as serpentine eyes or rainbow-colored
to dream within the Flame. Planar-powered magical

phenomena are not unheard of on Eberron. Irian and

Silver Flame aasimar are guided by the Flame, though
Mabar are examples, with energy from both planes
the form that this guidance takes can differ depending
powering Aereni deathless and undead respectively. This
on the aasimar’s culture. For aasimar in Thrane, who
theory also allows for the possibility of travelling or
follow the Church of the Silver Flame, this guidance is
seeing into the Flame itself.
delivered by Tira Miron, the Voice of the Flame. As an


extension of this, individuals that become the Keeper of
the Flame also become aasimar of the Silver Flame.
FLAME Silver Flame aasimar also appear among the

Ghaash’kala and the Masvirik’uala. The Ghaash’kala are

The couatl are celestials native to Eberron,
guided by Kalok Shash itself, which appears to them as a
mythologically the last children of Siberys, and much
group of spectral beings, some of which they may
like the children of Khyber, the couatl were born in the
recognize as other Ghaash’kala who fell in the line of
first age of the world. They appear as magnificent,
duty. The Masvirik’uala are guided by their shared
feathered serpents, often depicted by the Church of the
dream, the messages and stories depicted within
Silver Flame with rainbow-coloured feathers, though
pushing them in the right direction.
whether this is how they all looked or is an artistic
All these cultures respect the aasimar and seek to put
representation of the specific couatl that came to Tira
them to use. The Silver Flame doesn’t choose people for
Miron in her vision is uncertain.
no reason. An aasimar surely has a greater calling. Any
The couatl originated on Sarlona and are believed to
aasimar of the Silver Flame may also receive guidance in
have formed from the blood of Siberys after he was killed
the form of a couatl appearing in dreams or visions. It
by Khyber. The couatl were content to remain in Sarlona
could be that Tira Miron was an aasimar of the Silver
and let the dragons and other mortals explore the world
Flame herself.
until the rise of the overlords. When the fiends rose, the
Silver Flame aasimar take the Radiant Soul revelation
couatl initially fled to the continent of Xen’drik and hid,
at 3rd level, and manifest rainbow-feathered wings when
until they were eventually found by the dragons.
they use that feature.

For those that live in Eberron, the existence of practices of the Church of the Silver Flame and the
monsters is undeniable fact. Fiends and aberrations can Sovereign Host, and the two religions have coexisted
erupt out of Khyber at any time, necromancers can raise peacefully (and even collaborated on occasion) since its
the dead and bend them to their will, and it only takes a founding.
single bite from a lycanthrope to turn someone into a In Thrane, the Church educates people on how to
monster. The fiendish overlords embody the worst fears protect themselves and their communities against
of mortals and can influence the world around their supernatural threats. The faithful also believe that
prisons even while bound, and if any of them ever break desperation is the most common force that pushes
their bonds then the world as we know it will end. people to do evil, and so there is a direct effort to ensure
It is this idea that forms the basis of the Church of the that everybody’s needs are met. Shelter is found for the
Silver Flame. The Church itself was formed when Tira unhoused, surplus food is shared, and communities

Miron gave her life to pull Thrane back from the abyss, ensure that nobody goes without.
and in so doing revealed the extent of the danger. Some Services run by the priesthood are focused on building
might see the Church as merely a militant religious skills within the community, rather than sermons,
organisation and assume that it must be a force for ensuring that the community and its members can meet
oppression, and many of the older source books do their own needs and the needs of others. For followers of

portray it this way. the Silver Flame, devotion and prayer involves actively
However, while the Church is a religion, it's also a taking steps to better yourself, to find fulfilment in life
volunteer militia whose members are prepared to risk and ensure the safety of one’s community.
their lives to protect everyone from the very real threats The best way to practice one’s faith in the Silver Flame
that lurk in the shadows. A templar of the Silver Flame is to be prepared and proactive in protecting your
isn't really concerned with how you live your life. community. Almost every Thranish community has an
They're here to make sure that you can live your life. archery range. This may be a structure with well-crafted
Ultimately your behaviour is largely irrelevant if your life targets, but in more rural areas it could be as simple as a
is cut short by a demon. small clearing with some bales of hay and crudely
painted bullseyes.
The Church of the Silver Flame doesn’t worship in the
traditional sense. The Silver Flame isn’t a god, and it
doesn’t require it. Instead, think of the Silver Flame as a
Archery is a devotional practice of the church, used
both as a means of meditation and a martial art.
Communities devoted to the Silver Flame engage in
archery training almost daily, and every village in
Thrane has a militia of archers ready to face any threat.
resource to be called upon when battling evil. The
This tradition arose from the need to not get close to
Church is pragmatic and takes the approach that the
dangerous supernatural creatures, but it also serves the
world will largely manage itself, and the faithful should
community in other ways. It provides a means of
focus on ensuring that there is a world to manage at all.
hunting food, and as a sport that can foster healthy
Ministers may hold church services, but these are
almost entirely focused on supporting people and
Fittingly, the symbol of the Church is a silver
making sure that their needs are met. The Church isn’t
arrowhead with a stylized flame engraved into its
concerned with pushing conformity or restrictions on its

followers. There is no inherent conflict between the


surface. Many of the faithful will wear these as amulets HOLIDAYS
or tied to bracelets.
Since the founding of the church in 299 YK, several dates
Temples of the Silver Flame are fortresses, designed to
have become significant to the faithful. A few of these
serve both as templar garrisons and sanctuaries against
are detailed below, but they are by no means definitive!
supernatural threats. These fortresses feature enormous
If you want to add or remove any of these holidays in
arches and open spaces, to shelter as many people as
your own game, you should!
possible. The sanctuary of a Flamic church usually has a

mosaic floor with a flame burning at its centre,
emulating the inner sanctum of Flamekeep.
Rebirth, on the 21 st of Vult, is the new year for followers

THE HIERARCHY OF EVIL of the Silver Flame. It takes place on the date of the
winter solstice, representing the end of the long nights
The Silver Flame empowers mortal champions to fight and a return to the light and warmth of the dawn. The
against evil, but all evils are not equal, and some require faithful spend the whole night holding vigil and
different approaches than others. As such, the Church of

guarding against evil. The next day is spent resting or
the Silver Flame maintains that there is a hierarchy of celebrating, depending on the individual.
evil, which informs templars in what actions to take.
• Alien Evil. The children of Khyber, fiends and BRIGHT SOULS DAY
The 18th of Olarune is Bright Souls Day, when followers
aberrations. These creatures are fundamentally

of the Silver Flame celebrate and commemorate those
unnatural and malevolent and can't be reasoned with.
they have lost. It’s a deeply personal holiday, so every
They must be fought and destroyed, and if that's not
community observes it slightly differently. Generally,
possible, contained.

those who have lost loved ones recently will hold small
Unnatural Evil. Creatures once native to Eberron that
ceremonies to remember them. It’s also common for
have been corrupted. Undead and lycanthropes are the
communities to gather and spend the day together,
most obvious example; ordinary people transformed
exchanging stories and memories, and thanking those
into monsters. The Church of the Silver Flame
who passed for the future they played a part in.
maintains that undead are inherently unnatural and
An uncommon practice on Bright Souls Day is
harm the living world just by existing.

avoidance of artificial light. Those who practice this
Innate Evil. This is the most contentious category, and
e tradition spend the day only under the light of the sun
indeed Keeper Jaela has argued against its inclusion.
and accept the coming of the night in respect for those
This category posits that there are creatures native to
who faced the darkness and never resurfaced.
Eberron that are evil by nature. In the past, the church
has placed medusae, harpies, trolls, and similar
creatures into this category and asserted that, through
It’s a happy coincidence that the 5 th of Therendor, the
no fault of their own, these creatures are vessels for
beginning of the planting season, is also the date that
evil and pose a threat to the innocent. Keeper Lavira
Tira Miron was born. It is common for the faithful to
Tagor argued that this category should be part of the
exchange gifts with each other on Tira’s Day, showing
following category. A troll is no more evil than a
their affection for each other and spreading joy. It’s also
human or a dwarf. They have free will and can choose
a popular date for weddings to be held in Thrane.
how they behave. Ultimately it is the actions we take
that determine if we are “monsters”. Keeper Jaela
Daran has continued to argue this point of view since

The most mysterious of the holidays celebrated by the

her ascension.
faithful, nobody is sure where the tradition of Baker’s
• Those who choose evil. This category includes all Night originated. On the 6 th Dravago, families and
humanoids and other sentient creatures that are born friends gather to share pastries and other baked
innocent and choose to do evil. As these beings are not
confectionaries with each other. It’s been celebrated
evil by nature, the goal of the faithful should always be since the earliest days of the church, but the significance
to lead them back to the light, where possible. of the date or exchanging pastries has been lost to
• The Evil Within. Every follower of the Flame must history. The libraries of Flamekeep don’t even have

recognise their own capacity for evil. It is only through records of where the tradition began! Nevertheless, it’s
awareness that it can be guarded against. The Shadow one of the most popular holidays, especially among
in the Flame is always whispering, and only the children.
arrogant and foolish ignore that threat or presume
infallibility. SILVERTIDE
Entities of alien and unnatural evil must be destroyed, The 14th Lharvion is Silvertide, one of the holiest days for
and when such forces arise, followers of the Flame are followers of the Silver Flame. It celebrates victory
expected to set aside their differences until the threat is against the overlords in the Age of Demons and
defeated. This was seen during the Last War, where commemorates the sacrifice of the couatl to form the
templars from warring nations would briefly unite to Silver Flame. In some of the smaller communities,
tackle a supernatural threat, before returning to battle. Silvertide is celebrated by having a village-wide paint
If it's possible to eradicate a threat without violence, fight, painting the community and its members in the
such as curing a lycanthrope, it's acceptable and even rainbow colors of the couatl, before the local minister
admirable. However, the protection of the innocent performs a ritual to turn all the paint to silver, emulating
should always come first. If the non-violent option the forging of the Flame by the couatl.
endangers more than it saves, then the evil should be

The 9th of Barrakas, 880 YK, marked the end of the Silver
Crusade. How this date is celebrated depends on where
you are. Regardless, the holiday commemorates the end
of one of the darkest times in the church’s history.
In Thrane, this date is referred to as Last Reprieve, the
last of many apparent ends to the power of the curse of
lycanthropy, a moment to draw breath. It’s a time to
take stock of what you have and learn from the mistakes
of the past. Ministers give sermons in the church’s
temples, examining the events of the Silver Crusade and
educating people on where it went truly wrong, and the
evils done in the name of the greater good.
In Aundair, this date is referred to as Victory Day, and

represents the righteous victory over the lycanthropes.
Ministers give lectures on the dangers faced by the
templars during the crusade, and the brave sacrifices
made for the greater good. Children play in the street,
re-enacting notable battles from the crusade, and people

hold parties where they destroy werewolf-shaped

The 1st of Sypheros, 299 YK, was the date that Tira Miron
and her party confronted Bel Shalor, resulting in Tira
Miron sacrificing herself to re-bind the overlord. The
faithful gather on this date to remember her story, of the
suffering inflicted upon Thrane, and the sacrifices made
by all templars since. e
Many of the faithful will find a way to spend the day
contributing to their communities, helping the less
fortunate as a way of giving thanks to those whose
sacrifices allow people to live their lives (relatively)
unbothered by supernatural evils.
Rampartide, celebrated on the 24th of Aryth, marks the
beginning of winter and the shortening of the days.
Followers of the Silver Flame will use the day to reflect
on past events and atone for the evil within, seeking out
those they have wronged to attempt reconciliation.
Forgiveness is never a given, but forgiveness also isn’t

for the instigating party. Rampartide is about making

amends and righting wrongs, even if you can’t fix or
recover relationships.

The 27th of Vult, Khybersef, is the first day of winter. The
shortening of the days is thought to represent the

balance in power shifting from the light to the dark,

emboldening dark forces. It is likely no coincidence that
the Flamic holiday of Khybersef coincides with the
Sovereign Host holiday Long Shadows, said to be the
time when the Sovereign of Ambition and Dark Magic,
the Shadow, is strongest.
Communities each treat Khybersef differently, but a
common tradition is to light up the night with silver
candles in order to chase away the darkness. In some
communities, especially since the end of the Last War,
the faithful have begun creating dazzling magical light
displays in public parks and shared spaces.
It is also common for followers of the Flame to fast on
Khybersef, and then spend the following day sharing a
feast with the rest of the community.

SAINTS Most saints, with the exception of Tira Miron and her
companions, are not recognized by all followers of the
“On this site 30 years ago, fiends from Shavarath burst
Church of the Silver Flame. Most saints are local folk
forth in the middle of a battle against Aundarian troops.
heroes who made an impact in their small communities.
Templar Taras Gileal died giving their life to stop the dark
These communities continue to honor those who
incursion, leading brave Flamists from both sides in a final
protected or helped them, recognizing the impact that
stand to save the soldiers. The commanding officers met
these individuals had. While most Flamists know the
and, in honor of that sacrifice, declared a ceasefire and
story of Tira Miron, and some may know of other
went their separate ways, sparing our town from the
noteworthy figures such as Saint Valtros or Harryn
devastation of both fiend and man. Ever since that day,
Stormblade, there’s a far greater number of folk saints
we’ve honored their sacrifice and the sacrifice of those
only recognized in specific locations or within particular
Thranes AND Aundairians, for no matter which banner flew
over then, their souls all flew to the Flame together. And
when the war finally ended at last, we swear, we all could

see Taras sitting at their shrine and smiling at us. I swear I
still hear their voice today, sometimes clearer even than
Tira’s.” – An account of the folk saint Taras Gileal, given
by a villager from a small village on the border with

The history of the Church of the Silver Flame is full of
noteworthy individuals; champions and martyrs; who
did great things during their lives and helped to build the
modern Church. Many of these individuals, and the lives
they led, have been officially recognized by the church,
their stories inspiring the next generation of templars
and flamebearers. These saints embody the virtues that
the church holds dear, and act as an example for others
to follow. e
It is important to realize that saints of the Silver Flame
are not worshipped, but instead honored. The Church
will tell the saint’s inspiring tales, and use those stories
to communicate lessons. When they need to call upon
the power of the Flame, they call upon it directly.
The primary individual to obtain sainthood was Tira
Miron, who sacrificed herself during the Year of Blood
and Fire to bind the Overlord Bel Shalor. Tira’s
companions founded the Church of the Silver Flame
after her death, and each of them were made saints after
their deaths to recognize their deeds.


d6 Saint
1 Taras Gileal, a templar who gave their life to defeat an army of fiends which poured forth from a Shavarath manifest zone on the
site of a battle on the modern border between Thrane and Aundair. A shrine to Taras has been erected in the village church.
2 Cassia Canatar Clebdecher, while recognized globally for founding the Knights Templar, is also treated as a saint by the people of
Danthaven. She traded her ability to lie to a fiend in the Immeasurable Market for a bell that could free the townsfolk from
possession, as she refused to harm innocent people. A shrine to Cassia is maintained in Danthaven’s church, which features a

prominent bell tower.

3 Fathen the Martyr, a shifter champion of the Silver Flame during the Silver Crusade. Fathen personally unearthed several
undercover wererats in Sharn, for which they were torn apart in the street. With their dying breath, they were able to bless the
weapons of the townsfolk, giving them a chance to fight back. There is a shrine to Fathen in Lower Northedge in Sharn.
4 Adelbert Furnau, a Karrnathi soldier from Vulyar, whose bravery was instrumental in capturing the lich Saeria Lantol. The lich
cursed Adelbert, and he spent the next several weeks wasting away. His sacrifice saved countless lives, and though he wasn’t a
follower of the Flame, he is honored as a hero nonetheless. There is a monument to Adelbert in a park in Vulyar, though visitors
have become rarer since the Last War.
5 Beleth Moonspeaker, a shifter moonspeaker from a nomadic community in the Eldeen Reaches. She left her village to aid the
hero Harryn Stormblade against the darkness in the Towering Wood, and though she never returned to her village, the power of
the curse broke soon after. Her community believe that she turned the tide, and though they are not Flamists, th ey nevertheless
honor her and the templars that went with her.
6 Keeper Saren Rellek, the 8th Keeper of the Flame and the first to challenge the “entities of innate evil” category of the Hierarchy of
Evil. He founded the town of Rellekor, a sanctuary for tieflings. They honored him by granting him the name “Rellek”, “protector”
in Infernal, a name he used until he died. While there is no shrine to Keeper Rellek in Rellekor, everyone in that town knows his
story and recognizes the importance of his work.

HISTORY OF THE CHURCH Shalor was winning, the serpent coiled around the
demon and sunk its teeth into its neck. At the same time,


the couatl sent a mental plea to Tira, who leapt into the
flame and plunged Kloinjer through the struggling
In 22 YK, the rogue red dragon Sarmondelaryx went on a immortals.
rampage across Thrane and areas of northern Cyre. According to legend, a powerful explosion erupted,
Prince Thrane rallied an army to deal with the dragon, and the hot crimson fire of Bel Shalor became a cool
but the battle was a disaster. Sarmondelaryx slaughtered silver flame. Tira had joined with the pillar of argent fire
Prince Thrane and scattered his army, and the conflict and become the Voice of the Silver Flame. Thereafter she
devastated the region, now named the Burnt Wood. appointed her first follower, Maliah, as the first Keeper
Sarmondelaryx’s rampage caused horrific loss of life of the Flame.
in Thrane, and much of the fledgling nation had to be Samyr Kes did not survive his mission, but Tira's other
rebuilt. The dragon mysteriously disappeared several companions would become the founding members of the
weeks after her murder of Prince Thrane. Though this modern Church of the Silver Flame. A pillar of argent fire

took place several hundred years before the birth of the marks the point of Tira’s sacrifice, now in Flamekeep.
Church of the Silver Flame, Sarmondelaryx’s rampage Many assume this manifestation to be the Silver Flame
nevertheless played a crucial part in preparing the itself, but this pillar is only part of the greater celestial
Thranes for the mission the Silver Flame would force.
eventually call them to.

Sarmondelaryx was in many ways the first great evil
that the people of Thrane had to fight on their own. This
In 321 YK, an assassination attempt came particularly
was the reason that Thranes began to adopt the use of
close to killing the Keeper of the Flame, Traelyn Ghelios.
the longbow within their communities; humanoids
At the behest of High Speaker Syketel, House Vadalis
cannot reasonably stand against the might of a dragon in
magebred a special guardian to protect Traelyn and all
close quarters, and the utter catastrophe of Prince
future Keepers.
Thrane’s army was further proof. The only hope for
This special guardian was named Skaravojen, and is
dealing with such a foe is to overwhelm it with missiles
known as a dragonhound. As a six-legged hound with
before it reaches you.
draconic features, Skaravojen is completely unique, the


Every child in Thrane knows the story of Tira Miron. In
299 YK, a terrible eruption split the ground in the Tamor
Hills, and a great pillar of crimson fire emerged from the
only creature of its kind. The secrets of its creation have
been kept secret by House Vadalis since it was brought
into the world.


chasm. The significance of this pillar of flame would not
In 497 YK, Keeper Kyra Danth was challenged for
be known by the people of Thrane for some time, but the
leadership of the Church of the Silver Flame by a peasant
effects of its influence were immediate.
woman going by the name of Melysse Miron. Melysse
A paladin of Dol Arrah, Tira Miron, received a vision of
claimed to have received a vision from Tira Miron, who
a great rainbow-winged serpent, warning her that a
had told her that she was a direct descendant and the
terrible fire had welled up from the depths of Khyber
true Keeper of the Silver Flame.
into Thrane, and that this flame represented the partial
She challenged many doctrines, claiming that the
release of the overlord, Bel Shalor.
Church had strayed from the path set out for it by the

Tira spent the next year gathering her forces. The first
Voice in the Flame. Her words were reinforced by her
to join her quest was the human cleric of Arawai, Maliah
ability to wield astonishing divine power. She was
Sharavaci. As word of their actions spread, they would
seemingly able to call directly on the Flame, much like
soon be joined by the elven paladin, Samyr Kes, the
the Keeper of the Flame. Initially, divination magic failed
dwarven bard and archer, Turanank Noldrun, and the
to confirm or deny her story, and it very much seemed
gnomish monk, Cassia Canatar Clebdecher. Together,
like the Flame had chosen two Keepers.
this group rallied the people of Thrane, recruited the
Melysse's differing opinions to Keeper Danth and the
wyverns of the Tamor Hills, and even ventured into the

general direction of the church caused the biggest

planes to get the weapons they needed to fight the
schism in the church's history. Both Keepers were
demon. This year would come to be known as the Year of
undoubtedly chosen by the Flame, and both wielded its
Blood and Fire.
divine power. Both claimed to hear the voice of Tira
After a year of adventuring, gathering allies and
Miron but had such different views and accounts of what
artifacts to give them the means to vanquish the
was said that it was impossible to reconcile. Whereas
overlord, they were ready. Before the final
Kyra Danth argued for compassion in the face of evil,
confrontation, Tira took each of her companions aside
saving those that could be saved, Melysse argued that if
and discussed her vision of what would follow this
evil was afforded any space, it would take root and grow.
conflict. During these discussions, a threat to Tira and
The only solution was to burn it out wherever it was
Maliah’s families was uncovered. Though it hurt him
deeply to do so, Samyr Kes left the party to intercept the
Eventually, it was revealed that Melysse was not a true
scheme and allow the others to confront the overlord
Keeper of the Flame, but that she was channelling the
power of the Shadow in the Flame, Bel Shalor. This
Wielding the sword Kloinjer and riding the elder
explained her increased strength when near the pillar of
wyvern Ashtarax, Tira went to fight the overlord as the
Flame within Flamekeep, much like a true Keeper of the
couatl from her vision came to her aid. Tira faced the
Flame. While the overlord was bound by Tira's sacrifice,
emerging demon as the great serpent dove headfirst into
it could still whisper to the faithful and lead them astray,
the crimson fire. Tira watched the demon and the couatl
and Melysse Miron represented the most brazen and
struggle in the flame. When it became clear that Bel
explicit example of this.

This revelation led to a brutal conflict within the FOUNDING OF RELLEKOR
Church, as the followers of both Keepers asserted their
Keeper Saren, the longest-serving Keeper of the Flame
righteousness. Eventually, the forces of Kyra Danth won
in the Church’s history, was one of the greatest
out, and Melysse Miron was removed from power and
defenders of the tiefling population of Thrane. He was a
Thrane. The conflict was used as a lesson that founds the
fierce advocate for them and many marginalised
doctrine that every person has the potential for evil
communities on Khorvaire. In particular, he recognised
within them. The faithful must be aware of their own
that tieflings had the potential to be dangerous due to
capacity for evil, so they can protect themselves against
their innate magic, but that this didn’t make them evil.
the whispers of the Shadow in the Flame.
In 623 YK, Keeper Saren founded the town of Rellekor

TALONS OF ICE in what is now western Thrane. The town was to be a

sanctuary for tieflings, where they could grow up in
In 545 YK, a cabal of necromancers calling themselves safety, surrounded by others who understood their
the Talons of Ice began wreaking havoc in eastern unique struggles and could help them to control their
Khorvaire, mostly focused on the Lhazaar Principalities,

powers. The Church of the Silver Flame would fund and
Karrnath, and the Talenta Plains. Led by the lich Saeria maintain the town for as long as it was needed, and a
Lantol, a Bloodsail elder of Farlnen, the Talons of Ice school was constructed to educate the population and
carved a bloody path deep into Karrnath. train them how to control their unique gifts.
Entire villages were razed, and then raised, by the Rellekor means “Sanctuary” in Infernal, and Keeper

necromancers, using the undead villagers to assault Saren was given the title “Rellek” by the people of
neighbouring settlements. Initial attempts by the Rellekor, naming him their protector. Keeper Saren was
Church of the Silver Flame and paladins of Dol Arrah to honoured and used the title as his surname until his
stop the necromancers were met with failure, only death in 698 YK.
adding to the unholy crusade of the Talons of Ice.
However, these early victories made the necromancers
overconfident. After months of terror, the Talons of Ice
were defeated by a combined force of templars, paladins
of Dol Arrah, and the Karrnathi military. Saeria Lantol
couldn’t be destroyed without destroying her soul e
vessel, the location of which was unknown. Realising
this, the templars captured her and had her imprisoned
in Dreadhold.
Saeria has spent the last 450 years in a dead cell in the
Deep Ward of Dreadhold, chained to a wall in an
antimagic field. She doesn’t need food or water, so rarely
receives visitors and has essentially been left to rot until
the end of time or until the church stops paying for her

In 558 YK, Queen Joliana ir’Wynarn assumed the throne
after being the Regent of Thrane. The Church of the

Silver Flame was well established by this time, and

temples to the Flame could be found in most major cities
in the Kingdom of Galifar. The church’s heart was always
in Thrane, however, as it was the Thranes who had really
experienced the horror of an overlord and truly
understood the stakes.
Joliana was a devoted follower of the Silver Flame, and

well-known for being a zealot. She decreed that under

her rule, the Silver Flame would become the primary
religion of the entirety of the Kingdom of Galifar.
Joliana’s zeal almost shattered the Kingdom of Galifar
centuries before the Last War, as several bloody clashes
with Thrane’s neighbours almost led to a full-blown
civil war.
Joliana’s crusade was ended when she died suddenly,
under mysterious circumstances, in the second year of
her reign.

THE SILVER CRUSADE curse did truly break and lycanthropes were no longer
able to spread their affliction, nobody knew for sure if it
Lycanthropes have always existed in Eberron, though
was real. It was here that the Crusade began to shift from
their origin is unknown and up for debate. However, they
a genuinely heroic effort to save the world from certain
rarely act in any sort of coordinated fashion. For most of
destruction into something that sought vengeance. Mobs
the history of the Kingdom of Galifar, it seemed that
of Aundairians began roaming the Reaches and western
only those born with lycanthropy could spread the
communities, trying to find any hidden lycanthropes.
affliction to others, and those ‘natural’ lycanthropes
Tensions still grew with shifter communities, who were
would generally avoid doing so. They were considered
an easy outlet for the mob’s anger and fear.
monsters and often dangerous, but nothing that
At this point, most of the violence wasn’t being
couldn’t be handled by templars or the odd paladin of
committed by templars from Thrane, but by Aundairians
Dol Arrah.
that had taken up the Silver Flame over the course of the
This changed in the ninth century. Lycanthropes
Crusade. For these new followers, the Silver Flame was
began banding together and terrorising communities in
not just a shield against the darkness, but a weapon to be

the Eldeen Reaches and western Aundair, leaving their
used to root out and destroy evil. These became what is
victims alive and somehow spreading the curse. The
now known as the Pure Flame, an extremist sect of the
nature of lycanthropy had shifted, which was confirmed
by the Church of the Silver Flame’s diviners. It seemed
In 880 YK, Keeper Jovor Daran announced an end to
that the raids being committed had a logic to them. The
the Silver Crusade, and the church pulled all its forces

lycanthropes were recruiting, targeting lightly defended
out of the Eldeen Reaches. Schools in Thrane teach
population centres and leaving more victims alive and
children of the Crusade, both the heroic struggle against
afflicted than dead.
a seemingly unstoppable evil, and the gradual fall to the
In 832 YK, Keeper Jolan Sol announced the beginning
evil within and the atrocities committed by the faithful
of the Silver Crusade. They decreed that lycanthropy was
in the later years. Thrane has taken the approach that
a curse of the soul, and that those afflicted were beyond
the only way to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past
all help. They called for the immediate extermination of
is to learn from them, while the faithful of Aundair
all lycanthropes in Khorvaire, calling on all followers of
continue to assert their actions were justified.
the Flame to take up arms. As the lycanthrope activity
seemed to be coming from the Eldeen Reaches, most ofe
the initial lycanthropes were shifters, which led to a
belief among the templars that shifters and lycanthropes
were one and the same.
What followed was a brutal guerrilla war, localised
mostly in the west of Khorvaire. The forces of the Church
had numbers and discipline, and they were fighting for
their lives and the lives of their communities. They were
up against an unpredictable foe, a threat that could hide
in plain sight and recruit more soldiers for the cause
with a scratch. Thousands died in the conflict, on all
sides, and the lycanthropes were organised and clever
enough to deliberately sow suspicion between the
templars and shifters.

In 835 YK, Keeper Jolan Sol clarified that shifters

weren’t the same as lycanthropes and instructed the
templars to hunt only the evil lycanthropes. The damage
was done, however, and thousands of innocent shifters
had already lost their lives to both the lycanthropes and
the templars.
Nevertheless, shifter communities in the Eldeen
Reaches were instrumental in the war against the

lycanthropes, acting as staging areas for the templars

and facilitating cooperation between the templars and
the druidic sects of the Reaches, namely the Wardens of
the Wood. The lycanthropes threatened everyone in the
region, and so disparate forces were forced into uneasy
alliances against a greater foe that they couldn’t face
alone. The templars had discipline and numbers, but
they also needed the shifters’ knowledge of the local
area and experience with the lycanthropes, they had
been dealing with them the longest.
The lycanthropic threat was insidious, and there were
several moments of reprieve where it seemed that the
curse had broken. This was often proven to be false
security, however, as the lycanthropes resurged. It was
in these later years of the crusade that zeal overtook
communities and allowed the Pure Flame to take root.
While the threat eventually did pass, it had seemingly
done so many times before only to resurge and cause
more damage, take more lives. So, when the power of the

When the Last War ignited in 894 YK, Thrane broke from On the 20th of Olarune, 994 YK, Thrane and Breland were
the Kingdom of Galifar and declared itself an leading a joint offensive on southwestern Cyre. Cyre was
independent monarchy under the rule of King Thalin. being attacked from all directions, with Karrnath hitting
Thalin was a devoted follower of the Silver Flame, them from the north in retaliation for the Cyran sacking
perhaps even zealously so, and broke from the tradition of Atur.
of ascension in Galifar to pursue his beliefs. With the Thrane’s forces were led by Knight-Commander
entire Kingdom of Galifar under his rule, he could Grodan, a close friend of High Speaker Krozen. It had
elevate the Church of the Silver Flame, and in doing so been an exhausting few days of pursuing the Cyran
bolster its ability to respond to threats anywhere in forces through hills. Cyre had cleverly used untiring
Khorvaire. warforged troops to delay the incoming armies. Even so,
In 914 YK, well into the Last War, King Thalin met his the Cyrans were heavily outnumbered and wouldn’t
end. By this point, the Council of Flamekeep were well stand any real chance of victory once the combined

entrenched and had steadily grown in power and Brelish-Thrane forces reached them.
influence since the Year of Blood and Fire. People trusted Not even the Keeper of the Flame could have predicted
the Church to keep them safe, and Thalin’s heir, Prince exactly what was to come. At around 11am on the 20 th of
Daslin, was unpopular. To make matters worse, the Olarune, the nation of Cyre was obliterated in a magical
nation was embroiled in the Last War and couldn’t cataclysm that was said to be visible even in Aundair.

afford to hand the reins over to a weak ruler. Stories tell of the skies burning so brightly that those
Many in Thrane felt that the monarchy had failed looking upon the disaster in Thrane were blinded, and
them, so in 914 YK, the people of Thrane put the Church the forces of Breland, Thrane and Cyre all perished in
above the throne. Prince Daslin accepted this without a what has now been named the Field of Ruins.
struggle and faded into the political background. Thrane Initially, Krozen declared that Thrane was to deny
had become the first theocracy in Khorvaire. The entry to refugees fleeing from this cataclysm. This is one
Speakers and ministers of the church now held the of the only times that Jaela has ever overturned the
spiritual and administrative reins of the nation, with the Cardinal. She proclaimed that the Voice in the Flame
Keeper Kaith Serrain the head of state. demanded they help. Rumours tell of a heated argument
Most of the Speakers genuinely believe that the e between the two, perhaps the first time Jaela had raised
theocracy is what is best for Thrane, and some even her voice to him in such a manner.
extend this belief to the whole of Khorvaire. Regardless Krozen was concerned that this was some trick to let
of the suitability of the government, the church and its enemies into their border, that Jaela was too trusting.
templars allowed Thrane to survive the Last War despite Jaela argued that the Silver Flame protects all of us, and
being set upon by enemies on all sides. the Church should follow in its example. Jaela had only
They aren’t all in agreement, however. The current been Keeper of the Flame for a year and hadn’t yet
Keeper of the Flame, Jaela Daran, has criticised the developed a sense for politics. She knew that if they
theocracy. Jaela believes that the Last War has saddened denied assistance to these people who had lost
the Flame (or more likely the Voice in the Flame), and everything, if they did nothing in the face of such evil,
that the establishment of the Church as a governing they were no better than the demons they fought.
body has confused its mission and made it more difficult Thrane opened its borders to the refugees from Cyre,
to combat evil across Khorvaire. but didn’t relegate them to ghettos or their own
The rise of the theocracy brought with it an apparent communities like Breland. Initially, they constructed

rise in corruption in the Church in Breland, and it refugee camps to temporarily house those fleeing the
certainly allowed space for the zeal in Aundair to burn to disaster, but these were only a temporary measure to
its current heights. Who is Thrane to tell the faithful of allow time to relocate people and find them permanent
Aundair or Breland what they can or cannot do? homes in Thrane communities. Krozen ensured that
families stayed together, but otherwise communities
from Cyre were split up to mitigate the risk of uprisings,
a controversial decision.

The Church is broadly divided into several orders: the
Society of Ministers, Knights Templar, and Fellowship of 300 – 320 YK Maliah Sharavaci
the Flame. The church is led by the Keeper of the Flame 320 – 389 YK Traelyn Ghelios
and the Council of Flamekeep. Councilors of Flamekeep 389 – 461 YK Darmin Avaroth
speak with the voice of the Church and are often given
the honorific 'Speaker' in formal settings. Individual 461 – 524 YK Kyra Danth
orders within the Knights Templar may have their own 524 – 525 YK Bec Avaroth
titles. 525 – 578 YK Valiron Silverthorn
T ITLES 578 – 610 YK Torah Ariadu

Society of Fellowship of 610 – 698 YK Saren Rellek

Authority Ministers Knights Templar the Flame 698 – 768 YK Jareen Imistil
Global Prefect Knight-Commander N/A 768 – 825 YK Aelyndari Valystar

Local Minister Knight-Vigilant Flamebearer 825 – 860 YK Jolan Sol

860 – 863 YK Tzandra Corus
N/A Knight-Diligent Lightbringer
863 – 903 YK Jovor Daran
N/A Templar
903 – 936 YK Kaith Serrain

KEEPER OF THE FLAME 936 – 993 YK Lavira Tagor

993 YK – Jaela Daran
The Keeper of the Flame is directly chosen by Tira
Miron, the Voice of the Flame. The Keeper ultimately
leads the Church, but in practice delegates most day-to-
day authority to the Council of Flamekeep. The Keeper of
the Flame has a close connection to the Silver Flame and
is most able to channel the divine power of the Flame. All
Keepers of the Flame get more powerful the closer they
are to the pillar of fire in Flamekeep.
The current Keeper is Jaela Daran. Since the
foundation of the church in 299 YK, the Voice in the
Flame has called sixteen individuals to serve.


d8 NPC
1 Knight-Diligent Alyn Corus (he/him), an elderly member of the Knights Militant. He could have retired a while ago, and nobody
could say he hasn’t done his duty, but he would rather die with a sword in his hand.

2 Dax’Athla (she/her), a Masvirik’uala lizardfolk of the Twilight Walkers tribe in Q’barra. She was banished after she consumed a
dusk shard and became possessed. Her rampage was ended by a priest of the Silver Flame, who managed to break the possession
before they died. She is currently the apprentice of Drego Sarhain and has become a silver pyromancer.
3 Knight-Diligent Nayara Ocaña (she/her), a young member of the Order of the Silver Bow, and a talented sniper during the War,
experienced despite her age. She now acts as a bodyguard for Keeper Jaela Daran, and is one of the few people brave enough to
interact with Skaravojen.
4 Darian Baluarte (he/him), a member of the Order of the Radiant Flame, and secret member of Miron’s Tears. Darian was

possessed by a demon of Bel Shalor in his youth until he was freed by Samyr Kes using the Sacred Bell of Saint Cassia. He is
currently surveilling Archierophant Ythana Morr in Sharn.
5 Faela (she/her), a half-elf flamebearer in Sharn, who has taken it upon herself to care for the officially forsaken people of Fallen.
She asks for no payment from those she helps, and her base of operations in the Blackstone Church has become an oasis of
relative safety in the raver-ridden ruins of Godsgate.
6 Minister Chantalyn Sarhain (she/her), the minister of Siyar, and veteran of the Last War. She became somewhat famous during
the War for her prowess in battle. Since the end of the War, she has been designing fashionable armor for the casual plate mail
7 Maria Knoxos (she/her), a travelling templar in Breland. She hasn’t returned to Thrane since before the signing of the Treaty of
Thronehold and travels the Brelish countryside helping those in need.
8 Jayne Krayci (she/her), a former Thrane sniper of the Order of the Silver Bow and deserter. She was present as part of the joint
Brelish-Thrane assault force in Cyre on the Day of Mourning. She found herself leading a group of all-women Cyran refugees, and
as they traveled west, she gathered more disenfranchised women to her. Now, they haunt the Brelish countryside as bandits,
calling themselves the Silk Arrows.

JAELA DARAN Jaela’s age and inexperience work against her in this
Jaela Daran is an eleven-year-old human girl who serves issue, and she has had to learn to negotiate her cause
as the spiritual leader of the Church of the Silver Flame. carefully with the Speakers. Many of the Speakers are
She lives in the Cathedral of the Silver Flame in still concerned with the possibility of war, and while
Flamekeep, and she is one of the most powerful clerics Thrane remains a theocracy the church has a
on Eberron when she’s in the proximity of the pillar of responsibility to ensure the safety and prosperity of its
flame in Flamekeep. Outside of the city, however, she is people above all others.
merely an exceptionally talented 11-year-old cleric.
Jaela is a modest and meek young girl, notably so for SKARAVOJEN
someone who controls a nation. She’s personable and Following an assassination attempt on Keeper Ghelios in
friendly, and anyone fortunate enough to have access to 321 YK, the church commissioned House Vadalis to
the Cathedral might run into Jaela walking barefoot in create a special guardian for the Keeper of the Flame.
the marble halls, murmuring quietly to herself, or The result of that commission was the dragonhound
playing fetch with Skaravojen. She has dark skin, black Skaravojen.

hair with a streak of white through it, and is usually Skaravojen is a gentle, obedient creature most of the
dressed in simple grey robes, despite having the time, but when it perceives a threat to the Keeper it
resources to wear more ostentatious clothing. attacks viciously. It is single-minded in its duty to
Jaela was born during 987 YK, the daughter of a protect the Keeper of the Flame at any cost, so will fight
Flamekeep craftsman. At the age of four she had the until either itself or the threat to the Keeper is destroyed.

apparent ability to predict catastrophes through dreams, Although it can show affection, Skaravojen never
leading her concerned father to contact Speaker Hagaci. forgets its duty, which is first and foremost to protect
She was brought before the Silver Flame, which warned the Keeper of the Flame. When a Keeper of the Flame is
Jaela of a secret Cult of the Dragon Below operating replaced, Skaravojen immediately attaches itself to the
within the walls of Flamekeep. new Keeper. If the Keeper dies while under its
After the existence of the cult was confirmed and dealt protection, Skaravojen hunts down those who took its
with, Jaela's connection with the Flame was confirmed. charge from it, not stopping until it has avenged their
Following these events, Keeper Lavira Tagor stepped death.
down as Keeper and the Council of Flamekeep dutifully Keeper Jaela adores Skaravojen, who never leaves her
appointed Jaela, now 6 years old, as the new Keeper of
e side. She treats it like a big dog, even playing games of
the Flame in 993 YK. fetch with it in the hallways of Flamekeep. Most of the
War remains on the mind of Thrane’s government. To Speakers who operate within the Cathedral give
Jaela's advisors, the current peace presents a chance to Skaravojen a wide berth. Even if it’s supposedly tamed, it
recuperate from losses and prepare for future conflict. has a very intimidating appearance. Nobody wants to
However, Jaela believes that war is a futile endeavor. She give it cause to perceive them as a threat.
believes that the Flame is saddened by the Last War and
the continuing tensions between the Thronehold

Skaravojen is the only creature of its kind, and the
secrets of its creation are known only to House Vadalis,
the Keeper of the Flame, and Samyr Kes. House Vadalis
has never produced another dragonhound, and indeed,
they couldn’t even if they wanted to. Skaravojen wasn’t
produced until after the death of Keeper Ghelios, whose
soul was used as the basis for the creature. Skaravojen is
unique because it channels the souls of dead keepers.
Followers of the Church of the Silver Flame believe
that their souls join with and strengthen the Flame when
they die. Skaravojen was built on this principle, and the
soul of every keeper that has died since its creation has
joined with it. Not only has Skaravojen survived for over
600 years, but it has also actually grown more powerful
Medium monstrosity (dragonhound), lawful good

with each passing Keeper. Much like the couatl sacrificed
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
their individuality to form the Silver Flame, Skaravojen
Hit Points 184 (16d8 + 112)
retains none of the constituent individual personalities.
Speed 50 ft., climb 50ft.
The Keepers of the Flame know this is their fate, and
Jaela is aware that she will also join with Skaravojen

when she passes.
22 (+6) 15 (+2) 24 (+7) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +11, Con +12

Skills Athletics +11, Perception +12
Medium humanoid (human, aasimar), lawful good Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 22
Languages Understands Celestial and Common but can’t speak
Speed 30 ft. Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Ceaseless Pursuit. If the Keeper of the Flame is killed, Skaravojen knows
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 24 (+7) 21 (+5)

Skills Arcana +7, Insight +13, Medicine +13, Perception +13,

Persuasion +11, Religion +7
Senses passive Perception 23
e the direction and distance to the Keeper’s killer. It hunts them
relentlessly, until they or it are dead.
Keen Hearing and Smell. Skaravojen has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Magic Resistance. Skaravojen has advantage on saving throws against
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic
Challenge 18 Proficiency Bonus +6 spells and other magical effects.
Regeneration. Skaravojen regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it
Special Items. Jaela is wearing a unique Ring of Protection, which has at least 1 hit point.
in addition to a Ring of Protection’s normal effects, allows her to
cast Word of Recall as an action once per day, returning her to the
Cathedral of the Silver Flame in Flamekeep. Multiattack. Skaravojen makes a gore attack, and then four attacks
with its claws.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20
Healing Touch. Jaela touches a creature and restores 25 (4d8 + 7) (4d6 + 6) piercing damage.
hit points to that creature. The creature is also freed from any
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15
curse, disease, poison, blindness, or deafness.
(2d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Spellcasting. Jaela casts a spell on the cleric or paladin spell lists,
Sonic Breath Weapon (Recharge 4-6). Skaravojen lets out a
using Wisdom as her spellcasting ability. Below are some
cacophonous roar in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must
examples of spells she might cast, but she can reasonably cast any
make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes

spell on the cleric or paladin spell lists as appropriate.

54 (12d8) thunder damage and is deafened for 1 minute. On a successful
At will: aura of vitality, beacon of hope, bless, circle of power, death save, a target takes half as much damage and is not deafened.
ward, dispel magic, greater restoration, light, resurrection,
Spellcasting. Skaravojen casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom
sanctuary, thaumaturgy
as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
At will: detect evil and good, see invisibility

Intercept. When a creature within 5 feet of Skaravojen is hit by an

attack roll, Skaravojen can reduce the damage by half, and take the
damage instead of the intended target.

GAIUS IR’WYNARN innocent, even if it means he must sacrifice his own
Gaius ir'Wynarn (male human, he/him) is a prince of innocence in the process.
Karrnath, and the brother of King Kaius III and Haydith Krozen is effectively the leader of the Council of
ir'Wynarn. Gaius' father died when he was a baby, so he Flamekeep. He has the support of most of the other
and his siblings were raised by his aunt, Moranna, who speakers, which is backed up by his significant divine
treated them like they were her own children. power. Even if some of them disagree with him, no one
As part of a hostage exchange organized by Kaius III to can deny that he channels the power of the Silver Flame,
keep the peace after the signing of the Treaty of and his effectiveness. While Jaela is technically the
Thronehold, Gaius was relocated to Flamekeep. He highest authority in Thrane, Krozen is in practice the
began studying alongside Keeper Jaela and has found leader of the country.
that the Silver Flame calls to him. He is hoping that he
will be able to join the Knights Templar and continue to
support Keeper Jaela Daran.
Gaius has a unique outlook. Having grown up among

the Blood of Vol and now the Church of the Silver Flame, Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
he believes the two faiths are incredibly compatible with
each other, that they only really disagree on the usage of Armor Class 19 (+1 mithral chain mail, retractable shield)
undead. Both are intensely community-focused, and Hit Points 143 (22d8 + 44)
though the Blood of Vol is more focused on personal

Speed 30 ft.
growth than the slaying of monsters, the result is very
He hasn’t broached the subject with Jaela yet, but he 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1)
thinks he could be able to mend the relationship between
the two faiths. He knows that many Seeker communities
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +9
live within manifest zones to Mabar, where undead will
Skills Deception +5, Insight +9, Perception +9, Persuasion +5,
rise regardless. In fact, by using the manifest zone’s
Religion +5
energy, Seekers help to mitigate the appearance of
Senses passive Perception 19
spontaneous undead, while also performing rituals that
Languages Common
lessen other harmful effects.
It's possible, even probable, that Jaela would be
receptive to this. As many Thranes suffered at the hands
of Karrnath’s undead armies, reconciliation may be a
long road. Gaius could, however, be the spark that lights
a new fire, illuminating Flamists and Seekers alike.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Multiattack. Krozen makes two warhammer attacks, and then

uses Holy Fire or Spellcasting.

COUNCIL OF FLAMEKEEP Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) bludgeoning damage or 9 (1d10 + 4)
The Council of Flamekeep is the highest order in the bludgeoning damage if used in two hands, plus 14 (4d6) radiant
Church of the Silver Flame and handles day-to-day damage.
administration. Speakers primarily handle bureaucratic
Holy Fire. Krozen targets one creature he can see within 60 feet of
concerns, and many of them have spent the last 84 years
him. The target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a
as part of the Thrane government. Speakers are

failed save, the target takes 18 (2d8 + 5) radiant damage, and it is

nominated and elected by existing speakers, and as a
blinded until the start of Krozen's next turn. On a successful save,
result most come from the Society of Ministers.
the target takes half as much damage and isn't blinded.
The Keeper of the Flame has the power to remove
individual speakers from the Council at any time, but in Flame Strike (Recharge 4-6). A vertical column of silver fire erupts
practice this power is very rarely invoked. The Council of from the ground around a point within 60 feet of Krozen. Each
Flamekeep is currently led by High Speaker Krozen. creature within a 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on
that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. A creature
HIGH SPEAKER KROZEN takes 18 (4d8) fire and 18 (4d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or

The details of Krozen's youth are not widely known, but half as much damage on a successful one.
he was an idealistic crusader who lived on the Thrane Spellcasting. Krozen casts one of the following spells, using
border with Aundair. He used the power of the Flame in Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
in defence of his village, and then later as a templar of At will: light, spare the dying, thaumaturgy
the Church. As he grew older, he retired from active duty
3/day each: bless, command, dispel magic, lesser restoration
and turned to ministerial duties, turning his talents
towards leadership. 1/day each: banishment, greater restoration, guardian of faith, hold
Krozen is a remarkable man. He's a charismatic person, mass cure wounds, protection from evil and good, revivify
leader, and a brilliant strategist, and one of the most
powerful clerics on Khorvaire. His pragmatism contrasts
Jaela’s optimism. Krozen is largely more concerned with Healing Light (Recharge 4-6). Krozen or one creature of his
Thrane and its faithful than the rest of Khorvaire, and choice within 60 feet of him regains 14 (2d8 + 5) hit points.
shoulders much of the burden of politics so that Jaela
Retractable Shield. Krozen deploys or retracts his retractable
doesn't have to.
shield. He does not gain the AC bonus from the shield if it is
He has blended his devotion to the Flame with his
devotion to his country, so places the good of Thrane
before anything else. He believes that this is the path
that the Flame has put aside for him. He will protect the

KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Today, the Knights of Thrane are essentially their own
sub-order within the Knights Templar, specializing in
The Order of the Knights Templar is the military branch
heavy cavalry, though in theory they answer to Queen
of the Church of the Silver Flame. Supernatural creatures
Diani ir'Wynarn. In practice, they answer to the Council
come in many forms, with many different strengths and
of Flamekeep and put their loyalty to Thrane ahead of
weaknesses, so a diverse and varied organisation is
their loyalty to the royal family. The Knights of Thrane
required to repel them. To this end, the Knights Templar
are led by Captain Malik Otherro (male human
is made up of many sub-orders, each specialised in
oathsworn templar, he/him).
fighting a particular kind of enemy.
During the Last War, the Knights Templar within ORDER OF ASHTARAX
Thrane became the country’s primary military force and For tens of thousands of years, long before Flamekeep or
law enforcement. This muddied their mission, but they even Thrane, the Tamor Hills have been home to
are expected to pursue it above regional or national wyverns. Most of these are typical wyverns, incapable of
conflicts. When a fiendish or otherwise supernatural speech. However, these cliffs are also home to an

threat presented itself, the templars of Thrane almost exceptional strain of wyvern that is more intelligent and
always joined forces with their counterparts in other capable of much greater sizes.
nations to oppose the threat. The early settlers of the region formed an alliance
with these elder wyverns, and many of Daskara’s (which
SPEAKER BAERDREN IR’DAVIK would eventually become Thrane) rulers had wyverns as

The Knights Templar is led by Speaker Baerdren ir’Davik
advisors. During the Year of Blood and Fire, Tira Miron
(male human oathsworn templar, he/him). Baerdren is
recruited the elder wyverns to her cause. The elder
an archetypical member of the Knights Templar,
wyvern Ashtarax carried her into battle against Bel
representing everything that a templar should be. He has
an unquestionable sense of justice and is utterly devoted
In the aftermath of Tira's sacrifice, the wyverns of the
to the Church of the Silver Flame and the templars’
Tamor Hills adopted the faith of the Silver Flame and
chose to protect Flamekeep as their sacred duty. They
He has been known to complain about the political
have relatively little concept of the rest of Khorvaire, and
aspects of leading the Knights Templar, wishing that he
they don't care to learn. The wyverns serve the Church
could work in the field, but understands that the order e because they believe that the Church serves the Voice in
needs a leader to coordinate their efforts, and his
the Flame, that Tira Miron still guides them.
dedication to the cause is greater than his desire to be
Thrane fielded wyverns in battle during the war,
done with politics. He chooses to view his position as a
which gave them aerial superiority only rivalled by
worthy sacrifice.
Aundair. In addition to normal wyverns, some of these


elder wyverns also joined. These were members of the
Order of Ashtarax, a sub-order of the Knights Templar
Working as a deputy and advisor to Speaker Baerdren
dedicated to them and their riders, named after the
ir’Davik, Seneschal Ofejjaia of Korth (female human
wyvern that carried Tira Miron into battle.
exorcist, she/her) is effectively the second-in-command
Elder wyverns were terrifying presences on the
of the Knights Templar. She grew up an orphan on the
battlefield. Not only they could carry entire squads into
streets of Korth, having lost her parents during the Last
battle, but they were intelligent enough to engage in
War. She nevertheless heard the call of the Silver Flame.
complicated tactics beyond their lesser kin. Some of
It was no small feat for the young Karrn to make her
these elder wyverns could even channel the divine power

way across Scion’s Sound to reach Flamekeep and bow

of the Silver Flame.
before the Keeper of the Flame. She was adopted into the
faith and trained as a templar and has since risen
through the ranks due to years of faithful service.
The Order of Ashtarax is currently led by Rhirithrax
If something were to happen to Speaker Baerdren, or
(female elder wyvern mystic, she/her). She frequently
if he were to step down as Grand Master of the Knights
patrols the skies around Flamekeep and ensures that
Templar, it’s likely that the role will fall to Ofejjaia. This
people don’t wander into the ruins of Shadukar, both to
is something of a concern for Baerdren, who suspects

prevent looting and to ensure travelers’ safety. Her faith

that Ofejjaia has lingering loyalties to Karrnath.
in the Silver Flame is particularly strong, and she has
Nevertheless, her advice to him thus far has been wise
been observed casting divine miracles on more than one
and well-considered. Ofejjaia has made many decisions
occasion. She seemingly even has a radiant breath
that proved to be for the good of the order.


The Knights of Thrane, also called the Crown Knights,
One of the smaller sub-orders of the Knights Templar,
are an order of knights founded by Prince Thrane in the
the Crucible was founded during the Last War to provide
earliest days of the nation. The Knights of Thrane have
weapons and armor to the templars. Most of the orders’
always served the royal family, answering to the Regent
membership are artificers or magewrights who
of Thrane, and then to the Thranish royal family during
specialise in creating flametouched iron and plating
and after the Last War.
steel weapons with silver. The Crucible is led by Knight-
When the Church of the Silver Flame was acclaimed as
Commander Noelle Duran (nonbinary human artificer,
the government in 914 YK, the Knights of Thrane were
ready to go to war on behalf of the royal family.
However, Prince Daslin defused the situation by ceding
to the Keeper of the Flame, recognizing that Thrane
would not survive a civil war while the Last War raged

The Order of Kloinjer was founded after the Year of The Order of the Silver Seal is one of the smallest orders
Blood and Fire and is dedicated to combating fiends and of the Knights Templar and is primarily active in
their influence on Eberron. This order is the source of Breland. It is dedicated to combating aberrant forces,
most of the church’s exorcists. Fiends from other planes and Cults of the Dragon Below. The order was formed
of existence also fall under their purview, though three hundred years ago when a group of templars were
fiendish incursions from the planes are less common investigating a mysterious set of disappearances joined
than from Khyber, their primary concern. The Order of forces with a Gatekeeper sect who revealed and
Kloinjer is led by Knight-Commander Camren explained the aberrant threat. The templars did not
Lightbringer (male human exorcist, he/him). wholly convert to the druidic practices of the
Gatekeepers but took the knowledge they gained from
ORDER OF KNIGHTS ANGELIC working with them and founded a new order that
A relatively new order founded during the Last War, the blended their traditions with those of the Church. It is
Order of Knights Angelic are an order specialising in now led by Knight-Commander Ildrazar (female half-

aerial combat. They often work with the Order of orc druid, she/her), a half-orc from the Shadow
Ashtarax, but the Order of Knights Angelic are an order Marches.
of elite aerial infantry.
Members of the order, referred to colloquially as SOCIETY OF MINISTERS
“angels” after the celestials of Shavarath, are heavily

The most mundane of the branches of the Church of the
armoured templars equipped with rainbow-feathered
Silver Flame, the Society of Ministers consists of priests
wings of flying, powered by their devotion to the Silver
who administer the typical rites of the Church. It is the
Flame. A variety of a specialisations exist within the
largest group within the Church, with members in every
Knights Angelic, as they are chosen from other orders.
country. While some members of the society can wield
The order is led by Knight-Commander Jolan Desekane
divine magic, most are simply people that are trained in
(male human knight angelic, he/him).
community leadership and the doctrine of the church.
ORDER OF KNIGHTS MILITANT The Society of Ministers was formed by Maliah
Founded during the Silver Crusade, the Order of Knights Sharavaci, one of Tira Miron's companions and the first
Militant is dedicated to rooting out and destroying e Keeper of the Flame.
lycanthropes. The Knights Militant have strong ties to In Thrane, the ministers are also the actual
the nobility of Aundair and House Vadalis. It is led by government of the nation. Each village, town and region
Knight-Commander Halagrad Doomhammer (male has a minister to govern it. Any given settlement may
dwarf oathsworn templar, he/him), a dwarven veteran have multiple ministers that share the religious duties,
of the Silver Crusade and founder of the order. but there is generally a single minister with legal
authority. The people of Thrane generally feel that the
ORDER OF THE GILDED LABYRINTH ministers use their power wisely and for the good of the
The only arcane circle within the Knights Templar, and community. The Society of Ministers is governed and led
the only arcane order truly respected in Thrane, the by the Council of Flamekeep.


Order of the Gilded Labyrinth is the research and
development arm of the church. It is also the source of
silver pyromancers, who channel the power of the Silver The smallest group within the Church of the Silver
Flame into arcane magic. This isn’t easy. It requires the

Flame, the Fellowship of the Flame consists of a vast

same devotion to the Silver Flame as any other templar, support network of priests that travel across the world,
as well as an aptitude for arcane spellcasting. growing the Church and seeing to the needs of the
The result is a spellcaster that blends the best aspects faithful. The organisation is tasked with supporting
of both the arcane and the divine, just as silver-gilt small communities that don't yet have a minister,
blends the best properties of both silver and gold. The building support for the church's mission, and generally
leader of the Order of the Gilded Labyrinth is Knight- being the light in the darkness. The Fellowship of the
Commander Gennara ir’Damilek (female half-elf silver Flame was formed by Turanank Noldrun, one of Tira

pyromancer, she/her), also the highest-ranking Silver Miron's adventuring companions.

Pyromancer within the circle.
The Order of the Radiant Flame is one of the oldest and The Argentum is the intelligence agency of Thrane, and
largest sub-orders of the Knights Templar. It is the answers directly to the Council of Flamekeep. It was
branch chiefly focused on the eradication of undead originally founded hundreds of years ago as a branch of
creatures. The Order of the Radiant Flame is led by the Knights Templar dedicated to handling dangerous
Knight-Commander Nyllestra Atrelioth (female human magical artifacts. Thrane's transition into a theocracy
oathsworn templar, she/her). during the Last War led to the Argentum being
restructured to handle intelligence and
ORDER OF THE SILVER BOW counterintelligence responsibilities.
Founded during the Last War, the Order of the Silver Bow This change in focus; from protecting Khorvaire at
begins with the devotional practice of archery and takes large from supernatural threats to protecting the
it to perfection. Members of the order, nicknamed interests of Thrane; is contentious among members of
Silverbows, are Thrane’s elite archers, specialising in the organisation. The addition of mundane threat
long-distance sniping and channelling the power of the management to the organisation's portfolio is seen by
Silver Flame through their arrows. The Order of the some members to be a distraction from their true
Silver Bow is led by Knight-Commander Adriana Krayci mission. The Argentum also continues its original
(female human silverbow, she/her). mission of handling and securing dangerous magical

artifacts and ensuring they cannot be used to harm
people. Medium Humanoid (human), lawful good
Unlike many other intelligence agencies, the
Argentum allows its members to leave. Should an agent Armor Class 15 (mithral chain shirt)
leave the organisation, or have their membership Hit Points 121 (22d8 + 22)
revoked, they are subjected to a geas that prevents them Speed 30 ft.
from divulging the organisation's secrets but are
otherwise free to live the rest of their lives. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
The Argentum is led by Director Nystrum Shadar 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
(male human oathsworn templar, he/him), a retired
general of Thrane’s military responsible for several Saving Throws Con +4, Cha +8
decisive victories for Thrane in the later years of the Last Skills Deception +8, Insight +5, Perception +5, Persuasion +8,
War. Though Director Shadar answers directly to the Religion +6, Stealth +6
Council of Flamekeep, he is not himself a member of the Senses passive Perception 15

group. Languages Common, Dwarvish, Gnoll, Goblin
Director Shadar manages the Argentum as a whole, Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
but much of the organisational burden is carried by
twenty-four directors, each of whom manages their own
teams of agents and administrative staff. Members of

the Argentum can be drawn from any of the other orders Multiattack. Drego makes two attacks with his rapier and uses
of the Church, and the membership of the Argentum is Holy Fire.
not public knowledge. To facilitate covert
+2 Silvered Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
communication, all Argentum agents are taught a form
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 3 + 2) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
of sign language, which also allows them to identify each
radiant damage.
other in the field.
In circumstances where Director Shadar is Holy Fire. Drego targets one creature he can see within 60 feet of
unavailable, the Director of Artifact Research, Minister him. The target must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Lycia Velencor (female human silver pyromancer, failed save, the target takes 9 (2d8) fire damage and 9 (2d8)
she/her), acts as the leader of the organisation.
e radiant, and it is blinded until the start of Drego’s next turn. On a
successful save, the target takes half as much damage and isn't
The silver pyromancer named Drego Sarhain (male Radiant Explosion (3 rd -level Spell; Recharge 4-6). Drego
human, he/him) is both a member of the Order of the unleashes a magical explosion of radiant fire. The explosion erupts
Gilded Labyrinth and an Argentum agent. He was a in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within 120 feet of
minstrel before he was a spy, and his previous Drego. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Dexterity
experience gives him access to a great number of places saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 18 (4d8) fire
he might not otherwise have. He felt the call of the Flame damage and 18 (4d8) radiant damage. On a successful save, a
after he became an agent of the Argentum and trained in creature takes half as much damage.
the ways of the silver pyromancer. Peculiarly, Drego Spellcasting. Drego casts one of the following spells, requiring no
can cast spells without providing verbal verbal components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability
components, a very useful skill for a spy. (spell save DC 16):

At will: invisibility, light, thaumaturgy

1/day each: banishment, cure wounds (4th-level), dimension door,
dispel magic, greater invisibility, hypnotic pattern, mass cure
wounds, revivify, scrying

Silvery Step (1st-level Spell; 3/day). Drego teleports, along with


any equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an

unoccupied space he can see.

Arcane Negation (1/day). Drego targets one creature he can see

within 60 feet of him that is casting a spell. The creature must
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or the spell fails,
and the creature is blinded until the start of its next turn.

The Path of Light is the religion practiced by many
THE IRON CRUSADE kalashtar, who seek to change reality by bringing about
While most of Khorvaire tore itself apart in the Last War, change within. The goal of the Path of Light is to bring
the dwarves of the Mror Holds were fighting their own il-Yannah, the "Great Light" into existence.
battle in the Realm Below against the forces of Dyrrn the Adherents of the Path of Light claim the current age of
Corruptor. It’s not known exactly what caused the Dal Quor is dominated by il-Lashtavar, the "Great
daelkyr’s forces to attack, nor why it took so long for the Darkness that Dreams", which poisons the world and
attacks to begin after the Realm Below was resettled. drives people to be their darkest selves. They also believe
The aberrations seem unwilling to attack the surface, that if they bring enough light into the world, then they
seemingly content to just drive the dwarves from the can bring that light to Dal Quor, too, and usher in the age
subterranean caverns and passageways. It’s uncertain of il-Yannah.
why. Perhaps the aberrations are merely increasing their There are multiple schools of thought, with some
numbers to sweep the dwarves from the Ironroot believing that meditation and reflection alone will be

Mountains, or maybe they can’t travel too far from the sufficient to change the course of reality, and others
demiplane that imprisons their daelkyr master. believing that direct action is necessary. This latter
So, the dwarves are relatively safe on the surface, but group call themselves shadow watchers, and they are the
the threat is ever present. Many of them have holdings most common followers of the Path of Light on
they are unwilling to surrender to the aberrations. Little Khorvaire.

significant progress has been made into the Realm The Church of the Silver Flame and the Path of Light
Below since the aberrations attacked, but with the end of share similar goals and beliefs. Regardless of their
the Last War, it is possible that the Mror clans could cultural and religious differences, there is more that
petition other nations for aid. brings them together than sets them apart, and there is a
The myths of Clan Doldarun claim that the clan’s small community of kalashtar in Flamekeep who seek
founder was the child of Dol Arrah and Dol Dorn, a hero the aid of the Church of the Silver Flame in their battle
born of heroes. This clan takes their martial training against the Dreaming Dark.
seriously, but more importantly than that, the dwarves They’ve maintained a low profile, trying to get a feel
of Clan Doldarun are the most likely to lay down their for Flamekeep and its people. The Dreaming Dark is
lives in defense of others. A variety of myths and tales everywhere, and the kalashtar need to ensure that the

fearsome monsters to protect others.

It is perhaps unsurprising that one of the most
demonstrate this, tales of Doldarun (for the clan matters
more to the Mror than the individual) taking on
church isn’t compromised before they reveal themselves
to the Council of Flamekeep. This suspicion isn’t
unwarranted. The Dreaming Dark have infiltrated
religious organizations in the past and used faith to turn
their enemies against each other. It is entirely possible
successful missions undertaken by the Fellowship of the
Flame was to the Mror Holds in the 5 th century. The that there are individuals in the Church hierarchy who
flamebearers weren’t overly welcomed, as the Mror have been subverted by the Dreaming Dark, either via
Holds are and were very firm in their faith in the quori manipulation or even mind seed.
Sovereign Host. But they were well received by Clan The players could be the thing that tips the scales for
Doldarun. The heroic tales of Tira Miron and the Year of the kalashtar. The kalashtars’ motivation, and the Path
Blood and Fire resonated with these dwarves, who saw of Light, is to save Eberron from a subversive
much of Doldarun in Tira. Some of these dwarves supernatural evil. There are few groups more effective at

returned with the flamebearers to Flamekeep, but even combating supernatural evil than the Church of the
those that remained in the Mror Holds took the stories Silver Flame.
and lessons to heart. The Church is currently unaware of the threat the
Clan Doldarun do not revere the Silver Flame but kalashtar face, and they know little to nothing about the
nevertheless feel a kinship with the Silver Flame mysterious rulers of the Unity of Riedra. The revelations
templars. They have adopted the stories of Tira Miron as brought by the kalashtar would put the church in a
a champion of Dol Arrah. It is possible that members of precarious situation, as much of Khorvaire relies on
Clan Doldarun can even wield the power of the Silver Riedran humanitarian aid in the wake of the Last War,

Flame, but they view it as a tool provided to them by Dol and Thrane’s resources are running low as it is. As with
Arrah and Dol Dorn, not as a focus of worship. many of the church’s problems, this would force a
Clan Doldarun could reasonably petition Flamekeep conflict between responsibility to the state, and the
for aid in the Realm Below, and the Church would surely Church’s beliefs.
provide it. The threat faced by the dwarves in the Mror
Holds is like that which surged from the Towering Wood
in 832 YK, and it is reasonable to assume that the Church
would respond to the threat in a similar manner: by
calling for all the faithful to take up arms against a
supernatural foe; another crusade.

THRANE beans, cheese, and salads, as well as chilli and spicy
barbeque food.
Thrane is, to most people in Khorvaire, inseparable from
Thranish drinks, like their desserts, are often served
the Church of the Silver Flame. The nation served as the
cold and Thrane is one place where you might find
birthplace for the Church in 299 YK, and this union of
horchata, as well as a signature creation of Sigilstar:
Thrane and the Church was cemented in 914 YK when
Sigilstar Slush, a beverage made from crushing ice in
the people of Thrane elevated the Church to temporal
various fruit juices.
In the winter, Thranes like to heat up milk and add
Much of the coverage in this book for the Church of
spices to it to enhance the flavour, with nutmeg,
the Silver Flame applies directly to Thrane as well, but
cinnamon and mint being common choices.
Thrane as a nation existed before the church did, and
Thrane is one of the only places in Khorvaire where
there are elements to Thrane culture that are not directly
you can find ice cream, though it is unclear where the
related to their faith.
frozen treat originated. Both Aruldusk and Sigilstar
For a more in-depth look at the people and cultures of
claim to have created the first sorbets, and many

Thrane, check out Cultures of Thrane by Joseph Meehan!
settlements in Thrane have their own spin on the


Thranes are generally good-hearted people who GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS

recognize the strength and value of their communities

The biggest political debate within Thrane is over who
and will act to protect them. This is in part due to the
should rule the country. Most are content with the
influence of the Church of the Silver Flame, but even
theocracy, but others believe that the monarchy should
prior to the creation of the church, Thranes were
be restored. The Thrane royal family are currently
spiritual people who sought to take care of their own.
figureheads. Queen Diani ir'Wynarn supports the return
The Church recognizes that desperation is a common
of the monarchy, but her supporters are mostly nobles. A
driver that pushes people to do evil, and this lesson has
third proposition has been suggested by Captain Otherro
been taken into government. Thrane has robust welfare
of the Knights of Thrane; that the monarchy should be
systems in place to ensure that the populace’s needs are
restored and rule alongside the church.
met. Thranes traveling abroad view homeless or starving
All of Thrane's nobles lost their authority to govern
people as failures of the state, rather than the individual.
e when the country became a theocracy. Most of them kept
The templars are vigilant and keep their communities
their land, so this didn't eliminate their power. Thus,
safe, and the Church’s focus on compassion means that
many of them simply transitioned into being wealthy
most of them are attentive to the needs of those they
families. Many families lost their heirs in the war, and
protect beyond just basic safety.
while in other countries their land would've been
Almost every Thrane community has an archery
transferred to other noble families, in Thrane that land
range. In towns, this may be a structure with well-
was turned over to the Church.
crafted targets, but in more rural areas it could be as
Different nobles dealt with this loss of power in
simple as a small clearing with some bales of hay and
different ways. Some joined organizations such as the
crudely painted bullseyes. Archery is a meditational
Aurum and leaned fully into economic power, and others
practice for followers of the Flame, a practical skill for
adapted to the new power structure and embraced the
hunting, and a sport that people can compete in to create
Church. A small portion of the nobility left the country,
a sense of community. It's also pragmatic, when battling
joining the expedition to Q'barra in 928 YK to found New

the forces of evil, to be as far away from the creatures as

Thrane is still rebuilding from the Last War, and its
Thrane is an integrated nation, like most of Khorvaire,
treasury is mostly depleted. It is in debt to many of the
and there is no racial hierarchy present within the
dragonmarked houses, particularly House Kundarak,
nation. This is not to say that Thrane’s culture is
and as a result taxes are high. The lack of funds also
homogenous; there are differences in traditions and
means that, even two years after the end of the war,
practices born from historical and biological differences,
much of Thrane has yet to be repaired.
but people are not discriminated against based on their
These economic struggles are worsened by the

race, species, or culture. In some rare cases, like with the

reduced presence of the dragonmarked houses in
town of Rellekor, systems have been put in place to
Thrane. While all the houses maintain some presence in
support those with unique needs who may otherwise
the nation, none of them use it as their headquarters.
struggle to participate in Thrane society as others do.
This is largely because Thrane has more restrictive anti-
But people are never forced to use those systems and are
corruption laws than the other nations.
always free to leave if they wish.


Many crops are grown on Thrane’s farms, but the bulk of
Thrane’s agriculture is dedicated to growing wheat.
Thrane is also home to the thrakel pepper, a spicy
ingredient found in many of Thrane’s signature dishes.
Cooking the thrakel spice in thick sauces, Thranish food
tends to be heavy, filling, and very hot. The people of
Thrane also enjoy their desserts, which tend to be sweet
and served cold to counteract the spicy nature of main
Foods you might find in Thrane include wheat arepas,
with a variety of fillings including thrakel-spiced meat,

Queen Diani ir'Wynarn (female human noble, she/her) is Captain Malik Otherro (male human oathsworn templar,
the current queen of Thrane, though her position is he/him) is the leader of the Knights of Thrane. Captain
largely ceremonial as she does not govern the nation. Otherro, like all Knights of Thrane, has sworn an oath to
She has done her best to try and maintain the traditions protect the people of Thrane and the royal family. Malik
of her people and keep the monarchy relevant in Thrane, is a close friend of Queen Diani ir'Wynarn and a vocal
but this is difficult. She is little more than a political supporter of restoring the monarchy in Thrane, though
figurehead but is a gifted diplomat and well-respected he does not let this get in the way of his duty to the
among the Council of Flamekeep and Thrane's nobility Church.
and has smoothed over more than one political incident Captain Malik secretly harbors romantic feelings for
with Thrane's neighbors. Queen Diani, though Dzarro has privately advised him
Although she is opposed to the Keeper of the Flame's against pursuing the queen. As of yet, he hasn’t been
position as head of state, Diani is fond of Jaela Daran asked to choose between his heart and his soul, and he
personally. She does what she can to help Jaela make prays that he never has to make that choice.

decisions that are in the best interest of Thrane, even if Captain Otherro was present in Shadukar when it was
this runs counter to her own desires. Diani is almost razed by Karrnath, and led a force of knights into the
always accompanied by her bodyguard and confidant, burning city to rescue as many people as he could. In the
Dzarro Silvervein. following months, Malik oversaw efforts to purge the
undead from the ruins and eliminating any Karrnathi

DZARRO SILVERVEIN forces encountered.
Dzarro Silvervein (male dwarf oathsworn templar,
he/him) has served the Thranish royal family since 856 CYRAN REFUGEES
YK. He was bodyguard to King Thalin until his death in
While Breland is the only nation that is canonically
914 YK, and Dzarro vowed that he would protect Thalin's
described as having welcomed Cyran refugees, Thrane
children and grandchildren, even if they were no longer
didn't turn them away. Initially, they constructed
in power. He now serves as the bodyguard of Queen Diani
refugee camps to temporarily house those fleeing the
ir'Wynarn, though she views him as more of a steward
disaster, but these were only a temporary measure to
and advisor.
allow time to relocate people and find them permanent
Dzarro is a firm believer in the Church of the Silver
e homes. Cyrans were expected to integrate into Thrane
Flame, but he feels that the church betrayed the royal
society, rather than being relegated to ghettos like High
family when they took over in 914 YK. He has little
Walls or undesirable land like New Cyre.
respect for many of the Speakers in the Council of
This was an easy transition for most of them, as the
Flamekeep and has a particular disregard for High
Silver Flame was also widely worshipped in Cyre.
Speaker Krozen.
Thrane’s welfare system also benefits all of its citizens,
KNIGHTS OF THRANE including the refugees from Cyre. While Cyrans in
The Knights of Thrane, also called the Crown Knights, Thrane do tend to stick together in smaller
are an order of knights founded by Prince Thrane in the communities, there is nothing like the district of High
earliest days of the nation. The Knights of Thrane have Walls in any Thrane city, and most Thranes just view
always served the royal family, answering to the Regent their new neighbors as Thranes.
of Thrane during the days of Galifar, and to the Thrane
royal family during and after the Last War.

When the Church of the Silver Flame refused to

acknowledge the authority of the royal family in 914 YK,
the Knights of Thrane were ready to go to war. The heir
apparent defused the situation by ceding to the Keeper of
the Flame, recognizing that Thrane would not survive a
civil war while the Last War raged on. Today, the Knights
of Thrane are essentially their own sub-order within the

Knights Templar, specializing in heavy cavalry, though

in theory they answer to Queen Diani ir'Wynarn. In
practice, they answer to the Council of Flamekeep and
put their loyalty to Thrane ahead of their loyalty to the
royal family.
The Knights of Thrane are led by Captain Malik

RELLEKOR against corruption and fiendish influence and
demonstrated exceptional devotion to the Church’s
Rellekor is a town in western Thrane founded by Keeper
Saren Rellek in the 13th year of his service as Keeper of
For hundreds of years, the order of Miron's Tears has
the Flame. Keeper Rellek created the town to provide a
fought a secret war against fiendish influence in the
sanctuary for Thrane’s tiefling population, a place where
Church, wiping out cults that serve the Shadow in the
they could learn and grow in safety. The Church
Flame and exposing fiends that have infiltrated the
maintains the town and provides it with funding, and it
Church. Due to the secretive nature of the order, its
has been an enormously successful project for the
members serve and die without their accomplishments
almost 4 centuries since its founding.
ever being known or acknowledged.
Today, Rellekor is populated almost entirely by
Samyr Kes and his agents have had almost 800 years
tieflings. Most of them are planetouched, but tieflings of
to build up Miron’s Tears, and the organisation has
all origins have found their home in Rellekor. It's not a
safehouses in every city where the Church has a presence
prison, and nobody is forced to remain there against
in Khorvaire. There aren’t many members of Miron’s

their will. It is, however, a place where they can be
Tears. Samyr maintains only a small but incredibly loyal
among their own kind, with others who understand
force that aid him in rooting out evil within the Church.
them and can guide them. Most of the tieflings in
Most of its membership are also involved in the Church
Rellekor arrive as infants, though some will be older, and
in other ways. Others just appear to be concerned
many of them choose to stay after graduating from the

In the interest of all children's wellbeing, a tiefling’s SAMYR KES
parents are expected to keep in contact with the child. Samyr Kes is the leader of Miron's Tears. He is ancient,
The children communicate with their family via letters even for an elf, sustained beyond his natural lifespan by
for most of the year, but families are encouraged to his connection to the Silver Flame, a couatl pact, and his
travel to Rellekor to be with their child on holidays and love for Tira Miron. His divine gifts allow him to fog the
are expected to visit their child physically at least once a mind, so he remains in Flamekeep to this day, living in
year. They are encouraged to do so more often if the Cathedral of the Flame and walking among the
possible. priests. None note his passing.
Tiefling's graduate from the school at the age of 16,
e Born in 221 YK, he would be approaching the end of his
whereafter they are free to do as they wish. It is a natural life, but his life force has been bolstered by his
testament to the success of the town that most of them couatl patron, Jaeinshar. He has even begun to resemble
choose to stay and act as role models for the next Jaeinshar in much the same way that shulassakar
generation, and many of them become priests or resemble the couatl. His mind is sharp, but his flesh is
templars of the Silver Flame. beginning to fail him, and he must rely on his agents
You can read more about Rellekor in Tiefling Treatise more often.
by Megan Caldwell. He operates out of a secret level deep below the

modern Cathedral of the Silver Flame in Flamekeep.
Samyr Kes loved Tira Miron, and he has spent centuries
On the night before her final battle with Bel Shalor, Tira carrying out her last request. This duty has kept him
Miron gathered her companions together to discuss her alive these past seven centuries, and if he ever came to
vision for the future, how another disaster like the Year believe he had failed, or worse, unintentionally done the
bidding of Bel Shalor, he could very well die instantly.

of Blood and Fire could be avoided. Most of her words

were preserved in Flamekeep, but not all.
Tira took the elven paladin Samyr Kes aside. Samyr JAEINSHAR
wanted to fight at Tira's side, but she ordered him to Jaeinshar (guardian couatl of courage, they/them), also
stay back. She told him she could bind the fiend, but she called the Golden Serpent, is the celestial patron of
couldn't destroy it, and the binding wouldn't last Samyr Kes. One of the last couatl who exists separately
forever. There would be those who heard its whispers, from the Silver Flame, they have sustained Samyr’s life
and those who would do its bidding. and kept him healthy and relatively physically capable

She wept as she detailed what she needed Samyr to do, long past the point where he should’ve felt his age.
because she knew it would destroy him to stay behind Without this support, the elf surely would have perished
and let her die. No one else could do the job. Kes’s years ago.
mission was to watch what came after, be vigilant Jaeinshar hates what has become of the Church and is
against those who heard the whispers of the fiend and disgusted by those who use their faith as a justification
save them, if he could. If not, he was to put the safety of for cruelty and violence. They have set Samyr against the
innocents ahead of those corrupted by the Shadow in the zealots of the Pure Flame and the theocracy. They have
Flame. also set their sights on those who use the Church for
Tira’s companions did as she asked after she sacrificed their own personal gain, such as the priests in Breland.
herself and founded the Church of the Silver Flame.
Samyr faded into the shadows, faking his own death, and
removing himself entirely from the public face of the
Church. As far as the Church’s records are concerned,
Samyr Kes was assassinated by an agent of Bel Shalor
before the final battle.
Today, the order is a ghost within the Church. It
operates with utmost secrecy, and not even the Keeper of
the Flame is aware of its existence. It draws recruits
from those who have shown themselves to be resilient

The last century has not been kind to the Church of the
Medium humanoid (elf), lawful good Silver Flame. Taking control over the nation of Thrane
has mired the church’s mission in politics and gotten in
Armor Class 15 (mage armor) the way of protecting the world from supernatural evil.
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) or 256 when channeling Jaeinshar Worse, it has attracted people to the Church who seek
Speed 30 ft. only personal gain, and zealots which Flamekeep no
longer has any way to meaningfully control.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA After long consideration, Samyr has concluded that
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) the corruption within the Church must be purged. This
was always his mission, and for the longest time the
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +5, Cha +9 greatest threat to the church were the cults and fiendish
Skills Arcana +6, Deception +9, Perception +5, Persuasion +9, minions of Bel Shalor, but now the mission is at risk due

Religion +6 to entirely mundane, mortal evil. Samyr seeks to redeem
Damage Resistances fire, radiant the Church and put it back on the path set out by Tira
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Miron, even if he must sacrifice his own innocence to do
Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish, telepathy 120ft. it.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Shielded Mind. Samyr is immune to scrying and to any effect that The Pure Flame (see page 21) has always been prone to
would sense his emotions, read his thoughts, or detect his acts of violent zealotry, and its current leader, Prefect
location. In addition, only those he wishes to remember him can Solgar Dariznu, has been known to burn people alive.
do so once he is no longer within their line of sight. Whenever Samyr looks at reports of the actions of the
Pure Flame, he is reminded of the things that the
Shadow in the Flame drives people to do. Even if the so-
Multiattack. Samyr makes three attacks with his silvered cane called Purified aren’t actively tarnished, they
sword. He can replace any number of these attacks with a use of nevertheless do the overlord’s work.
Radiant Blast. e It would be easy to just have Prefect Dariznu
assassinated, but that wouldn’t solve the problem. The
Silvered Cane Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
movement existed before Dariznu came to power and
one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage (wooden cane) or
will likely exist afterwards. Having the Prefect killed also
piercing damage (silvered sword), plus 18 (4d8) radiant damage.
risks making a martyr and further radicalizing his
Radiant Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ft., one followers. Instead, Samyr needs to find a way to get rid
target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) radiant damage. of Dariznu and the most extreme of the Purified while
Divine Fire. Silver flame explodes in a 10-foot-radius sphere discrediting the beliefs of the Pure Flame and bringing
centered on a point within 120 feet of Samyr. Each creature in that those that remain back into the fold.
area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10)
fire damage and 16 (3d10) radiant damage on a failed save, or half THE THEOCRACY
as much damage on a successful one. Samyr has disapproved of the theocracy since it came
into power. Like many, he believes that embroiling the
Spellcasting. Samyr casts one of the following spells, using
Church in politics prevents it from completing the
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):

mission it was created for, and making the church a

At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts, mage political entity will attract those who seek to use it. Tira
armor, protection from evil and good Miron never intended for the Church to rule; it was
3/day each: bless, create food and water, dispel magic, lesser always the goal of the Church to protect.
restoration High Speaker Krozen represents an interesting
1/day each: banishment, greater restoration, revivify problem for Samyr. He believes that the High Speaker is
a true believer in the Flame, but that the weight of his
responsibility has led him astray. Krozen puts the good

of Thrane ahead of the good of the Church and its

Healing Light (Recharge 4-6). Samyr or one creature of his choice
followers. If possible, Samyr would prefer to find a way
within 60 feet of him regains 22 (5d6 + 5) hit points.
to win Krozen over to his side and support dissolving the
theocracy without killing him. Samyr doesn’t necessarily
want to restore the monarchy; he wants the church to be
Celestial Rebuke (3/day). In response to being damaged by a freed of politics.
visible creature within 60 feet of him, Samyr forces that creature to Samyr would prefer to influence things from the
make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) radiant shadows, but if needs be he has the means to come
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful forward and take the reins. He has meticulously recorded
one. every action his organisation has taken since its
inception, and preserved the original orders received
from Tira Miron, with her seal, which could be
confirmed by the Church’s diviners. If all else fails,
Samyr Kes can always begin a powerful inquisition.

The Pure Flame is an extremist sect of the Church of the Despite the Church so far taking no action against the
Silver Flame which rose after the Silver Crusade. Many Pure Flame, Keeper Jaela is deeply troubled by their
Aundairians suffered decades of terror at the hands of beliefs and reports of their behaviour. Ultimately, she is
the lycanthropes, so embraced the Flame as the weapon bound by the same limitation that originally allowed the
of their liberation. Followers of the Pure Flame have a extremists to flourish; how can the government of
distorted view of the principles of the Church. Thrane enforce their beliefs on the faithful of Aundair?
Unfortunately, this has been allowed to fester in the
wake of the Last War. DARIZNU AND THALIOST
The core principle of the Silver Flame is to defend the Thaliost is a powder keg. Thaliost was the capital of the
defenceless from supernatural evil, and to combat the nation of the same name, which would eventually
potential for evil within all of us with compassion and become Aundair after it was taken by Galifar. It’s an
understanding. Those who follow the Pure Flame, important city for Aundair, their ancestral home. It looks

however, see the Silver Flame as a tool to punish the more like Fairhaven than any other city in Thrane.
wicked. The Purified see no room for compassion in the Thrane captured it in 926 YK, and the Treaty of
eternal struggle against evil. Thronehold confirmed it as Thrane territory, a
They accept the idea that fiendish forces can drive concession heavily contested by Aundair.
people to do evil, perhaps even against their will, but The citizens of Thaliost are a bitter, divided, and

they focus on burning the evil out of people, rather than defeated people that largely still consider themselves
addressing the underlying causes. The Purified are Aundairian. Some of them have made plans to return to
intolerant, bigoted, and violent, rejecting the Aundair now that the War is over, while others accuse
compassionate principles of the faith and denying Aundair of abandoning them to the Thranes. Riots and
equality to the ‘wicked’. small acts of disturbance are common, on which Prefect
The Pure Flame is defined by violence and an Dariznu brutally cracks down.
uncompromising, if distorted, sense of justice. The Dariznu rules Thaliost with an iron fist and is fond of
Purified believe that there must be no compromise and public burnings. He is, quite frankly, a monster, but he
reject the premise of a hierarchy of evil; no evil deed wasn’t always. Much like Krozen, Dariznu is a true
must go unpunished, and all evil is deserving of the e believer in the Silver Flame. He has been unknowingly
same punishment. If any evil is afforded space than it influenced by the Shadow in the Flame for years. He
will take root and grow. genuinely believes that the lengths he goes to are
Most followers of the Pure Flame are zealously loyal to warranted and justified, that evil will spread if not
the Voice in the Flame and believe in Keeper Jaela, but at cauterized.
the same time many of them also distrust the theocracy. This, combined with his being Aundairian, is what led
Whenever Keeper Jaela makes a proclamation that to him being assigned governance of Thaliost, in the
challenges their beliefs, they rationalise that she isn’t hopes that the people of the city would be more likely to
talking about them, or attribute it to the allegedly listen to one of their own. The situation in the city has
corrupt Speakers of Thrane putting words in her mouth. eaten away at him and driven him to increasingly
There is even a movement within Thaliost urging Prefect extreme measures. The Shadow in the Flame whispers to
Dariznu to rally their forces and seize Flamekeep, to all the faithful, and the stress of his position put Dariznu
‘liberate’ the Keeper of the Flame from the theocracy, in the perfect state of mind to hear it. To complicate
but at present they lack the resources to do so. matters further, the Shadow in the Flame is not the only

The Council of Flamekeep has currently taken no overlord influencing his behaviour.
action to attempt to suppress or challenge the extreme Buried beneath Thaliost is a shard of the prison of Rak
beliefs of the Pure Flame. Prefect Dariznu was appointed Tulkhesh, the Rage of War. Rak Tulkhesh encourages
as the governor of Thaliost to quell the unrest in the city. violence and hate, and feeds on the rage that drives
This was in part because the Pure Flame grew in people to harm others. The harsh response to dissidence
prevalence during the Last War, and the Speakers of stokes the fire of unrest within Thaliost, and Rak
Thrane couldn't enforce their beliefs on the faithful in Tulkhesh stokes the fire further, pushing otherwise
Aundair. The appointment of Prefect Solgar Dariznu was reasonable people to senseless hate and rage. If nothing

an effort to ensure that the followers of the Pure Flame changes, the future of Thaliost looks more and more
would accept the authority of Flamekeep, but it has bleak. It’s possible that the Church (or a party of
arguably emboldened them. Reports of the Prefect adventurers!) will have to intervene or risk losing the
burning people alive have made it out of the city. city altogether.
Just how much of Dariznu’s behaviour is a result of his
beliefs, and how much is outside forces? It could be that
he is just a monster, but there could also be another
hand guiding his actions. It’s an interesting coincidence
that the beliefs Dariznu and the Pure Flame hold match
those expressed by Melysse Miron during the Time of
Two Keepers. Can he be redeemed, or does he need to be
removed and replaced? What does that mean for the Pure

As noted above, there is a movement within Thaliost
Medium humanoid (human, cleric), lawful evil calling on Dariznu to gather their forces and march on
Flamekeep to liberate the Keeper of the Flame. Many of
Armor Class 18 (plate armor) the Purified are zealots, and they do generally believe
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) that while Keeper Jaela speaks with the Voice of the
Speed 30 ft. Flame, it is likely that not everything she says is coming
from her or the Voice.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Dariznu and the Purified lack the resources for a full-
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)
scale offensive against Flamekeep, but do they need to
gather an army? It’s possible they have agents in
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +8 Flamekeep right now that are working towards
Skills Intimidation +5, Religion +4 liberating Keeper Jaela and bringing her to Thaliost,
Senses passive Perception 14 where she’ll be “safe” among the Purified. Have they

Languages Common tried to kidnap her before? If so, why isn’t she with them
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 now? Is the Keeper even aware of these groups? Perhaps
Miron’s Tears deal with them.
Indomitable (3/Day). Dariznu rerolls a failed saving throw. What would happen if the Purified did manage to
gather the resources to march on Flamekeep? Would

Aundair get involved, or simply watch the chaos unfold?
Multiattack. Dariznu makes two Flail attacks and uses Holy Fire. Perhaps Aundair, bitter at losing Thaliost to Thrane
Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 during the war, has the Royal Eyes of Aundair stirring up
(1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) fire damage. trouble in the city and planting the seeds of revolution.
Furthermore, Thaliost controls the waterway leading in
Holy Fire. Dariznu targets one creature he can see within 60 feet.
and out of Scion’s Sound, and it’s possible they could
The target must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
restrict the flow of trade to Flamekeep until their
save, the target takes 13 (2d8 + 4) fire damage, and it is blinded
demands are met. How might Flamekeep respond? It’s
until the start of Dariznu's next turn. On a successful save, the
entirely possible that Rak Tulkhesh would push the
target takes half as much damage and isn't blinded.
Purified towards such an action with the intention of
Wall of Righteous Fire (Recharge 4-6). Dariznu creates a wall of
silvery fire on a solid surface within 120 feet of him. He can make
the wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a
ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick.
The wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. When the wall appears,
getting the church to crack down on Thaliost, sparking
further conflict.
each creature of Dariznu’s choice within its area must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 36 (8d8)
fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. The
wall deals 36 (8d8) fire damage to any creature of Dariznu’s choice
that ends its turn within 5 feet of it. When Dariznu uses this action,
it removes any existing Walls of Righteous Fire.
Spellcasting. Dariznu casts one of the following spells, using

Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):

At will: detect evil and good, light, thaumaturgy
1/day each: banishment, command, dispel magic, fireball, hold
person, lesser restoration, revivify

Healing Light (Recharge 4-6). Dariznu or one creature of his


choice within 60 feet of him regains 13 (2d8 + 4) hit points.

Dariznu can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options

below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
only at the end of another creature's turn. Dariznu regains spent
legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Attack. Dariznu makes an attack with his flail or uses Holy Fire.
Fearsome Judgement. Dariznu targets one creature within 60 feet
of him and utters a prayer of denunciation. That creature must
succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of
Dariznu until the end of its next turn.
Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions.) Dariznu uses Spellcasting.

Archierophant Ythana Morr (female human, she/her) is
The Church of the Silver Flame has many followers who
the highest priest of the church in Breland, operating out
unintentionally do the work of Bel Shalor. There are also
of Sharn She is often accused of using the Church's
those within the Church, however, that do the Shadow in
templars to strongarm merchants and the other faithful
the Flame’s bidding intentionally. The Tarnished are a
into doing her bidding.
logical source for Cults of the Dragon Below among the
Ythana’s view of herself is apparent in her title, which
faithful of the Church, charlatans masquerading as
is not a part of the hierarchy in Flamekeep.
priests and paladins who seek to lead the faithful astray.
Fundamentally, Ythana lacks any true faith in the Silver
It's possible that the Tarnished are fanning the flames
Flame, and she always has. Ythana doesn’t believe in the
of the Pure Flame in Thaliost and Aundair, pushing the
mission of the Church and only sees it as a means to an
zealots to ever more extreme behavior. All the faithful
end. She is more than an opportunist; however, her lack
have the potential to hear the whispers of the Shadow in
of faith prevents her from channeling the Silver Flame.
the Flame, and an otherwise devout priest who is led
Ythana is one of the Tarnished, so channels the power

astray by these whispers is not necessarily Tarnished.
of Bel Shalor when she casts spells. She actively
Instead, the Tarnished hear the whispers of Bel Shalor
collaborates with a rakshasa named Zathara, who
and know they are listening to Bel Shalor.
resides in Khyber’s Gate in Sharn, and is willfully
What could lead someone to serve the Shadow in the
encouraging the corruption within the Church in Breland
Flame knowingly and willingly? There could be many
to empower her master and ultimately turn people away

reasons that lead someone down that path. It could be as
from the church.
simple as greed or ambition; has Bel Shalor (or its
minions) promised them power or wealth? It could be
more complicated than that; perhaps a Tarnished priest
believes that mortals are inherently flawed and deserve Medium humanoid (human, cleric), lawful evil
to live under the influence of Bel Shalor?
Another possible source for a Tarnished is someone Armor Class 19 (+1 plate armor)
who is aware of the Lords of Dust and believes that the Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
release of Bel Shalor could prevent the release of other Speed 30 ft.
more immediately destructive overlords. e
There is variety among the Tarnished, they aren’t STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
necessarily united, and every individual Tarnished likely 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 14 (+2)
has their own reasons for doing what they do. Do they
seek to undo the Church from within, and maintain the Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +8
persona of a genuine devout follower of the faith, or do Skills Deception +6, Insight +8, Intimidation +6, Religion +4
they seek to undermine the Church from the outside by Senses passive Perception 14
tarnishing their reputation? Languages Common, Infernal
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Special Equipment. Ythana Morr wears gauntlets of ogre power.
The Church of the Cleansing Flame is the largest and
most influential Church of the Silver Flame in Breland,
located in Sharn. The Church of the Silver Flame has
Multiattack. Ythana makes two attacks with her Morningstar and

almost always had a following in Breland, and the

Brelish arm of the Church has historically had a small then uses Spellcasting.
problem with opportunists using the Church for their +1 Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
own gain. This problem only worsened when the nation target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage, plus 9 (2d8) radiant
of Thrane uplifted the Church and became a theocracy, damage.
creating a schism between the faithful of Breland and
Guiding Bolt (1st-Level Spell). Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range
the faithful of Thrane.
120 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) radiant damage, and the next
The Church of the Cleansing Flame is named for its
attack roll made against the target before the end of Ythana’s next

role in cleansing the world of evil. Ironically, it is also

turn has advantage.
the most corrupt arm of the Church, and charges
followers for services that are provided free of charge in Spellcasting. Ythana casts one of the following spells, using
other churches. This issue has only grown more Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with
prevalent since the rise of the theocracy in Thrane, as spell attacks):
the priests don't respect the word of Flamekeep. What At will: guiding bolt, light, spare the dying, thaumaturgy
right do the faithful of Thrane have to assert their beliefs 1/day each: banishment, command, dispel magic, flame strike,
on the faithful of Breland? guardian of faith, hold person, lesser restoration, revivify
Most of the corrupt priests in Breland are merely
opportunists, using the Church to enrich themselves at
the expense of the faithful, coveting power and wealth
Healing Light (Recharge 4-6). Ythana magically heals herself,
over the mission of the Church. Very few of them are
regaining 12 (2d8 + 4) hit points.
Tarnished, but there are enough of the Tarnished among
them that their influence can be felt throughout Breland.

WHISPERING FLAME more powerful, eventually gaining the ability to plane
shift and escape. As those in the center grow more
The Whispering Flame are a Tarnished cult that believes
powerful, the other groups get more desperate to wrest
that the current Keeper of the Silver Flame, Jaela Daran,
control away from them. Alliances are formed to break
is one of them. The cult is composed of priests and
the current winners, which immediately shatter as
templars, individuals who are fully integrated into the
everyone realizes they can’t all escape.
Church of the Silver Flame, who follow Bel Shalor in
The Heretic’s Pyre is a place where good people must
exchange for power and influence. Much like the
do evil things, or they will die. There is only one person
overlord that they serve, members of the Whispering
who has ever escaped from the demiplane, if legends are
Flame rarely act directly, instead preferring to influence
to be believed. This human woman spun a complex web
the genuinely faithful into doing their bidding. Bel
of alliances, pitting other factions against each other and
Shalor delights when a good person is driven to do evil,
obtaining control of the Pyre. Over the next 7 days, she
especially if they do it for the right reasons.
betrayed every one of her allies, sacrificing them to the
Bel Shalor thrives on manipulating others into
flame. Nobody knows exactly how she did it, but tales

compromising their morals, and its most loyal and
within the Pyre persist that she must have had the favor
treasured followers are those with a genuine connection
of Bel Shalor, and some even claim that she was one of
to the Silver Flame that have been coerced into serving.
the Shadow in the Flame’s sakah tieflings.
Part of this manipulation is the idea among the
Upon her escape from the Pyre, the woman made her
Whispering Flame that the Keeper in the Flame is one of
way to Flamekeep, and introduced herself to the church

them and serves Bel Shalor. The Whispering Flame
as Melysse Miron.
believes that Jaela Daran channels the power of the
Shadow in the Flame, not the Silver Flame, and that she MELYSSE MIRON
receives the same orders they do. Most people in Thrane know of the Time of Two Keepers,
This makes the Whispering Flame an interesting the greatest schism in the history of the Church It ended
faction to run, as they support the Keeper of the Flame in a brutal, bloody conflict followed, and Melysse Miron
and will take action to ensure her continued reign. They was defeated and put to the sword.
might target the royal family of Thrane to ensure the That’s what the public believe, anyway. The truth is
theocracy remains in power, or they might even attempt restricted to the Council of Flamekeep. Jaela hasn’t even
to eliminate High Speaker Krozen if he is seen to go e been told yet, though she will be in time. Melysse Miron
against the Keeper too often. was not destroyed. Keeper Danth feared that if she killed
Much like the Pure Flame, the Whispered Flame Melysse, Bel Shalor would simply choose another to
explain away anything that Jaela says that they disagree invest its strength in, just as the Flame chooses new
with, believing that her words are carefully constructed Keepers. As such, Melysse was petrified and sent to
to maintain her cover among the fools that truly follow Dreadhold, where she remains in the Stone Ward.
the Silver Flame.
The Templars (and Miron’s Tears) are vigilant in
finding and eliminating cults to Bel Shalor in Flamekeep,
and so it’s a testament to their ability that the
Whispering Flame have managed to avoid being detected
and destroyed. They largely communicate via spells, and
most members of the cult don’t know the identities of
many other members. Detecting one cultist only really

removes that cultist.

In addition, the cultists receive visions from Bel Shalor
which give them their orders, and so they don’t need to
communicate with any other individual members of the
Whispering Flame to do its bidding. The cultists can all
act independently, and only when they complete their
respective missions does the plan become clear.

The Heretic’s Pyre originally appeared in Hektula’s
Khyber Codex.
The Heretic’s Pyre is the heart demiplane of Bel
Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame. Reflecting the nature of
its overlord, the demiplane is a game with very real
stakes, where allies must be made and betrayed to find
victory (and survive).
The demiplane is a monochromatic city, a dark
reflection of Flamekeep built around a black and crimson
pillar of flame in mockery of the pillar of silver fire in
Flamekeep. This pillar of flame, referred to as the Ebon
Pyre, is the only means of escape from the demiplane.
The game of the Heretic’s Pyre is one with no winners.
Factions within the city vie for control of the central
pyre, sacrificing others to the flames to gain strength.
For each day that a group controls the flame, they grow

20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 18 (4d8)
radiant damage and 18 (4d8) necrotic damage. On a successful save, a
Medium humanoid (tiefling, cleric), lawful evil creature takes half as much damage.
Spellcasting. Melysse casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom
Armor Class 18 (plate armor)
as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20):
Hit Points 156 (24d8 + 48)
Speed 30 ft. At will: bestow curse, bless, command, darkness, daylight, dispel magic,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 3/day each: banishment, mass cure wounds, mass suggestion, raise
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 24 (+7) 21 (+5) dead, spirit guardians
1/day each: plane shift, word of recall
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +12, Cha +10
Skills Athletics +8, Deception +15, Medicine +12, Perception +12,

Persuasion +15, Religion +13
Healing Light (Recharge 4-6). Melysse or one creature of her choice
Damage Immunities necrotic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and
within 60 feet of her regains 30 (5d8 + 8) hit points.
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 22

Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal Subvert Healing (3/day). When a creature that Melysse can see within
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 120 feet of her would regain hit points, that creature instead takes
radiant damage equal to the amount of hit points it would have
Fiendish Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede Melysse's darkvision. regained.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Melysse fails a saving throw, she can

choose to succeed instead.
Melysse can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Magic Resistance. Melysse has advantage on saving throws against
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
spells and other magical effects.
only at the end of another creature's turn. Melysse regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.

Multiattack. Melysse makes two Blinding Flame attacks. She can

replace one of these attacks with a use of Spellcasting.
Blinding Flame. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) radiant damage, and the
Blinding Flame. Melysse makes a Blinding Flame attack.
Whispering Flame. Melysse whispers words to one creature within 30
feet of her, seeding their mind with doubt. The target must succeed on
a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of Melysse for 1 minute.
The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their
target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded
turns, ending the effect on itself on a successful saving throw.
until the start of Melysse’s next turn.
Cast a Spell (Costs 2). Melysse uses her Spellcasting.
Paradox (Recharge 4-6). Melysse summons a vertical column of
radiant darkness. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high
cylinder centered on a point within 120 feet of Melysse must make a DC

The Church continues to pay for her imprisonment to Just like Keeper Jaela, Melysse Miron is more powerful
this day. Nobody could really say what she would do if when in proximity to Flamekeep. Perhaps she may be
she were to escape, but it’s likely she would make more powerful than the young Keeper. Outside of
another attempt on the Church. Melysse Miron is an Flamekeep, she is almost certainly more powerful than
agent of Bel Shalor, the most powerful mortal agent the Jaela. Melysse is a dangerous individual regardless of
overlord has ever had, and she revels in doing its work. where she is, but within Flamekeep she would be a force
There are a few ways that Melysse might end up being that few on Eberron could rival.
released. The Church could stop paying, causing House

Kundarak to release her. Another option is for the

Whispering Flame cult, or any group of Tarnished, to
stage a prison break. It would be appropriate for such a
group to mislead a group of well-meaning player
characters into the deed. Knowledge of Melysse’s
continued existence is a secret, and so the Tarnished
could tell any lie necessary.
Once released, Melysse likely wouldn’t act against the
Church immediately. Instead, she would lay low for a
while, learn about the state of the world, and try to
gather support. Likely, she would attempt to subvert the
Pure Flame in Thaliost. As there is already a vocal group
of Purists pushing for Prefect Dariznu to march on
Flamekeep, Melysse could be the spark that ignites the
powder keg.

Paradox (Recharge 4-6). Melysse summons a vertical column of
radiant darkness. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high
Medium humanoid (tiefling, cleric), lawful evil cylinder centered on a point within 120 feet of Melysse must make a
DC 22 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 31
Armor Class 18 (plate armor) (7d8) radiant damage and 31 (7d8) necrotic damage. On a successful
Hit Points 247 (38d8 + 76) save, a creature takes half as much damage.
Speed 30 ft.
Spellcasting. Melysse casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom
as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 22):
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 24 (+7) 21 (+5) At will: bestow curse, bless, command, darkness, daylight, dispel magic,
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +14, Cha +12 3/day each: banishment, mass cure wounds, mass suggestion, raise
Skills Athletics +10, Deception +19, Medicine +14, Perception +14, dead, spirit guardians

Persuasion +19, Religion +17 1/day each: divine word, mass heal, plane shift, teleport, word of recall
Damage Immunities necrotic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Healing Light. Melysse or one creature of her choice within 60 feet of

Senses truesight 60ft., passive Perception 24
her regains 30 (5d8 + 8) hit points.
Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Melysse fails a saving throw, she can Subvert Healing. When a creature that Melysse can see within 120 feet
choose to succeed instead. of her would regain hit points, that creature instead takes radiant
damage equal to the amount of hit points it would have regained.
Magic Resistance. Melysse has advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.
Shadow Keeper (Mythic Trait; Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
Melysse can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
If Melysse would be reduced to 0 hit points, her current hit point total
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and

and she regains any expended uses of Legendary Resistance.

Additionally, Melysse summons Kloinjer and can now use the options
in the "Mythic Actions" section for 1 hour.
instead resets to 247 hit points, she immediately recharges Paradox,
only at the end of another creature's turn. Melysse regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Blinding Flame. Melysse makes a Blinding Flame attack.
Whispering Flame. Melysse whispers words to one creature within 30
feet of her, seeding their mind with doubt. The target must succeed on
Multiattack. Melysse makes three Blinding Flame attacks. She can a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of Melysse for 1 minute.
replace one of these attacks with a use of Spellcasting. The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their
turns, ending the effect on itself on a successful saving throw.
If her mythic trait is active, she instead makes four attacks with
Kloijner, and can replace any of those attacks with a use of her Cast a Spell (Costs 2). Melysse uses her Spellcasting.
Blinding Flame. Additionally, she can replace one of those attacks with
a use of Spellcasting.

Blinding Flame. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft. or If Melysse’s Shadow Keeper trait has activated in the last hour, she can
range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) radiant damage, and the use the options below as legendary actions.
target must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded Kloinjer. Melysse makes an attack with Kloinjer.
until the start of Melysse’s next turn. Recharge (Costs 2). Melysse calls on Bel Shalor and immediately
Kloinjer (Shadow Keeper Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, recharges Paradox.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 18 (4d8)
radiant damage, and the target loses any resistance or immunity to

radiant damage that it may have for 1 hour.

Roughly translating as “Ghost Guardians” in Orc, the There were undoubtedly other guardians between the
Ghaash’kala occupy the Labyrinth that separates the shulassakar and the Ghaash’kala, but as inevitably as the
Demon Wastes from the Eldeen Reaches. This group tide, they too fell.
believes that they have a sacred duty to prevent the evil
in the Demon Wastes from escaping into the rest of THE CALL OF KALOK SHASH
Approximately 9000 years ago, a tribe of orcs in the
The Ghaash’kala venerate a force they call “Kalok
Shadow Marches heard the call of Kalok Shash, during
Shash”, or the “Binding Flame” in Orc. They believe it
the time the Dhakaani Empire was consolidating. Most
called their ancestors to their sacred duty roughly 9000
of the orc tribes at the time received tutelage from the
years ago. The Ghaash’kala believe that every one of
black dragon Vvaraak and would become the first
their number who falls joins with Kalok Shash and

empowers it, helping the living in holding back the
But the Maruk tribe left the Shadow Marches,
darkness. It is likely that Kalok Shash is another
following a calling to a higher purpose. They made their
incarnation of the Silver Flame, which called Tira Miron
way north, through the Eldeen Reaches, and found
to the Labyrinth during the Year of Blood and Fire to
themselves in a great Labyrinth carved from a mountain
fight back the Carrion Tribes.

range, separating the verdant Reaches from a blasted
The Ghaash’kala live brutal, often short, lives. As they
apocalyptic wasteland teeming with fiends.
believe they are already dead, they have given their lives
Within the Labyrinth, the Maruk tribe found
wholly to Kalok Shash. They see themselves as living
abandoned strongholds filled with ancient couatl relics.
ghosts and believe that their final death is the
The voice that had called spoke to them of brave warriors
completion of their spiritual journey.
who had died in defense of the world to the east, a
When Ghaash’kala initiate new individuals, either the
society who channeled the celestial power of the couatl
children of the tribe or an outsider brought into the fold,
and allowed the rest of the world to rest, unburdened by
they perform a ritual unique to each tribe. The exact
the doom on their doorstep. This voice called itself the
nature of this ritual depends on the tribe; the Maruk
Binding Flame, Kalok Shash in the orc language, and it
Ghaash’kala will swing a weapon at the initiate and stop

(and barely miss) them with bows. These new ‘ghosts’

are then welcomed into the tribe, taking up the sacred
duty to guard the Labyrinth.
The Ghaash’kala believe that the Demon Wastes taint
just short of striking them, while the Kastar will shoot at
had called them to serve.
everything, including the Ghaash’kala themselves.
Anyone and anything that enters the Wastes must stay
there. To allow anything to escape that is tainted by
Khyber’s corruption is unacceptable. Once someone has
joined the Ghaash’kala, it is expected that they serve
until death.


In the final days of the Age of Demons, the couatl
gathered their allies to prepare them for when they
would need to continue the celestials’ work without

guidance. The original guardians of the Labyrinth

weren’t Ghaash’kala, but shulassakar.
These ancient shulassakar built the strongholds
within the Labyrinth from gleaming songsilver, aided by
the couatl. They held the Labyrinth for centuries,
containing the threat of the Demon Wastes and the
horrors that reside there.
Worn down over time, in a long, drawn-out battle of
attrition, the shulassakar lost people faster than they
could replace them. Even couatl relics could only delay
the inevitable. One day, the shulassakar of the Labyrinth
The strongholds, and the relics therein, were warded
against fiends and their servants, so they remained
untouched for years. Songsilver, much like demonglass,
is effectively indestructible, and so the abandoned
strongholds stood even as time did its best to wear them

Kalok Shash taught the orcs how to navigate the Oalian remains the sole witness to the collapse of the
Labyrinth and its dangers, told them of the secret Towering Wood’s civilization. A Prophetic series of
strongholds, and of the relics contained within. The orcs events lead to the release of the overlord named the Wild
took to the role they were given fully, approaching it
e Heart, the embodiment of mortal fear of predators and
with passion and spirituality. The orcs named the natural world. The overlord preyed on the orcs of the
themselves the Ghaash’kala and became living ghosts Towering Wood, twisting the orcs’ druidic magic to turn
that stalk the Labyrinth, destroying any evil that they them into predators.
encounter. Every time a member of the Ghaash’kala is This was the first time that the Ghaash’kala were
lost to the Labyrinth and its evil, the Ghaash’kala threatened by the Eldeen Reaches as well as the Demon
proclaim that Kalok Shash burns brighter, and they are Wastes. They didn’t fall to this threat, though they
emboldened rather than disheartened. suffered heavy losses. Oalian refuses to discuss the
The Ghaash’kala settled four secret strongholds in the events, so the verbal records of the Ghaash’kala are
Labyrinth and split into groups to be able to defend these some of the only references to it that remain.
territories. Those that settled in the central Labyrinth A mysterious figure named for the moon Olarune,
retained their old name, Maruk. Those that settled the whose nature was never recorded in the Ghaash’kala’s
northeast became the Jaasakah; those that settled in the stories, freed the beasts of the Towering Wood from the
west became the Kastar, and the Vaanka defend the influence of the Wild Heart. Together, Oalian, the

Labyrinth closest to the Reaches, acting as the final Ghaash’kala, and the newly freed Blessed of Olarune
bastion against the Wastes. broke the fiend’s power and rebound it, requiring the
sacrifice of Olarune in much the same way that Tira
THE WILD HEART BEATS Miron would later sacrifice herself to rebind Bel Shalor.
Those who had fallen under the Wild Heart’s sway
In the aftermath of the daelkyr’s invasion of Eberron,
were now free, but they were no longer orcs. They had
the Dhakaani Empire began its fall. Their cohesion was
become something new. The Ghaash’kala stories of
irreparably damaged by the psychic attack called the

Olarune and her Blessed are the oldest evidence of

Kapaa’vola. Over time the once-unified empire collapsed
shifters in the Towering Wood.
into warring states that spread across Khorvaire.
This instability allowed the orcs of the Shadow
Marches and the Eldeen Reaches to prosper unhindered
by the imperialistic Dhakaani. For the first time in
centuries, they built a primal society deep within the
Towering Wood, much like the modern Eldeen Reaches.
The orcs had been taught druidic magic by Vvaraak,
and they used this knowledge to seal the daelkyr within
Khyber and prevent Xoriat from becoming coterminous.
They traveled into the Eldeen Reaches, where they
shared their druidic traditions with other orcs. They
remained vigilant. The seals needed to be maintained,
and there was some uncertainty that the daelkyr were
the threat that Vvaraak had foreseen. They awakened the
Greatpine Oalian, one of the Eldeen Ada, and taught him
what they had learned.

THE GREAT CARRION TRIBE HORDES The Ghaash’kala had been attacked from the Eldeen
Reaches once before in their history, but the attacks
Every few hundred years, a particularly charismatic
from 832 YK onwards were different. They weren’t just
chieftain (or perhaps rakshasa) will unite disparate
random assaults, but a concerted effort by the servants
tribes and launch a large-scale invasion of the
of the Wild Heart to erode the trust between the
Labyrinth. It was presumably one of these invasions that
Ghaash’kala and the Ashbound druids of the Eldeen, an
left the Shulassakar strongholds abandoned and led to
effort that was largely successful.
the Ghaash’kala answering the call of Kalok Shash to
The ability for lycanthropes to hide in plain sight was
populate the Labyrinth with defenders once more.
a further difficulty. The Ghaash’kala had long ago
During the Ghaash’kala’s watch, there have been
developed the means to see through magical disguises,
numerous attempts by the Carrion Tribes to break
but a lycanthrope isn’t a magically disguised fiend. This
through the Labyrinth. A full-scale Carrion Tribe
left the Ghaash’kala with no easy way to identify
invasion has yet to be successful, but every time they
lycanthropes, forcing them to assume that anybody
assault the Labyrinth it seems more and more likely that
entering the Labyrinth from the Eldeen Reaches was

they’ll break through. As a result of this, and the rare
stragglers that make it through the Labyrinth, the
The sixty or so years that it took for the curse of
Wardens of the Wood remain aware of the Ghaash’kala
lycanthropy to break was devastating for the
and their role.
Ghaash’kala, who were suddenly without one of their


means of replenishment. Anybody could be a

lycanthrope, so the Ghaash’kala had to be far more
In 299 YK, the overlord Bel Shalor was partially released careful about who they allowed to join them. A mistake
in the Tamor Hills in Thrane and subjugated much of the could lead to the location of their strongholds being
surrounding region. Coinciding with this event, a discovered.
mysterious figure began uniting the various Carrion The four tribes came up with their own ways to deal
Tribes. It seemed that a large-scale invasion of the with this problem. Lycanthropes were averse to silver,
Labyrinth was imminent. and so potential new recruits were tested with the metal
Tira Miron and her party were drawn to the Labyrinth to ensure they weren’t monsters. Many of the
by a couat, to aid the Ghaash’kala. Tira’s party Ghaash’kala can channel the power of Kalok Shash in
encountered the Maruk Ghaash’kala, and when much the same way that a cleric of the Silver Flame. If a
presented with the choice to join or die, they chose to
When the forces of the Carrion Tribes made a
coordinated push into the Labyrinth, they were met in
turn by a united defense launched by all four of
e lycanthrope was lucky (or unlucky) enough to stumble
upon such a group, it was possible they would be cured
of their lycanthropy on the spot and then given the
choice to join.
The Vaanka were the most likely to attempt to cure
Ghaash’kala tribes. During this battle, Tira took up the lycanthropes, while the Kastar were unwilling to take
greatsword Kloinjer, which had until then refused any such a risk and eliminated any that were identified. As a
wielder. This battle was the largest invasion of the result of this, the Vaanka have a higher proportion of
Labyrinth to date, and the Ghaash’kala were at serious shifters in their population than the other Ghaash’kala
risk of being overwhelmed. Tira Miron used the artifact tribes. Many of the lycanthropes to enter the Labyrinth
to rally the Ghaash’kala, granting them a second wind. were Towering Wood shifters.
The sight of Tira and her companions charging The events of the Time of Tooth and Claw broke the

wholeheartedly into almost certain death inspired the longstanding respect between the Ghaash’kala and the
faltering Ghaash’kala to do the same. Against all odds, Ashbound. The Ghaash’kala viewed the Ashbound
they managed to push the invaders back. allowing them to be attacked from the Reaches as an
It is entirely possible that, if not for the actions of Tira unacceptable failure. The feud isn’t violent, but the two
Miron and her companions, that the Eldeen Reaches groups no longer collaborate as they once did.
would have been overrun. Tira Miron informed the
Ghaash’kala of the reason she had come to the
Labyrinth, of the growing shadow in the east that

threatened the whole of Khorvaire. The Ghaash’kala

convened and deliberated on what to do.
In the end, the respect that Tira Miron had earned and
the significance of the greatsword Kloinjer choosing her,
meant that the Ghaash’kala allowed Tira Miron and her
party to leave the Labyrinth and fight Bel Shalor. This
would be one of very few instances of the Ghaash’kala
making an exception, as the potential good of allowing
someone to leave outweighed the potential evil.


In 832 YK, something fundamental about the curse of
lycanthropy shifted, and the afflicted could spread the
curse to others. The lycanthropes were organized and
seemed to originate from deep in the Towering Wood.
While the communities in the Eldeen Reaches, Aundair
and Thrane took the brunt; the Ghaash’kala also had to
deal with this threat, which they had rarely faced in their
time in the Labyrinth.

GHAASH’KALA SOCIETY Malaan, “priests”, perform spiritual duties for the
Ghaash’kala, including creating the brands of the
The Ghaash’kala are a loosely united confederation of
binding flame, and tattooing the warriors of their clan. A
four tribes. They largely operate independently, though
malaan may or may not be a korta’sha, though most of
the four tribes gather at least once a year to share
them are korta and hear the voice of Kalok Shash. Any
information and improve their ability to defend the
individual can tattoo themselves or others, but the
malaan are keepers of the methods used to create
The Ghaash’kala were never numerous, so wouldn’t
magical tattoos. Even for mundane tattoos, it’s common
be able to support casualties if they were totally insular.
for individuals to seek the guidance of their clan’s
Occasionally, individuals elsewhere will hear the call of
malaan to refine the design.
Kalok Shash, and join the Ghaash’kala. As such, all the
Although life is often violent for the Ghaash’kala, and
Ghaash’kala tribes draw in recruits from the Eldeen
all among their number must be prepared to fight, not
Reaches and the Shadow Marches, and occasionally even
all are warriors. The drok are the non-combatants of the
members of the Carrion Tribes in the Demon Wastes will
Ghaash’kala, who fill many necessary support roles,

hear the call.
such as foragers, cooks, blacksmiths and crafters,
The Labyrinth is an inhospitable place not well suited
physicians, trainers, and laborers.
to agriculture. As such, the Ghaash’kala have few
These people may also be combatants, and may go out
methods of resupply. Some supplies come from those
and patrol the Labyrinth, but just as many of them will
that hear the call of Kalok Shash, but this is hardly
rarely see actual combat. That doesn’t mean their

enough to sustain their population.
contributions to the cause are any less valuable than that
The Labyrinth is riddled with entrances to Khyber, and
of the warriors. They may not fight, but their actions
so the Ghaash’kala raid Khyber demiplanes for supplies.
allow those who do to flourish and survive. The value of
There are an endless variety of environments
the droks’ work is recognized by the Ghaash’kala, and
represented within Khyber, so the Ghaash’kala
they are treated appropriately.
potentially have access to anything they need, providing
Cooks are particularly valued among the Ghaash’kala,
they have the mettle to claim it.
who recognize that any army marches on its stomach.


The Ghaash’kala split their time between martial and e Ghaash’kala warriors mark their bodies with the brand
spiritual pursuits, which is reflected in their hierarchy. of Kalok Shash, to ward off demonic possession and
While customs differ slightly between tribes, each is led corruption. The exact shape of the brand depends on the
by a kizshmit, or “Chieftain” who leads the tribe in its tribe. The Maruk Ghaash’kala brand themselves with a
military duties, as well as a sar’malaan, or “high priest”, simple symbol of a small, silver flame with three
who guides the clan spiritually and appoints the tendrils. The Kastar Ghaash’kala brand themselves with
kizshmit. While the kizshmit leads the tribe in battle, a symbol that resembles a sunburst, and the Jaasakah
they often defer to the sar’malaan in domestic matters. brand their entire bodies with complicated patterns. The
Among the Ghaash’kala, it is common for individuals Vaanka Ghaash’kala use a large variety of symbols, with
to hear the voice of the Binding Flame. A korta, each malaan putting their own unique spin on the
“speaker”, is any individual that hears the Voice of design.
Kalok Shash clearly. They serve as spiritual guides
among the Ghaash’kala. Those who can manifest divine

magic are referred to as korta’sha and use their divine

gifts in service to the mission of the Ghaash’kala.


d6 NPC
1 Sark (he/him), an orc blacksmith of the Maruk Ghaash’kala. He spends much of his time repairing and maintaining the equipment

that the Maruk scavenge in the Wastes and in Khyber but dreams of one day creating a weapon that will become legendary.
2 Avdua (she/her), a half-orc champion of the Jaasakah Ghaash’kala. She frequently patrols the labyrinth around Jaasakah Dar and
is a master of the oversized longbow favored by the clan. She has argued that the Ghaash’kala should push into the Demon Wastes
and take the fight to the Carrion Tribes, before they can build up forces and overrun the Labyrinth.
3 Acor (he/him), a shifter druid of the Vaanka Ghaash’kala. Acor was a member of the Ashbound once and made his way into the
Labyrinth in pursuit of a fiend fleeing from the Reaches. When the Vaanka challenged him, he decided to stay among them. He
hopes to repair the gulf between the Ashbound and the Ghaash’kala but isn’t sure how to approach the issue.
4 Dhutaav (she/they), an orc hunter of the Kastar Ghaash’kala, frequently explores the tunnels of Khyber beneath their clan-hold.
Dhutaav has a detailed mental map of the demiplanes closest to the clan-hold, and what resources can be found within them.
5 Saana (she/her), an orc paladin of the Maruk Ghaash’kala, who abandoned the Ghaash’kala to help a pregnant woman from the
Carrion Tribes escape the Demon Wastes. Saana’s actions have made her an enemy of the Maruk, and she had to flee into the
Reaches along with her charge. It’s possible she could find a home in the Church of the Silver Flame.
6 Rulind (they/them), a member of the Razor Wind Carrion Tribe who ventured into the Labyrinth on a raid. Rulind’s party was
annihilated by the Ghaash’kala, but they heard the call of Kalok Shash and threw down their weapon. They have now joined the
Jaasakah Ghaash’kala and are amazed at how much better life can be (even if it’s still hard).

The Jaasakah are also the northernmost tribe, and the
closest to Ashtakala. This makes them more brutal than
the other tribes, as their proximity to Ashtakala means
they must most often deal with fiends rather than the
e Carrion Tribes.

Kastar means “Swift” in the Orcish tongue. The Kastar
occupy the western Labyrinth, and the land surrounding
the western exits. They are led by the orc kizshmit Maalo
Sahai (female orc ghaash’kala kizshmit, she/her), and
the orc sar’malaan Naakah Shahar (female orc
ghaash’kala sar’malaan, she/her).
MARUK GHAASH’KALA Kastar Dar, the stronghold of the Kastar Ghaash’kala,
Maruk means “Mighty” in the Orcish tongue. The Maruk is entirely within Khyber. It is well hidden, and only the
are the oldest and largest of the tribes. They occupy the Kastar Ghaash’kala know the secret paths to reach it.
central Labyrinth and guard the largest above-ground These paths are also exquisitely trapped to deal with

territory. They are led by the orc kizshmit Torgaan those who stumble upon them. As a result of this, the
Shashaarat (male orc ghaash’kala kizshmit, he/him) Kastar are guardians of the subterranean tunnels
and their sar’malaan is the orc Lharc Suusha (female orc beneath the Labyrinth, as well as the passages above
ghaash’kala sar’malaan, she/her). ground. They are also more active in raiding demi-
Maruk Dar is carved into the walls of an immense planes.

ravine near the center of the Labyrinth, with the exterior
fortifications hiding the vast network of caverns and
tunnels within. Hidden staircases lead up to the largest

Vaanka means “Final” in the Orcish tongue. The

of the strongholds of the Ghaash’kala. Maruk Dar is the Vaanka are the last bastion against the Demon Wastes. If
place where the first of the Ghaash’kala were led where the other clans were to fall, the Vaanka would stand
they learned how to survive and navigate the Labyrinth, ready to stop whatever had bested their kin, no matter
and where the four Ghaash’kala tribes gather annually to the cost. They are led by the human kizshmit Dalkal
exchange information. Mal’fonn (female human ghaash’kala kizshmit,
she/her) and the orc sar’malaan Silvik Raam (male orc
JAASAKAH GHAASH’KALA ghaash’kala sar’malaan, he/him).
Jaasakah means “Deadly” in the Orcish tongue. The Vaanka Dar is the most traditional of the fortresses; a
Jaasakah occupy the eastern Labyrinth and the area barrier across a mountain pass bristling with traps and
immediately surrounding the eastern exits. They are led wards. Its proximity to the Towering Wood means that
by the half-orc kizshmit Svash Ramaal (male half-orc the Vaanka attract the highest number of recruits from
ghaash’kala kizshmit, he/him), and the human the Eldeen Reaches. So they have a more varied
sar’malaan Gan’dal Homm (male human ghaash’kala population than the other tribes, with a large population
sar’malaan, he/him). Their fortress is Jaasakah Dar, a of shifters.
fortified structured sprawled across the top of the
eastern Labyrinth, visible for miles around and drawing
fiends like moths to a flame.

It’s been a few centuries since a large-scale Carrion
COUATL ARTIFACTS Tribe invasion of the Labyrinth, and another is surely
The Ghaash’kala strongholds were originally built by the due soon. The Razor Wind tribe have recently recovered
couatl and guarded by the Shulassakar. These shard of Rak Tulkhesh’s prison, roughly the size of a
strongholds contained couatl relics from the Age of human head, which has inspired them to ever greater
Demons. acts of war and violence.
One example was the greatsword Kloinjer, which Tira The Razor Wind tribe, pushed by the Shadowsword
Miron claimed during the Year of Blood and Fire. As the and the shard, have been subjugating or uniting other
Ghaash’kala believe they are tainted by the Demon Carrion Tribes. They have recently built up a force large
Wastes, they say they aren’t worthy to wield these relics. enough to attempt to storm the Labyrinth. The
Furthermore, taking these relics out of the strongholds Ghaash’kala have dealt with such threats before, but the
risks losing them, which the Ghaash’kala find shard is likely to influence them as well. It also enables

unconscionable. the tribe to summon fiends to fight on their side.
All the relics the Ghaash’kala protect are waiting for a Even if the invasion is successfully repelled (with the
fated champion to claim them, proving to the aid of the player characters, of course), the Ghaash’kala
Ghaash’kala that they are worthy of doing so. Very few of have the shard to deal with. The Ghaash’kala already
the overlords are bound near the Labyrinth, meaning the believe themselves tainted by the Demon Wastes but

Ghaash’kala are unlikely to ever have cause to wield the aren’t going to risk further corruption by having the
weapons they guard themselves. What other weapons or shard within one of their strongholds. What could they
artifacts might the Ghaash’kala be guarding? If your do with it, and how can the player characters help them?

campaign involves the release or partial release of an
overlord, then the Ghaash’kala are one possible source
of items or boons to help your players face such an The Ghaash’kala have access to the ruins of the
insurmountable foe. Shulassakar, and ancient secrets related to combating
The exact nature of the relic could very well be tied to the threats of the Demon Wastes. Even spells such as true
the foe it is designed to be used against. Statistics for seeing will fail to reveal a rakshasa, but the Ghaash’kala
Kloinjer are provided later in this book, which mighte have ways of detecting fiends in their midst. The Brand
specifically counter Bel Shalor’s immunity to radiant of the Binding Flame would also be invaluable for
damage. When creating such relics, consider how they anyone directly dealing with fiends or incorporeal
might interact with (and potentially counter) the undead, and the Ghaash’kala are the only ones who
strengths of each overlord. A relic designed to combat know how to imbue their tattoos with the required
Katashka might protect against effects that would lower magic.
a creature’s maximum hit points or provide resistance to The player characters could seek out the Ghaash’kala
necrotic damage in a radius around the wielder, while a to gain access to this knowledge or gain training or
relic designed to combat Sul Khatesh could circumvent secrets that will aid them in fighting an enemy they are
anti-magic fields or prevent spellcasting. aware of but don’t currently have the means to confront.
How do the player characters convince the
Ghaash’kala to teach them, and more importantly, how
do they convince the Ghaash’kala to allow them to leave


The lizardfolk of Q'barra are one of the oldest races on The lizardfolk have no written language. They don't
Khorvaire. During the Age of Demons, they were need one. Everything they need to know learned via their
dominated by the overlord Masvirik until they were freed dreams, which has led to their culture remaining largely
by the couatl. The couatl planted a seed in the collective unchanged through the years. Their dreams haven't
unconsciousness of the lizardfolk to unite them, so they changed, and their dreams tell them how to live their
could help prevent Masvirik from ever rising again. The lives.
lizardfolk share dreams. The idea of having to explain references to the dreams
These dreams aren't just random subconscious is alien to them. Everyone knows the stories. Why would
dreams, as we know them. They’re lessons and a record anyone need to explain them? The culture of the
of history. Lizardfolk dream of the battles their lizardfolk is highly reliant on these cultural references,
ancestors fought against the demons, teaching them to as they all have a shared point of reference for the

fight. They dream of Masvirik, learning what they are metaphors and other figures of speech.
fighting against and why it must never be allowed to This makes communication with the lizardfolk
escape. difficult for outsiders. Even spells like comprehend
The Masvirik’uala, or the Cold Sun Federation, are an languages can't unpack all the context behind the
alliance of lizardfolk tribes in Q’barra, joined in shared metaphors. The lizardfolk of Q'barra call themselves the

dreams and purpose. They understand better than Masvirik'uala, which literally translates to "Cold Sun
anyone what it means for an overlord to be released, and Federation". The lizardfolk understand this to mean that
they dedicate their entire lives to ensuring that Masvirik they stand against the Cold Sun. However, most
remains imprisoned. Arguably, the Cold Sun Federation outsiders assume that this is the federation of the Cold
is the oldest government in Khorvaire, but their society Sun, that it's some figure or deity they rally around.
isn’t structured with a central government. Instead, the Likewise, it is obvious to the lizardfolk that the people
tribal leaders come together to discuss matters as and they kill in Q'barra are agents of the Cold Sun. They
when required. know from their experience with the Poison Dusk and
They don’t need one tribe or individual to lead because other corrupted creatures that there is no reasoning
they all share the same background and values due to with, or saving, those who have fallen to Masvirik's
dreaming the same dreams for their entire lives. The
tribes work together to share territory and resources.
When one tribe becomes too large for an area to sustain,
they split into smaller tribes and move. The lizardfolk
aren't politically split by petty feuds or hunger for glory.
corruption. The only mercy they can provide is a quick
and painless death. To outsiders, this appears like
arbitrary brutality.
They all know the enemy they stand against; they all
know the consequences of failure.

reason that they came to Khorvaire, and tensions with
the lizardfolk grew as the dragonborn pursued visions of


During the Age of Monsters, when the Dhakaani Empire
was at the height of its power, the lizardfolk resided in
much of eastern Khorvaire. Like many others, the
lizardfolk of the Talenta Plains clashed with the
expanding Empire of Dhakaan. They were ultimately
pushed back into the Endworld Mountains, then
eventually across them into Q’barra.
Over time, the original dragonborn colony had grown
and expanded, and after thousands of years the

dragonborn had grown restless. The Trothlorsvek were a
martial culture, waiting for a battle that might never
come. Some believed that their skills were being wasted,
HISTORY OF THE and Rhashaak was neglecting their power. At first the


dragonborn warred with the lizardfolk tribes of Q’barra,
but the lizardfolk’s guerrilla tactics were a poor match.
So, the Trothslorvek set their sights beyond the
AGE OF DEMONS Endworld Mountains.
It was across the mountains that the Trothlorsvek
The lizardfolk were present in Khorvaire during the Age
encountered the Empire of Dhakaan, a worthy challenge
of Demons. They were there when the dragons clashed
for the warrior people. The conflict between the
with the overlords and were there when the couatl
Dhakaani and the Trothlorsvek lasted for years, and the
sacrificed themselves to bind the overlords within
dragonborn managed to carve out their own empire in
the Talenta Plains and the Blade Desert. However, the
When the dragons and the couatl revolted against the
e dragonborn had forgotten the reason they originally
might of the overlords, the lizardfolk joined them.
came to Khorvaire, which would undo their empire.
Towards the end of that ancient conflict, the couatl

created the shared dreams of the lizardfolk to ensure
they would remember the horrors they faced, and the
consequences that would follow if the overlords were Rhashaak had been holding Masvirik back in a
ever to be released again. spiritual battle of wills for longer than any dragonborn
Following the binding of the overlords and the could remember. Approximately 9,000 years ago the
sacrifice of the couatl, the lizardfolk spread out to balance of power between dragon and fiend shifted, as
occupy much of eastern Khorvaire, primarily Q’barra the overlord regained consciousness and struggled free
and the Talenta Plains. of its bonds. Rhashaak was forced to directly confront
the fiend, resulting in an apocalyptic battle that could
DRAGONS COME TO Q’BARRA have levelled Q’barra. Rhashaak was alone, and mortal.
He knew that he had no chance of defeating the overlord

Roughly 14,000 years ago, an army of dragonborn

in single combat. He was also aware that even if he did
traveled from Argonessen and landed on the peninsula
somehow manage to destroy Masvirik’s corporeal form,
that would later be known as Q’barra. Most people are
it would just reform hours later.
unaware of the reason, but the dragonborn’s own
The wards around Haka’torvahk prevented both
legends indicate that they came to Khorvaire
dragon and fiend from leaving, but Masvirik didn’t need
accompanying the black dragon Rhashaak, who had been
to leave to influence the region around the city. The
tasked with guarding Haka’torvahk, the prison of the
fiend’s malign influence exploded out from
overlord Masvirik. These dragonborn named themselves

Haka’torvahk as if the volcano had erupted, corrupting

the Trothlorsvek, or “defenders of the Prophecy” in
dragonborn and lizardfolk alike. This created the Poison
Dusk and the dusk shards in Q’barra.
The legends of the Trothlorsvek state that Rhashaak
To make matters worse for Rhashaak, many of the
accompanied them to Khorvaire, and their own empire
dragonborn who were supposed to be aiding him had
in eastern Khorvaire lasted for thousands of years. If this
abandoned their posts at the prison to fight the Empire
is true, and the Rhashaak that currently resides in
of Dhakaan. The influence of Masvirik washed over
Haka’torvahk is the same black dragon that
Q’barra, and the Trothlorsvek civilisation crumbled as
accompanied the Trothlorsvek, then this would make
the overlord’s influence turned them against each other.
Rhashaak older than most dragons in history. It’s
Those dragonborn that had expanded west of the
possible that the records of the Trothlorsvek are
Endworld Mountains rushed home to combat the
inaccurate, either about the longevity of their empire or
influence of Masvirik, and their own corrupted kin.
that the Rhashaak that currently guards Haka’torvahk is
Rhashaak’s conflict with the fiend triggered the
the same dragon with whom they arrived in Q’barra. It’s
activation of a failsafe put in place by the couatl. As
also possible that Rhashaak found some way to extend
Masvirik’s power grew, a pulse of radiant energy washed
his life.
across Q’barra, filling the region’s plentiful Eberron
The lizardfolk of the region remembered the dragons
dragonshards with the light and power of the Silver
and their role in the conflict with Masvirik, and so these
Flame. This pulse of energy weakened the influence of
groups didn’t come into conflict, at least not initially.
the overlord and awakened the shared dreams of the
Over generations, the dragonborn began to forget the
lizardfolk. This event was the source of the dawn shards

in Q’barra, which form a lattice of holy power binding Five years later, representatives of the Twilight
the overlord and its minions. Walkers tribe approached Newthrone, the capital city of
The returning Trothlorsvek, together with the newly New Galifar, and sought an audience with King Sebastes
formed Masvirik’uala, went to war with the forces of the ir’Kesslan. Communication with the lizardfolk was
overlord. Though they pushed it back into its prison in difficult, but after two weeks of discussions, the two
Haka’torvahk. Rhashaak’s valiant stand against the disparate parties managed to agree to an accord they
fiend was over. By the time the fiend was rebound, it had named the Newthrone Accords, or the Vhak Za’shata.
wholly corrupted its draconic once-guardian. These accords were a series of maps that outlined the
The dragonborn and the lizardfolk of Q’barra won lands that were of particular importance to the
against the forces of Masvirik, but at great cost. The Masvirik’uala, and that they would fight to maintain.
Trothlorsvek empire was no more. Their dreams of As long as the settlers of New Galifar avoided these
conquest and expansion crushed by the reminder of their regions, there was no reason for conflict with the
original purpose. On top of the corruption of the fiend, Masvirik’uala. This has generally remained true since
the Trothlorsvek also had to contend with the formerly the signing of the Accords. The lizardfolk don’t

conquered Masvirik’uala, who were not content to be understand the documents in the same way that the
servants any longer. settlers do. To them the Accords are merely a statement
The Masvirik’uala had been infused with purpose. of fact; ‘these are our lands, and we will fight to protect
They had directly faced one of Khyber’s first children them’.
and they understood better than anyone what that When the war ended in 996 YK, Q’barra was

meant. The failsafe of the couatl had intrinsically linked represented at Thronehold by King Sebastes ir’Kesslan
the lizardfolk to the Silver Flame, granting the entire and a representative of the Kar’hashan Trothlorsvek,
species the same dreams and forming the basis of their High Elder Na’kala Flamebrow. The Masvirik’uala were
new culture. not represented at Thronehold. It’s possible they don’t
Over the next several thousand years, the lizardfolk even care for the significance of it. They have no interest
spread out across Q’barra, occasionally warring with the in greater Khorvaire as their purpose and focus are in
remnants of the Trothlorsvek empire. Eventually, the Q’barra.
situation stabilised and the trothlorsvek and lizardfolk
now coexist in relative peace. Each afforded the space HOPE
they need to thrive and both cultures aware of the
consequences if they again forget their duty.


The Masvirik’uala, and Q’barra, were largely ignored by
For decades, the peace between the settlers of New
Galifar and the Cold Sun Federation has been uneasy but
stable. The Poison Dusk remains a constant threat, but
relations with the Masvirik’uala have been cordial. The
Trothlorsvek even accompanied King Sebastes to
the Kingdom of Galifar. The region was seen as Thronehold.
inhospitable and without any useful natural resources. With the end of hostilities, the settlers discovered the
This changed during the Last War as King Jarot’s heirs region’s rich deposits of Eberron dragonshards. Some
warred over the throne. Many of the citizens of Galifar glow with an inner light and others are stained black, but
did not agree with the conflict, so instead chose to find a they seem to function as any other Eberron dragonshard.
new home that would uphold the laws and traditions of This discovery drew House Tharashk to the region and
Galifar. led to independent frontier settlements outside of the
Duke Ven ir’Kesslan of Cyre was granted the rights to lands permitted under the Newthrone Accords.

settle what they believed to be the previously Worse than that, the removal of these dawnshards
uninhabited region of Q’barra by King Connos. Together from Q’barra weakens the binding on Masvirik. The
with other likeminded citizens, ir’Kesslan set sail with a speed at which the mines were set up led the lizardfolk
fleet of ships and sailed along the coast to what they to one conclusion: the settlers were intentionally
hoped would be their new home. attempting to release Masvirik. The outsiders had fallen
The fleet was diminished by pirates and natural to the corruption of the Poison Dusk.
disasters, so by the time they reached Adder Bay they Retribution was swift, and the settlements in Hope are
had lost a third of their ships. The people were constantly dealing with aggression from the lizardfolk.

nevertheless determined that the journey and lives lost This situation is worsened by the Poison Dusk, lizardfolk
would not go to waste. So they came ashore and founded and other reptilian peoples corrupted by Masvirik, who
the city of Adderport, the first city of the nation of New attack the settlers indiscriminately. The settlers see no
Galifar. difference between the Poison Dusk and the
The city of Adderport grew as refugees fleeing the war Masvirik’uala. They lack the necessary context, and so
arrived. The city quickly grew too big to sustain itself, just see lizardfolk attacking their settlements.
and so settlers expanded out from the city into The lizardfolk know that removal of the dawn shards
surrounding regions to found new settlements. They weakens the prison and destroying the dusk shards
very quickly learned that they had been mistaken. strengthens the fiend. They are taught this in their
Q’barra was not uninhabited. The settlers were dreams, and they don’t understand how anybody could
trespassing on land claimed by the Masvirik’uala. not understand. To the lizardfolk, it seems plain that
Attempts at settlements were attacked by the these miners are corrupted by the Poison Dusk, and that
Masvirik’uala, unyielding and merciless with those who they are intentionally trying to free the overlord. The
trespassed on their sacred grounds. The initial conflict lizardfolk know from thousands of years of experience
would last for a year, with the settlers of New Galifar that there is no reasoning with the corrupted.
eventually pushing the lizardfolk back thanks to the This means that both the Poison Dusk and the Cold
edge granted by Galifaran arcane magic, which was a Sun lizardfolk are brutal when they attack settlements,
new weapon to the lizardfolk. leaving no survivors and taking the dragonshards.
Confusingly, the Cold Sun lizardfolk don’t just take the

dragonshards, but also destroy the mining equipment to The culture of the lizardfolk is defined by their shared
prevent further mining of the shards. dreams, a gift (or a curse) bestowed upon them by the
This conflict between the settlers of Hope and the couatl. These dreams bind the tribes together in shared
lizardfolk is still ongoing. The settlers of Hope have purpose, but they have also led to a kind of cultural
petitioned New Galifar for aid, but this has put King stagnation. The dreams teach them how to live. The
Sebastes in a difficult position. The settlers are in breach dreams haven’t changed, so they live the same lives that
of the accord with the Masvirik’uala. Nevertheless, the their ancestors did. Lizardfolk have no written language,
army of New Galifar does help the settlers fight off the as their history is recorded in their dreams.
raids. Dragonshards play an important role in the society of
Superstition runs wild among the settlers about the the lizardfolk. Normal Eberron dragonshards are used in
‘scales’, not helped by the fact that there are different place of many other materials. They wear jewelry and
groups of lizardfolk. The settlers don’t understand why other ornamentation made from these shards and use
the lizardfolk are attacking them, and the them to create their weapons and tools. The lizardfolk
communication barrier has made it difficult for the store the dusk shards within deep pits in the jungle,

lizardfolk to explain. Some believe that it is a result of which are understood to be dangerous due to the fiends
the Mourning, that the lizardfolk view the settlers as bound within. Settlers attempt to trade with the
weak. This viewpoint resonates with the settlers, many lizardfolk for these dragonshards, but the lizardfolk
of whom are originally from Cyre. always refuse, unable to explain the danger. The
House Tharashk has begun petitioning King Sebastes lizardfolk generally don’t use metal, instead fashioning

to declare war with the lizardfolk tribes and “push the their clothes, tools, and weapons from hide, bone, wood
scales into the sea”. Support for this is high among the or dragonshards.
settlers of Hope but varies within the cities of New
Galifar. Many people remember the initial conflict with
the lizardfolk, the brutal guerilla war. Depending on how
they remember, they will have different ideas.
The ignorance of the settlers, and of House Tharashk,
is dangerous. The Masvirik’uala are not superstitious,
they are not savages, they are protecting Q’barra from an
evil that is older than recorded history. They are the only
ones who truly remember what happened the last time
Masvirik was freed.

The lizardfolk of the Masvirik’uala are a loose alliance of
roughly twenty-four tribes. They are largely hunter-
gatherers, so the tribes split whenever their population
grows too large for an area to sustain. Many of the tribes
are nomadic and travel across Q’barra, but there are
permanent settlements in regions particularly rich in
natural resources.


d6 NPC
1 Srelzei (she/her) is a venerated mystic of the Twilight Walkers tribe. Srelzei has been proactive in engaging with the people of
New Galifar and has been spearheading efforts to resolve the disputes around dragonshard mining diplomatically. The rising
tension between the settlers and the Masvirik’uala has only steeled her resolve.
2 Drik (he/him) is a champion of the Shining Claws tribe. The frontier settlements in the Hope region have been causing

problems for Drik and his tribe, and he has been leading assaults on the dragonshard mines to try and prevent the weakening
of Masvirik’s prison.
3 Krurest (he/him) is a troglodyte and part of a tribe who have managed to turn against the influence of Masvirik. Krurest now
stalks Khyber, eliminating the servants of Masvirik wherever he finds them. Krurest’s tribe has allied itself with the Fallen Bone
tribe of the Masvirik’uala, based out of Mar’saval.
4 Haess (she/her) is a lizardfolk aasimar of the Celestial Coils tribe She closely resembles a couatl, bearing feathers and a
serpentine head. Her tail is far more maneuverable and flexible than most lizardfolk. She specializes in hunting the fiendish
vessels of Masvirik, and it is said she has bested more than one in single combat.
5 Zix (they/them) is a small lizardfolk of the Lingering Light tribe. They were never very good at hunting or fighting, even trained
via the dream. Zix instead has an unusually powerful connection to the First Light and they are a gifted mystic. They use their
powers mostly to heal, and they are determined to keep their tribe safe. Every lizardfolk that doesn’t return from a hunt only
steels Zix’s resolve.
6 Hurzho (she/her) is a lizardfolk mystic of the Guiding Dream tribe who specializes in interacting with and deciphering the
dream. She often submerses herself in the dream, even while awake, to explore what secrets it holds. On one such expedition,
she uncovered the memories of a couatl named Cozahl. Hurzho fell in love. She’s convinced there must be a way to contact the
consciousness of Cozahl, even though Cozahl is merged with the First Light.

COMMUNICATION AND DREAMS The lizardfolk are one of the few peoples on Eberron
that clearly know the Age of Demons. They experience
The lizardfolk speak a dialect of Draconic, but are
the horror in their dreams, and they know what it was
difficult to communicate with even for those that speak
like to live under an overlord. Though they weren’t
the language. The shared dreams of the lizardfolk mean
changed like the Shulassakar, the lizardfolk have been
that every single one of them knows the same references
connected to the Silver Flame since its creation, thanks
and stories. They don’t understand how other creatures
to the couatl. Masvirik’uala lizardfolk do not dream in
can lack this context. They communicate ideas using
Dal Quor like most creatures do. Instead, their dreams
metaphors referring to these stories. This barrier to
are within the Silver Flame itself. The lizardfolk cannot
communication exists even with comprehend languages
be influenced by the quori or other fiends in their dreams
or tongues. The spells translate the literal meaning, but
as this makes them inaccessible.
the references and metaphors remain.
This difficulty in communication has been the
defining problem in interactions between the lizardfolk WYRMWATCH
The region of Hope in western Q’barra is full of small

and the other groups. The largest misunderstanding is
perhaps the meaning of their name. Masvirik’uala prospecting towns built in the last few years, hoping to
translates to “Cold Sun Federation” in Common, which profit from the dragonshard boom. The town of
the lizardfolk understand to mean that they oppose the Wyrmwatch, founded in 995 YK, was established by
Cold Sun. The settlers read their name as the Federation refugees from Cyre and is currently one of the largest

of the Cold Sun, that the Cold Sun is something they settlements in Hope. The community’s leader, Elder
serve or rally around. Wedon Nevillom (male human priest, he/him), is a
The actions of the lizardfolk don’t always make sense, veteran of the Last War and a priest of the Silver Flame.
either. Their shared dreams aren’t just a record of their He has fostered a strong sense of community in the
history, but also a means of communication with the town.
couatl. The lizardfolk receive messages from the couatl, Wyrmwatch, like every settlement in the region, has
guiding their actions and giving them hints of the been the target of aggression from both the lizardfolk of
Draconic Prophecy. They don’t necessarily understand the Masvirik’uala and the Poison Dusk. Elder Nevillom
why, instead acting in faith that it is the correct thing to has managed to mostly keep morale high. The town
do. e continues to thrive despite the difficult situation, but
they are pressed from all sides by hostile forces.
RELIGION Led by a priest of the Silver Flame, and with the
Church’s values at its heart, Wyrmwatch could be pivotal
While the lizardfolk might seem to be a druidic culture,
to the ongoing hostilities. Currently, the prospectors
like the shifters of the Eldeen Reaches, this isn’t the
don’t realize the significance of the dawn or dusk shards
case. The lizardfolk channel the force of light that holds
or the consequences of taking them out of Q’barra.
back the darkness of the Cold Sun, the force that binds
the overlords in Khyber and granted Tira Miron the
power to face Bel Shalor.
To say that the lizardfolk worship the Silver Flame
would be inaccurate. They were there when it was
The lizardfolk don’t see the settlers of Wyrmwatch as
created by the couatl and, thanks to their dreams, even
any different from the Poison Dusk, who also seek to
the modern lizardfolk remember that moment. Instead,
remove dawn shards from Q’barra. The lizardfolk are

the lizardfolk serve and use the Silver Flame. It is the

ruthless when they raid the town’s mines, leaving no
power that holds back the darkness, and they are its
survivors and destroying what mining equipment they
agents in the world. The Silver Flame empowers the
find. Though they have good reason for doing this they
lizardfolk much like it does the paladins elsewhere.
have been unable to communicate the risk to the settlers.
Lizardfolk mystics are akin to clerics and paladins,
If someone could explain the lizardfolk’s aggression
channeling the divine power of the Silver Flame in their
to Elder Nevillom, he could be instrumental in resolving
conflict against the Poison Dusk and the Cold Sun. They
the hostilities. The lizardfolk don’t understand that the
know the Silver Flame as the First Light.
settlers are unaware that they are weakening Masvirik’s

The lizardfolk do revere the couatl. They honor the

prison. In this way, the Church of the Silver Flame and
ancient sacrifice that gave mortal life a free future. The
the Masvirik’uala are aligned. They just don’t
couatl continue to communicate with the lizardfolk via
understand that they are on the same side in this
their dreams, albeit never directly. Instead, the dreams
provide the lizardfolk with guidance that they believe to
This is where the player characters come in. The
be from the couatl. It could be easy for a lizardfolk to
lizardfolk have difficulty communicating with the
view their dreams as a curse, confining them to a life of
settlers of Q’barra, both in New Galifar and in Hope, and
conflict with an ancient evil. But they don’t see it that
they need people who can act as translators. Elder
way. It’s simply how life is.
Nevillom would almost certainly champion their cause
were they aware of what is at stake, but how might other
communities react?
It’s entirely possible that greed would win out over
self-preservation. The settlers already view the
lizardfolk as superstitious, so perhaps mining and
prospecting would continue regardless of the threat.
House Tharashk has already called for New Galifar to go
to war with the lizardfolk, and escalating tensions in
Hope only add fuel to this fire.

If Elder Nevillom is made aware of Masvirik and the On the outside, the Poison Dusk appears to be a cult
Poison Dusk, and of the threat they represent, it’s that worships the black dragon Rhashaak. Those who
possible he would request the support of Flamekeep or have joined the Poison Dusk are corrupted by the
Newthrone to put a stop to the dragonshard mining. overlord Masvirik, whose influence is felt throughout
Jaela would almost certainly support Elder Nevillom and Q’barra. The Poison Dusk is the harbinger of Masvirik,
the lizardfolk, but how might King Sebastes react? the army of the Cold Sun, and is constantly clashing with
the other inhabitants of the region.
STORMHORN DRAGONBORN The dragonborn of the Trothlorsvek and the lizardfolk
Wyrmwatch has had few dealings with the nearest of the Masvirik’uala destroy the Poison Dusk wherever
dragonborn clan, the Stormhorns, but the interactions they encounter them, but all reptilian creatures feel the
they have had have been hostile. One of the Stormhorn insidious influence of the Cold Sun. The web of dawn
elders, Mishva Garodya, has been pushing for the shards throughout Q’barra provides some protection
dragonborn to declare war on the settlers and remove from Masvirik’s corruption, but it can’t block it
them from the dragonborns’ ancestral lands. For the completely. There is a steady supply of new recruits for

moment, the elders of the clan have rejected the idea, the Poison Dusk, as any reptilian creature can become
but Mishva has enough followers that there have been corrupted by Masvirik. The lizardfolk of the
skirmishes with the nearby settlers. Masvirik’uala are the most resistant, owing to their close
Wyrmwatch is a small settlement, and almost relationship with the Silver Flame, while the kobolds are
certainly wouldn’t survive a focused assault. Aggression the least able to resist.

from the dragonborn has been gradually ramping up, The Poison Dusk are fanatically devoted to Masvirik,
with Mishva’s followers becoming more and more and by extension his speaker: Rhashaak. Many of them
brazen. Wyrmwatch needs heroes, both to physically are possessed by Masvirik’s fiendish servants. The dusk
defend them from attacks, but also to try and facilitate shards in Q’barra contain the essence of these fiends and
communication with the dragonborn. can be used to facilitate possession or otherwise
Mishva Garodya Stormhorn has dreams of a restored empower the agents of the Poison Dusk. These
dragonborn empire, and Wyrmwatch would just be the dragonshards form one of the aspects of the conflict
first of many conquests if she got her way. Until now, she between the Poison Dusk and the Masvirik’uala. The
hasn’t had enough support to claim leadership of her Poison Dusk seek to recover dusk shards and destroy
clan, but perhaps war with New Galifar and Hope is one dawn shards, empowering themselves and weakening
the horizon. the Masvirik’s binding.
House Tharashk has recovered more dusk shards in
the last decade than the Poison Dusk has managed in the
THE POISON DUSK last thousand years, upsetting the balance. The
dragonshard mines in Hope are thus attacked by both
The Poison Dusk is the name the Cold Sun tribes give to
the minions of Masvirik. The settlers of Q’barra have the Masvirik’uala and the Poison Dusk, and the settlers
never really understood the difference, so most people in see no difference between them, other than the
New Galifar think that the Poison Dusk is just a Masvirik’uala destroying their tools while the Poison
particularly aggressive tribe of lizardfolk. Those who are Dusk just steal the dragonshards.
a little more knowledgeable believe that the Poison Dusk Most of the members of the Poison Dusk are corrupted
is more than a tribe of corrupted lizardfolk, but an dragonborn, lizardfolk, or kobolds, and are chiefly
alliance of several reptilian species, including driven by instinct. Those who have embedded a dusk

dragonborn, lizardfolk, kobolds and troglodytes. shard in their flesh, strengthening their bond to
Masvirik and altering their minds and bodies, act as the
leaders and elite soldiers of the Poison Dusk and are
much more intelligent.
A minority among the Poison Dusk are the fiendish
vessels, those who are directly possessed by one of
Masvirik’s fiendish servants. Their physical bodies are
warped to resemble the fiend that is possessing them.

Even killing the vessel doesn’t remove the threat, as the

dusk shard can simply be embedded into another host.
This is the reason for the shard pits in Masvirik’uala

The Poison Dusk are active throughout Q’barra, raiding
frontier settlements and dragonshard mines, and Large fiend, neutral evil
constantly warring with the Masvirik’uala and the
Trothlorsvek. They seek to destroy dawn shards, gather Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
what dusk shards they can, and create fiendish vessels. Hit Points 190 (20d10 + 80)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40ft., swim 40 ft.
A tribe of Poison Dusk lizardfolk have acquired a dusk STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
shard from a House Tharashk mine which contains one 24 (+7) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
of the more powerful servants of the Cold Sun:
Sulzrirtas, the Frigid Flame. Sulzrirtas is a destructive Saving Throws Str +12, Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +10
passenger and needs a particularly tough host to Skills Arcana +8, Athletics +12, Intimidation +10, Perception +7,

possess. Thus far, every vessel that has consumed its Stealth +5
dusk shard has died, freezing from within. With each Damage Resistances fire
failure, the Poison Dusk grow more determined to bring Damage Immunities cold
this fiend into the world. Senses passive Perception 17
Sulzrirtas specializes in sapping heat from the Languages Draconic, Infernal

environment, turning flames cold and draining the heat Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
from living creatures. It corrupts lizardfolk (and other
reptilian creatures) by draining the heat from them and Magic Resistance. Sulzrirtas has advantage on saving throws
then offering them succor: Masvirik can keep you warm against spells and other magical effects.
when the sun falls, and all is dark. Magic Weapons. Sulzrirtas's weapon attacks are magical.
The last lizardfolk to attempt possession by Sulzrirtas
Cold Aura. At the start of each of the Sulzrirtas's turns, each
somehow managed to contain the fiend. The Poison
creature within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) cold damage. A creature
Dusk have begun hunting this lizardfolk down. They
that touches Sulzrirtas or hits it with a melee attack while within 5
believe that if the host can be corrupted or killed, the
feet of it takes 5 (1d10) cold damage.
fiend will be able to possess their corpse. No vessel has
managed to survive so long with the demon so far,
giving them hope.
One option for the current host of Sulzrirtas is a Multiattack. Sulzrirtas can use its Chilling Gaze and makes two
Masvirik’uala lizardfolk named Dax’Athla (female claw attacks.
lizardfolk silver pyromancer, she/her) who has managed Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
to regain control of herself after hearing the call of the 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage.
Silver Flame. She has fled Q’barra, making her way to Chilling Gaze. Sulzrirtas targets one creature it can see within 30
Thrane, where she has joined the Knights Templar as a feet of it. If the target can see Sulzrirtas, the target must succeed
member of the Order of the Radiant Flame. Drego on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw against this magic or take 21
Sarhain has taken her under his wing and trained her to (6d6) cold damage and then be restrained for 1 minute, unless it is
channel the power of the Flame, in the hopes that it will immune to cold damage. The target can repeat the saving throw at
help her to contain the demon until they can find a way the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
to exorcise and bind it.

Freezing Breath (Recharge 5-6). Sulzrirtas exhales a chill wind

in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Spellcasting. Sulzrirtas casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18):
At will: armor of agathys, darkness

3/day each: dispel magic, rime’s binding ice

1/day each: otiluke’s freezing sphere, wall of ice

Sulzrirtas, the Frigid Flame can take 3 legendary actions, choosing

from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn.
Sulzrirtas regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Attack. Sulzrirtas makes an attack with its claws.
Cast Spell (Costs 2). Sulzrirtas uses Spellcasting.
Cold Sun’s Warmth (Costs 3). Sulzrirtas immediately recharges
its breath weapon.

The region of Hope has long fought the lizardfolk of
Q’barra, both the Masvirik’uala and the Poison Dusk.
The settlers aren’t affiliated with New Galifar and are
not subject to the laws or treaties between Newthrone
and the Masvirik’uala. This has allowed the settlers a lot
of freedom in their pursuit of dragonshards but has left
them at the mercy of the lizardfolk raids.
In some of the settlements in Hope, a peculiar
phenomenon has been observed. The people in these
small towns and villages have begun to take on reptilian
or serpentine features, scales growing from their skin
and their pupils contracting into slits. These are some of
the first examples of non-reptilian creatures being

corrupted by Masvirik.
These corrupted individuals, which use the statistics
of yuan-ti but are otherwise distinct from them, are
separate from the Poison Dusk and Masvirik’s other
scaled servants. Cults have begun to form within the

frontier settlements, usually after the unearthing of a
particularly potent dusk shard. The settlers do the
bidding of the fiend bound within the shard, and in
return gain some of Masvirik’s power. Those who have
received these powers have begun to take on reptilian
aspects, with the most favored servants taking on even
more reptilian features.
Unlike the Poison Dusk at large, the Cult of the
Venomous Word are not wholly lost to the darkness.
They retain their free will, and most of them have no

which Masvirik is currently providing. It’s possible,

however, that the fiends have larger plans that will
desire to actively see the release of the Cold Sun. Rather,
they are more invested in their own personal power,

culminate in the release of their overlord. Nevertheless,

the actions of cult progress the goals of the Poison Dusk,
and harm the Masvirik’uala.
The cult has even infiltrated House Tharashk, taking
advantage of the House’s prominence to join the
advocates for war with the scaled folk. Most members of
the House are not corrupted, but enough of them are to
shift the opinion of those who have suffered at the hands

of lizardfolk raids.

The Shulassakar are a proud people, originating from together to form the Silver Flame, they left a few of their
servants of the couatl during the Age of Demons. They number behind to guard the most important sites. These
are similar in appearance to feathered yuan-ti, guardian couatl were aided and accompanied by these
humanoids with varying levels of serpentine features. ancient devotees.
Some appear human-like but with beautiful, prismatic Over generations, their devotion, proximity to the
patterns and scaled patches across their skin. Other couatl, and the residual power left in the ruins
shulassakar are much more couatl-like, boasting transformed these guardians into creatures that were
serpentine features and prismatic, rainbow-colored something more than human. Appearing as a strange
feathers across their bodies, with some even having mix of human and couatl, the guardians had developed
couatl-like wings. serpentine features and rainbow-coloured feathers that
The shulassakar believe that their serpentine glowed with an inner light. They named themselves the

appearance is a sign of their bond with the couatl, and shulassakar, the “feathered serpents” in the language of
they go through cycles of reincarnation when they die. the couatl.
There are several subspecies of shulassakar;
bloodsworn, flametouched, transcendent, and choir.
They believe that these different forms they can take

The shulassakar have a closer connection to the couatl,
represent spiritual growth through reincarnations.
and by extension the Silver Flame, than any other
The shulassakar arguably have the closest connection
species on Eberron. Today, there are a few shulassakar
to the Silver Flame on Eberron, so much like the couatl
scattered across the surface of Eberron, guarding ruins
that created them, they are psionic. Their innate psionic
left by the couatl, and acting as wardens for the fiends
abilities allow them to produce effects that one would
bound within. They remain dedicated to this ancient
associate with divine magic, but this power comes from
conflict, all these millennia later, so they respond to
within them, and their connection to the Silver Flame.
perceived threats with ruthless efficiency. The

shulassakar are not as compassionate as the Church of
the Silver Flame. They answer to a greater calling, and

Much like the couatl, the shulassakar were born in
Sarlona. During the Age of Demons, the couatl fought the
Overlords and their fiendish minions across the world of
Eberron. Where they won significant victories, they
e they understand that, much like the Ghaash’kala, failure
in their duties will bring annihilation.
None can be allowed to threaten or exploit the ruins
left by the couatl. The continued safety of mortalkind
depends on it. The shulassakar will make any sacrifice
necessary for what they perceive to be the greater good.
constructed outposts and fortresses, bound the fiends
This isn’t to say they are needlessly violent or cruel;
they had defeated, and cemented their power in those
shulassakar will generally attempt to repel intruders
regions. There were too few couatl to hold these
peacefully before they reach too far into the ruins. Those
outposts, so they looked outward for aid.
who persist, or act aggressively, are dealt with swiftly
The couatl found allies in the humans of the region
and brutally.
that would eventually become Khalesh. This was one of
the birthplaces of the couatl; a region where they came

into the world, and where they would reform if the

destroyed. The region also contained wild zones to both
Irian and Shavarath. These people, influenced by the
planes and proximity to the couatl settlements, were the
perfect recruits in the couatl’s war against the fiends.
A small group of these ancient humans dedicated their
lives to serving the couatl and protecting the seals and
outposts that the couatl created. When the couatl joined

d4 NPC
1 Tlaryan (they/them), a bloodsworn shulassakar from Hidalva who was injured fighting a servant of the Unmaker in Adar.
Tlaryan hasn’t been the same since. As their wounds defy even magical healing, they have retired to Hope’s Meridian, where
they help to train and educate the next generation of shulassakar.
2 Dalassa (she/her), a bloodsworn shulassakar currently posted at Krezent, though she has been watching the Mournland and
Q’barra with some concern. Though she is worried about the growing influence of Masvirik, she also understands that what
they guard in Krezent cannot be allowed to escape either.
3 Arjani (he/him), a deathless transcendent shulassakar hiding in songsilver ruins in Khalesh, Riedra. Arjani was present during
the Sundering and was the first deathless shulassakar to be created from the Irian zones in Khalesh. Today, he bides his time
and observes the Riedrans, looking for weakness. He’s taken an interest in the Edgewalkers, who share a name with an old
Khaleshi organization.
4 Sesstaria (she/her), a transcendent shulassakar, and one of the few based in Xen’drik. Officially, her role is to keep an eye on
Sakinnirot’s binding and ensure the Scar That Abides remains bound. She has also taken an interest in the Darkwatchers and
has been subtly helping them to fight against the fallen Red Warden.

The shulassakar believe that their serpentine appearance During the Age of Demons, the couatl created outposts
is a sign of their bond with the couatl, and that they go across Eberron that appear to be sculpted from polished
through cycles of reincarnation when they die, becoming ivory. These structures are built from songsilver, a
closer to the celestials that created them. They believe material sung into existence by the couatl with a
that the different forms they can take represent their resemblance to sentira. Songsilver is smooth to the
progress on a spiritual journey, that their strengthening touch and has an iridescent shine to it, and it is
bond with the couatl is represented in their physical enormously durable. Couatl ruins from the Age of
bodies with each reincarnation. Demons have largely weathered the passage of time,
Shulassakar can vary widely in appearance, from the excepting those that were intentionally destroyed.
bloodsworn, who look almost human but with a The greatest of these remaining outposts is the
prismatic iridescence to their skin, through fortress of Krezent, located in the Talenta Plains. The
flametouched, to transcendent, who appear like fortress extends down into Khyber and contains bound

humanoid couatl, complete with rainbow-feathered fiends from the Age of Demons imprisoned since their
wings and paralyzing venom. defeat at the hands of the couatl. The shulassakar have
The ultimate expression of this is the shulassakar maintained the fortress and vigil for thousands of years.
choir. In dire times, a group of transcendent shulassakar Though Krezent appears to be a ruin, much of the
can sacrifice their individuality to form a gestalt entity. divine power that raised the fortress lingers. The

The shulassakar perform a ritual, based on the ritual led shulassakar leverage this power to generate food and
by Hezcalipa which formed the Silver Flame, fusing their water and provide everything else that they need to
bodies and souls together in much the same way as their survive. Those who have been charged with defending
progenitors. Krezent have no need of outsiders. They are entirely
A shulassakar choir is an incredibly powerful entity, self-sufficient for as long as the divine power of the
comparable to the prakhutu of the Overlords in strength. couatl holds.
They are functionally immortal; never aging, and don’t The halflings of the Talenta Plains have largely
experience hunger or thirst, though unlike the fiends learned to avoid Krezent and the strange feathered-
they rival, they can be permanently killed. This power snake people that reside there. The shulassakar aren’t
comes with a cost, meaning shulassakar will never form
e malevolent but aren’t necessarily benevolent. They have
a choir lightly. no interest in the outside world or the struggles of the
The ritual fuses their bodies and souls completely; people there.
they sacrifice everything that they are to become Halflings have ventured into the ruins before and been
something greater. It is the same to them as dying, and forced out by the shulassakar. There have even been
they view it through that lens. Choirs are created for a violent incidents in the past. The Talentans don’t
purpose, whether it be to guard a location that is too necessarily view the ruins as cursed but recognize that
important to risk or gain the power needed to face a the occupants wish to be left alone and have the power to
threat that would destroy them otherwise. If the choice enforce their wishes.
is between death at the hands of a rakshasa, or a sacrifice
that allows their community to survive, there isn’t really ADVENTURE HOOKS
a choice for most shulassakar. They will make the While all shulassakar are somewhat insular, those who
necessary sacrifice for the greater good. guard Krezent are more so than their kin and are
arguably the most hostile to outsiders. They have good

reason for their hostility, as their mission is of the

utmost importance for all of Khorvaire: Katashka the
Gatekeeper, Overlord of Death and Undeath, is bound
beneath the ruins of Krezent. If the guardians of Krezent
were to become more active, it could be an indication
that The Gatekeeper is stirring and testing its bonds.
If Katashka began to wake, the shulassakar of Krezent
could reach out to the outside world for help. The

shulassakar are proud, even arrogant, and things would

be very bad before they stooped to asking outsiders for
The release of an Overlord requires specific things to
occur as per the Draconic Prophecy. But an overlord
doesn’t need to be released to have an impact on the
region surrounding their prison. Undead could begin
rising spontaneously, like in a Mabar manifest zone.
Krezent is close to the Boneyard, a region filled with the
skeletons of dragons.
The shulassakar are effective guardians for Krezent,
but even they don’t have the resources to reliably take on
dragons. If Katashka’s influence reached the Boneyard,
the shulassakar would need to seek outside help to
contain the damage.

SARLONA the sacred locations that served as their homes: the
places they always returned to.
Sarlona was the birthplace of both the couatl and the
A significant number of the shulassakar settled in
shulassakar, so has the greatest number of couatl ruins
Khalesh, among the numerous songsilver ruins that the
on Eberron. Most of the shulassakar in Sarlona were
couatl left behind. They built cities upon the foundations
killed by the Inspired during the Sundering, and the
left by the couatl, and eventually humans came to
Edgewalkers attempt to eliminate the rest. If not for the
Khalesh. These migrants gravitated towards the Irian
Edgewalkers’ own diligence against the influence of
wild zones, where their hope in the future seemed more
fiends and extraplanar powers, this aggression could’ve
real, and there they found the songsilver cities of the
been disastrous for the continent.
couatl. The shulassakar welcomed these humans into
There remain pockets of shulassakar throughout
their cities, and over time these communities grew into
Riedra who survive entirely on their ability to avoid
the nation that would be known as Khalesh.
detection. The shulassakar have never been a numerous
Khalesh was unpopular with its neighboring nations,
people, so can ill afford to lose more of their number.
due to a proclivity for crusading, and so it was easy for

Among the ruins of ancient Khalesh, a small number of
the Inspired to harness that resentment during the
shulassakar survive as deathless, powering their
immortality by drawing upon Irian wild zones and their
The Inspired revealed that the nobles of Khalesh were
devotion to the couatl and the Silver Flame.
shulassakar but twisted the narrative against them,

claiming that the shulassakar were extraplanar invaders,

dreaded “altavar”, who had infiltrated the people of
One location in Sarlona where the shulassakar have
Khalesh and corrupted them. They, and the people they
remain largely untouched is Adar. Couatl ruins on
had tainted, needed to be purged. For the most part, that
Sarlona are largely armories and forges, where the
is exactly what happened, the Inspired leveled the cities
couatl and their mortal allies created the weapons that
of Khalesh and exterminated much of the population.
would be brought to bear against the Overlords, such as
Not all the shulassakar in Khalesh were eliminated,
the legendary Kloinjer. Many of the ruins that remain
but those that remain are cut off from their kin in Hope’s
still guard artifacts left by the couatl, from the prying
Meridian and Adar. Desperate to survive against an
eyes of the Inspired.
overwhelming foe, but too fearful to form a shulassakar
The shulassakar that guard the ruins in Adar are more
choir and reveal their position to the Inspired, the
active than their kin in Khorvaire and have had positive
interactions with the people of Adar. These shulassakar
actively combat the Endseekers, cults serving Ran Iishiv,
the Unmaker. This has led the shulassakar to ally
themselves loosely with the Storm Guardians, blue
shulassakar turned to another form of power to ensure
that the ruins remained guarded. They used the Irian
wild zones and became Deathless.
Deathless shulassakar are immortal. While they have
retained their personalities and minds, they are wholly
dragons who reside at Korrandar’s peak and maintain
sustained by the wild zones. They cannot leave, as
the Unmaker’s prison.
without the constant influx of energy from Irian, they
Their willingness to deal with the locals has also made
will die. Their survival depends on secrecy, as the
the Adaran shulassakar possibly the largest population,
Inspired surely have the means to destroy them. So they
as they can recruit from surrounding villages. Most of
haven’t risked even trying to contact the other
these recruits join because they believe in the mission.
These recruits provide a way for the shulassakar to act
without revealing their presence. In some cases, people

are drawn to couatl ruins by a supernatural calling,

drawn to the light of the Silver Flame. It is rare, but not
unheard of, for these individuals to become Bloodsworn
The town of Hidalva was built upon shulassakar ruins
and settled by Khaleshi refugees. The shulassakar
allowed the refugees to settle in the area if they agreed to
aid the shulassakar. The refugees restored the ruins, and

before long what was once a ruined enclave of

subterranean shulassakar was a thriving above-ground
community. The leader of this community is a
shulassakar named Kalashan, one of the last surviving
descendants of the Khaleshi shulassakar. Kalashan hears
the voice of Khalesh’s own Voice in the Flame, the great
champion Biirtel, a distant ancestor of Kalashan’s, and a
great hero from Khalesh’s history.

Khalesh is one of the birthplaces of the couatl. When
destroyed, couatl would reform at sites throughout
Khalesh, much as fiends reform in Khyber when
destroyed. As a result, during the Age of Demons,
Khalesh was the site of many conflicts between the
children of Khyber and the children of Siberys. Over
time, the couatl constructed fortresses of gleaming
songsilver to contain their defeated adversaries and hold

HOPE’S MERIDIAN taken as the entirety of their capabilities. Veqtakatl
should be able to cast any spell on the cleric spell list, as
Hope’s Meridian originally appeared in Hektula’s
the story requires it.
Khyber Codex.
Couatl ruins dot the landscape of Sarlona, but none of
them are home. A shulassakar that has been stationed in
Krezent doesn’t view the fortress as their home. It is
their posting, their job. While it may be a long time
before they leave the fortress, their true home has and
will always be waiting for them.
Within the depths of Khyber lies the home of the
shulassakar, a demiplane that they call Hope’s Meridian.
It was once a fiendish demiplane like any other, but a
celestial that shares its name with the demiplane rallied

the shulassakar after the creation of the Silver Flame,
and with their help it drove the fiends from the
Hope’s Meridian is where shulassakar are born, taught
of their sacred duty, and train to eventually fulfil it. It is

a beautiful place, where hanging gardens and terraces sit
atop a mesa of gleaming songsilver, which gives way to
an endless sky. Sparkling waterfalls pour gently from the
top of the Meridian, irrigating terraces and gardens as it
descends, before forming rainbow coloured mist as it
drops into the ether below.
The shulassakar have mastered hydroponics,
supporting vast raised farms that produce more than
enough food to feed the entire population, both within
the Meridian and in the fortress-ruins the shulassakar e
protect. These structures, gardens, and terraces form
crown atop the mesa, all facing inwards towards an
ancient temple in the centre.
This temple of stained glass and songsilver descends
into the mesa and is called the Prismata. It is here that
Veqtakatl, the Prismatic Choir, resides and spends much
of its time. Surrounding the temple are fields of
multicoloured flowers, interspersed with gathering
places for the shulassakar of the Meridian.
The mesa itself was sung into existence by the
celestial known as Hope, and it forms a prison that binds
both the celestial and the original fiendish master of the
demiplane. The Meridian never communicates directly

with the shulassakar, as it requires all of its

concentration to keep the fiend bound. The shulassakar
never forget its sacrifice nor its mission, just as they can
never forget their own divine purpose.


The shulassakar choir known as Veqtakatl is the leader
of Hope’s Meridian, and arguably of all shulassakar.

They have a profound connection to the Silver Flame and

fill the same role to the shulassakar as the Keeper of the
Flame does to the Church of the Silver Flame.
Veqtakatl has bound themselves to the Meridian,
giving them unprecedented power over the demiplane.
Veqtakatl can manifest new portals, and close ones that
already exist. This is how the demiplane remains hidden
from the fiends of Khyber. Only those that Veqtakatl
wishes to find the Meridian can do so. Shulassakar can
always find their way home, but occasionally Veqtakatl
guides other wanderers to the demiplane, the only truly
safe place in Khyber.
Veqtakatl is enormously powerful, even by the
standards of a shulassakar choir. They are arguably the
individual (if you could really call them that) with the
closest connection to the Silver Flame on the Material
The statblock presented below encompasses one way
of running Veqtakatl in combat, but this should not be

Photokinetic Burst. Ranged Spell Attack: +13 to hit, range 120 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (3d10) radiant damage plus 16 (3d10) force damage.
Huge monstrosity (shulassakar), lawful good
Spellcasting (Psionics). Veqtakatl casts one of the following spells,
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) requiring no spell components and using Wisdom as the spellcasting
Hit Points 315 (30d12 + 120) ability (spell save DC 21):
Speed 40 ft., fly 60ft., swim 40ft. At will: cure wounds (5th-level), detect evil and good, detect thoughts,
flame strike, greater restoration, mass cure wounds, protection from evil
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and good, spirit guardians, telekinesis
23 (+6) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 1/day each: banishment, divine word, mass heal, resurrection (as an
action), sickening radiance, sunburst
Saving Throws Con +11, Wis +13, Cha +12
Skills Medicine +13, Perception +18, Stealth +8

Damage Immunities poison, psychic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing,
Psychic Step. Veqtakatl magically teleports to an unoccupied space
and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.
they can see within 60 feet of them.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious

Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 28
Veqtakatl, the Prismatic Choir can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Languages all
from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Veqtakatl
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Aura of Divinity. Divine light flows out from Veqtakatl in a 30-foot
radius. Creatures of their choice in that radius have advantage on all Attack. Veqtakatl makes a Flurry of Bites or Photokinetic Burst attack.
saving throws, and other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls Blinding Teleport. Veqtakatl teleports to an unoccupied space they
against them. can see within 60 feet of themselves. Each creature within 5 feet of their
In addition, when a fiend or an undead hits an affected creature new location must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
with a melee attack, the aura flashes with brilliant light. The attacker
e save, the creature takes 18 (4d8) radiant damage and is blinded until the
must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or be blinded end of their next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
until the start of their next turn. much damage and isn't blinded.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Veqtakatl fails a saving throw, they Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions). Veqtakatl uses their Spellcasting.
can choose to succeed instead.
Dissonant Harmony (Costs 3 Actions). Veqtakatl sings, emitting a
Magic Resistance. Veqtakatl has advantage on saving throws against blast of psychic energy in a 30-foot radius from themselves. Each
spells and other magical effects. creature in that area must make a DC 21 Intelligence saving throw,
Shielded Mind. Veqtakatl is immune to any effect that would sense their taking 27 (5d10) psychic damage and 27 (5d10) radiant damage on a
emotions, read their thoughts, or detect their location. failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Multiattack. Veqtakatl makes two Flurry of Bites or Photokinetic Burst

attacks. They can replace one of these attacks with a use of Spellcasting.

Flurry of Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 27 (6d6 + 6) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) radiant damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 24 hours. Until this poison ends, the target is unconscious.
Another creature can use an action to shake the target awake.

The cultures and institutions mentioned earlier in this could not hope to do both. (This viewpoint was also held
book are not the only cultures that revere the Silver by the Knights of Thrane that remained in Stormreach,
Flame or the couatl. There are undoubtedly groups that who remain loyal to the Thranish royal family.)
receive power from the Silver Flame without a culture of The Church in Stormreach formally separated from
worship. Flamekeep. They do not receive resources from Thrane.
Serpent cults are smaller groups that worship or serve There are some among the ministry who believe that
individual couatl, what few of them are left, rather than Thrane should dedicate forces to reclaiming Stormreach,
the Silver Flame itself. One of the best examples of these but Keeper Jaela Daran is far more tolerant of diversity
is Miron’s Tears, detailed earlier in this book, who serve within the faith than her predecessors. The faithful

Jaeinshar the Golden Serpent. within Stormreach also stand by their priests, who are
Presented in this chapter are several options for other vocally in opposition of the theocracy.
serpent cults that you could use in your game. Today, the Church of Embers, named for the district it
is in, is maintained by only three priests: Minister Jirian
CHURCH OF EMBERS Zayne (male half-elf flamebearer, he/him), Flamebearer

Myla Flamesworn (female human flamebearer, she/her)
When the city of Stormreach was founded in 802 YK, the
and Knight-Diligent Guin Silverblood (male human
Church of the Silver Flame sent templars and
oathsworn templar, he/him). These three see to the
flamebearers to the distant city to protect the new
needs of the faithful in Stormreach, but they lack the
settlers and spread the faith. They had lofty dreams of
strength or the numbers to really fulfil their mission of
bringing the drow and the remnants of the giants into
holding back the darkness, and they know it.
the fold, but reality fell short. The people of Stormreach
Minister Jirian Zayne acts as leader of the Church of
didn’t welcome the arrival of the Church in their city,
Embers, and he has not only come to accept the
and those that ventured into the jungle to speak to the
variations in belief that the people of Stormreach have
drow, or the giants rarely returned.
but has fostered it. He strongly believes that the diversity
The Church had only a token force in the city when
Thrane became a theocracy, a decision that did not sit
well with the faithful in Stormreach. The priests rejected
Keeper Serrain’s decision to accept control of Thrane,
they argued that such an action would entangle the
of thought makes the Church stronger, and he goes out
of his way to ensure the wellbeing of all of those under
his care. He is often frustrated by the Church of Embers’
lack of resources, but he is hardline in his stance that the
Church should not have taken power from the monarchy
Church’s mission in politics. The government and the
of Thrane.
church both had roles to play, and one organisation

Knight-Diligent Guin Silverblood has beliefs that The Wanderer is an enigmatic spirit that takes on
would be considered unorthodox by the mainline church many forms. They are seen as a bringer of change that is
in Thrane but doesn’t stand out among the Embers. He neither good nor bad. If you encounter them, the only
follows the traditions of an old serpent cult, passed thing you can be sure of is that your future is uncertain.
down to his family by a shulassakar. The Church of
Embers teaches that the Silver Flame was created during
the Age of Demons by the sacrifice of the couatl, and that
The Darkwatchers are a drow tribe that reside in the
Tira Miron’s own sacrifice allowed her to bring the
Darkfire Crater in Xen’drik. Named by the drow tribes
message of the couatl to the masses. The Embers do not
who live in its shadow, this volcano was thought to be
worship the Silver Flame directly, but instead pay
dormant, but recently erupted. Unfortunately, the
homage to the couatl that formed it.
volcano contained hundreds of fiends bound within its

magma, many of which have now been released.
Following the Age of Demons, Argonnessen deployed
The Qaltiar, meaning "broken oath" in Elvish, are one of ten dragons to Xen’drik to watch and guard important

the drow cultures that emerged on Xen’drik after the fall sites against the potential threat of the giants. The
of the giant civilisations. The ancestors of the Qaltiar current Red Warden, one of these dragons, is an adult
drow rebelled alongside the elves against the giants. It's red dragon named Zinshear-Jhodjaros. He was killed
even possible that some of these drow fled Xen'drik in when the volcano erupted. His remains are being

the exodus lead by Aeren. puppeteered by swarms of hellwasps that emerged
The Qaltiar are a nomadic tribal society inhabiting the during the eruption.
jungles of Xen'drik. They worship a host of animal A rakshasa named Kintakathjalil has been reporting
spirits which they believe guide them in their lives. The back to the Eyes of Chronepsis in Argonnessen disguised
greatest of these spirits is the scorpion, Vulkoor. They as the fallen warden and has so far convinced them that
also believe that souls are tested by these spirits when all is well. More fiends remain bound within the crater,
they die. If a soul is found worthy, they are reborn into including a tiger-headed balor by the name of Cyl-
the world. Maaldrake, which the free fiends seek to release.
There are many of these spirits, far more than those The Darkwatchers are the only force currently
listed here, and not all Qaltiar are united in their views of
e opposing the fiends. They previously served under the
the spirits or the roles these spirits play. Some of these Red Warden, and with the dragon slain they have not
tribes venerate a rainbow-winged serpent, which is fared well. They’ve been pushed back into the lava
almost certainly a couatl. tunnels around the caldera and are constantly assaulted
Vulkoor is the greatest of the spirits worshipped by by the fiends.
the Qaltiar and takes the form of a great scorpion. He is A shulassakar, Sesstaria (female transcendent
seen as both a deadly hunter and a wise provider, who shulassakar, she/her), who is primarily in Xen’drik to
teaches the Qaltiar to live sustainably. He is usually ensure the Scar that Abides remains bound, has taken an
depicted as a ghost scorpion, and drow warriors will interest in the Darkwatchers’ situation and has begun to
often wear Armor made from the pale chitin of ghost help them. She lacks the power to take on the fallen
scorpions, which they consider to be one of Vulkoor's dragon or its minions, but she has taught the drow how
many gifts. Others will tattoo themselves with scorpion to access the power of the Silver Flame, empowering
venom, a ritual that they believe will imbue them with them in their war with the fiends.
the power and wisdom of Vulkoor. For more information on the Darkwatchers and

Hul'drac is the spirit of the shifting panther (displacer Darkfire Crater, see the upcoming Giant's Guide to
beast) and is second only to Vulkoor in the stories of the Xen'drik.
Qaltiar. He is a cunning hunter who relies on guile and
trickery to avoid enemies’ blows. He is often revered by
hunters and warriors of the Qaltiar, who hope that he
will guide them in battle.
Ko'molaq is a spirit that takes the form of an immense
two-headed serpent. Ko'molaq translates to "keeper of

secrets", and he is said to possess knowledge of many

hidden and secret things. Drow will often beseech
Ko'molaq for guidance, but the advice given should
always be taken with a grain of salt, as you can never
know if Ko'molaq is telling the truth.
Kura'tra is the spirit of the tilxin bird, a clever spirit
that relies on speed and keen senses to outwit and
outrun predators. While many other spirits the Qaltiar
revere are predators, Kura'tra is seen as a wise and
cunning spirit worthy of respect. The Qaltiar may call on
Kura'tra to provide them with inspiration, or to speed
them along their way.
Ton’amil is a spirit that takes the form of a rainbow-
feathered winged serpent. They are said to command the
light, the sun and the stars, and Ton’amil illuminates
the darkest nights and helps lost Qaltiar find their way
home. Rarely, there are stories of Ton’amil appearing to
Qaltiar and empowering them to fight particularly
fearsome foes.

and Shulassakar clerics likely follow the Mind (ExE),
RACES Order, or War domains.

Paladins are often associated with the Silver Flame, and
Ability Scores. When determining your character’s
it’s easy to see why. The stereotypical paladin is an
ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a
armor-clad warrior, bathed in holy light and
different score by 1, or increase three different scores by
righteousness, bringing the hammer down upon evil and
1. You can't raise any of your scores above 20.

protecting the innocent.
Creature Type. Your creature type is Humanoid.
Arguably, any Paladin oath could be represented
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size
within the Church of the Silver Flame or the
when you select this race.
Ghaash’kala. The Oaths of Crown, Devotion, Vengeance
Speed. 30 ft.
and Watchers are all likely to be seen among the Knights

Templar, and the Oath of Redemption could be seen
As a Shulassakar, you have these special traits.
within the Fellowship of the Flame.
The Ghaash’kala live harsh lives, and paladins make
Couatl Magic. You know the sacred flame cantrip.
up a sizeable part of their population. The oaths of
Starting at 3 rd level, you can cast cure wounds with this
Conquest, Glory, Vengeance and Watchers are all
trait. Starting at 5th level, you can also cast lesser
common paths for the Ghaash’kala to take.
restoration with this trait. Once you cast cure wounds or
Paladins are rarer among the Masvirik’uala, but those
lesser restoration with this trait, you can't cast that spell
who do feel the call often swear Oaths of Vengeance or
with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also
Oaths of the Watchers. The shulassakar, similarly, have
cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have
more clerics and monks than they do paladins, but it’s
of the appropriate level.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait
(choose when you select this race). None of these spells
require spell components when you cast them with this
not unheard of for a shulassakar to swear an Oath of
Devotion or an Oath of the Watchers.

You can play a paladin of the Silver Flame using
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of standard rules, but if both DM and player agree, you can
you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were more accurately represent a paladin of the Silver Flame
dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as using the following variants:
shades of gray.
Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving RANGED SMITE
throws you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition 2nd-level Paladin feature, which replaces Divine Smite.
on yourself. You also have resistance to poison damage. When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack,

Psionic Mind. You can speak telepathically to any you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to
creature you can see, provided the creature is within a the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The
number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level. You extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for
don't need to share a language with the creature for it to each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8.
understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or
must be able to understand at least one language. a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common Additionally, your ranged weapon attacks are treated
and one other language that you and your DM agree is as melee weapon attacks for the purposes of Paladin

appropriate for your character. spells you cast, such as searing smite or thunderous smite.


11th-level Paladin feature, which replaces Improved Divine
Clerics channel divine power through the power of their Smite.
faith. Most priests of the Silver Flame are not clerics, but You channel the Silver Flame expertly, such that all
there are those whose faith and connection to the Flame your ranged attacks carry divine power with them.
is strong enough for them to manifest miracles. Whenever you hit a creature with a ranged weapon
Rising from the Last War assigns the Life, Light and attack, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
War domains to the Silver Flame. The Arcana, Forge,
Grave, Knowledge, Peace and Twilight domains would
also all be appropriate for the Church of the Silver Flame,
depending on what order your cleric belongs to (if at all,
see the Organization and Hierarchy section of Chapter 2
for more details).
Clerics among the Ghaash’kala might follow the Light,
Order or War domains, but any domain with a martial
focus would be appropriate. Among the Masvirik’uala,
clerics might follow the Light, Twilight, or War domains,

11th- level Monk feature
The Silver Flame doesn’t have a large legacy of monastic
Your connection to the couatl has grown more
traditions, limited largely to the shulassakar, who blend
powerful. You can use a bonus action to manifest a pair
their psionic abilities with divine power. Shulassakar
of iridescent rainbow-feathered wings from your back.
monks might follow the Astral Self or Sun Soul
While the wings are present, you have a flying speed
traditions. Another option is presented below in the Way
equal to your walking speed. The wings last until you're
of the Shulassakar, which is focused on emulating the
incapacitated, you die, or you dismiss them as a bonus
couatl they serve.

MONASTIC TRADITION: WAY OF THE In addition, when you make an unarmed strike with

Flurry of Blows, you can use Psionic Strike with that
strike without spending the ki point for Psionic Strike.
You can still use Psionic Strike only once per turn.

3rd-level Monk feature
You have inherited the psionic power of the couatl, 17th- level Monk feature
which you can use to duplicate the effects of certain You are closer than ever to the Silver Flame, and the
spells. You learn the mage hand cantrip. You can cast it gestalt consciousness within, and can draw upon its
without verbal or somatic components, and you can power to transform you in battle. As a bonus action on

make the spectral hand invisible. your turn, you can assume the form of a transcendent
Additionally, as an action, you can spend 2 ki points to shulassakar for one minute, gaining the following
cast bless, detect evil and good, detect thoughts or lesser benefits:
restoration, without providing components. Wisdom is
• Your creature type becomes celestial.
your spellcasting ability for these spells.
• Your unarmed strikes and telekinetic assault attacks

MIND AND BODY deal additional radiant damage equal to one roll of
your martial arts die.
3 -level Monk feature
• When you damage a creature with your Psionic Strike,
You have honed your mind into a weapon as potent as
force ripples out from the strike, and you can deal the
your body. You gain the following benefits:
Psionic Strike damage to one additional target within
Psionic Strike. When you hit a creature with an
unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to deal extra
force damage equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die +
your Wisdom modifier. You can use this feature only
once per turn.
30 feet of you.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until

you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 ki to do so.
Telekinetic Assault. You have mastered the use of
telekinesis in combat, able to launch debris and bolts of
force at distant enemies. You gain a new attack option
that you can use with the Attack action. The special
attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You
are proficient with it, and you add your Wisdom modifier
to its attack and damage rolls. Its damage is bludgeoning
or force (your choice), and its damage die is equivalent

to your martial arts die.

When you take the Attack action on your turn and use
this special attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point
to make the special attack twice as a bonus action. When
you gain the Extra Attack feature, this special attack can
be used for any of the attacks you make as part of the
Attack action.

6th-level Monk feature
You have closed your mind off to external influences,
other than those you allow. You gain resistance to
psychic damage and are immune to any effect that would
sense your emotions, read your thoughts, or detect your

2nd-level Wizard feature
The Church of the Silver Flame is the only one of the
As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak
Silver Flame-focused cultures to have a tradition of
a prayer censuring fiends and undead, using your
wizardry, and even then, it’s focused mostly within the
Channel Divinity. Each fiend or undead that can see or
Order of the Gilded Labyrinth. Members of the order
hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom
channel the Flame in a mixture of arcane and divine
saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is
magic, something which requires both intelligence and
turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move
Presented below is a new subclass for wizards, the
as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly
Silver Pyromancer, which represents this intersection of
move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take
the arcane and the divine.
reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action

ARCANE TRADITION: SILVER or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from

moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use

the Dodge action.
Arcane magic is a fact of life in Eberron, it is everywhere
and all-encompassing. Produced by the Order of the EXTRA ATTACK
Gilded Labyrinth, silver pyromancers are arcane 6th-level Wizard feature
champions of the Church of the Silver Flame, taking You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you

their place alongside paladins and clerics in the eternal take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can
struggle against evil. The path of the Silver Pyromancer cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.
is one that requires great faith and mental aptitude.
TEMPLAR TRAINING 10th-level Wizard feature
2 -level Wizard feature You can add your Intelligence modifier to one damage
You gain proficiency with light armor, and martial roll of any wizard spell you cast that deals fire or radiant
weapons. damage. Additionally, whenever you cast a spell that
deals fire damage, you can instead choose to have that
DIVINE INITIATE e spell deal radiant damage.
2nd-level Wizard feature
Whenever you gain a wizard level, you can replace one CHANNEL DIVINITY: SMITING SPELL
of the wizard spells you add to your spellbook with a 14h-level Wizard feature
paladin spell. The spell must be of a level for which you Whenever you cast a spell that deals fire or radiant
have spell slots. Any paladin spell you gain from this damage, you can expend a use of your Channel Divinity
feature is considered a wizard spell for you, but other to cause that spell to deal maximum damage, rather than
wizards can't copy paladin spells from your spellbook rolling.
into their own spellbooks.
Additionally, you can use a Holy Symbol as a
spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.

2nd-level Wizard feature

You gain the ability to channel arcane energy directly

from the Silver Flame, using that energy to fuel magical
effects. You start with only one such effect: Turn the
When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose
which effect to create. You must then finish a short or
long rest to use your Channel Divinity again. Some

Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When

you use such an effect, the save DC equals your wizard
spell save DC.

Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement)
RETRACTABLE SHIELD This songsilver greatsword contains the spirit of a
couatl which the sword is named after. The blade is
Armor (shield), common
silvered and engraved with flame-like patterns, and the
These shields, created by the Order of the Crucible, are
guard looks like rainbow-feathered metallic wings. The
designed to be worn by Thrane’s elite archers to provide
pommel contains a large Khyber shard, which glows
them with protection in the unfortunate circumstances
with an inner, silvery light.
that they find themselves in close-quarters combat.
Tira Miron was given the greatsword Kloinjer by the
In its retracted state, the shield is essentially a slightly

Ghaash’kala and wielded it in her final battle against the
heavier bracer (and functions as one for protecting the
overlord Bel Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame.
archer’s wrist from their arrows). When activated,
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
segments of steel fan out from the outer face of the
with this magic weapon. While attuned to this weapon,
bracer to form a small buckler-like shield.
you gain the following traits:
This shield can be retracted into a bracer or deployed

back into a shield as a bonus action. The hand holding • Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to radiant
the shield is free when it is retracted, but the wearer and necrotic damage.
doesn’t benefit from the bonus to their AC provided by • Divine Presence. Your Charisma score becomes 20,
the shield. unless it is already 20 or higher.

Holy Light. The sword sheds bright light in a 5-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. As a bonus
Martial weapon (longbow) action, you can intensify the sword's light, causing it to
2d6 piercing - ammunition (150/600ft), heavy, two- shed bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an
handed e additional 15 feet, or reduce its glow to its normal
These oversized longbows are a signature weapon of intensity. The light cast by Kloinjer dispels magical
the Ghaash’kala, which makes use of the powerful build darkness within its radius.
of the orcs to create bows with incredible draw weight. A Unstoppable Radiance. Kloinjer deals an additional 18
Ghaash’kala longbow weighs 4lbs and has the (4d8) radiant damage to any creature it hits. In addition,
ammunition (150/600ft), heavy and two-handed any creature that takes damage from Kloinjer loses any
properties, as well as the following special property: resistance or immunity to radiant damage that it has for
An oversized longbow can only be used by Medium or 1 hour.
larger creatures with a Strength score of 18 or higher. Binding Flame. When Kloinjer reduces a fiend to 0 hit
The bow shoots oversized arrows that deal piercing points, you can choose to have the fiend bound within
damage equal to 2d6 + the wielder's Strength modifier. the Khyber shard in Kloinjer's pommel. The shard can
contain only a single fiend at a time and attempting to

CHURCH OF THE SILVER contain another destroys the currently contained fiend if

it is CR 19 or lower and releases it if its challenge rating

is higher.
The history of the Church of the Silver Flame is riddled Sentience. Kloinjer is a sentient, lawful good item with
with fiends and other supernatural threats emerging, an intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 20 and a Charisma of
and the templars and other followers of the Flame rising 18. It has hearing and darkvision out to 120 feet. Kloinjer
to face the challenge, often aided by artifacts and other communicates by transmitting emotion to the creature
magic items. Tira Miron and her party spent a year carrying it or wielding it. It can also visit them in their
gathering powerful magic items to allow them to face dreams to communicate more fully.
the might of Bel Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame.

THE CROOK OF ARAWAI to the bell can use an action to expend a charge and
create one of the following effects:
Simple Weapon (Quarterstaff), legendary (requires
Consecration. As an action, you ring the bell and cast
attunement by a cleric of Arawai)
Hallow, requiring no material components. The Bell then
This shepherd’s crook is well-worn, and well-loved,
loses its magical properties for 1 year.
with notches carved into the shaft to record the height of
Exorcism. As your action, you ring the bell and target
growing lambs. The crook was granted to Maliah
a creature within 30 feet of you that is charmed,
Sharavaci by an archfey known as The Shepherd, who
frightened, or possessed by a celestial, elemental, fey,
claimed that it had been gifted to them by Arawai
fiend, or undead. The creature you target is no longer
charmed, frightened, or possessed by such creatures.
The Crook is currently kept in Flamekeep as a relic of
Protective Chimes. You ward each friendly creature
Thrane’s history, even though it is arguably a relic of the
that can hear the bell within 50 feet against supernatural
Sovereign Host. Maliah was the first person to wear the
forces for 1 hour. They cannot be charmed, possessed, or
mantle of the Keeper of the Silver Flame, but just as Tira
frightened by aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey,

Miron was a paladin of Dol Arrah, Maliah was a cleric of
fiends, or undead. If the listener is already charmed,
Arawai, and she wielded the powers of Flame and
frightened, or possessed by such a creature, they have
Sovereign against the Shadow in the Flame.
advantage on any new saving throw against the effect.
While holding the Crook of Arawai, you gain a +2
Spells. While holding the bell, you can use an action to
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and you
expend one of its charges to cast Banishment (spell save

gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw
DC 16) or Greater Restoration.
DCs of your cleric spells. In addition, you can use the
Crook as a spellcasting focus for your cleric spells.
Spells. The crook has 6 charges. While holding it, you
can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to Weapon (battleaxe), legendary (requires attunement)
cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) from it: aura This silvered battleaxe was the weapon of the shifter
of life (2 charges), aura of purity (2 charges), beacon of Bennin Silverclaw. Bennin was a hero of the Silver
hope (1 charge), entangle (1 charge), greater restoration (3 Crusade and fought alongside Harryn Stormblade as they
charges), mass cure wounds (3 charges), plant growth (1 pushed into the Towering Wood. He was famous for
charge). The crook regains 1d6 expended charges daily at
e silvering his own claws to better fight the lycanthropes.
dawn. Silverclaw is a bearded axe with a notched, silvered
You can also use an action to cast one of the following blade that never seems to dull. It has a wooden handle
spells from the Crook without using any charges: animal crafted from a branch from Oalian himself, granted to
friendship, animal messenger, detect poison and disease, the shifter to aid him against the threat surging forth
druidcraft, or speak with animals. from the deep wood.
Life and Love. All creatures within 10 miles of the Bennin and his axe were last seen pursuing
Crook of Arawai are more fertile, and animals are more lycanthropes into the Labyrinth. It’s possible the
likely to have twins or larger litters. Sheep within the weapon has been claimed by one of the Carrion Tribes, or
radius almost always have twins, and the lambs are even the Ghaash’kala. It’s also possible that Bennin has
invariably healthy. joined the Ghaash’kala himself, his life extended by
The Natural Order. While holding the Crook of Arawai, lycanthropy, and that he continues to wield this weapon
whenever you use your Channel Divinity to Turn Undead, against the horrors of the Labyrinth.
you do so as if you were a 20th-level cleric, regardless of You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made

your actual cleric level. with this magic weapon. When you hit a fiend or a
lycanthrope with the axe, silver flames erupt from its
THE SACRED BELL OF SAINT CASSIA blade and deal an extra 2d6 radiant damage to the target.
Hurling. You can make ranged attacks with Silverclaw
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a
as if it had the thrown property, with a normal range of
follower of the Silver Flame)
30 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When you make a
This silver bell is engraved with licking flames.
ranged attack with the axe, whether it hits or misses, the
Regardless of the ambient temperature, the bell is cool
axe flies back to you at the end of the current turn,

to the touch.
landing in your open hand or at your feet in your space
The Sacred Bell of Saint Cassia is an artifact that Saint
(as you choose).
Cassia Canatar Clebdecher acquired in the immeasurable
market of Syrania. The town of Danthaven in northern
Thrane had been overwhelmed with demonic
possessions. The heroes couldn't destroy the demons Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement by a
without also killing the innocent townsfolk, and nothing paladin or cleric of the Silver Flame)
prevented the demons from just finding new hosts if This pristine shield is adorned with the symbol of the
their current hosts died. Saint Cassia led the party Church of the Silver Flame, a silver arrowhead
through the market, pursuing rumors of a smith who encompassing a flame.
could create what they needed. What they first assumed Many of the original paladins of the Silver Flame were
to be an angel turned out to be a devil, who agreed to paladins of Dol Arrah who followed in the footsteps of
forge the bell, but in exchange Cassia would have to give Tira Miron. Valtros of Flamekeep was the first paladin to
up her ability to lie. She accepted without hesitation. be called to serve by the Silver Flame itself after the
Today, the location of the bell is a mystery. Cassia hid sacrifice of Tira Miron, with no prior oath to any other
it, saying that when it was needed, the right hero would deities or powers.
find it. Valtros served as the bodyguard of the second Keeper
The Sacred Bell of Saint Cassia has 5 charges. It of the Flame, Traelyn Ghelios, and he protected her from
regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn. A creature attuned the forces of evil just as his shield protected him. After
his death, his shield was infused with divine power lay

on its wielder’s pyre and was unharmed by the The lightning lasts until you use a bonus action to speak
consuming flames. the command word again, use the Harryn’s Stormbolt
While holding this shield, you have a +2 bonus to AC, feature, or until you drop or sheathe the sword.
and are immune to the charmed and frightened Harryn’s Stormbolt. As an action while the sword is
conditions. This bonus is in addition to the shield's charged with lightning, you can channel lightning
normal bonus to AC. through the sword to strike at distant foes. You swing
Eternal Vigilance. The shield is ever vigilant and the sword and lightning arcs out in a 30-foot cone in
warns you of impending danger. While the shield is on front of you. Each creature in the area must make a DC 16
your person, you have advantage on initiative rolls. In Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 lightning
addition, you and any of your companions within 30 feet damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
of you can't be surprised, except when incapacitated by successful one. When you use this feature, the sword
something other than nonmagical sleep. The shield loses its charge.
magically awakens you and your companions within
range if any of you are sleeping naturally when combat

The ruins of the shulassakar are home to wondrous


treasures from the Age of Demons, relics created by the
Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)

This ornately crafted longbow has inlaid silver musical
notes up and down the wooden limbs, interwoven with
Unique Material
imagery of winged serpents.
The most prevalent of the gifts of the couatl was the
The Song of Siberys was hand-crafted by Turanank
material songsilver, a celestial equivalent to
Noldrun, one of Tira's adventuring companions. The
demonglass. Whereas demonglass is formed by
limbs of the bow were made from the oldest tree inside
intimidating and forcing fiendish essence into that form,
an Irian manifest zone, guarded by a sphinx. Turanank
songsilver is sung into existence by the couatl, with
successfully negotiated the sphinx's riddles to harvest a
multiple couatl singing in harmony with each other
single tree limb, which he inlaid with notes he said
producing greater quantities, able to raise entire
represented the "Song of Siberys". e structures from the ground. Songsilver appears like
Despite being the founder of the Fellowship of the
polished ivory or silver and is smooth to the touch. It has
Flame, Saint Turanank's final fate is unknown. Legends
an iridescent shine to it, reflecting all the colors of the
say his longbow has shown up in the hands of legendary
rainbow depending on how you look at it.
heroes throughout the Church's almost 700-year
Songsilver is malleable when being sung into shape by
history, but no definitive sighting has ever been
the couatl, and then rapidly sets into a hardened and
near-indestructible form. The couatl created many
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
artifacts, and even mundane tools and weapons from
with this magic weapon.
songsilver. This is fortunate, as the shulassakar lack the
Rakshasa Slayer. When you hit a fiend or an undead
capability to create more of it.
with this weapon, it takes an extra 2d10 radiant damage.
Weapons made from songsilver are silvered and
In addition, that creature cannot shapechange or benefit
magical and are almost indestructible. The couatl could
from illusory disguises for a day, and any fiend slain by
have created any number of weapons from songsilver,
this bow cannot return for at least a day and year.
and likely produced at least one weapon to counter the

Smiting Shots. While wielding the Song of Siberys,

unique nature of each Overlord. One famous example of a
you can use ranged weapon attacks with the bow to
songsilver weapon is the greatsword Kloinjer, wielded by
trigger Smite spells that require a melee weapon attack.
Tira Miron when she did battle with Bel Shalor, the
In addition, you can use the bow to cast Banishing Smite
Shadow in the Flame.
once per day.
Armor and trinkets crafted from songsilver extend the

grace and protection of the couatl to those who wear
them. While wearing an object made from songsilver, a

Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement) creature has advantage on saving throws to resist being
This ornate silvered greatsword was the preferred charmed or possessed by fiends.
weapon of the templar Harryn Stormblade, a hero who
mysteriously disappeared during the Silver Crusade. He
legendarily wielded this weapon against the dragon
Sarmondelaryx, and stories claim that he used it to slay
the lich, Lady Illmarrow. The sword hasn’t been seen
since Harryn Stormblade disappeared in the Towering
Wood almost 120 years ago.
Veins of Eberron dragonshard run along the length of
the blade, giving an impression of forked lightning.
While holding the weapon, the wielder can feel a tingling
sensation, like a small electrical current is passing
through them.
Lycanthrope Slayer. You have advantage on attack
rolls made against lycanthropes with this weapon.
Lightning Strikes. You can use a bonus action on your
turn to cause lightning to strike the blade of the sword,
charging it. When charged in this way, the sword deals
an additional 2d6 lightning damage to any target it hits.

Templars are the soldiers of the church, and as of 914


YK, also the nation of Thrane. Many of them can channel
the divine power of the Silver Flame in some way, and

FLAME paladins are numerous among them. Archery is a

devotional practice of the church, and every member of

the Knights Templar is trained to use a longbow.

Flamebearers are members of the Fellowship of the

Flame, wandering priests who travel from settlement to
settlement and spread compassion and the message of
Medium humanoid (any), typically lawful good
the Church. Flamebearers act as guides for communities
that lack a minister, but their mission is more generally
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)

to be the example that the faithful should follow and to
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
help those who need it. Outside of Breland, Flamebearers
Speed 30 ft.
will rarely ask for payment for their services, as they
receive income from the Church and helping people is
their job.
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +4
Medium humanoid (any), typically lawful good Skills Athletics +4, Persuasion +4, Religion +2
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Any two, usually Common
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.


Multiattack. The templar makes two attacks with their longsword
10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws -
12 (+1) 13 (+1)

Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +3

Senses passive Perception 13
16 (+3) 13 (+1)
e or longbow.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage, or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing
damage if used with two hands.
Languages Any two, usually Common Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Healing Touch. The templar touches a creature and restores 7
(1d8 + 2) hit points to that creature or neutralizes one disease or
poison affecting that creature.
Radiant Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 90 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (2d6 + 3) radiant damage. Spellcasting. The templar casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):

Restoring Touch (3/day). The flamebearer touches a creature and

restores 7 (1d8 + 3) hit points to that creature or ends either one 1/day each: bless, command, shield of faith
disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded,
deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
Spellcasting. The templar casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):
At will: light, thaumaturgy

2/day each: bless, remove curse

Most templars can channel the power of the Silver Flame
to some small degree, but some take a Sacred Oath that
empowers them further. These oathsworn templars are

EXORCIST true champions of the Church, unwavering in their duty

to protect the innocent.
Members of the Order of Kloinjer, exorcists are clerics of
the Silver Flame who specialise in combating the fiends
of Khyber and the planes. They take after the exploits of
Saint Cassia Canatar Clebdecher, who freed the
possessed inhabitants of Danthaven during the Year of
Medium humanoid (any), typically lawful good
Blood and Fire so are experts in exorcising such entities.
Armor Class 19 (half plate armor, retractable shield)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)

Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (any), typically lawful good
Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft. Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +5
Skills Athletics +5, Persuasion +4, Religion +2
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses passive Perception 11
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) Languages Any two, usually Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +2
Skills Athletics +5, Medicine +6, Religion +2 Divine Smite. Once per turn, when the templar hits a creature
Senses passive Perception 14 with a weapon attack, they can deal an additional 13 (3d8) radiant
Languages Any two, usually Common damage to that creature.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. The exorcist makes two attacks with their

e Multiattack. The templar makes two attacks with their longsword
or longbow.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
warhammer. They can replace one or both attacks with Exorcise. target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one damage if used with two hands.
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
bludgeoning damage if used with two hands, plus 9 (2d8) radiant target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Healing Touch. The templar touches a creature and restores 11
Exorcise. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 90 ft., one target. (2d8 + 3) hit points to that creature or neutralizes one disease or
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) radiant damage and the target is frightened of the poison affecting that creature.
exorcist until the start of the exorcist’s next turn.

Spellcasting. The templar casts one of the following spells, using

Spellcasting. The exorcist casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
1/day each: bless, command, detect evil and good, dispel magic,
At will: detect evil and good, light, protection from evil and good shield of faith
1/day each: banishment, cure wounds, dispel magic, hold person

Retractable Shield. The templar deploys or retracts their


Break Enchantment (Recharge 4-6). The exorcist touches a retractable shield. They do not gain the AC bonus from the shield if
creature that is charmed, frightened, or possessed by a fiend. The it is retracted.
creature is no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed by such

Archery is a devotional practice for the Church of the A silver pyromancer is an arcane champion of the Church
Silver Flame, and every citizen of Thrane is trained to of the Silver Flame, taking their place alongside paladins
use a longbow, from the lowliest peasant to the and clerics in the eternal struggle against evil. The path
mightiest paladin. Silverbows are Thrane’s specialist of the Silver Pyromancer is one that requires
marksmen, trained to use the longbow at extreme unshakeable faith and incredible mental fortitude,
ranges and taught to channel the power of the Silver combining the best aspects of the arcane and the divine.
Flame into their shots.

Medium Humanoid (any), typically lawful good

Medium humanoid (any), typically lawful good
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)

Armor Class 18 (studded leather armor, retractable shield) Hit Points 60 (11d8 + 11)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +3
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +3 Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcane +6, Investigation +6, Religion +6
Skills Acrobatics +6, History +2, Perception +7, Religion +2 Senses passive Perception 11
Senses passive Perception 17 Languages Any two, usually Common
Languages Any two, usually Common Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Binding Arrow. Once per turn when the silverbow hits a target
with a ranged weapon attack, they can choose to deal an e Multiattack. The silver pyromancer makes two attacks with their
additional 13 (3d8) radiant damage to that target and force it to rapier and uses Holy Fire.
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the Silvered Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target is restrained by radiant light until the end of its next turn. target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Sharpshooter. Attacking at long range doesn't impose Holy Fire. The silver pyromancer targets one creature they can
disadvantage on the silverbow’s ranged weapon attack rolls, and see within 60 feet of it. The target must make a DC 14 Dexterity
the silverbow’s ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 9 (2d8) fire damage
three-quarters cover. and 9 (2d8) radiant, and is blinded until the start of the silver
Silvered Ammunition. The silverbow’s ranged weapon attacks pyromancer’s next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half
use silvered ammunition. as much damage and isn't blinded.
Radiant Explosion (3 rd -level Spell; Recharge 4-6). The silver
pyromancer unleashes a magical explosion of radiant fire. The
Multiattack. The silverbow makes two attacks with their longbow explosion erupts in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point

or shortsword. within 120 feet of the silver pyromancer. Each creature in that area
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage creature takes 18 (4d8) fire damage and 18 (4d8) radiant damage.
On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage. Spellcasting. The silver pyromancer casts one of the following
spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC
Spellcasting. The silverbow casts one of the following spells, using
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):

At will: control flames, light, prestidigitation

At will: thaumaturgy
1/day each: banishment, cure wounds, detect evil and good, lesser
1/day each: bless, cordon of arrows, detect evil and good, dispel
magic, longstrider

Arcane Negation (1/day). The silver pyromancer targets one

Retractable Shield. The silverbow deploys or retracts their
creature they can see within 60 feet of them that is casting a spell.
retractable shield. They do not gain the AC bonus from the shield if
The creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
it is retracted.
or the spell fails, and the creature is blinded until the start of its
next turn.

The Order of Knights Angelic are an elite order of knights
templar that specialize in aerial warfare, utilizing
rainbow-feathered wings of flying to get to anywhere
they’re needed on the battlefield. The order’s members
are sourced from the other orders, and so any given
Knight Angelic could have experience fighting fiends,
lycanthropes, or undead, as well as enemy combatants
from other nations.

Medium humanoid (any), typically lawful good

Armor Class 20 (plate armor, retractable shield)

Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60ft. (wings of flying)

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +6

Skills Athletics +7, Persuasion +6, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Any two, usually Common
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Dive Bomb. If the knight is flying and moves at least 30 feet

straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee weapon
attack, the attack deals an extra 10 (3d6) damage to the target.
Divine Smite. Once per turn, when the knight hits a creature with
a weapon attack, they can deal an additional 18 (4d8) radiant
damage to that creature.

Multiattack. The knight makes three melee attacks or two ranged

Silvered Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4)

bludgeoning damage if used with two hands, plus 4 (1d8) radiant

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, plus 4 (1d8) radiant
Healing Touch. The knight touches a creature and restores 11 (2d8
+ 3) hit points to that creature or neutralizes one disease or poison

affecting that creature.

Spellcasting. The templar casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
1/day each: bless, command, detect evil and good, dispel magic,
shield of faith, spirit guardians

Retractable Shield. The knight deploys or retracts their

retractable shield. They do not gain the AC bonus from the shield if
it is retracted.
Wings of Flying (2/day). The knight's cloak turns into a pair of
rainbow-feathered wings for 1 hour. The wings give the knight a
flying speed of 60 feet.

Elder wyverns are subspecies of wyvern native to the Tira Miron recruited the elder Wyverns during the Year
Tamor Hills, the region around Flamekeep. They grow of Blood and Fire. Some of those have developed the
larger than their cousins and are significantly more skills of a cleric and can cast miracles like any other
intelligent. Most of them are even capable of speech. Tira priest of the Silver Flame, including, peculiarly, a divine
Miron recruited them during the Year of Blood and Fire, breath weapon.
and many of them adopted the faith after her sacrifice.

Huge Dragon (wyvern), typically lawful good

Huge Dragon (wyvern), typically lawful good
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 152 (16d12 + 48)

Hit Points 152 (16d12 + 48) Speed 20 ft. fly 80 ft.
Speed 20 ft. fly 80 ft.
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Wis +8, Cha +5
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +4 Skills Athletics +9, Insight +8, Perception +8, Religion +3
Skills Athletics +8, Insight +7, Perception +7, Religion +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 Languages Common, Draconic
Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Multiattack. The wyvern makes three attacks with its bite or its
Multiattack. The wyvern makes three attacks with its bite or its
e claws. It can replace one of these attacks with an attack with its
claws. It can replace one of these attacks with an attack with its stinger.
stinger. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage.
15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) slashing damage.
18 (3d8 + 5) slashing damage. Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC
Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a
14 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Silver Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The wyvern exhales fire in a
30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16
Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage and 14 (4d6)

radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a

successful one.
Spellcasting. The wyvern casts one of the following spells, using
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
At will: control flames, light, thaumaturgy
3/day each: bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt, lesser restoration,
shield of faith

1/day each: dispel magic, mass healing word, tongues

The Ghaash’kala are fierce warriors, but they are also
GHAASH’KALA WARRIOR devoted to Kalok Shash, the Binding Flame. While all the
The warriors of the Ghaash’kala are brutal and Ghaash’kala hear the call of Kalok Shash, some of them
unyielding. They must be to survive in the Demon can channel its divine strength to produce miracles.
Wastes. Their ability to create equipment is limited by
the availability of resources, and so many of them are
using weapons and armor scavenged from demiplanes or
Medium humanoid (orc, cleric), any lawful alignment
looted. Even so, the Ghaash’kala are a force to be
reckoned with. The difficulty of surviving in the Demon
Armor Class 18 (breastplate, shield)
Wastes has led to them having a small but elite
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)
Medium humanoid (orc), any lawful alignment

Armor Class 18 (breastplate, shield) Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +7

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24) Skills Athletics +7, Perception +7, Stealth +5, Survival +7
Speed 40 ft. Condition Immunities frightened
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 17
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Languages Common, Orc
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Saving Throws Wis +4 Brand of the Binding Flame. The ghaash’kala is immune to any
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4 effect that would cause them to become possessed.
Condition Immunities frightened Magic Weapons. The ghaash’kala’s weapon attacks are magical.
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 e Powerful Build. The ghaash’kala counts as one size larger when
Languages Common, Orc determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push,
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 drag, or lift.

Brand of the Binding Flame. The ghaash’kala is immune to any

effect that would cause them to become possessed.
Multiattack. The ghaash’kala makes two attacks with their spear
Magic Weapons. The ghaash’kala’s weapon attacks are magical. and uses Binding Flame.
Powerful Build. The ghaash’kala counts as one size larger when Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push, 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if
drag, or lift. used with two hands.
Binding Flame. The ghaash'kala targets one creature they can
see within 60 feet of it. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity
Multiattack. The ghaash’kala makes two attacks with their saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 13 (2d8 + 4) radiant

battleaxe, javelins or oversized longbow. damage, and it is restrained until the start of the ghaash'kala's
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as much
Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 15 (2d10 + 4) slashing damage damage and isn't restrained.
if used with two hands. Spellcasting. The ghaash’kala casts one of the following spells,
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. At will: detect evil and good, spare the dying, thaumaturgy
Oversized Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 1/day each: bless, create food and water, command, dispel magic,

150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. spirit guardians

Aggressive. The ghaash’kala chooses one hostile creature that Aggressive. The ghaash’kala chooses one hostile creature that
they can see and moves up to their speed towards that creature, they can see and moves up to their speed towards that creature,
and then makes an attack with their battleaxe. and then makes an attack with their spear.
Healing Flame (Recharge 4-6). The ghaash'kala or one creature
of their choice within 60 feet of it regains 12 (2d8 + 4) hit points.
Kalok Shash Burns Brighter. When the ghaash’kala is reduced to
0 hit points, they can use their reaction to immediately move up to
their speed and perform two melee attacks with advantage. They
Kalok Shash Burns Brighter. When the ghaash’kala is reduced to
then die or fall unconscious as normal.
0 hit points, they can use their reaction to immediately move up to
their speed and perform two melee attacks with advantage. They
then die or fall unconscious as normal.

Kizshmit means “chieftain” in Orc, and the kizshmit of a Sar’malaan means “high priest” in Orc, is one of the
Ghaash’kala tribe is one of the tribe’s two leaders tribe’s two leaders, alongside the kizshmit. The
alongside the sar’malaan. The kizshmit is the military sar’malaan is the spiritual leader of the tribe and holds
leader of the tribe and handles the defense of the ultimate authority. The sar’malaan appoints the
Labyrinth. In all other matters, the kizshmit will kizshmit to their position and handles the
generally defer to the sar’malaan. administrative duties of leadership.

Medium humanoid (orc, cleric), any lawful alignment

Medium humanoid (orc), any lawful alignment
Armor Class 19 (half-plate, shield)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)

Armor Class 17 (half-plate)
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) Speed 40 ft.
Speed 40 ft.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)

20 (+5) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +8
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +7, Wis +6 Skills Athletics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +6, Survival +8
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6 Condition Immunities frightened
Condition Immunities frightened Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 18
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 16 Languages Common, Orc
Languages Common, Orc Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Brand of the Binding Flame. The ghaash’kala is immune to any
Brand of the Binding Flame. The ghaash’kala is immune to any e effect that would cause them to become possessed.
effect that would cause them to become possessed. Magic Weapons. The ghaash’kala’s weapon attacks are magical.
Magic Weapons. The ghaash’kala’s weapon attacks are magical. Powerful Build. The ghaash’kala counts as one size larger when
Powerful Build. The ghaash’kala counts as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push,
determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push, drag, or lift.
drag, or lift.
Survivor. The ghaash'kala regains 10 hit points at the start of their
turn if they have fewer than half their maximum hit points but at Multiattack. The ghaash'kala makes two attacks with their battleaxe
least 1 hit point. and uses Binding Immolation.
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 15 (2d10 + 4) slashing damage if used
Multiattack. The ghaash’kala makes three attacks with their with two hands, plus 9 (2d8) radiant damage.
greataxe or oversized longbow. Binding Immolation. Silver flame explodes in a 10-foot-radius

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. sphere centered on a point within 120 feet of the ghaash'kala. Each
Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) slashing damage. creature of the ghaash'kala's choice in that area must make a DC 16
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 13 (2d8 + 4) fire
Oversized Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
damage and 13 (2d8 + 4) radiant damage and is restrained until the
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
start of the ghaash'kala’s next turn. On a successful save, a target
takes half as much damage and isn't restrained.
Spellcasting. The ghaash’kala casts one of the following spells, using
Aggressive. The ghaash’kala chooses one hostile creature that

Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):

they can see and moves up to their speed towards that creature,
and then makes an attack with their greataxe. At will: detect evil and good, dispel magic, spare the dying,
Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The
ghaash'kala regains 20 hit points. 1/day each: bless, create food and water, command, destructive wave,
guardian of faith, mass cure wounds, spirit guardians

Kalok Shash Burns Brighter. When the ghaash’kala is reduced to

0 hit points, they can use their reaction to immediately move up to Aggressive. The ghaash’kala chooses one hostile creature that they
their speed and perform two melee attacks with advantage. They can see and moves up to their speed towards that creature, and then
then die or fall unconscious as normal. makes an attack with their battleaxe.
Healing Flame (Recharge 4-6). The ghaash'kala or one creature of
their choice within 60 feet of them regains 12 (2d8 + 4) hit points.

Kalok Shash Burns Brighter. When the ghaash’kala is reduced to 0

hit points, they can use their reaction to immediately move up to their
speed and perform two melee attacks with advantage. They then die
or fall unconscious as normal.

Some lizardfolk can tap into their innate connection to
COLD SUN LIZARDFOLK the Flame and draw upon its power, wielding divine
The lizardfolk of the Masvirik’uala have a strong, innate magic in their endless conflict with the Poison Dusk.
connection to the Silver Flame. They all share the same These mystics of the Masvirik’uala also serve to help
dream maintained within the Flame by a vast their tribe interpret their dreams, recording patterns
metaconcert created by the couatl. They learn to fight in that arise and deciphering what hidden messages the
these dreams and what is truly at stake if they fail in couatl might leave.
their mission.

Medium humanoid (lizardfolk), typically neutral good

Medium humanoid (lizardfolk), typically neutral good
Armor Class 16 (natural armor, shield)

Armor Class 16 (natural armor, shield) Hit Points 51 (8d8 + 16)
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
14 (+2)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Saving Throws -
Saving Throws - Skills History + 2, Medicine +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +5 +7
Senses passive Perception 13 Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Draconic Languages Draconic
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes. e Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes.
Incorruptible. The lizardfolk has advantage on saving throws Incorruptible. The lizardfolk has advantage on saving throws
they make to avoid or end the charmed condition on themself. they make to avoid or end the charmed condition on itself.
Pack Tactics. The lizardfolk has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the lizardfolk's allies is within 5
feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Multiattack. The lizardfolk makes two melee attacks, each one
with a different weapon.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
Multiattack. The lizardfolk makes two melee attacks, each one (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
with a different weapon, or makes two ranged attacks with their Dawnshard Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
javelins. reach 5 ft. and range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands,
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage. plus 7 (2d6) radiant damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. and Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
range 30/120 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. and succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, or 7 Sacred Light. The lizardfolk targets one creature they can see
(1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands. within 60 feet of them. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity
Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 12 (2d8 + 3) radiant
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must damage. On a successful save, the target takes half as much

succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. damage.

Dawn Shard Binding (Recharge 4-6). The lizardfolk calls upon
the dawnshards in an area to restrain its foes. Beams of light
flicker between the shards within a 20-foot-radius centered on a
point within 120 feet of the lizardfolk. Creatures in that area must
make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a target
takes 9 (2d8) radiant damage and is restrained for 1 minute. On a
successful save, a target takes half as much damage and isn't
restrained. A restrained target can use its action on its turn to
repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.

While the lizardfolk don’t have the same culture for
producing paladins as the Church of the Silver Flame in
Thrane, many of their number nevertheless hear the call
of the First Light and take up arms against the Poison
Dusk and the Cold Sun’s own champions.

Medium humanoid (lizardfolk), typically neutral good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor, shield)

Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws -
Skills Medicine +3, Perception +3, Stealth +8, Survival +6
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Draconic
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes.
Incorruptible. The lizardfolk has advantage on saving throws
they make to avoid or end the charmed condition on themself.

Multiattack. The lizardfolk makes three melee attacks: two with

their axe and one with their shield.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Dawn Shard Battleaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9
(1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 9 (2d8)
radiant damage.
Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must

succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Unity of Purpose. The lizardfolk empowers up to 3 willing
creatures within 30 feet of them. For the next minute, those
creatures gain 7 (1d8 + 3) temporary hit points at the start of each
of their turns and are immune to the frightened condition.

Intercept. When a creature the lizardfolk can see hits a target


within 5 feet of the lizardfolk with an attack, the lizardfolk reduces

the damage the target takes by 8 (1d10 + 3).

The flametouched are the next stage in the reincarnation
BLOODSWORN SHULASSAKAR cycle and appear like a blend of couatl and human. They
The bloodsworn are the most human-like of the have serpentine heads, and their entire bodies are
shulassakar and can pass for human if they need to. They covered in scales and rainbow-coloured feathers. Some
lack the serpentine features of their cousins, but their of them even have the rainbow feathered wings of the
skin is covered in beautiful, colourful markings. These couatl and can fly, many of them are clerics and can
markings can be passed off as tattoos, but they are channel the power of the Silver Flame.
magical in nature and can change colour and shape
depending on the shulassakar's mood.
Medium monstrosity (shulassakar), typically lawful

Medium humanoid (shulassakar), typically lawful
Armor Class 17 (half-plate)
good Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)

Speed 30 ft. 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)


Saving Throws -
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)
Skills Medicine +5, Perception +5, Stealth +4
Damage Resistances psychic
Saving Throws - Damage Immunities poison, radiant
Skills Medicine +3, Perception +4, Stealth +3 Condition Immunities poisoned
Damage Resistances psychic Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15
Damage Immunities poison, radiant Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Magic Resistance. The shulassakar has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
e Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Magic Resistance. The shulassakar has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
Shielded Mind. The shulassakar is immune to any effect that
would sense their emotions, read their thoughts, or detect their
Shielded Mind. The shulassakar is immune to any effect that location.
would sense their emotions, read their thoughts, or detect their

Multiattack. The shulassakar makes two attacks, only one of

which can be a bite.
Multiattack. The shulassakar makes two attacks with their
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6
longsword. They can replace one of these attacks with a

(1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13

Telekinetic Bolt.
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours. Until this
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one poison ends, the target is unconscious. Another creature can use
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage, or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing an action to shake the target awake.
damage if used with two hands.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Telekinetic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
target. Hit: 11 (2d10) force damage. damage if used with two hands.
Spellcasting (Psionics). The shulassakar casts one of the following

Telekinetic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft., one
spells, requiring no spell components and using Wisdom as the target. Hit: 11 (2d10) force damage.
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):
Spellcasting (Psionics). The shulassakar casts one of the following
At will: light, mage hand (invisible), minor illusion spells, requiring no spell components and using Wisdom as the
1/day each: bless, cure wounds, detect thoughts, lesser restoration, spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
protection from evil and good At will: detect evil and good, detect thoughts, light, mage hand
(invisible), minor illusion
3/day each: bless, cure wounds
1/day each: lesser restoration, protection from evil and good

The final stage in a shulassakar's evolution,
Large monstrosity (shulassakar), typically lawful good
transcendent shulassakar are the most serpentine of the
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
shulassakar. They have the head and lower body of a
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45)
snake, and their entire body is covered in scales and
Speed 40 ft., fly 60ft.
rainbow-coloured feathers. All transcendent shulassakar
have rainbow feathered wings with which they can fly. In
addition, all of them are powerful divine spellcasters.
19 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws -

Skills Medicine +7, Perception +7, Stealth +6
Damage Immunities poison, psychic, radiant
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic

Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Magic Resistance. The shulassakar has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
Shielded Mind. The shulassakar is immune to any effect that
would sense their emotions, read their thoughts, or detect their

e Multiattack. The shulassakar makes two telekinetic bolt attacks,

or makes three melee attacks, but can only use their bite and
constrict attacks once each.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 24 hours. Until this poison ends, the target is
unconscious. Another creature can use an action to shake the
target awake.
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning, and target is grappled (escape DC
15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the

shulassakar can't constrict another target.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage, plus 7 (2d6) radiant
Telekinetic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (3d10) force damage.
Spellcasting (Psionics). The shulassakar casts one of the following

spells, requiring no spell components and using Wisdom as the

spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
At will: detect evil and good, detect thoughts, light, mage hand
(invisible), minor illusion
3/day each: bless, cure wounds, lesser restoration, protection from
evil and good
1/day each: fear, telekinesis

A Shulassakar Choir is a gestalt entity formed when a The shulassakar of Khalesh have mastered the
group of transcendent shulassakar sacrifice themselves techniques required to create a form of positive-energy
in a ritual emulating that performed by the couatl during undead, called Deathless. Like the process used by the
the Age of Demons. Their bodies fuse together, as do Undying Court of Aerenel, the Khaleshi shulassakar
their souls, sacrificing their individual selves to create a utilize the energy of the region’s Irian manifest zones to
new divine being. reanimate and sustain their limited population.
Any of the shulassakar statblocks in this book can be
used to represent a deathless shulassakar by applying
the following template:
Huge monstrosity (shulassakar), typically lawful good • Creature Type. The deathless is Undead.
• Damage Immunities. The deathless is immune to
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) radiant and poison damage.

Hit Points 189 (18d12 + 72) • Damage Vulnerabilities. The deathless is vulnerable to
Speed 40 ft., fly 60ft., swim 40ft. necrotic damage.
• Condition Immunities. The deathless is immune to the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, and
23 (+6) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) poisoned conditions.

• Illumination. The deathless magically sheds bright
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +11, Cha +10 light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional
Skills Medicine +11, Perception +16, Stealth +6 10 feet. The deathless can extinguish or restore this
Damage Immunities poison, psychic, radiant; bludgeoning, light as a bonus action.
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. • Turn Immunity. The deathless is immune to effects
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, that turn undead.
frightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 26
Languages all
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +5

Magic Resistance. The shulassakar has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
Shielded Mind. The shulassakar is immune to any effect that
would sense their emotions, read their thoughts, or detect their

Multiattack. The choir makes two Flurry of Bites or Photokinetic

Burst attacks. They can replace one of these attacks with a use of

Flurry of Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 27 (6d6 + 6) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) radiant
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours. Until this poison ends,
the target is unconscious. Another creature can use an action to
shake the target awake.
Photokinetic Burst. Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, range 120 ft.,

one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) radiant damage plus 16 (3d10) force

Spellcasting (Psionics). The shulassakar casts one of the following
spells, requiring no spell components and using Wisdom as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 19):
At will: cure wounds, detect evil and good, detect thoughts,
protection from evil and good, spirit guardians, telekinesis
3/day each: flame strike, greater restoration, mass cure wounds
1/day each: banishment, divine word, mass heal, resurrection (as an
action), sunburst

While it is rare to meet couatl separate from the Silver Fiends are known for possessing mortals, taking over
Flame, there are a few that remain on Eberron even to the host body to enact its will in the Material Plane.
this day. One such couatl provided guidance to Tira Quori possess mortals, most notably the Inspired, as it’s
Miron during the Year of Blood and Fire. It is much more one of their only ways of interacting with the Material
likely, however, that any couatl a party of adventurers Plane.
are likely to meet is a projection from the Silver Flame, This ability isn’t limited to fiends, however. Celestials
rather than a distinct individual. can do something similar, referred to as celestial
The psionics of the couatl are often accompanied by channeling. Channeling is more like a partnership,
the sounds of chimes and other music, though it is heard rather than domination. Unlike possession, a mortal
with the mind rather than the ears. channeling a celestial remains in control of their body
Truth Tellers. Couatl cannot lie, but they can withhold and their actions. The celestial maintains its senses and
information, answer questions vaguely, or allow others can communicate telepathically with the channeler.

to jump to the wrong conclusion if they feel it is Either party can end the channeling at any time.
necessary. As an action, a couatl can merge with a willing
Immortal Nature. Couatl don’t require air, food, drink, creature within 5 feet of them. While it is being
or sleep. Much like the fiends of Khyber, couatl are a channeled, the couatl cannot take any actions but
fundamental part of Eberron and cannot be permanently maintains its awareness, using the channeler’s senses,

destroyed. A couatl that is destroyed rejoins the Silver and can communicate telepathically with the channeler.
Flame, or reforms at a celestial anchor location, such as The couatl can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other
the region of Khalesh in Sarlona, after 1d10 days. effect. The channeler retains its own statistics but
immediately gains temporary hit points equal to the
CUSTOMIZING COUATL current hit points of the couatl, the Spellcasting
Every couatl is a unique entity, born with a specific (Psionics) action of the couatl (using the couatl’s spell
purpose and embodying a specific concept. Immortals of save DC), as well as the Magic Resistance and Shielded
the planes embody aspects of their home plane, but Mind features of the couatl. Additionally, the channeler
immortals of the Material Plane embody aspects of also benefits from the couatl’s Couatl Aspect feature if
mortal morality, more broadly “good” and “evil”, but e they have one, as if the channeler is the couatl.
also specific virtues. The channeling lasts until the channeler or the couatl
Any couatl can be customized to better represent a choose to end it (no action required), or until the
specific aspect of Good. The table below provides some channeler dies or is reduced to 0 hit points, at which
examples of more specialized couatl. point the couatl appears within 5 feet of the channeler.
Effects that cause possession to end can also cause
celestial channeling to end, such as dispel evil and good.

Spirit of… Feature
Compassion Soul of Compassion. As an action, the couatl can create a mystical bond between itself and another creature. While
that creature is within 60 feet of the couatl, it gains a +1 bonus to its AC and saving throws, has resistance to all

damage, and any time it takes damage, the couatl takes the same amount of damage. The couatl can maintain this
connection with only one creature at a time, and the effect ends if the couatl is reduced to 0 hit points.
Courage Lion Heart. The couatl is immune to the frightened condition, and allies of the couatl within 30 feet of it have
advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Truth Truth Teller. The couatl cannot lie, but it can withhold information, answer questions vaguely, or allow others to
jump to the wrong conclusion. Additionally, the couatl knows if it hears a lie.
Wisdom Otherworldly Insight. The couatl has proficiency in Insight and doubles its proficiency bonus for Insight checks.

The couatl can perform the Help action from up to 30 feet away, and can cast Guidance at will using its Spellcasting
(Psionics) action.

This statblock represents the most common form of
couatl and updates the couatl statblock in the Monster
Manual to the new statblock format, as well as making
their psionic nature more explicit.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one medium or

Medium celestial (couatl), typically lawful good smaller creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target
is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) restrained, and the couatl can’t constrict another target.
Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)
Telekinetic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft.
target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) force damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Change Shape. The couatl magically polymorphs into a humanoid or
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) beast that has a challenge rating equal to or less than its own, or back
into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it
Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +7, Cha +6 is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the
couatl's choice).

Damage Resistances radiant
Damage Immunities psychic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing In a new form, the couatl retains its game statistics and ability to
from nonmagical attacks speak, but its AC, movement modes, Strength, Dexterity, and other
Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 15 actions are replaced by those of the new form, and it gains any
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. statistics and capabilities (except class features, legendary actions,
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) and lair actions) that the new form has but that it lacks. If the new
Proficiency Bonus +2 form has a bite attack, the couatl can use its bite in that form.
Spellcasting (Psionics). The couatl casts one of the following spells,
Magic Resistance. The couatl has advantage on saving throws requiring no spell components and using Charisma as the spellcasting
against spells and other magical effects. e ability (spell save DC 14):
Magic Weapons. The couatl’s weapon attacks are magical. At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts
Shielded Mind. The couatl is immune to scrying and any effect that 3/day each: bless, create food and water, cure wounds, lesser
would sense its emotions, read its thoughts, or detect its location. restoration, protection from poison, sanctuary
1/day each: dream, greater restoration, scrying
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6
+ 5) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours. Until this
poison ends, the target is unconscious. Another creature can use an
action to shake the target awake.

Much as there is variety among the fiends of Khyber,
there is variety among the children of Siberys. Every
couatl is unique, but roughly one third of Siberys’
children fell into the category of guardian couatl, those
couatl who gifted with more of Siberys’ essence, but
were less able to walk among others undetected as a
Hezcalipa, the couatl that discovered the Draconic
Prophecy alongside the dragon Ourelonastrix, was a
Guardian Couatl, as is Jaeinshar, the Golden Serpent.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one large or
Large celestial (couatl), typically lawful good smaller creature. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target
is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the target is
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) restrained, and the couatl can’t constrict another target.

Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64)
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 14
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft.
(2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) radiant damage, and if the
target is Medium or smaller it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 20 (+5)
Discordant Song. The couatl targets one creature it can see within
120 feet of it. The target must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +10, Cha +10
a failed save, the target takes 21 (3d10 + 5) psychic damage. On a
Skills Athletics +10, Insight +10, Perception +10, Stealth +9
successful save, the target takes half as much damage.
Damage Resistances poison
Damage Immunities psychic, radiant, bludgeoning, piercing, and e Harmonious Song (3/day). The couatl psionically sings a song of
slashing from nonmagical attacks healing to another creature within 30 feet of it. The target magically
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned, regains 23 (4d8 + 5) hit points and is freed from any curse, disease,
unconscious poison, blindness, or deafness.
Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 20 Breath of Siberys (Recharge 5-6). The couatl exhales a prismatic
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. beam of light in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature that is
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) not hostile to the couatl in that line regains 33 (6d10) hit points. Each
Proficiency Bonus +5 creature hostile to the couatl in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) radiant damage and 33 (6d10) fire
Magic Resistance. The couatl has advantage on saving throws damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
against spells and other magical effects.
Spellcasting (Psionics). The couatl casts one of the following spells,
Magic Weapons. The couatl’s weapon attacks are magical. requiring no spell components and using Charisma as the spellcasting
Shielded Mind. The couatl is immune to scrying and any effect that ability (spell save DC 18):

would sense its emotions, read its thoughts, or detect its location. At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts, invisibility
3/day each: bless, create food and water, protection from poison,
Multiattack. The couatl makes three attacks, only one of which can
1/day each: dream, flame strike, freedom of movement, greater
be a bite, or uses its Discordant Song three times.
restoration, magic circle (as an action), telepathic bond, scrying
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12
(2d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) radiant damage, and the

target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be

poisoned for 24 hours. Until this poison ends, the target is
unconscious. Another creature can use an action to shake the target



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