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Line graph of local authorities in New Zeeland.

The line graph above represents the past and projected for the yearsv2012 until the end of financial year
30 of June 2022.The vertical axis shows the dollar amount spent in millions and the horizontal axis shows
the years. The blue line is for Rates and revenue. Red line illustrates the user charges ,green line is for
borrowing expenses and purple line is for Grants and subsidies.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that rates revenue has the most amount spent through all the time laps
from 2012 to 30 June 2022. Also it is worth saying that Grants and subsides has the least amount for
almost all the years of study included the first and the last.

Looking at the chart in more detail Rates and Revenue for year 2012 were somewhere above 1500$,
then points a tiny decrease for only next year(2013), before beginning to grow and increasing steady for
the next years until it reaches almost 2500$ in the end of financial year. Moreover Charges had a similar
growth, started at 1000$ for 2012 and then only rising to 2000$ until the end of financial year 2022.

According to the graph borrowing expenses fluctuates for the whole decade, beginning with 700$ in
2012. Then hitting its lowest point in 2016 at about 600$ and rising to 1400$ for the year 2020. Grants
and subsides begun at the lowest point on the graph at 400$, pointed its highest in 2016 at 750$ and
from then, decreasing steady finishing the financial year of 2022 at again the lowest position of that year
at 490$

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