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Corporación universitaria reformada

Bilingual Education Bachelor's Program

Class: Literatura en inglés 1

Teacher: Rafael Salinas

Semester: Eighth

Theme: The problems faced by Black Americans in the early 1900s with those faced by

modern Black Americans

Estudent: María Auxiliadora Mendoza Viana

Date: Barranquilla, mayo 18 de 2024

This essay, proposed by the teacher Rafael Salinas, aims to compare, and contrast the
problems faced by Black Americans in the early 1900s with those faced by modern Black
Americans. Throughout American history, Black Americans have encountered numerous
challenges and struggles in their quest for equality and justice. The issues experienced by
Black Americans in the early 1900s, characterized by segregation, limited opportunities,
and racial violence, have evolved over time but continue to impact modern Black
In the early 1900s, Black Americans were subjected to segregation and Jim Crow laws that
enforced racial discrimination and segregation in public spaces, schools, and housing. They
were denied access to quality education, economic opportunities, and political
representation, which perpetuated cycles of poverty and disenfranchisement. Racial
violence, including lynchings and hate crimes, were prevalent, instilling fear and trauma
within the Black community.
Fast forward to the present day, and modern Black Americans continue to face systemic
racism and institutional discrimination that manifest in various forms. Police brutality and
racial profiling disproportionately target Black individuals, leading to unjust arrests,
violence, and even death. Disparities in healthcare, education, and employment persist,
perpetuating cycles of inequality and limiting opportunities for advancement. The mass
incarceration of Black Americans, particularly Black men, has created a new form of racial
oppression that disproportionately affects the Black community.
While there have been advancements in civil rights and legal protections for Black
Americans since the early 1900s, the struggles for racial justice and equality are far from
over. The Black Lives Matter movement and other social justice movements have brought
greater awareness and activism around issues of racial justice and equity in the modern era.
However, the fight against systemic racism and institutional discrimination remains a
pressing issue that requires ongoing efforts and collective action to address.
In comparing the problems faced by Black Americans in the early 1900s with those faced
by modern Black Americans, it is evident that while progress has been made, the
underlying issues of racism and inequality persist. The forms of discrimination and
oppression have evolved over time, but the fight for racial justice and equality continues.
The resilience and strength of the Black community in the face of adversity are a testament
to the ongoing struggle for a more just and equitable society for all Americans, regardless
of race.
In conclusion, the comparison and contrast of the problems faced by Black Americans in
the early 1900s and modern Black Americans highlight the enduring legacy of systemic
racism and inequality in American society. It is imperative that we continue to address
these issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable future for all individuals,
regardless of race.

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