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I. The Magician (Reversed) III.

The Empress (Reversed)

Penalties: Miscommunication, Lack of Skill, Penalties: Neglect, Creative Block,

Unfocused Willpower Overindulgence

- Penalty: -1 to Intelligence or Charisma checks, - Penalty: -4 to -nda and -an and -ja abilities,
spells are less effective. healing is less effective(halved)

- How to Unreverse: Demonstrate mastery and - How to Unreverse: Provide care or support to
focus in a challenging task. someone in need.

- Bonus: Gain an additional use of a low-level - Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to healing
spell once per day. abilities.

Feat Feat
Magical Precision: Once per session, cast a spell Nurturer’s Touch: Once per session, provide a
with increased accuracy and effect. significant healing boost to an ally.

II. The High Priestess (Reversed) IV. The Emperor (Reversed)

Penalties: Secrets, Hidden Agendas, Lack of Penalties: Tyranny, Lack of Control, Disorder
- Penalty: -1 to Leadership or Control checks,
- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Intuition checks, difficulty imposing order while Law aligned
difficulty perceiving hidden truths.
- How to Unreverse: Restore order or provide
- How to Unreverse: Reveal a hidden truth or fair leadership in a crisis.
secret to benefit the group.
- Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Leadership
- Bonus: Gain a minor insight or intuition boost or Control checks.
for the next session.
Feat Authoritative Command: Once per session,
Clairvoyance: Once per session, gain a clear assert control over a chaotic situation
vision of a hidden truth or future event. effectively.
V. The Hierophant (Reversed)

Penalties: Rebellion, Misguided Beliefs, Rigidity VII. The Chariot (Reversed)

- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Knowledge checks, Penalties: Lack of Direction, Aggression,

rituals are less effective. Obstacles

- How to Unreverse: Guide someone towards - Penalty: -1 to Strength or Dexterity checks,

wisdom or perform a successful ritual. movement is hindered.

- Bonus: Gain a minor wisdom or knowledge - How to Unreverse: Overcome a significant

boost for the next session. obstacle or demonstrate restraint.

Feat - Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to movement

Ritual Mastery: Once per session, perform a speed or attack rolls.
ritual with heightened effectiveness.
Unstoppable Force: Once per session, break
through an obstacle or enemy defense.

VI. The Lovers (Reversed)

VIII. Strength (Reversed)
Penalties: Disconnection, Disharmony, Bad
Choices Penalties: Weakness, Self-Doubt, Harshness

- Penalty: -1 to Charisma or Empathy checks, - Penalty: -1 to Strength or Courage checks,

supportive actions are less effective. difficulty resisting effects.

- How to Unreverse: Foster a meaningful - How to Unreverse: Show compassion or

connection or make a beneficial choice. courage in a difficult situation.

- Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Charisma or - Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Strength or
Empathy checks. Courage checks.

Feat Feat
Bond of Trust: Once per session, create a Inner Resolve: Once per session, gain a
powerful supportive link with an ally. significant boost in strength or courage during a
critical moment.
IX. The Hermit (Reversed) XI. Justice (Reversed)

Penalties: Isolation, Loneliness, Misguided Penalties: Injustice, Bias, Dishonesty

- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Law checks, difficulty
- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Insight checks, discerning truth.
difficulty perceiving truths.
- How to Unreverse: Correct an injustice or act
- How to Unreverse: Share wisdom or insight with honesty and fairness.
with others to help them.
- Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Wisdom or
- Bonus: Gain a minor insight or perception Law checks.
boost for the next session.
Feat Judgment Call: Once per session, deliver a
Guiding Light: Once per session, provide decisive verdict that turns the tide.
significant insight to solve a problem.

XII. The Hanged Man (Reversed)

X. The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)
Penalties: Resistance to Change, Stagnation,
Penalties: Bad Luck, Stagnation, Unwanted Indecision
- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Patience checks,
- Penalty: -1 to Luck or Chance checks, events difficulty making decisions.
often turn negative.
- How to Unreverse: Make a decisive sacrifice or
- How to Unreverse: Create a positive change or embrace change.
embrace an opportunity.
- Bonus: Gain a minor boost to decision-making
- Bonus: Gain a minor luck or chance boost for abilities.
the next session.
Feat Sacrificial Insight: Once per session, gain
Fortune’s Favor: Once per session, drastically profound understanding or advantage by
alter the outcome of a situation in your favor. making a sacrifice.
XIII. Death (Reversed) XV. The Devil (Reversed)

Penalties: Fear of Change, Stagnation, Inertia Penalties: Freedom, Breaking Bonds, Self-
- Penalty: -1 to Dexterity or Speed checks,
difficulty adapting to new situations. - Penalty: -1 to Charisma or Influence checks,
difficulty resisting temptations.
- How to Unreverse: Embrace change or help
someone transition smoothly. - How to Unreverse: Break free from a harmful
bond or influence.
- Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Dexterity or
Speed checks. - Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Charisma or
Influence checks.
Phoenix’s Rise: Once per session, recover from Feat
a debilitating condition or revive an ally. Chains of Influence: Once per session, bind an
enemy’s movement or abilities for a short time.

XIV. Temperance (Reversed)

XVI. The Tower (Reversed)
Penalties: Imbalance, Excess, Conflict
Penalties: Avoidance of Change, Fear of
- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Balance checks, Upheaval, Denial
difficulty maintaining harmony.
- Penalty: -1 to Strength or Impact checks,
- How to Unreverse: Restore balance or mediate difficulty causing disruptions.
a conflict effectively.
- How to Unreverse: Accept and embrace
- Bonus Gain a minor boost to healing or necessary change.
supportive actions.
- Bonus: Gain a minor boost to Strength or
Feat Impact checks.
Harmonious Flow: Once per session, heal or
boost the morale of all allies in a small area. Feat
Shockwave: Once per session, deliver a minor
attack that disrupts enemies’ positioning.
XVII. The Star (Reversed)

Penalties: Despair, Lack of Inspiration, XIX. The Sun (Reversed)

Penalties: Lack of Vitality, Failure, Misery
- Penalty: -1 to Charisma or Inspiration checks,
difficulty boosting morale. - Penalty: -1 to Strength or Vitality checks,
difficulty succeeding in actions.
- How to Unreverse: Inspire hope or provide a
vision for the future. - How to Unreverse: Achieve a significant
success or restore vitality.
- Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Charisma or
Inspiration checks. - Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Strength or
Vitality checks.
Guiding Light: Once per session, provide a
minor morale boost to allies. Solar Flare: Once per session, deliver a minor
attack that blinds or disorients an enemy.

XVIII. The Moon (Reversed)

XX. Judgment (Reversed)
Penalties: Confusion, Fear, Illusion
Penalties: Self-Doubt, Failure to Learn, Poor
- Penalty: -1 to Wisdom or Illusion checks, Judgment
difficulty discerning reality.
- Penalty: -1 to Strength or Justice checks,
- How to Unreverse: Clarify a confusing situation difficulty making sound decisions.
or dispel an illusion.
- How to Unreverse: Make a just decision or
- Bonus: Gain a minor boost to Wisdom or learn from past mistakes.
Illusion checks.
- Bonus: Gain a minor boost to Wisdom or
Feat Justice checks.
Lunar Veil: Once per session, create a minor
illusion to deceive enemies.
Reflective Strike: Once per session,
counterattack when hit by an enemy.
XXI. The World (Reversed)

Penalties: Incompletion, Lack of Closure,


- Penalty: -1 to Strength or Unity checks,

difficulty completing tasks.

- How to Unreverse: Complete a significant task

or achieve closure.

- Bonus: Gain a temporary boost to Strength or

Unity checks.

Unified Strike: Once per session, perform a
collaborative attack with an ally.

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