NTR Crush

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Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2 :
Chapter 3 :
Chapter 4 :
Chapter 5 :
Chapter 6 :
Chapter 7 :
Chapter 8 :
Chapter 9 :
Chapter 10 :
Chapter 11 :
Chapter 12 :
Chapter 13 :
Chapter 14 :
Chapter 15 :
Chapter 16 :
Chapter 17 :
Chapter 18 :
Chapter 19 :
Chapter 20 :
Chapter 21 :
Chapter 22 :
Chapter 23 :
Chapter 24 :
Chapter 25 :
Chapter 26 :
Chapter 27 :
Chapter 28 :
Chapter 29 :
Chapter 30 :
Chapter 31 :
Chapter 32 :
Chapter 33 :
Chapter 34 :
Chapter 35 :
Chapter 36 :
Chapter 37 :
Chapter 38 :
Chapter 39 :
Chapter 40 :
Chapter 41 :
Chapter 42 :
Chapter 43 :
Chapter 44 :
Chapter 45 :
Chapter 46 :
Chapter 47 :
Chapter 48 :
Chapter 49 :
Chapter 50 :
Chapter 51 :
Chapter 52 :
Chapter 53 :
Chapter 54 :
Chapter 55 :
Chapter 56 :
Chapter 57 :
Chapter 58 :
Chapter 59 :
Chapter 60 :
Chapter 61 :
Chapter 62 :
Chapter 63 :
Chapter 64 :
Chapter 65 :
Chapter 66 :
Chapter 67 :
Chapter 68 :
Chapter 69 :
Chapter 70 :
Chapter 71 :
Chapter 72 :
Chapter 73 :
Chapter 74 :
Chapter 75 :
Chapter 76 :
Chapter 77 :
Chapter 78 :
Chapter 79 :
Chapter 80 :
Chapter 81 :
Chapter 82 :
Chapter 83 :
Chapter 84 :
Chapter 85 :
Chapter 86 :
Chapter 87 :
Chapter 88 :
Chapter 89 :
Chapter 90 :
Chapter 91 :
Chapter 92 :
Chapter 93 :
Chapter 94 :
Chapter 95 :
Chapter 96 :
Chapter 97 :
Chapter 98 :
Chapter 99 :
Chapter 100 :
Chapter 101 :
Chapter 102 :
Chapter 103 :
Chapter 104 :
Chapter 105 :
Chapter 106 :
Chapter 107 :
Chapter 108 :
Chapter 109 :
Chapter 110 :
Chapter 111 :
Chapter 112 :
Chapter 113 :
Chapter 114 :
Chapter 115 :
Chapter 116 :
Chapter 117 :
Chapter 118 :
Chapter 119 :
Chapter 120 :
Chapter 121 :
Chapter 122 :
Chapter 123 :
Chapter 124 :
Chapter 125 :
Chapter 126 :
Chapter 127 :
Chapter 128 :
Chapter 129 :
Chapter 130 :
Chapter 131 :
Chapter 132 :
Chapter 133 :
Chapter 134 :
Chapter 135 :
Chapter 136 :
Chapter 137 :
Chapter 138 :
Chapter 139 :
Chapter 140 :
Chapter 141 :
Chapter 142 :
Chapter 143 :
Chapter 144 :
Chapter 145 :
Chapter 146 :
Chapter 147 :
Chapter 148 :
Chapter 149 :
Chapter 150 :
Chapter 151 :
Chapter 152 :
Chapter 153 :
Chapter 154 :
Chapter 155 :
Chapter 156 :
Chapter 157 :
Chapter 158 :
Chapter 159 :
Chapter 160 :
Chapter 161 :
Chapter 162 :
Chapter 163 :
Chapter 164 :
Chapter 165 :
Chapter 166 :
Chapter 167 :
Chapter 168 :
Chapter 169 :
Chapter 170 :
Chapter 171 :
Chapter 172 :
Chapter 173 :
Chapter 174 :
Chapter 175 :
Chapter 176 :
Chapter 177 :
Chapter 178 :
Chapter 179 :
Chapter 180 :
Chapter 181 :

Chapter 1 :
My name is Hakaru, and this was how the day I died
went. It’s a tricky business, killing yourself. If you do it
wrong, you have the embarrassment of living with the
consequences. I’ve heard about people who tried to
kill themselves with chemicals only to be paralyzed for
the rest of their lives. That’s certainly something I
didn’t want to happen to me. If I killed myself, I
wanted it to be permanent.

So, I had decided on the age-old tradition of hanging

myself. It was good enough to be used for centuries as
a form of execution. It doesn’t require anything
particularly special other than a rope. Plus, there is
such a thing called auto-erotic asphyxiation. If choking
yourself while you’re choking yourself can create the
ultimate sexual pleasure, I thought maybe I should try
it once. Go out with a bang, as it were. I was scared of
dying, but I wasn’t scared of sex, so if I framed it as an
accidental death, perhaps I could feel a little more
content dying. At least enough to not turn into a
wandering spirit.

If I was going to die, I might as well die in style. Pulling

my pants down, I played my favorite pornography.
Putting various pictures of naked girls all around me. I
hung the rope up on a support beam that looked like
it was load-bearing and would hold. I created a
hangman’s knot and looped it over my neck. That was
when things started to get confusing. Should I jack it
now? Or do I jack it while I’m hanging by the neck? Do
I start first and kick the chair out from under me as I
reach the finish?

“Well, it doesn’t matter, I suppose.”

In the modern world, being found dead in this
compromising position would be incredibly
embarrassing. Then again, that’s exactly why I was
doing it. I wanted to die in the most spectacularly
embarrassing way possible. I wanted my sister, who is
always cruel and hateful to me, to blush every time
she thought of my death. I wanted my mother, who
drinks her life away on sake to cope with a no-good
husband, to feel shame when she thought that she
raised a deviant like me. I wanted my father, who
cheats on my mother every chance he gets, coming
home at three in the morning smelling of cheap
perfume and skank, to have to tell his coworkers, “yes,
my son is the guy who died jacking off.”

However, the person I wanted to embarrass the most

was my girlfriend. The skank who cheated on me with
my best friend. I wanted to see the look on her face
when she was told that her former boyfriend is a
sexual deviant. I wanted to know if it would hurt her
pride, even just a little bit. Would it make her feel
even an ounce of shame? I wanted to know, but by
that point, I supposed I’ll be dead so it won’t matter.
They say that as you die, your life flashes before you.
Upon kicking the chair out from under me, I didn’t see
my life. Instead, I just saw the flashes of a single day.
That day. The day that led me up to my death.

I may have a cruel sister, a drunk mother, and a

careless father, but that didn’t mean I was unhappy
with my life. In fact, this morning, killing myself would
have been the last thing on my mind. Then again,
before, I didn’t know what I know now. I got ready for
school as I always did. As I left my room, my only
refuge from my miserable home life, I saw a guy
walking out of the neighboring room, my sister's

“Sup, squirt.” The guy punched my shoulder as he

walked by. “Got any lunch money?”
I cringed at my poor luck that I would leave at the
same time as him. I had heard him going at it with my
sister all last night while my mom was passed out on
the couch. Usually, he slept in late, since he was a high
school dropout two years senior to me. However, I
had grown used to assuming the position and
immediately pulled out my wallet, taking all the
money I had in there and handing it to my sister’s
most recent boy toy.

“Shit, this is it? What, why your parents don’t give you
more allowance?” He growled as he took the
thousand yen I gave him.

“You’d know best, you’re fucking my sister.” I sighed.

The punch across my face was completely expected. I

threw myself in the opposite direction, going with the
punch. I had long since grown skilled at this. Stumbling
down and landing to the ground, it looked like a brutal
hit, but I took little damage. I probably wouldn’t even
have a bruise today.

“Hey, watch it, little shit.” The guy snorted. “Be lucky
I’m fucking your sister, or I’d break your fucking legs.”

The guy left, opening a hall window and jumping out.

This was all it took to elude my father, who was likely
asleep after coming home from a night of fornication.
I got back up when my sister’s fuck buddy dived out. I
didn’t know his name. They were usually a Chad or a
Buck or some American sounding name. Many
Japanese had adopted American names and lifestyles
after the US annexation, and it seemed like those that
did, liked to bully the traditionalists.

However, as mean as he was, he was right about me

being lucky. Most of the other bullies in town left me
alone because of my sister. She tended to date the
baddest asses in town. It afforded me a bit of
protection. He may steal my lunch money, but most of
the worst would steer clear of me.

I pulled the second 1000-yen bill out of my sock that I

had stashed away and put it into the wallet. My
allowance was 5000 yen a week, and if I partitioned it
off this way, I could usually last the whole week
without getting beaten up. If I was really lucky, I was
able to save some so that I could buy something I
wanted, such as a gift for my girlfriend. However, that
was exceptionally rare.

I headed off to the kitchen, prepared a cup of tea and

some tamagoyaki for my mother. I placed them right
down on the coffee table in front of the couch. As
soon as I moved to leave, I heard a light moan.

Mom peaked out from her sheets, her eyes looking

bloodshot. “No rice?”
“If you want rice, make it yourself.” I snorted. “I have
to get to school.”

“Tsk… what good are you then?” Mom covered her

head back up. “Go off to school. Leave me like your
father. You two are exactly alike.”

I tensed for a second. “I’m nothing like him.”

“…” There was only silence from her sheet.

With that, I left my home. When I got to the curb, I

found my bike. It was bent to shit, the wheel broken
and the crossbar snapped. I picked up a note lying on
the bike. It was barely readable in the drunken scrawl
of my father. He was cursing me for leaving my bike in
the driveway. It looked like he had run over my bike
when he came home last night. As to the position of
my bike, it was clearly on the side of the driveway. I
could even see the wheel marks where dad had
swerved off the driveway to strike my bike.

The letter itself was full of curses and derision. I

crinkled it up and shoved it into my pocket. Today, I
wasn’t going to be so easily upset. You see, today was
my anniversary. My girlfriend and I would have been
together for one full year now. After my previous
girlfriend had cheated on me, it took a lot for me to
open up again. However, Akiko had been very patient
with me. For a year we had dated and I decided today
I was going to tell her I loved her.

Instead of biking to school, I ended up walking. I

barely managed to make it into homeroom as the bell
rang. I was sweaty and gasping, but rather than
collapse, I nearly fell over when I saw a beautiful
woman standing in the middle of the room. Across
from her was my best friend, Derek. My girlfriend was
also nearby, watching them. My girlfriend was a
Japanese beauty, a cute button nose, a small face with
high cheekbones, long black hair, a small framed-
body, and a nice butt. However, she paled in
comparison to this foreigner. That didn’t matter to
me, I quickly shook off my daze I moved up with her
poking her side.

“What’s going on?” I whispered.

“Sh-sh-she’s… as-asking…” Akiko didn’t continue, but

she didn’t have to.

“I’ve always admired you; will you be my boyfriend?”

The beautiful girl bowed her head to Derek.

She had long, perfect legs, a great ass, and pert lips.
Her hair was long, blonde, and soft. Her eyes were a
shockingly deep blue. She must be one of the
Americans who migrated over to Japan. I wasn’t like
some traditionalists that despised the foreign
invasion, nor was Derek.

“Y-ye…” His eyes flashed to me and Akiko.

Akiko seemed to be wringing her hands, a strangely

anxious look on her face. I couldn’t help but smile. She
was always so concerned about other people. In
particular, she seemed obsessed with Derek’s love life.
She was always getting involved when he dated
someone or trying to set him up with a friend. Akiko
wasn’t that good at it though. The people she
suggested he dated were often ugly or had bad
personalities. It was a running joke that she had bad
tastes as a matchmaker.

“I will!” Derek finally declared, causing the girl to smile

in relief and Akiko to turn away.
I wanted to talk to Akiko more, but she seemed to be
in a bad mood, so I moved up to Derek instead. He
was taking the number of the knockout beauty. When
she was done, she gave me a look and a smile. I didn’t
recognize her at all, so I just returned a friendly nod.

“See you soon.” She murmured as she turned to walk


I couldn’t tell if she was talking to Derek or talking to

me. As for me, I had my mouth slightly open, taken
aback by her beauty once again before I shook it off
and smacked Derek.

“Hey, bro, when did you start attracting such hotties?”

Derek blinked for a few seconds and then laughed.

“What? Haha… I’ve always been desirable, what are
you talking about?”
I laughed and teased him for another minute before
the teacher finally settled down the class. Naturally,
the beautiful girl who asked Derek out was the talk of
the class throughout the day. The thing was, no one
even knew her name nor what class she was in. After
enough coaxing, even Derek admitted that he hadn’t
asked her name before she walked away. Instead, he
pulled out the paper where she had written her

“N-T-R? I-is that her initials then?” I asked, looking

over his shoulder.

“I-I guess so. Well, it doesn’t matter, we’re going on a

date tomorrow. She asked to be my girlfriend, so
we’re already going steady. Even if she doesn’t put
out, my status will totally improve.”
“What does that mean? Put out? You just started
dating her! Why don’t you give it some time? Like me
and Akiko…” I glanced over when I noticed he was
being silent.

“Hakaru, man… did you ever think maybe you gave it

too much time? That maybe you should have moved

“Move faster? No way, Akiko isn’t that kind of girl.” I

laughed off his words. “What do you mean by that?”

“N-nothing… nothing… you’re going to take Akiko out

on a date tonight?”

I frowned with a sigh. “No… she told me she can’t

tonight. We’ll just have to do something this
“O-oh… well… good luck with that.” He suddenly
looked awkward. “Ah… actually, I need to go take a
bathroom break, I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah… sure…”

Lunch had just started, and I was left alone. Akiko had
left earlier to talk to friends in another class, and now
Derek had to leave too. It was then that I noticed his
cellphone sitting on the desk. He always had that thing
on him. If he left it here, he’d totally panic. Sighing
again, I packed up my lunch and then grabbed his
phone, heading to the bathroom. However, when I got
there, I didn’t see any sign of Derek at all.

Frowning, I decided to head to the roof. The roof was

Derek’s second favorite spot. The door was technically
locked, but Derek had found the door easy to jimmy
open with a card. When he wanted some privacy, he
always headed there. If you’ve been following along
so far, it should be no surprise to you what I saw when
I opened that door.

My best friend Derek, and my girl Akiko, were on that

roof. She was on her knees sucking his cock. He had
his head back, his eyes closed, leaning against the
back wall, letting out moans while she sucked him off
like she was thirsty. I had always seen Akiko as such a
gentle, sweet, and loving girlfriend. To see her lewdly
sucking some guys dick like some hoe… it was
assuredly a mental blow.

“Ah… c-cumming…” He moaned, grabbing the back of

her head.

I could see her eyes widen as cum was bursting down

her throat. I was watching my girlfriend swallow my
best friend's load! My girlfriend who hadn’t even
touched my dick in a year was now swallowing some
guy’s cum, and by the look of it, it wasn’t her first

I wanted to run up to them and start beating the shit

out of him. I wanted to say I dumped her on the spot. I
wanted to say I was a strong, alpha male who acted
like a boss. I wanted to say these things, but I didn’t.
What I did do was drop the phone, which hit the
concrete with a clatter, and then I ran away. The door
shut behind me, likely scaring the pair, ruining their
little fun time. But they wouldn’t know who saw them,
and I wasn’t going to reveal myself.

Akiko and Derek… Derek and Akiko. The only two

people in my life that I had considered waking up for,
and they were betraying me. I didn’t know how long
their affair had been going on. He had even said yes to
this new girl. So, he was a cheater too! Both of them
were cheaters! My sister cheated on tons of guys,
banging one after another. My father cheated on my
mother. My friend cheated on his girlfriend. My
girlfriend cheated on me. Why did everyone in my life
cheat? Why was this world such an awful place for
those who were honest and trusting? My anger, my
frustration, and my hate built. It built and it built. It
kept building up until I decided to die.

I kicked the chair out from under me, the rope

tightening around my neck. For all of them to be
ashamed of me was all I wanted. That’s what I would
be known as. The kid who died from autoerotic
asphyxiation. My only hope was that Akiko, my
girlfriend, as she fakes cries over me, shall earn the
title of the woman who dated a guy who died jacking
off. If I could have one wish, it’d be to expose her for
what she truly was, a two-timing bitch. If I had two
wishes, it’d be to cheat on everyone in the same way
they cheated me. I wanted my vengeance. I wanted to
make them all feel the same emptiness that I felt

“Good… that’ll do nicely.”

As my eyes were closing, asphyxiation doing its work,
those words shot through like a gong. Snap! The rope
broke and I fell to the ground with a painful thud. I
coughed and sputtered, pulling the rope from my neck
as I gasped for breath. Those words… they sounded
feminine. What was going on? I looked up, first seeing
a pair of incredibly long legs. As my eyes traveled up,
they landed on a beautiful girl in a school uniform,
with pale white skin, beautiful blonde hair, and
piercing blue eyes.

This beautiful blonde woman, Derek’s girlfriend, was

looking down on me with a smirk on her face and a
twinkle in her eyes.

“Who-wha…” I could only stutter as I rubbed my raw

throat and coughed.
“Congratulations, Hakaru, you have been selected to
join my game,” she said.

“Who-who are you?” I could barely get the words.

“Me? Why… I’m the Goddess of Theft, Netori!

Welcome, to NTR Crush!”

Chapter 2 :
“N-T-R Crush?”

“Like the candy!” She gave me a thumbs up.

I scratch my head, slowly standing up as the blonde

bombshell moved to give me room.

“I don’t understand, I… tried to kill myself…”

“Correction!” The girl naming herself Netori explained.
“You DID kill yourself.”

“Hah? I’m dead?”

“Not at all!” I collapsed on the seat while she laughed

to herself. “You see, I stole your death from you.”

“What? How did you steal death? Why?”

“Very easily…” Netori shrugged. “As an immortal, I

can’t die, so I took your death onto myself and poof!
Your death is mine.”

“Is my death yours? Or do you mean my life?” I asked

“Gehehe…” Netori scratched her cheek mischievously.
“You’re getting it quickly. Perhaps it’s better to say
that since I stole your death, you owe me your life.”

I shook my head, still feeling a bit woozy, but finally

asked. “What do you want in exchange?”

“Now that is the question I’ve been waiting for!”

Netori snapped her finger.

I waited for a second for something magical to

happen, but when it didn't, I immediately knuckled
her forehead. “Stop screwing with me!”

“I get it, I get it! I’m sorry, I’ll explain!” Netori cried
until I released her. “Ah… all I want is for you to play
my game.”
“Your game… NTR Crush?”

“Mm..Hmm… I think you’ll really like it.”

“What does NTR imply?” I demanded.

“Hmm… how do I put this… I am the embodiment of

theft. To take things that don’t belong to you and to
make them yours. Theft is very much alive today, even
if some stupid rules of the establishment try to make
it illegal. A college kid will steal his grandma’s
prescription of Vicodin, a child will steal bubble gum
from the store, a student steals answers from their
neighbor’s test, theft is never going away.”

“Okay… but what does that have to do with NTR?”

Netori sighed, with a thoughtful look on her face.
“There is one form of theft that seems to be dying. A
couple thousand years ago some uptight bastards
decided that polygamy was a sin. They taught about
respecting your neighbor. They instigated marriage
and put heavy pressure on people to remain loyal to
their one and only. Should someone want to break
this law, then they go through something called a

“Yeah, I’ve heard of it. My mother and father ought to

get one.”

“No, no, no! That’s not stealing at all!” Netori grabbed

my shirt, her face looking like it's one step away from
crying. “What you should do is steal your mother from
your father! Make her want you instead of him!”

“What?” if I had a drink, I would have spit it out in her

face. “That’s my mother!”
“So?” Netori cocked her head as if she didn’t
understand my argument. “You should steal
everything. All the rich do. They hide it behind the
concept of selling stuff. But an item built in a factory
for 10 cents being sold to you for $200, how could
that be considered anything but theft? The rich use
their money to collect interest on even more money,
and they want for nothing. A rich man buys rights to a
life-saving drug, and then jacks up the price so they
can barely afford it. How is that not stealing? If you
want something and you have the power to obtain it,
isn’t it your right?”

“Isn’t that fair exchange? They want to sell and you

want to buy, right? Isn’t the difference that it leaves
everyone happy? Everyone gets what they want?”

“Eh? Are you happy when you have to repair your car?
Is someone happy their medication jumped up $100 in
cost to better line a billionaire’s pockets?” Netori
waved her hands as if dismissing my thoughts. “Or
how about this, who’s to say what a girl really wants?
Maybe, by stealing her, you’re giving her exactly what
she wants…”

I moved my hands through my hair, giving the odd girl

some consideration. As to why I was accepting what
she was saying, the answer was simple. When Netori
got excited, her feet left the ground, and then stayed
off the ground. She floated around me excitedly as she
explained the nature of her game, sometimes even
hanging upside down.

I was already the kind of guy who believed in the

supernatural. I had seen a ghost when I was younger
and knew first hand that this world wasn’t as
pragmatic as scientists would have you believe. Magic
definitely existed, so this goddess excitedly floating in
my room only proved what I already knew. That… or
hanging myself caused a lot of blood to leave my brain
and I was effectively high. Either way, I seriously
considered her words.

“There is just one problem with your little experiment

there.” I shrugged.

“Oh?” Netori didn’t seem upset, instead smiled as if

she was waiting for this.

“Only powerful people have the ability to obtain

something. I’d either need the strength or the money
to keep what I steal. If I didn’t then I wouldn’t be able
to steal anything, right?”

“Bingo!” Netori jumped up, floating until her face was

next to mine, yet upside down. “I just knew you were
perfect for my game.”
“I still don’t understand.”

“Only because I haven’t explained the rules!” Netori

waved a hand, and a giant paper suddenly appearing
in front of me. “The rules are simple. Have fun!”

“You!” I bopped the top of her head.

“Nyaa… so violent!” Netori floated to a corner and

cried while I looked over the sheet in front of me.

“NTR Crush – the game where you take everything

you want.” I read off the page. “The goal of the game
is simple. Steal! In particular, take women. Every time
you’re able to engage in sexual acts with a woman
who is already taken, you will earn NTR points.”
“Yes, this is my favorite part!” Netori appeared over
my shoulder like magic. “Read on! Read on!”

I continued. “NTR points can be exchanged for

physical improvements, monetary awards, and skills.
You earn NTR points to become more powerful, and
you become more powerful to obtain NTR points.”

As I said the line, Netori was mouthing the words

excitedly before closing her eyes and squealing. “I love
that part! You’ll start off at level 1, an NTR novice, but
as you earn NTR points, you’ll get better at NTR and
can go after the better rewards.”

“Better rewards?”

“Look, look, read the list!” She pointed excitedly.

“Tier One Awards…”

“That’s you! You start at level one, so you can only buy
awards at this level. There are ten tiers in all, and once
you reach tier ten some of those skills are super op,
but also super expensive!”

“Increase dick length by one inch – 100 points

Increase dick thickness quarter inch – 100 points

Increase attractiveness (Max level 20, current level 4)

– 100 points, Hey!”

Netori shrugged. “The system doesn’t lie. A level 20

would be an absolute beauty. Even I’m only a sixteen.”
“Hmph…” I shook my head and continued reading.
“Increase height by one inch – 100 points

Increase sexual stamina (Max level 100, current level

1), only 1, s-seriously? Five hundred points just to get
to 2?”

“Well, dick size and appearance are sort of give-mes.

Idiots might make their dicks like twenty inches big,
but that only attracts certain kinds of women. I knew a
guy who made his dick so big he scared all the women
away. He became nothing but a carnival freak. In the
art of NTR, being hot and having a big dick just aren’t
that big of a factor. Or rather, I should say, if they’re
deficient, make them average… and let’s move on! It’s
your skills I want to put to the test!”

“Alright…” I looked down, there were only three more

options on the page, but they were much more
“Second Chance – After cumming, remain hard for a
second go. 2000 points

Dirt Scribe – Read a person's mind, learn their darkest

secrets (can only use once a day). 3000 points.

Slut Scale – Sense a girl’s current level of arousal. 5000


I whistled when I had finally read those last ones. I

thought 500 points was expensive for increasing
sexual stamina, but Slut Scale was nearly ten times
that price. Worst of all, this was all on tier one.
Assuredly, tier two would be more expensive!

“So, what do you think?” She asked, floating nearby.

“I think other than the last two, everything else is
garbage.” I sighed.

Netori raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Really? Why

do you say that?”

“If we’re talking about a game of stealing women,

knowledge is power. All of those other things are just
vanity choices for insecure men. In the long term,
having a giant dick is a novelty, and being able to last
for hours is meaningless if she’s checking her watch
and waiting for you to finish. Thus, what I’d really
need to know are things about her, things I can use to
manipulate or blackmail her.”

Netori broke out into a smile. “You get it, I’m


“Was that the right answer, then?”

“Who knows?” Netori responded mischievously.

“Unfortunately, 5000 points is a long way away.” I let

out a sigh. “How many points do I obtain for successes

“That depends…” Netori admitted. “Points are

calculated based off of a complex algorithm. The three
factors include her level of commitment to her lover,
the quality of the woman herself, and lengths of
depravity she’ll go for you. Level of commitment, for
example, a married woman nets more than a
girlfriend, although a slutty married woman who
cheats a lot probably doesn’t net more than a loyal
girlfriend who has never cheated before in her life. It’s
that kind of thing.”

“And quality?”
“Beautiful women. Rich women. Difficult women.
Basically, the harder the catch, the higher the pay. For
all intent and purposes, you can earn points for
women who aren’t in a relationship at all if their
quality is high enough. Stealing a woman away from
the same sex… for example,” she said while winking at

“Banging a lesbian is stealing?” I let out a chuckle.

“Alright, then what about depravity?”

Netori shrugged. “You can earn points for kissing a

girl, making out, feeling up, oral sex, penetration, anal,
and more. Making a good girl act bad gets you points.
The greater lengths you make her go, the greater the
rewards. The highest rewards sit at fervent obsession.
A girl who will literally do anything for you. A girl
committed to being your personal sex slave. I’ve also
heard making a girl go yandere also is mega points.”

“Well, I mean, I wouldn’t recommend it… although

there is a big bonus for getting a girl to break it off
with her lover, if you do so, you lose all those bonuses.
So, it’s probably advantageous to build up a couple of
long-term NTR relationships. Get a couple married
fuck buddies and you can earn points all year round…
well, until you’re caught.”

“Is that it?”

It’s complicated… there are bonuses for all kinds of

things. If you do it with the lover in the room, more
points. If you do it while the lover is watching, more
points. If you get caught, points… if you manage to
escape, points. There are extra points for incest, anal,
threesomes, gangbangs, rape, and even golden

“Well, you don’t have to go that far. I’m just saying the
means of gaining points is versatile, and you can scale
it to your personal play style.”

I let out a sigh, finally looking away from the rule

sheet she showed me. “It doesn’t really matter. I don’t
have the points to earn any of those skills, and
without those skills, I’m not going to suddenly NTR
someone. Rather, I’m the kind of guy that gets NTR’d,
it seems.”

“Ahhh… don’t throw in the towel yet. Even being

cheated on earns points. Admittedly, not very many,
but you have a cheating girlfriend right now, right?
Well, she’s out there earning you points!”
“What? Seriously? Even being cheated on earns
points? Well, that still sounds like an awful game. Do I
have to stay with my cheating whore of a girlfriend for
who knows how long just to earn something? I’d
rather just dump her now.”

“Hey… don’t be so discouraged yet!” Netori floated up

and patted my head. “Let’s see how many points you
have so far!”

“So far?”

“Eh? I didn’t say? I retroactively add points for your

entire life up to now. You can call it one of the starting
bonuses I offer new players.” Netori explained while
pulling out something that looks like a smartphone
and typing in it.
“No, you didn’t, are you saying you’re going to tell me
how much I’ve been cheated on?”

“Let’s see… hmmm… WOW.” Netori’s eyes popped,

looking at her little screen and her jaw dropped open.

“What? Don’t say things like that! What is it?” I asked,

lunging for the phone only to have her float out of my

“You have… 2900 points!” Netori finally declared.


“Wowwy…” Netori snickered. “You sure are cheated

on a lot.”

“There was Koharu…”

“Koharu?” I search my memory. “She called me her

boyfriend in primary…”

“Well, she called a LOT of boys her boyfriend in

primary…” Netori murmured, while using her fingers
to look through the phone. “And she even got to
second base with some.”

“What? She wouldn’t even kiss me!”

“Then, there was Kaori…”

“Hah? We only dated for a week in middle school?”

“Yup… and she got drunk and had a gangbang with the
entire basketball team. That’s why she broke up with


“You know about Eiko…”

“The fucking slut…” I sneered.

“Bigger slut than you know… over your two-year

relationship, she also banged six other guys, one for
about the entire length she dated you. Damn… this girl
even banged him in the bathroom during your
birthday party.”
“She said she had an upset stomach…”

“And that brings us to Akiko…and just the one guy,

your best friend.”

“Ugh… I feel sick now.”

“However, it’s impressive how much they fuck. They

go at it like rabbits.”


“I mean, they’ve even fucked in your room before. It’s

been going on since about two months into your
relationship. He was even doing her while she was
talking to you on the phon-”
“I said enough!” I shouted, standing up.

“S-sorry…” Netori's excitement ended and she sat in

the chair across from me, curling up defensively. “But
hey, isn’t this good? 2900 points. You’re only 100
points away from getting one of the tier one skills you
want. At the rate your girlfriend cheats, you’ll have
that in a month or so. All you have to do is wait and-”

“No…” I shake my head angrily, thinking about all the

times I’ve been abused. “I’m going to earn those
points tonight.”

“H-how?” Netori looked up at me curiously.

My face darkened as I smiled maliciously. “Aren’t you

the one who’s dating Derek right now?”
“Oh, hoh…” Netori chuckled. “I’m flattered, but do you
think it’s so easy to win over the god of theft?”

“You said yourself that rape adds bonus points.” I

leaned forward until my body was hovering over
Netori, preventing her from floating away. “I don’t
plan to win anything. I’m going to take it!”

Netori’s eyes slightly narrowed, a dangerous look

appeared in her eyes. Her usual silly playful expression
was replaced with something darker. This could be
called her game face. The true face of the god of

“It seems I’ve picked an interesting human to play

with. Perhaps I’ve awakened a sleeping tiger. Come,
human… let the games begin!”
Chapter 3 :
“Aiii… you’re so rough!” Netori squealed as I pinned
her down on the couch.

I leaned forward and shoved my tongue down her

throat. She only resisted a moment before her mouth
opened and began to return the kiss. Her lips tingled
like a drug, and her taste was like cotton candy. She
was sweet and tasty. The feel of her lips and the taste
of her body immediately caused me to grow stiff.
Without a second thought, I grabbed her tits.

“Mm! No!” Netori pulled away, the words coming out


Where her mouth said no, her eyes gave the clearest
consent. I wasn’t the kind of guy who didn’t care at all.
Normally, rape was a little bit outside of my
capabilities too. However, after careful consideration,
I was almost positive that this was the direction I was
expected to go. After all, why else would she have
asked to go out with my best mate? In a way, Netori
was set up as my tutorial. Sure, there were probably
guys that passed up the opportunity, but as a gamer
myself, I couldn't allow myself to miss any moment of

And so, I took full advantage of her breasts, squeezing

and touching them with vigor as she squealed and
cried. Whether she truly felt like she was being taken
advantage of, I didn’t think so. Truth be known, had
she acted just a bit more resistant towards my
advances, I’d have broken under her distaste. I was an
absolute virgin and this was my first time getting to
second base, let alone home run.

“T-take off the bra…” Netori said, looking away

awkwardly as I continued to fondle her breasts.
I realized I had been doing that for several minutes
without making any progress. She had a look on her
face that said that I was wasting her time. I tightened
my fists. I absolutely had to conquer this woman! I
was still very angry about being cheated on, and Akiko
and Derek were still on my mind. I wanted to do this
for no other reason hat vengeance on them. Even the
general horniness of being a senior in high school who
had never had sex didn’t compete with my desire to
stick it to them. I had been a good boy my entire life,
and this is where it took me!

I grabbed Netori's shirt and pulled. My intention was

to rip it off her body, showing my strength and
otherwise displaying my animalistic desire over Netori.
Her eyes widened at the tearing noise, but I panicked
as soon as I started pulling. As a result, I didn’t put
enough power into it, and when all was said and done,
her shirt remained intact.
“Kekeke…” Netori’s snickering sound caused me to
grow even more frustrated.

Thus, I grabbed her shirt and pulled it off over her

head. I couldn’t get it over her head, and she had to
help me undo the button nearest her neck so that I
could pull it off the rest of the way. Her eyes were
seriously judging me! However, I didn’t care, her bra,
that’s next, bras are easy right.

After trying for a few minutes, I decided to screw it

and flip her bra up over her tits. Finally, her naked tits
were bared. She was looking up at me with a raised
eyebrow as if to ask ‘this is you raping me.”

“Sh-shut up!’ I curse angrily. “S-suck my cock!”

I grabbed her mouth and pulled out my cock. It wasn’t

even hard yet in my frustration, but I still shoved it in
Netori’s mouth. As soon as it went in, I gasped. I had
jacked off before, but I had never been stimulated by
someone else. As soon as my cock reached Netori, she
began sucking on it generously. Her hands went up
and cupped my balls and her tongue began to move

“Ahhh… shit…”

I had only been getting sucked off for less than a

minute, and already I wanted to blow my load. Netori
was about to steal my seed! This treacherous bitch
was still looking down on me! It was so aggravating!

I pulled my dick away from her, and she made a

surprised noise as the dick she was enjoying got
yanked from her grasp. I instantly put it up in my
pants as she looked down on it hungrily. After it was
out of sight, she looked up at me with a mischievous
look. She was definitely looking down on me! I clucked
my tongue in annoyance, but otherwise tried to keep
my face straight.

I was fucking a goddess, after all. I was completely

outside my zone. She was really fucking hot, really
fucking skilled, and suddenly the reality of it hit me
like a cold stone. Thus, the girl was a goddess, and I
was trying to rape her! No… I’d already jammed my
cock in her mouth! I did rape her! So, what does it
matter? I should go the rest of the way!

I pulled off her pants, spreading her legs and looking

for her pussy. I mean, I’ve seen porn, so I understood
the logistics of sex, but I had never actually tried to
make it work before. Her pussy was perfectly shaved
bald. It was actually a really pretty thing, and I almost
felt bad tarnishing it with my dick. Almost… I was way
too damn horny to stop now.
I pushed my dick into her pussy. It didn’t go! I tried
again. And then a second time. I rubbed the head up
and down her pussy. She made moaning noise.

“Tease…” She moaned with a pout, although she wore

an irritating expression that seemed to know the
problem was that I couldn’t get it in.

What was I doing wrong? Shouldn’t she be wetter or

something? I didn’t really know, but I didn’t have any
lubricant on me. Instead, I took my thumbs and pulled
apart her pussy until I could see a clear ‘hole’. I then
pushed my cock right against it and pushed inside. It
took a bit more force.

“Ahhh.” Netori made an agonized noise as I pushed it

When it was finally in, I let out a sigh of relief. She was
really tight after all, and this was kind of difficult to do.
Finally, after setting down for a moment, I began to
push in and out of her. There was some blood on my
cock. I blinked in surprise.

“Y-you’re on your period?” I asked in confusion.

For a second, Netori’s eyes flashed in surprise that

actually looked genuine, and then she gave a wry
smile and looked away, seeming somewhat
embarrassed. “No, you idiot. I-I’m a virgin.”

“Hah?” H-how could that be true?”

“Ju-just finish up, and I’ll tell you.” She seemed to

grow even more shy, and for a brief moment she
looked like a cute high school girl.
The irritation that I had originally been feeling seemed
to melt away. Her, as she was, under me, looked quite
beautiful. The realization once again kicked me that I
was literally fucking a Goddess. By the way, she said
she was a sixteen in beauty. If she was a sixteen in
looks as she described it, then Akiko was probably
about a 11, maybe? I knew Akiko was outside my
range. In fact, Derek was a better first for her than I
was when it came to appearances, but that didn’t stop
me from being pissed off.

Netori said it herself, attractiveness had nothing to do

with it! Here I was, fucking a sixteen goddess! So, who
could possibly say anything about what anyone

“Hey… Hakaru, finish up.” Netori sniffed. “It’s not like

you’ll last long.”
“You bitch!” I growled, all my frustration returning in
an instant.

I began to shove into her hard now, not really giving

her any mercy for being a virgin. Blood came out at
first, but it quickly got replaced by lubricant as she
grew excited. Yeah, that’s right. Get horny with the
feel of my cock. You’re just a little slut goddess who
likes the feel of my cock. Netori was starting to breath
hard too. Her moans were especially arousing!


Shit. Shit. Shit. I got excited and got lost in the

moment. It had been less than a minute since I had
gotten inside Netori, probably less than ten minutes
since I started “raping” her… and I already reached my
limit. Had this not been my first time, I might have
been able to slow down and pace myself, but his was
the first pussy I had ever felt! It was naturally the
pussy of a goddess! I couldn’t control myself.

“P-pull out! Y-you can’t get me pregnant!” Netori


I ignored her, pinning her down on the couch while I

continued to slam into her. It was only another two
strokes before my cock exploded. I let out moans as
my seed burst out inside of her. I marveled at the
feeling of injecting my cock inside her. At this point, I’d
usually need to find a tissue and wipe my hands dry,
but as I pulled my limp cock from her crotch, I realized
I didn’t need to do anything. The feeling was actually
kind of nice.

“You jerk!” The voice came from behind me. “To think,
you’d actually cream pie me!”
I blinked, looking down to see nothing but a pillow I
was pinning down. As for the cum I had released, it
was dripping down the pillow in wet gobs. I spun
around to see Netori sitting in the recliner, fully
dressed, clean, a pristine. Her legs were crossed and
she wore an amused smile as she looked down at my
dick, a limp thing dripping white little streaks down on
to the pillow.

“Wh… was that an illusion?” I asked, blinking in a daze,

putting my dick back into my pants.

“I wonder…” Netori tapped her lips.

“Of course, you being a virgin is impossib-guh!” Netori

threw a couch pillow at me, slamming it into my gut as
hard as a basketball.
“I’ll have you know…” Netori sniffed. “That I am very
much a virgin! Do you thing the goddess of thieves
would be so easy as to let a man steal her virginity?”

“R-right…” I rubbed my stomach, pushing the cum

soaked pillow away to sit down. “So… no points

Netori taped her fingers for a second and then let out
a melodious laugh. “Well, I wouldn’t say that. You’ve
got balls for pushing down a Goddess. Of course,
nothing would have happened if I didn’t allow it, but
I’ll tell you what… for the sake of education, I’ll award
you your points as if we did.”

I raised my head. “Really? Good!”

“Okay… let’s see!” Netori took her phone again, and

began typing in it. “I’m a Goddess, you had me
forcefully, you took my virginity, you made me suck
your cock and then raped my pussy… nice… nice…”

I blushed as Netori seemingly read off my crimes. The

moment before seemed so surreal that I almost
couldn’t believe it had happened. Well, looking over at
the dirty pillow, I figured it didn’t really happen.

“Let’s see… your total is… 300 points!”

I spit out a cough. “Three hundred? Is that all?”

“Hmph…” Netori turned away angrily. “What do you

mean, is that all? You didn’t exactly perform all that
great. I didn’t orgasm. You didn’t even try to stick it in
my butt. There was no BDSM. You could hardly call my
relationship with Derek strong when we haven’t even
gone on our first date yet, and perhaps most
importantly, you haven’t won me over much at all.
You should feel lucky I’m giving you this much!”

“What do you mean by that?” I let out a cough. “I

conquered you! I mean… sort of!”

I know it was all fake, but she said she’d treat it like it
was real! Therefore, this Netori was raped by me as a
goddess! If raping a goddess netted so few points,
how was I ever going to earn any points with other

Netori shrugged as if reading my mind. “I basically

handed it to you. As I said, I all but gave you consent
to touch me. If I hadn’t allowed it, it never would have
happened. Furthermore, your technique needs much
work. You need to get a lot better before thinking you
can have me again.”
“What does that mean?”

Netori smiled. “Of course, I’m going to stay nearby

and continue to observe you, but don’t think that
you’ll be able to touch me again. You haven’t
impressed me by your shitty moves. My boobs are still
sore from your shitty touches. I bet Derek is way
better at satisfying a girl. I can’t wait for our date!”

“What was that!” I stood up, my eyes widening.

“You’re not dating Derek!”

“Oh?” Netori’s expression turned chilly for a moment.

“I asked Derek out because he’s the cutest guy in this
city. You probably didn’t notice this, but he also has an
eight-inch cock. That’s what keeps your girlfriend
coming back.”

I glared at Netori “What was that, you bitch?”

“Haha… how did you think this would work? That
you’d stick your dick in me one time and I’d be
addicted? You’re the other guy, and I just gave you a
freebie, but you don’t own me. Now, I’m going to go
fuck Derek, my real boyfriend. If you want it to stop,
you’re going to have to steal me for real.”

“St-steal you?”

“Hey… look at the bright side. The more I date Derek

and the closer we get, the more points you’ll earn-”

“I don’t give a damn about points!” I stood up. “You’re

my first! I don’t want to see you go fuck that tool,

As I continued to step towards her, Netori floated up,

out of my reach, forcing me to look up at her. I
wanted to grab and throttle her, but I couldn’t. She let
out a laugh as if she knew what I was thinking.

“You were my first too… but you need to go cool your

head. This is just part of the game.” Netori sighed as if
she was explaining something to a child. “Look, I’m
taking off. You have 3200 points right now. Do you
want the Dirt Scribe, then?”

I glared up at her, wanting to say more but knowing

she wasn’t going to offer anything else. Finally, I gave
a nod.

“May I also give a suggestion?” Netori offered.

“Use the last 200 points to increase your length and

“Wh-what…” I shot her a glare. “You yourself said size

doesn’t matter.”

“Y-yeah… on an average-sized penis… but aren’t you a

bit on the small size? If you want to keep girls coming
back, you’ll need to fix that.

“I-I’m six inches, and an inch thick!” I declared.

“Half right. “Netori raised an eyebrow. Erect: 4.5

inches long, 1’’ diameter dick. Not quite a microdick,
but you don’t do the Japanese any favors.”

“Y-you…” I glared but then sighed, relaxing my fist.

“Do it.”
“Of course,” Netori laughed. “You’re at zero points
now, but I’m sure your girlfriend will earn you more
tonight. Don’t get so down! You started so promising!
Conquer women! Steal bitches! Au Revoir!”

Netori’s body suddenly disappeared with a twirl. I

sighed, not knowing if I felt better or worst. At the end
of the day, my girlfriend had still cheated me. My best
friend had still cheated on me. I had tried to kill
myself. My life hadn’t improved a single bit. I sighed
again, walking to the bathroom to clean myself up. I
pulled out my dick and made a noise of surprise.

“It really works…”

My dick was both longer and thicker. It was not slap-

me-in-the-face obvious while I wasn’t erect, but I felt
substantially bigger. Now I was 5.5 and 1.25 inches. I
might need to do a little more increasing. What was
really important though was that I had that new
ability. I could read a girl’s mind once a day.

“What is this…” It was at that point I noticed

something while looking at my dick.

Specifically, there was blood on my dick. Wait… we

hadn’t had sex. It was just an illusion, right? So, why
was my dick covered in… she didn’t… we didn’t…

The front door slammed open. This was about the

time my sister got home from her extracurriculars. I
ignored it, still examining the blood, which definitely
had to have come from Netori. A moment later, there
was a shrill scream. I ran out of the bathroom, looking
for my sister. I froze when I saw her standing in the
middle of the living room.

“Hakaru? What the hell? You little freak!”

My eyes widened. It was at this moment I
remembered the mess I had made. I had laid out my
porn all around me. I intended to hang myself.
Instead, Netori came and caused me to lose track of
the time. Now, there was porn strewn over the entire
room, and at its center, a couch pillow dripping with
white cum!

I’m so fucked!

Chapter 4 :
“This is so disgusting, you creep! What if mom came in
and saw this?”

“She’s out getting drunk with her drunk friends.” I

shot back, only to be slapped on my head by her palm.
“Whatever… is that cum… so fucking gross, I sit on
that pillow, I’m going to gag!” My big sister shot me
absolutely disgusted eyes.

These were exactly the eyes I had wanted her to have

when she got home, but at that point, I was supposed
to be dead. Instead, Netori showed up and
interrupted my death, and now I had to face my
sister’s wrath.

“I’ll clean it,” I growled. “I said, I’ll clean it!”

“Yeah, you’ll clean it with a steamer, and then you’re

going to stay in your room the whole night.”

“You’re only two years older than me, Maria.” I shot

her an annoyed look. “You can’t ground me.”
“You want to bet? My boyfriend’s coming over
tonight, and if you show your ugly head, I’ll be telling
mom and dad all about this stuff!” As Maria said so,
she picked up a magazine I had, staring at it in disgust.
“Why do you even have magazines? Haven’t you
heard of the internet? Gah… It’s sticky!”

“Don’t be so rough!” I cried as she dropped it in a way

that one of the pages ripped. “Maybe I don’t feel like
seeing stuff on a computer screen as that enjoyable?
I’d rather have something I can hold in bed.”

“Ugh… you’re such a freak.” Maria cursed. “I refuse to

believe we’re related.”

“Well, I don’t care to have you as family either!” I shot

back while kneeling to pick up my magazines. “And
what are you talking about, Boyfriend… mom would
never approve of that, that’s why you sneak him
through your window every night.”
“Ronnie? No, this isn’t Ronnie, this is Jack.” Maria
wrinkled her nose. “Jack’s really popular right now. If
he takes me as his girlfriend, I’ll be too popular for you
to even talk to me, even if you are my brother, so
don’t screw this up for me!”

“Hey… sure, let me use the $20 to buy some pizza and
I’ll stay up in my room.” I bargained.

“What $20?”

“The $20 mom always gives you when she stays out
late to buy dinner, but you always pocket.”

“Tsk… you know about that?”

“Yeah, hand it over.”

“No… I got to give it to Jack.” Maria looked away, for

the first time looking a little ashamed.

“What the fuck?”

“Wa-watch your mouth. Mom said don’t swear.”

Maria crossed her arms but finally sighed. “Jack says
he needs $100 so he can fix his car. I have $80 saved
up, but I need the $20. If I give him the money, he says
he’ll drive me wherever I want. This is my best way for
getting in with the cheerleader and the sports crowd
at school.”

“You’re giving a guy money? Isn’t that backwards?

Maria… he’s just using you.” I started, but Maria’s
darkened expression told me I was not helping.
“What do you know? Did you learn it from your
magazines?” Maria reached out as I grabbed the last
magazine and tore it from my hand.

“Wait, not that…” I reached out to grab it, but Maria

kept it out of my reach.

“What’s this one, your most perverted fantasies?” She


She wasn’t completely wrong. Most of my porn was

pretty vanilla. While a kid like me could get pictures of
naked women, sex books were a little hard to obtain.
The one she grabbed was only one of two I had, and it
was pretty hardcore. It was a BDSM one. Every page
had women being tied up and tortured. I didn’t even
like most of the images except when I was in a dark
Maria froze as she was looking through my dirtiest
magazine. A look of disgust grew on her face as she
became flushed. I just wanted to run into my room
and die, but I absolutely couldn’t leave that magazine
exposed out here.

She turned the magazine towards me, pointing at a

graphic image of a woman who was blindfolded. She
had nipple clamps on her breasts and she was crying
out while a guy in a mask was raping her pussy.
Desperate to get out of this humiliating situation
where my sister lectured me about sex, I scoured my
mind for any solution. Why was Maria trying to make
things difficult! I wished I had something on her! At
the very least, I wished I knew what she was thinking.

“Is this the kind of smut my brother finds attractive?”

Maria sneered. “You want to rape some girl? Probably
because you’ll never get any on your own!”
Rape is so hot.

“Huh?” I looked up in surprise when I heard those

words, convinced I misheard my sister.

“I said, I should confiscate this book. Mom would cry if

she saw it.”

It’s really turning me on, I think I can finger one out

before Jack gets here.

My face twisted in confusion, the words coming out of

her mouth were certainly the vitriol, but I was hearing
other words too, words my sister definitely would
never say.

“Y-you’re into rape?” the words popped out of my

mouth before I could stop myself.
“What! No! You sick asshole!” Maria chucked the
magazine at me so hard that it caused everything else
to fall out of my hands and hit the ground. “Don’t be
getting any creepy fantasies!”

Shit! Stupid Maria… your brother almost found out

your darkest secret! If Hakaru knew I secretly
fantasized about being raped by a mysterious
stranger, I’d never live it down!

“M-maria?” I scratched my head for a second, only

now making sense of what was going on.

“H-hakaru…” Maria seemed to hesitate for a moment,

looking unsure of herself.
He has that magazine, that means he likes that stuff
too. If I told Hakaru the truth… would it be possible…
would he be willing to…

<Dirt Scribe has reached its daily limit!>

“What? No!” I shouted out loud.

Maria shook her head, the rage and anger growing

back on her face. “C-c-clean this up! You freak!”

She ran into her room and slammed the door.

Meanwhile, I stood there with a dazed expression on
my face. What just… what just happened? Dirt Scribe…
the ability I just gained from Netori. Read a person's
mind, learn their darkest secrets. That’s how it was
described. I had used it without realizing it. I had used
it on my sister, and it worked. I learned her darkest
With that realization, my stomach grew kind of sore.
My big sister was into rape. Was that even that
surprising? All the men she got with were big, tough,
bullies. She liked being controlled and told what to do.
How else would assholes like Ron get down her pants?
At the very least, I knew the ability worked now.
However, my sister wasn’t even of interest to me. The
people whose dirt I wanted the most were Akiko and
Derek’s. I would make them both pay for cheating on

I finished cleaning up, including throwing the whole

pillow into the wash and then went to my room.
Picking up my phone, I took a deep breath and then
dialed Akiko’s number.

“H-hi!” Akiko picked up the phone, but she sounded

slightly out of breath.
“Hey, Akiko! What’s your deepest, darkest secret?” I

Immediately, I started focusing. Was my method

crude? Sure. But even if she wouldn’t tell me what her
deepest, darkest secret was, I could read minds! Thus,
I only had to ask, and she’d think it, and then I’d know
it. It was as simple as that. Well, it was supposed to
be, but a moment later, the words sounded in my

<Dirt Scribe can only be used once every 24 hours.>

Fuck! Only once! I was seriously hoping it was once

per person! Why did this ability have to be so fucking

“Ha-hakaru… a-are you… stop teasing me!”

“Ah, sorry…”

“Wha- ye-yeah… you called?”

I stopped for a moment. In the past, I would have

laughed and talked with Akiko happily. However, I was
much more conscious now, and the way she was
talking didn’t seem right.

“Akiko… you seem to be out of breath,” I said, my

voice coming out slow.

“Oh… th-that… I just came from a jo-jog!”

It was more than out for breath. Her voice was

completely unsteady and she kept making some
strange noises. Suddenly, ‘stop teasing me’ didn’t
sound like words that had been aimed at me.
“You know, it’s our anniversary,” I said.

“Y-yeah… I’m sorry I couldn’t go, but I was busy…”

Akiko said, her voice still sounding like she was
panting to me.

“With… jogging…”

“Yes! Hah… ye-yes… I mean, yes… I was jogging…”

S-seriously… how fucking stupid did she think I was?

No… a better question would be, how fucking stupid
had I been in the past. This wasn’t the first time she
had been weird on the phone. I always assumed she
just got into a mood. Only now was I able to picture
what was happening accurately. Derek was over
there, right now, touching my girlfriend in ways I
hadn’t even yet.
“Derek,” I said the word.

“Derek!” Akiko let out a gasp.

“His girlfriend he made today, she’s very beautiful,


“Ah…d-don’t say that you’ll make me jealous.”

“Of Derek?”

“N-no… of you, silly, calling another girl beautiful to

your girlfriend.”
“Oh… of course.” I faked a smile, even though it was
over a phone and I didn’t need to. “Derek’s a good-
looking guy too… don’t you agree?”

“… Mmm… hmm…” her words came off stiff.

“They probably would get along well together, right?”

“I… don’t think so…” Akiko’s voice came off slightly sad
sounding, while my fist tightened on the phone hard
enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if I heard cracking

“Oh? Will their relationship not last?”

“Not if I have anything to do with it… ah… what I mean

is I think he really likes another girl.”
“Is that so? Who is it?” I humored her, even though I
could no longer keep the anger from my voice.

“It-it’s a secret!” Akiko declared.

Fortunately, she was so distracted that she didn’t

notice the anger in my voice. So, it all worked out.

“Akiko…” I sighed one last time. “I love you…”

“Mmm… me too… Ahn… th-there! Ahhhn… Hah hah…”

“N-n-nothing… I just pulled my leg… Charlie horse…
from the jog.”

“Oh… well… get better.”

“Bye!” Click.

I put the phone down, my entire hand shaking. Sitting

in my room in the relative darkness for several
minutes, it was only then that I looked up and
whispered a name.


“You called?” I jumped a little as the woman herself

showed up as quickly as she had left before, floating
next to me, her face uncomfortably close to my ear.
“You came?”
Netori laughed. “I’m here to facilitate you in the game.
Of course, I’ll always come when you call. Why did you
call me this time? Please don’t say it’s to hit on me
again. Being hit on by small-dicked losers is a total

“No… not right now. I just have some questions on my


“Points? Points, I can talk about! Oh… and

congratulations on earning another 30 points today!”

“Fuck!” Those words were enough to push me over

the boiling point, and I threw my phone at the wall,
causing it to shatter.

Netori gave a wry smile. “I take it you understand

where your points came from? Good job holding out
on the phone until they finished… otherwise, it’d have
only been fifteen.”

“You can take those points and shove it up your ass!” I

snapped back.

“Mm… if you talked dirty like that to me earlier, I

could have probably given you more points.” Netori
giggled, but when I didn’t respond, she continued. “I
usually don’t make a big deal of it, but you can also
exchange NTR points for my body. I’m happy to give
you another round of sex for a small fee of 1000


“I know you’re poor… but since you’re so down today,

especially after killing yourself, I can give you a hand
job for the 30 points. Come on… will a happy ending
cheer you up?”

I looked up at Netori, who had a teasing light in her

eyes, and then I shook my head. “No… if you give me a
hand job, it’ll be because I stole your heart and you’re
my sex slave.”

Netori laughed melodically. “Perfect… I’m glad you

answered that way. Perhaps, I shouldn’t give up on
you yet… anyway… you had questions about points?”

“Yes… level 2… how many points does it take to get to

level 2.

“Perfect question! You’re already very close! It only

takes a lifetime maximum of 5000! With your 3230…
you only need 1770 points to go.”
“What are the second-tier abilities?”

“All of the tier 1 abilities are still available. However,

there are also 5 new skills Each one is 5000 points.
There is Orgasmo, Locked Promise, Rape Forgiveness,
Confusion, and Cuck Break!” Netori declares with a

“And… what do they mean?”

“Orgasmo gives you the ability to tell how close a

woman is to achieving orgasm. A must have if you
want a girl ‘cumming’ back if you know what I mean?
Locked Promise binds someone to a promise they
make. They cannot break the promise. They’ll be
compelled to follow it to the best of their ability. Rape
forgiveness causes people you rape to quickly forget
about it. Confusion makes the mind of a target
muddled, sort of like making them drunk without the
alcohol. Cuck Break is the most interesting. Essentially,
a person cannot experience any sexual pleasure under
a cuck break, but when it’s released, all of their
lewdness comes out at once.”

“All good abilities…” I sighed.

“Yeah… but you’re in no position to earn any. Each

one takes more points than you’ve earned in your
entire life.”

“I’m going to need one or more of those abilities if I’m

going to get revenge on those bastards who betrayed
me. I’m going to need to start earning points fast. I
don’t care what it takes, I’ll do anything. That means I
need to bang a girl in a relationship.

“Well, don’t look at me…” Netori chuckled. “Just

because my beloved Derek is cheating on me, doesn’t
mean I’ll come running to your arms.”
“No…” I sighed. “I have another way. I have one more
question about points.”

“What’s that?” Netori asked.

“How many do I get for raping my sister?”

Chapter 5 :
“Man, I'm just really wired. I can’t believe I’m going
out with that girl tonight.”

“The girl whose name you don’t know?” I responded

with a frown.

“Actually, I found out her name. She’s actually a new

transfer student in class B. Her name is Tori.”
I let out a cough. Tori? Is that the name she was going
with? Well, I guess I understood why she wouldn’t
walk around with a name like Netori, but I had
complicated feelings as I sat next to Derek. He hadn’t
shut up about her all day. The only thing that gave me
any pleasure out of it was watching the tense
expression on Akiko’s face as she tried to ignore
Derek’s open bragging to the guys. Clearly, Derek
dating Netori was not something that Akiko was happy
with, but she couldn’t call him out on it in public,
especially with me there.

Derek was being a real prick too, openly gloating to

the other guys. He even mentioned a couple of things
he’d like to do to her. Well, in an ironic twist, I wasn’t
feeling any better than my cheating girlfriend.
Listening to my best friend mouth off about how he
plans to stick his dick into the girl I just fucked the
previous night was not pleasing to the ears. Even so, I
did admire the balls he had to mouth off about his
sexual prowess in listening distance to my girl, damn…
I first expected her to throw something in his face or
condemn him on the spot for the asshole he was.
However, she bit her tongue and didn’t say anything.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that
the rumors might actually be true. Women like
assholes. Here I was, giving all of my affection to this
woman, and I hadn’t even touched her tits. Now,
Derek comes along and treats her like garbage, so she
goes and fucks him.

In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I

realized this was exactly the case. The previous day,
she couldn’t suck Derek’s dick fast enough after
finding out he had a girlfriend. Jealousy didn’t make a
whore like Akiko angry at Derek, it made her put out
in a desperate hope to gain his attention. Derek,
meanwhile, I almost had to admire. By remaining
aloof, he was making my girlfriend thirstier. It was
really remarkable now that I was seeing it from an
outside perspective. My whore of a girlfriend fucked
my best friend to keep him. Apparently, she took me
for granted. If I started treated her badly, would she
try to fuck me as well?

Would I get any points for fucking my girlfriend? I’d

have to ask Netori tonight. She said she’d come when
I called, so I planned to call while she was in the
middle of her date with Derek. If I called her, and then
called him, and then called her again, I could probably
grief their date something horrible. I was even
tempted to use Akiko. If I sent her to disrupt the date,
everyone could be as fucking miserable as I was. Well,
I didn’t mind using Akiko anymore. Any affection I had
for her melted away. Even the anger no longer
remained. She was just a tool, a tool I would use.

Afterall, the more I thought about it, the more I

realized the Akiko was just some bitch. Treating her
like a three-dimensional character with a personality
was giving her too much credit. She chased after
Derek because he was hot. She dated me because it
was convenient. She fucked him because she wanted
to keep him from fucking other women.

That prediction, it turned out, was 100% true. Because

in lunchtime, she made a gesture to him that she
didn’t think I saw, and then the pair went off to the
rooftop again. I already knew the pair was going up
there to fuck. Well, more points for me. I left
immediately, sneaking behind them. It wasn’t like I
was into seeing my girl cheat on me. Even the extra
points I’d earn for “watching” weren’t worth the
humiliation. However, Akiko and I were broken up in
all but name. As long as I told myself that, I could keep
things subjective.

Thus, the reason I came up was purely out of curiosity.

I wanted to see what she’d say. I wanted to see how
she reacted to Derek’s blatant two-timing. I was just in
luck, because as I reached the door to the rooftop and
peaked my ear, they started talking.
“Y-you still plan on going out with her?” Akiko
demanded tearfully.

“Hey, babe… she asked me out in public. I couldn’t say

no like that? It’d destroy my reputation!”

“A-and, what about all the stuff you said in

classroom… about having s-s-sex with her?”

“If I didn’t say those things, the other guy would look
down on me. Besides, do you want me to be looking
at you instead?”

“Hah?” Akiko looked up with a surprised expression

on her face.
“Your boyfriend is present. Wouldn’t he suspect
something if I didn’t act interested in Tori? Did you
just want me to tell him about us?”

“N-no!” Akiko reached out her hand and grabbed

Derek’s arm as if to stop him from going that second,
despite the fact he hadn’t moved an inch. “You can’t!”

Derek chuckled. “Of course, why would I? He’s my

best friend. He’s a good guy, that’s why I couldn’t
possibly take his girl from him.”

“I’m his girlfriend. It’d break his heart if I left him!”

Akiko nodded, as if to explain away the cheating like

Of course, I wanted to bash both their skulls in with a

brick. Their petty excuses to justify having an affair
only pissed me off even greater.
“So, since you won’t leave him, then I naturally have
to continue my relationship with Tori, right?”

“Ah… b-but…”

“And unless I want to reveal the truth of our affair,

then I need to put proper effort into my relationship
with her. I should move at her pace, or she might start
to suspect something!”

“P-pace! A-are you saying… you’ll do… it… with her?”

“Hey?” Derek shrugged, winking at her. “Aren’t you

jumping ahead a bit? Most relationships take a while
to go that far. Not every girl spreads her legs on the
first date like you did the first time we went out
without Hakaru.”
“Derek… don’t be mean…” Akiko lowered her head
with a blush while I ground my teeth in frustration.

Derek was way too damn smooth! Even I was starting

to understand how my girlfriend had fallen for him.
On the first fucking date? Never mind that. The point
was that Derek had a way with his words, and he was
so obviously manipulating her! The thing was, I wasn’t
angry that he had manipulated my girl into his sex
puppet. I was angrier at myself for not doing it first! I
was torn between wanting to beat him to death with a
brick and get a pad of paper and take lessons from the

“I’m sorry, Akiko…” Derek spoke in a tone that said he

wasn’t sorry at all. “I’m just being honest here. But
hey, you don’t need to worry so much. No matter how
close I get with her, I won’t abandon my Akiko! After
all, you’re my woman.”
“Derek…” Akiko gave him a complete look of

Fucking seriously? That’s all it took? The asshole just

said he was going to fuck another woman, and my slut
of a girlfriend is okay with this! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

“Hey, whatever I do with Tori, you have the pleasure

to know you had my first!”

“Ah!” Akiko put on a pleased smile, what the fucking

fuck? “I love you, Derek.”

“Of course,” Derek suddenly put on a worried look.

“There is… one thing.”
Akiko smile melted, and a look of worry crossed her
face. “Wh-what? Derek? I’ll do anything for you! Just,
don’t leave me!”

“I’d never leave you!” Derek pronounced, but then the

worry creased his face again. “Ah… it’s just… that…
well, we’ve been having sex for nearly a year. Last
night, you were really sexy, especially while you tried
to hold it in while on the phone with Hakaru. Man,
what I wouldn’t give to have seen his face if he knew
what was happening on the other end!”

“D-derek… don’t tease. I only answered because you

told me too. I’m still angry you came in me while I was
on the phone and couldn’t say no! I had to go to the
pharmacy this morning to get a day after pill and

Whore! Fucking whore!

“Ah… but didn’t you enjoy it?”

“O-of course… If it was Derek’s baby… then…” Akiko


“Well, so far, you have sucked me off and I’ve fucked

you. That’s only 2/3rd of a girl’s available holes.”

Akiko frowned, but as her realization clicked in, her

face turned bright red. “Th-that… not there, it will

“Oh…” Derek said simply, nodding. “That’s fine. So,

Akiko won’t give me her ass. I guess that’s one piece
of intimacy we’ll never share.”

“!?” Akiko’s face grew increasingly more flustered.

“It’s just, that… it really hurts and it’s gross and…”
“No… I get it Akiko.” Derek stroked Akiko’s cheek and
smiled. “I understand. It was unfair of me to even
suggest it. I would never push you into something you
didn’t want. We won’t share anal sex. Just be
understanding of my feelings as well.”


Derek sighed, speaking as if his words were so obvious

anyone would come to the same conclusion.
“Naturally, if Tori is interested in anal sex, there may
be a time when my “first” must be given to her. It’s
really no problem, Akiko! You took my first for two
other holes! Our relationship is solid. It’s just a shame,
because I would have liked Akiko to be my
“Y-y-you’re everything?” Akiko seemed to have a
surge of emotions swelling up with those words. “Y-
yes…, that makes sense.”

It does? Fuck, Akiko, was my girlfriend always this

fucking stupid? Like that, he had her wrapped around
his little finger. I hated him for being such a fucking
scumbag. As I recalled our friendship, he always had
women buzzing around him. I was pretty certain that
Akiko wasn’t his first for anything. However, the lies
rolled off his tongue with ease, and now my Akiko, my
girlfriend, was nodding excitedly at the prospect of
getting buttfucked by the fuckface.

“Alright, turn around for me.” Derek said, unbuckling


Akiko looked around in a panic. I kept the door closed

to just a crack, and thankfully she didn’t notice that
slight crack in her panic.
“He-here? Now?” She said shrilly.

“My girlfriend is in another class. I came up here with

you instead of going to her room, even though we
plan to go on a date tonight. Haven’t I already put
myself out for you? Shown you how much you mean
to me?” Derek smiled casually, then let out a casual
sigh. “Anything could happen on a first date though.
Are you sure you don’t want to show me how much
you love me now while we have the chance?”

“Y-yes… okay… p-please be gentle.”

My eyes widened as my own girlfriend turned around

and bent over, pulling down her skirt until her
buttocks was bare to the outdoor world. That was it.
In barely a minute, Derek had talked my girl into anal
sex! Derek laughed to himself as he pulled out his
dick. Just like that, my girlfriend was about to be
sodomized by another man! I turned away in disgust,
and then jumped in surprise when I found someone
standing next to me.


“Shhh!” Netori put a finger on my mouth. “You don’t

want them to hear, do you?”

She was standing at the top of the stair steps just

behind me. She wore the school uniform I had seen on
her the first day. So, she really had enrolled as a
student at this school. However, that wasn’t really the
issue! My girlfriend was five seconds from getting
pounded in the ass by my former best friend.

“Hey… Netori, your boyfriend is out there about to

take another girl in the ass!” I hissed at her.
“Really?” Netori glanced over my shoulder, looking
through the crack at the scene I could no longer bring
myself to witness. “Not bad… I was thinking about
offering up my Hershey highway tonight, but that
doesn’t look necessary. He’s truly a man who takes
what he wants!”

“Fuck! Aren’t you supposed to be helping me!” I


Netori pointed through the crack. “Hey, look, his penis

really is a lot bigger than yours. Oh, her poor asshole.”

“Netori!” I grabbed her wrist, spinning her to me.

Her beautiful body was pressed against mine, and I

was reminded once again that I had fucked this
woman only the night before.
“What is it?” Netori said, her eyes looking down at my
lips in a suggestive way.

“Why don’t I just take your Hershey Highway right

now?” I growled.

I wasn’t as smooth as Derek, but since he was going to

sodomize my girlfriend, the least I could do is the
same with his.

“Mmm… No.” Netori pretended to think about it, but

then stuck out her tongue at me.

“You… then, I’ll force-” I reached down to grab her

butt, intending to push her down.
However, a second later, I was holding on to nothing. I
barely caught the rail to prevent myself from falling
down a flight of stairs.

“I told you, it won’t be that easy next time!” Netori

lightly punched my shoulder from behind, already
standing next to the door and looking through the

I shook for a second before following her to the door,

peaking out myself. As expected, my girlfriend was
bent over, her hands on a brick wall. She had a
distorted look of pain on her face. Meanwhile, Derek
was behind her, shoving a rather large dick that didn’t
go in all the way in and out of her tight behind.

“Ah… Derek, it hurts, it hurts! No! Please, stop. It’s

“Just relax… I’m almost done.” Derek responded,
sounding almost bored.

I took a step forward, but Netori lifted the back of her

hand and stopped me. “I’d tell you that if you watch
to the end, you’ll earn a hundred points instead of
fifty, but I don’t think you’ll care.”

“You’re damn right I don’t care.”

Netori sighed. “Then, you can put a stop to it. Just

slam the door like you did last time. They’ll be too
scared. You’ll ruin his orgasm, their first anal, and your
chance at a hundred points.”

Netori stepped out of the way, letting me step up to

the crack in the door. I stepped forward, stopping for
a second. I could hear his grunting and Akiko’s cries of
pain. It was clearly not something she enjoyed in the
slightest, but that didn’t matter to him. I could just
slam the door. That would save her any more pain.
That was something the previous me might have
done, the one that killed himself.

However, just as I was about to do what she

suggested; a different idea crept into my mind. A dark
grin formed on my face. Instead of shutting the door, I
opened it up another crack. The two were way too
focused to notice the door slightly ajar. Pulling out my
cell phone, I went to camera settings. I started filming

“Ahn… ahn… my butt… Derek, it hurts!”

“Ah… I’m cumming!”

“I feel it. Derek is cumming in my butt!”

Netori had an indiscernible smile, watching me film
my girlfriend’s sodomy with a slight grin on her face.
When he finished cumming in her ass, I managed to
get a zoom on him pulling out, my girlfriend’s gaping
ass with white stuff leaking out mixed with a little bit
of red. I ended my recording and gently closed the

When I turned to Netori, she gave me a questioning


“Payback’s a bitch,” I said.

“Yes… I am…” Netori winked.

Chapter 6 :
“Recording it added another 15 points!” Netori
announced when we reached the bottom of the
stairway. “That’s 115! Not bad for a single sexual
encounter. Too bad you can only film your girlfriend
popping her anal cherry with a guy once!”

I fought the urge to punch Netori. Even if I tried, I had

a distinct feeling it wouldn’t impact. Plus, I still had
some complicated feelings for her. She was my first,
and even though she was cruel and slightly sadistic, at
the moment, she felt like the only woman I could
trust. As awful as she acted, Netori hadn’t appeared to
lie to me at all thus far. Unlike that anal whore
upstairs, Netori was very clear about her desires.

“Since I earned the points, might as well add an inch

to my penis,” I said.

“Um… sorry… you don’t have enough.” Netori

“What is that? Penis is 100 points, you said it

“The first time, yes… but each additional extension

costs a bit more. If you want to further enhance your
dick size, it’ll be 200 points. A third level will be 400
points. At the moment, you only have 145 points.”

Fuck! After everything I had just been through, and I

couldn’t even walk out of it with a bigger dick. I had
never really cared about my dick size before, but after
Netori left I google average penis size. My dick sat at
barely the average. In fact, it was even a little on the
thin side. I knew I had initially talked down to penis
size increases as a vanity project, but I couldn’t help
but think if I had a penis like Derek’s perhaps none of
this would have been happening to me. Perhaps, it
was because Netori had made a comment about it,
and the stupid me seemed to care what she thought.
When I glanced back to say something more to Netori,
I realized she had disappeared. I was getting close to
class, and maybe she didn’t want to be seen talking to
me. Well, considering she was Derek’s girlfriend, she
was probably doing me a favor. If I was caught talking
with her, it would certainly increase suspicion. Still,
watching Derek sodomize my girlfriend had taken the
entire class period, and by the time I made it back to
class, the bell had already rung a minute late.

“I’m sorry, sensei.” I bowed as I ran the last hall to


“Sit down.” The teacher, Miss Fukumi nodded. “Aren’t

you friends with Akiko and Derek? Where are they?”

I could hear the whispering around me as I headed for

my seat. I gave a wry smile.
“S-sorry… we were eating together and got caught in
conversation. I ran on ahead while they cleaned up
the meal.”

My hand tightened to the point that it nearly shook.

Having to not only see my girlfriend bang another guy
but having to cover for them in class, this was a
humiliation that I wouldn’t take much longer. Soon, I
would have to find a way to gain vengeance. However,
at the moment, there was nothing I could do. The
reason I covered for them was simple. If people had
the impression Derek ran off with my girl, rumors
would start to spread. The more rumors that spread,
the more likely I’d have to address them.

It was the same reason the video I just took would

have to wait. I’d use it, eventually, to ruin their lives.
For the moment, I’d need to hold on to it. The cat
could only be let out of the bag once. Once the truth
got out, not only would I no longer get NTR points
from my skank of a girlfriend, but I also lost a lot of
the potential for revenge. At the moment, I had to
bite my tongue and continue to earn points. Although
it was painful, I had earned 115 points in only two
days. I had to concentrate right now on earning

As Derek and Akiko returned, only Akiko looked

genuinely embarrassed. Derek had a grin on his face
and even had the audacity to give me a smile and a
nod like he hadn’t just fucked my girlfriend. As for
Akiko, I could see her discomfort in class. She kept
having to shift her butt, clearly still aching from
behind. Part of me considered reading her mind. I
really wanted to know what she was thinking of sitting
only two seats away from her boyfriend, her ass likely
still leaking the cum of another man. I wanted to learn
her darkest secret so that I could exploit it.

“I will now pass out the quiz. Make sure to do well.”

“A quiz!” Someone in the class shouted, causing
several people to chuckle.

The teacher sniffed. “Of course, a quiz. I told you all to

make sure to read and study! It’s on the annexation of
Japan after World War 2. These quizzes are important
to make sure that you are following along with the
course material!”

I… hadn’t studied. I mean, history didn’t even take

place until the second half of the day, and I must have
ducked out earlier. That seemed to be the case, as the
teacher stopped at my desk as she laid down the quiz.

“I received no notice that you needed to leave school

yesterday. I spoke to your father, and he will be
talking to you tonight.” The teacher’s eyes flashed.
“Just do your best.”
“Y-yes, sensei.” I put my hands together and gave a
quick nod.

The teacher released the paper and walked on. She

was actually one of the prettier teachers at school.
She was in her early thirties, but still had very healthy,
pale skin. Her black hair was tied up in a bun. She
wore glasses. She had large breasts and a nice wide
hip. Her shapely body was certainly something that
aroused every man in the class. Of course, she was
also a married woman, and thus completely
inaccessible, even for most guy’s fantasies. Still, a few
couldn’t help but eye her as she passed, her floral
scent intoxicating for the guys who favored older

She finished passing out the exam and then went to

the corner, standing in guard over the students. I
looked over my quiz, and immediately realized I didn’t
know a thing. This was deeply frustrating. I wasn’t the
kind of guy who didn’t study, but the last few days had
been hard. Worse, dad was always an asshole about
my grades. He went in and saw my teacher over the
most minor of inconveniences, and she’s the same. I
swore the pair of them were conspiring to make my
life miserable.

Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do now. It

wasn’t like I could read minds or… wait… I could read
minds! My eyes immediately shot to the teacher. She
must have been looking in my direction because my
look caused her to turn away shyly. That was an odd
reaction, but my mind was completely on something
different. I could read her mind! If I used that ability
on my teacher, then I would be able to get the test

However, I could only get the answers if I used the

ability while the teacher was thinking about the
answers. That meant I couldn’t just use it now. I would
have to get her to focus on them. Fortunately, the
answers were multiple choice, so if I could just get her
to think what the letters were, I could learn the
answer and pass the quiz. Would it be suspicious?
Possibly… but if I passed this quiz, Father would
assuredly be less of an asshole about it.

I took a few breaths and then nodded in affirmation to

myself, raising my hand for the teacher. Fukumi
seemed surprised by my hand but came over to
address my question anyway. I readied myself,
knowing that the mind thing only worked for about
fifteen seconds. I needed to get the answers to the
questions perfectly. Timing was everything.

“Yes, what is it, Hakaru?”

“Misses Fukumi,” I spoke in a hushed whisper, forcing

her to lean forward to me. “Can you please… tell me
what all the answers are?”
I pushed the paper in front of Fukumi, forcing her to
look at it. At the same time, I pushed forward with my
ability. If I read her mind at this moment, I hoped to
achieve my goal!”

“Eh?” Fukumi gave a noise of surprise, but as I had

hoped, her eyes instinctively latched on the page.

C, A, E, C, B… wait, why is he asking this question? This

is inappropriate.

I pulled the paper back as quickly as I had pushed it

forward, lowering my head. “S-sorry… I thought father
might get mad if you didn’t. I will do it honestly.”

I didn’t really have a good excuse, but it didn’t really

matter. I was just hoping to guilt her a little. If I aced
the quiz and she knew about father’s anger, perhaps I
could avoid getting in additional trouble. Maybe, she’d
let the whole day yesterday pass. However, I noticed
the teacher staring at me in stunned silence, and
when I glanced back her, eyes were wide.

“Y-y-your father? What about your father?”

He knows? H-how does he know? This can’t be. Elzo

and I have been so discrete.

Her thoughts stunned me, and the words came out

before I could help myself. “Father… and you?”

No! This is bad! To think, Hakaru would realize I’ve

been having an affair with his father! If my husband
finds out… if his wife found out. Both of our marriages
will be ruined! How will I face my daughter! How will I
face my husband! I have to keep him quiet anyway,
possible! I have to do anything to-
<Dirt Scribe has reached its daily limit.>

I stared on in complete shock at my teacher, who

looked like she was a step away from crying. The
thoughts echoed in my head with complete shock. I
had already completely forgotten the sequence of
letters she had said earlier. However, after what I just
heard, I realized I didn’t care about that anymore.

Misses Fukumi forced a smile on her face, reaching

out and grabbing the paper sitting on my desk. “O-on
second thought… Hakaru… it wouldn’t be… fair… for
you to take this quiz without time to study.”

My eyes opened wide as the red-faced Fukumi took

my paper and wrote an A on it. Then took it with her
back to her spot. She kept glancing back at me, her
face complicated and glowing pink. I couldn’t tell if
she was angry or embarrassed. However, my quiz had
been resolved.
I knew my father was a cheater. I knew he went out
every night and fucked other women. I didn’t know
that Fukumi-sensei… my teacher was one of the
women he banged. Not only was she my teacher, and
my father married, but she was also married to the
vice-principal of the school! Her daughter was the
student council president. This was a complete and
utter scandal. Worst of all… she thought I was
blackmailing her with the information and conceded
to it!

A short few days ago, had I learned this information, I

would have carried it with me to the grave. This was
simply an, unfortunate, piece of knowledge I never
should have learned. Like a good man, I would keep
my father’s secret and I would never make things an
issue again. However, since that time, I had been
cheated on. I had grown a certain level of sadistic
hatred for those who had affairs, and any respect I
had for this teacher dissipated in an instant. I was
playing the game now, and Fukumi was merely
another piece for me to play.

As people finished their quizzes, a few shot me

strange looks. Most had been too busy to notice the
exchange between the teacher and I. By the time
people were no longer focusing on her quizzes, she
had managed to school her features enough that she
no longer glanced at me. The reason people were
shooting me looks, however, was because of the dark
expression forming on my face. I grinned, an almost
tangible dark miasma flowing out.

So… how would I use this new knowledge to my

Chapter 7 :
“Rope… duct tape… what else… a knife? I’m starting to
look like a serial killer.” I muttered to myself as I
walked down the store aisle grabbing various goods
from the corner store.

“Need help?” Netori popped up from behind.

“You… don’t you have a date with that fuckface

Derek?” I snapped at her.

“Ooo… jealous much?” Netori laughed. “Well, I don’t

dislike jealousy. Jealousy is simply a form of desire. It’s
a great motivator for theft. No worries though, my
date with Derek is on for tonight.”

“I bet…” I tried to ignore her, snapping my fingers.

“That’s right! A ski mask… man, I feel like I’m going to
get on a watch list with this purchase.”
Netori put on a pout, clearly unhappy that I was
ignoring her. “What are you buying all that for? That
teacher is all but putty in your grasp.”

I nearly dropped the items in my hands as I gawked at

Netori. She put on a pleased expression, having
regained my attention.

“You know about Misses Fukumi?” I asked the obvious


I had barely even managed to process the event

myself. I had passed the test by inadvertently
blackmailing my teacher. However, what did that have
to do with NTR Crush? Wait… Netori wasn’t suggesting
Netori chuckled. “Of course, I am a goddess, how
could I give you a power and not know when you’ve
used it. It was quite an exciting find, that your scum of
a father has been carrying on an affair with your

“She’s not the only one he’s sleeping with.” I shook

my head. “What are you suggesting? You want me to
steal my father’s women?”

Netori shrugged. “She’s married. The points will be

good. I can guarantee she’s an anal virgin!”

I coughed, lowering my voice as I looked down the

empty aisles to make sure no one was listening. “You
think I could bang my teacher? I’m a teenager.
Admittedly, Misses Fukumi is young, but this kind of
Netori waved her hand across my face. “Details…
details. That’s your problem, you think too small. Why
not steal your teacher? Steal her from your father, her
husband… it doesn’t matter! Her being
unconventional only means more points for you. The
more points you earn, the more likely you’ll be able to
get your final revenge on my boyfriend.”

I lowered my head, thinking about the words Netori

just said. Banging my teacher, huh? Of course, this act
could only be performed with blackmail. Blackmail
could only be obtained with evidence. With what I had
now, I might be able to cheat on a quiz, but convincing
my teacher to put out would require a bit more. If I
just went at her, she’d probably deny it and break
things off with my father. However, there was another

I needed to know father’s schedule and her schedule.

If I could figure out when they were meeting and
where I could get evidence of them cheating. Only
with pictures could I truly blackmail my teacher. I put
thoughts of this in the back of my mind. Tomorrow, I
will assuredly work towards that goal. However, for
tonight, my plan was to fulfill my sister’s sexual desire.
I would take as many opportunities as I could to
increase my NTR points. I didn’t want to watch Derek
bang my girlfriend anymore. That meant I needed to
take risks.

“Tsk…” I let out a sigh as I looked down at the stuff in

my hands.

“What is it?” Netori asked, tilting her head.

“This stuff is going to wipe out my money for the

week. I’ll have to go hungry. That sucks.”

Netori laughed. “Hmph… you dare pay for something

in front of Netori?”
I blinked. “What do you suggest?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I am the goddess of theft! Shouldn’t

you steal what you want!”

I looked around again for any listeners. “This… stealing

women and stealing supplies are two different things!
I could be caught.”

“You could be caught raping your sister.” Netori

shrugged. “You could be caught blackmailing your
teacher. There is always a chance to be caught.
However, if you don’t have the guts to make the
attempt, you’ll never have anything!”

I looked back down at the small cart of supplies. There

really wasn’t too much there. I could probably fit it all
under my shirt or in my pants. Did I really want to go
this far only to falter now? A better question, did I
want to leave a paper trail where someone could find
a ski mask or rope purchased by me? In that way, it
might actually be safest to sneak it out.

“I’ll help…” Netori winked. “Just this once, the security

camera’s may be having a malfunction. Quick… stuff
them down your pants.”

“Ah, my pants!’ I wasn’t prepared for Netori to grab

the stuff and put her hands down there.

“Isn’t it fitting that the ropes you’ll bind your sister

with were stored against your cock?” Netori winked.
“Quick, leave!”

“Wait, where are you going?” I noticed her heading

the other way.
“Watching you steal it makes me horny. I need some
relief.” Netori winks.

“You better not be getting horny and then heading

toward that dickface Derek!”

“I’m innocent!” Netori whistled, but a second later her

body disappeared.

By the time she was gone, I’d abandoned the cart in

the middle of the aisle. My pants were stuffed, looking
like I had a giant bulge in my pants. I felt like everyone
was looking at me as I B-lined for the exit. I was
relieved the alarms did not go off. I kept moving as
quickly as I could and didn’t stop to take a breath until
I was more than halfway home.

“No police… they really didn’t notice.” I murmured.

I had managed to successfully shoplift. The cost was
only about ¥2000, but still, I had taken it. I had a
complicated feeling deep inside about walking away
with all of this stuff. Somehow, I had convinced myself
that raping my sister wasn’t a real crime, because I
had heard her fantasy. However, I was really doing it,
wasn’t I? I was really going to bang my sister. I gulped
some saliva and then walked the rest of the way

I unloaded my pants full of stolen items under my bed

and then walked out. My sister was usually home
about an hour after me. I had only spent about thirty
minutes in the store, so I snuck into her room to plan
my attack. I immediately felt scared the moment I
closed the door behind me.

It was a standard girls room, with flowery stuff, pink

curtains, and stuffed animals. I casually unlocked her
window. And opened it just a crack. I slipped a piece
of rolled up paper into the crack, so even if she tried
to close it, she couldn’t. My sister was often lazy, and
after making one attempt at something, she’d often
put it off until later. Thus, I knew that even if she saw
the window, she’d only try to close it and lock it once.
Otherwise, she’d give up and tell dad to fix it

However, tomorrow would be too late, and my sister’s

body would already have been taken by me. The
thought of this started arousing me. I was lost in these
thoughts until I heard the front door open. I ran to the
door and got out. I barely managed to make a few
steps away from her room when the very woman
came storming by. I paused a moment as I realized
that she had tears streaming down her face.

“Maria? What happened?”

“None of your business!” Maria shoved passed me

and then slammed her door in my face.
I was stunned by the sight, and for a brief moment, I
considered canceling the whole thing. No… I had to do
this. My future depended on it. Besides, the end of
dirt scribe had suggested this might even be
something she’s waiting for. This was just part of the
game. My sister was just a valuable piece.

“Hakaru… cook something!” The door opened again,

and I heard a shout.

That would be mother getting home. I let out a sigh

and ran to the kitchen. This time, I cooked rice, eggs,
and miso soup. Mom didn’t sit at the table. In fact, she
already had opened a bottle of wine and was on her
third glass by the time I put the food down. Naturally,
dad was late again. I wondered if he was meeting with
Misses Fukumi right now. I’d have to somehow
discover her schedule if I wanted to learn more. For
the moment, my dirt scribe ability was empty.
However, it was shaping up to be a pretty nice ability.
The first time I used it revealed that my sister had a
rape fetish. The second time I used it revealed my
teacher’s affair. I wondered what other secrets I could
ferret out using this ability of mine. I prepared a
second helping and sat at the table eating silently
while my mother turned on the television and
watched her soaps.

This was my normal life. Usually, I would try to hang

out with Derek or my girlfriend around this time.
However, Derek was going out with Netori tonight and
Akiko was so distraught over it I wasn’t even going to
suggest hanging out. If I kept her busy, she’d be less
likely to spy and possibly interrupt their date. Even if I
had wanted to hang out with my whore of a girlfriend,
I had reason to reject it.

So, this day was like any day I had no plans. Mom
would demand food, drink until she passed out, and I
would be left to eat alone. Mom never asked Maria to
cook, mostly because Maria was a bad cook. Maria
also liked to spend most of her time held up in her
room, and only came out to get the dish I cooked and
return it, although she didn’t appear to do that

Whether she snuck a guy through the window for

hanky panky or not depended. I had the distinct
feeling based on those tears that today wasn’t going
to be one of those days. Good… I wouldn’t have to
experience sloppy seconds.

My feet tapped nervously and I realized I had been

staring at my empty meal for some time now. I busted
the dishes for my mother and my meal, washed, and
put away the dishes. Then, I walked over to mom to
put a blanket on her. I stopped as I stared down at
mom. The thing that caught me off guard was the
position mom was in. She had passed out on her
stomach, but somehow her skirt had risen up. Now,
her entire buttocks were exposed, a pair of lacey black
underwear which rode up into her butt crack was the
only thing covering those parts.

Mom… was a woman in a relationship too, right? I was

talking about cucking dad anyway with Misses Fukumi.
However, there was an available pussy passed out on
my couch. Mom had finished five glasses of wine. She
was completely asleep. I gulped.

I had said it… hadn’t I? Anything for NTR points. I was

already talking about raping my sister. My mother
wasn’t an ugly woman. Far from it, she was a Japanese
beauty with dark black hair and dark brown eyes. She
was the kind of woman that looked amazing in a
Kimono. She had long legs, a great butt, and the
typical slant eyes of a Japanese beauty. As for my
father, he was half Japanese, half westerner, and both
me and my sister had lighter hair and eyes as a result.
Dad would be cheating for at least another four hours.
My sister was in her room probably for the rest of the
night. My mother… was literally showing her naked
body to me. I could move her underwear to the side,
slide my cock in, and earn NTR points just like that. My
hand began to reach out. I slowly put my hand on her
buttocks, feeling the warmth of her surprisingly tight
butt. I was groping my mother’s naked butt. I couldn’t
believe it. However, she was completely unconscious
and unaware of it.

If anything, like my sister, I’d be doing mom a favor.

After all, she was a woman who had needs, and dad
had long since stopped providing them. I knew this
first hand. One morning a few months ago when I
woke up, I saw a recently used vibrator sitting on the
table that she must have enjoyed during the night and
forgot. Of course, I threw it into her room and hiding it
in her blankets like a proper son, but it did mean my
mom got horny. I could do this… the more points, the
better. I had to take risks!
I put a second hand down, and then, ever so slowly, I
started to spread mom’s buttcheeks. She wasn’t at her
freshest having worked all day, but she was
surprisingly clean and slowly unveiling her crack was
very appealing. Of course, she had underwear
blocking the view, and so I could only see the hint of a
butthole and pussy.

“Mm…” Mom moaned as I opened her up.

I jumped back as mom suddenly started moving. I

nearly ran out of the house as fast as my legs could
carry me as mom turned around. Shit! Please… no!
Don’t tell me mom felt me groping her butt and
spreading her. That would be the worst thing ever!

Mom started talking… “Please, stick it in, Elzo, I need

She spoke in a pouty voice, her lips parted in a
sensuous way. It took me a solid minute to realize that
mom was still asleep. She must be in a dream and
took my machinations as something father was doing
to her. I gulped down relief three times. That’s when I
noticed the new position she was in. If before, mom
looked quite revealing, now… she was completely
scandalous. Her legs were completely spread open.
Basically, she was open in an ideal missionary position.
Her underwear was even loose, being an old dirty pair
she had worn the whole day, and they didn’t properly
cover her front half.

In other words, I could see her pussy out the side of

the underwear, as well as her hairy patch on the top
and sides, black and course. My cock was completely
hard, and I couldn’t even excuse it. My mother was
turning me on! I really wanted to fuck her! Now, it was
even easier than before. She was right in front of me.
Her skirt was up, her underwear was so loose I could
slip my cock in just like this! My hand was already
reaching towards her crotch before I could stop

I could… couldn’t I? I could just fuck my mother right

here. More NTR points! No… it wasn’t even about the
NTR points at the moment. I was just horny and she
was so open and tempting! Somehow, a piece of my
brain must have changed after I decided to rape my
sister. My fingers just barely touched her. I could feel
the crack of her pussy. I slowly pushed hard, a finger
starting to slide in.

“Do me…” she muttered in her sleep.

I was going to do it. I was going to- no! I couldn’t! I

fled like the coward I was. I ran back to my room and
slammed the door. This was more than I could handle!
Raping my sister was one thing. Pushing down my
sleeping, drunk mother was another! I already had
one rape planned for the night! I couldn’t get

After catching my breath, I put my mother out of my

mind and started concentrating on getting everything
ready. That was way too dangerous. I was still a rookie
and that was more high tier stuff. Don’t look down on
me too much. I may not have the balls to ball my
mother, but I’d be balls deep in my sister tonight!

Of course, because I stormed off to my room, I missed

a small scene that followed after I left. As the door to
my room slammed shut, a single eye of my mother

“Tsk… you’re as dickless as your father.” She grunted.

Mom rolled over, readjusting her underwear to cover

herself again. She let out a fart and a burp, and then
went back to sleep unsatiated with a frown on her

Chapter 8 :
It was dark out now. Mom was drunk on the couch
passed out. Father had already called claiming he’d be
out even later. My sister was in her room listening to
loud music. There was literally no better time I could
think of. If I burst through the front door of her room,
Maria would assuredly suspect something. The only
way to be truly hidden was to come through that
window. I peaked in on her from outside, keeping
hidden. Maria was no longer crying, rather, she was
lying on her bed while reading a magazine. It looked
like she was trying to ignore something bad that had
happened earlier that day.

Part of me wanted to protect my sister, but it was a

rather small part. If anything, since Maria fantasized
about rape so much, wasn’t I cheering her up by doing
that? Agh… I hated this! I kept going in loops all day
trying to justify my actions. I was going to rape my
sister, and there really wasn’t any way I could make it
seem like I was the good guy.

Well, nevermind that. No matter the reasons, what

was important was that I did this right. If I just pushed
open the window and jumped in, Maria could react
many different ways. She could attack me with a bat.
She could run out of the room screaming. She could
speed dial the police. There were too many

Thus, changing my mind from earlier, I decided to act

like her boyfriend. If I got her to open the window and
stick her head out, then I could grab her and push her
down as I entered her room. I’d cover her mouth as
quickly as possible, shove her to the floor, tie her up,
and then have my way with her. My heart was beating
so fast I seriously feared I might have a heart attack,
but I made my way into the position, picking up some
small gravel stones and throwing them at the window.

The clicking and clattering could barely be heard over

her loud music. Thankfully, Maria noticed it after the
third throw. She glanced at the window as I tossed
another stone. She wasn’t the considerate type to go
turn off her music. Instead, she left it playing as she
dropped her magazine and went to the windowsill.
Maria was wearing nothing but a pair of pink pajamas.
I recognize the pair. Mom had purchased them for
Maria and dad had flown into a rage that they were
too slutty. It took mom explaining to him they were
just pajamas and she’d only wear them at night in her
room before he finally calmed down.

In his defense, they were very erotic, the chest had no

buttons, separating at the top and showing some
pleasant cleavage. The bottoms were loose fitting
short shorts, so tiny that when they rode up her
crotch they resembled a thong, and when they hung
loose they always were a slight breeze away from
revealing her underwear underneath. Her belly button
was completely exposed and if she stretched you
could see the entire length of her body. I had always
ignored it before, but now that I was looking at Maria
in a sexual light, she looked easily as seductive as
mom had earlier. I gulped, visibly shaking as Maria
opened the window to the night.

“Hello?” Her voice broke into the darkness, barely

heard over the sound of a pop band blaring in the
background. “Ronnie…”

I moved but remained in the shadows. I had

positioned myself so the light would keep her from
seeing me. My biggest fear was that she would be able
to see my face. Even with the ski mask, this was some
worry of mine. She noticed my form in the darkness
and squinted with her hand up, looking out on me
with a completely unsuspecting face.
“Ronnie?” Her eyes furrowed more. “You have guts
showing up here after you told the school I was a slut!
You asshole, if you were thinking of ever getting into
my bed again, you can forget it! I trusted you!”

Was this the reason she came home crying? If this

Ronnie guy got jealous of her pursuing that other guy,
maybe he spread those rumors to get back at her and
destroy her chances with him. That seemed a real
possibility, but I couldn’t dwell on it anymore. Her
window was open, her head was poked out. Her eyes
were blinded. Her music was on. This was the start. I
felt it. Once I did this, there was no going back. I could
either leave and be a cuck for the rest of my life or
move forward and take what’s mine.

I took in a breath and then started running towards

the window. I was only a few feet away, and there was
a stack of wood placed there by Donnie or Jack to
previously make their nightly rendezvous. Thus, it was
no problem bridging the distance and stepping up to
the window. The sudden burst of movement caused
Maria to gasp, but her mind was too blank to respond
as a dark figure in black emerged from the shadows. I
looked like a bandit or a home invader.

My heart thumped quickly, my sweat fell profusely. All

I could think about was getting a hold of Maria and
into her room as gracefully as possible. I grabbed
Maria, but a moment later she tried to scream. My
hand immediately blocked her mouth while my other
grabbed her arm to hold her in place. A moment later,
she bit down hard on my hand. I wasn’t wearing
gloves, which I realized was a stupid stupid thing as
she bit into my flesh hard enough to draw blood.

However, I barely noticed her biting me because I was

way more concerned about my second mistake. I had
grabbed on to my sister, but that meant both my
hands were consumed. I had absolutely nothing to
pull my lower body through the window. I now had
my hand on Maria through the window, with my legs
still hanging out the outside of the room. I kicked
desperately, causing a ton of pain in my abdomen, but
I feared if I let go of Maria for an instant, it’d be all

She provided the solution a second later. She leapt

back with all her strength, trying to escape my grip.
The force was enough to pull me the rest of the way
into the room. Had Maria instead tried to grab the
window with her free hand and slam it on me, I might
have been hopeless. However, she brought me into
the room with her own power. I quickly caught my
footing, breathing only slightly easier as I used my feet
to push Maria back.

Her legs hit the side of her bed, and with a yip, she fell
back down on her blankets. At this point, the bite on
my hand was growing unbearable. However, Maria
was like a lizard, unwilling to release her grip even as
blood poured into her mouth. Any other time, I might
have admired my sister’s resilience, but right now her
brother was trying to fulfill her fantasies, so Maria
needed to act like a good sister and let me rape her!

Pinning her to the bed with my knees as she tried to

claw me with her hands, I grabbed them and pinned
them under my knees. I reached out with my free
hand and twisted her nipple hard. This caused her
mouth to open finally, and I pulled back my hand with
a relieved grunt. Just as she tried to scream again,
blood running down her chin, I grabbed a nearby
blanket and wrapped it around her head. I could hear
her muffled screams, but I kept wrapping until I could
barely hear it.

Was I suffocating her? I had no clue. I was long past

following a plan. Of course, I had built up the fantasy
in my head. I’d have pushed her down and removed
her underwear and used her underwear to stuff her
mouth while tying her hands up with her bra. It was
the classic sex play that ran through my inexperienced
mind. I was quickly learning that true rape was far less
fantastical. It was loud, messy, and scary. I likely had a
permanent expression of horror on my face, but I
couldn’t back down now.

Grabbing my sister, I wrapped her arms up in more

blankets, thankful that she was such a blanket hog and
had to have a dozen of them on her bed. She soon
looked like an uncut sushi. As to anything regarding
her beauty, it was all obscured. Her lower body, which
hung off the side of the bed, was the only part free
from the bundle of blankets. The rope I had in my
back pocket didn’t even come to mind. The truth was
that I didn’t really want to use them, even if I had
thought of them. The blankets hid my sister. I didn’t
want to see what she looked like at the moment. If I
saw her terrified face, maybe I’d stop.

Thus, I only could push forward. She still fought,

kicking with her feet, but my hands were able to get
them under control. I pulled out my dick, surprisingly
still hard despite all of the shit that happened just
before it. I lined it up with my sister, shoving her
skimpy pajama pants aside. She wasn’t even wearing
underwear. A second later, I let out a moan as my dick
went inside her. I could feel my sister’s body shake for
a second under me, likely frozen in shock at my act.
Her legs stopped kicking, and I took a deep breath of

I started thrusting into Maria. My dick went in easy,

easier than it did with Netori. Well, my sister wasn’t a
goddess and she had her fair share of sex before now,
so she was probably looser. Then again, she felt really
tight to me. So, maybe it was a different reason.
Maybe Maria was really turned on by this and was
extra wet. Was she wet and excited? I really couldn’t
tell. It felt wet. It must mean she really liked this.

I grunted as I picked up the speed. I wasn’t trying to

win any awards here. I just wanted the points. I was
raping my sister right now all so I could get my
revenge on my girlfriend. If a week ago someone told
me I’d be fucking my sister before I fucked my
girlfriend, I would have thought them crazy. Look how
much changed in a few days.

A third problem emerged just as I was nearing my

climax. I wasn’t able to buy a condom earlier. My
original thoughts were that I was going to power fuck
my sister until she was just a cum guzzling whore and
I’d make her swallow it all. Naturally, those plans died
the second I broke into her room. I wouldn’t risk
undoing her blankets and eliciting another scream. I
definitely wouldn’t put my dick anywhere near her
mouth after what she did to my hand. Thus, I needed
to do something with the cum. If I came inside her, or
on her, couldn’t they trace that stuff back to me?

As much as I was enjoying the feel of her pussy, my

heart still felt like it was about to burst from my chest.
Any second, I feared someone would burst in and my
life would be over. I wanted to get this done as fast as
possible. I paused for a moment, rubbing my sister’s
clit while I pulled out so that I could yank off her
pajama pants. I was already really near to cumming,
so I grabbed my cock and jerked it a few times while
my thumb pushed against her clit to keep her from
thinking she could move.

I had put her pajama shorts on her thigh, and I came

on them. Maria’s entire body seemed to shiver again
as she felt hot semen land on her thigh. Even though
most of it got onto her pajama pants, she likely could
still feel it through the thin material. I used the pajama
pants to wipe up the rest of it that didn’t make it on
her shorts. That would have to be the best I could
manage. I looked down at my sister’s glistening vagina
one last time, slightly agape after I brutalized it with
my dick. I had done it. I had raped my sister. As for
Maria, she lied there in the blankets, her body no
longer fighting. She was completely limp.

Did she pass out? I had no clue. I was too frightened

to pull the blanket off. Instead, I ran with her cum-
drenched shorts in my hand. I didn’t jump out the
window. I went out the door of her room. Her eyes
were covered anyway. Closing the door softly, I went
straight to my room, closed the door, and locked it. I
immediately collapsed to the floor, gasping as if I
hadn’t breathed in a year.

“What have I done…” I moaned weakly, tears falling

down my face. “I’m fucked.”

“Actually, I think it was your sister who was fucked…”

a voice came from my room, causing me to look up.

Netori was standing there, a mischievous grin on her


“What do you want…” I asked, my voice dry and

“Congratulations on leveling up!”

Chapter 9 :
“S-seriously? Leveling?” I gaped as Netori pulled out a
little popper and pulled it, causing it to pop with a
small bit of confetti; I continued. “How could I have
leveled with just that?”

“Well… points are always awarded on a per situation

basis.” Netori explained. “To think, you would murder
your sister… truly hardcore.”


Netori broke into a laugh. “I’m joking! I’m joking! Your

sister is fine! Although she might have gotten a little
foggy in the middle there.”
“Did you watch the whole thing?” I demanded,
standing up angrily.

“Of course!” Netori declared proudly with a finger up

in the air. “Did you have any doubt I wouldn’t want to
watch your first theft debut?”

“What about Derek then?” I growled. “Weren’t you on

a date?”

Netori chuckled, her voice lowering and her eyes

growing sultry. “Does Hakaru really want to hear
about the things Derek and I did… or should I say the
things Derek did to me?”

“No…” I spoke without thought, turning away. “Just

tell me how I earned the other points I needed.”
“Okay…” Netori pulled out her phone, typing on it
again. “You had 1625 points to go last time we talked.
Raping your sister netted you 1,500 points.”

“1,500!” My mouth fell open in shock over the


Netori nodded. “Not only does she have three

boyfriends, which means she cheated on three boys at
once, but you also gave her one of her firsts.”

“First? Don’t tell me she’s a virgin!” I cried out.

Netori laughed again. “Don’t be stupid, she lost her

virginity years ago. But you raped her for the first
“There is a first time bonus for rape!” I cried out in

“Not really!” Netori dodged me as I tried to smack her

head. “Hey! I’m giving you free information here,
don’t shoot the messenger!”

I sighed, lowering my hands. “Alright, aright, why did I

get so many points? Continue…”

Netori straightened her dress and then smiled. “That’s

right, you made your big sister orgasm for the first

“What?” I was even more surprised at these words,

convinced I had misheard her the first time.
“Oh, hoh? Did you not realize in your inexperience?
You made your sister cum for her first time.”

“Th-that-“ I tried to think back, but the entire event

was a complete blur.

When had that happened? I had been so consumed

with finishing that I really hadn’t paid any attention to
such things. I was glad my sister wasn’t hurt by my
reckless actions, but to think she actually gained any
sexual gratification from it? Rape really was her fetish,

“Well,” Netori shrugged. “That’s why you earned so

many points. It wasn’t simply that your sister came for
her first time, but the effect it had on her mind

“Wh-what does that mean?” I asked worriedly.

“I’ve already said. The way points are calculated is by
a combination of how hard the person is to obtain,
how dedicated she is to her partners, and how much
of her you win during the conquering. Of course, rape
is a rather easy way to take a sexual partner, it also
has it’s hardships. You decided to rape her awake. I
didn’t understand why you didn’t you wait until she
went to sleep and then tied her up. It would have
been way easier, but it also would have meant less


“You didn’t think of it, did you,” Netori covered her

mouth, shaking with laughter.

“I get it, I’m stupid!” I growled in annoyance, silently

berating myself. “But you’re a goddess and it only
earned me 300 points…”
As I said those words, Netori stiffened with a
displeased expression on her face. “You… I’ll have you
know I all but gave you my body without any
resistance. To lower myself to sleep with a mortal, the
difficulty of obtaining me could be considered top tier.
If you weren’t a suicidal bastard, I might not have
given you a carrot to get you playing my game, but I
felt it a necessity given the situation. Furthermore,
this body isn’t really m- ahh… ahem… I mean to say,
there are various reasons that devalue your success.
For example, I was completely unmoved by your
performance, and have no greater desire to be yours
than I did before we had sex.”

“Ah…” I didn’t really have any words to continue to

argue back.

Netori was especially skilled at hitting where it hurt.

She was right, though. I truly had been pathetic. I truly
am pathetic. Even if I made my sister cum, I had
bungled just about the whole event. Waiting until she
was asleep would have been so much smarter! Well,
at least, I earned more points. However, that still
didn’t seem to explain so much. If raping people was
that profitable, the game would be called Rape Crush.

“Wait, that still doesn’t explain so many points.” I

voiced my thoughts out loud. “Just raping my sister
and making her cum could hardly net so many?”

Netori gave a sigh. “Do I really have to spell it out for

you? She’s your sister, and never in a million years
would have sex with you. Basically, if it came to sexual
partners, she was so far disinterested that only blood
enemies could be greater.”

“I get it, my sister and I don’t get along.” I tried to

move Netori along, still feeling the sting of her sharp
“True… your sister doesn’t know who the man who
raped her was, but he made her experience her first
orgasm. He fulfilled a deep desire within her. It turns
out your sister is quite easy. A single orgasm and she’s
convinced she’s in love.’

“L-love!” I cried out, backing up in shock.

Netori nodded mischievously. “Oh, yes. She doesn’t

know her mysterious stranger, but her heart was won
over. She truly is a slut! She’s had sex before but no
guy has managed to make her feel an orgasm. To
think, it’d be her brother who brought her to her
sexual heights. It’s truly a tragedy. She’ll be
heartbroken when she finds out… unless…”

“Unless… you break her so much that she won’t care
even after finding out your true identity. She already
loves you, and she’ll already start distancing herself
from her various boyfriends. Lucky you, she’s the kind
of inconsiderate girl who doesn’t tell people she’s
breaking up with them and just moves to the next guy.
How else would she be dating three guys at once. So,
if you want my recommendation… rape her again. And
again. And again. Keep raping her until she’s so
absolutely in love with you that when you reveal
yourself to be her brother, she won’t be able to stop
loving you completely.”

“That’s… fucked up.” I dropped my head, feeling a bit


Netori burst out laughing again. “You always amuse

me, Hakaru. You’re always so worried about “right”
and “wrong”. In my experience as a goddess, I can
properly say these things do not exist. All that exists is
what you can do and what you can’t do. Or… should I
say… what you have the power to do, and what you’re
too weak to accomplish.”

I let out a sigh as she spoke. In some ways, what she

said felt right, but perhaps that’s why it all made me
even warier. I had made many choices that I was not
proud of since I started down this path. What did I
have to show for it? A slightly larger pecker and a
severely nerfed ability to read minds, often learning
things I was better off not knowing.

“Don’t look so sad…” Netori knocked on my head,

causing me to swat at her until she floated away
laughing. “After all, you do get your level up rewards.”

“Level rewards?” I perked up, but my look quickly

turned to a glare, “You never mentioned level up
“Of course, I didn’t!” Netori sniffed. “If I told you all
the rules up front, you’d be overwhelmed! It’s only
proper to explain the rules as they become relevant!”

“Are you saying there are more rules?”

“Maybe?” Netori winked, “That depends on how far

you get, doesn’t it?”

I let out a sigh. I felt like I was being played by Netori.

It seemed like she never lied, but her capacity to
manipulate was beyond compare. Well, it wasn’t like I
was unused to untrustworthy women, after all.

“You’re thinking something rude about me, aren’t

you?” Netori frowned.
I let out a cough. “Actually, I just want to know what
my level up rewards are.”

Netori nodded excitedly. “Every level, you earn 5

vanity points. Basically, you can use them to upgrade
your penis size, attractiveness, etc… same as the level
1 ahhhh, why are you attacking me!”

I threw several more pillows at Netori while cursing.

“Vanity points! Why didn’t you tell me about vanity
points! I wouldn’t have wasted my NTR points on my
dick size if I knew!”

“He-hey!” Netori held up her hands defensively while

skillful dodging the pillows. “We’ve discussed these
things before! Having normal to above average looks
and appearance is a standard expectation for playing
NTR Crush!”
“Then why did you advise me to waste my points!”

“First off, how did I know that you would reach level 2
so quickly. I have to say, you truly are an NTR freak!
The game would take a normal person years to reach
that point. Only a pervert like you who rapes his own
sister, and films his girlfriend being sodomized by
another man, would be capable of leveling so

I calmed down a bit at those words. That was true.

Even I was surprised at how quickly my points raised.
If it hadn’t been for a long string of cheating
girlfriends, how long would it have taken me to gain
my mind reading skill? Without it, I never would have
touched my sister. I’d be at 200-300 points. The only
way I could increase my chances of getting into an
affair was to increase my penis size and my charm. My
high starting points were something I had taken for
granted. Then again, if I had finally reached level 2
only to realize I had thrown away 2000+ points
earning vanity rewards, I’d probably be pissed. I
should consider myself lucky I only spent so much.

“The second reason should be obvious…” Netori

continued, even though I calmed down. “Can you be
so certain your sister would have cum if your dick was
below average? For all you know, that extra length
and girth are what put her over the edge.”

I blinked, and then started to relax. “I guess that’s how

it is.”

I guess I was overreacting. I didn’t really know if Netori

could see the future or not. However, at the end of
the day, Netori had done nothing but help me. Before,
my girlfriend was having an affair behind my back.
Before, I was planning on killing myself. Now, I had the
chance to improve myself. Netori had given me that
chance. I shouldn’t be getting angry at her. Ultimately,
it was my choices that brought me here.
“I guess 1 inch to my dick, ½ inch to girth, and then
the last two can go into attractiveness.”

“Very good!” Netori raised a thumb up,

“Congratulations, your dick is now above average, and
your looks are almost acceptable. Oh, by the way,
your sexual stamina increased by 1 as well, that was
from your own practice, not me.”

“Alright… That’s fine then.” I sighed, sitting down on

my bed.

“You’ve also just reached 1895 points. Would you like

to buy anything else? You can afford to increase your
attractiveness quite a bit… or you could buy a night
with me?” Netori winked.

“No…” I shook my head. “I’d rather… wait… what?”

I shot a sharp look at Netori, who turned her head and
whistled. I quickly worked the math in my head,
realizing my numbers were not adding up.

“I had 145 points before, and I earned 1500 with my

sister. You said I needed 1625 points last time to level,
that included my 145! So, where did the missing 125
points come from? No, more than that, why is it 250
more now!”

“Hah… look at the time. I guess I should return on my

date with Derek.” Netori looked at her wrist,
completely absent of a watch.

“Netori! Those points only go up when I’m being

cheated on! You said Derek was on a date with you.
He’s not already back at her place? No… that doesn’t
make sense, Derek and Akiko have had sex before and
they don’t earn 125 points even with me watching!”
“S-s-sometimes, ignorance is bliss!” Netori actually
looked tearful. “It’s better if you don’t know.”

I lunged forward and grabbed her, and was surprised

when she let my hands grip her arms. “Netori…”

“A-ah…” Netori put on a wry smile, still looking tearful.

“Y-you caught me… I guess you can push me down
and have your way again, that’ll be a lot of points this

“Tell me…”

Netori evaporated from my grip, a moment later

standing in the corner with her head lowered. “H-how
could I predict this would have happened? Your
girlfriend Akiko was really broken up over my date
with Derek. She- she did try to call you, but you were
busy planning your sister’s rape.”

“Sh-she’s out cheating on me!” I roared, causing even

Netori to shiver for a second before shaking her head
in denial.

“N-no… she just… she went to a party some of the

guys at school were throwing. She drank too much
and then passed out on the couch.”

“P-party?” I searched my memory and recalled that

there was such a party going on today.

Some of the media guys at school had just wrapped up

filming a movie and had invited various clubs. Akiko
played in the school band, who produce some of the
music and was thus invited. She had asked me to
come with her, but I blew her off because I thought
she’d be better off grinding her teeth on Derrek’s

“A bunch of the guys brought her up to a room. They-“

Netori turned away, wrapping her arms around herself
for the first time seeming uncomfortable. “Guy three
is about to start soon.”


Chapter 10 :
Iwas riding through the dark, gasping for breath as I
pedaled as hard as I could. I knew the location of this
party, it wasn’t far away. I willed every fiber of my
being to go faster and faster, yet I couldn’t move fast
enough. All I could think of was my girlfriend with
some bastard flopping around on top of her while she
was unconscious. Rage, fear, humiliation, all of these
things surged through me as I willed myself to go
faster and faster. I had to reach her, regardless of the

“Why do you care?” The voice popped up right next to

me, causing me almost to lose my balance and crash.

“Damn it, Netori, not now!” I shouted.

Netori was flying next to me, seemingly keeping

perfect speed with my bike no matter how fast I

“She’s that cheating whore of a girlfriend, isn’t she?”

Netori continued. “Isn’t this perfect? She’s even
betraying her beloved Derek! It’s the perfect karmic
“I said, shut up!” I growled, trying to pedal faster but
still losing steam.

“You seriously confuse me, human.” Her words

sounded angry this time. “This is a result of her own
actions. If you leave her be, you might even have
enough to earn another skill come daybreak. It’ll then
be Derrek who must deal with it. Why are you doing

“I don’t know!” I finally hit the breaks, stopping right

in front of the house the party was at and turned to
Netori, who paused in surprise at my tearful look. “I
don’t know why… but I would never forgive myself!
She’s mine! I won’t give her up!”

I kicked the bike away and ran passed Netori. I could

hear the loud rumbling of music playing inside. All the
lights were on too. This place seemed like it’d be
getting noise complaints soon. Although, if I
remembered, the parent of one of the kids was law
enforcement, and so they likely had managed to make
some kind of exception.

I pushed my way into the party. Fortunately, everyone

was too drunk to notice a newcomer. Some were
doing kegs. Others were playing a drinking game at a
table. I didn’t hesitate to head up the stairway. It was
almost as if I knew exactly where she was. I ran
straight to the door, kicking it open. What I saw
brought my white hot fury back to the surface.

My girlfriend was on the bed. She was naked from the

waist down only. Her eyes were closed and she was
whimpering. Her eyes were squeezed tight as if she
was experiencing something unpleasant, even in
unconsciousness. There was a guy on top of her with
his dick hanging out the top of his pants. Even though
There were wet stains on the sheets, there was no
spooge. They must have cleaned her up in between
uses, which was why I had enough time to get here.
There were five guys in all looking down at her body
hungrily. One was grabbing her boob through the shirt
squeezing it. Another guy had his cellphone out and
was filming the entire thing. As soon as the door
opened with a thud, five people turned to me with
surprised looks on their faces.

“Die, fuckers!” I didn’t even hesitate to punch the first

guy so hard my fist hurt.

He slammed into a wall, causing it to crack. My next

move had me lowering my shoulder and tackling the
fucker with the camera. He let out a squeal like a pig,
but he quickly dropped his phone and barely reacted
as I smashed it into the floor until it was nothing but
electronics. When I raised my head, it was only then
the rest of the room started to react. No, they didn’t
circle around me to fight. Rather, they all raced for the
door, jumping over each other to run away. These
cowardly pieces of shit were happy to rape a drunk,
defenseless woman, but when push came to shove,
they ran lick dickless pussies.

By the time I gave up and charged for the door, I was

only able to snatch the last guy, throwing him against
the wall. He held up his hands in front of his face,
waving them excitedly.

“I did nothing! I didn’t do anything! It was them, I’m


“You fucked her first!” I growled.

“H-how did you know?” His eyes widened.

“I didn’t…” His eyes continued to grow as I slugged

him in the face again.
“W-wait… stop! My dad’s a cop! You can’t assault me,
I’ll have you-“ I punched him again. “St-stop, I said,

I punched him again. And again. And again. Soon, his

threats stopped and his pleading started. However, I
kept punching, over and over again. In my mind, his
face turned into each of the other guys in this room,
even though I barely got a look and probably couldn’t
pick them out in a lineup. Then, his face became the
face of Derrek. Over and over again, I hit and hit. I hit
until he stopped moving. I didn’t know if he was dead.

Only when I had reached that point did I finally fall off
his body. I collapsed to the ground, raising my hands
to my face only to realize they were red and sticky and
smelled of blood. Fuck… fuck it all. I wanted to
scream. Somehow, doing this didn’t relieve my anger.
It only made me angrier. It was Derek’s fault. It was
Akiko’s fault. It was Netori’s fault. However, mostly, it
was my fault.

A feminine moan finally broke me out of my revelry.

Akiko rolled over, closing her legs, her eyes still tightly
shut as if she was trying to deny everything that was
happening around her. She looked so peaceful just
lying there. All of the anger I had for her cheating on
me, for at least that moment, it disappeared like
smoke. I found Akiko’s underwear and her skirt and I
put them back on. As I pulled her underwear back on,
looking at the dark folds of her pussy, I realized just
how much I had changed in such a short period of

A week ago, this act would have been completely

impossible for me. Dressing my naked girlfriend? I
would have been too shy to do so, even at the
expense of her further embarrassment. I used the
bathroom to clean myself up, then finished dressing
Akiko. I snatched the sd card lying on the floor next to
the broken camera. This almost assuredly had the
video on it.

I briefly checked to make sure the guy I had beaten

half to death was still alive. He was still breathing at
least. Part of me regretted that, as dead men wouldn’t
be able to tell. Still, I didn’t think he’d remember my
face very well come the morning. Telling on me was
the same as admitting to rape, and I had the proof.
Finally, I picked her up and started to walk away. I left
the party like a ghost, no one noticing as I carried
Akiko away with me.

With the unconscious Akiko in one arm and my bike in

the other, it took significantly longer to return to my
house than it took to get there. I was surprised that
Netori didn’t bother me a single bit on the entire way
home. She had disappeared wherever she went.
Maybe it was to bang Derek. My hand tightened in
anger. It was when Akiko made a moan that I realized
my hand was cupping her buttocks, and I was, in fact,
squeezing her. I could only lightly chuckle. With Akiko
unconscious, her head on my shoulder and her
breathing warm air against my neck, this was probably
the most intimate the pair of us had ever been.

I carried her the rest of the way home. No one had

noticed my flight from the house. Even the front door
was still slightly ajar where I had failed to latch it in my
mad dash. Mom was still passed out on the couch. My
sister was still in her room, recovering from a rape
that felt like ages ago. I brought Akiko into my room
and laid her on the bed.

“What are you going to do now?” Netori asked

hesitantly, seemingly worried by my dark demeaner.

I was growing used to her suddenly popping up behind

me, so to my credit, I didn’t jump when she chose to
speak. Instead, I calmly turned around and watched
her out of the corner of my eye.
“There is not much I can do, right? What is done, is
done. By tomorrow, the story will be all over school. It
probably will side step the rape, and focus on her
being a total slut. Either way, I’ll look like a cuck and a
complete fool.”

“No one would blame you for breaking up with her,”

Netori suggested.

“Is that your official advice?” I sneered.

“No…” Netori dropped her eyes. “I’m a goddess. If its

questions about the game I can help, but when it
comes to such human emotions, I admit I’m clueless.”

My anger at Netori dropped slightly at those words. I

expected a goddess didn’t think like normal people. It
was perhaps why she was always so biting with her
comments. An immortal being could only pretend to
care when it came to the plights of mortals. By
admitting it, I could at least come to see she was being
earnest in her lack of concern.

“I’m sorry… Netori. Thank you.”

“You’re thanking me?” Netori raised an eyebrow.

“What did I do?”

“I wouldn’t have known any of this if you hadn’t told

me. I wouldn’t have been able to protect her. I’m only
angry I didn’t save her sooner.”

“I still don’t understand. Why did you save this

woman? There were points and revenge out of letting
it happen. Isn’t this what you wanted?”
I closed my eyes for a moment. “I don’t know. I
thought I wanted revenge. However, I’m starting to
realize revenge isn’t what I want.”


My eyes opened, looking at Netori with intensity. “I

don’t want to make her pay. I want to make her

“Th-then… she’s right here. Take her.” Netori points


“It’s not about sex.” I shook my head. “You talk to me

about cheating with women behind their lover’s
backs… but you are the goddess of theft, so ultimately,
this game has never been about cheating.”
“True…” Netori’s lips purse as she watched me

“It’s about taking. It’s about possessing.”

“What are you getting at?” Netori demanded, her eyes

flashing, her breath rugged as if she was anticipating
my words excitedly.

“I’ve realized the truth!” I declared. “I don’t want

revenge! I don’t want cheap sex! I don’t want to rape
women! I want to possess them. Every woman! My
mother, my sister, my girlfriend, even my teacher. I
will take their hearts and then I will take their bodies! I
won’t be some beta bitch anymore. I’ve decided it! I
will steal every woman, and I will make them mine!”
Netori broke into clapping, laughing excitedly as she
spoke. “Finally! I had hoped you would come to
understand me. I’m so happy!”

“I’m glad…” I took a sudden step toward Netori,

grabbing her arm and pulling her too me. “Because
when I’m done, I’ll take you too!”

My lips pressed against hers, as I forced Netori into a

kiss. Part of the reason I did it was that I was still angry
about the date she had gone on with Derek. She
claimed to have done things with him. Naturally, if I
kissed his girl, it was retribution. However, mostly I did
it because I wanted to. I expected my attempt to fail
miserably. What I didn’t expect was for her to fall into
my arms with ease. She pushed against my chest,
trying to move away, but her hands seemed somehow
At any point, she should have been able to teleport
away instantly. Basically, this form of nonresistance
only confirmed that Netori wanted this. In the past,
that might have emboldened me to move forward,
perhaps seeing how far her limits were. I didn’t want
to push it. Rather, I only wanted to give her a taste.
So, our kiss barely lasted a second, my tongue
exploring her mouth, before I pushed her away from

Despite the kiss being brief, Netori was gasping for

breath. Her face went through a myriad of emotions.
Surprise and shock twisted to anger, but a moment
later that was overblown by an emotion I never
expected to see on Netori. Shyness.

Netori turned away from me, her face turning pink in

blush, “T-that’s not fair… I wasn’t ready for that.”
It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at Netori. This was
a woman I had already slept with once before. For her
to claim this kiss was unexpected, it wasn’t something
I’d tolerate. My gaze only seemed to cause her to
blush even more.

“E-enough… if you want me, you have a long way to

go! I don’t even l-l-like… you…” Her voice grew distant
for a moment, her eyes glancing down before she
spoke with renewed vigor. “Besides! You have to
decide what you’re going to do with Akiko here!”

“About that… I-if I slept with her…” I smiled wryly,

testing the waters. “Would I earn anything?”

Netori shrugged, finally recovering her usual

demeanor, even if she still wouldn’t look me in the
eyes. “5 or so points. Barely worth it. However…”
Just as I was putting my head down, Netori added that
last word. “However?”

Netori flushed again, seeming somewhat angry.

“You’re… at 5000 points. You may accept a 2nd class

“What? Five thousand points!” My eyes narrowed.

“Before I left, I had barely 1900 points! You’re
suggesting I’ve gained 3100 points in the last few
hours. Even if everyone at the party screwed Akiko,
that would be impossible.”

“Technically… even though she’s your girlfriend, you

stole her, quite literally, from a group of five guys. In a
way, you cucked five men at once. F-furthermore, she
has a slight awareness and woke up for a bit when you
were carrying her here. Her affection for you has
grown as she assigns you a bit of white knight envy.
That… that also earned points…”
“You can earn points in such a way, huh?” I
considered, but then frowned again. “That still doesn’t
add up to me.”

“T-true… those points were only about ¼ of that. The

rest was earned more recently.” Netori pushed her
fingers together, still not looking me in the eye. “To
think… y-you would do th-that… with a goddess.”

“Hah? The kiss? It was just a kiss though…”

Netori’s face flushed red and she shot me an angry

look. “I-I’ll never forgive you! Pick a skill now or I’m

Even though she gave that ultimatum, she was already

looking like she was starting to disappear.
“W-wait!” I called out, “Tell me more about Locked

For a guy with trust issues like me, naturally, the

ability to bind someone to a promise is probably the
most tempting. Besides, there were ways I wanted to
use it.

Netori stopped disappearing for a moment, but she

crossed her hands over her chest and still looked
pouty. She shot me a glare, but finally calmed down
and started talking.

“Locked Promise binds someone to a promise.” She

responded stiffly. “The person must agree to the
promise. The promise can only be sealed with a
consensual kiss. The person must say the words ‘I
promise…’ followed by what they promise, and then
immediately kiss you. Only one promise can exist at a

I made an annoyed tsk sound. “So stingy.”

“Hey! You’ve already seen the power that a single

ability can do! Now, are you going to take it or…”
Netori raised her finger as if she was going to snap.

“I’ll take it!” I raised my hands out towards her.

“Very well!” She snapped her finger. “Your points are

back to 0. Earn well!”

I could only stare as she disappeared in a rush. Her

behavior had certainly turned odd near the end there.
That kiss… that wasn’t genuinely a surprise for her,
right? I shook my head and looked back down at my
girlfriend. I didn’t have time to dwell on Netori, not
with Akiko unconscious on my bed. Looking at her, my
hands began to tighten. It was time to start my plans,
not to gain vengeance, but to gain everything!

Chapter 11 :
“Ow….” Akiko hissed, squeezing her pained forehead.

I watched as her eyes fluttered open. She looked so

peaceful. It reminded me of a time before I realized
she was a snake in disguise. I took a breath and waited
a bit longer. Finally, with a yawn, she realized she
wasn’t in her own bed in her own room.

“Huh? Wh-wh-wh-“ Her eyes reached mine. “Hakuru!”

I put on the fakest smile I could, which was any smile
directed at Akiko at this point. “Hello, sweetie, you’re
waking up?”

“I’m awake. Where are we… your room? How did I

end up here?” Her head scrunched up as if she was
trying to remember.

“Ah,” I scratched the back of my neck. “Actually, you

were drunk at a party, and I came and got you.”

“You… brought me here?” Akiko asked, looking

around. “To your room?”

“Of course! Your house is very far away, so naturally, I

brought you here instead.”
“O-oh…” Akiko responded nervously, holding herself
closely, and looking mildly uncomfortable.

“We do have school in a few hours. Don’t you want to

go home and get ready.”

“Ah! Of course!” Akiko nodded, but when she tried to

get up, she realized that she wasn’t wearing any
clothing under the blanket. “Gaaah! Hakaru!”

I lowered my eyes, looking at her covered body lewdly

and putting on a dark grin, “Oh, hoh. Why are you
being so modest now? You weren’t very modest last

“L-last night!” Akiko’s face looked like it was going to

be sick. “Did I? Did we… um… did we have sex?”
“Of course.” I lied. “You were so provocative last
night… I just couldn’t help myself.”

Akiko looked slightly sick and slightly hurt. “I-I was

drunk… how could you…”

“Huh? We’ve been dating for a year or so, isn’t it

natural we have sex?” I asked innocently, her eyes
widening as I so casually said the words.

“E-even so… if you don’t ask my permission…” Akiko

said tearfully.

“Ah… permission, did you give any of the other’s

permission?” I leaned back, my smile disappearing.

“Huh? Others?”
I clicked the spacebar on my computer next to me. A
still image I pulled from the SD card last night showed
Akiko on the bed, some guy was penetrating her with
his penis. I had cropped it in a way that it was
impossible to tell who the guy was. I didn’t want Akiko
here knowing the identity of her rapists. The only
person who was clearly identifiable on this image was
Akiko herself.

“Wh-what are those?” Akiko gasped, struggling to

grasp what she was looking at.

“You… enjoying the party!” I responded bitterly,

clicking the space key and bringing up a second image.

This one was another guy posing with his dick in her
mouth. He had even positioned her so her hand was
on his balls, making it look like Akiko was having some
“N-no!” Akiko covered her face shaking her head in
disbelief. “Hakaru, I’m sorry. I was unconscious. How
could you show me this? How could you rape me after
knowing these other men had their way with me? I
don’t understand! What’s going on?”

Akiko’s face was completely ashen. Her being raped by

multiple men truly had been a form of revenge, I could
see it tearing her up inside. However, I felt no
pleasure from it. It simply wasn’t enough to satisfy
me. Akiko may have been raped by three men, but she
was still a whore in my mind. She was still a liar and a

I clicked through a few more images casually, even

pointing to a few interesting poses the boys put her in
while Akiko stared in stunned silence. These images
were perhaps the only reason the guys took so long to
rape her. It was why I arrived on time to stop them all
from having their fill. The boys had spent a lot of time
posing with her and humiliating her unconscious body.

For some pictures, they’d even got her to open her

eyes. The final picture consisted of her with cum on
her chest and her fingers in victory signs. Her eyes
were half closed and she looked intoxicated more
than drugged. Thus, I concluded Akiko may have been
too drugged to remember it, but she was conscious
enough at various points to respond to the
intercourse, and acted like a slut rather than someone
who was in a relationship. No tears, no signs of
resistance, just pure euphoria over getting dicked by
several men.

She looked down, completely speechless on what to

say. Her expression completely dropped, and tears fell
silently down her cheeks. She was stuck between
being shocked at what had happened the previous
night, and perhaps guilty that she was caught by her
boyfriend. She likely felt as badly as I did. However, it
wasn’t really my intention to punish her with these
images. This was only the beginning of what I had
planned. For my precious girlfriend, nothing was too

“I wonder what Derek would think if he saw these

photos of you.” I pondered, shaking my head as I
examined the last one on the screen.

Akiko’s eyes snapped back up. “What? What does

Derek have to do with this?”

“Who knows?” I shrugged exaggeratedly. “I have a bit

of a confession to make. After seeing what those boys
did to you, I found the idea of fucking you kind of
disgusting. I don’t like sloppy seconds… let alone a
third or a fourth. I never would have had sex with
“Hakaru, how can you be so cruel to me.” Akiko shook
at my words.

“I could ask you the same thing!” I shot back, clicking

another space key.

This time, a video appeared on the screen. There was

no sound, but it clearly showed Akiko on the roof,
getting bent over by Derek. She put on a pained
expression as he pumped her in the butt. If Akiko was
shocked and hurt before, now she felt like she was
falling down into an abyss. Her voice cracked several
times as she tried to find some way to excuse the
video put in front of her.


“I’m going to stop you right there.” I slammed my fist

on the desk, causing her to jump. “I don’t want your
excuses. It was clear from the get-go that you were
always into Derek. I had just respected you too much
to believe you’d two-time me.”

With my continued insults, Akiko narrowed her eyes,

finally growing angry herself. “Fine. You want me to
admit it? Okay. We fucked! There. I love Derek! I only
asked you out in the first place because I wanted to
get closer to him.

“Given how he treated you, I always thought you

would break off your friendship with him. At that
point, I’d dump you and console him. I knew from the
beginning you were a pushover he liked to use to
cheat off of tests, but I didn’t realize how much of his
crap you’d put up with! When he showed interest in
me… it was so easy cheating on you…”

I nodded, trying to keep my face from showing any of

the pain she was hoping for as vengeance. Nothing
Akiko had said to me did I find false. Derek was a user.
He had always been one. Whether it was asking to
borrow a game I just bought, or do an essay for him he
was struggling with, or copy answers off my quiz,
Derek was the kind of friend who had done them all. I
had always told myself that this was what friends
were. Offering these things were merely how I
expressed my friendship. I had told myself if I ever
desired the same, Derek would do it for me. However,
when he decided to take my girlfriend, that’s when he
finally went too far!

“Derek may have been a shitty friend.” I sighed. “But I

know him better than anyone. He was using you just
the same way he used me.”

“You don’t think I know that!” Akiko sniffed while

crossing her arms. “You don’t think I know half of the
reason he even wants me is because I’m his best
friend’s girl? That doesn’t change how I feel! Even if
I’m just a girl he sleeps with, I still want to be in his

“Hmmm…” I nodded, scratching my chin. “So, tell me

then, Akiko, how do you think a user like him will react
when he sees these videos. I think he and I are a lot
alike in that respect. He’d be absolutely disgusted with

As my words sunk in, Akiko’s face grew even paler.

She started to visibly shake as she realized the
implication of what I was saying. She looked far more
affected at the prospect of losing Derek than she did
at the prospect of losing me. I could only give a wry
smile to the severe effect that he had over her. It
made my own presence seem like an insignificant bug
to her. The anger and pain threatened to bubble to
the service, but I held them down. This was the point
where things get interesting.
“Wh-what do you want?” Akiko finally asked.

“We should break up.” I offered.

“Obviously!” Akiko dropped her arms, shooting me a

hateful look.

All of the affection she used to show me had

completely dropped during this conversation.
Although she was still crying, she didn’t waste a
second pretending to be kind. Her face instead looked
ugly and snobish. This was the true Akiko no one had
ever seen, a selfish manipulative whore.

She seemed so different from the Akiko I used to

know. Then again, I was completely different from the
guy who was being cucked just a week ago. It had only
been so long, and I felt like my life was completely
different. If she looked at the old me with those
hateful eyes, I would have broken into tears and been
inconsolable. Now, I could look her in the eyes with a
sense of superiority. She gnashed her teeth while
glaring at me, feeling like she had to find out what my
ultimate desires were.

“Not right now…” I explained. “Later this morning, in

front of the entire school, you’ll break up with me.”

Akiko’s eyes flashed. “Why would I do that? If

anything, you should break up with me! Then I can
play the victim…”

I shrugged. “It’s really very simple. With or without

these pictures, the rumors of what happened to you
last night will fly through the school. Akiko the slut
banged five guys at a party. Those words will start
spreading the moment people start reaching the
school grounds. Your reputation will be destroyed.
Derek will be disgusted. I will have no choice but to
dump you, and no one would question my decision for
a second.”

Akiko lowered her head, envisioning my words playing

out. Of course, that might not happen. The rumors
would spread. I’d make sure of it. As to how people
would treat them, I didn’t know. Would they pity her
or resent her? Who knew? However, now that I put
the idea in Akiko’s head, she couldn’t imagine things
working out any other way. I had implanted doubt and
fear into her mind.

“So, how does us breaking up solve anything?”

“It’s simple.” I continued. “Once we break up, I’ll start

spreading rumors about you. I’ll say you slept with a
bunch of guys at the party last night.”

“Spread them?” Akiko glared at me.

I raised my hand. “I spread them, and it will look to
everyone like an angry boyfriend slandering the girl
who dumped him. I’ll look like the asshole. It’ll spread
so much doubt that even if the truth leaked out, no
one would believe it. As for Derek, tell him you broke
up with me because last night I took advantage of you
being drunk and raped you! It’d explain everything

Akiko looked up at me, shaking her head. “If I did

that… Derek would consider me used.”

“No!” I laughed. “Quite the opposite. It’s only one guy,

and your exboyfriend no less. The difference is that I
am the villain. You don’t know Derek as I do. He’s my
best friend after all, and while he knows my
weaknesses, I know his as well. Derek’s biggest
weakness doesn’t need some mind reading ability to
know. Derek’s biggest weakness is his desire to be a
White Knight!”
“White knight?”

I nodded excitedly. “If I play the villain in this story,

the guy who rapes and then spreads rumors, Derek
will sweep in and pick you up. You will become his

“Really!” Akiko glanced up excitedly, nearly jumping

for joy, but then she realized the person saying all this,
she immediately turned suspicious. “You… why would
you do all of this for me? The school will hate you.
Derek will turn against you. You’ll have no friends.”

I put on a grin, chuckling. “Of course, I wouldn’t do

this for free. What I need from you… is a promise,
sealed with a kiss.”
“Huh?” Akiko put on a disgusted glare. “What is that
about? You want me to do weird sex things with you?
That’s always why you never had more friends, you
were always such a creep.”

“I already said the thought of having sex with you

disgusts me.” I shrugged. “Suit yourself. That is my
condition. A promise and a kiss.”

Akiko still looked suspicious. “What kind of promise?”

“The promise is very simple.” I shrugged nonchalantly.

“Promise me you’ll do whatever I want.”

“Whatever you want?” Akiko’s face turned even more

disgusted. “Like a slave? So, it is a weird fetish you’re
trying to satisfy! I’m not comfortable making a
promise such as that.”
I crossed my arms. “Those are my conditions. Promise
to do whatever I want, to be my slave, and then give
me a kiss… or… the pictures will leak. I will pretend to
be the supportive boyfriend until everyone hates you,
and you will be shunned by every one, Derek too. ”

“You want me to do your homework or debase myself

in front of you?” Akiko asked. “I won’t do anything
that hurts me. I don’t plan to keep such an open-
ended promise.”

“I want you to make the promise. Whether you keep it

or not, I suppose that depends on you, doesn’t it?”

Akiko still glared at me suspiciously, but after a

moment, she nodded. “As long as you understand that
I’ll only consider what you ask of me. It’s ultimately
my decision whether I do it or not.”
I simply smiled. “Very well. Promise.”

Akiko shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Very well. I
promise to do whatever Hakaru wants. I’ll be his
eternal slave! Is that enough?”

I grinned and tapped my lips. Akiko sighed, standing

up and walking over to me. She bent over and kissed
me. She meant the kiss to only last a moment, but as
soon as our lips touched, it was like two magnets

“Mm?” Akiko cried in surprise as her lips pushed

against mine roughly, despite neither of us moving

There was a sudden explosion in my brain which made

the whole world look blurry for a moment. When I
recovered, Akiko pushed with her hands against my
chest, finally freeing herself and stumbling back. She
wasn’t touching her lips to wipe, but she was grasping
at her neck as if she was choking.

“Wh-wh-what was… what was that?” Akiko got out in

between desperate breaths. “I can’t breathe!”

I shrugged as I watched her slowly recover. “I don’t

know, but a promise is a promise.”

At this point, Akiko rose up finally allowing her anger

flood to the surface. “I’m going home now, you freak.
Meet me in front of the school at 6:30 am. We’ll break
up then!”

Just as she reached the door, I spoke up. “Wait, there

is one more thing. You forgot something.”
Akiko spun back with a glare. “What? What do you

“You forgot that you’re my slave now,” I responded

with a grin while unzipping my pants. “Now… I want
you to suck my cock.”

Chapter 12 :
“Ithought you said that you weren’t interested in
anything sexual.” Akiko turned back, looking over with
a distasteful expression.

I gave a nod, rubbing my chin thoughtfully. “You’re

absolutely right. Having sex with you grosses me out.
However, I’m not interested in sex for enjoyment.

“T-then why?”
I laughed, “That’s need-to-know and you don’t need
to know.”

Akiko’s face turned ugly and she turned away. “I said I

wouldn’t do it if I didn’t agree to it! So, I won’t do

I shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

“Agh! I wish I had known you were like this before! I

really hate you!” Akiko snapped.

“The feeling is mutual.” I shot back.

She left and slammed the door. Ai, Ai, Ai… how
shameless. Now my entire family would have heard
her. Of course, my dad would probably be proud I had
a girl over last night, that’s if he wasn’t still blackout
drunk. I sighed as I got ready for school. As I did, I
thought about Akiko. The ability took, didn’t it? So,
that being true, how did Akiko just storm off like that?
Shouldn’t a promise be a promise? Maybe I made it
too open-ended. I was hoping to cheat the ability. It
was a wish for more wishes, and I supposed I pushed
things too far.

I opened the door and walked out. As soon as I was in

the hallway, I heard a click and the creaking of a door
next to me. My body froze for a minute as I
remembered that just the previous night, I had raped
my sister. I still found it something hard to believe, as
if it had been someone else entirely. I hid the bite
mark on my hand as I glanced over at the door.
Maria’s expression looked gaunt and hollow from the
crack she allowed open. Her lights were out on the
inside and she had to squint. She didn’t look like she
had slept the night before.
“Hehe… so, brother brought his girlfriend home
finally. Here, I was thinking you were gay.” She said in
a croaky voice.

“What’s it to you?” I shot back, secretly feeling

relieved she didn’t seem to recognize me from the
previous night. “You’ve brought dozens of guys

Rather than responding with a biting remark, Maria

lowered her head and flushed, but after a moment
she recovered and shot me a look. “She seemed
mad… figures, didn’t think you had what it took to
satisfy a woman.”

I satisfied you fine last night! My eyes flashed in anger

as I glared at her. However, when I got a better look at
her gaunt face, I couldn’t bring myself to be angry. I
had raped her last night, and she was likely still
conflicted about it. She was probably lashing out at
her brother because I was the only person around that
she could lash out at.

“Maria…” I spoke with a sigh. “You can tell me

anything you need to, anytime, okay?”

Maria gave me a weird look, “What’s that? Hakaru,

you’re acting weird.”

“I just want you to know… that whatever happens,

you can rely on me.” I said, turning away.

I didn’t want my sister falling apart because of me. It

was as simple as that. Maria’s eyes were wide and she
moved her mouth three times unable to get any
words out. She clearly had no clue how to respond to
me. I had completely shattered everything she
recognized about her brother.
“You… seem different.” Maria spoke quietly, almost to

I didn’t respond, walking away with my back straight. I

felt different now. Having broken things off with
Akiko, I felt like my life was finally my own again. I had
her wrapped around my finger, and soon I would be
getting revenge on those I hated while possessing
those that I wanted. In a way, having those clear goals
in my mind was very freeing.

“W-wait!” Maria put out a hand, causing me to stop,

but not turn back. “Please tell mom I’m staying home
today. I’m sick.”

I turned my head back. “Are you?”

Maria looked down again, not seeming to be able to

match my eyes. She slowly closed the door without
saying another thing. I let out a sigh. Should I make
her another visit tonight? I think the answer would
probably be yes. She was free points, after all. I sighed
and continued on to the kitchen. Mom was passed out
on the couch as expected. Dad was likely in his room
still unconscious.

I went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

This time, it was just scrambled eggs on rice. I wasn’t
in the mood to do anything fancy. I brought a bowl
out to mom and set it down on the coffee table.
Mom’s eyes opened as usual. She raised her head,
even as she still lay on her stomach with her butt
nearly sticking out the bottom of the dress she wore
the previous night. She reached out with a hand and
scooped a spoonful, taking a bite.

“It’s stale.” She snorted.

“It’s the rice from last night, Mom.” I sighed.

“Hmph… can’t even cook fresh rice for your mother.”
She grumbled under her breath.

Frustration and anger burned to the surface. I had

been dealing with mom’s cutting remarks for years.
The normal me would have just tolerated it, but
today, I was no longer that meek little cuck!

“Maybe, Mother should cook for me instead.” I shot


Mom’s face turned ugly as she glared at me. It was the

same expression she wore just before she started an
argument with father. This was why he always came
home so late that no one ever saw him. If he was here
while mom was awake, they would end up having an
argument that shook the walls and even got the
neighbors angry.
“Excuse me?” Mom growled.

“I said, ‘if you want a man like me to take care of you,

you need to make yourself worth taking care of. You
used to be beautiful, but you’ve grown fat and lazy.
Even if dad doesn’t care, he’s not the only man with
eyes on you.’”

“Y- P- Ge-“ Mom’s eyes widened in complete shock,

trying to find a comment to respond to the last thing
she ever expected her kid to say. “How dare you!”

She finally settled on exploding in anger. After all, it

was her go-to choice for the last couple of years, and
it was about the only thing she knew. She pushed up
with her arms, ready to leap off the couch and start
screaming. I casually reached out and grabbed the
back of her hair, pulling her face to me. She let out a
cry, her eyes growing even wider as I handled her
roughly. I leaned forward and gave her a peck on the
lips, then moved my lips to her ear.

“I love you, Mom,” I whispered. “I just wish you loved


I let go. Mom lost all energy, her upper half falling
back down on the couch as she stared up at me in
disbelief. I grabbed my bag and as I walked by her, I
lightly slapped her backside, which was still up and
exposed. Mom let out a cute squeak at that.

“I’m off to school. Oh yeah, Maria’s sick. Call her off,

make her some soup for lunch, and take a bath. Your
son will give you more affection if you don’t smell like
a bar.” I walked out of the room as I spoke, while mom
only stared in disbelief while I left.
When the door slammed behind me on the way out, I
didn’t hear what happened next. Mom sat up in her
seat, her mouth moving as if she was talking angrily to
herself. Finally, some words started to form.

“Just because he had a girl over now he thinks he’s the

man of the house.” She pouted, followed by an
indescribable blush as she recalled the feel of my
handprint on her butt.

Next, she lifted her arm and sniffed her armpit. “M-
maybe I should take a bath…”

By that point, I was on my way to school. I arrived a bit

early but I was surprised to see Akiko already standing
near the entrance waiting for me. She had actually
done her hair and makeup, and looked very
presentable. No one would guess she had been gang
raped the night before.
It is probably because she hoped to win Derek soon. I
thought bitterly.

As soon as she saw me, she blushed and started

fidgeting. I looked on suspiciously since this behavior
was completely different from how she acted before.
Just an hour ago, she looked at me with complete
disgust and hatred. Now, she had on a somewhat cute

“What do you want?” I demanded. “What’s with that


Akiko lowered her head, but her hands tightened and

she nodded. “I-I’ve been thinking… about your

“A-about…” She leaned closer, putting her hand up
even though there was no one near us. “the blowjob.”

“Huh? You said no, so what about it.” I asked wryly.

Akiko nodded with a small frown. “I know… but I’ve

been thinking about it. If I don’t do this, how can I
know you’ll follow the plan? You made me make a
promise, so if I immediately go back on it, you… you’ll
just backstab me!”

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. “Do you want my

assurance? I’ve already had you promise. If you don’t
want to keep your promise, that’s nothing to do with

Akiko didn’t look pleased with my answer, crossing

her arms and stamping her feet. “W-well… we did
date for a year. Since our relationship is ending… and
I’ll be dating Derek soon, then naturally we won’t be
able to later. It’d be cruel to leave you without having
gotten anywhere with a woman. I don’t want to be
known as the girl who dated a complete loser.”

“Who said I’ve never been with a woman?” I

responded smugly, causing her mouth to open. “You
had a year to show me you cared at all. You clearly

However, she did hit the nail on the head as to why I

cared so little if she sucked my cock now. I had already
experienced sex a few times. Putting aside Akiko’s
affairs, the reason I didn’t care is that she wasn’t
dating Derek. I would earn practically no credits for
enjoying Akiko in any fashion. I only asked in the first
place to see the limits of this ability. It seemed to be
underperforming so far. I had expected Netori to show
up and explain herself, but she’s been surprisingly
absent since yesterday.
“I-I do care…” Akiko responded, tearfully. “Y-you even
saved me from that party. It would have been worse
without you, right?”


Akiko sighed. “Look, we got a little bit before we break

up. I’ll do this for you. But that’ll be it, okay?”

“You already made the promise. Whether you keep it

or not is up to you. Akiko can be my slave or she can
break her promise. It’s fine with me either way.”

“O-okay…” Akiko lowered her head and grabbed my

hand, “Then… come with me.”

“Here?” This point I was surprised when she started

pulling me into the school grounds.
“W-we don’t have time to go back home. Plus, my
family is up. There are only a couple of people at
school. I know a place under the stairway, so…”

I followed Akiko silently while she led with a

determined face. I was flummoxed to see that this
side of her still looked somewhat cute. There was a
time I had liked Akiko. The reason I had done so was
because she was always so considerate and hard
working. She had a cute side, especially when she was
thinking about someone else’s happiness.
Unfortunately, the person whose happiness became
most important to her wasn’t me but Derek for some
reason. That removed the smile from my face. It
wasn’t like she really cared about me.

Locked Promise bound someone to a promise. They

were compelled to follow it to the best of their ability.
That is what Netori said about the ability I used on
Akiko. Akiko promised to do anything I wanted, to be
my slave. Now, she was compelled to act out. I guess
there was still a bit of free will in it. She could say no.
She could fight it. However, the spell compelled her to
fulfill her promise. She could never break it. Without
Locked Promise, I didn’t believe Akiko would suck my
cock at all.

So, the spell must be altering her way of thinking. Her

change in behavior must be Akiko justifying the act in
her own mind. At first, I had thought the spell was
weak, but I was realizing it was exceptionally
powerful! It was even better than I thought. It didn’t
just bully someone into doing what they promised… it
made them think following that promise was their
own desire! If I was right, then over time, Akiko would
convince herself more and more that she needed to
follow my wants and desires. Akiko would eventually
decide herself she wanted to be my slave!

Akiko led me to a stairway indoors which I had

traversed a hundred times. However, where I usually
went up to the second floor, she took me down. There
was a chain blocking the way, but stepping over it, she
took me down a floor. The stairway ended in a
basement landing. There was a small alcove hidden
under the stairway and a locked door which led to the
rest of the basement. I was surprised that this was
such an isolated, perfect spot for this kind of thing.
What student would come wandering past that chain?
At worst, you’d get caught by some Janitor. Then, I
wondered how she knew about this spot, and my
mood instantly diminished.

As if reading my mind, Akiko blushed. “Some of the

girls have talked about it being a good makeout spot,
I’ve never been here.”

I nodded, leaning against the wall and acting casual

even though my heart was beating a little excitedly.
“You going to finish?”
“Y-yes!” Akiko nodded, suddenly looking nervous.

She fell to her knees and then unbuckled my pants

with practiced movements. Meanwhile, I wore a
complicated expression on my face. In some ways, this
was something I had wanted forever. If a week ago,
someone had told me my girlfriend would be giving
me a BJ at school, I would have been extremely happy
and excited. Now, as she pulled out my cock and
started licking it, trying to make it hard, I could only
feel slightly sad. Our relationship would never be the
relationship it used to be. Akiko was no longer my
girlfriend. From here on, she was my slave!

Chapter 13 :
Of course, there was a method to my madness. While
it was true that I was inexperienced with blowjobs and
the thought of getting one excited me greatly, I took
little pleasure from enjoying Akiko’s mouth. Only a
few days ago, I had seen that same mouth wrapped
around Derek’s cock, never mind the guys last night
who treated her like a sex doll. Simply put, Akiko was
a whore and I didn’t have any strong feelings for her.
More than that, she wouldn’t even be earning me all
that many points right now. Until she was with her
beloved Derek, she was basically a meat toilet for all I

So, the question became, why was I standing with my

back pressed against a wall while this girl undid my
pants and pulled out my dick? Why was I calmly
watching her as she grasped the shaft lightly and then
brought her lips towards it unsteadily? I noticed her
fingers were trembling as she reached for my zipper.
Each step seemed to occur in agony, as her desire to
not suck off her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend battled with
the promise she made to me. She promised to do
what I wanted, and I told her I wanted her to suck my
cock. After that, she would eventually suck my cock,
but it became a matter of how she justified it. It was a
slower kind of control, but I felt it was far more
That also meant that if I changed my wants, I could
end this immediately. If I simply told Akiko to leave me
alone, she would instantly feel relief that she no
longer had to touch me. Her stressed mind that was
battling between what she really wanted and what I
told her I wanted would be instantly solved. However,
it was perhaps exactly because I could see that break
in her mind that I felt inflamed to push things farther!
Today would be the day I’d not only make her my
slave, but she’d become Derek’s girlfriend as well.
Once she was his girlfriend, that mouth of hers
currently centimeters from my dick would kiss him. I
wanted the first taste Derek enjoyed on his girlfriend’s
lips to be my cock! That’s why I was here, that’s the
only reason. I was going to shoot my load into her
mouth, and for the rest of the day, I wanted her
breath to smell like my cum!

I noticed that Akiko’s hand had stopped with her

fingers resting on the shaft, her lips only an inch from
touching the head of my cock. Her eyes grew wide,
gleaming with a bit of surprise.
“What is it?” I demanded.

“N-nothing, y-you’re just a lot bigger than I thought

you were.” She muttered. “I didn’t think your cock was
so big.”

I didn’t respond, giving her a silent nod to keep going.

I certainly wasn’t bigger than her boyfriend Derek. I
had only seen his cock at a distance, but it had a good
8 inches and was thick too. While I had modified my
dick a bit, I could only be called above average at best.
I was 6.5 inches and 1.75 inches. This was the size that
I gave to my sister the previous night. This was the size
Akiko was examining right now. It was true, I had a
small dick before, and relatively speaking I was a lot
bigger, but hearing it from Akiko didn’t make me feel
any better.
Her hand wrapped tightly around my cock, and I
couldn’t help but think that her fingers couldn’t touch
when she had tried to wrap it around Derek’s cock.
The sight of her looking up at me, her lips wet and
slightly glistening, my cock wrapped in her hand, it
should have been incredibly arousing, but with Akiko,
it was only just enough to keep me hard.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I could

feel the warmth of her breath running across my cock.
With only a slight hesitation, she leaned forward and
slowly licked the tip. I leaned back and closed my eyes,
letting out a groan. Surprisingly, the feel of her lips on
my cock for the first time was more pleasant than I
would have expected. It was very gentle as if she was
kissing a lover. When I glanced down, she seemed to
almost have something approaching remorse on her
face. Remembering the good times, was she?

Ever so slowly, Akiko’s kiss broke, and she brought the

head of my cock forward. She started to kiss the head
gently one peck at a time, circling around my cock like
it was a lover. My hands instinctively reached down
and grabbed her hair, holding onto her head, but I
continued to let her lead as I leaned back.

Her gentle kisses slowly worked their way down,

falling along the underside of my shaft. She gently
pushed her lips against me over and over again, and I
found my cock growing harder and harder under her
machinations which were completely unlike what I
expected. As she kissed the undershaft, my cock had
no choice but to slide over her forehead, smearing just
a bit of precum on her head like Ash Wednesday. She
finally reached my balls, but didn’t stop gently kissing
each one like they were precious to her. Only then did
her lips open slightly, and her warm tongue came out
and teased the flesh. My balls immediately
contracted, but she didn’t stop her machinations,
gently kissing and sucking my balls with a light touch
of the tongue until I felt like I was going to explode.
At that point, she returned to the tip, using a hand to
cup my balls and keep them from growing cold,
covered in saliva as they were. She brought the head
of my cock into her mouth without another moment.
As her mouth opened softly, my shaft was slowly
consumed. While she brought it in, her tongue darted
around, teasing the undershaft. Finally, she closed her
lips and gently sucked. My blood-engorged penis
instantly swelled, my entire body burning like I was in
heaven, her warm mouth feeling like that of an angel.

I wanted to get angry at her again. I wanted to remind

myself that she was a slut who banged my best friend,
but I couldn’t seem to do it under these machinations.
Her blowjob was truly dangerous. Or perhaps it was
my own inexperience with blowjobs that made this
one so incredible.

She began sucking on my cock harder and harder until

soon I was starting to feel an ache. It was then that
she started to bob her head up and down. She started
out slow at first, moving her head very methodically,
but it was as if the more she tasted my cock, the more
she wanted. She grew faster and faster, sloppier and
sloppier, and after about three minutes her head was
rocking up and down my cock, head bobbing quite
smoothly. There were noises coming from her lips that
were quite lewd. Slurping sounds and sucking noises
seemed to echo in the stairway. I could feel every time
she let out a moan, as it vibrated down the shaft and
through my balls. Her tongue slashed and swirled,
relentlessly attacking my cock like her life depended
on it.

With my hands on her head, I had thoughts of being

the big man and forcing my cock down her throat like
a boss, but she was already torturing her mouth more
than I ever could. I was barely able to hold on as her
head whipped back and forth, her mouth making wet
choking noises on my cock.

“Ah… Akiko…”
I didn’t want to moan her name, but she was the one
sucking my cock, and I was already feeling like I had
trouble standing, let alone thinking. Her eyes grew
pleased when she heard her name being moaned. Her
hands tightened around my eager shaft as she popped
it out of her mouth. I could feel her exhale her hot
breath over the tip of my penis. The skin around my
rock-hard cock was already stretched to the max.
Despite my anger, my mistrust, and my dislike… Akiko
had systematically destroyed my defenses, and now I
was completely erect and at her mercy.

With another gasp, Akiko downed my entire cock

again into her throat. A woman who was practiced
with this kind of thing wasn’t fair at all. My eyes
tightened as I tried to hold on. It’d barely been five
minutes, and if I came now, I’d feel like she won. She
sucked my cock down, her cheeks hollowing as her
suction grew harder and harder. This bitch… she was
really trying to break me. If it kept going like this, I’d
completely lose. It wasn’t my fault she had gotten so
much practice being on her knees like a slut.

In my last defense, I tightened my grip on her hair and

pulled her face forward. Her eyes widened and she
made a grunting noise as I shoved my cock down her
throat. I didn’t let up, even as she tried to push back
with her hands. When I could feel the hot air from her
nose blowing out over my pubes, I knew I had finally
shoved my dick as far as it could go. It felt amazing to
have so much of my cock shrouded in the warmth of
her vibrating mouth, however, I lost my grip and she
used the opportunity to pull away.

“Haaaaaah…” Akiko took a deep breath. “Cough…

damn it, Hakaru, that’s not… Mmmm!”

I grabbed her hair and didn’t allow her to defend

herself. Instead, I shoved my cock back into her sweet
mouth, even as her eyes widened in shock.
“Suck it!” I commanded. “Harder!”

She followed my commands, sucking my cock like

crazy. After a few panicked moments, she finally got
herself under control. She went back to bobbing her
head, and even as I thrust into her, she seemed to be
able to handle my cock gracefully.

I frowned a bit, wanting to take charge again, but at

that time, my balls started twitching, and my legs
started trembling as if I was about to explode. I knew I
couldn’t last any more, but at least I thought I had
lasted long enough to show my slave who was boss.
One last time, I rammed my cock into the back of her
throat just as it swelled and exploded with semen. My
cock erupted in her mouth.

To my dismay, Akiko didn’t seem caught off guard or

surprised. Rather, she was prepared for it and started
swallowing as soon as the cum hit the back of her
throat. She sucked harder and harder the more I
came, and my legs started giving out on me. My butt
slid down the wall, but Akiko bent over the more I slid
down, her mouth following my cock halfway to the
floor. By the time we were done, I was in a chairless
sitting position with my back pressed against the wall
and my knees at 90 degrees, and Akiko was bent over
my lap, her head nearly horizontal and my cock
sticking almost vertical.

When she swallowed the last drop, she pulled her

head away and licked her lips. She seemed very
satisfied with herself. Overall, it was an incredible
blowjob, but I didn’t feel that happy. Akiko smiled and
even stuck her tongue out at me after swallowing as if
treating the whole thing as a game. My feelings for
Akiko grew even more complicated. I felt like I had
been punched in the gut. Akiko’s behavior from the
beginning to the end was like a perfect girlfriend.
When she had to do something, she did it full
The feelings I had for her surged back, and the anger I
held in my heart fluctuated. I stood back up, while my
cock still hung out. Akiko leaned forward and grabbed
my softening cock, licking the head to catch a bead of
semen that was starting to hang form it. She smiled up
at me again, and my heart pounded painfully.

“Akiko…” I said slowly, my fist tightening on my sides.

“I have a few more requests for you.”

“Hmm?” Akiko glanced up with my soft cock still in her


“As my slave, I have more orders.”

Her brows furrowed, not liking being called a slave

one bit.
“You’re never to have any sexual contact with Derek
under any circumstances. You can only kiss him, and
only after swallowing my cum earlier that day!”

“Y-you wish…” Akiko finally dropped my cock, the

smile being wiped from her face. “If Derek becomes
my boyfriend, don’t think you can tell me what to do.”

“Of course, that’s just the promise, it’s up to you if you

want to keep it.”

Akiko shivered when she heard those words, a

strangely ominous feeling surging through her while I
grinned darkly.

“Is someone down there?” A voice suddenly called

from the top of the stairs.
I quickly stashed my cock away, “Come on. Let’s end

Chapter 14 :
“Ah, Kira?” I scratched my head nervously as I
approached the top of the stairway. “Good morning?”

The person standing there was a girl with short strait

hair tied up into a pair of short twin tails. Her eyes
were a deep green, but they were covered with
glasses that hid some of her beauty. She was a cute
girl who was neither too busty nor too flat. She fit the
averages very well, which was perhaps why she had
become the student council president.
“Hakaru! What are you doing down there?” Kira
huffed. “Don’t you know that area is out of bounds for

“Ah, yes, Kira, sorry…”

“You should be…,” Kira raised her finger, but then she
noticed the girl directly behind me, and her face
flushed. “A-Akiko! Your girlfriend!?”

I let out a slight chuckle while Akiko looked away,

blushing. Kira’s eyes widened as she noticed the pair
of us together. However, the student president wasn’t
stupid. A boy and a girl sneaking into an area they
weren’t supposed to be, not to mention the noises
she heard earlier, it was very clear what we were
doing. Her eyes narrowed as she looked back and
forth between the both of us.
“Hakaru, to think you’d be so sh-shameless.” Kira
looked away. “And Akiko, I thought you’d at least have
the sense to keep these things to your h-homes.”

“Sorry.” Akiko looked genuinely shamed, although it

was tough telling how much of it was an act, given
how shameless I knew the girl to be with public

I clapped my hands together and lowered my head.

“I’m sorry, Kira. If you could please forget seeing us,
I’d be deeply appreciative.”

“I-I’m the student president!” Kira responded, looking

flustered. “How could you ask me to overlook this?”

“Please! We were just discussing some things. I swear

my intentions are purely honorable!” I explained,
reaching out grabbing her hands unexpectedly. “Just
overlook it once?”

“Ah!” Kira’s face grew flushed and she shot Akiko a

look, who was still looking away herself and then
sighed. “V-very well. As long as you understand.”

I let go of her hands and she gave a breath. After that,

she shot me a strange look. Perhaps I had come on a
little strong. Usually, I was the quiet type who kept my
head down. However, I’ve felt myself gaining
confidence of late, and now I didn’t hesitate to look
Kira in the eyes confidently. Perhaps she was picking
up on that. Kira nodded one last time and then walked
away, half seeming to run. I watched after her until I
felt my arm being pinched.

Akiko was still looking down, but she had a scowl on

her face. “You still flirt with her even though you have
“Huh?” I raised an eyebrow. “Kira? You’re not on
about that again. There is nothing between us. We
were childhood friends. I’ve barely spoken to her for
years and you still get jealous.”

At this point, I barely spoke to Kira at all. We couldn’t

be called friends in the slightest. If anything, you could
say my father was closer to her than me. After all, he
was banging her mom. If our parents were banging,
didn’t that make Kira kind of like my sister? I shook my
head, ignoring such stupid thoughts.

“Maybe it’s you who doesn’t understand women…”

Akiko snapped, catching my attention.

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that much

longer.” My expression turned dark as I remembered
the futility of this conversation. “After all, we’re
breaking up immediately.”
Akiko sniffed, looking strangely upset. Well, she could
be angry. I didn’t really care about how Akiko felt
anymore. Unlike her, I never cheated. Thinking back to
the handful of times I had talked to Kira and Akiko had
given me a hard time, it only caused me to grow even
angrier. By the time we were both in front of the
school, people were starting to flood through the
gate, but both of us had angry expressions on our
faces. I didn’t try to smooth out my expression as I
might have once. The whole point was to argue with
Akiko in front of the public eye.

“Akiko… as my slave, come to my house tonight.

We’re going to have sex. I’ll use all three of your

Akiko shot me a glare. “The hell we will! Do you think

I’m just a piece of meat?”
“Aren’t you?” My voice raised, putting on a dark

“Y-you pig!” Akiko shot back looking hurt.

Although she hadn’t realized it, our angry voices had

already carried, and we were receiving looks from at
least a dozen students. I grinned inwardly at how easy
this would be.

“Hmph, aren’t you the slut who just sucked my cock?”

I laughed.

There were several gasps as Akiko’s mouth fell open in

shock. Perhaps, she didn’t think I would fight dirty.
However, I needed her to break up with me, so
naturally I had to incite her rage. I needed to sell it.
“You… bastard!” She slapped me across the face.
“We’re through!”

I grinned darkly, rubbing my cheek, as she turned and

stormed away. That went well, but she definitely
didn’t hold back. I wondered if she even realized this
was part of the act, not that I didn’t say anything I
didn’t believe. There were a group of people who had
all stopped entering the school and were staring at me
in shock. Some of them were staring at me with
disgust having only heard my disgusting comments
towards Akiko. Well, that was fine, I needed to be the
villain for now.

“What are you all looking at?” I demanded, shooting a

glare at everyone.

They started mumbling and moving away, although I

could tell their discussion was still on me. How easy it
was to ruin a reputation. Just like this, in a few short
hours, I’d be totally the enemy number one of this
school. In the past, I would have been miserable, but
how a bunch of idiots at school saw me seemed so
inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Now, I
just had one more thing to do.

“So, you see…” I explained to the girl next to me. “A

girl who puts out and has sex with like five guys, how
could I continue to date her, right? That’s why I broke
it off with her!”

The girl’s eyes twitched. She was a quiet girl who had
sat near me all year, and we had never really talked.
However, while we were working on a math
assignment, the two of us had been paired together.
Immediately, I started talking to her all about my ex-
girlfriend and our breakup earlier that day. Well, I
gave my account of events.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” The girl said quietly, really
uncomfortable with the conversation.

“I heard she broke up with him?” Someone behind me

whispered to their partner.

“Shh!” The other shot back. “I heard he’s really

violent. When his girlfriend didn’t put out, he raped
her. That’s why she left him.”

I put on a grim smile. It looked like Akiko managed her

end and spread those rumors as quickly as she could.
Only a true skank like her could so easily claim her
boyfriend raped her falsely. Well, thank the gods for a
world that so easily believed a woman over a man. In
this case, it only served my purposes. Despite my
words being nothing but truth, and hers being
fabrication, it was her who everyone believed. At that
point, I realized the girl I was speaking to noticed my
grim smile and was shaking visibly. I sighed and
returned to my math work, although my partner was
all but useless.

As class neared the end, I saw Derek standing outside

the door. He was glaring bloody murder at me. Our
class was going over by a minute, so he was waiting
until it finished to come in and cuss me out. I could
only chuckle at that. I decided to use my once a day
ability, Dirt Scribe. Although, I could guess what Derek
was thinking, I still hoped perhaps there was more dirt
I could use to manipulate him even further.

Damn it. Damn it. Akiko comes to me balling her eyes

out that Hakaru raped her? This is bullshit! I didn’t get
shit last night and Hakaru fucks my side girl?

I let out a cough, covering the smile on my mouth as I

looked to the side at him in disbelief. He’s not even
really upset I raped Akiko. He was more upset that I
got sex when he didn’t? Wait, he didn’t have sex last
night? That was his date with Netori, right? The
answer came next.

First, things were going great, but when I pulled out

my dick, Tori pointed and laughed at it! It’s her fault I
couldn’t get it up!

More juicy details! It wasn’t so much that I lucked out,

but that this power seemed to dig out a person’s
deepest thoughts. It also could be mentioned that
Derek was a shallow person whose deepest thought
could be said to be always resting on the surface.
Thus, these kinds of thoughts were exposed easily.

I let out a snort, causing my teacher to shoot me a

glance. I struggled to keep my humor in. So, after all,
Netori and Derek ended up going nowhere. Why
would she laugh at his dick though? It’s not that I
couldn’t see her doing that, but it seemed to have
come out of nowhere. She had seen Derek’s dick
before, and was even impressed by it. Unfortunately, I
couldn’t dwell on it, as more thoughts came through
my brain.

Oh, well. I’m totally going to punish Akiko tonight.

Maybe, I’ll get my dog to fuck her and take pictures.
Fuck, it’s not as fun when she’s not dating Hakaru
anymore. I’ll take out my stress on him first, and then
I’ll turn his ex-girlfriend into a wreck!

<Dirt Scribe has reached its daily limit!>

“Hehe… you think things are going your way?” My

expression had turned incredibly dark.

The people next to me were leaning away, wanting to

avoid the guy looking angry and muttering to himself.
Before it was too noticeable, however, the teacher
ended his session, and the students all started getting
up and leaving, some a little faster than others. The
teacher was actually the first to leave the room,
apparently needing to make a meeting. If he was in
such a rush, why did he let the class run so late! I
sighed and waited in my seat for Derek, who stormed
through the crowd and immediately slapped his hand
on my desk.

“What the hell, Hakaru?” He cursed.

“Derek? What’s up buddy?” I gave him an innocent


“Dude… seriously?” His face turned ugly. “What did

you do to Akiko?”

I let out a laugh, scratching the back of my head.

“Yeah… she’s totally a hoe, right? That’s why I had to
break up with her. She was cheating on me with like
five guys at a party…”

Derek grabbed my shirt, “Don’t fuck with me, bro! I

asked around. People said they saw you bring her out
of that party. She says you raped her when she was
drunk! A guy at the party even said he tried to stop
you and you threatened to beat them up! One kid
ended up in a hospital. He’s not speaking, but
everyone is saying he saw you molesting Akiko and
you did it to shut him up!”

At those words, I admitted my mouth opened a bit in

surprise. The first part was what I had planned. I
hadn’t considered those five would talk. After all, I had
pictures of all of them raping Akiko. By admitting my
presence, they were admitting their own misdeeds. It
looked like I’d need to send out a few real threats to
get these idiots to shut their traps. Well, as long as
these were only unconfirmed rumors and not facts, I
wasn’t in trouble. My eyes narrowed as Derek
continued to cling to my shirt fervently.

“Didn’t you say I should make my move on Akiko?” I

demanded. “Isn’t this my right? I dated her for a year.
After all the money I spent on her, all of the time,
aren’t I due a little satisfaction?”

”You fucker!” He punched me in the face.

I stumbled back in the chair, holding my eye with a

grim expression. “What was that for? She’s my
girlfriend, not yours!”

“She’s my g- she’s my friend too. Just stay away… from

both of us.” Derek shook his head, finally backing off
and turning away, heading for the exit. “I don’t even
know you, bro.”
“Wait!” I said just as he reached the door, “Derek. Just
one thing. Akiko’s mine. Unless some other man dates
her, that won’t change. You understand? I ruined her,
and now she’ll always be mine. No guy would want
her after they hear about those rumors. She’s just
spoiled meat.”

“You’re a bastard.” He shot back, turning and leaving.

“And you’re too predictable…” I laughed silently to

myself in the empty classroom. “Too easy.”

Chapter 15 :
“Akiko… I don’t know what to say…” Derek scratched
his head. “I spoke to Hakaru but he’s completely lost

Akiko sniffed, wiping the tears from her eyes. “He’s

nothing like the guy I thought I knew. He took me, and
now he’s spreading vile rumors all over school. No guy
will ever love me again! I might as well be dead!”

Derek had a complicated look on his face, trying to

come up with something to say. “Akiko, don’t be like
that, you’ll always have me.”

“You have that other girl, Tori!” She cried out. “How
could you possibly want me? Hakaru had me. He-he
knew… about our relationship. He came in me last
night. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if I got

“S-seriously? So, he knew, after all, no wonder he was

looking at me that way.” Derek scratched his head,
looking angry

“He said that you didn’t like soiled meat! That you’re
too dickless to take me after he’s had me…”
I could only sigh inwardly, laughing to myself. Akiko’s
words were relentless and manipulative. Of course, I
had coached her a bit on what to say before she
headed up to talk to Derek. It was lunchtime now, and
she had taken everything I said and made it sound so
natural. I could see her desperate lies whittling Derek
down little by little. He was way too prideful and
arrogant to let me win.

That was what it was about, after all. He wanted to

win. It wasn’t about loving or caring about Akiko. It
wasn’t even really about me. It was just about being
better than everyone else. That’s why I made myself
the enemy. I knew Derek and Derek had to be the

Derek grabbed Akiko’s shoulders. “Look, Akiko, we’ve

been together now almost as long as you’ve been with
Hakaru. He turned out to be a piece of shit, I know,
but I can’t have you thinking all men are like that.”
“Wh-what are you saying, Derek?” She asked through
tear-stained eyes.

It was splendid watching the tables get turned on him.

She was such a little liar, that as soon as I flipped her
switch, she started lying and manipulating Derek with
extreme ease. It was actually terrifying. I was glad that
I had her under my ability. If not, she’d be a way to
dangerous to keep around.

“It’ll be okay… if you consider me your boyfriend from

now on.” Derek finally let out the words, looking only
a little resistant.

I made a silent guts pose before turning back to the

pair of them. This all worked exactly as well as I had
hoped. I had thought it might take weeks to wear
Derek down and get him to finally accept Akiko. I had
planned to make her deprive him of sex as one of the
ways to force him to accept her. How surprised he’d
be when he realized that even after dating her, the sex
never returned. In the end, Derek folded much quicker
than I expected.

“What about Tori?” Akiko asked, looking hopeful, but


“I-I will break up with her, I promise.” When he said

those words, he nodded to himself, as if committing
the idea to thought.

Well, supposing I had an embarrassing date where a

girl laughed at my penis and I couldn’t get it up, I
supposed I would also find it difficult to want to go on
a second date.

“That… fucker…” A voice came quietly from behind

me, causing me only to jump a little.
Of course, I recognized her voice immediately and
glanced back to see Netori standing there, watching
the couple interact just like I did.

“So, your first date sounded fun.” I teased her.

Netori sniffed. “Hmm… you’re going to gloat now? You

wish to loose all progress with me then? Don’t think
that it’s going to be this easy in the future. You’ll need
10,000 NTR points to break into level 3. You’re barely
halfway there. Your morning blowjob barely gave you
twenty points. It was pocket change!”

I gave a sigh. It looked like I couldn’t hide anything

from Netori. She was aware of every action I took with
another girl. There was no way I could deceive Netori
into anything. Then again, I remembered that kiss.
Shortly after that, I had gained a bunch of NTR points.
That meant there was some advantage in wooing

Perhaps, Netori was the most important person to

steal. However, I didn’t understand much about her.
She was a goddess after all. The very way she thought
was completely alien to me. She had more of a last
boss feel, so I dropped the idea of dating her for now.

Netori noticed my look and crossed her arms. “Don’t

be thinking you’ve made any particular progress with
me. I am the goddess of theft. I could hardly be moved
so easily by some human. You just caught me off
guard last time. It won’t happen again. Any affection
this stupid device may have said you earned was
already lost.”

“Lost? Really? What did I do?” I asked, genuinely

surprised that she admitted there had been progress
“You think you can sleep with other women casually
and it wouldn’t affect my mood? Especially with that
skank girlfriend of yours?” Netori threw back her hair
in a huff. “Plus, you made my boyfriend break up with
me, how could I be happy at that?”

“Who knows if he’ll break up with you or just date

both of you at the same time?” I shrugged, causing
Netori’s eyes to glimmer slightly. “That reminds me…
why did you end up laughing at his penis?”

“Hmm…” Netori raised an eyebrow. “Oh, when he

took off his pants, he wasn’t hard yet. He has two big,
hairy balls along with an uncircumcised shaft. When I
saw it, it reminded me of a turkey neck. I couldn’t help
but laugh. To be so proud he couldn’t get it up after.
Hmph, what a loser.”
I let out a chuckle feeling some relief that it wasn’t
more complicated than Netori being Netori, “Is that
how it was…”

“So… what do we have here?” Netori pushed forward,

looking through the door.

“Don’t act like you don’t already know…” I laughed.


“Look!” I pointed at the couple.

“So, baby, since we’re going out now…” Derek pressed

up against Akiko, going in to kiss her.
She dodged his advances. “Ah! I’d love to, Derek. I
really would. Unfortunately, I-I didn’t bring a condom.
Remember, Hakaru came in me last night. If I were to
become pregnant, you wouldn’t want to be stuck
raising his baby, right?”

“Huh?” Derek let out a shocked noise.

“T-that’s right, that’s why we have to play it safe for a


Derek frowned, but after a moment, he nodded.

“Tonight, come to my house. My sister’s a
pharmacologist, I can get you a day after pill on the

“O-oh… thanks!” Akiko put on a smile that only looked

slightly sick.
“You didn’t cum in her…” Netori frowned, glancing at
her device. “It’d be on my records.”

“You seriously don’t know what happened?”

Netori blushed. “I-i don’t know everything. I’m not

always watching, okay? What did you do?”

I chuckled imagining just how flustered I must have

made her that she didn’t pay attention to me enacting
my plan, “I broke up with Akiko last night.”

“Eh? Wh-why would you do that?” Netori glared. “She

was getting you extra points with Derek!”

Realizing that Netori seriously hadn’t been paying

attention, I sighed and began to explain it all out. “I
used my new ability on her. I entered into a promise
with her that she does whatever I want and she can’t
reject it. She agreed to break up with me in front of
the school, and I agreed to help her get with Derek.
Now, the tables are turned. Akiko is Derek’s girlfriend,
and I’m the man she cheats with.”

“That ability… it can’t be used in this way.” Netori


“Huh? What do you mean?”

“You can’t just bully someone into doing whatever

you want with simple orders. They might be
compelled to follow it, but they’d never be able to
break their bottom line. For example, if things worked
the way you just said, then if you asked her to kill
herself, she’d do it. There is also the situation when
there are two wants that conflict with each other. If
you want her to lose weight, but also want to make
her eat fast food… at some point, her mind would
have to pick. It’s more like strong hypnosis than an
absolute law.”

“Is that so?” I shrugged. “Then why did she suck my

cock this morning?”

“… I don’t know…” Netori admitted.

“Well, so far, everything has been working out the

way I wanted. So, I have no complaints. As far as
Akiko, I’ll find out tonight what is stronger.”

“How so?”

“You heard her. Tonight, Derek asked her to come to

his house. However, I asked her to come to my house.
Which house she goes to will decide how effective
these promises are. Right?”
“Hmm… guess so…” Netori seemed slightly distracted
as she spoke as if she was lost in her thoughts.

“Netori?” I asked.

“N-nothing…” Netori shook her head, “You have done

a good job. We’ll see tonight if your work results in
what you wanted. I have to go for now.”

Before I could say anything else, Netori disappeared

with a flash. I shook my head in confusion. What had
gotten into her? I left the stairway before the two
star-crossed lovers returned. After quickly eating my
lunch, I coasted for the rest of the day. I received a lot
more hateful looks than I would have liked, but there
wasn’t much I could do about it. Still, I had a small
frown on my face. If Netori was right, then everything
I had built up was for naught.
Whether Akiko chose to come to my house or Derek’s,
that was now the deciding factor for my future. With
Akiko here, I could keep earning points and steadily
grow more powerful. If she left, then I was back to
ground one. I could rape my sister for more, but there
was a strange feeling inside me that told me if I failed
to win Akiko, my game of NTR Crush would also be
lost. Netori’s confusing and cryptic words only helped
add to that uncomfortable feeling.

When the bell rang, I left school and went straight

home. Being home quicker didn’t really mean Akiko
would come over any time sooner. On that note, I
never gave her an official time to meet me. I realized
I’d be waiting at home for hours tapping my feet
before I finally had an answer.

When I entered my house, I was immediately caught

by surprise at the rich smells permeating the house. I
could only follow my nose to the source of the smells,
which were accompanied by the sound of clattering
and the sizzling of something cooking. When my head
peaked into the kitchen, I couldn’t help but gape in

My mother was standing in the kitchen. Her hair was

done up nice and she was wearing a pretty dress. On
top of that, she had an apron on and was cooking. I
couldn’t remember the last time I had seen my
mother cook. She seemed to have a slightly satisfied
smile on her face as she flipped the Okonomiyaki she
was working on. When was the last time I seen my
mother smile?


Mom’s smile faded and she turned in a fluster,

realizing I was present. “Oh, It’s you. Hmph… come
into the house with your shoes on. Were you born in
some westerner home!”
“Ah!” I ran back to the entrance and took off my
shoes, putting on my house slippers in their place.

It had been years since Mother had ever enforced

these kinds of rules. I was a bit flummoxed at her
sudden change of behavior. Was it the talk I had given
her this morning? I hadn’t meant much by it. I was just
feeling a bit cocky, so I talked back to her some of the
thoughts I had. In retrospect, it was kind of
embarrassing that I spoke to my mother that way.

I headed back to the kitchen as mom put together a

plate with fresh rice and some okonomiyaki. I gave a
pleased noise recognizing it was made with shrimp,
my favorite. As I headed for the table, I found mom
sitting across from me with her own plate. She was
watching me eat, her expression imperceptible. Her
back was straight and she had her hands in her lap in a
very reserved manner. For me, it felt incredibly
awkward. I was so used to eating alone, that the
silence felt like it dragged on forever.


“Hakar-“ We both started to talk at the same time.

“Ah… Mother… continue…” I lowered my shoulders,

wondering why the atmosphere felt so weird.

“Hakaru, I was wondering if tonight, you’d like to

accompany your mother to a movie.” Mother asked,
finally taking a small bite.

“Ah! A movie?” I asked.

“It can be anything you want….” Mother said, blushing

“Ah… I’m sorry…” I lowered my head. “Actually, Akiko

is coming over tonight, so…”

Mother’s face flashed with irritation. “That is, your


“Of sorts…” I let out a soft, weird chuckle.

Mother turned away. “Fine, I’ll be on the couch if you

need me.”

Mom’s behavior immediately started dropping

quickly. Her posture left, and her face grew a lazy
displeased expression on it. I finished my meal while
she barely touched hers. If the previous atmosphere
was weird, now it was simply unpleasant. I supposed I
had told mom I’d give her more attention if she acted
better. If that was true why she had cooked for me
today, then I was failing on my end of the bargain. I
went to the kitchen and cleaned my dishes. When I
returned, mom stood up and left to head back into the
living room, her dirty dishes untouched.

A frown grew on my face, and I realized that whatever

happened, I didn’t want to leave mom back in the
same condition she was in. This side of her was
definitely preferable, so I would need to reward it.
Without thinking, I ran up to mom and wrapped my
arms around her from behind.

“Ah!” She let out a cry as I squeezed her.

“I’ll take mom out this weekend. Better than a movie.

I’ll treat you to dinner.”
“R-r-really?” Mom looked away from me, hiding her

“Your smile made me happy today,” I whispered in her


Mom shivered for some reason, but then she spoke in

her normally no-nonsense voice. “Shopping.”


“Take your Mother out shopping, and hold all of her

stuff… on top of dinner!” Mom demanded in a
somewhat pouty and cute way.

“Fine…” Mom said. “Now, let go of your mother. I’m
not one of your girlfriend floozies you bring home to
hammer in your room.”

“M-mother, please!”

“Hmph… Just go on and have your fun.” Mom waved

her hand. “It’s better if you had practice.”

Mother pushed away and went to the couch, no

longer acknowledging me with her head in the pillow.
I scratched my cheek and left for my room. I still
wasn’t sure what to make of what mom said. She had
all but consented I could have sex, didn’t she? She was
truly being odd today. Well, I didn’t hate some of the
changes, and with full permission from my parental
figure, then all I needed to do was wait and see.
I lay on my bed and counted the minutes. My sister
played loud music which sounded through the walls
deep into the night. I wondered if she was waiting for
a visit from her new friend. Sorry, I wouldn’t be able
to arrive tonight, not unless Akiko stood me up.

That was an idle thought, but as the night grew later, I

started growing nervous. It was already dark out and
the clock was growing late. Did Akiko seriously end up
going to him? I really didn’t know what I would do if
my ability didn’t work. If she turned around and broke
her promise… Just as my mind was starting to grow
frantic with fantasies, I heard knocking on my window.
I glanced out to see Akiko standing there, her arms
wrapped around herself staving off the cold night.
With her appearance, all of my worry dissipated. I

I opened the window and grinned out at her. “Well,

let’s begin.”
Chapter 16 :
“You actually came here?” I asked, an amused
expression on my face. “You didn’t go to Derek’s
place, did you? My slave should never lie to me!”

Akiko was holding her arm with her hand in a half hug,
looking confused and uncertain, as if even she didn’t
know why she had shown up at my place. She looked
very uncomfortable. Her eyes seemed to dart around,
and her feet wouldn’t stay still.

“I didn’t… I’m not lying. A-and stop calling me your

slave.” Akiko’s voice was very weak.

“Hah? But you promised to be my slave, didn’t you?”

“Y-you said it wouldn’t be sexual…”

“Hm? I’m just letting you know what I want, it’s up to
you if it becomes sexual, isn’t it?”

“Up to me? How is any of this up to me? I already feel

awful for standing Derek up and lying to him. Isn’t that
enough? I did what you said.”

I nodded, unzipping my pants and pulling my dick out.

“You promised to be my slave, Akiko. That was what
you wanted. What I want is to have you suck my dick
again. Get it nice and wet so I can stick it into your
asshole, just like Derek did.”

“You’re so mean…” Akiko started crying, big wet tears

falling down her face.

However, I knew Akiko for the lying bitch that she

was. I knew her even better than Derek now. She
didn’t earn even an ounce of my pity. She was a skank
and a slut, and more importantly, my slave!

“The window is right there. I’m being lenient right

now because you’re new to this whole slave thing, but
I’m not going to offer you chances in the future. Once
you become my slave, I expect my orders followed
immediately without question… or…”

“Or?” Akiko looked up at me, wiping her face.

“Or you can break your promise, get the fuck out, and
I never want to see you again.”

Akiko lowered her eyes once again, and they ended up

falling on my dick, which was admittedly getting a bit
hard. I couldn’t even really believe it myself how
aggressive my words had grown over the last few
days. The way I was talking to Akiko right now was
complete shit. Even Derek, who seemed to have a way
with manipulating people, would have his mouth
hanging open in shock. However, there was just too
much anger in me.

After letting a little anger out, it turned into a flood I

could no longer control. I couldn’t stop myself from
berating and humiliating her. I couldn’t stop the
disdainful look on my face when I glared at her. Even
though she was in tears, I couldn’t bring myself to be
nice. I didn’t hate her. Far from it. The previous night
when I found she was being raped by five guys, I had
raced out to save her even though I would have had
better profits if I hadn’t. That had to be because deep
down, Akiko still meant something to me.

However, she had tainted the feelings in our

relationship. She had destroyed the love we could
have had by being a cheating, lying, skank. I was
unwilling to let her go, but I was also unwilling to treat
her with love anymore. Thus, we ended up here. I
knew my words almost certainly would result in her
breaking her promise and leaving. Netori had
explained that the skill wasn’t as OP’d as I had hoped.
That it brought her here at all could already be
considered the limit of this skill.

Thus, when she slowly got down on her knees, I could

barely believe it. I gasped as her pert lips once again
took my cock into her mouth. For the second time in a
day, I was getting a BJ from this woman! Except, there
was one noticeable exception between then and now.
Back then, she was still my girlfriend in name. Now,
she was Derek’s girlfriend! That was a simple
difference, but knowing that Derek was stewing at
home waiting for his girlfriend to come over while she
was in my bedroom sucking my cock, it really was the
best. No wonder Derek set this shit up. I’d make sure
to make good use of his girlfriend!

“Mmm… Mmm…” Akiko looked to be a lot bolder in

my room than she was at school.
She quickly slobbered all over my cock, sucking it
between her lips with a renewed enthusiasm that left
my balls already aching to shoot cum into the back of
her throat. For the first time in my life, I fought against
the desire to orgasm. Her mouth and tongue were
warm and wet, and Akiko was quite the little devilish
bitch when she wanted to be. Her tongue darted
around, and her eyes glanced up at me with a light in
them that seemed to suggest she knew the effect she
was having on my dick.

To resist from blowing my load in an instant, I had to

keep imagining her banging Derek. It was a torturous
scene, but it was the only thing that kept my anger up.
The next time she looked up at me, expecting me to
be panting from the euphoria of her tongue, I was
glaring down at her. Her bright eyes were diminished
somewhat, but she seemed to attack my cock with
renewed enthusiasm as if this was a battle of wills.
Not tolerating that shit, I finally decided to grab her
ears and force my dick down her throat.
“Mm!” She let out a cry, but I ignored her as I started
to fuck her face roughly.

I could only get about 3/4th of my cock into her

mouth. For Derek, it was probably only like ½. If you
want to be technical, she’s gobbled down more of my
dick than Dereks. It was a silly thought but it amused
me. I kept thrusting into her, and she even tried to
push me off as I used her mouth as a fuck hole. Just
when I was feeling like I was about to blow my load
down her throat, I stopped.

What? I’m not a guy who can cum fifteen times. That’s
all the stuff of fantasies. Maybe I could buy that extra
ability that would let me do it, but that was a problem
for the future. Thus, I had to conserve my load for
when I really wanted it.
As I pulled out, Akiko bent over and coughed, gagging
a few times as she held back vomit. She was pretty
good at deepthroating, as even after my violent
facefuck she was able to keep it in. Of course, her face
was a mess with tears, spit, and snot running from
ever hole. Then again, she should be good, she’s had
practice. I could only stare down at her with a frown
as she wiped snot from her nose and tears from her

“N-not so rough!” She complained.

“Not so rough? Aren’t I doing you a favor?” I snarled.

“I’m helping you make my dick nice and wet before it
goes into your asshole. Now pull down your
underwear and bend over my bed.”

Her mouth opened in a silent cry, her body shaking a

few times as more tears fell down in anguish. She
stared up at me in disbelief, like she didn’t even know
why she was here or who was this man doing this to
her. However, after a moment to compose herself,
she stood up and pulled down her pants and
underwear. For the first time, I could see my
girlfriend’s ass up close. Other than on the rooftop, I’d
never gotten much of a look.

As she moved too slowly and I was starting to lose my

erection, I shoved her head down on my bed. I didn’t
waste a moment to line the head of my cock up with
her butt, and then force myself inside. Today was a
day for many firsts for me. Now, I got to experience
my first anal sex with my ex-girlfriend.

“Ahhhh…. Too quick! It hurts!”

I ignored her and forced it deep into her colon,

savoring the feel of the tight, warm hole. This felt a lot
like a pussy. However, where her pussy was softer,
with tissue pushing against my cock throughout, the
asshole had a single tight hole that gripped my cock
like a hand, followed by an infinite abyss of pleasant
warmth. I rather liked the feeling and thought I could
get used to it.

I forced myself into her a little more. She let out

shouts and moans, but I kept going until I was deep
inside her. I wondered if my sister could hear me
fucking next door. Was she imagining herself being
raped by my cock? Was she touching herself while
listening to the noises? Somehow, thinking of my
sister was more exciting sexually than this woman
under me. After all, she was just my cumdumster
slave. I had completely dissociated her from the once
loving girlfriend I had.

I started moving my hips, attacking her ass with piston

movement, taking a full degree of pleasure from her
ass. She squirmed under me, feeling discomfort and
pain, but I made no attempt to be gentler. What I did
do was reach around her leg and start rubbing her clit.
As soon as my fingers touched her, Akiko made a loud

Anal sex was painful, and only for a guy’s benefit. That
was the general belief going through Akiko’s mind.
However, with my dick in her ass pumping, while I
fingered her clit, she started to feel a strange sense of
pleasure. Her pussy was still being triggered and
stimulated by the dick pounding her ass, and on top of
that, my fingers weren’t half bad either.

“Hah… Hah… Hakaru…” She moaned my name


A week ago, this would have been the thing I wanted

more than anything. Hearing her moan my name
would have been the sweetest thing in my life. At the
moment, it only reminded me how much of a whore
she was. I moved faster, my dick pounding her ass and
my fingers moving until they were a blur.
“Hah… Hah… ahhhn… I… I’m going to cum…” Akiko

“Me too… so I guess I’m done with your ass.” I pulled

my dick out of her and stopped fingering her.

To suddenly be denied when she was so close, Akiko

could only look back in confusion and frustration.
“Wh-what’s wrong?”

“Huh? Didn’t I promise to fuck all three holes.”

I arched her hips slightly, pulling her butt up, and then
lined my cock with her pussy, which was already very
wet and lewd.
“N-no! That… it was just in my ass… it’s dirty.”

“You’re dirty all over.” I snorted. “I don’t fucking


“No, I could get an infec- Ahhhn…” I didn’t allow her

to argue back as I pushed myself into her pussy.

With my dick already in her, there was nothing Akiko

could do, so she turned back while wearing a
complicated look. Meanwhile, I started pumping her
pussy just as fast as I was blasting her ass. She started
moaning again, but I was already at my limit and
hadn’t taken a long enough break.

“Ahn… I’m going to cum this time.” I declared.

“W-wait… not in there. I really could get pregnant this

“Then take those day-after pills your boyfriend offered

you, ah… shit… I’m cumming…”

“S-stop, no! Please, not in… ahhh… I feel it… damn it,

“Shut up, slave, you’re just my cum dumpster, so

receive all my cum!”

“Ahn… it’s entering my womb… shit, why am I

cumming too.” Akiko cried as she orgasmed.

“Isn’t it because you’re a slut. Your body doesn’t lie.”

“Haah… I hate you…” Akiko cried as I injected her
pussy full of cum. “Why are you so mean? I hate

Of course, I was a bit worried she’d get pregnant, but I

was also at a point where I didn’t care all that much
and just wanted to relieve some of my anger and
stress. I finished my load, delivering it all deeply into
Akiko’s womb, and then shoved her off of me. She
collapsed on the bed, both holes gaping and one of
them leaking semen.

“Y-you’re done with me?” She demanded, glaring back

at me angrily.

“Actually, you need to clean up your mess.” I point

down to my cock, wet with spit, cum, and ass.

“Th-that’s dirty…” She made a face.

“Of course, it is, you’re the bitch who dirtied it. So, get
over here and clean it with your tongue!”

I continued to play with Akiko for another hour or

two, although I wasn’t able to get my dick up again for
sex. I made her lick it all clean. Then I laid her on the
bed and played with her for a while. I enjoyed her tits,
her pussy, and her ass, probing them with my fingers.
She didn’t protest too much, just keeping her eyes

Eventually, I let her fall asleep, and now her naked

form was on my bed for the second night in a row. I
felt like I had finally become a man. Not only had a
claimed Akiko, but I enjoyed some good sex for a
change… rather than something cramped under a
staircase or tied up on her bed. I got to explore her
body in depth, and I felt a lot more prepared the next
time I banged a woman.
I had cleaned myself of the sex and then put on my
own pajamas. I got some matcha to drink before bed,
and as I stared out the window, I heard a little click.
The sound occurred two more times before I realized
that rocks were falling from my roof. Someone was
tossing little pebbles down just outside my window. I
quietly made my way outside, avoiding alerting
anyone in my home. When I looked on the roof, I saw
a familiar woman.

Rather than call her down, I fetched a ladder from the

shed, leaned it against the house, and then climbed
up. The past me would have been too scared to climb
on to the roof of my house, but those kinds of feelings
seemed to have disappeared recently. Netori was just
sitting there on the roof, looking somewhat glum. I sat
next to her, remaining in complete silence. She didn’t
acknowledge me and I didn’t talk to her. We sat like
that for about ten minutes before she finally pulled
out her device and snorted.
“You’ve earned 1000 points today. Congratulations.”

“Hah?” I laughed. “I couldn’t have done it without


Netori snorted, pushing off my flattery. “Hmm… I

suppose so.”

“May I ask, why are the points so high?”

Netori sighed. “Isn’t the answer obvious? Points are

awarded by how people feel about you.”

“Yeah… and Akiko hates me now!”

Netori chuckles. “You don’t know women very well,
do you?”


“Thought so… how can I put this delicately? You didn’t

understand Akiko at all!”


“Your previous girlfriend, she may look like a normal

Japanese high school girl, but in her heart is a great
deal of depravity. She’s a masochist and a submissive.
The way you’ve been treating her today has perhaps
been her greatest turn on yet. Her feelings for you
have not diminished but inflated heavily. I was right, it
isn’t just your ability that made her the way she is, but
a part of her own depraved nature being fulfilled.”

Netori shrugged, “These are desires even they

themselves would never admit. Added to that a little
bit of forced promise, and she’s getting to act out her
deepest darkest desires! Just like your sister and her
rape fetish, you ended up filling a deep, dark desire
within Akiko to be dominated. In essence, she wants
to be a man’s filthy sex slave! That’s why she cheated
on you. Derek was commanding and demanding, and
even if she didn’t understand it herself, she was
attracted to that power. Now… she’s attracted to the
power in you.”

I nodded, accepting the words she said at face value. I

had seen the look on Akiko as I came inside her. Even
though she said she hated me, she was still smiling the
entire time, a look of ecstasy deep in her eyes.
“What’s with you, you’re not acting like your usual…
self.” I asked.

Netori remained silent for a minute before speaking.

“You finished your goals.”


“Derek is now being cheated on, and Akiko is slowly

committed to becoming your slave. I suppose now
you’re going to just milk the points for a while? There
is no more reason to play NTR Crush, at least not
competitively… ah!”

I bopped the top of Netori’s head with my fist. “What

are you talking about? I may have enslaved Akiko, but
she’s just a slave to me now. I may be secretly cucking
Derek, but my revenge is far from over. However,
more than any of that, I still have women to conquer.
My sister, my teacher, and even you…”

“Y-you’re still on about stealing me?” Netori looked

away, but she didn’t seem displeased by my words.

“Of course!”

“You’ll fight to grow more powerful, more

manipulative, you’ll conquer more women? Even

“Damn straight!”

Netori turned back to me, her old mischievous nature

returning a bit. “In that case, I’ll tell you that I’ve
received reports from up above, that’s why I took off

“My game of NTR Crush is proceeding nicely…. Far

faster than I would have imagined. I’d thought it’d
take you nearly a year to reach level 2… but you’re
already nearly level 3. That means, you’re ready…”

“Ready? Ready for what?”

Netori’s eyes flashed. “To meet the other players.”

I gasped. “There are others?”

“Mm… although I personally only work with you, this

game of mine is no longer exclusive. It has appeared
to catch the interest of others upstairs. I just learned
that there are many gods and goddesses who’ve
decided to invest in winning NTR Crush. I’m the
embodiment of theft, but there is also greed,
cheating, love, sex… and various other gods and
goddess who have taken interest in my game and
selected their own champions.”

I looked over at her nervously. “And what exactly does

winning entail?”

Netori’s eyes twinkled. “It’s called NTR Crush for a

reason. Of course, you must crush your opponents.
We’re just getting started!”

I gulped as I thought about other guys out there who

also had powers like mine and the wiliness to cuck
other men. I looked back at Netori, this woman who
came into my life not too long ago and changed
absolutely everything. She stole my death, gave me
the chance to redeem my pride, and supported me
every step of the way. She was beautiful, mysterious,
playful, and caring.

Although she’d never admit it, I reasoned that she

only dated Derek to embarrass him and out Akiko. She
had been on my side all the time. Even her cutting
words were there not to stop me, but to make me
move forward. She pushed me into becoming a true
man. Even if I wasn’t interested in any other perk of
NTR Crush, I knew I wanted to keep this woman in my
life. I firmed the resolve in my heart and met Netori’s

“Netori… I will continue to play your game. I won’t

stop until I’ve stolen every girl, including you!”

Netori blinked, but then a beautiful smile formed on

her face. “Hai!”
Chapter 17 :
My name is Hakaru. It’s been one month since my life
changed completely. At my lowest, I caught my
girlfriend cheating on me with my best friend. Angry
at having such a shitty life, I decided to kill myself. It
was the only revenge I could manage considering the
pathetic nature of my existence. Then I met Netori,
and my life was never the same. She stole my death,
and in exchange, offered me the chance to play her
game. As long as I stole the hearts and bodies of other
women from their lovers, I’d gain points which I could
use to gain a more attractive body, a bigger penis, and
various skills that bordered on magic.

So, I started doing things I never would have imagined

in my life. I banged a goddess and lost my virginity. I
blackmailed my teacher in to improving my grades. I
broke off my friendship with my backstabbing best
friend. I dumped my girlfriend, made her his girlfriend,
and then turned her into my own personal sex slave! I
even pushed my sister down and raped her. One of
the biggest changes seemed to come from the most
innocuous of sources.

With more confidence, I spoke frankly with my

mother, causing her to start working a little harder to
be more respectable. She still drank every night, but
lately, she’d been taking care of herself more. She
wore makeup and fine clothing. She cooked meals
regularly. She was always waiting for me when I got
home. I think she had even hit the gym, as her body
shape was starting to improve. Her flab and wrinkles
were disappearing, and even dad, who had long since
abandoned her to party and cheat every night was
starting to notice. I didn’t know why a couple of words
from me had caused such a difference, but I didn’t
complain. Having an attractive, beautiful, hardworking
mom to come home to was somewhat nice.
As far as my teacher, I hadn’t brought up the fact she
was fucking my dad, but I could tell she was still
sweating, and my grades were basically all A’s now. I’d
considered pushing the blackmail to another level, but
I needed proof. Thus, for the last month, I had been
trying to keep track of my father and teacher’s
movements. I think I figured out when they met. It
seemed to be every Friday night. Of course, Miss
Fukumi wasn’t the only woman my dad slept around
with, but she seemed to be one of the most
consistent. I wondered if she knew that he was
cheating on her and his wife. Knowing my father,
probably not.

My sister was a little trickier. She didn’t become the

nightly booty call as I imagined. In fact, she had nailed
her window shut the following night, and had become
somewhat paranoid. She never came out of her room
to interact with the family. That was probably a good
thing, as I’m not sure how she’d react to mom’s
change in behavior. Still, I was confused, because
Netori told me my sister had been extremely aroused
and into the rape, so why was she avoiding it? When I
asked Netori, she shrugged.

“She’s a girl, not fap material from one of your

magazines. Girls are complicated. You can’t just stick
your dick in her and expect her to love you forever.”

“Didn’t that work for you?” I asked in return.

“Keep dreaming, dummy, even if I spread my legs right

now you’d barely earn a point!”

I still saw my sister as the next conquest. This was

because not only had we already slept together but
she also had several side boyfriends, so multiple thefts
for more points. Points really did offer diminishing
returns. It was like leveling in a video game. My first
week playing was truly an abnormal experience. Now
that I had dried up all the positions I could push Akiko
into and all the first times I could take, leveling had
truly become a grind. I still hadn’t managed to reach
level three and forcing Akiko to cheat on Derek barely
netted me ten points a day.

“NTR Crush is about stealing women. For all intents

and purposes, Akiko has already been stolen. Had you
done things the other way and continued to let Derek
enjoy your girl, there would be even fewer points.”
Netori had explained.

However, I was determined to reach level three, and

with only one girl netting me points, that meant I
needed to push her to her limit.

“Agn… tight… too tight!” she cried under me. “No

more… I hurt… please stop, I can’t take anymore.
Please… no… no!”
That was why I had Akiko in my room on a Sunday. I
had made her tell her parents she was staying over at
a girlfriend’s house for the weekend, but really, I had
brought her into my room to start grinding points. I
was so close to level three I could just taste those
vanity points. However, to earn the last few points I
needed to take extreme measures. I tied Akiko up
with various ropes and had spent the last two days
sexually torturing her in every way I could think of.

I had put clamps on her nipples. I had dropped ice on

her crotch. I had stuffed something in her pussy while
I fucked her ass. I had tied her up and contorted her
into every position imaginable. She had earned
various bruises and scratches over the last two days.
Akiko truly looked like a broken woman. However,
even now, I saw her cumming, her eyes rimmed with
euphoria. Akiko was really enjoying this. Well, even if
it was an awful experience for her, I’d do it anyway,
and without feeling much guilt. Akiko had long sense
lost my respect. She was just my plaything.
I had started rope practice on Akiko a few weeks ago.
It was actually an attempt to prepare for tying up my
sister. With her window nailed shut, I’d need to come
up with a different way to rape her. Getting good with
ropes seemed like a necessity, and Akiko was the only
girl I could hogtie. So, I started tying her up, and then
kept tying her up, and eventually, it grew to this point.

As soon as I removed the gag in her mouth made from

her dirty underwear which she had cum all over
yesterday, she had started begging for release. To be
fair, once she got over the initial shock, she had been
a good sport over the last 24 hours. But as I moved
onto hour 48, her body was starting to break down.
Tears ran down her face freely, and even her arousal
was starting to be replaced with a fear of what I’d do

She was tied up on the bed with her feet and arms
behind her back. This put her in a sort of crab walk
pose from which she couldn’t move or escape.
“Let’s use the cunt blaster again,” I said shoving her
underwear back in her mouth.

“Mmm! Nmmm! Nmmm!” She shook her head

desperately with her eyes open, more tears falling.

The cunt blaster was the name I gave a tool I had

come up with one day in shop class. I had previously
pulled apart a vibrator and noticed that the design
was really just an unbalanced weight and a rotator. It
was the same concept as the feedback vibration in
controllers. One of the heavy duty wood drills in class
was similarly unbalanced, and whenever someone
tried to use it, it shook so violently that it was hard to
keep in your hand. After using Dirt Scribe on my shop
teacher and finding out that he had been skimming
money from the class funds to bang a stripper, he had
been happy to let me borrow any tools I wanted.
I always liked to tinker with things. Back when I still
cared about Akiko’s wants, I used to fix appliances for
a couple of extra bucks to take her on dates. Now that
I was playing this game, that meager salary seemed
completely inefficient. Maybe I needed to consider
getting a job?

Well, at the very least, my skills were sufficient that I

was able to insert the drill part into a massager. It was
an old one with some metal parts. New ones made
from plastic were likely too weak to be able to handle
the extreme vibration this device put out. It was
seriously jarring. The first time I used it, my teeth were
chattering when I was done. I ended up wrapping the
handle in a bunch of insulation. The most violent part
went against Akiko’s clit, naturally.

This weekend was the first time I got to try it on her.

The first time I had used it, she had gone crazy. She
ended up peeing herself and passing out. That was
two days ago, and this was only the third time I was
using it on her. The second time I managed to keep it
up for five minutes. By the end, her pussy had been so
numbed that she couldn’t feel anything after the
powerful contractions. I poked one finger into her,
then two, and she said she couldn’t feel them at all.

So… I stuck my fist into her. She was already really

wet, and it only took a bit of force to get it in her.
That, she felt, but with her pussy numbed, it wasn’t
painful. It was more of a shock. Seeing my entire fist
slid inside her, she couldn’t believe her pussy which
was once so small and tight could stretch over the
whole thing. I fisted her for the first time yesterday.
Hey, I said I tried everything, after all, to reach my
next level, and fisting just happened to be one of the
few things I hadn’t done yet.

Although she complained and whined that I was

ruining her pussy, she couldn’t deny that it felt
incredible. She ended up cumming twice on my fist
until her body grew too sore to continue. I was a bit
surprised that she let me do that. At that time, she
wasn’t even tied up. How high were her limits anyway.
Just when I thought I was about to break her, we
always seemed to take things one step farther. It was
suprising, but so was how sadistic I could be when I
didn’t care about afterward.

Now that I was pulling out the device again, I

wondered how long she could last. Perhaps I could get
ten minutes out of her. Naturally, we were at my
house, so besides playing loud music as my sister did, I
also needed to cover her mouth. Even the gag wasn’t
enough. I had to hold her mouth shut with my hand
when I used this thing. There was just no other way.


aaaa…” I shoved my hand down over her lips as I
turned the tool up to full blast.
She made it seven minutes before her body was
ripping at the restraints so violently I thought she’d
get hurt. There was a massive stain of wetness under
her from losing fluids. In truth, my bed was just about
ruined thanks to this girl. She should repay me. Maybe
I could put her to work. She could be a sex slave and
earn money for me on the corner. No… even after
everything I’ve done, those thoughts still seemed to
hurt my heart a bit.

In spite of everything that Akiko had done to me, I just

couldn’t bring myself to completely destroy her. Even
now, using her body to earn points, I didn’t do
anything that the girl herself didn’t find pleasurable.
For all intents and purposes, I never made her come to
my house. She chose to do that of her own accord.
However, now that she was mine, even if she was little
more than a meat toilet, I wouldn’t share her with
anyone. For better or worst, Akiko was mine from now
on. I decided I wouldn’t discard her.
“Hmmm… I wonder what we can fit in you now.” I
spoke that last part out loud, looking around the

“Mmmlll…” She tried to murmur something from

within her gag.

A moment later, her eyes rolled up into the back of

her head and she collapsed flaccid in her restraints.

“Oh, you passed out.” I sighed, dropping the cunt

blaster on the bed next to her.

It was heavy and landed with a distinct thud.

“That’s a nasty device you made.” A voice came from
behind me, followed by a sniffing sound. “This place
smells like a cheating skank.”

I chuckled, looking down at Akiko. “That’s true… she

really has stunk up my room, hasn’t she? Man, even
my rug is stained.”

Netori floated into my vision, a pout on her face, and

her eyes locked on me. “I was talking about you!”

“Eh? Me? A cheater? I’m single, who am I cheating


“Hmph!” Netori turned her head. “Isn’t the reason

you’re earning all those points so you can have my
body again?”
“Keep dreaming!” I shot back. “The day I have your
body, it’ll be because I took it!”

Netori blinked, and then laughed with her hand over

her mouth. “Is that so… you’ve been earning points so
aggressively this weekend, it’s been blowing up my
phone, I thought you were just desperate to make me

“I’m pretty sure you like to watch, so don’t make this

about me.” I swatted at her ass which was floating
near my face.

“Tee hee!” Netori laughed, turning her body and

skillfully avoiding my touch.

“Why are you here, Netori?” I demanded, glaring up at

her as she looked down at me from the ceiling.
“Hmm… perhaps you need a break?” Netori offered.

“What is this? A video game moderator asking me to

take breaks in between long gaming sessions? Give
me a break!” I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her.

“AH! Don’t throw stuff, that’s cheating!” She said,

even while flying around the room to dodge it.

“Cheating? That’s rich coming from you.” I glared at

her before turning to the unconscious Akiko and
dragging her tied form to the edge of the bed. “If
you’re done, I need to earn more points, I wonder if I
creampie her while sleeping if that elicits any
bonuses… maybe I can make her pregnant… I’ll have
to abort it in a few months. Damn… child sacrifice,
maybe that’s a bit too far.”
“Well, fortunately, you don’t need to go that far!” She
finally landed back on the ground.

“And why is that?”

“Because…” She brought out a cheap plastic

celebratory whistle and blew it. “Congratulations! You
made it to level 3!”

“Tell me that shit sooner!” I cursed, grabbing the

nearest thing.

“Ahhh! I said no throwing!”

Chapter 18 :
“Sorry, we’re just not interested in someone with no
“How can I get experience if no one will hire me?”

“I’m sorry…”

The door slammed in my face. The store wasn’t even

closing. Apparently, he just felt like slamming the door
in my face to punctuate the fact he wasn’t going to
hire me. My very short resume crumpled slightly as
my hand shook. It was true, I had never had a job
before. In truth, I never really felt I needed a job
before graduating. Unfortunately, NTR Crush was a
game where I’d need to start earning a little money if I
wanted to progress. Thus, I felt strongly that I needed
a job.

I had tried a few PC repair shops. I could build a

computer from scratch. However, if I wasn’t certified
with some kind of windows compliance B.S., they
didn’t appear to be the least bit interested in me.
Then, I tried a couple of fast food places, but all the
local ones were managed by fat middle-aged men
who were only interested in hiring high school girls
they could ogle and take advantage of. The latest
place I had tried to apply to was a job handing out
flyers, but the more I pressed them about actually
being paid, the shiftier that got until just now when a
door slammed in my face.

I supposed they wanted to pay people under the

counter or something. Perhaps they wanted to get me
to work for free for a while, and only pay me if
business picked up. Either way, I wasn’t going to be
taken advantage of like that. I sighed and walked
away. With my head lowered, I wasn’t paying
attention when I suddenly bumped into someone.

“Ah! Watch it!” A girl’s voice cried out.

I reached out and grabbed her, stopping her from
falling down on her butt. Suddenly, a pair of brown
eyes were looking up at me. I instantly recognize the
girl in my arms.


Kira was the daughter of my teacher, and the student

council president too. We used to be friends when I
was younger, but when I started dating my first real
girlfriend, she grew very jealous of Kira and flew into a
rage every time we hung out. Thus, I stopped hanging
out with Kira. Of course, I knew now that my former
girlfriend Eiko was so jealous because she was a
cheating whore. Like Akiko, she was a massive cheat.
Unlike Akiko, who was only obsessed with one guy,
Eiko slept around. She still attended my high school,
and slept around enough that she had a reputation as
a slut. These weren’t just rumors though. Netori had
confirmed to me herself that Eiko had slept with no
less than six guys during our relationship, and I hadn’t
even fucked her once.

That history burned, so I decided to ignore it. I looked

down at Kira, who had only just now realized that I
still had my hand wrapped around her, keeping her
from falling.

“Hakaru!” Kira cried out, her face turning bright red,

but not fighting from my grip. “What are you doing
here after school?”

“Ah? Oh… I’m looking for a job.” I finally let her go,
causing Kira to let out a breath as if trying to calm
herself. “What about you?”

“N-nothing!” Kira said defensively, but then tapped

her lips. “Hakaru wants a job, huh?”
It was clear to me that she was doing something she
didn’t want me to know about and was trying to
change the conversation. Since Netori entered my life,
I had grown a lot more conscious on the hidden
meaning behind girl’s actions, and it was clear as day
that Kira was hiding something. However, I didn’t have
any reason to push her, so I went along with her

“Yeah… allowance just isn’t enough and I don’t get too

many electronic repair jobs anymore.”

“Ah!” Kira snapped her finger. “That’s right, you’re

pretty good with audio/video stuff, right?”

“Yeah, well, it’s not really doing me any good right

now. I’m not certified…”
“No! It’s perfect, actually.” Kira reached out and
grabbed my hand.


“I got a job I can get you!” Kira said excitedly,

immediately turning and pulling me.

Now that I remembered properly, Kira had always

been that kind of girl. She was usually shy until she got
an idea in her head, and then she became like a bull.
She used to drag me all around, causing mischief. I
figured it was this bull-headed personality that got her
the student council president office. Well, it didn’t
hurt that her dad was the vice-principal and her mom
was a teacher. That fact left many people angry and
frustrated with her, feeling that she didn’t deserve her
Of course, at the time this happened, I was dating my
girlfriend and didn’t have any interest in her life, so it
wasn’t something I thought about much until now. I
stared at her twin tails bouncing along as she pulled
me down the street boldly while holding my hand. I
even received a few looks from a few jealous guys
who didn’t like seeing anyone with a girl. I had been
dating girls through most of high school, so I had
gotten used to this look.

Kira was still wearing her student outfit, while I had

slipped into something a bit more comfortable. The
contrast made the scene of both of us together even
more scandalous. I blinked when I noticed what
building she was leading me into. It used to be an inn
of some kind. Now, it looked somewhat run down. It
had flashy signs on it and a sign to rent by the hour.
Was she taking me to a love hotel!

Kira didn’t hesitate to bring me into the residence. I

could smell paint as if the place was still being
renovated. The lighting was low and the place looked
a bit sketchy. He definitely wasn’t in high school. I
suddenly started wondering if Kira had a boyfriend.
Why was that an issue? Why did I feel like it’d be
better if she did? I really needed to calm myself!

We ended up going to the front counter of the lobby.

There was a tall guy standing there who also looked
somewhat shady. He had blue dyed hair and a piercing
in his nose. He looked at the pair of us holding hands
with a frown.

“Hey, oniichan!” Kira called out, waving excitedly.

Suddenly, I took another look at the guy behind the

counter. That’s right, Kira’s brother was always a bit of
a punk guy. However, he never could dye his hair or
anything because of high school rules. He would have
graduated last year though, so now he could do
whatever he wanted. It looked like he had done all the
things he had wanted to do. He had a tattoo on his
arm, a piercing in his nose, and dyed hair. I wondered
what his mother thought.

Although, on second though, Kira’s family was mixed.

She wasn’t a full Japanese girl, and they were very lax
on eastern customs. My mother had never liked Kira.
Would she also get a tattoo and piercings after school
graduation? That would certainly be a surprising
direction for the student council president to go after
school ended.

“Sis… what are you doing here? And in school

uniform? You know, dad’s going to be pissed.”

Kira rolled her eyes. “We both know dad and mom are
so uptight. This is their own son’s business. They
should be happy for you!”
Kira’s brother narrowed his eyes. “Now, I feel like
you’re buttering me up. You want something.”

“Can’t a sister just want to see her oniichan-“

“I’m going to stop you right there. You only call me

oniichan when you want a favor. So, what is it? Does it
have to do with your boyfriend here?”

Kira broke into a blush, only now releasing my hand.

“He-he-he’s not my boyfriend!”

“Okay then, a guy you want to be your boyfriend…”

“Deacon! Stop it!” Kira said tearfully. “He’s just an old

friend who needs a job! It’s just a job! I remember you
said you needed a guy good with tech! Besides, you
know him! Remember, Hakaru, we used to play

“Hmm….” Deacon eyed me up and down before

shrugging. “That’s right. I remember you. You were
dating that Eiko girl for a while. Damn she gave good
he.. aaaaahh… shit… I mean…”

I put up my hand. “It’s okay, I know all about that


Kira cocked her head, looking between the two of us

as if she didn’t know all about that stuff. Bullheaded,
but surprisingly innocent. I had never told her about
the brutal end to my last relationship. As far as she
knew, I was dating Eiko, and now I’m dating Akiko and
that was that. Neither of us decided to fill her in.

“A job?”
“Yeah… I just need something to do after school to
bring in some money. I want to buy a few things, and
helping people with computer stuff isn’t earning me
enough anymore.”

“So, you’re a tech guy then?” Deacon asked.

I nodded. “I can build a PC if I need to.”

“And you’re familiar… with that stuff?”

I raised an eyebrow. Just what exactly was he

expecting me to do? However, I did have an answer.

“I dated Eiko… right?” I said quietly.

Deacon threw up his hands and shrugged. “Alright.
You’re hired. Shit. That means you’re my first
employee. That feels weird.”

“What exactly am I doing?” I asked, still a little


“Eh? You couldn’t tell from the outside?” Kira broke

in, giving me a questioning look.

I wore a wry smile. “Actually, I mean… it kind of looks

like a lo-lo… ah…”

“A love hotel, right?” Deacon spoke up without

hesitation and chuckled.

When Kira heard that, she exploded into a blush. “A l-

l-love hotel! That’s not… this isn’t!”
“Actually, it was a love hotel before. However, they’ve
been doing that clean up the downtown campaign the
last few years and the city no longer allows that sort
of thing. So, I bought the place out and I’m turning it
into a gaming pad and karaoke bar.”

“Karaoke?” I said wonderingly.

Those kinds of places started to go out of business in

the eighties. America didn’t take to karaoke like the
Japanese, so many of those bars shut down during the
western invasion.

“I said gaming and Karaoke!” Deacon corrected. “It’s

basically a place where you can rent a room and
supplies. Lan parties, gaming, sport events, you name
it! The couches are big and comfy. The privacy is
assured. The televisions are HD. What more can you
ask for? Well… at least that’s the idea…”
Kira clapped slightly, as if trying to humor Deacon.

“Ah… so you need me to help set up the Audio Video


“Well, a second hand to keep this stuff running won’t

hurt. Plus, you’ll run the counter. We opened officially
last month, but the front needs to be fixed though.
The guy who made the signs totally made the place
look shady. That’s why mom’s not going to be happy,
a girl in a school uniform walking into a love hotel with
a boy… you’re really dumb some times, sis.”

“Eh? Eh!” Kira blushed. “That’s not… we’re not…”

“Just head off,” I said as smoothly as I could. “I think I

got it from here. Thank you for your help!”
“Ah.. oh… of course!” Kira gave me a bow, still
flustered. “Thank you, Oniichan!”

She gave that call as she ran for the door, waving as
she left. If no one noticed her entering the love hotel,
they certainly would see her leaving it as loud as she
was being. We could both only shake our heads at her
lack of social awareness.

“She gone?” Deacon looked intently at the shut door

and then sighed. “Good. I wasn’t gonna talk about this
in front of my sister, but if you’re going to work here,
you need to know about the dirty little reality of this

“Eh? It’s a gaming center?”

Deacon chuckled. “Well, it is. I’ll certainly rent to any
teens or kids that come wanting to lan or whatever.
However, let’s face it, you lock two teens of the
opposite sex in a room together for a few hours and
what are they going to do?”

I furrowed my eyebrows, but only had to think for a

moment before my eyes opened wide. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, man. I mean, officially, it’s our policy to stop

people from having sex in the rooms, but unofficially,
more than 50% of my profit comes from teenagers
fucking. We forbid anyone over 22 from using this
place and we rebranded it as for kids, but ultimately,
it’s still an hourly rent love hotel to way too many

“So, what is my job then?” I asked with a furrowed

“Come, I’ll show you.” We walked down the hallway
where he guided. “Of course, your main responsibility
will be to sell people time and kick them out when
they are done. We also have concessions you can sell
them. Soda, nachos, popcorn… typical movie theater
stuff. It’s mostly microwavable crap overpriced as
always, so don’t worry about having to learn to use an
oven. We rent games, movies, whatever. They also
have game consoles in every room.

“It was my dream to create a place that kids wanted

to hang out with friends on the weekends and after
school.” Deacon opened up one of the rooms. “But
after a month of this, I realized my harsh reality.”

He gestured around the room, and my eyes had to

widen. There was an abandoened bra on the couch,
and a very clear stain in the middle of the couch that
did not look like it was caused by food or soda.
Deacon kicked the trash bucket next to me, and I
looked down to see a used condom sitting in there.
The entire room felt thick with sex. It smelled
somewhat like my own room after I had played with
Akiko all weekend. On the television a porn with the
good bits blurred out was left playing while muted.

“Damn…” I said out loud.

Deacon chuckled. “Yeah… this is how they usually

leave it. I’m sorry to say, man, but your job is cleaning
up this mess. I had to get an upholstery cleaner and
everything. Empty the trash, scrub the walls, delete
the user history, scrub the couch for cum stains… so

“So, you want me to be your cum cleaner?” I asked

with a frown.

“Hey… you make it sound bad. I’m paying you most of

the time to just sit around and take orders. Cleaning
only comes at night. You can check out any movies or
games you want. Heck, if you have a girl, you can use
one of the rooms yourself as long as you clean up
after. Although the best perk… “He stopped and
lowered his eyes. “Can you keep a secret?”

I nodded. “Yeah, man, my job kind of depends on this,


Deacon chuckled. “Come over to the backroom.”

I followed him into his office, where he had several

monitors set up. That’s when I realized I was looking
at a very nice security system that had camera’s
filming every room and the hallway.

“Wait… you have cameras in the rooms?”

“Of course, it’s for child safety. Yet, these teenagers
are so horny they don’t care. The first few days I
actually tried to stop them from fucking. Eventually, I
just started watching.” Using a desktop, he opened a
file and started playing it. “See anything you

I looked down at the screen. There was a girl on her

knees sucking dick. She was wearing my school’s
uniform. As she grew more and more excited, she
hiked up her skirt, bent over, and the guy started
fucking her from behind. However, my eyes landed on
her face, and I realized I did know that girl.


“How do you think a looser like me ever got an

underclassmen like her to suck my cock? I showed her
this video and told her I was going to have to inform
her parents. She couldn’t get on her knees fast
enough begging me to delete it. I said I would. That
guy was even her boyfriend too. What a slut.” He
glanced over at me and then blushed. “Uh… I mean…”

“It’s alright. It was a long time ago.” I shrugged. “You…

got any more of these recordings?”

Deacon chuckled. “Yup, I got recordings of half the

kids at your school in compromising positions. Girls
fucking boyfriends. Girls fucking guys who aren’t their
boyfriends. Guys lighting up. What I lack… is someone
on the inside. Someone at the high school who knows
whose dating who… and who knows who would hurt
the most if this leaked out. Someone that can use this
information… you know… for good.”

“If I work for you, I can use these images?” I asked, my

eyes starting to brighten.
“I see it more as a mutually beneficial… arrangement.”
Deacon grinned, nodding his head, “So, what do you

I scratched my chin. “I think things at school are about

to get very interesting.”

Chapter 19 :
“This is the card key. It’ll let you in the room. The
room is already equipped with cable, karaoke, and a
list of movies. If you need anything else, just ask…” I
said as I put a card on the table.

“Hehe… do you offer any erotic movies?” The guy

asked with a grin, wrapping his arm around his girl as
he pocketed the card.
“Don’t ask him that!” The girl in his arms blushed,
hitting him on the pectoral playfully.

“You need an id to prove you’re 18 for me to unlock

that stuff,” I responded.

The guy frowned. “Tsk… so stingy.”

He grabbed his girlfriend and then pulled her off to

the room. He was a buff guy with blue dyed hair. He
looked like a westerner, as did his girlfriend. They
were the kind of people who would have been
shunned in Japan before the annexation, but were
becoming more and more common these days. There
was little question as to why he had brought this girl

I let out a sigh. That was another sex-filled nightmare

room I would have to clean. I shivered at the thought.
At least, the girl was pretty, even if they both looked
like a couple of deviants. Heading to the backroom, I
checked the monitors on the wall. Her shirt was
already off and he was sucking her nipple while she
moaned. Damn! Those guys didn’t even take a
moment to warm up! I didn’t even move that fast with
Akiko, and she was just my sex slave!

I was getting the distinct feeling that this guy was

planning on renting for only the time he took to have
sex. He was going to be really annoying when he got
out and realized that it was a two-hour rent minimum
and that he had to pay for the rest of the time. Since I
started working here, I had already had to fight with
two other cheap assholes just trying to bang their
girlfriend for fifteen minutes and tried to be prorated
by the second. .

It was after school, and Deacon had left me in charge

of the store while he ran around on some errands.
Other than the couple that just came in, there was a
second couple who was just finishing up, and a pair of
girls who were genuinely actually just doing karaoke.
Well, not every teen used this spot as their own
personal fuck zone, but it certainly came close.

While cleaning out the bathroom, I had even

discovered a hole in the wall which connected a boy’s
stall to a girl’s stall. It was basically a glory hole. There
was a cover on both ends. Both people would need to
flip open their side for there to be any privacy
concerns, but yeah, guys were definitely sticking their
dicks in that hole and getting sucked off by girl’s sitting
on the toilet. At least, most of the girls swallowed, so
it wasn’t a messy cleanup.

The couple that had just been in the lobby had already
passed third base, and he had her on her knees and
she was sucking his cock. They weren’t people I
recognized from my school, so my interest was only
passive. That was one of Deacon’s commands. If
students I recognized from school popped in, then I
was to mark it and write everything I knew about
them. As to what to do with that information, I didn’t
think Deacon had that figured out yet. The plan was a
work in progress.

“Ooo… so the job you got is to watch other people

fuck? That doesn’t seem like it will help you win the

At this point, I was used to Netori showing up

unannounced behind me. I only jumped a little when
she started talking, her head hovering just behind my
shoulder. I shot her an exasperated look.

“Netori! You want to talk about helping me win the

game? You’re the one who announced I leveled and
then took off before allowing me to cash in my prizes!
I’ve been calling for you the last two days. You didn’t
go to school, you didn’t answer my call? Where were
“Ah… did Hakaru miss me?” Netori chuckled.

“You…” I shot her a glowering look. “The only thing I

missed was the points you’ve deprived me pf!”

“Relax… relax… I’m sorry, something came up and I

got busy. I am a goddess, after all, I can’t play with
Hakaru all the time, I have work to do.”

“I find it hard to believe you do work!”

“Hakaru! I take offense to that! I work so hard! You’re

totally taking me for granted! Hmph… you better show
me some appreciation soon. If you keep this up, I’ll
arrange to have you catch me with another man, just
to teach you a lesson.”
“What did you say, bitch?”

“I have needs. You haven’t even spent a point to have

sex with me! Instead, you just play with that sex slave
girl all day.”

“You said that giving you points for sex was


“What’s wrong with meaningless sex?” Netori asked.

“All I’m saying is if Tori doesn’t get her rocks off with
you, she’ll go elsewhere.”

“Then bend over and I’ll fuck you right now!” I


“No! Not without points!” Netori huffed. “You just

don’t get women, do you?”
I gritted my teeth as Netori floated out of my reach, a
stubborn look on her face. I had to rub my temples.
Only Netori had the ability to make me so frustrated
so quickly. I told myself that this was simply a part of
her nature, but it was still hard dealing with her.

After reaching level three, I gained access to more

abilities and also more points, but before I could even
ask, Netori got a text on her phone and said she had
to go. Then, she spent two days hiding somewhere.
Now, she was back, pretending like nothing happened
and talking about cheating on me unless I paid her for
sex. What was with this sort of shitty behavior?

“Look, just lay it out there, what is my situation?”

“Fine…” Netori sighed, finally relaxing until her feet

touched the floor. “Let’s go over your status.”
She pulled out her phone and began to click in it
roughly. She didn’t seem pleased, but she didn’t seem
that angry either. She was right, I didn’t really
understand women much at all. I considered using my
dialing mind-reader on her.

“It won’t work.” When I blinked, Netori glanced at me.

“Dirt Scribe. Goddess isn’t included! That would make
the game too easy!”

“What does that mean?”

“Figure that out yourself!” Netori sniffed. “You have 5

vanity points. How would you like to spend them?”

“Same as before, 1 inch to my dick, ½ inch to girth,

and then 2 more attractiveness.”
“Fine… Your dick has graduated to big now. Your dick
is 7.5 inches long and 2.25 inches thick. Mmm… that’s
big enough you might even be able to make me cum
without faking it.”

I ignored her attempts to goad me as I felt my groin. It

really was big now. I was very conscious of the bulky
thing in my pants. I was wearing boxers, and now I
was thinking I might need to change to boxer briefs.

“What about my other stats?” I asked.

“You’re 8 on attractiveness. Ten is beautiful by the

way… that’s the maximum for a normal attractive
person. Go over 10, and you slip into the supermodel
realm. As I said, a supernatural beauty like me is only a
16. Your hot enough to date the hottest girl at your
school, but only just. As for me. I’m still out of your
“Yeah, yeah, keep going…”

“As for your stamina, you’re at 5/100.

Congratulations, you won’t blow your load five
seconds after sticking it in a girl. You already know you
have Dirt Scribe and Locked Promise. You still can get
Second Chance for 2000, then there is Slut Scale, Rape
Forgiveness, Confusion, and Cuck Break for 5000. You
have 5620 points at the moment.”

“What about new skills for level three?”

“Level threes skills cost 10,000 points. Level 4 will

require 20,000 points, so you’ll have a chance at one
of those skills eventually, but right now you can’t
afford any.”
5620 points. I had to molest and rape Akiko like a
villain, but after so much work, that was all I could
earn with one girl. Worse, it looked like every level
was double the difficulty of the last level. Unless I
started getting with new girls, it’d be a long while
before I needed to worry about my next skill.
However, I still wanted to know what my new skills
could be.

“What are the new skills?” I asked directly.

“The new skills are Cheater’s Trap, Manipulation, True

Feelings, Safety First, and First Strike,” Netori
explained. Cheater’s Trap makes someone you’ve
already cheated with more susceptible to cheating
again. It affects your points because it’s easier to get
them to cheat a second time, but it does guarantee
more successful long-term cheating friends.
Manipulation allows you to adjust someone’s way of
thinking. It makes them more amenable to the power
of suggestion. It’s sort of like hypnosis. First Strike
gives you an advantage with a girl the first time you
meet her. She’ll like you and trust you more at your
first meeting. Once again, this can affect your points.
I’m not a fan of most of the third level abilities. They
cheat too much and take the fun out of the game.”

She said that, yet my eyes flashed eagerly when I

heard those skills. With Cheater’s Trap and First Strike
together, it’d be very easy to get women to form
affairs with me by using first strike to make them
cheat the first time, and then catching them in a
cheater’s trap after. However, that was small
compared to Manipulation, I could get basically
anyone I wanted. I mean, sure, I could try the hard
way first, but if all else failed, I could manipulate them
into bed. Plus, I could use manipulation on guys too, it
was definitely the ability I wanted, no matter whether
Netori agreed with it or not. However, there were two
abilities she had yet to explain and I just had to ask.

“What of the last two?” I asked.

“These are more useful abilities. Safety First prevents
you from getting diseases or getting girls pregnant
unintentionally. You can still make a girl pregnant, but
it needs to be your will to make it happen. As for True
feelings, it’s the antithesis to the other abilities. It
forces a girl to act on her true feelings. You can see it
like love potion number 9. It removes all doubt and
magical manipulation. Things like Locked Promise,
Confusion, Manipulation… would be rendered

“So, if I used it on Akiko, her locked promise would be

gone, and she’d immediately leave me and go to

Netori scratched her cheek and chuckled. “Yeah,

something like that…”
“Well, no thanks!” I snapped. “How could I possibly
want to do that? Girls don’t like me. Having them act
on their true feelings would be the last thing I would
want. Rather, that Manipulation skill sounds much
more up my alley.”

“That’s just the easy way…” Netori sniffed.

“Well, either way, I’m going to wait a bit until I have

enough for those third tier abilities.”

“You don’t plan to spend any today?” Netori crossed

her arms and glared at me. “Not even on me?”

It wasn’t like I wasn’t interested, but points were

precious, and a single time with Netori seemed like
it’d be throwing my points away at the moment.
Besides, I had already said that when I slept with
Netori next, it’d be because I stole her. Why was she
being so insistent today? Of course, I also didn’t think
that Netori would run to another guy. She may use it
as a threat, but after Derek, I had the distinct feeling
that she was on my side. That was why I was so
confused since I didn’t understand how throwing my
points at her would help me win the game.

“No, I don’t plan to.”

“Then, don’t call me again until you plan to spend

something. I already said I’m busy. I don’t like my time
being wasted!” Netori spun around and disappeared
in a single movement.

I stared at the place Netori had been with my mouth

open. “What has gotten into her?

Seriously, Netori was always strange and

unpredictable, but lately, she’d been growing even
stranger. The only thing I could say was that I just
didn’t really understand women, it seemed.

“Hey! Guy! I’m done with the room! Don’t think you
can stay in that back room and charge me for another
minute!” A familiar voice shouted.

It was the guy who had just rented a room. He was

done already? It had barely been five minutes.

I turned around and headed out of the backroom. The

guy was standing at the desk with the key in his hand.
The girl was standing nearby. She had her arms
crossed and a displeased look on her face. Netori had
distracted me so I hadn’t seen what happened in the
room. The girl was pretty, but a bit of a punk. She was
a westerner with a nose piercing and a tattoo. I
imagined she had a tramp stamp too. I decided to use
Dirt Scribe on her.
“Hey! We’re done with the room. We decided not to
use it!” The guy said, crossing his arms.

This guy is so fucking cheap. I only went out with him

cause he has a nice car, but he took me out to some
fast food restaurant, then takes me to this shady place
to have sex. Then, he cums after I sucked him off just a
little bit. I didn’t even get it in me! I’m all worked up.
Damn it, I’d hump any guy right now.

“Oi… you listening?” the guy knocks on the desk


But it has got to be a guy with a big dick. His dick was
really small. Give me something bigger than six inches
and I’ll pounce it without question!
I blinked and gave my best professional smile, “I’m
afraid that rental is a required two hours. That’s 2000

“You trying to rob me? Are you stupid or something? I

already said that I’m not paying. We didn’t use the

This is so embarrassing! I’m sorry, person behind the

counter, I’m totally going to dump this guy. In fact,
you’re kind of cute, Hehe… if he won’t pay, I wouldn’t
mind paying you with my body…

<Dirt Scribe has reached its daily limit.>

I let out a cough. Never before had someone called

me cute. It must have been those last two points in
attractiveness that finally put me into the cute
category. At four, I was probably a bit below average.
At Six… I was presentable. Now that I’m eight, I
probably look pretty good looking. By ten, I’d probably
be attractive enough to be one of those popular guys.
I also really liked the way this girl was thinking. She
was definitely a perverted freaky girl.

“I’m sorry, sir, but you entered the room for a bit.
Thus, I’ll have to completely clean it to make sure it’s
acceptable for the next guest.”

“How’s that my problem? This is robbery! You’re

robbing me!” The guy shouted, trying to make a

I was familiar with this tactic. It was popular amongst

western men in Japan. Since Japanese people valued
public peace, western men found if they threw a
tantrum in public, they could get the Japanese to
concede in a lot of things. It was a bullying tactic. Had
it been the old me, I might have even folded with this.
However, I had been through a lot and I wasn’t the
same guy I used to be.

“Relax, perhaps we can work something out, yeah?” I

offered calmly.

“What does that mean?” He asked suspiciously. “I’m

not paying you anything!”

I shook my head, “No, with this method, you won’t

have to pay me a single yen.”

“What is it?” He demanded.

“Of course, I simply want her.” I pointed my finger at

the girl. “Give me your girl.”
Chapter 20 :
“What the hell did you just say?” The guy took a step
forward, his scrunched-up forehead looking
bewildered at the words that just came out of my

I didn’t let my expression shift an inch as I smiled. “I

mean, I figured you’d rather have her clean up than

The guy blinked, “Huh? Clean?”

“Yeah… I mean, you guys used the room, but I still got
to clean the whole thing. Company policy. However, I
agree, I shouldn’t charge you, but I need someone to
clean that room. So, as long as your girl is willing to do
it for me, I’m cool with letting you guys off.”

“Really?” The guy brightened up a bit.

“Seriously?” The girl put on an ugly expression. “Just
pay the guy. You’re seriously going to make me clean
that room?”

“Hey,” The guy shrugged. “We barely used it, right?

Just a couple minutes?”

I nodded. “There is a procedure, I’ll walk her through

it, only takes like fifteen minutes. In the meantime,
you can go get your car and bring it around. She’ll be
done before you know it.”

The girl looked displeased, but the guy started

nodding. “Yeah… cool. I thought you were one of the
cool guys. Thanks, man.”

I gave him a phony smile. I suspected he used the

garage a few blocks down as there was no street
parking around here. It’d take him at least fifteen
minutes to get his car. Most westerners liked to drive.
Had he been Japanese, he might have walked or taken
the subway, but because he was a westerner, I knew
he drove around in a car, which the girl had
confirmed. Even though it was inconvenient, those
Americans would pay ¥2000 for parking and still end
up walking. Well, it gave me all the time I needed with
his girl.

What gave me the confidence I’d succeed? Well, I had

heard her thoughts. She was definitely the kind of girl
that wasn’t above getting a little revenge. Her
boyfriend had already gotten her worked up, but
unlike him, she hadn’t enjoyed any release. I
maintained my public smile as up until the guy left the
store. The girl turned to me, crossing her arms in front
of her chest and giving a very deliberate sigh while
rolling her eyes.
She was a pretty girl, probably around twenty, with a
piercing in her nose and a tattoo around her ankle.
She was wearing a leather skirt and fishnets, and a
black blouse too. I was wondering if she had any other
tattoos or piercings under her clothing marking that
pale skin of hers.

“I’m not cleaning any toilets or anything like that.” She


I gave her a smile, gesturing for her to head back into

the room. “Don’t worry, there is only one thing you
need to do.”

“Yeah?” the girl walked forward, not suspecting a

thing as she entered the room where a moment ago
she had been sucking her boyfriend’s dong.
Looking at her tight behind stretching that skirt, I was
already growing really excited. I repeated in my head
the mantra that women want it just as much as guys.
She’s already said she’s all for this, so I just got to go
for it. If she rejected it, would I rape her? I wasn’t
sure. After all, her boyfriend was right outside. Either
way, I could get my ass kicked, but one way might
even get me jail time if I was unlucky enough. It wasn’t
like my sister where I had anonymity and it was
secretly her fetish.

Putting on a face similar to the one I wore when I was

dealing with Akiko, I closed and locked the door.
Hearing the click, the girl turned around and looked
back at me, a frown forming on her face.

“What is it you want me to do?”

I gave a chuckle. I didn’t know if it was from

nervousness or from some sadism, but it sounded a
bit sinister. Without letting my brain talk me out of it, I
reached down, unzipped my pants and then pulled it
out. My dick was a lot bigger than it had been even
earlier today. No one would mistake it for a small dick
anymore. It was thick, long, and already getting hard
with me thinking about fucking this hot girl.

“Take care of this and we’re all good.”

The girl’s eyes fell on the dick, and several expressions

played across her face. First, she was shocked, with
just a little bit of disgust. Even if a girl thought such
dirty things, thinking them and actually having to
decide to act on them were two different things.
However, before she could instinctively decline, she
realized just how big this dick was compared to her
boyfriend. He was actually a bit small. He didn’t do
westerners any favors, that was for sure. To see my
cock, about twice the size, it was probably the biggest
this girl had ever seen.
“S-seriously?” The girl said, looking at me in disbelief.

She didn’t scream, attack me, or try to flee the room.

That was a good thing. There was such a thing as
passive consent. Maybe some people wanted to claim
this didn’t count in the bedroom, but I wasn’t one of
them. Unless you tell me no, then I’m definitely going
to treat things as a yes. Well, I had already raped my
own sister and turned my girlfriend into a sex slave, I
didn’t really need to justify my actions anymore.

“There are cameras in the rooms.” I said, pointing over

my shoulder with my thumb. “I know you missed out.
He’ll be a while getting the car, why don’t you make
everyone happy.”

She glanced up at the camera with concern. It was

subtle, but hinting that failure to cooperate might
mean her sex video gets plastered all over the web
was another nice piece of motivation, not that I made
that threat. If she wanted to consider that as a
possibility, she was welcome to it. The girl swallowed
one more time, looking at my cock, and then lowered
her head in defeat.

“Okay…” She said in almost a whisper, moving down

to her knees in front of my cock like a submissive

I gave another chuckle, pulling my dick away from her

hands. “Actually, we only have fifteen minutes and I’d
seen where this direction goes. How about you strip
and we go from there?”

The girl stood back up, and spoke in a high-octave

shocked voice. “Strip?”

I nodded. “Take off your clothes. Spread it for me.”

The girl slowly nodded in affirmation, but now she
looked uneasy and was shaking for some reason. “Y-

She wasn’t eloquent or sensual, but she was blushing

and acting really shy, which was just as sexy. She took
off her blouse and her skirt, revealing a pair of black
underwear above her fishnet thigh-high socks. It was
pretty sexy. At least, it was sexy enough I could tell
she wanted to be seen that way.

“Good, now, how about you take them off too.”


I was using the same tone I used to order Akiko

around. I expected it to fail with other girls, but
despite the fact this girl wasn’t my slave, she was just
as obedient as Akiko. I was seriously really surprised. I
was about to fuck a complete stranger. Sure, I had
slept with Netori the first day I met her, but that
situation was a little different. This girl truly is
someone I just met, and will probably never meet
again. She was a complete stranger. Here she was,
stripping like a little slut while slipping glances at my
big cock and shuddering with anticipation.

I had rarely felt this good before. It was the feeling of

being in control. That was something I had only
started to taste a month or two ago, and now that I
flavored it, I came to like the feel. Watching her slowly
pull off her bra and panties was quite exhilarating. The
girl did have a tattoo on her back, the legendary tramp
stamp. More than that, she had a smoothly shaved
pussy, and a tattoo of a rose to the upper right of her
pink cunt. Furthermore, she had one of her nipples

Suffice it to say, this girl was totally out of my league,

yet she stood shaking without trying to hide her body.
It was clear by the glistening of her pussy lips that she
really wanted my cock.

“Lie down on the couch and spread your legs.” I gave

the next order.

She sat down on the couch, but then hugged herself

like she was having second thoughts. It seemed like if I
gave her enough time, she’d think her way out of this.
I couldn’t let her have doubts now!

“Lie back and spread them!” I demanded.

The girl closed her eyes for a second. “Do you have a

“Of course!” I declared, turning away.

Fortunately, she didn’t see my grimace. A condom?
Why the heck would I have a condom? Well, actually it
was pretty normal to use condoms. Even this girl was
a slutty stranger, so I was opening myself up to all
kinds of possible diseases if I went bareback. However,
one more glance at the smoking bare body and I knew
I just had to bareback it. I wanted to see the look of
surprise on her face when I came in her. I really
wanted to see the look on her face as she sat in her
boyfriends car with a load of my jizz leaking out her

Deacon had handed me a wrist rubber. It was like a

rubber band but had information about the school. I
didn’t like wearing them because they pulled on the
skin, but I did have one in my pocket. Pulling it out
while remaining turned away from her, I rubbed them,
making a screechy noise. A second later, I snapped it.
Hopefully, that sounded enough like putting a condom
on that this girl wouldn’t realize the difference until it
was too late.
“Alright, I’m done.” I ordered, still facing away from
her. “Now close your eyes.”

It was a little suspicious of an order, but when I looked

back, I could see she had listened to me. This beautiful
slutty girl was lying on a couch with her legs spread
open waiting for my dick. I was so hard I felt like I
could pop open a can of soda. Throwing my shirt
away, I immediately got on top of her. She exhaled a
deep breath as I mounted her, but otherwise kept her
eyes shut. This wasn’t really the kind of situation
where it was worth being romantic, but I kissed her
anyway. I was delighted to see that she kissed me
back. When I pushed my cock up against her pussy,
she let out a cry and her eyes opened.

“I-it won’t fit.” She said nervously.

I gave a dry laugh, and then thrust into her.

“Ahhhhnn…” she let out a cry, one hand squeezing the
couch cushion while the other grabbed on to my arm

Holy shit, her pussy felt like it went on forever, or

maybe that was because my dick was so big now.
Something I didn’t realize about making my dick so
much bigger is that it made all those pussies so much
smaller in comparison. This slut’s pussy was so fucking
tight, and I felt like it took a solid minute to slide my
whole length inside that tiny thing. I nearly busted my
nut inside her with only one thrust. I seriously had to
pause a bit. Fortunately, the girl herself was having
just as much difficulty taking my cock as I did handling
her pussy. She had a pained look on her face, and her
eyes were squeezed tight.

“I’m going to keep going.” I said gently, giving her lips

another taste.
Her kisses weren’t something passionate. With her,
everything felt more simple and experimental. After
having done so many different things with Akiko, this
was the second girl I got to taste in some time. The
time with my sister had been frantic, and the time
with Netori had been my first. So, overall, this was the
first time I got to enjoy someone who wasn’t Akiko
when I knew what I was doing..

I started rocking my hips and pushing my dick in and

out of her. It still felt tight, and the girl wasn’t saying
very much. In fact, other than gripping me tightly with
her mouth slightly open, making occasional whimpers,
she was incredibly silent. My biggest regret at the
moment was that I didn’t have more time to enjoy her
fully. She was such a sexy girl, and her bare pussy was
such a unique experience, I wanted to enjoy this for a
Reaching down, I readjusted my cock, sliding it in once
again. When I brought my hand back up, I realized
there was blood on it. I stared at my hand for a
moment before I realized what this was. Suddenly, her
shaking and nervousness made sense. The tightness of
her pussy, the very closed off and unslutty way she
was acting. I had to admit, I was completely caught off

With the outfit, the boyfriend, the tattoos and the

piercings, I had made a major assumption about this
girl, and now I realized that I was probably wrong. She
wasn’t a slut at all. Well, at least not in the way it
mattered to me.

“You’re a virgin?” I asked in disbelief.

That was a dumb question to ask. My dick was

currently buried deep inside her. This girl wasn’t a
virgin anymore.
Chapter 21 :
“Seriously? You’re a virgin?” I asked with a surprised

The girl under me turned away with embarrassment.

“I was planning on giving it to him today… but then he
acted like such a cheap jerk…”

“So, you gave it to me?” I raised an eyebrow.

“I-it’s not like that…” she protested, tear sliding down

her cheek. “The other girls at University were making
fun of me for still being a virgin. I was just getting tired
of being made fun of. Shit… I even have a boyfriend…
yet I still went here with that guy.”
I reached out and wiped the tear from her cheek. “It
seems like I was a little rough.”

The girl put on an uncomfortable expression. “It’s fine.

It already hurts. Just finish up quickly.”

It seemed like this girl was looking to lose her virginity

with any guy, and it just so happened to be me. I
scratched my chin, thinking about how I felt about
that. Netori had said before that if there was no
emotion in it, that sex wouldn’t get me a lot of points.
I had to steal the girl entirely, and this girl’s
relationship with her boyfriend was somewhat
superficial. I had been so quick to jump at the
opportunity to get more points, especially when I
found out I couldn’t buy anything after leveling, that I
jumped into this prematurely.

I wasn’t just going around banging women for fun.

There was a strategy involved. I decided to take
women and make them mine. Looking down at the girl
with wet eyes and a determined look, I realized the
only thing I stole from her was her virginity. I let out a
sigh and pulled out my dick, suddenly no longer in the
mood to bang her. She looked up at me, her
expression growing confused.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“Your way too cute and sexy to lose your virginity here
on a couch…” I explained, ignoring the fact it was
technically too late. “On Friday, I’ll take you on a real
date. We’ll get a place at a true love hotel and then
we can do this the proper way.”

The girl was already shaking her head. “That… I don’t

even know you. This… this was just a mistake.”
“The name is Hakaru.” I grabbed my pants and pulled
them back on and stood. “Your name?”

The naked girl crossed her arms over her chest and
closed her legs, starting to show some modesty now
that I stopped being the aggressor. “I’m such an idiot.
You’re not even in college, are you? Are you a virgin

I ignored those questions as I wrote down my name

and number on a piece of paper and then handed it to
her. She looked at my hand, a bitter expression on her
face, but she didn’t take the paper.

“Look, I’ve already stuck my dick in you. If that’s all

you cared about, then get lost.” I shrugged. “However,
I think you don’t just want to have sex, you want to
know sex.”
She glanced up with a questioning look. “Know sex?”

“You want to be able to talk to your friends about sex

having actually known what it feels like. That’s
something that’s not going to happen in five minutes
on the couch in a smelly sex room.” I explained.
“Furthermore, you likely are afraid your time with
your boyfriend will be bad, so you wanted to practice
first. That’s why you went out with that dumbass
instead of him, right? He’s got a reputation for
banging a lot of chicks and you thought he’d be good
for giving you experience?”

The girl shook, lowering her expression.” I was afraid

my relationship with my boyfriend would change…
after… ” she stopped speaking and sat in silence for a

Finally, she nodded, slowly reaching out and grabbing

my number.
“I don’t care you have a boyfriend and I’m no virgin.
I’ll show you many things. You’re not my first girl, but I
am your first man. I’m willing to put money into you
and I’m willing to show you a good time. That’s more
than that idiot outside will do.”

“O-okay…” she spoke softly. “M-my name is Gina.”

“Hello, Gina. Give me a call then.”

“D-don’t you want my number too?” She asked,

looking surprised as I turned away from her.

“You can call me whenever you want,” I explained. “I

don’t need to deal with you waiting for a phone call.
This is your body and your choice. You know my Friday
will be free. I can’t promise any other day. Call me, or
Gina blinked, but then her eyes started to grow a bit
of their glow back. There was a bit of excitement that
spread through her. I had deliberately left this all up to
her. She likely wanted to feel empowered right now,
so I gave her that.

“Hey! Where’s Gina! I’m back?” A shout came down

the hallway.

“Oh, shit!” Gina cursed, running to grab her clothing

and put them back on.

I turned and opened the door, ducking out of the

room and closing it behind me. The cheap guy was
already halfway down the hallway. He was a lot faster
than I expected. Had we continued on having sex,
there was a good chance he would have walked in on
us in the middle of it. I let out a breath at how close I
came to getting my ass beat.
“Where is she?” He asked cockily as he strutted back

I let out my professional smile and gestured him back

down the hallway. “She’s coming. She just finished up

“Yeah… whatever.” The guy shrugged. “I guess I’ll help

her finish up.”

“Ah…” I couldn’t stop him from shoving me aside and

continuing down the hallway.

Just as he reached the door it popped open. The girl

dressed quick, and while she looked a little flustered,
no one would notice she had just been naked and
pushed down on a couch.
“James… I’m done.” She said, forcing a smile on her

“Bout time.” He growled, grabbing her arm and then

turning to leave.

I crossed my arms as I watched them go. Gina looked

back at me, her forehead wrinkled as if she was
struggling with something. In the end, she didn’t say
anything as he tugged her away. I didn’t meet her
look, instead putting on a distant and aloof expression
I was hoping would do it for her. They ended up out
the door a moment later, and only then I let out a
sigh. Well, it wasn’t the massive victory I had been
hoping for. Rather, this was about planting seeds.

I had been reading a couple of pickup artist books

lately. Looking like you’re interested but not
interested was the main way to get a girl to obsess
about you. It was possible I’d never hear from Gina
again, but it was also possible that she wouldn’t be
able to stop thinking about me. I made an impression
on her. While I flouted her first-time by being too
aggressive and eager, I planned to make up for it on
Friday by wooing her a bit. If it worked, my points
would be three or four times higher than had I gone to
completion today.

Grabbing the cleaning supplies, I return back to the

room to complete the job I had said she did. While
cleaning up the couch, I noticed there was a small
blood stain there. She really was a virgin girl. A virgin
who wanted to act the slut because of peer pressure. I
could only shake my head at that. Then, I found her
panties in the couch cushions. She had left wearing
nothing! Grabbing the panties, I tossed in my bag. I’d
bring them to her on Friday if she ever called. If not…
maybe I could sell them for some extra money. She
had gotten excited in them while she sucked her
boyfriend’s cock, so they had a very distinct lewd
smell. Maybe I should put them in a baggy to preserve
their freshness.

My other guests finished up and it was starting to get

dark out. I was just getting ready to leave when the
door opened with a ring once again.

“Come on… let’s have some fun…” A voice was saying.

I looked up, and then immediately started coughing.

There was a guy and he was dragging my sister into
the store. When she saw me, her face went white. My
mouth dropped open a bit, completely unprepared for

“Hakaru!” She spoke up with a squeak.

“Eh? Your brother works here? What are you doing
working in a love hotel?”

I put on a wry smile. “This is a game center. You rent

out rooms to play with multimedia stuff.”

“What?” The guy had a disappointed expression on his


When I shot Maria a look, she lowered her eyes, her

face exploding with red. I had heard what he said, a
love hotel. She was completely exposed heading out
with a boy to have sex.

“Jack… let’s go…” Maria pulled on his arm. “We can

still… find somewhere else.”
I felt an extreme pang of irritation. I knew that Maria
wasn’t really mine. We weren’t close, and the one
time we had an encounter together, I had been
hidden. However, I still felt extreme jealousy. This
asshole was going to fuck my sister?

“Wait a moment…” Jack said, waving his hand. “Hey,

how much is it to rent a room?”

“You need to rent for two hours, that’s 2,000 yen,” I


“So cheap! A hotel costs nearly four times that.” Jack

chuckled. “We’ll take one of those.”

Maria’s face went even redder and she pulled on his

sleeve. “Jack… my brother is here, can we go
somewhere else.”
“Eh?” Jack raised an eyebrow. “I thought you were
telling me how much of a dirty girl you were and how
you’re way better than Rachel. Was I mistaken coming
out with you?”


I gritted my teeth. I really didn’t like the way he was

talking to Maria at all. Actually, the way he was talking
to Maria was a bit like the way I talked to women! He
was being a total manipulative jerk, and she was
lapping it up! I really hated that.

“Hey, give me the key. Your sister and I are going to

have some fun.” Jack gave a shit-eating grin as he
shamelessly spoke.

Fortunately, the ugly expression on my face could just

as easily be confused for disgust as the jealous rage I
was actually feeling. However, I was an employee and
Jack was older than me. He was a so-called super
senior, already in his 5th year of schooling. This was a
situation created specifically to cater to Western
students who couldn’t handle our selection process.
Point being, he could kick my ass.

I knew him at school for being a bit of a womanizer

and a trouble-maker. I asked about him after Maria
had mentioned him. He was a poor guy who made
money selling drugs, so naturally, he took the chance
to get a room for cheap too. With my mouth still
closed tightly, I took his information and gave him a
key card. My heart dropped as he pulled my sister into
one of the rooms. Shaking slightly, I forced myself into
the backroom.

They were on the monitors, my sister, and this so-

called Jack. He wasted no time, immediately grabbing
her chest and squeezing it while he kissed her neck.
My sister bent her neck to give him access, and he
continued to violate her roughly. I bit my lip. I really
felt like punching something. I just couldn’t believe I
was stuck in this situation. Maria was mine! I had to
just watch as some guy fucked her? But, what else
could I do?

If I stormed into the room to interrupt them, I’d only

weird her out and get beaten up by him. Maybe I
could pull the fire alarm? No… what was I thinking?
Was I a kindergartener now? Their actions were
getting heavier and heavier. His hand was starting to
unbuckle the belt that held up her miniskirt. Then,
something happened and she pulled back, putting her
hand on his chest. They said some words I couldn’t
hear, and then she turned and opened the door.

“I’m going freshen up. I’ll be right back.” Maria’s

words could be heard faintly down the hall.
The door was shut and Maria walked off to the girl’s
bathroom. Walking out of the backroom, I glanced
down the hall as I saw her figure enter the bathroom.
The two were separate now… but how could I keep it
that way? I had to do something to keep the pair from
having sex. I had to cockblock this asshole, or I’d never
forgive myself. I couldn’t just sit and watch this
bastard bang my sister. I’d go crazy. How could I keep
them from having sex? Well, she went to freshen up,
so she was concerned about how she looked and
smelled when he started! Maybe if I dumped dirty
water on her! I could dirty her up.

“Dirty… her…”

My eyes flashed. That’s right. There was that option. I

could rape her right now. If I took her in the
bathroom, not only would she be in shock and not
want to have sex with him, but how could she spread
her legs for another man while her pussy was leaking
my cum? It would destroy their relationship in an

It was really risky. Even riskier than before. If I headed

to the bathroom and didn’t wait, and I was caught
raping her, getting beat up would be the least of my
worries. I didn’t have much time to think about it
though. Running into the backroom, I immediately
changed my clothing. Fortunately, Deacon had a
couple of items people had left in a lost and found
box. That included a few sex items, like bindings and a
gag. It also included a shirt and a ski mask. I put them
on and shoved the bindings in my pocket. Locking the
door to the front. I steeled myself one last time as I
headed for the bathroom.

When the goddess closed one door, she opened

another. I wouldn’t be sleeping with Gina tonight, but
one way or another, Maria was going to taste my
Chapter 22 :
Looking down the long hallway, the bathroom to the
lady’s and men’s room was at the very end. I
swallowed down my saliva with a rough gulp. My
heart was beating a mile a minute. It was just like the
first time that I had Maria over a month ago. However,
this was considerably riskier. There was no telling how
my sister would react. A single mistake and my entire
life could be destroyed. On the other hand, if I did
nothing, I had the gnawing feeling in my gut that I
would lose my sister forever.

The first step was the hardest. By the time I was

halfway down the hallway, I was able to move my
body normally once again. I still felt like I was on the
verge of hyperventilating, but if I wasted another
second, she could be finished. At that point, it would
be entirely too late. Shit, my body was shaking. I
couldn’t back down now. I just had to go all out. I had
to be completely dominating and not give her a single
inch. Her body was mine. I’d steal her, just like I stole
I pushed open the door. It flew open with a slam, and
then I skidded to a stop in the middle of the room. I
was inside the girl’s room, but as I looked around with
a bewildered look, I realized that there was no one

“Jeese, you scared me. Show some respect to the

door!” An admonishing voice came from behind one
of the stalls.”

As the door behind me swung back shut, I caught it

before it made another noise. My sister was sitting on
the toilet right now in one of the stalls. For a moment,
I felt like crying. I had worked myself up for that, and
my momentum was completely killed. I was in the
bathroom, but my sister didn’t realize there was a
man in here with her. If she did, the tinkle sound I
heard would have been impossible for her. I let out a
long breath, trying to make sure she couldn’t hear my
voice, I slowly closed the door and locked it with a

It was a public restroom, but there was a hidden lock

for when you needed to clean it to keep anyone from
walking in. Well, it’d also keep someone from escaping
if they were too frightened or confused to find the
lock. From this point onward, it was just me and Maria
in this room alone. Maria was focused on herself and
didn’t notice me. She cleared her throat and blew her
nose while I walked over to the sink. I imagined her
sitting there on the toilet, her pants, and undies
wrapped around her ankles. It was an enticing sight.

Wouldn’t that be the best time to strike? Why should I

wait for her to put her clothing back on? It was way
more efficient to strike while she was in the stall.
Looking at the stall my sister was in, even the lock was
one that could be undone with the use of a coin.
These were westernized toilets, so they had the shitty
dividers with giant spaces underneath. The lock was
flimsy and included a divot on the outside to easily be
unlocked should someone lock it and climb out the
bottom as a prank. These stalls weren’t made to really
keep people out, just offer an ounce of privacy.

Pulling a coin from my pocket, I moved to a position

where I could see her feet in the mirror. It didn’t take
long for her the finish up. The toilet flushed and she
started standing up. Fumbling with the coin, I turned
the lock and then flung her door open. Just like that, I
was face to face with my sister. She was bent over but
had yet to pull up her skirt and underwear. Her eyes
shot up, and she had a momentary expression of

As her eyes realized that there was a masked male

figure over her, that expression quickly started to
morph into one of terror. Not giving her a chance to
scream, I immediately grabbed her and shoved the
gag into her mouth. At that point, she let out a noise,
but mostly her eyes were wide like a lost lamb. Her
eyes were still on me though, and I realized that the
longer she looked at me, even with a mask, the more
likely she’d realize I was her brother.

Doing the only thing I could do, I grabbed her and

spun her around. Shoving her head forward back into
the stall so she couldn’t see me. She was now facing
down into the toilet. At this point, she had grabbed
onto the bars on either side of the toilet to keep
herself from plunging in. Her ass was pointed in my
direction bent over and exposing her delicious pussy.
This was what I was here to do. I ripped out my cock,
and with barely a moment’s hesitation, I slid it into my

“Mmmmnnnn!” She let out a cry, but it was muffled

by her gag.

Her head shot back and she tried to give me a look of

disbelief. Not wanting her to get any more hints on my
identity, I grabbed her hair roughly and used it to
control her head. Shoving her back down forcefully, I
began to rock my hips in and out of my sister.
Although I had deflowered a tight virgin only a brief
while ago, something about my sister was infinitely
more satisfying. Her pussy felt really welcoming, and
even though my sister was not voluptuous, her
proportions were very sexy and desirable.

As I plowed away, she made cute moaning noises. In

fact, I realized very quickly that my sister wasn’t
resisting at all. My expression turned somewhat wry. I
knew that my sister really liked rape, but she should
have at least a little bit of self-preservation, right? I
was a complete stranger to her, and she was being
incredibly passive.

Although, now that I thought about it, while there

were tons of self-defense classes that taught women
how to fight off sexual attacks, I recalled a public
announcement that encouraged women to remain
docile if they were being raped. This caused a public
uproar, with women claiming it was anti-feminist.
However, the announcement was based on real data.
A woman who fought back angered her attacker and
usually lead to more violent rapes and possible death.
Only a docile woman who did what her attacker said
until she had the opportunity to escape had a greater
survival rate. Perhaps my sister had taken that lesson
to heart?

Damn… I was thinking about such things even as my

dick slid out of her tight pussy. It felt amazing, and
suddenly it felt like her cunt was sucking me inside.
Her pussy was growing even tighter, and it kept
clamping down. Wait, didn’t that mean she was
orgasming? My sister was already orgasming on my
cock! Even Akiko wasn’t such a slut to get off that
quickly. Damn it, the feeling was way too good. I was
about to cum inside my sister.
While I had almost done it once before, I managed to
pull out just in time. This time, I still didn’t have
anything like a condom. Banging my sister raw was the
only option. I realized I needed to start traveling with
condoms. Earlier, I had delusions of filling her pussy
with cum so no other man would touch her, but the
truth was that I didn’t want to have a baby with my
sister, so I pulled out immediately and then yanked
her head up. I had a distinct feeling that she wouldn’t
scream. Given how she was acting, I was willing to
take the risk.

After forcing her in a standing position, I turned her

back around. Grabbing her hair tightly so she felt just
a bit of pain, I gave her the darkest look I could

“If you scream, I’ll kill you!” I threatened using a

grizzled voice I thought sounded threatening.
Her eyes widened. Tears were falling down her
cheeks. She nodded, looking up at me fearfully. I
grabbed her gag and pulled it out of her mouth. As
soon as her jaw was free, she reached out and
grabbed my shirt. For a second, I thought she was
going to try to shove me or attack me. Instinctively, I
pulled harder on her hair and reached out with my
spare hand and grabbed her throat. She let out a cry,
but it turned to a squawk as I tightened my hand on
her throat.

With her head pulled back and her eyes looking down
her face at me in fright, she finally spoke. “Please…
don’t hurt me.”

I let out a mean laugh. “Heh… if you want to get out of

this, then be a good girl and suck my cock!”

I forced her down on her knees. She attacked my cock

without any hesitation. I was raping her, right? At that
exact moment, my sister’s head was bobbing
enthusiastically down my cock. She couldn’t even fit
the whole thing in her mouth, but she seemed to be
trying to deep throat it. Although I had a strong grip
on the back of her head, I wasn’t necessarily trying to
jam it in the back of her throat. She was doing that of
her own accord.

“Gah… Gah…!” Her throat made really lewd wet

sounds as she sucked me off.

Had my mask been off, my face would have been red.

I didn’t realize how adorable my sister looked sucking
cock. She was also really good at it. Her lips around my
cock felt amazing. Akiko had very little compared to
the skill of my sister. Well, that wasn’t anything to be
proud of, considering where my sister likely gained
her skills, but she was still amazing. Despite the fact I
just pushed her down, she was giving my cock all she
Her eyes were closed, but if she opened them up and
looked at me, it would have been so sexy that I would
have lost it. My grip had lightened on her head and I
stroked it instead. My heart felt weird, and I suddenly
had the desire to embrace my sister more intimately.

“Ahhnn… coming!” I let out a cry, not masking my

voice at all.

Maria probably didn’t notice over the sound of her

own machinations sucking my cock and her own
enthusiastic moans. Plus, a moment later my cock
swelled and I exploded in her mouth. She let out a
noise of surprise and then started swallowing down
my cum. She kept sucking and swallowing as I came
down her throat, and for a moment I lost all energy
and my legs turned wobbly. I was moaning and
panting, and I didn’t even care.
Finally, my cock started to soften, and she let it flop
out of her mouth. She was breathing hard too. She
wiped her lips, missing a bit, and then looked up at

“Ha-hakaru?” She suddenly spoke my name.

I lifted my head and laughed and then spoke in the

gruff voice. “You must be a major bro-con if you want
to fantasize fucking your brother.”

Maria lowered her head, blushing slightly and

muttering to herself. “That’s right… I’ve seen him
naked. His is quite small…”

“Listen, bitch,” I snapped, ignoring those words. “It’s

okay if you date that tool Jack, but know your pussy
belongs to me! I’ll have it whenever I want! Don’t
think that nailing your window shut will stop me

Maria gasped, falling back against the toilet. “You’re

the same guy from before?”

“I know where you live. I know when you’re alone.

Keep clean and shave for me, because I’ll be taking
you whenever I want!”

I raised my smartphone and snapped a picture. She

blinked, staring up at me with a confused expression
as if she didn’t understand what I just did. She still had
some cum that leaked down her chin. Her pants and
underwear were absent, and I had pulled up her shirt,
freeing her boobs. Suffice it to say, for a sudden
picture, it was a very erotic one.
“Ditch Jack tonight, or I’ll send him and everyone else
in your school this picture.”

With a flash of realization, Maria pulled down her shirt

and then shot me a glare. I had already turned away
and was walking out of the room, unlocking the door
as I went.

“Wait… who are you?” She asked.

“The only man that you’ll ever taste again!” I said with
a laugh and then walked out.

The door slammed shut, and as soon as it did, I raced

back to the front concession area. The mask, the shirt,
and even the pants were discarded. I dressed back
into my original clothing and threw on a pair of shorts
on. I unlocked the front of the room and then jumped
back onto my seat, pulling out a magazine.
Fortunately, Maria took some time to clean herself up.
It was another five minutes when the lady’s room
door quietly opened and she walked out.

Her head was down and she had a strange look in her
eyes. Well, I made sure to keep reading my magazine
nonchalantly. She passed by the room that Jack was in
and then stopped where I was in the front.

“You are done with Jack already?” I asked, trying to

keep the bitter sound out of my throat.

“Brother… did you see a masked guy come in earlier?”

I cocked my head as if confused. “The only ones that

came in were Jack and you.”

“D-do you have any security footage?”

I frowned. My sister wasn’t going to leave it be. How
was I going to throw her off my trail?

Chapter 23 :
“Ah… actually, they have cameras in the rooms?” I
responded after a long silence.

“The rooms, not the hallways?” Maria’s expression

turned angry. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Why? Was there anything in the gaming room that

shouldn’t be recorded?”

Maria’s spine straightened and she broke into a blush.

“That… I mean…”
Of course, I knew that Maria wouldn’t admit that she
was going to have sex with someone in that room.
Whether she thought I was clueless or a creep, it
didn’t really matter. As long as she was too
embarrassed to bring it up, it was fine. I gave her a
helpless shrug.

“Did something happen in the hallway I should know


“Never mind that, how could someone get in here

without you noticing?” Maria demanded.

“Eh? We leave the back exit unlocked. Did someone

sneak in while I was away.”

Maria crossed her arms and looked away, a vexed look

on her face. “Never mind.”
I put on my best innocent look. “I’m your brother. If
something happened, you can confide in me. After all,
we’re family?’

Maria’s shot me a look. “I said never mind. It’s fine.

It’s better if you don’t know the truth.”

With those words, Maria spun around and started

walking back to the door with Jack in it. A pang of
anxiety shot through me. She was going to go back to
him? I had raped her because I thought it would end
Jack’s chances of having her today. I didn’t expect
Maria to ignore the rapist’s threats and run back into
his arms!

“You’re going back to him?” I let out a cry of surprise

and ran down the hallway to stop her.
“I need to tell him I’m leaving. I can’t just say nothing.”
Maria stopped as she caught my oddly worded
question and shot me a suspicious look. “What’s it to

I stopped as I got to her, my hand dropping to my side.

We were only a few feet outside of her door. My
mouth fell open. I had allowed my emotions to
override my sense, and now I suggested that I knew a
bit about what happened. I scanned through my
memory in order to come up with a defense, but my
mind blanked as her eyes narrowed. Just as she was
about to say something, a moaning voice came from
the door, causing both of us to freeze.

We both spun to look at the door Jack was behind.

The voice that sounded wasn’t a mans at all. Rather,
the sound was that of a woman. Furthermore, it
sounded like a woman having sex. I took a step
forward while my sister pushed an ear against the
door. A quiet slapping sound could be heard, along
with moans that were both a man and a woman.

“Ahhhnnnn…” Another loud moan came from the

door, leaving no room for doubt as to what was
happening behind that door.

I pulled back and looked at Maria. She remained at the

door, her figure unmoving. Very slowly, her hand
moved towards the doorknob.

“Sister…” I whispered. “Perhaps we should check the

security first. It will leave no doubt.”

Maria’s hand stopped. I fought any feeling of

smugness on my face. In reality, no one else should
have been in the room, so I too was curious who he
was sleeping with. However, if Maria tried to open the
door, she’d need to put the card in too. Perhaps they
were on a couch with their clothing on, and he could
quickly pull out, zip up, and lie about what they were
doing. Based on how they were caught, there was any
number of different ways to lie and leave room for

I understood men like this. They would use anything

to make the girl doubt her own eyes, wrapping her in
a web. The only way I could take advantage of this
scene completely was to have her watch Jack having
sex with his sexual partner on film, with no doubt as
to what she was seeing. Like that, my sister would
finally drop her desire for Jack, and I could continue to
bring her more and more to me.

Maria’s eyes turned to mine. A lot of the smugness

dissipated when I saw the hurt in her eyes. She was
my sister, after all, and seeing her being cheated on
did bother me a bit. She gave a nod and I lead the way
to the back room. Turning on the monitor, I brought
up the image of the girl. Instantly a scene of Jack
appeared. His face was pretty clear in the camera. He
was completely naked, and he was banging this girl
who was bent over, her face out of frame. I let out a
quiet sigh of relief. That idiot really did decide to
sneak some other chick in and cheat on Maria.

Maybe he left the room while I was raping Maria and

opened the door so this girl could sneak in. I didn’t
really know exactly why he decided to do this.
However, the fact that he was sleeping around was
undeniable. Looking at Maria, I could see her face turn
white. Her head lowered and her hands tightened on
her sides.

“Even after all that, he still went for her…” Maria

spoke bitter words to herself.

Did Maria know this other girl? She seemed to have

this impression that she knew who was under Jack.
Although the screen had no sound, their noises were
pretty loud and it was clear they were intended to be
heard. Even all the way over here, if you listened
carefully, you could hear some of the girl’s loudest
cries. Her voice kept tugging at my memory slightly,
but I ignored it, more focused on Maria’s state of

She finally turned around, no longer looking at the

screen which depicted her boyfriend banging some
random girl. Her eyes were wet and she had a pitiful
expression. I suddenly found myself wanting to hug
her and make her feel better. Although I wanted to
possess my sister, I didn’t want to do it by hurting her.
My feelings were a bit complicated. However, one
thing I knew for certain, this asshole Jack would have
to pay. Perhaps, I could steal this girl he was fucking
and turn her into my own personal sex toy, just like

“I’m… going to go…” Maria spoke in a weak voice, a

tear falling down her cheek. “Thank you, brother…”
Rather than joyous and happy, I felt my chest tighten
as I watched my sister walk out of the room and leave
the store by the front door. I wanted to say
something, but I really didn’t know what to say. I had
wanted this to happen. It happened exactly like I had
hoped. If I tried to talk to her now, I wasn’t sure I
wouldn’t make things even worst. I wanted to
improve the situation with my sister, not make her cry
even more by looking like I was gloating.

I sighed and turned back to the recording. I could only

look on a bit dissatisfied when I saw that Jack’s dick
was pretty large. I’d still need to add a few more
points before I could match up with his size.
Furthermore, he seemed to have a great amount of
endurance. This girl was getting it hard, and by the
noises coming from her throat that I could distantly
hear from here, she certainly seemed to be enjoying
it. Taking her from this prick would require a lot of
work. He was older, a better lover, and clearly more
shameless. The fact he ditched my sister so easily
really made me angry.

“I’m going to rape that slut of his,” I muttered,

keeping my eyes on the screen.

At that point, the two decided to switch positions. The

girl fell back so she was against the wall. The guy hiked
up her leg and slid his long dick inside her, fucking her
with her leg in his arm while she leaned back and took
it. Her face was revealed on the screen, and it took me
a few moments to realize that I recognized the girl. My
throat caught and my expression fell.


The girl was an immaculate beauty with long black

hair and dark eyes. Her body was nearly perfect, as
was her face. However, that face was now scrunched
up in an erotic expression while a dick slid in and out
of her over and over again. She was pinned against
the wall by that tall douchebag getting a hard
pounding. That woman was someone no one could
forget. I knew her all too well. She was the woman I
had lost my virginity to. She was the goddess who had
changed my life entirely. She was Netori!

My legs went weak and I fell, holding on the edge of

the counter to keep myself from completely collapsing
to the ground. “You… no…”

I continued to stare, but the longer I stared, the more I

understood that it was clearly her. Netori was in the
room right now banging another man. She said she
would do it, and then she did exactly what she
threatened. My goddess… my woman, she decided to
fuck some other guy just to get back at me.Not just
any guy, but the douchebag who already had his eyes
on my sister.
Forcing myself, I reached out and paused the scene.
Her erotic face was frozen in place. Her eyes seemed
to be looking right at the camera while this fucker’s
dick was deep inside her. She knew the camera was
there, and she wanted to be seen by me. Fear, anger,
hate, hurt… all these emotions and more flooded into
me. I hit rewind, sending the image back to about
twenty minutes ago when my sister left the room.

About a minute after she left, Netori suddenly

appeared in his room in the same way she appeared in
front of me, as if from thin air. Jack acted like he
recognized her, nodding and listening to what she
said, rather than freaking out at her appearance.
Suddenly, rage formed on his face, and he spun to
head to the door. I had the feeling that she was telling
Jack about Maria’s rape. As he reached for the
doorknob, Netori grabbed his arm and stopped him. A
mischievous smile formed on her face.
At this point, her eyes flashed to the camera and gave
a knowing smile while she whispered in his ear
something I couldn’t hear. After she pulled back, a
cruel smile formed on his lips, and he nodded. At this
point, Netori started stripping. Had she done this
because I was raping Maria? She distracted him while I
banged my sister. Could I even be mad at her if that
was the case? No… she told him in the first place what
we were doing. This vindictive bitch had made all of
this happen.

He started pawing at my beautiful goddess, and she

quickly stripped off her clothing like an eager slut.
Within a short period, he was banging her, his big cock
sliding into her perfect snatch. Every once in a while,
her eyes would subtly turn to the camera, as if to
remind me that she was well aware I’d watch all of
this. My knuckles were white as they squeezed the
“Hey, were did Maria go?” A voice called from the

Pausing the video, I turned and walked out, my

expression dark and angry. Jack was standing there at
the counter, casually picking his teeth. He was dressed
now and gave no indication of the acts he had been
performing just moments ago in that room. I could
even smell the sex wafting off him, and it made me

“She left,” I said, a frown on my lips.

“Eh? That bitch already left?”

“Watch it!” I snapped. “Don’t talk about my sister that

Jack’s jovial expression quickly turned dark. “What
was that, dork? Did you want to get your ass kicked?”

“You know what you did!” I shot back. “She had every
right to leave!”

“Haha? What? Oh… Do you mean my lady friend?

Well, maybe if she didn’t spread her legs first-“ Jack
suddenly froze and shot me a surprised expression.
“No… wait a minute. You’re the guy Rory warned me
about? No fucking way… a little dweeb like you is
playing the game?”

My face went white and I took a step back. The game?

What game? There was only one game that Netori
would be involved in. NTR Crush. Yet… while I knew
NTR Crush had other players, they were supposed to
have other gods and goddesses too. The girl he had
been with was clearly Netori, although he seemed to
have nicknamed herself Rory. At school, she was
typically called Tori, so it wasn’t so unbelievable that a
girl as flippant as her would have many nicknames. If
he knew Netori and he was talking about the game,
that would mean that Jack was a player of NTR Crush!

Seeing the expression on my face, the guy let out a

laugh. “Haha… what a fucking wimp. I had gotten all
worried when Rory warned me about another player.
Turns out, you’re so pathetic you have to use family
members to boost your points. So, tell me, bro… how
did your sister taste?”

“F-fuck you…” I couldn’t come up with anything better

to say than that.

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “I could beat the shit of you

right now, but that wouldn’t be fun enough. I hear
defeating another player is major points. I’ve already
tasted your women… next, I’ll just take them all.
Netori, Maria, any other girl you’ve won… they’ll all
become mine. The game is just getting started.”

Jack let out one more laugh, turned around, and then
strutted out of the room as he continued to chuckle.
The bells jingled and the door shut behind him. I could
only collapse in my seat, cold sweat falling down my
body as I clenched my teeth in frustration. The game
had just started? Unfortunately, I felt like I had already

Chapter 24 :
“Mmm… gmmm…” lewd noises came from Akiko’s lips
as her head rocked up and down on my cock.

After about ten minutes of it, I sat up and pushed her

head away. “Enough…”
Akiko glanced up at me, her lips wet and puffy, her
eyes holding a strange sense of worry for the man
who turned her into his own personal slave.

“What is it? Is everything okay?” She asked.

The rest of the week had passed, and it was now

Friday. My sister had remained out of sight since
seeing Jack cheating on her, and Netori had remained
out of sight since her own indiscretions. The fated day
in which I was supposed to meet up with Gina was
now, yet instead of meeting up with her, I had
remained home. She had actually called me three
times this last week, but in the end, I had left the
phone go to voicemail.

My body felt numb, and my heart felt pained. After

seeing Netori sleep with another player, all of my
motivation seemed to die in a single moment. I knew,
deep down, that Netori was never truly mine, but
somehow seeing her like that hurt me anyway. I was
such an idiot. I got so caught up with the thrill of the
game, I never thought about the consequences. This
was a game where you played or you got played. I
wanted every girl, but I wasn’t prepared for the cost of
having them stolen. It was far too terrifying and far
too painful.

Thus, I hid in my room and avoided interacting with

the world. I couldn’t loose anything, if I had nothing to
loose. Had Akiko not come over today of her own
volition, I wouldn’t have even made it this far. Yet, her
mouth on my cock was barely enough for me to get it
up. I kept seeing her with Derek. What was the point
in continuing this? She’d only just go running back to
him when she was done.

“I’m done.” I sighed, “You can go.”

Akiko frowned, wiping off her mouth and kneeling
with her arms crossed, unsure what to do. “Hakaru…”

“I said go!” I snapped. “Go back to Derek. Isn’t he

what you want?”

Akiko’s face darkened. “You made me your slave, or

don’t you remember? I don’t get what I want!”

“Well, guess what, you’re free!”

Akiko’s eyes widened. “Wh-what?”

“Go! I don’t need you anymore! Just get out of my

Akiko stood up, a look of disbelief on her face. “You
don’t mean that.”

“You swore to follow my requests, right? My request

is that it’s done! Get out of my room. Get out of my
life! Go fuck Derek! Isn’t he the guy you want anyway?
Fuck him, and forget I ever existed!” I snapped.

Akiko took a step back, her eyes watering. “You… you

can be a real asshole sometimes!”

“And you’re just a slut who cheated on me!” I shouted

back. “Get lost!”

Akiko flipped me off, spun around and I thought I

heard a sob as she fled the room. I pulled my dick back
into my pants and ignored her. Dumping Akiko wasn’t
completely a problem. She no longer netted me very
many points. The only reason I had held on to her so
long was sentimentality for the relationship we used
to have. Although, I also found it as a way to get back
at Derek. In truth, she was only a liability at this point.
Another bitch who was only a few steps from cheating
on me with another guy. Cutting her loose was the
best option.

I tried to sit back down and missed the bed, landing

my ass on the floor. I could only lean my head back
and laugh bitterly. Mother was out tonight, and sister
was locked in her room. Even Dad was off fucking the
teacher. Tonight was his night with her. I was
completely alone.

A knock on my door broke me from my dark thoughts.

I glanced up to see my sister Maria standing in the
doorway. Her hair was tied up for a shower. She was
wearing a pair of silky pajamas with red bottoms and a
button up top.
“What do you want?” I asked, my expression bitter.

Maria gave a tight smile, and it was only then that I

noticed her eyes were just as red as mine. She had
been moping in her room just as much as I was
moping in my room. I could tell she had been crying,
and only recently broke out of it.

“You broke up with your girl too, huh?” Maria asked, a

strangely sympathetic look on her face,” I… um…
heard a little of the end conversation. She cheated on

I nodded numbly. “A while ago. I tried to make it work.

It didn’t.”

Maria let out a soft laugh. “Yeah… that seems to be

the way of things.”
Maria pushed her way into my room, and it was then
that I realized that she was holding a bottle. It was a
matcha liquor. Without waiting for my permission, she
sat down on the floor right next to me, leaning back
against the side of my bed. A moment later, she
handed me the bottle. I grabbed it and looked at the
thing. It definitely was a strong alcohol that she had
somehow procured.

“Where did you get this?” I asked curiously.

“Dad left it in the backseat of the car unopened after

one of his drunken romps. I decided to swipe it for a
day I really needed it. Today seems as good a day as

I nodded, opening the bottle and taking a sip straight

from it. The alcohol burned as it slid down my throat,
but it also carried a milky sweetness that was pleasing
to my tastebuds. I handed it back to Maria. She also
took a sip, not even bothering to wipe it first. I guess
that would be a so-called second-hand kiss. I didn’t
really care. I took the bottle and drunk right after her.
Like that, we shared the bottle back and forth and
didn’t speak for some time.

“That Jack guy. He’s an asshole.” I said after a bit of

silence. “His fetish is cheating on people. He doesn’t
simply want to date you. He wants to be the other guy
and force you to cheat on someone you love.”

I wanted to warn my sister, but I also couldn’t imagine

telling her about NTR Crush. She wouldn’t even be
able to grasp the idea that gods existed and that they
were playing with the lives of a few select mortals,
encouraging them to cheat around. I saw Maria nod
out of the corner of my eye.

“I know.” Maria finally said. “He was two-timing me

with another girl. I thought I could stomach the affair
and perhaps even win him over. I only realized
recently that it was the affair he wanted. He even
tried to hook me up with his friend as a double date.
So damn shameless.”

“I’m sorry…” I responded. “You deserve better.”

Maria’s expression went even more bitter. “Do I?”

I turned to her, putting my hand down on her leg. “Of

course. You’re smart and beautiful, and kind.”

“Sometimes, I feel like I’m just some meat toilet for

some boy’s enjoyment.” Maria winced.

“You’re not a meat toilet.” I turned to her. “You’re my

beautiful sister.”
We had polished off half the bottle already between
the two of us. Sitting there in her silk pajamas with her
cheeks flushed with alcohol, she looked even more
beautiful. With my hand on her leg, I could feel her
soft skin through the silky material. My body grew
aroused just looking at her there. Before I could stop
myself, I moved towards her and kissed her.

“Mm!” My sister’s eyes widened as my lips pressed

against her soft mouth.

My hand slid up her inner thigh. She instinctively

reached out and grabbed my wrist, but she didn’t stop
my hands movements. While she didn’t kiss me back,
she didn’t stop me from sliding my tongue into her
mouth. Wet noises filled my room as I savored my
sister’s drunken breath. She was sweet and beautiful,
and after feeling like I had lost everything, she felt
comfortable. My hand found its way pressing between
her legs. I started rubbing the area through the pants
and the underwear.

She finally pulled her head away with a gasp, her

breaths coming out in a pant. “No… brother… we

“Maria…” I kissed her neck, sucking on it and eliciting

a cute moan from her right next to my ear.

My hand went up to the waist of her pajamas and

dived inside. I just missed the underwear, so I was on
the outside of her panties, but I could feel just a hint
of moisture as I rubbed her there. Maria’s hand
squeezed on my wrist as she panted more and more.
Her hips slightly pushing against my hand.

“Stop…” She moaned, even as she seemed powerless

against my machinations. “Ahn!”
My fingers had pushed her underwear to the side, and
I felt the warmth of her pussy on my fingers. I pushed
one finger inside her without hesitation, and Maria
gasped helplessly. I plunged it in and out of her a few
times, watching as her hand squeezed my wrist tightly
and her body reacted erotically to my machinations.

Having reached my limit, I picked her up with my free

arm and I pushed my sister back down on the top of
my bed. Her eyes held a confused, drunken look, and I
realized that part of the reason she wasn’t resisting
was that my sister wasn’t sober and her mind wasn’t
working right. Even so, she spread her legs just slightly
enough to offer a hint of encouragement, rather than
flat out denial.

After everything that had happened, I couldn’t bring

myself to stop. I wanted her now. Part of it was me
trying to selfishly satisfy myself, but part of it was
because I felt like I needed my sister. I grabbed her
pants and underwear and started pulling them down.
Finally, she let go of my wrists and grabbed the
waistline, stopping it.

“No! Hakaru… no…” She tried to put authority in her

voice as a big sister. “I’m your sister!”

I gritted my teeth. I didn’t care! She was my woman

too! I ripped off her pants, pulling them from her
fingers. She let out a cry of distress, but I pulled them
off and tossed them down before she could resist.
Then, I pinned her down on my bed and kissed her
mouth again.

“Hakaru…” she gasped.

I pulled out my dick. When she looked down and saw

it, her mouth fell open and her eyes widen.
“I’ve grown since the last time you’ve seen it!” I finally
offered a bit of explanation.

Maria couldn’t argue with those words. Her little

brother wasn’t little anymore. My dick was quite big,
in fact… size-wise, it was about the same size as…

I pushed into her, and she let out a cry as her

womanhood was pierced by her brother’s cock. Her
eyes started to leak tears, but she could only rest her
hands on my chest as I started to thrust into her. Her
eyes slowly lost their resistance, and pleasure started
to fill them instead.

Deep down, it was her fantasy to be raped, so wasn’t

she a girl who would always say no when she really
meant yes? At least, that was my reasoning. This was
as consensual as sex between me and my sister would
ever be. Except, this time, it was out in the open.
Maria and I were both drunk, but we weren’t drunk to
the point where we’d black out. There were no masks
and no hiding anymore. I could see the flushed
expression on Maria’s face, and she could see me as I
pumped her pussy with my cock.

She was as good as I remembered. No, this was even

better, because my big sister was in my arms and I
could kiss and touch her affectionately. I continued to
kiss her neck and cheek, and she lay back with her
eyes closed and her mouth open, panting as my cock
slid in and out of her pussy. She was very wet now,
and her pussy really started to suck in my cock and
squeeze it. Having had my sister before, I was familiar
with the telltale signs of her cumming.

“I love you,” I whispered in her ear.

Her eyes opened, and just at that moment, she let out
a moan, her legs wrapping around my hips and her
pussy throbbing as she came around my cock. The
feeling was incredible, and I ended up kissing her. For
the first time, her tongue left her mouth and explored
mine. It was a passionate kiss between a brother and
his sister. When we ran out of breath, we finally pulled
apart, but there were still strains of saliva connecting
our mouths together. I looked down at my sister while
her pussy still convulsed excitedly around my cock.

“Hakaru… I…” I put a finger down, blocking her lips.

“Don’t say anything,” I responded. “Just let me have

this one time.”

Maria’s eyebrows lowered, but after a moment later

she nodded. I kissed her again, increasing the speed
and force of my hips as I thrust into her. My sister held
on to me tightly, letting me use her body to satisfy my
“I’m going to cum inside you,” I told her.

Maria didn’t respond, so I kept moving. A few

moments later, my cock swelled and I shot sweet
white liquid deep into my sister’s womb. Maria
continued to hold me tightly, barely reacting as she
felt the cum filling her up. We remained like that, with
Maria holding me tightly until my cock started to
soften. Finally, she relaxed and lay down. I remained
on top of her not daring to move. I ended up resting
my head on her chest, which still had her pajama top

“So… you’re him then,” Maria spoke. “You are the

man who raped me.”

I closed my eyes. I knew from the moment we did this,

that she would figure it out. Now, I needed to face the
Chapter 25 :
“Come along… more shopping to do!” Mother
ordered, moving into the next shop.

I could only give a tight smile as I watched mother

walk in front of me. She was dressed in a nice dress
and makeup like I usually didn’t see her. It was only on
date nights that she would dress up this nicely. Date
night was what she called these nights, not what I
called them. To me, they were just going shopping
with my mother.

We had started this custom a month ago after I gave

her a stern talking and said some embarrassingly bold
things to her. Well, since that time, mother seemed to
be dieting and working out. She looked a lot better
than she did a month ago when she had spent the
previous year wallowing in self-pity. I didn’t want her
to stop this positive behavior, so the price was that I
had to be her pack mule on weekends, carrying all of
her stuff around. At least she didn’t make me pay, as
my first paycheck was still a few days away.

Thus, I was walking around with about eight bags full

of clothing and various other items mom was buying
for herself. Well, she was using dad’s credit card. Since
he had spent the better part of the last few years
cheating on her with various women, what went
around, came around. Plus… Mom always spent a little
money on me as well, so I was usually happy with this

“Eh… mom… this…” I stopped as I saw the shop

mother was entering at this moment.

It was a Halloween costume shop that had seemed to

spring up out of nowhere. They sold outfits to wear to
the Halloween parties that would start in a couple of
weeks. These kinds of celebrations had been growing
more and more popular in the last few years,
especially as more and more Americans moved to

“Your father has an office party every year, and I’m

going to it and I need something nice.” Mother

I grimaced at Mother’s words, which had a bit more

weight than one might think. In previous years, Father
often acted inappropriately at these parties. Mom
would have to bear it while dad flirted with drunk
female coworkers. She hadn’t gone to the party the
previous year after catching him feeling up the new
secretary the year prior. Although I wanted Mom to
be more active, her going to this party really worried
me quite a bit. All of the work I had done to pull her
out of her depression could be obliterated in a single
“Come on… I don’t want to pick something that is
inappropriate for my age.” Mother spoke coyly. “You
can at least let your mother know if she is
embarrassing herself. All these Halloween outfits are
so skimpy these days.”

“Ah… y-yes…” I couldn’t help but flush as mom

grabbed my arm and hugged me, her chest pressing
against me while she spoke pleadingly.

In the end, I rolled over and obeyed, and so I found

myself sitting in a crowded shop that smelled like
plastic. This shop was a bit better quality than some,
as it allowed you to try on the outfits before you
bought. Mother brought in several outfits and tried
them all on, one at a time. She made sure to come out
with each one, spinning around and sometimes even
posing for me.

“Mom! Your… eh… they’re about to fall out!” I cried.

“Mom, I can almost see you… ahem…”

“Mom, this doesn’t even cover anything!”

“Fuhuhu…” Mother laughed as if she wasn’t even

aware that a sexy cat outfit that showed most of her
ass was something I wouldn’t even let my girlfriend
wear in public, let alone my mother.

I only realized near the end that Mother seemed to

like me growing flustered. She was trying to get a rise
out of me on purpose. My eyes furrowed as she went
into the changing room for what she swore would be
the last one. Meanwhile, I sat in my chair with a
glower. I absolutely wouldn’t react to the next outfit.
In fact, no matter how shocking, I’d let her wear it.
Let’s see how she reacted when I tried to send her to
the Halloween party wearing something completely
“Your girlfriend is really sexy.” The man handling the
register spoke up. “I always wanted to date an older
woman myself, but it never came up.”

I froze, a feeling of embarrassment washing over me.

A girlfriend? She was my mom! This fucking guy…

Just at that moment, my Mother walked out. She was

wearing a stunning back dress which showed just a
hint of her long white legs and hip. There was a very
fancy theater mask, which only give her a hint of
animal features. The mask hid my mother’s face, while
the dress drew attention to her body. Her large
breasts gave a wonderful show of cleavage, and her
nice hips made her legs look like they went on for
miles. My mouth fell open, and for a moment I forgot I
was looking at my mother.
“Is… this fine?” Mother’s voice came out incredibly
modest under my gaze, completely unlike the bawdy
tone she was using earlier when she was teasing me.

It was like the voice of a virgin girl. It was exactly like a

shy girlfriend wanting the opinion of her man. My face
felt like it was on fire. I shook my head, trying to get a
hold of myself. This was just my mother, after all. I
stood up, although I found myself needing to cover a
certain piece of my anatomy.

“You look… beautiful.” I said, my voice coming out


Mother blushed, and the tinge of red ran all the way
down her neck to her cleavage, causing my eyes to fall
on those things once again. I gulped as I stared at her
chest. The last time I had been this aroused was when
my mother was unconscious and had accidentally
flashed me her body.
“Sweetie, I’ll get this then.” Mother’s voice caused me
to snap out of it.

She seemed extremely pleased with herself as she

walked up to me and then put 1000 yen in my hand.
“I’ll buy it then. While I pay, go buy me some iced

“Y-yes…” I blushed again, especially under Mother’s

knowing look.

I didn’t feel like I could face mom again at that

moment. Alas, she seemed to have read the mood
and gave me an excuse to leave. As I ran out of the
store, the store clerk gave me a wink, which only
seemed to make things worse. With my thoughts a bit
muddled, I headed through the mall area towards the
stand that sold Boba tea near the water fountain.
As I approached the stand, I saw the last person I
wanted to see. Cursing, I ducked behind a pillar. Jack
was standing there, a slightly sadistic smile on his face.
As I glanced out, I realized he hadn’t noticed me. This
was because his eyes were on someone else. I
followed them to two people. They were being pretty
noisy, and their voices echoed through the mall so I
could hear them.

“Please… it was a mistake…” The girl with tears in her

eyes tried to explain frantically.

“You cheated on me!” The man shot back. “I can’t

believe you!”

The girl reached out for the guy but he dodged her. He
then began walking toward Jack.
“Thanks for letting me know.” He said stiffly before
brushing past.

The girl followed after him. Finally, she drew close

enough that I could make out her face. My mouth fell
open as I realized that I recognized this girl. This was
none other than Gina, the girl I had been blowing off
all week. The chances of meeting her here and now
were astronomical.

“Please… don’t…” She was bawling as she tried to

chase after the man.

“You fucked some other guy!” He shouted, spinning

and raising his hand as if to strike her.

She winced, but in the end, he stopped himself from

slapping her. Glancing around at all the people giving
the pair looks, he finally settled down. In the end, he
just gave her a hateful look and then turned his back
to her.

“Get lost!” He barked as he walked away.

Gina remained standing there, her eyes following the

man with a helpless look. Then, fury exploded on her
face as she shot to Jack who was still standing there
with a grin on his face.

“You bastard! You said you wouldn’t say anything!”

She shouted.

“Haha…” Jack laughed, “Why do I have to keep my

word with a slut? If you loved your boyfriend, you
wouldn’t have given me your virginity, right?”
My heart sank as I heard his words. Her virginity…
given to Jack? Did Gina end up fucking Jack? In other
words, after I blew her off, she went to find someone
else, and that person was Jack. He banged her, and
then immediately announced it, ruining her
relationship with her boyfriend. Now, Gina’s name
had been dragged through the mud, and very publicly.

“You asshole!” She cursed, trying to slap him.

He grabbed her arms, and without any remorse,

shoved her back. She stumbled backward until she
was about to fall into the mall fountain. That also
ended up only a few feet away from me. Sighing, I
stepped out and blocked the path, catching Gina. She
fell into my chest. After stopping her backward fall,
she looked up, and that’s when she saw my face. I
tried to maintain a cold expression, but I couldn’t keep
it from turning complicated. Gina wasn’t mine in any
sense of the word. However, because I had been in a
bad mood, I had given her up, and Jack had instantly
scooped her up. In a small way, I was a little to blame
about what happened. At the very least, my enemy
had earned more points off of someone who should
have been mine.

“Why… if it isn’t Hakaru…” Jack chuckled as he walked

toward me grinning. “Oh… have you met Gina?”

I frowned looking down at her tearful eyes. “We’ve


“Hehe… well, too bad, but I got to enjoy her first.” Jack
chuckled. “Just like I had your sister…. And your
goddess. I checked around at school. They say there
was this girl you were dating. Akiko was it? I’d like to
taste her as well.”

“Stay away from them.” I snapped, my hands grabbing

Gina and holding her tightly for some reason.
“Hehe… keep talking big. It won’t mean anything in
the end.” Jack shrugged and then his eyes landed on
Gina. “You can have her. I’m done with this slut.”

Gina squirmed slightly in my embrace, but she

strangely didn’t pull away. As for Jack, he let out
another laugh and then turned around. As he walked
away, he kept talking.

“This game is so much easier than I thought. Soon, I’ll

have everyone.”

When he finally left, the mall seemed to return back

to normal. The talking and noises returned. A few
people shot looks at me with the girl in my arms,
whispering rumors. The girl finally pulled away and
turned back to me.
“So, you slept with him?” I asked.

Gina looked down, her eyes still puffy. “You… never

answered your calls.”

“I’m… sorry.”

Gina’s eyes shot back up, only a little surprised by my

response. “It’s too late for that. My life is already
gone. My boyfriend left me, and by tomorrow
everyone in town is going to think I’m just some slut.”

“Are you?”

“Am I what?”

“Just a slut?”
Gina’s eye flashed angrily. “It wasn’t even good. Sex
was quick, painful, and I hated it.”

I nodded. “That’s exactly why I didn’t want to call you.

At least you now realized there is nothing special or
magical about sex.”

Gina’s hands tightened as she looked away. “Jack

was… wrong about one thing though.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s that.”

“He… didn’t have me first. My virginity… you took

that. I didn’t even bleed with him. I don’t know what
game you two are playing at… but you won… I
I raised my head as a sense of clarity shot through me.
That’s right. I had her virginity. True, we never had sex
all the way, but I had her first. For the first time since I
had seen Netori and Jack together, a sense of relief
shot through me. The game was still in action. I may
have lost a little, but I had gained some too. For
example, my sister and I slept together last night. We
hadn’t spoken to each other since, but there was way
more love between us than anything between Jack
and her. Furthermore, he may have banged Gina, but I
had taken her virginity, and he never got that. He
stuck his dick in a girl I’d already soiled, and he didn’t
even know it.

I couldn’t stop playing now, or I would lose everything.

I had pushed Akiko away. I had kept Netori at a
distance, never calling her. Even Gina was abandoned.
However, if I wanted to win, I needed to play the
game. I looked down at the teary-eyed Gina, and
suddenly everything seemed so much clearer.
“Thank you,” I said, leaning forward and kissing her.

“Mm!” Gina made a surprised noise as her lips were

attacked by mine, but she didn’t pull away.

I broke off a moment later, and Gina was looking up at

me, her gaze slightly dazed and her lips parted as she
panted in a cute way.

“Ahem…” A voice from behind me cleared their


I looked back and broke into a cold sweat. “Mom!”

Mom had her arms crossed. “I asked you to get tea

and you go around kissing girls!”
“Ah… this…” I let go of Gina.

“Look at her, she’s not even honorable or Japanese!

This yariman will not sway my poor child.” Mom
grabbed my wrist and immediately started pulling.

“Ah… I’m sorry, she doesn’t mean that…” I said


Strangely enough, Gina’s depressed expression had

changed somewhat, and she looked almost giddy as
she watched me leave. “It’s okay. I’ll see you around…

“You… I’m not… that’s not…” I couldn’t say anything

else while mother ranted about me needing a strong
Japanese woman while she dragged me away.
Meanwhile, Gina continued to watch me as I was
pulled down the hallway, a strange glint in her eye
with a meaning I couldn’t understand.

Chapter 26 :
It was Monday now and I stood on the roof of the
school, waiting with a frown on my face. In my hands
was a note I had received earlier that day in my locker
from the most unlikely of sources. Each time I glanced
down at it, my frown only grew deeper. This would
have been the last person I would have expected to
reach out to me in the slightest.

The door popped open and a familiar person walked

out. He had the same smile on his face that he always
wore. It was somewhat fake and irritated me just to
look at it. However, I manage to similarly prevent my
expression from turning ugly as I faced him.

“Hello, Derek,” I said stiffly.

Derek laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his
head. “I suppose I have a lot to atone for. We used to
be best friends.”

I lowered my head, frowning as I tried to figure out

what his game was. “What do you mean?”

Derek grimaced. “You were right about Akiko. I looked

into it, and it seems like she got drunk and passed out
at a party and five guys had their way with her.”

I let out a noise. “That… I…”

Derek raised a hand. “I know you were just trying to

protect her the only way you could. Turning facts into
rumors make it a best-kept secret…”
“H-how did you find out?” I asked quietly after a

Derek smiled bitterly. “Akiko… dumped me the other


My eyes spun to Derek and my mouth fell open. My

surprise was genuine. It was the last thing I would
have expected, Akiko leaving her beloved. Was she
really that guilty over our relationship? No… she told
Derek about the rape event. If anything, she cleared
my name. She could have said I was blackmailing her,
but she didn’t mention me at all. This really didn’t
make any sense.

“Why? What happened?” I asked.

“Haha… she… uh… said she was interested in someone
else, and she didn’t want to continue to be a cheater
like me.”

“Someone else?” My eyes widened. “Seriously?”

Derek made a rough chuckle. “Yeah… the slut. That’s

why… I know how you feel. I guess I only started
dating her because I was angry at you, so I didn’t take
our relationship very seriously. However, I’m usually
the one who does the dumping. This… got me thinking
a bit.”

“You know I know that you had an affair with Akiko for
a year, right?” I admitted.

“Heh…” Derek looked down. “I thought you might

have realized that…”
“You still think we’re going to be friends?”

Derek chuckled wryly. “Well, I’m not interested in

being enemies.”

I frowned while watching him out of the corner of my

eye. In many ways, I had never gotten the vengeance
on him that I had wanted. I had stolen his girl and
NTR’d him, but she wasn’t a girl he cared for, and she
was mine a short time prior. That was hardly an act of
fitting revenge. Part of the reason I was okay with this
was that we had years of friendship behind us. I was
willing to overlook it and let bygones be bygones.

However, if I ever did want revenge, it’d be easier to

obtain if he wasn’t looking for it. Then again, the same
could be true for him. Derek wasn’t an idiot, and if he
did know I had an affair with Akiko, he could be trying
to give me a Trojan horse. This relationship was a
double-edged sword and I needed to be careful if I
wanted to pursue it.

“I’ll… think about it.” I said as much as I was willing to,

and then turned and headed for the door leading back
into the high school.

“Hakaru…” Derek called, causing me to stop and look

over at him.


“Times… are changing.” Derek sounded awkward as

he spoke. “Somethings been happening lately. Call it
paranoia, an ominous feeling, something. It’s better to
have allies than enemies, I think. We need to stand up
to people like this Jack guy…”
“Jack?” I froze for a second and then turned. “What
about Jack?”

Derek grimaced. “I heard that your sister was being

used by him. I’ve done some background on him and
he’s been with a lot of girls. Likes to take them from
guys like you and me.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Derek, do you know the name of

the guy Akiko left you for?”

Derek nodded slowly. “It’s Jack.”

My teeth clenched as I cursed under my breath. When

I heard that she was leaving Derek for someone else, I
wasn’t so bold as to think it was me, but I never would
have thought it was Jack either. I had already
discarded her, but he picked her up anyway. With her
broken off from Derek, I wouldn’t have been able to
claim any more points from her for NTR. Of course, I
had cut her loose first, but I wasn’t clear how much
this guy knew. Netori told me nothing, but she was an
open mouth when it came to this bastard.

No, wait, that wasn’t the problem here. The problem

was that I knew Akiko’s darkest secrets more than
anyone. She loved Derek dearly. There was no way
she would leave Derek to pursue Jack. That was
completely ridiculous to even imagine. There was also
no way he could have tricked Akiko into dumping
Derek without some kind of leverage. There must
have been something Jack had that made girls
abandon all reason and…

I slapped my forehead. I was a complete idiot. He was

a player the same as I was. That meant that he had
skills in the same way that I did. Of course, he had
tricks, and he was using them to manipulate events. I
had been caught up on my own inadequacy that I
hadn’t realized that he had the same abilities as me.
No… I didn’t know if different gods offered the same
benefits, and besides, he could have picked radically
different skills.

The warning bell rang at that point, so Derek and I

headed back to the classroom, although I was
certainly lost in thought and fortunately, he didn’t try
to press me for any talking. Derek probably thought I
might help him attack Jack. After all, Jack wronged
both of us. He probably assumed for me, it was how
he embarrassed my sister. As for him, he wouldn’t let
Akiko embarrass him. He never really wanted her, but
now that she was taken away, he would fight tooth
and nail to keep her. That was the kind of guy that
Derek was.

In class, I glanced Akiko’s way, but she didn’t pay me

any mind at all. When I glanced into her notebook
while dropping something off in the trashcan, I saw
the name Jack written hundreds of times in it
surrounded by hearts. Jack definitely used a skill on
her. If I had to guess, it was a skill like Manipulation.
He cheated with a lot more women than me. While I
spent my time banging Akiko, he had stolen a dozen
girls from their boyfriends. He could be level three or
even higher. It wouldn’t be surprising if he had more
points than me.

By passing notes back and forth in class with Derek, I

learned that the guy was hated by most of the school
at the moment, but everyone was too afraid to touch
him. Besides being big and possibly tied to a gang, he
also had a lot of leverage. He seemed to know secrets
about everyone who threatened him. Was that dirt
scribe? Derek also had written an angry note saying
that he had been seen with Tory, but I already knew
that to be the case, so I was able to keep my cool.
After the tenth time passing notes, the teacher caught

“Stay after class, Hakaru.” Mrs. Fukumi ordered.

I could only cringe and wait accordingly while a few
people around the class muttered. I was already
gaining a reputation as a teacher’s pet. Since Mrs.
Fukumi and I had our little altercation where I
unknowingly revealed she was having an affair with
my father despite the both of them being married,
she’d been extremely light with my grading. In return,
I hadn’t pushed the issue either. I mean, if my dad
found out I was blackmailing the teacher, he’d kick my
ass, so it didn’t seem worth it.

After the bell rang, Derek gave me one look before he

said, “Call you later.”

I nodded but kept my face pretty nondescript. We

weren’t really friends, but I realized that Derek did a
lot more background checking than I did. The fact I
was able to keep my relationship with Akiko out of
Derek’s suspicion was kind of amazing. It probably had
mostly to do with the fact there were just too many
rumors floating around between the two of us, and
Akiko was an exceptional liar who kept him duped.
Still, he was useful for spying on Jack, so I was willing
to use him for a little while.

I remained in my chair and waited for the class to

clear out. Mrs. Fukumi remained behind as well. I
didn’t think it had anything to do with me passing
notes. Derek was just as guilty as I was, and given her
unique treatment to me, it was even more likely I’d be
singled out unless she had something to say. So, I
waited patiently and she finally walked up to my desk.

“Hakaru, you shouldn’t be passing notes in class. I

know I’ve been looking the other way a lot recently,
especially hearing several rumors about you
associated with a certain girl named Akiko. I’ve even
heard you’ve started working at a… ahem… a hotel.”

I looked up at her and activated Dirt Scribe. Her

thoughts actually caused me to freeze. What she was
thinking wasn’t something I expected at all! She took
my silence differently, and then immediately waved
her hands.

“I… of course… don’t believe any of these rumors! My

daughter has always spoken highly of you.”

She was still a bit scared that if she rubbed me the

wrong way, I’d run to mom and spill the beans. Well,
she wasn’t wrong. However, what she wanted from
me also wasn’t something that made me particularly
angry. She apparently didn’t know that I worked for
her son, so Kira hadn’t told her yet. Well, that was fine
with me. Working after school wasn’t specifically
prohibited. Something the western invasion pushed.
They said getting kids in the workforce early made
them more productive when they finished school.

As for what my teacher wanted, her thoughts were a

bit disjointed as she didn’t really want to tell me, but
she was closing in on an anniversary with my father.
She was surprisingly sentimental about it and wanted
to find out a way to impress my father. She suspected
that he was losing interest in her and was returning to
my mother’s side. This wasn’t true, he was actually
sleeping with other women, but she didn’t know that.
Thus, she wanted to get some information out of me
to help her plan the perfect weekend getaway.

On that note, I recalled that the father was leaving the

whole weekend next week to a conference before
Halloween. That conference turned out to be a trip he
was taking with Miss Fukumi.

“The thing is…” Miss Fukumi put her fingers together,

blushing slightly. “The thing with your father…”

I sighed. “Dad likes good alcohol, but he doesn’t really

know the difference. The fancier the bottle, the
happier he is. You could buy an empty bottle of
expensive liquor, fill it with something cheap, and
then seal it, and he’ll treat it as a treasure. As for
places he likes, he’s been wanting to go to this hot
spring hotel outside of town forever but hasn’t gone
because it has a co-ed bath and Mom said it was
indecent. If you took him, it’d be something his wife
had been holding him away from for years.”

“Ah!” Miss Fukumi exploded in a blush, “Th-thank

you… please continue to keep our secret!”

My teacher gave a bow, and this time I blushed. She

really was completely being used by my dad. He
probably told her to pick and reserve the spot for their
trip so that it could be exactly the romantic weekend
she imagined, but in reality, he probably just figured
he’d sucker her into paying for it all.

I shook my head and ran off to work. Deacon and I

watched the store for a few hours, cracking jokes and
watching people bang on the monitors. I handed him
a few pieces of information on girls I wasn’t that
interested in. If Deacon wanted to try to blackmail
high school girls without a goddess backing him up, he
was welcome to see where that took him.

Eventually, Deacon took off to go smoke some weed,

and I was left watching the store alone. That seemed
to happen a lot. He used to just randomly shut the
store down. Simply being reliably open during the
hours it said had done wonders for the business, or so
Deacon said. When things quieted down, I sat in the
backroom. There was only one room being rented by
two couples. They were watching a movie now, but
the guys were pulling around second base and
heading for third.

Thinking back over the day, my mind kept wandering

back to Jack. Maria, Gina, and now Akiko. What level
was he at? I couldn’t keep hiding, and I didn’t want
this asshole to just get away with it all. I had to
eventually start making things happen. With a breath,
my eyes snapped open.

“Netori. It’s time to talk.”

Chapter 27 :
Netori didn’t come. I called her name three times, and
she never showed herself in front of me. Hours
passed, and people came and left the store. After
what felt like forever, I finally reached the point where
I could close up the shop. The last group of people left
and I finally clicked the door locked. My mood was
starting to sink quickly. Had she completely
abandoned me? Somehow, it almost felt worse
contemplating that than imagining her with Jack.

“What’s got you down, Hakaru-kun…” A voice came

from behind me.
I turned around to see Netori laying lazily on a couch.
The lobby had a small couch and a TV, and she
appeared to be watching it while eating a bag of
popcorn, seemingly completely disinterested in me.

“You’ve made your point, Netori,” I sighed, “I’m ready

to play seriously now.”

“Are you?” Netori’s eyes flashed darkly. “Who says I’m

interested in playing with you?”

“I’m the one you picked! I didn’t start this, you did!”

“Hehe… so why don’t I be the one to end it. I find Jack

way more entertaining. You bore me. I don’t care
about you anymore.” Netori snorted.
Anger and frustration welled up inside me at that
point and burst forth. “Netori! I’m not going to lose
you! I said from the beginning that you were going to
be mine, so I will do it!”

Netori looked stunned for a moment, but then she

burst out laughing. “Mortals are so funny! You want to
possess he-me… you’re so funny!”

“Enough of this! Let’s look at my skills and points!”

Netori snorted. “Why bother? Jack is going to win! I

already replaced you, don’t you get it? You’re done.
Out. Hakaru-kun, just give up already, it’ll be easier
this way.”

“Fuck Jack!” I snapped.

“I have…. He’s quite good.” Netori winked at me.

I ground my teeth angrily. Why was Netori acting this

way? I know we had a fight the last time we met, but
she was going far above and beyond that level. She
was goading me horribly. Her words had always stung,
but they always had a purpose. Now, it seemed like
she was being mean for the sake of being mean.

“Netori…” I tried one more time.

“Netori… Netori… Netori…” She growled mockingly.

“Enough of Netori! I just showed up to give you the
news. You lost. We’re though. Goodbye.”

My mind tried to shoot through everything she told

me the last time. The fight that got her angry at me
had been revolved around how I was using my points.
That’s right. I wanted to win the easy way. The way of
manipulation. Considering how quickly Jack was
dominating, I had to say that manipulation worked
wonders. No, wait, there was something else to that
conversation. She wanted me to fuck her. She wanted
sex. She said she’d go to Jack if I didn’t. I wanted to
save my points. That’s right! That’s how our
conversation ended!

“It’s been some time…” I spoke up. “How about we

have sex?”

“What?” Netori made a grossed-out face, “No!”

“You’ve tasted Jack, how about seeing if I have what it


“Nice try… you’re so desperate. It’s really sad.”

“I’m not desperate,” I said, my eyes narrowing. “I’m
just confident. What… are you scared you might like

For a second, Netori seemed genuinely taken aback.

Her eyes widened and she sat up a bit, clearly
considering my words. However, a moment later, she
shook her head and snorted.

“Jack may lose eventually… but you’ll never be the

one. I won’t believe it! I won’t allow it! You both lose, I
win!” She raised her hand as if she was about to
teleport away.

“Then, I’ll buy you!” I demanded in my last-ditch


“What was that?” She glared at me incredulously.

“You said it yourself. 1000 points. I have them. I want
you. We have sex for 1000 points. I’m using my points.
I confirm it. It’s done. Pay up with your body!”

“What are you going on about?” She muttered in

disbelief. “I owe you nothing!”

She raised her hands and then dropped them. Her

body started to disappear, then, suddenly, strange
translucent blue chains formed around her wrists with
a click. In an instant, her body reappeared and she
collapsed back on the couch. The chains disappeared a
moment later. She stared at me in disbelief.

“What is this? What’s going on?”

Staring down at Netori, I was so angry that my brain

could barely work. The only thing I could think of was
showing her everything I learned from my enhanced
skills and the time I had spent experimenting with
Akiko. The me from our first time and the me now
were two entirely different people. I may not be a
savant, but I would definitely make Netori cum! I
pulled off my belt and brought out my dick. Netori’s
mouth fell open, but every time she tried to leave, the
chains pulled her back.

“Th-this… can’t be happening!” Netori said breathily.

“She wouldn’t. She couldn’t… who’d pick that as a skill
option? How could she do this to me!”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but

your body is mine!” I said, grabbing her priceless
goddess robe and ripping it off in a single move.

She screamed as she was disrobed, but her body was

powerless to fight me. Any time she tried to resist, a
chain would appear and pulled her arms and legs
away. She could only stare in disbelief as a mortal like
me stripped her naked forcefully.

Her body seemed familiar, but also very different. The

last time I had seen her, I was a virgin and so
distracted by the moment that I barely even looked at
her. This time, I enjoyed looking at her naked body up
and down with my eyes. She had grown a little
pudgier in some areas, and a little smaller in others.
Did goddesses change their body appearance that
much? Well, Netori probably did whatever she
wanted. As I examined her, she flushed red,
desperately trying to cover herself. I had never seen
her so disordered and flustered before. She was
always so on top of things, but now I was on top of
her. It made me even more aroused.

“Let’s talk about this! I don’t like pushy people who

steal at all! I prefer cuckholdry!”
“Well, I’m going to steal you tonight, and every other
night, until you’re mine!” I declared, grabbing her butt
and lifting her bottom half.

As her butt raised off the couch, her eyes flashed with
confusion. “Wh-what are you doing?”

“I’m tasting the merchandise!” I laughed, bringing her

hips up and my head down.

I buried myself into her pussy immediately, kissing it

fully with my tongue. Netori cried out and struggled,
but the chains appeared, seemingly helping me to
keep her restricted. At this exact moment, this
goddess was my plaything, and I felt truly powerful.
Perhaps that was why Netori had wanted me to use
this earlier.
Perhaps Netori knew about Jack. If Jack could
manipulate, perhaps he could even manipulate my
goddess. Even though Netori was manipulated by Jack
and her mind was muddled, she knew that if I had my
way with her, I could regain my confidence.

If I had just fucked her a week ago when she asked me

to, it was possible that this last week of nastiness
wouldn’t have happened at all! Well, that was just idle
speculation and wasn’t my focus at all as I buried my
face into the sweet tasting nectar of a literal goddess.
Her pussy gave willingly, and she quickly grew soaking
wet with just a little provocation.

“Ahnn… ahhh… hahaha… stop… not… it’s making me…

being taken like this… it’s too much my nature!”

I ignored her incomprehensible words and continued

to eat her pussy excitedly. Although I had tasted Akiko
many times, her taste was a bit salty and she had a lot
of hair. As for Netori, the goddess was perfect in every
way. Her pussy tasted sweet like honey and I just
couldn’t have enough. She moaned and squirmed,
unable to overcome her restraints as I pleasured her
graciously with my tongue, plunging it deep inside her
over and over again to sample her sweet nectar.

“Ahn… no… I’m losing it… stop…” She cried out, her
face twisted in disbelief that she could be pinned
down so easily by a mortal she was looking down on.

“Hehehe…” I chuckled as I looked down on her body,

her perfect ass in my hands and her perfect pussy an
inch from my lips. “You’re so wet, I can’t wait for you
to cum for me.”

“Th-that’s impossible!” She shrieked back. “Ahhn…”

She let out a moan as I spread her pussy and then
sucked her clit roughly, taking it into my mouth
spinning my tongue around her clitoris over and over
again as I felt her hip writhe against my hands.

Finally, I had enough of the feel of her squirming body,

and I shoved her hips back down to the couch.
Grabbing on to my rock-hard dick, which was now
quite a bit larger than it had been back in the day, I
shoved it up against her cunt. Her eyes widened and
she gasped.

“Y-you can’t do this!” She cried, her eyes holding so

much genuine panic that I froze for a second. “I-I-I’m a

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Stop being stupid

Netori. Didn’t you give me your virginity the day we
Her mouth fell open. “That’s impossible! How could…
why… I don’t understand! Why you?”

“Because you’re already mine, you just don’t know it

yet!” I replied with a sneer.

I didn’t understand what was going on. If Jack had

manipulated her, perhaps her confusion was the
manipulation wearing off. Yes, it had to be working. I
just had to break this goddess down and bring her
back to my side. That was all there was to it. I slid my
cock inside her.

“N-no!” She cried out. “It hurts!”

I frowned. “What are you talking about? You enjoyed

Jack, didn’t you?”
Tears were in Netori’s eyes. “That was… an illusion…
how would I ever let a mortal have their way with

“Hehe… was that so… then I guess you can have it like

Grabbing her legs and lifting them, her butt came off
the couch again, but this time it wasn’t my face that I
brought her crotch up to. Rather, I pushed her upper
body into the couch and started to jackhammer her
with my dick. I didn’t give my slutty little goddess any
mercy. When Netori had wanted me to wake up and
see the picture all of those times, she acted decisively
and without mercy. I had to be the same way.

I couldn’t go easy on a goddess like her. I couldn’t’

show weakness. If I wanted to save her from Jack’s
manipulation, then I clearly had to give her everything
I had and make her submit with all of my ability.
Netori was too beautiful. Her body was perfect. The
noises emitted from her moaning lips were sweet.
Even the smell of her sex was intoxicating. Netori was
perfect, and for this moment I had her all to myself.

I was at the top of my game. My stamina felt like it

was endless, and Netori’s screams and shouts under
me only encouraged me more. My dick felt big and
her pussy felt really tight. I didn’t know if I believed
she was a virgin, but she felt like a virgin girl and even
acted like one. My hips kept thrusting as I took her for
all she was worth. In the locked media rental store, I
took a goddess for all she was worth.

“Hah, Hah…” The goddess panted, her body covered

in sweat. “I can’t, it’s too much… I’m going to lose it!”

I lowered my head and whispered in her ear. “It’s okay

if you lose it to me.”
My words seemed to set her off. Even as she tried to
resist, Netori’s hands grabbed on to my shoulders and
her legs wrapped around my hips. For the first time,
she started to cum. The power of her pussy clamping
down on my dick was way too much. I had already
pushed myself farther than I had ever gone with her.
Netori was just way too hot and her body tasted,
smelled, and felt way too good. I had lasted longer
than I ever had before, even with Akiko, so it should
reveal just how on my game I was.

“Ah, shit… I’m going to cum!”

“Not inside! Not a mortal!” Netori panicked.

However, as her pussy orgasmed, it was sucking me

inside her so relentlessly. Even if i wanted to, I could
barely pull it out. Her pussy was like a suction trap
that wanted all my seed. My eyes rolled up in my head
and I lost the ability to hold it any longer. My cock
swelled and semen burst forth shooting deep inside
her throbbing womb.

“Ahhhn…. It’s inside me!” She cried, even while she

shook and orgasmed. “Hakaru-kun!”

The pair of us ended up cumming at the same time,

the feel of her pussy sucking on my cock and
undulating around it giving me the most powerful
orgasm I had ever experienced. Meanwhile, my cock
swelled and injected warm seed deep inside her,
making her orgasm more satisfying. When we both
finished, I collapsed on top of her, the both of us a
sweaty mess.

As I regained my breath, I felt the beautiful goddess

shaking underneath me. Had I done it? Had I freed her
from the manipulation?
“You… cheating slut!” A scream burst forth from
behind us so loud that the windows shook.

I spun to look back, and saw Netori there, fully

clothed, staring at me with wrath and fury on her face.
I looked back down, to see a girl who looked like
Netori still under me. When our eyes met, the girl
burst into tears.

“Oh… shit…” What the hell is going on?

Chapter 28 :
With murder in her eyes, the newly appearing Netori
lunged at me, her hand bursting out in a strike that
could crush someone’s throat. However, it wasn’t my
throat she was lunging towards. Rather, she attacked
south, her hand whipping down towards the location
of the girl under me. The girl gave a shriek and then
her body evaporated like smoke. The shackles that
had been binding her were not present anymore, now
that I was finished.

Netori’s hand hit the couch, and the pillow that was
under the other girl’s head exploded, showing the
strength and killing intent of the blow. Netori’s eye
shot up, and the other Netori was now dressed in a
robe just like the one I had torn off her, a defensive
wronged look on her face.

“You attack your sister? He’s the one who defiled

me!” She pointed at me accusingly with a shaky hand.

“Netorare! Don’t think I’m not aware of the games

you’ve been playing with my champion! I should
destroy you where you stand!” As if to do exactly that,
she lunged again.
This time, the other girl blocked her attack. Both girls
slid back, almost about equal in strength. “Your game
is boring! I was just trying to lighten it up!”

“You… bitch!” Netori growled.

“Wait… wait… what’s happening? I demanded,

scratching my head as I stared at the two nearly
identical women.

I said nearly because now that they were standing

next to each other, I was starting to recognize a few
subtle differences. Netorare was just a tad shorter.
Her breasts and butt are a tad bigger. She had a small
clip in her hair that I never noticed before. Her robes
were also a bit different. That was to say, the colors
were completed inverted. I was pretty sure the ones I
ripped off of her were more like Netori’s.
Netori spun to me. “Don’t you start! You haven’t
called on me in a week! I was waiting for you to come
groveling back, and then I see you’re fraternizing with
the enemy!”

“The enemy? I called you three times and you didn’t


Netori’s expression shook and then she shot the other

girl a look. That girl turned and whistled, looking the
exact opposite of innocent.

“That is… that’s because I was busy!” Netori didn’t

meet my eyes.

“Busy?” I responded incredulously.

“Busy is busy!” Netori stomped her foot, “This isn’t
about me!”

I stood up and walked right up to Netori. “Then let’s

make it about you. When you ran off and fucked Jack
in front of me, it crushed me! I spent the last week
dealing with it. And when I invited you to my bed, I
was rejected by your lookalike and even had to spend
my points just so I wasn’t abandoned! How can I be
your champion when you’ve been such a shitty

Netori suddenly did something I never expected from

her. She broke into tears. Suddenly, her hands
wrapped around me and she hugged me. I was so
surprised by the sudden affection, that I could only
stare in disbelief. After she cried for about a minute, I
cautiously reached up and patted her head.
Meanwhile, Netori wiped her tears and nose on my
“Look how weak you’ve gotten.” The other girl spoke
up. “You’ve seriously chosen a man like him?”

“Yeah, this isn’t over,” I growled shooting her a look.

“Who are you anyway?”

Netori still held me, speaking into my chest with a

muffled voice. “She’s Netorare. My sister. The
Goddess of Loss.”

“There are two of you?”

“Hmph… there are three of us. You forget sister

Netorase, the goddess of sharing.” The girl named
Netorare crossed her arms and frowned at us.

“When I started this game…” mumbled Netori. “It was

supposed to be between the three of us. It was
Netorare who told the other gods about the game and
blew this into a bigger deal.”

“And why not?” Netorare sniffed. “What you’re trying

to do will fail. I will never accept your champion.”

“And what of yours.” Netori finally pulled away from

me and glared at her. “You weren’t even trying.”

“Trying? Look at yourselves! I’ve already won!”

Netorare laughed. “He has no one left. My guy has
already conquered all of his women.”

“You did that by breaking the rules!”

“No matter?” Netorare shrugged. “What’s done is

done, and you weren’t even there to see your failure.”
“That’s because you cheated…”

“Don’t talk to me about cheating! Just face it, you lost


“I haven’t lost everyone,” I said definitely, trying to

support Netori.

“Oh… are your talking of your sister? ” Netorare’s eyes

flashed. “You haven’t heard? Oh my, it turns out my
champion has already conquered her completely.”

“You…” I backed up, a flash of fear shooting through

my heart. “No!”
“Hakaru, wait!” Netori called to me, but I ignored her,
unlocking the door to let myself out.

“And don’t think I will forgive you for what you did to
me!” Netorare shouted. “I will absolutely never
forgive you! You’ll never succeed with what Netori
wants, because I won’t allow it! Never!”

Netorare vanished as I locked the doors behind me

and jumped on my bike. I pedaled as fast as I could,
speeding down the street towards my home.

Netori’s voice sounded in my ear. “Don’t go home.

You don’t want to see it.”

I gritted my teeth and cycled even harder. “Shut up!

She’s my sister.”
“Hakaru, let’s talk about this. We can work things out.
I will help you.”

“Like you’ve helped me the last week?” I shouted

breathlessly at no one as my bike shot down the

“I didn’t know… I can’t… see you like I used to. I only

realized something was up when your points
decreased suddenly. Believe me, I was surprised by all
of this as you were.” Netori spoke defensively. “She
must have cut a deal with a concealment god while
she was keeping me distracted.”

I reached the house after another ten minutes of

cycling. Netori gave up once she realized there was
nothing she could do to keep me from going home.
Bursting into my house, I realized it was dark. Dad was
out late tonight. He might actually have work tonight,
it wasn’t always an excuse to go out and party. As for
mother, tonight was the night she went to her book
club where they similar drank sake. It was only
evening now, and neither of them would be home
until midnight.

As I walked through the dark house, I realized that

things weren’t quiet. Rather, I could hear the noise of
a bed squeaking. More than that, I could hear the
moaning sounds of a man and a woman. As I walked
into the hall that contained our bedrooms, my foot
movements were like that of a zombie. It became
clear the sound was coming from my sister’s room.
My mind didn’t allow me to put two and two together.
Instead, my mind was completely numb to the sounds.
I just had to move forward. I had to open the door to
my sister’s room.

The doorknob was cold, and I twisted it slowly, sliding

the door open. There, on her bed, on all fours, was my
sister, completely naked. Behind her was Jack, who
was pounding her hard. He had her hair in his hand
and was pulling it so hard that it had to hurt, but the
euphoric expression on my sister’s face said she didn’t

“Maria…” I said, my voice coming out as a croak.

“Oh… Hakaru… how are you?” Jack looked back and

grinned, raising a hand and slapping my sister’s ass.
“Damn she’s tight, give me a second. I’m about to pop

“Not inside!” Maria chimed and then she looked back

as if dazed. “Eh? Hakaru? W-wait!”

“Ah, cumming!” Jack forced himself in Maria even as

she pulled away, his body shaking as he dumped his
load inside her. “Fuuuuck! Ah, yeah…”
“S-stop… brother is watching…” Her voice came out
weak, but she barely fought at all as he finished inside

Finally, Jack pulled out and then tossed her down to

the bed, by shoving her ass. Maria looked slightly
dazed. As she turned, her legs opened and seed
leaked out of her pussy. As for me, I felt like a dagger
was piercing into my heart. I was struggling to

Jack grabbed Maria’s hair again, forcing her up and

then kissing her lips. “Tell your brother how much you
like it.”

“Mmm… Jack’s cock… best.” Maria smiled drunkenly.

“You… bastard!” I shouted.

“Eh? What’s that?” Jack laughed. “It’s the sound of a
loser whining. Your ex, your sister, your goddess. I’ll
have them all. It’s just a matter of time until you’ll
have nothing. When you banged your sister, I got a
couple of points for being cheated on… Oh, but wait,
you won’t get points… because she was never yours.”

“You…” I could say anything else, biting my lip until I

tasted blood.

“Hey, don’t be modest.” Jack grabbed the blanket

Maria was trying to pull over herself and ripped it off.
“Show your brother what you did!”

Maria nodded and then reached down, spreading her

pussy as more cum leaked out and down her crack.
She looked up at me and smiled. There was nothing in
her eyes. They looked completely empty. She was
clearly drunk, but she had also been manipulated by
him. Both wasn’t enough.
Jack laughed one more time and then walked up to
me, slapping my chest. “You look so hilarious, that’ll
I’ll do you a little favor. I’m going to tell you what will
happen next. In a little under two weeks, my gang will
be having a giant Halloween party. The entire senior
class is invited. Your sister is coming too. She’s going
to wear something really skimpy, and at the apex of
the party, she’ll pull off her clothing and let every guy
there fuck her. By the end of the night, she has
become a perfect meat toilet for me and my buddies.
I’ll let your ex-girlfriend Akiko record the whole thing
and then I’ll put it on the internet and make a ton of

“You… can’t do that.” I snapped, gritting my teeth but

not daring to do anything.

“What? It’s not my desires. Right Maria?” He glanced

back and grinned.
“I’m Jack’s meat toilet…” Maria said weakly, flopping
back into the bed, looking like she was passed out.

“Goodbye, Hakaru… it’s been fun playing with you.”

Jack turned and left the room.

As the front door slammed shut, I fell to the ground.

Looking up at my sister, there didn’t seem to be any
coherency in her mind. She was sleeping now, but
cum was still leaking from her pussy. Going to the
kitchen, I grabbed a small tub and a washcloth. I went
back in and cleaned my sister and dressed her. I pulled
out a morning-after pill. I had bought a few when I
started toying with Akiko. I put one in her mouth and
forced her to swallow it by rubbing her throat. Leaving
a glass of water by her bed stand, I closed the door.
“Hakaru… that is… I’m so sorry.” Netori’s voice came
from behind me. “Please… don’t give up. We can… we

“Win…” My eyes flashed as I turned towards Netori. “I

want to win.”

A fire was burning through my entire body. Rage. Red

hot rage. It was so strong I was actually shaking.


“I’m going to take everything from him. Everything.

My sister. My ex-girlfriend. Even Netorare! Everything
is mine!” I was shouting by the end of it.

A small smile formed on Netori’s mouth, “Good. I too

want Netorare to pay.”
“Then help me beat him,” I said, stepping forward.
“Tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it.”

Netori’s smile grew dark. “First things first… we’re

going to need a lot of points. There is a skill you need,
and it will change the game. Do you have a way to
earn a lot of points?”

I closed my eyes and thought back over the last week.

There was always Gina, but would she really be able to
get me enough points? Should I finally push down my
mother? What if I just raped Maria over and over
again. Could I reprogram her on my own? If I just
locked her here, she’d never go to that Halloween
party. I had a feeling none of those options would
work. Then something came to me.

“Yeah… I can earn a lot of points.” I said, “I’m just

going to need a camera.”
Chapter 29 :
If I thought Jack’s taunting was over, I was mistaken.
Each day he would bring some other girl in and rent a
room at the gaming store. He’d then bang her silly,
making sure to leave his used condoms and various
other disgusting fluids behind for me to clean up. I
kept my eyes down and my head lowered. I was just a
beaten player who had nothing left to fight with.
That’s the impression I wanted to give him. I was
biding my time.

A week went by in a flash, and I finally received my

first paycheck. Considering I was working more than
my boss, I actually made a pretty good bit of money. It
was 25k yen. It was the most money I had ever
received in a single lump sum. I was ecstatic.
“Don’t be too excited, you’ve been doing nothing for
an entire week. You haven’t earned a single point.”
Netori said with a pout.

“I told you… I needed to wait for this weekend.” I said,

still looking at my paycheck. “I’m going to go get a
camera now.”

Netori followed me to the electronics store, but it was

clear that she was invisible to everyone except me.
Well, she was floating, her nice rump in the air as she
moved gently beside me, her eyes seemingly always
on me. If she was visible, I think we’d be attracting
more attention. Since her week of near absence,
Netori seemed to be trying to make up for it by being
constantly on my case. She’d appear two or three
times a day, always nagging me to lay the next
woman. Meanwhile, my mind had never been clearer.
I had a goal, and I would obtain it.
“How many points do I need to reach your goal,” I

“Over that week, you took the virginity of a girl named

Gina,” Netori spoke lazily, glancing at her cellphone
only half-seriously. “That netted you some points. She
seems to genuinely like you a bit. However, you also
gained some points for nailing my sister. Good job on
that, by the way.”

“You want me nailing your sisters?” I asked, my mouth

twitching slightly.

“Why not? How else can you win the game, if not by
forcing my two sisters to submit to you?” Netori
shrugged. “Watching you pin her down and mount her
roughly, it made my panties wet just watching.
Stealing my sister’s virginity is the best.”
“You were watching!” I swatted at her, but she
casually dodged.

“Hey! If I didn’t let you finish, who knows the

ramifications. You wouldn’t have gotten as many
points, at least. Even if they were less than the cost.”

I let out a sigh as Netori’s familiar teasing expression

returned. After a week of absence, it really felt like she
had returned to me completely. I still remembered her
holding me and crying against my chest. I wanted to
ask her what that was about, but I had a feeling I
wouldn’t appreciate the answer.

“Did I also… um…” I bit my lip. “With Maria… a few

Netori nodded, an uncharacteristically sympathetic
look in her eyes. “Yes… you earned a lot of points with
Maria… before.”

“You were at 9230 points… but then you also spent a

thousand, so it is at 8230.”

“Wait, seriously?” I shot Netori a look. “I paid those

points to bang you!”


“Why should I lose 1000 points? I didn’t even get the

goddess I paid for! I demand a refund!”

“You can’t get a refund!” Netori sniffed, blushing

slightly. “One-time standing time offer!”
“What did you say? One-time offer?”

“Mm!” Netori nodded. “You paid for it, you got it,
you’re never getting it again!”

“I’ll pay 1000 points, right now!” I snapped, grabbing

for her.

“Nope! Don’t think I’ll be chained by a goddess’s

word! As I said, it was a one time offer, it’s been used,
no refunds!” Netori crossed her arms stubbornly.

“You… so those chains were your word?”

“Of course. When a goddess gives her word, she is
bound by it. When I said a thousand points for my
body, I couldn’t break my promise.”

My eyes narrowed, “Then why did your promise chain

Netorare? Your promise is shit!”

“Th-th-that’s a secret!” She cried out. “It has nothing

to do with you! Rather… get your stupid camera and
earn those last 1800 points. You know the skill you
must have. You have no time to spare!”

With that, Netori vanished in a huff. I could only smile

wryly. Apparently, my questions seemed to have hit a
nerve. With Netori gone, I looked through the store.
The girl there came to help me. She was a bit pretty,
but I didn’t recognize her from school.
“Reconnaissance? You mean, like a spy?” The girl
asked, giggling as her hand rested on my shoulder.

“More like a private investigator.” I frowned, trying to

frame it in a way that wouldn’t get me too many
suspicious glares.

“Ah… I have a few cameras with good distance. This

one has a great night vision.”

I wanted to just get something cheap, but the girl was

cute and she kept smiling at me, and before I knew it, I
had spent my entire check on a really nice camera.
The girl rang me up herself. Just as she went to hand
me the receipt, she stopped and then pulled out a pen
and wrote something on it. When I glanced at what
she wrote, it was a phone number.
“It’s mine.” She said. “In case you wanted to… get
some practice with that camera.”

My eyes widened, and I realized that the girl hadn’t

been manipulating me for a sale. In fact, now that I
recalled, this place was commission free. She had
actually been flirting with me. My status had been
increased. I was better looking than I used to be.
Nowadays, it was good enough that I attracted certain
women. Perhaps my current confidence and direction
also had something to do with it. The girl touched my
hand and smiled.

“Do you… have a boyfriend?” I asked.

“N-no!” she denied it emphatically, her expression

grew even more excited. “In fact, I have nothing
“Forget it then.” I turned around and grabbed my bag.

The girl blinked, but couldn’t say anything else as I

walked out of the store. I just wasn’t interested in
single girls at this particular moment in my life. I had
points to earn and women to steal. Well, she probably
wouldn’t understand, that’s why I cut it short.

That night, I had to let my mom know I’d be out for

the weekend. I pulled on my shaky alliance with Derek
to make this happen. He’d claim I was at his place if
anyone called. Mom was a little disappointed, but I
promised to make it up to her after Halloween was
over. Well, Mothers are used to their sons leaving
home, so I didn’t feel too bad about it.

Finally, I was heading out. I didn’t have too much

money left over; I could barely afford the bus fare. As
to the destination? That was the hot springs I had
advised Mrs. Fukumi to visit. That was right, my
destination was my teacher and father’s rendezvous. I
had considered many different options. Gina wasn’t in
a relationship and there wasn’t even a guarantee I
could get into a relationship with her. Attacking Maria
right now could make the situation worse. Attacking
my mother could have any of a number of outcomes.

I knew Mrs. Fukumi was afraid of me. I knew where

and when she’d be carrying out an affair with my
father. If I got evidence, I could blackmail her. Dirt
scribe had been used on her twice. I had the distinct
feeling she’d do anything to keep her current life the
way it was. She was most terrified of anything
changing. She neither wanted to leave her vice-
principal husband, who supported her children and
gave her money nor did she want to leave my father,
who made her feel special and loved.

With two men she’d be cheating on, not to mention

the taboo of a blackmailed teacher, I should be able to
earn the 1800 points I needed by next week. This
weekend would start with evidence gathering. On
Monday, I would lay out the evidence and start the
blackmail, and then we’d see where things went from

It was dark out when the bus pulled up to the hot

spring. Of course, I had no interest in entering the hot
spring myself, nor did I have the money after spending
it all on the camera. Hiding in a nearby shadow, I put
on the mask and jacket I had once put together for
raping my sister. Very carefully, I crept around the hot
springs, heading toward the back. There were high
walls that blocked the view of the baths. I was looking
for any hole in them that I could align my camera
through. I’d even be willing to go so far as to climb a

The night was pretty silent with only the sounds of

distant insects filling the night air. As I drew closer,
carefully moving through the bushes, I could hear a
few noises of splashing. There were also a few noises.
A girl giggling. The soft voice of a man talking. This
must be the co-ed bath. I glanced around the wall,
trying to find any crack that could get me some eyes
into the pool. Of course, I didn’t even know if Dad and
Miss Fukumi were in the pool yet, but I wanted to find


The sound of a twig breaking came a few feet from

me. It wasn’t my own foot that created that noise. I
looked up, and there I saw another person similarly
crouched down, trying to peak into the hot spring.
Was there really a peeper out here? I thought that
sort of thing was just a joke, but apparently, there
really were people who came to try to sneak looks at
naked people. Why did I end up right next to some
They hadn’t noticed me crouched a few feet away
from them, so I started to back up. However, when I
had only taken a few steps, they turned their head.
Their eyes immediately locked on mine, and then they
jumped back, landing on their butt noisily.

“Ah!” A voice cried out.

“Shh!” I jumped forward, grabbing them and tackling

them to the floor, trying to cover their mouth.

If we were caught trying to peek, we could get in

serious trouble! I expected better from a peeping tom!
He could at least keep his mouth quiet. However, he
immediately started struggling. It was only at that
point that their long hair parted and I was able to see
their face clearly in the faint light. Immediately, my
eyes widened in shock.
“Kira?” I voiced the name.

Kira Fukumi, daughter of my teacher and a vice-

principal, she was also the student council president
and a former childhood friend. At first, I wondered
how a student council president could end up as a
peeping tom, but it didn’t take too much thought to
realize the truth. She was here for the same reason I
was. Her mother was cheating on her father, and she
had come here to prove it once and for all.

Upon calling her name, the girl herself stopped

struggling and looked up at me questioningly. To keep
her quiet, I pulled off my mask. It was her turn to
shoot me a look of surprise. However, realization also
dawned on her.

“Hakaru… you know?” Her words came out lightly.

I nodded, not saying anything else.

“How long?”

I grimaced, “Last week.”

It wasn’t a lie. I had only learned about this particular

affair last week. Although I knew my dad slept around
with many women, Mrs. Fukumi was merely one that I
was surprised about.

She nodded. “I found out my mother was cheating on

my father a few weeks ago. I only learned it was with
your father a few days ago. It was only a prediction
though. I needed to see it for myself, but since you’re
here, I suppose I don’t have to. Was that why I ran
into you near the love hotels last week?”
“No,” I chuckled wryly, “I was really just looking for a
job. I appreciate your help.”

Kira blushed slightly. I didn’t typically notice, but she

was actually a very pretty girl. With high cheekbones,
smooth skin, and short dark brown hair tied into twin
tails. She had deep green eyes and a pair of rectangle
glasses that gave her a very forbidden vibe. Her
glasses were disordered at an angle and there were
leaves in her hair. In fact, with her blushing, and her
body on the ground, the student council president
released a great deal of eroticism.

“Hey! Is someone back there?” A voice yelled out as a

flashlight shined in our direction. “Come out with your
hands up! You peeping toms! I’ve already called the

Shit! We ended up making too much noise after all.

We were caught.
Chapter 30 :
With the light flickering on us, we were still hidden
under the bush. My mind shot into overdrive, and I
immediately came up with a solution to get us out of
our predicament. With a quick motion, I grabbed the
top of Kira’s blouse. Several buttons broke off as her
chest was exposed to me, still trapped with a standard
white bra. Kira gasped, her eyes widening in shock.
Secondly, I unbuckled my pants, giving her a wink.

“I said put your hands up. Come out from back there?”
The voice demanded.

Looking from her chest to my pants, a realization

covered her face and a blush crossed her cheeks. The
pair of us slowly stood up. However, neither of us put
out hands up. I pretended to struggle to get my pants
buckled, while she covered her chest with her blouse
desperately, trying to avoid looking at the man who
caught them.

The person who was shining a light at them wasn’t a

policeman or anything like that. He was one of the
proprietors of the establishment, and probably only
even mentioned police to try to scare us.
Furthermore, the old man was expecting to see a pair
of peeping toms, but instead a boy and a girl who
seemed to be in the middle of something that
appeared to be sexual came out. Naturally, that
affected him and he blushed and turned away.

“I’m sorry… sir.” I said respectfully, bowing my head.

“What are you two doing back here?” The man said,
trying to avoid looking at Kira while she tried to
rebutton what was left of her blouse while still
“Ah… my wife and I are recently married.” I proceeded
to lie immediately. “And we were looking for a place
for our honeymoon.”

“Is that so?” The man’s eyes narrowed a moment


“Yes!” Kira nodded, finally repairing her outfit enough

that her breasts weren’t exposed, even though she
was showing much more cleavage than before. “My
husband says a place never shows their real face at
the front door, so he wanted to see if your establish
was worth it. We’d read reviews and they were

“And then my wife here…” I jumped, laughing

awkwardly. “and I was overcome with the romantic
mood of this location. It really is beautiful. With the
stars and the night sky, we couldn’t help ourselves and
indulged just a little. You know how newlyweds are.”
“Especially at your young age…” The guy said, slowly

I smiled and put my arm around Kira. She gave a

toothy smile as well, her hand pinching me as she
wrapped it around my hip. We were old enough that it
was technically possible were childhood sweethearts
marrying fresh out of school. At least, I was hoping
that it was believable. As for my camera, I was smart
enough to leave it lying in the bushes. That would
certainly scream that we were perverts.

“Uh… We’ve decided. We’d actually like to get a room

for the night. I can smell the hot spring from here and
I really want to enjoy it.”

“Are you sure about that sweetie?” Kira asked,

pinching me harder.
“I think it’s for the best… honey…” I responded
through gritted teeth while keeping the smile on my

The pair of us stood in the darkness with a light aimed

at our faces for what felt like minutes before the guy
finally lowered it. “You young ones… always the
trouble makers.”

His voice seemed to hold a bit of affection as if he was

remembering a time from his own youth. He turned
around and began walking away. The old man walked
with a stoop, his hands behind his back. The pair of us
looked at each other until he stopped and shot a look
back over his shoulder.

“Well, you coming?”

I grabbed the camera, stuffed it in my duffle bag, and
then followed the man. Kira followed behind me,
pulling on my elbow and then whispering roughly in
my ear.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? We should just get

out of here immediately!”

“We still haven’t confirmed our parents are here,

right?” I asked. “Isn’t that why you came? To see for

Kira lowered her head and quieted down as the pair of

us were led into the lobby. It was a beautiful lobby
with a large aquarium and a fountain piece. There was
an old woman who was behind the counter. Instantly,
I had the impression that she owned the hot springs
with the man.
“Did you find those peeping toms, dear?” The old lady

“No… it was… newlyweds.” The man responded,

laughing softly.

“Oh, how scandalous.” She responded, putting her

glasses and giving us both an eyeful with squinty eyes
that looked like they could barely see three feet in
front of her. “My, what a pretty couple. Why are you
here this evening?”

“We’d like to stay the night,” I said and then

whispered in Kira’s ear. “Uh… can you spot me on this
one? I’m out of money.”

“You…” Kira shot me a look, but then sighed and

pulled out her information.
“You must be twenty to rent in this hotel.” The old
lady said, “You are twenty, yes?”

Kira blushed but handed a card to the old lady without

blinking. I curiously looked at it after she ran it and put
it back on the counter. The age did indeed say 20,
although I knew Kira to only be 17 years old. That
meant that this was a counterfeit! I was actually really
surprised. What would Kira, the student council
president, be doing with a counterfeit license? The
age limit for drinking was 20, so her license allowed
her to buy booze that even I couldn’t get access to.

The way I saw Kira started to change. There definitely

must be a dark side to her that I wasn’t really aware
of. I had always seen her as a bit of a goody two
shoes. However, that original vision of her had been
shaken in a moment. Kira had a savings far better than
my own, and we were about to get a room without
any trouble. The process went smoothly and the old
man graciously brought us to a special room, while
winking to me several times and making such chitchat.

“Have a wonderful stay, and just ask for anything.

We’ll get you anything you request. When you stay
under our roof, we will provide everything you need!”
The old man declared politely.

The building used a lot of traditional Japanese

architecture that wasn’t seen very much anymore.
Our room had tatami mats, a single large futon
mattress, and shoji doors. The man gave one last
polite bow and the pair of us were closed off in our
room together. As soon as she was sure he had left,
she spun around and glared at me with a flush.

“What are you doing, Hakaru? Why did I have to

spend all that money for a night at a resort like this?”
“I already said, we need to catch our parents in the
act, right?”

“Catch them, not be caught by them!” Kira snapped,

“How do you think we’ll be able to keep them from
recognizing us while we stay here? How are we going
to catch them at all?”

“Did you not notice the signs up all over the place?” I
asked, acting completely at ease.

“What signs?” Kira crossed her arms. “I was a bit

distracted to be casually looking around!”

“Well, this is the week before Halloween. I guess

they’re doing some Halloween party tomorrow. This
entire weekend is costume weekend. All guests are
encouraged to wear masks. It honestly sounds a little
suspicious to me, but for our purposes, it’s perfect.
“Everyone can wear masks?” She asked, frowning.

“Of course…”

There were actually two masks sitting on our table, I

grabbed them both and tossed one to her. You
couldn’t go into a hot spring in full costume, so it was
just the masks. There were classic festival masks. The
one I tossed to Kira was that of a cute looking kitty
complete with ears. It covered half of her face and had
little blue designs drawn across it. It looked well made
and a bit cute. As for my own, it was the face of a fox,
with a red design on it.

“If everyone wears masks, your dad and my mom will

be wearing them too!” Kira snapped.
“Relax, the masks are optional and we’re specifically
looking for them. Meanwhile, they won’t have even
an inkling we’d be there. As for my father, he’s home
so infrequently and we barely ever talk. I really doubt
he’s going to recognize me.” As I spoke, I had walked
over to the closet, and was pulling out robes; they
really did provide everything!

“Well… as for my mom… I don’t know…” Kira lowered

her head. “Maybe… maybe we’re both wrong. Maybe
we won’t see them here at all.”

“In that case, we should just enjoy ourselves.” I gave

Kira my best smile.

Kira turned away, “Hakaru… I… I’m seeing someone…”

Her words felt like a kick in the gut that I never would
have seen coming. Seriously, I didn’t expect those
words to matter to me in the least. We had not been
close friends in many years. I had dated many women
and even fooled around. I had known that Kira was
once interested in me. Perhaps I had taken that
knowledge for granted. Now, she bluntly stated that
she was in a relationship with someone else. It wasn’t
like I had wanted something to happen. In fact, if she
didn’t have a partner, there would have been no
advantage in having sex with her. She would have just
been extra garbage. Her being in a relationship made
her more valuable to me, and more interesting. Yet,
that didn’t make me happy in the slightest.

She was my friend. At least, she had been my friend

once. After the fake relationship with Derek and the
betrayal from Akiko, she might be the only true friend
I had ever had. Thus, I didn’t want to see her as a
temptation. I definitely didn’t want to trick her into
cheating on her boyfriend and causing her pain and
strife. She wasn’t someone like Akiko. She was a good
girl. Wasn’t she? I remembered the licensed. Did I
even know the real Kira anymore? Our relationship
had drifted apart such a long time ago…

“Ah… I didn’t mean anything like that…” I explained,

wiping the smile off my face. “I just meant… as
friends… I’m sorry…”

“No…” Kira shook her head, looking a bit guilty herself.

“I shouldn’t have just burst out and said it like that. I
just wanted to be clear. There is only one bed here,
and I didn’t want you to think that I was… I mean… I
didn’t want you to… I just… you understand, right?”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I understand. Let’s not let any of

that get in the way of the mission, right? My father,
your mother.”

Kira nodded, and then let out a cry. “Wh-what are you
“I’m going to the co-ed spring.” I said, pulling down
my pants. “If we’re going to find them, it will be

“Th-the coed?” Kira covered her eyes so she couldn’t

see me naked, but I distinctly suspected with how
intent she was staring that there was a bit of a crack in
her fingers.

“Right… you don’t have to go if you want? They might

not even be out tonight. I’ll just call it

“N-n-no!” Kira shook her head even with her hands

over her eyes. “I’ll go!”

“You sure?” I asked. “You’ll be naked, and I won’t be

the only guy there that can see.”
“I-I-I know that!” Kira shot back defensively. “But I
promised I would see this through to the end. I won’t
be satisfied until I remove all doubt!”

“Okay…” I spoke wryly as I pulled off the rest of my

clothing and threw my robe on.

“Just… turn around!” She ordered.

“Eh? I’m going to see you in the spring…”

“I know!” She shrieked. “Just turn around for now!”

“Ah… okay…” I did as she asked, and listened to the

rustling of her clothing as she too changed into
nothing but a robe.
“Okay… you can turn back.” She said

I turned back and gulped. Her twin tails were gone

and her hair flowed down her back. She was wearing a
robe that only went as far south as her upper thighs,
hinting at what was barely hidden. Her legs were
white, smooth, and long. She wore a cat mask, and it
gave her a sexy, mysterious vibe. I seriously
considered jumping her just like I had jumped my
sister. With some effort, I broke my eyesight from her

“Well… shall we go?”

The pair of us grabbed two toiletry kits that were

provided by the hotel. As we did that, I glanced over
at her one more time.
“If we do find our parents in there… then what?” I

“What? Then I know my mother has been cheating on

my father.”

“And? Will you tell your father the truth?”

“That would destroy him?”

“Do you tell your mother and make her break it off
with father…”

“I-I don’t know…” Kira looked away.

“You might want to consider it. What happens after…”

“Have you considered what to do after?” Kira asked

“I have…”

“What will you do, Hakaru?”

I lowered my fox mask to hide my expression. “Ask me

that again when you’re ready to take the next step.”

Kira hesitated for a moment but finally nodded. The

two of us slid open the door and started heading to
the co-ed baths. It was time to discover the truth.
Chapter 31 :
Iwalked down the hallway confidently with Kira
following shyly. I couldn’t really say where my burst of
confidence came from. Perhaps having Kira there with
a common goal felt good. Perhaps, I was just excited
about getting to enjoy a hot spring with a pretty girl.
Strictly speaking, we were both too young to be there,
and if it hadn’t been for Kira’s fake ID, the pair of us
would have been kicked out on the street and perhaps
even our parents called. Admittedly, I had been going
on impulse here, and if it wasn’t for Kira, I might have
even been arrested.

As for what was going through Kira’s mind, I couldn’t

guess. I considered using my skill on her to dirt scribe
her mind. However, dirt scribe seemed to work best
when you were openly pressuring someone on a
sensitive topic. I had nothing, in particular, I wanted to
know about Kira, and even if she had some deepest
darkest secret to exploit, not only was I not looking to
exploit it at the moment, but with her mind on her
mother, my exploration might come up empty-
handed. Dirt scribing someone wasn’t an exact
science. Plus, the night was still young.

The only other skill I had was locked promise. Netori

had described it as something akin to hypnosis. You
could strongly suggest to someone that they had to
obey you, and their mind would make excuses to
always follow through with a promise. It worked great
with Akiko, but it only worked on one person at a
time, and I had never specifically taken it off of her.
That meant my last orders to her were to go back to
Derek. Those were orders she broke. Therefore, I
could only reason that manipulation worked better
than locked promise. It should, it was a higher tier
skill, after all.

Until I could corner Akiko again, I couldn’t free her of

the locked promise and use it on someone else. At
least, that’s what Netori had told me. Therefore, my
only option was to find a 3rd skill that I could use. My
points were so close, and yet still so far away. With a
little help from Mrs. Fukumi, I could finally push it over
the edge. Since Kira had shown up, I had considered
instead pushing myself on her, especially after she
told me she had a boyfriend, but she was a childhood
friend who had never wronged me. I already felt guilty
enough going after her mother, even though I felt that
woman deserved it.

Perhaps, that was part of the reason I wanted Kira to

come with me. I wanted her to see her mother in all
her cheating glory. If I could get her riled up enough,
then perhaps Kira wouldn’t mind what happened to
her mother after. It was a slightly strategic move by
me. I should also note that within my bathing supplies
was the camera I had purchased. It was actually
waterproof. I really spared no expense when I bought
this from the store. I had wanted to prepare for any
eventuality. I’d only have one chance to save my sister
from Jack’s clutches, and I didn’t want a splash of
water being the difference.
We reached the changing rooms, which were still
separate despite the fact that it led to a co-ed spring.
Actually, there were three springs in all, and each
room lead to a single-sex and the co-ed which was in
the middle. I washed my body and then put my robe
back on and headed into the hot spring with wet hair
sticking to my cheeks. Hot mist struck my face and a
strong mineral smell attacked my nose as I entered
the main area. Looking around for a moment, I found
a few couples in the spring. Most of them looked
many times older than me. Only one couple looked to
be in their twenties. I was relieved to see that some
were also wearing masks, so we weren’t the only ones
trying to be anonymous.

If this had been a little over a month ago, I might have

shown a big erection as blood burst from my nose.
That was the old me, a virgin who couldn’t handle that
level of stimulation. Time with Maria and Akiko had
changed that, and while I appreciated and was excited
by the female body, I could mostly keep my cool. I
pulled off my robe, threw it on a bench, and then
slipped into the pool. I noticed an older woman
glancing over at my crotch be she nodded approvingly.
I couldn’t stop myself from blushing, especially when
she noticed me looking and winked at me.

A few moments later, Kira walked into the room too.

She was a lot slower and looked considerably more
nervous. Her head was down as she tried to avoid
looking at anyone else in the hot spring. The same
could not be said in reverse, as a youthful, fair-skinned
girl with her hair tied up, wearing nothing but a
skimpy robe, was the highlight of the evening. All of
the men glanced over at her with interest, and a few
even had slightly perverted expressions.

Kira’s face flushed as if she was aware she was being

looked at, but as soon as her eyes landed on me, she
instantly made her way over. She didn’t even bother
to remove her robe first, instead stepping directly in
to the water and making it wet. She pulled the robe
off as she lowered herself into the water next to me,
only giving everyone just a brief glimpse of her naked
body before it plunged underwater. At this distance
and angle, no one would be able to see her body
under the murky mineral water. Well, no one, except
for me. I didn’t linger on her though. Rather, I tilted
back my head and closed my eyes. It wasn’t until Kira’s
naked body pushed against me that I looked back
down again.

She was actually trying to use my body partially to

hide herself. Her level of nervousness was clear, as
was the fact that I was her partner in this. The handful
of single men in the pool gave bitter looks before
going back to what they were doing. As for the other
couples, one group chuckled before turning away, and
another couple kept shooting glances at us and
whispering. The couple who did that were two older
people, the woman of which was the one who had
winked at me earlier.
“They’re not here.” Kira whispered to me, “We came
for nothing!”

“Patience…” I spoke back. “They may come later

tonight, or maybe not until tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!” Her voice was filled with bitterness. “I

don’t want to stay here longer than I have to…”

“It’s okay if you want to go back to the room,” I said.

“I’ll keep a lookout until something happens.”

Kira lowered her head, clinging to my arm but keeping

just enough distance so her parts didn’t touch me.
However, she didn’t answer me, stubbornly remaining
seated and refusing to retreat.
“Excuse me… it’s nice to see such a young couple
coming this weekend. So, few youths these days
appreciate the full hot spring experience.” The voice
came from the couple that had been eyeing us.

The man and woman had come over to our sides, and
the guy was talking with a pleasant smile. Unlike us,
they weren’t wearing a mask in the slightest. As soon
as she noticed the pair moving towards us, Kira shrank
against me. This time, her breasts did touch my arm,
but she gave no sign of awareness, her expression
growing even shyer. If she kept clinging to me like this,
I would struggle to keep myself from having an

“Ah… well… we’re just staying the night.” I addressed

them with a disarming smile. “We’re really just on a
road trip, experiencing whatever attractions pass our
“Is that so?” The man said, scratching his chin, “Is
there an occasion?”

“It’s our honeymoon.” I put my arm around Kira, who

continued to lower her head silently while I
maintained the lie we had told when we entered this

“Really? Newlyweds… congratulations.” The woman

said, looking me up and down in a way a woman
shouldn’t in front of his supposed wife.

“Well, perhaps it is a sign then… that a beautiful

couple such as the two of you come to this particular
hot spring so early in your relationship.”

I blinked but kept my smile up. “Why? What’s unique

about this hot spring?”
The man looked over at his woman and then let out a
chuckle. “Actually, this hot spring is very well known
for couples. I mean, couples who have an open

“Open?” I wasn’t sure what he meant, as someone

who wasn’t really married.

The man chuckled, not seeming to mind my lapse of

knowledge and happy to instruct. “This weekend, the
hot spring holds a… celebration. Everyone wears a
costume, and… well… by the end of the night… no one
is wearing one.”

Kira raised her head, her brow furrowed. As for me, I

was starting to get the idea. This hot spring was for
people who liked to sleep around. This event
tomorrow was actually an orgy! Or… at least…
something close to one. A bunch of promiscuous
people get together and play with… wait… was that
why Father wanted to come here? At the time, he was
trying to get his wife to stay the weekeed here. I
realized he must have been trying to get Mother to
open up to swinging. Furthermore, by having Mrs.
Fukumi offer to come here, I basically had pushed her
into a polygamous relationship with my father. How
would she react once she realized that Dad planned to
share her with other men? Could she even say no after
being the one to get the tickets?

Glancing over at the girl next to me, I could see hidden

darkness in Kira’s eyes. Kira wasn’t an idiot. She had
already understood what this all meant too. Our
parents weren’t just having an affair together, they
were engaging in sex parties. The worst thing about it
all, I was the one who unknowingly set this up. I had
helped dad take their affair to the next step!

Noticing the complex expressions on our faces, the

man decided to go for broke.
“You two are very young, and most marriages fail
young. The healthiest relationships are those where
both partners are willing to share and sacrifice. For
example, my wife was noticing that your um.. little
man was actually quite big. A bit bigger than mine, I
do say. She’s interested in seeing what you offer. I also
find your little miss here to be quite pretty. Although
the main event is tomorrow, perhaps the pair of you
would like to come to our room tonight. We can all…
share… do what comes naturally. Eh?”

Kira’s body shook against me, although I didn’ t know

if it was from anger, shock, or repulsion. It could also
be from sexual excitement, but I wasn’t going to jump
to that conclusion. Instead, going with what I knew of
Kira, I decided to speak for both of us.

“We’re still pretty new to this relationship thing.

We’re flattered, but I’m not sure our relationship is
ready for that kind of… test…” I tried to give the
politest refusal I could.
The man lifted up his hands and backed away, still
holding a friendly smile. “Of course. Of course. I’m
sorry to disturb your trip. I do hope you stay for
tomorrow’s celebration though. If it makes you
uncomfortable, you can always leave then. But if you
don’t come, I’m afraid you might always be left
wondering, what if?”

With that, he turned around and headed back to his

corner. His wife stood up in the bath, her breasts
coming out of the water and while droplets fell down
to the pool below. Her skin was a bit red after being in
the heat for so long. Her chest was quite generous.
She smiled and winked at me again, and then turned
around and walked away, giving me a full view of her
butt as she did so. It was as if she was telling me that I
had missed out on all of that by rejecting the pair of
them. To be fair, she was an attractive woman with a
nice body, if a bit saggy in some areas with age.
Kira pinched my arm, causing me to finally break my
sight away from the woman’s body. She glared up at
me cutely, and when I looked down at her, I realized I
could see her chest. Instantly, I turned my view aside,
but at that point, she realized I’d seen. She lowed
herself in the water to the point where only her eyes
poked above the surface and pinched me three more
times. I could only give her an apologetic look.

At that point, a man walked into the pool area. He was

wearing a mask too, that of a wolf. However, that
mask wasn’t enough for me to not instantly recognize

“It’s father,” I whispered extremely lightly.

Kira still heard, and immediately rose her head out of

the water and looked in his direction. A moment later,
a woman walked out of the women’s exit. It looked
like Mrs. Fukumi, but there were a few differences.
Specifically, she must have dyed her hair so no one
would recognize her. It was now a blonde color. I
didn’t know her like I knew my dad, but from Kira’s
look, there was no doubt that this was her mother.

My father and Kira’s mother turned to each other and

embraced right in front of the spring, her naked parts
mashing against his. Father kissed her aggressively
right there, and only let go when she was left panting.
To Kira, this was finally the proof she had been waiting
for. For me, this was only the start.

Chapter 32 :
Mrs. Fukumi and my father already looked a bit drunk,
their faces flush with alcohol. They jumped into the
pool while giggling with each other like a couple of
horny high school kids. Some of the couples glanced at
them with interest, while a few had admonishing
looks for their raucous behavior. As for me and Kira,
we kept our heads down. Suddenly, my mask seemed
ill-conceived. If we were recognized by them, I
couldn’t even begin to imagine the fallout.

Kira’s hands tightened on my arm, and her entire body

was starting to shake, even though her face was
completely expressionless. She had finally confirmed
the thing she had been fearing. Her mother really was
having a blatant affair. Not only that, she had gone to
this place, a swinger’s reserve. Whether it was the
alcohol or her desire to sway my father, she had
boldly come out without even a robe on, and neither
did he. When the two entered the hot spring, they
swam over to a corner and embraced tightly.

Although their eyes had passed over us, they showed

no recognition. I allowed myself to breath easier.
Meanwhile, they were talking softly under their
breath and occasionally kissing, there bodies pressed
up against each other. It was as if they didn’t care that
anyone else in the room could see them. Well, Kira
was holding me just as tightly, but that was for a
completely different reason. A few minutes later,
most of the hot spring had returned to normal, but
Kira and I continued to watch my father and her
mother from the corner of our eyes, remaining silent.

At first, there would be an occasional giggle erupting

from Mrs. Fukumi, something far naughtier than my
teacher would ever utter in the classroom. It turned
out she was quite shameless indeed. I underestimated
the extent that she was caught in my father’s web. I
no longer thought that her relationship would be
tested by this orgy. Rather, she would do anything my
father asked her to do, including letting other men use

When they grew quiet, that was when I started

glancing over at them openly. It took me a few glances
before I realized there was a questionable placement
of their arms. They were both sitting rigidly… perhaps
a bit too rigidly. Her arm was tilted so that her hand
would be in his lap, and his the same. If that was it, I
might not have noticed anything, except her arm, was
shaking slightly. More specifically, it was moving just
slightly up and down.

I immediately blushed and lowered my head as I

realized what was going on. Mrs. Fukumi, my teacher,
was giving a handjob to my father in the middle of a
public bath. When I felt Kira’s hand digging her nails
into my arm, I realized that she also had come to the
same realization. His hand was between her legs,
fingering her, and her hand was sliding up and down
his cock. It was obvious to anyone looking at the
couple they were masturbating lewdly in view of a
dozen people.

Well, I supposed that Kira and I were the only ones

watching the pair so closely as to notice. In fact, even
if the other’s notice, would it bother them? The idea
was to be free. They’d all be banging each other
tomorrow anyway. A thought came to my head and I
stood up. I did it without warning, and it wasn’t until
Kira turned to find herself face-to-face with my dick,
letting out a surprised gasp, before I realized I was still

Kira and I had bathed naked together as kids. She’d

actually seen my penis before, but that was before I
was even mature. Suffice it to say that she certainly
hadn’t seen it since it had gotten various
enhancements through Netori’s game. It was now
very large by just about any standard, and something
most men would be proud to show off. I had enough
modesty to blush, but her gasp got the attention of
several others, including Mrs. Fukumi, who was
looking at my dick with an open mouth. Was she
shocked, or was she currently orgasming from my
dad’s machinations? Either way, I didn’t like the
expression. Grabbing my robe, I headed back into the
changing room.
“W-wait… I’m coming too!” Kira whispered in my
direction, also getting out of the tub, but making sure
her body was covered as she pulled herself out, even
at the cost of the robe.

I went into the locker room and began to look through

the baskets. My father always wore a suit, and he had
a particular necktie… ah… there it was! Glancing into
his basket, I looked through to find his room key. I
grabbed it and was glad to see that this old couple was
old school and had the room number written on the

Grabbing my stuff, I headed out of the room and ran

face first into Kira leaving her section. She was
wearing a stormy expression on her face with her
arms crossed.

“There… I did what you asked.” She said bitterly. “We

know the truth now. Can we go?”
“Ah… I know you’re angry. I’m sorry you were
embarrassed like this.” I replied sheepishly, so focused
on my own mission I sort of forgot about her feelings
on the matter.

Kira bit her lip and winced. “I’m sorry too. I’m not
angry at you. Just… seeing mom there. She’s ruining
21 years of marriage. How could she do that to father?
How could she do that to me? Especially after what
I’ve done for her!”

“What you did?” I blinked. “What did you do?”

Kira’s eyes widened and she spun around. “Th-that… it

doesn’t matter now. What is done, is done.”

“Look, can we just go. I hurt enough already. I don’t
want to think about anything, not the past… or now.
Now that I know the truth, I just want to go home and

“Is that so…”

Kira tried to put on a sympathetic look. “I know you’re

hurting too…”

“Actually, I’ve known my father has been a cheat for


Kira spun around, her eyes full of surprise. “What?

You knew?”
“I only learned about Mrs. Fukumi a short while ago,
but Mrs. Fukumi isn’t the only one.”

“Wh-what are you saying?” Kira asked, her brow


“Father has many affairs with many women. Mrs.

Fukumi is only one of the women in his life.”

“Th-that bastard…” Kira’s eyes flashed, but then she

began to think. “Wait… is that why they’ve come

I nodded, “I think dad had grown bored with your

mother just like he did with mine, so he plans to pass
her around and use her to trade for other women.
Well, I also suspect your mother won’t say no.”
Kira gave a bitter expression, her anger waning into
loss. “No… you’re right. I can’t dump this on your
father. Mother agreed to this. Even if your dad is
cheating on her, she’s cheating on my dad, and even
willing to be treated like a sex toy. This is her fault. ”

There was a hint of anger in the way that Kira said the
word sex toy.

“Your boyfriend isn’t Jack, is it?”

Kira looked up and blinked. “Huh? Jack? Who’s Jack?”

“Ah… nevermind, it’s actually better you don’t know.”

I scratched my head and pulled out my camera. “The
truth is, I didn’t come here to just check for myself. I
came here to catch them in the act… on camera!”
“You want… images… of our parents?” Kira gave a
confused look.

“As you yourself pointed out, they’re hurting two

families with their affair. However, my mother already
knows about these affairs. If your father learned, it’d
only destroy your family. What do you plan to do now
that you know the truth about them? Will you tell
your dad? Will you break his heart and cause your
family to split?”

Kira bit her lip thoughfully. “I… don’t know. I hadn’t

thought of things that far ahead.”

“I’ve had much time to think about it, and overall, my

thought is to make them suffer.”

“Suffer, what do you mean?”

“Evidence…” I shrugged. “We need evidence of their
infidelity. Then… we have the power.”

“Power? To do what?”

“Extortion? Blackmail? Punishment? We can make

them regret everything. For example, I could expose
to Mrs. Fukumi to my father’s other women. You
could extort my father out of money.”

“You’re really suggesting I blackmail your father for

money?” Kira spoke, shaking her head.

“Well… anything… It’s not about the money. It’s about

making them pay for their actions.”

Kira looked uncertain. “I don’t know…”

“If you’d rather stay out of it, you can. I can exact
revenge on both of them, and you can sit back and
just know that their happy little affair is now putting
them through hell.”

Kira stood for a while thoughtfully. Her rush-dried hair

was still a bit damp and clinging to her face. She lifted
a hand and pulled some off her cheek. After a
moment, she sighed.

“You’re doing this with or without me, right?”

I nodded. “I have my reasons. However, I could use

your help.”

Kira let out a long breath and then nodded. “I’ll help
you get evidence, but just the evidence.”
“Brilliant.” I lifted up the key in my hand. “I have their
room key!”

“Alright… what’s the plan?” She eyed the key.

“Even if I brought my camera in the hot spring unseen,

and managed to get pictures, they are still wearing
masks. There will always be room to doubt. I need
photos of them in the act, in their bedroom.”

“You plan to sneak into their room?”

“I imagine they’re going to be pretty hot and heavy

when they are done. They’ll probably come and
immediately have sex. I’ll hide in the closet, snap a
few pictures, and then when they fall asleep, I’ll sneak
“That’s pretty risky.”

“That’s why you’re my backup. First, I want you to

return the key to the old people up front to hide
suspicions. Just say you saw it on the floor in the
hallway. Second, I need you to stand by to distract
them. If push comes to shove, you can knock on their
door and hopefully give me a distraction.”

“A distraction?”

“Something that convinces them to leave the room,

preferably. I’m sure you can come up with

“V-very well.”
The pair of us exchanged numbers and I put my phone
on silent. Then, we headed to Father and Ms.
Fukumi’s room. Unlocking the door, I handed the key
to Kira, took a breath, and entered inside, my key tight
in my grasp. As the door shut and locked behind me, I
came to the realization I truly was on my own now.
Glancing around, the only place I could hide was the
closet. Fortunately, the closet had deep pockets, and
the shelf was long enough that an entire person could
lie in it.

If I tried to minimize my space, I could hide far enough

back that even if someone opened the closet, they
wouldn’t be able to see me unless they stuck their
head inside. With a breath, I slide up into the closet
and closed it, leaving just a crack. I made sure I had a
good view of their futon, and before long, I was ready
to start my debut as a filmographer. As if! My heart
was racing and I was already sweating.
I ended up waiting for about an hour before the door
finally opened. Just as I expected, Mrs. Fukumi and my
father were hot and heavy. They were openly making
out and his robe was already half off, as was both of
their masks. Their clothing hit the ground as the door
shut behind them. I positioned my camera and
snapped a shot. The girl at the store had shown me
how to turn off the click and flash. I did say I needed it
for surveillance, so those two things were important.
The naked Fukumi appeared with my father in her
arms, the pair of them kissing excitedly. His erect dick,
which was a bit smaller than mine, was pushed up
against her bush.

“Elzo…” She moaned, “I love you…”

“Uh huh…” He said, kissing her neck roughly.

Out of curiosity, I sent Dirt Scribe on my father. I really

wanted to know what was going through his mind at
times like this. Perhaps, he really did care about my
teacher. Perhaps, he was an okay guy underneath it

Ah… most of those women were so old. When I heard

about this place, I was expecting a bunch of hot
college kids. I don’t want to give Sasori away for some
old skank pussy.

No, it turned out my father’s thoughts were exactly as

shit as I had thought they would be. He was kissing
Fukumi while she was confessing her love for him, and
his thoughts were on the naked girls he had seen in
the hot spring.

Actually, there was one tasty little morsel. She was so

shy, not like Sasori at all. I wouldn’t mind giving up
Sasori to taste that meat. Her boyfriend even got
Sasori’s eyes. That fucker is bigger than me. That’s the
only reason he’d get some cute young thing like her.
Bastards with big dicks! At the party tomorrow, I’m
totally going to bang your girl. I’ll also forget to wear a
condom… hehehe… enjoy taking care of my kid. You
wouldn’t be the first bitch I knocked up and ditched.

“Huh?” I couldn’t stop the noise from escaping my

mouth; the words were just too shocking.

Other kids? Dad had made siblings I didn’t even know

about? I wasn’t even getting started on the fact that
he was trying to cuck me in his mind and wanted to
bang Sasori’s daughter, a girl half his age.

Who’s that? If some private investigator is snooping

around for my wife, I’ll break his…

<Dirt Scribe has reached its daily limit>

“Did you hear that?” Father’s head lifted like a fox.

“What?” Mrs. Fukumi asked, panting and clearly

having heard nothing.

I cursed inwardly for making a noise. Why did he have

to be so aware right now? His eyes scanned to the
window first, but when he saw nothing, he looked
over at the closet. Shit!

Chapter 33 :
My father was looking right at the closet now. Why
did he have to be so paranoid! No, it was my fault. I
shouldn’t have dirt scribed him while I was in the
middle of surveillance. I made a noise, and he was just
being diligent by checking. Before he could take a
step, there was a light knock on the door. He paused
and then turned directions, throwing a robe on and
opening the sliding door and peering out. Mrs. Fukumi
squeaked, grabbing a robe too and hastily putting it on
herself to cover her naked body. I couldn’t see who
was at the door, but the voice was familiar if a bit

“Hi, I’m a guest here, did you know that your key was
left at the front?” Kira asked although she was trying
to change her voice so it sounded a little different.

Father’s voice followed. “Oh? Are you the one who

turned it in? Thanks for checking. As soon as I noticed
it missing, I went straight there. Thanks, misses.”

Damn it, why did dad have to be so on the ball? He

was so hot and heavy with Miss Fukumi, when did he
have time to run to the front to grab his key? Was he
feeling Miss Fukumi up all the way through a side trip!
Does he have no decency? Actually, recalling the faces
of the old people who ran this place, and the nature of
this facility, they were probably very full of free love. It
was no wonder they were willing to buy our
fornications so easily, considering their own indecent
acts. They were probably more scared of a news
reporter finding out they hold sex parties and getting
their whole place stigmatized.

“Oh… that’s good…” She said, her voice silent for a bit.

I could tell she was trying to think up something else.

She had knocked on the door intending to use the key
as her way to distract him. Well, that’s not actually
what I meant when I handed her the key. Rather, I was
thinking she’d come up with something like a carbon
monoxide leak or some other lie.

“Is there anything else you need?” He asked.

“A-a-actually…” She said slowly and deliberately.

“Um… rather… my husband and I… we’re… um… new,
and we just got here last night.”
“Is that so? Well, little lady, congratulations.”

I recognized the tone of voice my dad was using. It

was the same tone he used when he was flirting with
women. He had kind of a condescending tone that I
imagined would put women off more than not, yet
they always seemed to blush when dad spoke that
way. Mrs. Fukumi was watching this all with a frown,
clearly wanting to continue to have Dad’s attention,
but not willing to interrupt and risk angering him.

“Yes… um… so, we were just celebrating tonight…

and… I noticed you were a couple not too much older
than us. We thought it’d be good to learn from a more
experienced couple. Perhaps, you like to join us for
sake at the bar?”

“Sake? Huh?” Dad sounded thoughtful. “Actually, my

woman here bought me a really nice bottle of sake
yesterday. Let’s all open it and drink to your
celebration. Who needs bars when we can have the
comfort of a room?”

I felt the implication of those words. Right now, I

wanted nothing more than to Dirt Scribe him, but my
daily limit was already used. This is why I often put off
using it. Every time it seemed like a good time,
another time would come up where I felt like it was
even more important. Right now, I was certain dad
had some nefarious plan, but my skill was used and I
had nothing to guide me.

“Aah… here?” Kira sounded nervous, she had to be

picking up on his predatory vibes too. “It’s just… my

“Your room it is then? We can wait for your husband

there. Right, dear? Let’s go out and enjoy this
Mrs. Fukumi jumped when he turned to her for
support and then smiled at just being acknowledged.
“Y-yes… That is why we came, to have fun.”

“Oh, wait… but he’s… the bar…”

Dad re-entered the room, heading straight for the

closet. I immediately scooted back as all three of them
came into view. He didn’t even look as he reached his
hand in and grabbed a bottle which was sitting in a
bag. He immediately yanked it out. Kira, still wearing
her mask with her hair up in a bun, shot the closet
door a meaningful look before Father put his hand on
her shoulder and guided her out into the hallway.

“Nonsense!” Dad laughed, “Your husband will be sure

to check in on you when you don’t come back. Don’t
worry, Sasori and I will take good care of you until he
Sasori followed docilely and nodded. “Don’t worry. I’m
a teacher and he’s a businessman. We’re honest

I could only grind my teeth in disgust as the door

finally closed, leaving me alone in their room. I didn’t
really know what to think. Dad was truly an expert at
NTR! I didn’t need dirt scribe to realize what was on
his brain. In his mind, Kira came to his room alone
because deep down, she wanted him without me.
Perhaps he assumed we had a fight. Even if not, what
woman abandoned her husband on a honeymoon? He
reckoned Kira’s husband was in a bar getting drunk,
and would either sleep with some other woman in this
swinging hotel or return so late that the deed would
be done by the time he showed up.

He planned to take Kira back to her room and seduce

her. He chose her room because it would disarm her
and make her more comfortable. Sasori, the
trustworthy teacher, would soothe her worries, and
further, allow her to trust this innocent couple she
went to. Then, sake would pull off the edge, and Dad
would enjoy a mother-daughter threesome. At least,
based on what I saw, that’s where I would have taken
things. Unless I returned early, Kira would be under
dad within the next hour.

Kira was only a friend, not a lover. This wasn’t

something that hurt me. In fact, I thought it was a bit
funny. If I let things keep going, how far would Kira
go? A dark part of me started to whisper in my ear. If
dad succeeded and she got drunk and had a
threesome, then I could take pictures of all three of
them. I could blackmail Kira and her mother. Did I
have it in me to go all the way? Could I really throw
my friend under the bus? Admittedly, she’d been the
one who caused her own downfall. She knocked on
the door and gave that particular excuse. I wasn’t
exactly wronging her. I was just failing to act.
I waited long enough for the group to have left the
hallway, and then I pushed my way out of their room.
I only had a few pictures. Although they proved the
affair, when it came to blackmail, I wanted more. The
images needed to be shocking. They needed to cause
Miss. Fukumi to panic. They needed to be so risqué,
that it wasn’t just the fact that she was cheating, but
that fact that those images would ruin her image
forever. If that was the case, Perhaps I needed to take
things that extra step.

I returned to our room and then listened at the door.

With the paper-walls, it wasn’t difficult to hear the
conversation in there.

“Here, here, drink.” Dad was saying.

“I’m… not really into drinking.” Kira’s voice sounded

really tight and stressed, her plan having backfired
“Don’t worry about it, here, Sasori will take a drink
first, then you. How about that? You really need to
loosen up, right Sasori?”

“Y-yes…” Mrs. Fukumi aided her man. “I’ll drink first.

You won’t let a girl drink alone, will you?”

“How about you help your little sister here get a bit
more comfortable.”

“Y-yes… Elzo…”

“Wh-what are you doing?” Kira’s voice came out

“Don’t worry, we’re both women. You don’t need to
worry. If your breasts don’t breath, they won’t
become big like mine.”

“Th-that’s impossible.” Kira’s voice was weak.

She was doing horribly. I was once again floored at

how aggressive they were being and how in sync the
couple worked. I had always heard stories about a
woman married to a serial killer and aiding him in all
of his evil. I had never understood how that kind of
stuff happened. Now, I was seeing it first hand. Mrs.
Fukumi had gone all in. My father had her wrapped
around his finger. At this point, she was molesting her
own daughter to prep her so my dad could fuck her.
She would say or do anything to help father reach his
goal. Any guilt I felt for sending her to this spa was
gone. Her devotion was at a frightening level.
What if she found out this really was her daughter?
Would he still convince her to go through with it? Was
even that not a limit? I didn’t think it was anymore.
She probably would cover up a murder for dad.
Fortunately, he was just a drunk, horny bastard, not a
psychopath. However, I could stand by and let them
continue to work my poor childhood friend alone.

Straightening my mask, I sighed and then slid open the

door and stepped in. “What’s going on?”

I tried to make my voice rough sounding so that no

one would recognize me. My father was selfish and
barely paid attention to me, so I wasn’t lying when I
said it was unlikely he would notice. Now, I knew I was
just one of potentially dozens of kids he had, so it was
no wonder he didn’t think much of us. However, I was
a bit surprised Mrs. Fukumi didn’t suspect anything.
Then again, she was completely focused on my dad’s
wants. Even while her hand was on Kira’s leg and she
was kissing Kira’s neck, she was looking at my father
for approval like a loyal dog.

“Hey, brother. We were waiting for you!” Other than a

swift second of frustration when I walked in, dad had
already switched gears and welcomed me with a

Dad’s ability to manipulate people and steal women

was at a completely different level than my own. I
couldn’t help but shake the feeling that I was just a
low-level mob facing the big ending boss. He was so
bold that he could even be caught trying to molest a
man’s wife and make the guy feel doubtful about what
he saw. Kira’s robe was askew, showing additional
cleavage, her robe was pushed up to the point where
she was about to show dad everything. Her neck was
red and wet. This was all done by Sasori, her own
mother, but the effect was still the same.
“I thought we were meeting in the bar, honey?” I
collaborated her lie.

She looked up at me helplessly, with just a tinge of

thankfulness in her eyes. “Sorry…”

Dad was staring at us, his mood immediately

diminished. After all, he came exceptionally close to
having a threesome and enjoying a young girl. Now,
he was completely on his own. In a few moments,
he’d probably try to duck out and just enjoy Mrs.
Fukumi tonight. But, I still needed better images.

“So… I heard sake…” I said while thinking quickly,

grabbing the bottle and picking it up. “How about a
few drinks?”

I knew my father a bit too well. He never ducked out

on a drink, especially if it came from a nice bottle. The
one Mrs. Fukumi got was particularly nice. I didn’t
know if she spent a ton and got expensive booze, or if
she took my advice and just put cheap stuff in a nice
bottle. Knowing Miss Fukumi’s obsession with dad, I
suspected it was the former. She would gladly do
anything for my father. Good… once I made it clear
that she could lose dad forever, hopefully, that meant
she’d do anything for me as well.

I poured the drinks and we all drank. Of course, I fake

drunk, and when no one was looking, sent my drink
flying. I suspected that Kira was doing the same, but
she seemed to still be getting a bit of alcohol. Her
cheeks grew rosier as the night went on, and her face
got a bit slack. By the time the four of us polished off
half the bottle, dad had his arm around me and was
singing. It reminded me of a trip when we went
camping one year. Except, it was mom and Maria with
us then, and our family still felt like it had a chance.
Mrs. Fukumi was on the bed, hiccuping and
occasionally making a grab for her daughter, groping
her until Kira pushe her hands away. Perhaps Mrs.
Fukumi was a bit of a lesbian?

“Hey… you’re alright man…”Dad said, pulling out a key

and handing it to me.”

“What’s this?” I asked, not even bothering to pretend

to be drunk at this point.

“It’s the key to my room,” Dad explained. “I’m gonna

just be honest here. My woman here… she’s actually
some other guy’s woman. I just fuck her. I want you to
fuck her too.”

“S-seriously?” I was stunned he said it so blatantly.

That was alcohol for you.

“Yeah… Hey, Sasori, this guy is going to take you back
to the room. Show him a good time, okay?” Dad

Sasori smiled drunkenly, looking at father with

reverence. “Yes… I’d love to. You can do anything to
me… even stick it in my ass if you want.”

Kira, not nearly as drunk at the pair, let out a noise,

choking before turning away, her face red.

“Eh? See? She’s really good too. Tight pussy. Big Ass
and nice titties. Just don’t cum in her, alright?” He
said, chuckling and even winking, suggesting he didn’t
care if I used her as a cum dumpster.

“And… what will you be doing while I have your wife.”

I asked, already knowing the answer.
“Of course, I’ll be fucking your wife!” He pointed right
at Kira, who straightened as she became the center of
the talk.

I sighed, shaking my head. Maybe, with a bit more

alcohol, they’d pass out and I could pose them or
something. I had hoped with them drunk, they’d
started fondling each other again as they did in the
pool. Then it’d just be a matter of encouraging them
to fuck and filming the outcome. However, Dad was
just too caught up on Kira. This was a bust. At least, I
had a few images. I’d have to make due with those.

“Okay…” Kira suddenly spoke up, causing my polite

refusal to be lost before it left my tongue.

“Okay?” I ask, seriously struggling to understand her

“Take… Mrs. Fukumi… back to her room. I’ll handle
him!” Kira declared, her eyes fiercely determined.


Chapter 34 :
Kira’s words certainly caught me off guard. I really
didn’t think that she’d be willing to go so far. I had
considered the idea of tricking her into father’s bed,
but this was something she was doing of her own
volition. It wasn’t entirely one-sided either. Not only
would Kira be with my father, but she also indirectly
gave me permission to take her mother. She had to
know that I’d at least be touching her and seeing her
naked body.

I pulled Kira aside to whisper. Dad didn’t seem to

mind. We were supposedly a couple, after all, so this
was a decision that needed to be discussed between
the both of us. He did have a smug expression on his
face though. It was clear he thought he was trading
up, and was getting the better end of the deal. The
fact that my supposed wife had been the one to voice
acceptance to the deal also suggested she was eager
to be with him, making Father act even cockier.

“Are you sure about this?” I whispered to her.

“I’ve been taking sips of the sake the last hour just
trying to build up the courage to do this,” Kira
whispered back. “I don’t plan to sleep with him, but
this is the best way to get images and get revenge,

“What about your boyfriend?” I asked, feeling a bit

“He’ll never find out about this.” She shot me a look as
if to add a bit of a threat that I also should never say

I raised my hands defensively. “Of course, of course…”

“Hey, we gonna do this?’ Dad demanded in a slurred


The pair of us looked at each other and then nodded. I

walked over to Mrs. Fukumi and helped her up.
Meanwhile, as soon as Kira came within Father’s
reach, he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. One
hand immediately cupped her breast, and the other
kissed her neck. Kira’s lips were tight, wearing a fake
smile that dad was too drunk to notice while he
pawed at her. I gave her one last look, but she
motioned a nod with her head that I should move on.
We’d come this far, right?
My teacher ended up clinging to me as we walked to
the door, stumbling as I had to half-drag her out of the
room. How would Mrs. Fukumi’s attitude change if she
knew that her beloved man was now feeling up her
daughter? How much shock would she be in knowing
she was going to bang his son. She even offered a
student in her class a chance to stick it in her ass!
Alcohol was a pretty scary thing. I was glad I was the
sober one in the group.

“You’re a bit cute.” She spoke up with her arm

wrapped around me while we heading down the
hallway. “I saw… it earlier, is it as big as it looks?”

“Hah…” I grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away

from my crotch. “That’s great. I’ll show you in your

“I’m… sorry…” Suddenly, she burst into tears, pushing

her head on my shoulder as she cried. “I’m just doing
this for him. I don’t want him to leave me. I saw how
he looks at that little bitch… just because she’s
younger and her tits are still perky…”

“Uhh… right…” I could only shake my head as she

ranted drunkenly about the horribleness of the
woman that was her daughter and rival.

“Th-that’s right… she’s your wife… well, in that case…

I’ll show you how much better an older woman can
be. Okay?” her mood seemed to switch again as she
pushed her cleavage together and winked at me.

We finally made it to her room and stumbled in. She

nearly fell down onto the futon, grabbing me and
pulling me with her. I ended up on top of Mrs. Fukumi.
Her mask was gone, and she was looking up at me
with watery eyes and pink cheeks. Her eroticism was
through the roof, and I couldn’t believe how easy it
was to end up in this situation with my teacher. Well,
maybe it wasn’t that easy. However, ,all the guys in
class had fantasized about having her, and I was in a
situation where I could actually do it.

Reaching out, I pulled open her robes and exposed her

breasts. They were larger than her daughters, large
things with big, light nipples. Her skin was fair, but she
also had the signs of an older woman. There were
stretch marks on her stomach from where she had
two children. Her breasts flopped down, begging for
me to lift them up, one in each hand. She made a cute
noise as her body was exposed to me. Looking down, I
saw her dark fur patch. She had shaved to create a
perfect landing strip for her clit, which was slightly
engorged and clearly aroused.

“Wh-what do you think?” She asked, blushing shyly.

“H-how many men have you been with since you
married your husband?” I suddenly found myself

“Other than Elzo?” She blushed. “No… actually, you’re

the third man I’ve ever been with.”

“Ever?” That would mean her husband was her first!

“Hah… this weekend was my chance to keep things

going with him, but it turned out this way after all. D-
don’t worry. I still have lots of experience!” She
seemed to be breaking between wanting to cry and
wanting me to continue.

That was apparently the kind of drunk she was.

Although she said she was experienced, I actually had
more sexual experience than she had. Maria, Akiko,
Netori and Netorare, even if you didn’t count Gina she
would be my fifth while I was her third. How could
such a pure housewife and teacher go down such a
bad direction.

“Do you really want to be involved in that sex party

tomorrow?” I asked, starting to feel bad for my
teacher once again.

True, she was devoted to my father to a scary degree.

She was willing to do anything, even seduce another
couple, to continue to feel loved by my Father.
However, a lot of that seemed to stem from her own
naivety. Of all the women I met, Mrs. Fukumi, an older
woman, was the most innocent! Maria was into sex
and status and had slept with many guys. Akiko was a
manipulator and a liar. Gina was a punk with daddy
issues. Mrs. Fukumi’s only problem seemed to be that
she encountered my father.

“D-do you have a condom?” She suddenly asked.

“Eh?” I stopped as her words caught up with me.

“I…um… didn’t take the pill this last week and I’m not
safe.” She blushed.

My eyes widened as the girl looked away futility.

“Seriously? You went to a sex orgy weekend like this?”

“I thought it was… n-nevermind.” She blushed, “Just

be careful and pull out.”

Now that Mrs. Fukumi, no, I should call her by her first
name, Sasori, Sasori was acting more hesitant now
that she didn’t have her boyfriend to impress. It was
clear that she was starting to have second thoughts,
and while she was drunk, she had enough of her mind
to reason out the consequences of her actions. The
longer I waited, the more doubtful she’d become until
perhaps she’d talk herself out of this.

Of course, I didn’t miss the implications of her words.

She had come on this weekend hoping my dad would
knock her up. With his baby in her belly, she probably
figured that he could never abandon their
relationship. Of course, she didn’t know how little he
cared about his kids. He had apparently left many
children behind. Why had my mom even caught his
interest in the first place? Why were we the kids that
got his money and support?

“I’m going in.” I declared, deciding to push forward

with her.

Sasori gasped as my dick slid inside her. She wasn’t as

tight as my sister or Gina. Rather, she felt more soft
than tight. The feeling was like sticking my dick into a
warm honey pot. My lips found hers, and I started
kissing her. This was my teacher, and now I was
fucking her. She spread her legs open for me, offering
no resistance. However, her kiss was weak, and she
closed her eyes and just sort of let me go. It was
exactly the picture of a woman willing to only go as far
as she had to.

However, I knew I wasn’t here to enjoy myself either. I

repositioned myself so I was on my knees. My hands
grabbed her breasts and I squeezed them a bit. She
was moaning sexily, but she kept her eyes closed as if
she could pretend it was with my father. Reaching
over carefully, I grabbed the camera and took a few
pictures. I kept my hips moving, and with her eyes
closed, and her breath coming out in moans, she
didn’t realize anything. I made sure I got some
pictures of her head and tits, of my dick in her vagina,
and it took a bit, but I got a picture that made sure to
include her face in said penetration picture.
I hastily stashed the camera under the sheet just as
Sasori’s eyes opened. She looked up at me, her
expression a bit calm, yet encouraging. Perhaps she
was too drunk to lose her head.

“Your dick is really big. I’m going to cum soon.” She

said lightly, more mater of fact than sensual or erotic.

“Turn around. I’d like to do you from behind as you


Sasori nodded and then rolled over. Her knees

climbed up and her butt rose. Soon, I was behind my
teacher who was in doggie position, her butt up in the
air and her pussy and ass exposed for me. I put my
dick back inside her. I was really able to get deep, and
it felt amazing. Her pussy didn’t suck me in like Maria
or Akiko, but it felt so soft and welcoming, that I
pushed my dick down to the root wishing I could get
even deeper inside her. I’d need to order a longer dick
when this was done. As it was, my dick was a bit big
for Maria, and the last inch or two wouldn’t fit, but
this girl took it all gracefully into her womb.

“Ahh… I’m almost there…” She moaned, her finger

moving up between her legs and fingering herself as I
rode her from behind.

I carefully pulled my camera back out and snapped a

few more images. Well, her face wasn’t in any of
these, so perhaps they would just end up in my own
private collection.

“C-cumming!” She cried out.

Her body contracted and her back arched, but I kept

on moving my hips anyway, determined to give her a
good ride. She cried and moaned as I fucked her from
behind nosily, my cock slapping inside of her with
each thrust. I finally pulled out and gave her rump a

“Come on… suck my cock.” I said, standing up.

She didn’t hesitate to roll over and take my cock into

her mouth. She looked up at me with dewy eyes as I
filled her mouth full. She could taste her own lust on
my dick, but that didn’t cause her to hesitate for more
than a moment. Her mouth moved up and down,
making lewd noises as she tasted my cock willingly.

Feeling bold, I took out the camera from behind me

and then snapped a picture. Her eyes widened, but
with my cock in her mouth, she couldn’t say anything.
As the moment of shock passed and she continued to
suck my cock, I snapped more and more pictures. To
my surprise, Sasori really liked the camera. In her
drunken state, she didn’t hesitate to pose for the
camera. I took her from position to position. Some
made her shy, but she always posed just how I
wanted. Finally, my cock erupted while she was
sucking on it. Most of the seed ended up on her face,
which I pictured perfectly.

I had wanted to creampie her, but she looked so cute

with her tongue sticking out that I couldn’t help
myself. Plus… I needed more face pictures than crotch
pictures. She licked up the mess before exhaustion
started to overtake her. With the alcohol plus the
extremely late night, as soon as I finished, her body
started to shut down like a switch had been flipped.

She collapsed back down on the futon, her eyes

closing without a care that she was in a room with a
stranger she just fucked. I laid down next to her,
grabbed her and pulled her into my embrace.

“You’re going to become mine,” I whispered.

“Mm…” She responded, not really hearing me as she
closed her eyes and started to sleep.

After a few more minutes, I checked on the pictures

and nodded in satisfaction. These would be more than
enough to blackmail her into anything. Just to finish
things off, I removed my mask and took the most
alarming pictures yet. These were pictures with me
and my teacher. She didn’t wake up as I posed her
with my cock in her mouth or her pussy in mine. She
only murmured a bit and then fell back to sleep.

When I finished getting every picture I felt I would

want, I left the room and closed the door. I considered
if I should head back to the room I had with Kira. I
really didn’t want to encounter my dad in the middle
of… well… whatever happened. However, I felt I
should at least stop by. I headed to the room and as I
turned the corner I saw Kira sitting in the hallway with
her mask in her hands in her street clothing. She had a
tired, complicated expression on her face, and all of
her drunkenness seemed to have been scoured away.

“Did you do what you needed to do?” Kira asked.

Her voice was stiff, and she didn’t look at me as she

asked this question. She unconsciously played with
the mask in her hands, sometimes looking like she
wanted to break it in half.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m done.”

She reached behind her and dropped a bag at my feet,

and I realized it had my clothing in it. She stood up,
and then I noticed that there was a white glob on her

“You missed some…” I said carefully, pointing.

She looked down, tsk’d with annoyance, and then
used a napkin to clean the stain off.

“Between you and my father… did you?” I asked

cautiously as I threw my clothing back on.

“I did what I had to do.” She responded stiffly and

then shot me a look. “You and my mother?”

I bit my lip. “What I had to do…”

I supposed, after sharing almost everything together

this weekend, we ended it by agreeing to never tell
each other what happened in those rooms. Except, I
planned to use what I got to continue to bang her
mother, whereas Kira would just return home and try
to forget this weekend ever happened. I felt for a
small bit that we were growing close again after years
apart, but at this moment, the distance felt farther
than ever before.

We checked out early, leaving a maid to kick dad out

of our room. The old couple looked disappointed that
we wouldn’t stay for the next nights festivities, but the
pair of us already had enough of this lifestyle and just
wanted to go home. It may be NTR, but when it came
to these couples, there was no emotion to it. I’d earn
nothing if I banged women at that party.

We left just as the morning light was starting to crest

the horizon. We parted silently without saying another
word to each other. I headed to the train station,
where she got a ride she had prepared.

I had completed my mission, but I didn’t feel like

celebrating. This was just step one. Come Monday,
that was when the real test began.
Chapter 35 :
“Hakaru?” her voice came over the telephone with a
curious tone.

It was Sunday, one day left before I went to school

and started my plan to earn the credit I needed to
save my sister. However, I was antsy and thus decided
to try to settle a few other issues and get my cards in
order. First off was Akiko, who I had never ended
things with completely. I didn’t know if I could
deactivate my locked promise over the phone, but I
should have been able to. Either way, I didn’t want to
see her in person anymore, and talking over the
phone seemed the best way to resolve the issue.

“Yeah, it’s me.” I responded, “I heard that you

dumped Derek.”

There was silence on the phone for a moment. “I

realized… that he wasn’t the one for me.”
“Yeah… I know. You couldn’t wait to suck Jack’s dick,

“It isn’t like that!” Akiko’s voice sounded angry. “What

Jack and I have is…”

“He’s manipulating you, you know?” I snorted, not

really able to keep the anger from my voice and not
caring how she took it. “He has an ability. Sort of like
my promise, but different. He’s just with you to make
me angry.”

“I… know…”

“What? You know?” I couldn’t believe the filth that

came from Akiko’s lips.
“He’s not manipulating me,” Akiko said. “I’m with him
because that was the choice I made. Do you

“Yeah… I understand.” I responded bitterly. “You like


“Yeah… I do…” Akiko shot back. “You can’t

understand. Why are you calling anyway? Aren’t you
busy making other women leave their boyfriends and
ruin their lives?”

“I came to tell you it’s off.”

“It’s off?”
“The promise. I wasn’t clear before. I am now. You
owe me nothing. I owe you nothing. Your promise has
been lifted. Okay?”

There was another pause. “Is that all you wanted?”


“Then… thank you.” Her voice sounded strangely



“I feel… more… confident for some reason, now that

you said that. I no longer doubt…”
This girl was really aggravating to talk to. At first, I
thought she was just being mindfucked by Jack just
like my sister Maria. However, now that I talked to
her, she felt more lucid. That meant that she was with
Jack on her own volition. At least, that’s what she
claimed. Was Jack just feeding her lines so that he
could screw with me even more? Or, was Akiko an
even bigger whore than I could ever imagine.

“Goodbye.” I ended the conversation quickly with a


I leaned back and gave a sigh afterwords. With that,

my relationship with Akiko was completely over. Even
if I did gain a certain skill and use it on her, it would be
absolutely useless. She had her own interests, and I
had no desire to chase her anymore. I had my fun, and
now we were done. Maria was a different story
though. She was my sister, and I loved her. I wouldn’t
allow her to be manipulated by that bastard.
I walked over to her room and knocked on her door
lightly. The door cracked open a moment later, and
Maria popped her head out. She was always
introverted, but since whatever Jack had done to her,
she had rarely left her room. Thankfully, he hadn’t
been back since that last embarrassing time, but that
had more to do with Mother always being home than
anything. Jack was half-American and was definitely
someone she wouldn’t approve of. She would kick him
out on his ass, and even manipulation wouldn’t be
enough to stop her. That was the level of her dislike of
white men.

“Hakaru… what is it?”

“Maria.” The second I saw her, my heart throbbed just

a bit. “The thing about next week…”
“I don’t want to get into it with you,” Maria blushed
and looked away. “What you did last week was

“Maria, the Halloween party…” I tried to redirect her

conversation, but I had a feeling she was not hearing
me at all.

“Just be lucky that I won’t tell anybody about what

happened.” Maria’s voice sounded forced and bitter,
“If dad or mom knew about what you did, they would
definitely be angry. This is my last warning…”

“You don’t want to do this…”

“Jack is my boyfriend now. I’m only with Jack. Next

week, I’ll be the most popular girl in school. Jack will
make me popular. He said it.”
“Can you just promise me something? Can you
promise me that whatever you do, it will be what you
really want to do?” I asked.

Maria froze for a second but then sighed. “Jack said

you would try to make me promise things, and that I
shouldn’t go along with it. Jack is looking out for me.”

“He’s going to ruin you!” My voice rose just a bit.

“He’s going to embarrass you in front of everyone! He
doesn’t care about you at all.”

“It’s enough… Hakaru.” Maria bit her lip. “Please leave

me alone from now on.”

Maria closed the door right on my face. I wanted to

start knocking again, but I couldn’t bring myself to do
it. I knew her answers would be the same. She’d
deflect and ignore me. Getting her to accept a
promise, any promise, was completely impossible. My
fists clenched to the point I thought they’d bleed, but I
finally let go. None of this was new information. What
Netori had told me I needed to do was no different
than before. Tomorrow would be the day I’d confront
my teacher and finally earned the points I’d need.

“Hakaru?” A voice came from the living room.

It was Mother, who was currently on the television

watching something. I walked out and let out a noise,
turning away.

“Mother… shouldn’t you wear something a bit more

decent in public?”

“Eh?” Mother was on the couch, wearing nothing but

a robe. “We’re in private though?”
It looked like she had just taken a bath and come out.
She was now drinking sake. Her face was flushed and
her hair was wet and matted to her face. However,
the robe she wore wasn’t done up at all, and the
result was that it was wide open. I got an eye of a
black patch of fur and a boob before I managed to
turn away a tad too late

“This is the family room. We all live here?” I tried to

explain helplessly while avoiding seeing her private

“Oh, hoh, is my little Hakaru uncomfortable?” her

voice turned playful, and her eyes lowered like a
predator. “Aren’t we all just family? You know, it
wasn’t so long ago you used to suck these nipples for
food. And you actually came out of this vagina too.
You didn’t find it too uncomfortable when you were
being born!”
“I feel like those are two completely different things!”
I murmured, “Besides, dad wouldn’t be…”

“Dad!” I winced as she snapped the word like a curse

word, “Your father is too busy banging other women
to give a damn about me!”

“Mother, that’s…” I wanted to say it wasn’t true, but

after this weekend, I had first-hand knowledge of
dad’s actions.

I had seen him flat out with another woman, Mrs.

Fukumi, and had also seen him openly pursuing other
women to boot. Last night, he was probably engaging
in a couple swap or an orgy with a bunch of other
women. He only would have finished up this morning
and was likely sleeping off the afternoon before
moseying on home. Mother didn’t know the specifics,
and I had no desire to describe them to her, but I also
couldn’t bring myself to lie to her.
“Hakaru… how would you feel, if I started seeing
another man?” Mother asked out of the blue.

My eyes immediately turned back to her. Mother had

already closed her robe, but she wore a serious
expression on her face.

“Who? Why?” I demanded, not able to help a flicker

of anger on my face.

Dad was a deadbeat. He had sex with many women

and likely had many children. I couldn’t begin to guess
why he married my mother. Perhaps she was the first
and it was originally him trying to take responsibility. I
wanted to ask, but I felt like this was the wrong time
to bring up those kinds of questions. However, that
didn’t mean that I was okay with Mom openly
cheating too. In some ways, I just felt like she was
better than that. It made me sad to think of my mom
going out and being with other men. Sad… and a little
bit angry as well.

Mother suddenly started chuckling. “Mm? Is my son

suddenly jealous?”

“Yes!” I said, half trying to play it as a joke. “I’m your

son. If Father dies, isn’t my responsibility to be the
man of the house? If that’s the case, and dad isn’t a
good enough man, then I’ll still be your man!”

Mother gave a surprised look, her eyes widening, but

then a moment later she broke into laughter. “Is that
so? I’m Hakaru’s woman?”

I blushed while Mother laughed hard enough that

tears started coming out of her eyes.
“Mother… if you ever choose to leave dad… I’ll make
sure to take care of you.” I spoke carefully with a solid

Mother’s laughter died down and she gave me a

serious expression. “If that’s how you feel. Then,
perhaps, one day, I’ll make you take responsibility for
your words.”

“Hmm?” I turned back to her, but her expression was

completely unreadable.

“The reason I called you is because of Mrs. Fukumi,

your teacher.” She skillfully changed the subject.

“Mrs. Fukumi!” I let out a cry of surprise as I backed

up a bit. “What about her?”
That was the last name I expected to hear from my
mother. Mrs. Fukumi was supposed to be finishing up
her trip with my father. Just two days ago, I had sex
with her. There was no way she could have recognized
me, was there? My mind was moving a mile a minute
as I tried to reason what had gone wrong. Would Kira
have confronted her mom? Did she realize who I was
when she woke up?

Mother shot me a suspicious look but shrugged

casually. “She has asked you to come over to her
home tonight. She said it wasn’t work related.”

“I-is that so?” I said, my voice breaking for a bit.

“It is strange that she contacted you to come over to

her house on a Sunday, but weren’t you close friends
with her daughter? I think she wishes to talk to you
about her.” Mother offered.
I asked Mother a few more questions, but she didn’t
have any more information than that, which left me a
bit flustered. If this had to do with Kira, then I needed
to find out. I grabbed the cell phone and looked for
Kira’s number which I had only gotten recently that
weekend. Mother was watching me with a frown on
her face.

“So, you’re still close to that girl?” She asked, and then
murmured some words I could barely hear. “I suppose
I can allow him to have a little bit more practice.”

“Huh?” I shot mom a look, but she already downed

her glass of sake and had rolled up on the couch,
turning her television up to full volume.

That was always Mom’s way of letting me know that

the conversation was over. Not really understanding
what she was on about, I turned and went to my room
to make the call. The phone started ringing.
“Hakaru?” Kira answered after a few rings, somewhat
out of breath.

“Your mother asked me to come over. Any idea what

this is about?”

“…” Kira didn’t say anything for a moment, “Hakaru-

kun… I’m sorry, but I’m going to need to ask you for a

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“I need you to come over to the house and pretend to

be my boyfriend.” She said softly.
“Your boyfriend?” I responded in disbelief. “Why,
what about your real boyfriend?”

“Mother… she can’t know about him. My only choice

is to bring a decoy.”

“Is that so…” I didn’t feel thrilled about the idea.

I could already reason what happened. Kira’s mom

came home and perhaps found a used condom or
something, and then started pushing Kira about it to
hide her guilt about her on infidelity. Kira finally
claimed she had a boyfriend, but not wanting him to
see her mom, she thought of a childhood friend who
was already at a point where he could keep a secret.
Now, Mrs. Fukumi called me to invite me over to chat.
It was possible she wanted to give us the talk, or
something like that.
“Kira… about that…”

“My father is gone tonight…” Kira said suddenly.

“Really?” I asked, mostly confused at why she

suddenly brought that up. “What’s that got to do…”

“If you want to blackmail my mother and rape her,

tonight is your best chance.”

I let out a noise of surprise but then sighed after

thinking about it for a few moments. Kira was the
student council president. She was a brilliant girl, not
a dunce. She must have figured at least some of my
goals out. She figured out I was aiming for her mother
the entire time. I had no clue how to respond. I was
caught red-handed. At this point, there was only one
way I could respond.
“I’ll be there.”

Chapter 36 :
“Be careful…” A voice drifted into my ear as I walked
down the street.

I didn’t take my bike. Kira only lived a few blocks

away, and I wasn’t exactly in a rush to head into her
home. That was when Netori decided to appear next
to me.

“Be careful about what?” I asked.

“Kira…” She responded. “I think she might be a

I stopped for a second, my eyes turning to the
beautiful goddess floating alongside me. “NTR Crush?
Are you sure? Can a girl even be a player?”

“Of course a girl can be a player!” Netori said with a

pouting expression, “And no… if I was sure, the rules
would prevent me from telling you.”

“It didn’t stop Netorare from telling Jack everything!” I

shot back.

Netori winced. “You must play by the rules. You,


“What, why is that?”

“Because if you don’t, none of this will matter.” Netori

almost sounded like she was speaking to herself.
“What is that supposed to mean?” I demanded.

“Ah! That… n-nothing!” Netori turned away, touching

her smartphone while she avoided my eyes.

I sighed, recognizing there were some things the

goddess just couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me. I decided to
ignore it instead.

“How many points are left?” I asked. “I should have

earned some this weekend, right?”

“Eight hundred,” Netori said.

I winced. “So many?

“You’re in a good position now.” Netori shrugged.
“You just need to score things with Mrs. Fukumi.”

“Unless Kira is a player too… in which case, I might be

falling right into her trap.”

Netori frowned for a moment. “Or… you can spring a

trap for her instead.”

“What does that mean?” I turned to see that Netori

had vanished.

She had grown more and more elusive lately. There

was the time she had vanished for a week, and
nowadays she gave off a kind of mysterious vibe like
she always had something else on her mind. I wrote
most of it off as goddesses were mysterious, but it still
left me a bit uneasy. Why did she even start this game
in the first place? It felt like it had far more purpose
than me just becoming a popular guy who banged
women. Furthermore, she had picked me for a reason.
I couldn’t forget that.

I reached Kira’s house shortly, and earlier than I

wanted to. I knocked on the door, and the person who
answered was none other than Deacon. He didn’t
even live at home anymore, so seeing him here caught
me off guard. By the surprised expression on his face,
it seemed like Deacon similarly did not expect to see

“Hey! What are you doing here?”

“Ah… that, it’s about your mo- ahem… I came to see


I was going to say I came to see his mother, but that

would be really suspicious and open up a lot of
questions. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to notice the
slip-up. If anything, he seemed to be in a great mood
as he let me in and then sat on the couch. Kira’s
parents were both Japanese, but unlike my mother,
they embraced westerner culture a lot. Things like
house slippers weren’t needed, and their atmosphere
was a lot more casual.

“Ah… I knew you and my sister had a thing going on.

So, she’s finally bringing you home to meet the
family?” He said as he cracked open a can of soda.

“Yeah… something like that.” I didn’t really know what

else to say, as I am pretending to be her boyfriend
upon her request and couldn’t start denying things

“That’s cool man…” He put on an awkward expression

for a moment. “But do you mind simmering down on
the sexting? I think mom is catching on to it, and I
don’t like glancing over my sister’s shoulder and
seeing pictures of your dick.”

“Ah!” I blushed, even though this undoubtedly had

nothing to do with me.

It seemed like Kira had an entire life I didn’t know

anything about. It could actually be a lot worse than
that though. If she was a player, she could be stringing
along dozens of guys. Wait… did she fuck my father for
points? That was seriously a possibility now. Seeing
her as a player, suddenly, a lot of her actions made
sense, and that only caused me more worry.

“Well, whatever dude, I’m not some creep who gets

jealous over who his sister bangs.” Deacon let out a
chuckle. “Rather, I’m way more interested in her
classmates. Hehe… that file you let is amazing. I know I
told you to look up some information, but I never
expected you to be thorough. Although, a lot of the
girls you gave me information on I couldn’t find the
videos for. Ah, well, it’s still enough I can have a little

“I’m sorry, my file?” I didn’t understand what he was

talking about.

“You know…” He leaned in closely, “The thing you left

at the door. The names and identities of all of the girls
at your high school who had visited our den of
depravity. You even got stuff like who they were
dating and what their interests were.”

“O-of course…” I put on a fake smile.

Of recent, I had become better at lying and faking

things. He had caught me off guard, but I didn’t want
to admit that I didn’t do things. In truth, the last few
weeks I hadn’t really done much for the job. However,
this list of his was very interesting to me.

“Speaking of which, I forgot to make a copy, can I


“Haha… way ahead of you!” He laughed. “I’ve already

scanned it all, here, I’ll send you an email now.”

He opened his phone and a moment later I felt my

own in my pocket buzz. I thanked him in appreciation
and then opened the mysterious document. It
contained exactly what he had talked about. Each
page contained a picture of a girl, followed by her
name, class, age, year, likes, dislikes, sizes, and more.
It was a treasure trove for any man, but for someone
playing NTR Crush, it was practically a bible.
The list contained many faces, but only a few I
recognized. It included girls in my school, but also girls
from other schools too. I recognized a few girls who
had come in and engaged in sex once or twice. In fact,
many of these girls I recognized as women Jack had
brought in. I began to have a sinking suspicion that
this wasn’t a list of random girls, but specifically, a list
of girl’s Jack had relations with.

Did Netori do this? Netorare had told Jack all of this

information about me. It was considered completely
cheating. Netori said she wouldn’t engage in that kind
of stuff. However, if she just happened to leave a file
lying around and it happened to come around and end
up in my hand, how could anyone know? I felt a bit of
warmth in my heart. She was still looking out for me
after all this time.

Maria showed up on the list, and so did a girl I

recognized from last week. Then, a certain name
popped up, and when I looked at her information, I
couldn’t help but gasp.


“Ah?” Deacon looked up. “That’s right… that girl. I saw

your video. You didn’t even go all the way. Was it
because she told you who she was? Well, whatever,
just be thankful I deleted that thing. I bet you had no
clue when you were sticking it in her that she was the
sister of a Yakuza boss.”

“The… the Yakuza aren’t as strong since the

American’s cracked down on them…” I responded

How could I not know this important detail? She had

seemed like a completely random girl, but in the end,
she had a boyfriend. Was he Yakuza too? I had a
feeling he was! The guy gave off a bit of a severe
attitude Jack seemed to know the guy and he had
some gang connections himself. The Yakuza controlled
the underworld. Any high school gang would at least
have some ties to them.

“Yeah, whatever man…” Deacon shrugged. “I just

wouldn’t take my chances sticking my dick in crazy.
Eh… no worry, I won’t tell sis.”

“Won’t tell me what?” A voice suddenly came from

the stairway as Kira walked down the stairway.

“Ah! Kira!” Deacon let out a noise and stood up,

nearly spilling his drink. “Is mom home?”

“She’ll be home soon. You didn’t come to beg for

more money, did you?” Kira asked.
“What? Th-that…”

Kira turned to me. “You’re a bit early. Let’s go to my


Deacon grinned. “Ooo… Kira is so daring.”

Kira blushed slightly but otherwise ignored her

brother as I followed her back up the stairs. I had been
in her bedroom, but that had been many years ago.
Now, upon entering, I could see she opted for a
cleaner and plainer room. Everything was tidy. The
bed was made. The desk was organized. She used to
have a thing for pink, but now the colors were fairly
basic white and tan. It’s exactly what I would have
thought a student council president’s room would
look like.
She gestured for me to sit on her bed. I was feeling a
little weird being there. The more I heard, the more I
was aware that there was a bit of a wild side to Kira. I
needed to figure out if she was playing the game,
though. She went into her desk and pulled out a
folder, handing it to me. I opened it up, and then
immediately slammed it shut. The folder was full of
obscene images.

“What is this?” I demanded.

“After we parted ways, I returned to the spring and

snuck into their party…” Kira explained.

“Se-seriously? You were in a gangbang?”

She shook her head. “The event was catered. They

were short someone, so I got them to let me in as a
caterer. I wore a disguise so I wasn’t recognized.”
“So, you saw your mom and my dad some more…” I
finally opened the folder, noticing this time that there
were various images of my dad wearing his mask
while in various positions with different women.

“Mother… she left that morning after getting into a

fight with your dad. She didn’t remember the previous
night, but she didn’t want to get involved in any more
of that stuff. Your dad claimed he’d leave too, but
then he stayed.”

“So… this is just images of my dad then…” I realized,

noticing a lack of her mom collaborating this evidence;
her not remembering was why my points were low.
“Why are you giving this to me?”

Kira sat down in her desk seat and shrugged. “If you
show this to my mother, she’ll become enraged by the
betrayal. It’ll make her more malleable to your

“And why would you help me there? Are you a


Kira shook her head. “I don’t sleep around.”

“No… I mean…” I stopped myself, not sure what I


Even if I asked her if she played NTR Crush, she could

lie. On the other hand, If I asked, she’d know I played
without a doubt. So far, she hadn’t mentioned points
or anything like that. I was going purely off of Netori’s
guess at the moment.

“What?” Kira asked.

“What if… the woman I want to be with is you?” I
came up with that question instead.

Kira didn’t blush or grow flustered. In fact, her

expression was strangely one of sadness and regret.
Her mouth twisted and for a moment she looked hurt.

“I… it’s too late to be with me. I’m already ruined.

You’d be better off chasing after someone else.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Someone else like your


“I’ve thought about it for some time,” Kira responded.

“My mother needs to be taught a lesson. Her actions
have consequences.”
“And I should deliver them?”

“As her student and the son of the man she loved, it
would be the most devastating coming from you. Plus,
you’re a sexually active boy, and wouldn’t reject the
chance to be with a woman like her. I know you were
already blackmailing my mother, so this is just an
escalation. Finally, there is also Akiko.”

“Akiko? What about her?” I asked, frowning.

“I have my sources,” Kira said. “I know that she broke

your heart… but I also heard you retaliated. I don’t
know how, but somehow, you punished your old
girlfriend severely. You made her suffer.”

“Ah… that…”
Kira stood up and suddenly bowed her head low.
“Please… punish my mother. I-if you do… you can have
me too!”

Chapter 37 :
“Kira!” Mrs. Fukumi let out a call before I had a chance
to respond to Kira’s strange offer.

I knew my mouth was caught open, and I was

completely stunned. I was staring at Kira as she
casually stood up and walked to the door.

“Yes, mother?” She called back after opening it.

“Your brother said you’re up there with that boy. Both

of you, come down here immediately!”
Her voice came out as somewhat displeased. Kira
pushed the folder into my hands, straightened her
clothing, turned around, and then left without another
word. Was she really serious about this? Rather, did I
have a reason to refuse? In a small way, I needed this,
right? I had 800 points to go, and the first time was
always the most profitable. Of course, I had been with
Mrs. Fukumi once before, but it wasn’t under these
kinds of circumstances. She didn’t even remember the

Well, having two women at once was always a

fantasy, having them be related was a dream. I
needed to earn the points as well. I couldn’t back
down now that I was at this state. I didn’t feel any
malice from Kira at all. Instead, it felt like her anger
was directed at her mother. I couldn’t guess what any
of this was about, but since this was the direction we
were headed, I decided to enjoy it.
I took one last breath and then followed after Kira,
heading down into her living room. Mrs. Fukumi was
standing there with her arms crossed and her foot
tapping. She had made this same pose in school,
particularly when a student was acting out and she
wanted her displeasure to be known.

“The pair of you, sit.” Mrs. Fukumi ordered.

Kira moved in a somewhat relaxed manner. I could

only follow after her. Although I was certain what this
was about, I didn’t know how much Mrs. Fukumi
knew, nor what assumptions she had jumped to.

“Hakaru, according to my daughter, the pair of you

have begun to go out. Is this true?” Mrs. Fukumi
I glanced over at Kira, but she was staring at her
mother, not showing a single sign of jumping in to
help me. Apparently, this was my show. Was this
some kind of test she was giving me? Was she playing
the game, or was this something else?

“She is.” I finally nodded.

Mrs. Fukumi sighed, glancing at Kira. “You’re lucky

that your father doesn’t know about this. To act so

“Disgraceful?” My words came out with just a tinge of


I didn’t realize that my teacher could be so

hypocritical. After all, I had seen her act a dozen times
more disgraceful.
Mrs. Fukumi pulled out a smartphone which looked a
lot like Kira’s and brought up the gallery. On it were
images of Kira. She was in various shameful poses. It
was actually really erotic. I sort of wish she had sent
me these pictures. They were turning me on. I was
also glad to see that I didn’t run into any of the dick
pictures that Deacon had commented on. Those
would certainly ruin my mood.

“Asking my daughter to take these kinds of images…”

Mrs. Fukumi said, putting it away. “What kind of
boyfriend do you think you are.”

I didn’t like being lectured even when I was at fault.

Considering that these images and Kira’s choices had
nothing to do with me, this made the way she was
talking to me even more irritating. Although, part of it
could be that it was only a little while ago when I had
fucked her myself while she rolled around drunkenly.
It was hard to look at my teacher with the same
respect now that I had seen her in such a
compromising situation.

It was more than that though. She chose to lecture me

on the very same crimes that she herself had
committed. Knowing how ridiculous she was being, of
course my expression was hardly repentant. That
seemed to make Mrs. Fukumi even angrier.

“Hey! Hakaru!” Mrs. Fukumi crossed her arms. “If you

want to see my daughter again, you’d do well to
follow what I say.”

Having enough of her words, I crossed my arms and

spoke in a similar arrogant manner. “Actually, if you
want your home life to survive, it’d be better if you
listened to my words.”
“What did you say?” Mrs. Fukumi blinked, clearly
taken aback by my sudden change in attitude.

As a student, I had always been respectful. Even when

she thought I was blackmailing her, it had always been
from a direction of polite discourse. This time, I was
acting completely dominating.

“Don’t preach to me about being disgraceful. Aren’t

you the woman who has been having an affair on your
husband? Where is your sense of honor then?”

Mrs. Fukumi’s face flushed and she shot her daughter

a look. “You… naturally… your lies have no place in
this home.”

I felt Kira next to me tense slightly as she heard her

mother tell a bold-face lie.
“Lie… huh…” I spoke simply.

“What happens between adults is no business of

children. I’ve been meaning to have this conversation
with you for some time. I will tell you that whatever
you think is going on between your father and I, it’s
just a result of your overactive imagination.”

I could only give a tight grin. She was really going for
broke, huh? She intended to offer nothing but lies in
retaliation. She was just hoping that it was my word
against hers at this point. That was right, she had my
dick picks. I could see her touching the cellphone. That
was the leverage she hoped to use over me. She had
deliberately not shown them, but when things go
desperate, she would make me be quiet.

Perhaps, that was her goal from the beginning. She

probably didn’t care who Kira fucked at all. However,
when Kira said it was me, she saw a way of fending off
my blackmail indefinitely. We could work out a simple
deal. She’d do her thing with my dad, and I’d do my
thing with her daughter. Well, if that was her angle, I
was never going to let it reach that point. Rather, Mrs.
Fukumi had already lost the moment she had tried to
tangle with me.

“Let’s be honest with each other hear, Sasori.” I

dropped her honorific and called her by her first
name, flustering the woman for a moment. “I’m not
really dating your daughter in the slightest.”

“Wh-what?” Mrs. Fukumi blinked in confusion, her

entire planned narrative breaking apart in a single

“What you’ve found, they’re not photos your

daughter has sent me out of some sense of eroticism
or arousal. Look at her face in the images again. She
clearly doesn’t want to be taking the photos. These
are the photos I’ve been using to blackmail your
daughter into sex!”

My announcement even caught Kira’s attention, as

she turned to me, but she still kept her head down
and her face expressionless. As for Sasori, her mouth
fell open in complete shock, her eyes going wide.

“You… you… blackmailed m-my daughter for sex?”

“She’s the student council president. Do you think she

could keep going on as she did if I leaked such naughty
pictures? After getting one, I just kept getting more
and more, and now I have a stockpile of Kira smut. It’s
enough to ruin your daughter’s life, and her
reputation. So… if you care about your daughter, you
won’t say anything about any of this. If you do,
perhaps they’ll end up being pinned up all over the
A mixture of emotions spread over Sasori’s face, but
eventually, it fell on anger. “You… I thought you were
a good kid… but here you are, destroying my
daughter’s life. I won’t allow this! I will be going to the
police immediately.”

She pulled out her phone and started dialing the

number. Kira gave a hurt expression, and I could only
grimace and shoot her a look of sympathy. Her
mother didn’t flinch at all. Her daughter’s livelihood
should have been enough to at least give her pause,
but she was willing to risk Kira’s school life being
destroyed by me, just to bring me down as swiftly as

“Perhaps, before you run to the police, you take a look

in the mirror,” I said casually, holding my phone out in
front of me.
Just as Sasori went to dial the last number, her eyes
rose up and she saw the picture on my screen. This
picture wasn’t of Kira at all. Rather, it was a picture of
Sasori. She was in a very lewd pose. In fact, I picked
this one because it very closely resembled one of the
lewd images Kira had been in from the previous set of
images. She lowered the phone, her mouth dropping

“Wh-where did you get this?”

“It seems like your mother has been a bit of a slut,” I

said casually, showing the image to Kira.

Kira did her part, gasping and giving her mother a

disdainful glare. The effect hit her exactly how we
wanted it.

“Mother… how could you…” Kira said. “But father…”

“Tsk…” I shook my head. “You thought you could just
pretend that your affair didn’t happen. Or… should I
call it affairs? I never expected you to actually
participate in that inn’s nefarious activities. This isn’t
even my father in this image. There are others.”

I switched to one showing the pair embracing while I

was in the closet. Sasori’s expression went white. She
may not have recalled the night, but she recognized
the room. I also put the idea in her head that this had
all been planned out from the beginning. It was better
to make her think that I was completely in charge and
had her wrapped around my finger.

“What do you want?” Sasori demanded her head

down in a defeated direction. “To continue to have my
The way she said that it was almost as if letting me
rape her daughter was completely fine. Most people
who would cheat on their marriage were a bit selfish,
but it seemed like Sasori was especially selfish. Kira
once again hid an expression of hurt on her face.

“All I want from you is a promise,” I said.

“What?” She asked bitterly. “Top grades?”

“Of course… I want you to be my sex slave.”

Sasori’s eye flashed angrily. “How dare you…”

I leaned forward, causing her to back up with a

sudden look of fear and uncertainty. “Oh, come on,
it’s not like we haven’t been together before.”
I flipped the image on my smartphone screen, and this
time it was one with me and the teacher together. She
let out a gasp.


“That’s right, I’m the other guy you banged that night.
Let’s see… how would your husband take it? Your
school? Banging students? Going to group sex?
Leaking erotic photos. Forget your daughter’s life, how
will you survive?”

“I-I get it…” Sasori collapsed. “V-very well. Delete

those photos… of me… and Kira… and I’ll be your sex
“Delete? I need collateral! Well, I promise they’ll
never touch the light of day as long as you fulfill your
part of the bargain.”

Sasori clenched her teeth and then nodded. “Very


“A kiss then…” I puckered my lips. “Say it all with I

promise… and then kiss my lips.”

“I promise to be your sex slave,” Sasori said, then

leaned over and kissed my lips.

I grinned. “I’ll hold you to that. Now, your husband is

away and so is your son. Since that is the case, let’s
have a little bit of fun. Come on, girls, the night is
young. Take off your clothes. I have so many games
we can play.
Chapter 38 :
After making my declaration for them to take off their
clothing, Sasori had remained staring at me with her
mouth open, as if disbelieving that I wanted to go
farther after just a kiss.

“Must we do this with Kira watching?” She asked,

turning her head away shamefully.

“Kira, your mother still doesn’t seem to understand

the gravity of the situation. How about you strip her
yourself?” I asked, leaning into Sasori. “I plan to keep
having your daughter as well.”

In this portrait, we decided to paint me as the villain. If

that was the case, then the villain I would be. If I acted
timid now, Mrs. Fukumi might remember that she was
an adult and a teacher, and find some way to wriggle
her way out of my trap. I needed her to realize that
there was no such thing as resistance. Sasori was my
plaything, and as far as she understood, so was her

“Please… anything else…” Sasori’s words came out

weak and helpless, even as Kira started to unbutton
her shirt.

I sighed, realizing her resistance was still there. I didn’t

want to just weaken her or break it down. I wanted it
annihilated. I wanted her to fall quickly and
completely, without feeling any hope that she could
pull herself out of her pit of despair. Was it a bit
harsh? Probably. However, I was juggling with fire
now, and I needed to take these risks or lose
everything. I had come so close to losing everything
just a few weeks ago. The threat was real, and only by
attacking would I have what I wanted.

I pulled out my last card, the files full of the images

obtained by Kira. I threw them in a way that the
images slid out of the side of the folder and spread
out before Sasori. In an instant, I revealed every
naughty image to her. They were all of my father. He
had the mask on, but his body was pretty
unmistakable. He was at the orgy on Sunday, and the
images included pictures of him getting his cock
sucked by at least five different girls, and penetrating
another three. I wasn’t certain, but I think one of the
women was even that one that had hit on us in the
pool last weekend.

Sasori’s eyes widened in shock as she realized what

she was looking at. “He told me he wouldn’t go.”

“That’s Father for you.” I shrugged. “Do you think he

really loved you? No. He just wanted to use you to
trade up for other women. Well, he still got his wish.
Do you think he was trying to get back with my mom?
No. He just found another woman to bang on the side.
I reckon you’re one of at least five women he enjoys
on a regular basis.”
“I… thought I was special…” She said, as tears were
forming in her eyes.

“Oh… you are special.” I chuckled darkly. “Only you

were slutty and stupid enough to let dad trade you for
other women. After all, you were happy to ride my
dick this weekend so that he could enjoy your own

She let out a gasp, her entire body freezing. Kira

winced but then continued on, finishing with the last
button on her mother’s shirt. I went a bit off script
there, huh? She probably didn’t want me to reveal it
was her who was at the weekend thing with me. I
reckoned that once Sasori calmed down and thought
about it, she would have realized the truth eventually
anyway. Attacking her with it right now though, it was
exactly what I needed to bring her down into a more
submissive position.
“Honey… I…” She wanted to look at Kira, but couldn’t,
as she was too ashamed.

“Mother decided to ruin her relationship with father

over him.” Kira spoke quietly. “It was only right that I
had a taste of what Mother felt was worth losing our

Sasori looked away, covering her mouth and looking

slightly ill. Finally, her shoulders collapsed, the last
light of defiance leaving her eyes, a hollow look taking
over. It was the same kind of look Akiko had when I
had made her my slave. It was a look that said she
had run out of directions to run and there was no
more hope left. It was exactly the expression I was
hoping to see from her.

I pulled down my pants. It felt strange doing this in the

family room of my childhood friend, where we used to
play together, but Sasori’s chest was now exposed, a
white bra showing her large mammories, and I was
already at full mast.

“Start by sucking my dick. Both of you.” I commanded,

not letting up in the slightest.

Sasori didn’t move, just staring dead-eyed in front of

her. Perhaps I had shocked her system a little too
much. Kira swooped in for the rescue, she grabbed the
back of her mom’s head and then leaned her forward,
I brought my cock up to her lips, and Kira had to force
her mouth open so I could slide my cock inside. With a
warm hard member inside her, Sasori’s muscle
memory seemed to return, and she started sucking
my dick of her own accord.

Meanwhile, Kira looked up at me through her specs,

one hand on the back of her mom’s head and the
other holding her chin, moving her mom’s head back
and forth on my dick. The feeling wasn’t the greatest
BJ ever, but something about a daughter using her
mother’s mouth to pleasure my dick made it extra
stimulating, and I was already really close to blowing
my load. I met Kira’s eyes and gave her an awkward
smile. Her face was expressionless, and I couldn’t
begin to guess what was going through her mind.

Once her mother’s head was moving in rhythm, she

pulled her hands away and then cupped my balls with
them. I was a bit surprised that Kira was taking the
initiative. I knew she had claimed she would join her
mother in sex, but I hadn’t completely believed it until
she brought her mouth forward and sucked lightly on
my balls. With the lips of two girls on my sex organ, I
was in complete heaven. I had increased my
endurance significantly from the virgin I had been, but
all of this anticipation mixed with a dual blowjob, and
my load couldn’t be contained.
“Ahn… I’m cuming.” I announced to the two girls
under me.

I blew my load into Sasori’s mouth. She barely reacted

as my cock swelled and cum came out. Kira actually
responded to my announcement, as she began to suck
my balls more enthusiastically as they pumped cum
down her mom’s throat. I came for a solid minute, and
Sasori sucked it all down like a good girl. By the time I
was done, my knees were wobbly and I was a step
from falling back down into my seat.

“Now… both of you, pull down your skirts, turn

around. Show me your pussy and assholes. Spread

Sasori once again seemed adrift, but Kira spun her

around and pulled down her dress. Soon, I was looking
at both daughter and mother bent over on the couch.
Their knees were on the ground and their upper
halves were lying on the seat of the couch. Kira put
Sasori’s hands back behind her, and she opened her
cheeks instinctively. Had my father made her do this
pose so often that just putting her hands out there
made her do it?

Amazingly, Kira did it too. She showed no restraint.

She could have not spread it and just looked like it to
her mother, but she was going all out. Pushing the
coffee table out of my way, I got on my knees behind
the two girls. Licking my fingers, I stuck one in each
girl. Both let out very cute moaning noises, although
Sasori’s sounded considerably more mature. Both girls
had many similarities too. One of my many curiosities
with my mother was whether she was similar to her
daughter when it came to her pussy. I didn’t have that
answer, but these two women supported that belief.

Sasori was a lot looser than her daughter, but both

lewd women had a similar smell and feel to their
pussies. I found I could get three in Sasori, but her
daughter only took two. Both women were moaning
loudly now. This was right in the living room, with the
entrance only a few feet away. If there was a reason
her dad got back early, he’d see me finger banging his
daughter and his wife.

My cock started to recover thanks to the lewd feel,

smell, and sight of these two women. Although Sasori
seemed to be running on autopilot, her body was still
very erotic. I decided to pull my fingers out of the pair
of them, and then stick my cock into Sasori. I did want
to taste Kira, but I still didn’t know where I stood with
her. Our friendship was a strange and unstable thing. I
couldn’t imagine it becoming more stable now that I
was banging her mom.

Either way, I respected her enough to not put it in. I

touched her a little, but I wouldn’t go all the way with
her for now. She was probably messed up
emotionally, and I wasn’t so much of a scumbag that I
wanted to take advantage of my friends.
“I’m going to stick it in!” I declared, grabbing my
teacher’s rump and giving it a little squeeze.


Mrs. Fukumi had seriously shut down. I suppose the

only thing I could do was give her a good time. I
started rocking my hips, taking my teacher from
behind in the middle of her living room. Her daughter
looked back, watching me as I banged her mom. At
the moment, most of my clothing was still on, and I
didn’t plan to pull it off here. Even if Deacon came
back for some reason, things might turn serious and I
wanted the ability to leave in a hurry.

“Ahn… ahh…” Sasori finally started moaning, unable to

take the rough treatment of my cock any more.
Her daughter also slid her hand between her mother’s
legs and was now stimulating her clitoris, forcing the
woman to have pleasure she was trying to pretend
wasn’t there.

“N-no…” She moaned to herself, a seeming denial of

her own reality.

“Ah… I’m going to cum.” I told Kira.

She nodded. “Cum inside her. Cum in my mother.”

Her words came out expressionlessly, completely

devoid of any romance. However it wasn’t those
words that motivated me to do it or not do it. Rather, I
couldn’t stop myself at this point, the taste of my
teacher being too tantalizing to resist. For my second
time, I dumped a load in this woman, this time from
the other side.
“Ahhn…w-wait…” Sasori gave a measly resistance but
was cumming herself, my cock injecting stuff deep
inside her, while her pussy contracted and sucked it all
in lewdly.

Finally, I pulled out, my cock going a bit flaccid. I

looked over at Kira. She cocked her head, but then sat
back on the couch and spread her legs slowly. Her
body was extremely erotic in this pose. Her mother
had collapsed on the floor, a bit of my cum leaking
from her wet and slightly gaping vagina. In order to
fuck Kira, I’d literally be doing it on top of her mother.

Looking into Kira’s eyes, I saw no sense of regret or

hesitation. She said that I could have her if I took her
mother, and she was fulfilling her promise. Part of
that made my heart feel a pang of regret. Closing my
eyes for a second, I calmed myself down.
I leaned forward and kissed Kira on the lips. At first,
she was surprised, but her eyes finally closed and our
tongues began to entangle. Her body grew more and
more excited. She wrapped her arms around my back,
kissing me more roughly. There was almost a
neediness, a desperation in the way that she kissed
me. Her legs started to wrap around me too, pushing
my dick up against her naked bare pussy.

I reached out and grabbed her legs, gently pushing

them back open. I moved my hands gently to her
shoulder and then applied pressure, pushing away
from her. My lips separated from hers and she finally
took in a breath. Her ferocity was tempered for just a
moment, and she looked up at me with confused
eyes. I smiled at her.

“Kira… you’re still the best friend that I have.” I said,

causing Kira’s expression to widen.
For reasons I couldn’t even understand myself, I
pulled my pants back up and put away my pecker.
Reaching down, I smacked my teacher’s ass enough
that she looked up.

“We’ll be enjoying many more nights together,” I told

her, causing the woman to shake slightly.

I then stood up and walked to the door. Kira had

closed her legs but was still sitting on the couch naked.
Her arms were wrapped around her, making her look
somewhat vulnerable. She was watching me with
expressionless eyes. No one could tell what thoughts
were going on behind them. When the door closed
behind me and I was outside, I stood there for a

“Was it enough?” I asked, letting my heart calm after

what I had just done.
Netori appeared next to me. “Congratulations, you’ve
met your goals.”

“Then, let’s end this.”

Chapter 39 :
“You have 10,100 points. You can get one level-three
skill, two level-two skills, or five level-one skills.”
Netori explained once I reached my house.

We were now in my room, and I was pacing back and

forth with just a bit of agitation. I had listened to
Netori entirely in this. This was my best chance of
getting everything back that I had lost. That’s what she
had told me.

“True feelings, that’s the skill you want me to pick,

Netori nodded. “Although Jack’s skills are provided by
Netorare, and thus differ from my own, he must have
been given something akin to manipulation. The best
way to fight manipulation is with honesty.”

“How does it work?”

“If you see the person, you can use it on them. It has
limitations. It makes their next ‘choice’ or ‘action’ be
based on their true feelings. It will cut through other
abilities, but it’s not like it rewires the brain. What
choices you choose to use it on are the most
important. Jack and Netorare don’t know you have
this skill. If you want to use it effectively, you have to
choose your choice carefully.”

I stopped walking for a second, my fist tightening.

“What if… What if my sister really does not have any
feelings for me? What if… she chooses Jack?”
Netori’s smile turned slanted and she looked away. “I
don’t think you give yourself enough credit. You’re her
brother. How could she choose some two-timing
asshole from school over you.”

“Because… I’m not a good person.” I responded.

“Because, I’m selfish, and self-centered, and

“Most guys wouldn’t be able to admit that.”

“I’m serious here, Netori. What do I do if it fails?” I

demanded, feeling a tinge of anger.

“It won’t…” Netori’s face went red.

“How do you know?” I spoke, growing even louder.

“Because I chose you.” Netori shot back.

My mind blanked, and my mouth fell open. It opened

and closed a few times.

“I… chose you, to play this game.” Netori turned away,

hiding her face. “Clearly, I wouldn’t pick a loser. I saw
something in you that made me think you had a
chance to win my game. That’s why I picked you. If a
goddess like me would put her faith in you, then how
could your own sister not?”

“R-right, that’s what you mean.” I sighed, my heart

feeling strange for a second.
“What else could I mean?” Netori finally looked back,
crossing her arms irritably. “Enough with your
insecurities, will you choose the skill I recommended,
or are you wasting more of my time?”

“I’ll take it. Give me True Feelings.”

“Very well…” Netori nodded, but then her face flushed

with panic. “A-and don’t be thinking that this kind of
skill will work on a Goddess. My oath binding Netorare
in that manner was a fluke…. A fluke! We’re very
resistant to the charms of mortals. I would never give
you skills that would work on the likes of me!”

“Huh?” I turned around, my expression incredulous at

her sudden strange accusation.

Netori’s face flushed with pink. “Remember, timing is

everything. I recommend you wait until she makes the
decision to leave for the party, and then strike her
then. You’ll have your answer.”


“I’ll be busy, don’t call me unless you need me!”

Netori snapped her finger and disappeared without
another word.

Ignoring Netori’s unpredictable behavior, I looked

over at the wall that I shared with Maria. Part of me
just wanted to immediately walk over there and use it
on her. I just wanted to ask a question like “do you
love me?” and then get the truth out there. Was that
really so hard?

The Halloween party was on Friday. That left an entire

work week to wait for the big day. I took Netori’s
advice though. What was the point of having a trump
card if I used it prematurely? My only choice was to
wait until the night of the party, and then attack when
it would have the greatest effect. At the moment she
was to leave, I’d put the choice to her. She could go to
the party, or she could stay and be with me. Then I
would hit her with True Feelings and see what

I went through the plan a million times. How would I

approach her? What would I say? That was just about
all I thought about during that week.

“Hey man, thanks for that folder of information, my

boss intercepted it, but it was really useful.” I
reasoned out that it had to be Derek who sent me that
information on Jack.

Only he would be so thorough as to even have a girl’s

“Folder?” Derek laughed. “Of course, what are friends
for? The enemy of my enemy and what not. Hey, you
eating on the roof today?”

We ended up on the roof, going through the list of

names. I told him about my part-time job and
confirmed that many of the people on this list Jack
had personally brought to my place to taunt me. I told
him about what he was doing to my sister as well. I
didn’t mention anything about goddesses, special
abilities, or NTR Crush, but he sympathized, made the
appropriate negative remarks toward Jack, and
frankly, it was nice having a friend again.

With Akiko out of the way, I felt a certain bit of

comradery with him. He was an NTR Crusher without
even having the advantage of the game. I hated to
admit it, but we were actually a lot alike. As long as we
weren’t focused on the same women, I had no
particular beef with him. With a common enemy, I
could even almost see him as a friend again.
“You know, with this list and those videos, there has
got to be something we can do,” Derek said.

I nodded. “I’ve already planned it all out. You heard

about the Halloween Party this Friday?”

“The one being held in that spooky mansion? They say

it’s owned by the Yakuza. Supposedly a bunch of
seniors are involved.”

“Jack’s got his hands in it somehow.”

“Damn… now my interest in the party has gone down.

An open invite to upperclassmen though? It’s going to
be interesting.
“You might want to consider crashing.” I shrugged. “I
have a feeling the party is going to end with a bang.”

Derek looked over at me questioningly, but I didn’t

give him any more answers. Only an idiot shows their
trump card early, isn’t that what I decided? Still, I told
him this much since I had already Dirt Scribed him to
make sure he was trustworthy. There were no secrets
there to reveal. He was mostly angry and embarrassed
at being one-upped. He was an asshole, but no one to
concern myself with.

In class, Mrs. Fukumi mostly tried to pretend I wasn’t

there. I Dirt Scribed her a few times, and her thoughts
seemed to constantly be on me, but she managed to
keep a level head in class. Her thoughts mostly sat
around wondering when I’d make her do stuff again. It
was honestly weird, since sometimes her thoughts
almost sounded excited or in anticipation of the event,
rather than dread. Her mind felt truly broken, and
each day she grew more nervous as she waited for the
moment I’d strike and attack her again. Thoughts of
worrying for her daughter didn’t even seem to be

My mind was almost completely focused on Friday, so

I didn’t pay my teacher any attention at all. Rather, I
decided to let her stew. I was causing her more hell by
doing nothing than I could by blackmailing her some
more. When it came to Kira, we didn’t chat at all. It
was a little lonely, and if I hadn’t been able to talk to
Derek, I might have thrown myself at Kira for
emotional support. As it was, she kept her distance
and didn’t acknowledge me at all. Whenever I saw her
in the hall, there was a flash of her naked, spread
open on the couch, and I decided talking to her would
be too taxing.

I continued to work at the gaming center, and Jack

continued to come in and taunt me. However, every
time he entered, I didn’t feel regret or pain. Rather, a
bit of delight shot through me. Every girl he brought
in, I made sure to copy the resulting film. I also made
sure to get her full information from her identity card.
After they were done and left, I’d casually google their
names, clicking on their Facebook profiles, and looking
into their history. There was some very interesting
reading if you looked hard enough.

Gina wasn’t the only girl with a unique past. Many of

these girls he had acquired were in similar
relationships. It truly was a shame his relationship
with them was so shallow. It was Netori who had
mentioned this to me, but he didn’t have as many
points as I thought. He was only a level 4. Considering
he had almost two dozen sexual partners, that
seemed surprising, except that the women he dated
were either floozies that slept around, or women that
were manipulated, coerced, and blackmailed. Simply
put, none of these women liked him.

Once I realized this, I began to see it in their faces.

Most of the women looked bored, anxious, or like
they were fulfilling some kind of duty. Few of them
looked genuinely into it, and few of them left with
pleased expressions on their faces. He didn’t treat
these women properly at all. Well, he was using them
essentially to browbeat me into the ground, so they
were already being used as a show. Why would these
girls be endeared to him in the slightest?

The week past by, and that final Friday, I felt

extremely anxious the whole day at school. Part of me
wanted the day to pass quickly, and the rest of me felt
that it took forever. Finally, school let out. I had asked
for this day off, and Deacon grudgingly agreed. I went
straight home, as a result, just waiting for my sister to
finally come home from school.

The door finally opened and she didn’t even face me

as she walked straight past the living room and to her
door. This was the usual way of things. She never even
came out to eat. As for me, I decided to cook dinner,
and made some spring rolls, rice, and panko breaded
chicken dipped in soy sauce. By the time mom got
home, I had an entire feast laid out on the table. Still,
in the apron, I brought out the better tasting sake that
she usually didn’t guzzle down and poured her a glass.

“What’s the occasion?” Mother asked, a very pleased

expression on her face.

“I’ll be going to a party tonight, and I want to make

sure Mother is well taken care of before I go,” I said
on the spot.

I didn’t want to speak the truth, that I was really

anxious and just couldn’t think of anything else to do.

“A party?” Mother pursed her lips. “That reminds me,

I’ll be going to one with your father tomorrow night.”
“Be safe, mother…” I bowed.

At this point and time, the door to Maria’s bedroom

opened and she walked out of her room. She was
wearing a long coat and was holding it around herself.
She had kitty ears on her head, and a tail was hanging
just from the bottom of the coat.

“Wait… girl.” Mother declared as Maria walked by.

“Open the coat.”

“M-mom…” Maria glared at mom angrily.

“I said, Open it.”

Maria sighed and opened her coat. She was wearing a

black outfit with just a little fur around the breast and
crotch. However, the cloth portions covered her
shoulders, belly button, and down to her knees like
capris pants. Overall, it was suggestive and sexy, but
not unreasonable.

Mother looked her up and down and then nodded.

“You look okay enough. I know what girls your age
wear at Halloween parties these days. I won’t have my
daughter dressed like a slut.”

Maria looked away. “Yes, mom.”

Mother nodded, and Maria went on her way.

“I’ll be going too.” I told mom, even though I wasn’t’

wearing any outfit.

I got up and followed Maria out the door. About ten

feet out the door, she pulled off the coat and then
ripped off the fabric from her outfit. In an instant, she
went from something somewhat presentable to
something little more than a bathing suit. My sister
really was dressed as a slutty kitty! Those fur parts on
her boobs and vagina didn’t just accentuate those
body parts… they were the only part of the costume
that remained! A car sitting in front honked, and
Maria started to run towards it.

“Maria!” I called out, running up behind her.

Maria spun, immediately covering her body. Well, if

you’re too embarrassed for me to see you in this, why
are you going out in public with it?

“H-hakaru?” Maria said in a panic. “Don’t tell mother.”

“Don’t go…” I ignored her outfit and declared.


“You heard me. Stay with me, Maria. Don’t go to this

party. Look into your heart. I love you and I want you
to stay with me. Please.” That wasn’t what I had
planned to say, but that was what came out.

“Hakaru… the thing about us…”

I activated True Feelings.

“Please, you need to pick. You can be with me, and I

can be yours, or you can pick Jack. I want to know how
you truly feel.”

Maria blinked, and then took a step towards me, her

hand coming out and her lips parted. “Hakaru… I…”
“Hey!” Jack shouted standing outside the driver’s side
of the door and glaring over the roof. “You coming,

Maria looked back and him, and then to me. There

was a brief moment of resolution forming in her
expression as she finally made her decision. She
smiled at me, a sad smile.

“I’m sorry, Hakaru. Thank you… for being my brother,

but there was never a choice to begin with.” She
turned around and headed back to the car.

As I stared with my mouth open in shock, she slid into

the passenger side door. Jack was looking over the
hood of his car at me with an insufferable smile on his
“Too bad, dude. I told you. What world would you
ever win against me?”

He got in the car, started it, and then the pair of them
drove off into the night.

Chapter 40 :
“Netori…” I spoke the words.

I was sitting on my bed, a sheet wrapped around my

body. Netori didn’t come. I remained sitting in the
darkness alone. A grimace formed on my lips and I
nodded to myself. Of course.


“Yes?” A girl appeared in the corner of my bed, sitting

cross-legged with a gloating smile on her face.
I chuckled dryly. “I thought I smelled your stench.”

Her face suddenly went red. “St-stop smelling me, you


“What have you done with Netori?” I asked.

“Done?” Netorare tapped her finger on her lips.

“Maybe she just gave up on a loser like you.”

“Loser, huh?” I leaned back, dwelling on her words.

Netorare nodded. “Right now, my boy Jack is bringing

your sister into a mansion full of eager guys. They’ll do
this to her and that to her. Give up. You have no
power. You lose.”
So, that’s how it was. I hadn’t realized it before. I
supposed I was just so worried about losing
everything, that I didn’t see the truth that Netori
wanted me to see. It wasn’t about losing or winning. It
wasn’t about playing the game better, or having a
higher level, or being the better man. It was all so
simple, now that I saw it.

“Netorare…” I said, my head lowering down.

“Hmm?” She responded with a catlike grin.

“I was never going to win this. That’s what Jack said.”

“That’s right…” a grin formed on my face. “But your
fate is worse because you are always going to lose.”

Netorare blinked. “Eh?”

I threw off my blanket and stood up. As it flew to the

side, I turned to Netorare, my eyes burning with fire. I
was dressed in a full suit and tie, a bit fancy, it gave a
vibe like I was a wealthy businessman or a millionaire.
I had spent my entire check on this expensive suit.
Perhaps it wasn’t a costume in the traditional sense,
but it was the way I chose to dress tonight. I grabbed
the fox mask which I had saved from my trip to the
hot spring.

“Wh-what is this?” Netorare’s eyes widened.

I reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her.
She was light and hadn’t expected to be suddenly
grabbed, so she floated into my arms with ease.

“I want you to watch as you lose everything to me,” I

said, smiling down at her.

“I-impossible.” She said, unable to look away from my


I leaned close to her ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep what I


My lips moved towards hers. Netorare’s eyes closed

and her lips parted. It was mere millimeters before
our lips touched when her eyes widened and she
vanished from my arms. She appeared on the other
side of the room, her face beat red and her body
“Wh-what are you doing?” Netorare cried shrilly, not
able to meet my eyes.

“Just watch.” I grinned, putting on my mask and

walking out the door.

As I walked out to the front of the house, a car drove

up. I got in smoothly, and we took off. I wouldn’t be
riding a bicycle tonight. The guy inside was wearing an
outfit too. It was a grim reaper outfit, with a scythe in
the back and his hood down. Comparatively, he
looked like something from a cheap Halloween store,
and my outfit looked strangely classy, like I belonged
in the mansion we were heading to.

“Nice, where did you get the mask?” Derek said,

glancing over at me.
“I stole it.” I chuckled.

“Alright, fine, don’t tell me.” Derek laughed nervously.

“You know, crashing this party. Seniors will kick our
asses if they find a couple of underclassmen there.”

“Possibly,” I responded calmly. “It’s too bad they’ll be

too busy.”

“You, okay, man? You seem… I don’t know…


“Heh… maybe I am.”

“So, your sister really did take off with that loser,
“Just watch the show,” I responded. “It’s what I owe
you for that information. You… inspired me.”

“Of course…” Derek laughed. “That’s what I’m good

for. A regular muse.”

The remaining chat was light as we drove to the high-

class area of town where many rich from overseas had
built their pricey mansions. Most Japanese
construction was intended to break down and be
replaced in 15 years. It wasn’t uncommon for many
homes to only last one generation. Only complexes
and castles were built to last in Japan, yet the
Americans seemed to want to build everything to last.
I thought it silly that they spend so much effort and
money-making buildings that can stand earthquakes
and hurricanes, and then patching up all the damage
until buildings were just patches on top of patches.
Wouldn’t it be better to just build cheap, bulldoze the
place, and then build again?
We approached a three-story mansion. The music was
loud enough that neighbors would be complaining if
the place didn’t have a yard that pushed the neighbors
a football field away. There were cars everywhere,
and there was nowhere to park close by.

“Drop me off at the front,” I said.

“Yeah, no problem.” Derek agreed. “Go protect your


I nodded and left the car slamming it shut and

immediately half running up to the front door. There
were people on the yard already drinking and dancing,
and the music was playing over a system that
permeated the entire house, the front yard, and the
backyard. Except, Maria wouldn’t be in the front yard
or the back yard. She’d be up in one of the bedrooms.
“Did you hear?” I overheard a voice as I slid into the
mansion. “Upstairs, some slut is going to fuck every
guy she sees.”

“What a skank!”

“You know what room?” I asked.

“Really? You’re going to fuck some skank?” The girl

looked me up and down, and then suddenly she
smiled flirtatiously. “Actually, why bother with her?
My friend and I are free. How about you take us-“

“The room, please,” I spoke intently.

With a pout, they finally gave me the location and

pointed me towards the stairway. With no time to
rest, I took the stairs three at a time and pushed my
way past drunk guys and tipsy women alike. Without
pausing, I kicked open the door and walked into the
room those two had indicated. In front of me was my
sister. She was still clothed in her skanky cat outfit, but
she was sitting on the floor. Her arms were wrapped
around her chest defensively, and there were about a
dozen guys all around her. Some had their dicks out.

Akiko was sitting in the corner, a camera in her hands

as she recorded the thing. A few guys looked my
direction, but most of them were intent on advancing
on my sister. I took five smooth steps to Akiko’s side,
grabbed the camera from her hands, and then
slammed it against a wall, causing it to shatter into a
dozen pieces.

“H-hey!” She cried out, but then she saw my masked

face, her mouth fell open, shock apparent in her
I spun away from Akiko and grabbed my sister.
Without even a pause, I picked her up in both my
arms, sweeping her up and away from the circle of
men, and then headed for the door. It was done so
smoothly that few even had time to react. People
were left staring at each other in wonder as their sex
toy was pulled away by a masked man in a suit.

“St-stop, who…” She struggled for a second, but then

she looked at my mask carefully and gasped.

“B-brother?” Her face turned pink, “What are you


“I’m taking you home,” I said simply as I carried her

down the stairway.

“You… I said it already… there isn’t a choice…”

“That was my mistake in the first place.” I smiled
guiltily. “I gave you a choice. When have I ever done
that in our relationship.”

“Th-that…” Her pink face went red.

“Your mine, Maria. Not Jack’s. Not Ronnie’s. Mine… I

was just too insecure to realize it. Well, I’m done with
that shit. I don’t need to play games, because I steal
what I want!”

“B-brother… you don’t understand.” Maria’s voice

came out weak. “I can’t be with you. It’s not that

I finally put her down, we were in the front lawn now,

just where the music was quiet enough that we could
actually talk.
“It is that simple,” I responded back.

“Hakaru…” She looked up at me, her eyes watery.

“Please… when you look at me that way, I can’t stop

“Hey!” A voice screamed out, causing the crowd of

people to turn and the buzz of conversation to die out.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The source of that voice was Jack, who was standing

at the door. He jumped down the front steps and
walked over with his chest puffed out.

“You’ve already lost! You want to die?” As he said this,

other boys piled out from the door, all angry
upperclassmen, and many who were in the room with
my sister.
I let out a chuckle, noticing my only backup, Derek,
running up, but when he saw the massive group of
older guys, he immediately stopped and found a
hiding spot to watch. So much for friendship. Well, it
didn’t matter. He was just a tag along anyway.

“Here’s the thing, Jack.” I sighed. “You can’t lose if you

don’t play by the other guy’s rules. It was your
goddess who taught me that. After all the cheating
you’ve done, that sort of lesson just came to me.”

“Who’s cheating?” Jack’s eyes flashed. “Maria! Walk

back to me. Now!”

I used true feeling on her again, but I knew it didn’t

matter. I had made my decision. She gave me one
look, but it said everything I needed to see. She took
one step forward towards Jack, and then I pulled her
back into my arms.
“I can’t!” She cried out, tears falling down her eyes. “I
have to go back to him!”

“Why?” I asked, looking at her determinedly.

“Because he’s blackmailing her.” A voice shot from the


A group of people parted, and Akiko walked out. She

was wearing a sexy maid outfit, although it wasn’t at
the level of Maria’s revealing attire. She had her arms
crossed and a strange smirk on her face.

“Blackmail?” I blinked, shaking my head. “He plans to

record all of that compromising stuff from Maria and
show the whole school, what’s the point of blackmail,
I don’t get-“
Maria leaned close to me, whispering in my ear. “It’s
not blackmail of me, it’s blackmail of you! I don’t know
how he got it, but he has images of the night we had
sex. He told me ahead of time if I didn’t go through
with it, he’d show our…our… incest to the world. Our
parents, our family… you… I couldn’t…”

“Do you see?” Jack laughed. “So hand her over… or


I pulled Maria into a kiss.

“Mm!” Maria let out a cry as I kissed her roughly on

the lips, my tongue conquering her mouth without

Those that knew we were brother and sister looked

on in shock.
I pulled back, Maria gasping. “Hey! Everyone! This is
my sister! I fuck her!”

Maria let out a cry, trying to grab me and cover my

mouth. I stopped her, grabbing her wrists as she
stared at me helplessly.

“Brother… what are you doing?”

I looked at her with a smile. “I won’t be denied what I

want anymore. I’ll take it, and I’ll deal with the
consequences too. Watch.”

“B-brother…” the look she gave me was a very un-

sisterly look.

“Just trust in your brother, okay?”

She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly,
tears still falling down her face. “Okay…”

“You…” Jack’s entire body was shaking. “You…

“More like you!” Akiko declared. “Hey guys, do you

know how many of your girlfriend’s he’s fucked? Find

Akiko threw up a giant folder of papers and names

came falling out. I recognized one paper that fell by
my feet. It was a print out of one of the files from the
folder I had gotten from Deacon. It was the same
folder that I had credited to Derek. It was clear it had
been Akiko who had given it to me.
“Akiko!” Jack shouted, seeing some of the papers.
“What are you doing? Be a good little dog and get
back inside!”

Akiko’s eyes narrowed. “I’m no dog… I’m a bitch, and

I’ve never been your bitch, not since the beginning!”


“That was your problem, Jack. You just couldn’t stop

stroking your own cock. You talk too damn much. You
told me everything!” She spun to the girls all around
her. “You don’t need to be frightened anymore! Rise
up, ladies. You know what he did. You know what he’s
been doing!”

One guy behind Jack picked up a sheet from the floor,

“H-hey, that’s my girlfriend!”
“He blackmailed me!” The girl on the paper suddenly
shouted, tears in her eyes. “I wanted to tell you, but
he said he’d ruin my life if I spoke.”

“He blackmailed me!”

“Me too!”

More shouts flooded across the party. More and more

women came forth, especially those who had been
forcefully outed by Akiko. Soon, people were
screaming and someone threw something at Jack. The
upperclassman at his back was now trying to distance
themselves from him completely. Within a moment,
the entire atmosphere had changed, with everyone
looking at Jack with pure loathing.

“That’s the thing, Jack,” I spoke up, catching his

attention. “You’re a one-trick pony. As soon as that
trick is used up, you have nothing else. Let’s face it.
You lost.”

Rage exploded on Jack’s face. “You… this is your fault.

Akiko’s your spy!”

Akiko giggled, pulling her eyelid down and sticking her

tongue out at Jack.

“I’ll kill you!” Jack screamed, running at me.

He was still several years older and quite a bit bigger. I

had pushed him to the limit, and now that all of his
strategies had failed, he was going to attack me
physically. As the fist raced towards my face, a smirk
appeared on my lips.
Chapter 41 :
Bang! Jack’s fist landed… into a palm that reached out
in front of me. With a casual push, Jack stumbled back
several feet.

“Huh?” He looked over to see a group of suited guys

wearing sunglasses even though it was night.

They immediately started spreading out across the

front lawn. Hushed whispers started spreading over
the entire group. People were whispering to each
other in fear or excitement.

“That’s the Yakuza? Isn’t that Yakuza?”

“The Japanese Mafia?”

“What are they doing here?”

Jack let out a smile. “Big brother? What are you doing
here? Doesn’t matter. I was just about to beat on this
jackass here. How about you guys help me out…”

His voice drifted off as he saw all the men standing

there with frowns on their faces.

“Big brother… that’s rich, my friend. I thought we

were brothers. I helped your gang out. Even gave you
a little setup money. If I knew you were going to throw
it in my face, I would have never looked at you twice.”

“B-brother… what are you saying? Of course, we’re


“Do brothers sleep with each other’s women?” His

voice came out razor sharp like the edge of a knife.
“Was that a thing brothers do that I don’t know

“That’s not me!” Jack cried out.

“I’d have never believed it of you, except I saw the

videos myself.” The man who was talking to him
turned to me. “You the kid that sent the video?”

I bowed politely. “Yes, sir. I saw him making a mockery

of the prestigious Yamaki family and I knew it just
couldn’t stand.”

“You delete all those videos?”

“Of course! You have the only copies, oyassan.”

“Please, my dad is oyassan.” The guy straightened his
suit, but still looked pleased. “You’ve done well, kid.
Nicely dressed, we approve.”

“You…” Jack’s eyes narrowed darkly on me, “I’ll get

you, I’ll-“

“The only thing you’re getting is a concrete block and

a quick drop.” The guy interrupted Jack. “Men, take
him inside. Clear out the brats. Then break his legs.
This is going to take some time.”

“N-no… Gio… it’s a mistake!” Jack screamed as five

men grabbed him and started yanking him inside. “It’s
a mistake!”

The door slammed, cutting off his voice. A moment

later, the speakers were cut off, and people started
flooding out of the house in a rush. Some left, running
in fear, while a few stayed behind and watched
curiously. As I watched the scene unfold, my phone
suddenly started ringing. I pulled it out and looked at
it, but before I could answer, the Yakuza in charge
lifted his phone, showing he had called my number.

“I thought you were the same guy. I just had to know.”

The man, Gio, said.

“Eh?” For the first moment, I was a bit confused.

Why did he have my phone number? I mean, it wasn’t

difficult to get, but I was a little confused. It seemed
unrelated to the reason he was here.

“Haha…” The man laughed looking at my sister

holding me tightly. “No need to get all upsy, this girl
really your sister?”
I looked at Maria, and she looked up at me, and then
the pair of us nodded to him.

“You keep your family close. We like that. My dad

married his cousin. It was a whole thing. The family
didn’t like it at first, but his kids turned out alright.”
The guy seemed to be half talking to himself before
turning to me. “Hey, look, my sister’s not all that bad.
She has her rebellious side, what kid doesn’t, but
maybe you should give her a try?”

“Your sister?” I asked in confusion.

“Gina! Man…” Gio shrugged. “I’ve been seeing her,

you know, looking in her phone, pondering about
calling this number. So, I took her phone and broke
into it. You know, a big brother has got to do what he
can for his sister. Just like you do for yours, you
Actually, that’s a massive invasion of privacy! He talks
about breaking into his sister’s phone so casually! I
nod my head in complete agreement. He was still a
very scary guy. Why argue with him?

“Anyways, I saw a strange number, your number. I

also saw your image, rather, an image she took while
you weren’t looking. Gina don’t do that for a guy she
don’t have a thing for. I’m just saying, think about
giving her a chance. She likes ya. Ah, forget about it.
I’ll let her figure out her feelings herself. Just give it
some thought.”

“Ah… I well…”

“And you know… if it don’t work out, and you break

her heart, I’ll just have to kill ya.” He burst out
laughing and slapped me on the back. “You kids enjoy
the rest of your Halloween. I’m going to take a few
whacks at the human pinata inside.”
Yakuza were really scary! I wiped the sweat off my
brow and thanked the gods Gina didn’t tell her
brother about what happened between us. If he knew
I had taken his sister’s virginity with blackmail, I
shivered to think about what would have happened

“S-so…” A quiet voice caused me to glance over at

Akiko who had approached us, her head lowered

“So… what?”

“Did I… do good?” She asked, smiling at me strangely.

“Ah… what do you want my approval for? Derek’s

right over there, pissing himself behind the bushes.”
She growled, “I don’t want Derek. You… you… stupid!”

“Huh? Who’s stupid?”

“I did all of this for you!”


“Hakaru… I… I can’t give up on us.” Akiko responded.

“What? I said it already. I’m not interested in you.”

“I… don’t care!” She said stubbornly. “I’m your girl.

You’re just going to have to deal with it. I’m the girl
who will do what the other girls won’t. I don’t care
who else you’re with as long as you don’t throw me
away! Use me, punish me, hurt me… but never ever
throw me away!”

“I don’t even-“

“I love you! Stupid!” She said angrily, blushing as she

said it. “When you tried to send me away, I realized
that what I really wanted was you. I’ve always wanted
you. That’s why I worked so hard for your sake, so
you’d take me back.”

“Well, I won’t.”

“I don’t care!”

“Excuse me?”
“You said it yourself! You take what you want! Well… I
do too! I’m taking back my position as your bitch!” She
suddenly leaned forward and kissed me.

“Mm?” I immediately put my hands out and pushed

her off me.

She wiped her lips and looked up at me with bright,

wild eyes, and I realized I recognized those eyes. I had
seen them before. They were the same eyes that Mrs.
Fukumi had shown my father. They were eyes that
said she would do anything for that relationship.
When had this happened? How had Akiko turned out
this way? A glint of pure obsession showed in her
expression, and I realized there was no answer I could
give her that would keep her away.

“Akiko… just go home.”

She leaned close and whispered in my ear. “Okay…
Master. I’ll come back around later… for more…

She winked, her hand grabbing my butt and squeezing

before she turned and walked away, grinning from ear
to ear. My mouth was wide open as I stared at her
leaving. A moment later I heard a car screeching by. I
caught a look of it from the corner of my eye. It was
the car I had come here with. Derek must have seen
that kiss and been none too pleased about me getting
Akiko. Well, that looked like our friendship took the
final bullet.

I wasn’t particularly upset. Derek wasn’t really my

friend to begin with. The olive branch I had extended
to him had been for something he didn’t even do. We
talked at school, but it was never like I forgave him or
anything. Now, I knew that there was no going back,
not that I actually wanted to go back.
At that point, most of the witnesses were starting to
leave, the majority of the show now over. Maria
pulled away from me and I looked over at her. She had
a pouty expression on her face.

“Gina? Akiko? It looks like little brother has been

getting around.” She said angrily.

“I do. Women come and go, but my sister will always

be my sister. That’s why I want you by my side from
now on.”

Her face turned red and she spun away, touching her
fingers together nervously. “When did brother
become such a sweet-talker. When you say things like
that, it makes me think things a sister shouldn’t think.”

“You should go with your instincts,” I responded.

She spun back around and stuck out her tongue. “Let’s
get going. It’s still Halloween. You owe me.”

“A scary movie?” I suggested.

“With gratuitous nudity?” She shot back.

“Snuggling together under the covers?” I asked,

walking up to her.

“Wearing nothing but our skin?”

“And popcorn.” Our lips were nearly together.

“And kissing…”
“Just kissing?”

“Is brother suggesting naughty things?”

“You’re one to talk.”

“I think we think too much alike. It’s scary.”

“I love you, sister.”

“I love you too.”

We kissed gently and then pulled away again. She was

blushing, and I was a bit breathless.
“Let’s go home.” She smiled.

“Let’s- guh…” I looked away. “Ah… it seems I didn’t

prepare a ride home.”

“Ah… and brother was looking so cool for a moment in

his suit and mask.” Maria smiled. “I’ll get us an uber.”

As she went to get her phone, sirens started blaring in

the distance. They were coming closer and closer.

“Are they coming here?”

Honk. Honk.
I jumped as a car pulled up. The person in the car was
none other than Akiko. She rolled down her window
and looked out at the two of us.

“I may have sent all of my evidence of blackmail and

rape to the police station. That’s them coming to
arrest Jack. Don’t worry about what he has on you. I
destroyed it, and he’s going to be spending a long
time in jail. Get in. It’s better if we aren’t here when
the police arrive.”

My sister and I looked at each other and then got into

the car. We got into the backseat together, and Akiko
took off, leaving the sirens behind.

“See… I’m looking out for you always.” Akiko said

“You mean, you override my plan in which that Yakuza
would beat him to a pulp. The police are going to save
his life and he can have police protection and some
healthcare followed by a comfy stint in jail.”

“Geh!” Akiko let out a cry. “Th-that… I’m sorry


“For that matter, you were recording my sister in that

room? Does a faithful bitch record his sister’s

“Ah… that…” Akiko looked back tearfully. “I wasn’t

recording! I left the batteries out! I was fake
recording. Plus, I had already called the police. They
were supposed to break the party up before you even
got there.”

“Huh? The police? Why wouldn’t they-“

It suddenly occurred to me that the Yakuza had their
hands in many things, and it was often said the police
were in the pockets of the local gangs. If they were
going to make a move, one of their first acts might be
to delay the police. Perhaps tell them to stay away
from a certain home for a while. If they hadn’t gotten
an influx of calls from panicked children and had to act
or get in trouble with the public, they might have
never come at all.

If that was true… that would mean that the only

reason Maria was so close to being used as a sex
dumpster was because of me! It seems like while
Akiko interfered with my plan, I also interfered with
Akiko’s! I let out a cough.

“Actually, let’s not split hairs on whose fault it is.” I

quickly backtracked.
Akiko cocked her head in confusion, but I wasn’t going
to explain my thoughts.

After getting home and sending Akiko rudely on her

way, I made the popcorn and we got settled with a
movie, just like we promised. Mother was in the
family room, already passed out on the couch, so we
took the loveseat and turned on some B-rated horror
movie. Maria came out of her room and slid under the
covers with me She was wearing a loose-fitting shirt
with spaghetti straps and very short shorts which
almost exposed as much as her kitty outfit.

Maria snuggled in my arms as we watched the movie.

After checking mom out a few more times, I confirmed
that she was indeed asleep. My fingers slowly slid
down Maria’s leg and up her thigh. I found her not
wearing any underwear at all. Slowly, I started to kiss
her neck.
“Is this… really okay?” Maria asked. “This feels, too
good to be true. What will you do on Monday? What
will I do?”

“The good thing about schools is that they have short

attention spans. Nearly a hundred women were outed
for infidelity a few moments ago. There isn’t a person
in school who’s going to have time to talk about a guy
in a mask and someone who may or may not be his
sister. By the time the fallout is over, barely anyone is
going to mention our names, and if they do, it’ll be
right next to a strange connection with the Yakuza. I
don’t think we’ll face trouble.”

Maria giggled. “You really do have this all figured out,

don’t you?”

“Not at all.” I shook my head. “But with you by my

side, I’d like to start.”
The pair of us met with a kiss. That kiss soon became
more passionate, and the pair of us fell back onto the

We didn’t notice as mother opened one eye, looked at

us moving suggestively under the blanket, rolled her
eyes, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

Chapter 42 :
The next day was a Saturday, and after spending all
night watching movies with Maria and doing various
other activities, the pair of us slept in. Mother had
already left with dad for their party by the time I was
waking up. I went and made myself a late afternoon
breakfast. I made a portion for Maria too, but I held
off bringing it to her door. The previous night was like
a dream, and I didn’t want to risk bursting that
bubble. For the moment, I’d let her sleep.
My cellphone began ringing, and I picked it up without
checking who it was.


“Ah… hey… you answered. Thank god. Um… man, I’m

going to need a favor.” A voice came over the phone.


“Uh… yeah… as it turns out, I need you to contact my


For a second, I felt a surge of panic. Kira’s brother

couldn’t possibly know about my relationship with
them, right? He wouldn’t be talking so casually.
“What for?”

“Ah… well… It turns out I need bail. I’m in jail right


“Seriously?” I answered in disbelief.

“Yeah… turns out, recording minors having sex and

then blackmailing them was not a long-term strategy. I
guess some asshole banged a bunch of women at our
location and was blackmailing the women. Long story
short, the drama caused other women to come out…
women I had been… um… acquainted with. The
investigation ended up hitting us, and they found all of
the videos.”

“What about me?”

“Ah… you don’t need to worry. I didn’t even put you
on my books. You got your last paycheck Friday, right?
Well, just walk the other way. No one will know a

“So… you’re saying you’re firing me.”

“Ah… I’m so sorry. But the place is shut down for

good.” Deacon said. “Can you please contact my
mother? I really don’t want to be berated over the
phone, and I definitely don’t want to get my ass kicked
by Dad. I’d have Kira do it, but she didn’t answer her

“Sure…” I sighed.

“Yeah, I’ll head over to your house after I’ve eaten.”

“Thanks, buddy, you’re a lifesaver.” Deacon sighed in

relief. “Oh, and… can you be gentle letting my mother

“Don’t worry.” I grinned. “I’ll take real good care of

your mother.”

“Thanks again! Ah… I’m out of time, gotta go!” He

hung up the phone.

I hung up on my side and looked at the phone,

chuckling slightly to myself. I supposed it was as good
of a time as any to farm points. Mrs. Fukumi had a
good week to stew in her juices. I was in a good
position to play with her some more. I was always
willing to do a favor for a friend.
“I hope you’re happy.” A voice spoke up angrily.

I looked up to see Netorare. She was sitting at my

table on the opposite side of me, her arms crossed,
and a hateful expression on her face.

“You lost, Netorare.” I shrugged. “Just admit it. It is in

your nature.”

“Fine… I may have lost… but that doesn’t mean you’ve


“That’s the thing,” I said, wiping my mouth. “I don’t

need to win. I just need to have the strength to take
what I want and hold on to it. Do you think there is
winning in life? Do you think a business has won? Take
the largest business you can think of, let’s say,
Toyota? Has Toyata won as a company? Of course not.
Winning is a contrived concept created by losers.
There is no winning, and there is no end game. I’ll
simply take everything I want until I am satisfied, and
then I will hold onto it. That is the nature of NTR

“Well said!” A voice declared, another girl exactly like

Netorare was floating nearby.

“Ahh!” Netorare cried out, her body shaking. “You’re


“I am…” Netori’s expression turned really sour.

“You’re done, Netorare.”

“Wh-wh-what does sister possibly mean?”

Netori pulled out a rolled-up sheet of paper and

dropped it in front of Netorare. “You signed when we
started the game. Your champion is done. You
admitted defeat, I heard the words myself. You know
what that means.”

“W-wait… that… it’s not…”

“It’s magically binding! Created by Sancus himself. No

more distractions! No more humiliations! I’m
restraining you now. You won’t keep me from my
game any longer!”

“No!” She tried to stand up, but suddenly a hundred

chains appeared wrapped around her, binding every

It was many times more than when I had used my

points to rape her.
“It’s time to rein you in, sister.” Netori shrugged.

“No! Hakaru!” She cried out with frightened eyes, but

with a snap from Netori, Netorare disappeared with a
puff of smoke.

I casually brought a cup of tea to my lips and drank.

“So… where have you been-“

“I’m sorry!” Netori dropped down, bowing her head

so low it might have been a dogeza.

“Get up…” I sighed, “I just want answers.”

Netori floating back up, a wry expression on her face.

“I suppose I owe you that much. You’ve been doing so
splendidly lately. I’m really proud.”
“Yeah, yeah… enough sweet talk. What’s going on?”

Netori sighed. “Netorare has been fighting unfairly.

The last few weeks she’s been sending out missives to
other gods in my name. I’ve been desperately trying to
deal with crowd control. Gods and Goddesses have
been continuously demanding my attendance, and
most of them are more powerful than I am. Simply
put, when a big name goddess like the goddess of love
comes knocking, I can’t say no.

“What kind of rumors?” I asked.

“Rumors… about my availability…” Netori spoke wryly.

“It’s, about this whole competition. It started out as a
means for me, Netorase, and Netorare to settle a
“Which is the best form of NTR?” I asked.

Netori chuckled. “Yeah, something like that. Is it

better to steal, to accept loss, or to share? We put our
philosophies to the test. But then, Netorare made
public the competition. All of the gods and goddesses
were informed and even encouraged to join in. There
are literally thousands of deities in this world. The last
few weeks I feel like I’ve talked with all of them. Had
they all flooded into the mortal plane and picked a
champion, the world would have fallen into extreme
crisis. With a thousand gods playing around in Japan,
you can’t imagine the consequences.

“It took me an exhausting amount of work, but I’ve

limited the number of gods who are joining in
massively. However, there was a cost too.”

”A cost?”
Netori bit her lip and shook her head. “That damn
Netorare spread rumors as to a certain prize for the
winner. That was actually part of the reason I was so
distracted. In the end, the upper gods ruled that the
competition stood, even though I never agreed to it.
I’m now bound by their law, just as assuredly as
Netorare was bound by my law. It’s about the nature
of the game. Rather, it’s about the reward at the end
of the game.”

“There is a reward?” I asked.

Netori nodded. “There is now.”

“What is that?” I swallowed, looking at her dark

expression with interest.

Netori was usually light-hearted and prone to teasing.

It was rare to see her so serious. It made me
understand just how serious this situation was to

“My hand…” Netori said.


“For the winner of NTR Crush, goes my hand in

marriage.” Netori grimaced. “There are many suitors
that have been eyeing me for a very long time. I’ve
turned most of them down, but a few remained
hopeful. After the rumors spread, they started
harassing me, trying to catch me in an agreement. The
elder gods finally settled it by declaring my game as
the deciding factor.

“The champion with the most… assets… by the end,

wins the game. And that god or goddess will proceed
to take my hand in marriage, whether I want them to
or not.”

“There… has to be something we can do!” I said,

dropping my fork.

She nodded. “There is something you can do. You can


I smiled wryly. I had just made a big speech to

Netorare about not caring about winning or losing.
Now, that seemed to be the most important thing.

Netori smiled helplessly at me. “All you need to do is

what you promised to do with Netorare. I don’t have a
problem with anything you said. Take what you want,
and keep it.”
“What if… what I want… isn’t as much as what other
players want?” I asked cautiously.

Netori giggled. “Then… I guess I’ll need to increase

your… appetite?”

“Is that an offer? So, if I win, do you become mine?” I

reached out to grab Netori.

She avoided me by floating just out reach, as she

always did, while pursing her lips seductively. “If you
win, then I won’t have to marry anyone? If you want
me… you already know what you need to do.”

I smiled, taking the last sip of my tea. She was right. I

really did know what I needed to do. When it came to
NTR Crush, every player had their own play style. I had
the goddess Netori by my side, and she only had one
way that she played.
“I’m going to steal you, and everyone else I want too!”

Chapter 43 :
My name is Hakaru. It’d been almost two months
since I had killed myself. However, my death was
stolen by a goddess, and I was enlisted to play a game.
My goal was simple. I was to take women and bang
them. The more I possessed them, the more points I
earned. The more I took them from someone else, the
more I earned. So far, I have done things the old me
would never have imagined.

I turned my ex-girlfriend Akiko into my sex slave. For a

time, I had her date her dream boyfriend while
banging me on the side, but somehow her loyalty to
me had grown obsessive, and now she follows me
everywhere. I had raped my sister and soon made her
my lover. We now played regularly for fun. I had
blackmailed and raped my teacher, and fucked her
front of her daughter, who was my childhood friend. I
even went up against a notoriously dangerous guy
with ties to a gang. I played a dangerous game, and
every day I took things to the next level.

That was why I was dressed in black, outside at night.

My breath was unsteady as I sat in the bushes, looking
into the brightly lit window of the home in front of
me. An attractive woman came into my sight. Even
though it was dark out and her blinds were up, she
seemed to be completely unaware that her body
could be seen completely through the window. Well,
there was a fence around the property, so for all
intents and purposes, you’d need to be very
deliberate if you wanted to sneak a look into her

She had her hair up in a towel, and a second towel

wrapped around her body. She opened it and let the
towel fall to the ground, revealing her naked body.
She was a pretty Japanese girl, only 18, with medium-
sized breasts and a thin, yet sensual body. Her skin
was pale and soft. The mounds of her breasts were
pert and perfectly shaped. Her snatch was shaved and
tight, a landing strip of brown hair accentuates her
lustful pink slit.

As I feasted on her unaware body, she looked around

the room completely unaware she was exposed to
me. She bent over to pick something up. I was able to
see her round ass, which faced the window
completely. Her pussy and asshole were bared to me
as if she was begging me to rape her. Fucking this
woman meant points. Points would help me when the
game. I had committed to doing whatever I had to do
to progress in the game. Rape was no exception.

The girl started stretching, almost seeming to tease

me with her body. It was when her back was to the
window that I carefully, moved up to the wall of the
house and grabbed the window. I very slowly lifted it
up, trying to avoid giving her any warning. Thankfully,
this girl didn’t have any kind of screen protecting her
from the outside world. Once I had the window open,
I noticed her busy doing jumping jacks. I could only
stare flatly and sigh. While watching her butt bounce
with each jump was very erotic, there was a limit to
how desperately a woman was looking to be raped.

I started advancing on her quickly, and I was only a

step away when she finally noticed me. She let out a
cry, but I grabbed her immediately and tossed her to
the bed, putting my hand over her mouth. She
immediately started struggling, trying to kick me off of

“Help!” She let out a scream. “There is a guy in here

trying to rape me!”

“Shut up!” I snapped, slapping her butt, “Keep your

mouth quiet or I’ll kill you!”
I didn’t feel comfortable threatening people’s lives. I
had done many bad things in the name of the game,
but I at least wasn’t someone who killed people.
However, in this situation, it seemed to most fitting to
get the results I wanted. It seemed to work as well, as
she quickly quietened down and didn’t attempt any
more resistance.

I reached out, grinning as I began to fondle her bare

breasts. They were soft and just a bit cold from her
recent shower. Her nipples almost seem to react
instantly, growing hard at my touch.

“Oo…. You’re really a lewd slut, aren’t you…”

“No… impossible.” She cried out, trying to pull away

again. “I’m a virgin. Please leave me alone.”
“V-virgin!” I stopped myself with a cough, “Ah… that
may be, but don’t think I’ll go easy on you!”

“Please, no… what did I ever do to you to deserve

this!” She cried out.

“Hehe… you talk too much. How about you put this in
your mouth instead!”

I scouted up and pulled out my cock, turning her head

and shoving the large thing at her. My dick wasn’t
always so large, but thanks to the point system, penis
growth was one of the many advantages of the game.
I went from on the small size to having a beast penis.
It could still go bigger, but at roughly 8-inches-long
and 2 inches thick, I was pretty happy with the results
so far. This girl seemed to like the length too because
she didn’t resist as I shoved it in her mouth
“Mmm… slllurp… mmsss…” She made cute lewd
noises as she sucked on my dick.

Despite protesting a moment ago, now that she had

my cock in her mouth, she sucked it like a pro. Her
tongue danced around the bottom of my shaft, and
she kept sucking the head with lewd wet noises. Her
mouth felt amazing, and even though I couldn’t get
my cock all the way down her throat, she tried her
best to swallow the beast.

“Ahh… shit… your mouth is good.” I let out a moan.

While she kept sucking my cock, I continued to play

with her tits. I could tell she was getting really aroused
now. Her legs were squeezing tight and I could see
moisture on her inner thighs. She was practically
begging for my dick. However, her mouth was really
enjoyable too. I tried to last as long as I could, her
slurping sensations bringing me to the brink.
“Alright,” I had to force my cock out of her mouth.
“Now, it’s time to fuck your virgin pussy.”

She wiped her mouth and crinkled her brow. “Oh, no…
please don’t mister?”

“Mister? Cough…” I shook my head. “I mean, shut up,

and spread your legs, your whore!”

“Ah… I can’t resist it!” She let out a moan as I went

between her legs and spread them.

“I’m going in!”

“No! You can’t!”

I slid my dick inside her. It went in smoothly without
much resistance. It felt really warm and good.
Wresting my hand on her pelvic region, my fingers
running through her pubic hair, I put my thumb at her
clit and began to run it in concentric circles.

“Ahhn… yes… baby… I mean… no, stop!” She stuck out

her tongue at me, giggling slightly before putting on a
look of horror. “It’s inside me, you’re tearing me
apart! Ahn… it’s so big! I can’t believe it fits!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” I pinched her nipple. “Just spread

yourself well, I can cum in you right now, right?”

“Oh!” She rubbed her nipple, giving me a mock hurt

look before giggling. “Why would I agree if you
couldn’t cum! And why are you asking! You’re not
supposed to ask. You’re ruining the video!”
“A-actually…” another voice spoke up from behind us,
“I can just cut out your voices in post, but all I can see
is Hakaru’s butt back here. I couldn’t get a camera
shot of him entering.”

“R-really?” The girl under me sat up. “That’s the best

part. Shit! Watching a perfect little flower get
penetrated the first time, and then afterword, once
it’s all stretched out and leaking white stuff! Stupid
Akiko! I knew I should have asked someone else!”

“Who else would you want to ask?” I scratched my

head. “Even if we found a professional into shooting
hardcore stuff, a brother, sister incest rape scene with
a 17 yo boy and an 18 yo girl is a bit problematic.”

“Ahn… it’s okay…” Akiko declared. “Here, we can just

do a new position and he can slide it in again.”
“N-no…” Maria pouted, “It’s just not the same. My
thighs are already all wet, and my flower is a little
gapey. It’ll be a few hours before it looks pure again.

“Th-then, we can film him entering my vagina and

then switch to you right after!” Akiko suggested.

Maria blinked. “Actually, that might work!”

I shook my head. “What are you saying, Akikos a

whore. Her pussy is so overused that calling it a flower
is an insult to flowers!”

“M-master… hah… hah… when you say such mean

things, you know it makes me horny.”

“Look, it’s still a few weeks to your birthday, Maria.

When you said what you wanted for your birthday
was a video reenacting our first time, I was a little
hesitant. I don’t think we can get it done in one go
though. We got the hardest shot, me jumping in
through the window and pushing you down. Pornos
are done in multiple shots all the time. We’ll just focus
on entrance next time.”

“N-next time…” Maria cried. “I’m really horny now.

You’re not going to leave your sister hanging, are

Akiko flopped down next to us. “Can I join in? That

blowjob was really hot. I want some too!

“You’re the bitch who ruined the scene!” Maria

reached out and grabbed Akiko’s nipples, one with
each hand and twisting them.
“Ahhn… I’m not a camera person, I’m doing my …
ahn…” She cried and moaned at the same time. “M-
master, your sister is turning me on! You definitely
must take responsibility for her actions!”

“Responsibility!” Maria shouted, “Stop trying to take

personal time from me and my brother for your
depraved mind. I’ll shove a bowling pin up your ass
and see how you like it…”

“R-r-really?” Akiko looked away. “I… don’t think it’ll fit,


“Fucking slut!” She jumped on top of Akiko and

started pulling her hair.

As much as I enjoyed watching the two women

wrestle on my bed, Maria naked while Akiko panted
like she was close to orgasming, I decided to put a
stop to it before things got too serious.

“Maria. Hike up your butt. Let’s get a little doggy in

here. I’ll pull your hair.”

“O-okay brother!”

She immediately got off of Akiko and got into position.

Maria always griefed me whenever I asked for
anything around the house. The only exception was
sex things. If I asked her to take out the garbage, she
griped about it or flat out refused. If I asked her to
suck my dick, she was on her knees faster than I could
believe. Now, she was wagging her butt excitedly,
naughty fluids dripping down her legs from earlier as
she waited to get violated from behind.

“Yes, Master!” She saluted.

“Record it!”

“Mmm…” She looked down. “Wh-what about me?”

“If you get a good doggie scene shot, I’ll let you clean
the mess with your tongue, okay?”

“Y-yes!” Her expression grew excited.

There was a time I swore Akiko was a normal girl.

However, while farming her for points, at some point I
had broken the old Akiko. This new one did whatever I
wanted without question. Her obsession and desire
were without limits. She was truly my slave in every
sense of the word. Occasionally, her exuberance
would take her a bit too far, and I frequently had to
punish her, but she never shied away from what I gave

“B-brother…” Maria said uncertainly, her head in a

pillow. “I don’t want her to lick down there… it still
feels weird… with a woman.”

“Hmph… you say it feels weird…” Akiko snorted. “I’m

the one with my tongue up your flower.”

“Maria, at some point I’ll be bringing more girls

home,” I explained. “You should become used to it,

“R-right…” Maria lowered her head. “F-fine… clean me

good, Akiko!”


“Yeah?” I asked as I positioned my dick behind her.

“You’ve been saying there will be more girls, but it’s

already been a few weeks. When will the new girls
come join us? It just makes me anxious. I know I’ll
have to share you. It’d be best if they were mindless
sluts like Akiko.”


I slid my dick into my sister from behind and she let

out a gasp while Akiko got the camera rolling. “Soon.
I’ve already got several other women wrapped around
my finger. You’ll meet them soon.”
Chapter 44 :
“Idon’t know what the heck I’m doing!” I complained
with a sigh, flopping on my bed.

The reality was that the last few weeks, I’d mostly just
been spending time with my sister and Akiko. There
were no women wrapped around my finger ready to
do my bidding. In fact, making any attempt to bring
other women home was beyond me. I had already
pushed myself to the limit to bring home the two
women I had. How shameless would I have to be to
start preying on a third? I didn’t want to end up a
scumbag like my father. The girls in my life were
important to me. I’d rather Akiko and Maria never
leave me, but that didn’t mean I needed a third.

For as much as guys always went on about wanting

harems, two girls were honestly enough for me. I was
pretty much happy with what I had. Why would I want
more girls? The more you have the more likely you are
to lose it! This resulted in me turning a bit stagnant in
the last few weeks. Yet, Netori had been on my case
recently. Knowing I had to go out and seduce women
and actually doing it was two different things entirely.

“You have been focused on your sister lately.” Netori

sighed. “Why don’t you give your teacher some more
attention? Or how about that Kira chick?”

Of course, there was my teacher, but the last time I

had pushed her into sex she had acted almost robotic.
It unnerved me how dead her eyes were. She really
just lay there while I pumped away. On top of that,
every time I slept with her, I kept seeing Kira’s face,
and it made me feel wrong. Simply put, I wasn’t
finding any enjoyment over banging my teacher. Deep
down, Maria, Akiko, and even Gina had wanted the
attention. Pursuing a woman who genuinely wasn’t
interested required a skin thicker than my own.
“Kira? She’s not interested in me.” I slapped my pillow
over my face and spoke in a muffled voice. “Especially
after I banged her mom, how could she even be

“How about that girl, Gina?”

“Do you want me to die?”

I had met her brother. He was a very scary guy. I

wasn’t about to recruit her into my harem here. Even
if she was willing and happy to do it, a single word to
her brother and every bone in my body would be
broken twice. There was just no way.

“Okay, didn’t you also have some interest in your

“She’s my mother! Even if my dad is an asshole,
cuckolding him is a little… plus she’s my mother!”

Netori crossed her arms and sniffed. “Well, you didn’t

seem to mind your sister at all.”

“My sister I at least had an idea about what she

wanted. I’ve Dirt Scribed mom and it doesn’t work.”

“Doesn’t work?” Netori frowned. “Oh… of course…

right… it wouldn’t on her… would it.”

I blinked, raising my head. “What’s that mean? On

that thought, didn’t you say that your skills only
wouldn’t work on other gods and goddesses?”
“Ah… that…” Netori let out a laugh. “There are also
god’s protected. It appears that she’s protected by a
god more powerful than me. You don’t need to worry
about it.”

“Don’t worry about it! This seems like kind of a big


Netori shook her hands. “It really isn’t! It just means

your mom did a service to a God or Goddess and they
gave her their blessing. It’s not that infrequent, I

I frowned, crossing my arms. A few weeks ago, mom

had come home from her Halloween party drunk and
announced that she used to be a shrine maiden. I had
thought it all drunk talk, but it might be true. That
would explain why I couldn’t use dirt scribe on her in
the slightest. However, I hated going in blind. I had
three skills now, Locked Promise, Dirt Scribe, and True
Feelings. None of them left me feeling particularly
strong. Locked Promise was an ability that allowed me
to make people keep a promise. Dirt Scribe allowed
me to temporarily read a person’s darkest secrets.
True feelings made a person express how they truly
feel. Of them, Dirt Scribe was what I used the most.

“What are my points at now?” I asked.

“6580,” Netori said after clicking on her smartphone

for a bit. This also means you have 3420 points left
until you reach level 4.”


“At your current rate, it’d take about six months to

earn them with the two girls you have. Their affection
for you is just about maxed though, and there are few
style bonuses you haven’t already gotten out of it. Had
this game gone the way I wanted, I wouldn’t rush you
and allow you to enjoy this time with two women, but
since Netorare leaked the game and the other gods
and goddesses have joined, you no longer have the
time to play it safe.”

“Akiko is strangely obsessed with me and Maria is my

beloved sister. Do you think either could be easily
taken from me?” I asked.

Netori shook her head and sighed. “You’re missing the

big picture here. I know you’re afraid of losing what
you have, but the best defense is a good offense.”

“I think you have that backward.”

“Whatever, the point is, there are things you can lose
that you haven’t even considered yours. The safest
way to win is to keep getting points and to level even
higher.” Netori encouraged. “You can always buy a
new skill. There is Second Chance, Orgasmo, Rape
Forgiveness, Confusion, Cuck Break, or Slut Scale. You
could afford any of those. Once you level, you’ll be
able to pick up the 10,000 point skills.”

“Can I presume the level 4 skills are going to cost

20,000 points?” I asked.

Netori nodded. “You can always work towards them.”

“Can you tell me what to look forward to?” I asked.

“Inner Desires allows you to determine what a girl

truly wants. It differs from Dirt Scribe, which reveals a
girl’s dirtiest secrets and shames. One exploits their
fears, the other exploits their desires. Trust
Worthiness makes you instinctively trustworthy.
People will believe you, and more easily forgive lies.
Pleasure points allow you to pinpoint the parts of a
woman’s body that drives her crazy. It’s a roadmap to
any woman. Gift of Gab is exactly what it says. It
makes you talk smoother and increases your charm.
Finally, there is Perfect Penis, which makes your dick
more pleasurable.”

“More pleasurable? You mean, like bigger?”

Netori snorts. “You know, bigger isn’t always better!

No… this is more about the feel. Have you ever tasted
something that tastes really good, but in your mouth
it feels kind of gross?”

“Ah… I guess that sounds familiar, yeah…”

“Well, it’s like that. It improves the mouth and pussy

feel. Your dick just feels… better than normal dicks.
Soft in the right places, hard in the right places…
what? Don’t look at me like that!”

“Eh? What am I looking at you like?”

“N-nothing…” Netori spun around, turning her back to

me and crossing her arms. “It doesn’t matter anyway,
it’ll be some time before you can afford any of those
skills. Your methods of NTR are still too amateur.”

“Would you rather I be like Jack?” I responded bitterly.

“No… nothing like him.” Netori’s voice sounded

strangely distant. “I like the way you’re turning out,
but the problem is that time is no longer on our side.
The others that seek my hand in marriage will not sit
back idly and allow you to play favorites. You must
become better, cleverer, and smoother than before.”
“What do you have in mind?” I asked.

Netori sighed. “I never wanted to take too active a

role in your development. I wanted you to naturally
come into your powers so that one day you can… no…
never mind. The situation has changed. We’re going to
have to start training!”


“That girl Akiko, she’s aware of NTR Crush, isn’t she?”

I nodded. “To an extent. I don’t know if she truly

believes there are powers, and the part about gods
has been kept form her, but she does believe there is
a game with a point system, and she wants me to
Netori nodded floating back and forth across the room
as if she was pacing. “Perhaps she can help, but still, if
I really want to… wait… I can use her!”

Suddenly, Netori’s eyes brightened as she turned back

to me. Her expression looked quite excited.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I know how we’re going to train!” Netori snapped her

fingers. “I have the perfect partner!”

“What are you talking about?”

Put all your side hobbies away. We’re going to start

intensive training next week. Be gracious human! This
goddess herself will teach you everything she knows
about getting women!”
“Do you even know anything about getting women?” I
asked wryly.

“Hmph! Don’t look down on me! I’m the goddess to

every sex, so of course, I go both ways.”

“I don’t know if that sounds hot or a little perverted.”

“Can’t it be both?” Netori responded coyly, “Besides,

this is only fair. Those stupid gods think they can bully
me just because I’m weaker than I once was, I won’t
allow it! I will make you into an NTR machine!”

“Ah… that strange gleam in your eyes is creeping me

out a bit.” I growled.
“Tonight!” Netori snapped. “The park! 8:00 pm sharp!
You have a date! This will be your true time to show
that you are capable of becoming something more
than just a loser.”

“Hey, who is a loser? I have two beautiful women in

love with me!”

“Your banging your sister and a Stockholm syndrome


“Tsk… when you say it like that.”

“Tonight! Be there!” Netori disappeared in a puff of


I sighed, grabbing a soda from the fridge and plopping

down on the couch. With Netori gone, I had nothing
to do. It was the weekend still, but Maria was out. I
supposed I could call Akiko, but I didn’t want her to
start feeling like she was wanted. She was already way
too far into my business at school. She started to be
quite pushy. Lately, she was on a kick about studying
for exams and insisted I had to get into a good school.

It was at that point my phone rang. I checked the

ringer and was surprised to find Kira calling. We hadn’t
talked since that night I screwed her mom in front of
her. Part of me felt really conflicted about Kira. She
had pretty much offered me her body, but she had
done it so casually that it left me feeling like
something was off. In the end, I decided to not touch
her out of respect for the friendship we once had.
Maybe she wondered if I was still blackmailing her
mom. She had made me promise to punish her mom.

“Hey. It’s Hakaru.” I said, picking up the phone.

There were muffled noises on the phone. I heard
rough breathing. These sounds actually felt very
familiar to me. Akiko had called me on the phone
before while she and my old friend Derek had sex.
Those background noises reminded me of that. Before
I could say anything, a voice suddenly came over the
speaker. It was Kira’s voice.

“Please… Hakaru… save me…” She sounded like she

was in tears.

I stood up, my eyes widening. “Kira?”

“I’m… sorry…”

“No! No, no, no…” A distant male voice said as it got

“No!” She cried out as the sound of her phone cut
with static.

“Hehe… so this is the guy you called?” The voice came

through clear now as if the phone was now in his
hand. “How interesting…”

“Who the hell is this?” I shouted.

“Hehehe… Naughty Kira needs a punishment for that

one. Open wide!” Click.

The phone disconnected and I stood there in silence,

my mouth open and a dead phone pressed to my ear.

“What the fuck?”

Chapter 45 :
Shit! How could I possibly hear a phone call
conversation like this and then completely ignore it?
No! Kira was definitely in trouble, and it sounded like
she was being abused by someone. That guy sounded
older too. Damn it, what was going on?

Many years ago, Kira had been my best friend. My

girlfriend at the time got really jealous over Kira,
despite the fact she cheated on me with numerous
guys, and the end result was that I stopped being her
friend. Kira had always been aloof and distant since
we had stopped being friends. I took it to be respect
for me and my future relationships. Similarly, I had
always tried to give her space. Honestly, I was too
embarrassed to try to return to being friends after my
girlfriend dumped me.

However, this was something completely different

than letting her have her own love life! Especially after
that weekend we had shared and everything she had
done to help me gain the extra points I needed to
blackmail her mother. She had even offered me her
body casually. A shiver shot through me. How casual
she was with sex meant she had to have experience
with it before. Damn it! These thoughts were getting
me nowhere.

Who should I contact regarding this? Would Netori be

able to tell me where she was? No, she’s busy putting
together her new training camp idea. She’d probably
get really annoyed if I tried to interrupt it so I could
lament over a girl I wasn’t even really pursuing. How
about Akiko? She was my information network right
now, but even she wouldn’t know where Kira was
right now. Then, it would have to be her!

A person’s face popped up in my mind and I grabbed

my coat and left. Grabbing my bike, I sped down the
street to a house that wasn’t too far away from home.
That house was none other than the house of my
teacher. It’d also be the house of Kira, her daughter.
Dad wasn’t with Mrs. Fukumi right now, and her own
husband’s schedule was something Kira had given me
herself. I jumped off my bike and ran up to the door,
still breathing hard. Knocking the door aggressively, I
waited for her to open it.

The sun was setting and it was starting to get late. The
door finally opened with several clicks, and Mrs.
Fukumi’s head poked out. She had the same dead-
eyed stare she always gave me when I stopped by
these days. Her face was flat and emotionless.

“Now is not a good time.” She said in a deadpanned

way. “I am on my period. Since there is blood-“

“I don’t give a fuck about you or your period, Sasori!” I

growled, pushing into the room and shoving her aside.
Sasori gasped, the first expression on her face was
shock as I ran through the house, heading straight for
Kira’s room. She started to follow me, her flushed face
growing genuinely angry.

“Kira!” I shouted, even though I didn’t expect her to

be there.

I shoved open her door and stepped inside.

“E-excuse me!” Sasori yelled as she blocked the door,

a fist on her hip. “This is absolutely inappropriate! We
may have made some… agreements, but that doesn’t
mean you can just barge in here like you own the
place and-“

I ignored her yelling, which came off in the same

disciplinary tone she used as a teacher when she was
trying to make a student submit. Instead, my eyes
were scanning the room, looking for anything that
stood out that would explain where Kira was at the
moment. Unfortunately, Kira was absolutely
meticulous. Her room was cleaned perfectly, without
a single door ajar or a letter left open. I touched her
computer sitting on her desk, but it was locked. When
Sasori saw me touching her daughter’s computer, she
finally had enough, walking up and grabbing my wrist
to forcefully pull it away.

“You go too far!” She snarled hatefully.

My eyes matched her in ferocity and she could only

stop in pause when she saw them. “Do you know
where your daughter is right now?”

Sasori looked uncertain for a second but then said.

“She’s with friends.”

I pulled away from her and started going through the

dresser, desperately looking for an address or
something that might indicate where she had gone. I
thought back over the last few months since I had
reconnected with her and she helped me get a job. I
had run into her in the red-light district. I was so
focused on myself that I hadn’t noticed that she was in
love hotel central. Well, new western ordnances made
most of the love hotels go out of business, but a few
were still there. Why else would a high school girl just
be walking around that area? It certainly had nothing
to do with visiting her brother’s new place.

Ah! That was right. She made a big noise leaving her
brother’s place which looked like a love hotel. Why
would the careful and otherwise experienced Kira be
so oblivious? Unless, she had just left a love hotel
earlier, and wanted to be seen leaving this building as
a cover. That way, if rumors sprouted up that she was
seen in a love hotel, she could just claim she was
visiting her brother’s new game center and she’d have
several people vouch for her. How long has this all
been going on? Why was she putting herself through

Sasori’s eyes narrowed and a dark grin formed on her

lips. “Oh… I see what’s happening. Has my daughter
found a boyfriend? Now you’re all jealous because
you’re not the only guy she fucks? Well… to hell with
you! My daughter can date whoever she wants. We
may have promised you our bodies, but that doesn’t
mean we have any loyalty to you!”

I grabbed her blouse and pulled her to me, causing

Sasori to squeak. “You listen to me! Your daughter is
out there right now being hurt, and you’re such a
shitty, selfish mother, not only are you not aware of
the signs, but you dare mock the one guy who gives a
shit about her!”
I let go of her shirt and then stormed out of the room.
I felt frustration and anger. I hadn’t meant to burst out
against Mrs. Fukumi, but I still remembered how
selfish she could be, and the look on her daughter’s
face when she put her own satisfactions above her
family. Perhaps, that was part of the reason I didn’t
pursue Sasori Fukumi harder. In a way, she reminded
me too much of my father. She was a carefree cheater
who didn’t care about her family in the slightest.

My next location to search was Kira’s school backpack.

I opened it up and brought out some papers. This
time, Sasori was flustered, walking towards me much
slower while rubbing her neck, an odd expression on
her face.

That’s when I stumbled on a group of photos. They

depicted Kira in a variety of lewd positions. I forced
myself to look through them, trying to see if there was
even a hint. Sasori finally reached me, glancing over
my shoulder at the images. She made a noise of

“You’re still having her do those? I thought we had an


“These aren’t her photos,” I said softly. “And they’re

not mine.”

“E-excuse me?”

“The night I came over here and blackmailed you, the

reason you invited me over… I thought the same thing
you did. I thought you caught Kira sexting with her
boyfriend. There is nothing between Kira and me.
She’s just a friend. When she found out about the
affair you were having with my dad, she wanted you
to suffer. That’s why…” I shook my head. “It doesn’t
matter now. I wasn’t with Kira enough to notice, and
her own parents didn’t give a shit enough to notice.
Now, she’s out there somewhere…”

Sasori wrapped her arms around herself, her angry

expression finally dissipated into the worried
expression you’d expect to see on a parent, but she
still said. “I don’t… believe you.”

I stood up and handed the last picture in the pile to

her. It was a picture of Kira giving a victory sign, a
frown on her face, her eyes just as dead as Sasori’s
were, and a cock cumming on her face.

“You’ve tasted my cock,” I said. “Tell me, is that it?”

Sasori glanced down at the image, blushed, and then

turned away. “No…”
“Is that a teenage boy at all? To me, it looks like a guy
in his fifties. Look at his hands.”

Sasori forced herself a second time and then nodded.

“Y-you’re right…”

“She called me about twenty minutes ago asking me

to save her,” I said. “Do you have any clue how to find
out where she is?”

Sasori finally looked down, her expression turning

defeated. “You really… the both of you… what you’ve
done to me…”

I reached out and touched Sasori’s face lightly, she

shivered for a second, but didn’t turn away. “There is
a lot of anger both ways. I won’t say I’m proud about
what I did, but I’m not going to regret it either. My
father is a cheat, and an asshole. It’s taken me some
time to decide the kind of man I am, but I’ve decided
it’s someone who won’t throw women away.”

I thought back to a time I had tossed Akiko away and

shook my head. No, I won’t do it again.

“You… said she called you?” Sasori asked.

I nodded. “She gave me her smartphone number a

while back and-“

Sasori turned and walked over to the couch, opening

up her laptop. “My daughter’s phone would have
pinged off a cell tower. Part of the agreement my
husband made Kira agree to in order to have a phone
was that we’d be able to track where it is.”
My eyes widened as I sat down right next to her. “Of
course. You’re brilliant!”

“Hmph… I’m your teacher, did you already forget

that?” Sasori pulled out her glasses from her pocket
and put them on, her voice just a bit bitter.

The screen said loading, and a few moments later an

address popped up on the screen. “Google it!”

“On it…” Sasori immediately copied the address to a

search engine and looked it up.

I reached out toward the screen at the same time she

did, our hands ended up touching. “The Fushumi Love
We turned to each other with smiles on our faces and
it was only at that point did I realize how close we had
gotten. Her lips were only a few centimeters from
mine. With her glasses on and her expression no
longer dull, she looked every part the teacher from my
class than many guys had fantasized about. I realized
my other hand was also on her lap.

“It’d take me too long to get there from my bike…” I

said, suddenly feeling attracted to her for the first
time since that first night we had sex.

“I-I have a car.” She spoke back, her cheeks growing


“Then, I’ll have to ask you to give me a ride,” I said,

pulling away and shaking myself from my daze. “Kira is
in trouble.”
“Y-yes…” Sasori nodded, closing her laptop and stood
up, brushing off her dress.

“The keys?”

“R-right!” Sasori shook herself and then grabbed her

purse pulling out her keys and pointing to the garage.

I followed her into the garage and the pair of us got

into her car. It was a blue Mazda with a hatchback. I
jumped into the passenger side and she started the
car, opening the garage door. She paused for a second
and turned to me before setting the car in reverse.

“Hakaru…” she spoke uncertainly. “Do you think I can

become… a better mother, for Kira?”

I blinked and glanced over to her. “That depends.”

“Depends on what?”

I shook my head. “What happens next.”

Sasori nodded slowly and then pulled out of the

garage. In short order, we were heading toward a
certain love hotel and hoping Kira was still okay.

Chapter 46 :
It was night time when we pulled up in front of the
location where Kira had called from. It wasn’t located
in the same red-light district where Deacon had
opened his gaming center. This place was several
districts away in a much seedier part of town where
old eastern construction was still in use. A lavish-
looking hotel with many neon lights caused the place
to stand out in the crowd. It looked somewhat pricy as
far as love hotels went, and I had a suspicion this place
was able to hold on by being a spot frequented by
many politicians and the like.

I got out of the car once Mrs. Fukumi found a place to

park. I didn’t hesitate to start heading for the entrance
to find Kira. As she noticed me aiming for the love
hotel’s entrance, she let out a noise of surprise.

“W-wait for me!” She called, locking her car and half-
running to my side. “You’re being way too bold! Don’t
you see this is a love hotel? How can you just walk
right in?

“Because I’m worried about Kira and I don’t care

about appearances.” I rose an eyebrow.

Sasori blushed, “Well, that may be so, but I am your

teacher, and the pair of us are walking into a love
hotel, this could seriously cost me my job!”
I frowned. “Your daughter is in there, and you care
about your job? Besides, any rumors that could spawn
from this we both know are completely true! Don’t act
like you deserve to be a teacher after what you’ve

Sasori lowered her head. “You used to be such a nice

boy, why have you turned out so awful?”

I sneered. “What can I say, I guess I’m my father’s


Sasori winced at those words. She knew now that my

father had been manipulating and sleeping with her
for fun, and he didn’t care a thing for her. However,
even though she knew that it didn’t stop her heart
from feeling some pangs of hurt and anger. Well, I
wasn’t being particularly nice either. The fact that she
uselessly allowed her daughter to end up in this state
seriously angered me.

Then again, Kira was a teen who could make her own
choices. It really wasn’t fair to blame Sasori for this. I
could just as easily blame myself as her supposed
friend. Perhaps I was being a bit too hard on her. In
fact, Sasori looked about halfway to tears. I sighed and
then touched her shoulder gently.

“Sasori… I’m not my father. If it was you who called

instead of Kira, I don’t think I’d be acting a single bit

Sasori blinked, looking up at me with a strange glint in

her eye. I shrugged and turned back toward the love
hotel. This time, she followed me without complaint,
but she made sure to keep her distance too. She
couldn’t help but blush again as she entered the
doors. I turned back to her and gave her a questioning

“Didn’t you hit up these things with my father?’ I


Sasori turned away. “O-of course not. He always got a

full night hotel. Ne-never something so…”

She let the rest of what she was going to say drift
away. She looked uncomfortable and uncertain. I
ignored her and walked up to the clerk. It was a
middle-aged woman. I was glad to see it wasn’t an old
couple like the ones who ran the hot springs. At least
this woman looked like she fit in this environment.
That wasn’t to say she looked sexy or lewd. Quite the
opposite, in fact, she looked like a plain nondescript
wallflower just doing their job. When you worked a
job in this kind of business, the less discomfort the
better, so it was always preferable to have a weak
presence that was quickly forgotten.

“Hey, have you seen this gir…” I asked, pushing the

image across the counter.

Before I got it half way to her, I was hugged from

behind and a hand pressed affectionately against the
top of mine, stopping the picture from sliding forward.
“Sweetie… I’m bored. Let’s worry about this stuff
later. Get the room for now.”

I blinked as Sasori was suddenly touching me really

affectionately, her chin on my shoulder, and a lewd
expression on her face. Like the flip of a switch, she
suddenly went from awkward to fitting in with this
environment perfectly. It caught me off guard to the
point my mouth fell open.
With my stunned silence, Sasori picked up the picture
and slid it into my pocket. She made it look like she
was taking a credit card from me, but it was actually
her own. She tossed it on the counter in front of the

“We’ll take a suite. Four hours minimum?… that’s

fine… my baby can last!” She gave the clerk a wink.

The clerk barely even made a noise as she took the

card and rang it without question. She handed the
card back with some keys.

“Thanks… sweetie. Come on… honey, let’s go to the

suite!” Sasori slapped my butt and then dragged me
into the back hallways.

As soon as we were alone, I turned to her, “Okay,

what the hell was that?”
Sasori similarly looked angry. “Are you stupid or what?
You’re just going to ask! Do you know what kind of
people run these hotels? It looks very suspicious! You
may have gotten yourself in serious trouble if I hadn’t
saved you!’

Once again, I found myself shocked looking at the red-

faced Sasori. She looked genuinely scared on my
behalf. I had assumed at this point she’d hate me to
the bone, so seeing the concern on her face was
definitely not something I expected. She had been
surprising me time and time again. Perhaps the Sasori
I had built up in my mind after that single weekend
with my father was not all there was to her. Still, I
didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of apologizing,
so I stubbornly crossed my arms.

“Wouldn’t it help you out if I ended up in trouble?”

Sasori lifted her chin. “I’m still your teacher. Whatever
else has happened between us, I can’t allow you to be

When she said that, it felt to me like she genuinely

believed it. I dropped my arms and shook my head,
giving in.

“Okay… then if we’re not going to ask, how do you

want to go about searching for your daughter. That
thing didn’t give us a room number, right?”

Sasori’s face started to return to normal and she

wrapped her arms around herself, shaking her head.
“No, I’m not sure we’ll be able to find Kira until she
leaves. I was just planning on waiting in the car until
she came out. Whoever she came out with I’d call the
police on. You’re the one who came barreling into the
hotel like like some knight in a tale rescuing a damsel.”
Sasori’s face twitched and it looked for a second like
she might actually smile. Somehow, the thought of me
heroically saving her daughter amused her. I wasn’t
amused at all. I had saved Maria in exactly this kind of
fashion a few weeks ago. I wouldn’t hesitate to walk
into a group of a hundred men and take her out of it
with me. Even though Kira wasn’t mine, she asked for
my help and I was determined to give it.

“Hahahaha.” A loud voice broke out in a boisterous


Two men appeared to be walking down the stairway

and heading in our direction. Sasori gasped and then
grabbed me. Before I could say a thing, she shoved me
into the linen closet that some maid staff had left
open and closed the door by all but a crack.

“Wha-mMmm!” I tried to say something, but her lips

struck mine before I could.
I was left completely flummoxed as my teacher, a
woman I had blackmailed and raped on two occasions,
was kissing me in the closet of a love hotel. It was so
surreal that I wondered if I had passed out. As we
smooched, the men in the hallway were walking by.

“Well, I have to say, Mr. Chambers… you do have a

good eye for women.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed. I’m always a man who likes to

share.” The one named Mr. Chambers answered.

Wait, Mr. Chambers sounded familiar. That voice also

sounded like one I had heard before.

“I’ll say… it’s a shame I have to go early. Will your girl

be alright? She sort of just disappeared.”
“She does that. You don’t need to worry about her. I
also must take my leave. I have some meetings I must
attend early tomorrow and wouldn’t be able to stay
and play longer even if she was up for it.”

“That girl was a real goddess…”

“Oh, you have no idea…” Mr. Chambers broke into

another laugh as the pair left the hallway into the
lobby and out of hearing range.

Sasori finally broke our kiss, gasping slightly. “That was


“Mr. Chambers…” I worked the name through my

memory. “Our principal?”
Sasori nodded. “I can’t believe we ran into him here. If
he had caught us, it would have been awful.”

I shrugged. “I’m not so sure about that.”

Sasori looked up at me with a disbelieving look.

“Hey, we ran into him in a love hotel. He’s a married

man. I don’t think he’d want his affairs getting out any
more than we’d want ours.”

I also noticed he spoke of sharing and goddesses. He

couldn’t be… I shook my head. It didn’t matter right
now. Whoever he was talking about didn’t sound like
Kira, and it was Kira who I came to find.

“I think if we want to find your daughter, we should

head up to the room and come up with a strategy.”
Sasori nodded. “Alright… let’s go.”

She peaked out into the hallway a few more times and
when she was certain the coast was clear, she
grabbed my hand and headed out. Glancing at the
tickets, she headed for the stairway.

“We’re on floor three.” She informed me.

The pair of us headed up two flights of stairs. We

could have taken the elevator, but the pair of us were
on edge and an elevator felt a bit dangerous at the
moment. No sooner did I reach the third story when I
saw someone walking toward us. There was no reason
to hide unless we knew the person, but I flinched
anyway. It was only after that I realized I actually did
know the person.
“Hakaru? Is that you? Shit, man… I never thought I’d
see you in this place.”

“Ah… it’s you!” I said, grimacing. “Um… Gio, right?

You’re Gina’s brother.”

The man, Gio, chuckled as he approached. The last

time I saw him he was wearing a suit and sunglasses,
looking every bit like a Yakuza. This time, he was
dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and slacks. However, even
this casual wear didn’t hide his large build and
intimidating facial features. He was no less terrifying
to look at here than he was the last time I had met

As Gio reached us, he held out his hands. “Hey, what’s

going on here? This doesn’t look like my sister. Not
that I want to see you taking my sis to a place like
“Ah… actually… she’s my…” I really didn’t want to piss
Gio off, but I had written his sister off a long time ago.

What are the chances that I would run into this guy
again? How bad was my luck, seriously!

“I’m his teacher,” Sasori said, and then immediately

froze, realizing how that sounded.

Gio looked back and forth between the pair, and then
burst out laughing. “Shit… man… you’re hardcore. I
was going to give you shit for holding out on my sis
but damn it, a teacher. Now I respect you too damn
much to care!”

Sasori looked down, blushing, while I put a forced

smile on my face and pulled her close to me, selling
my prowess.
“Ah, yeah. Things just sort of ended up this way. How
about you, Gio? I never thought I’d see you in a place
like this.”

“How so?” Gio raised an eyebrow. “My dad owns this


I coughed. “Oh… really?”

Gio laughed. “Ah… shit, you didn’t know? Haha…

that’s too funny. Yeah, dad has his hand in all kinds of
stuff. I only came out today cause dad’s friend wanted
to have a bit of a party. Guaranteed pussy, he said.
Turned out it was just one pussy. I’m a man of
culture… my friend, I don’t stick my dick in no fucking
meat toilet. I was just looking to see if I could find
something classier, like maybe a hooker.”
Sasori and I glanced at each other, the same thought
spiraling in our minds. The meat toilet… it couldn’t
be… Kira?

Chapter 47 :
After some convincing, we were finally able to get the
location of this so-called meat-toilet from Gio. We had
to convince him that we weren’t going to partake in
the meat toilet, and it was more of a morbid curiosity.
In the end, I told him it was something that excited my
teacher. In the end, he was giving Sasori some very
cold eyes and lowered his head to me.

“Look, I know banging a teacher is a major fantasy for

guys, but this girl is a freak! Just don’t stick your dick
in something you’ll regret, man.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said helplessly.

“See that you do…” He sighed, handing me the VIP
guest pass to the room. “She’s all used up anyway, so
perhaps it’ll be good if you see her in that state and
decide to avoid it yourselves. Finish soiling your roots
so you can give my sister a responsible man, okay?”

“Ah… yeah…”

Gio shook his head and shot Sasori another cold look
before finally leaving.

As he walked away, he muttered to himself. “The kind

of women they make teachers these days. Damn… and
my dad sent me to an all-boys school. I think I’ll need
two hookers tonight.”

I let out a breath when he finally left. As for Sasori,

she crossed her arms, her expression pouty.
“You didn’t have to blame me for everything.” She
said tearfully, “You made me look like a creeper!”

“It’s for your daughter.” I shot back.

As soon as those words were said, a somber mood

crossed over the pair of us. Was this what happened
to Kira? She got in some kind of debt with the mob
and was now being shared as a meat toilet? Worst of
all, could Netorase be involved in some way? This was
truly a horrible situation, and neither of us was eager
to find out the truth.

This was the reason we had come here, though. We

couldn’t abandon Kira now, especially coming this far.
I tried to promise myself that no matter what situation
I found Kira in, I wouldn’t think anything less of her.
However, my imagination put some pretty horrible
circumstances in my mind, and I wasn’t sure if I could
keep the promise in my heart.

We approached the door, which was inconspicuous,

just another love hotel room only just down the hall
from our own. Any number of perversions could have
been occurring in any of these rooms at this moment.
The more I thought about it, the less comfortable this
love hotel became. I had always seen this as an erotic
place of excitement, but now it was starting to make
me feel a little sick.

Taking one last look at Sasori, I slid the card door

through and walked in. My sight immediately went to
the naked woman on the bed. She was tied up, her
butt in the air. She was on the bed, and it was covered
in wet spots of various fluid. At various points
throughout the night, she had been dragged all over
the bed, and sex stains permeated the room as proof
to that. Furthermore, the room was thick with the
smell of sex, so much that I almost felt like gagging.
Without saying anything, Sasori walked over to the
window and opened it just a crack. That was all it
would go, but even that much fresh air was welcome.

The girl herself was completely naked other than her

restraints which left her arms and legs hogtied and
restricted to the four posts of the bed. However, she
was in an all four position. She looked like she had
recently been used in this position, as there was some
cum leaking from her pussy, and her asshole was
gaping as if it recently had been stretched. Sasori
distinctly avoided looking at the person.

As for their identity, that was impossible to tell. They

had a bag over their head, and by my guess, a gag in
their mouth. They were basically faceless. A hole you
could fuck, well, two holes when it came to this girl.

“I-is it her?” Sasori asked nervously.

“Can’t you tell?”

“H-how could I?”

“I don’t know. You’re her mother…”

“I can’t say I’ve ever seen my daughter in this… this

position!” Sasori grimaced.

I sighed, “Well, I guess there is only one way to find


I walked around to the head of the bed, where her

head was wrapped in a breathable canvas bag and
pushed into the bedding, in position to be ridden by
any other man who walks into this room. I reached
out and grabbed the bag. Sasori looked over at me
and then gave a slight nod.
In a swift motion, I peeled off the bag. As I did so, the
way I grabbed it got her mouth gag too. I ended up
pulling it off in a rip. I immediately saw light brown
hair and let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s not her,” I said, almost feeling like laughing.

However, if the person here was not Kira, that meant

that Kira was still somewhere in this hotel. She could
still be suffering too.

I turned to leave, but I barely took a step when the

person on the bed spoke. “Hakaru?”

I froze, realizing that I recognized the voice. I looked

back down at the girl on the bed. This time, I made
sure to get a really good look at her.
“Eiko?” My eyes widened as I realized that the girl in
front of me was my first truly serious girlfriend, Eiko.

“Did you come to fuck me too?” Eiko spoke

unsteadily, her voice almost delirious like she was half
in a dream-state. “Did you want to stick your dick in
the girl who got away?”

“Got away!” Anger started to rise up inside me. “You

cheated on me! A lot!”

“Hehehe…” Eiko started giggling, drool coming out of

her mouth. “So, you want to spank me then? Fuck my
ass and hurt me?”

“Are you on drugs?” I asked incredulously.

Her eyes looked somewhat dilated, and her speech
was very slurred. The Eiko I knew had at least some
shame, but this girl was wagging her bruised butt even
as a gob of some guys cum leaked to the bed.
Suddenly, she burst into tears, crying.

“Hakaru… I should have… fucked you when I had the

chance. I just thought you were too nice. Hakaru is

I shook my head, giving Sasori a look, who had a

concerned teacher-like expression on her face. “I’m
not nice. There are those who can attest to that.”

“No… but you are!” She said, her sobbing stopping. “I

would have fucked you so badly when we were dating,
but I knew you weren’t a freak like me. I knew you
wouldn’t do the things I wanted done.”
“And is this what you wanted to be done?” I said,
gesturing to her entire naked body.

“I don’t know…” She started crying again. “I want to

go home. Everything hurts. Have I paid off my debt?
Can I go home now?”

“She’s on some kind of cocktail of drugs. I don’t know

what, but you won’t get any straight answers from her
tonight.” Sasori said. “She’s not my daughter, but she
is a student at my school. I believe she turned 18
recently. To see a student fall so quickly.”

I shook my head and started undoing the straps.

Sasori didn’t say anything. As a teacher, she too didn’t
want to leave someone like this. She began to help on
the other side. After a bit, we got her removed from
the bed. Without saying anything, I guided her to the
bathroom. She could barely walk and tried to grab my
dick twice. In the end, she ended up vomiting on the
floor. I finally got her in the shower and turned it on.

She fought and protested for a bit, but I cleaned her

up the best I could and only then did I put her in some
clean clothing that she had brought. It was our school
uniform. It had been taken off carefully and put aside
in a drawer as if it was her dignity being set aside for
later. She had no panties or a bra on though. Those
had been torn to shreds and covered in fluids. There
was nothing worth recovering.

Eiko occasionally said things, slipping between crying

and laughing, but she eventually just started to act
sleepy, leaning on anything and anyone nearby with
her eyes closed. We ended up leaving the hotel room
with Eiko clinging to me. Now that she was cleaned by
me, she had the fresh floral scent of this hotels
shampoo. She smelled and looked like the Eiko. I had
dated all those years ago. This was the woman who
forced me to stop being Kira’s friend. This was the one
who had given me trust issues up until now.

By all accounts, I should hate Eiko with every fiber of

my being, but I mostly just felt sorry for her. It went so
far beyond disgust or hatred, that it wrapped around
back into pity. Her braless chest was pressed against
me and her legs wrapped around mine making it
difficult to walk. Eventually, I took her down the
hallway with Sasori’s help. The lobby person didn’t
even look twice as we walked out of the room with
the clearly drugged up student. I used my coat to try
to hide as much of her school uniform as possible.

The pair of us ushered the sleeping girl out to Sasori’s

car. As soon as we lay her down across the back seat,
she was already asleep. Although several bruises
remained, she looked nothing like the meat toilet we
had run into. Instead, she looked like an innocent high
school girl. The difference would be jarring to anyone
who saw it.
“Hakaru…” Sasori wore a complicated face. “Thank
you… for helping me take care of her. I wouldn’t be
able to get over it had you just demanded we leave
and search for Kira.”

I stroked her hair one last time before closing the

door. “Eiko was once a girl I dated. She’s actually the
reason I stopped talking to your daughter for a while.
In a way, you could say she was the reason your
daughter is in whatever plight she is right now. Had I
not dated her, I’d still be close with your daughter,
and maybe could have stopped whatever brought her
here tonight.”

“So… that’s why the pair of you drifted apart. Another

girl… I never knew…” Sasori responded simply.

It appeared she wouldn’t hold any grudged on Eiko.

Well, blaming Eiko for Kira’s actions was a bit
ludicrous anyway. I chose to end our relationship. If I
hadn’t done it for Eiko, I could have just as well done it
for someone else.

“With regards to Kira…” I said, my shoulders sagging a

bit. “I don’t want to go back to that hotel. It makes me
a little queasy. Your original plan was the right one.
Let’s just wait here and catch her when she leaves.”

“Okay…” Sasori nodded, “Hakaru… you’re actually

pretty dependable.”

I rolled my eyes. “Spare me, Sensei.”

“No, Hakaru, I mean it.” Sasori looked over at me.

“You’re not what… I expected. I’ve gotten to see
another part of Hakaru today, and it honestly makes
me feel a little bit happy.”
I shot the woman a look of disbelief, preparing to shut
down whatever delusions she was cooking up to
justify our relationship, but right at that point a
familiar face popped out of the hotel. Kira had her
head down. She was wearing a long coat that hid her
body, and she had a beanie covering her head and
hair. It was a very inconspicuous dress, and if we
weren’t looking for her, we might not have noticed.

“K-“ I stopped Sasori from shouting Kira’s name by

grabbed her mouth and body at the same time.

She blushed, shooting me a look of appreciation, but

strangely enough, didn’t pull my hands away that
were wrapped around her. Her shout was enough
though that it got Kira to turn towards us. We were
both standing in front of a car she likely recognized as
her mother’s car. She might have been being
conspicuous, but I realized quickly that we were doing
a really bad job at it.
“We need to talk.” I finally said, removing my hands
from Sasori.

Kira sighed and then began walking towards us. Now

was the time for answers.

Chapter 48 :
“Mother? Hakaru? What are you doing here?” Kira
asked, her face turned away so she didn’t have to
meet our eyes.

Sasori and I glanced at each other and then I crossed

my arms. “What do you mean? You called me? You
said you needed help.”

“That…” Kira shook her head, “I’m sorry, that was just
a joke. You didn’t need to come out here.”
“A joke?” I responded in disbelief. “What joke?”

“Kira!” Sasori stepped forward, a no-nonsense

expression on her face. “What are you doing coming
out of a love hotel here in town so late at night? I’m
your mother, and-“

Kira’s expression turned angry in an instant. “Oh,

you’re my mother now? When have you been my
mother? When you were fucking other men? When
you decided to destroy our family? You, and dad, and
Hakaru’s dad… you’re all cheaters, you all deserve
each other!”

“Your father? What do you mean by that?” Sasori’s

brow furrowed as she reached out to grab Kira’ arm.
“Forget it!” Kira brushed her off, pulling back. “Just
keep doing whatever you want to do. That’s how
things have been so far!”

“Kira…” Sasori’s expression looked hurt for a moment.

“Kira… if you’re in trouble, I need to hear it.” I cut in.

If I just let Sasori keep going, she’d likely just be

arguing with Kira all night.

“You…” Kira’s glare was no less diminished when it

turned to me. “What right do you have to care! When
have you ever cared about me and any trouble I’m in.
Aren’t you too busy banging your sister and Akiko?
Yeah… I heard about that!”
“Kira, my sex life has nothing to do with this.” I said,
neither confirming nor denying her statements,
“You’re a friend of mine, and I want to help, especially
when you call me asking for it!”

Kira stepped back, looking uncertain for a moment,

but then she shook her head and her angry expression
returned. “You haven’t been my friend in years. Even
you chose sex over me.”

When she said that, her eyes immediately snapped to

the backseat of the car. She seemed to have noticed
Eiko was there from the moment she had walked
over. She was still unconscious and sleeping steadily.
Kira shook her head, an ugly expression on her face.

“It seems that some things never change. We should
have left the past in the past. My calling you tonight
was a mistake. My only mistake.”

“Kira, we’re worried about you.” Her mother spoke


It was then that Kira glanced at the pair of us again.

Her eyes danced back and forth between the us like
she was suddenly having a revelation. Suddenly, her
anger turned into disdain and a sneer filled her face.

“So, that’s how it is… I suppose I shouldn’t be

surprised that you betrayed me.”

“What?” I asked, genuinely confused.

“You were supposed to make my mother suffer! You
were supposed to blackmail her and make her
miserable. Yet, here the two of you are, practically
acting like a married couple.”

The pair of us turned to each other. We were standing

together, our bodies touching. We were all but
holding hands with similar expressions on our faces.
We had approached Kira as a united front. Sasori
wasn’t distraught or angry. Rather, her concern was
completely on Kira, as was my own. From the look, it
was like we were a couple admonishing our child after
we caught her doing something bad. Except, I was a
high school kid no older than Kira, and I was supposed
to be ruining Sasori’s life in Kira’s eyes. I realized now
how it would seem like a betrayal.

“That’s not…” Sasori stepped away from me, but

couldn’t stop a blush from reaching her cheeks.
Well, that wasn’t helping things at all! I let out a sigh.

“Kira, I used Sasori to find out where you are. I’m

concerned about you. You called me, and I came.”

Kira lowered her head, her angry expression only

diminishing slightly. “Well, next time, don’t.”


“Goodbye, Hakaru…” Kira sniffed and I realized tears

were falling down her face. “If you’re going to keep
fucking my mom, and least have the decency of being
a bit more discrete about it. It wouldn’t do well if the
school found out about it like they did with your

Kira turned around and started walking away.

“I won’t give up on you!” I said, my eyes narrowing.

Kira paused for a moment. “I’ve already given up on


She continued on, walking away. Sasori shot me a

look. She seemed a little upset.

“What?” I said, shooting Sasori a blank look.

“You should have done more! Why are you letting her

I raised an eyebrow. “I’m not her parent? What can I

tell her to do? She’s right. We’re barely friends
anymore. Let’s just go. Whatever happened is over.
She can make it home safely on her own.”

Sasori lowered her eyes. “I’ve… never been good with

being open with my daughter. I always kept a distance
between us that could not be crossed. Tonight just
made that feeling much more solid. You want to hear
something strange?”


“When you started to blackmail me, and I heard my

daughter was similarly being blackmailed, somewhere,
deep down, I felt it was something the pair of us had
in common. I hoped… somehow, that it would bring
the pair of us closer together. Instead, I found out that
my daughter had planned this from the beginning, and
I’m farther from her than I ever was.”
“Sasori…” I said… not sure how to finish it.

Her eyes wandered towards the love hotel and she

suddenly gasped, turning away. “Damn it, is everyone
frequenting this hotel tonight?”

I looked over her shoulder, seeing a familiar face near

the hotel. It was my father. Except, the woman on his
arm was not Mrs. Fukumi, but some girl who didn’t
looking much older than 20. They were holding each
other affectionately and she was giggling while he
whispered things into her ear and kissed her neck. It
was about as damning a scene as one could find in

I didn’t know what to say. I had told her that dad was
a cheater. However, being told something by the guy
blackmailing you and seeing it for yourself were two
very different things. For the first time, she was truly
realizing what a piece of shit my dad was. Well, maybe
those words lost a little power when they came from a
guy like me.

The pair of them ended up slipping into the hotel.

Sasori stared at the door for a long enough period of
time that I started to get a little antsy.

“Are we going?”

Sasori finally broke her vision away and then turned

back to the car. She got in the driver’s seat and I got in
the passenger side. Sasori began to drive home, but
she was incredibly silent. She wasn’t crying, so that
was good. I didn’t know how I could handle it if she
was bawling her eyes out. We didn’t see Kira on the
way, so she must have taken some way that took her
off the streets. About half way to the final destination,
Sasori suddenly turned and pulled in between two
She slowed the car to a stop and parked. It wasn’t in a
bad area of town, but it was still an area that was dark
and devoid of people, which gave it a slightly
dangerous feeling. I glanced back and Eiko.

“Are we going to drop her off at her home? I know the

address.” I said.


Sasori continued to stare ahead, her eyes wide as if

she was completely lost in thought.

“What is it?” I asked, feeling a little weirded out by her

current behavior.

Sasori suddenly unbuckled her belt. Without a word,

she swung over her legs and the got on my lap. I let
out a cry of surprise as her lips suddenly attacked
mine. Her hands went down to my pants, unzipping
them and pulling out my dick. I pushed her from my

“What are you doing?” I demanded.

“Just put it inside me.” She said, her entire body

shaking, “I want to feel it.”


I could barely process what was going on. I had

blackmailed Sasori into sex a few times, but now she
was coming on to me heavily. She was still my teacher,
so I had always seen this relationship as a one way
“Wait… Eiko…” I tried to protest as she successfully
pulled out my dick.

I was very hard. I had been for some time. We had

been in a sex hotel for some time, and now this older
woman was pawing me frantically with need.
Compared to Maria and Akiko, Sasori was far more
sexually alluring. It took a woman who had sex
frequently and for her own sexual pleasure to truly
show eroticism and lewdness. Maria had always had
sex for stuff, whether it be a social standing or to
satisfy her partner. Akiko was still learning, and
doesn’t really have everything figured out yet.
However, Sasori was a woman. She knew what she
wanted and when she wanted it, and right now she
wanted my cock.

She lifted up her skirt and pushed her panties to the

side, and within a minute I was inside my teacher. She
closed her eyes and let out a moan of pleasure. Then,
she began to rock up and down on my hips. When I
initiated sex, it was easy for me to be in charge and
remain in charge, but I quickly realized I had a
weakness when the woman came on to me. I could
act cruel and dominating to any girl, pushing her down
and having my way with her for my own enjoyment.
However, when that girl threw herself at me, I’d grow
flustered and freeze, my control disappearing like

Perhaps that was the reason I still slept with Akiko.

She gained me no points and my feelings about her
were complicated, but I rarely initiated sex with her
these days. Instead, she would push herself on me,
and then I wouldn’t say no. In this instance, Sasori
Fukumi, my teacher, was forcing herself on me with
another student unconscious in the back of the car.

Her body felt hot, but soft. Her butt was lifting up and
down, allowing my cock to slide in and out of her. I
wasn’t doing anything and Sasori was taking care of
everything. Even with Akiko, I usually played an active
part in the sex. She might kiss my neck or suck me off
until I was horny enough, but inevitably I would push
them down and have my way with them. Yet, my
teacher was in complete control in this instance.

“Ah… shit I’m going to cum…” I let out a moan.

Sasori kissed me again. “It’s okay… you can cum in me.

I’m on the pill now.”

“Sasori…” I leaned forward and kissed her neck,

causing her to gasp, her chest pressing against mine as
her head tilted back.

“Yes… please… cum in me. Hakaru…”

I grabbed her but and pulled it down, pushing myself

deep inside her.
“Mm… In deep…” She moaned.

My cock had enough. I didn’t know if she came at all,

but I couldn’t last a second longer. My cooked swelled
and I shot myself deep inside Sasori. She held me
tightly, continuing to rock her hips as I jazzed deep
into her womb. When it was done, she kissed me one
more time, then pulled my dick out, fixed her
underwear, and swung back into the driver’s seat like
nothing had happened.

Clearing her throat, she turned the car on and then

headed off. She asked for directions to Eiko’s place.
We managed to leave her on her on a canopy swing
inside the porch. She then proceeded to take me
home without another word. When we stopped up in
front of my house, I turned to her with a complicated
expression on my face.
“Sasori… about everything…”

“Hakaru… on Monday at school… I won’t be wearing

any panties.”

“Wh-what?” I let out a cry, my eyes widened. “Why

are you telling me that?”

Sasori put on a strange smirk. “You’re the only one

who gets to know. What happens because of that…
well, that depends on you.”

I opened the door and stepped out. Sasori drove off,

leaving me standing in front of my house. What just
happened? Whatever it was, I had a feeling my life at
school was now going to be changing radically.
Chapter 49 :
“Ah, crap!” My eyes shot down to my watch.

It was 10:15 pm. I had been thinking about Kira and

Sasori so much that I completely forgot about Netori’s
training regimen. With a sigh, I considered whether
the goddess and her so-called date would be there or
not. Deciding it was far too late, I shrugged and took a
step towards the house. At that moment, a person
suddenly appeared out of thin air.

“You… stupid!” the girl cried, stomping her foot on the

ground. “After I came to the park and everything!”

She was a beautiful goddess. She looked exactly like

Netori, but there were a few subtle differences that
you got used to if you saw the pair next to each other
enough. She was just slightly shorter and just a pinch
more baby fat. She also did her hair slightly differently
in a braid. I was surprised to see her there though.
“Eh? Netorare?” I hadn’t seen her since Netori had
made her vanish over a week ago.

A second later, Netori appeared right next to

Netorare. She crossed her arms as well and gave me a
dark look.

“What is this? Are you saying that super training I was

supposed to be doing was dating Netorare?” I made a
face of disgust, not even able to imagine it.

Netorare hissed and then pouted. “I’m a goddess,

don’t you know? How dare you look down on me so
much! I did all of this for you! Netori asked me to help
train you on how to handle women! So, after I
graciously decided to go out, I found that you didn’t
even show up!”
“Ah… I’m sorry… as to that…”

“Don’t be… I had to drag her out kicking and

screaming every step of the way. It’s probably better
you didn’t come, or she would have made both of our
lives miserable,” Netori sighed, floating up into the air
like she was lying down to take a nap after an
extremely stressful day. “Besides, you’ve earned
points today, I know. When a flag appears, you have
to take it. I’m not too upset.”

“What flag?” I snorted. “I was just worried about


“Kira?” Netorare incessant whining ended for a

moment as she looked over in curiosity.
“Yeah, she’s a childhood friend and she called earlier
today wanting help. That’s why I completely forgot
about the training session.”

“Is she your next target?” Netori asked. “I don’t

know… her mother seems much more willing. You’ve
been making a lot of points off her today. If you play
your cards right, you should be level 4 within a week.
You can definitely get the remaining points out of your
teacher, especially if you get her to play with Akiko or

“That woman…” I grimaced. “Mrs. Fukumi is just using

me to hide her own insecurities. It’s the same way as
with my father. She’s just throwing all of her desires
and happiness onto me, hoping I can make it all

“Isn’t that good?” Netorare suggested, cocking her

head. “It makes her a really easy conquest. All you
have to do is keep pushing her and she’ll become
completely infatuated with you.”

“And who says I want that!” I shot back, causing

Netorare to stick out her tongue.

Netori chuckled. “I agree with my player here. There is

little point to a cheap win.”

Netorare shot her sister an ugly look. “Is that the kind
of advice you give your player? Do you want him to
lose? You don’t seem particularly helpful at all!”

“Lose? You’re one to talk!” Netori returned the look,

but then shrugged, “Well, I’m not going to cheat if
that is what you are suggesting. I want Hakaru to win
of his own ability. If I just walked him through
everything, then there would be no point to any of
Netorare crossed her arms and sniffed. “You still think
he’s the one? Here I thought Netorase was the
hopeless one.”

“Enough sister!” Netori’s expression grew angry. “You

lost… predictably, so now you must follow along.
Whether Hakaru has what it takes to win is none of
your concern. What is your concern is giving him the
best chance to do it!”

“It’s not me who ditched our first date!” Netorare

defended. “I’m honestly doing what sister says!
Please, don’t throw me back in the box!”

Netori’s expression looked somewhat dangerous for a

second, and Netorare looked genuinely afraid of
whatever it was that Netori could do. Was that when
Netori made her disappear before? I shook my head. I
only had a partial understanding of anything they
were talking about. After glaring at Netorare for a few
moments, Netori spun away, turning toward me.

“Although it is true that Sasori is a bit questionable in

her intent, it is also true you need the points. You
gained many points with her recently, and with a small
push, you can reach level 4 before next weekend. That
should be our goal for the moment.”


“Hakaru… I know you are worried about Kira. You’re

afraid that if you continue to chase Sasori that you will
drive Kira farther away. The fact you follow your heart
is one of the things that lead me to picking you.
However, you’re just going to have to trust me on this
one. Okay?”
I sighed, lowering my head. “Fine… Sasori it is. Of
course, that leads to the next question. How do I get
Sasori to stop running away from her problems?”

“Mm…” Netori nodded. “That is a tricky one. The

answer to that… will come from my sister here!”

As Netori suddenly gestured to Netorare, she let out a

cry. “Eh? Me?”

“She is the goddess of betrayal and loss. Only she can

truly understand the psyche of a woman who is willing
to betray her own loved ones.”

Netorare eyed her sister suspiciously, but as she

seemed to say good things, her attitude instantly
improved. “Hehe… I’m glad sister has noticed her
weaknesses and my strengths. That is right! I,
Netorare, the beautiful goddess of loss, can truly help
you understand a mere human’s mind.”

“That is why Netorare and Hakaru will be sleeping

together every night from now on.” Netori nodded.

“Eh?” Netorare looked back.

My eyes widened too, staring at Netori. There were a

few seconds as the words truly started to set it. It was
Netorare who exploded.

“What are you talking about!” Netorare cried out. “I

am a beautiful and sexy goddess! You dare to tell me
to lay with th-th-this human!”

I was also protesting. “Netori, I have Akiko and Maria,

there is not much she can teach me in bed-“
“First off!” Netori turned to Netorare. “You’ve already
banged Hakaru before. Don’t give me crap about your
purity. That body of yours has already been ruined!

“You… that… even though…” Netorare was puffing out

her cheeks with indignation.

“Secondly, you agreed to aid me in any way I needed.

This is the way I need! Maria and Akiko have already
delivered about all of the points they can. There are
many points to earn from a goddess, and you will give
him all of them!”

“I-impossible!” Netorare spun away. “Points only

come with feelings… even if you… even if we… do
that… every night… a goddesses’ feelings won’t
change so easily!”
“Hmph!” Netori crossed her arms. “I wanted to ease
the pair of you into this slowly with a date, but I have
a feeling we don’t have time to take things slow
anymore. Forcing you two to begin a sexual
relationship is the quickest way for my goals to be

“You’re crazy… I can’t believe you would destroy your

sister’s chastity. You know you’re asking me to
basically give up all of my power, right? Mortals
corrupt! It’ll be a thousand years before I can return
to heaven after doing what you want.”

“That is… if we don’t succeed.”

“You…” Netorare lowered her head. “Success… you

really do think he will-“
Their eyes turned to me, and then both women
suddenly closed their lips. As to what they were
talking about, it just seemed like sleeping with
Netorare would allow me to gain points quickly. It was
something like that. Still, I had my own feelings on the

“I’m not really interested in Netorare. It’s the same as

with Sasori. I’m not someone who just chases people
without reason.”

“Hakaru… I admire that you’re a man of principle, in

fact, I am thrilled. However, your only success so far
has been with your sister and a high school girl. Your
practices have been in the small leagues. You need to
graduate to someone a bit more in control.

“You saw it yourself, didn’t you? When it’s a high

school girl, someone with a low body image or
someone off guard, you can dance circles around
them. However, as soon as they grow assertive, you
back off. Sasori Fukumi is your teacher and a prime
example. When you’re blackmailing her or she’s
drunk, you can easily push her down and tell her
whatever you want. However, when she comes on to
you, you lose control of the situation.

“It was the same way with Kira. As soon as she put her
foot down and refused to tell you anything, you began
to back up. Your confidence is better than it has ever
been, but you’ve never needed to butt that
confidence against another person who was just as

“Wait… were you guys watching?”

The two girls looked away.

Netori shrugged. “When you didn’t show up at 8, of
course, we’d come to you. We saw most of your time
in the love hotel and your time with Sasori and Kira.
We also saw you let Sasori take complete charge! You
aren’t assertive at all!”

“Th-there was Jack!” I threw out. “I was assertive with


“You had Gio backing you up, and Jack was not an
assertive guy. He had no beliefs or desires. He simply
pushed his way forward with violence. In many ways,
he was a weakling, more insecure than anyone.”

“H-hey…” Netorare raised an eye, and then sighed.

“It’s true. In the same way, you sit back and leave
things to fate because of your insecurities, Jack would
overcompensate because of his. That was his failing in
the end. If you don’t learn how to face a challenge
head-on, you might as well give up NTR Crush.
I bit my lip. I wanted to say something in my defense,
but they were absolutely right on their account. I was
never someone who was assertive. Once getting
enough, it didn’t occur to me all that much to take
more. If I took more, there was always the chance I
could lose it. Suddenly something occurred to me.

“I mentioned once that I was worried that I wouldn’t

want what other players wanted. You told me you’d
increase my appetite. Is Netorare your way of doing
that?” I asked.

Netori let out a chuckle. “Who knows?”

“H-hey! I’m a goddess! Sister… you’re not treating me

like some sacrificial lamb, right? Wait, that’s exactly
what you’re doing, isn’t it! I can see it now! Have my
body used for points until I’m nothing but a husk of a
Netori ignored her sister. “Netorare will sleep in your
bed every night. Make sure to use her to her fullest.”

“Netori!” Netorare looked like she was being

betrayed, a step from breaking into tears.

Netori’s eyes snapped onto Netorare. “You must do as

I say. Both of our futures depend on it! Stay close to
Hakaru. Don’t give him your usual bad advice, but
teach him how to be the man we both want him to

“Netori?” I raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on? You

sound strange when you say that!”

“Netori?” Netorare’s eyes widened.

Netori sighed. “I’ll be leaving for a while. I have
something in heaven I have to take care of. It should
only take a week or two.”

I frowned. “Really, you’re leaving already? And you’re

leaving me with her?”

“S-sister… this couldn’t be about…” Netorare’s eyes

flashed fearfully.

Netori nodded. “I need to make sure that he doesn’t

learn about the game.”

“I didn’t tell anyone associated with him!” Netorare

took a step forward. “I swear! Even I wouldn’t go to
the extent of letting him know. She keeps him on a
short leash, you know? His circles are small these
days. It could be another decade before he hears a
“Or…” Netori sighed. “He could be on his way


Netori shrugged. “It’s probably just paranoia, but now

that things have settled down with the decree, I’m
going to make sure that no one accidentally tells him.”

“Netori? Netorare?” The two girls got real serious

suddenly, and I had no clue what was going on.

Netori shot me a forced smile. “I’ll be going. Don’t

worry, I’ll be back before you know it. Netorare will be
taking my place. You can cash points with her. She’ll
also put out, or heavenly law will make her do it like
before. If you want to have sex, Netorare will do her
Before I could say another word, Netori vanished.

Chapter 50 :
Monday came too quickly, and I was back in class with
everyone else. The previous two nights, I had ended
up sleeping with Netorare. Well, we slept in the same
bed. No sooner had nighttime fell than I went to bed.
With the lights out, I flopped into bed next to her. My
hands reached out to touch her, but halfway to her
body, her eyes snapped open.

“Don’t even think about it!” She growled.

“Eh? But, Netori…”

“I’m not sleeping with you! I’m not!” She huffed.

“Is that so?” I asked, grinning.

I reached over and touched her leg gently. She let out
a cry, trying to move away, but instantly chains
appeared, preventing her from resisting it. Just like
Netori had said, Netorare was completely defenseless.
She was stuck under the law and I had the full right to
do whatever I wanted to her. She let out a cry,
desperately fighting her chains, but she couldn’t stop
it as my hand slowly went up her robes.

“Stop!” She cried out. “Don’t! E-even if you do it with

me, you’ll never earn points! I hate you! You’re a
pervert! Worse!”

My hand stopped suddenly, my lips only a few inches

from her own. I smiled, removed my hand, and then
flopped down on the bed right next to her. I closed my
eyes and sighed. She blinked, staring up in confusion
before finally turning to me.
“Wh-what are you doing?” She demanded

I opened one eye. “Eh? You said stop? What do you

want now?”

“Y-y-you actually stopped?”

“What’s the point if I’m not going to earn any points?”

I shrugged.

“The point?” Netorare’s eyes widened, and then her

eyes narrowed. “Are you speaking of sleeping with a
goddess like it’s a chore!”

“Huh?” I blinked. “I’m just saying if there is no point…”

“No point? No point! I’m the best fuck you’ll ever get!
I’m a goddess. You should feel lucky for even being
within an inch of my greatness!”

“Then, are you saying you want to fuck?” I asked


“Of course not!” She sniffed angrily. “But that doesn’t

mean you shouldn’t want it.”

“Whatever…” I rolled away, “You just better not


“I’m a goddess! I don’t snore!” She cried out.

She remained in a huff for some time after that. I felt
her eyes watching me deep into the night until she
finally fell asleep. As it turns out, she snores really
badly. A particularly loud snort in the middle of the
night woke me up.

I grabbed her and tried to turn her over so she’d snore

into her pillow at least, and then she suddenly
grabbed me.

“Geehee… Hakaru… no touching…” A strange smile

formed on her.

“I’m not touching!” I growled.

“Oo… naughty boy… well… maybe just a little. No…

stop… You lowly mortal. Yes… you can be my slave.
Gee hee…”
I realized her eyes were closed while she had that
creepy grin, and all of her words weren’t being
addressed to me at all. Her talking was worse than her
snoring. I sighed, collapsing next to her and using my
music headphones to block out her talking and

So, school returned quickly with my nights spent like

that. Sitting in class, I watched Sasori who was wearing
a long skirt that went down to her ankles. I supposed
in school she should be Sensei or Mrs. Fukumi, but I
was having a harder and harder time not just seeing
her as a woman. Was she really not wearing any
underwear? I kept glancing at her skirt wondering
about that. She gave nothing away in class. She was
really good at keeping her face free of emotion while
she was teaching.

After school, I planned to take her over her school

desk. If there was one thing, I was good at, it was
milking a girl for every point she was worth. If my
teacher wanted to play sex games at school, then I
would happily play with her until she was completely
mine. It’d be better if I felt her emotions were genuine
rather than escapism, but there wasn’t much I could
do about that. The game must continue.

“Hey, Hakaru… how’s it hanging?” The bell had just

rung for lunch and I looked up to see Derek smiling
down at me with a harmless expression.

“What is it, Derek?” I responded flatly.

“I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch

together.” He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. “I thought you weren’t talking to

me anymore? What happened to Halloween?”
Derek and I had sort of made peace after Akiko left
him like she left me. He did have a bad personality and
he was an asshole, but in some ways that made it easy
to be his friend. You didn’t care what an asshole
thought about you, for example. You also didn’t care if
you screwed them over. I also had to admit I had
fantasies of Derek getting into a relationship with a
new girl, and then me NTRing him, in the same way,
he did me. When I did it with Akiko, it was

Derek shrugged. “Sorry, man. I was being childish. I

mean, Akiko was your girl, to begin with, and then I
took her away. The fact she ran back to you is
whatever. Bros before hoes, right? Why let our
relationship fall apart because of women.”

This was pretty interesting. Of course, I didn’t trust

Derek a single ounce, but to see him suddenly trying
to regain my friendship, I was definitely suspicious. He
held out his hand to me and shaking it felt like shaking
hands with the devil. However, I was curious was his
game was about. I had mostly left him alone. We were
friends for a while and so I gave him the benefit of the
doubt. However, if he wanted to push things, then I
still felt like he had gotten off light.

I took his hand and smiled. “Sure man, oh, wait, there
was something I needed to do for the student council
during lunch. Sorry…”

Derek smiled back at me, his expression just as

passive. “Of course, man. The offer is always open.”

The pair of us separated and I headed out into the

hall. I went to the boy’s restaurant and waiting for
most of the halls to clear out. Only then did I pop out
into the hallway, heading for the student council’s
room. Checking carefully as I moved, I made my way
over to the room they used to carry about their
activities. I carefully kneeled and listened at the door.
“What are you doing?” A voice came from behind.

I spun around to see the vice-principal. I stood

immediately and bowed.

“Mr. Fukumi, I’m sorry, I was just checking to see if the

student president is in. I didn’t want to disturb them

The vice-principal, Mr. Fukumi, was Kira’s father and

Mrs. Fukumi’s husband. I bet he didn’t know his wife
came to school today without panties on. Whatever
went wrong in Kira’s life, I had a feeling that this man
was involved. She had said that previous night they
were all cheaters. She spoke of her mom and her dad.
Her dad was cheating as well. That was something she
let slip. I suspected Mrs. Fukumi picked up on it too,
which might have been part of the reason she started
throwing herself at me, especially after already seeing
my dad in another woman’s arms.
“Ah, you’re looking for Kira?” Mr. Fukumi’s eyes
brightened. “That’s right, you used to be close friends
with her. My wife was just talking about that

“R-really, Mrs. Fukumi mentioned me? Nothing bad I

hope?” I smiled innocently, even though I felt a bit
awkward speaking to Mr. Fukumi.

I had banged his wife. Unlike most of the people I had

done this to, I had no anger aimed at this man. When
it came to Jack, Derek, or even my father, they were
all assholes that I didn’t mind stealing from. As far as I
knew, Mr. Fukumi was an okay guy. Even if he was a
cheater, it wasn’t nearly at the level of my father, and
he seemed to genuinely care about his daughter,
which is more than I can say about my dad towards
“No… she was just mentioning that you and Kira had
rekindled your friendship and you may be coming over
to the house occasionally.”

Leave it to Mrs. Fukumi to already create alibis. If Mr.

Fukumi ever saw anything suspicious where I was
involved, Mrs. Fukumi would undoubtedly blame it all
on her daughter.

“Yeah, Kira is a good friend. I’ve had some friendship

issues lately and Kira has been nothing but
supportive.” I gave a vague answer that still
complemented Kira.

“Ah, I have heard a lot of rumors about you lately,

some disturbing.” The man’s eyes narrowed, but then
he laughed. “Children can be so cruel, making up any
story they can to discredit each other. My daughter
has always been the selfless type, doing things for
others when she should worry about herself. I’m glad
she has been able to help you. People you can trust
are hard to come by, so I’m glad you had her. Actually,
on that note, could you perhaps do me a favor?”

“What is that, sir?” I asked nervously.

“Make sure to look after my daughter too. Her grades

are still good, but she comes home very late and has
seemed very distant lately. Honestly, so does my wife,
but she can take care of herself. As for my daughter,
it’d be good if a friend she could trust would watch
over her as well.”

“That…” I nodded. “Of course, Mr. Fukumi. On that

note, do you know…?”

“Ah! That’s right, you’re looking for her. The last I

heard she had some business with the basketball
team. She was discussing club fund allocations with
their team leader. If you go out to the sport’s shed,
you might find her there.”

“Thanks!” I said.

I bowed again and parted ways with Mr. Fukumi. I

only felt worse that I was having such a relationship
with his wife. The guy seemed genuinely normal. I
headed outside. It was a chilly day and we had both
indoor and outdoor basketball courts. Thus, I was
surprised when I headed out to the sports shed and I
saw the basketball team huddled around the sport’s

As I got close, a guy turned and put his hand out,

stopping me in my tracks. “Heh… this is a basketball
team exclusive. You’re not allowed”

“What?” I asked.
Another guy turned and blocked my way. “You heard
him, beat it. Coach says this is our award for reaching

A strange feeling came over me, and two fists

launched into each of their guts. The two men made
shocked sounds, but I was moving before anyone else
even realized I was there, let alone that I had attacked
two of their teammates.

I shoved through the group of guys brutally. I got

curses and a few elbows, but I fought my way in, a
sinking feeling growing in my gut. I finally burst
through into the sport’s shed. There was a sports mat
in the middle of the floor, and Kira was on her knees in
the middle of it. Her shirt was pulled down exposing
her breasts. She had two boys with their shorts pulled
down and their dicks out, one in each hand. Several
others had their erect dicks out and were stroking
them, while still more filmed it on their phones.
She was jacking the boys off, and by the look of wet
spooge on her face, chest, and the floor, they were
not the first. Kira was currently servicing the entire
basketball team with handjobs! Someone shouted
from outside, likely one of the guys I punched. This
brought notice in the dimly-lit room to me. Kira looked
up from her duties, her eyes locking on me for the first
time. They widened in shock for a moment, but then
the light seemed to dim out of them.

“Kira…” It was the only word that came out of my


What else could I say?

Chapter 51 :
Without a thought, I reached out a grabbed Kira. This
was no different than the times I had run into Maria or
Akiko. Maria was placed in a situation exactly like this.
I just arrived right on time to keep her from making a
mistake. Akiko had ended up even being raped by
several guys. I managed to pull her away too. This
time, the only difference was that it was Kira I was
holding. I might have been a little late, but it was
never too late to save her.

I ignored the damp feeling as I picked her up in my

arms. She let out a cry of protest and struggled. Her
body was wet and oily, and my grip slipped. Her leg
fell down. No, I would definitely save Kira. She was my
friend. Perhaps she was the only friend I had ever
really had.

“What do you think you’re doing?” A guy suddenly

shoved me.

Kira slipped from my hands, landing on her feet and

skidding a few steps away. I reached for her again, but
she looked startled and pulled away. A knee slammed
into my gut. I let out a wheeze, backing up a few
steps. It was only then I looked away from her, only to
see a fist slamming into my face. This time I collapsed
on the mat.

“Fuck…” I groaned.

“Hey!” Someone shouted. “This is the fucking guy who

bangs his sister!”

“That fucking pervert?”

“He’s trying to feel up the student council president all

to himself!”

“Kick his ass!”

This call didn’t go unheeded. A shoe slammed into me.
And then another. I lashed out, hitting someone. I
then attacked someone else. More people came to
their aid. I was shoved down by at least a half-dozen
guys. I looked up to see basketball players all around
me. I hadn’t moved fast enough, and now they were
all kicking me. Pain shot through my body and more
and more bastards were kicking me. I had to stop
reaching for Kira and start protecting myself.
Unfortunately, I had already taken too many blows.

I didn’t know how long the beating went on. The kicks
and punches all sort of blended together, and it
became just one long continuous feeling of pain.
When it finally settled, the world was blurring and I
could barely see shadows. A certain shadow seemed
to come out of the darkness. It was a naked woman,
but her features were too indistinct to see.
“I’m sorry, Hakaru,” She said, her voice was the
familiar voice of Kira. “I know you wanted to save her
like a hero out of a story. I’m sorry. It was never going
to work out that way.”

The distant shadows grew until there was complete

darkness, and then my head hit the mat as I slipped
off into unconsciousness. When I awoke, I was
confused for a few moments. I sat up, only to feel my
head throb with pain.

“Hakaru!” Two large soft things suddenly pressed up

against me.

“Ah… wh-what?” I shook my head and tried to make

out the person holding me. “Sasori?”

“I heard about it earlier and came here right away.

Since you’re my student and we had no nurse at
school today, the vice-principal allowed me to watch
after you. Some boys had brought you in. Who did this
to you? I tried to get answers, but no one admitted to

“Ah…” I touched my head, feeling a surge of pain.

“That… the entire… basketball team.”

“The basketball team?” Sasori blinked. “Why would

they bully you?”

I tried to work through everything that had happened.

Kira was there, and I tried to save her, and yeah, I got
my ass handed to me by a dozen boys. No, before
that, they were getting an award. It was the couch! I
started explaining everything that I saw to Sasori, my
tongue getting tied several times. She had to ask
questions to clarify a bit, but eventually, I managed to
work through the entire story.
When I was done, Sasori had her head down, her
expression hidden by the relatively low lighting for the
infirmary. The infirmary was a typical medical center
for a school. Most people who had to go to the nurse’s
office just wanted to lie down in the dark for a while,
so the place usually had the blinds up. Thus, I was
lying in bed in a fairly dark room with Sasori sitting
next to me, still in her traditional teaching attire. As
for why there wasn’t a nurse today, that seemed odd
to me. Maybe Sasori made some kind of deal with the

“Kira can do whatever she wants,” Sasori spoke up,

bringing me back to looking at her.

“What?” I said, my voice tinged in disbelief.


Sasori shrugged. “What am I supposed to do about the

girl? She won’t talk to us. She goes to love hotels in
the middle of the night. She sexts and takes erotic
photos. Now, this. She’s barely recognizable from the
girl I raised. I don’t know what to say. I have a slut of a

“Sasori!” I sat up, grabbing my head as I grew dizzy.

“This is your daughter! How can you say that about

Sasori gritted her teeth. “You’ve seen the pictures she

takes! Maybe… maybe she wants this to happen? Did
you ever think of that? She could have gotten my help,
but she doesn’t want my help! She doesn’t want me!”

“It’s not about want!” I snapped. “You’re her mother!”

“St-stop!” She said, her face flushing, “I don’t want to

talk about this right now.”

“Let’s just talk about you… and me… okay?” Her face
seemed to turn lewd as she looked me up and down.

“Me and you?” I said incredulously.

Her hand reached out and touched my thigh. “I saw

you looking at me in class. You were wondering if I
was really not wearing panties, weren’t you?”

“Sasori…” I shook my head.

Sasori stood up, and then unzipped the side of her

skirt and slid it down her long legs. As soon as they fell
to the ground, her naked lower half was exposed. Her
dark bush, pink slit, and round butt were on complete
display for anyone in the infirmary. Fortunately, I was
the only one there.

I wasn’t in the mood. My thoughts were still wrapped

up on Kira. Meanwhile, Sasori was trying to abandon
any responsibility. She was trying to entice me
because flirting and having sex felt better than dealing
with the reality of her broken home. I wanted to say
exactly that, but I didn’t think it would do any good.
Worse, her naked body was enticing, and I grew hard
looking at her.

Her eyes snapped to the tent in my pants instantly,

and she licked her lips. I tried to grab her hands and
stop her, but she was very forceful, and soon my dick
was out in the open.

“I locked the door.” She purred. “I’m your nurse, so

you definitely have to listen to what I say!”
She ended that sentence by going down on my cock. I
leaned back and moaned as she engulfed my cock in a
way only an experienced woman like her could. Netori
and Netorare had both told me that I needed to get
whatever points out of her that I could. In some ways,
it did feel better to forget about my problems with
Kira and to just have sex. At the very least, I wasn’t
going to resist.

“Mmmm…” Sasori moaned and gasped as she sucked

lewdly on my member. “Hakaru’s cock is so tasty. And
you’re so big too. You’re going to split me open.”

She climbed on top of me and started riding me. I

eventually got into the rhythm of it and played with
her tits while she bounced up and down on my cock.
She was very enthusiastic, which was much different
from the dead-eyed girl I had blackmailed before. In a
way, she was like a whole different person now. She
may be an older woman, but she was sensual and
erotic, and the way her large hips gyrated and my cock
felt amazing.

“Cum inside me, it’s okay…” She moaned. “Come

inside your teacher.”

“Sh-shit…” I moaned as she bounced up and down on

my cock.

The bell rang just as I exploded my load. I came deep

inside of Sasori, my balls emptying inside her. She
graciously took it all with an excited look. With that
done, I actually did feel a little bit better. I felt like I
could think a bit more and my headache went away. It
wasn’t a great time for it, but I genuinely felt like it
had been a good therapy for me. It was just what I
needed at that moment.

“The bell rang,” I said after catching my breath.

“Mmm…” She giggled lowering herself and kissing me,
even while she continued to grind her wet pussy
against my softening cock. “End of the school day.
Time to go home.”

“Ah… is that so?”

She nodded, biting my lip before pulling away. “I’ll go

first. Tomorrow… I’m going to wear a shorter skirt, but
I still won’t have any panties on.”

She winked as she slowly got dressed, putting on a

show of sliding her dress back up her nice curves.
When she finally left, I shook myself out of my daze.
Overall, I didn’t know what to do with Kira. For all
intents and purposes though, did I have to do
anything? I already had Sasori. There were other
women in the world. Perhaps it was a mistake that I
had been focused on Kira. It wasn’t even like I wanted
to use her for points or anything.

I got dressed and then headed out the door. As soon

as I opened it, I ran into Mr. Fukumi. A strange feeling
washed over me.

“Ah! Vice-Principal!”

He smiled in a friendly manner and patted my

shoulder. “Are you doing okay? I heard you got into a
fight? I’m glad my wife could watch over you for a bit.
Sorry about the lack of a nurse today. Budget cuts.
Technically, we’d get cited if the board found out, so if
you can keep it hush, hush.”

It was at that point that I realized that while Mrs.

Fukumi didn’t care about her daughter, Mr. Fukumi
was different. I wouldn’t tell him the truth, but I could
tell him a bit about what happened to his daughter, at
least a subdued cliff notes version. I couldn’t get to
her myself, and Mrs. Fukumi had completely tapped
out. So, he was my best hope of finding help for Kira.

“Um… Mr. Fukumi. About that fight…”

Mr. Fukumi shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I

already questioned the boys. They said that you
thought you saw my daughter kissing someone on the
team, grew into a jealous rage, and started attacking

“Sir!? I didn’t.”

“It’s fine… I’m glad you protected my daughter. You’re

a good man…”
“No!” I shook my head. “We need to talk! This is about
your daughter. I need to tell you some things?”

Mr. Fukumi raised an eyebrow. “Is there really a


I bit my lip, and then slowly nodded. “Yeah, I think it’d

be best if we talked.”

Mr. Fukumi scratched his chin and then gave a distinct

nod. “Very well, then please, head to my office. I have
something I have to fetch, and then we’ll have an
honest discussion. How does that sound?”

I let out a relieved noise. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

Mr. Fukumi directed me to his room and then went

into the nurse’s office to get some information, as he
called it. I felt a little awkward talking to this man,
considering I just slept with his wife. More than that, I
was depending on him to help Kira because I couldn’t.
Considering what I had done to him, this all seemed
kind of strange. However, this was my best bet toward
helping her. This might be Kira’s last chance at
salvation. I just hoped her father knew what to do.

Chapter 52 :
Iwalked into the office of the vice-principal and sat
down nervously. The room was much smaller than the
principal’s nearby. Other than the desk and two
chairs, there was a TV on the wall and a bookcase. The
whole room felt a bit claustrophobic.

As I waited, I thought back to everything I had

witnessed. Kira’s downfall had certainly caught me by
surprise. Part of that was because I had always
thought she was such a rock. She had always been so
steady and capable, that it never occurred to me that
she’d be in any real trouble. Even if something
happened, I always thought that she’d be able to
handle it.

There was also part of me that felt that it didn’t really

matter. I didn’t owe Kira anything, there was no
particular reason I had to protect her. She was a
childhood friend, but we hadn’t been close in years.
This all felt like more work than it was worth when it
came to her. Okay, at the very least, I’d let her father
know. I began working on what I was going to say to
him. By the time he came into the room, I had settled
on a story.

Mr. Fukumi sat down across from me and smiled.

“Hello, Hakaru. So, what is it you need to tell me?
Remember, this is a safe space, so you can share
anything and you won’t get in any trouble, okay?”
I nodded, deciding it was easier to look at his desk
than at the man himself directly. “I believe your
daughter is being blackmailed or somehow coerced to
do things she doesn’t want to do.”

Mr. Fukumi made a noise of surprise. “My… my… what

do you mean?”

“A few nights ago, your daughter called me late at

night. She asked for my help, but then a man spoke on
the phone. He seemed… dangerous, and then he hung
the phone up and wouldn’t let her talk to me. I’ve
tried to talk to her, and she avoided me. Then today…
today… I saw her with a boy. They were… doing stuff
on school grounds. That’s why I got into the fight.
She’s a student council president, so I know she
wouldn’t act that way on her own.”

“She’s a teenager like any other?” Mr. Fukumi

I shook my head. “He… um… he said something about
the coach. The coach gave her to him as a reward!”

Mr. Fukumi’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure that is

what you heard?”

I nodded. It was as close to the truth as I was going to

get. Was the coach an NTR player? Was he
blackmailing her? What could he have on her? I didn’t
know the answer. I also wasn’t going to reveal
everything to Mr. Fukumi.

Mr. Fukumi leaned back, shaking his head. “Wow.

That is incredible. These are very serious accusations
to be leveled at a teacher. You understand this, right?”

I nodded. “I just felt you needed to know.”

Mr. Fukumi sighed. “This is truly worrisome. And to
think… I sent you there to see that.”

My body froze for a second. After being beat over the

head and in all of my concern, I had let that little detail
slip from my mind. He was the one who suggested I go
there. She was exactly where he said. Plus, he
interviewed all of the students. There was no way
they would have been able to cover this up as a lie. He
definitely would have talked to his daughter, and even
if the boys said I was the aggressor, I still didn’t think
Kira would sell me out like that.

Of course, these thoughts of mine were crazy. He was

her father! Even if her mom was unreliable, her father
was someone who cared about her. How could he
know what was happening to his own daughter? How
could he allow it to happen? He couldn’t be the
blackmailer, could he? I suddenly felt danger in the
air. I no longer felt welcome in this supposed safe

“Ah… well, I’ve said what I saw. I think I’ll go then.” I

tried to make an excuse to leave.

“Before you go…” He said as I stood up. “I’d like to

give you a piece of advice. It’s best not to lie when you
tell stories.”

I stopped. “I didn’t lie.”

“Really?” Mr. Fukumi’s smile grew until it looked

sinister. “You said there was only one boy fucking my
daughter. I seem to recall the entire basketball team
having a turn.”
Silence permeated the room. I was frozen in place. He
had said it. He had actually said it. I had hoped to
leave with him thinking I wasn’t suspicious, but he
went and made sure I knew the truth. My body
trembled, and my fist clenched. I truly fought the urge
to leap across the table and beat his ass. He was a
bigger man than me, though, and even if I won, I could
face horrible repercussions attacking the vice-

“You… to your own daughter?” I said with bitterness in

my expression.

“Of course…” Mr. Fukumi chuckled. “She is mine, after

all. I made her. I can do whatever I want with her.”


“You could say… it’s how the game is played.”

I hissed, backing up until my back hit the door. It was
only two steps. “What do you want?”

“I want to show you something. He grinned, pulling

out a disk and sliding it into a DVD player that he had
next to his desk. It was connected to the tv. With a
click of the remote, a video started playing. It only
took me a few moments to realize what it was.

“Ahhn…. Hakaru… fuck… fuck… fuck… keep it up!”

It was an image from not long ago. Mrs. Fukumi was

riding me. Her exposed ass showed on the camera as
she bounced up and down on my cock. The camera
appeared to be hidden on one of the cabinets,
recording the whole thing. That’s why Mr. Fukumi
went back to the nurse’s station. My mouth was dry. I
made five attempts to work moisture back into it.
“You… you think you’ve got me? Blackmail?” A cruel
smile formed on my lips. “I don’t give a fuck about
your wife. She’s just a toy I stuff with my big cock! You
leak this video. It’ll hurt her. It’ll hurt you. Somehow, I
think the underaged student who fucks his teacher
will walk out of it just fine. You’ll only ruin your family,
your reputation, and your life!”

Mr. Fukumi blinked, and then he burst into laughter.

“Oh… my…, aren’t we the serious type! My, my… you
completely misunderstand me. I’m not the bad guy at
all. I may play the game, but that doesn’t mean we
must be opponents!”

I narrowed my eyes. “Aren’t we though? Why else

would you record me with your wife? Why else would
you send me to see your daughter?”
Mr. Fukumi smiled again, his expression not changing
from before. “Because… I want you to keep doing
what you’re doing!”


“Haha… when my god came to me and revealed that

my wife was cheating on me, my heart hurt so much. I
was convinced that I was going to die. That feeling was
horrific, painful, and also exciting. He showed me
another way. He showed me to embrace my pain and
in it find pleasure.” He paused the recording of me
and his wife just as she was cumming, her head
thrown back in ecstasy. “Do you see that look on my
wife? I’ve not been able to make her look that way in
years. Yet, here you are, making my wife ride you on
top like some kind of slut. She’s never looked sexier to

“Th-that’s crazy!”
“I heard you’re fucking your sister. Well, I see my
daughter in the same way. Except, I don’t want to fuck
her myself. I want to see her defiled by other men. I
admit I lied too. I didn’t talk to the basketball team. I
was there! I was in the shadows, watching as one man
after another blasted it all over my daughter’s face. As
a father, it made me feel sad the state my daughter
has fallen to, but as I man, I’ve never felt more alive!”

“You… you…”

“The reason I’ve come to you today is that I want to

work together.” Mr. Fukumi’s lewd expression turned
more serious. “I want you to keep banging my wife.
Defile her. Make her your little tasty slut. I heard that
your father almost had her in gangbangs. I won’t say
you must go to this extent, but it wouldn’t be bad if
you at least got her swapping partners.
“You can enjoy my daughter too. And my girlfriend.
Haha… you haven’t met her. She’s a 15-year-old
Freshman. She was totally into me so I couldn’t help
having her virginity. She’s as timid as a mouse though
and absolutely infatuated. If I tell her to play with you,
she’ll definitely put out.”

“Why would I do any of this?” I demanded, my mind

still struggling to keep up.

“Why… so I can watch?” He chuckled. “Have my wife.

Have her on our marital bed. Make her do the lewd
things she’d never do with me. I’ll be in the closet,
touching myself, cumming on a pair of her

“That’s disgusting! How could you win that way?”

“I won’t win!” Mr. Fukumi laughed. “Who cares about
winning anyway? You’ll be the one who wins. After all,
you get way more points for stealing than I get for
watching. However, I keep earning points, and I get
what I’ve always wanted… I’ll get to see my family

I put my hand over my mouth. “I feel sick…”

“There are other men playing this game. Dangerous

men… and dangerous gods to boot!” He turned
serious. “You need me! If we work together, I know
we can win.”

“And your god is okay with this?”

“He’s the one who wants this! He’s only ever wanted
to help his sisters!” As he spoke this, a form suddenly
appeared next to him.
I let out a cry of shock. He was a man who wore
nothing but a black leather mask that covered his
entire head. He had no shirt and wore a black thong
with leather straps. He truly looked like a pervert, the
god of perverts! The god didn’t speak a single word,
merely crossing his arms and looking at me through a
mask with eyes I couldn’t see.

“What the hell?” I cried out, shocked by his

frightening appearance.

Mr. Fukumi patted the guy’s arm and smiled at me.

“As long as you keep having an affair, I’ll keep
benefiting. You might as well take my offers and earn
even more points. It also doesn’t just go that far. I’m
happy to help you with my skills too. We can both
earn skills together, and synchronize them. Why do
you think none of this ever gets out? God’s powers are
truly wonderful. Being able to force every participant
to keep quiet, unable to say what they did. We can do
anything in this school. We’ll be gods. That’s what this
has always been about. That’s the prize at the end of
this game.”

“What are you talking about?”

“These powers… we’re not like humans anymore.

They’ll only grow stronger and more incredible. We’re
being turned into gods. When you win, you will be a
new god, and I’m happy to be the lesser god by your
side. So, what do you say?” He put out his hand to me.

I stared at it. “A-about Kira. The blackmail… I’ll only

take her exclusively…”

Mr. Fukumi’s mouth turned bitter for a second. “I’m

“Seriously? You want to be my ally but you won’t stop
doing that to your own daughter!”

Mr. Fukumi shook his head sadly. “You

misunderstand. I’m not the one blackmailing Kira. I
already told you, there are other players, dangerous
men. This is why I’ve come to you. You’ve already won
a goddess. I’m tired of being under that bastard’s
finger. My God and I, we don’t have the strength or
the personality to fight back. You, however… you
might just be able to stop him. So… do we have a

He reached out his hand once more. I stared at it.

More points. More women. Less effort. No guilt. Mr.
Fukumi’s offer really was an incredible one. My hand
started moving towards his. I didn’t really know if I
planned to clasp it or hit it away. However, before I
could decide, there was a slap, and a woman was
standing in front of me. My eyes widened.
“Netorare…” I said.

She had knocked away his hand, a furious look on her

face aimed at the leather-faced man.

“Cuckold! You dare seek to push my man into a

corner.” She said angrily. “I will never allow it!”

A stormy feeling filled the room as two deities faced

each other.

Chapter 53 :
“Netorare…” I let the words out in surprise as I saw
her standing there for the first time looking genuinely
The god, Cuckold, stared at her through his mask
silently, watching her with interest. As for Mr. Fukumi,
his eyes widened at the sudden appearance of
another god, but then he smiled, retracting his hand

“So, you must be one of the goddess sisters I’ve heard

about. Cuckold has told me about you. He also
mentions how you’ve shunned him all these years. He
just… wants you to let him in. Is that so much? He is
your close kin, after all.”

“Yet, he still won’t speak for himself?” Netorare

sneered and then turned to me. “Cuckold is a coward.
Don’t let their soft demeanor fool you, these guys are
pushovers. You don’t want to work with anyone
Cuckold chooses. It will only end badly. Let’s go,
“Ah…” I looked at Mr. Fukumi one last time. “You
really… won’t help your daughter?”

Mr. Fukumi put on a sad smile. “Only you can save my

daughter, and I’ll just keep on watching. Help me, or
don’t help me. You’re still going to have my wife.
You’re still going to fight for my daughter. Points will
come to me one way or another. Just think about it. I
can passively earn points off you, or I can be the one
used by you, and help you achieve your goals.”

“Come on, Hakaru!” Netorare grabbed my hand and


Mr. Fukumi didn’t stop me as I was dragged out the

door. Soon, I was walking down the hallway with
Netorare holding my hand. It was a little strange. She
was wearing the school uniform, so it was likely she
could be seen right now by other people. She was
being seen with me, and anyone who saw us might
think we were dating. After finding a spot free of
people, she stopped and spun back to me.

“Hakaru, Cuckold isn’t really my brother. He’s just

another god like my sisters and I. He wants to latch
cuckoldry onto our great name, and use us for his own
success. He’s a parasite. The man he chose is no
better. They won’t propel you to greatness, they’ll
hold you back.”

I scratched my head, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m

not really sure I understand the difference between
Cuckold and NTR anyway. You’re Netorare. Aren’t you
just like Cuckold?”

Netorare gritted her teeth irritably, reaching out and

pinching my arm while glaring at me. “How dare you
compare me to that man!”
“S-sorry.” I shook my head. “Rather, it’s just that you
two are often spoken of together!”

“Tsk!” She finally let go of my arm so I could rub it

while wincing. “I am the goddess Netorare. I am the
goddess of being cheated on and losing another.
Netori is my counter, she believes in theft and taking
what you want. Netorase is our balance, she believes
in sharing. Our champions will reflect who we are. For
example, I chose Jack because he was a boy who
understood loss. He lost his mother when he was
young, and came from a broken home. He wanted to
take because he had suffered so much loss. Do you

I frowned. “I’m not sure. What is cuckoldry then?”

“Cuckold is giving up. It’s changing your world view to

fetishize failure. It’s about losing everything, and
pretending you like it! Just because I represent having
someone taken away doesn’t mean I don’t want their
company!” Netorare declared passionately. “Don’t
you understand? I am an essential part of
relationships. I allow those who wish to find someone
better suited for them to do so. I allow those who fail
to learn from the experience and become better.

“When it comes to Cuckold, there is no improvement.

There is no better. You give up, and convince yourself
that the pain you’re experiencing is actually
something you enjoy. It’s the ultimate coward’s path!”
As Netorare spoke, the disdain and disgust in her
voice were readily apparent.

I had never thought about it all that much, but

Netorare had a point. She may be the goddess of loss,
but that also put a certain degree of sadness in her
aura. I had always wondered why she picked a guy like
Jack. In fact, Netori had picked a guy like me, who
seemed like the last guy who personified stealing
women. Picking a champion has to come down to
something a bit more than your past. Maybe it was
your driving force. Jack was all about making cheaters
of every girl he met, whereas I preferred to play for
keeps. Meanwhile, Mr. Fukumi was happy scrapping
out what little points he could by apathy.

There was one major thing to take away from that

meeting. Mr. Fukumi was not the one who was doing
this to Kira. There was another who was keeping the
vice-principal under his thumb. Would that be the
coach? Was he also playing the game?

With those thoughts, the sight of seeing Kira like that

came flooding back into me. My heart sank, and I felt
a massive feeling of loss. Perhaps, it was because I was
next to the embodiment of loss herself, but I suddenly
felt an extreme connection with her. Seeing Kira like
that, it had to be a kind of feeling which Netorase
must have put up with all the time.
Suddenly, it all seemed to click in place. I looked at
Netorare with new eyes. It started to make sense to
me. How had I been so foolish all of this time?

“What’s with that look?” Netorare suddenly grew


“Netorare…” I sighed, pulling her hand which was still

absently holding my own and then hugging her tightly.
“You’re mine now.”

“Wh-wh-wh-what are you on about!” Her entire face

turned red as I held her tightly.

“Whatever losses you’ve had before. Whatever

happens in the future, I absolutely won’t allow you to
be lost. I’m Netori’s champion, but I’m yours as well,
Okay? I won’t turn to Cuckhold. I’ve decided. I’m going
to build a harem.”
Netorare jerked for a second, but then she looked at
me with eyes as if she had never seen me before. “R-

“I’m only one man. For a time, it felt odd to be with

more women. I kept telling myself one more was
enough. If I had Maria, then I wouldn’t need Akiko. If I
had them, then I didn’t need Kira. I wanted to steal
the girls, but I was afraid of loss. I don’t know why, but
suddenly it doesn’t feel so scary anymore.”

“Y-you can still lose everything.” She whispered

against my shoulder.

“Then I will take it back!” I said, shaking my head. “I

get it now. You said it yourself. Netorare, loss, is about
learning from your mistakes and growing. If I’m better
than any other man, then I would never need to
experience loss.”
“Hakaru…” She said breathily, her eyes starting to
brighten for the first time since I had met her.

“I was just like Mr. Fukumi. I was just like Cuckold,

right? I was settling to keep me happy. Saying I was
just happy with Akiko or happy with Maria… or that I
didn’t need to keep getting stronger. It was just
another form of cowardice! Deep down, deep inside, I
was scared of losing. I was scared of you!”

“Ah!” She made a surprised noise.

“That’s why Netori was pushing us together. She

understood the lesson you could teach me. It just took
seeing Cuckold… receiving that offer… until I truly
understood what I must do.”
I grabbed Netorare tightly and smiled. “I’m going to
win. This isn’t a game where you can take what you
want and then leave peacefully. It’s all or nothing, and
I’m in it for everything!”

Netorare broke into a smile, a subtle look of

wonderment in her eyes. “You really do get it. Netori
was right… maybe you can…”

Her voice drifted off, but she wasn’t pushing away

from me. Rather, a smile floated on her face and she
put her head on my chest, her soft hair pushing
against me and a pleasing godly aroma drifting from
her feminine body. I was reminded that this was a
goddess after all. More than that, she looked just like
Netori, a beauty I hadn’t touched since our first time
together. I had slept with her once, but it had been
somewhat rough and desperate. The thought of
having Netorare in a more intimate encounter caused
me to grow aroused.
“You know… you mentioned back there that I was
your man.”

“Wh-what!” Her voice came out high pitched. “Th-

that… I misspoke. I meant champion, you’re my

As she said this, she held me tighter, her eyes refusing

to meet mine. I eventually reached out and grabbed
her chin, forcing her to look up. The goddess didn’t
resist at all. Her face was rosy with embarrassment,
and it looked impossibly cute. Finally, her eyes looked
at mine. They held a tinge of fear and confusion, but
also of want and desire.

“I’ll be your man, as long as you accept there will be

other girls who may steal my time.”
“I’m Netorare…” she said with watery eyes. “I’d be
angry if I didn’t have to fight for your time.”

Our lips met, and we started to kiss. She tasted cool

and sweet. Her lips were warm and plump, and her
body was the perfect feel to it. Her small tongue
darted out into my mouth, and I realized quickly that a
goddess was a really good kisser. While Netori wanted
me to learn some lessons from Netorare, perhaps
becoming a better lover was also part of it. I was eager
to allow Netorare to start teaching me at that

“Ahem…” Someone cleared their throat behind us as

we made out.

I pulled away and looked back and then made a noise.

“Ah, Eiko?”
Eiko, my ex-girlfriend and the school slut, was
standing behind the pair of us as we made out.
Netorare used the excuse to pull away. She
immediately straightened her outfit, even though her
cheeks were still red.

“I’ll be going then.” Netorare turned and fled before I

could stop her.

The second she turned the corner; I could no longer

hear her footsteps. I was certain she had dissipated as
soon as she was out of sight.

“Tonight…” I whispered under my breath as I turned

to Eiko.

Somehow, I had a feeling that Netorare heard me. I

felt a sense of anticipation in the air, or maybe it was
just me. I finally turned to Eiko. I wasn’t excited to see
her in the slightest. In fact, I wore a frown on my face.
I still had a lot of resentment when it came to her. I
may pity her, but that wasn’t anything close to caring
about her.

“Hakaru…” She said, crossing her arms, an

uncomfortable expression on her face. “This last
weekend, I remember parts… you brought me home.”

I nodded shortly.

“I don’t know what you were doing in a place like that.

It’s not suited for you.” She said.

“I had a friend I was trying to save. I thought you were

them. It was simply that.”

Eiko nodded. “You’re speaking of Kira, aren’t you?”

I paused for a second, but not seeing any reason to lie,
I nodded my head. “Yeah. It’s her.”

Eiko remained silent for a second, looking like she

wanted to say something but was resisting. Eventually
she just gritted her teeth and shot me a look.

“I… owe you for what you did. So, if you ever need a
favor let me know. Also some advice. You need to stay
out of it. This entire school… it’s… wrong.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Let’s just say… the corruption goes all the way to the
top.” She said. “I won’t pretend I’m an angel. I have…
a sex addiction. It’s why I left you. However, it’s also
why I know there are a lot of people here who will
take advantage of that…. And I’m not talking about

“What are you saying? I asked, lowering my eyes.

“I’m saying, stop showing interest in Kira. She’s in a

situation just like me. I’ve had boyfriends in the past
who tried to bail me out, only to end up expelled, in
prison, or worse. You won’t be able to save her. Just
let sluts like us find whatever enjoyment we can out of

Her words suddenly felt like Mr. Fukumi’s defense so

much. In a way, Eiko was a coward too. She just fled,
using sex as her means of retreat. She said it goes to
the top. Wouldn’t that be the principal? The
superintendent? The school board?

“Are you happy?” I asked instead.

Eiko blinked, and then lowered her head. “Of course…
I’m not happy.”

“Then… neither is Kira.” I responded, shaking my

head. “I’m bringing it down. I’m bringing it all down.”

“You…” Her eyes widened as if she was staring at a

complete stranger. “Who are you?”

“Just watch…” I chuckled. “I’m the man who is going

to take everything.”

Chapter 54 :
“So, what do we do?” I asked, pacing back and forth in
front of the girls.
“Eh? I think you should move out of my way; I’m
watching the tv.” Maria whined.

“No, I mean, the school is corrupted and students are

being used as sex toys. Shouldn’t we do something
about it?” I demanded with a furrowed brow.

“Why is it my problem?” Maria shrugged. “I’m

graduating this year.”

“And what about it? Maybe you’re the one being

blackmailed next!”

Maria smirked and glanced up at me. “Is that it?

Brother is afraid his big sister is going to leave him for
another man?”
I lowered my brow and growled. “You wish! You even
think of doing something and I’ll definitely make you

Akiko giggled, “You should listen to him, he has his


“That’s not helping!” I shot her a look. “Don’t you

have any information on this?”

Akiko sniffed and crossed her arms. “What are you

suggesting? Are you saying I’m the kind of slut who
would know about such scandals?”

I coughed, turning away. “As to that, it’s just… you

were so informed when it came to Jack…”
I hastily put together an excuse. It wasn’t really fair to
drag either girl into this, but I didn’t know what I was
getting into. Eiko was only willing to warn me away. As
to telling me more on the subject, we weren’t that
close. Maria appeared to be completely apathetic to
what was going on at school. That left only Akiko as
someone who could truly help me get information. At
the end of the day, I was still a guy. Women talked,
and they may talk about things that would never
reach my ears. It was that kind of thing.

Akiko giggled. “Well, if you need me to go get

information, I will. I can find out what’s going on
pretty easily.”

“Can you make me a promise then?”

Akiko raised an eyebrow. “Another one? Are you

saying you don’t trust me?”
I gave a grim smile. “These people… they’re not like
Jack. Maybe it’s better to say they’re exactly like Jack,
but way more dangerous. It’s not a matter of trust. No
matter how loyal you feel towards me, there are ways
they could strip that feeling away from you.”


I nodded, glancing at both girls, “Maria, you pay

attention to this as well. The people that I’m going up
against now, they may defy common sense. Even your
best intentions and desires may not be enough. They
know that I’m in a relationship with the two of you.
That story is all over school now. That means… you’re
both in danger.”

Maria finally lifted her head up from the television.

“Are you for real?”
I nodded, trying to instill every sense of seriousness
and warning into my look. “They will try to take the
pair of you. If they can’t do it through traditional
methods, they’ll try blackmail, or rape, or anything

“What kind of people are you hanging with?” Maria

asked incredulously.

“It doesn’t matter.” I shook my head. “What’s

important is that you don’t give them anything. Even if
they promise they’ll help me in some way, don’t listen
to them. If you suddenly find yourself doing
something you regret, don’t be afraid to tell me. Come
home immediately, tell me what you did. I mean it. I
don’t care if you blow a hundred guys. I’ll still be
waiting for you.”

“You don’t care if I blow a hundred guys?” Akiko

tapped her cheek. “How interesting!”
“Of course, I’d care!” I growled back, causing her to
snicker. “I want you to promise you’ll never cheat on
me with another guy. Or a girl for that matter. A
person! Swear you won’t cheat! Then, if you do it, I
know there was really something shady going on.”

Akiko sighed and then stood up, holding her hand over
her heart. “Alight. I promise I won’t cheat on Hakaru
with anyone else. Okay?”

I took her lips, sealing the Locked promise. Maria

made a similar pledge, but she looked a bit more
confused. Even though I kissed her for effect, I actually
didn’t Locked Promise Maria. I could only use it on
one person anyway, and Akiko was a lot more likely to
cause trouble. When it came to trusting, I still had
none when it came to her. She had helped me a bit,
but she was also the one who cheated on me in the
first place. Once a cheater, always a cheater, or
something like that. Plus, Akiko was sociable while
Maria was a bit of a recluse. I had no doubt she’d
spend most of her time hiding in her room, where
Akiko might very well end up right in the enemy’s lair.

With them both hearing what I had to say, I felt a little

better. Part of me wanted to tell them everything
about this game. I still didn’t mention anything about
goddesses. I just said that there were people who
wanted to steal the women in my life, and I was
encouraged to steal their women as well. With that
resolved, I decided the next course was to go to Mrs.
Fukumi’s house. I did want to see Kira and see if she
was doing okay, but I was also concerned about Mrs.
Fukumi the most. Sasori was quickly becoming one of
my women. That meant that she was most vulnerable
at the moment. Given that her husband wasn’t on my
side, that meant I needed to find some way to warn

I ended up calling her on my phone after I sent Akiko


“Ah… Hakaru… naughty boy, calling me like this.”

“Are you… alone?” I asked.

“Hehe… Kira is in her room. Would you like us both

again? You don’t really need my daughter anymore.
You can have me twice as much.”

“We need to talk; I’m going to head on over.”

I didn’t bother to take my bike this time. I dressed

somewhat nicely and walked to their house. I wanted
to make a serious expression on Mrs. Fukumi. Plus, I
wanted to give her as little reason to push this into sex
as possible. If I came over wearing shorts and
sweating, she might think I rushed over for a booty
call or something. I needed to be careful when
speaking to her. She may be my teacher, but she was
also unexpectedly fragile in many ways.

When I knocked on the door, it was not Mrs. Fukumi

who opened it. I immediately froze, trying to figure
out what was going on.

“Oh… Hakaru? Here to see Kira?” Mr. Fukumi said in a

chipper voice, smiling.

“Ah… Mr. Fukumi. It’s good to see you home.” I only

just managed to keep myself from frowning as I forced
my cheeks up.

He opened the door but as I passed, he whispered.

“Or are you here to enjoy my wife?”
I tripped, barely managing to catch myself as I walked
inside. The smile on his face didn’t change. In fact, it
seemed to grow even brighter, as if the thought of me
touching his wife excited him. I thought the tension of
knowing that I was banging his wife would make any
interactions with this man extremely awkward.
Somehow, the fact that he knew made the
interactions even more awkward. I’d rather be
cheating behind the back of a good man than
knowingly banging a pervert’s wife.

“Is that Hakaru?” Sasori’s voice came from the

kitchen. “I know he came to see Kira, but send him in
here. I’d like him to try something I’m cooking.”

“Yes, dear!” Mr. Fukumi called emphatically and then

gently pushed me towards the kitchen door. “Go on,
stud. I appreciate the meal I’m about to receive.”
My skin crawled, but I had no choice but to go into the
kitchen as Mr. Fukumi watched. As the doors shut, I
looked to see Mrs. Fukumi at the oven, grilling some
vegetables with chopsticks in her hand. Although she
was wearing an apron, I was relieved to see that she
had something under it as well. At least she had full
clothing on. They hadn’t devolved so far yet.

“Sasori!” I hissed, walking over to her while watching

the door to make sure I didn’t see Mr. Fukumi peeking
in. “You told me your husband was out!”

Sasori giggled, turning around and suddenly grabbing

me. She pulled me into a kiss, and I had to pull away
to keep her from going farther.

“Isn’t it a little exciting with him here? We could get

caught at any moment.” She purred, eyeing me
lewdly. I could blow you in the bathroom, or give you
a handy under the table. The possibilities are
practically endless!“

“This is ridiculous.” I shook my head. “You’re my

teacher! How can you act this way?”

“You’re the student who blackmailed me and forced

me into sex.” She responded poutily, who started
acting ridiculous first?”

“Sasori, we need to talk. About us. Your daughter,

your husband. We need to make things clear.”

“My… my… aren’t you trying to act mature.” Sasori

giggled. “It’s kind of hot. You know, I’m still not
wearing panties. Anything could happen.”
“St-stop!” I growled as she started opening up the
buckle of my pants, turning me around and pinning
me against the kitchen counter.

“Come on… Hakaru…” She said, licking her lips, “Just

stick it in for a bit. If you just stick it in, I’ll behave the
rest of the night. I promise.”

“You…” I growled angrily, but she had already

managed to open my pants and was stroking my cock.
“You promise?”

It grew to full length instantly, and I rolled my eyes,

gasping under her machinations.”

“I promise…” She whispered in my ears. “Just fill up

my aching wet pussy for a bit, and I’ll be Hakaru’s
perfect bitch.”
Damn it! I didn’t really want to do this, but if it settled
her down, a quickie was leagues better than being
touched and bumped for the next hour while I tried to
explain things. Plus, in her apron, Sasori was a real
hotty. It wasn’t that I was letting her take control
again. It was simply that I found this to be the quickest
way to get what I wanted.

She raised her leg on the countertop, lifting her skirt

and exposing her pussy. Using her hands, she spread it
open for me, licking her finger and then rubbing her
clit excitedly.

“Come on, inside, real quick, before the veggies burn.

Then I’ll be a good girl.”

I went and lined up my dick, but I had never done it

standing before, so the logistics were foreign to me. I
stabbed her twice, missing both times, she eventually
grabbed my dick, lining it up herself. Just as she told
me to thrust up, I looked over her shoulder. My eyes
landed on the kitchen door. It was now open just a
crack, and there was an eye watching me. I pulled
away as if I had been shocked.

“What is it, Hakaru?” Sasori looked confused as I

pulled away from her, knocking her leg off the

“Nothing… Kira… I need to speak to Kira!” I said, trying

to change the conversation instantly.

“You’re… so naughty…” Sasori suddenly blushed.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You made me so hot and bothered and now you’re

going to taste my daughter. Hakaru is really cruel. I
can’t stand it. You don’t know how bad I need your

I shot a look at the kitchen door to see that the eye

was gone. I sighed, letting my heartbeat return to
normal before grabbing Sasori’s cheeks.

“Sasori, I don’t like this version of you. I just want my

teacher back.”

Sasori blinked, staring at me dumbly. I sighed and

pushed past her, heading up the stairs to Kira’s room.
My first attempt to talk with Sasori ended in a
disaster. I was just hoping that my talk with Kira went
a bit better.
Chapter 55 :
Iknocked lightly on Kira’s door. If it was Akiko or
Maria, I might have just pushed my way in, but with
Kira, we didn’t really have that kind of relationship.

“Yes, Come in?”

A voice said. I pushed opened the door and stepped

into Kira’s room. Once inside, I made sure to close it
behind me. I didn’t want Mr. Fukumi thinking he could
peak. No sooner had I entered than I realized that her
room that was usually immaculate had seemed to fall
apart. Just in the last week, it looked like a tornado
had rammed through it. I mean, it was probably as
clean as my room ever was, but compared to what I
came to expect from Kira, this was extremely

She looked up from her phone, her eyes

expressionless even when she saw me. “Oh… Hakaru.
You’re here.”
That was all she had to say. She immediately glanced
back down at her phone again, as if my presence
didn’t change anything.

“What is going on, Kira?” I asked.

“What does Hakaru mean?” Kira raised an eyebrow.

I reached out and grabbed her phone, pulling it from

her. It was a cellphone, and on it was a message line.
There was definitely some guy’s penis, and then there
was a picture of Kira naked being returned.

“Don’t bullshit me!’ I snapped, tossing her phone to

the floor. “What is going on with this crap?”
A flash of rage appeared on her face. “What do you
want? You don’t own me? I can do whatever I want?”

“And this is what you want?” I demanded.

She turned her head away, unable to meet my eyes.

“Who cares what I want? Not my parents. Not you!”

“I don’t even know what you want.” I shot back.

“I want to run…” She said, her body shaking. “I want

to run away.”

“What?” I blinked.
“I want to run away. I want to get away from my
family. My home. This place.” She said bitterly. “I
want… I want you to come with me!”

I took a step back, completely surprised at her words.

“Come with you? Where?”

“Does it matter? We can just… get away from them

all. My whore mother. My dickless father. That
bastard. All of the pigs at school who’ve used me. All
of them.”

I shook my head slightly. Of all the things I thought

she’d say, I hadn’t prepared for her to so boldly ask
me to come with her. Then again, I had no clue what
to expect when it came to her either.

“Why do you want me to come with you?”

“Because…” She shook her head. “Because…
Because… it doesn’t matter. It’s just what I want,

“That’s not good enough.”

“It never is!” She snapped angrily. “I never am. That’s

why you’re with Akiko and your sister, and I heard
about Tori at my school. You even have my mom
wrapped around your finger. There is no room for

“There is room,” I said.

She rolled her eyes, turning away. “How could I ever

be happy with that? You’re going to date multiple
women, and me? I’m too jealous for that.”
“Jealous? Aren’t you the one that wanted me to fuck
you with your mother?”

“That doesn’t matter. I’ve changed my mind.”

“Changed your mind? What are you even…”

I was really struggling to understand her. I’d have

thought perhaps she was on drugs just like Eiko. Her
mind seemed to be all over the place and her face
seemed to be twitching as if she was unstable. I had a
feeling there was nothing I could say. This feeling of
helplessness was shooting through me.

“Just… leave. go… have my mom. Close your eyes,

pretend she’s me. Honestly… she’s probably more
innocent than I am. I’ll keep him… I’ll keep him away
from mom, even though he’s recently shown
“Him? Who is it?” I demanded, “Who is pulling all the
strings? I need to know. Who is blackmailing you?”

She shook her head. “It’s too late. Just forget about it.
The more you get involved, the more dangerous it

The helpless feeling overcoming me was echoed on

her face. I didn’t know what else to say. I attacked her
with Dirt Scribe. Like with my mother, it didn’t work. I
blinked. God was protecting her mind? Wh-why?
What was the point of this ability if everyone I needed
to hear I couldn’t get through to? I only had one other
ability, True Feelings.

“Then, let’s go,” I said, sighing.

“Excuse me?” She blinked.

“Let’s go. You wanted to run away together. So, let’s

It was her turn to look surprised. “H-hakaru… you

can’t mean it.”

I reached forward and grabbed Kira. “Pack your things,

we’re leaving.”

I let her go and then went to her bedroom door,

locking it.

“What are you doing?” She asked, her expression

extremely complex.
“Your dad is some cucked pervert. Your mom is some
delusional slut. Your right, there is no point in staying
here any longer.”

“I-I… won’t… share…” She said stubbornly.

I smiled sadly. “My sister will always be my sister.

Akiko… well, I never cared about hurting her. I talk a
big game, but what have I really gained since this all

“What started?” Kira asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Look, we go. We go as far as we can. We just run

from this all. Okay? Just you and me. We outrun your
blackmailer. We outrun the gods themselves, okay?”
This was the only thing I could think of to do. I’d leave
a message for everyone, but then we’d take off for a
week or so. Perhaps it’d do us good to just get away
for a bit. I could get Kira to fall for me, forget about
her family, and maybe even get her into a Locked
Promise. Was it manipulative? Fine. But the
alternative was worse. I couldn’t leave her to be
corrupted any more by this bastard.

At the very least, I could keep my voice sincere. Kira

was buying it too. Her eyes started to brighten with
just a bit of hope. I just needed a bit. I needed to
rekindle the fire inside her. She was my friend, and the
least I could do was take her away for a while, away
from the coach and her apathetic family.

“A-re you certain?” Kira asked. “You’ll really leave

everything for me?”
I grabbed Kira and hugged her. “Kira, I love you. I
won’t let you go.”

“A-and the other girls?”

“You’re my one and only.”

“Liar…” The voice didn’t come from Kira, but from a

disembodied voice nearby.

Slowly, a form materialized in the middle of the room.

Kira’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“You’re… Tori? How are you… what is going on?”

“Netorare!” I hissed, “What are you doing here?”

The girl who appeared looked like Netorare. It took
me a moment to realize that she wasn’t. She wasn’t
Netori either. There was something different in her.
She had a smoothness to her. Where Netori was cocky
and defiant and Netorare was sad but caring… this girl
held a cold aloofness that chilled my bones.

“You’re a liar.” She said. “You shouldn’t play with a

girl’s feelings like this.”

“Wh-who are you?” Kira asked.

“I am Netorase…” She said the words, rising up and

floating a few steps until she was next to Kira, and
then reaching out and wiping a tear from her cheek.
“Everything that has happened to you. It can be laid at
my sister’s feet, and this man is her agent.”
“What are you doing?” I snapped. “Was ruining her
life with your champion not enough? Now you have to
come here and cheat?”

Netorase ignored me. “The man who blackmails you,

your father, even the boy you love here, they’re all
playing a game, and you’re just a piece.”

Kira’s face fell and then she turned to me, a shocked

expression. “I-is this true?”

“Don’t listen to her!” I said, “She’s just trying to

confuse you so her champion wins. The man doing
this to you. She’s the one who gives him that power.”

“You… know this? And you didn’t say anything?”

“We can still leave,” I said helplessly. “She’s one of the
people we need to get away from.”

“You never had any intention of quitting or leaving.

You just wanted to trick her into submitting to you.”
Netorase sighed. “That is the problem with my sister.
When you steal, it’s difficult, to be honest. I’m the
only one willing to show the truth. Girl… he attempted
to use a skill to read your mind to help himself
manipulate you. I shielded you from this. Now, I will
return the skill unto him, and you can see the truth for
the first time.”

“What?” My eyes widened.

Kira’s eyes suddenly focused on me, and she gasped. I

felt nothing. Then again. Dirt Scribe never was
something that people could feel. What was she
seeing? Was she seeing the fact I wanted to build a
harem? Was she learning about the game? Did she
see the things I had done with her mother? The things
I knew about her father? The sadistic things I did to
Akiko? The disgust I had over seeing her with other
men? I felt completely naked. What was she wearing?

“That’s enough…” Kira turned away from me, a

complicated look on her face. “I’ve… heard enough.”

“You… you can’t listen to her.” I begged. “She just

wants to share you… with… with everyone. She wants
to use you like a sex doll.”

“Is that better than what you want?” Kira demanded.

“To treat me like some trophy in your game?”

I winced, lowering my head. How had this gone so

badly? These gods and goddesses didn’t play fair. How
could I have done anything in this situation?
“I think… you should leave.” Kira spun away.

“I’m not leaving you!” I said.

“Well, I’m done with you!” She shot back.

“I am Netori’s champion. I am the champion of theft! I

don’t need your permission. So, what, Rosy here
wants to cheat. Who says I would allow it! If you want
to run away with me, then I’ll just take you!”

I took a step forward, reaching out to grab Kira. I’d

take what I want! I wanted Kira out of this mess. I’d
make it happened, no matter what thoughts this
goddess tries to implant into her brain. I barely took
my second step forward when the world suddenly
turned to white.
“I already told you once…” a voice echoed in my head,
but this time it sounded like Kira’s voice had been
overlapped with Netorase’s. “It was never going to
work this way.”

I took my next step as darkness plunged around me. I

blinked several times, white spots in my vision.
Looking around, I realized I was standing in the middle
of the street. I was somewhere between Kira’s house
and my own. As my thought recollected, fierce anger
burst through me. That damn Netorase! Was she ever
going to play fair?

“Netorare!” I immediately called out. “Netorare! Get

your ass out here! Your sister is a cheating bitch!”

Only the darkness of the outside was there to answer

me. Damn it. Was she abandoning me too? Or did
Netorase distract her sister for a bit so she could do
this to me? I believed that. Netorare had done the
same to Netori. In fact, it seemed like all the god’s and
goddesses could cheat and screw around, and no one
had my back in the slightest.

“Fuck all of you!” I shouted, screaming at the stars.

“All of you gods. You can all fuck off!”

As I was shouting, a car was driving down the street

quickly. I jumped to the side, but the car seemed to be
following me.

I had already back up to the sidewalk, and then the car

bumped over the sidewalk. At the last second, I
leaped back, narrowly avoiding it and falling on my

“What the hell?” I cursed.

Before I could say anything else, a bunch of men got
out of the car. They were wearing suits and
sunglasses. Was that, the Yakuza?


“This is for what you did to Gina!” A man shouted,

kicking me in the gut.

I keeled over, and as that happened, someone shoved

a bag over my head. A bunch of men grabbed me,
picked me up, and threw me into the back of the car.
Before I could take my next breath, we were already
speeding away. Damn it, what now?
Chapter 56 :
The car continued to drive for some time. Any time I
started to move or fight back, someone ended up
punching me in the gut. I was lucky I didn’t throw up
in my mask. Well, I was someone who didn’t vomit
really easily. Even when I caught stomach flu, I could
lie crouched in pain for days where a quick vomit
would make me feel better. In this particular situation,
my high tolerance was a blessing. I spoke up a few
times, but I was basically ignored, and if I got too loud,
I ended up getting punched again. Eventually, I settled
into a sullen silence as I tried to work through what
was happening.

After some careful thought, there was only one

conclusion in my mind. Gina had finally revealed the
blackmail in which I had forced her into sex. That
would certainly bring the Yakuza heat on me. They
had even mentioned Gina when they snatched me off
the street. Worst of all, I had no defense for myself. I
had chosen to molest a woman I didn’t even know.
Maybe she was just being vindictive because I had
turned her down. Could I have avoided this if I had just
given her more attention?

The car finally stopped and I was pulled out. I still

couldn’t see anything, but I could hear voices. Two
men had me by each arm and were dragging me
somewhere with the bag over my head, all I could see
were shadows. I was aware when we passed indoors,
but that was it. Eventually, I was sat somewhere, and
my hands were tied down to the chair. They didn’t pull
my pants down, so I was hoping they weren’t going to
come up with any abstract or miserable forms of

I remained in the room in the dark for nearly two

hours. I realized I was alone, but I was pretty sure
calling out wouldn’t do me any good. There was one
person I could call to though. Netorare hadn’t
answered me before, but whatever distraction she
had by Netorase had to be resolved by now.
“Netorare?” I asked.

“I’m sorry…” I heard a faint whisper in the darkroom.

“As soon as you were grabbed, I came… but Netori
sent me a message. She said… don’t get involved.”


Netorare had to be lying, right? Why would Netori

leave me here to be tortured?

“Hakaru…” her voice sounded at the point of tears. “I

must listen to sister. I lost and thus I am bound to
follow her orders. That was the agreement, and it’s
now enforced by the greater gods. Netori said that I
shouldn’t get involved in earthly matters. She said it
will be resolved by another, and I must only watch.
Please… be strong.”
I felt a surge of anger and hopelessness. Why was she
forsaking me? She was really just going to allow me to
be tortured by these goons? This wouldn’t even have
happened if Netorase wasn’t a cheating bitch in the
first place. This was all their fault, and I was the one
who had to be punished for it?

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was surprisingly warm

and comfortable. Netorare was extremely close to me,
although I could see her, and I had a distinct feeling
even if my mask was off and the lights were on, I still
wouldn’t see her.

“I promise you…” Netorare said. “I will make this up to

you. I will…”

“If I survive…” I finished bitterly.

Before Netorare could say anything further, the door
opened with a loud raspy noise suggesting metal
scraping against metal. Her hand on my shoulder
disappeared just as the lights were turned on. I could
see the light through my mask, but everything else
was obscured. Two sets of steps were approaching me
until a hand grabbed the bag and some of my hair
besides and yanked it off. I gritted my teeth as I felt
some hair go with the bag.

I blinked a few times trying to get used to the light,

and my eyes finally fell on the person holding my
mask. It was none other than Gio. The guy next to him
was just a random tough whom I didn’t know. I
blinked a couple more times and then shot him a look.

“What the hell, Gio?”

“I could say the same thing.” He said, his expression

looking bitter. “After that disaster with Jack, I was
thinking I’d be a better judge of character but aren’t
you a piece of work.”

“I don’t get it… I didn’t do anything…” I said.

Gio nodded and the guy next to him stepped forward

and punched me across the face. I wasn’t a guy who
got into a lot of fights, and being punched was
extremely painful. I could only grimace as the pain
spread throughout.

“You remember my sister, don’t you?” Gio asked. “I

can’t believe you’d do that to her.”

Shit… he knows everything. Damn it. Do I keep lying,

or do I apologize?
“I-I’m sorry… GAH…” My breath came out as a fist
landed in my gut and I let out a gasp. “Fuck…”

“No… no… you don’t get to be sorry.” Gio continued.

“Pops is furious. You think me getting my anger out is
bad, just wait until pops has at you. He’s going to tear
you apart.”

“Look, man… I didn’t know…” I said, coughing. “It was

an accident… I… Ahhhh…” This punch made my jaw
feel like it was loose.

“Didn’t know? You didn’t know you got my sister

pregnant and then told her to fuck off?” He cursed.
“You know… maybe if that was it, I could forgive you,
but then you hit my sister and try to make the baby
aborted. That’s a Yamaki family baby, and you were
going to murder it. That shit just ain’t flying…”
What the hell was he talking about? I didn’t get her
pregnant. This really was a setup! Before I could voice
anything else, the man next to Gio started punching
me some more. The pain was awful, I let out screams,
but the hits kept coming. I was just starting to think
they would never end when the door opened again.
This time, There was a bigger group of people coming

There was an old man with a cane, a least six toughs in

suites, and standing at the very back was Gina. I shot
her a glare, but she didn’t seem to be looking at me at
all. Rather, she was looking down at her hands and

“Gio… son… I know you want to remove some of your

anger, but you need to be careful.” The old man said,
moving up to Gio and patting his cheek.

“Damn it, dad, after what he did to sis, this is light.”

“You speak the truth, son… He may be a no-good
shit… but he’s also the no-good shit who is the daddy
to my grandson.”

Gio made a noise. “You don’t honestly plan to leave

this guy alive, do you?”

“Well, that shall remain to be seen.” The old man

shrugged, finally turning to me.

“I didn’t get her pregnant!” I growled, finally getting

my breath under control. “This is bullshit.”

“You dare!” Gio took a step forward, but the old man
raised his cane.

The girl started but then stepped forward. “It was

definitely him! He asked me out on a date but he
really just wanted sex. He pushed me down, and then
when I came to him and said I was pregnant… that’s
when… that’s when… he punched me!”

“That’s a lie!” I shouted, trying to move out of my

chair, even as pain shot through me. “Why the hell are
you lying?”

She shrunk back at my alligations, but all the men in

the room only grew more agitated. I wanted to use
Dirt Scribe, but it was once a day. I wasted my attempt
on Kira, which in turn was blocked by Netorase. The
only ability I had right now was True Feelings. Given its
failure to give me what I wanted in the past, I had a
feeling that True Feelings wouldn’t do anything to
help me now. She probably truly wanted to fuck me

“You bastard…” Gio pushed forward but didn’t push

against his dad’s cane.

The old man looked down at me and pursed his lips.

“You got some guts kid, calling my little girl a liar right
in my face. I know no one wants to be a daddy, and
some men have rage issues, so I was willing to
overlook some things as long as you paid your due and
swore your loyalty to my family, but you’re making it
really hard to forgive you, even if you are a runt.”

As he was talking, a man slipped in and then

approached him. He immediately whispered
something in the old man’s ear.

“What is that?”
The guy spoke louder and I could hear him. “I said,
there is a woman out front. She asked to see you.”

“Tell her I’m busy. Why are you bothering me now?

This is family business.”

“She said…” The man looked uncomfortable for a

minute. “She used a name. She called you… the bone
breaker. She said her name was…”

“Hellcat.” he finished the words, catching the man by

surprise and leaving him just nodding numbly.

The old man’s face suddenly froze. It was almost like

all the air in the room had managed to vanish, and
then he shook his head as if shaking off his daze.
“Damn… now?” The old man seemed completely
flustered. “Go, bring her in immediately. Yes, straight
here. No delay.”

The guy nodded, turned and then left for the door. As
for the old man, he started to straighten his tie and
coat. He looked like he was about to see a girl he had
a crush on.


“Not now… Move him behind these crates. We have a

guest, Look your best.” He seemed really anxious.

Two men grabbed me and pulled my chair so I was

facing away from the door. As they were pulling me,
one man whispered to another.
“Didn’t boss used to be called Bonebreaker back in his
early days?” he said under hushed breath, “Who is

“An old flame…” The other whispered back. “Or some

kind of childhood friend, maybe? I heard they were
rivals. Her gang wouldn’t fall in line with the Yakuza.
She used to cause us hell a long time ago. That’s
where she got the name hellcat. He’s in love with her,
but I heard she shot him down and settled down

That was all he had time to say before the door

opened. Turning my head, I couldn’t see her or the
door, but I could just make out the old man. He raised
his hands and then walked out of my sight.

“Pussycat! My… it has been a long time. Why would

you suddenly show up at my door? What has it been,
twenty years? The last I saw you, we were still

“Hello, Bonebreaker. I’d like to say the visit was

casual. Regrettably, that just isn’t the case.” A
woman’s voice came out.

The voice felt oddly familiar, but I had been hit so

many times I wasn’t sure if I was just dizzy and
imagining things.

“Ah… business then. Is there something I can do for


“Of sorts. It seems like you’ve decided to touch my

The atmosphere that started out cordially suddenly
turned silent and tense. There were a few moments
before the old man responded.

“Th-that’s impossible.”

“I thought we had an agreement. I leave your group

alone, and you don’t touch what is mine.”

“I haven’t touched that shrine! I still don’t get why you

gave so much for us to leave it. I heard you became a
shrine maiden too, right? Look, I can’t help that the
shrine went under. I was under no obligation to
support your little cult.”

“I’m not talking about the shrine. This is personal. This

is… family.”
”That man…” He sounded even more uneasy. “I
haven’t touched him. Even though he goes around
banging any girl and disrespecting you… why the hell
did you marry that fucker? Look, pussycat, I got the
message years ago. You turned me down. I moved on.
If your husband is in trouble, it’s some other guy he’s
pissed off over the years. Don’t act like I’m the only
man that fucker has cucked over the years.”

“Don’t act so naïve…” The loud steps left him and

were getting closer to me.

The two people who were guarding me were looking

over my shoulder with their mouths open as hands
grabbed my chair. I was pulled out from behind my
restraints and spun around. I looked up at the women
who grabbed my chair, and the familiarity in her voice
finally came slamming home. I had been suspicious. It
was too difficult to believe, but it really was true.
“Mother?” I said, my eyes popping out.

“Sweetie…” she rubbed a hand across my cheek,

causing me to wince.

As she looked over my body with extreme affection

and carefulness, her expression darkened at every
bruise she came across. A strange miasma seemed to
begin to grow around her, and I could feel the air start
to chill in the room. She spun around and shot the
group a glare, and several of them gasped or took a
step back. The pregnant Gina grew weak in the knees
and held the wall to keep from falling over. As for the
old man, his face had gone completely white. She was
facing a group of nearly ten armed men in suits… yet
the person who looked most afraid was the big boss
Chapter 57 :
“Mother, what are you doing here?” I forced through
my lips, even though my jaw was sore and it hurt to

“Shush… sweetie, mommy is dealing with it.” Mother

shot me a quick affectionate look before it turned ugly
as she glared at Gio’s supposed father.

“M-mother!” The old man took several steps back and

held up his arm like he was physically defending
himself. “That’s… that brat is your… that’s…”

“I still have little mice that feed me information, and

when they said my son was pulled off the street by
men in suits, I told myself it couldn’t possibly be
Gakuto. That old man wouldn’t dare touch my
precious children.”
The old man shook for a second, lifting his hands. “Ma
petite fleur, it was an accident. A mistake. Had I
known he was your son, I would have never handled
things in a way that disrespected you. Of course, you
can have him back. This was my son and daughters
doing. You know how kids can be. They never concern
themselves with blood ties and alliances. The youth is
hotblooded, right? They just weren’t checking who
they were offending.”

He shot Gio an extremely angry look. Gio looked back

in confusion. It was clear he had no clue why his father
was so flustered and angry. In fact, the shock on his
face showed he had never seen his father act this way
in his life before. Still, he seemed to fail to read his
father’s mood and stepped forward defiantly.

“Pops… you can’t seriously let him go after what he

did to sister…”
The old man’s hand clenched like he wanted to smack
some sense in his son, but it was too late. My mother
cocked her head and her gaze shot to Gina.

“My son? And what do you claim he did?” Her voice

was extremely cold.

“He got my sister pregnant!” He said. “And then tried

to make her abort it!”

“So?” Her voice was spoken so casually, that it made

everyone shiver.

Gio’s mouth fell opened and he blinked, unable to

understand how she wasn’t moved by his words.

“Whoever my son deposits his baby batter in, it’s none

of your concern, and if he doesn’t want to keep the
baby, who the hell are you to force him to be a father?
I don’t give a shit about some dumb twat teenager
who thinks herself a prochoice mommy. She certainly
didn’t hesitate to open her legs to accept my son’s
seed, but now that it’s making something, she
suddenly doesn’t want to be rid of it but still wants
him to take care of it? Where the hell is his choice?
That sounds like more western feminist bullshit. The
last I checked, this was still Japan!”

“Ma petite fleur…” The old man tried to force a smile

while looking like he was pleading. “I was suggesting
we make this boy family. I was never going to hurt
him. Is it so bad that our family takes care of his baby?
Our house will pay, of course.”

“Is this the girl?” Mother pointed at Gina, who was

trying to hide behind the crowd now, her entire body
“Y-yes…” The old man gestured his daughter to come
to his side. “This is my daughter Gina. The two met at
his job. They had sex, and after she got pregnant, she
says he started shafting her.”

“That’s not tru-“ I started but when mom held up her

hand, I instantly stopped.

For some reason, all the fear and anxiety I had been
feeling was completely gone. It felt like Mother was
going to make everything right. The terrified
expression of the old man was only the icing on the
cake. Not everyone there was scared. Most just
looked confused, as if they couldn’t understand why
this woman was allowed to talk to their boss this way.
However, no one would move without the boss’s
orders, and I had a feeling deep down that he
wouldn’t make that order, no matter what my mother
“Girl…” Mother reached into her purse and pulled out
a long gohei. “For many years, I worked exclusively as
a shrine maiden. When I turned 18, I was blessed by a
goddess, and given the ability to see the hidden truth
in all things, do you know what this means?”

The girl shook, content with not saying anything, but

her father nudged her forward, nodding at her to

“I-I’m sorry, I don’t…”

“Hmph…” Mother gave a displeased noise while she

shook her Gohei, the paper rattling with a soft sound.
“Stupid, and a cumdumpster besides.”

Mother began to walk towards the door. Gina tried to

step back, but her father didn’t allow her. She was
shaking but didn’t move as my mother approached,
shaking her paper stick as she got closer and closer.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“You could say… I have a knack for smelling out

bullshit. It served me well as a Sukeban and it only got
stronger as a maiden. The last sixteen years with my
husband has only made it flawless.” She stopped, the
paper just touching Gina’s belly. “I’ll give you one
chance. Speak the truth of things.”

“This is- it’s Hakaru’s baby! It’s-”

Mother’s eyes I couldn’t see, but they suddenly made

Gina’s words catch on her lips. Mother leaned
forward, her lips right next to Gina’s ears.
“Liar…” She whispered simply.

It sounded like a sentence though, and Gina’s knees

grew so weak, that she collapsed to the floor.

“This is ridiculous!” Gio took a step forward. “Father,

between your own daughter and this woman, who will

“I’m sorry!” Gina suddenly screamed. “I’m sorry… I

didn’t mean to… I didn’t want to lie.”

Gio’s mouth fell opened and closed a few times. “S-


Gio’s father closed his eyes and looked away as if he

had just experienced a slap across the face.
“They made me… they had pictures… pictures of me…
they wanted to embarrass the whole gang. Said they’d
show everyone if I didn’t… If I didn’t… then he got me
pregnant. He told me to pin it on Hakaru… he wanted
me to… to say it was Hakaru’s!”

“Daughter!” The man’s eyes opened and he slammed

his cane down. “Enough!”

“I wanted it to be Hakaru’s. I wish it had been… you

should have taken me when you had the chance…”
Gina started balling. “I wanted you… why couldn’t you
take me when you had the chance…”

Gina was crying and reaching out towards me, her

eyes pleading. My mother suddenly smacked her
hands with the Gohei.
“Because my son could see your sluttiness from a mile
away!” Mother barked. “Even if he had you, you still
would have spread your legs for others. Your nature is
nothing but a cumdumpster. Even I can smell the slut
on you!”

“Ma petite… no… Hellcat… you’ve made your point.”

The man spoke solidly even as his pregnant daughter
wailed on the floor. “It appears we were in complete
error here. You have our apologies. Please take your

Mother looked unmoved. Instead, a dark smear

formed on her face.

“And what of compensation?”

The old man blinked. “Th-that… I will definitely make

it up to you…”
“Make it up? You believed the lies of a whore,
kidnapped my son, beat him, tried to pin false
accusations on him… look at his body! Do you think a
favor is what I want?” Mother snapped, shoving her
shrine maiden’s device away. “No… we do things the
way we always have. Blood for blood. Your daughter
should receive a punishment equal to her guilt in all of

“My daughter isn’t in a state to be beaten… I will

receive it in her place…” The man sighed in

“No, father!” Gina cried out.

Several other men made noises of alarm. Watching

the old man get beaten would certainly demoralize
the entire gang. No one there wanted to see that.
“That’s not what I want…” Mother’s lip turned up

The big boss eyed her with a worried look, “What do

you propose?”

“Your whore of a daughter opens her legs for any

man. It was her own lewd images that got you here, so
it seems like you should just make the title official.
From now on, you no longer have a daughter. You
have a cumdumpster. That will be her name.”

“You want me to change her name?” He said in


“No… I already said it.” Her eyes flashed angrily.

“Don’t you understand? I want her to be used to
dump cum. I want every man here to use her pussy to
ejaculate in and on her. I want tattoos at every
entrance including on her forehead to insert cum
here. I then want her to go to one of those hotels I
know you have. I want an advertisement online… free
cum dumpster at that location and I want everyone
invited. For the rest of her days, I want anyone who
wants to deposit cum in her to be able to so. I want
her reprogrammed so that she will never resist, never
say no, and never dispute what she is and always will
be! I want people to walk down the street, see her
lying on her ass with her legs spread open, another
fatherless baby in her womb, and cum leaking out of
every hole and I want people to point and say… oh,
there is the local cumdumpster! You do that, Bone
breaker… and we can be done here.”

“N-no…” Gina shook her head.

“Father… this is ridiculous!” Gio shouted.

The old man looked like the light had gone out of his
eyes. His face was white, and he was shaking. All of
the men glanced over at him. The looks on their faces
were rage. They were waiting for him to give the order
to attack my mother. She had gone too far.

He worked some moisture back into his mouth and

then dropped his hand. “Do it… grab her, put her over
that crate…”

Everyone froze. No one knew what to make of his

orders. Fury suddenly flushed the old man’s face and
he pointed down at Gina.

“Grab the cumdumpster and fill it with cum, are you

fuckers deaf!”

The men ran forward and grabbed Gina. Only when

she realized that this was actually happening did her
eyes start to turn to full panic. She struggled and
screamed, but the two men forced her over a crate
and pulled down her pants, just as the old man had
ordered. At this point, Gio howled and leaped forward
too. Five other men had to pile on him to keep him
from running to save his sister.

Gina’s ass was exposed in an instant, and with

everything else prepared, one of the men was pulling
out his dick. He kept shooting looks to the boss, but
the man mom called Gakuto was looking the other
direction as if ignoring the screams of his daughter. As
for my mother, she watched the entire scene coldly. It
was only at that moment I finally snapped out of my
own daze.

“W-wait! Mom!” I cried out.

Mom’s cold expression suddenly disappeared as she
spun to me. “H-Hakaru… oh… I’m sorry baby, you’re
still all tied up…”

She ran to me and suddenly her chest was in my face.

It took three attempts to talk through her breasts
before she finally gave me the room to say what I
wanted to say.

“I’m not that hurt… and I think this Gina girl has
information I need. Can we… can we change the
punishment. I need information more than this.
Please… mother?” I was uncomfortably pleading with
her, especially after the show she put on.

However, her response to me was immediately a

blush. “Ah.. d-did mother go too far?”
Why did mom suddenly look so cute when she was
looking at me like that. It was like the cold woman
who threw down righteous vengeance was a complete
lie! The cute, uncertain mother who blushed and
looked at her son with her head lowered, wasn’t that
my real mother?

Everyone else in the room seemed to have frozen too.

Mother’s change in demeanor between how she
treated Gina and how she treated me, it was way too

“No… mother was really cool!” I said, “But… We have

to see the big picture. Someone made Gina tell those
lies, right. That means, my true enemy is yet to be
revealed. We can’t be caught up on the ones who
pulled the trigger when the one who gave the order is
still hiding!”
The entire room was silent. Even Gina and Gio had
stopped struggling. Everyone was waiting for my
mother’s next proclamation. The entire fate of the
Yakuza most likely rested on her next words.

Mother thought about what I said very carefully,

tapping her lips before she suddenly smiled and then
said. “Hakaru thinks I’m cool!”

Everyone in the room collapsed.

Chapter 58 :
“Iswear, Hellcat, someone is going to pay for this.”
Gakuto said, “This wasn’t just an attack on your son.
My daughter was impregnated and blackmailed. No
one fucks with my family that way.”

“I’m glad to see there still is a bit of fire in you, Bone

Breaker, I was afraid you’d gone soft.”
“Oh, Ma Petite Fleur, for you, I’ll be harder than any

“Ahem…” Gio cleared his throat and then took a step

towards me.

I was out of the chair and my restraints now, and we

were no longer in the scary warehouse, but an
adjacent office that looked a lot less threatening and

“Gio…” I responded flatly.

“Ehhhaa!” Gio suddenly turned and smashed his head

on the solid would desk.
“Ah!” I let out a cry as he looked up at me with blood
running down his forehead.

“I’m sorry, bro!” Gio said, tears in his eyes. “When it

comes to my sister, I don’t think that good. You did
nothing wrong and always treated my family right,
and I wronged you.”

“Ah… that…”

“More than that… even after my sister did you wrong,

you still chose to forgive. I owe you, man. I just can’t
believe sis. We’re the Yakuza! We’re the ones who do
the coercion! Whose got her scared so bad that she
not only didn’t tell us but she also still won’t admit
who did it?”

After being stripped down and almost turned into an

impromptu cum dumpster while her father did
nothing, Gina was still in a bit of shock. She thanked
me, pulled her clothing back on, and then was taken
out of sight after we asked her a few questions.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t very helpful and most of
her answers were that she didn’t remember or
couldn’t say. I didn’t find that particularly surprising.

I shook my head and patted his shoulder. “Don’t be

too hard on your sister. These people I’m dealing with,
they… have a way about them. They can mess with
your mind, especially when sex is involved. I have no
doubt they had the ability to convince your sister, she
had to go through with this, and also made it
impossible for her to remember who did it.”

“So… you do have an idea of who did this?” Gakuto

said, giving off a dangerous aura.

“I’ve only heard rumors,” I explained. “The younger

girls who get into your… um… parties… particularly
when they come from my school, a lot of them are
being blackmailed. There’s some kind of sex ring
taking place at the school. I know the vice-principal is
involved, but he’s just a patsy. The principal…”

I shook my head, that was about all I knew. The

principal had been at that hotel where I met Eiko. He
was even talking about sharing and a goddess. Did he
really have some involvement with Netorase?

Gakuto was scratching his chin thoughtfully as I spoke.

“How interesting. I did find it odd the ease of young
women volunteering for these events lately. The idea
that a woman was tricked or made into a slut like that,
I might have said something like good-riddance for
dumb girls making dumb mistakes. Then it was my
own daughter, and it looks like I need to reflect on
some of the decisions we’ve been making lately. If we
really have a rat providing us coerced goods… well,
that’s not good for our image, I think. As I said, we’ll
be taking care of this.”
Mother shrugged. “It’s none of my concern. If
someone threatens my child, I will destroy them.
Otherwise, do whatever you want.”

Gakuto put on a forced smile, and the two finally gave

their farewells. I gave a farewell to Gio too and he
forced me to promise to get a favor from him in the

“Anything, Bro…” Gio said. “I’m a man who pays my

debts. Oh, yeah… and if that enemy of yours, if you
ever find out who he is for certain, give me a call.
Whatever man thought he could fuck with my sister, I
want to make him pay.”

Mother’s car was waiting in the parking garage. We

really were in a place far from anywhere. I couldn’t
even begin to guess how my mother found this place.
Of course, it was more horrifying wondering what
would have happened to me had she not found this
place. There was a very good chance I’d be dead right
now. I clenched my fist just thinking about it.
Tomorrow, at school, I was going beat the shit out of
Mr. Fukumi and get him to confess his source. I’d
make sure Netorare fucks with Cuckold too so he can’t
block my Dirty Scribe. I would get my answers, and
then I would get Kira out of her predicament.

A hand suddenly touched my knee gently, and I looked

over to see mom watching me. She had started the
car, but she wasn’t driving yet.

“My son, whatever you choose to do, do it with a cool


I blinked and then tried to unclench my body. It

appeared like my inner thoughts were a bit too
obvious when it came to Mother.
“Ah… that…” I smiled at her. “I was just thinking about
the people who need to pay.”

Mother nodded and turned to me. “Vengeance is fine,

just make sure it is directed at the right people.”

I blinked. “What do you mean? I think I’m pretty sure

who did this.”

Mother shrugged. “The group I was a part of back in

the day was all women. We didn’t have the numbers
or strength of our male counterparts, but we still
managed to carve a nice place for ourselves. This was
because we were cunning. Only fools attack their
enemies directly. If I had two enemies, and I wanted
to strike at them, I’d never hit them head-on. I
wouldn’t have the strength. What I’d do instead is try
to make them fight each other. If you drive a rival
street gang into a war, there is a good chance they’ll
destroy each other for you.”
Her words went through my mind, and I was reminded
that there were more people in play. As to how many,
or how far wide they were, I couldn’t even guess. I
knew in my school there was already Netorare, Netori,
Netorase, and Cuckold. Were all the gods in my high
school? Well, if they wanted to get their hands on
Netori, they kind of needed to be.

“Who would be ballsy enough to start a war using the

Yakuza?” I asked.

Mother shook her head. “I don’t know, my son. But

whoever it was, they’d be the person to benefit from
it the most. Probably the last person that you would
expect as well.”

I didn’t know how to respond. Mother’s words made a

certain kind of sense. That didn’t mean I still didn’t
need to chase after whoever was wronging Kira.
Netorase’s champion was still my greatest threat at
the moment. This other god who sent Gina my way,
they were still sitting in the dark like a spider. I could
only respond to the threats I could see.

“Mother…” I finally asked after we drove in silence for

a bit. “Who are you?”

“Foolish child, I’m your mother.” Mom said as if this

was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Ah… r-right…” I shook my head. “You know that’s not

what I mean. What’s with the gangs? Why were you a
shrine maiden? Why did you even marry someone like

“I suppose I can answer those questions, but the

answers will cost you something. Are you sure you can
pay the price?”
I gulped and then nodded. “Yes, I really want to

With her being somehow protected, I wouldn’t be

able to Dirt Scribe her. The only way I could find out
more about my mother was to ask her directly.

“Although Japan was annexed by the United States a

long time ago, it was in the 70s during the Vietnam
War when they really started enacting policies that
spread the white idealism movement. It only got
worse in eighties and nineties when I grew up. I ended
up running away from home and joining some youth
groups that tried to fight American Supremacy, and
that eventually snowballed to me running a small gang
of women. We weren’t drug dealers or anything. We
were more about spraying anti-American tags on
anything and everything.
“I grew to the head of the group by the time I was
your age. I dropped out of high school, and I was on a
one-way pass to doing worse things. Even though men
like Bone Crusher wanted to tempt me and my
women, I managed to keep them from getting into the
more illegal rackets. Although… there were other
groups that thought we were pushovers because we
didn’t sell drugs. One thing led to another, a war
broke out, and a lot of my girls were taken into other
gangs, often by being raped.

“As for me, I avoided rape and kept my chastity, but I

ended up half-dead on the doorstep of a shrine
without a memory of how I got there. The shrine head
bandaged me up, cleaned me up, and taught me
about their god.

“I had performed a one-woman rampage across the

gangs. I had used every trick I could to bring them
down. I spread a lot of lies and started a lot of battles.
I had gotten vengeance for every girl that had been
taken from me, and all that was asked in return was
that I become a shrine maiden.

“The shrine head was your grandfather, you see. I

owed that man a lot. He never touched me or took
advantage of me, but he taught me all about his god.
He helped me overcome my rage and become a better
person. So… to thank him, I cut a deal with the
remaining gangs that I would stop going after them,
and then I trained as a shrine maiden.”

“What god is it?”

“He said there wasn’t one.”

Mother chuckled. “He said the god had left his post a
long time ago. The reason he maintained the shrine
wasn’t because of the god that was but because of the
god that will be.”

“Will be?” I blinked, not really understanding it, “So,

you’re a shrine maiden without a god?”

“And without a shrine… it was torn down about the

time you were born after your grandpa died from a
heart attack.” Mother smiled sadly. “You can imagine
why I never talked about it.”

“So, you met dad as a shrine maiden?”

“Mm…” Mother nodded. “He was a major playboy,

your father. He hit on all the girls. I was one of three
eventual shrine maidens. He slept with the other two
“I mean no offense mom, but I think he slept with you

Mother let out a laugh. “I actually found your father

repulsive. I’m sure you don’t want to hear it, but I
fancied your grandpa much more.”

“Th-then why dad? Why did you sleep with a player?”

“Because…” Her lips quivered for a moment. “I had


“I won’t get into the specifics, but for a time, we
believed your dad was the reincarnation of that
shrines god. I believed it was my duty to be with him.”

My eyes widened as the implications reached home.

“You thought Dad was going to become a god?”

The car stopped, and I realized we had reached home.

Mother turned to me, a serious look on her face.

“I was young, and I believed that if I gave my virginity

to your father, I would make him a god. I was young
and foolish, and as he grew older, he exuded less and
less of the divine traits of the abandoned mantle, and
that’s all there is to it.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know what to say, mom. I

think dad’s proven he doesn’t have what it takes to
even be a decent man, let alone a deity. It might be
best if you moved on.”

Mom chuckled. “My son really has been changing. I

can see it. There was a time you’d never say things like
this so boldly to me.”

“I just…” I lowered my head. “I want you to be happy,


Mom’s smile widened. “I’m happy. Do you know


Her expression started to turn predatory. I gulped.

“U-um, why?”
“Because… Hakaru… I’ve answered your questions.
Now that we’re home, it’s time you pay the cost!”

Chapter 59 :
“AHH! Hakaru!” Mom moaned. “Harder… do me

“Are you sure you can handle it?”

“Y-yes… Hakaru… you won’t break your mother. Give

it all to me!”

“Okay!” I went all out on my mother.

“Ahh! Ahhh! Yes… yes… right there… keep going…

keep going… don’t stop!”
“Mother, I can’t keep up.”

“Don’t stop! Baby… don’t stop!”

The door opened and dad looked inside. He had

creases in his forehead.

“Um… I just got home to find the two of you like this.
To do this kind of thing with your son…”

“Shut up!’ Mom grabbed a pillow and flung it at him.

“You haven’t touched me in years!”

“Ah! Th-that! Still…”

“Ahhn!” Mother cried out, “That’s it… that’s it, baby…
it felt so good.”

Mother finally stopped, and I pulled away from her.

While panting, she straightened her hair as if she had
all the time in the world and her husband hadn’t just
caught her in bed with her son. A moment later, the
door opened another crack, and Maria glanced inside.

“What do you want?” Mom collapsed down on the

bed. “We’re finished, are you happy now?”

“Ah… I heard you through the walls…” Maria blushed.

“I want what mom’s having.”

The two girls turn to me. I threw up my hands.

“It’s just a foot massage!”

“Ah… Hakaru’s giving foot massages?” Maria’s eyes
brightened. “Hakaru, come to my room and do me

Mother snorted. “You think Hakaru should just give

you a foot massage because you’re his sister? I had to
bribe him well to get it this good.”

“I-I can give him stuff too!” Maria insisted.

“An inexperienced girl like you?” Mom shrugged.

“You’re way too young to properly give anything, girl.”

“Hmph! Shows what you know… Hakaru and I… I

mean…” Maria’s face suddenly went red as she almost
said something.
Meanwhile, mom was shooting her a smug look, and
dad just looked confused.

“Hakaru! C-come rub my feet! I’ll let you rub whatever

you want!”


“Go, dear,” Mom reached out and patted my head,

“You’ve satisfied me plenty for now.”

“We’re talking about foot rubs, right guys?” Dad said,

scratching his head.

“R-right…” I decided the situation was feeling weird

with the two women, mother, and daughter, shooting
daggers at each other.
It was probably best if I retreated anyway. I got up and
immediately headed out of the room.

“Eh? I’m the head of this household… Can’t I get a foot

massage?” Dad asked.

“Go rub your own feet!” Mom slammed the door in

dad’s face.

Sister grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room,

the door shutting behind us. Dad was left in the living
room, completely abandoned. Maria was fuming
pretty bad about mom. She was never that jealous
about Akiko or the other girls. I was surprised to see
her being so competitive because of mom. In many
ways, it was kind of cute. She insisted on finishing up
with a blowjob after I rubbed her feet for a while. I
didn’t complain as she sucked me off. Plus, because of
the previous incident, even if weird noises were heard
from the room, they wouldn’t raise suspicions.

Wait, was that mother’s plan from the beginning? By

being loud during our foot rub, was she starting to
condition the household to ignore her loud moaning
sounds? That couldn’t be possible, right? Mom
certainly wasn’t that nefarious. After finishing with my
sister, I would have returned to mom’s room and
possibly pushed our relationship a little farther, except
dad was currently home.

As for me, I had to get my head into the game. As far

as I reckoned, there were at least three gods I was
fighting right now. There was the mysterious god who
had sent Gina after me. There was Cuckold, who was
subordinate to some yet unknown god or group of
gods. There was also Netorase, who seemed to be
going after and somehow manipulating Kira. Was she
the head of this school blackmail conspiracy? Based
on my previous interactions with her, somehow, I felt
that didn’t fit. Netorase seemed almost protective of
Kira, insisting on telling her the truth.

I dreaded to think what Kira thought about me now

that she knew everything. I had seen the tears in her
eyes. I had seen her turn away, unable to look at me.
Somewhere, deep down, I realized that I wasn’t ready
to face her again yet. The blow that had been done
was too much for me. I couldn’t charge in like last
time. That didn’t mean I planned to do nothing.
Rather, I needed to start making plans. I needed a
strategy on how I was going to deal with them. I
wouldn’t be able to save Kira directly… but I could
take down her blackmailer.

The biggest problem was that I didn’t know who I was

dealing with. I needed to find some way to get into
this group. The obvious choice would be to use
cuckold. He could help me with everything. However, I
didn’t want to use that guy’s help. I remembered
Netorare’s warnings clearly. What I needed was an
event, like the time when Eiko was used as a meat
toilet, where everyone who might possibly be involved
in the conspiracy would gather.

Okay, now I just needed to find someone who might

be involved… I stopped pacing, and my eyes landed on
my dad. He was out of his work uniform and sitting in
a white tee-shirt and striped boxers, staring at the
television. I checked my phone and found that it was a
little past midnight. It was very close to bedtime for
me, but it was also a new day!

My eyes finding their target, I sat in the loveseat

across from the couch dad was on. Dad was a sexual
deviant. If there was anyone in town who was up to
nefarious acts, he was bound to be involved in it. He
had been involved in that weird orgy thing at the hot
spring resort. Now, I was betting he had at least a
visitor’s pass when it came to this high school sex ring.
“What is it?” He asked, frowning.

I had been staring at him a bit creepily. I quickly

coughed and organized my thoughts. “Uh… dad…
there was something happening at school, and I was
hoping you could help me?”

“Eh? School?” Dad shook his head. “Hakaru, I told you

before. Men handle their shit themselves. You got
problems with bullies or some teacher, step up and fix

I nodded, even while compressing my lips bitterly.

That had been dad’s motto. There was a time when I
really thought he just wanted the best for me. Now, I
knew it came from laziness. Even when it came to
permission slips and things he was required to do as a
parent, I had to take those things to mom or they
wouldn’t be finished.
Amusingly enough, if it was my sister asking for help,
he’d say that it was the responsibility of women to
help women since women knew women best. In other
words, she should go ask her mom.

“It’s something way illegal.” I continued before dad

completely shut me down. “An ex-girlfriend of mine, I
think that she’s being coerced into having sex. I think
it may even involve some of the teachers at school!”

To a normal parent, this accusation would likely send

waves of shock and fear and startlement. Some might
dismiss it instantly as some kind of paranoia, while
others might fly into a frenzy, wanting to protect their
child. As for my dad, his reaction was nonexistent. I
might have said something simple like water was wet
for all of the worries that grew on his face. At that
moment, I struck with Dirt Scribe.
Damn, this kid is irritating. Why did that bitch Sasori
cancel on me tonight? She’s been weird since the hot
springs trip. Ah, whatever, she’s the slut who banged
some other guy. If she feels guilty about it now. That’s
on her. I should teach that slut a lesson…

“D-dad!” I spoke passionately, bringing his eyes to me.

“Do you think there is some kind of sex organization
who is abusing students?”

I had limited time to use Dirt Scribe, and my previous

question apparently wasn’t enough to have him focus
on that. Plus, I really didn’t want to hear dad’s filthy
thoughts when it came to Mrs. Fukumi.

Hehe… so Hakaru’s found out about the God of Lust

Society, huh? Maybe I should throw him a bone and
bring him along to the event next Friday. Naw, let the
kid figure it out on his own. If he’s too dumb to get in
on his own to enjoy free pussy, well then he doesn’t
deserve it. Hey, actually, that gives me an idea, I think

<Dirt scribe has reached its daily limit.>

I clenched my teeth and resisted hitting the table

angrily. Why did dad have to be such a slow thinker! It
didn’t matter, he gave me what I needed to know. The
God of Lust Society. I had a name now. I also had a
date. Next Friday there would be some kind of
meeting, a meeting with free pussy involved.

“Hakaru…” Dad finally answered my questions.

“You’re just paranoid boy. If something like that
existed, it would cause a complete scandal. I mean, an
organization the blackmails young women and turns
their bodies into sex toys for wealthy older men? That
would implode explosively in an instant.”
“Yeah…” I smiled forcefully. “I guess you’re right,

Yet, you were oddly specific when describing such an

organization. You weren’t even subtle at all. Did Dad
do that so that I continued to look in on it and
discover it on my own, or was he really so full of
himself that he thought he was being subtle?
Honestly, either option could be true when it came to
father. He was an arrogant, selfish man who thought
he was better than everyone else.

“It’s getting late, Dad… I’m going to head to bed.” I

sighed, standing up.

“Yeah, see ya.” He didn’t give me another glance.

He’d probably look at me if I gave him my girlfriend to

bang. Hell, he’d probably trade his own wife for some
fresh pussy. I felt a bit sick, so I returned to my room.
Once I got in privacy, I made a call.

“Hey… yeah… Gio? Find out what you can about

something called the God of Lust Society.”

“The God of Lust Society?” Gio asked. “Wait… are they

the fuckers who got Gina pregnant? Damn… that
sounds like something dad is involved in. I got the
impression earlier that dad might know more than he
is letting on. He seemed oddly regretful like he might
have played a hand personally into what happened to
sis. He keeps talking about reevaluating his business
prospects and moving in a new direction. I think he
knows something.”

“Well, don’t pump the head of the Yakuza for

information,” I said helplessly. “But, some discrete
questioning, very discrete, might be helpful.”
“Haha… yeah, dad might kick my ass. I’ll be discrete.”

After ending the conversation with him, I called Akiko.

“The God of Lust Society? I’ve heard rumors, but

never the name. I’ll look into it at school tomorrow.”

“Don’t get caught up in it.” I shot back. “I don’t want

you to be their next blackmail target.”

“It’s hard to blackmail a girl who already has nothing.”

“I mean it!” I said, but then there was a silence that

started to worry me. “Akiko?”

“Hakaru worried about my safety. It makes me feel so

happy.” Akiko said.
“Your my slave, bitch!”

“Hehe… that makes me happy too!”

Click. I sighed after hanging up on her. After a

moment, I looked up.

“I know you’re watching. Come out.”

A moment later, Netorare appeared out of thin air.

She looked somewhat depressed and melancholy.

“You seem to have things worked out.” She said stiffly.

“Netorare…” I turned to her.

“I should have… I should help…” She suddenly broke
into tears.

I lifted a hand and wiped a tear from her cheek.

“Netorare, I have a question I need answered. How far
am I from level 4?

Netorare lowered her head. “Barely any. Just over 100

points. You could easily earn it with your sister

I shook my head. “My goal isn’t to reach level 4. I want

20,000 points by Friday. It’s time I got another skill.”

“That would need almost 10,000 points, how do you

plan to get that by Friday?”
I reached out and grabbed Netorare’s shoulders. “I’d
like you to help me reach my goal.”

I wasn’t sure how I expected her to react. However, it

wasn’t how she ended up reacting. She looked up at
me with watery eyes. A small smile formed on her lips.


Chapter 60 :
“Hakaru…” Netorare breathed, allowing her robe to
fall to the floor.

Even though I had been with many women at this

point, Netorare wasn’t just another woman. She was a
goddess, and her beauty seemed to know no equal. It
wasn’t that Kira, Akiko, or Maria weren’t beautiful
woman, but the goddesses always had something
extra. They had a certain degree of perfection, of
divinity that seemed to flow out of them. Her body
was perfect and smooth. Her nipples were pert and
lush. Her legs were smooth, and her pubic region had
just a small strip of hair. Yet, there was absolutely no
evidence of shaving or shave bumps. Her hair grew
exactly where it needed to be.

The differences between her and Netori were

minuscule, but the more I familiarized myself with the
two women, the more easily I could tell them apart.
Netorare was just a bit shorter and just a bit pudgier.
She had a more innocent feel about her, but at the
same time she felt more resilient like she had
experienced more heartbreak. It gave her an aura of
desperation and loneliness that made someone want
to hold her, where Netori came off more like an aloof

“Believe it or not…” Netorare said shyly. “I’m not that

knowledgeable when it comes to this body.”
“This body? What do you mean by that?” I asked.

I remembered that Netori had spoken that way a few

times before as well. She had implied that her body
wasn’t her own.

“I’m a goddess.” She explained. “My true body sits

outside your comprehension. If you were to see it,
your eyeballs would probably melt.”


She giggled. “Well, my form isn’t as glamorous as it

once was. That’s a trait of the strongest of the gods.
For me, you’d probably just see a blinding light. It’d be
like looking at the sun if the sun was so beautiful that
you couldn’t look away no matter how much it hurt.
This would include blindness, of course.”
“So, you end up using that body?”

“Mm!” She nodded. “I found a girl who is devoted. It

would often be a shrine maiden or the like. We’d ask
them to lend us their bodies, and after they agree,
we’d take over their body and use it as our own. They
go to sleep, and we’re free to walk amongst mortals
until we finally return to heaven.”

“And they… agrees to this?”

“Why would you refuse a goddess?” She cocked her

head to the side.

“And what about you? So, did you just pick one of a
three devoted sisters?” I mean, all three of you look
the same.”
“Oh?” Netorare’s eyes widened for a moment. “My
face is my face. It’s the face I’d like to be perceived as.
It’s an illusion, well, I wouldn’t go that far. It’s more
like we’re using her body, but we’ve projected our
proper forms.”

“W-wait… so there is a different girl under there?” I

said in a fluster, “A girl with a different face?”

She nodded and suddenly her body changed. She was

still pretty. It was a completely different naked high
school girl in my room. She had lighter hair which was
cut short and was a bit squat. However, her butt was
nice and round and her body was extremely sexy,
although not in the same shocking way as Netorare’s
perceived form.

“She was a schoolgirl at an all-girls religious academy.”

She spoke, her voice unchanging from her previous
Furthermore, the expression she gave off didn’t
change either. Despite her face being a different girl,
her facial movements and the way she held herself
remained the same. It was clear that deep down, it
was still Netorare there.

“Wait… so Netori… she’s also…”

Netorare’s perfectly godly form restored and she

nodded. “Yes, all gods must use a vessel when dealing
with mortals, even our own champions.”

“So, when… when I had sex with Netori… with you…”

Netorare chuckled. “That’s right, you deflowered a

poor innocent girl whose body we control! You’re
such a bad man, Hakaru!”

“Oh, don’t give me that look.” She laughed. “As I said,

these women were happy to give their bodies in the
service of a goddess. In exchange, they receive our
blessing. They are protected from various curses,
resistant to diseases, and have long lives. It is that kind
of thing.”

“Wait… a blessing of a goddess? My mother also has a

goddess’ blessing. It kept me from using my abilities
on her. Does that mean… as far as my mother…”

Netorare shrugged, “Probably? There are other ways

to gain a blessing. For example, some male gods will
have sex with a mortal woman. If she pleases them or
they get her pregnant, they may also bless her. It’s
likely some time in your mother’s youth, a god or
goddess used her body. They don’t usually remember
the event. We goddesses clean up our messes.”

“Gods can have mortal babies too? Is this like Hercules

and stuff? Demigods?”

“Grrr… you have a naked girl in front of you and you

want to talk about family?” Netorare put on a pouty
face. “To be clear, it doesn’t work that way. A god or
goddess isn’t born. They’re made. We are a reflection
of society and its people, and society is a reflection of
us. Do you understand enough?”

She looked really agitated now. I didn’t mean to

ignore her, but Netori had always been vague and
lacking in information. It was intriguing hearing more
about exactly what gods were. Information as simple
as what is a goddess is pretty important to know when
I was needing to fight against their champions.
“I’m sorry…” I said, reaching out and touching her
cheek. “You really are very beautiful.”

“Hmph! You think I don’t know I’m beautiful!” She

snorted, but even as she said that she closed her eyes
and pushed her cheek against my hand.

I pulled her into my embrace, hugging her naked body

tightly. Netorare seemed to be happy letting me lead
the way. I thought she was supposed to be helping me
become a better lover, but she wasn’t taking the
initiative at all. Perhaps the only training I was getting
was how to keep my wits instead of pushing her
down, considering her looks were so appetizing.

Our lips found each other, and I breathed in her sweet

godly smell. Her lips parted for me, and I sent my
tongue on an expedition past her plump pink lips. Her
body felt perfect in my hands, and a part of me grew
scared that I didn’t deserve this kind of goddess.
However, after everything I had been through, I
wasn’t the same scared little boy who tried to hang

Of course, back then, I had pushed down Netori, but

that had been more because of the atmosphere.
Netori had led the way, and I had been desperate,
angry, and confused. I understood what Netori meant
when she said that it was meaningless sex that didn’t
earn me all that many points. It didn’t invoke any
emotions of trust or love. It was done out of need and
desperation. In fact, the first time I pushed down
Netorare, back when she decided to pose as Netori, it
had a similar feel to it. Only this time did it feel like I
was truly opening up to a goddess, and in turn, she
was opening up to me.

Our bodies fell back onto my bed. My hands began to

roam her naked body, appreciating the soft warm skin
even as my tongue tasted her sweet saliva and clashed
with her smaller, more dexterous tongue. Her fingers
worked on removing my clothing too, and soon our
naked bodies were holding each other. I wasn’t lewdly
toying with her chest or slapping her ass. Rather, I felt
something far more intimate, the need simply to feel
her naked body against my own.

“Mmmm… MM!” She moaned into my mouth, even as

we still kissed each other hungrily.

She spread her legs open for me, and everything

seemed to line up without any fuss, almost like it was
natural for our bodies to merge together in this

“Rory… are you sure?” I asked after pulling my lips

away from hers.
She smiled sadly, “It has to be you, doesn’t it? You’re
our last hope. Please, put it inside me, and take what
should have been yours the first time.”

“Hmm?” I furrowed my eyebrows, not sure what she


She smiled, stroking my arm lovingly. “It may be my

sister who chose you, but it is I who gave herself first.
Tell my sister that I am no coward. Tell her… I’m all


She reached and grabbed my ass, pushing me up, and

forcing my dick into her. She let out a moan as she
was pierced for the second time with my dick.
Immediately, she began using her hips, rocking my
cock inside and out of her enthusiastically while
squeezing my behind tightly.

“Netorare…” I gasped.

“Ahh… yes… like that…” Rory smiled. “Keep going.

Take me, champion. Take your goddess!”

With her encouraging words, I began to pick up the

pace, thrusting into her wet, tight cunt with vigor. She
felt incredibly good. Every part of her felt amazing. I
sucked on her neck while our sexual parts continued
to slap together rougher and rougher. With the body
of a goddess, she really was enough to drive me crazy.

“Yes… yes… keep it up.” She moaned, biting my ear.

“Please, Hakaru… please… take me…. Take all of me.
I’m yours.”
I graciously continued to take her harder and harder,
holding tightly to her soft, perfect skin even as it
formed blemishes under my fingertips. I was plowing
her wet cunt hard, and combined with the perfect
sounds, smells, and feel that was the goddess under
me, I couldn’t last another moment.

“I’m cumming!” I cried out.

“Yes… do it, take it!”

I thrust into her like a piston, and it was only as I

looked down at her writhing body that I noticed she
was starting to glow. When I lost my seed and started
to cum inside her, her body similarly exploding in a
blinding light.

“Ahn… yes! Take it!” She cried out.

I stopped thrusting, plunging my dick deep in her
womb as I came uncontrollably, but I also had to
shield my eyes from the extreme light she was letting
off. I couldn’t even understand what was happening. I
felt an extreme warmth flood into me. It was almost
like her entire body which was under me suddenly
could wrap around every inch of me and fill me with
warmth and sexual satisfaction through every cell of
my body.

“Thank you… Hakaru…” her voice didn’t come from

under me, but from right in my ear. “Please watch
over me.”

The light suddenly went out as quickly as it had

started. I collapsed on top of Netorare. I was gasping
for breath. The feeling had been out of this world. I
could still feel her body under me. Her tight pussy still
had my dick in it, and I had just blown a load of cum
inside her. That moment of being carpeted in light felt
like it had been an illusion.
“Mm… ah…” Netorare started to shift and move under
me groggily.

I stroked her face, kissing her lips.

“Mm!” She made a noise of surprise, suddenly, she

started moving, as if she was trying to get out from
under me.

I pulled back. “What? What is it?”

My eyes still had trouble adjusting to the relative

darkness of the room, especially after that extreme
light, but as the dark patches faded away, I saw a girl
under me. It wasn’t Netorare at all, but the form she
had shown me a few moments ago, the schoolgirl. Her
eyes were open and her expression was completely
unlike any I had ever seen on Netorare’s face. In fact,
she looked like she had no clue who I was.

However, there was one thing we were both aware of.

We were both naked, and I was inside her. The girl
began to scream.

Chapter 61 :
“Ah, she passed out.”

A moment after screaming, the girl under me closed

her eyes and went limp. I pulled away, getting off of
her, not that my confusion had been alleviated at all.
Where had Netorare gone? What the heck just
happened? Suddenly, there was another girl under
me. I could see cum leaking from her crotch even. She
was still cute, but she wasn’t the goddess I had gotten
on top of.
“Congratulations. You leveled.” A voice came from
behind me.

I spun quickly around. “Netora- no, Netori…”

She gave a sad smile. “You did it. I can’t believe it. You
both did it.”

I blinked. “What? What did I do?”

Netori coughed. “Ah… that, that’s not important. It

seems like you won another heart. That leads to some
major points-“

“No… I don’t care about the points. Who is this girl?

What the heck just happened? Where is Netorare?” I
demanded, feeling a bit of irritation as she tried to
side-step the issue.

“She’s gone. Didn’t she tell you? That’s the person

who she was possessing.”

“What do you mean? She’s gone? Where did Netorare

go? Back to heaven?”

“You don’t need to know, for now…” Netori tried to

answer coyly.

“To hell with that! Netori, if I’m your champion, I need

to know what the hell is going on! You need to tell me
the truth.”

Netori froze for a moment, and then sighed, floating

over to the side of the bed next to the girl, “Hakaru… I
never expected sister to do that. You were supposed
to have a sexual relationship that built gradually. Her
divinity was supposed to go into you a little at a time. I
never thought… I never realized Netorare would give
her everything so simply. I suppose I should have seen
it. Giving and loss is within her nature after all.”

“You need to speak clearer, Netori, I don’t

understand.” I frowned.

Netori lowered her head. “I had wanted to wait for

later to tell you, but now it seems like Netorare has
once again quickened my plans.”

“Your plans? What are you doing? This isn’t just a

game to fill up the time of bored gods, is it?” A flash of
realization shot through my mind. “You made this
game long before there was your hand on the line,
why? What’s your goal?”
Netori shook her head, “Our story, the story of me
and my sisters, it occurred a long time ago.”

“Cuckold says he is your brother, but it’s different

between you and your sisters, isn’t it?”

“Cuckold has appeared?” Netori’s eyes widened, but

then she made an annoyed sound. “Tsk, that man. No,
he is not my family, and he is no brother of mine. In
fact, gods and goddesses don’t have families. We’re
not born, we’re created. Sure, relationships form.
Some gods and goddesses bond and form close
relationships, but there is no blood relationship
between them.”

“Wait… when I used a skill on Netorare intended for

you, it worked. You said it was because you were
She slowly nodded her head. “Netorare, Netorase, and
I are an exception. We truly share the same blood.”

“How is that?”

“Because… a long time ago, we were the same.”


“A long time ago there used to be a powerful goddess,

the goddess of NTR. There was… an event and I was
split into three, Netori, Netorare, and Netorase. We
don’t simply share magic or share blood. We aren’t
simply sisters. We were once the same person!”

My mouth fell open as I stared at her. Some part of

me had already guessed it might be something like
that, but thinking it and hearing it were two
completely different things. Still, she didn’t answer the
question. I had to stay focused if I wanted to get
answers out of her.

“What does this have to do with the game?”

“I had a dream. A dream of putting us back together

again. NTR Crush is about making a god… I mean a
goddess.” She blushed.

I could only shake my head. “How am I involved?”

“You’re the glue.” She continued. “The reason we split

apart was because our heart was torn apart. To fix it, I
needed to align the hearts of all three of us. Each girl
picks a champion, and the champion who won all
three of us would align our hearts and allow us to
reform NTR. That champion will be you.”
“Me? But there is still Netorase’s champion, right?”

She nodded. “That was supposed to be the case.

There was supposed to be time. You were to gain our
divinity a little at a time. You see, we can control the
loss of divinity to a certain extent by blocking our
hearts. Meaningless sex would take very little. If a
champion with a little bit of divinity failed, it’d be no
big deal. However, I never imagined that my sister
would give up everything to you in one go. Now, she’s
inside you.”

“She’s… wait…what?”

“You must take Netorase as well, and when the time

comes, me.”

I shook my head, scooting back on my bed, “S-

seriously? You want me to… what… incubate a
goddess inside me? Forget it. Use the other

“I already said,” Netori’s expression turned sour, “It’s

too late. Netorare is in you now. It was supposed to be
simple. You’d beat their champion and win the hearts
of my sisters, then… maybe I could come to… well, it
doesn’t matter now. Netorare decided to blow the
event out by leaking my plans, and I’m not even sure if
Netorase is playing the game at all. She seems to be
off playing her own games. I feel more separated from
my sisters than ever before. You must win… or…”

“Or what?” I demanded taking a step forward and

fighting back a pang of anger deep in my gut.

“Or… we die.” She responded simply.

Stunned, I stepped back again, propping myself
against the wall. “Die? Death? Seriously? All of you?
Not just Netorare?”

She nodded. “We were all linked. Now that she had
regressed into her divinity, the two of us will also lose
power. You must conquer us and reforge our divinity,
or we will eventually cease to be.”

“Wh-why me?” I demanded. “Why did you pick me?”

Netori smiled gently. “Because… it had to be you.

You’re the one I chose since the beginning.”

My emotions turned into a jumbled mess. I felt anger,

disgust, and frustration. I felt like she had used me for
her own devices. Yet, at the same time, I’d have been
dead if she didn’t steal my death first. From the
moment I tried to kill myself, didn’t I forfeit my right
to care what happened after? I shook my head, I just
didn’t have a good answer. Now that Netori told me
the truth, I felt more confused than ever. Maybe I
should have listened to her and remained clueless.

“I… think I need a bit,” I said softly.

Netori’s eyes flashed with regret, but then she

nodded. “Very well. However, you have earned many
points. Netorare gave her heart and trust to you
completely. You’re level 4. That is 5 vanity points and
32,115 points.”

“32,000! I’m nearly level 5 then.” I said.

She nodded. “Only 8,000 points to go. You also can

earn one level 4 skill and 1 level 3 skill if you wanted.”
“Why are skills so expensive… and so seemingly
weak.” I said bitterly.

“Weakness is relative. These abilities already break

the limit of being a human!” Netori sniffed. “What, did
you just want to snap your fingers and have girls
throw their panties at you? I could give you such a
skill, but it’d earn you nothing when it comes to the

“I give you what I think you can use to grow. This isn’t
about banging as many women as possible. Despite
sleeping with hundreds of women, your opponents
aren’t any higher level than you. Banging women was
never the nature of the game. It’s about stealing the
hearts of women. How could you win a goddesses’
heart when you can’t even sway a single mortal?”
“Well, I already have Netorare and you… that leaves
Netorase left.” Although I had to admit that Netorase
would be difficult.

“Hmph… Do you think you have me? Just because I

chose you doesn’t mean I’ve given you my heart!”

”But doesn’t this make everything simple? All I have to

do is focus on you and Netorase, and then we’re done.
What’s the point of playing then…”

“This is one thing and that is another. The other

Champions only need to defeat you to win the game
according to rules set by the elder gods. As for you,
you must keep and win both of our hearts. You must
fight against everyone!”

“I didn’t ask for that!” I said.

“It doesn’t matter, it is what has to be.”

“Then you should help me more! Tell me who the

other Champions and Gods are.”

“Enough of this! If you were to cheat to get what you

want, there would be no point in any of this. I’m
helping you become the person you need to be. You
just have to accept that. Now, you wanted time to
think… so quit stalling and pick your abilities!” Netori
was clearly getting agitated.

Just accept it? At first, I thought I was in some kind of

harmless game from an immortal. The rules were
cruel, but everything was fair. Now, I learned I was a
single soldier versus an army. That I was expected to
somehow alter the fate of a goddess and do all the
heavy lifting for her. Worse, she had known this from
the beginning but said nothing!
“Tsk… what’s the point in picking a skill? They were all
carefully selected by you in the first place, right?
You’ve been manipulating everything for your own
convenience anyway. Isn’t that really why you left
Netorare alone with me? You knew she’d be the first
to fall for me, right?”

“Hakaru…” Her eyes flashed angrily.

“Tell me I’m wrong? Tell me that every skill, every

interaction wasn’t something you had planned out
just to fix yourself?”

“Pick your skills.” She responded simply in a low voice.

“Pick them yourself.” I shrugged. “This has always

been your game since the very beginning.”
“That’s not… that’s not true.” Netori responded. “It
doesn’t work that way. You have to pick.”

She had a stubburn look on her face, and I got the

feeling that she wouldn’t leave until I picked. It wasn’t
like I hadn’t thought about it. I just went with my
previous decision.

“Fine… Inner Desires.” I shrugged, turning away from

her and looking out the window. “Throw all of the
vanity into looks.”

“Inner desires has no limits to the amount you can

activate it, but it is dependent on how the girl feels for
you. If her feelings are superficial, you’ll only hear
superficial wants. But that is a foundation for-“

“It’s fine…” I said curtly, without turning back around.

“Okay…” She said, her voice still low.

Her word was followed by silence. I turned back and

saw that she had disappeared without saying
anything. The girl who had been lying on my bed was
gone too. She had taken the girl with her. I supposed
that was one less worry I had to think about.

I didn’t even know why I felt so angry. Was it because

she had kept things about NTR Crush from me? Was it
because Netorare disappeared suddenly? Was it
because I suddenly had all of this responsibility? Was
it because the game felt rigged? Maybe, it was a little
bit of everything.

Deep down, I knew I was being unfair. Netori had

saved my life. I’d be dead without her. However, it
didn’t stop the flood of emotions from running
through my mind. Just as I was about to collapse on
the bed, a scent reach my nose. It was Netorare’s
unmistatakable aroma, still clinging to the sheets from
when she was here only minutes before.

Playing through my head were Netorare’s last few

moments. Tell sister I am no coward. Tell her, I’m all
in. Netorare’s sadness wasn’t present when she said
that. In fact, the melancholy that always affected her
was completely absent. You’re our last hope, she said.
She had given her trust in me, and I didn’t even wait
for the cum to dry before I was betraying it. I felt a
pang of regret.

I might be Netori’s Champion, and we might have

flirted a bit, but Netori wasn’t mine. Then there was
Netorase, who seemed to have no interest in me at
all. Not only did she destroy my attempts to get close
to Kira, but she wouldn’t even look at me when she
did it. Two sisters who had lost everything, and I
couldn’t say I was in a better situation with either one
of them. Only Netorare chose to put her faith in me.
She opened her heart to me entirely, even though it
could be burned.

At that moment, my smartphone started ringing. I

reached and picked it up. The caller ID showed me it
was Gio.

“Hey… I found out some information on that name

you gave me, the God of Lust Society. They’re old,
been around for ages. My old man was in the group.
Apparently, recently, something happened and
they’ve been getting bolder. It used to be one girl a
year they’d blackmail and turn into their sex puppet,
but this year has been a bit of a free for all. Even dad
doesn’t understand what’s going on. I managed to get
a hold of the entry code. You busy Friday?”

“Yeah, I can make it.”

“These people messed with my sister. My dad feels
remorse, but even he won’t touch these people.
That’s how terrifying they are. However, I ain’t no
coward. For every one they wronged, I want to take
these fuckers out. Are you down?”

“What can I say?” I shrugged, my fist tightening as

resolution formed deep inside me. “I’m all in.”

Chapter 62 :
“Hello, Hakaru-san.” Sasori Fukumi purred.

“What do you want, sensei?” I asked, my voice flat

and my expression hinting at nothing.

“Hakaru…” She said, sitting right in front of me on my

desk, crossing her legs in a short miniskirt that was
barely acceptable for a teacher at school.
I could tell just by looking at her that she was wearing
extremely sexy underwear. Part of the reason was
that it was just slightly visible through her shirt. She
picked a shirt just opaque enough you could barely
make out the sexy black bra underneath.

Over the last week, Sasori had started doing things

like this to try to catch my attention. Since I had
disappeared after visiting Kira early this week, I had
tried to keep my communication with Sasori strictly as
a teacher and student thing. I had a lot to think about,
especially when it came to Kira and Netori, and Sasori
just wasn’t of interest right now. I really didn’t want to
deal with her escapist crap. She flirted, cheated, and
had sex as a means of escaping reality, but that just
wasn’t what I wanted to do.

The culmination of all of that was that once I started

ignoring her, she started acting out to try to get my
attention. Her outfits at school had grown bolder and
bolder. Right now, she showed significant cleavage,
had a skirt that some would call indecent. Her hair
was done up in a long ponytail braid. She had on
makeup in a way that enhanced her features like that
of a movie star. She truly was stunningly beautiful,
and she had been the talk of the entire school the last
few days.

“Did you see what Mrs. Fukumi is wearing today?

Damn that vice-principal is a lucky man!”

“Damn, what I wouldn’t give to stick my head in those


“She bent over in front of me yesterday and it took

everything I had not to put my hand up her skirt.”

“Hehe… I bet she’s not even wearing underwear.”

This kind of talk was floating everywhere if you
stopped to listen. It was enough that you’d think the
vice-principal would be embarrassed and furious at
the mockery his wife was making. However, that
would only be the case at a normal school. This school
was controlled by the God of Lust Society, and it
seemed like several of its members were Champions
of gods. This was a school where the Student Council
President was given to the sports team as a means of

The Vice-Principal walked through the halls with a grin

on his face, apparently quite pleased that his wife was
being ogled by other men. When he saw me, he
always took the time to give me a smile and a wink, as
if to ask if I noticed his wife and suggest I take her for
a ride. That was one of the other reasons I had cut off
things between myself and Sasori. I didn’t want to give
this man a single point, even inadvertently.
As far as Kira, I hadn’t been able to find her at all. Even
when I asked after her, she was always gone by the
time I got there. I suspected that Netorase must be
warning her or something. I complained about the
level of cheating that her sister was doing to Netori
one of the few times she would talk to me after our
argument. She only sniffed and crossed her arms.

“The other gods and goddesses don’t do as much as

you may think. Rather, why do you assume all of your
failures are because others are cheating? You’ve also
had many advantages others did not receive. You
started first, and I even offered myself to put you on
your way. Netorare sacrificed her body and heart for
you. Meanwhile, you go around the school with
rumors that you have connections to the mafia and
stole both your sister and Akiko out from other men.
Any player would be foolish to not guess you were a
player, and I bet many of them would call you the
Her answer was at that level. If I wanted to win
Netori’s heart, it seemed like I was farther than I had
ever been.

Of course, all of that culminated today, the day before

the Friday event where I’d finally expose these
bastards for what they were. Sasori had used her
power as a teacher to make me stay after school. I still
thought about walking out, but I didn’t put it above
her putting me into detention and making me serve it
privately with her. At the very least, I didn’t want to
give Sasori even an inch right now, even as she sat on
my desk with her ass practically in my face.

“Hakaru, you haven’t stopped over to my house in

some time.” She said, her lips pouting. “You’re making
a girl feel lonely.”

“Sasori…” I sighed, “Mrs. Fukumi, what is it you’re

looking for?”
“Wh-what do you mean?” She blinked, and then a
small smile formed. “Do you mean, top or bottom?”

Her hand reached and she tried to put it up my shirt.

She had an eager expression on her face and was
licking her lips seductively. It was pretty clear what she
was expecting. I pulled away, causing the smile on her
face to slip into confusion.

“I mean, your life is a mess. Your husband knows

you’ve been cheating on him with me. He’s known all

“Th-that’s impossible.” She laughed like I was joking,

and then tried to put her hands on me again, but I
backed up another step. “Hakaru… you shouldn’t
make up-“
“It gets him off. He likes seeing other men use you. He
likes watching his daughter get raped too.”

Finally, the humor in her expression fell, and a stern

look appeared. “Hakaru, these kinds of accusations…”

“I don’t really care if you believe me. I just thought

you should know. However, you’ve been denying
everything else in front of you, so why should I be
surprised that you’d pretend even my words are a lie.
It must be convenient interpreting things for your own

“That’s not fair! How dare you!” Her expression

started to turn angry, but I couldn’t stop now.

“I love Kira. Even if the pair of you won’t protect her, I

will.” I said.
“So, you only care about the younger model, is that
it?” She said bitterly.

I sighed. It really didn’t matter what I said. It would

take something truly shocking to break her from her
comfy lies. I just didn’t want to be a part of them. I
grabbed her arms and pulled her close to me. Her lips
parted slightly, but I made no attempt to kiss her.
Instead, I looked her in the eyes carefully.

“Mrs. Fukumi, I would protect you too.” I said,

“However, I only steal a woman worth taking. That
woman is no longer you.”

I released her and turned around, grabbing my

backpack and heading for the door. Sasori watched
me with her mouth open, but she seemed to not
know what to say. In truth, I didn’t even know myself
why I didn’t just use her for sex. Perhaps, I just like the
idea of enabling her. Perhaps, with her husband giving
her to me and her throwing herself at me, I didn’t feel
like she was truly mine. It was a jumbled up knot of
emotions that I simply didn’t want to explore.

When I entered the hallway, a familiar face was

standing there. He made me feel a well of deep
bitterness and anger, but also resignation. At the very
least, I knew I had made the right decision.

“Hakaru…” The vice-principal smiled. “You truly like to

tease my wife too much. I’m afraid she isn’t as into
denial play as I am.”

“I’m done with your wife,” I responded. “You can find

some other player to milk points off of.”

He scratched his cheek and laughed. “Is that your

answer? That truly is unfortunate. I thought you had
what it took to be a winner, but it looks like you’ll be
crushed under his foot in the end. Well, this was to be
expected. Actually, I came to tell you that Cuckold is
withdrawing his offer to aid you.”

My eyes widened. “Withdrawing? Why?”

“He has sensed what you have done to his sister,

Netorare. He said he knows what you all are planning
now, and he wants no part of it. In fact, if you
continue along this path, he says you’ll have to excuse
him if he starts playing unfair.”

What path was the vice-principal talking about? Was

he talking about the fact that the three sisters are
combining as one? Why does he want to get in the
way of all of that? I truly didn’t understand the goal of
anyone involved.
“I’ll keep that under advisement,” I said, not really
knowing how else to answer.

“Oh, and one more thing. This isn’t a message from

Cuckold. This is a personal piece of advice. After all,
you’re still a junior at my school, and I do not want to
see you hurt.”

“What is that, Vice-Principal?” I remained polite with

my words, but my tone was sour and my eyes felt like
ice as they stared at him.

All of this seemed to just roll off the other man who
remained smiling. “It’s simply this. There is a certain
event tomorrow that I think Hakaru is thinking about

I tried to keep my face as expressionless as possible.

“Oh? I’ve not heard of such a thing.”
“Well, perhaps you have now.” The man chuckled.
“I’m simply advising you not to go. What can I say?
You won’t like what you see there.”

“You’re talking about another sacrifice, right? Another

girl being gang-raped? Is it Kira? Are you seriously
going to turn your daughter into a meat toilet for a
bunch of men?”

He laughed. “Ah… but watching my family being

forcibly raped over and over again, it’s the ultimate
tease! I heard how you truly feel about her, so I
recommend you don’t show up. I wouldn’t want your
childish mind to break under the notions of love.
However, if you do come to enjoy the show,
remember that if you had joined me when you had
the chance, none of this would have been necessary.”
I fought the urge to punch him in the face. I really
wanted to at that moment, but if I did, I would
certainly get into major trouble, and it would damper
my capacity to do anything. Mr. Fukumi broke into
laughter and there was nothing I could do as he
pushed past me and entered the room with his wife.
She was probably shocked to see him, especially with
me having just left. No, I was just trying to distract
myself from what he said.

To the best of my knowledge, Kira had been abused,

had sex, and done group sex stuff, but it hadn’t been
at the same level as Eiko. Now, it seemed, Netorase,
that bitch, was finally making her move. She was going
to share my Kira with everyone, and in the end, Mr.
Fukumi figured I’d be powerless to stop it.

Of course, I wouldn’t be able to just barge in, sweep

her off her feet, and then take her away as I had done
with Akiko and Maria. This event was going to take a
lot more finesse and planning. I looked through my
phone, found the first number to call, and then dialed

“Eiko? Yeah, it’s Hakaru. It is time that I called in that


It was time to prepare for war.

Chapter 63 :
Friday night, I was sitting at a bench on the side of the
street. The light of the sun was just starting to set. A
nondescript, black vehicle pulled up to the side of the
street, stopping right in front of me. Without a word, I
walked up to it, opened the door, and stepped in.
Sitting in the driver’s seat was none other than Gio. As
soon as I got into my seat, he shoved a pile of folded-
up clothing into my lap.
“So, what’s the deal?” I asked, unfolding the items he
gave me.

Inside the bundle was a dark cloak with a hoodie.

There was also a kind of identification card. The card
had nothing on it but a single symbol. The symbol was
‘V’ surrounded by a circle. God of Lust Society, huh?
There wasn’t a V in the name, so perhaps it stood for a
woman’s vagina? Talk about literally putting the pussy
on a pedestal.

“Put on the cloak,” Gia said. “No one is supposed to

know anyone else’s identity. That’s kind of the point
of the society. In our case, it’s doing us a favor. You
don’t want to be identified in there.”

“No masks?” I asked, remembering the animal masks

we had to wear as part of that hot spring’s orgy event.
“No, it’s considered bad etiquette to look at others
directly. Keep your head down, bang the women, say
very little. Anyone who obtains membership is
allowed to enter. There is nothing barring either of us
entry, but I don’t want my face associated with that
place. It defiantly has a cult-like feel to it.”

Pulling apart and eyeing the robe, I definitely couldn’t


“The most important thing isn’t the badge or the robe.

It’s the phrase. The phrase is what gives you entry into
the next meeting. ‘May the bonds of matrimony be
broken, and he return onto this world.’ That’s the

“Bonds of matrimony? Do you mean marriage? Saying

it like that makes it sound like a prison sentence.”
“Yeah… it’s definitely odd, but I don’t really want to be
asking too many questions about a cult I’m planning
on sneaking into.” Gio sighed. “My plan is to find the
name of the person who wronged Gina. I’m going to
find her baby’s daddy, and then I’m going to break his
legs. If anyone else was involved, I’ll make them pay
too. What is it you plan to do there? I have a feeling
that once we get inside, we’re going to be on our

“I have a camera I’m using. I just want to get some

incriminating photos. I might not be able to blackmail
them, but I should be able to keep them from
blackmailing me.” I explained. “Although the cloaks
will make things a bit more difficult.”

That was the story I was willing to tell him, but that
was only a small part of what I wanted to accomplish. I
also wanted to find information on anyone who was
supported by a god or goddess, free Kira, and get a
little revenge of my own. I had discussed my plans
with Akiko, Maria, and Netori. I had gleaned every
piece of information I could from Eiko as well. I wasn’t
planning on going into this blind. Although, I didn’t
want any of them actually coming to the society. I
feared for their safety above all else.

The location where they were meeting was a rented-

out club. It looked like it used to be a strip joint or
something. I could see other cars pulling up, and men
in robes getting out. They seemed to be coming from
all walks of life, with some in beater cars, while others
were in a Lexus. We found a secluded spot away from
the entering people, put on our robes, and then
headed towards the door.

Like Gio had recommended, he moved with his head

lowered. It was a strange sight to behold, although I
couldn’t see his face. It was hard to imagine the
normally hot-headed Gio acting docile. He must have
been using all of his restraint to keep quiet. I
suspected he wanted to kick the door down and yell
out that whoever touched his sister better surrender
or die. It spoke to the seriousness of this all if even he
was frightened to act out at this event.

That was actually part of the reason I didn’t mind

splitting and going on my own once inside. I needed to
move secretly, and I didn’t need Gio causing a ruckus.
Actually, with us separated, it’d be great if he caused a
ruckus at the right time. That might actually make
what I needed to do even easier. We ended up
approaching the front of the doors. There was just a
nondescript door that seemed like it was locked. If I
wasn’t following Gio or had seen other men knock on
it not a few moments ago, I would have assumed
there was nothing happening here.

Without missing a beat, Gio knocked three times on

the door. At least for this part, it seemed like he was
very comfortable with this kind of thing. There was
absolute silence on the other side. Had I been alone, I
might have started looking around confused.
However, Gio leaned close to the door and spoke.

“May the bonds of matrimony be broken, and he

return to this world,” Gio said, although his voice
showed some strain like he was forcing himself to
enunciate every word.

There was another second of silence, and then a click,

scrape, and the door opened. On the inside was a man
easily twice the thickness of the both of us. He was
wearing a robe too, but his hood was up. He was a
bald, middle-aged tough who looked like someone I
did not want to bounce with. Gio’s shoulders relaxed
upon seeing the door open. Had the code been wrong,
then our night would have ended right there.

“Well, passed the easy part.” He mumbled under his

breath and then stepped in.
I followed behind with a nod. It seemed stupid
repeating the same code that he had just said.
Obviously, I’d know it because he knew it. Thankfully,
the big man didn’t bar my path, only looking at my
pass and then closing the door behind me.

As soon as the door shut, I could hear the sound of

music playing off in the distance. We were in a long
hallway with curtains up over every window. It had a
somewhat skuzzy feel. It wasn’t nearly the rich
lavishness I had imagined from that gold embroidered
card with the V. Rather, this looked like some club
that depended on bribes to the health commissioner
to allow them to keep going. We took a look at each
other and then followed the only path made available.

The music continued to increase until we came out

into a bar-like area with a stage. On the stage was a
stripper. God of Lust my ass! This really was just a
bunch of guys at a strip club, wasn’t it? All the secrecy
had gotten into my head that this was some kind of
deep, dark conspiracy. I was expecting virgin
sacrifices, goats, and rich aristocrats. The reality was
something far sillier.

The men were all robed, but they were just drinking
and ogling the stripper women. Most of them had
their hoods up now that they were indoors and were
chatting quite casually. Occasionally, a man slipped a
woman extra and the pair left into a backroom, likely
so he could get a lapdance or a blowjob. Admittedly, I
had never been in a strip club before, so this was all
new to me, but I had seen movies and stuff. In the
end, this big secret society of the Goddess of Lust was
actually a group of middle-aged men sneaking out to
bang strippers!

No, that wasn’t all they had. There was also the main
event, an unwilling high school girl who was being
coerced into providing her body. These may just be
normal men, but they were normal men that were
doing something despicable in secret. I couldn’t forget
that. Just because many of these men looked like
normal people, I couldn’t let myself be distracted.
That guy could be a gardener. That one might be a
doctor. The one over there was the vice-principal.

My eyes widened as I located him so easily. Of course,

he was the one I was most interested in following. It
was his daughter at this event, so if I wanted to get to
her, he was my best bet. I shot Gio one last look and
the pair of us nodded and split up. As for me, I didn’t
head straight to the vice-principal. Even with my cloak,
there was too much chance that he would recognize
me. Instead, I found a table close enough to his that I
could listen. It was close to the strip tables, so I didn’t
need to engage with the other men. They were too
busy playing with the stripper, trying to slip ¥1000 bills
into her thigh.

I sat down, in my seat and watched the woman dance.

Admittedly, this really was stimulating, but I had
tasted a goddess and beautiful teen women. This
woman was at least ten years older, and couldn’t
compare to the beauties in my life. Even so, I found it
difficult to remain seated and listen to the
conversation happening at the table the vice principal
was at.

“And then… that little slut told me she was married! I

was like, so? That’s your problem for being such a
hoe!” A guy broke into laughter.

The other guys chuckled along with him. It seemed

like the men were regaling stories of their sexual
conquests over the week. It was… such a regular thing
to do.

“What about you?” The man continued after he

finished laughing at his own story. “You’re a teacher
or something, right? All those hot high school
students, you must get all kinds of youthful pussy.”
The vice-principal laughed while scratching his balding
head. “Ah, I occasionally get a good taste. However,
I’m more about bringing people together. It’s pretty
easy. Teenagers are always horny. You just put a male
and a female in the same room, and they just start
fucking. Then, of course, you film it.”

“Is that how you blackmailed all those girls to come to

these things?”

“Haha… you show them caught on tape and talk about

explulsion, and they never even question why there
was a security tape in the closet. In my office, I have
tapes of half the students in the school banging in one
position or another.”

“Sloppy amateur porn… what about feeling the girls.”

“Excuse me, sir, do you want something to drink?”

My attempt to listen to them was cut off by a busty
woman with big breasts who came to get an order.

“Ah… yeah, jack and coke.” I ordered without missing

a beat.

I wish I had thought of it on my own, but it was

actually my dad who said if I wanted to look like a man
but order a sugary drink, Jack and Coke was my best
bet. It was half soda, so I could get away with drinking
something sweet without ordering something too
fruity like a Pina Colada or something.

The woman left, but then the stripper on the stage

started harassing me, shaking her ass in my face. I
could smell the baby oil and perfume. I guess the men
she had previously been hitting up were dwindling on
bills. I sighed and went into my wallet to find
something to pay her to go away. Unfortunately, I only
had some ¥2000 bills. I grabbed one and quickly tried
to shove it in her g-string.

As soon as my hand went to leave, she reached down

and grabbed it. While holding my hand, she removed
the twenty with the other. At first, I thought maybe I
had a counterfeit and she was going to call me out on
it, but she took the money up to her lips and then
pushed them against it. When she turned it around, a
red lipstick stain was on the folded-up bill. She then
put it in my hand and had me stick it between her
chests She was still a hot stripper, even if she was
older, so naturally I responded with a gulp as I slid it
down her chest.

She finally let go of my hand, and the men who were

around the table with me cheered. As for the girl, she
jumped down from the table and started straddling
my lap. Apparently, giving her a ¥2000 bill made her
think she could get more from me with a lap dance.
She started grinding on my lap, and my member
started to grow. This seemed to encourage her more
as she jammed my face in her chest. I only just
managed to keep my hood on.

Behind me, I heard the vice principal’s voice. “Come

on, I’m going to go prep the special prize. It’s about
time we enjoy tonight’s sacrifice.”

“She’s upstairs?” Another said, “I can’t believe you’re

offering up your own family.”

“Hehe… the more, the merrier I always say!”

The guys were heading upstairs where she was. I was

running out of time. However, now I had a stripper
riding my lap and way too many eyes on me. Damn it!
Chapter 64 :
“You Mother Fucker!” A man shouted and then a table
was overturned.

The identity of that man was none other than Gio. It

looked like he had finally lost his patience, and was
now taking it out on one of the people at the table he
was at. His timing was accidental, but also completely
perfect for me. I used the distraction and shoved the
stripper off of me. She made a little cry of surprise as
she was pushed against the stage.

“Hey, Buddy, no touching!” She snapped, clearly

misinterpreting things as I shoved her over the edge of
the stage.

Most of the crowd was ignoring her though, and I did

the same, instead, grabbing my hood and holding it up
while I jetted to the stairway. As for the vice-principal
and his group, they too were stopped, looking at the
escalating scene as Gio leaped forward and struck a
guy in the face. Three robed men tried to mob him,
but these weren’t gang members, just regular men, so
he was able to hold his own and knock one into
another. More tables fell over and there was a
scream, but I ignored it, racing up the stairway.

With luck, no one saw me, but I didn’t really care very
much if I was seen anyway. At the top of the stairs, I
ended up in another long hallway with doors on either
side. When I pushed them open, I more often than not
saw a man in a robe getting a blowjob from a stripper
or something of the like. A few shouted ‘occupied’
when the door opened, but some didn’t even bother
saying anything, just continuing like animals.

It was the fifth door down that when I shoved it open,

I saw a familiar woman on the bed who wasn’t
engaged in sex. When I saw her, my expression
immediately froze. It wasn’t Kira like I had been
There was an older woman on the bed. She was
wearing skimpy lingerie. Her hair had been done up,
and she had makeup on. She looked quite pretty lying
there. She looked droopy, almost sleepy. I bit my lip
irritated. All of that work and Kira wasn’t even here. I
didn’t even have to check the other rooms. Just
remembering the look in the Vice-Principal’s eyes told
me all I needed to know. As soon as Sasori couldn’t
get what she wanted from me, she was just ripe for
the plucking by the Vice-Principal.

I felt a little bitter, a little sad, and a little disgusted. I

shook my head. Maybe it was better just to cancel my
plans. It looked like this entire night would just be a
giant bust. I went to close the door, turning away from
the scene. Sasori ‘s fate was her own.

“Mmm… Hakaru…” The words came out in a murmur,

but something about the tone caused me to stop.
I stood there in the hallway for a moment, and then I
could hear a sniffling, crying noise. I opened up the
door and walked in, letting it shut behind me. Walking
up to the bed, I could see chains binding her to the
headboard and the footboard. She didn’t just look out
of it she was genuinely unconscious. More than that,
she appeared to be crying in her sleep. Even like this,
she was incredibly beautiful. I reached out and
touched her cheek, catching a tear.

“Hakaru… I’m sorry…” She said… her voice filled with

despair. “I’m so sorry… please…”

Her eyes twitched, deep in sleep. These were not

things she was saying to me. She appeared to be
having an upsetting nightmare. I slapped her cheek

“Oi… sensei… wake up.”

She jerked, her eyes opening, but then slowly closing
again. A smile formed on her face and then she
pushed her cheek against my hand. Her smile looked
so happy.

“Hakaru… you came…” her voice sounded pleased, but

a moment later her breathing steadied and it was
clear she was asleep again.

“You’re drugged,” I said in realization.

She wasn’t there by choice. It wasn’t some offer given

at a time of weakness. Her husband had slipped her
some knockout drugs. She’d probably slowly wake up
in the living nightmare of being used as someone’s
meat toilet. Suddenly, I felt a wave of anger. I knew I
didn’t have the right to be angry. I had thrown her
away. Yet this… this was absolutely reprehensible. I
couldn’t allow it to continue.
Looking down at her, I reflected over my actions
recently. I had focused on Kira and pushed Sasori
aside. At first, I just wanted to use her to earn points,
but after finding out about Mr. Fukumi’s perversions, I
had grown disgusted by the idea. I had pushed her
away and held her personally accountable for
everything Kira experienced. However, she was no less
vulnerable than her daughter. She had been no less
victimized by her husband. I’d been so desperate to
put the title Mother on her, and blame her for failing
to do it well, that I forgot she was just a woman too,
with the same fears, and desires.

I stroked her cheek. “Mrs. Fukumi, what do you


When Inner Desires was given to me, so too was the

knowledge of how to use it. That’s how all of the skills
worked. Inner Desires had one other set back that
made it radically different from Dirt Scribe. That was,
the question and answers were always given out loud.
I couldn’t sneak around and apply hidden knowledge.
When all else failed, I could only ask, and hear my
answer. Of course, she was barely conscious, so I
wasn’t sure how well it would work.

“I…. want to be loved…” I looked down, shaking my

head. “by Hakaru…”

I looked back up with a shocked expression at those

last words. “Why? Why me? Why do you want it to be

She didn’t answer. Inner Desires only told you what

they wanted, not why. However, I refused to give up, I
grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.
However, she only looked around drowsily, barely
conscious I was there. In a sudden spark of inspiration,
I used the True Feelings ability.
“Please… tell me, why do you want to be loved by
me!” I demanded.

“Because…” She smiled again, her eyes opening up.

“I’ve seen how you love my daughter. I feel like, if it’s
you who love me, then at least it’d be genuine and
real. If it was you, I could allow myself to feel the
happiness I have been… huh? Eh? Hakaru!”

Her eyes opened like she was coming out of a trance.

Her cheeks exploded in red and she tried to pull up. It
was only then that her arms and legs were stopped by
the chains.

“Wh-what’s going on? Where are we?” She said,

pulling on her restraints, her eyes full of fright.

I was just as stunned. She had completely woken up.

What had caused that? I had used True Feelings on
her. It was described as an ability that cut through
everything and made their next choice be based on
how they truly felt. Did cutting through not simply
mean abilities, but anything that messed with the way
the brain functioned? I mean, how could a drunk
person be said to make a clear choice based on their
heart without a clear head? Suddenly, I understood
why True Feelings could be such a powerful ability.

I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my heart. Looking

down at the flustered teacher under me, I felt an
affection and desire for her that I had kept buried in
the past. Up until that point, I had always assumed her
feelings for me were phony. She was forcing herself as
some form of adaptation. She was clinging to me to
escape reality. I had been completely wrong.

Sasori was clinging to me to find reality. The fake

relationship was the one she had with her husband.
He was a perverted man, and deep down she must
have felt the falseness in their relationship. It was no
wonder she had lost touch with reality when all she
had was that man to support her. He was a
monstrous, egotistical bastard who used the women
in his life like toys.

Sasori saw something genuine in me, and it was her

first true taste of it. At first, it scared her, but as it
continued, it became like a drop of water in a desert.
She was so desperate to drink in a genuine
relationship, that she went overboard. At least, that’s
the impression she gave me now.

“Sasori… I’m sorry I ignored you.”

“Oh…” She made a noise, her body shaking as she

seemed to melt under my touch. “Hakaru… I know I’m
not a good person. I’m a bad mother and a bad wife.
But as long as I’m with you… I believe I can become
something better. Please… please don’t leave me
Those were her True Feelings. That was the choice she
made. To tell me how she truly felt with a clear mind.
My lips found hers. Despite the fact she was in
restraints, this proved to not be an obstacle as the
clothing was scattered to the side of the bed. Of
course, I locked the door too. Those men all planned
to fuck Sasori tonight. Instead, I’d have her, and they’d
have nothing. I felt a bit of delight at that thought.

The pair of us lay naked together, our bodies pressing.

Sasori was tied down, giving me complete control.
Even if she wanted to attack me aggressively, she had
no choice but to bear it as I kissed her body from top
to bottom. When my lips reached a ring on her left
hand, I hesitated for a second.

“Remove it.” Her words held no hesitation

I pulled off her wedding ring. It slipped off surprisingly
easy. I then tossed it onto the nightstand. It hit it but
slid right off, clattering somewhere behind the bed.
Sasori didn’t take her eyes off me for a second. I lightly
kissed her fingers, one at a time.

“Hakaru…” she said wistfully. “I want you inside me.”

Those were powerful words that were always difficult

for me to resist. I carefully lifted her knees and pushed
inside her. I had fucked Sasori several times now. Sex
with her should have been familiar. Yet, as my naked
body pressed against hers, I felt like I had entered a
completely new territory. Our bodies writhed together
as I pushed in and out of her.

“Mmm.. yes… Hakaru..” She gently whispered in my

ear, holding me tightly.
Every touch, every motion seemed to carry the
affection of something real. Sasori was my teacher,
but she was also my lover, and I no longer felt
disbelief and shock when I thought about it. Rather, it
felt extremely natural that this beautiful woman was
mine. The same should be said about Netorare,
Netori, Aiko, and Maria. These were my women. It
wasn’t luck that brought us together. It was the true
feelings that we possessed for each other. Those
feelings might have been warped or changed thanks
to our life experiences, but that didn’t make them any
less true.

Did Netori recommend the True Feelings ability to me

all that time ago because she was hoping I would
come to this realization? Did she realize I needed to
step out of the fantasy and embrace my reality? I
couldn’t even guess. However, I felt like I owed her an
apology anyway. She was blunt like Netorare, and I
couldn’t always see what she was doing, but it
seemed like she did everything for a reason.
“Hakaru… yes… yes…” Sasori’s back arched as she
started to climax.

Simply the feeling of being desired and loved was

enough to bring this woman to her limits. I heard
someone try to open the door. Then there was some
knocking. I sneered inwardly while continuing to kiss
and fuck Sasori silly. Sorry boys, this room was

Chapter 65 :
“Ah… yeah… keep it up, girl,” I moaned.

I was lying naked on the bed. In my fingers was a

handful of Sasori’s hair. Her head was going up and
down on my cock. She was lying naked on top of me,
with her head down and her lips on my member. Her
bare chest was pressed against my stomach and if I
reached hard enough, I could slide my fingers up her
backside and fondle her pussy to my delight.
Thus, when there was a click and the door finally
opened about fifteen minutes after they had started
trying to get inside, we made quite the display. The
person who stepped in was none other than Mr.
Fukumi. When he saw me and the state of his wife, he
had an intrigued expression on his face. I met him
with a smile. As for his wife, she barely glanced at him.
I had filled her in on all the detail about her husband
during foreplay, and now she sucked my cock
definantly in front of him without a single ounce of
hesitation. She wasn’t excited either. Rather, towards
her husband, there was only coldness, but he didn’t
seem to mind.

Behind Fukumi was a couple of other hooded men.

However, I didn’t feel threatened at all. In fact, as
Sasori’s splendid tongue worked the shaft, I felt great.

“So… I see you have finally come around to seeing

things my way.” The Vice-Principal nodded. “Good.
Good. Please, continue to enjoy my wife. The meal is
delicious. I welcome your points and the exciting
feelings you’re delivering to me.”

“Your wife?” I raised an eyebrow. “You’re quite

foolish. I’m not interested in that kind of crap at all.”

Mr. Fukumi’s smile flickered uncertainly. “R-right,

you’re saying that you don’t want to share her. In
honesty, had Kira not slipped away somewhere
without my knowledge, I wouldn’t have had to
depend on such tactics with my wife anyway. A
promise is a promise, but since this kind of an alliance
is a once in a lifetime thing, I suppose I can take my
wife off the market for these men.”

There were several annoyed noises behind him from

the other men. It looked like he was getting in trouble
with this supposed organization in order to set up an
alliance. Was something like that really that important
to him? Well, it didn’t really matter to me anyway. I
had no intention of setting any kind of agreement with

“You keep talking about your wife… your wife…” I

shook my head. “The only girl in this room is my
woman. I think you’re a little confused. Ah… wait…

I tightened my grip on her hair. My cock began to

swell. Like a pro, Sasori eagerly sucked while stroking
my balls, easing out the juices as they blasted deep in
the back of her throat. She swallowed each one
excitedly, taking my seed into her mouth with
renewed vigor. The noisy sound of her moaning as she
sucked my cock filled the room for a solid minute
while Mr. Fukumi watched uncertainly. When I
finished, letting out a single sigh of pleasure, she
wiped her mouth, moved up and then kissed me on
the lips. They were wet and hot, and she and her
entire body were mine. We continued to canoodle in
front of Mr. Fukumi until he couldn’t stay silent any

“You can have her however you want.” Mr. Fukumi

finally stated. “However, the points for being cheated
on are all mine. NTR goes both ways. I already said this
is fine for me.”

“You got points?” I asked curiously. “Hmm… I


“Hmph… well, she is my wi-“

“Imai… I’ve decided I want a divorce.” Sasori’s voice

rang out.

“Y-you… wh-what?” Mr. Fukumi seemed surprised at

first. “You can’t… we…”
“The things you’ve done to me… to my daughter…
how could I be with a man like you? We’re done.”

“Even if you say it… that doesn’t mean it’s official-“

“Here are the documents.” I tossed out a packet which

landed at his feet. “My Sasori had this printed out and
sitting in her purse for a while now. While I was taking
her backdoor, she decided to finally sign them. My girl
is quite productive on all fours.”

“Mm… It’s Hakaru… who makes me this way…” Mrs.

Fukumi purred, kissing my neck while her hand started
to stroke, my soft member.

“Oh… and mind the sex stains. I put it down on the

table and I never predicted the distance your ex could
go when she receives the right stimulation.”
“H-hakaru… don’t tease me so…”

“This!” He shook his head grabbing the paper and

shaking it at us. “This isn’t binding!”

“Ah! That’s right!” I lifted up my smartphone and

snapped a picture. “I already emailed the files to the
lawyer, but he says I needed a picture of you holding
the documents. They call that getting served or
something. I don’t know about that stuff very well,
that’s why we have a lawyer.”

“L-lawyer…” He took several steps back, the smile

finally leaving his mouth and a flash of anger showing
instead. “You can’t do this… my points… I earned
“Buddy… your relationship with your woman was
always a dependency. It was weak and feeble. Your
points are earned by her connection to you. When she
cheats on you. Feels bad for being with another man.
Consciously is conflicted. That is where points come
from. After what you have done to my woman, how
do you think she feels.”

“Nothing…” It was Sasori who spoke up. “We’re not

husband and wife. We’re not together anymore. I
don’t know anything about the points Hakaru is
speaking, but I believe him when he says that you will
earn nothing off me ever again.

“No… that can’t be…” He turned to his right,

seemingly speaking to himself. “Cuckold. My points…
nothing? Truly nothing? How? How can that be… You
promised me! You promised me that my wife would
always give me points!”
I couldn’t see cuckold myself. It seemed like he had
appeared just for Mr. Fukumi. Although, I was the only
one in the room who knew about the god and the
game. The others were looking at Mr. Fukumi like he
was unhinged and a step from going insane. The men
who were previously supporting his back took several
steps away and looked about ready to leave.

“You think you can leave me!” Mr. Fukumi’s

expression turned dark, and a snarl formed on it. “I
have images! I have images of the two of you
together! I’ll destroy your life Sasori! How do you
want to go to jail for sleeping with a student!”

Sasori held me closer. “It’s okay… I know I’ve made

mistakes… but Hakaru definitely isn’t one! If I have to
go to jail… even if I lose everything… it’ll be worth it If I
can be by Hakaru’s side in the end. As for my
daughter, I know that he will be looking after her too,
and that brings me peace.”
As she was saying such bold worlds, my smartphone
which was in my free hand started beeping. My other
was still wrapped around Sasori’s naked body, where I
occasionally fondled her. A message appeared on my
screen, and I let out a little laugh.

“Well, my sweet, I don’t think you’ll need to worry

about such things. Actually, I’ve accomplished what I
came for, so I suppose it’s about time we leave.”

“You think we’ll let you leave?” Mr. Fukumi snarled.

“You’re not going anywhere! Come on, guys… my wife
is free. You can all enjoy her. Just help hold him back
and hold her down!”

“I’m not yours!” Sasori hissed.

“I don’t know… this is totally rape. I’m not going to do

something like this. If she was knocked out or
whatever…. But she’s totally conscious. She can even
identify us!” One guy said.

The other few started muttering, and soon it seemed

like no one was interested in helping him at all. These
men were opportunistic rapists. They might coerce a
girl or drug her, but to physically force her into sex
was even beyond most of them, especially since
they’d have to physically restrain a guy too.

“Nonsense!” The Vice-Principal cried out. “I’ll pay… I’ll

pay you. Join me!”

His eyes were turning unhinged, and it was clear he

was starting to lose it. As for the men, most were
picking up on it and already had a foot out the door,
but at least two men looked like they might take him
up on the offer. There were always those that would
do anything for money.
“I’m going to stop you right there.” I cut in. “You

I clicked something on my phone. Five seconds later,

an alarm suddenly rang throughout the building. The
fire alarm had just gone off. Akiko was willing to do
anything for me. So, I planted her at the fire alarm,
ready to pull it in case I sent an emergency text, which
I had just done.

“What did you do?” The Vice Principal demanded,

apparently too enraged to think clearly.

“That’s the fire alarm.” I shrugged, getting out of the

bed and putting my clothing on casually. Mrs. Sasori
did the same on her side of the bed. “Soon, this place
will be flooded by police and firemen. You can all
explain why you’re here in cult-like robes banging
whores. I’m sure your wives will be really interested in
learning about your extra activities.”
Before I had even finished, most of the men were
already running away.

“You… we’ll just call and…” He suddenly, stopped,

sniffing… ”What’s that?”

I grabbed Sasori, “This place doesn’t exactly meet fire

regulations. You have a weird sex meet here, put out a
bunch of candles, some flammable lube, and then
someone knocks it over, this place will go up quickly.”

Without another word, I pushed past him and then

started heading towards the fire exit on this floor. I
was slightly cursing Akiko. She had set the fire much
quicker than I wanted. It was my second phase. She
was supposed to pull the alarm. Give it five minutes,
and then set the fire. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
However, I also wanted enough evidence planted
around that when it came time for a police
investigation, all of these men would be caught and
put under scrutiny. This whole event, the God of Lust
Society, was about to blow wide open.

I lead Sasori out as the smoke steadily increased. I

didn’t watch to see if Mr. Fukumi followed. We
opened the fire escape and headed down to the
bottom floor using the outdoor metal. Of course, I had
checked this ahead of time. I wasn’t going to come
here without knowing I had several safe ways out. I
could hear alarms in the distance getting closer, but I
quickly lead Sasori towards a car stopped on the side
of the road. It wasn’t the one I had come here with
Gio in. Rather, it was Akiko’s car.

“Wait!” A shout came from behind us.

I stopped and looked back, to see a flush-faced Mr.

Fukumi glaring at me as I walked away with his former
wife. He was panting, and behind him, smoke was
billowing out the windows of the building as the fire
steadily grew more out of control.

“You will pay for this!” He said. “By Monday, I will

make sure everyone knows about you!”

“I would worry about myself, personally.” I shrugged.

“Come Monday, I don’t think I’ll be seeing you ever

“What did you say?” He snarled.

“A spycam in the janitor’s closet? Countless sex tapes

in your office? All of this was just a distraction. As we
speak, the police have already raided the school and
your home, except for a few choice pieces of evidence
I had my sister stash before she called them and
confessed what she found. Plus, you’re connected to
this fire which happens on the very same night? I’m
glad we had the divorce papers served now because I
suspect you’ll be in prison soon.”

“N-no…. impossible.” He pulled out his phone, which

he seemed to have on mute.

Whatever he saw on it made him go white. He

collapsed to his knees.

“Sasori… do you feel… bad at all?” I asked hesitantly as

I noticed her watching her ex-husband collapse.

Sasori shook her head and then turned to me. “The

only thing I worry about… Is it possible to save my

I held out my hand and smiled. “Let’s save her…

Sasori grabbed my hand, and the pair of us got in the
back of the car. As the sirens grew close, we drove off.
Akiko ended up being my driver once again.

“Um… Hakaru… I know I’m just Hakaru’s bitch and all…

but can you please not bang our teacher in the
backseat of my car! I still have to go to her classes on

“Ah… So… Hakaru has you wrapped around his finger

as well?” Mrs. Fukumi asked breathlessly as I played
with her tits and kissed her neck.

“Y-yes, Sensei!” She said with a squeak, more

intimidated by her teacher than me.

“Then… it looks like tonight I must instruct Akiko as


“Mmm… I’m a 39-year-old woman, surely there are

many things I can teach a young girl about men!” She
purred, reaching out and gently touching Akiko’s neck,
causing her to shiver. “What do you think, Hakaru?”

“Akiko!” I ordered. “Head to the nearest hotel. We’ll

need a proper place so that Fukumi-sensei can
educate you thoroughly.”

“Y-yes! Akiko is open to learning!” Akiko stepped on

the gas.

Before we even reached the hotel, sensei was already

giving Akiko a full hands-on demonstration.
Chapter 66 :
Isat up and pulled the arms of two naked women off
of me as gently as I could. Pulling out of their grip, I
made my way carefully off the bed. Turning back, I
could see Akiko and Sasori lying there naked under the

One was a young girl of only seventeen, with pert

breasts, a plump ass, and pale skin. She was a slut that
had no restraints, but she was also my slut. The
second woman was older. Her glasses were sitting on
the nightstand. Her breasts and butt were rounder.
There was a little bit of sagging from age, but it made
her even sexier in some ways.

These two women were the perfect blend of mature

and innocent, slut and devotion, young and old. They
were also both my women. I had tasted them at the
same time and together. Now that I had moved out
from between them, the two girls had found each
other and were now hugging unconsciously for the
feeling of warmth and skin against skin. This was
erotic too, and I fantasized about making the two
women engage in some erotic play. Today, both
women had been focused on me, but in the future, I’d
like to try having them focus on each other.

In the future, I wanted the girls to like each other as

much as they liked me. It was one of my many
strategies to keep the girls from growing bored and
leaving me. Hey, peer-pressure worked. If I had to use
something like that so that I would never have them
stolen, I would do what I had to do.

I still couldn’t believe that a teacher at my school was

my lover, but that appeared to be the case. After
everything, she had given me her heart, just as
Netorare, Maria, and Akiko had done. I still didn’t
understand it. However, I had learned enough now
that I definitely wouldn’t spurn it. I had been afraid of
Sasori’s love. I convinced myself it was something that
came from convenience, and completely denied the
possibility that she genuinely gained feelings for me
every chance I had.

It made sense that she was just deflecting her love for
my dad onto me. Therefore, I was always guarded
with her. When she began to grow excited about our
relationship, I had rejected it. I wouldn’t be rejecting it
anymore. I knew what she really wanted, and as hard
as it was for me to believe it, what she really wanted
was me. I wouldn’t be spurning that love again. That
was something I had come to realize after the events
of the day.

I pulled a robe around me and then made my way to

the bathroom. I washed my hands and my face,
sighing as I looked in the mirror. There was a buzz in
my robe pocket, and I pulled out my phone, which
shone brightly in the dark hotel room. A message had
been left there. It only contained two words, We’re
even. That would be Eiko contacting me. She was
already done with the assignment I had given her?
Well, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised, but she
was damn quick.

Friday night wasn’t simply the night that the supposed

God of Lust Society was meeting. It was also the night
of a big game for the basketball team. If the basketball
team won, they’d be looking for a prize. If they lost,
they would be looking for some sympathy. Either way,
a quick google said they had won their game. Maybe
someone slipped the coach an email using the vice-
principal’s computer suggesting that there was
another girl who was willing to go all the way with the
guys. They had a groupie fan who wouldn’t mind
being the basketball team’s cum dumpster for the

That woman owed me a favor, and the favor I called in

was to fuck the basketball team. To someone like Eiko,
this wasn’t even a problem. She didn’t mind it and was
even a little happy that she could make amends with
me so easily. Of course, they didn’t know that she had
HPV and crabs. Who ended up with crabs and who
ended up with HPV in the end? I didn’t care. This was
just my way of venting on the assholes that touched
Kira. Let their own shitty behavior have long-term
consequences. I wondered how well their next health
check would go when it’s revealed most of the team
has crabs.

“Hakaru…” A gentle voice caused me to finally turn

away from the mirror.

Netori was floating in the hallway, her hair gently

falling down until it just missed the floor. We had only
spoken a little since our last argument, and those
words had always felt a little awkward. I didn’t feel
angry at her anymore. Honestly, after my realization
about Sasori, I felt I understood Netori a little bit

“You did well.” She smiled. “Your points have

increased splendidly. A teacher is far more
complicated than a teenage girl. You got her to not
only leave her husband but also abandon your father.
Her affection is entirely yours now. In fact, you’re
about to reach level 5. I suspect you’ll reach it soon.

“Levels come so slowly, what is the point of it all?” I

asked hesitantly. “I mean, I know that I need to save
you and bring back your true goddess from, but you
also keep talking about helping me grow. What am I
supposed to do? You offer me so little advice and you
tend to let me try to do everything myself.”

“Haven’t you been doing well on your own?” She

asked. “You have three women who are devoted to
you now. I’d say you’re doing quite well for yourself.”
“You’re not going to tell me, are you…” I responded

She laughed gently. “If I told you everything, then

nothing would matter. You just need to trust me… as I
have put my trust in you.”

“Have you?”

“Have I what?”

“Have you really put your trust in me?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think you had the

capacity to win.” She responded flippantly.
“Netorare’s heart… Netorase’s heart… sure… but what
about you?”

Her eyes widened. “Wh-what is Hakaru saying? Of

course, you’re my champion. I know you the best!”

“Yet, when we slept together, I didn’t pull any of your

divinity. If I did now, would you lose some?”

“Th-that…” Netori blushed. “Asking a goddess such a

thing, you know it’s embarrassing, right?”

“I had always assumed that there was some close

bond between us, that I was your chosen one because
you already loved me, or something like that.
However, after spending time with Netorare… I
realized just how much of a distance you keep me
apart. I know nothing about you. Your history… your
life. You want me to put you back together, but you’re
not willing to put your heart on the line.”

“Th-that’s crazy!’ Netori shook her head, floating back.

“Of course, I’m just concerned about my sisters. Once
you win their hearts, I’ll naturally… I mean… I will…”

“Fall in love?”

“Hakaru, there is an order to these things… my


“I don’t care about your plans.” I shook my head. “And

I no longer care about this game.”

Her eyes widened and a hurt expression appeared on

her face. “What are you saying? Are you giving up?
After we’ve come so far?”
“What I am saying is that the only thing that really
matters to me is the women in my life,” I said. “I will
earn points, and I will become stronger, but not to win
some game. I will do it so that I can take the women I
love. I will do it, so when the time comes, I will have
your heart too.”

“Hakaru…” She turned away, “Of course… I expect


I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my embrace.

Netori gasped, somehow unable to fight against my
hands as I held her close to me.

“What do you want, Netori?”

“What I want…” She said, her lips slightly parted, her
breath gasping, “I want you to be the on…ah…
Hakaru… wh-what…”

I had used my skill on her, but I never expected it to

work. She looked dazed for just a microsecond, and
then she shook her head and her eyes met mine in
shock. Before she could react, I kissed her. My tongue
attacked her tongue. She pushed against me, once
again seeming unable to fight my grasp. Steadily, her
kisses became more and more aggressive. Her hands
started to run across my chest.

We fell back on the bed. As I hit the bed, I bumped

into Akiko. This was enough motion that her legs
moved and she moaned.

“Ahn… Hakaru…”
Netori pulled away from me forcefully with a gasp.
Her eyes were strange. They were frightened and
confused. She looked at the two women on the bed
sleeping. She shook her head and began to float away.

“Har… no… I can’t!” She cried out while still holding

her head.

I reached out for her, but my hands met air. She had
disappeared from the room. I sat there in silence for a
moment. I had almost had her, but there was
something holding her back. There was something I
didn’t know. I was certain of that. I was almost certain
that it was another man. I also knew that Netori would
never tell me the truth.

That meant, my next target had to be Netorase! I

would take Kira back, but I would claim Netorase too.
My phone buzzed, so I picked it up and checked the
message. This one came from Netori. She rarely
texted or called me, always preferring to show up in
person. I must have really embarrassed her. I couldn’t
help but smile when I read what she sent me.

Hmph! You reached level 5! Stop being a bully! I’ll

defiantly make you pay!

I read the message three more times and then started

to laugh. A bully, am I? I’d prefer to be called a thief. I
was also prepared to pay the cost. I wouldn’t be afraid
of winning another heart again.

“I will steal you.” I said into the darkness, “It’s only a

matter of time.”

Kira, Netorase, Netori… just three women left to take.

I lay down between Sasori and Akiko, letting them put
their arms back around me and nuzzle me at each
side. I could see the finish line now. I would be
winning this thing.

Outside, the clouds were rolling in the sky,

occasionally letting out a deep rumbling sound. A war
was brewing.

Chapter 67 :
My name is Hakaru, and I’m officially on an extended
break from school. After a certain vice-principal was
exposed for taking videos of women and blackmailing
them, an entire scandal broke out. It made it on the
news and everything. Every student was questioned,
including me. Although no one attached me to the
events that lead to this, it was still very stressful being
under the interrogation lamp. Many girls who had
been abused over the years came out, and there was
even a hashtag movement on twitter.
At the end of it all, the school was shut down for a
prolonged period of time while every staff member
was put under investigation. This included Sasori
Fukumi. Of course, I denied doing anything with my
homeroom teacher and there was no one who could
confirm that we acted inappropriately. She was Mr.
Fukumi’s wife, after all, so in many ways, she earned a
victim status that got her absolved of being looked at
too closely. However, she was still being watched, and
thus we weren’t able to spend much of our break

“How about her?” I asked, sipping from my milk tea.

I was at the mall right now, and sitting next to me was

Netori, currently hidden in her Tori outfit, as well as
Akiko. We were scoping out the current scene to see if
there were any girls worth having. The one I had
pointed to was with a boy right now, but she didn’t
seem that interested in him. Akiko shook her head
“That girl has been around. She has a bit of a complex
where she easily justifies cheating.” Akiko explained.

Akiko seemed to have an abnormally good read on

other women that bordered on eerie. As she spoke,
the girl seemed to notice I was watching her. Behind
her boyfriend’s back, she winked at me and bit her lip.
Yeah, it seemed like this girl was a thrill-seeker who
enjoyed cheating. She was a bit like Akiko in that

“Why do I have a feeling you just compared her to

me?” Akiko pouted.

“You’re imagining things.” I coughed. “Besides, you’re

my one and only slave. I could never replace you.”

“Mm…” She looked pleased by those words.

“After all, someone needs to be at the bottom. Why
would I want more than one trashy girl? I’ll only take
one hoe and aim for all my other girls to be of much
higher quality.”

“M-master… when you say that… you should at least

be choking me.” Akiko panted under her breath.

“Get that lewd expression off your face. I’m here

looking for some fresh pussy, remember? If I wanted
your stretched out, over-used thing, I’d just need a
paper bag to put over your head.”

“Hah… hah… Master is getting too good at this…”

Akiko responded in tears. “You’re going to make me
wreck my panties.”
I refrained from informing her how repulsive that
sounded to me less I pushed her over the edge and
watched as the girl regretfully walked away with her
boyfriend, giving me a look as if begging me to NTR
her. No… she was too easy. Akiko was right.

There was a time where getting a flirtatious look from

a girl like her would have left me floored. However,
that was before I started playing the game. NTR Crush
was the game where I stole women from other men
and made them fall for me. Doing so netted me points
and levels. Some points got me special abilities which
allowed me to learn things women didn’t want me to
know. Others included vanity points which increased
my attractiveness, charm, and penis size.

It was the attractiveness which drew gazes like that. I

tried to not let it swell my head. Even if my looks were
now at the ikemen level, it didn’t mean I could relax. I
was still playing the game, and every player could
enhance their attractiveness and sweep a girl right out
from under my feet. Instead, I had to always be
vigilant. I shot a glance over at Tori.

“What are your thoughts? Any women that can earn

me points?”

I spoke openly of points and the game in front of

Akiko. She knew parts of it, but it was never clear how
much she knew. Did she understand that NTR Crush
was a game set up by the gods? Did she know that
Netori was actually a goddess of cheating, one of
three goddess sisters that used to be a single person?
They each picked a champion who was tasked with
winning all of their hearts and stealing all the women
of the other champions, and when the time came, the
winner would end up reforging them into one

At least, that was the story as far as I understood it.

Things grew more complicated when other gods and
goddesses got involved in the game after Netorare
promised Netori’s hand if they won. In that way, the
game I was playing had very real stakes. Although, to
Akiko, she might only believe it to be some kind of
cruel high school game being played between boys.

“There is little point in chasing a girl just because she’s

there,” Netori spoke softly, drinking a hot beverage
which steamed in her hands while casually flipping
through her smartphone. “For you to steal a girl and
hold on to her, she must be worth it in your eyes. As I
said before we left, the relationships you foster
between the women you want is what ultimately
earns you your points. It’s not about who is easiest, or
even who, if successful, has the potential to net you
the maximum points. It’s about you stealing what you
desire the most.”

I grimaced. “And what if what I want is out of my

reach? Do I just allow myself to stagnate and for my
points to go nowhere, just so that I can wait for the
right woman?”

Netori’s finger stopped moving on her smartphone,

but she did not glance up at me as she spoke. “Are
you speaking of Kira?”

Actually, I had been speaking of Netori herself. Every

attempt I made to try to get closer to her seemed to
fail. I had invited her to the mall alone. It was Netori
who had ended up bringing Akiko along. She was
keeping her distance from me ever since her sister
had disappeared during our second sexual encounter.
It was like Netori was growing cold feet or something.
Even now, she remained aloof, looking away as if she
was disinterested in being involved in this game she
herself had started.

“Yeah, Kira…” I lied. “I haven’t seen her since the

school closed down.”
Sasori had told me that her daughter was living with
an aunt. The official story was that she wanted to stay
out of the spotlight cast by her father as he went to
trial. However, I suspected there was more to it than
that. I suspected that Netorase was involved as well.

“My sister targeted Kira on purpose. Every god and

goddess requires a vessel to interact with the mortal
world. Don’t confuse that with the champion they
select to play NTR Crush. Netorase selected Kira as her
vessel, I suspect she did it to specifically spurn your
advances. Not only will your godly abilities no longer
work on the girl, but if you pursue her, Netorase is
bound to interfere.”

“Then, how am I supposed to win Netorase’s heart?” I

muttered irritably. “Isn’t that the ultimate goal? Aren’t
I suppose to gather all three of you and um…
I noticed Akiko watching us curiously, so I changed
what I was going to say, awkwardly putting my hands
together instead. It made it seem like I was trying to
have a threesome with three women, but compared
to the deplorable things I had done with Akiko, this
wouldn’t be that strange or alarming. My true end
goal was to combine the three goddesses together
into one. I had already seemed to start with Netorare,
but that left these two sisters to go.

Although I asked how to win Netorase’s heart, deep

down I was still wondering about Netori. She had been
somewhat distant lately. It was like the closer she
came to reaching her target, the more afraid she
became of getting there. It was perhaps something I
wouldn’t have recognized before I had my relationship
with Sasori, another woman prone to hiding from her
problems, but I could see now that Netori was
remaining aloof. Any insight into how to pursue
Netorase might help with Netori as well.
That lead to the question, did I really want to pursue
the goddesses? I used to never have that kind of
confidence. Perhaps, I really was changing if I thought
I had a shot with Netori. I jokingly stated I’d pursue
Netori in the past flirtatiously, but bold declarations
and actually making the attempt were two very
different things. I never would have considered what it
was like to date the goddess until very recently.

“Netorase… she is the goddess of NTR. Naturally, she

will be attracted to your NTRs. If you steal women, if
you defeat the other gods and goddesses and take
their women, then you will attract her attention. In
time, she will come to you.” Netori explained.

I sighed in frustration. We were right back to where

we started. I needed to pursue women. Which women
belonged to other players? I had no clue. I just had to
pursue women and hope that they mattered. Except,
as she just said, I shouldn’t flippantly chase women I
had no interest in. Thus, I had no clue how to proceed
forward. Just as I was starting to lose my patience, a
woman walked by whose sight caused me to shake.

“Actually, I just saw someone I recognize. Don’t wait

up for me.” I stood up and walked away without
another word.

Netori finally looked up from the smartphone and

blinked like she was surprised I was suddenly leaving,
despite having been flippant with me since I had been
there. As for Akiko, she waved goodbye and made
herself scarce. No, Akiko didn’t know the strange
relationship I had with Netori, but she could read the
room and knew when to stay out of things. I’d have to
make it up to her later. Possibly with a paddle.

It wasn’t like I was ditching the girls on purpose. I had

actually seen someone I wanted to talk to.
Fortunately, the person I had seen had already turned
a corner before I made my announcement. Akiko and
Netori didn’t get a chance to see who it was. As for
Netori, if she was genuinely curious, she would
probably follow me while invisible and spy on me
anyway. I had a feeling she had other things on her
mind though and wouldn’t pursue this.

The girl I was tracking had gone up a flight of stairs

and turned two hallways. Even though I was
practically running, I was shocked at how difficult it
was to catch up to her. Then, I made another turn only
to run face to face into her. I skidded to a stop.

“R-rory?” I let out the name in surprise.

“Why are you following me?” The girl demanded

suspiciously. “Who’s Rory?”
Of course, there wasn’t an ounce of recognition in this
girl’s expression. She had light brown hair which was
cut short. She had short legs with knobby knees.
However, she had a really nice, round butt and a
generally attractive body. She looked a bit like a
tomboy. She might have been sporty, but her body
never quite grew tall enough for sports.

She was the previous avatar of Netorare and the last

vestiges of her that I could see. Supposedly,
Netorare’s heavenly body rested inside me or
something, but I could neither see her nor feel her. As
soon as I felt something between me and Netorare,
she had left and disappeared. It had been a greater
blow to me than I cared to admit. The body she had
possessed all that time was this girl. That meant that
while I was sleeping with Netorare, it was technically
this girl’s body under me. We had sex twice, and she
didn’t even remember it.
Until I suddenly saw her in the mall, the only thing I
knew about her was that she had gone to an all-girls
religious academy. She had agreed to be Netorare’s
body on earth, yet she and her family had no memory
of this. Netori had taken care of all of that.

Of course, this girls sacrifice wasn’t completely one

way. She’d have Netorare’s blessing for the remainder
of her life. She’d have good fortune, good health, and
protection against the influence of other gods and
curses. Netorare used an illusion to make her look
different. As Netori had once explained, it was the
physical personification of their heavenly form. I took
that to mean that she looked like what she saw herself
looking life. Thus, this woman neither looked, acted
like, not held the memories of Netorare. Even so, I had
to continually remind myself that this was not

Yet, for some reason, I still felt compelled to chase her

this far. I couldn’t even guess what I wanted from her.
If it was direction, there was no way that she had a
direction for me to follow. Advice about the goddess
sisters? She wouldn’t have it. However, I found words
coming out of my mouth that I never thought I’d say in
a million years.

“I saw you across the mall and I thought you were

really cute. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a
date with me.”

It was the smoothest I had ever asked anyone out in

my life. I didn’t have a single feeling of nervousness or
doubt. My armpits were dry, and my eyes looked at
hers without shyness.

“Ah…” She looked down, blushing as she combed back

her hair. “I’m really sorry… it’s not that I wouldn’t be
interested, but I already have a boyfriend.”

Chapter 68 :
“Ah… a boyfriend…” I put on a smile. “Well, we could
just be friends, right?”

After everything I had been through, how could I let a

boyfriend put me off? Although, I was curious about
this one. Netorare would have been in control of her
for the last few months. Was this boyfriend someone
very new or someone from before? In that case, was
his memory altered into thinking he had been dating
her for the last few months? I had so many questions
about it, but I certainly wasn’t going to ask them of

“O-of course…” She responded, blushing just slightly.

She definitely must be a girl from an all-girls school.

Even though she had a boyfriend, it was abundantly
clear that she had a strong weakness towards boys. If I
was a boyfriend who saw my girl looking and talking to
a boy this way, I’d definitely be enraged. Hey, playing
the game didn’t mean I couldn’t be a bit of a

“What’s your name?” I asked, reaching out and

picking a piece of lint from her shirt.

She looked down at my hand, blushed again, and then

said just slightly faster than she needed to speak. “My
name is Tiana.”

There wasn’t any lint on her shirt. I actually pulled it

out of my pocket and pretended to pick it off her shirt.
In my free time, I had been reading a couple of pickup
artist books. One such book mentioned that one of
the ways to get a girl was to get her used to your
touch. Harmless touching, such as removing lint from
a shirt, lulled her into a sense of security. The more
she gets used to your touch, the bolder your touches
can become before she rejects them.

“Do you want to get out of the hallway?” I asked.

“Ah…” she looked around, realizing we were still in the

area she had led me back when she thought I was a
creepy stalker.

Technically, nothing had changed. She didn’t know me

any better than before. I was just as much someone
she didn’t know, but I wasn’t going to point that out.
My question was also another pickup artist strategy.
You continually ask questions where the obvious
answer is yes. This conditioned her into saying yes to
you. It was that sort of trick. Well, I was still learning,
and I didn’t want to depend on pick up artists tips
permanently anyway. I wasn’t looking for a one-night
I engaged her in light, casual conversation while
remaining somewhat flippant. I gave her space and
had an aloof atmosphere. I asked her questions, let
her do most of the talking, and she grew animated as
she spoke, gesturing wildly as she spoke about what
career she wanted to have or other such things.
Overall, she probably wasn’t the best girl to pursue. I
didn’t know if having slept with her as Netorare would
affect the points I’d gain. Furthermore, she had the
goddess protection, so I couldn’t use my skills on her.
On top of all that, she was at an all-girls school, so I
wasn’t sure how easily I’d be able to meet up with her
enough to be effective.

Yet, despite all of that, the fact that she reminded me

of Netorare in a strange way relaxed me. If I closed my
eyes, I could almost imagine the goddess, lying around
lazily as she chastised me about this or that. As I was
having such fanciful thoughts, I almost missed
something that Tiana had said.
“What was that last part?” I turned to her, my brow
somewhat furrowed.

I hadn’t said anything in a while, and she was in a bit

of a rant, so I had caught her off guard. “Ah… oh…
um… I was just saying that our school opened up a
mentorship program where an older male student is
teamed up with a female student and we have talks
about feminism and stuff.”


“Yeah…” She gave a snort. “No one knows what to

make of it. Some hate the idea of bringing the boys
into our school. They think it’s going to, you know,
lead to some naughtiness and corruption of our school
tenants and values. However, last year, five girls at our
school ended up pregnant, and so this was suggested
as a means of helping women grow accustomed to the
opposite sex, so that when we encounter them
normally, like here, we can, how did they say it… act in
a fashion conducive of the expectations of Riphorn

“Feminism?” I repeated.

She giggled. “That’s the compromise the school made.

If we were going to invite boys into an all-girls school,
then the boys had to learn about female rights so that
they came to properly respect women and treat them

“Actually, that does sound interesting,” I smirked,

moving closer to Tiana. “I do need to learn how to
respect women more.”

“Oh… do you…” She couldn’t help but smile back, but

she didn’t shy away as I closed the distance between
We had stopped somewhere outside a clothing store,
and we were only about an inch away from each
other. She looked like she really wanted to kiss me
too. I leaned forward to take her lips.

“Tiana!” A voice came from the distance.

Tiana pulled away from me like she had been burned.

She had a wild look on her face and she was quickly
straightening her dress like the moment we just
shared hadn’t happened.

“Tiana! Ah… Tiana, there you are!” The voice came

from a short boy who was about the same height as

He wore his hair short, just like hers, but he was full
Japanese, where Tiana seemed to have a little bit of
Western blood in her. He didn’t see us before
thankfully, and he didn’t seem to notice how close we
had been. In fact, he didn’t notice me at all as he came
right up to her, not even sparing me a glance.

He was wearing fine clothes, that which you’d expect

to see on a rich person. His voice also had a bit of an
edge to it that suggested to me that he was probably a
high-society kind of guy. So, this was the boyfriend
that she had been talking about?

“Matt, I didn’t expect you to come to the mall today.

You said you couldn’t make it.” She said, just a small
bit of stress in her eyes suggesting she was still
worried he might have noticed something off.

“It is true, I was busy today. However, the meeting of

father’s got canceled, the schedule got bumped
around a bit, and now I’m here.”
“Matt is your boyfriend?” I asked, interjecting myself
into a conversation that this guy was clearly happy
pretending I wasn’t a part of.

“Ah… y-yes… we just started dating…”

It was only at this point the boy with his nose in the air
seemed to notice me. Considering his head didn’t
even reach my shoulders, it was pretty amazing that
he was able to ignore me so easily.

“Oh… and who is this person then?” He said, his voice

holding just a hint of disdain even while he smiled

“I’m Hakaru.” I smiled. “We actually just met. Your

girlfriend was just talking to me about a mentoring
opportunity and I was taking some interest in it.”
I spoke frankly. It wouldn’t do good if my actions got
her in trouble. I decided to play it cool and back off for
now. There would always be another chance to loosen
Tiana up later.

“Mentor? Oh… are you speaking of that school

leadership program? Yes… I’m going to be a part of
that. There are only ten positions, so naturally one of
them would go to me.”

“Is that so… what school are you from again?”

He smirked snobbishly. “I’m from the Dushen Elite

Academy. What about you?”

“Nothing so grand,” I waved my hand politely. “Just

the Douglas Public.”
“Douglas?’ He said that name as if it gave him
indigestion. “Isn’t that the school that shut down
because of corruption?”

I shrugged. “You could say that. A teacher was

blackmailing students into sex.”

Matt sniffed. “A result of common schools, it seems.”

I smiled. “Perhaps.”

Matt glanced at me from the side for a second.

“Haruko, was it?”

“Hakaru.” My mouth only twitched slightly.

“Well, Hakaru, it is your lucky day. My mother is
actually the dean of Riphorn, that’s how I met my
sweetheart here. She’s a student council

“A student council president?”

“Ah… nothing like that…” Tiana spoke nervously, “I’m

just a secretary.”

“Still, a secretary at Riphorns…” Matt stepped in,

putting his arm around her.

She didn’t seem to like him doing it, or perhaps she

had some issue with her place as a secretary, but she
had a frown on her face and seemed discontent. As
for Matt, he either didn’t notice or he didn’t seem to
“Anyway, the point I was making is that I’m in a
position to help you get a place as one of the ten. I’ll
let my mother know to look out for your application.
With me helping you, you’ll definitely get accepted.”

“Wow… really, you’re really a good person. Thank

you!” I did my best to keep the disdain from my voice.

It sounded fake to Tiana, as she was looking at me

hesitantly, but once again, Matt either didn’t care or
didn’t notice. He let out a pompous laugh and then
handed me his mother’s card. I managed to hold back
making a snide comment about the fact he had his
mother’s cards in his wallet. For that, I felt like I
deserved a medal.

We bid our quick farewells. They were quick because

he turned and walked away, and with his arm around
her, he dragged her with him. He had an expression
on his face like he was done with the commoner.
Tiana glanced back and mouthed a farewell as well as
good luck. I frowned a bit looking at his mother’s card.
I’d have preferred I never met him.

I figured, at best, he wouldn’t bother to give his

mother a recommendation. He was certainly not going
to give one. My concern was that he might go so far as
to do the opposite. He could try to blacklist me so that
I absolutely don’t end up in the school. It really just
came down to how much of a threat he thought I was.
If he saw me kissing his girl, he’d definitely blacklist
me. If he thought I was just a nothing commoner, he’d
be more likely to forget, so which was it.

“Master, you look like you’re about to do something

dangerous.” Akiko’s voice rang out.

She apparently had decided to stay close by in case I

needed her. She was probably watching the whole
exchange between me and Tiana.
“What are your thoughts?” I asked.

“She’s pretty enough,” Akiko responded simply. “But

I’ve heard of that guy. His dad’s a city councilman.
She’s probably more trouble than she was worth.”

“Yeah…” I nodded my head. “You’re probably right.

But what if I told you I had a way of getting into an all-
girls school for the next few months.

She gave me a side-look. “I’d say it’s like putting a fox

into a chicken coop. I think I’ll be getting a lot of new
sisters soon.”

“I’m not that interested in the women there,” I

“Uh-huh…” Akiko didn’t sound convinced in the

“I mean… I’m not saying I won’t fuck a few girls,

especially if they have a relationship… but I mean I
have another reason for going. There is something off
about the school. Let’s call it a bad feeling.”

She nodded slowly. “Okay, Master… just be careful.”

“Mm…” I nodded. “Let’s go home. I want to shove

something hard in you.” I sighed, deciding to play it by
ear for a bit.

A lewd expression formed as Akiko nodded even more

enthusiastically, “En… Master always knows how to
make me wet!”
Chapter 69 :
Iwas sitting at the computer naked in my room, filling
out an application and email to the dean of Riphorn
All-girls school. I considered changing my name to
bypass the opportunity of Matt cockblocking me, but
in the end, I worried there would be follow-up checks
that would eventually disqualify me if I tried to get
away with that kind of stuff. Thus, I did the application
properly. It was night outside and other than the
computer screen, there was no light in the room.

Akiko snorted before her breathing evened out and

she returned to her deep sleep. She was lying on my
bed, naked. The sheets were stained with sex and the
room smelled a bit. It was certainly a situation I never
would have seen myself in just a few months ago. If
the me back then said I would be lying with my
girlfriend like this now, I would have thought I was
crazy. However, time had changed everything,
including how I felt about Akiko. There was a time
where she was everything that I wanted. Now, I
wanted more.

I clicked send on my email and leaned back. It was

done. The period of acceptance was actually quite
small. It’d only be a week before we were introduced
to the new school, and the entire event only took
place for two months ending in December.
Furthermore, our school should be back up and open
in January, so it was a perfect timewaster while
classes were out. As I was contemplating what I’d do
next, a familiar feeling struck me.

“Netori, what do you want?” I asked.

A moment later, that feeling coalesced into the

goddess herself. She was no longer dressed as a bored
high school girl. Instead, she was back to the goddess I
had come to know. A dark, contemplative, and
mischievous woman who at times seemed like she had
everything worked out and other times appeared to
be winging it all. I glanced over at her apathetically.
She was floating in the air, her hair hanging down past
her shoulders like a dark waterfall.

“I didn’t make my presence known. How did you know

I was here?” She asked suspiciously.

Of course, the answer was simply that I felt it, but I

didn’t know how to voice that to Netori. Maybe, it was
because of what Netorare did that I could do this now,
or maybe I had just gotten used to the feel of her
watching me. I didn’t really know. Instead, I decided to
shrug with a deliberate non-answer.

“Netori, you came here for a reason…”

“Hakaru… you’re doing… good.”

I cocked my head, “Good?”

I rarely ever saw Netori look uncertain with herself.

Her typically cocky manner had diminished somewhat.

“I’m sorry I’ve been distant of late, Hakaru. It has

nothing to do with you.”

I finally broke away from my computer and turned

around, crossing my arms. If she was finally opening
up to me, I’d at least give her my entire attention.
Lately, it seemed like I was more aggravated with her
than enamored with her. Perhaps that was part of
having a relationship too. If wanting a goddess was
easy, then everyone would be dating one.

“Do you care to explain?”

Hakaru grimaced. “You defeated my sister, Netorare,
and she has now devoted herself to you. Cuck has also
left. I’ve heard a few others have been defeated as
well. As for Netorase, although she remains elusive, I
have it on good authority that she may come around
once she’s finished with Kira. Suddenly, these plans I
made have become all too real.”

“I suppose you have been planning this for a few


Netori snorted. “A few years? No… I’ve been planning

all of this for far longer than that. You could say that I
have planned for this ever since the fall.”

The fall was likely what she called the point in which
she broke up with the other two sisters. Netorare was
more open to talking about this stuff. To find Netori in
a moment like this where she was willing to speak of
these things was especially rare. Of course, I wanted
to take advantage of it immediately. I leaned forward
and licked my lips.

“Why did you fall?” I asked the question I had been

wondering the most since the beginning.

Netori jerked, and for a second the look on her face

made me think she’d run away again. However, she
remained in sight, taking a deep breath, even though
there was a distant look of pain in her eyes as she
recalled something unpleasant.

“Gods and goddesses aren’t like mortals, Hakaru. We

live in the heavenly world, and many think that we
rule the human world. As I am the goddess of NTR,
then I am, in some way, responsible for NTR. You
might think that I created it, that I’m responsible for it.
Every time a man or woman cheats, you could lay that
blame at me and my sister’s feet. This mortal way of
thinking… is wrong.
“You see… we are simply a reflection of the mortal
world. I am the embodiment of NTR because humans
cheat. If they did not, I would not continue to exist.
Likewise, my life coincides with the life of human
beings. It is that way for every god and goddess.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, for example, a God of War might be strongest

during Wars, but weakest during peacetime.”

“Wouldn’t that mean a God of War might be willing to

start some wars in order to gain power?”

She smiled and shook her head. “Gods and Goddesses

are typically forbidden from interacting in the world in
that way. While yes, there are some ways to affect the
world, such as when I made you my champion, a God
of War couldn’t just cause a war. He might be able to
use a Champion who went on to push for war, but it’s
limited to the capability of that champion to spread
his god’s will.

“Some think it’s about worship, and there are certain

Gods who gain strength through worship. However,
for most of us, it isn’t important to be worshiped. It’s
important for a god to be practiced. The more people
exhibit our will, the more powerful we become.”

“So, Hideko Tojo?”

“Of course, a Japanese might ask about him. Usually,

the question is, was Hitler the champion of a war
god?” Netori asked, slightly bemused. “That’s one of
the most commonly asked questions, you know.”

I blushed, “I was just curious.”

“Who knows?” She shrugged. “It’s not like Gods and
Goddesses need to report every action they take to
each other. It very well could have been a god who
influenced those men and called them to War. Or it
could have been some other God. A god of conquest,
or a god of genocide… perhaps even a unity of the


Netori sighed. “I might as well tell you this much. Gods

and Goddesses are the wills of the people, but heaven
and earth are mirror images of each other. While what
I said was true, the more people practice the will of a
god, the stronger that god becomes, the opposite
could be said to be equally true, the stronger a god
becomes the more will they can exude over others. I
actually couldn’t tell you which is true. Is it the chicken
or the egg?
“That mirror image is also reflected in our
relationships. Every will is a singular desire, but the
reality is much more complex. Gods and Goddesses
possess a unity between them, a wave of
interconnected relationships which govern how we
affect the world… or how the world affects us.”

“Like Cuckhold being your brother?”

She nodded. “Like Cuckhold… he wishes to support

NTR, but he’s already so fetishized that allowing
ourselves to grow closer to him would only weaken
and fetishize ourselves. Our relationship with cuckold
is reflected in the mortal world’s interpretation of
Cuckholdry versus NTR. It is that kind of thing.”

I shook my head in confusion. “But what does all of

this have to do with your fall?”
“Everything!” She sighed sadly. “My unity was
strongest with a particular God. You could call him a
boyfriend… or a lover, but he was more than that. Our
destinies and desires were linked. We were together,
and we needed each other to function.”

“He cheated?” I offered.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Of course, he

cheated! Why would I have it any other way? Of
course, I suppressed my own nature as long as I could
steal his heart back from any wench who thought she
could have him, I was happy. Naturally, Netorase and
Netorare were much stronger parts of my personality
back then. No… what happened was something far

“He abandoned me. There was a woman… the

Goddess of Matrimony. She forced him into a
marriage with her, and declared that he could have no
other women!” A flash of anger appeared in Netori’s
eyes. “It was in his nature! He had to have other
women! She denied him of that, and worst of all, he
allowed it! He not only rejected me! He rejected
himself! He caused the current state of things. The
obsession with marriage. The monogamy of
relationships! She is to blame for all of this!”

“So, you fell?” I asked.

She put on a bitter expression. “Not at first. However,

Matrimony was always jealous of me. She made sure
to use his name to give me a bad wrap. Eventually, I
fell from grace. She borrowed his power at first, but as
she grew stronger and I weaker, she eventually didn’t
have to. She colluded with religious gods and morality
gods and had me turned into a sin. Eventually, my
nature was divided, and I broke into my three forms.
The age of NTR had truly died.”
After she finished her story, silence dwindled for
several moments. I was lost in thought, trying to wrap
my head around what she was talking about. Of
course, there was a time before monogamy was a
thing. This predated most religions though. For some
reason, in my mind, this fall always felt like something
that happened a few years ago, like within my
lifetime. When they said a long time ago, they meant
it. Her fall appeared to be in the BCs. It might even
predate the written word. I knew she was a goddess,
but it was the first time I realized how old she really

“Enough of that talk.” Netori tried to force a

mischievous smile on her face, wiping her red eyes
even though they hadn’t quite come to tears. “Let’s
talk about you. The reason I’ve shown up is because
you’re at Level 5 now.”

“Netori…” I broke in before she continued on. “Before

we get into that, I just have one more question.”
Breaking into my 5th level was exciting, but there was
definitely something else I had been considering and I
really was hoping for an answer. For some reason, it
felt like the most important question I could ask at the
moment. Deep down, I felt like the answer was tied to
fate in some strange way.

“What is that?” Netori asked, raising an eyebrow.

“This God… the one who ended up abandoning you

and binding with Matrimony… who is he? What is he
the God of… I mean… what was his will?”

Netori looked at me blankly and then chuckled softly.

“That’s a secret!” She winked.

Although it was clear to me that she wouldn’t reveal
the answer even if I kept asking, there was a feeling
deep down that the answer to that question was very
important for my future. An uneasiness seeped into
me. At that exact moment, there was a beep on my
computer. I glanced at it and made a noise of surprise.

“What is it?” Netori asked.

“It’s… 1 in the morning right now…” I muttered in

disbelief. “Just how much time do they have on their

“Huh? What do you mean?”

The email I had just sent out less than fifteen minutes
ago had already gotten a response. I had been
accepted into the Riphorn boy/girls collaborative
feminism coarse. For some reason, my unease only

Chapter 70 :
“So, what is the situation with level 5?” I asked, and
then grimaced bitterly. “Although, I probably won’t be
able to buy any skills.”

“Actually, the most expensive skills in the game are

only 50,000 points. Level five doesn’t simply have
40,000 point skills. It also includes some at 20,000 and
30,000. You’re currently at 20,450 points right now, so
you have just enough to purchase a skill. Of course,
you also have your vanity points, but I’m not sure you
need them anymore.

“Your dick is 7.5 inches, your thickness is 2.25 inches.

Your attractiveness is 13 and your sexual stamina has
risen up to 13 as well. You have the skills Dirt Scribe,
Locked Promise, True Feelings, and Inner Desires.”

“Ah, is that so…” I said, still feeling a little flustered at

having my dimensions read back to me so casually.
“Actually, for my vanity points, I think I’ll do another
1-inch length, 0.75-inch thickness, and then the last
point in attractiveness.”

I was a little worried if I got too much more attractive.

At 13, I already got many looks at the mall. For men, I
was extremely attractive. I was afraid if I got much
more attractive, I might lose some of my manliness, or
it might lead to women that were too aggressive. As
for dick size, at 8.5 inches long and 3 inches, I
wouldn’t dare make my dick any larger.”

“Are you sure?” Netori asked. “This is the last level

that I will award you vanity points. After level 5, you’ll
be on your own.”
“Is that so?” I remembered that Netori always spoke
on a need-to-know basis, so naturally, she didn’t
mention such rules. “In that case, please do it. What
about the abilities I can pick up? Can you list them all?
I don’t even remember some of the lower ones.”

“Very well…” Netori clicked on her phone and a

moment later I felt a weight around my penis as it
grew in size, “As far as abilities you can add, at the
40,000 tier is one ability. It’s called Memorial. You
become instantly more memorable. People who meet
you will be unable to forget about you, and they’ll
recall you at random times.”

“It seems pretty basic, but I imagine it’s quite


“Yes, it’s completely passive. It always works, and

when a woman can’t get you out of her head, doesn’t
attraction naturally follow? Especially when you’re
already an ikemen…”

“Okay, what about the stuff I can afford?”

Although being memorable sounded useful, it was

something I wouldn’t be able to earn in the immediate
future. It wasn’t one of the most expensive skills in the
game, but its certainly close. I had to be very
thoughtful about what skills I earned from now on.

“Patience, there are two 30,000 point items which

may be worth it for you,” Netori explained. “There is
the skill Bold Desires and the skill Embarrassing Act.
Bold desires increased the boldness of your target.
They become more daring and more willing to try new
things. Useful if you’re talking a girl into something.
Embarrassing Act makes the target feel incredibly
Embarrassed. It can be used against your enemies or
your girls. ”
“Against my girls? How would embarrassing my girls
do me any favors?” I asked.

Netori chuckled. “Sometimes, a girl becoming

embarrassed is quite cute, don’t you think? I think if
you embarrass the right girl at the wrong time, she
may seriously fall in love with you!”

“They both sound tempting, but I don’t have the

ability to purchase either one. Before I go to this all-
girls school, I’m feeling like I really need to have
another ability to help me along. What do you have
that I can afford today?” I demanded.

She waved her hands. “Very well, very well. We’ll get
to the ones you care about. There is Pleasure Points,
which pinpoints the points that make a girl crazy.
There is the Gift of Gab, which makes you a smooth
talker. There is Perfect Penis, which makes everything
more pleasurable. The two other abilities that opened
up this level are Soft Touch, an ability that makes a girl
more comfortable with your touch, and Perfect Gift,
which allows you to determine the best gift to give a
woman to win her heart the easiest way.

“Don’t forget, you also have Second Chance, Rape

Forgiveness, Confusion, Cuck Break, and Slut Scale.
These were cheaper abilities you could use. You could
get multiple of these abilities if you really wanted
them. The 10,000 point skills are Cheater’s Trap,
Manipulation, Safety First, and First Strike. So, do you
have one you’re interested in?”

Usually, I’d wait for the 40,000 point skill. I was never
interested in cheap skills anyway. On the other hand,
Manipulation allowed a girl to be changed. While yes,
this could reduce points if I used it on someone I was
chasing, after thinking about it for some time, I
realized I could also use it on other people too. For
example, I could manipulate the best friend to talk me
up to her girlfriend. I could manipulate a principal into
overlooking a discretion. I could manipulate a guy into
letting me fuck his woman. There were plenty of ways
to manipulate people to help me get laid. It’d be
especially powerful if I tied it with the gift of gab.

Now that I had so many skills, I was seeing these kind

of connections everywhere. Confusion, for example,
could make a girl more easily sleep with me, and then
Cheater’s Trap could cause her to continue to sleep
with me. Of course, many of the best combinations
seemed to require a 10,000 point tied with a 20,000
point. I couldn’t afford that right now.”

“I’ll take Manipulation and Safety First.” I decided on

picking out two skills instead of one.

Safety First protected me from venereal diseases as

well as making a girl pregnant. After the accusation
from Gina and my means of claiming vengeance on
the basketball team, I was worried that such weapons
might be used against me. I felt it was time to stop
being controlled by others, and it was about time that
I started influencing my own fate. I wouldn’t be at
other people’s mercy any longer.

“Okay…” Netori responded.

“Okay?” I blinked, a little surprised and thinking she

might push back a bit. “I thought you might be
unhappy that I was picking an ability you previously

Netori shook her head. “Not at all. It was always my

desire that Hakaru-kun comes into his own and
eventually decides on how he wanted to progress. I
can see in your eyes that you are ready for the next
step. If I attempted to hinder that, I would only be
hindering myself.”
“Since that business is out of the way, then perhaps
Netori would be open to trying out some of my
modifications?” I offered, a dark feeling swirling inside

“Hmm? I’m a goddess, Hakaru, I’ve already said, your

abilities are useless on me.” Netori replied arrogantly.

“Is that so? Somehow, I think any woman, even a

goddess, would enjoy an 8-inch cock with a three-inch

As I said this, I stood up and spun around. Of course,

my cock was fully erect, displaying the full larger size.
Her eyes fell on it, and for a moment, the scene
caused her to hesitate with a gasp. I exploited that
moment and so I grabbed her and pulled her to me.
Our lips touched for just a moment before her body
disappeared and she was floating somewhere over
Akiko. She shook her fist my way, a blush on her
cheeks and an angry expression on her face. Although
even with that, I could tell that her eyes were secretly
a little happy.

“You… you’re the one who has become too bold! I’m
going to leave while you cool off. Use that on one of
your women.”

“You are one of my women.” I declared.

“Hm… you may have Netorare’s heart, but don’t think

I’m so easy to steal! I am the one who steals!” With
those words, she disappeared, but the melancholy
atmosphere since we had fought a few weeks ago
seemed to have completely diminished.

I considered that I’d need to be bold with her more

often. Netori was a thief, but she was also a coward in
some ways. Despite her inner desires, she was inclined
to run away when things got too difficult. From now
on, I decided that when she ran, I’d definitely have to
chase her. Things between the pair of us would need
to start to change. Netori would become mine.

Looking down at the softly snoring Akiko, I sniffed. She

smelled like sex and had dried cum on her legs. I didn’t
feel like banging that hoe some more. Instead, I
opened the door and slipped out into my hallway
while grabbing some rope I had on my counter. My
eyes aligned on my sister’s door. I hadn’t played with
her tonight. I took a few steps toward her room when
suddenly I heard someone clearing their voice.

I looked over to see Mom standing there with her

arms crossed. I was halfway between my room and
my sister’s room. I was completely naked, and while
my cock wasn’t at full erection, it was certainly
enlarged and the 8-inch behemoth was on full display.
To add insult to injury, I had a rope in my hands, which
made whatever I was doing quite devious.
“My… My… Ookii!” Mom said breathily, eyeing me up
and down.

“M-Mom?” I let out a noise with a breath. “Um… I…

um… had to go to the bathroom.”

“With a rope in your hands?” She asked, raising an


“I… uh… like to… choke myself with this rope… which I
masturbate… to obtain an orgasm?”

Actually, I could probably run with that. It was slightly

less damnable than the truth.

“You were going to go rape your sister.”

‘Ah… m-mom… that…”

“Don’t deny it!” She growled angrily.

I was at a loss of what to say. I thought that Maria and

I had done a good job of being discrete. Maybe she’d
think we were unhealthily close, but why would she
jump to me raping her? Wouldn’t you leap to anything
but that when your family was involved?

Be bold. That was just what I decided with Netori.

Would the same boldness help me deal with my
mother? I had never really stood up to her before.
There were a few times I told her off, but it was
always right before I ran away, either off to bed or to
school or something else. Today, I felt like I was
genuinely trapped with nowhere else to escape.
I took a deep breath. Be bold. If it is good enough to
handle a goddess of an indeterminate age, then it also
should work on my Mother.

“You’re right, Mother,” I said, straightening my back

and staring at her defiantly. “I’ve been banging your
daughter for a while. She’s just one of my women who
I enjoy for fun.”

I expected mom to be shocked, or possibly angry.

Instead, she let out a soft and sultry laugh. “Is that so?
Is my son finally taking what he wants?”

Those words caught me by surprise for a moment.

They were so close to the kind of things Netori might
have said. Taking what I want, that was the name of
the game.
“Then, if you understand, I’ll be going…” I turned to
head towards my sister’s door.

“I forbid you from going into her room.” Mother’s

laughter suddenly ended, and a serious expression
formed on her face.

“I-if you won’t let me have my sister, then I’ll just have
you instead!” My threat felt slightly hallow in my ears,
but I had already committed to being bold.

“Oh?” Mother’s expression turned dangerous, but to

my complete surprise she suddenly reached behind
herself, unbuttoned the back of her dress, which fell
down, revealing her in nothing but black lacy
underwear, “If that is my son’s desire, I wonder if
you’re bold enough!”

My cock was fully erect now.

Chapter 71 :
“Mother… how can you act that way?” I said, truly in
complete shock.

“Act what way?” Mother responded. “I am a woman

too, you know?”

“Y-you’re married!”

“And what has that man done for me? I married him
because I thought he’d be the one. In the end, you’re
twice the man he is!” she looked down at my erect
penis and raised an eyebrow. “Make that three times
the man.”

I covered myself from her eyes, turning to hide my

shame. However, even as I did that, I knew I was a
hypocrite because my eyes couldn’t take themselves
away from her. I had never seen mother dressed like
this before. I had never realized her body was in such
good shape. Then again, in the last three months, she
had started making a substantial effort in perfecting
her body. Was that why she was pursuing me now?

Mother was wearing black, frilly underwear, but it was

slightly transparent and didn’t hide anything
underneath. I could see a neatly trimmed bush just
above her slit. She had dark brown nipples and large
breasts that remained pert for a woman of her age.
Her skin was smooth, and I saw no stretch marks or
even wrinkles on her body. She had pale, jade skin,
long thin legs, and a pleasantly round buttocks. The
more I looked, the harder it became to look away.

“It’s okay…” She said, pulling down the front of her

underwear, exposing just a bit of pubic hair and the
pale leg underneath. “Just enjoy yourself.”
I couldn’t control my desires any longer. I turned and
walked over to mom. My cock bounced excitedly with
each step. It might have been ridiculous or
embarrassing if I could control myself any longer. I had
certainly thought about banging my mother numerous
times in the past. I had already enjoyed my sister. My
father was also a piece of shit. So, why couldn’t I have
this woman too?

In some ways, I had always been knowing things

would end up this way, but I had also resisted this
outcome. A small part of me felt like once I tasted her,
she’d no longer be my mother anymore. I didn’t want
to lose the woman who raised me, so I resisted the
thoughts of pushing her down on the couch and
having her. However, the second she revealed herself
to me, all of those reasons went out the door and only
an animalistic desire was left.

I wrapped my arms around mother and couldn’t help

but let out a noise of surprise. When I was younger,
mother always seemed larger than life. Now that I
held her, I started to notice some things that I had
always taken for granted. First of all, she was much
shorter than me, only coming up to my neck. At nearly
a head taller than her, she seemed so small now.

Her body felt thin and delicate too. Having tasted

numerous other women, for some reason, I always
felt like Mother was sturdier or more solid. Only by
wrapping my arms around her almost naked form did I
realize how delicate she really was. In fact, her body
felt incredibly feminine. Her familiar smell was like
lilacs. Her skin was warm to the touch and incredibly
soft. Her frantic breathing as she felt my hands
explore her body, working up and down her back and
butt, wasn’t all that different from other women I had

I realized right then that Mother was a woman like

any other. She had needs, fears, and desires. At the
moment, those desires included my touch. I definitely
wouldn’t let her down. I kissed mother once gently on
the lips. They parted just slightly as if giving me full
permission to violate her mouth as I wanted. I resisted
the urge, only slightly sucking her bottom lip before
pulling away. I reached out and grabbed her hand, and
then started leading her to her own bedroom.

My childish twin-sized bed seemed completely

inappropriate to sleep with my mother. It was a
strange thought, not wanting to seem childish, but I
just couldn’t do it. Rather, it was her room that I
pulled her to. I then brought her to the bed and gently
laid her down. When I moved to lie next to her, she
lifted her foot and blocked my entrance. I looked at
her questioningly.

“Don’t tell me you just plan to put it in!” Mother

pouted, “At the very least, you should pamper me
with a little bit of foreplay. Aren’t you a man?”
I chuckled softly, grabbing her bare foot pressed
against my chest and lightly kissed it. This caused her
to blush instantly and try to pull them away. I knew
mom was very sensitive about her feet. She used to
wear a lot of heels, and she made a lot of effort to
make her feet look good. In that respect, she was
uncomfortable with someone touching her feet. I held
her foot firmly by the ankle, and then I put the big toe
into my mouth.

“Ahhhn!” Mother made a cute voice, still trying to pull

away even as her hands tightened on the bed.

My tongue worked its way across her toe, causing

shocking and tender spasms to shoot through her
body from a feeling she was completely unused to
having. Meanwhile, she let out sexy little pants and
moans. I could see a wet spot forming on her
underwear too where she clearly couldn’t hold back
her arousal. Ever so slowly, I pulled away, kissing
down her foot.
Each time I kissed her, I sucked slightly with my lips,
pushing my tongue out and just touching the skin
lightly, marking her with my saliva using every kiss. My
kisses went down the arch of her foot, finally reaching
the inside of her leg. I continued to kiss, one after
another, moving up her leg to her knee. As I passed
her knee, her breath began to quicken, and she
instinctively spread her legs for me. She definitely was
wet below, and I could smell her lady charm coming
off in waves.

Each time I kissed and sucked her inner thigh, her

entire body would spasm slightly, little thunderbolts of
shock erupted from lips and tingling up her spine. Her
eyes were closed, her lips moving occasionally with
cute moans. Her breasts shook ever so slightly, a
subtle consequence of her entire body shivering with
I passed the halfway point of her thighs, and her
shivering and panting grew even more. Her scent was
thick in the air, and her pussy was clearly aroused and
waiting. I wanted nothing more than to penetrate her
immediately, but the sadistic side of me had been fed
a bit and now I wanted to make her agonize sexually.
The control I exuded over my mother left me
exceptionally excited.

I ran my tongue along her thigh, and she let out a

gasp, finally letting going of the bed and reaching out
to grab the top of my head. She seemed to get a tuft
of hair in each hand, and even while she was letting
me steer, her hands kept subtly pulling my head to her
womanhood. I continued to avoid it, kissing around
the areas around her womanhood. Each side was
savored, slowly getting closer and closer into the
middle, as far as I could get without removing her lacy
“S-stop teasing…” She moaned, even though her eyes
were still tightly squeezed closed.

I finally allowed my lips to make contact with her

pussy, but I left the clothing still covering it. I kissed
and sucked on the outside of her underwear, tasting
the lust that she had allowed to soak through. Her
hands tightened on my head.

“Ahhhn… ahhh… oh…” She let out several lewd


I started wondering what Maria would think if she

heard these sounds coming from her parent’s bed. My
parents hadn’t had sex in as long as I could remember.
Therefore, these sounds were completely unheard of
in this room. Would she know it was me? Would that
make her jealous, or curious?
“Please… suck it!” She grabbed the underwear and
pulled it to the side, revealing her small, swollen slit.

I stuck my tongue out, continuing to tease her by

gently flicking it just across the outer lip which stuck
out slightly. She let out moans and writhed while I
continued to tease her. I could see her losing more
and more of her control. Her hips were shaking and
the tension in her hands told me she wanted nothing
more than to shove my face into her crotch and make
me eat her properly.

Finally, I pushed the tip of my tongue against her clit,

and then steadily increased the pressure. Soon, my
entire tongue pressed down inside her, and she
panted like she had just run 10 kilometers. Once my
tongue was completely inside her, I began to suck on
her clit. My tongue penetrated her, pushing up and
down as I sought to explore her insides. Meanwhile, I
stimulated her clitoris, first with my mouth, and then
with my thumb. Her panting turned into regular
moaning, and her hands stroked my hair like she was
trying to tell me I was doing a good job.

“Ahn… Hakaru… Hakaru… I love you…” She moaned.

When it came to mother, there was no fallacy or false

promises there. She genuinely did love and absolutely
wanted me. I felt a sudden rush of liquid as she came
under the pressure of my tongue and fingers. She
didn’t go wild or insane. Rather, her hands tightened
on my hair, her body shook gently and she stopped
moaning for a moment before letting out a longer
more anguished cry. When she was done, her body
seemed to collapse like he had lost all energy.

Her hands, still holding me, started to pull up. I was

forced to crawl up over Mother’s naked body and as
soon as I reached her face, she grabbed my cheeks
and then started kissing me. Although my face was
covered in her love juice, she didn’t hesitate to kiss
me thoroughly. Her tongue was very aggressive, and
she made sure to taste me thoroughly before she
finally allowed me to breathe.

“Hakaru, baby… please… stick it in me. I want that big

thing inside me!” She commanded.

Of course, my raging erection had not dissipated a bit

from earlier. I was extremely horny and full of desire.
She barely got the words out before I was kneeling
between her legs and lining my cock up with her
crotch. This was really the final moment. After this, we
would definitely have a relationship like that. There
was no going back if there could be said to be a period
we could stop this. I didn’t hesitate to push myself in.

“Gods!” She cried out, “So big!”

For a second, I worried I had hurt mother, but she
slapped my hand away and began pulling me on top of
her, encouraging me to push myself all of the way
inside her. Of course, I didn’t need any motivation at
this point. My dick pushed inside my mother, reaching
back inside a place I hadn’t been in for seventeen
years. She was warm and comfortable, and the feeling
was absolutely incredible.

“Fuck me… fuck me…” Mom suddenly spoke vulgar

words in English.

Mom was truly lost in depravity now. Only when she

was extremely angry or her mind was completely
distracted would she accidentally use those kinds of
words. It was clear she was completely aroused and
had succumbed completely to her sexual desired now.
Her dirty talk aroused me further, and I started to
pump my cock inside her, thrusting with great vigor
and excitement.
As I satisfied myself with Mother’s body, she writhed
and squirmed under me, only causing me to want to
fuck her more aggressively. I stopped holding back at
all, and my cock started to jackhammer her pussy
without restraint. I ripped off her bra and started to
play with her breasts, occasionally sucking them like I
did when I was a baby. There was no milk, but Mother
responded by moaning and encouraging me, stroking
my head and body.

“Ahhhn… Hakaru! Yes… Yes…!”

Mother’s body was soft and perfect, and she was an

extremely sensual woman. There was something
completely different with her than it was with Sasori,
the other older woman I have tasted before. With
Mother, I wanted to please her. I wanted her desire
and her approval. I wanted to see her cum and enjoy
herself. I wanted mom to be happy, and the thing I
had to do it was my penis. This changed the game
completely, and so fucked her as hard as I could.
Without pacing myself, I ended up losing control. My
sexual stamina might have improved, but it was still
only 13. I never asked her what the average would be,
but I still felt I was a bit above average. That wasn’t
the case today, because my balls had already reached
their limit, the excitement of having my own Mother
brought me to climax.

“I’m going to cum!” I moaned.

“Inside!” She cried with glee. “I want all of Hakaru

inside me!”

She didn’t need to encourage me twice, and so I

forced myself as deep into her as I could, and then my
cock started to release. Hot, steamy white spurted out
deep inside of her, where I couldn’t see it. Mother
acted like she could see it through, moaning
satisfyingly while rubbing her stomach.
“I feel it… deep inside.” She purred.

Just as I went to kiss her again, the sound of the front

door slamming shut caused me to nearly leap off of

“Hey! I’m home earlier? Where’s dinner?” Dad’s shout

echoed through the house.

Chapter 72 :
“Shhii-!” Mom immediately put her hand over my
mouth, a serious expression on her face.

My father had just yelled out. I never would have

imagined him coming home so earlier. He really was
an absentee father who went out every night partying
and sleeping around. What cruel luck it had to be that
on this night, and at this moment, he came home and
immediately demanded family presence. If I didn’t
know any better, I would have sworn that he knew
this was happening. However, if he had, he probably
would have headed straight for the bedroom and
would have caught us before I could even slip my dick
out of his wife.

Instead, I heard him rumbling around, taking his sweet

time. That meant we had a little bit of time before he
made it here. Unfortunately, the master bedroom
door was facing the living room. There was no way I
could avoid being seen leaving her room. Worse, I
didn’t have any of my clothing with me. I had dragged
mom to her bedroom naked. There was no way I could
exit with my clothing on. Leaving naked would be
suspicious as hell.

Pushing me up, she immediately pulled me to her side

and stood up. As for me, I was in complete shock and
loss at what to do. Had this been any other woman, I
might have been able to laugh it off, or even push
forward a confrontation. However, this was my
mother, and the man was my father! The act I
performed was one that was frowned upon in both
eastern and western cultures, and my mother and I
both could be shunned horribly.

It wasn’t as big of a deal with my sister for various

reasons. The guys who pursued her weren’t family.
She was close to my age. There was also always a
small level of uncertainty whether she was my actual
sister. My parents could have adopted or mother
could have cheated. No, that wasn’t helping at all. I
definitely didn’t want to imagine mother cheating on
father, especially after what we just did. I shook my
head and went to the window. I’d knock on Maria’s
window and have her let me back in. She’d definitely
tease me about it, but she wouldn’t ask questions I
didn’t feel like answering.
However, I found the window wouldn’t budge a bit.
Mother walked up to it and after making one attempt
made an annoyed noise.

“I told your lazy father to fix it. Those damn painters

painted the window shut!” She said angrily.

“Mother… what-“ She put a finger on my lips.

“Kana… what are you doing?” His voice was closer

now. It was clear he was in the living room.

I looked around desperately for anything in the room I

could use. The closet was full and much too small to fit
a guy like me. Dad had a metal bat sitting next to his
bed stand that he used if he was afraid of a break-in,
but there was no way I could smash the glass and not
be heard.
Mother suddenly pushed me down, lifting her bed
skirt and gesturing. Without any more time to think, I
rolled under her bed. A moment later, the door ended
up opening. Mom would be standing in the middle of
the room, completely naked. I felt my heart jump. It
would certainly look very suspicious for father to walk
in on her like that.

“Kana?” Father’s voice sounded surprised.

“Elzo, so what do you think.” Mother’s voice sounded

sultry like she was trying to be seductive but couldn’t
quite pull it off.

“My, my… Kana…”

I rolled my eyes. It looked like dad wanted to lean on

his horniness rather than common sense. I mean, she
would have no clue if he was coming home today, so
why would she be naked waiting for him. On that
note, the room was a bit of a mess. There was no way
that mom managed to clean things up. She was
definitely moving on the fly. Her only option seemed
to be to leave him distracted enough that he doesn’t
notice anything.

Actually, while that was happening, there was

something hard and uncomfortable pressing into my
back. Trying to avoid making as much noise as
possible, I reached behind me and pulled out a large
dildo. It wasn’t as big as me nowadays but it definitely
would have put dad to shame. I went to put it back
down away from my back, only for the base to
accidentally turn. A “vvrrrrrrr….” sound immediately
emitted from it.

I cursed myself and immediately shut it back off.

However, it appeared like it was too late.
“What was that?” Elzo demanded.

“Oh… honey… you caught me.” Kana sighed, kneeling


I could see her arm reaching under the bed. I

immediately grabbed the dildo and handed it to her.
She didn’t bother to look as she took it and stood back

“I was using my toy before Elzo came home, but since

you’re here now, I guess I won’t need it.”

“Hmph… you bought one of those filthy things even

though you have me?” Father didn’t sound pleased at
“I’m sorry, husband, I’m just a weak-willed woman.”
She admitted.

Mother would normally never be this docile around

father. It was clear to me that she was only acting
submissive so that my presence wasn’t found out.
Fortunately, dad was such a prideful guy, that he
would never question something like subservience.
Rather than getting suspicious, he’d lap it up and get a
big head.

“Since you felt this dildo was enough for you, then you
must finish with this dildo.” He responded arrogantly.

“Oh, my…” Mother made a throaty laugh, but I could

tell that there was a tightness to it.

“Get on the bed!”

Mother let out a cry and I suddenly felt the weight on
the bed from above.

“Elzo… you’re drunk. Don’t be so rough.”

Now that she mentioned it, I could smell a bit of

alcohol and my father’s voice was just a little slurred.
That was probably why he hadn’t noticed anything

“Come on… play with yourself. Do it for daddy…” Elzo


I felt like gagging. I may have had sex with my mother,

but now I wanted nothing less than to be out of this
room. I supposed it wasn’t the first time I had seen my
father like this. When I had gone to the hot spring
with Kira, Elzo had definitely been just as forward with
both Sasori and Kira. I still wasn’t sure what I wanted
to do about him. The second I decided to pursue my
mother, I should have had a plan on how to deal with
dad. I essentially had to steal mom away from this
guy. That was both really easy to say and really

He was a cheating dick who never really cared about

us children. However, he was also the one who
supported this house and allowed us to continue to
live here. If I pushed dad away, we may lose our house
completely. That was at least one of my worries when
it came to him.

“Ahh… Ahh…” Mother had started to make erotic


Looking out from a crack in the bedskirt, I could see

father still in his boots standing at the foot of his bed.
He was now watching mom while she was supposedly
using the dildo on herself.
“Hmph… using a giant thing like that, no wonder it is
sore. A wife shouldn’t act like such a slut.” Elzo

“Y-yes… sorry… I’ll be more proper in the future…”

Mother said, her voice shaking uncertainly.

“Say it…” He said, “Tell me you’re a slut.”

“I-I’m a slut.”

I knew dad was a bit of a sadistic lover, but he always

preyed on innocent young girls. This was the first time
I had ever heard him talking to mom this way, and it
put a furrow in my brow. I really didn’t like it at all.
“Don’t say it like that!” Elzo said exasperatedly. “Do
you just guzzle down any cock you see? Does my wife
have affairs with tons of men?”

“O-of course not!” Her voice was about as convincing

as it could be given the situation.

“Then, who’s slut are you!”

“Y-yours!” She said, sounding slightly strangled.

“Say it…”

“I-I’m Elzo’s slut…”

Teasing such as this was something even I’d do in

some situations, yet at the same time, when coming
from my dad towards my mother, I could only feel a
red-hot rage building within me. I didn’t like the way
he was talking to her at all. Suddenly, I noticed his feet
moving and I felt more weight pushing down on the
bed as he kneeled on the edge, my range of
movement was almost completely sealed now.

“You’re going too slow with that. No wonder you

struggle to get off. Here… let your man give you a real
orgasm since you’re such a slut you can’t even wait for
me to get home.”

“Ah… Elzo… s-t-top!”

“Come on, take it!”

I could hear the vibration function turning on, as well

as a slicking sound which was building up loudly. My
mother let out a cry.
“Ow! Elzo… stop it… you’ve been drinking…”

“I can satisfy women all the time! Quit trying to move

and just take it!”

“I don’t like it, stop!” She sounded angry. “You’re

being too rough!”

“Shut up! Damn it, you bitch. This is why I enjoy other
women. You’re so damn sensitive.” He growled. “A
real woman likes it rough. I give it rough to women all
the time and they love that shit. But you… you’re just
some broken bitch who can’t even enjoy it!”

“St-stop, it hurts!”
“Fine, Kana!” He shouted, and then there was a clatter
as something struck the wall.

I could see the vibrator fall down in pieces, the

batteries dancing across the room.

“St-stop!” Mother said as I could hear struggling

above me as the bed bounced slightly.

“I’ll use my real cock then!” Elzo growled. “Just spread

your damn legs like a good little slut!”

“N-not today!” She said. “Please… stop…”

“You’re so wet. Don’t tell me you’re not horny!”

“N-no… that…”
Of course, she was wet because of what we had done
earlier. I was also pretty sure I knew what she was
fighting so much. I had cum inside her. She must have
wiped or something when he was not looking, but at
the same time, there was no way she could keep
something leaking out the way he was going at her.

“I’m going to fuck you until you’re sore!” Elzo laughed.

As for me, rage continued to grow inside me. I finally

reached my limit. Carefully bringing myself to the side.
I pulled myself out from under the bed.

“Stop!” Mother screamed.

I could see her struggling on the bed with dad on top

of her. My anger grew even more violent.
“What the hell is this?” He had managed to slip
himself in, and only then noticed some white stuff
leaking out. “Is this cum?”

His face turned to rage and his eyes shot to Mother.

“Have you been cheating on me?” He roared.

He lifted up his hand as if to strike mother. The look of

fear in her eyes was already enough to push me far
past the point of no return. Without a thought, I
reached out and grabbed the bat sitting at the side of
his bed and stood up. The movement finally caught
Dad with his body up and his hand raised as mom was
cowering underneath. Our eyes met for just a
“You…” His voice was rough and angry, but his eyes
were full of confusion and shock.

I swung the bat, hitting dad across the head with a

crack. The force was enough that he flew off the bed
and then landed on the ground. He crumbled into a
heap, blood leaking from his head. Was he dead,
alive? I didn’t even know the answer. Mom’s crying
filled the room, and I realized I was completely in it

Chapter 73 :
“Iwill take care of this sweetie…”


“Hurry, you must leave for some time. Do not worry.”


“Go… pack, I will write a letter, you must go



“That all-girls school!”


“Here… they sent me the paperwork. This school has a

full campus with a dormitory. They offered to house
the boys during this experiment. I signed the
permission slips. Please leave!”
Mother’s voice echoed in my head as my eyes opened
sleepily. The Riphorn All-girl’s Academy was a few
hours north of my home. I left my mother with my still
unconscious father, carrying only what I could toss in
my bag in a hurry. I was now on a train heading
towards the place. It was a week early, but I had a
note and Mother also sent an email just in case. If
things didn’t turn out well, I might be sleeping on the
street for a while.

Father was still alive, right? I was pretty sure I could

see him breathing. Mother didn’t want me in the
room anymore after I had hit him. She wasn’t angry at
me. In fact, she didn’t seem all that upset. Maria came
out of her room too during the commotion. I barely
had a second to kiss her goodbye before I was pushed
out the door. I thought about calling Akiko or Sasori. I
could easily stay with Sasori as long as I stayed low.

No, in the end, I got on the train and I left. It wasn’t

like I wouldn’t come back. It was just a two-month
experiment. Father would heal by then, and Mother
would have spoken to him and possibly defused any
problems that might come of it. At least, that was
what I hoped. Frankly, my mind was really shaky at
the moment.

“Are you okay?” A gentle voice asked next to me.

I glanced over to see Netori floating beside me. “I’m


“You’re shaking…” She said, glancing at my hands.

“Am I?” I responded bitterly.

Netori put a hand gently on my knee. “You may not

believe me, but I never wanted you to have to suffer
in this game.”
I shot her a look of disbelief. “Seriously? How can you
say that? The very nature of this game is to suffer,
Fight for what you want, or you lose it. But even if you
fight for what you want, the consequences of fighting
can cause you to lose in much the same way.”

“That is the nature of NTR. I am Netori, I take.

Netorare loses. You can’t have one without the other.
You can’t take something without someone else losing

“Well, I hate it! I hate that I’ve grown so numb. I hate

that I’ve grown so callous about taking someone from
someone else. I hate that the only alternative is to
lose what is important to me. I only agreed to go to
this school because I wanted to possess the woman
whom Netorare once possessed. I stuck my dick in her
once when she wasn’t even aware of it, and now I feel
some sense of ownership over her like she should be
my woman.
“You know… there is a third aspect to us as well. You
need to come to understand her one day.”

“Sharing? Netorase? She has made me feel more

regret than anyone! Putting aside Kira, I still even have
some regrets when it comes to Gina. She got pregnant
with some other guy and then tried to falsely trap me
with her child, yet, deep down I feel like I could have
done something more for her.”

Netori hugged my arm gently, not a sense of anger or

frustration on her face. Usually when I complain about
such things, she’d respond sarcastically or grow
indignant. This time, however, she only continued to
hold me, a gentle and kind smile on her face. It was a
side of Netori I was unused to seeing.

“Hakaru… given the relationships you’ve pursued and

the experience you’ve gained. It’s easy to forget
you’re only seventeen. You have done things that are
miraculous and amazing. You are truly becoming a
man. What you did with your father, I won’t say you
took the wrong action.

“You’ve grown the capacity to make choices. There

was a time where you were frozen into inaction,
unable to chose for fear of whatever happened next.
You’ve grown past that, but now you’re in the next
stage. You must live with choices you made. You can’t
spend your time wondering what might have been.
Accepting the consequences and living with them is
also a part of being a man.

“So, choose your battles. Don’t do the right thing. Do

the thing that you want to do. Take what you want.
Just be prepared and strong enough to face the
consequences head-on.”
I looked over at her wryly. “Is that your official advice
as a goddess?”

“It’s my advice… as a friend.” She glanced over at me,

and then the mischievous smile she always wore
returned. “A girlfriend.”

“What?” I turned my head.

Suddenly, she leaned forward to kiss me. Her lips

pressed against mine. I was so stunned that my body
froze and I couldn’t move. Her hand reached up and
touched my cheek in a gesture that I couldn’t have
possibly predicted. I closed my eyes and reached up to
grab her hand, and I only felt air. When my eyes
opened again, she was gone, but the feel, smell, and
taste of her lips against mine remained.
The shock of what happened earlier had caused me to
slip back into bad habits. However, just when I felt like
falling apart, Netori was there to say the right things
and pull me back together. I leaned back and sighed. I
did need to become stronger. I was still far too
immature. I needed to take definitive actions and
choose the direction I wanted to go.

A knock on my door caught me a little off guard.

“Come in…”

I noticed that the train was starting to slow down. Had

we already arrived at our destination? I straightened
up, sitting properly in my seat. The door slid open and
a pretty ticket collector glanced in. She was a blonde
girl with a western appearance. She probably was
abroad trying to widen her horizons.

“Um… sir… I’m just letting everyone know that there is

some issues with the line. As you can feel, they’ve
decided to stop momentarily. There will be a thirty-
minute delay before we’re able to start moving again.
I apologize for the inconvenience. Is there anything I
can do for you?”

I frowned slightly as I heard about the delay. There

was supposed to be someone waiting for me to guide
me to the school. A thirty-minute delay for me would
mean a thirty-minute delay for her as well. It wasn’t
that I was that concerned about someone having to
wait for me. However, my mood was already slightly
sour, and the nervous woman at the door seemed to
pick up on it.

“Hmm…” I said, scratching my cheek.

Something that Netori had just said echoed in my

mind. Take what you want, be strong enough to
handle the consequences. In the past, I had always
been deathly afraid of the consequences. However,
maybe I needed to stop being so afraid. Rather, how
could I become stronger if I never challenged myself?
How could I win this game if I was always going to play
things safe?

Hitting my father was something I did impulsively.

However, I realized now that I didn’t regret it. I was
willing the bare the consequences of it, and I’d do it
again if I had to. He was out of line with my woman! I
felt a burning desire inside of me, an awakening of
sorts. I smiled at the girl, removing the frown from my
face. Of course, my looks were already at 15. I
resembled a photoshopped model from a magazine
more than a normal person. So how could I not cause
a girl to blush when I smiled.

“You’re from America?” I asked, speaking English.

The girl gave a shy smile, letting the door behind her
slide shut. “Ah… yes… I was always really fascinated
with Japan, so when my boyfriend was deployed at
the local military base, I came with him. He’s stuck on
base all the time though, and I wanted to see all of
Japan, so I got this job.”

I smiled. “Of course, but why did you really come?”

As I asked this, I activated my inner desires.

“That’s because I’m really into Japanese guys, and I

fantasize about giving one a try. Ah!” She covered her
mouth, a shocked expression on her face. “I don’t
know why I said that! I’m really, I’m…”

“Well, you probably wouldn’t have said anything if you

weren’t really interested.” I waved it away. “Why
haven’t you acted out this fantasy then. Tell me. It’s
healthy for you to admit your desires, otherwise,
you’ll be miserable.” I throw out an excuse to further
coerce her to talk.

“R-really?” She said sheepishly. “I mean… I’d never

cheat on my boyfriend. I really love him.”

“Of course. No one could doubt that.” I said, smiling.

She grew more confident. “It’s just that… rumors say

Asian men are… you know… small.”

“Small!” I put on an indignant look, but I also winked

at her.

She giggled, glancing briefly down at my crouch. “Is

it… I mean… oh, God… I can’t believe I’m having this
conversation with a stranger.”
I shrugged. “I don’t judge. If you want to know, you
can find out. Do you want to see?”

I pulled open my pants, but I didn’t pull out my cock.

Instead, I left it down there stuffed away. The girl was
now openly staring where I held my pants open,
licking her lips nervously. Finally, she turned away, her
face red.

“I can’t… it’d be cheating!”

“Is that so?” I asked, scratching my chin. “Does your

boyfriend ever look at porn?”

The girl blinked and then a slightly sour expression

appeared on her face. “Of course! He’s always… I
mean… it’s not the same thing…”
“Isn’t it?” I shrugged. “It’s just looking. He looks at
images of other women all he wants. So, what does it
matter if you look at this?”

She pressed her lips together tightly and then nodded.

“O-okay… show me!”

“I only have two hands?” I responded helplessly,

shaking the hem of my pants at her. “Won’t you fetch
it out for me. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“Ah! You mean… with my hand…” She looked

uncertain for a moment, but then she decided to put
her hand out.

Her pale hand slid down my pants and underwear,

both I had open. When her hands touched the patch
of hair above my crotch, she pulled back for a second
and gulped. However, the temptation was clearly too
great. Her fingers touched down on my hard rod. At
first, she had an expression like she couldn’t
understand what she was touching. However, as her
fingers widened out over the massive meet more and
more, her mouth started to fall open and she started
breathing hard.

Finally, she grabbed onto my dick, her fingers unable

to meet as they wrapped around it. She glanced up at
me, her entire body shaking with shock and
anticipation. Even as she held it, her gentle touch
started to stimulate my blood flow and the thing
started rise in her hand, growing even bigger than she
had thought.

“So, tell me… is it small?” I asked.

“Th-they are rumors…” She gasped.

I finally pulled down my pants, letting the big thing
flop out. It was nearly half-erect now and consumed
most of the 8 inches with a thick 3-inch girth. Of
course, it wasn’t the size of a horse, but when you
were expecting an Asian peanut and ended up with a
monstrous coconut, you would be shocked as well.
She was completely entranced by my dick now. Her
hand was stroking up and down it, bringing it to its full
erectness, although she had a dazed look as if she
didn’t even realize what she was doing.

I had Safety First now, so I didn’t need to worry about

anything except what I wanted. There may be
consequences. There were always consequences.
However, I was ready to take them now. This girl was
my first taste. Then, there was an all-girls school I had
to conquer.

“Lock the door,” I commanded. “I heard we have a 30-

minute break.”
Chapter 74 :
“Ireally can’t do this. I have a boyfriend…” the train
attendant said sheepishly once again.

Of course, as she said this, she had her hand wrapped

around my dong and was stroking it up and down
excitedly. I could tell how horny she was, and I didn’t
even need to use some kind of special skill like True
Desires. With my experience and knowledge, a girl of
this level was like putty in my hands. Was this what it
meant to have the power to take what I wanted? I
supposed, as long as I was willing to live with the
consequences, it truly was.

“If you want to stop…” I started to pull my dick away.

Her eyes widened and her hand tightened on my

member. “Ah! I mean…”
“How about a taste?” I asked, a slight grin on my face.

Her body shook for a second. With those two

comments, I had basically boxed her in. She can either
take things to the next step or give up the chance.
Seeing as she was unwilling to give up the chance to
fulfill her fantasy of banging a big-dicked Japanese
guy, naturally, her choice was narrowed down to one.
She lowered her head, pulling back her hair to keep it
from her face. With her mouth open and her tongue
out, she tried to engulf my dick. She barely made it
halfway down before it struck the back of her throat.

She had made a choking noise and pulled back

immediately. She blushed, clearly embarrassed at her
mistake. She probably could deepthroat her American
boyfriend. She had attempted to treat me like she
treated that small prick and quickly found I was far
more than she could handle. She was embarrassed,
but I could also see a growing excitement in her eyes.
It was clear that she really wanted a big dick, and had
been missing out.

Well, I couldn’t let myself get too big of a head. Six

months ago, my dick was pretty small. It might have
even been smaller than her boyfriends. It was only
thanks to my leveling and access to the vanity points
that my dick grew to this size. Even now, it was only
large compared to the average size. I was about the
size of a pornstar, but nowhere near those monster
cocks. It was still enough to impress most married and
taken women, especially in Japan. As much as I was
subverting her expectation of Japanese shlongs, even I
suspected that on average we lacked in that
department without the intervention of divine help.

“Mmm… Mmm…” She made slight moaning noises as

she took my cock in her mouth again, this time being
considerably more careful.
She used her mouth and tongue exquisitely to play
with the head and then lick up and down the shaft. I
could only close my eyes and let out a moan, placing
my hand on the back of her head. I could feel her head
moving back and forth as the smooth, wet tongue
danced across the sensitive parts of my cock. Part of
me wanted to shove my cock down her throat and
face fuck her. However, she was an American girl. I
had heard that American girls were a lot less demure
than Japanese equivalents.

For a girl like Akiko, she wouldn’t resist much during

sex. I’d read all kinds of horror stories from Japanese
guys who dated American women. If the guy did
something the girl didn’t like during sex, she’d get
really angry and even break off the sex. When she said
‘no’, she usually meant it too, and would start
claiming he was sexually assaulting her if he tried to
continue. This was actually a big concern amongst
Japanese men when dealing with women who were
Thus, I felt I had to tread a little more carefully with
her, letting her suck my head. Thankfully, her inner
slut seemed to come out, and the more she sucked,
the bolder she became. I thought of how exciting sex
would become if I got that boldness skill. Perhaps, my
girls would turn into real animals.

“Mmm… do you like that.” She asked licking up and

down the shaft aggressively while looking up at me.

I could only grin and nod. “I do… but I bet your pussy
feels even better.”

“You want to fuck my pussy?” She asked. “You want to

stick it in my tight pussy?”

I realized she was trying to talk dirty, which I found

particularly adorable. I decided to go along with her
talk since my heart was beating faster and I felt a bit
excited by it.

“Mmm… If it’s too tight, I might have troubles.”

“You can just force it in.” She said, “Fucking fill my

tight pussy.”

“Damn… you’re really nasty once you’ve had a taste.”

“Mm… I’m so nasty…“ She reached up and unzipped

her skirt, letting it fall down around her thighs to the

Underneath, she was wearing a pair of sexy

underwear. In fact, it was sexier underwear than
someone at work should be wearing. Now that she
committed to cheating, I was starting to realize how
bold an American woman actually was. Her ass was
round and tight. She even turned to show me her ass,
pulling her underwear so that it slipped into her crack
and bared her butt to me. I reached out and gave it a

“Mm… you like that… why don’t you slap it.” She

I decided to do what the lady asked, and I gave it a

slap. The sound resonated in the small cabin, and she
let out a giggle. She started shaking her butt, even
putting it down on my lap and gyrating her hips. It
wasn’t aggressive enough that my dick slid in, but it
was sandwiched between her buns and disturbed by
her thighs. She even moved up and down, sliding her
butt cheek up and down the shaft.

She suddenly shook her hips more aggressively,

causing her butt to jiggle almost like a vibration on my
lap. I heard about this one before. It was some kind of
dancing that women in America did. They just shook
their asses like a stripper. The sight of her being so
provocative was really making my blood hot. In the
past, I had always looked down on the kind of guys
who hired women to do stripteases. Now that I had
this woman in my cabin giving me her own private lap
dance, I could barely control myself.

In fact, unlike those suckers at the strip club, I had no

reason to control myself. I grabbed her underwear
and pulled it down. Her panties were already wet, and
a thick musky scent of an aroused woman filled the

“Oh, Baby…” She moaned as I forcefully removed her


She helped kick them away and then turned around

and faced me. With her undergarments gone, I could
see that she was completely shaved clean. Her pussy
lips were engorged and her light pale skin made them
look exceptionally pink and glistening with wetness. I
was starting to wonder if I was the first man this slut
had cheated on with her boyfriend. At the least, I was
probably the first full Japanese guy.

She placed her knees on my bench, straddling my lap.

She started to unbutton the top of her uniform, still
swaying back and forth, occasionally grinding her wet
pussy lips against my aroused cock. The feeling quite
teasing, and I was losing my patience. I definitely
wanted to just throw her on the bench and pound her.
However, letting her feign control was also exciting in
its own way, so I permitted her to continue to tease
my cock, no matter how much I just wanted to
penetrate the slut.

She finally threw her shirt to the side. I reached in and

touched her breasts, which I was delighted to find
were natural. All the girls I knew had natural breasts.
For a Japanese woman, that was only expected.
However, this was an American slut, and I heard they
all had fake boobs. I could only guess I either got lucky
or the rumors were a bit too much.

“I can’t take it…” she whimpered as she removed her

bra and I eagerly touched and manipulated her little
pink nipples. “I need you inside me.”

I barely stopped myself from opening my mouth in

surprise. This fucking woman had been teasing me for
the last ten minutes, and now she’s acting like the one
who has been suffering. Naturally, her words broke
open the floodgates of my sadism. Thoughts of her
being an American girl flew away. I grabbed my dick,
lined it against her pussy, and then pushed her down,
impaling her on my cock.

“Ahhn! Not all the way at once!” She cried out.

I ignored her, having already been teased to my limits.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and grabbed
them tightly, and then pushed down while my hips
pushed up. My cock forced its way as deep into her as
I could get in one thrust. Only when I could get it the
rest of the way in did I pull out, only to thrust again.

“Ah! Shit… it’s so big…” She let out a cry, “Please,

you’re going to break me.”

I didn’t give a shit if I broke this girl. I’d deal with those
consequences too! Rather, I wanted to reach her
womb, and then I wanted to dump all my cum in this
slut like the cumdumpster she was! Burying my face
into her chest, I began to thrust my meat into her with
reckless abandon. After about five thrusts, she was so
wet that it slid in and out easily. I made sure with each
thrust, that I pushed myself as deeply into her as
possible. I could feel it pushing against the barrier
where a dick could no longer explore.
“Ahhh… ahhh… I’ve already cum.” She cried. “It’s so
deep. I’m breaking…”

I only responded to her moaning words by increasing

the pace, taking all the pleasure from her I could. As I
did that, I sucked on a bit her breasts, even eliciting
some yelps of pain when I bit too hard. I didn’t
concern myself at all about marks or identification.
Even though she was an employee on the job and
would probably have to work after she was done here,
I didn’t care in the slightest. If I heard her boyfriend
was going to be checking her chest right after I was
done, I wouldn’t have cared.

Of course, had he seen her chest, it would have been

filled with hickeys, bruises, and bite marks. As for my
cock, I was pounding her pussy in reverse. After hitting
my father and having to leave my mother, I had built
up a great deal of tension, and I was releasing it all on
this woman. I thrust into her, my cock noisily slapping
against her wet, tight pussy.
“’I’m cumming again,” She cried in disbelief. “I-I’ve
never done it twice.”

“It’s fine.” I responded, “I’m about to cum too.”

“Ah… pull it out! I’ll swallow!”

“As if!” I grabbed her hips as she tried to pull up and

plunged deeply inside her.

With safety first, I could guarantee I wouldn’t have a

baby here, so that was one consequence I never
needed to have. However, she didn’t know that, so
she was quite panicked. My balls surged and cum
burst deep inside her womb. Her eyes rolled up in her
head, and I could feel her climax coming even more
powerfully. Her pussy was sucking my cock like a
vacuum, desiring to be filled up with cum.
Furthermore, her moaning and shivering told me that
the feel of it was deeply erotic and pleasurable for

As soon as I started cumming, she didn’t even try to

fight back. Instead, she sort of just gave up and
collapsed on top of me, panting for breath. When I
finished and my cock started to soften, she pulled
back and an angry expression formed on her face.

“I’m not on the pill! You bastard!”

“Oh well…” I shrugged.

“You asshole! If I’m pregnant, what will you do?”

“Isn’t that for you and your boyfriend to deal with?” I

reminded her.
Slap! She struck me across the face and then stood up.
She immediately started grabbing her clothing, getting
dressed eagerly. I rubbed my cheek, chuckling softly.
When she finally dressed, clearly skilled at doing it
quickly, she gave me the finger and then stormed out
of the cabin. The sliding door slammed shut with a

Every encounter I had didn’t need to end in love.

Every woman didn’t need to become a permanent
love interest. Sometimes, I could just enjoy a woman
for a brief moment. I touched my cheek which stung
slightly. It was a consequence I was perfectly happy

Chapter 75 :
Once the train returned to motion, I casually cleaned
up and then took my bags out. I hadn’t been told who
I was going to meet at the train station. It was
presumably one of the girls at the academy. It was
probably part of the social experiment. I supposed I
understood the faculties point of view. Having been
isolated from men for years, the girls were quite
vulnerable, especially to guys like me. Well, I supposed
I could give them a crash course.

I realized something after my encounter with the train

woman, or perhaps it was after I hit my dad with a
bat. I realized I was being much too uptight about who
I selected. Of course, that didn’t mean there weren’t
certain core women I should love and put most of my
effort into, but who ever said that I couldn’t play
around? In fact, it was a lack of playing around that
made me so inexperienced before, and had so many
troubles in the beginning.

In that way, this trip to the all-girl’s school was the

real training that Netori had wanted me to have, but
failed to deliver on. I could practice seducing and
playing with all the women I wanted. Even if they
didn’t have boyfriends, they still had the rules of the
school which I had to break down. Every sexual
encounter would have to be just as hidden, else we’d
get in trouble. In many ways, it was like an entire
school full of women to steal. There was no better
proving ground than that. Unfortunately, I didn’t have
any opponents.

It was silly considering how much I had feared losing

in the past, but since I had no investment in the
women here, a challenge actually sounded a bit
exciting. I supposed there was still Matt I had to worry
about. However, he wasn’t quite the stepping stone I
was looking for. It was too bad it was unlikely I’d be
running into another player here. At the very least, I
could hone my abilities and truly become skilled at the

While thinking about what I was planning to do,

another attendant announced that the train would be
arriving shortly. I noticed that it was not the same
woman who had knocked on my door before. She
must have run off in shame or embarrassment. Ah,
well, it wasn’t like I wanted to see her shooting me
angry glares anyway. When the train finally stopped
and the bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and headed for
the exit.

Upon exiting the train, my eyes immediately landed

on a girl in a school uniform holding a sign. It didn’t
have my name on it. Instead, it had the name of the
school. I figured that was where I needed to be. I
smiled and waved at her. As soon as the girl saw me,
her eyes widened and her eyes locked on to me. It
was an effect I wasn’t all that used to, but it was
growing on me. She found me attractive, although at
this point, there were few girls who would find me
ugly. Actually, that sounded pretty shallow. As a
former guy with below average looks, I was starting to
understand how pretty boys ended up so full of
I wiped the stupid grin off my face and gave a polite
cough instead. She jerked her eyes away from me,
only now realizing that she had been staring
awkwardly. She was a cute girl in pigtails with glasses.
I could instantly tell she was a shy type. My desire to
corrupt and have fun with her was stroked a bit. Even
though I had just enjoyed the train attendant, I was
already interested in this girl too. Putting aside my
previous squabbles had seemingly opened my world
to the possibilities.

I reached out and touched her cheek, bringing her

face up to look at me. She was likely sent here exactly
because she was the shy type. I decided I’d only bully
her a little for now. As far as eating her, it’d probably
be a bit more satisfying once I had gotten to know her
a bit.

“My name is Hakaru.” I smiled as I noticed the blush

growing on her cheeks, “What is your name?”
“Ah… it’s Toma Nahoko.” She responded, trying to
avoid my eyes.

“Hello, Toma,” I winked. “How about you lead the


“Ah… y-yes!”

She spun and I started to follow her through the

crowds. This particular train station wasn’t that
empty, so it was quick making it out of the building.

“So, what is the plan here?” I asked.

“Ah! Right. I’m supposed to orientate you on the

program. I heard that you had to arrive early for
various family problems. The school isn’t really set up
for a boy yet. We managed to clear out a dorm room
for you, but the entire level was intended to be
cleared out for all the boys.”

“That’s fine…” I chuckled, then noticed that she

started walking down the street rather than headed to
the parking lot or calling a car. “Um… we walking?”

She nodded her head. “Oh, yes. The school isn’t too
far from the train station It’s not too far of a walk. I
hope that is okay?”

I shrugged, not really minding one way or the other.

At least, I wouldn’t feel trapped in the school if I
wanted to leave. That was always a bonus.

“What else?”
“Classes start officially next week. Although many of
the activities we will be working on as a group, a few
of them you will work on as a team. Each boy will be
teamed up with one girl. You will also be under strict
supervision during every event.

“How about after school?”


“Yeah, what do you guys do?”

“Isn’t it important to study all the material you

received throughout the day?”

I could only let out an awkward cough. Did the all-

girl’s school really forsake having a life in pursuit of
their studies, or was it just this girl? At the very least,
it explained why the girls seemed to have a sheltered
problem. This girl seemed quite innocent and seemed
to have no defenses.

“Alright, let’s try a different question.” I continued,

“You clearly do stuff outside of school. What about
shopping? The mall? Eating out?”

“O-oh…” She blushed. “The campus does have a

convenience store and a cafeteria to eat, but if you
want something special, the town is small and there is
a mall strip not too far away. The girls sometimes go
there to pass the time.”

She said it in a way that suggested she wasn’t one of

the girls who went there. It was clear that she was a
good girl who focused on her studies and schooling
I reached up and grabbed her shoulder. “Since the
train was late, I haven’t eaten. How about we go get

With a very clear reason, I could trick her into going on

a date with me. After that, she’d be more open to the
concept. I didn’t have any particular desire to be with
Toma, but I was happy setting about making her mine.

“Ah… ye-yes… sure?” It was clear she didn’t want to

go, but she also didn’t want to be impolite.

We continued to walk through the streets. We were

only a few hours north of home, so it wasn’t like there
was much difference here. Yeah, the buildings were in
different spots, but it wasn’t like I was in another
country. If there was a difference, we were farther
away from the ocean and the U.S. base, so the
aesthetic and population leaned more heavily toward
Japanese than western.
The mall on the strip that she spoke of was just a
dozen or so shops. There was a small movie theater
that played old Japanese films. There were a few
clothing stores, a noodle shop, a grocer, and a few
other convenience areas. Other than the movie
theater, I didn’t see anything else to do. There was no
arcade, or karaoke or something like that. Certainly
nothing like the game center that I used to work at, or
better yet, a love hotel. As such, we found a Ramen
place on the corner and went inside.

When I ordered and she didn’t, I casually touched her

shoulder and gave another smile. “I’ll pay. If you want
something, please order.”

“N-no… I mean…” Just as she tried to deny it, her

stomach began to rumble. “Ah… that… I guess I’ll get
something after all.”
I got a simple ramen set and so did she. We chatted
casually as we ate. Toma was very passive, and quick
to avoid talking when she could. Breaking through her
shy exterior would definitely be the most difficult part.

As I was thinking about what to do to seduce her, a

voice came from behind. “Toma… sweetie.”

“Ah!” Toma stood up so fast that her chair fell.

The voice was that of a woman, smooth and sultry.

She grabbed Toma and pulled her into an embrace. I
could only see her from Toma’s backside, and without
a moment’s notice, I could hear kissing noises. My
eyes shot up in surprise. The girl was making out with
Toma right here in the middle of a Ramen shop! I felt
a wry sense of stupidity. Here I was talking about
seducing her, and she was apparently a lesbian.
Of course, an all-girls school would foster plenty of
lesbians. I wondered if they were true lesbians or
opportunist. With a push, maybe I could turn some of
these lesbian women into proper dick sluts. As for the
woman whose face, I couldn’t see, the way she talked
and moved instantly reminded me of myself. She was
a seducer as well, and she seemed to have the sweet
little Toma wrapped around her finger.

This didn’t even seem that strange to the

townspeople. A few glanced their way, but most
seemed to ignore the kissing couple like seeing two
girls in school uniforms giving each other lip service
was a regular sight in this area of town. I found myself
with a knot of emotions, but part of me was genuinely
curious as to who this person was.

“Who is this?” I finally asked, turning towards the

kissing couple when I had enough of hearing their
tonsil hockey.
Toma, who had found herself lost in the other girl’s
attacks finally managed to pull away and spin around.
Her lips were still wet from her kiss and she had an
extremely panicked expression on her face.

“Ah! I’m sorry… th-this is my… um… friend… she’s a

new student. Came in only a month ago. Her name is

As if worried I’d accuse her or look down on her, she

immediately stepped to the side and pushed her
female friend forward. She didn’t meet my eyes as she
looked away with a look of part shame and part
embarrassment. As for her friend, it was the first time
I had gotten a look at her face, as it was attached to
Toma’s before. The girl herself shot me a sultry look,
but as soon as our eyes met, she froze and her eyes
widened slightly.
For me, I got a sense that she was extremely familiar,
but I couldn’t quite put my finger- realization came
crashing home in a second. She had died her hair
blonde and did it up differently. She had removed her
glasses. She had a lot more makeup on her face and in
fact, the entire way she carried her body was different
from the girl I remembered. However, as we stared at
each other, I became certain it was her. It was perhaps
the last person I ever expected to run into here.


“Hello, Hakaru…”

Chapter 76 :
“What do you think you’re doing here?” her
expression turned incredibly cold and she turned her
“Oh, you two know each other?” Toma’s eyes

“Yes, she and I are very close,” I said, whispering in

Toma’s ears while touching her shoulders.

Touching her so closely caused Toma to shudder

involuntarily. Kira’s eyes flashed angrily, and her hand
fell on Toma’s thigh and moved close to her, reaching
out and touching her chin.

“Don’t be jealous, my sweet, naturally, he and I are a

thing of the past.” She purred in a sensual voice I’d
never heard from Kira before.

“Oh…” Toma barely seemed to hear the words, her

eyes swimming as her borders were pushed by the
impulsive woman.
“It turns out,” I grabbed Toma, and spun her around
so she was facing me. “That she’s not the romantic
type. Of course, you’re the kind of woman who wants
to wake up in the arms of someone you love, right?”

“L-love?” Her eyes went wide.

“Don’t listen to him!” Kira pushed her chest against

Toma’s back, causing the girl to gasp.

“She’s a womanizer!” I said, moving closer so my legs

were practically wrapped around Toma and our lips
were only centimeters apart. “However, I can do
things with you… that she lacks the equipment for!”

“At least I know how her equipment works!” Kira

snapped looking over at her and glaring at me.
“At least I bring something new to the table!” I shot
back, Kira and I were glaring at each other with Toma
shoved in between.

“Eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa…” A weird noise came from

between our bodies.

“Oh, crap,” I said as I pulled back. “She fainted.”

Toma’s eyes had rolled up in her head. The

stimulation of two attractive people had been too
much for her. That was when I realized that Kira truly
did look more attractive. Although she essentially
looked like she had always looked, there were distinct
differences. Her skin had cleaned up to perfect, and
she now looked smooth and unblemished. Her eyes
and hair appeared more vibrant. Simply put, Kira was
a knock out beauty. She also wasn’t wearing her
glasses right now. For the first time in a while, I got a
good look at her face.
“This is your fault!” Kira said angrily. “What are you
doing all the way out here! And you’re hitting on one
of my girls!”

“One of? What the hell happened! You’re the one

who suddenly left!” I yelled back. “Now you’re a
lesbian player. What happened to my Kira?”

“I’m not Kira!’ She growled. “She already introduced

me. I’m Rose. Roooose!”

“Changing your name doesn’t change who you are!” I


She let out an exasperated noise. “Whatever, look. As

you can see, I’m a player now. So, please, stay out of
my way, okay?”
“A player? For Netorase?” I demanded.

She jerked for a second, and then turned away, her

cold demeanor returning “Yeah, something like that.”

“If you understand the game, then you know that I

need to win this and why. Whatever you want, I’m
going to win the game. And if I’m going to win, then
naturally, I have to make you mine! I’ll have Netorase

She seemed to shake visibly for a second as if there

was a rage deep inside her she was trying to contain.
After a moment, she took an unsteady breath.

“Even if you plan to win, it won’t be today. I have

things I need to do. We have things we need to do, or
everything is for naught. Can you just go back to your
home? Have fun with your mom or something.”

I froze for a second. Did everyone know about

Mother? My sister even seemed aware of what we
had done before I had to leave. After a moment
before realizing Kira was waiting for an answer, I
shook my head.

“I can’t go home now. Even if I wanted to, I need a few

weeks for things to sort out.” I looked up at her, and it
was the first time I realized she was wearing a uniform
identical to the one that the unconscious Toma had

“Why are you out here?’ She asked suspiciously, her

eyes narrowed.
I glanced helplessly down to Toma who was still
unconscious in my arms. “She was leading me to
campus before we got some food. I came in a week
early for various reasons, but I came for the
experimental Feminist Coed curriculum the school is
trying over the next few months. I wasn’t here for you.
I didn’t even know where you were. Your mother is

Her face fell as a shocked expression grew on it.

“You… you’re transferring here today?”

I nodded. “Mm… They cleared out a room for me,

supposedly, but it’s just temporary until the boys
arrive, I guess.”

“You-you’re part of the coed curriculum?” She

sounded somewhat panicked.
I glanced up at her with a raised eyebrow. “As I said,
had I known it was your turf… well… I probably would
have come all the same if I’m being honest. You’re just
going to have to deal with me, whether you like it or
not. If you think you can seduce the girls at that
academy for points, then you need to wait to see what
I can do!”

“You…” She shook her head. “I need to go. This is a

mistake. I have to fix it immediately!”

“Huh? Where are you going?” I called out as Kira

suddenly stood up, turned, and quickly sprinted to the
door. “Kira!”

“It’s Rose!” She said, slamming the door closed behind

her without even looking back.
“I don’t even know where the school is…” I muttered
to myself.

With Toma lying in my arms, I couldn’t exactly get up

to chase her. I could only stare down at the pretty girl
and make an annoyed noise. For all the problems she
was giving me, I really should just take her right here.
That would definitely be the best way to ensure that
she ended up with me instead of Kira. Looking down
at her, I considered it for a moment. Take what you
want, right?

It wasn’t like it was the first time I pushed a woman

down and had her. That was certainly how I formed
my relationship with my sister. However, my sister
had a rape fetish, and there was something about it
being with family that left it less upsetting mentally.
This girl was a complete stranger. If I took her now just
for my own gratification, or even to help me find an
edge in the game, something about it felt off. For the
first time, I realized I had a bottom line. I sighed and
carefully picked the girl up, holding her in my arms.

“Take care!” The ramen guy called out, completely

unperturbed by the scene we caused as he casually
washed the counters.

“Ah… bye…” I shook my head, wondering just what

kind of stuff this ramen place got up to.

I was then beginning to think that since there was a

large all-girls school nearby, and a complete lack of
things to do, that it was possible that this ramen shop
experienced a lot of high school female drama.
Considering this was the place Kira just happened to
look and find Toma, there might only be a handful of
places for the girls at all. They probably had a lot of
limitations with how they could act on campus, so
they headed out here to act naughty, or something
like that.
I hadn’t learned where to go, but it wasn’t exactly
difficult. This road ran through the town on a single
strip. Where we had come from was the train station,
so my only assumption was that we needed to keep
heading down the road to reach the school. We were
barely out of the main strip when she woke up.

“Ehm… Ah… Ah!” Her eyes drifted open and when she
realized she was being cared for, she made a surprised
noise and struggled a bit.

“Careful or I’ll drop you!’ I said.

She stopped struggling, looking up at me with a weak

look. “You… about what you saw in the ramen shop…”

“Ah, I’m sorry…”

“Even though she kissed me, it’s like… that’s just her


“I’m… actually, I don’t really swing that way. I just

don’t know how to act when she’s like that.”

I couldn’t believe it. She was trying to hide what

happened. She must not want it to get around that
she was kissing Kira. More than that, she probably had
some interest in me and didn’t want me to think she
was taken. I was a little bit flattered, but she was being
a bit shameless by being so dismissive of Kira.

“You shouldn’t pass out around a man, you know?” I

cut off her rambling words.

“Who knows what I could have done while you’re

asleep. A girl should be more mindful.” I looked down
at her and smirked.

She suddenly covered her chest slightly and blushed.


“Huh? Isn’t that what your school is trying to teach

you guys with this coed thing. They want me to
respect women more, and they want you to learn
some wariness. Otherwise, I might eat you up.”

She looked away. “Even if you say that… I already have

to watch out for Rose and Sensei.”
“Sensei?” I asked.

She froze and then shook her head. “N-no… it’s

nothing, just rumors.”

“I’m okay with rumors. Why don’t you fill me in? I’ll be
at the school for some time. I should know what I’m
getting into.” I reminded her.

“It’s just… we have a single male teacher. There are

always rumors that he has been flirting or playing with
one girl or another. He occasionally acts pretty
flirtatiously with some students, even during class.
The other teachers don’t understand why the Principal
hasn’t fired him yet. In fact, he’s a secondary faculty
for this project after herself.”

“The principal?”
“Mm!” She nodded. “Principal Vienna will be
personally running the coed class alongside Drake-

“Then, I’ll look forward to it,” I said absently, although

I was deep in thought.

Was this Drake-sensei also another player? Perhaps I

was being paranoid and seeing players in everyone.
However, he might be a player in the other sense of
the word, and that was still some competition for me.
I wasn’t sure if that excited me or irritated me.

“Um… Hakaru?” Toma’s voice broke me from my


“What is it?” I asked.

“Could you, um… let me down now?”

I realized only then that I was still carrying her. I finally

put her down and she brushed herself off while
blushing a bit. She led me the rest of the way to
campus while we continued to chat casually.
Occasionally, she would drop a hint or two that she
was interested in continuing with the date where we
left off, but after the shock of running into Kira and
the long day I had, I was really just wanting to rest.
Furthermore, I wanted to let things grow a little bit. If I
pushed her too much now, it could cost me later.

There were numerous buildings to the campus set

around a centralized courtyard. She pointed to my
dorm building. It seemed we didn’t share the same
dorms. I waved goodbye to her and then headed off to
my room. I had already been provided the number
and key in the welcome packet. Entering the building,
the smell of various perfumes hit me. This was
definitely a girl’s dorm. The best part was that I had it
all to myself for the next week.

Chuckling wryly, I open the door and swing it open.

Standing in the middle of the room, my eyes land on a
naked woman. She isn’t wearing any clothing at all,
giving me a clear eyeful of everything. As a result, it
takes me a second to notice her face.

“Kira?” I said with a shrill voice, “What are you doing

in my room?”

“I said my name is Rose!” She shot back, crossing her

arms over her bosom and seemingly unperturbed at
being seen naked. “And this is our room! We need to

Chapter 77 :
“Hakaru, sit down. We need to talk.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Shouldn’t you be putting on
clothing first?”

She crossed her arm and snorted. “Why? Don’t you

like what you see?”


She sighed and grabbed a robe, wrapping it quickly

around herself before she sat at the foot of the bed. I
joined her, sitting on a chair at the empty desk that
belonged to me. As I looked around, I could see boxes
of frilly stuff spread out. It was Kira’s belongings, and
she was in the middle of unpacking. The second bed
next to it was completely empty, and showed no signs
of another roommate. Suddenly, I had a sinking
“You should know that I am actually your roommate
for your duration here!”

“What?” I stood up. “How is that possible?”

She sniffed. “A failure of communication. When I

heard we had a transfer student coming in, I arranged
to have her move in with me. I didn’t have a
roommate and was interested in another playmate.
There was a bit of pushback, but I have my ways and I
made it happen anyway. Now, I knew why! They were
sneaking you into the girl’s dorm a week early. I
naturally tried to undo what I had done, but it was too
late. We’re stuck as roommates.”

“What kind of things did you do? Are you talking

about the abilities Netorase gave you?”
She shook for a second but then sighed and nodded.
“Yes, you could call it goddess magic.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t mind that you’re here. But

I’m going to be pursuing other girls while I’m here. I
need more points and I need practice. So, if you’re
going to get jealous, then we’ll have a problem.”

She sniffed. “Yeah? Well… I’ll be bringing girls here

too! So, you definitely must give me privacy when that

“As if I would!”

“Why, you…” She stood up too, glaring at me. “Just

because there was a time she… I… offered my body to
you, don’t think that we’ll give in so easily now!”
I took a step closer to her, putting our faces only a few
inches away from each other. “What makes you think
I’m interested in you anymore? After all, aren’t you
already used goods?”

“I’m experienced.” She responded, pressing her chest

against me, not backing down a step. “Rather more
than you. At least I can handle anything anyone
throws at me.”

“Is that what you called it? And what about your
Master then? The bastard you gave it up to? Does he
know you gave up meat for a while?”

A dark smile formed on her lips, now only an inch

from mine. “Whoever said I gave up the meat? Don’t
be shocked if you barged in on me with another-“
I grabbed her arms roughly. “I won’t let another man
have you!”

“Oh, hoh… but you don’t mind women?”

I laughed wryly. “Only if I get to enjoy them as well.”

“Doesn’t that depend on whether you have the

ability?” She asked innocently.

“I think you’ll find me more than adequate.”

With her body pressed against mine, my blood was

surging uncontrollably. I leaned forward the last
centimeter and took her lips, kissing Kira. Instead of
pulling away, her hands grabbed onto my hips, and
she started fumbling with my pants. The suddenness
of all of this left my mind reeling, but all I knew is that
I wanted to enjoy Kira now. She was the one who got
away, and the her now exuded a sexuality far beyond
the girl she once was.

She was no longer the innocent girl next store, but a

woman who knew how to please a man. Thoughts of
our past, of her mother, of all of the bad things that
had happened, both those beyond my control and
those I allowed through inaction, all of that went
flying out the window as my passion began to take
over. As for Kira, she was no less uncertain as she
hastily unbuttoned and pulled my pants down. Our
tongues battled fiercely and no sooner had my penis
become free of my pants then her small hands began
to work their way up and down.

Her eyes widened and as she parted her lips to breath,

she moaned the words. “It’s bigger.”
“What is the female alternative to vanity points?” I
asked, sucking her neck in between words. “Do you
become tighter or what?”

She laughed as I sucked on her neck, running a hand

through my hair while the other continued to stroke
my cock like she never wanted to let go. “Why don’t
you stick it in and find out?”

I tossed her back onto the bed, my animalistic desires

spread on my face. As she fell, her robe had spread
open, revealing her naked body to me. She didn’t
hesitate to spread open her legs, showing her pink,
pussy to me. She had dark hair well-kempt above it,
outlining a swollen mound at the top and slick pink
lines leading down. It truly did look like a rosebud full
of flowery pedals, closed and hiding its beauty, but
begging to be opened up.
Although life hadn’t been kind to Kira, her vanity
points seemed to have smoothed out all the rough
edges. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. Her
pussy was slick and arousing. Her face was filled with
longing and erotic overtones with no traces of
disproval or rejection. It was like all the trauma was a
complete lie, and she was just a horny high school girl
giving it up to the man she loved.

I ripped off the last piece of my clothing and then I got

on top of Kira. Rather than working on sticking it in, I
hugged her once again, feeling the pleasure of her
naked body pressed against my own. I started kissing
her again, making sure to savor her taste. She kissed
back just as aggressively, although she seemed
impatient to have me penetrate her. Her hands kept
searching below trying to grab my dick so she could
penetrate herself with it.

I pulled back, lowering my head and attacking her

chest with my lips. I bit the nipples and pulled them
with my teeth, causing her to writhe and moan under
me. Her dark nipples instantly grew erect under my
machinations, and soon she could no longer worry
about fishing for my dick, as the feeling I gave her with
my tongue was enough to cause her to lose her

“Ahn… so cruel…” She said. “Just stick it in, I’m going


“For a lesbian bitch like you, you sure want that hard
cock. You can’t get that from your women!” I teased.

She shook her head in agreement. “No… that’s why I

need it so bad from you. Please… give it to me. I want
you to split me open.”

She grabbed my head and pulled me up to kiss me

again. As she kissed me aggressively, her hand
reached down to find my dick again. I didn’t pull away
this time. As soon as she grabbed it, she moaned
excitedly into my mouth, pull it up and lining it with
her own crotch. Using her heels on my back, she
pushed my hips forward, impaling herself with my dick
willingly. As it slid inside her, she let out a noise of
pure delight.

With her in control, my dick slid in easily without any

resistance. That didn’t mean her pussy didn’t feel
wonderful. It was warm and tight, giving just enough
resistance to feel pleasurable without needing to
force it. In a word, her pussy was welcoming, like my
dick belonged there. I let out a moan of my own as I
plunged deeply into her womb, the tip of my cock
invading the deepest recesses of her body.

“It’s so good…” She panted. “We’ve been wanting this

forever! You’re right, it is the best… didn’t I say?”
“Hmm?” I asked as she seemed to be staring off

She shook her head and smiled. “N-nothing… please

continue… I need it so bad.”

I started to move my hips, pushing in and out of Kira.

Her lips parted slightly, and she looked up at me
lovingly. However, I felt a sense of unease at this
point. Had this been Akiko or Sasori, her expressions
made sense. However, the Kira now was acting
extremely peculiar. She had put such a tough act
earlier, that I expected sex to be nothing but physical.
However, the way she was looking at me with dew-
covered eyes, I was getting a feeling like I was with a
woman who loved me deeply.

Although I cared for Kira, her feelings for me had

turned cold, and in the end, she even rejected me
outright. Knowing this to be the case, how could I
accept the woman under me. Even though I was
thrusting my cock in her, my pace started to slow, and
I started to pull, looking down at the woman under

“Kira?” I asked.

“I said… my name is Rose!” She put on an angry

expression at those words.

“Rose…” I shook my head. “Like… Netorase?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Yeah… I mean, you’re inside

me, right?”

My mind started to reel, “Wh-where’s Kira? What is

going on? I don’t understand. Kira is your champion,
Kira… not, Netorase shrugged her shoulders. “She’s
here… deep down. She’s sleeping right now.”

The realization started to finally come crashing home.

This is why Kira had been acting so different from
before. This was why when I tried to use my abilities
on her, they didn’t work. Kira wasn’t Netorase’s
champion, she was Netorase’s avatar! Champions
could still use their abilities against each other. Only
someone with a god’s blessing, someone who had at
one point been possessed by a god, could be immune.

Netorase didn’t interfere that night in our bedroom.

She was always there! She simply… stepped out of
Kira for a moment. Maybe she manifested herself. I
don’t know. What level of cheating was this? She
wasn’t using a champion at all. She was directly
playing the game!
“Bring Kira back…” I said, “Leave her like you did

Netorase lowered her eyes. “I can’t do that right now.

There are conditions involved.”

“Is she even aware of what you’re doing to her body?

What I’m doing now?”

She bit her lips. “Dimly. More like a dream, or a


“You…” I pulled out of her, standing back up as I

grabbed my pants. “What is your game?”

I felt like an idiot. I had been so excited to finally

connect back with Kira. However, in the end, it wasn’t
Kira at all. It was just Netorase in a Kira meat suit. All
of her actions had been dictated by Netorase. That
meant, just like Tiana, she was another girl I fucked
without her having any awareness of it.

“It’s okay…” Netorase said. “Kira has given me

permission. It is necessary… for all of our happiness.”

“That’s easy, coming from the one using her body.”

“I’m not using her body, we’re sharing. All of these

experiences, I will share them with her.” Netorase’s
eyes started to tear up. “When I leave, I won’t wipe
her mind. She will remember everything.”

“I don’t want Kira’s first time… our first time… to be

remembered on the outside!” I snapped back.
The look of confusion on her face, as if she didn’t
understand what she had done wrong, pissed me off.
Netorase had first gotten between me and Kira,
literally pulling us apart just when we could have
come together. Now, again, just as we were together,
she literally became the one in-between the pair of us.
Her views on sharing, I wanted nothing to do with
them! I wouldn’t share my girls with any guy! I
wouldn’t share them with girls either! Her philosophy
just didn’t mesh with mine in the slightest.

Feeling frustration and anger, I kept putting my

clothes back on. It wasn’t until I reached the door that
Netorase made a noise.

“Where are you going?” She asked, a strangely lost

expression on her face.

“I don’t know. Out.” With that, I shut the door.

Chapter 78 :
Iquickly left the dorm room. I left my backpack behind.
It was now dark out, but the campus appeared to be
well lit at night. I supposed that they really had to
worry about safety at an all-girls school. It was
definitely a place any pervert might go to sneak a peak
on women. Actually, aren’t I the only guy on campus
right now? My brow tightened as I considered that I
might be taken as one of those perverts myself. I
definitely needed to stay away from any windows and
keep my distance from any women. Sigh… my desire
to play for the next two months appeared to be more
difficult than I had initially given it credit.

As I continued to walk, sticking to the pathway and

the lighted area. I started to get a sense of the size
and scope of the school. There were three dorm
rooms which formed a semi-arc around a circular
courtyard. This branched into an area with five
separated buildings. One of them was a gym, three
appeared to have classrooms, and the final was a
greenhouse. There was a forest behind the school,
with the school being built right at the edge, with
some building even being enveloped by the trees.
Numerous walking paths broke off around the
campus, some leading into the forest, and some
returning to the entrance. The entire campus was
sealed off with a large gated fence, but I didn’t know
how far it went into the tree line.

I heard some noises, breaking me from my thoughts

as I looked around the school. There was a loud noise
of a girl crying out. I bit my lip, was there really
someone preying on women? Damn it… looking both
ways, there was no one else in sight that could
investigate this for me. Rather, if I didn’t do
something, there might be some innocent girl being
molested in the bushes.

I followed the sound, which ended up behind a

building in a somewhat secure area. I only turned two
corners when I finally found the source of the noise.
There were two girls in uniform. One girl had her
panties down and her skirt up. The other was on her
knees, munching down on the girl. The cry she made
was an orgasm. I never even walked in on anyone at
school having sex. The one time with Akiko when Kira
found us was about as close as it ever got. Now, at an
all-girls private school, I walked in on a lesbian scene
straight out of some guy’s fantasy.

The girl who was pushed against the wall’s eyes

suddenly snapped open. She ended up looking right at
me. She let out a scream. The other girl pulled her
head out from behind her legs and shot a look in my
direction, and then similarly let out a scream. With
both girls screaming like I had done something wrong,
I spun to leave.

“Pervert!” One of the girls managed to call out.

Who’s the pervert! You’re the sluts banging each

other outdoors in public! This is basic decency laws for
that! I wanted to yell such things out, but I didn’t want
to bring more attention to us. Rather, it was best if I
just got away from that situation as quickly as
possible. Because of that, I almost missed two more
girls who were making out nestled away between two
buildings so they were easy to miss. One had her shirt
up, exposing her bra, while the other felt her up in a
very familiar way.

One pair of lesbian girls was perfectly possible, but

two pairs? What the heck was wrong with this all-girl
school? Maybe I had things all wrong. Rather than
bringing guys in so, they didn’t have teenage
pregnancies and girls being taken advantage of when
chased by a guy at university, they were bringing guys
in because all of the women were turning into raging
homosexuals! At that moment, I glanced over to see a
third couple. These girls were sitting on a bench out in
the open. They were just kissing, but I couldn’t
imagine those public displays being allowed in a
school. This was Japan, not someplace like the US
where teens were allowed to act however they

“Hakaru, is it?”

I nearly jumped as a voice came from behind me. I

spun around to see a beautiful older woman standing
there. She had a bit of a librarian vibe, with her hair up
in a bun and a pair of small spectacles. Other than a
very large chest, her body wasn’t as obviously sexual
as Sasori, but her tight suit and skirt gave the
impression of a woman whose wild beauty was being
restrained and hidden, and if you could just rip off
those clothes, you could expose the sensual beast
underneath. She gave off such a feeling.

“You know me?” I asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

She gave me a slight smile, her eyes sparkling as she
spoke. “Of course, I’m the one who gave the okay for
you to come here. I’m Principal Vienna. I hope your
accommodations have been acceptable?”

I hesitated for a second. The fact that I had been

roomed with Kira would be a problem. She had her
own plans, and they would assuredly interfere with
my plans. I couldn’t even guess what she was doing
here, but she had been planning for far longer than
me. In short, being stuck living with her was an
inconvenience. Assuredly, I could solve this situation

“There appears to be a mistake with the boarding. I

was put in the same room as a girl?”

“Oh?” She chuckled. “That does sound like a problem,

doesn’t it?”
She seemed strangely okay with this. A normal
teacher, especially one determined to keep the boys
and girls from engaging in anything, would definitely
be worried if she heard something like this. Instead,
Principal Vienna looked like she was about to laugh.

“Well, is it possible I can get my own space, at least

until a male roommate comes?” I asked, feeling
somewhat uncomfortable with the way the teacher
was looking at me.

She let out a sigh and shook her head, even though
her smile didn’t change a flicker. “I’m sorry.
Unfortunately, we are quite full now. As I understand
it, the girl eagerly requested to be placed in your
room. I would think a boy of your age would be
overjoyed to share a room with a girl such as her.”

“That doesn’t sound like a… ahem… feminist thing to

say.” I responded awkwardly.
She chuckled. “What do you think feminism is?
Women are sexual beings, in the same way as men
are. Don’t let the tabloids and the fear mongers
pollute you into thinking that being a feminist means
you are anti-men or anti-sex. I, for one, am quite fond
of the male sex.”

As she did this, her eyes looked up and down my

body, and she wore a lewd expression for a few
moments before covering it up.

“Is that so…”

I wasn’t sure how to really work with this woman

since I didn’t really know where I stood at the
moment. This caused me to act a little awkward and
unsure of myself.
“Yes. Well, I won’t fault young men and women for
having sexual urges or expressing them. A woman is
the most feminine when she is using her parts to
satisfy a man. A man is most manly when he is using
his parts to satisfy a woman.”

My eyes started to widen as she spoke. I never would

have expected to have such a conversation with a
teacher, let alone the principal of an all-girl school.
Although she still wore her reserved, prim, and proper
body, the words coming out of her mouth were
extremely provocative. Even if she did believe these
things, should she be telling them to a young student
she barely knew? I’d never met a teacher who was so

“Wh-what are you suggesting, Principal Vienna?” I

asked, finding her predatory look, not unlike the look
Sasori would give me when she was feeling
particularly horny.
“I’m saying, as a student, you should do what feels
natural. I believe all my students should act naturally.
Women should be the most womanly they can be, and
men should always exude their manliness. That is
what I call equality of the sexes.”

“Is this what you’re going to be teaching the students

during these coed classes?” I asked.

She grinned. “This is just a private lesson, between

you and me, for now.”

“Then, I’ll take it to heart,” I responded, a little afraid

to offend her.

“Good. I’ll be taking my leave then. Do try to enjoy

your week before classes start. It’s a rare opportunity
for a man like you. Have a pleasant night.” Principal
Vienna turned away with that and began walking

The shadows quickly took her away, leaving me

standing there with my mouth open. Was I really
understanding what she said correctly? By her own
words, it sounded like she had given me an open pass
not only to sleep with my roommate but any girl I
fancied. I had thought the feminist parts of this trip
were going to be some of the most tedious, but I
suddenly found myself really interested in
understanding this teacher’s unique ideas on

However, as soon as I thought that, I started to grow

more wary. I recalled all of the girls I had seen
randomly making out or more around campus. Wasn’t
this all kind of lustful? Then there was Netorase, who
appeared to have come here even when she didn’t
know I was going to be here. There had to be a reason
for all of that. My guess was that there was another
player here. Could it be the principal? That almost felt
too easy of an answer.

“Just what is going on at this school,” I muttered to


I turned around and then stopped short. There was a

familiar girl standing behind me, staring at me as if she
was in a daze. She was the second girl to sneak up on
me tonight. It was really starting to become a habit.

“Net… I mean… Tiana?”

A good part of the reason I had even come to this

school was because of this girl. Tiana attended it and
had let me know. Although we had sex twice, she
doesn’t remember a thing. Just like Kira wouldn’t
remember what Netorase and I did. Well, Netorase
said she’d let Kira remember, but I’d rather she didn’t
in that case.

“Hakaru, you came!”

“Yeah, I came a bit early. Things sort of just worked

out this way. How are you doing?”

It wasn’t my smoothest line, but I had been caught

surprised a few times recently. I was having some
trouble getting back into the game. However, with the
cute and innocent Tiana here, it was all coming back
to me quickly. I gave a slight teasing smirk and relaxed
my body so I didn’t look so tense.

“I’m um… I’m doing good.” She said, blushing slightly.

“Well, you’re actually the first person I’ve seen that I
recognize since getting here,” I lied. “You know what
that means?”

“Huh? W-what does that mean?” She asked


“It means, you’re going to have the pleasure of

showing me around campus. How about giving me a
tour. I have a week to get familiar with my
surroundings, and it’d be great if you helped. Show
me everything.”

“E-everything?” She seemed to be in a daze again.

I smirked. “Everything.”

In particular, I’d love to see her bedroom.

Chapter 79 :
Over the next week, other than to grab my bag from
Netorase’s room, I didn’t stay a single night there. I
avoided Netorase the entire time, not wanting to deal
with her presence in the slightest. Instead, my days
and nights were spent with Tiana. The first night, I had
explained to her the situation and begged her to allow
me to sleep in her room. She reluctantly allowed it,
and I slept on the floor while she slept in her bed.

Fortunately, Tiana didn’t have a roommate at the

moment. The official story was that her roommate
had moved suddenly. I suspected that it probably was
more likely attributed to Netorare. When she left, she
probably rearranged things so it didn’t seem like Tiana
had left school during her stint as a goddess.
It only took another day before I got her relaxed
enough to kiss. The pair of us made out in her bed,
and I even got to some heavy petting before she
finally pulled away, gasping for breath.

“I-I can’t… my boyfriend…” She protested weakly.

Even though her defenses were already paper-thin, I

decided not to push it. However, I was sleeping in the
room with her, so we ended up sleeping in the bed
together that night. By the third night, the last bit of
her defenses were down, and our kissing soon became
our clothing falling off. Although I had seen her naked
before, most of our sexual encounter had occurred
while she held the visage of Netorase. This was the
first time I got to explore her natural body.

As a mere mortal, Tiana wasn’t as perfect as the

goddess, but in some ways that made her preferable. I
hadn’t been the most attractive guy my entire life. I
only suddenly started impressing women fairly
recently. It gave me a weird understanding of how
unimportant and temporary beautiful looks were. In
that respect, I found myself able to appreciate the
imperfections and even find them beautiful. Of
course, I wouldn’t chase after ugly or hideous girls, but
a girl didn’t need to be an immaculate beauty to catch
my interest.

Perhaps, the gods and goddesses who slept around

with mortals were the same way. Perhaps that was
how Netorare was able to go all-in with me.

“A-ahn… H-hakaru… they’re inside…” she gasped.

She was talking about my fingers, which had been up

her skirt and stroking the wet cloth that separated her
pussy from my touch. I had pushed that aside tonight,
and now my fingers were exploring the rich folds of
her flower. After sliding a single finger inside her wet,
warm snatch, she gasped but didn’t pull away in the

“H-hakaru…” she whimpered.

Feeling just a bit cruel, I whispered in her ear. “Oh, but

your boyfriend Matt, are you sure you want me to

As I asked this, I naturally increased the speed of my

fingers, targeting her clitoris and rubbing quickly, even
creating some wet noises with my fingers as she let
out a gasp. Although her face turned red in
embarrassment, she shook her head aggressively.

“I c-can’t-“
I bit her ear while plunging two fingers in her, quickly
finding and attacking her g-spot. Her entire body
shuddered and her pussy spasmed in pleasure. She
had lost all of her breath, and her eyes glossed over
for a second as she became lost in the machinations of
my fingertips. Suddenly, my fingers stopped and I
looked over at her questioningly.

“Huh? What was that, did you want me to stop?” I

asked innocently.

Her eyes closed tightly and she started to shake her


“Don’t stop…” She said weakly. “Please… keep going.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, pushing my luck slightly.

“Please… I need it.”

“Okay, my dirty little Tiana…” I started fingering her


Of course, as I teased Tiana, I was naturally teasing

myself. If she pushed back much more, I’d probably
start using manipulation on her to push her the rest of
the way, even if that would cost me points. Three days
without sex was a record for me in recent months.
With my sister and Akiko always available, I had sex
almost daily back at home. Yet, that woman on the
train was the last woman I enjoyed since I had gotten
here. Now, my balls felt like they would bust. I was
lucky I had picked up the safety first, or I’d definitely
make this girl pregnant.

Why not just do it? A dark voice in my head seemed to

Well, I could make this Tiana pregnant, but how could
I be ready for a child? Then again, I could make this
Matt guy take responsibility for it. Then again, I’d have
to let her have sex with her boyfriend after. I could
feel her hymen distinctly, so she was definitely a virgin
right now. The goddess must have restored it when
she left. How kind of Netorare! I wasn’t sure how I felt
about letting another man have her. No, I absolutely
wouldn’t let any other man touch her now that she
was mine!

“Ahh!” She let out a noise as I shifted positions and

spread her legs into an embarrassing position. “D-
don’t! Ah-a… it’s big!”

My dick was now out, and she was looking down at

the thing on top of her small pussy. Just looking at it
compared to her tight hole, it didn’t look like it would
fit, in the slightest. I rubbed my head against her wet
hole anyway, getting her feminine scent on my dick.
She let out another whimper as she felt the massive
thing pressed against her entrance. She seemed
intimidated, stuck between wanting me to stop and
wanting me to continue. I decided to make the choice
for her. Pushing forward, the head of my cock slid into
her entrance.

“Ghaaa…aaaa…” She moaned her arms wrapping

around me while her legs became limp and powerless
in my hands. “Too much…”

“Hah? That’s just the head.” I teased her, pressing

myself in a little more until I felt the resistance of her

“Haaaa… i-impossible, you’ll wreck me…”

“I can stop, you know…” I started pulling out again.

“N-no!” She cried out, looking up at me tearfully.
“Please… I’m losing control. Don’t stop.”

The previous girls I had been with were worldly

women. Maria had been around, Akiko was a cheating
slut, and Sasori was at least a woman who had been
married and serviced her husband and my father
countless times. This girl was completely innocent
though. She went to an all-girls school and had a
dickless boyfriend who hadn’t even popped her
cherry. Stroking her silky black hair, I started pushing
myself into her, one inch at a time.

After pushing myself inside her each inch, she’d make

moans and cries. I slowly pierced her hymen, taking
her a little bit at a time, and breaking her open slowly.
A tear fell down her face as she made cute
whimpering sounds, but she didn’t try to close her
legs or resist my dick in the slightest. Still, her pussy
was tight, and I definitely had to push harder and
harder to get it all the way in. Her hands were tightly
holding my arms. Each time I took her a little more,
her small hands squeezed tightly against me and her
eyes wrinkled as she shut them as hard as possible.
She’d also yell out loud noises, seemingly completely
unaware of it.

We were in a dorm room, and I wondered if the other

neighbors were hearing this as she cried out and made
lewd noises. Were those virgins also getting turned on
hearing such a taboo thing occur right on the other
side of these thin walls? It definitely made me want to
generate more sweet music from her lips. I had finally
pushed myself as deeply as I could go.

“It’s all the way in…” She said through gritted teeth as
I pushed deep into her entrance, pushing against an
area my cock couldn’t enter.

With that, I left it in for a bit, stroking her tears away

and gently kissing her cheeks. If Akiko or Maria saw
this, they would certainly make snide remarks about
how different the treatment was between what I did
to them and how I treated this girl. They wouldn’t
need to worry. I was going to turn Tiana into my little
whore just like them, but I naturally needed to start
gentler with her. Her boyfriend was going to be
coming in a little less than a week. That was how long I
had to turn Tiana into my complete slut.

I pulled out carefully and slowly, and then I pushed

back in. Tiana gasped and moaned and held me tightly
while I whispered sweet things in her ear. I think I
might have even said I love you because, after a little
bit, she shakily muttered the words.

“I-I love you too…”

It was so easy for a girl like her to be led astray. Give

her an orgasm, take her virginity, and she was
convinced you were the love of her life. How could I
stop there, though? After I was certain she could take
it, I stood up, lifting the bottom of her body.

“Eh? What?” She muttered confusingly, still lost in the

painful bliss of her first time.

“Now, I’m going to see what your body can do!” the
originally polite expression on my face was gone,
replaced with a dark one I had never shown her

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“This!” I said, nearly folding her in half.

I shoved my dick inside her far faster this time, and

along with her legs being practically over her head,
Tiana could only gasp. Within about five thrusts, I was
now jackhammering her freshly popped pussy. Going
this hard, she bled a little. She also cried out.

“Too rough! Ow… ahhh.. ahhh… stop… I can’t breathe!


Of course, if she was yelling out so lewdly, she could

breathe fine, so I only picked up the pace. I started to
fuck her hard and rough, taking her from her blissful
heaven and throwing her into a pit of hell. Her
agonized cries became less pained and lewder. She
tried to struggle, but she had already given me
complete control of her body, and I had her pinned in
a way she couldn’t escape. I pounded her hard,
making loud slapping noises that filled the room.
Originally, I had worried I’d get in trouble with this
kind of thing at the all-girls school, but after seeing the
odd behavior of the principal, I was certain this
wouldn’t get me in trouble at all.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Hakaru! Ah!” She moaned as my dick
slapped into her pussy harder and harder, treating her
like the slut she was.

“Ah… I’m going to cum…” I announced excitedly.

“I-I’m not on anything! I don’t want to get pregnant!”

She cried out.

A sudden urge to make her pregnant shot inside me.

Wouldn’t that be the ultimate way to ensure she was
always mine? It was a permanent mark. In the same
way Gina was taken away from me, I could claim this
girl as my own.

“Ah… shit!” I cursed.

At that moment, my balls exploded. Three days of
built-up lust ended up exploding inside her. Rather
than pulling out, I instinctively shoved myself as deep
inside her as possible, filling her womb with my hot
spunk. I couldn’t stop myself, so used to creampie the
women in my life. I hastily thought that I wouldn’t get
her pregnant. That other thought had just been a
lustful one that wasn’t using my mind. However, I
didn’t know if it was too late for safety first. I had
already cum inside her, so did it work like that? It was
a goddess’s ability, but I regrettably wasn’t certain.

“It’s all inside me.” She said, slightly disbelieving.

I finally dropped her hips and let her fall back down on
the bed. Lying back down, I kissed her, acting innocent
and returning her back to heaven. Even though she
had been crying hard enough while I pounded her to
the point that she had some snot running from her
nose, I wiped it with a sheet and then kissed her
“You’re my girl now,” I whispered in her ear.

“En…” She said in agreement, hugging me.

A few minutes later, I recovered, and then pushed her


“Wh-what are you doing?” She asked in confusion.

“It’s time to do you doggie!”

Soon, she was on all fours and taking it with a joyous

expression on her face. I twisted her into position
after position, slowly corrupting her. She was sore the
next morning, so I convinced her to take the day off
from school. I then continued to play with her all day
and night. When she was asleep, I went out and
bought food and toys. Like that, I trapped her in the
room, giving her no room to escape.

When I tired out, I used toys on her. Even when I

needed to sleep, I’d tie her up, stick a vibrator in her,
turn it on, and then take a nap, only being awoken by
her desperate crazed cries. When other girls finally
stopped by to ask if she was okay, I made her answer
the door a crack and talk to them while I fucked her
behind the door. She’d tell them she was very ill and
didn’t want them to get sick, although I suspected
some of them knew that wasn’t true at all.

I dragged Tiana down into a deluge of sex and torture,

not allowing her to leave her room even once for the
next week. Well, her room had its own bathroom, so it
wasn’t like she was nasty. However, I also made her
do every single humiliating sex thing possible, while
filling her head with my love and endearment. Her
eyes started to hold hearts in them as she grew
completely dependent on me, and she seemingly
forgot she was even dating a guy named Matt.

Like that, a week passed by quickly. Matt would arrive

tomorrow. Patting Tiana’s naked butt, I stood up and
started putting my clothing on.

“What is it… Hakaru?” Tiana asked sleepily,

completely dazed by days and days of nonstop sex.

“Let’s go.” I said, “Get dressed, I’m taking you out.”

“Wh-where are we going?” She asked, almost looking

anxious like she was afraid to leave the room.

“We’re going to dress you up like a proper slut. You

want to look proper for when your boyfriend comes,
She looked away, her face red. “W-will it please

“Mm!” I smiled, grabbing her chin and kissing her

lewdly. “It will please me greatly.”

I was going to take Tiana to town and give her a

makeover. I was interested in showing Matt what I
had turned his girlfriend into.

Chapter 80 :
“I-i-is this really okay?” Tiana asked nervously,
stroking her freshly-bleached blonde hair over her ear.

She was standing in the back of a small lingerie store,

the door to her changing room open. She was
standing in some thin, risqué red underwear that
looked really nice now that she was a blonde. She
hadn’t bleached the hair above her crotch though, and
the black hair could be seen through the nearly
transparent red. This actually wasn’t anything I hadn’t
seen on Sasori, but she was a mature woman while
this girl was almost completely innocent. Actually, all
of my women had worn such things for me, but it was
much different with her. She would have never worn
anything so scandalous in her life.

“Well, you’re not going to be showing your

underwear, it’ll be under your clothing, so why not
feel sexy?” I offered. “Don’t you want to feel sexy if
you ever need to take off your clothing in front of a
man? Wouldn’t it be even more embarrassing if a man
saw you and you were wearing something gross?”

“Y-yes… but still…” she looked uncertain.

“Plus, this underwear works far better with the nipple
rings you’ll be getting next.”

“H-hah?” She gave out a noise. “N-nipple rings?”

“Mm, yes, I definitely want you to wear those.”

“I-I love you… but that’s a bit excessive,” She said


“Don’t you want to please me?” I asked.

“O-of course!”

“Well, the last few days, I’ve seen you naked a lot,
“Yes.” She blushed, looking down.

“So… I already know what your naked body looks like.

Doesn’t that mean the excitement is all gone?”

“Nn?” Her head immediately rose and she looked at

me with her mouth slightly open.

“Look at it this way, when you wear nipple rings,

you’re decorating your breasts so they look different.
When I touch them, they’ll feel different too. In that
way, we keep things interesting. You can get all kinds
of nipple rings, and then change them out so every
day I can enjoy your breasts fully.”

“When you put it that way…” She said, touching her

I walked over to her and put my hands on her
shoulders. “I’m doing all of this for you. Did you have
fun in the last few days?”

She nodded, blushing again. “It’s amazing. I never

thought I could feel this way.”

“Well, I’m going to help you keep feeling that way.

When your boyfriend sees it, he’ll definitely be

“My boyfriend…” She said that strangely like she

almost had forgotten about him entirely. “Do, do you
think he’ll reject me?”

“Hey,” I said, grabbing her and pulling her into my

arms, even though she was wearing nothing but
underwear, “I will never abandon you. I’m just helping
you bring out your inner slut. If he can’t accept that
you indulge in pleasure with me, then fuck him.”

“R-right…” she nodded, tightening her grip and then

kissing me with a peck.

The boutique store woman was an older woman who

didn’t seem to even be able to see very well. She
didn’t seem to care at all as Tiana bought a half dozen
pairs of slutty underwear. She even wore one on the
way out of the store, although it was under her school
outfit. If she twirled too much, I could see everything.
Naturally, she was quite embarrassed, but I enjoyed it
immensely, especially since it was a windy day.

Our next stop was exactly like I had promised. I took

her to a piercing studio. It wasn’t on the main street. It
was actually on an offshoot. I had looked it up online
before taking her. I ended up picking her out two
circular rings, but I also grabbed a barbell and a
dangling one for later. There was a woman there who
did the piercings. I insisted on watching.

After they were in, I immediately touched her chest,

but she slapped my hands away. “I-it’s tender.”

The store clerk, a woman in her thirties with about

twenty piercings, scolded me severely. How was I
supposed to know they needed time to get used to
them? I was hoping to play tonight, but it looked like I
might have to wait a week or more. Well, at least,
when Matt walked in on her, he’d be in for that much
more of a shock.

“Wh-where are we going next?” She asked, slightly


I had already gotten her hair bleached, put her in

naughty underwear, and made her pierce her nipples.
Although these were all drastic changes for an
innocent girl, they were all reversible. She could dye
her hair back. She could toss away the rings. She could
throw out the underwear. It was all just a minor
inconvenience. I wanted her change to feel a bit more
permanent. My eyes landed on a tattoo parlor and I

“It’s time to give you a tramp stamp.”

“What’s that?” She asked, letting her curiosity

override her fear.

“Ah… a tattoo on your back.” I explained.

“Tattoo!” She cried out, taking a step back. “Th-that…”

“You absolutely must. Don’t worry. It will be
something cool.” I said, chuckling softly.

“Really? Something pretty?”

I nodded, ”Of course, let’s at least look. If you don’t

like it, we can leave.”

“Okay…” She finally agreed, and the pair of us entered

the store.

The store clerk was a scrawny looking guy who had a

ton of piercings and tattoos of his own. He was clearly
of western descent, with light brown hair and blue
eyes. No respectable Japanese man would look like
how this guy looked. It definitely took a westerner to
do what he did to his body. Plus, he wasn’t friendly at
all. At least the woman who did her piercing was
polite. He didn’t even say hello or look up from his
magazine when we walked in. Instantly, the
sentiments put into me by my mother came to the
surface. I ignored him and grabbed Tiana, taking her
over to the book.

“What would you like?” I asked, flipping through.

At first, I let her flip through herself. As she saw all the
colorful pictures, she started to grow more excited by

“Oh, look at this one! Isn’t it pretty?” She said.

I squeezed her butt and nodded. She didn’t even seem

to pay my hand any mind like it was natural that I
groped her in public. The store clerk glanced up once
or twice, and I made sure he caught me groping her
butt. I just felt like sticking it to him.
Eventually, I started speaking up and leading her on.
“How about something in English?”

“Ah… I don’t know any English.” She admitted.

I chuckled. “That’s why it’s so exotic. Like, you could

pick this word. Isn’t the calligraphy nice?”

“Ah… yes… I wonder what it says.” She inquired.

“That one says ‘beautiful girl’,” I explained, pointing to

the text that spelled out S-L-U-T.

“Ah… that’s a little conceded though.”

“How about this then? There is a beautiful story

behind it. It’s about a young girl who wants to attract
a boy, so she grew a flower garden and pick one for
him every day. The word is Infinitum.” I smiled.

“That is… so cool!” Her eyes widened. “I wanted that!”

Excellent, I pulled the book and plopped it in front of

the store clerk, “She wants this, don’t ask!”

‘Don’t ask’ was actually spoken in English. The guy’s

eyes widened for a second, and he looked between
the word, my smiling face, and then the hopeful girl.
The word was C-U-M-D-U-M-P-S-T-E-R. The story I
explained was just complete garbage. I made it up. As
for the words, I didn’t know enough English to know
such explicit terms, but I looked this place up last
night and found the meaning of each of the words.
Thus, I successful would get her to brand herself a
It was a little cruel, but it didn’t really matter. She was
already mine to do with as I pleased, so why couldn’t I
have a little fun with this one? Of course, if this
westerner decided to run his mouth, it might cause a
little bit of a problem. I think, even if I wanted
Cumdumpster written on her back, she’d do it, but she
might be angry I tried to trick her. Tricking her was
part of why it was fun. Playing with her naivety and
innocence was really amusing.

“Alright, I’ll do it.” He said after looking her up and

down, but as I tried to follow her, he raised his hand.
“Sorry, dude, you can’t be back there. An artist can’t
get distracted.”


He narrowed his eyes and suddenly grinned and

whispered. “Plus, you wouldn’t want me to reveal
what it really says, right?”
My eyes widened for a moment and I coughed. “Hah?
That… fine. Tattoo it quickly.”

He shrugged. “It’s an art.”

He took Tiana into the back and shut the door. As for
me, I didn’t like her being alone with this guy, so I was
pacing back and forth restlessly. I was only on my third
pace when Netori suddenly appeared, floating lazily
above the counter. She shot me a look with her
eyebrow raised. I matched her stare.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Hakaru… what is it that you’re doing?” She asked.

“What am I doing? I’m just adding another girl. In the
past, I was far too gentle, right? That’s why I struggled
so hard. This time, I’m not going to make the same
mistake. I’m not giving her a chance to deny me
anything. I broke Akiko and turned her into my little
bitch. It’s no different.”

“Akiko already had deep feelings for you when you

broke her. Breaking her might have opened her to her
sexuality, but it wasn’t the reason she’s so dedicated
to you.”

“So, what? Tiana is my little slut now too. I have her

wrapped around my finger.”

Netori bit her lip. “Is this because Netorare possessed

her body?”
“What does it matter, why? I chose to make her mine.
I had the ability, and I did it. Just like I chose to fuck
my mom. Just like I chose to hit my dad over the head
with a bat!” I said, rounding on her. “And when I want
you, I’ll make you mine too.”

To make my point, I reached out and grabbed her

hand. I was expecting her to pull away, so I was
shocked when I grabbed it and yanked her toward me.
However, after the shock faded, I gave a grin.

“See? You’re mine.”

She gave me a sad smile, and then my grip started to

loosen and her arm ended up floating right through
my hand like a ghost. Her arm had red prints on it. Her
silky white skin was so fragile, that my rough grip had
bruised it. My mouth opened, but I suddenly didn’t
know what I was supposed to say.
“When you grab someone too hard, sometimes, they
just slip away.” She said softly.

“What does that mean?”

“What about Kira?” She suddenly changed the subject.

“You mean Netorase?” I frowned. “What about her?”

“She all but offered herself to you…”

“Netorase is just trying to use me! And Kira… Kira has

already made it clear she wants nothing to do with

“Are you so sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure! She’s a goddess of sharing! She
only wants me to share all of my girls! How could I
ever accept that? It’s wrong!”

Netori suddenly peeled back, looking like she had just

been slapped. The expression on her face instantly
caused my tough demeanor to waver. I took a step
forward, but she raised her hand to stop me.

“Netorase is a part of me too,” Netori said. “If you

can’t accept her, then you can’t accept me!”

“I… I didn’t mean it that way,” I responded helplessly.

“It’s just… she’d gotten in my way before. I don’t feel I
can trust her.”
“And you know so well about who you can trust?” She
demanded, an ugly expression on her face. “Is that
why you’re so good at earning points?”

“What?” I looked up, but she had already


So good at earning points? I shook my head, but after

a moment a nauseating thought shot through me like
a bolt of lightning. I turned and ran to the door. When
I tried to open the handle, I found the door was
locked. Putting my ear against the door, I listened for a
brief moment.

“Ah.. ah… ahn…” girlish moans could be heard on the

other side.

I reeled back and kicked the door. The lock broke and
it swung open. I didn’t even get a step in when I saw
it. Tiana was bent over the tattoo table. Her skirt was
off, as was her shirt. Her bra was pulled up bearing her
breasts, and her skimpy underwear was pushed to the
side, allowing the tattoo artists dick inside her. He had
his pants down and was thrusting into her from
behind, meanwhile, he was playing with her nipple
rings, pulling on them while she was panting and
wearing an impossibly slutty look on her face. They
apparently weren’t sore now.

Of course, kicking the door open startled the pair of


“What the fuck?” I cursed.

“Ah! Ha-hakaru… I can explain!” She said.

She struggled to get up, but the westerner didn’t let

up. He slapped her ass causing her to fall back down,
and then continued to thrust into her. She still wore a
euphoric expression on her face, and didn’t even try
to get up again as he continued to pound her. At that
point, the westerner grinned and shot me a thumbs

“You’re right man, she is a perfect slut. Cumdumpster

is correct!”

Chapter 81 :
“Hey, buddy, you can join in if you want.” He
chuckled, giving her butt another slap. “Although take
the mouth, I’m not really cool if our junk touches.”

“You fucking bastard!” I screamed.

I ran up to the tattoo table in the middle of the room
and slugged the tattoo artist as hard as I could in the
face. He went sprawling to the side, his filthy dick
finally leaving Tiana. His dick wasn’t even that big. It
was probably an inch smaller and much thinner than
mine. Plus, he was an ugly westerner dude. Why? Why
the fuck did she fuck this piece of shit?

“Ah!” She cried out as I picked her up off the table.

“Hakaru… it’s not… I mean…”

“What’s the big idea?” The westerner got back up,

rubbing his face. “Didn’t we have a deal? I get to enjoy
the girl a bit and I don’t tell her you tried to have
“Cumdumpster” written on her back?”

Tiana blinked. “Huh? C-cumdumpster? Is that what it

She turned and grabbed the area behind her back. It
was red, and low and behold, the words cumdumpster
were written there. The bastard had made sure to do
his job before he banged her.

“Aren’t you just a cumdumpster!” I snapped, glaring at

her. “You slut!”

She looked down. “Th-that’s right… I’m Hakaru’s slut.”

“Then why? Why did you let this bastard fuck you?” I

She recoiled a bit but then spoke back with a confused

expression. “I don’t understand. Isn’t this what you
want? H-he was making me feel good! You can even
join. I-I don’t mind both, even in the same hole.”
“How could this be what I want?” I demanded, a
disgusted look on my face.

She shook her head. “No, you said it. You wanted to
show me to my boyfriend. You were opening me
sexually so I could have more fun. Isn’t that why you
made sure to stretch every hole? When Jack comes
back, I’ll definitely blow him too. He’ll be so happy. I
don’t think he’ll leave.”

“What?” I shook my head, taking a step back. “What

did you think would happen? Did you think he’d just
be okay with your fucking me?”

“It’d take some time, but he’d get used to the idea…
but you supported me! You said you’d never reject
me! You said you’d accept me. Anyone who can’t
should fuck off! Those were your words!”
Blood began to drain from my face. I really had no
clue what to say. Her words had left me completely
floored. This hadn’t been what I meant at all. I was
just… just… turning her into a slut. Netori’s words just
a brief moment ago came crashing home. She had no
emotional attachment to me. Our relationship was
100% physical. I had thought that she would confuse
physical love with emotional and become mine, but in
the end, it was I who was confused.

“Hakaru…” I looked up to see Tiana with tears running

down her face. “I’m yours, right? I’m your little slut?”

“T-to share?” I asked, feeling like a hand was grabbing

my heart.

“N-no… I won’t!” She said, shaking her head. “I just… I

misunderstood Hakaru! I love you. I don’t want to lose
you! I definitely will just be with you. I promise!”
Her words felt comforting. The thought of abandoning
her felt painful. It was just a mistake though. All I had
to do was correct it. That felt less painful. That guy, he
didn’t even cum in her, so it didn’t count. His dick was
so small, she probably barely even felt it. Her pussy
wouldn’t have even stretched much with something
that small. It might as well not have even been there.
My mind instantly started to create a dozen different
excuses to forgive her.

I forced a smile on my face, even though it felt like it

tugged on my cheeks awkwardly. “G-great. I’m so
glad. Sorry, bro, she loves me.”

I said the last words very aggressively and sneered at

him. The guy held up his hands and shrugged. He
didn’t seem threatened at all, or even disappointed.
This really irritated me.
“Excuse me if we don’t pay,” I added. “It seems you’ve
been paid enough!”

I grabbed her and almost pulled her out the door

when she wrestled out of my grip. “Ah… my skirt!”

I blushed, realizing that she was wearing nothing but a

skimpy thong. I was just about to walk her down the
street in that. I looked down and blushed, but just as I
looked up, I saw her bending over. It took me a few
moments to notice what was wrong. She had moved
to pick up her skirt in a way that put her butt facing
the tattoo artist. She also bent down slowly. From my
angle, it was hard to tell, but she was she wagging her
butt at him?

He had his head lowered, and was lewdly glancing at

her. I couldn’t see, but with the thong, she might very
well be showing him everything. Just as a frown
reached my lips, she stood up quickly. She gave me a
sweet and innocent smile. As for the guy, he was
looking away now. Although he had looked, it had to
have been an accident. Tiana is just so innocent that
she didn’t realize what she was doing when she did it.

She put her skirt back on and then grabbed my arms,

her eyes not looking back at the other guy a single bit.
Yeah, it had been my imagination. After seeing what I
saw, I was just seeing more than what was there. She
just wasn’t mindful, and what guy wouldn’t look when
a girl looked. It wasn’t like there would be something
continuing between the two of them. Despite my
thoughts trying to protect me, I still felt nauseous.

It was only when I dragged her back home, tossed her

out of her clothing, and fucked her brains out that I
started to feel better. As I watched my own cum drip
down her legs, the words cumdumpster written across
her back, I started to nod to myself. That’s right. She’s
my cumdumpster. No one else. Our relationship was
just too young. I chanced it too much. The answer was
obvious. I needed to make her dependent on me. I
used the True Feelings ability.

Her eyes turned wet with dew, and she looked at me

with absolute adoration. “I love you… so much…
you’re my man.”

I smiled, sliding back into her and tasting her some

more. Our lovemaking continued for the rest of the
night. With that, I was certain that she was truly mine.
I wouldn’t let anything happen again.

“Ah… Ahn… Matt… hah…” She gasped as I fucked her

while she had a phone up to her ear the next morning.
“N-no… I just… came back from running. Out of… ah…
out of breath.”

She was so cute trying to keep it in while talking on

the phone. It was such a rotten thing to do, but it was
also fun. I began to understand why bastards like
Derek used to do it to me.

“S-sorry… can’t pick you up. Have to walk. S-surprise?

Can’t wait! J-just come to my room!” She said, then
hung up before letting out a loud moan, “Ahn… cu-

Her sweet voice practically sang as she came around

my dick. I reached out and grabbed her breasts. She
grabbed my wrists and pulled them back.

“No… you heard the saleswoman, no touching, they’re

tender,” Tiana said.

“What the hell? Still? You let that bastard…” I dropped

the words since the pain in my heart threatened to
come back.
“Th-that… I… I was just flustered.” She explained, “It
really did hurt when he did it. That’s why they’re even
more swollen today.”

You seemed to love it though? That’s what I wanted to

say, but I felt a shortness of my breath, and in the end,
I couldn’t bring myself to argue with her. Her nipples
didn’t feel swollen to me, and I enjoyed them a lot
before her piercing. They weren’t red or anything.
However, a strange fear swelled up and so I
hammered the thoughts down.

“How long until Matt arrives?” I asked.

She giggled. “About ten minutes.”

“Ah? Then don’t you want to get the show going?”

“Mm! I definitely want Matt to see the new me!”

“But…” I added. “You’re mine. Not Matt’s. You’re

breaking it off this way. A guy arrogant like him won’t
get the message unless you give him such a show.
Otherwise, he’ll keep skulking around. Only if you drag
his pride through the mud will he get the idea you’re

“Yes… yes…” she said dismissively like a child being

lectured by their parent, “Now, give me your fat cock!
My pussy aches whenever I don’t have a penis in it!”

I chuckled and then got back on the bed with my legs

out over the edge. Tiana got on top, making sure to
face the doorway. Once getting it inside, she leaned
back, putting her hands on either side of me. Soon,
she started bouncing up and down on my cock. Of
course, we had prepared this position ahead of time.
When Matt walked in, all he’d see is his blonde
girlfriend, her nipple ringed breasts bouncing up and
down as a big meaty cock went in and out of her

I only had two regrets. First, my position didn’t give

me a good look at his face when he saw it, and two,
that this position didn’t showcase her cumdumpster
tattoo. A guy like Matt surely spoke English and would
know what it means. I almost wished I had her tattoo
it across the front, but remembering that bastard I
didn’t want to think about tattoos at all.

So, we remained like that as I tried to last without

cumming. I didn’t want to cum until after he showed
up, and I had no clue how long it’d take him.

“Ahn… Hakaru… I’m cumming!” She cried out.

“Ah… try to slow down a bit…” I said, sweating a bit.

She was showing my dick no mercy, bouncing up and
down on it with vigor. My stamina was definitely
better, but it in no way could keep up permanently
with a girl like her. My little slut could go for hours
now. After unlocking her sexual appetite, it was
actually a bit exhausting trying to meet it. Compared
to Akiko or Maria, I just couldn’t keep up, let alone
Sasori. The feeling of her pussy clamping down as she
orgasmed was becoming too much. I really couldn’t
last any longer. Just as I felt like I was going to burst,
the door finally had a knock.

“Come in!” Tiana called out in a half-moan.

The door opened and the familiar form of Matt

glanced in. “Oh… shit! I’m sorry, you must be her
roommate. I’m here for Tiana.”
“Silly…” Tiana giggled. “I am Tiana! What do you

His eyes started to open real big and he stumbled a

few steps to the side like he had just been punched in
the gut. All of my anger over her cheating on me
seemed to be vindicated in that second. I felt on top
of the world. His mouth moved, but he couldn’t get a
word out.

“Ti-ti— w-wait…” His eyes spun to the door.

“Ah… cumming!” My dick started to cum.

The door was pushed open again and an older man

and woman stepped in.
“Hello, sweetie! We came up with Matt to see you,
Surpri…. Ahhhhhh!” The woman broke into a scream
as she looked up from a piece of paper in her hand.

The man had seen her right away, and he had just
frozen on the spot.

“Mom! Dad!” She let out a cry and started crawling

back on top of me, her cum-filled crotch landing on
my face when she could back up against the wall

My cock had still been inside her, and I hadn’t even

released my second load. As cum exploded forth, my
hardened cock was pulled back and then released
from her pussy, flopping forward with a great deal of
force. The extra momentum on top of a strong
ejaculation sent my cum flying, landing across her
mother’s face.
“Tiana!” Her dad bellowed as his face grew furious.

Where was a bat when I needed one?

Chapter 82 :
“Imust say, Hakaru, the curriculum has only just
begun, and you put me in a very difficult position…”
The Principal purred.


“It’s okay… I’m very flexible. No matter what position

you bend me, I always come out on top.” She said in a
strangely seductive voice.

After finally getting Tiana off my face, the next five

minutes involved a lot of screaming and shouting as I
hastily put on my clothing. It certainly wasn’t the
victory dance I had been expecting. Matt had actually
broken into tears rather than act angry and indignant,
declaring he’d do anything for her. Meanwhile, the
dad was a moment from punching me. It had grown
heated enough that the Principal herself showed up. I
was told to go to her office while she spoke to Tiana’s
parents for a bit.

Feeling just a bit of fear that I might have gone too far,
I acted obediently and went straight to her office and
waited patiently. It was about thirty minutes later
when she finally showed up, unlocked her door and
had me come in. I was sitting on a chair in front of her
desk, and she sat on the desk, her long legs crossed in
front of her and her knees almost touching me. I could
see the pale white skin of her legs all the way up to
the thigh where her skirt rode up when she sat down,
revealing the naked, pump skin. She was looking down
at me with her red lips pursed as she finally began
“I’m sorry, Principal. I had no clue that they were
going to walk in. Tiana lived alone, you see…”

I immediately made up a story on the spot to try to

legitimize things. Students had sex all the time. I didn’t
want to throw Tiana completely under the bus, but
she could take a little bit of the weight off of me.

“Hakaru…” She uncrossed her legs, stood up, and then

started to walk around me. “I believe that children
should be allowed to grow up freely and healthily.
However, to allow that to happen, there is a need for
order. I establish rules for a reason. Everyone must
follow them, even you. When the light is out, it’s
much too easy for people’s actions to be seen. In
public places, there are witnesses. Do I make myself

She stopped, her body close to the point she was just
touching my shoulder. Her longs legs were right next
to me, and it was to a point if I dipped my head just
slightly, I’d be able to see everything up that tight
skirt. I gulped and nodded.

“Y-yes ma’am… I won’t do anything.”

She let out a laugh. “Let’s not make promises we

might not keep Hakaru…”

She suddenly brought her leg around and over my

legs. Suddenly she was straddling my lap.


“Let me give you an example.” She said, leaning over,

“Right now, I’m in my private office. I have the only
key, and I made sure the door is locked. Right now,
what rules do you think we must follow?”
She had leaned forward to the point her blouse had
dipped down. Her impressive cleavage was on
complete display for me with just a hint of bra. If I
sneezed, my head would land right into her pillows.
After the emotional blow yesterday and the big misfire
today, I was in no place to spar words with someone,
so she left me more flustered than I’d normally be.

“Um… your rules?” I said.

A disappointed look appeared on her face, and the

weight of her body suddenly ended up on my lap. He
chest moved until it was nearly pressed against my
face. She shook her head and clicked her tongue.

“Hakaru… Hakaru… when it’s private… You can do

whatever you want. I can do whatever I want too. To
you. With you. For you.” She suddenly reached down
and grabbed her skirt as my eyes followed. “As long as
we keep things… in the dark.”

She started to lift her skirt up. More and more of her
leg was exposed until her panties just started to show.
A moment later, her panties would be completely
exposed. She brought her skirt back down suddenly.
She moved so fast that it gave me whiplash. She not
only got off of me, but she was on the other side of
the room, facing away from me and out through her

“What happens in the dark… it stays in the dark…” She

said in a distant voice, almost to herself.

A sudden knock on the door caused me to jump. The

odd scene I was just in left me more confused than
excited. Principal Vienna’s scent was all over me, and
it left me feeling somewhat dizzy. The knock seemed
to jumpstart my brain again.
“Yes, what is it?” Vienna’s voice took on a professional
no-nonsense tone.

Click. The door unlocked automatically. Vienna had

some kind of electric lock in her pocket, it seemed.
The door opened, and the face I wanted to see least in
the world peaked in.

“Principal Vienna,” Netorase immediately curtsied

once she looked over the scene in the room
suspiciously. “I heard my roommate caused some
trouble this morning. I feel personally responsible for
not properly teaching him the rules.”

“Hmph…” Principal Vienna shrugged. “I just finished

going over the rules with him again. You may have him
now. Make sure he doesn’t become out of line again,
Rose, or I’ll hold you both responsible next time.”
“Of course…” Netorase curtsied again and then ran
over to me. “Come, Hakaru, let’s not waste anymore
of the Principal’s time.”

She tried to grab my hand, but I stood and walked

past her instead. Her smile was forced, but she ended
up following behind me. The door to the Principal’s
office closed behind us, and I suddenly felt a strange
pressure being relieved from my shoulders. A soon as
the pair of us turned a corner, Netorase suddenly
grabbed me and pushed me against a locker.

“You foolish!” Netorase growled. “Do you know how

close you were? Does my sister’s life that she put in
your hands mean nothing to you?”

I blinked. “What? What are you talking about?”

“The Principal is a player, you idiot!” She cursed. “And
you practically just forfeited the game all over her

I shook my head as my mind cleared. “That’s… I was

fine. And besides, I knew she was a player!”

Well, knew was a strong word, but I had suspected

since that first night. Having Netorase confirm it made
me feel a lot better though. Although, I had been
strangely dizzy and she was nearly on top of me. Had
we gone all the way, would I have been won over by
her? Was that all it took to win? Rather, what was
with all the female players all of a sudden?

“You need to be more careful.” She sighed, pulling her

arms away from me.

“What god?” I asked.

She shook her head. “You don’t need to worry about
it. I’m taking care of it.”

“You… is that why you’re here? I suspected you were

working against another player. Is that her?”

She looked down, muttering something in a low voice

to which the only thing I could get was the words,
“thinks he’s so smart…”

“Rose!” I snapped.

Netorase looked back up at me and then sighed.

“Hakaru, there is something you need to see.”
I blinked at her sudden change in expression. “Ah…

I didn’t want to follow her. Rather, I just wanted to get

back to Tiana. However, she likely was still there with
her parents. I wouldn’t try to get to her again until at
least it was night. Thus, I had no reason not to see
what Netorase showed me, especially if it had to do
with the game.

The pair of us ended up heading out of the school and

into town. She kept a few feet ahead of me and didn’t
say anything as she walked. Considering everything, I
wasn’t sure I wanted to carry a conversation with her.
We walked until I realized we were heading to the
tattoo parlor. A frown started to form on my face.

“Why are we here?” I demanded.

“Just come…” She continued to walk, but rather than
go to the entrance, she walked around to the back of
the building.

I nearly ran into her when she stopped short. With

that, she gestured to the window. I raised an eyebrow.

“Look,” She said, a sudden flash of guilt on her face.

I looked inside, and then I moved closer. My eyes

could barely believe what I was seeing. That same
scrawny tattoo guy was lying on the tattoo table, and
mounted on top of him was none other than Tiana!
She bounced up and down on his cock excitedly. I
hadn’t been paying attention as I approached, but
now I could hear her excited moans coming through
the window.
“Ah… your dick is so wonderful!” She moaned. “Cum
inside me! I want your cum!”

“That fucker!” I turned to leave but Netorase grabbed


“Keep looking!”

I shot her a glare, but when she didn’t budge I looked

back through the window.

“Fuuuckkk!” I could see him shaking and frantically

thrusting up into her as he came, filling my girl up with
his cum.

“If you’re offering points, I don’t want it!” I growled

under my breath.
“You think you’re earning points?” Netorase snorted.
“Haven’t you realized by now, you never won her in
the slightest!”

Her words felt like a slap. I was just about to turn and
snap at her, but a door near the window suddenly
opened. Matt walked into the room. This really caused
my mouth to drop open. I would have assumed he
was about to scream at them, but he was naked too.
He lifted his ankle, pointing at a small drawing on it.

“Sweetie, does this tattoo really look good?” He asked


“Mmm… come here!” She said, gesturing excitedly

even while still mounted on the tattoo guy’s softening
No sooner did he get within her range than she
grabbed his cock and brought it to her mouth. She
also started to bounce back up and down on the
tattoo artist’s cock urging him to get hard again while
sucking Matt off. Her expression was one of pure
delight and happiness. Matt seemed unsure, but he
loved getting a blowjob, so he ignored everything but
that. My knees grew weak, and I suddenly found
myself collapsing to the ground.

“What the… What the fuck… why… why did you show
me this?” I demanded, realizing tears were falling
down my face.

“You had to see for yourself, the cost of what you

did,” Netorase said.

“Sh-she was mine!” I hissed. “What I did to her, I did it

to Akiko. Sasori… Kira…I was playing the game
properly for once!”
Netorase shook her head. “Akiko, Kira, Sasori… they
were all girls who had experienced more. They were
ready for it. They also had feelings for you, whether
you understood them or not. When you tear someone
down who has no foundation, what you get is a
person with no bottom line. They have no loyalty to
you and no respect for themselves. You made her into
a slut, not your slut.”

“B-but… it’s barely been an hour. Her parents…” I said

weakly between tears.

“Ms. Vienna took care of that.” Netorase snorted.

“She used a god-based skill to smooth things over with
the parents. They ended up turning right around and
leaving after patting their daughter on the head and
telling her she did a good job. Not only was she not
punished, but her own parents inadvertently
encouraged her to continue to be a slut. With that, all
of her inhibitions were blown away. When Matt
angrily tried to leave, she used her body to make him
stay, and after he noticed her tattoo, well, it came to
this. Unlike you, Matt has the makings of a cuck.
Brother would be proud.”

“This…” I finally stood up and glared at her. “This is

your fault!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Tiana was

now getting double-teamed, one guy in each hole.
Apparently, the tattoo guy didn’t really mind his junk
touching another guy’s junk as long as they were
sandwiching a slut.

“How is it my fault?” Netorase blinked.

“Share… right?” I pointed into the room. “That’s you

at work! You whisper in my girl’s ears. You make them
share. Tiana is only this way because of you! That’s
why she wants to have a ton of cocks! Just like you
and Kira! Admit it! These girls who cheat on me, Eiko,
Gina, Tiana… they’re all lead astray by Netorase!”

“You don’t understand me at all…” She said a hurt

expression on her face.

“I hate you!” I snapped. “You take everything from


“You…” She clenched her teeth. “You stupid boy! You

always see things so one-sidedly. Can’t you just see
things our way!”

“I will never share!” I cursed. “You will never convince

me to!”
There was a sudden flash as if pain shot through
Netorase. Suddenly, her expression changed entirely.
Tears started to fall down her face, and the normal
cold demeanor she had disappeared. Within the flash
of a moment, it was like she was a different person.

“I don’t want to share either! I never wanted to share!

I want you! Why can’t you see that! I always wanted
you!” She suddenly started hitting my chest, bawling
her eyes out. “Ever since we were little. You chose
other girls! One girl at a time. But you never chose
me! Never! You even took my mother but spared me.
Why? I’m here for the taking. I loved you! You idiot! I
love you!”

“K-Kira…” my stunned voice continued to crack as I

found a girl desperately clinging to me.
“I don’t want anyone but you…” Kira continued to
murmur into my chest, “I never wanted anyone but

However, her words hit me just as I was at my most

vulnerable, and the tears fell from me just as much.
The pair of us clung to each other, crying. It was a
frantic gesture that seemed to be a combination of
desire and necessity. Our lips somehow collided, and
as I tasted her warm, salty mouth, the pair of us fell to
the ground behind a bush. Clothes began to fly off a
moment later. As moans occurred inside the tattoo
parlor, a rise of moans outside came to meet them.

Chapter 83 :
Somehow during our kissing and touching, Kira and I
managed to make it back to her room. I could barely
even remember how, as all of my focus was on her.
Her eyes held love and desire, and I knew mine looked
the same way. I didn’t understand what had caused
Netorase to lose her grip on Kira, but now that we
started, I definitely couldn’t stop myself from finally
expressing how I felt with her.

She started to pull at my clothing, loosening it one

article at a time. I did the same to her, and soon the
pair of us were naked. This wasn’t the first time I was
naked in the same room with this woman, but the
atmosphere felt completely different. There was a hint
of desperation and need. If Netorase were to suddenly
return at this moment, I wasn’t sure if I could keep my

Tears fell down her face as the pair of us kissed, but

they were tears of overwhelming desire and emotion.
I was certain of that. It was almost like I could read
Kira’s emotions, and she, in turn, could read mine.

There was no foreplay. We didn’t need any to become

intensely aroused at the touch and feel of each other’s
bodies. It was like each touch was filled with
electricity. I could feel her heartbeat through her
chest, her love through the moans of her throat, and
her despite the scent of her womanhood. This
heightened state of arousal was something I realized
only happened when I laid with someone I deeply
cared about and wanted to show them how much I

With each of the girls in my life, Akiko, Maria, and

Sasori… this had happened. It was a point where I was
having sex with them not for sexual gratification or as
some need to control and desire them, but because I
was bursting with strange emotions and the only way.
I could express them was by ravaging their bodies.
This meant to me that I must have truly been in love
with Kira after all. There was no way to deny it now. I
absolutely wouldn’t allow her to walk away again.

As my member started to press against the outside of

her lips, I looked her in the eyes. “You’re mine.
Watery as they were and without her glasses on, her
eyes looked like deep pools. She nodded up and
down, showing no desire to resist in the slightest.
Promise me.

“Always…” She panted. “I’m Hakaru’s woman.”

I pushed my hips down and slid the rest of the way

inside her. She let out a moan, but it showed no pain
or discomfort. Rather, a smile formed on her face as
we finally united as one. I had penetrated her as
Netorase before, but only now did I feel like I had
finally had Kira. The fact that she was mine wasn’t just
a verbal agreement. There was a flash of energy, and I
felt the power of Locked Promise taking hold. Yet, as
the magic settled, Kira didn’t shy away from it or
reject it in the slightest.
I didn’t understand it myself. Kira was a blessed
vessel. With her connection to Netorase, it should
have been impossible to use any godly powers on her.
However, I seemed to feel a certainty that she was
bound to me now. Of course, as I felt it, I realized that
it didn’t matter if we had the magic or not. In any
form, Kira would always be mine.

I started to thrust into her, and with each thrust, Kira

would moan. Her arms and legs were wrapped around
me, completely accepting my body while clinging to it.
Our sweaty naked bodies moved almost as one,
writhing orgasmically on the small dorm bed, dirtying
the sheets with the stink of our desire and lust. The
more I thrust into Kira, the more I wanted of her. It
was like a positive feedback mechanism, never giving
me enough satisfaction that I couldn’t take more.

Yet, as much as I wanted of Kira, she was willing to

give it all. I took it from her, and she gave to me. And
as I did so, I started to feel something else. As I thrust
into her, I wasn’t the only one experiencing pleasure.
As fucked her, I wasn’t the only one present. There
was the two of us. She was taking from me just as
much. As for me, I was happy to give it to her. In fact, I
couldn’t stop giving it to her. I wanted her to have

Kira took from me, and I gave to her. I took it from

Kira, and she gave to me. Like that, it was no longer a
matter of me pushing a girl down and having my way
with her. It wasn’t just sex, or orgasms, or indulgence.
It was like the two of us were one. It felt like the way I
had felt with Netorare before she left. It was
combining ourselves as if we were uniting to become
one. We moved together, loved together, created
sweet scents that blended together. It was as if we
had become a single entity of sex and love.

I shared a piece of myself with her, and she returned a

piece in kind. No one lost anything. In fact, everyone
gained. It was not a game of stealing everything or
gaining it, it was mutual satisfaction! My mind started
to light up as if I was having some kind of epiphany.
The thoughts were there, but it was like they were
covered with a steamy blanket. My mind was abuzz
with sexual satisfaction, and the gentle soft moans of
Kira, whose lips were right next to my ears, was like
the music of a succubus.

Without realizing it, I had already reached my limit.

Suddenly, all thoughts of sharing, giving, or taking was
obliterated. My balls were erupting, and I was going to
give something to Kira alright.

“I’m cumming!” I panted.

“Give it to me! I want it all inside me. I want Hakaru’s

seed inside me!” She cried out.
Safety First was a newly acquired ability of mine.
Although I was certain Locked Promise worked, I still
had the feeling that any other abilities I used would
fail. Would that include Safety First, I wondered?
Would Kira end up becoming pregnant when I
released my seed in her? There was a possibility. I
suddenly realized that I didn’t mind at all if that was
the case.

Her thighs tightened rhythmically. Kira was no

stranger to sexual intercourse, and as a result, she had
strong inner muscle control. She managed to squeeze
my cock, urging me to cum even while I myself briefly
went through that internal struggle. Although I had a
moment of doubt, it was clear in her eyes that she
didn’t. I realized with the look she was giving me that
she wouldn’t hesitate to bare my children. After all,
she was mine, forever.

I squeezed her tightly, trying to hold her as close to

me as possible. Meanwhile, bursts of hot cum shot out
into her womb. Using her vaginal muscles, she milked
my cock with her pussy excitedly, sucking in the cum
and making sure it all ended up in her womb. As she
did it, she whispered sexy words into my ear gently.

“Hakaru’s filling my womb. I love you so much. It’s

okay. Feel me up. I’ll only ever be Hakaru’s. Only
Hakaru’s seed may enter ever again.”

We remained like that, naked and in each other’s arms

for some time. There was noise outside of the room. It
was move-in day. New boys would be coming to the
school and become part of the Principal’s strange
experiment. However, for us, the noises were ignored.
We had each other, and that was all that mattered.
The door was locked, and no one bothered us, so we
spent our time in each other’s embrace, sharing each
other’s company. There was a flash when I thought
that last part. What was that about sharing? I ended
up having an orgasm and my thoughts and revelations
seemed to go out the window. Ah, who cared? I was
happy. That’s when a thought came to me. This had
felt a lot like with Netorare! Did Netorase…”

“Kira… about Netorase…” I spoke anxiously, even

though my naked body was still pressed against her,
and my soft cock was still being squeezed by her

“She’s inside me,” Kira said, glancing away. “During

the argument, you had caused her a great shock. She
actually lost control. Had I not been awake at the
time, I would have assuredly collapsed on the ground
unconscious. Instead, I just got control of my body
again for a brief time.”

Perhaps this was why Locked Promise was able to

work, although I didn’t know what shock she received
that would have caused a goddess to lose
consciousness. She was waiting for a response so I
gave her a nod. Realizing that while we were close like
this, I could finally find out the answers to some of the
mysteries I had about her, I decided to start asking
some questions.

I got off of her, allowing my dick to finally leave her

womb. However, I kept my arms around her. I was
sweaty, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. If anything,
she seemed to want my body as close to her as
possible and we rearranged ourselves until she had
her arms wrapped around my chest, her legs wrapped
around mine, causing my outer thigh to grow wet with
her juices, and her head buried in my neck.

“What is it like, having her there?” I asked a more

indirect question, not wanting her to shut down or
worse, have Netorase return.

“She is the goddess of sharing, so she didn’t take my

body like the other two sisters. Instead, she
demanded we share. Sometimes, it’s scary, because
she takes control of me, and makes me do things I’d
never see myself doing in a million years, like stuff
with other girls.” She blushed as she said this.

“So, you’re just a victim that has to watch…” I

responded bitterly.

“No… if I want to be asleep so I don’t have to see

something, she does it for me.”

“But still, all of those guys, the basketball team…”

Those thoughts were painful, so I closed my eyes.

“I’m so sorry you had to see that,” Kira said, touching

my chest softly. “But… Netorase didn’t use my body
“What? How is that? Hasn’t she been using your body
to do all kinds of things? I mean, what about the

“While she does use my body to… to do that… with

women… that’s different!” She protested. “I…
sometimes watch. She’s conditioning me… so that I
can… well, you know!”

Kira suddenly turned red and started hitting my


“Eh? Why are you hitting me?”

“You’re who you are! With all those women!

Naturally, the previous me could never accept that.”
She relaxed after a moment, stopping her weak attack.
“Hakaru, Netorase isn’t who you think she is. She’s
been… helping me.”
“How is that possible? Those men…”

“I said… she never touched men with my body. I can’t

tell you I’m pure. Since we’re being honest, I will tell
you the truth. I was in a bad place. A man was making
me use my body for his excitement. He’d been doing it
for some time. He’s a dark demon in my past. It was to
the point I was considering taking my own life. Then
Netorase came, and she broke me free of his chains. I
owe her everything.”

“…” I was speechless, not sure what to say at all.

“Hakaru!” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

“She used illusions with those men. When you came in
and rescued me… actually, it wasn’t me at all. They
were jacking off on a bunch of blankets. Netorase had
to switch places so you didn’t suspect anything!”
My mouth fell open, but I didn’t doubt what she was
saying. It suddenly made sense. Netorare had used
similar acts with Jack. Having sex for goddesses ran
the risk of them losing a piece of their divine power.
Although, unless their heart was open, it was a small
piece, it still meant that they typically used illusions to
have sex with mortals. I still suspected the first day
that I fucked Netori, it had also been an illusion. By my
reasoning, she was still a virgin. However, she denied

In other words, it made perfect sense that Netorase

would use illusions as well. The moment I learned she
was in Kira, I should have realized this. I suddenly felt
like an idiot. I had been resenting Netorase and
hurting over Kira, and it turned out it was all a lie. Kira
noticed my bitter expression and she reached up and
kissed my chin.
“Hakaru… it’s my fault. I’m so sorry for pushing you
away. The person who captured me is powerful.
Netorase was afraid you lacked the strength to deal
with him. Even we lack the strength to deal with him.
That’s why I fled here. We wanted to sharpen
ourselves on a weaker opponent before we go after

“Who is he?” I demanded.

She put on a reluctant expression. “Please… don’t

make me say. We’re not ready yet. Just trust that
Netorase and I both want what is best for you. We
both love… I mean… I love you…”

She finished with a blush, but I still felt complicated.

Netorase was a cold, calculating person. It was
possible that Kira was just being manipulated by her.
Even though Kira believed it, it didn’t mean it was
true. Netorase was my opponent. I couldn’t accept
that she was on my side.

“I know why you want to help, but why would

Netorase help me?” I finally demanded.

Kira winced as if this was the question she had been

fearing the most. She gave a breath and then sighed.

“I have to tell him.” She appeared to be talking to

herself before looking up at me. “The truth is,
Netorase is actually madly in l-“

Her words suddenly froze. Her expression turned cold.

All of the love and affection dissipated, and a sort of
strength and power started to resonate from her. My
expression fell as I looked down at her. It was like she
was another woman. No, she was another woman.
“Netorase…” I said, frowning.

“Did you enjoy your time with my host?” She said, a

bitter expression on her face.

“You shouldn’t have come back!”

“Hmph!” She pulled away from me as she sat up. “I’ll

have you know that I made sure to leave this body
while you two were doing that so you wouldn’t get a
single sliver of my divinity! Since I only share her body,
I’m able to leave it temporarily when I need to.”

“You… if it’s the last thing I do, I will free Kira from
your clutches!”
“Hehehe… you think it’s so easy?” She asked. “I still
plan to have fun with this body some more. There are
so many more women to taste!”

“You bitch…” I growled, ignoring most of what Kira

had claimed.

How was this goddess a good person? She had made

Kira say all those nasty things to me. She broke us
apart. She tricked me with illusions and didn’t reveal
the truth. Even now, she wanted to use Kira to engage
in lesbianism. Most of all, she was the goddess of
sharing. She had no problem sharing Kira with
everyone! Just because she had stuck to the illusions
so far, didn’t mean she wouldn’t change her mind one
day. She was training Kira, after all. She was probably
using women so that Kira would put her guard down
before she switched to men.
Kira was mine, and I would win her back from this
bitch. Unfortunately, the only way to do that was to
steal this woman’s divinity until there was nothing
left. I went forward to push her down. As soon as I
grabbed Kira, she suddenly gasped and disappeared.
When I sat up, I realized she was on the other side of
the room, fully dressed, and turned away from me.

“It won’t be that easy! You think you can just push me
down!” Netorase responded snidely.

“That’s not what you said when we last met in this


“I was only doing that for Kira!” She shot back, her
cheeks turning slightly pink. “Naturally, the thought of
you touching me repulses me.”

“Fine, it’s on!”

She spun back, a confused look on her face. “What’s

“You’re here to defeat that Principal, right? You want

to get stronger and prove that you have what it takes
to defeat Kira’s demons! Well, I’m going to prove to
both of you that she doesn’t have to be! I’m going to
handle it myself.”

“What are you saying?”

“Hehe… aren’t I in a school of women? I will earn

points and seduce women. I will turn that Principal
into my sniveling little love slave. After I win, you’ll
know for certain that I’m strong enough to care for
Kira and protect her. After that, I will make you leave
her body, even if I have to be forceful!”
Her eyes narrowed and an amused look formed on her
face. “Oh, is that how it’s going to be then. Do you
think you can outperform a goddess? In that case, I’ll
take you up on that offer. If you can defeat Principal
Vienna before me, then I will give myself to you and
leave Kira in your care!”

“Then, let’s get started, shall we?”

Chapter 84 :
“You didn’t come back to my dorm, last night. I really
missed you.” Tiana said, a pouty expression on her

She was wearing a lot of makeup now, where her

previous self-used to wear none. It really stood out,
especially with the blonde hair and the earrings. After
having skipped school for a week, suddenly returning
and looking like another world had certainly shocked
all of the girls in her school. The most stand-out thing
was a sudden extreme degree of confidence. She
didn’t button her shirt up all the way, displaying some
cleavage, and some of the girls suddenly started to
look at her as a cool girl.

The incoming boys who were now joining the coed

opportunity were also enamored by her. Naturally,
compared to the other sweet and docile girls, the
eccentric Tiana stuck out and caught every boy’s
attention. In fact, one boy had already worked up the
courage to ask her out.

“Sorry… I have a boyfriend.” She responded. “Several,

actually… If you’re interested in me, you’ll definitely
have to work harder.”

The boy was incredibly shocked by such a response.

She actually reminded me a bit of how Maria used to
be before I had taken her heart. She had also worn
lots of makeup, flirted with every boy, and had several
boyfriends. Since I had claimed her as mine though,
Maria had grown more docile and I had forgotten how
slutty she used to act. Was there a man like me in my
sister’s past who turned her that way? Well, I didn’t
really want to know. That all happened before.

After declaring openly that she had several boyfriends,

she sat down in front of me, turned, and started
talking like we were close. I hadn’t spoken with her
since Saturday’s disaster, but I also hadn’t told her we
broke up. In short, in her mind, our relationship was
fine, despite the fact that she spent all of Saturday
fucking that tattoo guy and her real boyfriend.

As for him, he was in this class now too, and while he

seemed not less enthused that she sat and talked to
me and not him, it wasn’t to the point that he hated
me. In fact, he had a complicated expression when he
looked at me. On the one hand, the girl he loved was
interested in me. On the other, hand, I had opened up
her sexuality and allowed him to do all kinds of things
with his girlfriend that he hadn’t done after dating her
for two years. To suddenly have his formerly virgin
girlfriend bend over, look back, and tell him he could
stick it in her ass if he wanted, it left his feelings quite

As for me, I felt nothing for her anymore. Part of the

reason I had pursued her was that I was caught up on
Netorare and her sudden disappearance. The current
Tiana was so far removed from a goddess, that I felt
nothing. Rather, I had gone too far and corrupted her
completely, and now she was more like a devil.

“I spent the weekend with my roommate, Rose,” I said


“Are you fucking her?” She asked, her eyes narrowing.

I nearly choked after she said that. First, because it
was said loudly enough that people nearby could hear.
She made several girls blush or turn their heads.
Meanwhile, some of the guys leaned in, clearly
interested in a fight breaking out. After the shocked
expression on my face, Tiana suddenly let out a little

“Don’t be so surprised. I am in the student council,

after all. Rose has a reputation in this school. It’s not
like I’m upset.” She smiled. “We never agreed to be
exclusive or anything.”

Even though I had already felt like my relationship

with Tiana was over, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of
anger at her casual comment. She had definitely
promised she’d be only with me and then broke that
promise barely an hour later. Of course, I already
knew that if I said that, she’d hide behind the fact I
slept with another woman as well. At this point, Tiana
was truly broken. She would justify her actions no
matter what I said. Forcing the issue would only have
one result. Tiana would be reduced to tears, not
understanding why I was so mean, and then a dozen
guys would line up to comfort her in her grief.

Of course, I didn’t mind breaking up with her, but I

had some plans on that. I wanted to use her as a
platform to help me with other women. I couldn’t use
Rose as my wingman, as she was now in direct
competition. Well, I wouldn’t be happy watching Kira’s
body be used with men. The same went for my other
girls too. Tiana was a slut whom I no longer had strong
feelings for. She might be amenable to helping out.
Lowering my voice, I leaned towards Tiana.

“What are your thoughts on couple swapping?”

I wasn’t a swinger in any sense of the word, and I had

no desire to be. However, if I could take her out with
me on double dates, I could get her to seduce the guy,
while I seduced the girl. In that way, I could get more
women in relationships to fall for me. As a single guy, I
had realized it’s very difficult to approach women who
are already in a relationship. On the other hand, as a
couple, it was easy to mislead and conquer. Even a
diehard housewife could be encouraged to commit
adultery after seeing her husband flirt and sleep with

My mother was a regrettable example of that. I still

wondered if she was okay. I hadn’t heard anything
except a text that dad was in the hospital and
everything was fine. Whether he remembered or not,
I wouldn’t know until I got home. It wasn’t that mom
wouldn’t tell me if he remembered, it was that dad
was the kind of guy who silently bore grudges, and
may not tell mom what he did or did not remember.

“Oh?” A naughty expression appeared on Tiana’s face.

“Did you want to go on a double date with me and
Matt? He can taste another woman while we fuck in
front of them!” At least she kept her voice low this

“You totally misunderstand…” I responded

defensively. “Rose is a lesbian!”

It wasn’t a complete lie, but I didn’t want her to be so

caught up on Rose. She was the enemy I needed to
defeat now. She wasn’t a friend.

“Then we should definitely swap couples…” Her eyes

grew even more perverted.

I didn’t understand what she meant for several

moments until it finally clicked. This time I really did
choke, shaking my head desperately.

“Absolutely not!”
Tiana let out a laugh and then made a teasing pouty
expression. “Ahhh…. Come on, you and Matt would
look cute together. I’d love to see that show. Don’t
worry, us girls can reciprocate.”

Her degeneracy knew no limits. She was saying exactly

what I thought she was saying. Apparently, she was
even willing to sleep with a woman now. The
excitement in her eyes told me that watching men
engage in those acts would also be something she
wanted to see. I suspected that to keep Tiana in her
life, the pretty-boy Matt would definitely even go as
far as being with other boys. However, even if I was
going to use her, there were limits and I put my foot
down vehemently. She pouted for a bit but finally
conceded when she realized she couldn’t play out that
particular sexual fantasy with me.

However, she still shot Matt a look out of the corner

of her eyes that seemed to say she was still planning
to find a guy to fuck Matt. I gave the poor bastard a
small prayer. As long as he bent himself over for his
girlfriend, it was only a matter of time before his ass
cherry would be gone.

“What I meant is we can find some other couples in

town and go on a double date. You can play with the
guy all you want. It’s what healthy couples do to keep
things interesting.”

At this point, the lies came easily. It’d actually be

harder to convince Tiana that affairs weren’t healthy
at this point. She seemed to think about it for a
moment before nodding.

“That sounds like fun. I’d like to see Hakaru with other
women, and I want Hakaru to watch me too.”
Cuck was likely giving me a thumbs up wherever he
was, but it only made me feel slightly nauseous. I
definitely wouldn’t be watching her with other men.
My goals were singularly focused to help myself
advance another level and gain points to unlock more
skills. With my looks and her sluttiness, we should be
able to tear apart many couples.

Of course, this was just one of my plans. I would still

work on the women throughout the school too. Most
of them weren’t in relationships though, so I would
just seduce them and keep them on the side. My final
goal was, of course, the Principal. I didn’t know if she
knew I was a player, but given her interest in me, it
was possible. Either way, she had already made a
move on me and was interrupted. The next time, it’d
be me who was attacking her!

In the meantime, I needed to take this class so that I

could familiarize myself with the big fish and make
sure that when I moved, I’d conquer her completely.
At least, that was my plan at the moment. Tiana
continued to prattle on about various things, some
completely inappropriate for a classroom, but I had
stopped listening to her. Rose entered the room as
well. I had just seen her this morning, but since she
had taken back control of Kira’s body, my desire to
talk to her dipped and I just left extra early.

When our eyes met, a small imperceptible smile

formed on her lips, and then she ran off to her seat. A
few moments later, the door opened again and
Principal Vienna walked into the room. She was
wearing her typical business attire that looked just a
tad too sexy to be appropriate for a principal. On the
surface, she looked professional, but you noticed her
skirt rid up just a bit too high. Her shirt showed just a
bit too much cleavage. Her hair was done up just a bit
too nicely.

For many of the male students, this was the first time
they had ever seen the Principal. Naturally, her
extreme beauty instantly caused many of their
mouths to fall open. However, I started to notice
something else. There were no ugly girls. I had seen
some ugly girls while wandering around campus over
the last week. I knew the school had ugly girls.
However, every girl that had been chosen for the coed
class was a complete beauty.

Rose was a smart beauty, while Tiana had adopted a

gyaru-style of beauty. There was also a western girl of
immaculate beauty, a Japanese beauty, a cool beauty,
a red-headed beauty, and various other types. It was
as if they were hand-selected to tempt the male
population and satisfy every archetype and taste. I
started to have a strange sinking feeling that this was
all related to the game. If Principal Vienna was a
player, then this was something she was doing to win.
I just struggled to understand it. Perhaps it was
because I didn’t know what god she championed.
Before I could dwell on things much longer, the
teacher put her hands on the podium, leaning forward
to display her healthy cleavage. Most of the women in
class seemed to look up to her. There was a sense of
awe coming from them. It was only at that moment
that I realized aside from Rose, every girl was looking
at her with a reverence like she was a cult leader or
something. Even Tiana looked like she would do
anything the principal told her to do. The men in the
class all gulped, their blood flow increasing as she met
each of their eyes and smirked.

As someone who knew her true nature, other than

Kira, I was the only one who seemed to be able to free
myself from that hypnotically piercing gaze.

“Class, Welcome to my little game. It’s time to play.”

Her eyes suddenly locked on me. “Hakaru, will you
play with me?”
Chapter 85 :
I was caught off guard when the Principal suddenly
picked on me at the very start of class. She gave me
eyes that seemed like they might cry if I refused her.
The men in class couldn’t help but shoot jealous looks
in my direction. If I refused her, I’d definitely earn the
ire of the jealous men and the hatred of the women
who seemed to worship her. However, I could also
feel how calculated her expression was. It was as if
she was aiming to put me in this situation.

Of course, I wasn’t planning to back down. This was

just an introductory skirmish. I wouldn’t allow myself
to lose to her. Although that was the thought placed
strongly in my mind, if one asked whether I meant I
didn’t want to lose to the Principal or lose to Rose, I
probably wouldn’t have an answer
I put on my best smile. “Yes, Vienna-sensei, what
would you like me to do?”

A lot of the class was surprised at how clear my voice

was and how straight I held my back. I matched
Principal Vienna’s look directly. If someone knew the
truth, they might even say it was a challenging look.
Vienna smiled, not showing any indication of whether
she was disappointed I didn’t grow flustered at her
sudden provocation.

“Come up to the front of the class.”

I pushed back my chair and stood up, walking to the

front of the class without saying a word. I turned to
face all the men and women of this class. In total,
there were 24 people, 12 women, 12 men. Other than
Rose and Tiana, there were ten other beauties. As for
the men, other than Matt and me, there were ten
rather normal men. Comparatively, they didn’t stand
out at all.

Some of the girls were looking at me with some

interest. The one that caught my eyes the most was a
redhead with long curly hair on her head. She was
wearing makeup and it looked like she had stuffed her
bra. It was clear that she wasn’t good at it to make it
look natural. This meant that she had decided to do it
today for a particular reason. That reason would be
the boys in the class. She wanted to impress the boys
with her body, which meant she was already a girl that
had the mindset of a slut. She had a pen in her mouth
and was sucking on the cap, which told me she had a
bit of an oral fixation.

She also had her eyes on me while seemingly trying to

catch my attention. It would be a small push to enjoy
her body. Well, she was probably not in a relationship,
so having her was not going to be a lot of points, but I
didn’t want to rush things. Before I chased another girl
like Tiana, it was clear I needed more practice. I didn’t
want her to end up like, well, another Tiana. An easy
slut that wasn’t in a relationship was probably the
best prey.

While I shared a few discrete glances with the

redhead girl, prepping her for some future seductive
techniques, the Principal started to talk again.

“This is one of the boys who is transferring to the class

from a different school. Can you give them your

“Hakaru,” I responded simply, not bothering with my

last name.

It was increasingly normal in Japan to just give

everyone your first name anyway, and I didn’t want
any of the girls in class to get used to using my last
name. It’d force an intimacy between me and every
girl in this class by forcing them to use my first name.
At least, that was my thought on the matter.

“I picked male students from many different

demographics to give you girls a variety of encounters.
Some come from rich schools, some come from poor
homes. Some are distinguished students at the top of
their classes, and some are scoundrels.”

I didn’t like how she gave me a look when she

finished. It was like she was saying I was one of the
poor scoundrels. My grades were always average and
so was my parent’s wealth!

“Hakaru, the game we’re going to play is one that is

necessary for you all to become familiar with each
other. Through my experimental program, I hope my
girls learn everything about men, and you men can
learn a thing or two about my girls as well. That is the
point. So, I feel that an introduction is in order, don’t
you agree.”

“Oh… of course,” I was surprised that all she wanted

was a simple introduction. “My name is Hakaru, I
came from Douglas Public. My father works in
marketing, I-”

Just as I was starting to think things were simple,

Vienna-sensei interrupted me.

“Ah… I’ll stop you right there.” She chuckled. “These

kinds of introductions are boring, and they definitely
won’t tell us anything about you. I truly want to learn
the kind of person you are. I want to see what you’re
made of. Don’t you, class?”

She asked the whole class, and a few people

responded with a weak yes. The strongest reply was
from the redhead, who then blushed as she realized
she spoke a lot more excitedly than everyone else.
Although she also gave me a look as she bit her lip.
She was really quite pretty. If I had to guess. These
twelve women were the twelve top beauties of this
school. In that case, sensei had only saved me the
time of finding them myself.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, not letting

Vienna completely control the conversation.

“The game! It’s really simple. I’ll ask you questions,

and you answer them honestly. If you lie, then you
must remove an article of clothing.”

My eyes widened, and several people in the class

made noises of shock.
“Principal…” I responded defensively, “Is that really

She smirked. “If you’re an honest person, then you’d

naturally have nothing to hide. You can choose. Bare
your soul naked, or bare your body.”

“What if I tell a lie though, how will you know?”

She let out a laugh, “I always know when a student is

lying to me. I will be the test. If I feel you lied, you
strip. As long as you answer honestly, then you can
keep your dignity. Unless… you have something to

Her grin that at one point seemed charming was

starting to grate on my nerves. I couldn’t wait until the
day I pushed her under me and made her submit!
Well, today was just the first battle, and if I backed out
now, I would lose a lot of respect in the eyes of the
girls present, and my future pursuits with them would
be more difficult.

“Fine!” I said, keeping myself from grinding my teeth.


She laughed gently, her chest shaking in a hypnotic

way that made the guys blush and the girls look with
envy. “Very well. The first question, have you ever had

“What?” She immediately asked such an inappropriate

question as to her first one. I really couldn’t believe it.

The class was also buzzing with people whispering to

each other until the teacher held up her hand.
“Answer the question. This is a gender studies class,
and you’re all mature adults. If you can’t even discuss
such simple biological things, then how can you
succeed in this program? So… have you had sex?”

“No, I haven’t!” I said angrily, blatantly lying in her


Naturally, Tiana jerked in surprise, but then she

grinned, finding my declaration to be funny.

“That’s a lie. Take off an article of clothing.”

“Tsk… I’m not lying, and you can’t prove it.”

Suddenly, she slapped a ruler on the desk, causing a

resounding noise to pierce the air. Her gentle smile
turned to a frown. Her gaze turned icy, and it felt like
the temperature had dropped several degrees. I
wanted to continue to fight back, just because I
thought the whole situation was ridiculous, but under
her piercing gaze, I suddenly felt like I couldn’t. It felt
like when she was seducing me in the office all over
again. Was this some kind of godly power?

“Pick an article and strip it, or I’ll pick one for you!”
She said, her eyes suddenly looking at my pants.”

I growled and reached down, pulling off my shoe and

then tossing a sock away. I really felt like I had to test
her lying abilities, but now I felt somewhat terrified if I
pushed things any farther.

“So, you’ve had sex?” She asked. “You did take off the
This was a trick. If I denied it again, she’d make me
take off another article. She didn’t want me to simply
strip if I lied, she wanted to force me to speak the

“Yes…” I said as I ground my teeth a bit.

“With someone in this class?”

“I object!” I suddenly shouted.

“Overruled!” She let out a merry laugh. “Continue.”

Talking suddenly exploded throughout the room. The
redheaded girl that had previously been eyeing me
suddenly looked a bit less certain.

“Have you ever lied to a girl to get her to have sex

with you.”



“Tsk…” I lost my other sock.

“Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend?”


My button-up shirt came off.

“Have you ever slept with a girl who was dating

someone else and you knew it?”

“No…” I said through bared teeth.

“Strip!” She fired back.

My chest was now bare. If I kept going, my pants were

“Is any question you ask going to be about something
other than sex?”

“Do you respect women?” She suddenly asked.

“Yes!” I shot her a defiant glare.

Her eyes widened for a second in surprise and then

lowered again as she smiled. “Well, if you believe it,
then it’s technically not a lie.”


She asked a few more questions, but I didn’t dare lie,

and thankfully I kept my pants on. I was made to sit
back down without being allowed to recover my shirt.
A few moments later, she called up Tiana. My
expression went pale. If she asked Tiana some wrong
questions, it could definitely cause me a lot of
problems. I suddenly found myself quite fearful.

“What is your name?”

“Tiana?” She gave a victory sign over her eyes and

even posed shamelessly to the class.

Some of the guys seemed turned on by her attitude,

while others preferred a more reserved woman.

“Have you ever had sex?”

Tiana lowered her head, a blush on her cheeks. “No,

sensei, I’m a virgin.”
The Principal nodded and smiled encouragingly. My
mouth fell completely open. Even though Tiana lied
her ass off, the Principal didn’t call her on a single
thing. By the way, Tiana spun it, she was the most
innocent virgin girl who ever existed! When she was
finally done, she stuck out her tongue and then
skipped back to her desk.

She whispered to me. “Hakaru is so hot without his

shirt, Let’s fuck later, okay?”

Her words were heard by several of the people

nearby, who had strange looks on their faces,
especially after her previous bold lies in front of the
class. The Principal pretended not to hear anything as
she brought up a guy.

“Did you have sex?”

“Of course!”


He was torn apart, but unlike me, most of his

questions were centered around how pathetic he was.
She called out his lies constantly. It turned out he was
a lying otaku who masturbated frequently to pictures
of loli girls. Most of the women were looking at him
with disgust by the end. It wasn’t just because of what
they learned about him, but also because he had been
stripped down to just his underwear, which had
various noticeable stains on it, making him look even
more pathetic.

The class continued like this for the rest of the period.
Guy, girl, guy girl… whether the girls spoke the truth of
not, the Principal never called them out. Meanwhile,
the guys were all stripped down. Most of them got it
worse than me. In the end, I told the truth for most of
my questions. Some guys ended up without a single
article of clothing left and sat bare ass with a hand in
front of their junk while the girls around them moved
their chairs away.

As for Kira, she was the only girl who admitted to not
being a virgin. Naturally, those that hadn’t picked up
on my relationship with Tiana instantly thought of me
as the likely guy who slept with her. The redheaded
girl gave me a complicated look that was a lot less
willing now. Even the slutty girl would now be a
difficult one for me.

When the last person was finished, the Principal went

in front of the class and smiled. “Well, these are your
classmates. Between men and women, I see that the
men are far less dressed. I hope you girls all take this
to heart. Men are liars, especially when it comes to
sex. They’ll do anything to get into your pants.”
All of the guys in the class had an ugly expression as
she said this. At least half of the girls were so
enamored by the Principal though, that they
swallowed every word she said, never even thinking
about how all of their lies were ignored.

“Also, remember…” She continued. “What happens in

this classroom stays in this classroom. These
conversations between us are important, and there
are some who are too stuck up to accept that. Now
that you have all bared your souls to me, I feel like a
trust has formed between us. Don’t ever betray my

For just a fraction of a second, that cold, icy

expression that seizes the soul appeared on her face
before she went back to smiling. The threat was
clearly there. If we tried to tell anyone about the kinds
of things she was having us do in this class, she’d
make us regret it. Just what had I gotten myself into?
Chapter 86 :
The remainder of the class was actually somewhat
normal. She explained the history of women’s
contributions and spoke a bit about morality and such.
When we were finally done for the day, I felt a
headache coming on. I dodged Tiana, not really
wanting to deal with her after class was over. I ended
up heading into town where I ended up at a café shop
drinking coffee.

Feeling a little worried, I pulled out my cellphone and

dialed my home phone number. I felt a bit of
strangeness calling my Mother. The last time I had
seen her, we had done some things a son and his
mother shouldn’t do. Even now, thinking about it
caused my heart to race and a strange feeling to
spread through me.

“Hello?” She was the one who picked up the phone.

I wasn’t surprised. Maria would never pick up the
phone. She had her own cellphone anyway.

“Hey, Mom. It’s Hakaru.”

“Hakaru?” Mom sounded sleepy like she couldn’t even

remember my name. “Right… my baby… how are you

“Are you alright? You sound a little off.”

“Oh… don’t worry about it. I just haven’t been getting

a lot of sleep lately… your father…”

“What about him?” I couldn’t keep some scorn and

anger out of my voice.
“He got home yesterday. Since the accident, he’s
managed to get out of work for a while. Naturally,
with him home all the time, it’s been exhausting… I’ve
even had to take off work myself.”

I could imagine. Father had always been a demanding

guy. He probably had mom running around
everywhere, opening his beers for him and fluffing his

“I’m sorry… this is my fault.” I sighed.

“No… Hakaru… never think that. You’re my precious

boy. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, mom,” I said, and then after thinking

about it for a moment. “Is dad… does he remember?”
“Remember? No, your father doesn’t appear to
remember.” She responded after a moment. “A-ah!”

“Mom?” I stood up as I heard her sudden gasp.

“N-nothing… Hakaru… I’ll call you back. I just dropped

something is all. Your mother is a klutz.”


“Please… come back to me.” She said suddenly. “Pl-“

The phone suddenly cut out. Frowning, I redialed the

phone. This time, I called Maria.

“Brother?” She asked when she picked up the phone.

“Are you home?”


“Can you check if Mom’s okay? She made a weird

noise and the phone suddenly hung up.”

“Mother’s fine!” She said abruptly.

“Maria… you couldn’t have checked. There was no

time.” I said, a strange sinking feeling appearing in my

“Don’t be silly, Brother, I’m looking right at mother.

She’s very healthy.”
“Ah… okay.” I responded, feeling like her voice is off.

“Is there anything else?” She asked.

“I missed you…”

“Hehe… don’t be silly. Even if I’m glad to hear it.”

“If there was something happening over there, you’d

tell me, right?”

“Hah? What’s this about, I think it is Brother who is

acting strange.”

“Yeah… maybe. Look, I got to go.”

“Mmhmm… bye, brother!” The phone clicked.

It felt like she was rushed, wanting to get me off the

phone throughout the entire conversation. A feeling
of discomfort and dread spread through me. Before I
realized it, I was walking back to the train station.
Even if I ended missing some school, the only way I
could ease my heart was to find out if there was
anything wrong at home. Maybe it was just me. From
playing this game, I had become extremely paranoid
when it came to these kinds of things. Something
about the way my mother and Maria spoke though, it
seemed off. When I reached the platform, I went to
buy a ticket.

“Identification please.” The ticket master asked.

I showed him my ID. He handed it back to me and

shook his head.
“Sorry, kid, I can’t sell you one.”

I blinked. “I’m sorry?”

“You’re going to that nearby academy, right? The one

that recently went coed?”

“Yeah, something like that.” I frowned.

“Well, the Principal said that she had some students

that were flight risks. She gave us a list a few days ago.
You won’t be able to get a ticket. I wouldn’t bother
with a taxi service either. She said to tell whoever
tried to leave that you can’t leave until the experiment
is over.”

My mouth fell open and I found it difficult to speak.

That Principal Vienna really did think of everything.
She completely isolated us from our families. What
kind of conspiracy was this? I decided not to try to
argue with the man anymore. Instead, I turned and
left the station. Once I got out the door, I picked up
my phone and dialed another number.

“I’ve missed you.” A pouty voice came over the phone.

“I wanted to smell you, and I’m not even allowed that
much. Hakaru is so cruel.”

I let out a breath. Akiko was the same girl she always
was. I had worried that whatever had happened
affected everyone. Actually, it was probably more
worrisome that it was within my home. That’s because
I could guess the cause. As to what that meant, I
didn’t know.

“Akiko, I need you to do something for me… wait…

what did you mean by saying you wanted to smell
me?” I tried to cut straight to the chase, but Akiko
went and said a strange thing again so I couldn’t help
but address it.

“Only call me when you want something, typical!” She

sniffed. “Ah… but why are you asking? You’re the one
who said I couldn’t enter your home when you were
gone? I tried to come roll around in your bed and
perhaps smell your underwear and then your father
answered the door and said you told him that I wasn’t
allowed in since you were gone!”

I could only shake my head as she so blatantly spoke

of sniffing my underwear. She could be so gross
sometimes. However, then she said the second part,
and that sense of dread started to build inside me

“Father said that?” I demanded forcefully.

“Y-yeah? Why, what’s going on?”

“Akiko… do me a favor.”

“I’d do anything for you, Hakaru. You know that.”

“Just… stay away from my house. Stay away from my

father. Let Sasori note that too. I’ll handle this when I
get home!”

“Ah… o-okay… is this about the game?”

“I don’t know…” I admitted. “However, I’m going to

find out.”

“Then… shouldn’t I do surveillance? I can definitely

“No!” I said. “Whatever is happening, I don’t want you
to be hurt too.”

“Hakaru…” Her voice suddenly trembled for a second.

“That’s so sweet.”

“Shut up! For that, you can’t touch yourself until I

come home!”

“What!? So cruel! B-but…”

I hung up on her angrily, although the truth was I

wasn’t angry at her. Rather, I was angry at my own
helplessness. I stood there for a moment, taking deep
breaths until I calmed myself down. Putting the phone
away, I looked over my shoulder.

“Yes… Hakaru…” Netori suddenly appeared exactly

where I was looking.

“Be honest with me. No bullshit. My points…”

“They’re not increasing,” Netori explained. “No

woman who is yours is cheating on you.”

I let out a breath of relief. I didn’t think Netori would

lie to me about something like this. She had always
been honest and open about such things.

“What’s going on at home?” I asked.

“I don’t know…” She responded.

I spun, anger forming on my face. “What do you
mean, you don’t know?”

However, as soon as I saw her expression, my anger

subsided. She looked extremely worried, and even
slightly angry.

“Some god or goddess is blocking me. I can’t tell what

is happening at your home, nor can I travel to it. I am
just as shocked as you are. The only thing I can say for
certain is that your points aren’t increasing. That
means that Maria is not cheating on you.”

“And my mother?”

“She has a god’s blessing. She also shouldn’t be able

to be affected by any unfair skills. She’ll be able to
take care of herself.”
“That’s not what I am asking. Is Mother… is she…”

“Your Mother and your relationship aren’t to the

extent where you’d get points if she slept around. She
isn’t your woman…”


“All I’m saying is that I don’t know. Someone is not

simply screwing with you, but me as well. I don’t like
to be screwed with!” Her expression was quite angry.

“Is my father a champion… or… a vessel?”

“I don’t know…” She responded with a sigh, “I really

don’t know.”
I could tell by the tone of her voice she was being
genuine. This wasn’t a situation where Netori was
playing coy and trying to screw with me. She was just
as frustrated as I was by the situation. Her acting that
way actually made me feel a little better.

“Then, can you take me home?” I asked hopefully.

“What? You mean… like, fly you home?” She asked,

her mouth twitching in an amused smile.

“Yes? Agh… I don’t know. Can’t you teleport?

Netorase did it once. She sent me out of Kira’s house
and to the street.”

“Expelling someone from a home is considerably

different than teleporting a mortal across sixty miles
of distance. I don’t have the power to do such a thing
for mortals.”

“Tsk…” I made an annoyed noise with my tongue. “So

what? I just have to wait until I get home?”

I had expected that answer, but I didn’t have to be

happy about it.

“You must do what you came here to do, Hakaru. You

must become stronger.”


“Hakaru…” She reached her arms out and wrapped

them around me. “We will win.”
It was rare that she touched me, but for once I could
feel her. She possessed a warmth and softness that
conflicted with her usual ghostlike, floaty appearance.


“No matter what happens. I’ll always be by your side.”

She said gently. “Together, we will take everything. I
swear it.”

I turned to find my lips only a few centimeters from

her own. We kissed, gently at first, but then that kiss
grew stronger and stronger. My hands reached out
and grabbed onto her flesh. With that kiss, it was like
a fire erupted inside me, and I pushed her down on
the bench.
“Hakaru… we can’t…” She moaned, even while her
hands held onto my body. “If we do this now… you’ll
lose me.”

I froze stopping all of my actions. Netori was panting,

looking up at me with affection.

“You must take my sister first. Then… then you can…”

Her face started to turn red. “You know…”

I let out a laugh. Netori looked so adorable under me,

that all the pressure and fear seemed to be relieved in
an instant. I kissed her nose and then got up off of her.

“Y-you asshole!” She cursed. “Are you laughing at

“Haha… you’re just so cute. How can I not want to
push you down?”

“Hmph!” She floated away, “if you have time to tease

this great goddess, then you have time to win that
competition with my sister.”

“The competition?” I blinked.

“Didn’t she already say it? A goddess’s promise is her

life. Netorase is yours if you beat the principal. If you
beat the principal, you get my sister. If you get my
sister, then you get… m-me…” She blushed, turning
away. “Get to it!”

The last words were said from an empty space where

she had disappeared from. I was alone, sitting on a
bench in front of the train station. A few people were
giving me looks. Netori had only been visible to me,
even as I pushed her down. It probably looked weird
to see me tonguing the air.

However, I didn’t feel the least bit embarrassed. I felt

completely energized now. That was right. I had to
win. I had two months, and then the goddesses would
be mine. Getting up from my seat and dusting myself
off, I quickly made my way to the dorms.

When I reached my room, I noticed a hat on the

doorknob. I pulled it off and tossed it aside before
barging into the room. As soon as I took one step into
my room, my eyes locked on the scene there. I was
completely shocked.

“Ahn… Ahn… Rose… harder!” She moaned.

Kira’s body was on her bed, completely naked, with

another woman who was just as naked. They were in
a crab-like position, but opposite of each other, and
they were rubbing their genitals against each other
aggressively. When the other woman turned to look at
me with an expression that was just as surprised, I
realized I recognized who she was. It was the
redheaded girl from the class we were just attending.
She was the very girl I had planned to seduce.

In short, Rose was fucking my target! I had only been

gone for two hours since class, and she had already
moved in and seduced this girl, turning her into a
raging, horny lesbian! The girl let out a cry and then
desperately tried to cover herself. As for Rose, she
looked over at me and then stuck out her tongue. It
was clearly an act of defiance. I had told her that I
would seduce all the women and steal them. Now,
Netorase stuck it to me by literally fucking the first girl
I had glanced at. This was a declaration of war!

My eyes narrowed. It was time to start playing hard. I

couldn’t let my own doubts hold me back any longer. I
had to win because I could no longer afford to lose. It
was becoming time where I had to take it all, or I
would lose everything!

Chapter 87 :
“Don’t leave!” Rose cried as the door slammed behind

The ginger girl had grabbed her clothing and fled as

soon as her relations with Rose were exposed. I
crossed my arms and eyed her as she lay their naked,
her pussy glistening wetly.

“Having fun?”

“I had a hat on the door!” She responded. “Didn’t you

see it?”
“Oh, was that what that was for? I thought you were
just making a request for condoms.” I respond tilting
my head.

“You like what you see?” She asked, spreading her

legs even more. “Why don’t you take responsibility.
Since I didn’t finish, you should finish me.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Really…”

“Nope!” She snapped her legs shut. “Pussy is all I have

on the menu these days.”

“Tsk… and how does Kira feel about that?”

She chuckled. “I make her watch. I think she’s starting
to like it. Soon, we won’t need you anymore!”

“Yeah, whatever…” I turned the doorknob.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“This room smells like cunt. Air it out, will you? I have
things to do.”

“Why, you…”

I left and shut the door on her. I felt frustrated in

many senses of the word. This woman was a slut and
she was dragging Kira along with her. Meanwhile, I
was already falling behind, and we had just gotten
started. Feeling irritated, I headed back out, feeling
like I needed some air. I had too many worries on my
mind to count. There was Netorase, Netori, Principal
Vienna, my family, and then the game in general. Who
knew this would all be so much stress?

As I was heading out, I noticed someone sitting on the

bench sniffling. As soon as I walked around, I was
surprised to see the ginger there crying. She had
managed to get her clothes back on, but she hadn’t
made it any farther. She hadn’t noticed me, so I could
retreat it I wanted to. In the end, I let out a small sigh
and then plopped down next to her. She let out a
noise of surprise as I sat down, but as soon as she
noticed who it was, her body shook slightly.

“Wh-what is it?” She asked.

“I just noticed you crying. I wanted to know why?”

“Heh… why? How could you say that after catching me
in such an embarrassing situation?” She responded

“Well, it’s not like I mind. It’s not like I’d look down on
you. Guys like attractive lesbians, so you could just be
seeing it as giving some fan service.”

I was trying to make her laugh, but her face grew even
more downcast. “I’m not a lesbian. I don’t like girls like

“Really?” I didn’t mean to sound so disbelieving, but

the evidence sort of conflicted with what she says.

She blushed after seeing my look and then shook her

head. “I don’t even know why I did it.”
I sighed. “Well, she is persuasive with women. If you
didn’t want to have sex with her, you probably should
have avoided her room.”

She put on a pained expression. “Th-that… I actually

came to see you…”

“Really?” I didn’t mean to sound like a broken record,

but this caught me completely off-guard.

“I thought… the Principal’s questions were completely

unfair and she totally was trying to make everyone out
as liars. I came to you because you’re the only guy
that didn’t seem scared of her. Then, Rose answered
the door. I was surprised to find out she was your
roommate, especially given the rumors.” Her eyes
shot to me for a second. “I mean… I suppose if you
had to share a room with a girl, there was a reason
rumors would surface, right?”
“I have no interest in that girl called Rose,” I
responded bitterly.

It was true. I may have had feelings for Kira, but when
it came to Rose, I felt very little. She was simply a
thorn in my side. I would defeat her. Strangely
enough, after saying this, the ginger girl actually
looked slightly relieved.

“You like it that much?” I raised an eyebrow.

She let out a noise of surprise and then her face went
red. “N-no! Not at all! I mean… I’m not even… rather…
she started talking to me, then she started touching
me, and I felt funny, and suddenly, we were doing this
and that. I’m not that kind of girl! I swear! I don’t
know how it happened!”
I nodded sympathetically, but inside I was rolling my
eyes. Yeah, I bet she wasn’t that kind of girl. I had
scoped her myself exactly because she was a girl who
clearly wanted to have sex. What she meant was that
she never saw herself with a girl, but truth spoke
louder than words. When the chips were down and
she was horny, even her sexuality would be tossed out
the window. For most girls, it’d take a little bit of
alcohol to get them to do such things, but this girl’s
inhibition was clearly very low.

“So, you’re not into girls?” I said, trying to keep my

face from showing my inner thoughts.

“NO!” She cried out, “I’d much rather have… I mean…”

She turned red again, looking away from me. I could

have taken things easier here, but after seeing her slut
herself off to Rose, I didn’t have very many passionate
thoughts about her. Rather, I felt a bit of my cruelty
bubbling to the surface. I was going to have a little fun
with her, but I would keep things casual. Rather, I
didn’t want to corrupt her too much, and I didn’t want
to go too far and cause more problems down the line.
Problems, of course, meant another girl like Tiana.

I gently put my hand on her knee. “You mean, you

want a man?”

Her body shook for a second. The only reason I dared

do this was because she had already been caught red-
handed with Rose. Suffice it to say she hadn’t finished,
so she was likely very sensitive sexually. After being
naked and rubbing her parts against a woman, I
wouldn’t be surprised if she wouldn’t spread her legs
for anyone who even looked at her nicely.

“Ah….” She let out a gentle noise. “Hakaru…”

“Do you want to go to your room?”

“W-we can’t.” She said, her voice cracking slightly,

causing me to fear for a moment that I came on too
strong. “But I know a place.”

With those words, I knew that she was already in my

hands completely. I gave her a smile, stood up, and
then gestured for her to lead the way. She blushed,
and with her hands together nervously, she stood up
and took the lead. I followed her from behind, looking
down at her skirt. I was starting to realize all of the
girl’s skirts in this academy were a bit on the short
side. I suspected the illustrious Principal had some
kind of control of that.

Watching her thighs sway back and forth and the thin
cloth fluttering with her movements was quite
alluring. It was double alluring as I had noticed when
she ran she had missed grabbing her underwear. That
meant that she had nothing on under her schoolgirl
skirt at the moment. A light breeze and she’d expose
everything to me. Although I had already gotten a
glance at her naked as she scissored Rose, this was a
bit more erotic.

The place she ended up taking me was an abandoned

school building hidden a bit from the main campus in
some forest. She dragged into it without hesitation.
Although the building looked old and spooky, she
didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.

“You’ve done this before?” I couldn’t help but ask


“Th-that… I’ve been here a few times on a dare.” She

blushed. “The building looks old, but it’s actually quite
safe. Some classes are still occasionally held here. We
turn it into a haunted school every Halloween and do
a fundraiser. I also participated in that. During that
time, I realized there are a lot of hidden places where
people can… well…”

She blushed again.

“You think there are other people in here right now

doing similar things?”

She giggled. “Probably, but I know the best spots, so

we definitely won’t be caught.”

The hallways were dark, but the windows were wide

and open, allowing just enough starlight that we could
navigate in the dark, especially with her rather skilled
movements. In the end, we ended up stopping at a
room at the end of the hall. She used a key to unlock
it, and then we both walked in. There was a dusty
couch, a bunch of electronics, and a long pitch-black
glass panel.
“On the other side of this glass is a recording studio.”
She explained. “It’s padded so it gets a good sound,
and it has recording equipment for video and audio.
This is the control room that controls all the cameras
and stuff in that room.”

“Ah… then shouldn’t we be in that room?” I asked.

She slapped my chest. “You… how could I allow my

first time to be filmed like that?”

I raised an eyebrow, realizing she only was talking

about her first time. That meant she was open to
being filmed in the future. She really was a slutty girl.

“Are you sure we won’t be caught?”

She jiggled the keys in her hand. “Hehe… during the
last haunted house, they wanted us to record spooky
sounds one weekend and gave me a key. They forgot
to ask for it back from me. Other than the faculty and
me, no one else has a key. That means even if we do
have a late-night guest, you and I will have our

“Is that so…” I put on a dark smile and she shivered.

“Then, I guess I won’t restrain myself.”

“Mm…” She responded nervously, slowly grabbing the

hem of her shirt. “Then… please teach me.”

“Sorry… I’m not a teacher.” I responded sadly.

“Huh?” She looked up at my grinning lips and glowing

“I’m a taker!”

“Ah!’ She let out a noise as I tossed her down on the

couch and straddled her.

“B-be gentle!”

I roughly kissed her lips and began to pull off her

clothing. I did it so quickly I caused the soft material to
rip a few times. She let out a noise each time but
didn’t resist as I continued to strip her. Who told her
school to make such a fragile school uniform! When I
ripped off her bra, she tried to cover her breasts with
her hands. Of course, I wouldn’t allow that. Grabbing
her hands and holding her arms over her head, I dived
into her chest head first.

She let out moaning noises as I sucked and teased her

breasts. My cock grew hard to the point where she
could feel it through the cloth of my pants. She gasped
as she felt the pressure pushing down there. I raised
my head, unzipping my pants and pulling out my cock.
She let out a strangled noise of surprise when she saw
the massive serpent.


“Hehe…” I laughed, pushing it between her thighs.

It was already soaked with her juices, her arousal had

not calmed down at all from earlier. Rubbing my cock
against her pussy roughly, she started moaning and
her hips gyrated like they were with Kira.

“Isn’t this dick way better that pussy?” I asked.

“Y-yes!” She responded. “Please, I can’t stand it, give
it to me!”

I pushed inside her.

“Ahhhh!” She cried out.

She was quite noisy. Maybe we should have been in

the soundproofed room. It didn’t matter, I continued
to thrust into her, enjoying her virgin pussy. She bled a
bit, but nothing so bad. She was quite the little slut,
and it didn’t take long for her pain and discomfort to
turn to pleasure. In only five minutes of thrusting, she
was panting like a slut. She was proactive as well,
using her own hips to gyrate. She really couldn’t have
enough cock.

“Hakaru… I love you!” she panted as she moaned.

“I love you too.” The pair of us kissed.

Of course, I didn’t mean it.

Chapter 88 :
Ipulled her off the couch and bent her over the control
panel. I started pounding her cunt from behind. Each
thrust made a wet thwack sound and her naughty
scent filled the room. Her brown tits were pressed
against the glass, rubbing up and down as I pounded

“Ah… shit… honey… there!” She moaned with her

hands pressed against the glass.
I lifted up my hand and smacked her brown butt. The
rumors were true. Black girls did have nice round
butts. Well, at least this girl did.

“Shit, honey, smack it, give it to me honey!”

She liked to call me honey, apparently, but I didn’t

mind it at all. Of all of the girls I had fucked in the last
three weeks since the ginger, she was probably the
most exotic. She came from someplace in Africa, and
she had a thick accent that made some of her words
hard to understand. Fortunately, in this country, she
was happy to speak with her body language. Ignoring
most of her words and just going all in, I found her
spreading her legs very quickly.

In fact, all of the girls at this all-girls academy were

easy in one way or another. Knocking them down one
after another was becoming easy. This black girl even
had a supposed boyfriend, but that didn’t stop her
from letting me bring her to my fuck room.

Having tasted many different girls, I was getting a

good taste of different women and their behaviors.
This black girl, for example, was a wild type. She
enjoyed sex and wasn’t ashamed of her sexuality.
Other girls were like a deer in headlights, freezing up
and making me do everything. Some were explorative,
while others were barely even willing to do it without
a bed.

After the ginger girl had fallen asleep after several

hours of fun, stretched out naked on the couch, I went
into her pants pocket and borrowed her key. I
returned it a few days later, but not before making a
copy. The spot where she lost her virginity ended up
being the spot where another four girls got their
cherries popped. Not every girl was a virgin. This black
girl wasn’t. She was actually girl number eight if you
counted Kira and Tiana.
As for Rose, she wasn’t any less proactive than I was.
Every night, I’d find a hat on the door and hear
moaning from her room. Some of the girls she fucked I
stole from her and enjoyed later. Sometimes, I saw a
girl I enjoy end up in her room, having fun with her. I
know this kind of casual stuff wouldn’t earn tons of
points, but it helped me refine my skills beautifully.
Each girl was easier to pick up than the last.

As for how close they were to me, I kept a few of the

girls strung along. I tried to pick the ones who were
most likely to not freak out if they found me with
another one. This black girl was one such example.
Since she had a boyfriend, how could she get upset if I
had a girlfriend or three? In fact, because she had a
boyfriend, making her want me more than him would
be the best use of my time. That’s why I was giving
some extra special attention.
Of course, there were also some girls on the opposite
side of the spectrum. A week ago, I had brought a cute
girl with small boobs and small-girl physique here. She
noticed a stain on the couch and asked what it was. Of
course, she happened to be pointing to a bloodstain
from the last girl I deflowered in that spot. She had
been extremely difficult to coerce. She was one of the
ones that didn’t want to do it without a bed. I had
even had to buy her dinner at a nice restaurant.

Well, I had a lot of practice by then, so even a difficult

girl like her was putty in my hands. I couldn’t
remember what I said to alleviate her concern, but it
must have worked because her flower contributed to
making that stain even bigger. I ended up having to
buy cleaning supplies and washing the couch. It really
was starting to smell like sex. Especially when I had a
girl like this one.

“Honey, honey, I’m cumming!” the black girl moaned.

She had already cum once, and she was a messy
cummer. The cushion was drenched in her lust, and
she was about to pop again.

“Ah… I’m cumming too.” I declared, not able to stand

that brown bubble butt that shook every time I thrust
into her.

“You have a condom on, yes?” She asked.

“Yup!” I lied.

She might get a little angry once I creampied her, but

who gave a shit? I had the protection of a goddess. I
wouldn’t get her pregnant or spread disease, so, it
was really just her own peace of mind. It felt better
bare, so I didn’t bother with such things as condoms.
One major difference I noticed between Japanese girls
and foreigners, Japanese girls always complained
about fearing to get pregnant but never asked for a
condom. Meanwhile, foreign girls always asked for a
condom, but then didn’t give a shit if you had it or not.
It was like they felt like if they asked, they were
absolved of any responsibility when they actually did
get pregnant. Maybe that was why teen pregnancy
was so high in the west?

As I felt liquid squirting from between her legs in large

quantities, I worried she might damage the electrical
equipment. Her contracting pussy felt amazing
though, so I didn’t hesitate the blow my load inside
her. A lot of girls didn’t even realize you didn’t have a
condom if they were cumming hard enough. They’d
only realize it later when some of it leaked out.

Just as my balls started to swell, the light in the other

room turned on. She gave a shout of surprise. Her
naked body had been pressed against the glass, so she
was naturally the most surprised to have sudden
guests. She also stood up, my cock sliding out of her
pussy. Of course, my cock had already reached its
limit, so I grabbed it and came. Streaks of white
splashed against her brown backside. The color of my
white cum leaking down her dark back and butt was
really erotic. As for her, she barely seemed to notice it,
trying to hide.

I chuckled. “Relax, this glass is a one-way mirror. With

the light on in that room, this room will be invisible.
Plus, it’s soundproof, so they can’t hear us at all.”

She relaxed a bit from those words, but I was staring

at the open door, a crease of worry on my face. We
were at the end of the hallway and our door was
opposite theirs, opening into a different hallway. So,
the sound in here would have had to penetrate
through the padded room to reach them. In other
words, they shouldn’t know we were here.
Of course, that left me worrying as to who it was. Only
administrators and the ginger girl had a key. She
already mentioned she preferred this room. Plus, she
didn’t seem the type to go fuck other men. I
maintained a loose relationship with her. At the very
least, she didn’t know I was bringing a different girl
every night to her spot.

From where I stood in the AV room, I could only see

an arm holding the door open. They appeared to be
chatting at the doorway, but I couldn’t hear them or
see who they were. Part of the reason I knew they
couldn’t hear me was because I couldn’t hear them.
Now that I could get a clear view of the recording
room with the light on, I saw that it was filled with
cameras and various other equipment. It was quite a
comfy environment, with a carpeted floor. Strangely
enough, there was a bed in the room.
While I was watching curiously, the black girl had
grabbed a nearby towel I had left to clean and
removed the cum on her backside.

“Hmph… you weren’t wearing a condom.” She said,

sounding more amused than upset. “Should we go?”

“Wait… let’s see what’s going on here.”

As I said that, the door finally opened, and a fat,

somewhat ugly Japanese man walked into the room.
He looked around the studio with a stupid smirk on his
face. A moment later, a woman walked in behind him.
That woman was Principal Vienna. She was dressed in
her typical business attire with just a bit too much sex
appeal. The man’s eyes roamed over her, and my eyes
fell to a ring on his hand.

“He’s married,” I said, my eyes widening in shock.

This was the first moment the black girl had an
interest in what was going on. “Hmm? What is
Principal Vienna doing?”

The pair seemed to be discussing something, but given

their body language, I was getting a feeling. Naturally,
after weeks of experience in this, I definitely knew
what was going on here.

“How do you turn this thing on?” I suddenly had an

idea, looking at the controls.

“What? Why?’ She asked. “Won’t you alert them?”

I shook my head. “No, rather, I want to listen in… and

record it.”
A dark smile formed on my lips. How could I pass up
this opportunity? I was good with electronics, so it
didn’t take long before I turned the camera and the
audio on, recording them onto the computer. With
the click of a button, I turned on the audio and could
hear them talking.

“-beautiful. I’ve never met a woman like you.”

“Hehe… councilman, you’re too flattering.” Principal

Vienna let out a light laugh. “Anyway, I wanted to
know if you’re willing to do that favor…”

“Let’s not talk business now. I’m a bit stressed.” He

casually redirected, causing her lips to tighten for a
moment. “How about you show me what you have
and we’ll see where it goes?”
Her smile returned, but her eyes were malicious and
sharp. Without another word, she dropped down to
her knees and started to pull open his zipper. After a
few moments, his small pecker was out and she was
sucking on it.

The girl behind me gasped. “The principal… she’s…”

I let out a laugh, checking the recording camera. It

wasn’t like they were lined up perfectly, but I still
switched to the best one and started recording the
whole thing.

“Y-you… you shouldn’t do this.” Her eyes narrowed.

Of course, unlike my ginger girl, this girl was one of

the ones who looked up to Principal Vienna
reverently. Of every girl I could be fucking tonight,
why did it have to be the one who could cause me

I activated manipulation and then gave her a smile.

She backed up, but when her back hit the wall and she
had nowhere else to go, I immediately put myself in
front of her. My hand slid up between her legs. Even if
she was worried about the sight in the other room,
she was still very aroused after two orgasms and quite

“Don’t worry about this. You didn’t really see

anything, right?”

“Ahhn…” She moaned as my fingers rubbed her clit

with exquisite skill. “B-but…”

I pushed harder with my manipulation. “You never

even came here tonight. I mean, you have a boyfriend,
right? You wouldn’t want him to find out you were
having an affair.”

A flash of fear appeared in her eyes. “Ah… him…


Her hand reached down and she grabbed my wrist,

but my fingers were inside her, working faster and
faster. I found that manipulation worked better when
a girl was flustered and not thinking straight. In this
case, fingering her left her too distracted to resist my

“So, why don’t you run your pretty little brown butt
back to your boyfriend, and never talk about what
happened here again.”

“Y-yes…” She moaned her body shaking as she

suddenly came, more juices gushing out on my hand.
“Good.” I pulled away, and her legs gave out and she
fell to the floor in a puddle of her own mess. “Then,
off you go.”

I knew my actions basically destroyed any chance I

had with continuing a relationship with her, but she
was just a fish, while Principal Vienna was the whale. I
returned to recording the scene in front of me I was
never supposed to see. I barely noticed as the black
girl left. I didn’t even know her name. Ginger girl, black
girl… that’s all I knew about them. Principal Vienna’s
large tits were out, and she was riding the
councilmen’s cock as he lay on the bed.

“That’s it… I said, recording the image of her bobbing

up and down with a lewd expression on her face.
“Keep giving me more material. Checkmate!”
Chapter 89 :
It was a few days after I had caught the principal with
her pants down, and I was sitting in class debating
when a good time to strike would be. A few weeks had
passed, and of all the girls in the class, I wasn’t sure if
any remained a virgin. If I hadn’t played with them,
then Kira assuredly had. Well, I won’t argue whether
virginity is dependent on a hard dick. That’s for others
to decide for themselves. At the very least, no girl
here hasn’t been a little bit corrupted by our battle.

You would think that in classes about feminism, the

women would become extremely negative towards
men and have their legs so tightly closed that even a
hydraulic spreader couldn’t separate them. However,
in practice, it turned out that the opposite was true.
The women were given undeserved confidence in
their own minds and bodies and then convinced that
men were too stupid to manipulate them.
For Rose, she preyed on that comradery of women,
spinning their dislike of men into a reason to switch
sides. For me, I played into their superiority complex. I
didn’t know if the Principal was doing this on purpose,
but everything she said, while increasing the women’s
defenses around guys, also left several exploitable

Most of the guys in this class were too cowardly or too

stupid to pick up on this but know what the girls were
told about relationships, it was much easier to target
their weaknesses. Confident in their bodies, they
were willing to go farther than they normally would
back when they were insecure and nervous.
Convinced they couldn’t be hoodwinked by a guy,
their natural defenses were much easier to remove.

“Remember your strength is in your sexuality ladies.

Why are men in charge? It’s because they aren’t afraid
of sex. You can’t be either. Use your bodies, or you
will never be true women.” Principal Vienna’s class
was just finishing up. “As for you men, women are
growing stronger, and a man who is afraid of that isn’t
a real man at all.”

This was just one in a long line of Vienna’s brilliant

advice. I had to wonder if she was deliberately trying
to turn the girls into an army of sluts. I couldn’t even
see this lesson as anything less than ‘women should
fuck more”.

“You’re all dismissed for the day. Remember, there

will be a mandatory cooperative retreat next week.
You will learn to work together closely as men and
women, so make sure you are packed and prepared.”

My eyes had been stuck on Principal Vienna to the

point that Tiana had to wave her hands in front of me
to get my attention. I casually glanced over at her.
“What do you want?”

“I was asking senpai what he was thinking about this

trust week. Supposedly, it’s up in a cabin where we’ll
all be on our own. Tons of places to have fun and

“How does that differ from the campus?”

“Hehe… silly.” She slapped the back of my hand. “It’s

been really hard to meet up, that’s why we haven’t
done anything since my parents walked in on us.”

I thought that was because you were too busy fucking

any other guy with a dick. I thought rudely but didn’t
say anything.
“Of course,“ I said instead. “Hopefully, you haven’t
suffered too much in my absence.”

She didn’t hear the sarcasm in my voice, so she only

gave me a friendly smile as we chatted for a few more
moments. I wasn’t really interested in dealing with her
anymore. She had clearly been sleeping around the
last week, and I saw no end to her streak. Whether it
was limited to just Matt and the tattoo guy, who

She finally left after shooting Matt a look. Matt still

looked at me awkwardly, but I think he was getting
used to being one of her guys. He was welcome to
have her. Her acts didn’t even bring my experience,
that was how little I cared about her.

As the rest of the students left the room, Vienna was

going through various papers on her desk. I decided to
stay behind. When the last person left, the door
closed with a click. It was just Vienna and me. In the
past, every time we had been alone together, she had
tossed herself at me. However, during those
instances, it had honestly been her who chose the
circumstances in which we met. This was the first time
I’d be taking the initiative.

I sat quietly at my desk while she worked on her

papers, and it took almost five minutes before she
realized I was in the room with her. She looked up
with a startled expression on her face. However, as
soon as she realized who was in the room with her,
that sultry, seductive side came out. That’s right.
That’s how I wanted her. I wanted her thinking she
could go in for the kill. It’d make it all the more
satisfying when I tore her down.

“Hakaru, did you want something from me?” She

asked, walking up to me with a sultry expression on
her face.
“Sensei… actually, I had some questions about… um…

“Is that so?” She asked, sitting right down on the desk,
her butt nearly touching my fingers. “Do tell.”

“Mrs. Vienna…”

“Just Miss or Principal.” She smiled. “We already had

this discussion on using proper pronouns to address
people, haven’t we?”

“Ah… yes… I’m sorry. Principal Vienna, I wanted to

know what your thoughts are on trading sex.”

“Trading Sex?” She raised an eyebrow. “The sex trade

is definitely a bad thing no matter where it exists.”
“No, I mean on a personal level, using sex as a means
of manipulation. Giving sex in exchange for something
else. After all, isn’t prostitution the oldest

Vienna thought about it a second before responding,

“I think sex as a means of manipulation, and sex as an
exchange are two very different things.”

“How so?”

“In one case, you have sex because you hope to get
something, while an exchange is far more open.”

“Then, which do you favor, the manipulation, or being

She looked down at me with her lips pursed. “That
depends a lot on what I want to the point I’m willing
to offer my body.”

“Right, but what if you want many things. Should you

give your body many times?”

“A body is just like any commodity. There is supply

and demand. The more of my body I provide, the less
valuable it becomes, that is, unless, demand is high.
Giving your body too much can reduce its value. It
corrupts what made it so valuable in the first place.”

“Aren’t their high-class hookers though? Aren’t their

women who sell their bodies for a lot? Isn’t it the fact
that they have so much experience, and can perform
the actions so well, what makes them desirable to
“What are you trying to get at, Hakaru?”

“Me? Nothing.” I shook my head. “I was just curious

how much sensei values her own body. At what cost
will you provide it?”

“Your questions today are particularly bold.” She

responded with narrowed eyes, “I’m not sure they are

“You never did answer my question though.”

“Hmm? What was that?”

“Do you want to be sexually manipulated, or do you

prefer to have an open transaction?” I asked.
“That…” She suddenly looked uncertain for a moment.

“Isn’t marriage just a sexual manipulation? There is no

money being exchanged on the surface, but isn’t there
always one person whose benefiting from the other?
One gets security and comfort, the other gets sexual
companionship and child-rearing. You could say the
same about a master-slave relationship, or even a
boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

“Isn’t a girlfriend merely a manipulation? Men wish to

have sex freely and enjoy many women, but a
girlfriend is a deceptive promise which forces a man to
have only one woman. Just being known as a
boyfriend already signals other girls to stay away, and
if you even try to pursue other women, you’re looked
down on. It’s an entire institution based on
manipulating men into being loyal with only one
woman when a man who is truly worthy should have
“So, I ask again, are you someone who wants to be
manipulated into sex. Do you want lies and deceit? Do
you want a man who swears he’ll love you, but then
fucks the first girl who catches his eye? Or, do you
want something open and honest? Something clear.”

As I spoke, her expression grew darker and darker. I

didn’t know what came over me, but as soon as I
started, the words started to spill forth. I suddenly felt
like I was having some kind of moment, an epiphany.
As I spoke, there was a bitter expression on the
Principal’s face, and whatever was going on in her
mind seemed to make her quite unhappy. When I
stopped, my face began to turn white. I realized just
who I was talking to, and I realized I had gone too far.

“I want something open!” She suddenly declared,

then blinked, finding her own words surprising.
She actually answered. I hadn’t expected that. She
also answered openly. Given all the cloak and dagger
tactics she’d done the last month, and an end game I
still couldn’t understand, this whole event was really
shocking to me. However, I took a breath to steady
myself, and then realized I had to go the rest of the
way. I started, now I needed to make the final push. I
had to conquer this woman.

“Good…” I finally spoke, breaking the strange silence

between us. “I agree. I’m glad you prefer honest. An
honest relationship is far better than a manipulative

I reached into my backpack and then pulled out my

laptop. I put it on the table. Vienna had to remove her
butt so that I could open it and show her. I quickly
pulled up the file and hit play. It took a few moments
and soon an image of Vienna just a few nights ago
started playing. She was naturally having sex with the
councilman in the suit, moaning loudly and putting on
quite the show. As realization crossed Vienna’s face,
her mouth fell open.

“It was almost like you were asking to be caught,” I

admitted. “Doing it in a recording studio of all places?”

“Th-that…” She shook her head and then looked at me

with her lips tight. “Why are you showing me this?”

“To be honest,” I responded, chuckling. “I’m proposing

a trade. You have a way with people, I know. But… if I
send this to every parent? The news? Just how many
people can you convince that this is no big deal? How
many parents can you send on their way while their
daughters slip into degeneracy?”

“That councilman, he’s very powerful.” She said

nervously. “If you release it, you’re not just implicating
“Is that the best you got? Well, I may have the video,
but who says I’m the one who released it, right?” I
responded with a shrug. “I can keep it from being
released, but that’s only if you trade your body.”


“Hey, you had been trying to seduce me since I got

here. I’m just turning the tables on you. Now, it’s you
who becomes my woman, rather than me becoming
your man. All I want is your body, for now.”

“For now?”

“You said it yourself, the more I get your body, the

less value it will have. My demand might even drop,
and then your body is no longer worth my efforts.”
She clenched her teeth. “So, you’re saying that even if
I give you my body, you’ll still screw me over in the

“No.” I shook my head, causing her to look at me with

disbelief. “I’m just being honest here because the
honest truth is that I’m not after your body.”

“How is that?” She responded agitatedly.

“The thing that I’m after, is your heart. If you give me

that, only then will your images be safe.”

Her mouth fell open, and she had no words. It was

certainly very honest. The game was to steal a
woman’s heart. The fact I told her I planned to do it
didn’t change much in my mind. I had tried
manipulation, and that had gotten me, Tiana. Now, I
was going to pursue a girl openly. True, I was using
leverage, but I wasn’t going to cloak and dagger things
any longer. Since she was silent, I reached into my
pants and fished out my cock, displaying it in front of
my Principal.

“So, what’s your answer?”

Chapter 90 :
With my cock hanging out, Principal Vienna stared at
me for several moments. Her expression was cool and
she let nothing show on her face that gave away
where her thoughts were at the moment. As the time
lingered on, I became concerned that perhaps I had
erred in my judgement. Maybe, this kind of forceful
method would be deflected by her. If I failed here, not
only would it cause me a great deal of headache later,
but I’d likely never get to a point where I could seduce
her directly again.
As the moments passed and my throat grew dryer,
she finally took and step forward and then fell down
to her knees. Only taking a single moment to take a
breath, she took my cock into her mouth. Even for a
teacher, my cock was a decent size, and she couldn’t
get it all in her mouth. Where she had devoured the
councilman’s small cock down to the root, such a
thing was impossible with my cock.

In fact, her indiscretions with the councilmen were

still playing out on the laptop. A light, lewd moaning
noise was coming from the laptop as the sounds of
her wetly sucking on my own cock echoed in the
vacant room. Since Principal Vienna had gone this far,
my assumption was that I had won now. Thus, I
decided I might as well enjoy my prize a bit. I leaned
forward and reached for her chest. I immediately
began to fondle those breasts which I had idolized
from afar.
Principal Vienna’s chest was deceptive at first. I had
noticed this when she had been playing with the
councilman. Where Sasori allowed her chest to be
displayed, Principal Vienna’s clothing restrained her
chest, keeping them tightly bound and held up. It both
made them more noticeable and less noticeable at the
same time. It wasn’t until I touched them that that I
finally realized their true mass.

Of the women I’ve tasted, she actually had the biggest

set. Sasori was large, but that was only compared to
my teenage girlfriends. Her breasts were probably a D,
possibly a DD. Kira’s were more of a C, while mom sat
in the low D. Maria had the smallest chest, with only B
cups. Akiko’s were only slightly bigger, was that a B+? I
didn’t know cup sizes very well, so it was all just
guessing anyway. For Vienna, once I pulled them out
of her bra and blouse and allowed them to escape,
they might very well be size F.
As my hands worked their way down her blouse and
into her bra, her head bobbed up and down in my lap.
I could smell a flowery perfume coming from her hair
and, and I had a temptation to grab her head and
force it down. Well, it was still too soon, and if I was
too abusive, there might be a backlash later. To win,
naturally, I needed to subdue her completely. She was
some god or goddesses’ champion, and the true way
to beat the god was to make their champion no longer
able to perform in their name.

That was why Cuckhold and Netorare were both

defeated. Once their champion went to jail, they were
no longer able to use them for their purposes.
Supposedly, there were some rules, like no killing. It
wasn’t intended to be a match to the death. Instead,
one party had to emotionally break the other or in
some way make them unable to perform. I suppose
they could still be having sex in jail, but their capacity
as competition was removed, and thus their gods,
according to the agreement, abandoned them. If you
could make an opponent flee the country, or swear off
sex, or make them commit to a relationship, these
were also ways that could defeat an opponent.

Naturally, since my opponent was a girl, the easiest

way to defeat her was to make her commit to a
relationship. Of course, that relationship would be
with me! Once I had made it so she’d seek no other,
her god or goddess would be forced to flee. Then, it’d
be two for the price of one, because Netorase also
agreed she would surrender as well.

When it came to seducing the Principal, she herself

opted for an open approach. Well, I didn’t think trying
to manipulate her would work very well anyway. She
had been playing a long manipulation game since the
very beginning, so, I reckoned the best way to defeat
her manipulation was by directness. Like I did with
Akiko, I would get her used to me sexually, and only
then up it until she could only think of me. For most
normal men, they got a girl to like them, and then
they had sex. I found the other way around, forcing
them into sex, also works to slowly make them like

Women’s brains were hardwired that way, something

about wanting to protect their offspring. Once having
a lot sex, they grow to be attached to the man who
did it because they subconsciously want him to take
care of their children. Well, I didn’t plan to have any
kids with her. That was like plan D. If I absolutely failed
to seduce her any other way, making her pregnant
with my baby would almost certainly defeat her.

I finally freed her breasts from the top of her blouse.

My hands were small compared to them. Even the
nipples were big and round, but just the right size for
her giant boobs. Now that they were out, they flopped
down with their weight. I picked them up and rested
them on my knees. It was like having a newborn baby
on each knee. The sight was the best, seeing my dick
sticking up, her mouth eagerly sucking the head, and
two large tits on either side.
“If you like them so much, why don’t you just fuck
them!” She said bitterly, shooting me an angry glare.

“Hehe… isn’t that your job?”

She gave me an irritated expression and then put her

boobs together and spit on them. I was shocked at
first because I had never seen this before, but as she
rubbed her tits together I realized she was adding
lubrication. With her breasts wet, she pulled them
apart then leaned forward until my cock was right
between them. Then she pushed them together again.
She pushed up with her knees, raising her chest up,
and then letting it fall back down.

“Ahhh…” I couldn’t help but let out a moan as my dick

slid between her cleavage.
Her boobs felt as good as they looked. Whenever my
head poked out the top of her cleavage, she’d use her
tongue to satisfy it. Ah, I got too invested in it. Her skill
was incredibly top notch. Before I knew it, my penis
was starting to swell.

“Ah… cumming!”

Her hand reached under and stroked my balls. It

seemed that whether she liked me or not, if she was
going to do it, she was going to use all of her skill. A
streak of white shot out of my little head hitting her in
the chin. She rotated her boobs, rubbing my shaft up
and down, milking it with her tits. More and more
white stuff shot out onto her chest. Most of it landed
on her neck before it started dripping down. By the
time she was done, a small pool of cum had congealed
in her cleavage, and long streaks of white ran up her
chest and all the way to her chin. As far as licking,
none of it had touched her mouth.
As I pulled my dick out from under her tits, allowing it
to soften, she continued to hold her breasts together
to hold the cum. She stood up and walked over to her
desk, where a box of kleenex was. With one hand, she
held her tits together, and with the other, she grabbed
several tissues.

“Hey, suck it down,” I demanded.

“Don’t push your luck!” She sniffed, immediately

cleaning her neck with the tissue.

She must dislike the taste of cum. That was actually a

first for me. I hadn’t met a single girl yet who
hesitated to gobble it down. Well, admittedly, since I
had gained protection from pregnancy, I creampied a
lot more, but this teacher was the first to completely
refuse like that. It made me narrow my eyes and
consider her a bit more. I felt like it had become a
personal challenge. Before I was done with her, this
girl would become a cum junkie!

Well, today was just the start. I felt even a little

ashamed that I had barely played with her tits and it
was enough to cum. I had been so used to
inexperienced virgins the last few months, that I lost
my shit the second I tried a woman who knew what
she was doing. Sasori was the only other experienced
adult I knew, and even her experience was limited to a
handful of guys.

“I suspect we’ll be having a lot more fun in the

future,” I said quickly, trying to cover up the
premature loss of my nut.

“…” She cleaned off the rest of her breasts in silence

and then put them back into her blouse.
In only a few moments, she looked exactly like the
prim and proper Principal she always did. She glanced
back at me by just turning her head, but she didn’t
face me.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Hakaru.” Her voice

was cold and sounded somewhat angry.

“Yeah, well, I always do.”

I couldn’t really think of a good comeback at the

moment. I turned and left the room, not feeling nearly
as victorious as I did when I had entered. I didn’t really
feel like this exchange was a victory. It only reminded
me of just how inexperienced I was. Against young
impressionable teenage girls, I could wrap them
around my finger with ease. However, other players
were skilled in their own right. They knew how to use
their bodies to please.
As I walked away, I began to realize that I really was
lacking. Netori had told me this before. She had tried
to fix it by having me work with Netorare. However,
the end result was Netorare left me way too early. The
result was that I hadn’t gotten the training I felt I
needed. I didn’t really know where I was going until I
got there. I was standing in front of my own dorm
room. There was a hat on the door. Naturally, I could
hear the moaning noises through the door.

I only came to this room to get my stuff. Almost every

night I slept in the old school, usually after banging
another girl. When I wasn’t here, I was in the small
town trying to find another target to seduce. This was
the first time I was returning here while it was still
light out. I took a breath and then opened the door.

Rose was lying on the bed. I froze for a second as I

realized the woman she was with. It was Tiana of all
people. Tiana was eating Rose our while she squirmed
in delight. Seeing two women I had previously banged
going at it didn’t actually cause me any displeasure. In
fact, seeing Kira’s face flushed red and moaning, it was
quite erotic. However, when I opened the door, Rose
shot me a glare. Tiana looked back, but she only
waved obliviously.

“Hey, boyfriend! Matt broke up with me, so I came

here for sympathy sex. You should have told me your
roommate was so fun! I never thought about trying a
girl before, but it feels so good!”

I blinked after hearing her loaded words. In the end,

Matt had finally had enough. Even he couldn’t keep
lowering himself to being a slut’s cuck. I guess after
the novelty of sex for the first time went away, he
realized he wasn’t happy with a girl who slept around
on him. At least, I could sympathize with the guy.
Maybe there was another girl in class who caught his
eyes. Sorry, guy, I’ve probably already fucked her.
Rose seemed to notice the complex expression on my
face, and suddenly her angry look was replaced with a
worried one.

“What is it, Hakaru?” She asked, her previous anger

being replaced with concern.

“I… need your help,” I said, feeling like a weight on my

heart was suddenly lifted.

“What help?” She asked hesitantly.

“Teach me… how to tame a slut.” I responded.

“About time…” she whispered and then a small smile

formed on her face. “Okay…let’s begin.”
Chapter 91 :
“The reason you failed when it came to Tiana is
simple. You didn’t instill a sense of sharing within her
heart. You pushed her to see how far she’d go, but
you never chose an appropriate role for her to fulfill.
As a result, she ended up a slut.”

“I’m not sure I understand. Tiana is a slut because she

likes to share. She wants to have sex with a bunch of
different guys. That’s why she’s such a whore.”

Rose shook her head. “You’re still not understanding

what it means to be a woman. That’s why you can’t
understand sluts. You need to change your
understanding of women, or Tiana will always be a
disloyal bitch and a slut.”

“Guys… I’m sitting right here.” Tiana said helplessly.

The pair of us turned to her and then look back at
each other, effectively ignoring her. Tiana let out an
irritated sound and then moved to leave. Rose then
grabbed her and pulled her back down.

“Stay there, you cheating whore,” Rose said.

“How dare you! I’m done being called-“

Slap! Even I jumped as Rose’s hand went out and

slapped Tiana’s face. It was enough force that the
noise echoed across the room and she even fell back
and hit the wall, nearly falling in the crack between
the bed and wall.

“If you want some cock, be a good bitch and shut up.”
“You…” Tiana’s eyes narrowed, but then she suddenly
blushed. “I guess good things come for girls who

I blinked at her sudden change of behavior. “Is that

part of sharing?”

“That’s disciplining your bitch. That lesson is too

advanced for the current Hakaru.”

“Is that so…”

Rose rolled her eyes. “Look, we’ll just have to start this
from the top. If I knew sister was so lax in properly
educating you on women, I would never have let it get
this far.”
“I have a feeling that Netori is listening to this right
now and cursing your name.”

“Hmph… well, she has always preferred a hands-off

approach from the beginning. After all, isn’t that why
she ignored you for years- ah! I mean, she’s just not
proactive.” Rose said, shaking her head.

“I suppose you’re right,” I responded, not really

understanding what she meant by years but knowing
it was unlikely I’d get any answers from her.

I was mostly just humoring her anyway. Even though I

was asking for Rose’s help, it wasn’t like I trusted her.
There was still the bet to consider. She didn’t know
what stage I was at with Principal Vienna. She might
not be willing to help me if she did. However, if it
came to just this, I was hoping she could offer a few
nuggets of wisdom. She was a goddess of NTR, and as
a sharer, she was the sluttiest of the bunch. Anything I
could learn from her would only benefit me in my
future pursuits.

“Enough of this! It’s time Hakaru got to training.” Rose

clapped her hands, putting aside our previous
conversation. “Have sex with Tiana!”

“Eh?” I glanced over at Tiana, who had been sulking

until she suddenly perked up with the word sex.

“What? Are you going to treat all slutty women as

used goods? What’s wrong with being used? I’d just
call it being broken in. Wouldn’t you rather have a
woman with experience? Virgins are just exhausting.”

I suppose I had a bit of a negative stigmatism against

girls who slept with other guys. Something like that
they were unclean. However, most of the girls I had
been with had been with other guys at some point.
The only difference was how recently. A slutty girl like
Tiana could just be considered a girl I haven’t tamed

“Then, Tiana, come over here.”

She excitedly moved over to me, pulling off of her

clothing as she did. I couldn’t guess how much sex
she’s had in the last few weeks, nor with how many
people. Perhaps it was only Matt and the other guy. It
was probably better if I didn’t know. However, at the
moment, she was mine and Rose’s. That was what I
should focus on.

Bending her over the bed, I pull out my dick. Seeing

the text Cumdumpster written just above her butt
crack, and I considered how fitting that title was now. I
pushed my dick against her snatch and with a thrust, I
was inside her.
“What are you doing?” Rose asked, a bitter expression
on her face.

“Huh? Aren’t I having sex with Tiana?” I slapped

Tiana’s butt to push this point home.

“You’re behind her! And she got her head in a pillow.”

She responded.

“Yeah? It’s called doggie style. I get to fuck her hard

and I have all the control.”

“Yeah, but you can’t even see her face!”

“isn’t that the best part? I can hit her all I want, fuck
her as hard as I want, and even her noises are muffled
as long as I push her head down!” I grabbed her hair
and shoved her into the pillow, speeding up my thrust
until it was the major noise in the room, her moans
being only barely heard through the pillow.

“You…” She rubbed her forehead. “This is going to

take longer than I thought.”

“What?” I demanded, finally releasing her head and

shooting Rose and irritated glare.

“How do I put this? Sluts don’t like being treated like

sluts.” Rose said uncertainly.

“Sure they do!” I snorted, reaching out and slapping

Tiana’s behind.

She let out a moan, and I pointed as if proving it.

“Let me rephrase…” Rose sighed. “If all you do is treat
her like a slut, that’s all she’ll ever be.”

I froze for a second and then turned away. “I don’t

know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t you?” She responded, shaking her head.

“Hakaru… you’re keeping people at a distance.
Although you’ve changed in many ways, you’re also
desperately trying to protect your heart. I can tell.”

“How could I not protect myself?” I responded wryly.

“After all, this is a vicious game. I have to be defensive
and offensive, and don’t give me crap about the best
defense is a good offense!”

“Don’t confuse defending with hiding!” Rose shot

back. “You don’t defend your girl from someone who
will potentially come in and sweep them away. The
only thing you defend is your own heart, so that when
they are swept away, it’s less painful for you!”

“If they truly cared for me, then they wouldn’t have
left! Why would I want someone so fickle?” I shot

“Gods, you’re just like Netori!” She yelled, her face

flushed red with anger. “Always so willing to take,
always expecting to lose, and never expecting to

“I’m sorry, I don’t get how I’d be willing to share!”

“How can you expect a girl to give herself to you if you

refuse to give yourself to her? How can you expect a
girl to share you if you won’t even share yourself!”
Her frustration was clear on her face, and even tears
started to fall down.

“Woah… what are you getting so worked up for?”

“Why can’t you give us what we want?”


“Open up your heart. I want your love!” She shouted.

I made a face. “You’d say that, wouldn’t you? You

want to win the game!”

“To hell with Netori’s game!” She cried out. “I’m not
playing any games. I never have been. I love you, you
stupid idiot. We both love you!”
I blanked for a second, trying to figure out how the
conversation ended up in this direction. She was a
goddess, how could she love me? Rather, if she
already loved me, then why were we fighting so
much? Why was she challenging me constantly? I
didn’t understand this behavior at all.

“I believe Kira loves me, but…

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” She suddenly hit me with her

fist against my arm with each word, but it barely stung
as she cried harder and harder. “Do you know how
hard it is for the man you love to not even look at
you? Kira is inside me too, and it hurts her every time
you reject me.”

“That’s not fair, you two aren’t the same.”

“We’re not…” She took a stuttering breath. “But that
doesn’t mean both of our feelings aren’t true.”

I shook my head, growing more confused by the

second. “What are you saying, even if you both loved
me, wouldn’t that just make you competitors?”

“You still don’t understand who I am…”

“You’re Rose…” I responded, suddenly feeling


“I am Netorase, goddess of sharing sexual partners!

Why do you think I’ve been doing all of this for you?”

“What have you been doing?”

“Kira was unwilling to share you with other women.
After being used by that person, she naturally became
jaded, and seeing you with other women made her
fear that you couldn’t love her. I showed her another
way. Kira, Maria, Sasori, Akiko, you may not wish to
share them, but if you want them, they all must share

I took a step back, my eyes widening in shock. “Th-


“NTR… to steal others, to lose your heart, and to share

your body… I’m not cuckold. My sharing is always just
and right, and what both parties want. Just because
you don’t share doesn’t mean every girl you know

So, that’s why they kept saying I didn’t understand.

Sharing wasn’t so simple as running out and having
sex. In fact, the sort of ‘sharing’ that Tiana did, where
she slept with another guy without my permission,
was the exact opposite of the sharing that Netorase
endorsed. I had been thinking of this all so one-
sidedly. As a man, I didn’t want to see my girls have
sex with any other men. Yet, every girl I was in a
relationship with had to consciously accept I was going
to sleep with other women.

This was why Netorase was so important to NTR. She

was the glue that held the other two women together.
One side gained, one side lost, but neither side was
unhappy with the arrangement. I had been so
insecure and so worried that this part of NTR had
slipped my understanding. Even though Netorare lost
to me, she had been filled with happiness at the end.
Even though I had taken Sasori away from her
husband, she was happier now than she had ever
been. The girls in my life, I had improved it, making
them happy.
“Tiana… if I broke up with you… what would you do?”
I glanced at Tiana, who had been sitting on the bed
watching us with a confused expression on her face up
until now.

“Y-you’re breaking up with me?” Suddenly, her happy

face fell and her body started to shake.

In fact, her sudden change in the atmosphere was so

great that I was shocked.

“W-wait… you just left Matt, right? So, it’s fine?”

“H-h-how can you say that? Matt is nothing! Only

Hakaru…” She suddenly burst into tears, “Please say
it’s a joke? It’s a joke, right?”
There wasn’t a single ounce of trickery or acting in
that behavior. It left me completely caught off guard.

“It… it was a joke… I was joking! I’d never break it off

with Tiana…” I desperately tried to calm her down.

When she finally got the message, she puffed out her
cheeks angrily, “Muu… Hakaru, don’t kid about such
things! I really might have killed myself.”


I really didn’t know what to say. I had been treating

our relationship so casually. The moment she started
cheating on me, I naturally didn’t have any interest in
her. The only reason I didn’t break up with her was
that I feared making a scene, but after hearing her
break up with Matt, I thought it wouldn’t be a big
deal. That was until I was thinking about the girl’s

“Do you get it now?” Rose asked quietly, “Her

happiness was never dependent on banging men. It
was always dependent on you.”

I shook my head, “Even so… you both… sleep with… I


I had caught the two girls having sex together. How

could I possibly accept that they had feelings for me?

“You… don’t even appreciate all the things I’ve done

for you.” She crossed her arms angrily. “If you’d given
me a few more days, even Tiana would have become
your perfect slut.”

“All the women I’ve been with, I’ve been training

them for you, dummy. Did you think you suddenly
grew into a savant overnight?”


“Naturally, I have been working all of the girls on

campus, making them more willing to share, more
willing to spread their legs, and more in love with


“Eh? I thought you at least suspected? I mean, a lot of

the same girls I was with, you were with after? Why
do you think despite the fact you slept with over half
the girls in the class, none of them have gotten angry
at you or fought? Did you think they really didn’t

More than that they knew, Netorase knew too! I had

thought all of my affairs were hidden and no one
knew about a single one! She’s saying that she has
been working the girls over, making them more willing
to have sex with me and tolerate me sleeping around
with another woman every night?

The only one who seemed just as surprised was

Netorase. I thought I had grown to the point where I
was a stud, able to seduce every girl within a few
hours. It turned out that every girl had already been
prepped by Netorase.

“I mean, I’m not saying I had sex with every girl, just
the more uptight ones. Once you’ve had sex with a
woman, naturally, you’ll be more susceptible to
having sex with a man. After doing such an act despite
not seeing themselves as gay, they’d practically leap
onto your dick just to convince themselves they were
normal. After that, it’s really just a rumor here, a
whisper there. I had to council a few girls. Amplify
their problems with their current boyfriends while
giving them good feelings about Hakaru. Well, I am a
goddess, so this kind of thing was easy…. But… ah,

I collapsed my knees. Of everything I had learned, this

blow was far too great.

“You brat!” Netori suddenly appeared and put

Netorase in a headlock. “You got so stuck up on
showing off your value that you totally didn’t realize
how much of a psychological blow you were delivering
to our man!”
“Ah! Sister… s-s-sorry!” Netorase cried as Netori
knuckled her head.

“I don’t really get what’s going on, but can we have

sex yet?” Tiana asked hopefully.

None of them realized it at the time, but although

Netorare’s avatar and spirit were technically
separated, this was actually the first time all three
sisters had been in the same room together in many
millennia. Somewhere deep in the realms of the
heavens, on a certain tablet, a crack formed.

Chapter 92 :
“Don’t be so depressed.” Rose patted my head
awkwardly while Netori glared at her from a corner.
“It’s not like you didn’t do anything. You seduced
those people on your own. A little prep work from me
doesn’t mean you failed. It might have just taken
longer, and required a bit more planning.”
I sighed, glancing up at Netori, “Does that mean I’ve
barely earned anything since I’ve been here?”

“Not at all.” Netori shook her head. “You’ve been with

many different women, several in relationships, most
virgins to men. Of course, those points would add up,
and they are even greater than had you committed all
of your time to a single woman. You are very close to
level six.”

“Is that so? How many points?’

“You currently have 22,540 points, you’re only about

7,000 points away from reaching the next level.”

“Level six… huh? And level nine is the highest? I wish

there were more levels than that.”
“There is no point in going any higher than 9.” Rose

“Why is that?”

“Because, at that point, you’d have already become a

gawh… ow, Netori!” Rose made a noise after Netori
kicked her hard.

Rose apparently was touching upon another one of

Netori’s taboos. The two sisters glared at each other,
but I didn’t feel angry or anything. We all had our
secrets to keep.

“Hakaru, next week is the week-long trip the Principal

has planned.” Rose moved on, covering up her slip.
“It’d be best if you were level 6 by then. You’ll have
30,000 points. I know just what you should spend it

“Sister, you’re overreaching!” Netori snapped back.

As the two sisters glared at each other again, I took a

breath and bowed. “I’m sorry, but I’ll choose on my

My behavior surprised the two girls. Netori’s eyes

widened, but then a pleased smile formed on her face.
As for Rose, she looked mostly surprised.

“Is that really what you want?”

“Yes…” I responded, “If I want to be able to call myself

a man worthy of the three of you, naturally, I must be
able to decide on my own. Even if my choices are the
wrong ones, at least they are my own choices.”

“F-fine…” She looked away, touching her fingers

together. “You choose now of all times to act all
manly. That’s not fair.”

Netori noticed this and a mischievous expression

formed on her face. “Are you getting ready to join our
sister in the void, perhaps?”

“A-as if!” Netorase defended. “I still have things to do!

How could I trust our fate to you! I will only depart
when I’m certain that we will succeed.”

I could only follow a bit of their conversation, but I

supposed they were talking about this stasis that
Netorare was in. Well, she was inside me, but she
wasn’t. She was asleep, but she wasn’t. It was a
complicated thing that I failed to truly understand.
Netorase seemed to be ready to move on, but it was
clear she was still waiting on defeating her opponent.

“Principal Vienna,” I said, causing Netorase to give me

a look. “You need to defeat her first?”

“Mm… I have finally discovered who her supporter is,

and it leaves me worried.”

“You know the god who supports Vienna?” I glanced

at Netori, who nodded confirming it was already to
find out.

“Yes, I do.” Rose sighed. “It appears that it is

Netori hissed. “Why would she even become a part of
this game?”

“Isn’t it natural? They want to rule us.”

“Wait, who is Mistress? A female goddess?”

“Not exactly. Mistress can also be called Master.

Technically, they choose what sex they exhibit based
on the situation. You could also call them the sex god
of power dynamics. It’s a god that aims to create
relationships where one person is in a boss role over
the other and thus exploits that sexually.”

My eyes began to widen, “So, you’re saying… all that

hero worship all the girls feel for her…”
Rose nodded. “Naturally, Vienna’s goal is to create a
classroom of sexual servants. Her plan is to brainwash
an entire class of students into seeing her as their
grand Mistress. That’s her nature, and that’s where
her power lies. Abusing the power of your position is
what strengthens the god.

I let out a breath of relief. “Ah… then it’s fine.”

“Hmph?” Rose cocked her head and Netori smirked.

She turned to her sister. “My champion has already

begun to seduce Vienna. It’s only a matter of time
before she is his. This is a complete obstruction of
Mistress’s desires, the underdog taking advantage of
the person who is supposed to be in power. I imagine
her face is quite red right now.

“Wh-what? You and the principal? Already? H-how!?”

“Hmph, naturally, I caught a video of her sleeping
around. I used that video to force her to satisfy me
sexually.” Although, as I remembered how I came
early and slightly embarrassed myself, my vigor
started to drop a bit.

“So, that is why Hakaru wanted help with this. You

were hoping to learn how to finish the job.” Rose put
on a pouting expression. “You were really going to
trick me into helping you beat me!”

I blushed. “Ah… that…”

I couldn’t deny that accusation, after all. It was

absolutely true.

Netorase shook her head. “It doesn’t matter anymore.

Since everything is already out in the open, I suggest
we work together to bring down the goddess. Th-
then… I’ll… give myself to Hakaru.”

“Ah, but… as far as the other players?” I asked. “With

your help, I’ll be able to handle them better. Like the
man who did this to Kira.”

“Doesn’t Hakaru understand, the only three that ever

mattered were the three of us,” Netori explained.
“Once Netorase gives herself to you, the game is won.
Game over.”

I blinked, and then my eyes widened.

“Once our stronger self is reforged, we’ll easily be able

to help you take vengeance for Kira, as well as help
Hakaru… ah… well, we will naturally owe Hakaru
much.” Netorase added. “We’ll make it so no one will
ever be able to take one of your women again.”
With those words, my heart began to beat rapidly.
After all of this time, it hadn’t dawned on me how
close we were getting. It had only been a few months
when these girls came into my life and changed
everything. I was so focused on beating Netorase, it
hadn’t dawned on me that her consent all but
guaranteed my victory. After all, Netori had chosen
me herself and with Netorase on board, the game was
all but finished.

No, I was getting ahead of myself again. We still

needed to beat this woman. Even though I had made
progress, there was still the matter of defeating her
properly. Once this threat was gone, only then could I
breathe easily.

“What do you need me to do?” I asked after I had

calmed myself down.
The two girls looked at each other and nodded.

“Whatever move Vienna is going to make, her best

chance will be on this trip. She’s likely going to try to
turn all of the students into her lovers.” Netori

“That means you need to start laying the

groundwork,” Netorase interjected. “Just like what I
did in order to prep all of the women to more willingly
have you, you too need to spend the next week
deprogramming these women and making it so they
will follow you.”

“Their power is through power dynamics, but if she

finds all of her women have fallen for you, someone of
the same level, then she will be more weakened.”

“She’ll still have the boys, though…” I said uncertainly.

“That’s why, the second part of the plan, you need to
fuck her,” Netori explained with a straight face.

“Well, it’s a bit too late…” I chuckled.

“I mean, you got to fuck her silly. Fuck her until she
loses her mind. You need to make her your complete

“Most of your skills up until now had concentrated on

seduction. You worried about using your words and
appearance to make a girl sweet on you. However,
this is a time-consuming act that doesn’t always cause
the results you want. Sometimes, it’s much quicker to
just dominate a woman by fucking her brains out until
she’s jelly in your hands. This is a case where you need
to use every skill to sexually satisfy her.”
“More than that.” Netorase cut in. “Here’s the hard
part. You need to do it in view of her entire class. Only
when they see their feminist idol turned into a raving
slut by a student significantly below her station will
the god’s power be obliterated. Once the power is
popped and she becomes your hoe, Mistress will
finally leave in shame.”

As they explained it all, it made perfect sense to me.

There was only one problem. Other than a somewhat
large penis, I had done nothing to gain skills that
increased my sexual prowess. More than that, while I
could easily dominate teenage girls, I wasn’t good
against older, more experienced women. I still
struggled with Sasori, and my last time with the
Principal only earlier today left me feeling defeated. If
it came to turning the Principal into a quivering mass
of sex, I lacked the skills.
“By the look on Hakaru’s face, I’m guessing you’re
thinking that this is impossible for the current you,”
Netori said scornfully. “And I’d have to agree…”


“That’s why, for the next week, you’ll be practicing

your sexual prowess on every girl in class. We won’t
stop until you become a sex god capable of making a
woman cream with just your breath.”

“This all sounds good, but where do I start?”

The two girls suddenly looked behind them to where

Tiana was still sitting on the bed, a bored expression
on her face and a glazed over look that said she’d
basically tapped out of the conversation a while ago.
However, with everyone looking at her now, she
cocked her head questioningly.
“What’s up?”

“Hakaru can start with her. Give her so much pleasure

that she never even thinks of being with anyone other
than Hakaru, because she knows deep down that
none of them would ever be able to satisfy her.”

“A-alright!” I said, my voice sounding tight.

“Ah… ah… second rule.” Netorase suddenly lifted up a

stopwatch. “You’ll be timed.”

“Did you think you could spend fifty hours playing with
her until she’s numb? No, you must turn her into a
quivering mess… in two hours!”

“Two hours, but…”

“Begin!” She clicked the timer.

“Ah… crap!” I immediately ripped off my clothing.

“Sorry, Tiana, no time for foreplay, I’m diving right it.”

“Hakaru?” She blinked until I suddenly leaped on top

of her. “Ahhhh! Oh… Hakaru….”

Training had already begun.

Chapter 93 :
Iglanced down to see her breathing had become
regular. It was clear that she was asleep now. Her
name was Paitry, I think, a bit of a nerdy girl, but still
cute in her own right. She had glasses that were too
big for her face, and hair that she kept in a tight
ponytail because it went everywhere when she left it
loose. She wasn’t hot enough to make it as one of the
Principal’s favorites, but she was still very adorable.

I silently pulled my way out from under her covers,

making sure not to disturb her in the slightest. I
carefully put my clothing back on. When I was done, I
went up to her and gently kissed her on the forehead.
I then pulled out a rose I had hidden in my pocket and
gently placed it on the bed next to her.

It wasn’t about getting into a woman’s pants. It wasn’t

about turning her into a slut. It was about tying
yourself to her heart, one piece at a time until she
could never pull away. It was about creating an image
that lasted in her body and mind. This was what I had
to do. Rose would call it preparing her heart. It was
always about laying the groundwork for future

That was a major part of what I had learned from the

two sisters over the last week. I was always too caught
up in the moment. However, the moment is exactly
that, momentary. When it came to women, I had to
always be thinking about the future. It wasn’t enough
to impress her today, but to set things up so I could
impress her tomorrow, and the next day. That was the
key to winning a woman. It was to make yourself
unforgettable. I was beginning to understand why the
Memorial skill was so expensive.

When I was done, I gently slid out of her room and

left. She was only one of a half dozen girls I had
enjoyed this week. Some of the women I slept with
were repeat customers from periods I had enjoyed
them before. A few were new though. This was
necessary for points of course. New lays always netted
the most points. This girl’s points would be especially
good because she let me stick it in her ass.

As I left the dorm room, two beautiful women

suddenly appeared on either side of me. Of course,
they were Netorase and Netori. It made me feel
slightly regretful that Netorare couldn’t be here to see
the two sisters working together. Over the week, I
couldn’t explain why, but I felt like the bond between
them had started to heal. I liked to think that deep
inside me, or wherever her divinity was, that Netorare
could see what was going on with a smile on her face.

“You did well, Hakaru…” Netori said with a slight smile

on her face.

“She has definitely gone doki-doki heartthrob for you.

The rose was a bit cliché, but you picked a girl who is
enamored with the clichés. How did you know?”
“I saw a lot of romance books on her shelf,” I
explained. “I could see she was the kind of girl who
dreamed of getting romantic gestures.”

“Ah… it will definitely work, I can feel it!” she offered

encouraging words.

“Well, about that…” I stopped, the two girls taking a

few steps in front of me before turning back. “We
leave tomorrow. Please tell me, my points?”

Netori glanced over at her sister. “Do you want to do


“Mm!” She grabbed a popper seemingly from out of

nowhere and then launched it.
There was a light pop and then confetti gently fell
back down, some of it landing in my hair.

“You did it!” Netori smiled. “You leveled. You’re level

six now.”

“I never dreamed you would make it this far.”

Netorase sighed.

“Hey, doesn’t that make it sound like you were

thinking I’d fail!”

Rose grew flustered, and Netori even chuckled as Rose

desperately apologized while trying to explain herself.

“It’s fine… I was joking.” I said after I had enough of

Rose’s flustered actions. “Rather, what can I do with
my points, huh?”
“You have 30,100 points at the moment.” Netori
explained, switching to a more serious expression, “At
the 50,000 point range, the most expensive skill to
date, you have the skill Charming.”


“This skill makes you charming. Men will think you’re

charismatic. Women will think you’re interesting.
Basically, it gives you the charm of a god.”

“That… really is powerful.” I could only shake my head

in disbelief. “But… then again… it feels a bit like a
handicap, doesn’t it? If everyone just saw me as
charming, then what effort would I have to put into a
relationship? It’d make me lazy and cause me to lose
my edge.”
Netori’s smile grew even larger. “You’re learning,
Hakaru… I’m so proud of you.”

I couldn’t help but blush as she looked at me. Lately,

her teasing nature had diminished somewhat, and she
seemed to approach all of this much more earnestly. I
didn’t know if her sister was rubbing off on her, or if it
was something to do with me. However, sometimes,
the way she looked at me caused my heart to speed
up and my mind to turn numb. I had always been
attracted to Netori, so these newer emotions were
difficult to wrap my mind around.

“40,000 still can earn you Memorial, but there are also
two more skills. Climax is just as it says. It induces a
woman to climax. Well, if you do it wrong, it can be
uncomfortable and even a little painful to suddenly
orgasm without any build-up, but if used wisely, you
can make any girl reach the end, even multiple times.”
Netori chuckled. “The other ability is called Redo. It
allows you to remove a memory from someone,
making them forget something that happened. What
do you think?”

I shook my head and sighed. “Climax would make

handling Principal Vienna a cinch. I could just force her
to orgasm again and again until she’s a mess. Redo
would also be useful. My father, I still don’t know
what he remembers from when I hit him with a bat. If
I returned with that ability, I could rest easy by making
him forget that event.”

“And?” The two girls were watching me carefully.

Even this was a test of sorts. They wanted to see how

far I had grown with my reasoning skills.

“I can’t afford either, so I’d rather learn about what

skills I gained at the 30,000-point mark. If any skill is
going to help me, it’d have to be one of these.”
“Not necessarily,” Netorase warned. “After… we…
well… after we win and… do that… well…”

She suddenly quieted down, a blush on her face.

“What sister is trying to say is that when she gives

herself to you, you should earn at least 10,000 maybe
even 20,000 points, never mind what you earn for
defeating another god. In short, not only will you be
close to level 7, but you can also buy whichever skill
you want.

“Is that so…” I responded thoughtfully. “I still want to

know if there are any other new skills.

“Other than Bold Desires and Embarrassing Act, just

one.” Netori sighed. “One 30,000-point skill.”
“What is it?”

“The ability is called Godless,” Netori said hesitantly.

“That sounds rather ominous. What does it do?” I


“It makes you, and all the women whose hearts you
possess, immune to all the powers of the gods and
goddesses,” Netori spoke carefully.

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open. It was like

a god’s blessing? Wasn’t that incredible? If I could
guarantee I wouldn’t be affected by someone else’s
skills, I could easily defeat them!
“That ability is perfect!” I voiced my excitement. “Why
didn’t you tell me about this ability before? I mean, I
know I can’t get it until now, but this is really

The girls glanced at each other, and then Netori

sighed. “You don’t understand. It removes the powers
of all gods and goddesses. You are right, no god or
goddess will be able to use a skill on you. However,
that also includes… myself!”

I froze for a moment and then looked at Netori

nervously. “What are you saying?”

“It will make you immune to other gods and

goddesses, but it will also make you unable to use any
of the skills you learned. In a word, you’ll be back to
being a human.”
“That…” I shook my head. “How could I take on an
ability like that? Give up everything? I might as well be
asking to be destroyed.”

“…” The two girls wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“Right?” I asked, a crease forming in my forehead.

“Of course…” Netori finally spoke, although she was

still looking away. “Hakaru is wise.”

“Those skills, please use them to win.”

I think I understood what they were getting at. If I was

confident on my own, I didn’t need skills to get by. As
soon as I picked that, skills would become
meaningless. They couldn’t use them on me or my
women, but I couldn’t use anything on them either. It
would truly be a fair game, where the best man won.
How could I ever expect something like that? It was

“Pleasure Points.” I finally said.

“Hakaru?” Netori blinked.

I nodded. “Pleasure Points. Knowing how to touch a

girl to make her go crazy, right? That’s the best path
towards defeating Vienna with the points I have

“R-right…” Netori closed her open mouth and nodded.

“Of course, Hakaru, that is perfect for this situation.”
Netorase smiled, but there was a slight tension in her
eyes that wasn’t there before. “Hakaru is correct, this
will win the day.”

Did the pair really want me to shed all of my abilities?

I knew it was the ultimate show that I had the
confidence to succeed with or without my abilities,
but if I did this, for some reason it felt like I’d be
stabbing myself in the foot. I just couldn’t do
something like this. Even though I could use the skills
more, I still depended on them. There wasn’t a single
girl of recent that I hadn’t used Dirt Scribe and Inner
Desires on. Safety First was vital to my current
lifestyle, and I even used Manipulation. Even if I
disappointed them somewhat it was too soon.

I received Pleasure Points. Both girls calmed down

once I got them back to the dorm room and practiced
my points on them, particularly with a massage.
“M-my turn, my turn!” Rose said excitedly after
hearing Netori moan for a half-hour straight.

I spent some time massaging both of them until they

were complete jelly, unable to move. They no longer
complaining about my choice, instead, giving me a
thumbs-up as I systematically disarmed both women.

In the end, it never occurred to me to take advantage

of this state to molest the two goddesses. For some
reason, I had a feeling that if I pushed them down,
they wouldn’t disappear or flee, but the desire to do
so was seemingly absent. Rather, I wasn’t thinking
about now, but what I would do next.

I suppose you could call it preparing their hearts. I was

setting up the scaffolding for the relationship I’d have
with these women in the future. It was only a matter
of time now. The goddesses were mine!
Chapter 94 :
Getting on the bus, I sat in a random seat by myself in
the middle of the bus. We were getting ready to head-
out on the week-long retreat. The location was a
lodge a few hour’s drive from here. From what I
understood, Vienna had rented the place out for an
entire week to bring the school. She said it was to
have team-building exercises, but I knew the truth was
that she planned to finish her brainwashing

I noticed that I was catching the eyes of a few of the

ladies around me. At this point, there wasn’t a single
girl on this bus that I hadn’t fucked. It was a
remarkable system. I had fucked every single one of
them, and while none of them knew to what extent I
had enjoyed each and every girl, they knew that I
wasn’t loyal to a single one of them. Yet, every girl
here was willing to share me around. During my week
of training, I had even asked a couple of the girls what
they thought about our relationship. Their answers
left me floored.
“Even though you have many women, I hope you can
give me more attention one day. However, don’t hold
back on my account. As Rose says, if I really love you,
then I must acknowledge your own happiness.” A
pretty girl with narrow eyes told me.

“Hakaru, I enjoy the way you make me feel. Every time

I look at you, my heart beats fast and my body grows
hot. Every second you touch me, I feel like I could die
happy. Why would I want to change this feeling inside
me? Aren’t we both happy with things the way they
are now?” A half-Japanese girl with blue eyes said.

“What about when I leave?”

“I’ll be sad for a while, but I will remember the time I

was with you happily. Well, hehe… I still have my
boyfriend, so Hakaru doesn’t have to worry about me,
but it makes me feel good knowing you do.”
Even the single girls seemed to be fine with it. In their
minds, they were willing to share me because it led to
their own personal happiness. It was as if all the
pettiness, jealousy, and competitiveness that should
have been there was absent. It was a surreal
experience, and I knew that it was only possible
because of the presence of a certain goddess.

The bus was divided up into two sections. In the front

were the majority of the girls, while the back held
most of the boys. Principal Vienna sat in the middle
while all the guys hovered around her with completely
cucked expressions. It was clear they were all under
her spell. Despite my winning most of the girl’s hearts
and keeping them from Vienna’s clutches, there was
very little I could do about the guys until my plan went
off and I could finally wreck her in front of them. Only
then would the infatuated expressions on the guy’s
faces dissipate.
For the moment, they were putty in her hands. Even
Matt had a spellbound look on his face as he listened
to her every word. I didn’t know for certain, but I
suspected the reason he left Tiana was exactly
because of his growing infatuation with Vienna. The
only guy free of that infatuation was me. Of course, I
didn’t sit anywhere near Vienna or the guys. I was
sitting upfront with the girls, surrounded by the
women I had enjoyed the last month or so. My eyes
finally drifted to Rose. She was sitting in the seat in
front of mine and was chatting happily with three
other girls.

Even though I was just looking at the back of her head,

just looking at her started to cause me to feel funny. I
felt heat and desire that was no less than when I was
with the other women I loved. This was completely
independent of the feeling I had for Kira, the body
that surrounded Netorase. Even though I had only
seen her physical form the one time she exited Kira, I
felt an intense caring and desire for her.
She seemed to notice that I was staring at her back, as
she suddenly looked back at me. With a smile that was
so enchanting it was a bit dangerous, she looked at
me shyly while pushing the hair back over her ear.

“What is it?” she asked, her cheeks starting to change

to a shade of red.

“It’s just, you’re absolutely incredible, aren’t you?”

Her redness continued to intensify. It was a reaction

that was different in manner from Kira’s entirely. It
was a behavior that was uniquely Rose’s, and it made
her even more beautiful than I imagined.

“Hakaru… don’t keep looking at me like that?” She

said, her breath coming out weakly.
“But you’re so beautiful,” I responded. “I’m so sorry I
didn’t realize how incredible you are.”

Her body shuddered for a moment and she closed her

eyes before opening them and looking at me,
appearing even shyer until she put a sudden pout on
her face. “Hakaru is no fair.”


“When you say those words, and you look at me that

way, you’re going cause me to lose myself. We’re so
close, but if Hakaru pushes, I won’t be able to hold
back any longer.”

The words she was saying were quite implicit. If I

wanted her, Netorase would give me her everything.
However, the end result is that Kira would just be Kira
again, and all of her assistance would be gone. In
truth, I already felt like victory was assured, but I still
wanted Netorase around just in case. The implications
of her words still struck home, and I felt my own
breath quicken as I looked at the intense lust and
desire in her expression. A lot of the other girls on the
bus were shooting us looks, whispering, and then

“Ah? Rose hasn’t had Hakaru?” The girl next to her


“Huh?” Tiana suddenly wrapped her arms around me

from the seat behind. “Have you two seriously not
gone all the way yet? I would have sworn you had.”

Realizing that our private conversation, spoken mostly

with our eyes, was seen by over half the bus, the
usually blunt Rose turned petrified. It turned out that,
as good as she was with one-and-one and convincing
other women, she was no good at receiving some of
the same treatment herself.

“Hakaru… you totally need to do her!” One girl said.

“Of course, you can have me for dessert…”

“I’ll be the appetizer!”

“It’s not good if Hakaru cums too early for their first
time.” A girl in glasses explained. “Then, it’s only
natural he deposits in me before he settles things with

“Eh? Aren’t I the cumdumpster?” Tiana showed her

tattoo and shook her butt at the other girls. “I should
definitely have Hakaru’s cum first.”
“Rose, when he has sex with you, we should film it.”
One girl laughed. “After convincing us girls to impale
ourselves on that big thing, it’s only fitting we all get
to watch her “o” face as she creams on that monster!”

Thankfully, the guys didn’t hear this vulgar

conversation from the back of the bus, although given
how spellbound they were, they probably wouldn’t
have reacted if they had. While Rose turned so red she
looked like she was about to burst, the girls continued
to relentlessly tease the both of us. Considering I had
seen all of their ‘o’ faces, I didn’t mind. In fact, this
kind of free atmosphere of sharing felt impossibly

Who would have thought that this is what Netorase

truly meant? It was sharing in a way where both
parties were happier for it. It was being able to freely
talk about sex with your best friend because the pair
of you were having sex with the same man! It was a
freedom and peace that I desperately needed, and it
had always been an aspect of the supposedly despised

I wanted Rose. I also wanted Rory. And Netori for that

matter too. I wanted all of them. The end was coming
soon. Taking a sneak peak at Vienna, I began to work
out my plan for how I was going to take her. It was all
easier said than done. First off, despite the fact that I
was blackmailing her and we had already had sex, she
still continued on with this retreat. That meant she
was confident that she was going to succeed in
brainwashing everyone.

Secondly, all the men around her acted like guard

dogs, making it impossible to approach her. For our
first time, she had created a precaution. Every time I
attempted to get to her, there was a boy nearby
stationed as a guard. She knew that I couldn’t
blackmail or rape her in front of other students, so she
made sure she was always in the presence of another
As a result, despite all my training with the goddess
sisters, I hadn’t spent any more time with Vienna.
Now, we were going on this retreat, and every guy
was around her. How was I going to turn her into my
sex toy if I couldn’t get her alone for even a moment?
A better question, how was I going to show her being
the slut she is without being in the presence of these

Actually, I did have an answer for that last one. I had

borrowed some of the equipment from the recording
studio. My thought was to set up a stream. Once I got
her alone, I would seduce her and then stream it once
things got saucy. Rose’s job would be to make sure
the video started playing in front of all of the class,
revealing Principal Vienna as she turns into a raging
slut. With my new skill, I was certain that I could
achieve this goal with ease. Speaking of which…
“Haahhaaaa… Hakaru… n-no fair…” Tiana moaned
breathlessly in my ear.

She had wrapped her arms around me from behind

and hadn’t bothered to let go, keeping her chest
pressed on the back of my head while talking to Rose
and the other girls, mostly about me and Rose and
what our night together should be like. Thus, since she
was being irritating, I attacked a few obscure pleasure
points. For a woman like Tiana who was always
insatiable, to have her body aroused in such a manner
was pure torture and delight.

One pleasure point was on her wrist, which I grabbed.

The other was actually on her breast, but because she
was on my head, I had used her hair to mask my hands
approach, and then I targeted that point as well.
Stimulating to pleasure points on Tiana, she slowly
started talking to other girls less and less. Even though
it had been clear the goddesses wanted me to select
Godless, I knew I wasn’t ready for that ability. That
didn’t mean Pleasure Points was any less awesome.
This ability was able to turn two goddesses into goo,
so how could it not destroy Tiana!

“Haaahaaa… It’s going to come out and make a mess.”

Tiana begged, whispering in my ear with tears in her

Ah, well, she shouldn’t have used my head as a boob

rack. Well, normally, I’d be fine with just that, but
Tiana was a girl I enjoyed torturing just a bit. My
fingers began to attack her points even harder. She
took in a breath with a hiss.

“Haaa… haaa… H-hakaru!” Her entire body shuddered

as she had an uncontrollable orgasm induced just by
two fingers lightly massaging two different spots.
I finally let go and she collapsed back on the seat. If
you listened close, the sound of fabric hitting the seat
was slightly wet now, so she really had made a mess,
it seemed. The only thing more intense was the erotic
scent, which she couldn’t keep from drifting to her
neighbors, even though she struggled to open the

When I glanced up, I realized that all the nearby girls

were glancing at me with excited looks. Rose gave me
a hidden mischievous look and then stuck out her
tongue. It looked like my discrete punishment for
Tiana had been caught by the other girls on the bus.
Three of them suddenly moved at the same time, but
the quickest of the girls managed to get a spot next to
me. She stuck out her tongue at the other two girls,
and then gave me a pleading look with her eyes.

I sighed, cracking my knuckles. Well, at least I had

something to do for the rest of the bus ride. By the
time we pulled in front of the retreat lodge, the
windows were foggy and all of the girls were out of
breath and oddly relaxed. It was a complete mystery
to most of the boys on the bus. As they walked up to
the front of the bus and the exit, they also noticed
that all the seats had various degrees of wet spots,
and there was a pungent odor in the air.

It truly was one of this class trips great mysteries.

Chapter 95 :
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Vienna announced as she
gathered all of the students in front of the lodge.
“Tonight, we will have a small welcoming party. You
all must attend. I have very special plans to encourage
a deep bonding experience.”

The boys chatted excitedly to each other, shooting the

principal aroused and fervent looks. Even the girls
discussed the celebration excitedly. Though I had won
the hearts of most of the girls in the class, it wasn’t
like we had informed them about NTR Crush, let alone
Principal Vienna’s nefarious plans. So, to them, this
was all just a good time.

As for me, I had a worried expression on my face. I

thought I’d have time to set things up, but it looked
like Principal Vienna planned to make her move
tonight. How did I know that this welcoming party was
going to be her move? Well, it was honestly more of a
hunch. The only way she could really stop me was to
make her move first, although it left me a little
worried wondering what kind of move she planned to

“Hakaru…” Rose whispered, lightly touching my arm.

“Yeah, I know. We’re going to have to move fast.” I

whispered back. “We need to lure Vienna away from
this party and to a predetermined spot that I’ll record.
Then, while I’m turning her to mush, you make sure
the recording displays where the party is at. The guys
will have no choice but to watch while their illustrious
teacher is turned into a cum-guzzling slut.”

“Mm… very well, as long as you’re confident you can

turn her to mush.” Rose agreed with a nod.

Our whispers were lost along with all the other people
excitedly chatting about tonight. Once enough time
had passed, Vienna raised her hand to silence

“My class. Please find your rooms and grow

comfortable. It’s just past noon now. We’ll meet in the
With that, the group of students was allowed to enter
the lodge. The place was a massive two-story building
with a wood exterior. It had multiple dorm rooms and
a few singles. There was a massive porch and patio
outside. Most importantly, it was surrounded by
forest and was next to a lake. This was truly an
isolated place, even when compared to the campus.

I quickly found one of the isolated rooms apart from

the dorms. Many of the other guys wanted to sleep in
the same room so they could stay up and talk about
girls, probably how much they all wanted Principal
Vienna. I didn’t get along with these guys. They also
seemed to have subconsciously picked up on the
tension between me and the Principal, so they
blocked me out of their circle as well. Simply put, I
didn’t cause them trouble and they didn’t cause me

“Hey, Matt.” I saw a familiar face walking by my room.

He froze for a second, but then turned back, glancing
my direction with an awkward expression on his face.
For all intents and purposes, I had taken his woman.
However, the result was he had his first sexual
experience with her. Furthermore, in the end, he
broke it off with her, not the other way around. At the
moment, Principal Vienna had put her claws in him, so
he naturally didn’t dwell much on that relationship.

“Hakaru.” He said shortly as he stopped at my door,

looking like he really didn’t want to be seen with me.

“You know… I heard from the girls that Principal

Vienna really likes you.”

He froze for a second, and then crossed his arms and

looked away. “If you’re just going to pull pranks, I’m
“I’m not joking. Have you seen the way she looks at
you?” I waved my hands. “You should definitely
confess to her.”

“Wh-why do you say that?” His face still held disbelief,

but just enough hope that he was willing to hear me

I hide a smile as I looked up at him and shrugged. “It’s

no matter to me what you choose to do with your life.
Rather, as you’ve probably guessed, Principal Vienna
and I don’t get along. My grades are going to suffer,
but I think if the teacher is in love, she’d likely grade
easier on me.”

Seeing that my excuse was still inherently selfish, Matt

became more willing to accept it. His arrogant
demeanor started to return and he lifted up his chin.
“Oh? I thought you were up to something? Why
should I help you out?”

“I heard it on good authority that at the party tonight,

the teacher is going to do something special.”

He shook for a second, his arms dropping to his sides.

“I- heard that too!”

“Well, rumor has it, that she plans to date one of the
students in the class. She wants to demonstrate to
everyone how a proper relationship should exist.”

“R-really?” His suspicion was disappearing the more I

“Well, she was originally going to pick someone at
random. However, if you confess to her immediately
before the event, then when she picks someone…”

“She’s going to pick me!”

“You’ll definitely be at the forefront of her mind. It’s

your chance to seduce her.”

The excitement on his face turned suspicious for a

moment. “Wh-why are offering me this? You could set
up any guy as her choice, including yourself!”

“Eh? I’m not interested in her.” I waved my hands.

“But as to why I picked you, it’s simple. First off, of
every guy in class, you’re the only one I know.
Secondly of every guy in class, you’re the only one
who has had sex.”
Matt’s suspicion disappeared as his face turned red.

I laughed. “Don’t be ashamed of that. Use it! Won’t

you be able to be more comfortable with her and
better seduce her with a little experience?”

“Th-that’s right!” Matt formed a smile. “I really am her

best option! I’m going to write her a love letter right
now. I’ll have her meet me a half-hour before the

“Good job! Hey, where do you plan to confess? You

know, location is everything.”

“Ah… I haven’t thought of that…” He blushed.

“You want me to help you write it?”

“R-really, you will?” He asked hopefully.

“Well, you’ve seen how successful I am with girls. So,

with my help, you can definitely make sure she

“T-thanks!” He then looked away while rubbing the

back of his head. “Ah… Hakaru, you’re a good guy. I’m
sorry I thought ill of you.”

I waved my hands, “Don’t be. As I said, I just want to

increase your chances of scoring here so my grades
might improve. I’m being completely selfish!”

“Hehe… well, then please, advise me.”

The pair of us spend the next hour writing a love note
that would definitely cause the teacher to have to
come deal with it. I slipped a few choice words in
there that would definitely leave her feeling she had
to see who it was. Matt finally left my room with a
letter in her hands and a smile on his face.

Of course, I was only using him. Even so, I wasn’t that

good as to get him to put his guard down completely. I
used a healthy dose of manipulation too, egging him
on until he finally decided to throw away all of his
doubts and make a move on Principal Vienna.

Once he was out of sight, the friendly smile on my

face dissipated and I left the male hall and headed to
the female. There was no one blocking boys from
entering the girl’s room. Then again, if the teacher had
her way, everyone there would be her sex
subordinates by the end of the day, and it wouldn’t
matter. The relationships between boys and girls
would be gone, and everyone would only be focused
on Vienna.

“Hey, Tiana?” I asked, knocking on her door.

Tiana was lying on a bed, reading a magazine. When

she saw me, she tossed it aside and broke into a smile.

“Hakaru!” She said excitedly, “Did you come to finish

what you started on the bus?”

“Ah… sorry, I can’t, beautiful.” I gave her a disarming

grin. “There is a lot happening tonight, and I’d like
your assistance.”

“Hakaru needs me?” A silly grin formed on her face.

“I’ll definitely do it! No matter how degrading!”
“Haha… well, it’s not that bad. I just need you to keep
tabs on Matt. Immediately before the party, I need
you to distract him. Do whatever you want to keep
him from leaving, even if you have to use your body.”

She put on a pouty expression. “Y-you said I should

only use my body to please you!”

“I know what I said…” I sighed. “But this is too

important. I mean, don’t use your body unless there
are no other options, okay?”

“Ah… o-okay.” She nodded, her eyes still bright and

filled with love.

I gave her the location she had to keep him away just
in case, and like that, I turned to leave. I had only
made it halfway down the hallway when I heard my
name whispered softly.


I turned to see a single room. The woman inside it was

Principal Vienna herself. Immediately, my hackles rose
and I put up my defenses. There was no way I’d let her
ruin my carefully made plans. There was no way she’d
have heard my discussion with Matt or Tiana, right?

“Can you come here, please?” She asked, sitting down

on her bed and crossing her legs.

Looking both ways down the hall, I realized there was

just no way I could run. Making a small sigh, I entered
the room and closed the door behind me. I stood in
front of Principal Vienna, my enemy, with a defiant
expression on my face.
“Hakaru… I surrender.” She responded.


“Let’s not fool ourselves. I know you’re playing the

game for one of the gods or goddesses, just like that
girl Rose. When I put the pair of you together, I was
hoping you’d destroy each other, yet, you seemed to
have joined forces. I hadn’t anticipated this at all.”

“…” I didn’t know what to say.

Up until now, we had not discussed the game at all. In

fact, other than with the goddesses, it felt a little
weird to talk about the game openly with a
“So, I realize that I am outmatched. Whatever plans
you had to destroy me, you can put them aside. I’
rather not face the humiliation, when I know that I’m
just going to lose anyway. Since I saw the blackmail
you had of me, I knew you were a man I couldn’t

Although her words were sweet, they were difficult to

swallow. “Why do you think I would trust you?”

She put up her hands defensively. “You have my word.

If you need it in writing, I can provide it. I’ll also allow
you to take embarrassing photos of me. Perhaps, I
could get out of being filmed having sex with that
man. However, if I’m pictured with a student? With
that as blackmail, I could never defy you.

I shook my head. “No, that isn’t good enough.

Fortunately, I know what is.”
She raised her eyes to glance at me. Her expression
wasn’t scared or worried. Rather, she looked resigned.

“What does Hakaru have in mind?”

“I have a skill. All you have to do is make a promise to

me, and then we’ll kiss on it. That will be sufficient.”

“Very well… I will do as you ask.”

“What about the party tonight?”

“After the party, I will get rid of all of the boys. Then,
there will be only girls for Master.”

I must become Hakaru’s woman. It is the only way.

I struck her with Dirt Scribe and found her thoughts
lined up with her words. Although calling me Master
was a bit excessive, I didn’t mind this victory.

“In that case, make your promise.”

“Hakaru, I promise to be your woman. I promise that

my body is yours. I will champion no god or goddess,
and I will not betray you.”

The Locked Promise slammed into effect. If she had a

god or goddess to block it, I would have known at this
point. It was clear she was on the effect now.

“Very well, then, after the party, I’m going to have

some fun with your body,” I told her.
She lowered her head. “As Hakaru wishes.”

I left her room whistling. This was far easier than I

thought. Of course, I still didn’t trust her. My original
plan was not going to stop. I’d lure her away with
Matt, push her down, and then make the whole
classroom watch her. However, with Locked Promise, I
suspected there could be nothing she could do. The
game was set. It was time for the checkmate.

Chapter 96 :
The remainder of my free time passed quickly. I
managed to speak with Netorase for a bit. I passed off
all of the equipment she needed to do her recordings.
She may be a goddess, but she was knowledgeable
when it came to modern technology. She had Kira as a
student president to pull on if she didn’t know the
information herself. Then, we went over the plan one
more time just to be certain. I told her about Vienna’s
surrender. Naturally, she was very suspicious about
the entire thing, just as I was.

“It’s a trick,” Rose said, although her expression was


“I used Lock Promise on her. Is there some way she

could have resisted it?”

She started to shake her head but paused for a

moment. “I’m not sure…”

“Actually, now that I think of it, I thought I had used

Locked Promise on Kira at one point, but isn’t she a
blessed vessel? Wouldn’t that be impossible?”

As far as I knew, she was still bound by that promise.

Netorare had informed me that as I leveled, Locked
Promise could be maintained on more people. At the
moment, I had the ability to use it on three different
people. That was one of the other advantages of
leveling. Every ability you have grows stronger.
However, that didn’t stop the fact that Kira wasn’t
simply a blessed vessel, but she was openly
functioning as Rose’s avatar when I used the skill on

“This is something that Netori probably doesn’t want

you to know…” Rose said uncertainly.

“Well, she needs to stop sheltering me from

everything>” I shot back. “How am I supposed to grow
if she keeps me in the dark all the time.”

She closed her eyes for a moment and then nodded.

“Abilities do work on gods and blessed vessels, but
only under certain circumstances.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Under what circumstance?”

“Simply, when the powers of the person using the skill

exceed the powers of the source of the protection.”

“What does that mean?”

“Remember when we told you about how powerful

we were as NTR, and how Matrimony borrowed
power to suppress us until she didn’t need to


“Well, simply put, we were more powerful that

Matrimony in the beginning, and she couldn’t do
anything to us. However, we were hurting from the
loss and we never realized how vindictive, jealous, and
spiteful Matrimony truly is. We underestimated her,
thinking we could part amicably. Our split… that was…
my fault.”

“Your fault?”

“I believed that we could get Matrimony to share. I

believed that one day, we’d have him back, and we
could all live together. Netori simply wanted to take
him back, while Netorare wanted to wallow in self-
pity. When she grew stronger than us, rather than pity
us or leave, she decided to deal a fatal strike using her

“That was when we broke into three. She then used a

contract written in stone to bind us into our weaker
forms. From then on, NTR became the three NTR
sisters. Unless certain conditions are met, we cannot
reform into our old selves. It didn’t help that Netori
still blames me for not being aggressive enough.”
“So, what does that mean for the three of you?”

“It means we’re lower gods. We used to be a top-tier

god. We weren’t as powerful as the fundamental laws,
but our strength earned us respect. Now, we’re trash
gods. Even Matrimony and him, they were
incompatible with each other, and as a result, they fell
from being top-tier gods to only mid-tier over the
centuries since.

“Most of the gods involved in this are low-tier gods. If

a mid-tier… or a high-tier god got involved… we’d have
no hope of succeeding at all. That’s why it was so
important to Netori to keep this all under wraps. If
Matrimony found out about it, she would certainly
interfere. She is petty and spiteful.” The usually calm
Rose had an angry expression on her face when
talking about Matrimony.
“So, my abilities are rather useless, aren’t they…” I

“Not at all.” Netorase shook her head. “You see, most

of the gods and goddesses you’re battling are at or
near the same level as you. They won’t be able to
block your skills, and you won’t be able to block their

“Yeah? Then what happened to you and Kira?”

She blushed. “First off, I don’t use Kira as a complete

vessel, so my protection of her is a bit lacking
compared to a pure soul isolation. Secondly, at that
time, I had grown weak and temporarily lost control of
Kira. I had… overextended my powers here. Since I left
with Kira, we had been trying to help you by taking
down other gods and goddesses playing.
“Believe it or not, other than Vienna, we had already
caused two gods to lose their champions.”

“Seriously!” My eyes widened in surprise.

I had thought I had been doing everything on my own,

but when Kira chose to leave, she never stopped
thinking of helping me. She defeated two other
opponents that now I wouldn’t have to deal with.

“I had used a great deal of my power to defeat the last

opponent. It required bending the rules a bit and I
received a backlash. That was why Kira took control
during our argument. Then, when you to… ahem… I
was too week, and Locked Promise managed to bind

“You? Don’t you mean Kira?”

“I was sharing her body. A binding against her soul is
the same as a binding against my soul. Even though I
didn’t say the words, I cannot defy them.”

I thought back to what the promise actually was.

“I’m yours, forever. I’m Hakaru’s woman.” Netorase

said, and then lightly smiled.

“S-sorry… I was just in the moment.”

“No… it made me so happy to swear that, but when I

saw that those words were only meant for Kira…
hmph… even the goddess of sharing can grow a little
upset!” She playfully hit my shoulder, but she had a
smile and a blush on her cheeks.
“Ah… I get it!” I held up my hands, defending myself
from her until I grabbed her wrists and then pulled her

Our bodies met, and our lips started closing in.

“That’s why I had to change how I was doing things.”

She continued, turning her head to avoid going too
far. “Since I made that promise, I couldn’t seduce men
anymore, even if I used trickery and illusions. It
violated my promise. So, I decided to help Hakaru
instead, first by challenging you and then by helping
you. I had wanted to defeat all your enemies myself,
to prove I was good enough for you.

“Netorase…” I said, looking into her gentle, loving

“I-I…” She grew even more flustered, which was very
cute. “I was wrong, just like Netori. The two of us
were both trying to protect you in our own way. Of all
people, it was Netorare who understood it the most.
As soon as she realized what she had to do, she gave
herself to you. She trusted in you to grow into the
man she hoped you would be. She trusted her very life
essence in your hands. In many ways, I admire her

“Anyway, that’s why I’m saying Hakaru doesn’t need

to worry about her breaking her promise. Since you
felt that Locked Promise worked, it worked. She might
have been able to block it, but once it is activated,
even a goddess can’t refuse it.”


“So,” She smiled with wet tears in her eyes, “When

you finish with that Principal bitch, I’ll give myself to
you too, and trust in you to bring us back together.
Win my sister’s heart quickly. She’s stubborn, but
once you have all of our hearts, you can put us back

For a second, I felt a pang of fear at that. “How? I

don’t know what I’m doing!”

“You’ll… figure it out.” She said softly, putting her

head down against my chest, “We all believe in you.”

I held her like that for a while. Eventually, it was

noticed by some of the girls, who started to grow
rowdy while saying lewd things until she was red in
the face and even I felt embarrassed. Unrepressed
women were surprisingly direct! I fled the dorm room
before I drew interest from the Principal and
potentially had an interference with my plans.
With that, I started going through my back and picking
out my suit. This was the suit I had worn the day I had
seduced Maria. I kept it since I felt it was a bit of a
good luck charm. Since I was planning on seducing
another woman, looking my best sounded like a good
idea. I took a quick shower, combed my hair, dressed
up in my suit, and even used a bit of cologne.

Well, I didn’t really need to seduce her. Even after

thinking through the promise a dozen times, I couldn’t
think of any holes. As long as I broke her in front of
the students, she’d definitely become my woman and
the god who follows her would be defeated. Other
than that, I just had to trust in Netorase to handle her
part of the deal. For me, I needed to focus on turning
Vienna into a slut.

The time came, and I headed to the spot where

Vienna was supposed to meet Matt. I had checked to
make sure the letter made it, and I managed to get a
confirmation through Rose. As far as whether Vienna
would choose to come, I felt like she would have to.
I’d be very surprised if she decided to blow him off. It
was still about thirty minutes before the gathering, so
she had enough time.

As for Matt, I kept track of where he was and made

sure that Tiana was there to intercept him. I hoped it
didn’t come to them having sex to keep him from this
meeting. Well, she only really needed to distract him
for a few minutes. Once I had her out of her clothing
and bent over the side rails, he could walk in and see
it. He’d probably be too stunned to say or do anything.
It would have the same effect on him as it would on all
the other lovestruck guys.

The spot I decided to meet her was on the second

floor. There was a large wooden patio that shot off the
side of the building overlooking the lake. Mixed with
the sound of soft crickets from the forest, and it was
an extremely beautiful few. There were several
reasons I picked this location.
First off, the sound would be cut off from those in the
lodge. Secondly, there were several very large
floodlights shining on the deck, giving it bright, clear
lighting. These lights also blinded you, making it very
easy to hide recording equipment next to them. Third,
this was nearby the ballroom where the festivities
were being held, meaning the cable running didn’t
need to be too excessive. Finally, there were at least a
half dozen porches spread around the house. With the
darkness outside, the only thing that showed on the
camera was the wood floor and the two of us. No one
would be able to find us too quickly and ruin the

When I opened the door, the light shined past me.

Principal Vienna was already waiting there. She was
wearing a summer dress now, far different from her
usual business attire. When she turned, she put her
hand over her eyes and squinted, but she wouldn’t be
able to see who I was until I showed myself.
“Some advice… if you wish to give a lady a love letter,
you should be on time.” She chastised, although her
voice was somewhat gentle.

Who did she think it was? Well, there was no point in

it keeping the charade going any longer. I walked out
onto the deck, my smile growing as I came into the
light and she could make out my face. As soon as she
saw me, her eyes widened in shock, and then in

“Actually, I think… I’m here at exactly the right time.” I


Chapter 97 :
“Ha-Hakaru!” Vienna gasped, taking a step back in
“Hello, Vienna.” I chuckled. “What? You were
expecting someone else?”

She made a bitter face, looking away. “I wouldn’t have

guessed that you had such strong feelings for me.”

“Hehe… well, perhaps I went a little overboard.”

She sniffed, crossing her arms. “What is it that you

really want? We have a deal.”

“Well, what can I say?” I held out my arms. “I altered

the deal. Pray I do not alter it further.”

“Come here!” I moved forward and grabbed her,
causing her to let out a yip.

It was very unlikely, but I feared she might bolt for the
door. Since I now had her in my hands, there were no
more worries. Rather, I could enjoy myself.

“Hakaru, don’t…Mmm!” She tried to fight back, but I

locked her with my lips immediately.

She managed to get her hands up to my chest where

she pushed, finally getting her lips free. She turned her
head away, still avoiding my advances.

“Hakaru… after the meeting, you can do whatever you

want to me.” She panted, but then she grinned. “At
least, you can try.”
“Hehe… I think you’ll find the guy who came all over
your tits to be vastly different from last time.” I

“Hmph… don’t all little boys just cum on mommy’s

tits?” She responded.

As she realized she couldn’t escape by acting innocent

and pleading, she started to switch strategies, now
she was trying to goad me with criticism and
demeaning words. She wanted to make me angry,
perhaps even sloppy. However, I didn’t plan to fall for

I reached up and grabbed her blouse, tearing it open.

She exhaled of breath in surprise as her large breasts
were once again freed from their restraints. Her
clothing, which was always confining, hid a sensual
body that demanded to be free. As her chest bounced
out of her torn blouse, I dived right in, grabbing her
breasts. Vienna didn’t stop me from pawing at her,
but she did have an ugly expression on her face,
clearly unhappy that I was doing this.

“Well, you are a young boy.” She finally sighed. “I

suppose it was too much to expect you to hold it in
until after. Very well. Since I still have time, I’ll get you
off. Fifteen minutes is more than enough time to leave
you happy.”

“You’re still looking down on me.” I chuckled rubbing

my face in her cleavage.

Of course, I hadn’t used my pressure points yet. In

fact, I was intentionally acting like an inexperienced
high school boy on purpose. Putting all my efforts into
playing with her tits, I came off like your typical kid
who didn’t know how to touch a woman. She already
had the impression I was just too young to satisfy a
real woman, so I was simply reinforcing it. In truth, I
had long graduated from that level even before my
training with Netorase. It was just bad luck and
admittedly my own hubris that I had failed to properly
satisfy her during our first encounter and came early.
Sasori and my mother were both also mature women,
and I had left them satisfied. Adding to that my
training under the guidance of two insatiable
goddesses, and I could be said to be at my prime right

As I sloppily sucked her nipple, I could feel Vienna

touching my hand, stroking it in an almost motherly,
or perhaps condescending way. I could feel her body
relaxing in my grip. Her guard was starting to drop, as
well as her physical and emotional defenses. She
thought she was going to take control, make me
climax, and then go about her business.

The expectation was a hard thing to overcome, so it

was easy for her to fall for this trap. It was one of the
first things the goddesses taught me. First
appearances were hard to shake, and if you give
someone an impression, it’s much easier to reinforce
it than to destroy it. Even had she been warned by her
god to be wary around me, an adult woman would
struggle to see a boy as a man. She was treating me
like a puppy dog when what she really had in her arms
was a dragon preparing to devour her.

Well, suckering her in was easy. The tricky part was to

destroy her misconceptions. It had to be done swiftly
and absolutely, not giving her any time to recover
until she was nothing but putty in my hands.

“Ah… ah…” She let out light moans as I played with

her chest.

They were carefully calculated to excite my blood and

push me over the edge. Now that I could see the signs
of this woman’s attempts to manipulate and get what
she wanted, they became all the more amateurish.
“Hakaru… please… stick it in!” She begged.

Naturally, she intended to drive me over the limit.

There had been a subtle degree of impatience as I
sucked on her tits. She clearly wanted to get this over
with as quickly as possible so that she could return to
her event and whatever her grand plan was.

That’s why I allowed my eyes to flash with excitement,

my mouth opening hungrily as I stared at her. My
capacity to act deserved an award. On the other hand,
since this was all being recorded, her request would
be another chain that would bind her. She didn’t
realize it, but while trying to deal with me, she was
only adding to her own humiliation and defeat.

I pawed hungrily at her body, grabbing at her ass as

someone like Matt might. My expression said that all I
wanted was to unwrap and savor this body, like the
horny teenager I was. Vienna had completely fallen
for the illusion, grabbing my hand from her butt and
leading me to the edge of the porch. She slowly
unzipped the side of her skirt, allowing her ass to pop
out the top as the tight material slid down. I gulped
down saliva. It added to the effect, but the gulp was
genuine. She had a perfect bubble butt, and I was
genuinely taken aback for a moment until I got back
control of my body.

She knew just what she was doing, and she reached
back and spread herself, “Come… please… I want it
inside me.”

Her voice was drenched in honey, but I was one of a

few people who realized how venomous it actually
was. Of course, it was part of my plan to depict Vienna
as the aggressor. I hoped the camera got a good view
of her begging a student to penetrate her. I stepped
forward, grabbing her ass greedily, even letting just a
hint of drool fall from my face. She smiled at me with
a seductive smile. She really thought I couldn’t see the
hidden scorn in her expression.

Well, even a promise made under Locked Promise

couldn’t change a person’s hidden feelings. She may
have agreed to offer me her body, which was exactly
why she couldn’t reject me right now, but that didn’t
mean her attitude and behavior changed. That sort of
thing would come next.

I lined my dick up with her pussy. Even though she

was an experienced woman, my dick was big enough
to cause her to gasp. Compared to that councilman
and his pencil dick, this beast would definitely need to
be pushed to fit into her caverns.

I worked on forcing my dick into her, continuing the

charade of an inexperienced and over-eager guy. I
even popped the head into her ass for a moment.
“Ah!” Her cry was genuine this time. “Wrong hole,
Hakaru… naughty boy…”

Her voice wasn’t angry but teasing. Had it been me

from even a week or two ago, I might have just forced
it into her ass and had my way with her. I would have
enjoyed her yowls and screams as I fucked her roughly
in the butt. I would have fucked her until she
collapsed, her ass sore and her eyes filled with tears.
More embarrassingly, I would have walked away
thinking I had won.

But the truth was that acting that way would have
been a defeat for me. My goal wasn’t to gain
satisfaction or revenge. It wasn’t to demean or
embarrass her. Rather, I was here to make Vienna
mine. I had to warp her body and mind until I was the
only thing that mattered. I had to fuck her so good
that she handed me her heart. Thus, after re-fixing my
dick, I finally slid it into her pussy.
“Oh, Hakaru… so big… you’re making me cum…” She
moaned, gyrating her hips on my cock.

Even though her body was leaning over the rails and
she was bent over, she was using her body to satisfy
my dick, rocking her ass back and forth. The
floodlights shined off of my wet dick as it slid in and
out of her tight, waiting snatch. I didn’t even need to
thrust like this, as Vienna was doing all of the motions
herself, using her skill as a woman to satisfy my dick.

Sasori had occasionally become aggressive like this

too. At the time, I had grown flustered and all but let
her have her way with me. Any attempts to take
control looked like the pouts of a child who didn’t
know how to best satisfy his own dick. Just letting go
and letting the girl lead had some merit, but today
wasn’t a day for that kind of thing.
With her butt facing me and her face the other
direction, she didn’t see the dark grin forming on my
lips. Had she seen it, she definitely would have grown
more cautious and stopped trying to work my shaft to
quickly get me off. Of course, while she was doing this,
I wasn’t being useless. Although my skill allowed me
to instantly ascertain the sensitive parts of a woman,
every woman was different and carried her own
nuances. The longer I studied her body, the more
attuned to her vices I became. Thus, when I began, I
would touch her in every way that inflamed her body.

Of course, I also used Inner Desires on her, further

determining that she actually secretly liked being
dominated. Then, excuse me if I stop being gentle. As
far as Dirt Scribe goes…

Get off already… I have things to do…

Yeah, it told me what I already knew to be the truth.
She was just going through motions, convinced that
she had the upper hand. All she had to do was finish
me off and then she could follow through with
whatever her plans were. I wasn’t convinced she
didn’t still have something up her sleeve, so naturally,
this next part was necessary. As far as how close I was
to losing it, the answer would be not at all. If I went by
Netori’s rating system, my own sexual stamina had
increased to 25/100, nearly doubling in the last

Sexual stamina related not just to how long you could

last, but also how long you could go, which were
similar, but also quite different. As a typical rule, every
10 levels you could cum and then keep going. So, at
10, you could bring a girl full satisfaction with just your
penis and climax at roughly the same time, on
average. Someone less than ten might have to depend
on fingers, toys, or tongue. At 25, I could creampie a
girl twice and still have the stamina to keep going a
little bit longer. That was a rough estimate, naturally,
and also depended on the woman’s sexual stamina.

While my success might seem like a middling amount,

most professional pornstars only sat at around a 40.
According to Netori, the 60s was reserved for sex-
obsessed nymphomaniacs, people who literally had a
mental illness. As for higher than that? In order to
have higher sexual stamina, you’d need higher
stamina, and that exceeds the limits of what a human
can do. Only the sex gods are that rambunctious.

Yeah, this is enough waiting. It’s time to bring her into


I reached out and under her body, cupping her tits.

She made a pleased moan as I grabbed onto them.
Then, I squeezed the part just under the fat, attacking
the most sensitive part of her chest which I previously
ascertained while I was drooling on them. Her gyrating
hips froze for a second and her hands tightened on
the rail of the patio.

“Ahhhn!” She cried out in what was clearly the first

authentic moan of the night.

I went back to mindlessly pawing her breasts, and a

moment later she regained her rhythm, trying to work
my cock until I came. If I could see her face, there
would probably be a slightly confused expression. She
was probably thinking that even a blind squirrel
stumbles on a nut once in a while. It must have been
an accident that I hit a sensitive area.

No, Vienna. I have all the nut. And I’m about to give it
to you!
Chapter 98 :
Ifinished biding my time while Vienna hopelessly
struggled to bring me to climax. I was no longer a
target that crumbled at the feel of a tight, wet pussy.
As for what my secret was, well, it’s a secret. It’s a
goddesses’ trade secret. Just accept that I could go a
good twenty minutes without accidentally blowing my
load. I lifted my hand and then brought it down on
Vienna’s rump.

“Ah!” She made a startled sound, stalling her gyrations

for a moment.

I used that moment, to grab her smooth ass, and then

thrust myself deep inside her. I changed the position
my cock was piercing, leaving a much deeper and
more satisfying entry point. I smacked her ass again,
and then reaching around her formidable booty to her
front, I attacked a sensitive area just above her pelvis.
As I did so, I leaned forward. As she was standing up,
her butt out, her legs spread, and her elbows on the
edge of a patio rail, then I lay along her back,
contouring to her features, and more importantly
taking complete control of her body and no longer
allowing her to fight back.

She couldn’t remove my cock if she wanted to. If she

tried to straighten, my body was on her back, pushing
her down. If she wanted to gyrate her hips, my thighs
were already wrapped around them, controlling the
entire momentum of our sex. Meanwhile, I
relentlessly attacked her sensitive spots, stimulating
them in a way that made her resistance drop even

“W-wait… ahhhn…” She was flustered, not able to

cope with her body being so completely controlled in
such an easy manner.

Not only did I contort her body in the way I wanted to,
but I also had complete control of her orgasms. There
was essentially nothing she could do to fight my
machinations. I attacked them even harder, making
her entire body shake in my arms. My free hand
slapped her rump a few more times, and as I roughly
thrust into her, it truly did feel like I was at a rodeo
riding a steed. She even tried to throw me off but was
powerless to do so.

“Ahhhh… st-stop that…” She said as I smacked her

butt even harder.

Except, I knew deep down that she liked a bit of

domination. In fact, I could feel her juices flowing
freely now. She was completely wet now. Compared
to before when she was guiding and now, her pussy
was so slick that the slightest movements caused my
dick to squirm in and out of her wetly. Her lewd scents
were also starting to fill the porch. Even if we’re
outdoors, isn’t there a risk we’ll attract bears? Well,
we’re on the second floor, so it’s fine even if they
come to take a whiff.
“You’re so wet though, don’t you love this?” I ask,
sticking the finger I had just pushed into her wet pussy
and brought it out full of wet emissions into her face.

“I-impossible!’ She gasped.

I stuck my finger into her mouth, and she had no

choice but to suck it, savoring her own horny juices. I
began to pick up the pace with my thrusts, slamming
myself into her harder and harder. I kept one hand
hooked her mouth like I had caught a fish, and then I
attacked her sensitive parts with the other. Whether it
was her clit, her nipples, or the area at the base of her
neck, I attacked it in the best way to stimulate her
arousal. Her moans grew another octave, and anyone
outside the mansion at this time would definitely be
able to hear the slutty teacher.
Fortunately, by this point, everyone had already
arrived at the party. I could feel the thrum thrum
under our feet as they played loud music. It
completely masked the sounds of my violating her
roughly. I smacked her ass again. Her butt was tight,
and each slap made a good noise that echoed across
the room. Her ass didn’t jiggle too much, but red
handprints now covered it.

Her ass wasn’t so tight that she was beyond some

jiggle though. Each thrust of my cock was done with
enough power that her ass shook. If only the camera
could do slow motion, I could pound her ass and
watch that thing jiggle in waves.

“Ah… ahh! Ahhh! Please…” She begged please, but

whenever she started forming words, I attacked her
even harder, causing her to sputter and fall into
Slap. Slap. Slap. My balls slapped against her pussy as I
fucked her hard right out in the open. This was the
Principal of my school, and just like this, she was
nothing but a slut taking my cock. She was helpless
despite all of her denials and protesting.

“Ahn… no… it’s coming out…” She cried.

I felt her pussy tightening down on my cock and stuff

leaking down her leg. She was already cumming for
me. It was actually a bit earlier than expected. I didn’t
really think she would be so easy. Being slapped on
the butt must have turned her on more than I
anticipated. So, I started to increase the slapping until
her butt was practically red.

“Ahn! Ahn! Ahn! Ha-Haka-Hakaru!” She finally

managed to get out my name, but that was all she
could get, because I attacked a sensitive area on her
leg, making it difficult for her to stand.
Her legs wanted to buckle from under her, but I had
an arm already around her waist, and I still fucked her
even as she hung loosely for a few moments. Her eyes
had rolled up in her head, and she truly looked lost in
lust as I pounded her good.

As my sexual conquest progressed, I began using both

hands to attack pressure points on her. One point at a
time was no longer enough. She had already
experienced at least four orgasms, but if I left her like
that, it wouldn’t be enough. I needed to turn her into
my little sex slave. I needed the classroom to see just
how much a skank their noble feminist was.

Pressure points had their limits, naturally, but after

studying her body fully, I had identified over 30 that
would make her reach an orgasm. I’d attack one until
its effectiveness started to diminish, and then switch
to another. My hands were always moving, attacking
two pressure points at a time. I also found that certain
pressure points had a synergistic effect. When I
attacked one, and then the other, I could induce an
even stronger reaction from her.

I started to map out her body, finding one synergistic

pair at a time. Of course, After exhausting them, I’d
switch to another. By the time all 30 had been
stimulated, the first ones had managed to regain
enough of the sensitivity that I restarted the process
all over again.

“N-no… I’m going crazy!” She cried out in panting


“Don’t act like you don’t love the feel of my cock!” I


I finally pulled out of her wet cunt with a wet slosh,

and then spun her around. She was panting, and her
eyes held nothing of the deceit or patronizing attitude
that she held before. Instead, her cheeks were flushed
and she had a lustful demeanor. It was clear she just
wanted my cock inside her.

I used my hands to stimulate two points in her front,

causing her entire body to spasm. Just like this, I could
make her cum, but rather than do that, I took her to
the limit and kept her there, not allowing her to go
over. Her entire body spasmed, even her pussy
seemed to be convulsing like a hungry monster
desperate to gobble up cock.

“Tell me you want it,” I said.

“Please… give it to me.”

“Give what?” I demanded harshly.

“Your cock… please, I need your cock!”

“You little slut.”

“Yes, I’m daddy’s little slut. Please, fill this slut pussy

She didn’t have to say anything more. I grabbed her

and popped her up on the rail. She let out a cry,
wrapping her arms around my shoulders, but I had
already spread her legs and shoved myself inside her.
She was now hanging precariously over the edge of
the porch, her ass half on and half off. As for her
upper body, only her arms holding tightly to my
shoulders allowed her to keep from falling off.

Of course, I had her legs, but I was also slamming my

cock into her extremely aggressively, making it so the
likelihood to fall could happen at any moment. We
continued on like that for several minutes.

“Ahn… Ahn… I’ll fall!” She said in tears, half of them

full of sexual joy as I continued to tease her more and

I finally brought her back on the porch, and then

pushed her down into doggy, kneeling on the ground
right in front of the camera. This would be the
triumphant end, a full view of her face. I made sure to
give some extremely extra pleasure.

“You like my dick?”

“Mm! Dick!” She moaned in a lustful voice.

I gave her what she wanted, and then some. I lost
count of the orgasms she had received, but I knew
that by this point, the recording should be playing live.
I made sure to give her ass a spanking and wave for
the camera. She came enough that a small puddle
formed on the wooden floor. She had also
accumulated numerous scratches and marks from the
rough surface and my abuse using my fingers and
mouth to illicit every sexual thrill out of her I could.

“Ah… I’m going to cum!” I moaned.

“Mmm! Cum! Cum!”

She had almost regressed to the point of a child, only

able to excitedly repeat anything I told her. I pulled
out and then brought my dick up to her mouth. She
got on her knees like a good girl and then swallowed
my cock. I lost my nut a moment later. It was too
much for her, and she ended up coughing, some of it
coming out her nose. The beautiful Principal had
finally been completely defaced. At this point, I went
and grabbed the camera, and then brought it right up
to her face. Her makeup was ruined, smeared by tears
and abuse. She had red, puffy eyes and even puffier
lips. Her cheeks were tear-soaked. She had cum on
her chin and running down her lips. She truly looked

“You’re my little slut, right? Forever?”

“Mm!” She nodded happily. “You’re the best ever.

Way better than Master!”

I froze. Master? What did she mean by Master?

“I’m your Master, right?”

“Of course, you are!” She giggled, smiling happily, her
brain fried by sex. “My perfect, sexy… Master…”

I frowned, looking around the porch. Something didn’t

feel right. It was like this all went forward way too
easily. I had been preparing so much, and so
determined to stick to the plan, I forgot the most
important thing. Plans always fail. Yet, this one hadn’t,
and that was the truly worrying part. Yet, she had said
Master. She had used the term once before as well.

“True Feelings!” I immediately targeted her with this


It was an ability that would undo most of the damage I

had done. Right now, her brain was kind of messed
up. If I kept filling it with myself, she would naturally
become mine. However, True feeling cut through all
the bullshit and allowed the person to have clarity. At
this point, it was the same as resetting the clock. I’d
have to break her all over again.

A dark smirk formed on her lips as she glanced up at

me. “Hehe… he got you.”

It seemed like her true feelings right now, those not

muddled by sex, were her desire to mock me.

“Who?” I demanded, but then I realized the reality.

“You’re not a player… are you.”

“Hehehe… I’m not… but you got played!” She burst

out into laughter. “Master will be so pleased. When he
trained me, I used to hate him so much, but after
being abused by such a snot-nosed amateur like you,
I’m beginning to realize how much of a true man he is.
“Who is he? Who is your Master?” Then the answer
hit me again. “It’s… the councilman?”

I had become convinced that she was seducing the

councilmen in order to gain power. However, this was
the god of abusing power to seduce others. That
wasn’t in line at all.

“Councilmen Rhodes is on the school board. He made

a pass at me and I tried to get him removed for sexual
harassment. I would have succeeded, but then…
somehow, he got into my head… like you!” Her eyes
were disordered, and it became clear to me now that
she had been broken long before I had ever touched

“I made you promise. You’re bound to me! Tell me,

what did he do?”
“Hehe… it’s too late, new Master. Rhodes isn’t like
you. He doesn’t care if women are satisfied. In fact, he
prefers they struggle and hate it. So… I ordered the
boys in class to hold the girls down. While you’re
distracted with me, he’s raped every woman
downstairs forcefully. When he’s done, he’ll make
them think it was their own fault. That’s his ability. He
destroys your self-confidence when it’s at its peak. He
convinces you that you deserve him.”

“If you, Master… are a pleasure… then Rhodes is a

punishment! I didn’t like… you are the best. I wish I
had met you before him.” She smiled sadly.

“Fffuck!” I shouted, racing out the door and running to

the stairs.

I could hear moaning sounds as I got closer to the

banquet hall.
“It’s too late!” Vienna’s cries followed me. “He has
already won!”

Chapter 99 :
As soon as I made it to the main double doors leading
into the banquet hall, I was jumped. I didn’t even
manage to fight back since it seemed like every guy
who had been on this trip was just waiting to ambush
me. They even had a rope at the ready, tying up my

“After tasting all the women so recklessly, how does it

feel to get a taste of your own medicine!” One guy

The other guys began to laugh as well.

“This is what you deserve for thinking you’re hot shit!”
Another guy cursed.

“This is for goddess Vienna!” shouted a third guy.

I was pulled through the banquet door, and there

were all of the girls. The girls were tied up, just like I
was. Every single girl was gagged. Her arms, legs, and
bodies were bound like sacks of flour. They glanced
over at me, some crying out or trying to make noises
of protest. There was tears and fear in some eyes, but
others were already staring vacantly as if they had
abandoned reality.

The girls were all naked, and several of them had clear
fluids leaking below. Some of it was from fear, but it
was clear with some that they had already been
fucked, and at least a dozen had white fluids leaking
out of them. They had bruises on their body, and red
marks where they had been slapped or pinched.
Overall, while I had been torturing Vienna, a mark had
been put on every girl here.

The person responsible was right in the middle of this

mess. He was old naked man. His penis wasn’t large.
He was hairy. He was balding on the top of his head. It
was like he had never touched a single vanity point.
He was an ugly and slightly nauseating man. He had
torn off the clothing of one of the girls, and was eating
her pussy noisily, making piglike noises as she cried
and shuddered under him, but was helpless against
the restraints. This was the councilmen I had recorded
with Vienna.

There was no finesse, no trickery, no skill in any of

this. These women had been tied down and raped,
one at a time. Even the goddesses would be appalled,
as this was so far from the intention of the game, that
it was nauseating.
“Hakaru… my boy. We finally meet in person.” The
naked, hairy man said, pulling away from the high
school girl. “You took long enough. I’m just finishing
up on my first round.”

“You…” I didn’t even know what to say, and I couldn’t

do anything with the guys holding me. “Doesn’t that
just mean you have a short fuse?”

Although I tried to insult his sexuality, he only

chuckled about it. “Hehe… when you put your vanity
points into recovery and stamina, it does wonders for
enjoying as many girls as you want. I can cum buckets
in these women and come back for more.”

So, it wasn’t that he didn’t have those kinds of points,

it was just that he blew them all on himself to go like
an energizer battery.
“These women don’t love you.” I sneered angrily.

“Haha… not yet… but women are stupid. If you lower

their self-confidence enough, they’ll convince
themselves they love you. It’s easier to convince
themselves they love me, than that they’ve had their
bodies taken by an ugly creep.”

“So even you accept your looks. I don’t get it, you
could have been attractive. You could have had a big

“What’s a big dick get me? Stretching out and

destroying women? Who the hell wants that?” He
shot back, “Being attractive? I’m rich and powerful!
Why would I need to be attractive? This world is run
on money. I can have any bitch I want. Women are
sluts. I show a little money and they’ll do whatever I
ask. It’s so boring. That’s why, it’s more fun to have
women who doesn’t want me.”
He glanced down at the women under him. “That’s
why these youth who haven’t been broken down by
society yet are the best. Even though their mom
would fuck me for a cheap car, they put so much value
on looks and appearances. However, we both know
how appearances are just a lie. Give it a few years and
some college loans, and they’d be considering
themselves lucky to suck my taint! Of course, I
couldn’t have done any of it without you!”

“Me? What does that mean?”

“You loosened the whole group for me, didn’t you?

You gave them their first sexual experiences, and then
you and that other dumb bitch got them okay with
sharing. You helped bring their sexual defenses down,
while bring their confidence to an all time high.
However, that confidence is built on a house of cards.
That confidence is built on you. Yet, here you were,
banging another woman while they were all raped.
Here you are, helplessly watching while they are
molested by me.

“As that confidence comes crashing down, so too will

their appreciation of power. Power like mine! That’s
the power of my god! The power of a Master! Did you
see how subservient it made my little Vienna? By the
end of this week, I’ll have an entire classroom full of
high school girls who see me as their Master!”

“You bastard!”

“I suppose, I’ve already enjoyed them all once. Now,

it’s time to let the boys have their fill!”

“You’re going to share them?”

“Isn’t that what you guys are all about?” He laughed.
“Well, a promise is a promise. Why do you think the
boys are working for me? Sure… I promised them
money and power, but also women! Once these girls
have been raped by the entire male class, they won’t
have an ounce of self-respect left. At that point, they
will become mine absolutely.”

“Sharing is about happiness!” I yelled back. “It’s about

everyone being happy with their position, by sharing
of ourselves and each other. This… this is a

“Think what you will…” he chuckled. “I’ve already

won! Don’t worry, you can join in if you want. Come,
boys, pick a girl. As for me, I’ll be enjoying the main

He stood up and then pulled a sheet off of a table. A

girl had actually been under it, but I hadn’t noticed
before with my eyes locked on the councilman. That
woman was none other than Rose! She was tied up
like the others, and also naked. She was also bent over
a chair!

“Come on, men! Have fun!”

The guys raced forward, immediately grabbing a

woman and spreading her open. Some started by
licking and biting their bodies, while others just stuck
it right in. The girls let out cries and screams as one of
the guys they had known for the last month now
started to rape them, their eyes glazed over with their
own particular brand of brainwashing.

As for the councilman, he immediately shoved his dick

into Rose. Like the rest, she could only let out a cry as
he started to roughly pound her from behind. I took a
step forward, planning to hit him, but some of the
guys had stayed behind and they grabbed me.
I started to wrestle out of their hands, but then I felt
one of them squeeze my bottom. He went up to my

“Calm down, sweetie.” I felt my spine tingle as I spun

to the guys behind me.

They weren’t just holding me, but their hands were

touching me very familiarly. Was this also part of his
plan? My face started to turn white. He turned the
most effeminate guys gay, and he was going to rape
me! Just as I started to freak out, Matt appeared in
front of me.

“Hakaru…” He responded, “He wanted me to record

this for him. So naturally, I did what I was asked. You
should see…”
He suddenly fell back. The guy’s all cried out as they
caught him, they sat him down, but his eyes never left


“Look!” Matt gestured to a computer screen, a camera

attached nearby while the others undid my restraints.

This had been my plan, to record and display what I

did to Vienna to the class. It looked like the
councilman had even thought this far, and
commandeered the camera. The guys all let go of me,
and then kept gesturing for me to go to the computer.
I wanted to ignore them. At this very moment, the
girls were all being raped. However, something felt
off. Their mannerisms, their smiles, the looks in their
eyes, even the ways their hands felt.
I stumbled over to the computer screen and looked at
the recording. At the worst, I could smash it,
destroying something the councilmen wanted to
record. However, as soon as my eyes looked at the
screen, they widened. I couldn’t even contemplate
what I was looking at.

I glanced back at the boys, but they weren’t boys. All

the people standing nearby were girls. They were the
girls in my class. The ones I had seduced and slept
with. The ones I had played with and enjoyed. They
were all smiling at me. The strange look in their eyes
had been adoration and affection. The smiles had
been mischievous. The one sitting on the ground,
where Matt had fallen, was Netorase herself.

“No… way…”

“F-for… my last trick…” Rose smiled.

An illusion, Rose had used an illusion. Other than the
3-4 boys who had held me, all the other boys were the
girls! That meant… that the girls were the…

The scene was one I didn’t want to describe. Boys

were being bent into disgusting naked poses while
other boys savagely tore them a new one. The
councilmen had Matt bent over a table and was
enjoying his… ahem. Well, they both seemed to be
enjoying it?

Of course, the tied-up guys weren’t under an illusion

they were women. However, they couldn’t fight or
argue back. All they could do was scream as they were
raped by their own classmates. Now that I had seen
through the illusion, it held no weight for me, but
these guys were still being horribly violated.

“When did you know?” I asked in disbelief.

“I noticed Matt meeting with Vienna before they were
supposed to meet on the patio. It was suspicious, so I
followed him. I knocked him out and found a letter
Vienna had given him. It basically was an order for the
boys to kidnap and tie up the girls. He was going to
relay the order to them. Since the order didn’t arrive, I
fetched the girls and had them all take down the guys,
well, most of them.”

“All we had to do was smirk and they were ready to

fuck us. It was so easy to knock them out and tie them

“I didn’t even knock mine out! He just let me tie him


The girls all broke into giggles.

I shook my head. “You…”

The girls all suddenly grabbed me and I was kissed by
nearly ten girls in quick succession. If the guys weren’t
too busy in their own lust, they might have noticed
the group near the entrance. Perhaps that was part of
her illusion too.

“We’re strong. You helped us find that strength.” One

girl said.

“You don’t need to protect us, just give us a piece of

yourself, and we’ll give you the same.”

“Hakaru…” Rose said, still smiling, “It’s enough. It’s


“Huh? It’s time? You mean, I should break their

She shook her head. “No… I mean, it’s time for you
and me too… all the way.”


She blushed as she spoke. “I… this illusion took all I

had left. I pushed against another god and altered the
course of events directly. This kind of thing has a
cost… and a backlash… eh…”

That’s when I noticed that she was growing paler and

more listless by the moment. That illusion had been it.

“Y-you’re dying?”
“Hehe… goddesses don’t die. I’d be reborn in time.
Ten years or so.”

“Ten years… that’s too long!”

“I know… you can’t wait, and neither can my sisters.

That’s why… we need to do it.”

“It? Oh…” The realization finally came crashing home.

She had overextended her powers to change the fate

of this night, causing her to become extremely weak.
As is, her form would disappear and it’d be ten years
before she could return. That was, unless, her powers
were recombined with her sisters, in me. At this
moment, we only had once choice. I had to make love
with Netorase!
Chapter 100 :
“Do you want me?” I asked, nervously reaching out
and taking her gentle hands into mine.

“Mmm… do you want me?” She asked, her eyes wide

and shining in the light.

“I do.”

“Please, be gentle then.”

“Okay…” I leaned forward and then stopped, looking

to the side where there were almost a dozen girls
watching. “Eh… do we have to do it here?”

We were in the hallway right in front of the banquet

hall. Only about twenty feet away was a horrifying
orgy involving a dozen naked boys and one horny
councilman. They were all lost in the illusion now. The
boys who were on the receiving end had long since
tapped out of reality while their friends enjoyed them.

However, all of the girls seem disinterested in the

boys. Rather, they were all watching eagerly as I
gently lay Rose down and we spoke to each other
lovingly. Weren’t girls into that yaoi thing?

“We definitely must watch!” One of the girls declared.

“Mm… mmm… romantic!” Another girl responded

“Ah…” I didn’t know what to say, but all the girls

seemed very interested in my love life.

Rather, it would be better to say the pair of us had

spent the last almost two months brainwashing these
girls into being obsessed with us. Rose had instilled in
them a sense of comradery, sharing, and a high
opinion of me. Meanwhile, I had sexualized them,
turned their feelings into eroticism, and stoked those
flames into an obsession. To see the pair of us
together might very well be the dream for some of
these girls somewhere in the back of their warped

In short, I had gotten them addicted to NTR. Now they

all wanted to eagerly share me with another woman
while they all watched. I had slept with every girl
present, and now they were going to sit back and
watch while I slept with another woman. That was the
very essence of netorase! Did that mean that Rose
had planned all of this from the very beginning? Her
eyes held an eagerness that seemed to welcome being
watched. As that thought landed in my mind, I began
to realize that everything that had happened was
thanks to Netorase.
She had subdued all of these women for me. She had
trained me in my current skills. She had defeated the
god of power dynamics. In the end, she got to have
things exactly as she wanted it in the end. I gulped as
an inescapable question came out.

“Did I even win?”

She let out a giggle, reaching out and touching me

affectionately. It seemed like she could read my
thoughts and knew what I meant.

“Hakaru… I already said before. I was never a player. I

fell in love with you a long time ago.”

“How long ago… we just met!”

“Hehe… I wonder?” her eyes flashed mysteriously. “I
love you, Hakaru, and I’ve always been on your team.”

“What about our bet?” I responded wryly.

“Didn’t you wreck the teacher?” she snickered. “We

bet that you could defeat Principal Vienna before me,
not the true player. You did so, so aren’t I your prize?”

That was true. The bet was centered around the

Principal. It was Rose herself who had accidentally
thought it was the Principal in charge. In that respect, I
had been the winner. Yet, deep down, I was glad that
Rose was on my side. Had she truly been my enemy, I
had a feeling she would have been truly terrifying.

All three sisters were playing this game against each

other, but ultimately, they were one and the same.
They once shared the same body and thought and
acted as one. It was only natural that deep down, they
wanted to return to that state. Thus, none of the girls
had truly fought me. For Netori, it’s pride and
reluctance. For Netorare, it was fear and
stubbornness. When it came to Netorase, it was trust.
At the end of it now, Netorase was putting her trust in
me to finish this.

I accepted the trust she put in me. I accepted the

heart she shared. However, I couldn’t just take from
her. Netorase was the goddess of sharing. In that
respect, I had to give as much as I took from her. I had
to share everything with her. That was the only way I
could ultimately have her.

Finally, our lips combined and the pair of us finally

gave in, even with an audience of numerous other
girls. Our clothing started to come off, and some of
them even gave cheers or whistled. You’d think under
that kind of pressure, my performance would be
hampered, but somehow knowing I was satisfying
dozens of women at once excited me more greatly
than ever before.

While my tongue explored Rose’s mouth, my greedy

hands explored her body hungrily. This is a body I’ve
already tasted before, but it felt different every time I
enjoyed it. I was always making new discoveries and
finding more beauty in her than I had the last time. It
seemed like the longer Rose had remained inside Kira,
the more her godly influence had perfected her body.
Her beauty had reached nearly the level of the
goddesses. Her scars and blemishes had faded away.
Her body had grown fit. Her skin grew soft and

There wasn’t a single freckle or zit. Even her hair only

grew as the goddess wanted, giving her a perfect
patch of hair above her clit with absolutely no shave
lines. Her breasts were perkier, her skin was more
flushed and sensitive. Perhaps, once Rose knew that
things were going in this direction, she had decided to
give the both of us a gift by turning her into an
immaculate beauty.

Of course, I had extremely good looks too, so it was

probable that the pair of us looked really good
together. Perhaps that was part of the reason that the
girls around us were so interested in seeing the pair of
us together. To beautiful people, who understand and
were knowledgeable about sex, and who had deep
feelings for each other looked particularly appealing in

As I slid into Rose, she moaned softly in my ear,

holding me tightly with desire and love in her
expression. At this point, she wasn’t the only girl who
was excited. Not a single girl there wasn’t watching
with wide eyes, flushed cheeks, and ragged breaths.
Many of the hornier or more perverted girls had put
their hands in their skirts and were touching
themselves as they watched us. One was even sitting
on the ground with her skirt up, her legs spread, and
her panties to the side as she showed us herself while
she masturbated.

However, I was caught on Rose’s body, and the soft

feel of her flawless skin. Although she was on the
bottom and could easily be playing a passive role,
every move and action she took was with my pleasure
and comfort in mind. She shared of herself
completely, and every movement of her body seemed
to be set on me. When she panted, she made her
breath dance softly across my ears, causing my whole
body to tingle. When I thrust, she tightened it,
squeezing my dick in a manner that could only be
called orgasmic. Her hands touched spots on me.
While I had unlocked the pressure points and used
them to break Vienna, a goddess-like Rose would
naturally know the same for a man.

She ignited my lust and sexual desire, causing us to

become more animated and more aggressive as we
fucked. However, she didn’t overstimulate me. The
experience was maximized but also lasted forever. She
didn’t try to make me climax in a hurry. Rather, her
body edged me on to dance with her for a time.

As the pair of us writhed on the ground, the smells,

noises, and look had an effect on all the girls watching.
At first, they had been playfully watching to tease us,
but as our sex grew more intimate and aggressive, it
had an effect on them. Every girl was wet and horny,
and more and more girls had their hands in their
skirts. Some had even lifted their shirts and pulled out
their tits.

Two girls who had spent a lot of time with Rose

decided to use each other instead. They were tearing
off each other’s clothes while shooting us excited
looks. The hallway had become an orgy onto itself,
with the entire classroom of girls trying to satisfy their
sexual lust. However, whether it was hormones or a
unique scent between a goddess and her lover, but no
matter how much they touched themselves, they only
grew more and more aroused.

“Hakaru…” Rose panted in my ear.

“Mmm… Hakaru…” another girl nearby masturbating


“Fuck.,… Hakaru… so hot…”

“Fuck me next, Hakaru…”

The girls all panted and moaned. Some even came,

but they immediately found themselves ready for the
next round. That atmosphere was to a point where
the girls became insatiable. However, I didn’t focus
and think about them at all. Rather, while Rose was
dedicated to me, I was dedicated to her in kind.
Although I took advantage of the Pleasure Points to
arouse her and satisfy her, I didn’t use it heavy-
handedly as I did with Vienna. In Vienna’s case, it was
to break and ruin her. Each touch was to stimulate
every part of her body to make her cum and cum
again as she lost her faculties and embarrassed
herself. When it came to Rose, I only stimulated them
to relax her, enhance the experience, and share in our

Like that, time passed by. It might be more accurate to

say that time slowed down. Although for the pair of
us, it felt like hours passed, it probably had been only
ten minutes since the start. For the girls in the
hallway, it also felt like an eternity, caught within our
web of lust. Our bodies grew closer and closer as we
grew more and more familiar with each other’s
bodies. Soon, it became like we were one, moving
together like a single unit of sex and pleasure.
With her, my entire body buzzed, and I no longer felt
like it was my body anymore. I had given my body to
her. In the same way, her body had been given to me.
We shared our bodies with each other and ourselves,
and reach a height I didn’t believe possible.

“It’s happening… I’m yours…” She moaned, her pussy

starting to tighten uncontrollably.

“I’m going to cum!” I gasped, the feeling of her climax

driving me to the edge.

“Mmm… please do… and take responsibility for me…

and Kira. We both love you with everything.”

“I will.” My body tightened, and I felt a tightness like

when I used Locked Promise.
It wasn’t forceful or binding. Rather, it felt like the
agreement between a god and a mortal. It was an
unbreakable vow. It was like a statement of honesty
and expectation. I would never betray Kira or Rose,
either one. We were three different beings, but we
were also together as one.

A beautiful smile formed on her face. “Then… I’ll leave

you both… with a parting gift!”

Her lips met mine, and with that, she reached the full
height of her climax. At the same moment, I reached
my limit, and I started to cum deep inside her. A bright
light seemed to flood out from between us. It grew
and grew until the entire room was filled with blinding
light. The girls who had been watching made outcries
of alarm as they were blinded momentarily. For me, I
filled Rose up, and in turn, she filled up my heart. I
could feel her energy flowing into me, and the power
that was hers joined with her sister inside me.
The promise finally ended, and the light disappeared
as suddenly as it started. My cock had already erupted
and was starting to soften, but underneath me was
the same beautiful girl, smiling back at me.

“Hakaru… I love you too…”

Her expression was different now. She was a bit shyer.

She was a bit less confident. However, her eyes filled
with love weren’t much different.


She giggled. “I like it when you say my name.”

“I love you, and Rose. But I also want Akiko and my

sister. And Tori, and Rory! And every girl I want!”
Her smile didn’t slip. In fact, it grew slightly.

“I guess… I’ll just have to share you with everyone.”

She whispered back. “As long as you’ll always be

“I will… and if I’m not enough for all of you, then I will
simply have to become more until I am enough!”


“So sweet.”

“Can you share him now? I’m really horny!”

Kira and I looked to the sides to see a dozen women in
various stages of undress. They were all looking at us
with extremely erotic looks. Some of them were still
touching themselves or each other. Kira’s face
exploded into a blush. She may have learned to share,
but she wasn’t an exhibitionist like Rose! She cried out
and tried to cover her body.

Before she could grow even more embarrassed, yells

and shouts began to come from the door to the
banquet hall which had closed at some point during
our fornication. With Netorase gone, the illusion had
come to an end. The councilman and a half dozen
boys just came to the realization about what they had

Chapter 101 :
"Hakaru… I’m going to miss you so much!”
“I love you!”

“I love you more!”

“When we meet next, I want to have your baby!”

The area in front of the train station was very noisy.

About twenty high school girls were making a scene,
crying and hugging a single boy. Not every girl was
from the feminist coed classroom, but every girl who
attended it was present. Standing next to him was a
shy girl who had a smirk on her lips and held his hand.
That boy was naturally me, and the girl was Kira.

There were a few of the boys from the classroom

waiting to board their trains. They didn’t even look our
way. Their expressions were dead-eyed and their
movements were listless. As for everyone else, they
looked at me with jealous or shocked expressions. No
one nearby could understand how a single guy could
be so lucky to have nearly twenty women openly
declaring their love for him. The sight was enough to
make any man, even those in a relationship, look on
with a bitter expression.

I had slipped back into the girl’s dormitory with all of

the girls and remained there for the rest of the trip.
The videos were leaked and a massive scandal went
down. Our week-long trip ended after three days. It
was a bit regretful because I had spent those three
days with the classroom of girls in their dorms day and
night. Principal Vienna played as well, and we even
had a lot of trust exercises like she had planned, but
eventually, the videos we uploaded made it to the
right channels and the authorities broke into the lodge
and ended the fun.

She was still bound by the Locked Promise, and I had

managed to reinforce her training until she was
nothing but my slave.
“No… Master… I want more…!” Vienna cried while
being pulled away in cuffs.

“Just be a good girl and do your time!” I whispered to

her when the cops weren’t paying attention.

As for the councilmen, he had fled and was a wanted

man. It wouldn’t be long before he was apprehended,
but his days as a sexual exploiter were gone, as was
his status as a champion. This was confirmed by a
goddess. Netori had informed me that the god of
power dynamics had fled back to heaven without even
a word.

The boys had remained in the lodge those three days,

but Vienna had told them only to stay scarce, and the
girls had barricaded themselves, and me, in the girl’s
dormitory. They spent the next three days in an
awkward daze, denying reality. Every time one of
them walked by the girl’s dormitory, they heard such
lewd sounds. However, rather than excite them, it
triggered some PTSD from the councilman taking

We returned to the campus, but classes had been

postponed and after a hasty deliberation, the program
was suspended. A week, later, everyone who wasn’t a
permanent resident of the school was being sent
home with an apology and a few other perks as long
as we signed an agreement that we would never
speak about what happened there. Of course, Kira,
who was no longer a goddess, dropped the school and
was returning with me. I was going to help her
reestablish a relationship with Sasori, and we’d go
from there.

So, we went to the train station, and all of the girls

who Rose and I had spent the last two months playing
with were there. Although the classroom only had a
dozen girls, there were others who fell outside of the
councilmen’s tastes that had become part of our fan
club as well. They were now all expressing their love
shamelessly and saying their goodbyes as we waited
for the train.

I had already decided I wasn’t going to bring them

home with me. Instead…

“You girls need more experience. You can’t share

yourselves with me until you have an identity of your
own. Rose and I have given you the tools you need to
succeed. Now it’s up to you to become a woman
worthy of standing by my side!”

I was just bullshitting, but the effect worked extremely

powerfully. The girls all nodded as if what I had said
was gospel. They had completely fallen for my
“I’m going to become a woman so great that Hakaru
won’t be able to say no!”

“Hehe… that’s nice, but I think it’s better to be useful?

I’ll definitely make myself indispensable to Hakaru.”

“I’m going to become an idol, and then Hakaru will

look up at me on stage. Then, I’ll see him in the
audience and I’ll invite him backstage and then we
can… aaaaaah!” She twisted her body and blushed
while holding her cheeks.

“I’ll become rich, and then I can buy whatever

company Hakaru works at. Then, I can let him work for
a promotion!” Another girl chuckled darkly.

My cheeks twitched as I heard the various plans these

girls had.
“Don’t wait for me forever…” I wanted to lower their
expectations a little bit so there was less heartache if
we never connected in the future.

“Don’t worry, Hakaru. We may become women that

even Hakaru isn’t good enough to touch!” Those
words came from Tiana.

She was still dressed pretty slutily compared to her old

self, but she also had gained a bit of modesty in the
last few weeks. In a way, she was like a leader for all
of the girls now that Rose was absent. As for the
bright light, they already knew that Rose had some
magic abilities, although they thought she was a witch.
They just tied that up to some kind of magic. Now that
Rose was gone and replaced by the shyer and less
direct Kira, the girls were simply saying that Rose had
been tamed by me, and it seemed to only add to my
own legend.
“Ah… well, if I do decide I want you and you’ve
become interested in another, then I will just steal you

The girls let out giggles, but they had knowing

expressions and eyes. Some of them still had
boyfriends, although they had decided to dump them
to focus more on becoming women in my harem. It
was safe to say that when it came to the top beauties
of this All-girl’s school, I had broken them all.

The train finally came, but I couldn’t leave until I

kissed every girl. I almost missed the train as a result,
and even as it pulled away, the girls were still crying
and screaming. I had gotten looks from nearly
everyone on the train, and some of the guy’s looks
had even passed jealousy and became like seeing a
living legend. Although, I knew none of it was possible
without the things Rose had done.
We were both tired by the time the train set out, so
Kira and I sat next to each other while holding hands
as the countryside passed by.

“Kira…” I said, a thought coming through my head.


“Right before Netorase left, she said that she was

leaving both of us a present. At the time, I didn’t think
about it much, but now I realize that it might have
been something important. Do you know what she

“Ah!” She suddenly let go of my hand and turned

In fact, her expression was so strong that I couldn’t
help but grow suspicious.

“What? What is it?” I demanded with narrow eyes.

Kira looked back tearfully but then gave a sigh. “I was

going to tell you soon. I really was…”

Her voice was low and nearly a pout.

“Tell me what?”

“Netorase… she played a trick on us.”

I furrowed my brows. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t believe she did that to me… and I didn’t even
get to be the one in charge… although she shared the
feeling with me… so I guess I can’t complain.”

“Eh? What are you talking about?” I grabbed her arm.

“Just tell me clearly.

She seemed to have recovered as she looked me in

the eyes. “Ah… it’s just… Netorase said it to me just as
she left my body. Before, when I was being exploited, I
was on the pill. However, after the goddess took over,
there was no reason. She could keep me from
becoming pregnant all she wanted. However, just as
you started to cum, she left my body!”

“Oh…” I let out a breath.” It’s fine then. I have an

ability too. You won’t get pregnant unless I desire it to
She gave me a strange look, and suddenly I had a
sinking suspicion. “Netorase knew that… which is why
when she went inside you, she had a strong desire for
you to impregnant me. She… hijacked your skill at the
moment you were cumming. You didn’t notice. Well,
at least, that’s what I think happened, because I
already took the test…”

“Y-you’re pregnant?”

Kira blushed, looking away. “I-is that okay?”

I grabbed her chin and turned her back to me. “Baby,

that’s wonderful!”

I kissed her lips. Suddenly, tears formed on her face.

“Is it really okay? I’m still in school…”

“Well, if your mom has a problem with it, I’ll just
spank her until she’s more amendable. Kira… I love
you. I would never reject our child.”

“Oh…” She was weeping now, but she had a smile on

her face. “I love you so much…”

“I love you too…”

The pair of us cuddled the rest of the ride. I even

stroked her stomach for a bit. If you asked me
whether I was ready to be a father. The answer was a
resounding no. However, that didn’t mean I was the
kind of guy who freaked out about it either. Actually,
had it been me from even a few months ago, I would
have. I guess, with everything I had experienced, I
really had changed as a person. I would be a dad. I
couldn’t wait to tell my sister and mom. Akiko would
be so jealous she didn’t get pregnant first.
We acted like an extremely loving couple the rest of
the way to the point it made the people near us
uncomfortable, but we didn’t mind. When we finally
reached home, we shared a ride. We would meet
again tomorrow, but first I would give her time with
Sasori. I dropped Kira off as Sasori’s first. When the
door opened, Sasori was standing there. They spoke
for a few minutes but I couldn’t hear them. Eventually,
Sasori threw her arms around Kira. When she saw me
in the car, she mouthed the words ‘thank you’.

I nodded and left as the two women waved me

goodbye. When we stopped in front of my own house,
it looked no different than it had before. I got out of
the car and then used the spare key to open the door.
As soon as I stepped in, I started hearing erotic noises.

“Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh…” It was the voice of my

When I walked into the living room, my mom was
bent over the couch. Behind her was my father, who
was giving it to her roughly.

“M-mom!” My expression went white, and my mind

which up until that point had been calm suddenly
started cracking.

What was going on? Mom and Dad had no

relationship. In fact, she and I… well… once… When
did the pair of them start having sex?

“Oh! Honey? You came home earlier than expected!”

Mom tried to stand up, but dad shoved her head

“Wait… c-cumming!”
“Elzo… our son is watching! Ahhhn… it’s really inside

Dad creampied mom right in front of me. I was so

shocked I couldn’t even look away from the scene.
When he finished, breathing hard, mom finally pulled
off him.

“You horny bastard!” Mom hit him, “How can you do

that with our son watching?”

Dad laughed, giving a shrug. “He came in at a bad

time? Haha… sorry sport. Your mother is so tasty, I
couldn’t help myself!”

Mom had grabbed a sheet and covered herself with it.

She shot dad a scornful look, but she was also blushing
and seemed to like the words he was saying.
“Wh-when did this happen?” I barely managed to get

“Huh?” Dad raised an eyebrow. “You know, son, your

mom and I are still together. I know you don’t like to
think of your parents having sex… but…”

“You… I don’t…”

The door to the front opened and Maria came in.

“Hey, brother… Woah! Mom. Dad! What the hell?

“Oops, better go get some underwear on!” Dad

laughed, covering his dick while running to the
“You knew about this?” I demanded toward Maria.

“Yeah… every since you left they have been going at it

like rabbits! It’s like they’ve forgotten they have a
daughter here too. I can’t imagine how bad they’ll get
when we’re both gone.”

Mom stuck out her tongue at Maria. “If you had a

boyfriend, you could have fun like this too!”

Maria gave a horrified look as mom waddled away in

her blanket, entering the bedroom after dad.

“Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I asked.

“About what?” Maria looked confused.

“About mom and dad?”

“Huh? Why would I tell you mom and dad are fucking?
What business is that of yours? Jeese, you’re more of
a freak than I even remember!”

“Who’s the freak?” I reached out and grabbed her

butt, trying to pull her towards me.

She slapped my hands down. “Wh-what the hell are

you doing?”

“What? Just shut up and kiss me.” I leaned forward

but then she pushed back.

“What the hell? We’re brother and sister!”


“You really are a creep. Just because I don’t have a

boyfriend doesn’t mean you can touch me! Ugh!”

She shoved past me and then went to her door,

slamming it shut.

“What the hell is going on?” I said, looking around the

room. “Is it… dad?”

My eyes landed on the bat dad had laid by his bed. It

was now outside and resting on the table as if to taunt
me. That fucking bastard. What did he do? He’s doing
all of this to fuck with me!
I reached out and grabbed the bat. Even if I ended up
in prison, this time I was going to put him down for

I went to the door to their bedroom and knocked

loudly. Dad opened it. I tightened the handle on the
bat. I was just about to bring it up and hit his head.
Then my eyes met his.

“Oh! Hakaru! Sorry about earlier. I know I’ve been

working a lot recently. I’ve always been gone and I’ve
been ignoring my family. I haven’t always been the
best father. However, I want to change all that. Not
just with your mom, but with you and Maria too. I’ll
be better. I promise. Okay?”

“Uh…. Yeah…” I suddenly felt all my anger and

frustration were gone.
What was I so worked up about? It’s good mom and
dad are together. I should be a good son for them too.
I gave him a smile, suddenly feeling more relaxed than
I had in months.

“Hey, sport, what’s with the bat?” Dad asked, pointing

down at my hand.

I looked down and realized I was holding a bat. “Oh,

this? Um… I was wondering if you wanted to go out
and hit a few. You know, like we used to do.”

Dad’s eyes turned teary, he reached out and touched

my shoulder. “Son, I’d love to. But first, I’m going to go
a second round with your mom! Your mom is looking
really sexy without her clothes on!”

There was a giggle from back in the room.

I slapped his hand off my shoulder. “Ew! Dad! Gross. I
don’t even want to imagine mom naked!”

Dad laughed, but he hadn’t been joking. What a

pervert. I could only shake my head as he closed the
door. Maria was already playing loud music. It was
probably to hide the sounds of our parents having sex.
It sounded like a good idea. I put the bat up and
headed into my room. The world was normal.

A strange feeling burned in my stomach like I was

supposed to be doing something, but I couldn’t think
of what.

“Hakaru… save Netori…” I heard a whisper suddenly.

I spun around the room, but it was completely empty.

It must have just been my imagination. After all, I had
never heard of someone called Netori.
Chapter 102 :
My name is Hakaru, and a few months ago, I started
dating my childhood friend. Tonight, I planned to have
sex with her. Thus, I was dressed up in a nice suit, and
I came up to her front door. I was driving a car my
parents let me borrow, and I had a box with a flower
corsage in it. You see, this was the night of the Junior

I knocked on the front door softly. After hearing some

movement and some voices behind it, the door
eventually clicks open, and a beautiful woman opens

“Hakaru!” Sasori smiles, come on in.”

I return the smile and then enter the house.

She walks and then turns, bending her finger and
gesturing for me to come over. I followed behind her
until we reached the couch. She gestured, and I sat

“Kira is upstairs getting ready. She’s joining us once

she’s gotten dressed in something appropriate.”

“Ah, I see… so it’s just you and me for the moment.” I

looked up at her.

“I suppose, since you’re our guest, I should show you

some hospitality, huh?”

I lean back on the couch, spreading my arms. “I won’t

She gets down on her knees and reaches forward,
grabbing something lying on the floor. Then she gets
back up and turns around. “I’ll go fetch some cookies,

“Yes, Mrs. Fukumi.”

She turned and walked off into the kitchen while I

made myself comfortable and waited for Kira to come
down. When she did come down the stairway, my
mouth couldn’t help but fall open.


She blushed. “How do I look?”

She had done up her hair and makeup. She was

wearing contacts instead of glasses. She also had a
very cute dress. Compared to the somewhat nerdy girl
I had fallen in love with, this was a drop-dead beauty.

“Ah… you look adorable.” The voice came from her

mom, who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen
with a platter of cookies in her hand.


“What?” She chuckled. “I just can’t believe my little

girl is actually going to prom! You two have grown up
so fast. Why, the other day, you were just childhood
friends. When you started growing apart, I thought it
would never happen. Now… I’m just so happy…”

“M-mom! Don’t cry!”

“My little girl is going to be leaving home soon!” She
suddenly bawled.

Kira ran over to comfort her mother while I sat there

uncomfortably, and she wept. “It’s okay, mom! I’ll
write a bunch, and I will visit!”

“Ever… since your dad left us. I’ve just felt so lonely.”
She sniffled. “Once you’re gone, I’ll be truly alone.”

“No… I’ll come and visit, I promise.” Kira stroked her

head reassuringly. “Plus, there is also Hakaru.”

“Hakaru?” She lifted her head and raised an eyebrow.

“I mean, he’ll come and visit too! Right, Hakaru?”

“Ah! R-right!” I stood up. “If you need anything, I’m

“Thank you, Hakaru.” She said lightly and then sighed.

“But there are some things a young boy just can’t
provide a woman.”

“M-mom!” Kira’s face went white. “D-don’t be a

pervert! He’s even a student in your class.”

I blushed red too, getting what she was saying. It must

truly be lonely being a single mom. It had been almost
six months since her husband had been sent to jail
over some scandal. That was probably a long time for
a woman of her age. I couldn’t remember well what
that scandal was, but Kira and her mom didn’t like
talking about it.
“I was just making a joke!” Miss Fukumi fended off her
daughter, who was trying to hit her from
embarrassment. “I’m sorry daughter!”

“Oh… before I forget, here!” I pulled out a corsage

flower which I had picked out with the help of my
mother. “This is for you.”

“Oh, my, isn’t that pretty?” Sasori smiled at her


It was Kira’s turn to blush as she shyly accepted the

corsage. “I’ll go to the bathroom and pin it on now!”

She rushed off to hide her face. It was apparently too

much for her. We had only started dating recently, so
not only was this prom, but it was a third month
anniversary. Kira had hinted that we’d finally do it for
the first time. I tried not to think about that, but how
could a boy my age not think about sex every time it
came up? Now that the night finally came, I was really
anxious. I had a hotel room key in my pocket, which I
had rented with Derek earlier, and now I was very

“So, will you guys finally do it?” Sasori suddenly asked.

“I’m hoping so. That hotel room wasn’t cheap… ah! I


She held up her hands and laughed. “It’s okay,

Hakaru! I’m a teacher who has been around
innumerable students. I’m not so naïve as to not
understand the importance of prom to many young
adults. I was that age too, once.”

“Right… of course…” If I was uncomfortable before, I

was completely out of it now.
“I know you don’t want to even think about sex
around an old lady like me, but this is my daughter
we’re talking about, so I want to make sure you’re


“Ah! Right… I guess this is my gift to you then!” She

pulled out a bag from her purse, which was resting on
the table and then handed it to me.

I looked in the bag to see a box of condoms. I

immediately shut it and jumped.

“Ah! I mean, I brought a condom!”

“One?” Sasori smirked. “You guys are doing it for the
first time. Are you sure one is enough?”

“Ah… ah…”

“You’re bound to screw up putting on at least one, so

it’s good to have a bunch. Plus, your idiot friends will
probably forget to bring one, and you’ll be their hero.
You can thank me later.”

“O-okay…” I nodded, feeling somewhat strange to be

handed condoms by my teacher.

“Oh, and that stuff has spermicide on it, so don’t let

her suck it once you do that, or it’ll make her tongue
all numb.”

“Mmm…” She suddenly approached me closer, her
eyes turning slightly lustful. “Although, if it was me,
I’m on the pill, so you could put it in raw if you want.”


“I said… you… can… cum… in… me… anytime.” She

pronounced every word, her head coming to the point
she was about to kiss me.

She stopped, confusion slashing in her eyes before she

took a step back and shook her head. “Ah… what did

“Are you okay?” I asked, feeling both aroused and

She suddenly looked up at me, and her face turned
rigid. “I don’t know why I said that. I’m so sorry.
Please… don’t say anything to anyone. It was just…”

She didn’t finish as Kira came out of the bathroom at

that point. She showed her chest proudly, which now
had a corsage clipped to it.

“Only had to poke myself five times, but I got it!” She
declared, then glanced down at the bag in my hands.
“What’s that?”

“Ah! Nothing important, just my lunch!” I put it in my

back pocket.

“Hey! Let me get some photos of you two before you

go!” Sasori butts in, further distracting Kira.
I didn’t know what happened that had caused Sasori
to suddenly say such weird things. For a moment, it
felt like she was hitting on me. For an even shorter
moment, it felt normal that she should be hitting on
me. I was actually tempted to reciprocate. What kind
of bastard would I be if I molested the mother of the
woman I was dating? Sasori tried to avoid my eyes,
and I did the same. She took a few photographs of us,
and then bid us farewell.

The pair of us got into a car and drove to the high

school. It had only reopened recently. It had been shut
down for a few months after a scandal. I couldn’t
remember much about what I did over that time, but I
did clearly remember finally sealing the deal with Kira
when I came back. We had been dating ever since,
and I didn’t regret a moment of it. Kira was refined,
beautiful, and smart. She was much more than a loser
like me deserved.
“Mom has kind of been weird these last few months,”
Kira said. “I don’t know… she just acts… like she’s
missing something.”

“Oh?” I acted politely, but after what just happened, I

wasn’t sure how comfortable I was talking about that

“I don’t know. I’m kind of with her. I’ve had a sense

that something was off. Like… I don’t know… that this
is all a dream?”

“It’s not a dream,” I responded. “I’m very happy with

my life the way it is right now.”

She nodded thoughtfully, “I suppose so… is there

really nothing wrong at home?”
I thought about it for a moment. “My dad and mom
have been banging like rabbits.”

“Hakaru!” She gave a glare.

“What? It’s true? Dad and mom used to be really a

part, but they just can’t keep their hands off each
other anymore.”

“Hmm… well that isn’t a bad thing, I guess…” she

folded her arms across her chest and admitted.

“As for my sister…” I shook my head, a strange image

of her naked flashing in my head for a second, which
was a weird thing to see. “Ah… she’s in full college
mode. She really changed this last year. More focused.
She used to be obsessed with boys and popularity, but
now the only thing she cares about is studying… oh…
and making my life a hell.”
She seemed to have turned kind of mean to me
recently. She used to ignore me, but now she doesn’t.
Rather, she seems on my case all the time. It was
almost like she was obsessed with me or something.

I kept those thoughts to myself while I pulled into the

high school’s nearly-full parking lot and looked for a
place we could park.

“Hakaru! Hey!” As I got out of the car and we started

heading for the auditorium the dance was being held

“Yo, Derek!”

“Hey man, your date is looking hot!”

“Uh… yeah… yours too.”

Kira gave Derek a cold expression. One of the reasons I

didn’t feel jealous is because I knew Kira despised
Derek. I didn’t know how to feel about him
complimenting my date in such a way, but that was
simply the way Derek was. He was dressed in a nice
outfit like me. On his arm was Akiko, my former
girlfriend. That was part of the reason she didn’t like
him. The two of them were dating now, and she
thought I should have dumped him as a friend once he
decided to pick up my ex-girlfriend.

Strangely enough, she had no issues with Akiko. In

fact, she smiled at Akiko, almost fondly. The two had
never been friends that I knew of, but for some
reason, once I started dating Kira, Akiko, and she
became best friends. When I asked, she said
something about how if I had never been with Akiko,
then I never would have ended up with Kira.
When I looked Akiko up and down, she lowered her
head and blushed. She was easily as pretty as Kira in
her own way. However, even Kira might get angry if I
looked at her too long, so I quickly turned my head.
Kira put out her hand, and Akiko grabbed it, the pair
moving off to chatter, leaving Derek and me alone.

“Man, I’m hyped about tonight!” Derek said, “You got

your room, right?”

“Yeah, of course! Do you know how hard it is for teens

to get a hotel room?”

“Actually, I heard there was this gaming studio last

year where you could rent a private room with your
girl, but it got shut down. I guess the dude was a bit of
a pervert.”

I leaned close. “That was Kira’s brother.”

“Seriously? Damn. Small world. Hey, if her brother’s a
horny freak, you know… maybe it runs in the family.”

“Stop!” I made a face as Derek laughed and punched

my shoulder.

The two of us laughed and chatted as we made our

way into the Dance. There was a line going in, and we
had to wait. The girls stood together in front of us.
They were whispering, occasionally looking back at us
with coy looks. Starting to feel nervous, I leaned over
to Derek.

“Are you and Akiko really going to… you know… all the
“That’s the plan.” He shrugged. “Back when she was
dating you, she showed all kinds of interest in me…
ah… sorry…”

“No, it’s fine. It was really the best thing that could
happen. I got closer to Kira, and you managed to get a
beautiful girl too.”

He nodded, but then looked a bit uncertain. “It’s just…

she hasn’t been showing much interest in me since
this. It was hot and heavy early on, but for the last 3
months, she won’t touch me.”

“I said it was okay, not that I wanted to hear about it.”

“That’s right, you and Kira haven’t even done it yet,

“It’ll be tonight,” I said, although it was partially to
reassure myself.

“Then, let’s go together as brothers.” He raised his

fist. “You get to pop your beauty, and I break our 3-
month dry spell.”

I raised my fist and bumped his. “Alright. I’ll bump to


The pair of us headed into prom.

Chapter 103 :
“Ah, move here. I didn’t like that picture!” Kira

“Come on… you guys look fine. Let’s go in already.”

Derek sighed. “Oh! My foot!”
“You… go get us some drinks!” Akiko snapped at him
before removing her heel from his foot.

“What did I do? Damn… I have a limp now.”

“This is a girl thing. You wouldn’t understand!” She

crossed her arms and sniffed. “Off with you!”

“Damn it… fine…” He limped away, shooting back an

angry glare before continuing on into the main hall
where the refreshments and dancefloor were set up.

Where we were standing, we could hear the deep

thrums of the bass as something loud was playing over
the speakers. We had just arrived and stopped to get
our pictures, but after two tries Kira still kept trying to
move me.
“What is wrong?” I finally asked as she tried to place
me in an awkward position.

“You can’t ask a woman that!” Akiko snapped at me.

“No, it’s fine!” Kira blushed. “I don’t want to hide

anything from Hakaru. It’s just… I’ve been gaining
weight recently. You didn’t notice, did you?”

“Of course not!” I lied.

She touched her belly, which, despite being wrapped,

protruded a bit. It wasn’t the only thing bigger. Her
behind, her breasts, and even her cheeks and gained a
few. How could I not notice? However, she wasn’t fat
by any means, and she was still a beauty that was way
more than I deserved. She was easily as beautiful as
my mom and sister. Ah… why did I think of them when
I considered beauty? I shook my head and then gave a
genuine smile.

“Kira, you’re a beautiful woman. It doesn’t matter

what angle you’re at. I love every part of you.”


“Smooth, Hakaru… smooth.” Akiko snickered.

“You want to get smacked!” I shot back and glared at

her for ruining the moon.

“Mmm… just pull my hair when you do it!” She shot


“You think I won’t?”

“I’m hoping you will!”

The pair of us had closed the distance between each

other while snapping back and forth, and suddenly I
found my mouth only a few inches from hers. For
some reason, I had a sudden extreme urge to kiss her.
More than kiss her, I wanted to push her down and
strip her of her clothing. It was extremely powerful
and even felt like it was a natural feeling for a second.

“Hahaha!” Laughter snapped me out of that moment,

and I backed away quickly, my eyes shooting worriedly
to Kira.

My cheeks were red, and Akiko also wore a slight pink

color on her cheeks. I had suddenly realized what we
were saying. It was flat out flirting, and it left me
feeling a bit excited as blood rushed to certain areas.
In fact, our words were pretty naughty, even for
flirting. Worst of all, I had done it right in front of my
girlfriend. She wasn’t angry or jealous. Rather, she
seemed happy and amused and was looking at the
pair of us fondly. This caused me to tremble for a
second with confusion.

“S-sorry…” Akiko apologized to her immediately.

Kira waved her handoff. “No, it’s actually alright. I like

seeing the two of you argue and fight. I don’t know
why it just feels right. Is that weird?”

“A little…” I said.

“So weird.” Akiko nodded.

This time, all three of us broke into laughter, which

was the state we were in when Derek finally returned
with three drinks. The person he did not bring a drink
to was me.

“I slipped a little drink into it…” Derek whispered


Kira, who was bringing her cup to her mouth, stopped.

“Oh… then I can’t have this. Here Hakaru.”

“Ah… sure.” I took the drink before blinking. “Ah…

why can’t you drink?”

“Huh? Um… I don’t know…” She blinked in confusion,

but then smiled and shot Derek a death-stare.
“Probably because he’s trying to get me drunk so you
can put your hands on me tonight!”
“What’s that? I don’t know what you’re talking

Akiko snorted. “Don’t act like we don’t know you guys

got a pair of rooms for tonight. So naughty.”

“W-wait… that…” I tried to defend us.

“You caught us!” Derek laughed it off. “Sorry man, I

tried to get her drunk for you, but now not only won’t
she be loose tonight, but you’ll have whisky dick!”

“Shut up!” I cursed as Derek snickered. “I can take my

alcohol; thank you very much!”

As if to make my point, I downed the glass in a single

“That’s my man…” Kira giggled, moving and giving me
a kiss while fixing my jacket. “And as for tonight, if you
play your cards right, the answer will be yes.”

My eyes widened, and her cheeks turned red before

she gave me a tight hug. I held her for a moment, but
Derek and Akiko who didn’t seem to be in any
particular honeymoon period, quickly became
uncomfortable with the scene. Akiko reached out and
pulled on Kira.

“Come on, let’s go dance!”

“What about us?” I cried as Kira and Akiko ran off onto
the dance floor.

“You’ll just have to chase us!” Akiko called back with a

raised hand.
“After you…” Derek gestured.

“Ladies first?” I snorted, making an identical gesture.

The pair of us threw back our heads and laughed at

the same time. Then both ran for the main room at
the same time. We headed to the door at the same
time and fought a bit until Derek burst through
triumphantly. He held up his hands victoriously as I
glared at him.

“What a couple of idiots…” A pair of girls whispered as

they passed by.

Derek dropped his hands, his smile turning to a frown

while I let out a snicker.
“You know, Hakaru,” He turned to me seriously. “One
day, all these women will be our bitches.”


He nodded, straightening his tie. “We’ll be seniors

soon. We can rule this school. Why have just one
woman, when we can each have a dozen?”

I raised an eyebrow and smirked. “I don’t know. I’m

happy with just one, bro. Haven’t you heard about
biting off more than you can chew?”

“Nonsense! You should always shoot for the sky. Akiko

is just the start. I want to make a harem one of these
“Really?” I openly broke into a grin at this. “You can
barely handle Akiko, shouldn’t you worry about
sealing the deal with her rather than trying to score
with someone else?”

“Dude… look, listen, tonight, we’re going to have both

girls, one in each room, right?”

“Um, well, I’ll have my girl in my room, and you’ll have

you in yours.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Derek laughed. “Let’s switch


“…what?” My brow furrowed.

“Like, we let the girls go before us, and then we switch
places. You give me Kira’s key, and I give you Akiko.
Then we bang each other’s girl.”

“What? You want Kira? Wh-why?”

“Come on… once Kira tastes my dick, she’ll totally

want more, and I’m sure Akiko will be down for it too.
I’ve seen how she looks at you. I don’t think she’s
totally over you.”

“Dude…” I shook my head.

“Hear me out! Since the girls have been with both of

us, they’ll be more… loose. Once you get two girls, the
third will fall easily. With two girls pressuring the third,
she’ll join quickly. Then it’s just a matter of adding
whoever we want.”
“For what?”

“The harem, dude!”

“You want my girlfriend in your harem?” I didn’t know

if I wanted to be angry or bewildered, as I had never
seen this side of Derek.

“Not my harem. Our harem! We’ll share the girls

together. That’s how we’ll get more to join. Whether
they like you or me, we present it as a package deal.
We’ll even use Akiko and Kira to catfish some more
girls for us.”

“First… I’m pretty sure that’s rape, which I am

vehemently against.” I declared, causing him to roll his
eyes. “Second, I don’t like the idea of sharing
“It’s just temporary! Once we get five or six, we can
split them up, and each takes half.”

“They’re not collector’s cards.”

“It doesn’t matter, man. We can make it work. But we

need that seed of two women. I’m asking you to give
up one slut to land yourself a harem! Come on, are
you in?”

“No!” I responded furiously. “I haven’t even fucked

Kira, and you want to have her? The hell if I’m giving
her first time to you!”

“Hehe… you honestly think Kira is a virgin?”

“The fuck you say?”

Derek held up his hands. “S-sorry… hey, forget I said
anything. I was just dreaming out loud. I’ll tell you
what, enjoy Kira tonight, but think about it. You could
be swimming in pussy if you’re but man enough to
pursue the dream.”


“Just think about it. We don’t have to do anything

tonight, alright? We cool?”

I frowned, but after he gave me a pathetic look, I

sighed, and we bumped fists. “Yeah, we’re cool.”

After that, we went off and found the girls as they

were dancing on the floor. Kira got tired quickly and
went to sit down, but Akiko was willing to dance a bit
more. I danced with Kira a few times. She then ran off
to the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” I asked when she got back.

“Ah… I threw up.” She said, “Probably just got


“Are you sure, I can take you home…”

“Wh-what about the hotel?” She asked worriedly.

“It’s fine. If you’re sick, it doesn’t have to happen.” I

responded with a tight smile.

It hurt saying that, but it was also fine. I could always

use my hand… on prom night. Well, I certainly wasn’t
going to share Akiko with Derek! I wondered if he’d be
acting so cocky if I offered that as our first option
toward “getting girls more willing to explore.” I
couldn’t help but shake my head.

“N-no… I’ll be fine!” She insisted. “I want to…”

Her words drifted off as she looked up at me. I started

leaning in to kiss her.

“Have you seen Derek?” Akiko’s voice broke us apart.

“Ah… what?” I pulled away from her regretfully, but

seeing as she just threw up, it probably was a good
idea we didn’t kiss until she got something to drink.
“Derek? He’s disappeared on me! Ah… and a slow
song is playing! Rats!” Looking around, her eyes then
fell on me. “Hakaru, dance with me!”

“I ca-“

“It’s okay!” Kira said, smiling and then patting my

hand. “Go dance with Akiko. I’m still a little nauseous.
I’m just going to get something to drink, okay?”


I allowed Akiko to pull me out onto the dance floor,

and soon I found her in my arms. Her familiar scent
calmed me immensely, and I wrapped my arms
around her, pulling our bodies close. As we moved
slowly, my hips pushed against hers, and she pushed
back. I could feel her breath on my neck and feel her
heart pounding in her chest. Why did this feel so

Less than a year ago, I had caught Akiko and Derek

having sex. I had broken it off with her, and she ended
up dating Derek. That was the end to it. I had forgiven
both of them. Derek was my best friend, and it was
true there was nothing between Akiko and me. Yet,
right now, Akiko felt so good and so right. Was I not
over her as I had thought? I glanced over to the chairs
where Kira was sitting. She was lightly tapping her foot
and smiling as she watched us dance. So, trusting…
No… I can’t let myself two-time the woman I love. A
harem life was impossible…

“Music finished…” Akiko said gently.

I had still been moving, even though the music was

gone. The pair of us broke apart awkwardly, and then
we both went back to Kira, who still didn’t show an
ounce of jealousy.

The three of us went looking and eventually found

Derek near the end of the evening. He had been
dancing lewdly with another girl. She was dressed in a
very slutty dress. Her skirt was cut so high you could
see her underwear, and her dress dipped down and
exposed the area between her breasts. She wasn’t
even hiding rubbing her ass on Derek’s crotch while
bent over in front of him. If the teachers saw it, they
would have broken it up. Derek also shamelessly had
an erection. They’d basically be having sex if they
weren’t in clothing.

“Hey… Eiko.” I responded awkwardly.

Now that I thought about it, if he did want a harem, a

girl like Eiko would probably be his best bet. I had
dated her myself, and she had cheated on me awfully.
Well, I didn’t find that out until later. Her reputation
as a school slut rose shortly after we broke up.

“Hakaru… you want a ride?” She winked, even going

so far as to rub her ass provocatively.

“Derek!” Akiko admonished while Kira gave him a

disapproving look.

After I shook my head, Eiko only shrugged before

finding another guy to rub up on. As for Derek, he
shrugged helplessly like guys would be guys.
Surprisingly, Akiko didn’t seem that angry at him. After
a brief admonishment, she finished.

“So, what’s up?” He asked after apologizing to Akiko.

“It’s time. We’re leaving the party.”

“Excellent!” He smiled with teeth. “Let’s move this
party to somewhere a bit more private, shall we

For some reason, I had a bad feeling in my gut. I found

myself wishing Kira was a little sicker and that we left
when we had the chance. There was no turning back

Chapter 104 :
We followed Derek and Akiko’s lead, following them
on the five-minute journey to the somewhat shady
motel room. As we got out of the car, Derek grabbed
my shoulder and took me to the side.

“Let’s go give the girls some time to get ready. There is

a guy who will buy teens alcohol behind the liquor
“Eh? Really?”

“You got your key?”

“Ah… yeah.” I pulled it out of my pocket.

“Haha… just down the hall from mine. Nice.” He

grabbed my key and then while putting an arm around
me, he gestured the girls over. “Hey, ladies, we’re
going to take a stop. Why don’t you go make
yourselves comfortable.”

He handed the two keys out to each lady with a grin

on his face.

“What? You’re not coming with us?”

“I got to give Hakaru here some pointers. Besides, you
guys have been dancing and sweating in those dresses
all night. I thought you might want to… ahem…”

Kira’s face turned red, and Akiko’s eyes widened. They

both grabbed their keys tightly.

“Y-yes! Of course! You do that! Don’t come back too

quicky. Ten… no, fifteen minutes!”

Derek snorted. “You better hurry, I can’t wait to tear

that dress off you.”

“Y-you…” Akiko shot me a look even as she blushed.

Derek took a step forward and then whispered
something in her ear. Akiko turned as pink as Kira, and
then both girls gave one last goodbye before turning
and retreating to the motel without looking back.

“What was that about?” I asked as Derek turned me

away from the girls and started heading toward the
liquor store he had previously mentioned.

“Huh? I just encouraged Akiko to give Kira some

advice. I’ll be fine, but I wouldn’t want a virgin like you
screwing up your chance with a beauty like Kira.”

“Shut up! I’m not a virgin! Hell, I’m damn good at it!”

“What?” He smiled at me. “Name one girl you’ve slept

“Easy! I…” I stopped, suddenly unable to recall a single

I felt a sense of strange confusion shooting through

me. At the moment I had said it, I had been certain
that I’d had sex before. In fact, I had a feeling like I had
a lot of sex. I’d say I was pretty confident in my ability
too like I had some experience. Yet, when it came to
thinking about any time I actually had sex, my mind
drew a complete blank.

As my silence continued on, Derek barked a laugh and

shook his head. “Exactly! You’re hilarious, man! Well,
don’t worry, I got your back. We all got to lose it
sometime, right?”

He squeezed my shoulder and gave me a reassuring

look before running across the street. My strange
feeling of confusion steadily dissipated, and I shook
my head. It was just one of those weird moments
people had. I’ve had them a lot lately, but they didn’t
mean anything. I ran after him, and the pair of us
headed over to the liquor store.

While the store did have liquor, it also had other

conveniences, so it wasn’t strange for us if we were to
enter. I wasn’t actually as interested in the alcohol as
he was. I wanted to remember the experience with
Kira, and I actually didn’t feel that nervous despite the
fact that it was our first time. In fact, if I closed my
eyes, I thought I could probably imagine her naked. I
felt like it’d be accurate too, even though I had never
seen her naked. Then again, now that I thought about
it, I could probably do the same for Akiko! Ah! I was
thinking about weird things again.

The point was, I wasn’t really stressed, so I didn’t feel I

needed to drink alcohol to ease things. I had a feeling
from earlier Kira wouldn’t want to drink anything
either, so while Derek went around back to make his
contact, I just went into the store to look around.
There was a guy behind the counter, but he was
reading a magazine and didn’t even look my way. If
you weren’t lucky, you could get a guy who gave you
dirty looks the entire time you were in there.

I looked in the convenience section, intending to pick

up some snacks for Kira and I. I didn’t know how long
the act would take, or what she would feel like after. I
thought about buying some Pepto Bismol for her
stomach. Ah, crap! I forgot the condoms at Mrs.
Fukumi’s. It had been so awkward that I left the box
there. I had one in my wallet, but what if I needed
more? Plus, she mentioned something about
spermicide, which it definitely didn’t have.

Glancing at the nonchalant guy, I thought that maybe

he wouldn’t notice or care if I tried to buy sex items. I
definitely couldn’t ask Derek, since he would likely
tease me about how much of a virgin I was. I was such
an idiot.
There was a strange voice in the back of my head that
told me not to use them. It seemed to suggest that it
didn’t really matter if I did it or not and that I wouldn’t
get her pregnant or catch an STD unless I wanted it to
happen. It was just another strange thought, so I
closed my eyes, trying to push it from my mind.

It was for this reason that when I walked into the aisle
that contained the sex stuff, I ran into someone I
hadn’t noticed. She made a noise as I bumped into
her. My eyes snapped open, and I looked down to see
an absolutely beautiful girl. She had a punk look to
her, with hair, a nose ring, and rocker shirt on. She
was wearing jeans and a black leather coat.

“Watch it!” She growled as I walked into her.

“Oh… sorry.” I said, blushing as I turned to look away

from her.
She was very pretty, and I actually didn’t want to look
away from her. Although I had ended up with Kira, a
punk girl was actually closer to my type originally. I
listened to alternative, used to wear black, and was a
tall, pale kid. Eiko used to look a lot like this girl when
we started dating, and it was why I was so interested
in her. It was probably that exact reason that I went
for a much more proper girl in Akiko given how we
broke up. Then, of course, I ended up dating Kira, who
was the Student Council president, and she was more
of a Japanese beauty than a punk girl.

That was also why I dressed up Tiana in such a…

hmm? Tiana? That name just popped up out of the
blue. I seemed to remember a girl who had a tattoo
and piercings. She got them because I asked her to?
No… that was impossible. I was dating Kira, and there
was no girl who would do something so extreme for
I turned away from the beauty who met my strike
zone and started looking over the condoms. The girl
was standing right there too. She was looking in the
same place, actually. I suddenly felt extremely
embarrassed. How could I select condoms with this
cute girl watching me? Maybe she was trying to get
condoms too. Was she waiting for me to pick? I ended
up standing there for several minutes while the girl
was standing right next to me. Sweat was dripping
down my forehead.

It didn’t matter! I was ridiculous! I reached out to grab

a pack of three. I didn’t even care what. I didn’t have
the experience to know what was better or worse, so
my movements were just completely to what condom
I like the packaging of the best. Unfortunately, as my
hand went out, this was the time the girl’s hand
moved out too. Our hands ended up touching.

“Ah! S-sorry…” She said, pulling her hand.

“No! Go ahead!” I gestured way too much.

“N-no… I’m not sure what I want yet…” She

responded, and then glanced at me. “Rather… can you
help me?’

“Huh? Help?”

“You’re experienced with sex, right?”

“What? No, I’m not!” I fought those weird feelings in

the back of my head and went with what my mind
told me.

“Eh? But you’re buying condoms…” She frowned and

then looked at the one I had reached for. “Magnum…
extra large, for big men… oh my…”
My face turned red. I wasn’t so full of myself to say I
was an extra-large size. I was big enough to please,
but I wasn’t a giant, and I was fine with it that way.

“Ah… It’s um… prom night… you know…” I mumbled


“Oh? Ah… I was homeschooled. I didn’t go.”

“You were homeschooled?” I asked, my eyes wide.

She pushed back her blue hair, suddenly looking shy

and cute. “Is that weird?”

“No… not at all!” I mean, there were standards at

school, a girl like her wouldn’t be allowed in a
standard high school, so it made sense that with her
appearance, she was homeschooled.

“I-if you don’t mind my asking, why are you looking?” I


She blushed, looking down. “That…”

“You don’t have to tell me anything!” I waved my

hands, realizing I had asked something a bit personal
of a complete stranger.

“D-do you promise not to tell anyone?” She

responded, her cheeks pouty.

“No, I won’t, no one!” I said a bit too readily.

“Ah… well, I wanted to… practice…”

“Practice?” My mind froze.

“N-no!” She gestured wildly. “I mean… practice

putting it on… l-like… a banana… oh… I didn’t mean it.
Don’t girls in Health classes practice putting them on a

She was very cute and flustered, and I wanted to laugh

and tease her a bit. “I don’t actually think any school
really does that. It’s one of those things they made up
in the media.”

“R-really!” She said, her eyes teary. “I mean, I haven’t

met the right guy yet, but just in case I did, I wanted to
be ready!”
“Sorry to burst your bubble,” I responded. “But you’ll
just have to learn with experience…”

“I-is that what you’re doing?” she asked, still looking


“Huh! Oh… getting experience? Um… yeah, I guess.

My girlfriend…”

“Oh… you’re in a relationship.” She seemed really


My heart suddenly pounded wildly for a second. For a

brief moment, I regretted not being single. She was
really cute, and I totally wanted to know her better. It
was clear to me she was interested as well.

“Sorry… yeah…”
Bang. Bang! “Hey, I got them!”

Derek was standing there with a 12-pack pack of beers

in his hand. This caused the guy behind the counter to
finally look up and give a frown. Feeling embarrassed,
I excused myself from the girl and ran to the guy and
immediately bought myself. At this point, he was
giving me a stern look, likely having realized an
underaged kid had managed to get alcohol through his
shop somehow. Keeping my head low, I paid for the
stuff, which didn’t include a condom.

As I headed for the door, someone grabbed my arm,

and I glanced over to see the girl standing there. She
leaned over close to me.

“I think you’re a good person, so I’ll tell you


“That friend of yours? He’s not a good guy. I can tell.”

I smiled awkwardly. “I know… he’s kind of a bastard,

but he’s the only close friend I have.”

“If you keep feeling confused… give me a call. I’m a

wicken. I can see auras. There is something strange
about yours.”

“Ah… sorry, I don’t believe in supernatural stuff.”

She smiled and then handed me a piece of paper.

“You don’t have to believe it, for it to change your life.
Just call if you find something strange happening.”
“Ah… okay…” I didn’t say anything more as I left.

She was watching me with a worried look. She was

kind of a strange girl, but she seemed nice. Plus, she
was cute. Ah… I didn’t even get her name. I glanced
down at the sheet of paper she had given me.

“Mary.” Her name was written above her number.

“Damn, dude… you got some girl’s number just as

you’re going to bang your girlfriend? That’s cold.”

“Shut up!’ I crumbled up the paper and shoved it in

my pocket. “She’s just some psychic or something
trying to sell her wares. What about you announcing
you got alcohol like an idiot?”
“Haha, whatever. Here, take half. You’ll need it.” He
ripped the twelve in half and shoved six into my back
without giving me a chance to refuse.

I sighed and accepted his offer. We headed back to

our rooms. I pulled out my spare key and Derek did
the same.

“Alright, bro, to manhood!” He held up his fist.

“To sex!”

Chapter 105 :
Iapproached the door to my motel room, my hand
freezing as I reached for the doorknob. Behind the
door was Kira, who I had slept with dozens of times.
No, I meant, I had never slept with her before. I
grabbed my head, feeling confused for a second. It
was strange. I should be extremely nervous. I should
be terrified of opening that door. However, I felt calm.
That was the thing that was terrifying if that made
sense. I should be worked up walking into the room of
the woman I planned to have sex with for my first

Quit trying to freak yourself out, Hakaru! I tried to

mentally berate myself.

I should just find it lucky that I wasn’t nervous and use

that to my advantage, I should go in there and give
her the time of her life. It was that simple, wasn’t it?
With one last breath, I reached out and grabbed the
doorknob. At the same time, I used the old key to turn
and unlocked the door. I ended up slipping into a dark

I could see Kira’s form under the bed. I could only

raise an eyebrow, as she was on the bed under the
sheets, and only her lower half was exposed. I
couldn’t help but fight back a smile. She was so
nervous, that she didn’t even want to be seen. Well, it
was so dark, I could barely see her anyway. For some
reason, seeing her bare-naked pussy the shadowed
form of her spread open legs in the dark caused me to
relax, and I pulled out my dick and casually
approached her.

I grew hard in an instant, but before I stuck it in, I

licked my fingers and then began to explore her lips
with them. Her body shuddered, and I heard cute
whimpering noises as my fingers first played with her
clit, and then slipped inside her. I added a bit more
spit, tasting her sweet scent before pushing my fingers
inside her. With one hand wrapped around my hard
cock, stroking it excitedly, the other hand pushing my
fingers in and out of her.

She whimpered and moaned, and my fingers slipped

inside her easily. I might have questioned if she was a
virgin, but something in my mind said that this was
natural, and not strange at all. As my fingers danced
inside her, I could feel her growing wet around me.
My dick was also growing a dull ache, eager to feel
deep inside her womb. This all felt incredibly natural
like I had done these dozens of times. Even as my
fingers explored her, I felt a familiarity, instantly
targeting the part I knew would drive her excitedly.

“H-Hikaru…” I heard her muffled moan come out from

under her comforter.

Her voice sounded a bit off, but I was already

extremely aroused, and so was she. Her hips were
thrusting up gently against my fingers, clearly wanting
something a little bigger inside her. I was happy to
accommodate, so I shifted over and pushed my dick
up against her clit. Her hips rose up, trying to get her
pussy penetrated all of the way, but I pulled back
slightly, teasing her by denying her penetration.
Instead, I rubbed the head of my cock gently up and
down her wet crack. At this point, she was so moist it
slid the whole length with ease. I could hear her
panting excitedly under the sheets.

Finally, taking a hard hold of my member, I put my

hands on her pelvis, lightly running my fingers through
her coarse black pubic hair before sliding inside. I
couldn’t help but let out a moan of satisfaction as my
cock slid into her soft pussy. She felt really wet, gushy,
and warm, and the feeling was both incredible and
somewhat nostalgic. I had never been in a woman
before, so I didn’t know why I still had such a sense of

As my dick filled her up, I could feel the movement

deep inside her through my palm. Using the grip to
stabilize myself, I started to slide in and out of her
crotch. I should have started slow for a virgin girl like
her, but those kinds of thoughts did not occur to me. I
pushed down, pinning her pelvis to the bed, and then
began to thrust into her roughly, treating her pussy as
my own detached sex toy. With each thrust, she grew
even wetter, and I could tell with a slight twitching
feeling that she came.

However, she was trying to be really quiet under the

covers, and thus I only heard an occasional whimper
or moan. In some ways, it was kind of sexy, since I was
using my girlfriend like a toy. On the other hand, it
wasn’t terribly romantic. I kind of wanted to kiss and
play with her. I wanted to see her expression, touch
her breasts, and feel her naked body against my own.

However, she seemed to have the blanket around

herself tightly, and I wasn’t able to pull it away easily
without disrupting the current groove we were in.
With her whimpering softly and me slamming it into
her snatch with one wet thrust after another, I didn’t
want to ruin things. So, instead, I decided to talk.

“Hey, Kira, how is it?” I asked.

“Wha-what? Kira?” A confused voice rose from the

The girl under me suddenly moved rapidly, managing

to pull her head out from the top of her blanket. As
soon as I saw her, my mind froze for a moment. I
wasn’t staring at Kira, my girlfriend, but Akiko, my ex-
girlfriend. My dick was still inside her, and I had even
thrust a few more times into her. Realization slowly
started to dawn on me.

“A-A-Akiko?” I said in a strained voice.

“Hakaru!” She cried out as well, looking just as


“What are you doing?”

“Wh-what are you doing?” She shot back.

None of us were moving. I still had my dick in her, but

I was staring in disbelief like I couldn’t even come to
terms with what was going on.

“This is my room? I gave the key to Kira!”

“No! I was given this key by Derek! I definitely was!”

She cried out, and then her eyes widened. “And he
said… when you get ready, cover your face and body
tightly and don’t say anything. It’s a little game, okay?”

When her words finally sunk in, I started to realize

exactly what had just happened. When Derek had
taken both of our keys, he gave the wrong key to the
wrong girl. Basically, he played a switch on us, just like
he had wanted to do at the beginning of prom! Anger
started to fill my mind.
“That bastard!” I cursed, starting to turn to leave.

I actually didn’t know which room exactly was his. I

had a rough idea, but I didn’t have his key. He could
be playing with my girlfriend at this exact moment. He
had said something like he had told Akiko to tell Kira
the same. So, if she was in a similar position, she was
being taken advantage of by that son of a bitch! I
couldn’t believe that he had so shamelessly screwed
me over. I was so angry I wanted to punch something.

“Hakaru!” Akiko seemed to see the emotions dancing

over my face, and as I tried to leave, she had finally
managed to get her hands free, so she reached out
and grabbed my arm.

“Derek did this!” I snarled back at her. “He had his

eyes on Kira all along. That bastard wanted to turn you
girls into his harem or some shit. He said so earlier. I’m
sorry, I didn’t mean to do this with you.”

She looked down, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

“Even if you say that, I’m not angry, since it’s you.”

“Akiko, Kira might be having sex with him right now?”

“It’s okay…”

“How is it okay?” I demanded. “She could be being

raped right now!”

“It’s okay because I wanted this to happen!” Akiko

cried out, her eyes watering. “I’m sorry I didn’t say
anything, but for the last few months, all I can think
about is you. That’s why I don’t do anything with
Derek anymore. I wasn’t sure, I kind of expected
Derek was going to pull something. That’s why I was
willing to do this. I didn’t think… well… I hoped…”

I shook my head in confusion. “Wait… wait… you said

my name earlier! Were you in on this?”

I suddenly recalled she had called my own name. She

had known I was the guy giving it to her from the
beginning! Before the anger grew, she was violently
shaking her head, looking at me desperately.

“No! Not at all! I didn’t know! That was…” She looked

away, blushing. “I accidentally called your name
instead of his. I thought it was him, so I was afraid he
heard or would say something. That’s why I didn’t
show my face and stayed so quiet. I was afraid it was
him. When I saw it was you though, I realized it was
fate that we ended up together.”
“Akiko… we broke up… I’m with Kira now.”

“I don’t care!” She responded stubbornly. “I want



“Kira can stay! You can just have her and me! Derek
didn’t succeed! I’m going to break up with him
tonight. As for Kira, she’ll definitely not go that far. I
didn’t tell her what Derek told me. So, when he went
into her room, she definitely would have seen him.
She might have even slapped him. So, it’s fine, okay? It
can just be you and me for now, okay? I won’t even
tell Kira. I can just be your side girl. I just don’t want
you to throw me away, okay?”

As she spoke frantically, she pulled aside the blankets

and tossed them away, revealing her naked and
aroused body entirely. She was a beautiful young girl,
and the room was barely lit, giving her body a dark
and romantic appearance. It was an alluring sight that
was difficult for me to look away from. I really did
want to push her down and have my way with her. My
thoughts about Kira started to get jumbled, and I
found myself leaning down, pushing myself back into
her and then kissing her lips. The pair of us lay like
that, kissing for a solid minute.

I still wasn’t sure if I was going to keep fucking her. My

mind was still trying to make that decision. However, a
moment later, it was made for me. The door suddenly
was unlocked and opened. It flew open with an
elaborate bang, and a hand shot for the light and
turned it on. In an instant, our naked bodies were
filled with light. Standing in the doorway was Derek
and Kira, both fully dressed. Kira had watery eyes and
her hand over her mouth as she looked at the pair of
us, who were in each other’s arms. Even though we
hadn’t continued having sex, it wouldn’t look like that
given our positions.
Derek was wearing a smug expression and crossed his
arms. “Wow… I can’t believe you’d do that with my
girlfriend. Some friend you are! We realized we got
the wrong keys right away, and I went to the office
and got them to give me a spare to get into your
room. I would never have imagined you’d take the
opportunity to cheat on your girlfriend and fuck my
girl. Damn!”

Although his tone was slightly admonishing and angry,

it was clear to me he had done it all on purpose. Was
this really his plan? Perhaps he planned to rape Kira
first, and then do this after. Maybe Akiko had
prevented that from happening by not spreading the
word to Kira. Either way, we were exposed, and there
was little we could argue.

Akiko shook her hands frantically. “You… I mean… you

set us up!”
“Set you up?” He put on an ugly face. “All I did was
swap keys. For you to claim anything else, it is
disgusting! Come Monday. We’re no longer together.
As for you, Hakaru, whatever comes of this is your

He spun and left, not giving anyone else a look as the

door closed behind him. This left me naked in a room
with Akiko and my own girlfriend. She suddenly
started crying, covering her mouth as she let out soft
wails. I felt like complete trash. I had hurt her. Sure,
Derek had done all of this on purpose. I couldn’t even
imagine why he hated me so much. What had I really
done to him that he set me up in this way? At least,
that was the thought running through my mind.

“Kira… I love Hakaru! I’m sorry!”

“Heh…” Kira suddenly stopped sobbing and made a
laughing noise.

“Kira…” I reached out, and she took a step back,

causing me to feel a bit of pain.

“H-Hakaru… Akiko. This is so messed up.” Kira said

softly, almost to herself.

“I know… I didn’t mean to-“

“I’m so happy!” Kira suddenly giggled, more tears

running down her cheeks.

“Seeing you two together, I’m not angry. I feel
relieved. I feel happy. I don’t understand it. I’m really
messed up, aren’t I? My boyfriend is with another
woman, but rather than angry, I feel really excited.”

Kira bit one her nails, looking back and forth between
the two of us. However, her eyes didn’t hold any pain
or unhappiness. Rather, she looked intrigued and
slightly aroused.

“Kira, I don’t think I understand what you mean?” I

gave it one last go.

“C-can you two continue?”

“Mm…” Kira blushed, not able to meet my eyes, “I
suddenly got really excited over the thought of
watching. Hakaru creampie Akiko. Can you continue?
C-can I watch?”

Her eyes were eager and didn’t hold a single hint of


“Okay…” I called out, “Then please continue to


Chapter 106 :
Idon’t know how we ended up in this situation, but it
somehow felt really natural. In the back of my head,
there was a voice that said it was weird to fuck my ex-
girlfriend while my girlfriend watched, but that voice
was quickly silenced by my own horniness. Of course, I
also considered that this was some kind of trick.
Maybe Kira wanted me to go farther as a means of
somehow embarrassing me. Maybe she was filming it
or something.

My mind even went so far as to think that she was in

cohorts with Derek. I had always known he was a dick,
but he had finally revealed his true colors today,
deliberately engineering a situation both where he
could dump his girlfriend and destroy my relationship.
Then again, somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt
like I already knew the kind of guy that Derek was. His
betrayal almost felt natural to me, like I should have
seen it coming from the beginning.

Yet, his betrayal had failed completely, because he

didn’t understand the kind of woman that Kira was.
Hell, I didn’t understand it. And by the confused look
on Kira’s face, she didn’t understand it either, but the
excitement in her eyes was something that couldn’t
be faked so easily. She had her mouth slightly open,
and she was panting excitedly as she watched me
touch the girl under me.

This felt kind of exciting too. My dick which had

softened after the interruption, but was back to being
fully erect again now. I only realized as I looked back
down at Akiko that I hadn’t really tried to get her
opinion on this whole thing. Before the interruption, I
had started sleeping with her without her consent,
thinking she was my own girlfriend. Just as we realized
the truth, her boyfriend Derek walked in, saw
everything and then walked out on her. Worst yet, he
had deliberately planned for her to end up like this.

Even now, I still had her pinned to the bed, my erect

cock hovering menacingly over her pussy, and was just
about to continue while my girlfriend watched, all
while barely concerning myself about Akiko’s wants or
desire. Her face was flushed, and she was shaking
slightly, but she had barely spoken since Derek
showed up. I wasn’t the kind of guy who raped
women, at least… I was pretty sure of that. I didn’t
know why a part of me seemed to approach that
thought with doubt.

“Akiko, do you…” I couldn’t even say it.

How exactly did you ask a girl to fuck while your

girlfriend watched? This was definitely not something
that even most pornos could prepare you for.

“Hakaru,” She said, her voice filled with excitement. “I

want you to continue. When I found out it was you on
top of me, I was so happy. I love you, and I love Kira
too. Please, it makes me really happy to please both of
you, so use me however you want.”

There was something really perverse about her words.

It wasn’t the kind of thing a sane high school girl
should say, yet there was a sincerity and truth to them
that made it difficult to refute. She meant every word
she said. She was happy to give herself to even Kira
and me. She was essentially my plaything. I didn’t
even need to ask. I felt like it didn’t matter what I did,
what position, or what hole, that she would work her
hardest and be happy as long as I was happy. She gave
off that kind of feeling.

I raised my hand and lightly stroked her cheek, causing

her shaking to increase as she closed her eyes and
took in a long-drawn breath.

“Akiko…” I then looked up at Kira. “Kira…”

“Ah!” She made a noise of surprise at me, suddenly

addressing her.

“I love you. Both of you. I want to keep both of you

and have you be mine. Is that okay with you two?”
“Yes…” Kira said, smiling mysteriously. “That makes
me really happy.”

“Mm!” Akiko nodded and then blushed. “Now, will

you put it in already, you’re teasing me too much.”

While I had been sitting over her, my cock had been

pressed just against her wet cunt, threatening to slip
in with a slight thrust, yet I had inadvertently been
denying her that pleasure. My dick was actually quite
big. It was definitely on the large size, and wouldn’t be
awkward in a porno. Strangely, I remember it being
much smaller, but it had sprung up in the last few
months. Was that so-called puberty? I could have
sworn I hit that two years ago, but it was probably
fine. I just hit the big dick lottery, and the winner was
about to be my two girls.
I pushed my hips down, sliding back into the familiar
climate of Akiko’s pussy. I could feel Kira’s eyes on me
and hear her gulping as she watched me penetrate
her friend. Akiko grabbed my arms and squeezed
tightly, panting noisily as I pierced her. She had been
intentionally quiet before, but now she had no reason
to be quiet. More than that, with Kira watching, she
kind of felt a desire to put on a show. I decided to give
Kira one.

“Ahhn… ahhhh…” Akiko gasped as I lifted her butt up

and angled my dick down, shoving even deeper inside

I began to move my hips up and down, providing quick

piston thrusts, pounding her wet pussy. Akiko let out
cute moaning noises and squirmed under me, so I held
her down even more tightly, pumping her with my
large cock which honestly looked a bit big for her tiny
pussy. It was at a size where a virgin girl would
definitely ask if it would really fit. Although Akiko was
no virgin, it still was tight enough inside her that she
felt her insides being stretched.

“Ahn… Fuck… Hakaru… your dick is so big!” She

glanced over my shoulder and instinctively looked
back to see that Kira was still there.

She wasn’t just waiting. She had found a seat and was
sitting down. Her dress was pushed up, and she had
her underwear pushed to the side, revealing her tight
cunt. She was fingering it with two fingers while
watching us, her face flushed and aroused. When
Akiko made her declaration, Kira nodded as if agreeing
with her.

“Hakaru looks like he’s breaking Akiko’s womb.” She

Akiko bit her lower lip. “Mmm… fuck… he’s breaking
me apart. This feels so amazing, Kira. I can’t believe
you’ve never tasted this dick before.”

Akiko seemed to be taking on the role of teasing Kira.

It seemed like it was rubbing salt on the wound for
Kira who walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her,
but Akiko’s words only seemed to excite her further.
She was rubbing her pussy even harder and was even
moving her hips, moaning like a slut as she watched
her boyfriend bang another woman.

Seeing that euphoric face on Kira, I felt myself grow

even more motivated to perform. I had never thought
that being watched would be so engaging, but it really
brought out more in me. I sped up the pace, putting all
of my focus into wrecking Akiko, using all of my
stamina. I slammed my dick into her loud enough that
it filled the room with the wet noises of flesh slapping
against flesh. Female moans filled the room, but it
didn’t come from just one girl, but two. Kira had
pulled down her underwear and scooted forward,
putting one leg up on the bed. If I looked back, I’d see
her rubbing herself as fast as her fingers would move.

If I looked the other way, Akiko was under me, her

eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open as she
let out loud moans of pleasure. I teased her breasts
and kissed her neck, and the more I did so, the more I
realized I knew exactly how to touch her. It went
beyond simply having experience, even though I didn’t
recall such a time when I had any. This was at the level
of being a psychic. I seemed to just know how to
touch a woman.

The more I focused on these instincts, the crazier

Akiko got. I could feel her pussy gushing and twitching
as she reached a climax, yet I still didn’t give her any
relief from the agony. Instead, I picked up the pace
and moved even faster. I moved as fast as my hips
could carry me, hitting her in the exact spot my
instincts told me to attack. It was barely a minute
before she was cumming again.

“C-c-cumming! I’m cumming again!” She sang in a

sexy voice, her hips even rising as her back arched in a
powerful orgasm.

“H-Hakaru… is this what you would have done to me!”

Kira cried out, her voice filled with erotic emotions as

“What do you mean, would?” I gasped. “You’re getting

this next!”

“Oh, my…” She let out a cry and then closed her eyes
tightly. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”
The words I had just said had pushed her past the
limit, and she ended up squirting onto the bed. I could
feel some of the hot liquid tickling our feet, but my
focus was still on the woman under me, who was I
continuing to relentlessly target in every single one of
her erogenous zones like I had a textbook that pointed
every part of it out.

Of course, even if I was driving her crazy, I had limits

too. My hips were growing tired, and my cock had
reached its limit.

“I’m going to cum!” I said, biting her ear in just the

way I like it.

“Cum in me!” She cried out. “Cum in your slave!

Master, cum in your bitch!”
I didn’t know why she called me Master or referred to
herself as a slave suddenly, but the words were
definitely doing it for me.

“Ah… n-no condom!” Kira cried out. “A baby!”

“Fill my womb with your seed!” Akiko cried. “I want

Hakaru’s baby! Just fill me up with everything!”

“Ahn… Ahn…” Kira who was still masturbating

somehow was turned on by those words too and
started cumming again.

As for me, I shoved my cock one last time as deeply

into her womb as I could go. Akiko was a small
Japanese girl, and my cock was quite big, so I reached
deep inside her to the point where you could even see
it. It was at that point that my balls finally erupted,
and with a spasm, large gobs of white, hot baby batter
exploded deep inside Akiko.

The feeling of cuming inside was too much for Akiko,

and she ended up having yet another orgasm. Her
pussy hungrily twitched, sucking in my dick and eating
my cum. My dick was happy to oblige. I felt like I
hadn’t had sex in months. No, it should be that I
haven’t had sex ever, but the effect was the same.
Gobs and gobs of cum shot out into Akiko, whose
vagina continued to suck it all up like a vacuum.

Yet, somewhere, in the back of my mind, I had a

feeling like there was no way I’d ever get her
pregnant. I felt like whoever I fucked, there wouldn’t
be a baby or even worry about disease. It felt a bit like
realizing you had a superpower. I didn’t know where
the certainty came from, but it felt like no matter who
it was, I could seduce any number of women to bed,
pleasure them in unimaginable ways, and not even
have to worry about common problems with disease,
whether I went raw or not.

Any number of women? How had I suddenly grown so

perverted? I had only had one woman, and now I had
two girlfriends, and yet somehow, my thirst hadn’t
diminished at all. In fact, it felt like I wanted even

Chapter 107 :
I quietly opened the door and slid into the dark house.
After I had cum inside Akiko, the three of us had
cleaned ourselves up, checked out and then I took the
two girls home. The trip home had occurred in
extremely awkward silence. Kira, who had
masturbated while watching her boyfriend with
another woman, seemed to have nothing to say.
Akiko, who lost her boyfriend and was caught with her
ex-boyfriend was just as quiet. As for me, I had my
own complicated thoughts that left me feeling strange
and confused.

The house was quiet, and it appeared like everyone

was asleep. That made sense since it was already one
in the morning. That was part of the reason we didn’t
stay at the hotel longer. The other reason was that
after finishing, we were all trying to come to grips with
what just happened. I didn’t know right now what my
position with either girl was. Akiko may still have
wanted to try to work things out with Derek. Kira may
have realized that she really wasn’t okay with what
happened. One thing was for certain. Our
relationships were only going to change after this.

“You had fun, sweetie?”

I jumped, nearly tripping and falling flat on my face as

I was walking past the living room. Shooting a look
into the darkness, I saw Mom sitting there. She was in
a bathrobe, and she had a glass of wine in her hand.
She was just sitting in the darkness. Had she been up
waiting for me? Usually, dad would come home
earlier, and the pair would make noises long into the
night until she was too tired to do anything but sleep.
At least, that’s what I thought.

“Mom? Why are you up?”

“Mmm…” She gave a small smile. “Can’t I worry about

my son going out late with beautiful women?”


“Just kidding, I just have a headache and was hoping

some tea would help me relax.”

“That’s wine, though.”

“Oh?” She smirked, taking another sip. “I just opened
a bottle. Do you want some?”

I sighed, “I hope you feel better.”

“Can you please comb my hair?” She asked.


“Please…” Her eyes opened big, a way of clear


Although her hair was a bit messy, it was more about

relaxation. She liked the feel of having her hair
combed. This was something I hadn’t done since I was
a small child. However, I was still too high-strung from
earlier to go to sleep, so I figured I might as well. I
gave her a nod and then moved to the couch. She got
off it and sat in front while I sat on the couch behind
her. Her free hand pulled a comb from her robe
pocket and handed it to me like she had planned this
all out from the beginning. I took it and then gently
ran my hands through her black, silky-smooth hair.
Mom closed her eyes and leaned against my knees as I
steadily began to run the comb through her hair.

After a few strokes, Mom spoke. “You never said. Did

you have fun?”

“Y-yeah. It was fun.”

“How was your first time with Kira?”

“We didn’t even have sex- ah! M-mom!” My eyes

widened as I realized the indecent question she asked.
Mother chuckled under her breath, but then raised an
eyebrow in surprise. “Hmm? You didn’t even have sex
with her yet?”

“Mom! That’s not important, but the answer is no!” I


It was true, after all, so I didn’t even need to lie to her.

“You seem like you’re telling the truth.” She turned

her head and suddenly sniffed. “But you’ve definitely
just been having sex, so it wasn’t with Kira? Has my
son been cheating? And on prom night!”

“Ah! Wh-what are you saying?” My hand stopped

combing her hair.
“Don’t be so naïve,” she rolled her eyes, turning away.
“I’m an experienced woman. Of course, I know what a
woman’s sex smells like. I can definitely know when
my son’s crotch reeks of it.”

“I c-cleaned up!” I coughed, turning away in


“I didn’t say stop!” She responded, pinching my foot.

“Keep going! And tell me why you slept with someone
who wasn’t your girlfriend!”

I bit my lip as I thought, continuing to stroke her hair.

This time, I just used my fingers, running them
through her hair gently. My first impulse was to tell
her about Derek. I wanted to complain about how he
set me up and how destructive his actions had been.
Yet, at the end of any complaint, I’d realize the truth
would come out. Therefore, I just decided to say it.
“I had sex with Akiko.”

“Your ex-girlfriend? Hmm… she’s a good Japanese girl,

just like Kira. She is a loyal girl, as long as you train her
early and make her know who is boss. I approve. Does
Kira know?”

“She knows. She… um… watched,” for some reason, I

didn’t feel like I could lie to her, and I found honest
answers coming out despite the horror I was feeling in
my gut over telling Mom such personal and sensitive

She let out a laugh, “My, my… my son had an exciting

night indeed.”

My expression fell as she said that. It wasn’t that she

was wrong. Rather, I had loved every minute of it. Yet,
there was some kind of voice in me saying that this
was wrong.

“Mom…” I said, my voice shaking slightly. “I… really

like Akiko, but I also really like Kira. I want them both.
That’s not very… I mean…”

How could I ask my mom if I were scum? What if she

said yes?

“Can you rub my temples?” She suddenly asked.

“What? Ah, yeah…” I lowered my hands down.

“Did I ever tell you how I met your father?”

“No… I mean, I know you were a shrine maiden or

“Haha… yes, I suppose you’ve heard about a part of

my life from before. You probably know that I was
quite a wild child when I was younger.”

“Didn’t they call you Hellcat?”

“Mm… in my youth; I suppose I was quite the hellcat.”

She chuckled to herself and wiped her eyes. “For four
years, I did whatever I wanted and didn’t think of the
consequences. I stole what I wanted. Whether it was
men, power, and wealth, I had it all.”

“What happened?”
“I woke up.” She shook her head. “No, not some
revelation. I woke up lying in some kind of derelict
shrine. The last two weeks of my life, I couldn’t
remember. Apparently, I had been even worse than
usual, and my actions had put the fear of a goddess
into all of my allies and enemies. No one dared to
even think of pursuing me based on past grudges.
However, I couldn’t remember any of it.”


“Well, the shrine’s priest had an interesting theory. He

claimed that a goddess had possessed my body, one I
had the greatest affinity with, whatever that meant.
She led my body to that shrine, and before leaving,
she left him a message. Well, it was a prophecy, but to
me, it felt more like orders.
“She said that I would become a shrine maiden at this
shrine and that I would bear the child of a certain

“R-really? What for? Did you get anything out of it?”

“She said if I did it, I would find a man I love more than
life itself, and that I would be one of his women.”


“Hehe… well, that was how I acted when the shrine

priest told me this. I was about to tell him to shove it,
but then I found out about the nature of the shrine.
Apparently, it was a shrine to the god of many loves.”

“God of many loves?”

“That’s what they call him. He was a polygamy god, I
think. A god of harems. He was once popular,
supposedly, but then he went dormant. He represents
the dark feelings in every man’s heart, the desire to
pursue more women, outside of his own

“So, you became a shrine maiden of polygamy?”

“You make it sound bad when you say it like that!” She
pouted. “But yes, I was a shrine maiden of the god of
many loves. The polygamous god. Rub lower, my neck,

I moved my hands down and rubbed her neck, still

fascinated by her story. I couldn’t imagine my mother
doing something like that.
“Wh… well… I mean…” I had trouble forming a

“Why did I go through with it?” She smirked and then

shrugged. “I was a rebellious teenager. The priest was
kind of cute, and I thought I could enjoy some
polygamous… ahem… sex…”


“It’s true!” She blushed. “Please don’t think less of me,

but I definitely thought I’d get to enjoy many men this
way. I even hoped at landing a few married ones for
the fun of it.”

“I-I thought you were a virgin when you met dad?”

She laughed. “Who said I wasn’t? Just because I had
such dirty thoughts didn’t mean I ever went all the
way. I was just a young girl at the time.”

“Oh…” I lowered my head, feeling a bit bad I was

thinking the worst of mom, “So, that’s how you met

“Your grandfather wasn’t just the shrine head but its

greatest supporter. He used to be a businessman, but
he put his wealth into the shrine. He had a wife and a
mistress, and he had a dream of introducing them to
each other and having them be equal lovers at the
start of his own harem. It was enough that he single-
handedly kept it afloat, even. His son, your father, I
began to realize was the man from the prophecy. He
was the man I had to have a baby with.

Your grandfather ended up losing his mistress and his

wife in his attempt to live the dream, so he naturally
pulled away from the shrine. However, at that point, I
was already two months pregnant with your sister.
Somehow, his mother found out about it, and still
upset over her cheating husband, forced your father
to take responsibility and marry me. That’s how we
ended up together.”

“That’s not very romantic!” I made a face.

“Yes, well, he was supposed to be the man I loved

more than life itself. He was supposed to be my
everything. I was supposed to be one of his many

“You say that like it’s a bad thing!”

She shrugged, “I’ve always wanted sisters. I was an

only child. The thought of having other girls I could
share my deepest, darkest secrets with. Girls that
knew intimate details about my man, or gave me fresh
views on him. It would have been nice. Instead, my
husband only screwed other women and lied about it.
I didn’t mind if he was with other women, but he
wouldn’t share them with me. He wouldn’t share his
life with me.”

“What are you talking about? You and dad do it all the
time? How could he be cheating?”

She blinked in confusion and then smiled. “Ah… that’s

right. He’s home most of the time these days, isn’t he?
He’s been a very dutiful husband.”

Even though she said those words, something about

her smile seemed fake. I could feel like she was
putting on a front. I lowered my hands down and
hugged her from behind. She let out a cute noise.
“Ah! H-Hakaru?” She turned to me.

Her fruit-wine breath tickled my nose as my face sat

only inches from hers.

“I don’t know what your problem with my father is,

just know that I will always be yours.”

“Oh…” Her eyes teared up, “Oh, Hakaru…”

Her face started to lean towards mine. Just as her lips

touched mine, my hands tightened. Her mouth
opened and she let out a moan.

“Ahhhnnn… H-H-Hakaru!” She made a very erotic

noise that confused me.
I looked down and realized my hands had slipped all
the way down and into her robe. I had her breasts in
my hands, and I was squeezing them. She was looking
up at me with half-closed eyes, red cheeks, and a very
erotic expression. Furthermore, I was rock hard, and it
was pressing against the back of her shoulders in a
very obvious way.

My eyes landed on her bottle of wine on the table.

Didn’t she say she just opened it? The bottle was
nearly empty! Mom was much drunker than she let
on! I couldn’t believe I was feeling up my drunk mom!
I was really scum.

I pulled my hands out of her robe and then tried to

help her back to standing position. It was at this point
I realized she could barely stand.

“Hakaru… baby… I love you so much,” she said.

“Please make me yours.”
“Okay, mom…” I panted, trying to help her into her
bedroom now.

Her hand had reached out, and she was stroking my

boner through my pants. It really was too much. I
wanted nothing more than to push her down. My only
saving grace was that dad wasn’t home to see this. As
to where he was, I had no guess.

“I don’t love him. I never did. Please claim me.” She

dizzily moaned as I tossed her on the bed.

“You’re drunk, mom,” I said, taking a breath as I tried

to get control of myself. Mom was lying on the bed
now in a very lewd way, her robe exposing one tit and
her legs open, exposing everything else.
“When you make your harem… please leave room for
mommy,” she said, looking up at me blearily.

“Okay, mom.”

She gave a smile. This one looked real and genuine,

“Bring me lots of sisters. I’ll teach them how to make
Hakaru very happy.”

Her head flopped back, and her eyes started to close. I

used the opportunity to flee the room. I shut the door,
leaning back against it and breathing hard. What the
hell just happened? I could barely keep my hands off
her and vice versa? In a single night, I went from a
loving boyfriend to a two-timing guy who’d even fuck
his own mother! Just who the hell was I?
Chapter 108 :
Prom was on a Friday. After sleeping until past noon, I
woke up on Saturday morning. The previous night still
felt like a dream. I couldn’t believe I had slept with
Akiko. On top of that, I was still dating Kira. Then there
was the strange stuff that happened with my mom the
night before. I couldn’t dwell on it, because the sound
of thumping and the moans next door which had
woken me were too distracting to think of anything. I
kicked the wall.

“Will you guys quit it?”

This was the wall to my parent’s room. It sounded like

dad had returned home to give mother extra
attention. That was actually the reason I ended up
waking up. It was irritating listening to it. A flash of
mother half-naked on the bed from the night before
entered my mind, but I shook it off.
Trying to cut out the noises, I looked through my
phone. I had received a few voice messages. One was
from Akiko, asking if I was okay. Another was from
Kira, asking basically the same. I considered trying to
meet up with either of them, but the whole thought of
it felt awkward after everything that had happened.
Usually, the person I would talk to about this kind of
thing was Derek, but that was naturally impossible

That was when I remembered a random person I had

run into the night before. Fishing in my pocket, I
pulled out the number of the punk girl named Mary.
Would really be okay to contact her? I was dating one
girl, having an affair with another, and now I wanted
to hang out with a third girl.

However, Mary seemed like the type who’d listen and

understand. She was a psychic or something, so she’d
probably be really good to talk to, as long as she didn’t
start charging me by the hour. I decided to go ahead
and call her. The phone rang only once before it was
picked up.

“Hello?” A relaxed and pretty voice came over the


“Hey… this is Hakaru… um… not even sure if I told you

that last night. I’m the guy you met in the convenience
store? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.”

“Ah? Hakaru? That was quick!”


“Oh… it’s just, I knew you’d call, but I didn’t think

you’d do it so quickly.”
“Is that bad?’

“Not at all! Rather, let’s meet at that old coffee house.

You know the one?”

“Yeah, I know it.”

I got dressed quickly and then headed out of my

room. Taking one complicated look at Mom and dad’s
room, I shook my head and continued on. I was
surprised to see Maria in the kitchen. Her music was
playing in her room, and I had also never seen her
cook before.

“Hey, sis.”

She looked up at me and then back down.

“Woah… what’s with the cold shoulder?”

Actually, I remembered that we never really got along.

She thought I was a perverted freak, and I thought she
was a slutty hoe. However, I felt for reasons I couldn’t
even recall that our relationship had been doing
better recently. Yet, now she was glaring at me like
she used to do.

“You’re leaving,” she spoke just as I thought that she

wasn’t going to say anything.

“Uh… yeah, going to hang out with a friend.”

She hadn’t worded it like a question, but I decided to

answer that way anyway. She only gave a slow nod
while she blankly stared into the fridge, clearly having
no clue what she was looking for.
“D-did you want me to make you something to eat
before I go?” I asked.

After another moment of looking into the fridge, she

nodded with a blush on her cheeks. She closed the
door and walked around the kitchen counter, sitting
down at the table. I went into the kitchen and pulled
out some rice and put it in the rice cooker, then
started sautéing some vegetables from a bag in the
freezer. It didn’t take very long to finish, so it’d
probably be fine if I was a little late. Maria didn’t say
anything though, making the cooking a slow and
arduous process. When I finished, I put the plate in
front of her.

With the task done, I was going to turn and leave, but
just as I pulled my hand away, she reached out and
grabbed it. I glanced back with a look of surprise on
my face, staring down at where she was holding my
hand. She wasn’t looking at me, but down at her
plate, her expression unreadable.

“What is it?” I asked, furrowing my brow.



“I’ve been having… dreams lately.”

“That’s fine?”

She glanced away, blushing, “Not these dreams.”

“Ah… I’m sorry…” I really didn’t know what to say to

My sister was definitely acting odd. She usually dated

an endless stream of guys, but lately, she had just
been staying in her room all the time. She had grown
very introverted lately, and I had no clue why.

“Do… do you ever feel like things aren’t the way they
are supposed to be?” She asked.

I thought about it for a moment, remembering my

own experiences last night where I seemed to go out
of control. I could probably just blame that on the
punch bowl though. There was probably something
wrong with it.

“Maria… if you want something to change, you have

to make it change.” I said.
“R-really…” This caused Maria to shake slightly.

I nodded thoughtfully, “If you feel things should be a

different way, then you should make things that way.”

“B-but what if… that involves someone else?”

“Like a crush?”

“S-something like that.”

“Don’t take no for an answer.”

“Isn’t that… a little rapey?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know about all that. But if you
want someone, you should take them. I’m not saying
you should hurt someone or commit a crime.
However, the person you love is the person you love.
If you want them, then you should pursue them
regardless of things like whether they are in a
relationship. If you know you can make them happy,
then you should just do so.”

“And what if they are already with someone else?”

“Steal them… and if you come to realize that it is

impossible, then learn to share.”


I laughed, scratching the back of my head as I

suddenly realized the kind of stuff I was telling my
sister. For a brief moment, the words I was saying felt
so right. However, it probably wasn’t the best advice.
Take what you wanted? Share your loved ones? Those
were bold thoughts that a guy like me didn’t have the
right to even think. I finally pulled my hand away from
her and gave her a farewell.

Maria barely looked at me. She seemed completely

lost in thought. I hoped she didn’t take my words too
seriously. I didn’t even know where they were coming
from. Although, now that I said it out loud, sharing
Akiko and Kira was an option, wasn’t it? We had
agreed to it last night. I just wasn’t sure I could be so
bold as to keep two girlfriends. Now that I had that
conversation with Maria, all of that was brought right
back to the surface.

By the time I took a bus and managed to get to that

old coffee shop, it was about the only thing on my
mind. The coffee shop she was speaking about was a
teenager’s spot. They had coffee, couches, and music.
It was a very platonic place to go. Compared to the
place that Kira’s brother tried to set up, it was
definitely much more PG, but for that reason, it had
also been around for as long as I could remember.

I immediately could pick Mary out of a crowd. Not

only was she very beautiful, but she definitely stood
out with fishnets, dyed hair, and tight shorts. She was
an incredible beauty, and she was definitely drawing
the eyes of many of the guys in that room. Yet, when
she saw me and broke into a big smile and waved
excitedly, I could feel a lot of jealous looks in my
direction. Her actions were so innocent and
wholesome; I suddenly felt like I wanted to have my
way with her.

Calm down, Hakaru. You came here just to have a

conversation. Mary is just some kookie psychic girl you
decided to chat with over girl problems. She is not
another potential love interest.
How could I really start pursuing another woman after
already having Kira and Akiko? In fact, this place had
many students from my school, which included those
giving me dirty looks. I wouldn’t put it past them to
take pictures or otherwise try to inform Kira that I was
cheating on her to cause problems. I suddenly didn’t
feel so good coming out to such a public location to
meet a cute girl.

I quickly gestured her to a corner in the back under

the gaze of many angry men. Mary followed without
question, but she did have a bit of an amused look on
her face as if she had guessed what was going on. She
had already ordered a large, sugary drink, and she had
a coffee which she put in front of me.

“I hope you don’t mind coffee. You can put whatever

you want in it.”
“It’s fine. Um, how are you doing?” I asked, suddenly
feeling awkward about coming here.

She smiled happily. “Better now that you are here. I

was afraid you’d stand me up.”

I blinked. “What, I’d never do that!”

She blushed cutely. “Ah… I didn’t mean… I guess I’m a

little rusty to this kind of thing.”

“Ah…” I looked away, afraid I’d end up staring if I

watched her too closely. “It’s fine.”

She smiled, looking relieved as she took a drink of

something iced and covered in chocolate. “Mmm…
“If you drink too many of those, you’ll get fat.” I
watched in horror as I said such inappropriate words.

I was repeating words my mom had often said to my

sister instinctively. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got
angry at me. However, she only laughed it off while
taking another sip.

“Are you worried about my looks, Hakaru?” she asked


“Ah, no, I mean… what I mean is…”

“Well, it’s fine. I like the taste. I feel it’s okay to cheat
everyone once in a while. After all, how can someone
avoid temptation forever? As long as you return to
what is… healthier, then you’ll be better. In fact, one
could say that it is the healthy lifestyle that makes
those moments so exhilarating, don’t you think?”

“Uh, yeah, sure, of course,” I agreed, not really

knowing what she was talking about.

“So, how did last night go?”

“What?” I looked up.

“You bought condoms… didn’t you have a girlfriend?”

“Right…” I breathed easier.

For some reason, I felt like I was cheating or

something, but she already knew about my girlfriend.
There was no way she was interested in anything
more. It was just friendship or something. I was really
looking way too much into things here.

“Okay… so here’s what happened.”

I was going to give her a truncated version, but the

more I talked, the more I realized I couldn’t hold back.
I ended up telling her exactly what had happened,
from me ending up with Akiko to Derek’s sick plan,
which I still didn’t even know if it was over yet. The
only thing that I skipped was the part where I finished
with Akiko while Kira watched. That was too much to
tell anyone.

At first, I thought she’d be disgusted or horrified.

Instead, she seemed a bit thoughtful. After a moment
of thinking about what I had said, she gave herself a
“So, who will you pick?”


“Akiko, or Kira? Which girl do you love?”

“Um… both?”

She let out a laugh. It was pretty and held no

condescension or scorn.

“Is that really fair?”

“What? I mean… they both care for me. So, if I had

both, then… everyone is happy.”
“Perhaps…” She responded, taking a sip.

“Why, what are you thinking?” I demanded.

She shook her head. “I don’t doubt you care for them
both, but your time and energy are finite. At some
point, one girl is going to get less than the other,
right? It’s impossible to be fair in such a relationship.
That’s why I feel it’s better if you pick one girl to be
with. Yet, the other girl will be hurt for a time.
However, time heals, and she’ll be free to move on
and find a guy who can dedicate all his love for one
girl. It’d be… healthier for everyone.”

I frowned hearing her words. They were exactly the

opposite of the words I had just spoken to Maria, but
there was a ring of truth to them. I worried that I
wouldn’t be able to make either girl happy.
“Then again… there is a third option.”

“A third?” I looked up.

She smiled gently. “If you can’t pick a girl, it’s probably
because neither girl is capable of giving you everything
that you want. The best woman for you is the woman
who fills all of your needs. So, if Kira and Akiko are
insufficient, then maybe the best course of action is to
dump them, and find the woman who really can
satiate… all of your desires.”

Chapter 109 :
I ended up spending most of the day talking with
Mary. She was surprisingly easy to get along with. She
was beautiful, had a cute side and a mischievous side,
and she had a beautiful laugh. Deep into the evening,
we ended up walking along the beach. As for what we
talked about, it was all kinds of things. Where did we
see our future? What were our interests? These were
things I didn’t even know about my own girlfriend.
Yet, Mary had a fascinating life.

“Do you have a boyfriend of your own?” I found

myself asking as we continued to walk, listening to the
waves hit the shore.

She lowered her head, a weak smile on her face. “I


I felt my heart drop a bit. I knew it wasn’t fair. I had

two girls I was fighting over, and I talked about them a
lot of the night. She hadn’t mentioned her own dating
life at all, though. I didn’t have the right to feel angry
about it, but a part of me wanted to monopolize her.

“You haven’t mentioned him.”

“He hasn’t been around much in my life,” she said, a
frown forming on her face.

“I’m sorry if you don’t want to talk about it…”

“No, it’s fine.” She reached out and grabbed my arm.

“I don’t want to keep anything from you. You’ve been
so honest with me.”

“Ah…” I smiled awkwardly, knowing even with her, I

wasn’t completely honest.

“When my relationship with him started, I thought it

would last forever, you know? But his eyes always
wandered toward other women. One, in particular,
she was a vindictive girl who liked to steal guys from
other women.”

She nodded seriously. “Yeah, she didn’t even like the

men. She had no desire to keep them. She just wanted
to play. After she was done playing, she’d run off.
Relationships are hard, Hakaru. They require effort.
She was easy… and flighty… and that appeals to a lot
of men.”

“Wow… that sounds really bad.”

“I’m not beyond guilt either. I… used my popularity to

suppress her, and I clung to my boyfriend too hard,
afraid to let him leave. However, recently, I’ve started
to realize that it was wrong. Nothing lasts forever, and
people change.”

“What are you saying?”

She stopped and turned to me. I realized that my
hands were in hers. I felt my heart beating faster as
she looked at me with a smile.

“I don’t love him anymore.”

I started to feel a glimmer of hope. “Then, shouldn’t

you break it off with him?”

She gave a weak smile. “I’m… afraid. I don’t want to

be alone.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

She reached up and wiped a tear from her cheek,

taking a breath. “Ah… sorry… I just wanted you to
understand me. You’re cute, and I like you.”
“I… like you too.”

With her eyes just faintly teary, and having just told
me personal things about herself, Mary was coming
off as extremely appealing. She looked beautiful in the
light of the sunset, and she was looking at me with a
lost look that made me want to hold her and make all
of her worries go away. I found my arms wrapping
around her delicate form. Mary leaned against me,
her head falling into my chest. After holding each
other like that for a few moments, she looked up, her
lips full of color and inviting.

We started moving toward each other, about to kiss,

but just at the last second, she turned away. “I’m
sorry, I can’t…”

“That’s… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed,” I

apologized back.
“No… it’s fine. It’s okay to push a little.” She laughed
nervously. “I do mean it… I really like you, Hakaru.”

“I have a girlfriend… and even that’s a mess. You have

a boyfriend.”

“We… could leave them. We could just have each

other…” She suggested quietly.

“I don’t know what I want in life. What if I cheat?”

“If you cheat… then I’ll do better,” she responded, her

hands tightening on my arms. “I’ll make you happy
where I couldn’t manage with him.”
I lifted an arm and stroked a strand of hair out of her
eyes. “Come on. It’s getting late.”

We headed to the road and took a bus, holding hands

the entire way. Every time I looked back at her, she’d
blush cutely. She really was a fun and interesting girl.

“When can we meet again?” I asked as I started taking

her back to her place.

“Hm… maybe Wednesday night?”

“Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

She smiled. “Mm!”

She got off at her stop in front of a gated community
of apartments. She said that it was impossible to bring
a stranger into her house so late at night. It was a
shame, but also good as well. I didn’t want to rush
things with her. On the other hand, I seemed to
remember my first two girlfriends becoming a disaster
because I didn’t push things. Maybe I should be a little
more forceful with her?

I shook my head. No, I was dating Kira. It was Kira I

should be forceful with. I had slept with Akiko, but I
still hadn’t been with my own girlfriend. If that wasn’t
an ample opportunity for her to leave me, then I don’t
know what was. I absolutely had to set up a time and
get with Kira. Pulling out my phone, I sent her a text. I
asked her if she was available to hang out tomorrow.

This was the first message I had sent since the

awkward date the night before. She responded
immediately that it was fine. We agreed to meet at
her place. In my mind, I was already preparing to have
sex with her. Damn… was there something wrong with
me? After having such a time with Mary, my
immediate inclination was to go bone my girlfriend.
Was it because I didn’t want to feel like I was
cheating? Or because I felt horny after spending all
day on a somewhat platonic date.

It wasn’t even really a date in the first place! It was

just two acquaintances hanging out. We didn’t even
do anything! Kira was my girlfriend. She was the girl I
was going to have tomorrow. There was no point in
dwelling on it much longer.

By the time I finished the conversation over the phone

and set up the time I’d stop over, the bus pulled up to
the stop near my house. The sun had already set, and
it was dark outside now. It was just the right time to
get home without getting yelled at. I noticed that
dad’s car was gone. When I entered the house, it was
dark, so my immediate assumption was that Mom and
dad were out.
That was nice. Mom and dad had deserved some time
out together. That thought suddenly felt off and
inappropriate. A sudden memory of her declaring she
didn’t love him and wanted me instead appeared in
my mind. I shook my head, refusing to accept those
weird thoughts. Mom was just drunk and saying
random stuff. Why did I feel like her relationship with
dad was in a bad place? It didn’t matter. I had my own
problems to worry about.

Getting myself a Ramune from the fridge, I headed to

my room. Taking a drink and putting it on the
nightstand, I laid down in bed and closed my eyes. Just
as I was about to slip off to sleep, I heard the sound of
my door shutting. I opened my eyes into the darkness.
I realized there was a form standing in my doorway. I
went for my light, but before I could get my fingers on
it, the person had jumped on me. In my shock, I barely
fought back as the other person grabbed my hands
and tied them to the headboard.
The other reason I didn’t fight back as the other
person did this was that I could see their bare-naked
flesh. The person had a robe on, but it was undone,
and it revealed the beautiful porcelain skin of a
woman. She had a scarf wrapped around her head,
hiding her face, but she was undeniably a naked
woman. My mind started to run through all the
possibilities. She wasn’t curvy enough to be my
mother. Maybe she was Kira? No, the tits were too
small. Akiko? Why would Akiko break into my room
and tie me to my bed? Why would anyone break into
my room and tie me to the bed?

That answer came a moment later when I felt my

pants being fiddled with. Cool but soft hands ended up
grabbing my dick and pulling it out. Gripping the shaft,
she started to rub it against her own, hot genitals. The
feeling left me completely shocked. I still barely could
grasp what was going on, but my body reacted
accordingly, and I grew hard. The woman slid me
inside her crotch, and I let out a moan.
My sister next door wasn’t playing loud music. If I just
yelled, I could probably get her attention, but I was
completely frozen as I watched the mysterious figure
start to rock her hips and ride my cock. She was
moving with a need and desperation that caused my
brain to turn numb and my body to feel aroused. After
already having a date with a few hot and bothered
moments that came to nothing, this level of eroticism
was out of the world.

I had no clue who the woman on top of me was. Her

body was perfect, but I couldn’t place it against a face
at all. This couldn’t be Mary, could it?

“Mar-” She suddenly put her hand over my mouth, as

if afraid I’d finish that name.

It had clearly caught her off guard. It really was Mary?

I was reaching out completely when I had that
thought, but she had all but confirmed it, hadn’t she?
So, she was unwilling to cheat openly on her
boyfriend, but she would sneak into my house at night
and have her way with me? This was all too strange,
but then again, I was the one being tied to the bed.

“I’ve really been wanting this.” I panted, deciding to

enjoy Mary’s tight pussy to its fullest.

Her body shuddered for a second, and then she

reached out and touched my chest affectionately. She
then put her palms on my chest and used them to
push up and down faster and faster, riding my cock for
all it was worth. The bed even squeaked a bit. Seeing
as Maria used to have sex all the time late at night in
her room, it only served her right if she had to listen to
me doing it with someone. As for Mom and dad, I
wouldn’t be as unconcerned if I believed they were
I let my moans and pants fill the room, although if I
made a noise too loud, she’d cutely freak out and try
to cover my mouth. I really wanted to kiss her, but she
seemed content to hide her face, even though I had
already figured out who it was. Her skin was pale, her
body was skinny, with two lumps for breasts, it was
really obvious now that I thought about it.

“Ah… I’m cumming. I’m going to cum in you Mary” I

moaned, she put her hand over my mouth again, and I
playfully bit her palm.

Her body started to shudder, and I could feel her

climaxing over my dick. At that point, I had also
reached my end. I ended up unloading my cum deep
inside Mary. Well, it wasn’t like I could stop if I wanted
to. She had me tied down.

As I came, I looked up at her. “I love you…”

I didn’t know if that’s how I actually felt. In truth, I
barely knew her. However, after such an incredible
date, the words came out. Perhaps, I was a romantic
and a bit of an idiot, but I couldn’t help myself.

Her body finished spasming, and she fell down on my

chest. The pair of us remained like that, panting and
sharing body warmth as my cock slowly softened
inside her pussy. She reached her arms around me
and gave me a hug.

“I love you too, brother,” she murmured.

With that, she stood up, grabbing her robe, and fled
the room without even bothering to untie my
restraints. However, I was frozen on the spot from the
moment she hugged me. Only when the door behind
her closed did I finally manage to speak.

Not Mary, Maria! My sister? My sister just raped me!

She tied me to a bed and fucked me! I came in my

“Oh… shit!”

Things were getting even more complicated.

Chapter 110 :
The next morning, I left my room and gave a
complicated look at my sister’s closed door next to
mine. Her typical music was playing loudly, shutting
out the world. I couldn’t even begin to fathom what
had happened the night before. She had left me
tangled up and tied to the headboard, but thankfully it
wasn’t too complicated of a knot, and I was able to get
myself loose after a few minutes of struggle. However,
the thing that left me completely flustered was the
reality that we had sex.

She was my sister, yet she had put on a mask, snuck

into my room, and had me. In the end, she had even
told me she loved me. I was absolutely certain it was
her. No matter how many times I replayed the scene
in my mind, I couldn’t imagine her saying anything
else but ‘Brother’. That body that I had lusted over
was my sister’s body. That snatch that had felt so
warm and tight was my sister’s pussy! I was deep in it

Rather than simplifying my life by deciding on Akiko or

Kira, I had made it many times more complicated by
adding my sister. Wait, was she really on the list as
well? Was I seriously considering having a continuing
relationship with my sister? Something about last
night just felt natural and right. I truly did love that
woman. At the time, I thought I was just paying lip
service by saying those words, but knowing the target
of them, I realized that I did genuinely feel that way. I
loved my sister, and just liked the first two, I didn’t
want to give her up.

My sister used to bring guys home every night, but

even the mere thought of it happening now filled me
with anger and frustration. Maria was my woman! I
could only smile crookedly as I shook my head. How
shameless was I really becoming? What would happen
next? Checking the clock, I cursed myself over how
late I slept in. This would be the last day I could as
school was on Monday, but I did plan to hang out with
Kira today.

I quickly cleaned up and got dressed. I dressed casual

nice, including cologne. As I realized I was planning to
go to Kira’s house like I was planning to have sex with
her, I could only shake my head again. I was the worst.
Yet, I couldn’t stop myself either. I tasted Akiko and
Maria. I still needed to have Kira. If I could have both
girls, I could have all three! What Mary had suggested
earlier was pushed to the back of my mind at that

I left my house and biked to Kira’s. It didn’t take long

to arrive. After parking my bike, I knocked on the
door. I had even brought a small gift of a rose. It was
corny, but I felt like at least with one of the women I
was going to be with, I might try a little romance,
especially considering how bad I flopped it on prom

The person who answered the door wasn’t Kira, but

her mother and my teacher, Mrs. Sasori Fukumi. I
realized that something was wrong. Her eyes were
red, and her makeup was smudged. She had been
crying before I came here.

“Is everything alright?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

“Hakaru? What are you doing here?” She asked in

“Huh? I came to hang out with Kira. We agreed to

meet around this time today.”

“R-really?” She sniffed, gesturing to let me in. “I’m

sorry, she’s not here right now.”

Since she invited me in, it felt rude to not come in. I

took off my shoes, although I knew that Kira’s Mom
didn’t run a household that held to such restrictions.
She was wearing sandals herself, and a nightgown she
hadn’t taken off from the night before. In fact, now
that I noticed, it was a bit revealing, showing a bit of
cleavage and only going down to her knees, showing
off her legs as well. It was inappropriate, at least for
me as a student, to be seeing a teacher in such a
“Kira left a bit earlier. She didn’t mention that you
were dropping by. I guess that she had forgotten by
accident?” Mrs. Fukumi offered.

“Really?” I frowned at her words.

Kira had definitely told me to come around this time,

but she had already left to do something. A certain
feeling in my groin was let down a bit. I had been
getting excited once again over the prospect of having
my girlfriend, only for those hopes to be dashed
without reason. It wasn’t to the point I was upset or
worried, but it felt a little awkward being alone with
my homeroom teacher, especially given that she was
in nothing but a nightie and underwear while also
acting emotionally vulnerable.

“I’m sorry. If she had mentioned anything, I would

have let you know. She might be back soon. Do you
want to wait? I can make you some tea if you’d like.”
“Uh… sure.”

For some reason, I had the feeling like Mrs. Fukumi

was happier with me here than before. I didn’t have
anything else to do today. Kira probably just had a silly
moment and would return quickly, so it was best to
just wait. I did send her a text while I was waiting,
though, yet she didn’t respond to it before Mrs.
Fukumi returned. She put down a plate and a cup of
tea. The plate had snacks on it that she had prepared.

“You didn’t have to…” I said awkwardly.

“No, it’s fine. I just had to thaw them in the

microwave. So, don’t hold back.” She smiled at me.

It was clear, when she was in the kitchen, she had

fixed her makeup and hair and now looked a bit more
presentable. However, her puffy red eyes that had
been crying were difficult to cover up, and she had an
intense feeling of sadness radiating from her. She
hadn’t acted this sad when her husband had ended up
in prison. Then again, she had been sleeping around
with my fath- wait… what? Why did I have that
thought? I could only shake my head in confusion.

“Sensei, umm… tomorrow… for class…” I tried to start

up a conversation, so those strange thoughts would
leave my brain.

Pain flashed across Mrs. Fukumi’s face, and she turned

away, grabbing her chest. This time, it was so clear
that I instinctually stood up and grabbed her shoulder.
I had never grabbed my teacher like this. She was my
teacher and my girlfriend’s mother.

Why was I suddenly being so bold and touching her

without permission? Rather than get angry, Mrs.
Fukumi reached over and touched the back of my
hand. There was something strangely intimate about
that touch as she looked back at me tearfully.

“What’s wrong, Sensei?” I asked, my voice stronger

and more certain, using a tone I should never have
used on my superior.

“I’ve… I’m not your Sensei anymore,” she said, a tear

running down her cheek.


“No one in the class knows about this yet. I only found
out yesterday, and as for Kira, it might be why she
forgot to contact you. I was… let go, the other day.”
“What!” My hand tensed on her shoulder, and Mrs.
Fukumi’s cheeks turned pink at the way I was looking
at her. “How did this happen?”

“You remember my husband, don’t you?”

My eyes flashed in confusion for a moment. “Right,

the vice principal. He was blackmailing students or

Her expression turned bitter. “During the

investigation, it was suggested that I knew about what
was happening and perhaps even helped.”

“That’s ridiculous! It’s not true. What evidence do

they have?”
“First, the fact that I haven’t finalized my divorce with
him yet, despite everything.”

“That… you didn’t divorce him because I…” my mind

went blank again, and for the first time, I felt very

Why did my brain keep getting confused? It was like

there was something I was supposed to know that was
being kept from me. I felt like she didn’t divorce her
husband for me, because I asked her to. Why would I
ask her to? Something about points? It was all too

Do you ever feel like things aren’t the way they are
supposed to be?

That was a question my sister had asked. In response,

I told her to change things to the way they were
supposed to be. Then she snuck into my bedroom.
Was that why she did it?

“Hakaru…” She didn’t notice the thoughts on my face

because she had her head lowered as tears continued
to flow. “There is a correspondence that was found,
implying I had relations with a student.”

“You wouldn’t…” The word suddenly caught in my

throat, like I felt like this wasn’t necessarily true.

That was an awful thing to think about my Sensei, but

something told me she was the kind of girl where this
might have been possible. In fact, it was almost like I
could remember it happening. Or, was she sleeping
with my father? No, Father was loyal to Mother. There
was no way he’d cheat on her. No, he was a cheater, a
complete cheater.
As I argued mentally, my hand must have tightened on
her shoulder, as Mrs. Fukumi made a pained noise and
removed my hand. Yet, with it in her hand, she didn’t
let go. I noticed that Mrs. Fukumi didn’t seem so big or
mighty as she did when she was in a place of
authority. Rather, she was shorter than me, and she
was just as beautiful as her daughter.

“The superintendent has taken personal control of the

investigation. Apparently, a principal at an all-girls
school had allowed some male students to attend her
school, and subsequently turned them, well… it’s
better to keep some things quiet.” She blushed. “The
point is, they have been looking at the entire district
and are cracking down on anyone acting out of line. I
was just unlucky about whom I chose as a husband.”

“That’s not true,” I said, squeezing her hands. “You

can’t be held accountable for the actions of that
“Hakaru…” She shivered for a second, and then gave
me a strange look. “This is okay, I think. I deserve to
have this happen.”

“What are you saying? Mrs. Fukumi, this is completely

unacceptable!” I responded angrily.

Mrs. Fukumi smiled suddenly. “It makes me happy

seeing Hakaru getting mad on my behalf.”

“Mrs. Fukumi… no, it should be Miss Fukumi!” I


“You can call me Sasori now.”

“How could I do that?”

“Hakaru… the truth is, I haven’t been a good teacher
or a good mother,” she responded with a tinge of
sadness in her smile.

“What are you saying?”

“Even if I didn’t sleep with any student, I think if much

more time had passed, I definitely would have.”

“Wh-what?” I let go of her hands, my eyes wide in


These words definitely caught me off guard. She was

my teacher and my girlfriend’s mother, but she had all
but admitted to lusting after a student. As soon as the
shock faded, for some reason, I felt agitation. This guy
who had caught my teacher’s interest, I really wanted
to beat him up.

“Who is it?” I demanded.

“Ah…” She blushed. “H-how can I say?”

I grabbed both of her shoulders this time, not realizing

my face was only inches from hers. Somehow, I
absolutely had to know who this guy was. If I didn’t, I
would never have peace. My actions had caused Mrs.
Fukumi to grow flustered, but after a few moments,
she looked into my eyes and her resolve melted.

“It’s you… stupid,” she said, so quietly it was almost a


Somehow, a part of me knew that she’d say it was me.

Sensei… wanted to sleep with me? Feelings started to
flood into my heart that felt like they had been locked
away. I loved Kira; I loved Akiko; I loved Maria, and I
loved Sasori. How could that be? Yet, I suddenly
became certain that Sasori meant the world to me,
and was just as important as any of the others.

“Sasori…” I said her first name for the first time.

She shivered. “I’m not your teacher any longer, so

what we do is no longer anyone’s business.”

That wasn’t true. There was still Kira to think about.

However, her mind wasn’t on her daughter at the
moment, and neither was mine. The loss of her
position had made her vulnerable, and the only man
she could lean on right now was me. We slowly
embraced each other, and our bodies did the rest.
Chapter 111 :
My mind was exploding with wide-eyed wonder as my
lips locked with the lips of my teacher. She felt like her
daughter, but with a more mature feeling. Our
tongues explored each other’s mouths boldly, and I
pulled Mrs… no… Sasori against me tightly. Her large,
soft chest pressed against mine, and her hands didn’t
hesitate to hold me tightly as if she couldn’t get
enough of my body. Was any of this real?

“Hakaru…” She moaned as her lips broke from mine.

“I’ve wanted you so bad.”

Her words were echoing my own thoughts. I realized

that since I had started dating Kira, I also had a secret
desire for her mother. I had kept it buried down, but
now that desire was bursting forth, and I couldn’t
contain it anymore. Grabbing her hand, I guided her to
the couch and sat her down. Sasori’s cheeks were
flushed, and she was looking at me with raw and
untamable desire. There was definitely nothing
nefarious. She truly did want me.

I lowered myself to my knees as my hands started to

slide up her nightie. She gasped at first, reaching out
to grab and stop my hands, but they came short, as
she could only look down at me while biting her lip
while I found her underwear. She raised her buttocks
and helped me pull it down and off. She was wearing
something black and lacey. It would have been
scandalous if she was seen in such underwear at

“Naughty Sasori…” I teased, sniffing her underwear.

“D-don’t smell…” She blushed. “I wore stuff like that

every day, hoping you’d notice.”
Now that I thought about it, for the last few weeks,
the other kids in class had been talking about how
sexy our teacher was. She must have been trying extra
hard to keep her appearance satisfactory for me. I also
seemed to remember her bending over at times
where only I could see.

She had definitely been trying to get my attention, but

for some reason, I had been completely blind. I
couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed how sexy and
desirable this woman was. Just because she was a few
years older, didn’t mean she didn’t have needs as

Although I had Kira, I’d also have to take care of her

mother. Tossing her panties away, I lifted up her
nightie and revealed her pussy. It was pink and wet,
with coarse, black hair above it that had been shaved
into a perfect triangle. She really had been trying to
get me to notice. It took seeing her cry before I had
finally seen the real Sasori.
Leaning down, I pressed my lips against her labia. She
let out a gasp, shivering as my tongue began to
explore. Like once before, I suddenly felt knowledge
filling my head. I began to realize the things that Sasori
liked, and the things that Sasori didn’t like. It was like
there was a roadmap to her body in my mind, and I
had to just hit the points and drive her crazy with lust.
I experimented a bit, but I quickly realized my
roadmap didn’t lie. When I followed my intuition,
Sasori moaned and bucked in lust. When I ignored it,
well, she was still happy, but it wasn’t as raw and

It was almost like the moans were there for my

benefit, like she was just trying to make me feel
better. How could other guys exist that way? It was
much better when her voice was authentic! I’d have
rather driven her to new sexual heights than to have
let her just pretend she was happy! After all, it would
have made it much easier to steal her!
I didn’t care whether these thoughts made sense or
not. I felt a fire inside me that I hadn’t felt in months.
It was a desire to take what I wanted and enjoy it.
Kira, Maria, Akiko, Mary, Sasori… I could have them
all! Who cared about what was proper? As I grew
more aggressive, I activated more and more of her
sweet spots, my tongue like an assassin that attacked
every erogenous zone inside her.

“Am-amazing!” Sasori moaned, rocking her hips as she

grabbed the back of my head.

She was already orgasming, her body writhing in

intense pleasure, but this was only the beginning.
Pulling my head away suddenly, she could only gasp as
I pulled her down on the couch and lifted her legs in a
humiliating way.
To push my teacher down this way, it was truly a bold
move. However, even though she blushed, she didn’t
resist as I pinned her to the couch and shoved my dick
inside her. The feeling of her warm parts being pulled
open was incredible. I began to rock my hips,
pounding Sasori roughly.

“Ahhh… Ahhh… yes… Hakaru!” She moaned as I took


If Kira was anywhere in the house at the moment, she

would have heard her mother’s moans. If anyone
happened to be listening at the door, then the rumors
about her having sex with a student would no longer
be rumors. Just like that, Sasori had surrendered
herself to me.

I eagerly started to rip off her clothing, not even

pulling my dick out for a moment as I stripped her of
her nightie and bra. The only thing on her now was
her underwear, and I had a mind to rip it right off of

Instead, I scrunched it up tightly in my fists and used it

as a belt. It acted as leverage so that I could bang her
pussy for all it was worth. Her lewd cries filled the
room, and her naughty scent would have probably
lasted for hours even if she cleaned the stain on the
couch her lust was creating.

Her legs were up over her head, bouncing wildly each

time I slammed my cock deep inside her. Her pussy
was so wet now that it gushed out liquid every time I
shoved myself inside her. As for the woman herself,
she had an expression on her face that no other
student had ever seen.

Part of me feared that Kira would walk in, but another

part of me was hoping she was watching. No, for some
reason I had a feeling like Kira was definitely watching.
I didn’t know why that feeling came, but I knew Kira
had probably set this all up. It was too convenient that
she was out just as her mother was at her most
vulnerable. While I continued to fuck her mom, my
eyes scanned the room for where Kira could have
been watching from.

That was when I saw a closet behind the couch. There

was a crack in the closet just large enough for
someone to watch through. I smiled and winked at the
closet, and the door suddenly shifted ever so slightly
as the person watching accidentally jumped back.
They made a thumping noise, but Sasori who was busy
orgasming couldn’t hear it. I decided to give my
girlfriend a lovely view.

I finally pulled out of Sasori, who let out a noise of

surprise at the feeling of her womb being abandoned.
I then spun her around on the couch. Her knees were
now on the seat, and she was leaning over the couch,
her tits hanging above the ground.
Grabbing her ass, I shoved myself inside from behind
and held her hair. I started to ride her roughly from
the back. Sasori had already been close to cumming
once again, so it was barely a moment later when she
exploded in lust. She screamed out as her body
spasmed, liquid lust spraying over her couch. The
usually succinct and neat woman barely noticed as her
body shook in orgasm.

I leaned over and sucked on her neck from behind,

making sure to make eye contact with the closet
whenever I could. I fondled Sasori’s chest, squeezing
and playing with it while I humped her from behind.
With my chest lying against her back, I fucked her a bit
more intimately. Sasori, in the throes of lust, reached
back and grabbed me, turning her head and
desperately trying to kiss me. I allowed her a few
kisses, but I always pulled away again, teasing her and
denying her the close intimacy that she wanted.
“Swallow it like a good girl,” I purred into her ear,
nibbling the edge.

I positioned myself at the edge of the couch, giving

the crack a clear view. My cock pulled out as I held it
up like a treat. Sasori crawled across the couch like an
animal, latching onto it with her mouth. Despite the
fact it was covered in her dirty fluids, she didn’t
hesitate to suck on it like it was a perfect dessert. I
moaned, stroking her hair as I enjoyed her blowjob. As
a woman with experience, she didn’t hesitate to
swallow the whole thing down, and I could feel it
bumping against the back of her throat.

She made some gagging noises, but she didn’t stop.

She pulled it out and then dived back in, sending my
cock in and out of her mouth. Her skills kept me from
feeling any teeth or discomfort, and all I felt was pure
joy. With Sasori’s mouth busy, the room had quieted a
bit. Between my own moans, I listened carefully. I
could hear moans and whimpering coming from the
closet ever so lightly. I reached up and gestured with
my finger. The noise stopped. I didn’t stop though
until a small form poked her head out.

It was Kira, with her head lowered, and a blush on her

face. She looked like a kid who had been caught
pocketing candy at the candy store. I gestured with a
sterner expression, and she quietly came out and
walked over to me. Her body held a bit of reluctance. I
reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her the
rest of the way. I had positioned it, so Sasori was on
the front side of the couch, sucking my cock, while
Kira was on the backside of the couch, unseen by her
mother. She looked over to see her mother’s head
bobbing up and down on my crotch.

I took her hand, which was wet with her own lust, she
was undoubtedly fingering herself, and I licked it.
Kira’s mouth opened, and she let out a shuddering
breath. As for Sasori, my free hand was on her head,
and I was now using her mouth freely as I thrust
forward. She couldn’t lift it to look even if she had
noticed something.

With one hand on Sasori’s head, the other let go of

Kira’s hand and then slid into her pants, taking on the
motions that she had started. She started to let out a
gasp, but my fingers hooked her insides, and I pulled
her to me. Her mouth touched mine, and her moan
was lost inside my own. I started to finger Kira while
her mother gave me head. My hand ended up
reaching up and grabbing her. Meanwhile, her hand
went onto her mom’s head. She grabbed a handful of
her mom’s hair and started forcing her to deepthroat
me even more aggressively.

The devilish Kira was rougher with her mom’s mouth

than I was and didn’t seem to mind the gags and
coughs as she forced Sasori to roughly service me. As
the pleasure deep inside grew, my fingers began to
frantically encircle Kira’s clit. Her moans filled my
mouth, and her legs buckled. If I wasn’t holding her
up, she would have collapsed onto the back of the

I pulled away and whispered into Kira’s ear, “I’m going

to cum in your mom’s mouth now.”

As if the words were too much to bear. I felt liquid

spew out, soiling her panties as she buckled under the
pleasure. While I tried to hold her up, my own cock
started to spew out hot juice deep into the back of
Sasori’s throat. She had made an alarmed noise,
possibly finally noticing her moaning daughter, but
Kira had her hands on the back of Sasori’s head, and
as she orgasmed, she was pulling Sasori’s hair roughly.
The two of us ended up collapsing in puddles of lust at
the same time at the edge of the couch.

“K-Kira! Hakaru!” Sasori gasped as she finally managed

to pull her lips away from my cock.
“M-mother…” Kira grabbed her mom’s face. “I love

Without hesitation, she stuck her tongue down her

mom’s throat, tasting my leftovers in her mom’s
mouth. She finished by licking Sasori’s chin, where
some cum had fallen when she pulled away earlier.

Sasori looked up at her panting daughter uncertainly.

“Is… this really okay?”

I pulled both women to me, kissing each of them on

the lips. “You’re both mine from now on, so it’s fine.”

Both women glanced at me with surprised looks, and

then threw their arms around me, making noises of
agreement. This is how things were supposed to be.
Chapter 112 :
Sometime later, I finally started getting ready to leave.
The two girls were lying on the couch. One of them
was mostly naked, while the others clothing was
disheveled in a way that made it clear she had been
up to naughty things. The two women were similar in
appearance, and it was obvious they were a Mother
and her daughter. That daughter was my girlfriend,
and that Mother was my playmate. I still couldn’t
believe what had just happened.

I felt just a tinge of shame and helplessness as I

considered what I had just done. Now that I had
relieved myself and could think more clearly, I
couldn’t believe how bold and domineering I had
been. However, the girls didn’t seem to mind it at all.
In fact, they looked at me with slightly pleased smiles,
showing no displeasure about how the evening had
unfolded. I had claimed them as my women, and there
was no problem with it. However, there was a
question still gnawing at the back of my mind.
“Where do we go from here?”

Sasori casually picked up her glasses, which had, at

some point, ended up on the coffee table during our
play, and put them on. Even though she was naked,
her tits hanging out in full view, and her pussy, still
wet and leaking, only just hidden by her folded legs,
she put on a demeanor just like she would when she
was speaking to a student.

“Well, I imagine I’m going to have to have a long talk

with my daughter.” She shot the other girl a look.

Kira avoided her mom’s stare, wearing an innocent

expression, but her cheeks at least turned pink in
embarrassment. After all, she had set this whole thing
up. She had created a situation where I’d be alone
with her mom, and she could watch us. As to how I
felt about her being so absolutely convinced that I’d
touch her mom if given the right chance, well, it was a
complicated feeling. However, the results were
already on the table.

Something about Sasori sitting there with her legs

crossed, talking to us in the same tone she used as a
teacher while my cum taste was still on her lips. She
had spoken so casually, though; it was almost like
everything was just a dream. I instinctively reached
out and squeezed her boob. She elicited a sudden
moan, her Sensei like demeanor shattering like glass
as she looked up at me with affectionate eyes.

I wanted to push her down that instant, but I really did

need to go. I did have homework that I had put off
until that Sunday night, and with school tomorrow, I
had no choice. Perhaps if Sasori was still my teacher, I
could get an extension, but with her gone, my chance
at being naughty and abusing my teacher shamelessly
was over before they even had a chance to start. It
really was a shame too. I had many wicked ideas for
ways to tease Sasori in class, and I hadn’t had a chance
to do any of them.

Instead, I started getting dressed. The two girls

watched me, quite amused and seeing my naked form
as I put my clothes back on. It was pretty
embarrassing to be watched by two horny women,
and it only made it harder for me. However, if I stayed
here, I could get in trouble with my parents, and if
things went really poorly, it could put a spotlight on
what I was doing over here. I imagined I’d be visiting
their house regularly from now on. I was hoping Sasori
could continue to educate me on many things.

“Mother, Hakaru…” Kira suddenly spoke up as I

finished dressing. “I have something I must say to the
pair of you.”

“What is it, darling?” Sasori asked.

“Hmm?” I turned to her too, giving her my full

“Have you felt like… things have been off lately?”

Her words that were so much like Maria’s caused my

heart to skip a beat. I found myself nodding before I
could help myself.

“It’s like… I don’t know… I sometimes have thoughts

or remember things that clearly never happened. Or…
things I know would happen… like with your Mother, I
knew she wouldn’t reject my advances, and I knew
you wouldn’t be too angry at me. I…” I blushed as
both girls were watching me. “I really wouldn’t have
done something like this normally, but it felt…”

“Right…” Sasori finished, nodding to herself. “Since

about two months ago, I suddenly started looking at
Hakaru. I felt like we should be together. I rejected
these feelings. As his teacher, and especially once you
revealed you were dating, I made sure to bottle up
those feelings. However, after losing my job, and then
seeing him there… yet, even now that we have gone
this far, I’m only more certain it was right, not wrong!
Shouldn’t I regret these kinds of things?”

Sasori looked flustered as she considered how odd it

was. Getting a crush on a student might be one thing.
However, if someone actually managed to convince
themselves to do it, they might feel a bit guilty or
afraid once they had finally indulged. Yet, Sasori felt
gratified, like finally scratching an itch that had
plagued her for a time. I was the same. Every girl I
slept with, whether it was Akiko, Maria, or Sasori,
rather than making me feel like I was falling apart, it
made me feel like I was coming back together after
being torn apart.
“I’ve started to remember things. They are things that
go against what I should know. Can either of you
remember what you did three months ago? Four?”

When I thought about it, I realized that time was kind

of blurry. I certainly did stuff, but it was strange stuff.

“I… started to…” Kira admitted. “But they weren’t my

own memories. They’re… someone else’s memories.
Someone inside me… It was like. I was being
controlled. I feel like, because they weren’t my
memories, I’m able to remember them…”

Her words were far from clear, and they left me, and
Sasori baffled. However, they weren’t leaving us
flustered either. Her words rang with some kind of
truth that made me feel like I was on the verge of
getting something back I had already lost.
“Sasori… um… did you sleep with my dad?” I asked

“What?” Her eyes widened, “How could- wait… did…


Sasori began to look confused as if she just realized

something was off about her own memories. Kira
slowly nodded as well.

“I think… there is something bigger going on.” Kira

finally said. “Somehow, our memories were locked
away and changed. The world isn’t the way it is
supposed to be. These memories of mine… I know it
sounds crazy, but I feel like they have something to do
with the gods.”

The group of us went silent, but no one ended up

giving Kira a strange look. The second she said gods, I
felt some kind of shifting in my gut. It was like what
she had said was absolutely true.

“What do we do now?” Sasori asked something similar

to what I had asked before, but it took on a whole
new meaning after Kira dropped this bomb.

“I think…” I was surprised to find myself being the one

to step up and talk. “That we should keep doing what
we’re doing. The things that feel right, the things that
resonate with our hearts that is what we should
cherish. If we keep doing it, if we keep going against
these other memories, then more of our own
memories will unlock. We have to trust our feelings to
guide us.”

“Isn’t that just Hakaru’s way of saying he wants to play

with many women?” Sasori responded with a pout.
“Mother has no idea. Hakaru has a large appetite.”
Kira snickered.

“Eh? Who else!” She gave a stern look at me, acting

like a teacher again. “Tell me who you’re playing with
besides my daughter and me!”

I coughed. “Um… there is Akiko.”

“Ah! Oh? Isn’t she dating your friend? Hakaru is


“And also… my sister.” I said that tightly.

“You dog!”
“Says the mother who banged in front of her

“Y-you made me!” She playfully winked and stuck out

her tongue at me.

The feelings between the three of us became more

relaxed; the more open we were with each other. I
had feared after they knew I had designs on my sister
and another girl, I might face some rejection, but the
two women looked at me just the same. I really did
feel like a weight I didn’t even know was on my
shoulders was suddenly lifted.

“You know… there is also this cute girl I’d kind of like
called Mary. And… I think I should take my mother
from my father.”
“You think your mother would approve of all this?”
Sasori asked.

“She…” I remembered her promiscuous attitude, her

worship of a harem god, and her drunken comments.
“I actually think she wants this for me.”

Sasori sighed, “Then, I will do what I can to support

Hakaru. Regrettably, I need to find a new job. As for
our relationship, we’ll keep it as a secret between us.
In public, you should remain exclusive to my daughter.
I recommend that for Akiko too. Don’t start
shamelessly parading both women around. If you do
that, then whoever is messing with us will learn they
failed. Until we know more, we can’t let them have
the upper hand.”

“Sasori…” I reached out and touched her cheek, and

she smiled and pressed my palm against her chin.
“We’re not alone, Hakaru. We’re together, okay?
Someone is playing a game with our lives, and in the
end, they’re the ones who will get played!”

“Moms kind of sexy when she acts all vicious.” Kira


“Y-you think?” Sasori’s domineering attitude was once

again lost by her cuteness.

I finally gave the pair a farewell, made sure I was

cleaned up, and then turned to leave. When I stepped
out the front door, Kira called after me. She waved
Sasori away and then closed the door, standing alone
with me on the front porch of her house. The pair of

“I’m sorry that I manipulated you,” Kira said after a

moment. “I felt the only way for this all to come into
the open was to have you feel it for yourself.”
“No… I mean… if you have any other beautiful women
that you want to share for me, I’m game…” I laughed.

“Hmmm… you really are incorrigible.” She sniffed,

crossing her arms and looking angry, although her
eyes still held a playful light.

“Only because you bring out the worst in me.” I

chuckled, reaching out and grabbing her hips.

As I went to kiss her, she turned her head. “I need to

be serious for a moment.”

“What is it?” I settled for a kiss on the cheek.

“It’s… about the superintendent.”

“The guy who fired Sasori?” Just on that alone, I didn’t
like him.

“He… my memories…” she shook her head and

frowned. “He’s a bad person, okay? You need to stay
away from him. Whenever I think about him, I feel a
sense of foreboding and dread. He’s… done bad
things… that I can’t remember… No. It’s more. I don’t
want to remember. I’m happier to forget. Do you

“Well, I don’t even know the guy, so it’s fine.” I


She shook her head. “It’s not fine… He’s… I think he’s
why we can’t remember. I can’t tell you why. It’s just a
feeling. He fired mom, but I feel it was personal. I feel
like he did it to hurt me. He… wants mom to try to
fight to get her job back. I think he’d try to do bad
things then. I told her before, and I’ll tell her again
that she can’t fight this. If she tries, I feel like bad
things will happen. I want her to stay low at home.”

“And what about you? If he’s that bad…”

“I… have to find out what I forgot. It’s the only way we
can move forward. Perhaps, if I engage with him, then
my memories will come back. I don’t want them to,
but… if I don’t… then we may not be able to do
anything in time.”

“Kira…” I reached out and held her close. “Please… be


“I will… Hakaru will be by my side this time, so I will

definitely not let you down.”
The next day, I went to school as normal. Akiko gave
me a few shy looks, which Derek noticed and frowned
at. However, he already had a new girlfriend, a slutty
girl he had picked up from the prom and fucked in
place of his own girlfriend. At least that was based on
the rumors I was hearing. I had sex with his girlfriend,
he left in anger and then hooked up with another girl.
However, I had a feeling they had been together long
before he ended things with Akiko.

At that moment, a man walked in. He was a bit more

youthful than I expected from a teacher. He had an
attractive face that most girls would swoon over. He
was also wearing a suit and had a very orderly

“Hello, classroom. Your teacher, Mrs. Fukumi, has

taken a leave of absence. Since the school didn’t have
time to find you a new instructor, I’ll be stepping in.
My name is Mr. Tobius Smith. I’m the superintendent
of this school district, as well as your new instructor. I
plan to take good care of all of you.”

As the murmurs rose up from everyone’s surprise, he

made sure to meet every eye. When he looked at me,
I could swear her smirked slightly. A sinking feeling
appeared in my gut. He was making his move,
whether we were ready or not!

Chapter 113 :
“That will be all for today.” Mr. Smith said just before
the bell rang as if he had planned it down the second.
“And there you go. Hakaru, can you please stay a bit?”

Since Mr. Smith appeared, all I had thought about was

what Kira had told me the night before. He was the
one who took Mrs. Fukumi’s job. He was a bad person,
and Kira was scared of him. He might even be related
to why our memories were wrong. Now, he had
become my teacher, and there was absolutely no way
of avoiding him. I was praying that perhaps all of my
concerns were just paranoia, but as soon as class
ended, he didn’t waste any time calling me up.

Mr. Smith seemed extremely charismatic. He was

attractive and I could already see a few girls forming
crushes on him. Only the guys, who had lost the
privilege of eyeing the beautiful Mrs. Fukumi, had
disappointed looks. Many girls in the class considered
his appearance a plus. As a teacher, he had a smooth
way of talking that kept your interest and helped you
remember what he said. So, even the guys were
grudgingly willing to accept him as their teacher. I had
to admit that if I hadn’t been warned about him
already, I might have found myself letting my guard

As people filed out of the classroom, I approached him

quickly. Something about the situation made me not
want to be around him alone. It was a feeling like
foreboding. It was exactly like Kira had said. It was a
feeling of dread.

“Yes, Sensei.” I mustered all of the respect I could, not

wanting to give him any reason to hold me longer
than necessary.

“You can just call me Tobius.” He smiled. “There is no

reason to be alarmed. I’m trying to create a dialogue
with every student in my class. You just happened to
be on the top of my list.”

“Wh-why is that?” I asked, a small frown forming on

my face.

“It’s nothing bad. Your name has just come up a lot.

Last semester, your grades were starting to slip. There
was talk that you had gotten involved with a gang.
Rumors you had violently attacked other students.
Another that you got a girl pregnant. I also heard that
you were working a job at a shady entertainment
store that was recording people illegally. While it’s not
against our school’s policy for someone to work, we
do discourage it, especially when their grades suffer.”

“Ah… it was just that I broke up with my girlfriend.”

“Ah… yes…” He looked through a folder he didn’t let

me see before putting on another smile. “That would
be Ms. Akiko, right? I heard it was an ugly breakup, yet
the pair of you seem to be doing amicably. You were
also best friends with a boy called Derek? Well, I’ll be
meeting with him soon as well.”

“Yes, um… my relationship with Akiko is fine. I have a

girlfriend. Derek and I aren’t friends anymore. My
grades have been better…”
“Yes, yes… of course. Your grades have improved this
semester. However, don’t think I missed that your
current girlfriend was the daughter of your teacher.
The same teacher who was responsible for a massive
sex scandal just last semester which shut your school
down for a few months.”

“That investigation is still going on. The Vice-principal,

the coach, numerous other officials, and half the
basketball team ended up implicated. Not a month
later, an all-girls school had a similar problem
involving a principal and even a councilman. To my
understanding, you were also attending that school,
and were one of the boys mixed up in that.”

“I was spared… the worst problems.” I frowned.

He nodded, smiling. “As I said, I’m just following up.

There is reason to be worried about you, don’t you
“I’m fine,” I responded shortly, not really comfortable
talking more with him and just about ready to end the
conversation quickly.

“Why don’t you tell me about your relationships?” he


“My relationships.”

“All of them… who does Hakaru love?”

“I’m with Kira, but I also like Akiko. Then there is

Maria. Sasori is fun for an older woman. I’d like to play
with my mom too. Ah… and there is a girl named
“Ah? Maria?” He seemed to be writing something in
his notes. “That’s your sister? And you mother too? I
knew you were banging your teacher, but thinking you
would sink to incest just for some… what does Netori
call them, NTR Points? Haha… she did have a way with
words, didn’t she?”

I frowned, wondering why I had spoken so candidly

with him. Realizing just who and what I had said, I
couldn’t keep the fear off my face. I had just admitted
I was sleeping with my teacher! Why would I do that?
Why had I done that?

“That was a joke… I was just joking!” I responded with

a strangled voice.

“Of course…” He smirked, even though his pen didn’t

leave the paper. “You know, when my Master
answered my prayers and set up shop right in my
hometown, I couldn’t have felt more blessed. Then
those sisters had to come down to my city and start
their little game. At first, I thought I would just have
fun with them a bit. Perhaps, I could turn all three of
them into my playmates. However, I underestimated
Netori. Her plan was far broader than we ever could
have imagined. In a way, you kind of have to admire
her. She was always the kind of goddess who went big
or went home.”

“I-I don’t understand…” I said, taking a step back as

the smirk on his face dropped and was replaced by
something more sinister.

“Hehe… of course you don’t understand. Master set it

up so you wouldn’t. I just needed some time before I
was ready to move, and by resetting the clock, he
bought me that time. Now, there is no stopping me.
You, the one who took my favorite playmate away
from me. I’ll definitely make you suffer the most.”
“Mr. Smith… you’re scaring me…” I had backed up to
the door now, which was closed.

Mr. Smith’s smile was dark as he stood up. “I won’t

give you back your memory yet. That won’t be
satisfying enough. First, I’m going to take everything
you love. I already planned to have fun with Sasori
long before that little cuck god got in the way. I kept
him around for a bit, but he proved to be far too self-
destructive. Your sister, I had considered in the past,
but she was such a slut already, I considered it not
much of a challenge. However, since you want her, I’m
happy to take that duty. Akiko will be a fun little
morsel to have- all too easy. Your mom? Hah… too
easy. My Kira, I will definitely have her back! Even this
Mary girl! She sounds like she will be fun!”

As he spoke, he walked closer and closer, and the

foreboding feeling in my gut grew more and more.
Just as I felt like everything he said was about to
become a reality, the door behind me opened. I was
leaning against it so heavily that I ended up falling
back. I turned, and my face landed into a pair of soft
things. A girl who smelled like delicate flowers
wrapped her soft body around me without even a hint
of rejection.

“Oh?” An amused and confident voice sounded over

my head. “I am very fun…”

I looked up to see a beautiful punk girl. She had purple

hair today, which was tied up in various loose roles.
She had a gentle smile on her face, but when her eyes
met Mr. Smith’s, there was a slight feeling of danger.
As soon as he saw her Mr. Smith’s smile froze, and
then started to go crooked like he had just swallowed
something he didn’t like.

“Don’t be shy now. Please continue. Just what do you
plan to do with me?” Mary asked innocently.

Mr. Smith’s face turned ugly, an expression that held

anger, hate, fear, and perhaps even a hint of respect
in it. He took a step back, giving the pair of us some

“I wouldn’t dare set sights on you. What is it that

you’re hoping to accomplish here?”

She laughed, looking over at me and gently touching

my cheek. “Are you okay, baby?”

“Ah… he just… um, was threatening to steal… my

girls…” Why did I feel like I was tattling on someone to
an adult?
She giggled, hugging me affectionately and rubbing
her head against my chest. “We can’t have that, now
can we?”

“Mary…” His eyes darkened.

“Oh, relax…” Mary chuckled. “The game must go on,

doesn’t it? I don’t plan to get in the way of Netori’s
game. Rather, I intend to play like everyone else.”

“You’re not using a champion! Your very presence

breaks the rules!”

“Don’t talk to me about breaking the rules!” She

glared back. “Who is it that hid her away and then
wiped everyone’s mind! Why… if I reported him…”
Mr. Smith’s face went white. “Y-you… that… you

“Hehehe… then, I suggest that he shouldn’t have any

problem with my involvement, yes? I’ll promise
something your own god couldn’t. I won’t use my
abilities on anyone except to enforce the rules as
established by the god council. Fair enough?”

Mr. Smith looked like he was about to say something,

but then he stopped. He suddenly jerked, and his eyes
closed. When he spoke again, his voice was
completely different. It sounded strangely hollow and
echoey, like someone speaking through a microphone.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Mary. You’re on

my playfield. I’ve been set up here long before NTR
decided to play her game on my doorstep. I think
you’re far too vanilla to handle what I offer. You
should give up now and let nature take its course!”
“And by nature… you mean yourself, Depravity?”
Mary snorted.

“Depravity is human nature. Your ideas of love,

devotion, marriage: they go against the nature of
things. We are practically opposites! NTR belongs by
my side, as do the rest of the depraved acts.”

“I don’t care about NTR’s fate. You can have her.”

Mary waved her hand. “I have my own reasons for
playing. However, you’re wrong about us being
opposites. I think a little depravity spices up any

She blushed, looking at me tearfully.

“Is that okay with you? Can I be a little naughty… with

“Enough of this! By protecting him, you are protecting

her, and are against me!”

“I agree… this conversation has gone on long enough.”

Her serious expression returned. “Do you agree to the
terms, or do I need to go to the council?”

“Netori?” He asked.

She raised her hand. “I swear I won’t touch her with

my own power.”
“The word of a goddess is binding, do not forget.” He
suddenly shuttered and nearly collapsed, grabbing his
desk to stay upright.

“We’re done here.” Mary grabbed my arm and pulled

me away, the door shutting behind us.

We only managed to get down the hallway when I

finally managed to recover. I had been in a state of
stunned silence. I barely understood anything I heard.
Mom had already mentioned gods and goddesses as if
they were real. Suddenly, I’m talking to them? None of
this made any sense. I ripped my arm away from Mary
if that was even her real name.

“Hakaru…” She reached out, but I backed up, feeling

like it was hard to breathe.
“Y-you… what are… what is… what’s happening…” I
said in between gasping breaths.

She waved her hand, and suddenly my mind calmed. I

felt a rush of oxygen, and within a few seconds, my
mind was settled. I blinked, staring at her in confusion
and wide-eyed wonder.

“I’m a goddess, Hakaru. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you right

away, but given what had been done to you, would
you have believed me if I said it?”

“A goddess… what goddess?”

“I have many names throughout the ages. The one

you’re probably most familiar with is marriage.
However, a goddess isn’t a name. She’s a concept. It’d
be more accurate to call me the goddess of the unity
of love.”
“Why are you here?” I demanded.

She blushed, looking down. “Because… Hakaru… I love


“Y-you…” She reached forward and closed my lips with

her finger and thumb.

“Please be quiet for now. We should go.”

“Go where?” I mumbled out of the side of my mouth,

as she was pinching my lips together.

“It’s time we got you your memories back.”

Chapter 114 :
“Okay, now what the hell is going on?’ I demanded.

The pair of us were outside of the school at this point.

I didn’t see Mr. Smith as we left school, which was
probably for the best considering how we had parted.
Mary had taken me directly to a nearby park, and I
was now sitting on a bench as she stood nearby,
watching me with her arms crossed. She seemed to be
considering something, but after being left in the dark,
my patience had finally run out, and I spoke.

“I’m afraid to tell you too much.” She responded after

a moment of silence.
“Afraid? Why are you afraid?” Trying to keep my voice
from sounding too aggressive, even though I still felt
very agitated after that encounter with my teacher.

She bit her lip, and as if finally making a decision, she

gave herself a nod. “You deserve to know everything.
However, before I return your memories, I want to tell
you my story.”

“Your story… as a goddess?” Even mentioning such an

absurd notion was difficult for me.

How could gods and goddesses be a thing? The only

evidence I had was her words and Mr. Smith’s strange
actions. Admittedly, he did seem to have some
strange hold on me for a second, but that didn’t mean
“A long time ago, when humanity was still young,
human beings were basically animals.” Mary started
to explain. “They were driven by one predominate
impulse. They needed to survive and procreate. A
certain god arose. You’d best understand his nature
by the name, Harem.”

“Harem, the god?” My ears immediately perked up,

especially considering the story my mother had said
once before.

My mother’s status as a shrine maiden was possibly

the only real reason I was even listening to this story.
The other reason was the sincere look in Mary’s eyes.

“Yes… Harem, the god. But shortly after Harem’s birth

came a goddess, you can call her NTR. She is the
goddess of taking the ones you love from others. For
many years, this became the way the world works.
Men would try to play around with as many women as
their status allowed. When a man saw a woman
someone else had that he wanted, he’d do anything to
obtain her. Women were treated like things,
commodities to be passed around.

“Then, as society grew more civilized, I was born.”

“And you’re Marriage?”

“That is the name I associate myself with, although

some call me Matrimony.” She nodded in affirmation.
“You must understand that we represent a concept,
and a name might not always perfectly encapsulate
said concept. While it’s easy to see Harem as the God
of Harems, he isn’t. It’d be more accurate to say he’s
the god of gathering many lovers, or something to
that effect.”

“Okay… so then what happened?’

“I… fell for Harem. It was hard not to. He was a
charming God. He was manly and courageous. Many
women fell for him. If they didn’t, he wouldn’t be
Harem. However, I was the first woman that he loved

“You and Harem were a thing?”

She smiled and nodded, looking like she was thinking

about something from a long time ago. “We used to
be close. I showed him the beauty of love, unity, and
monogamy, and over time, we became the concept of
traditional marriage.”

I frowned. “That doesn’t sound very healthy. I mean,

Harem doesn’t go with monogamy.”
Her smile turned slightly bitter. “And therein lay the
problem. It’s a problem that exists to this day. Men
and women cheat on each other constantly. Men still
have that drive to love a group of women, and even
women find themselves looking elsewhere in
otherwise unhappy marriages.”

“That’s caused by you?”

She sighed. “It isn’t like that. Society reflects heaven,

and heaven reflects society. You could just as say
we’re like it because society is like that. There is no
cause and effect when it comes to the gods. We’re
simply the personification of ideas.”

“Okay…” I shook my head. “Where does NTR come

into this?”
“At the time, I blamed NTR for the reason we couldn’t
be happy- his cheating, and my discontent, I thought
they were because NTR introduced them into our
relationship. So… I tried to bring her down. Over the
years, I have turned NTR into a dirty word. She was
broken apart. Her power distributed into three forms.
I even put an edict in heaven… one that prevents her
from reforming into NTR. Recently, that edict began to

“What changed?” I asked, frowning.

“You did…” She sighed. “I could tell you what you’ve

already experienced, but it’d be better to just break
the lock on your memory. Please, close your eyes and
open your mind.”

“Okay.” For some reason, I trusted this girl.

She had always been kind to me and had never really
gone out of her way to lie. She had protected me from
Mr. Smith, and she was only looking out for my best
interest. I closed my eyes.

“One last thing.” She said. “When your memory

returns… I’m sure NTR has said many things about me.
That is why this may be the last time you want to talk
to me.”

“That’s impossible. Are you saying I was on NTR’s


“Although we had never met, you probably didn’t

have kind thoughts about me. So, I would like to ask.
Can I kiss you?

“Huh? What?”
“This might be my last chance to do it.” She
responded. “I just wanted to try kissing you once, now
that you are grown up. In case things go sour and you
decide to send me away. I will restore your memory
with a kiss.”

“F-fine…” I blushed, feeling a bit strange about giving a

girl permission to kiss me.

As she leaned forward, pursing her soft lips, I

completely forgot to close my eyes. Our lips pressed
together, and I felt passion ignite within me. Just as I
was about to wrap my arms around her, memories
came flooding back in.

I recalled everything. My suicide attempt, Netori,

Netorare, and Netorase, my sister, Akiko, Gina, and
even more. As it all flooded back it, I was finally
putting pieces together that hadn’t seemed to make
sense for months. Even things I hadn’t thought much
about suddenly made all too much sense. My eyes
shot up to Mary. As she reached out for me, I pulled
away without thinking about it. A hurt look appeared
on her face, but she didn’t say anything as she put her
arms carefully on her lap.

“So, you remember everything now?’ She asked

quietly, looking down instead of at me.

“Yeah…” I responded, feeling choked up with emotion.

“That was a lot of pain.”

“I’m sorry… I wish I could have left you without that

pain,” she responded cautiously.

“It was Degenerate who took Netori?” I demanded,

after a few moments of silence.
“It was…” Mary nodded sheepishly.


“Purgatory…” She answered quickly. “It’s a realm

between heaven and earth. You’re probably familiar
with it as the white light people see as they die.”

“Bring her back,” I demanded.

She looked away. “Even if I was willing, I’ve promised I


“Promised?” I started to feel some anger. “You’re the

reason she’s in this mess! You got rid of her just so
you could start to manipulate me yourself?”
“I-it’s not like that… maybe I wanted to get back at
her, but I came here for you!” She responded

“Ah… that’s right, you love me, for some reason.” I

sneered. “Like I’d believe that! Did you think I’d be so
naïve as to fall for you just because we went on a
single date?”

“N-no…” She responded weakly, looking defeated.

“It’s complicated…”

“Not for me. Netori is my goddess, not you! If you

want to claim you have any feelings for me, you can
start convincing me by bringing her back.”

“She’s poison…”
“You’re poison! Aren’t you the one who wrecked
Harem? Ms. Monogamy? A tyrant who turns men into
your slaves?”

“I-is that really how you see me?”

“How else should I see you? Actions speak louder than

words, and you’re still leaving her trapped.”

“You don’t get it! I can’t! I made a promise! A

goddess’s promise is the law! I wouldn’t be able to do
it no matter how I tried. Doing so would destroy me!”

The more my suppressed memories came bubbling to

the surface, the angrier I got. It wasn’t even that Mary
had done anything specifically wrong. I was just angry
that I had been used. I was angry that Netori was
gone. I was angry that my girls had been left suffering
and confused for months. Perhaps, that all could have
been dropped on Degeneracy, but it was Mary who
was in front of me. The sisters all hated her, and I
could feel it bubbling deep inside me from Netorare
and Netorase now that the curse had been lifted.

Perhaps the thing that angered me the most was that

this all could have been avoided if I had just taken the
sister’s advice several months ago. She offered me a
power called Godless. At the time, I had thought I
needed my powers to succeed. However, I just didn’t
realize that Netori’s protection wasn’t enough. Then
again, would Godless even have worked? If
Degeneracy could tear apart Netori’s defense, what
hope did the Godless skill have? The only person I
could ask right now was Mary, and I was in no
condition to do that. My eyes ended up narrowing on
her, causing Mary to shrink back a step.

“What game are you playing? What is your ploy

She bit her lip, shaking her head slightly. “What did
you expect? That I’d be some evil hag? Did you think I
would be cruel and malicious? I represent the sanctity
of marriage and love. I hate NTR, but can you blame
me? She represents the destruction of the unity I
desire. I was wrong for trying to be monogamous with
Harem, but that was partially his decision as well.
Believe it or not, I don’t hate polygamy. That’s just
how things turned out.

“It turned out Harem isn’t the right god for me. His
concept is too old and dated. It depends on a
primordial need to spread his seed. He’s the Harem of
old, a harem for sultans and cavemen. He’s tried to fill
the role of Harem, but he’s ultimately failed and
become a husk of his former self.”

“What are you saying?” All this talk about concepts

and gods is difficult for someone like me to grasp.
“I’m saying that a new concept must be made. A new
harem, one that is willing to adapt to a new world.
That is what I want. Harem and NTR, they’re relics of a
world that doesn’t exist anymore. You and I, we’re the
future.” She reached out to grab my arm.

“We? What do I have to do with this?” I pulled away

and avoided her grip.

“Didn’t she tell you? Netori? She didn’t tell you her
grand plan?”

“What plan?” I demanded.

Mary shook her head, just a hint of anger on her face.

“That woman… she’d actually go this far, and she
wouldn’t even tell the truth.”
“What truth!” I nearly yelled as I reached out and
grabbed her shoulders.

Mary looked up at me in the eyes, a strange look on

her face. “Hakaru, cracking the seal and putting NTR
back together is only part of Netori’s plan. The other
part is you. She selected you since before you were
born. You’ve been heading on this path your entire

“Stop acting coy, just tell me!”

“You’re not NTR’s incubator. Rather, she is yours.” She

responded. “Everything she has been doing, this
game, it has all been to serve one purpose. Netori is
trying to turn you into a god. You’re not here to defeat
Harem. You’re here to become him!”
Chapter 115 :
“Hakaru…” Mary’s gentle voice hit my back like a

“I just need… time to think.” I responded without

looking back.

That was my answer to Mary’s bombshell. I supposed,

in some ways, I had already known that this was what
Netori had wanted. There were certain hints to it.
Mom’s prophecy, for example. In fact, of anyone I
wanted to talk to right now, it was probably Mother I
wanted to talk to the most. I went to the nearest bus
station, and then headed home, since the school
buses had already long departed.

When I reached the house, I was immediately greeted

to the sounds of moaning. I dropped my backpack and
all but ran forward. As I turned a corner, I ran into my
dad feeling up my mother. This had been the way of
things for months, and I had never minded it. Rather, I
found it gross, and hoped they’d keep this stuff behind
closed doors. It was only now that my mind was
restored that a new feeling came to me. I still hadn’t
come to terms with all of my new memories, but the
one that was the biggest slap in the face came from

Dad had been fast and loosely playing with mother for
the last few months, but she was someone who was
mine. I was being cuckolded, and I didn’t even realize
it! However, I didn’t connect father’s behavior to
whatever degeneracy had done. After all, locking up
memories didn’t change who a person was. Dad was a
cheater. He had played with Sasori, just like he played
with my mother, just like he played with other people.
He and mom were all but estranged, yet their
relationship had been incredibly close these last few
Nothing that degeneracy could have done would have
altered that. To me, that meant only one thing. Some
other god had interfered. Was dad a champion to
some other god? Worse, was he actually some other
god in the disguise of my dad? I didn’t have the
answer to that question. I just knew one thing. I had
to win Mother back from this bastard who thought he
could diddle her right in front of me.

Regrettably, there wasn’t much I could do at that

moment. He had his hand up my mother’s apron, and
he was quite literally diddling her. Of course, mother
pushed the apron down and shoved his hand away as
soon as I walked in. She was a respectable Japanese
woman, and although she had a lewd personality that
loved naughty things, she’d never want to appear that
way in front of other people. There was a brief time
where her lewdness was just for me. Then I ended up
hitting dad with a baseball bat and being sent away.
That’s when everything back home went crazy.
“Hey, kiddo.” Dad grinned. “You’re home already?”

“You…” Mom gently slapped his shoulder with the

back of her hand. “So bad!”

“What game are you playing!”

That’s what I wanted to shout into his face.

Unfortunately, I just didn’t have it in me. Instead, I
nodded and smiled back.

“Father, mother… you should leave that stuff in the


It was as polite of a response as I could give. I did

everything I could to keep myself from snapping. I felt
angry, humiliated, and bitter. Dad’s insolent smile,
which I always took as just the look of a hornball, had
a more menacing feeling to it now. It was like he was
mocking me. I couldn’t stand to watch it any longer, so
I turned away, hiding that look on my face that might
betray my true feelings. My desire to talk to Mother
had completely dissipated at that moment.

“You’ll have to excuse us. I’ll be leaving for a meeting

in a bit, so I’ve been putting in as much time with your
mother as possible.”

“You rotten, horny old man.” Mother teased, grabbing

his face lovingly, “I’m going to be so lonely without
you tonight.”

“Hehe… I’ll hold you to that. I wonder what you’ll do

for me when I return.”

“D-don’t speak like that in front of the kids.” She

panted as he sucked on her neck.
“Goodbye!” I walked faster and slammed the door.

On the other side, I was panting, my fists tight and

shaking. Only when mom was drunk did she
temporarily begin to remember their rocky
relationship. Right now, she seemed completely
trapped in his spell, becoming his plaything. If I said
anything about it at that moment, then I would just be
revealing my own mind had been restored. If it was
Degeneracy behind all of it, he probably already knew,
but if it was some other god, there had to be a
window where I could do something.

At this stage, I would be begging for Netori’s advice, or

if she wasn’t available, one of the other sisters.
Unfortunately, they were all gone, and I was all that
was left to carry on the game. I didn’t even have time
to think about points. Without Netori, it was
impossible to cash them in any way. Pacing back and
forth in my room agitatedly, I finally picked up a
phone and made some phone calls. I called Sasori and
told her I was coming over. She sounded a bit happy
at that, but she said Kira was out.

I called Kira, but I wasn’t able to get a hold of her. I

also called Akiko and asked her to meet me at Sasori’s.
Once I was done, I left my room, trying to block out
the giggling I could still hear coming from the living
room as dad played around with mom. I knocked on
the door next to mine, and Maria opened it up.

“I need you to drive me to Kira’s.” I said.

I would have said Sasori’s, but that would definitely be

suspicious. When Maria saw me, she jumped a bit, but
when I said Kira, her mood seemed to dampen.

“Your girlfriend… of course…” She said. “I’m not

feeling good right now, just walk…”
I shook my head, trying to separate my memories of
the past with my current memories. The current Maria
had snuck into my room and raped me. We said we
loved each other, but that was the last she had heard
from me. Afterward, I had started spending more time
with Kira. She didn’t remember the past, so we didn’t
reach that stage. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to
be subtle. Thankfully, Maria was the kind of girl that
didn’t mind a heavy hand.

Just as she tried to close the door, I grabbed her and

pulled her to me. One hand reached down and
grabbed her ass shamelessly. The other wrapped
around her back and pulled her until her chest pressed
against mine.

“You’re my woman. You’re coming too, and I’m not

asking.” I whispered in her ear, and then bit it.
Her body shook, her eyes growing as wide as teacups.
However, rather than slap me or call me an idiot, she
nodded, grabbed her keys, and let me pull her out the

“We’re going out for a bit.” I yelled to my parents in

passing, not giving either time to argue.

Maria had a car of sorts, although it was a small two-

seater she had bought used. Dad and Mom had
helped her get it, but the idea was that she could drive
places and help take the pressure off my dad. We only
had the two cars, and so mom couldn’t do anything
unless dad came home. This allowed mom to go
grocery shopping when dad was out late and various
other activities. Those were supposed to include
taking me places, but my sister always refused when it
came to it, and my mother was usually too drunk to
drive. I had ended up getting used to the bus system
or depended on Derek instead. Well, that was before
the start of the game.
The pair of us drove over to Kira’s. Maria didn’t say
anything, but she kept glancing over at me and then
blushing. The pair of us reached Kira’s house quickly
by car. It wasn’t even a long bike ride, but I needed a
reason to drag Maria with me. Grabbing her again, I
pulled her out of the car. She was confused about why
I was taking her into my girlfriend’s house. Perhaps
she was a bit scared and excited too. Was I going to
reveal the two of us were in a relationship to Kira?
Was I going to try to start a threesome? Was I going to
tell Maria off for raping me? Any of those things might
happen, so Maria was definitely worried.

Akiko was waiting on the doorstep. She hadn’t

knocked yet. Rather, she had an expression of
confusion just as clear as Maria’s while she was
waiting for me. Kira and I hadn’t talked to her about
the strangeness of our memories yet. So, to her, the
last time we had been together was at prom a few
days ago. Her relationship with me had caused her to
lose her boyfriend of the last six months, and since
then I had left her hanging a bit.

I let out a low sigh. It was time to get everything out

into the open. I knocked on the door while Akiko
stood up, looking at Maria questioningly. Maria
returned a similar look. Neither girl really understood
what was happening. After a moment, the door
opened and Sasori appeared. She was wearing a
somewhat revealing nightie, long silk socks, and she
opened the door with her leg wrapped around it.

“Come in… ahhh!” Her eyes fell on the other two

women, and the seductive look she had given melted
in an instant.

Maria and Akiko diverted their eyes, blushing, while

Sasori shot me a look. However, understanding quickly
came. I had already told her about my interest in the
other two women, so she had at least had the capacity
to put two and two together.

“Ah… come in.”

Sasori threw a blanket around herself as she escorted

us to the living room. She made sure to shoot me a
scathing look for not warning her. I chuckled, causing
her to blush, and the other two girls to grow more
confused. Sasori was my teacher, so it was a bit
difficult for either of them to wrap their heads around
things right now, given their current state of

“First things first.” I moved over and kissed Maria,

making sure to use plenty of tongue.

Akiko gasped while Sasori gave a coy look, pursing her

lips with consideration. The person who was most
caught off guard was Maria, who probably never
expected me to take such advantage of her while
other people were looking. We were brother and
sister, and this kind of thing was definitely something
people would look down on. When I pulled away, she
was breathing heavy, but she couldn’t come up with
the words.

I took a step to my right and then kissed Sasori. She

was expecting it though, so she didn’t pull back as our
tongues explored each other’s mouths. This time, it
was Maria who gasped. When I raised one of my
hands and grabbed her breasts, she slapped the back
of my hand away. That was too much for her, I guess. I
pulled away, grinning, while she was shooting me a
pouty stare.

“Isn’t that your teacher!” Maria asked in a squeaky

“Aren’t you my sister?” I responded, stepping over
and looking down at Akiko.

She knew she was next, but even after kissing two
other women, she didn’t hesitate as I leaned down
and kissed her too. In fact, she was eagerly looking up
at me with anticipation, and when our lips touched,
she excitedly threw her arms around me. When I
finally pulled away from her, all three women were
watching me closely. It was Maria, the most nervous
of the bunch, who spoke first.

“Wh-what about Kira?” She asked.

“Kira is mine, and so are all of you.” I responded.

“It’s not that I don’t like your sudden newfound

confidence,” Sasori chuckled. “But what has
“My memories came back.” I said. “Kira was right.
Someone has been keeping us from remembering
things properly.”

“You mean… there really is something wrong?” Akiko


I nodded. “The feelings we all have… they were forged

last fall. I had relations with each of you, and then
someone locked those memories away.”

“How did you get your memories back?” Maria asked,

“Can we remember?”

“That’s not important right now.” I shook my head.

“The important thing is that we work on a plan. We’re
surrounded by people who want to tear us apart. In
the past, I would have tried to figure it all out on my
own. However, if these last few months have taught
me anything, it’s that I need all of you. We’re in this
together. Do you know when Kira will come home?”

“Hm? Oh, the last I heard, she had to stay after


“What? Why?”

“I don’t know… the Superintendent gave her some

duties to complete as the class president. She couldn’t
say no.”

My heart began to sink. “Sasori… we need to go there

Chapter 116 :
The girls could see the worry and fear in my
expression, so they didn’t have to ask. I wanted to
leave them behind and go on my own, but right after
making a speech about how we were all in this
together, I feared being cautious would cost me in the
end. I didn’t know what I would face at the school, but
I knew I’d be able to face it better with the girls beside
me. Thus, we all ended up piling into Sasori’s mini-van
and leaving for the school.

It wasn’t so odd for Miss Fukumi to need to return to

the school, especially with her daughter there. It’d be
less odd for her to take a group of kids, rather than
drive around with a single guy. All in all, it was
probably for the best that I decided to bring all of the

On the way, I began to give the girls the cliff notes

version on what was going on. I decided it was too late
to hold anything back from them. Whatever rules
there might have been at one point involving the
game, they had been obliterated the second they had
taken Netori away from me. I explained my death, the
appearance of the goddess NTR, the game, in very
rough terms, and the relationships I had with each girl.

I was shocked to see them nodding their heads in

acceptance. I had expected them to think I was lying.
Perhaps their repeated exposure to that world had
already desensitized them to the idea. Perhaps, their
trust in me was just that great.

They weren’t exactly pleased to hear that our sexual

encounters ended up being scored by invisible points
from the gods, but they didn’t hold it against me. I was
actually a little worried they might blame me
personally for it. I was afraid they’d feel manipulated
or cheated out of their lives. Akiko was the one I had
used my abilities on the most, so I really was afraid of
her thoughts. I ended up asking if she was okay with it.
“Hakaru is still Hakaru…” She responded simply.
“You… killed yourself because of me?”


When she said that, I suddenly felt super

embarrassed. There were several factors that led to
me killing myself, but at its simplest, seeing her
cheating on me was what spawned the start.

“Never do it again!” Akiko said, her face suddenly

flashing with anger. “I will never do that to you ever
again! I know your feelings for me, and I reciprocate

“D-don’t act so pleased! You made Brother kill

himself! If that had actually happened…” Maria teared
“I-I’m not pleased!” Akiko blushed, trying to hide the
somewhat happy expression on her face that broke
through the angry look she had worn.

“I agree!” Miss Fukumi responded. “I feel like I failed

as your teacher. That you were driven to such a state
and I didn’t even know… I should have… I could

“Become my lover earlier?” I asked, a grin on my face

as I reached over and fondled her breasts.

“Y-you… naughty… I’m driving!”

I pulled my hand away, as I really did want her to

hurry. However, my expression grew serious for a
“The boy who killed himself was me a long time ago.
Back then, I was weak and scared, and I ended up
losing everything as a result. That same kind of
situation won’t happen again. However, make no
mistake, I would die for any one of you.”


“Saying that now…”

The girls were all flustered to speechlessness. I hadn’t

meant it to entice them. I had spoken the simple
truth. I wasn’t willing to lose them again. I would give
anything, even my life, for the women in my life. As I
thought those words, I realized they were the truth.
The mini-van finally descended into silence. However,
it wasn’t a long trip overall, and we didn’t wait long
before the school was in sight.
By the time we got there, the sun was starting to set.
My mind started thinking about Kira once again. I
hadn’t felt this anxious since I got the phone call from
Kira begging for help. I had called her phone twice and
texted her on the way, but she still hadn’t returned
my calls.

When the mini-van pulled up in front of the school, I

practically leaped out. Akiko was the boldest, and
followed after me without a thought. Miss Fukumi was
a little slower, and Maria still felt a bit awkward being
here at all. It had only been a day since we had started
to form a relationship in her mind, and now she was
suddenly being tossed into a world with gods and

I didn’t feel ready for a final confrontation with

Depravity. I only got my memory back and realized he
existed a little bit earlier that day. Now, things were
brought to an end. He was holding Kira and making his
move. Perhaps he was afraid of what Mary would do if
he waited any longer. After all, she was a wild card to
him. Either way, he had made his move, and I had
reached a point where I wouldn’t give up what was
mine without fighting. So, I was here, and I had no
clue what I was going to see, or how I was going to
deal with it. For once, I was going in without a single

When we reached the doors, however, a person

stepped out and I found myself stopping short. Akiko
ran into my back, having been hot on my heals. The
other two girls were farther behind, and they slowed
down as they noticed her.

“Mary…” I said shortly. “Where are they?”

“You don’t want to go in there.” She responded, biting

her lip.
“Is that more of your manipulation?” I demanded.

“No…” She looked down shamefully. “It’s my wish to

protect you.”

“Kira is in there, yes?”

“Kira… has been through worse.” She spoke slowly,

causing my hands to tighten. “She can… still take it.
You can claim her back when you’re ready.”

“I won’t let him have her!”

“You’re not ready for Depravity! He’s not a man who

plays by the rules. He never has been. When it comes
to a sexual relationship, he can be exciting, but he is
also chaos incarnate. He will break your girlfriend, and
any of these other girls too. Take them home, protect
them. Kira… her mind is already protected a bit thanks
to Netorase. With time, you can win her back.”


“Why not?” Mary’s face flashed with a bit of anger,

and for just a second, I felt some kind of indescribable
pressure push down on me, which had to be the might
of a goddess.

However, I was completely unphased. “Because I love


Mary blinked, as if she didn’t understand the words.

“NTR Crush isn’t a game to me. It’s a life. I take what I

love, and I hold on to it, because I love them all! I
won’t let anyone I love suffer! I won’t let anyone I love
regret! If I’m not good enough for them, to hell with
letting them go! I’ll become someone good enough for

As I was yelling, I had closed the distance between us,

and I realized I had been shouting right in her face.
Our lips were only centimeters from me, and she was
looking at me with teary eyes, her entire body

“Hakaru… I can’t let you be hurt either…”

“It would hurt more doing nothing… I’m just a man, I

can only do so much.”

She bit her quivering lip. “Are you sure about that?”

She lowered her head, “He has her in the gym. He…
hasn’t done anything yet. It’s no fun without an
audience. That’s what he believes. He’s expecting

I nodded and walked past her. Mary could only stand

there with her head down, saying nothing as the girls
walked by. When Maria passed her, she put out her

Mary glanced at it in confusion. “I… can’t do anything

to help here.”

“You can be there for him too. Sometimes, being

there is enough.” Maria responded.
Mary cautiously reached out and grabbed Hakaru’s
sister’s hand, and the pair entered the school
together, following the rest of the group.

I charged forward without caution, pushing my way

into the auditorium. It was dark, except for a single
spotlight. It illuminated someone in the middle of the
room. That person was Kira, still in her school uniform,
although it looked like it had been roughed up a bit.
She was sitting in a chair, and she was bound to it with
ropes that were tied behind her back. Her face was
strangely flushed, and she looked a bit out of it like
she had been drugged.

“Kira!” I immediately called out, the word echoing

across the room.

She jerked, looking up, but her eyes were unfocused.

I started running toward her, but only made it half
way when I started hearing clapping. A form stepped
out into the light, but it wasn’t Mr. Smith, like I had

“Hey, Hakaru…” Derek smirked.


He stretched, laughing to himself. “Are you really

surprised? You had to know I was playing the game,


“I’ve tried to hurt you a few times already. Fiddling

with Gina, getting her pregnant, and getting her to
blame you… that really should have worked.
Destroying your relationship with Kira and Akiko. That
should have worked too. I had to admit, I was growing
really frustrated when you kept worming your way out
of these situations.

“You see, my god is War… but not the War. He’s more
like the God of battling for love. Wouldn’t he be a
perfect fit for NTR? He thinks so. Thankfully, Depravity
doesn’t mind. As long as War becomes his
subordinate, Depravity will let him have NTR.”

“And what do you get out of it?”

“Riches? Fame? Power? What else is there? You were

too naïve, Hakaru. All you thought about was playing
with women. You don’t realize the truth. Women
mean nothing. With those other three, you can have
any woman you want. While you fight in the trenches
trying to steal slutty housewives from their husbands,
I’ll be having my pick of beautiful supermodels. You’ll
spend months convincing a woman she loves you to
get her to suck your dick, I’ll just snap my fingers, and
a man will willingly hand me his wife for the hopes of
a promotion. That is the life I envision. I’m not going
to steal a small slice of heaven; I’m going to rule the
entire place!”

“Then, why bother with me at all?”

“You? You’re more personal.” He chuckled. “Depravity

wants you to fail.”

“Where is Mr. Smith, after all? Using another proxy

again, like Mr. Fukumi?”

“Hehehe… why does he need to get his hands dirty

when he has already won?” Derek asked, “Besides, I
practically volunteered when I heard what he had
planned for tonight’s little game.”
“Derek… we don’t have to be enemies. Just give back
my girlfriend?”

“Your girlfriend?” Derek smirked. “Is that what she’s

calling herself? It’s so hard to tell, she’s had so

Derek reached up and clicked a button. Suddenly, a

screen appeared. Kira was naked, and there were
several men having her. I heard a gasp behind me.
That would be her mother, Sasori.

“You… bastard…” I cursed.

“Me? None of this was me! Kira had become

Depravity’s favorite plaything long before NTR came
along. She had been used by countless men… even
those you know…”
He clicked a button, and another video popped up
next to the first one. This one caused Maria to let out
a cry, covering her eyes. It was Father. He was plowing
away at Kira from behind. He clicked another button,
and Mr. Fukumi was there, watching his daughter get
fucked by a stranger while jacking off. He ended up
cumming on his daughter.

“N-no…” Sasori let out a wail, falling to her knees.

Click. Click. Click. Video after video started until the

walls of the auditorium were filled with Kira.
Sometimes she was crying. Other times, her face was
full of sexual bliss. There were at least a hundred
different men. Every position, every hole, with varying
numbers of partners. There was no sound, but that
made the whole scene even more chilling. I had
known something bad had happened to Kira because
of Mr. Smith, but I had never dreamed it had been to
this extent. I felt like my heart was being stabbed.
On the stage, Derek grinned malevolently. He was just
getting started.

Chapter 117 :
“No… please… no…” Kira was still out of it, but she was
trying to deny the images that were appearing all
around her, tears running down her face as she was
forced to see all the horrors her body had been put
through over the last year. “I’m sorry, Hakaru… I’m
sorry… aahhhn…”

Her words were suddenly stopped and she made a

strange noise.

“Haha… don’t tell me you’re getting wet watching

yourself bang tons of strange men? Well, don’t worry,
you’ll be back to what you love most shortly.” He
chuckled as he sniffed her body lewdly before looking
up at me. “Damn, Hakaru, I knew you loved used sluts,
but she takes the cake!”

“F-fuck you!”

“T-that’s impossible,” she whimpered. “D-don’t


“Ah… but it’s true… you’re really getting wet.” He

laughed and then winked at me. “Well, this
aphrodisiac is literally made by a god’s skill. What girl
could resist being turned into a slut?”

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” I cursed, taking a step


He lifted a finger. “Ah… I wouldn’t do that. Well, you

can try… how about it… do you want to give it a go?”
He reached behind himself and pulled out a knife. I
tensed for a second, but he then ended up throwing it
carefully forward. It hit the ground with a clatter and
then slid across the slick floors until it stopped near
my feet. I looked down at the knife suspiciously.

“One of the perks of working with a god of true

power… if you kill me, he’ll just bring me back.” He
chuckled. “However, you’ll instantly lose. Attempted
murder takes you out of the game.”

“You’re still trying to pretend you guys are playing the


Derek chuckled. “It’s all a game! Some of the best

parts of playing games is cheating!”
“Please… stop… I don’t want this…” Tears were falling
down Kira’s face as she cried.

I kept my clenched fists at my side, keeping myself

from grabbing the knife. He was right. If I became a
murderer, there was no chance that I would be able to
stop them. I might as well be throwing in the towel
completely. I couldn’t even imagine what they would
do with my girls.

“You will stop this immediately!” Sasori finally had

enough of seeing her daughter in pain and took a step
forward. “I will be reporting this! Mr. Smith, nor will
you get away with what you are doing!”

Derek let out a small laugh. “You really think your

word means anything? You were already fired. Who
would believe you if you suddenly came out now with
slander against the man who removed you from your
position? It’ll just look like a petty teacher who
couldn’t handle losing her job properly. Besides, I
think you’ll keep this little secret.”

“Why would I?” She snarled.

Derek rolled his eyes like it was obvious. “Because, if

you don’t, I’ll reveal these pictures of your daughter.
Her life will be destroyed. Not just her social life, but
everything. We’ll, of course, paint her as the slut she
is. I can also destroy Hakaru’s family… and if you think
you’ll be spared from this…”

He clicked a button, and new things appeared. These

were images of Sasori herself in compromising
positions. Most of these seemed to have been taken
by my father. Except, the last few depicted Sasori and
I together. My face turned white, and Sasori looked
like she was going to be sick.
“Proof you were actually fucking your student. You
really should have checked your house after Mr.
Fukumi left. He was exactly the kind of guy to have spy
cameras to watch you fornicate. It was rather easy to
sneak into your house and retrieve them. Cuckold
would have betrayed Depravity for you, but once he
abandoned Mr. Fukumi, that man was all too willing to
tell Depravity everything.”

“You… you bastard…” I felt weak, realizing just how

behind I was in coming here. “I won’t let you take

Of course, I’d be behind. For months, I walked around

acting like nothing had happened. They had cheated
to keep me from remembering, and then they had set
up to destroy me the second I became a nuisance.
They had months to prepare for my downfall. It was as
close to a checkmate as possible. I didn’t even have
Netori with me to help.
“Kira? I don’t plan to take Kira. I plan to take them all.
Sasori, you’ll be my little sex doll, or I’ll reveal
everything about your relationship with Hakaru. I’ll
destroy you and your daughter unless you become


“It’s the only way to protect your Hakaru, right?” He

chuckled, causing Sasori to look at the floor, not even
willing to meet my eye. “And Maria… I’ll destroy your
father, your mother, and your brother… unless you
have pleased me with all of your effort.”

“N-no…” Maria gasped, covering her mouth while her

eyes turned watery.

“You have nothing on me!” Akiko responded, tossing

back her hair. “Even if you have images of me having
sex, I don’t care if you reveal them. At worst, it’ll just
make you look like a pervert. As for Hakaru, he means
nothing to me.”

“Haha… Nice try.” Derek laughed. “The first rule of

war, know your enemy! You may not remember right
now, but you’ve played the devil before to protect
Hakaru. I know the truth, that you care for him more
than yourself! If you submit, you may be able to make
things easier for Hakaru. However, in truth, I’m not
interested in a skank like you!”

“Y-you… ahhh… ahhh…” Kira suddenly made a noise,

her knees tightening as she bent, like she had
abdominal pain.

“Is something the matter?” Derek grinned.

Kira had calmed down since the slideshows had
ended, but she was panting hard, and there was a
puddle under her that was likely lust. She was
completely under the effects of some kind of
aphrodisiac, and it showed. However, looking at
Akiko’s flushed cheeks and hard breathing, I realized
something was up. Derek had a smug expression on
his face, and a quick look at Maria and Sasori showed
a similar expression. At first, I had thought they had
been angry, but their expressions were too similar to

“The aphrodisiac is airborne!” I let out a gasp.

“Look at you, finally catching on.” Derek chuckled.

“Like I said, it’s a godly thing. Only works on women,
perhaps my greatest ability. Gina couldn’t spread her
legs fast enough. I’m sure all of your women will do
the same.”
“Girls,” I turned to them. “Get out of here!”

The three gave worried looks at me and Derek, but

they knew they couldn’t stay. The feelings were
growing more intense by the moment. Sasori ushered
the two other girls, who were practically walking with
their legs squeezed, back to the doors. However,
when they tried to open them, they were locked.

A clapping sound turned everyone’s attention back to

the stage where Derek was applauding. “Ah… this is
really fun. To watch you squirm like insects, it truly
was a wonderful idea to side with Depravity.”

“Just stay close to me,” I whispered to the girls. “What

is it that you want, Derek?”

“I’m going to fuck Kira, here, right in front of you. She

loves you the most, so she’s worth the most points to
break. Well, you understand that, don’t you? You can
watch while your girlfriend loves every moment of my
cock… and then the rest of your girls…”

“Heh… Even if you tried, I’m a pro at pleasing women.

I can satisfy all of my women and be up there to kick
your ass before you even get to second base!” I

Thankfully, the aphrodisiac didn’t seem to be geared

specifically toward him. It was more like a generic
thing that brought out their eroticism. With enough
time, they’d become delirious with lust, but I was
confident I could satisfy all four women, and not allow
Derek to touch a single one of them. However, he let
out a laugh and then pressed a button, and the lights
in the auditorium turned on. I had been concentrating
on him and the slideshows, so I hadn’t seen anything
in the darkness. As the light appeared, and the
bleachers on the side became available, my
expression twisted.
There were around a hundred men, all sitting there in
their underwear or less, their dicks out as they stroked
themselves. The girls let out cries, looking away, but I
caught Maria looking back, unable to control her
body's swelling feelings. It was like a thirsty person
suddenly seeing an oasis. Even if you could see dead
animals all around and knew it was poison, it’d be
difficult not to take a second look. With enough time,
you might even drink, even if it killed you.

Two dressed men who weren’t a part of the crowd

moved to the center of the auditorium and unfolded a
chair. Then they started moving toward me. I acted
instinctively, reaching down and grabbing the knife.

“Back!” I cursed.

The men stopped for a single moment to look at each

other and then kept approaching. They were larger
men, thick enough that even if I stabbed them, I
wasn’t sure I could cause damage. It was obvious they
planned to hold me in the chair and make me watch.
As I backed away, Derek made some gestures and all
the men in the group started getting up. They were
moving toward my three women, with dark,
malevolent grins on their faces. Sasori grabbed the
two other girls and put them behind her, trying to use
her body as a shield. However, with that many men, it
was basically useless.

While I was being forced back into one corner, the

girls were being forced back into another. Once these
two men had a grip on me, I knew I wouldn’t be
getting away. As for my girls, it wouldn’t be rape,
because in a few moments, they’d be wanting it.
Derek was War. He had created an army, set up a trap,
and in a single maneuver he was ready to destroy me.
It was as simple as that.

“H-hakaru…” Kira panted. “Save me…”

She sounded very similar to a phone call she had once
sent my direction long ago. It caused my heart to
throb painfully, but there were two large men in my
way, and all I had was a small kitchen knife.

“I’m here…” Derek said, somewhat mimicking my


“Hakaru?” Kira asked, somewhat delirious.

“Of course…” He winked at me, pulling out his dick

and wagging it in her face. “Put this in your mouth. It’ll
make you feel good. Hakaru promises.”

His dick was actually a lot bigger than mine. He had

clearly used his own points to increase the size, but
where I stopped, he kept going, and he now had a 14-
inch cock. I might have been able to make a comment
about his own insecurity that he wasted points in such
a manner, but with him pushing it in Kira’s direction, I
bit my tongue.

“R-really?” Kira seemed to buy into his words.

“Damn you! Kira! Don’t!”

“Hakaru! I-I’m sorry.” Sasori cried out as the men

finally cornered her, reaching out to start pawing at
her until she couldn’t take it anymore.

Kira opened her mouth, hesitantly grabbing Derek’s


“That’s a good girl. Open your mouth, give him a good

show.” Derek laughed.

“I can take you away,” a female voice suddenly broke

out a few meters away.

“M-Mary!” I called out, my eyes dancing to her,

“Please, help!”

Mary shook her head sadly. “I can’t interfere in this.

Not with them. Only with you.”


“I can spare you the sight. I can take you away from
here. You should have listened to me when you had a
chance. It only would have been Kira. She would have

“Endured… and hundred men?”

She looked away sadly. “It’s the best I can do.”

“Shut up, bitch!” Derek screamed.

Kira was now stroking his dick, and it was getting hard.
She was moving her mouth to it now. Sasori had been
stripped down to her underwear. Guys were stroking
their cocks at her and she was starting to lose herself.

“The best you can do?” I hissed. “Netori… she

wouldn’t have allowed this. She’d have given
everything to stop it.”
Her expression turned bitter. “Netori was a cheat and
a thief! I play by the rules.”

“She’d have given everything! She took everything,

but she gave everything in return! That’s what it
means. NTR isn’t about stealing or losing! It’s about
giving it your all for what you desire! It’s about going
all in, and following your heart, damn the

“Well, she’s gone!” Mary yelled back angrily. “She’s

not coming back! She’s in a place only the dead can
enter! You’ll never see her again!”

“Dead…” My back hit the wall.

“Yes…” She reached out. “Please… come with me. You

don’t have to feel pain anymore.”
“Pain… is a part of love. You don’t get it, Mary… no
one can be perfect. You just have to give your all.” A
smile formed on my lips.

“Hey! Hakaru,” Derek looked at me, “Damn, she can

only fit the tip!” She had his dick in her mouth.

“Hakaru…” Mary made one last gesture.

I lifted the knife, causing the two men to freeze for a

second, and then I plunged it into my chest.

“No!” Mary cried out.

“Hakaru!” Sasori let out a blood-curdling screech that
even caused the surrounding men to flinch and back

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The
person who screamed the loudest was Derek.

Sasori’s scream had caused Kira to gain lucidity for just

a second. Just as her lips wrapped around Derek’s
cock, her eyes fell on the knife entering my chest. All
thoughts of anything else fled her mind. She
instinctively closed her teeth as hard as possible. She
ended up biting the tip of his cock right off.

As my blood splattered across the two shocked men,

Derek’s blood splattered across Kira’s face. Grabbing
his groin, he fell off the stage screaming, while she spit
out a pink thing in disgust. Mary was running toward
me, the auditorium had broken into pandemonium,
and I was collapsing to the ground. Darkness flooded
my vision, but it was quickly followed by a white light.

As I breathed my last breath, a voice suddenly

whispered in my ear. “Where do you think you’re
going? I keep what I steal.”

Chapter 118 :
The numbness through my body decreased a little at a
time. My awareness only started to return after what
felt like an eternity. The first sound I heard was my
own mouth letting out a low groan. Ever so slowly, I
regained sensation. When my sight returned, I was
initially blinded by a white light, but after some
squinting, I was finally able to get a handle on the
infinite white space around me.
“That hurt…” I muttered to myself, using all of my
energy to bring myself into a sitting position. “So, I
made it here after all.”

“You fool…” A familiar female voice came from behind

me. “How could you do such a thing?”

I could hear sniffling, and I instinctively knew that

Netori was crying behind me. I smiled to myself,
although I didn’t turn around to look at her. Instead, I
gave her time to compose herself, I knew Netori to be
the type who didn’t like to have her weaknesses show.

“It seemed like the quickest way to make it here,” I

spoke, staring straight in front of me.

“When I saw your soul passing by, you scared me so

much,” she said, her body suddenly pressing against
my back in a hug. “I thought I’d lose you!”
“I’d do it again, to see you.”

“D-don’t act so cavalier with me! I’m the thief of

hearts, y-you can’t so easily take mine!”

“How can I take what I already have?” I asked,


Netori pressed her forehead against my back. “You

naughty child, when did you become so bold?”

“I had to lose everything, and fight for it back again,” I

responded, lifting a hand and touching her own
resting on my shoulder.
I finally turned around and looked at Netori. She was
just as I remembered her, a dark-haired beauty with a
tendency to ignore gravity. Even pressed against me,
her lower half was hovering over the ground. Actually,
there was no ground within the infinite whiteness. I
felt something hard from which I was sitting on, but it
had no physical difference I could see beyond what
made up the walls and ceiling, or lack thereof.

“It’s good to see you,” I said, reaching out with my


She pressed her cheek against it. “Thank you for

everything, but why did you come?”

“I suppose you really can’t see what happened out

there?” I asked.
“No, in fact, I don’t even know how much time has

“It’s been about three months.”

“Three…” she let out a sigh, closing her eyes. “That’s


“Good? I really wouldn’t say that…”

“No… you don’t understand. Time passes differently

here. While it has only been a few months for you, it
has been hundreds of years for me.”

She giggled. “I’m a goddess who has lived since the
dawn of man. A hundred years is nothing to me.
However, I worried that you would have moved on
without me. When I saw your soul, I first thought you
had died from old age.”


“Truly…” Her smile then started to falter. “However,

I’m not sure I can really help.”

“What? My girls are in trouble right now. It’s why I


She sighed. “I’m too weak. The time where I could

easily move between the heavenly realm and the
mortal realm are gone. I’m trapped here because I
don’t have the strength to leave it.”
“Is it because you’ve been giving your power to me?”


“That’s what this game is about, right? You’re trying to

turn me into the Harem God’s replacement.”

“It’s not like that!” She responded defensively. “I

mean, you’re right, I’m trying to turn you into a god,
but it isn’t about Harem.”

“You should have told me the truth.”

She lowered her head. “Could you have accepted it?

Before you’ve experienced everything you have,
would you have accepted me telling you I wanted to
make you a god? Remember, when I met you, you
were ready to die.”
“I’m not angry…” I reached out and grabbed her chin,
lifting her head. “I wanted to tell you that I’m in.”

Her eyes widened. “Wh-what?”

“You and me… I will become a god powerful enough

to keep you all.”

“Hakaru…” She breathed, leaning forward as if to kiss

me, before pulling her head out of my grasp. “You
don’t get it. It’s too late for that. With all of my power,
I might have just had enough, but now I’m trapped
here. I can’t fulfill our plan.”

“Yes… we can get you out of here.”

“Hakaru, it’s impossible. I no longer have the power.”

“You’re right, you don’t.”

She frowned, looking up at me. “Are you making fun

of me? I said it’s impossible, As I am, I can’t escape
this world.”

“Who says I plan to leave you who you are?” I asked,

raising an eyebrow.

She suddenly jerked, looking up at me with eyes even

wider than before. “You don’t mean…”

“I’m here, and they rest inside me. We were going to

do it eventually anyway, so let’s do it now. We can
bring back NTR together.”
Netori once again had a flash of excitement that
quickly dulled out. “You don’t understand, Hakaru.
Things have to be done in a particular order.”

“What do you mean?”

“The NTR points… they’re a power within you. It’s my

power, which I have been infusing in you. You must
acquire enough of my power, and then select Godless,
cutting off that power within you. It’s like filling a tire
with air. Every skill you have is like a hole in the tire
leaking air. At first, it didn’t matter, because there was
no air in the tire and nothing to leak. However, as
you’ve become a higher and higher level, you’ve
reached a stage where any more growth is just about
impossible, unless we plug the holes. Only then, can I
take the final plunge. That’s when we can finally…
um… be together.” She blushed shyly for the first
“I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.”

“My maidenhood, my body… it’s the final catalyst to

ascend you to godhood. The same act that would put
NTR back together would also make you a god. The
combination of all three souls inside you would cause
your body to cease to be mortal. However, you as you
are right now are a vessel not quite full enough.
You’re not ready. I only have one chance to give you
my power, and then it won’t happen again.”

“Then… if we’re together…”

“If NTR comes now, my power will return, but you will
never be able to become a god!” She winced. “I could
leave this place, and I could resurrect you, but after
that, it would be game over. You and I could never be
together. A goddess can’t be with a mortal. This isn’t
about age, immortality, or appropriateness. This was
an edict set by the council of gods and goddesses. In
the old days, gods frequently made half-gods. You’ve
even heard the likes of the Greek gods and their
children. That’s why this kind of thing is no longer
allowed. That’s also why I avoided speaking about my
true plans until now.”

“I see…”

“I’m sorry, there is no other way.”

“There might be,” a voice suddenly broke into our


Netori looked up, and then her expression turned

dark. “You…”

“Hello, Netori. We meet again so soon.”

There was another woman standing just a bit away
from us. At first, I had no recognition at all. She wore
all white, and she had large breasts. Her skin was like
milk, her hair was blond, and she was easily as
beautiful as Netori. Except where Netori had dark hair,
dark eyes, and dark clothing that accentuated her pale
skin, this woman was clad in white to the point she
almost seemed angelic. Then, certain features about
her face started to become familiar, and I realized
who it was.

“Mary? Is that you?”

She nodded. “Yes, Hakaru. This is my real form. Well,

as a goddess, you could say I have no true form. On
Earth, I picked that form because it was a form that I
rather liked, however, between the worlds, I thought
it suiting to appear as I really am. Do you approve?”
She seemed slightly worried by my answer, but I
couldn’t get anything out, as I was still stunned by her
appearance. It was so different from her usual self,
but also exactly the same woman. It was hard to
describe. It was like when I saw Kira dressed up for
prom the first time, but that effect times a hundred.

Netori glanced over to me. “Don’t believe anything

this vile woman says! She’s a liar and a homewrecker.”

Mary bit her lip. “You’re the one who always told lies.
You’ve always believed that emotions are what
matter, that as long as the feelings are there, it
doesn’t matter how they got there. I believe
relationships must be open and honest to be real.”

“Don’t try to psychoanalyze me, Matrimony, or

whatever the hell you call yourself now, I’ve been
around thousands of years longer than you!”
“Well, part of you has.” Mary snickered while covering
her mouth smugly.

“Bitch!” Netori stood up angrily.

“Mary, what are you doing here?” I demanded,

grabbing Netori to keep her from lunging at the other

“You have to ask…” She gave me a shy look. “After you

shed this mortal coil so roughly, how could I not

“You came to check on me?” I blinked.

“Is that so hard to believe? I’ve already told you how I

feel.” She gave me a pouty look, and then glanced
over at Netori, a mocking expression on her face. “I
thought Netori may pluck your soul in transit, but
she’s let so many men slip through her fingers in her
life, you can forgive me for needing to check.”

“See!” Netori pointed at her while shooting me a look.

“You see how evil this bitch is! She should die!”

“You see how she treats me!” Mary looked at me with

pleading eyes. “Isn’t she completely dreadful!”

“Hakaru! She’s an ugly hag who has ruined my entire


“Hakaru! She’s a malicious whore who doesn’t even

value love or companionship!”

Both girls were bickering, and they seemed to want

me to be the referee between them. It only took
seeing them interact for a few moments before I was
starting to realize the kind of relationship the pair had.
Netori had painted Marriage as a dangerous foe, a
person who came along and ruined everything, and
acted malevolently against Netori. Mary acted like
Netori was a liar and a thief. She was a troublemaker
who deserved to be knocked down a peg or two.

Both women weren’t exactly wrong. The pair just

happened to have a difference of opinion and how
they went about things. They had a feud that went on
for untold ages, and it had grown to a point where
they both hated each other and didn’t even have a
reason for it anymore. They were like squabbling
neighbors, no, more like squabbling sisters. The way
Netori argued with Mary wasn’t much different from
the way she had fought with Netorare and Netorase,
and they both were technically a part of Netori.
I let out a snort and then covered my mouth. Both
women looked at me with identical aghast

“Hakaru! Tell Mary to get lost! You’re my champion!

She can’t interfere!”

“No! Hakaru tell her about us! Tell her she can’t break
apart our relationship!”

“There is no you two! You bitch! You always act so

freaking nice, but now Hakaru knows the true you, so
there is no way he’d be swayed by your giant cow

“Th-there not cow tits!” She covered her chest, but

then once again a smug look appeared on her face,
similar to whenever she had a comeback. “Although,
they’re much bigger than your mosquito bites!”
“Se-see! It’s a lie! My tits are C’s! They’re the perfect
size! A mosquito bite? You’ve finally been caught in a

“Hehee, I was talking relatively. I mean they are just

mosquito bites compared to my magnificent bosom.”

“My breasts are the perfect size! They’re enough to fit

a cock between, they jiggle when I jog, and they’re
just enough to fill each hand!” The space between
Netori and Mary had disappeared and the two women
were yelling at each other. “Meanwhile, your cowtits
are just wasted fat! A guy would suffocate in those
things! Actually, they’re rather suiting for a succubus
like you.”

“Th-they are soft and well formed, and women envy

them, thank you very much!”
“Hakaru, touch my breasts! Tell her how much better
they are!” Netori declared, pushing her chest toward

“No! Touch my breasts! Let her know that bigger is


The girls were trying to use me to break the standstill

between them, and now I was suddenly being offered
the tits of two goddesses, literally. I wanted to
appreciate the situation, but it wasn’t the time. I was
still dead, and even if time didn’t move the same, I still
felt a bit rushed.

“Will you both stop arguing for a moment!” I shouted,

causing both girls to blink in surprise as if they forgot I
was more than just a piece of property they were
fighting over. “Rather, I wanted to go back to what
you said when you came. You said there was another

“Ah! That’s right!” Mary puffed up her chest. “Isn’t it

obvious? I can bring you back to life! Then, I can help
you ascend to godhood.”

“You can?” I blinked. “How?”

She blushed, “Ah… isn’t it the same way? Jeez, you

have to be dense now and make me say such things.
As long as you get Godless and patch those holes
away, a night with me, and I’ll skyrocket you to
Chapter 119 :
“Don’t trust her! She definitely has ulterior motives!”
Netori growled.

“Is what you’re saying the truth?”

She chuckled. “Of course it is? Once you’ve become a

god, I can even help you expel Netorase and
Netorare’s power!”

“Wait? What? But I’m still putting NTR back together!”

“What?” She made a face. “Why bother? If you do

that now, it’ll only weaken you. Just let her rot in

“Mary…” I made a bitter face.

“See, I told you!”

“I-it’s not my fault!” Mary shook her head. “I promised

not to take Netori from purgatory. If I did so, I would
be violating my word and would experience a horrible
backlash. However, if you give up the power of
Netorare and Netorase, then it will become that much
harder for you to reach godhood! Even Netori would
understand this much! I can return your soul to the
mortal world and help you ascend to godhood. All
Netori has to do is sacrifice the last bit of her power.”

“What are you saying?”

“The NTR sisters, they’ll be reborn, but you’ll be

around to scoop them up, you’ll be immortal, after
“You’re talking about killing them!”

“Goddesses don’t die. They’ll just get reborn. In

twenty, thirty years, you’ll be able to interact with the
sisters again.”

“That’s completely unacceptable!” I nearly shouted,

my face growing furious.

“She’s right.” Netori’s voice came from behind, cutting

through all of my anger like a knife.

I spun around, my eyes wide. “What are you saying?”

Netori’s expression had changed. Rather than angry or

upset, she seemed to have grown peaceful and
“If I were to selfishly reform NTR, your path to
godhood would be much harder. If I give you the
power you need to use Godless, and she sleeps with
you, then you will be able to ascend, and my sisters
will return to the ether. It’s the best way, the safest

“How can that be?” I demanded.

“You’re thinking like a mortal,” Mary explained. “Age

and life don’t have the same meaning to immortals.
Once you become a god, you will exist on another
plane of existence. Sacrificing the three sisters would
be a small price to pay.”

“Not to me!”
“Hakaru…” Netori’s eyes were watery, but she had a
gentle, accepting smile on her face. “This is the best
way. I’ve already waited a hundred years for you to
save me. Another thirty is acceptable to me.”

“Why suddenly agree with her on this?” I demanded

stubbornly, tears welling in my eyes. “She could lie!
Once you’re destroyed, she might not help me.”

“She will…” Netori sighed. “As she said, she’s a lot of

things, but her oath cannot be broken. Swear to me,
Mary, swear to me on your very power that you will
help him become a god.”

“I will!” Mary nodded. “I swear as a goddess, that I will

do everything in my power to help Hakaru become a
Something about those words gave a sense of finality
to it. I realized that this was genuinely the two girl’s
choices, and I didn’t have a say in the matter. I
couldn’t bring NTR back without giving up Netorase
and Netorare. If I gave them up, I couldn’t become a
god. If I saved her, only to grow old and die as a
mortal, then I’d never be able to claim Netori and
fulfill my own promises. An immortal couldn’t be with
a mortal. That wasn’t to say they couldn’t have sex,
but they couldn’t be together emotionally.

“Is this what you both want?” I asked, my head


“It is…” Netori nodded.

“Yes,” Mary agreed.

If it was something the two of them agreed on, then it
was probably important. “Mary, can you give us some
privacy for a bit?”

“Ah? Y-yes… of course.” She nodded. “Just say my

name, and I will return.”

She disappeared just like that, and I was alone in the

infinite whiteness with Netori. Netori looked at me
with a gentle smile. She seemed to be at peace with
what was about to happen. I really wished she was the
same stubborn Netori she usually was. However,
when it came to me, she suddenly no longer had any

“Your points? We should discuss them.” Netori

responded with a slap of her hands.
The familiar smartphone appeared in her hand, and
she started looking through it. It had been some time
since I had dealt with such a thing. It seemed like the
only thing of importance was Godless. I didn’t
understand things too much, after all, I wasn’t a god,
but the NTR points I had been earning were basically
Netori’s power that she had been drip feeding me. I
could execute her power, but that would be using it.

That system was designed both to hide her true goal

of creating a god, and to help me grow acclimated to
the power of a god. The final skill, Godless, was
intended to patch up those leaks in power, and allow
me to reach the apex of godhood.

“You’re already made it to level seven.” She said in

surprise. “Once you have godless, sleeping with Mary
will propel you to godhood. Your progress has been
“Level 9 is godhood, right?”

“You should understand that the levels don’t stop

once you become a god. My power as a goddess
would be equivalent to a level 10. As a 9, you’d be
about as weak as a god could be. Meanwhile,
Marriage is closer to a 13, while Depravity is 12. Some
gods even reach as high as twenty. You will probably
never deal with those gods. They deal with the fabric
of reality, the immutable laws of the universe. The
concept of gravity, for example, is far more powerful
than the concept of love. We’re known as the
personification gods, because we take after products
of humanity, but technically anything can get a
concept, do you understand?”

“That’s how your power was suppressed. Depravity is

a higher level than you.”
She nodded. “Regrettably, a higher-powered god can
suppress weaker level gods. If you end up a level 9,
you will only just be immortal. Mary will have the
power to suppress you.”

“You said she wouldn’t.”

She smiled bitterly. “I hope she won’t. However, she

once suppressed Harem. Someone can’t stop their
own nature. However, the benefit of using her is
enough. For me to help you reach godhood, you’d
have to reach level 8, and then using both my sisters
and myself, our combination would be enough to
bring you to level 9. However, because Marriage is
more powerful, she’ll be able to bring you up from
level 7 to 9 by burning up Netorase and Netorare.
Once my sisters are gone, I’ll dissipate soon after.”

“What if she left them alone?” I asked, my brows

furrowed angrily.
“She’d need you to be at least level 8. Even she can’t
make a god so easily out of you.”

My hands clenched unconsciously on my own shirt. In

the end, it was because I hadn’t done the things that
Netori had asked me to do. If I had accepted Godless
back then, perhaps none of this would have been
possible. If I had taken my leveling seriously instead of
acting like a coward, I might have already become a
god. Now, Depravity was involved, Netori was
trapped, and more and more gods and goddesses
were starting to learn about her plan.

Rather than simply trying to piece herself back

together, she was trying to make a god to fit a
concept, rather than a concept that fit a god. I didn’t
even understand it any more than that. It was
probably something a mortal mind couldn’t even
understand. I was only starting to grasp the
For example, if immortals couldn’t form a relationship
with mortals and have children, what would happen
to my sister, Sasori, or Kira? That was something that
she had deliberately not explained, because I was
pretty sure I knew the answer. However, what she was
telling me was already more than I could grasp.

“Why are you telling me all this?” I asked, feeling

completely overwhelmed and helpless.

“Because you need all of my knowledge. Because once

I give you the last of my power, I won’t be able to give
you any more.”

I nodded slowly and hesitantly, an unhappy feeling

welling deep inside me, “How many points do I have?”
“You’re at 25,000 points right now,” she sighed.
“5,000 short of Godless. I will be able to transfer you
my power, but it will be costly. Because the previous
points were earned by you committing NTR, that
power transferred easier.”

“Just 5,000 points?”

“My sisters have already given all their power to you.

I’ve already given enough power to bring you up to
level 7. Even calling me a level 9 goddess would be
deceiving. There was a reason why Depravity moved
now. I was too weak to even resist when he tossed me
into purgatory. Since then, my power has only
dwindled more.”

“What if…” I licked my lips, “I leave, and then keep

playing until I’m level 8, then come back and get you?”
“You’d have to cripple Depravity to gain that much
power. Level 8 requires 45,000 more points. I don’t
doubt you can reach it with some time, but we’re out
of time. The other gods and goddesses are probably
suspecting something now. What I’m doing hasn’t
been forbidden, but some gods will certainly try to
stop it if they knew we were doing this. You’ve seen
how fast things progress in only six months. Imagine if
it took another year? I’d be even weaker by then, and
less able to help.”

She lowered her head sadly. “Perhaps, I was simply

being too greedy. I wanted everything, without having
to sacrifice anything. It’s impossible to get something
for nothing. In the end, I’ll have to sacrifice myself so
that Hakaru can finish his evolution. Please, take care
of my sisters and I after our rebirth. We won’t
remember our old lives, but it will still be us. Don’t let
Mary have her way with us.”

She gave one last smile. “Hakaru.”

A dark smile erupted on my face. “I want everything.”

She blinked. “What?”

I reached out and grabbed her wrist. Unlike usual, she

didn’t skillfully pull away or disappear and reappear
somewhere else. In fact, her expression was filled with
shock as I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms
around her. Only as I embraced her did she weakly
push on my chest, but there was no strength behind

“Netori, you’re mine. I said I’d have you one day.”

“N-no…” She turned away. “We can’t now. You can be
with the new Netori, you just need to wait.”

“I refuse.”

“H-Hakaru… don’t tease me.” She said weakly. “I’ve

already waited a hundred years for you.”

“Then why wait any longer.” I kissed her, my lips

pressing tightly against hers.

After a moment, her lips finally loosened, and my

tongue began to explore her mouth. She was just like
her sisters, and nothing like them at the same time.
While my tongue explored her mouth, hers darted out
and attacked mine. She only knew how to be on the
offensive. Her life had been a series of taking what she
wanted. Never had she been given a thing.
She ripped her lips away from mine, gasping for air.
“Hakaru… we can’t. It’s too much of a risk. You may
never be…”

“This is what matters to me,” I responded

unhesitantly. “I will have you every way I can.”

“But… there are too many dangers…”

“I will plow through them. I will defeat Depravity, and

then I will reach level 8 on my own.”

“Mary… she may not be willing to help you reach

godhood at that point, with my old self around. Part of
the reason she is willing to do this is that it will get rid
of me!”

“Then, I’ll steal her too!”

“H-Hakaru.” I put a finger on her lips, stopping her
from saying anything more.

“I will take every girl, and I won’t settle for anything


Her last bit of resistance melted away, and her

shoulders loosened as she gave herself to my
embrace. We fell to the floor, enjoying each other in a
world of infinite whiteness.

Chapter 120 :
My hands slowly wandered across Netori’s body. One
article of clothing at a time was stripped from her until
her gentle white skin was bare and I could explore her
body not just with my hands but with my eyes as well.
It was difficult to say which was purer, the infinite
whiteness of Purgatory, or the smooth, silky skin of
Netori’s body. She looked more beautiful than she
ever had before. Considering I had Netori’s body
where I could touch it, I decided to give her body
everything that I had.

Netori wasn’t the kind of girl who would lay back and
remain passive, though. She was the kind of girl who
gave as much as she got. As soon as she committed to
sleeping with me, her hands deftly explored my body
as well. My shirt was already off, my pants were
unbuckled and threatening to fall to my knees, and my
cock was out and, in her hand, her fingers gripping it

“I’ve wanted to taste your cock for so long,” she

purred, looking at my cock with lustful desire painted
on her face.

“Well, you’ve put so much work into it with vanity

points.” I snickered.
She stuck her tongue out at me and shook her head.
“You think a thing like size matters to a goddess like
me? I can have whatever I want. I didn’t give you
vanity points so you could please me or any other girl
for that matter. I gave you the vanity points so that
you could grow comfortable with yourself. The first
day, I gave myself to you just the way you were, and
that will always be the case. I’ll always love you, no
matter what.”

“It was just a dream that first time, an illusion.” I


“Was it?” She snickered. “I wonder…”

“You’re saying we really had sex?”

“Sex… no… if you had penetrated me back then, it
might have been a problem. However, that doesn’t
mean it wasn’t me. Illusions can take many forms.
Perhaps I let you slide it between my legs?”

“Did you?” I asked, gulping as I looked down at the

area between her legs; a perfect heart-shaped hole
was between her thighs, illuminated by the infinite
whiteness beyond.

“I wonder…” She responded, tilting her head.

“You…” I narrowed my eyes. “I’ll make you give me an


“Rather than wonder what parts were an illusion, and

what parts were real…” She offered coyly. “How about
you take everything now, and you will know it’s all
“No tricks?” I asked warily.

“I’m not in a mortal vessel anymore. This is a spiritual

body. I can have it appear like you remember, but in
truth, I could wear any face.” Suddenly, her face
looked like Kira, then Maria, and then Tiana.

I put my hand on her shoulder. “I want the you I know

the most.”

Although Tiana was the mortal vessel of Netorare,

who had resembled Netori to the point I once had
confused the pair, that was no longer the case.
Netorare was Netorare, and Netori was Netori. There
was no confusion in my mind anymore. They were
completely different women. Netori turned back to
the form I was most familiar with, and only then did I
gently kiss her lips.
She pulled away and then slowly fell to her knees, her
hand stroking down my chest as she lowered herself
down. Her other hand continued to move up and
down my member, her fingers dancing skillfully with
the finesse of a goddess. I pulled my head back and
moaned as my hands ended up in her silky hair. She
didn’t hesitate to open her mouth and take it in.

She may have been a goddess, but that didn’t mean

she could just engulf my cock in a single mouthful. She
only fit about half the shaft in, but her tongue moved
just as skillfully as her hands and went up and down
my shaft pleasurably. Her fingers had moved to my
balls, which she stroked lovingly. Her head started
bobbing gently back and forth, her lips stroking my
dick. Using both of her hands, her lips, and her
tongue, she brought me to new sexual heights.

It didn’t take long before my cock was throbbing,

feeling the limitations that it couldn’t become even
more engorged with blood, such was my excitement.
Her lips were soft; her tongue was wet and warm and
hit all the best spots. Her fingers were delicate and
mischievous in teasing me. I might have been amazed,
had I not already recalled that she knew all the spots
to drive me crazy. After all, I had a similar ability of my

Grabbing tightly on her sleek hair, I pulled her head

away and then pushed her to the ground. She let out a
cry as I pushed her body up and plunged myself
between her legs. The sweet taste of her womanhood
entered my mouth. I used all of my own skills on her
and soon, she was painting as well. She let out light,
haggard breaths as my tongue explored the cracks and
folds of her nether region.

“N-no… fair…” She panted, grabbing tightly onto my

hair as she started letting out cute moans. “You’ve
gotten too good.”
I chuckled. “Couldn’t I say the same about you?”

“You… I can’t take it anymore. Just put it inside me.”

She moaned, writhing erotically.

Her words were never sweeter, so I lined up my cock. I

was already as aroused as I had ever been, and she
was wet and excited. I had wondered if the experience
would feel different, considering neither of us existed
within our mortal bodies. I was a spirit on my way
through purgatory, and she was a goddess trapped
there, yet the feeling and experience were just about
the same. With a thrust, I pushed myself inside her.

“Ahhhn!” She cried out, her nails scratching my back

as I plunged in deeply.

Netori was an animated girl, and even with me on top,

she didn’t sit back and take it passively. Her hips
rotated and gyrated as I thrust into her, adding to the
overall pleasure for both of us. Her hands clung to me,
and for every inch of her body I explored, she took an
inch of mine. We were two thieves, stealing pleasure
and delight from each other, and delivering it just the

Our lips met again, and her tongue darted playfully

around my mouth. She was always teasing, always
testing my boundaries. If I didn’t remain vigilant, I’d
become lost in her at any moment. Our bodies
continued to move, almost like a single unit, a
writhing mass of flesh and sex in a sea of white. As
waves of pleasure shot from my toes to my head, I
continued to increase the pace. As I moved faster, so
did she.

“Ahh! Ahh! Yes! Yes!” She cried out into the endless
There was no echo, and I couldn’t tell how far our
voices could travel, but the only noise was the sound
of our bodies and our moans. No, the only thing
around us was our bodies. Netori was the only thing in
my world, and I was the only thing in hers. It wasn’t
even a matter of ignoring the world around us. There
simply wasn’t a world around us. We were the world.
We were the only things. We were everything.

“Ah… I-I’m cumming! Hakaru… make me cum!”

Netori didn’t play games or mince her words. When

she was close, she wanted me to finish her. I picked up
the pace, my balls slapping against her skin with each
rough thrust. Even as hard as I was going, Netori lifted
her hips, pushing against my cock to slide it in a little
deeper and make it penetrate her a little faster. As she
climaxed, I could feel a sudden flow of energy. As her
pussy tightened around my cock like a vice, her entire
body became less corporeal. I started to slow down.
“D-don’t stop! Keep going!” She moaned.

As if to support her own words, her hips wildly started

humping my cock, savagely stretching against the
muscles of her climaxing pussy forcefully. Liquid
squirted out wetly as she came all over my cock, but
even then, she didn’t stop. I recovered my own pace,
determining to leave a piece of myself inside her
before she was gone completely. Her body was
slightly transparent, as in I could see the whiteness
beyond through her.

As that happened, the closeness between us grew. I

could feel her love, her mind, her emotions, all
flooding into my body along with vitality and strength.
Netori was becoming a part of me, and also a part of
the sisters inside her. As we became one, so did she.

At this point, my hips were moving at a blazing rate.

Even as Netori grew weaker and weaker, she tried to
keep up, tried to fuck herself into oblivion. Her tongue
was loose now and she freely let out cries of ecstasy,
as the orgasm had started became a continuous wave
of pleasure. Even as she sacrificed everything left of
her soul, she could only feel delight and contentment.

“Hakaru!” She gasped loudly. “I love you! I’ve always

loved you!”

“Netori… you’re mine! Always!” I said back, kissing her

roughly as I slammed my balls as deep into her as they
could go, even lifting up her hips to drive them deep
into her womb.

At that point, I started cumming, releasing hot seed

deep inside her. Netori, who was still climaxing
herself, began to shake and spasm as the feel of the
heat inside her and the throbbing cock deep inside
became too much to bear. More power flowed in,
waves and waves of it. It was an unceasing storm. My
lips connected with Netori’s. We looked into each
other’s eyes. She faded away.

The storm inside me stopped as quickly as it started. I

was lying in purgatory, completely alone. Even the
seed I had just planted inside her had disappeared.
The only thing left was a splattering of her own sex on
the floor that dripped down as she came. The writhing
energy inside me stopped coming, but I felt bloated
like I had more energy than I knew what to do with.

My cock finally softened. My breathing returned to

normal. Netori was gone. I sat there on my knees
amongst a sea of infinite white for I didn’t know how
long. Time in this world wasn’t like time in the mortal
world. I could have been there for five minutes. I
could have been there for a hundred years. The clock
didn’t move, and neither did I. I was waiting for
something, although if I was asked what, it’d be
difficult to give an answer.
Naturally, I was waiting for Netori to return, along
with Netorase, and Netorare. Yet, as time drifted by,
there was no change. All that was there was me,
feeling fattened with an energy I didn’t understand. I
lowered my eyes. My hands tightened in aggravation.
If it ended like this… if the process to put her back
together failed, then all of this had been for nothing.
Even if I became a god eventually, I wouldn’t want it
without her by my side.

Was my body not a good enough vessel? Had I not

gained enough NTR points? Were there too many
leaks to patch? All of these fears went through my
head, yet still, I waited. Just as I had enough and went
to stand up, did I feel a sudden pain explode in my

“Ahhhh!” I screamed as I collapsed back down onto

the white floor.
Energy began to flow out of me at an alarming rate. If
Netori’s power had been a waterfall, then the power
now was like an avalanche. It was a natural disaster,
and my only option was to hold on and hope. Once
again, time seemed to move by agonizingly slowly. All
I could feel was pain and loss. Energy left me like a
deflating balloon, yet I couldn’t lose consciousness.
Time passed by, and it wasn’t clear whether it had
been days, or minutes.

At this point, I became vaguely aware of a figure

growing in front of me. It was a bright light of pure
energy. It burned my eyes, but I couldn’t look away.
When the last drop finally left me, the pain subsided,
only to be replaced by a sudden pressure pushing me
down. I felt like I was about to be flattened by
something far more powerful than myself. That feeling
went away quickly, ending as the very ground of
purgatory trembled as if speaking out in protest over
what was happening within it.
When the bright lights, the trembles, the pain, and the
pressure all finally disappeared, I was left on the
ground, gasping for breath. I was slightly surprised I
was still alive. I was alive, and I had my wits about me.
At that point, a flutter of white, seemingly whiter than
even purgatory, caught my vision. I looked up to see a
mysterious girl standing there. I didn’t recognize this
woman at all, and yet I did as well. Her face was never
a face I hadn’t seen, and yet knew instinctively.

She was a stunning beauty, with long black hair,

perfectly white skin, and a slender, yet curvy body.
She was at the same level of beauty as Marriage,
perhaps even more beautiful. As for the three sisters,
she was a step above all of them, but perhaps that
was because she was all of them.

“Hello, Hakaru,” she said in a silky voice. “I’m glad we

could finally meet. I am the goddess of sexual affairs.
You can call me NTR.”
Chapter 121 :
“You say that like we haven’t met before?” I asked, my
lips twitching anxiously.

I didn’t know why, but my heart was suddenly beating

fast, and I felt nervous. This was the Netori, or rather
all three sisters, but she also wasn’t. The way she held
herself seemed to have a feeling of pride and
arrogance. She came off as far more elegant and less
accessible than her sisters. It was an aloof feeling, like
I wasn’t fit to be in the same room with her. As I
studied her more, that feeling only grew.

I told myself that this was because of the power

discrepancy between us. I no longer had the sisters
inside me, and NTR was three times stronger, maybe
more, than she had been before. She was a much
higher tier goddess. In terms of level, she had to be at
least a level 12 now. She might have been as strong as
Depravity. As a mortal, it only furthered the gap
between us greatly.

“I possess the memories of those three women, but to

say I am the same isn’t quite right.” She responded

“I see…”

Her voice had an alluring charm to it that made a

person want to listen. She had an awe-inspiring
presence that left me feeling inadequate. No matter
how much I fought against those negative feelings, her
perfection only seemed to serve to highlight
everything I lacked. It was at that point I realized that I
didn’t have the same feeling around Mary. Even when
she appeared in her true form in this white space, I
didn’t feel quite like this. NTR seemed to notice the
small frown on my face.
“What is it?” She asked, cocking her head. “I’m more
than those three were. Am I not satisfying enough?”

“It’s not that…” I didn’t meet her eye. “I just… miss


I changed what I was going to say. I had no clue how

to tell her that she made me feel inadequate. Rather, I
took it as a personal challenge. Since there was such a
gap between us, I would have to close it. I told Netori I
would have her, all of her. This was all of her, and the
second I saw her, I started to feel scared. I forced
myself to look her in the eyes and smile.

“Perhaps, they should have made it clear the results of

this. Their personalities were just fragments of my
own. The same with their beauty, their power…
“It’s fine. I just need to get used to the new you.
You’re still my girl.”

“Hehe… that’s the boy I remember.” She laughed, but

in a way that didn’t really touch her eyes. “Then, shall
we go?”

“Just like that? You can bring me back to life?”

“Of course.” She nodded eloquently. “I am much

stronger now. She promised you godhood, right? I will
keep that word, and help you achieve godhood. It will
take playing NTR Crush a little longer. However, I’m
not as weak as Netori. I can award more points, and I
have ideas. This game is my namesake, after all, not
Netori’s. As an ally, you have definitely moved up.”

“And afterward, we’ll be together forever, right?” I

asked, feeling a bit afraid of the answer.
She looked me up and down and then took a single
step toward me. Even though she was several feet
away, she closed the distance with that single step.
She gently put a palm on my cheek.

“You don’t need to worry. This is a good thing. You did

what the sisters wanted. You have nothing to fear. I’ll
take care of you. After all, I owe you my existence. I
didn’t just absorb their power. I absorbed their love. I
care about you, Hakaru. That hasn’t changed.”

Feeling her soft, warm hand on my cheek, I finally let

out a relieved breath. I finally felt like things might be
okay. I was just letting myself get worried over
nothing. Her face had changed. Maybe her personality
had changed as well. However, she was essentially the
same girl.

“Now… I’m sorry, but this is going to hurt for a bit.”


I suddenly felt like I had been plunged into water. The

white light around me flicked out like a switch, and I
was surrounded by darkness. Then, I started to feel a
pain in my gut. Actually, compared to the feeling of
NTR’s formation, it was rather weak, and I was able to
handle it alright. It also seemed rather brief. It felt like
time, which was at a standstill, had returned to

Slowly, muffled sounds and feeling started returning

to me. I heard the murmur of voices. I heard a beeping
sound. My eyes started to flutter open. The light was
blurry, and I couldn’t make out anything. Instead, I
concentrated on the sense that was the most vivid at
the moment, my ears.

“His eyes are moving! Honey, he’s waking up!”

“That’s good. Good! Hakaru! You scared us! I thought
my son was dead!”

“Don’t start chastising him now, he’s not even


“Ah, good idea. I’ll chastise him when he’s fully


“That’s not what I meant.”

My eyes started to clear up to see the image of my

mother and father looking down on me. Mom had
tears in her eyes, while dad had a slight smirk on his
“How was the other side, son?” Dad asked.

Mom hit his shoulder with the back of her hand.

“Don’t say something like that?”

“What? The doctors said for five minutes he was

actually dead?” Dad let out a laugh.

“Don’t remind me! You foolish man!”

I was in a hospital bed and was wearing a hospital

gown. It was a single room and I was there alone with
my parents. There were various cords strapped to me
and needles inside me. The pain in my chest wasn’t as
bad as it had been, but as I tried to move, I could feel
bandages across my chest.
“K-Kira…” My voice croaked the first word I had

Nothing else mattered to me at the moment other

than my women. Of them, it was Kira who was in the
most danger. Knowing what her fate was would more
or less inform me of the fate of the rest. Plus, since
she was my girlfriend, it’d be the least odd if I asked
about her, although it was tough to say whether my
thoughts were so complicated yet. My head throbbed,
and just trying to remember what had happened was

My parents glanced at each other and then Mom

spoke. “Kira is fine, dear. They’re actually out in the
waiting room.”

“Her… mother brought her.” Dad said with a small
frown. “That Akiko girl is with her. So is your sister.”

“Sasori looks more worried than Kira.” Mother


“She should be.” Dad put on an unhappy face. “She’s

the one that let our son get hurt.”

“Nonsense… how could she have done more? If

anything, she saved him!”

“What do you mean?” I asked as I tried to get a grasp

on the situation. “What happened?”

I had expected to wake up in the gym and still have

time to save the girls. When I realized I was in a
hospital, I began to grow afraid that the girls had been
left in that situation. They were in the waiting room,
though. That meant they were safe, at least, for the
moment. Still, I wasn’t able to finish my confrontation
with Derek, let alone Depravity.

“You don’t remember?” Mom asked. “You went back

to the school to meet up with Kira. A group of
hoodlums had broken into the school. They attacked
you. You and Derek stood your ground and protected
the girls. Sasori pulled a fire alarm in a panic, and that
scared them away.”

“Ah… right… I remember now…” I responded slowly.

Obviously, that was the story they were telling

everyone. I’m not sure how Derek got protected in
that, but I’m sure it was a necessity to explain all of his
blood. The reality was way less noble for both of us.
He got his dick bitten off by my girlfriend, and I
stabbed myself so that I could get Netori’s help. In the
commotion, Sasori must have pulled the fire alarm,
and the men Derek had brought fled, afraid of being
caught. After that, Derek and I both were brought to
the hospital, and the girls came up with some group of
people accosting us. There was certainly evidence of a
large group.

Derek was brought into it to protect us. Depravity had

set all of this up. Now, he was going to have to be the
one to clean it up. By including Derek in the story, he
couldn’t easily throw us under the bus. Everyone was
protected. It was probably the best outcome I could
have hoped for, yet I still had wanted to finish off my
enemies then and there. I guessed I had imagined NTR
appearing next to me and smiting my enemies.
Perhaps I was being a bit too expectant. She had just
put herself back together so she probably needed

“How long has it been?” I asked.

“Just two days,” Mom said. “I’m so glad you woke up.
If it took any longer, I was not sure I could have taken

Mom reached out to grab me, but suddenly Dad

wrapped his hand around her. He cupped one of her
breasts as he did so, copping a feel as he grinned

“Come, wife. Hakaru will want his rest.”

“You… acting perverted even now!” Mom shot back.

“We’ll see you in a bit. I’ll send in your girlfriend if you

want comfort.”

“I should comfort my son! Stop pulling!” Mom was in

tears now, and it really did look like she was ready to
throw herself on me, but dad dragged her out of the

Once the door closed, I leaned back and sighed.

“You didn’t call for me.” A voice came to my side in a


I looked over to see Mary standing there. She was

back in the body of the punk girl and the vessel I was
familiar with. She had a very displeased look on her


“You brought back NTR, I know! How could I not! You

threw away your best chance to become a god!”
“There are still chances.”


“Leave it, Matty.”

“You! I hate that name! You know that!” Mary shot

her look over my body to someone on the other side.

It was NTR standing there, a smug look on her face

that said she was well aware of what pissed Mary off. I
gave a stare when I looked at it. It was because she
looked like Netori. Rather, she was using the body of
the girl who Netori had used. She was identical, but
how she held herself was completely different. It was
like the difference between Netorase and Kira. It
struck home that she wasn’t just a stronger Netori. I
supposed, in my mind, I had always thought that NTR
was just Netori with more power and strength, but
they really weren’t the same woman.

“I will take care of Hakaru from here on out. You can

leave.” NTR sneered. “Unless you intend to try to take
my man again? It won’t go your way the second time!”

“I could barely tolerate 1/3rd of you, but now that I

see you back the way you are, I remember why you
were so detestable!” Mary looked over to me. “See?
You’re still wounded!”

Mary touched my stomach. Instantly, the pain

vanished. No, it was more than that. The wound
healed instantly.

“No, don’t… agh… so irritating!”

“Do you hear this? She wanted you in pain! Now,
when the bandages come off, you’ll be good. I
wouldn’t be surprised if you’re out by tomorrow! If
you had picked me, then I wouldn’t have forced you to
wake up here!”

“Y-you… have no finesse!” NTR shot back. “First, if he

just suddenly healed after dying, some of those
cronies of Derek’s would think that he’s some kind of
messiah and start worshipping him! Secondly, it puts
Depravity in an awkward situation where he can’t
make a move. Third, women like to tend to the man
they love. This was an opportunity for Hakaru to grow
even closer to his mother and girls and get some

“Y-you… are you implying that I’m just some… ahh…

Hakaru, why are you laughing?”

“Are you making fun of us?” NTR demanded.

It was just the way they were arguing was exactly like
how Netori argued with Mary in purgatory. It had felt
so familiar, that I couldn’t help but laugh. I laughed
because I felt some relief. I had started worrying that
NTR wasn’t the same woman as Netori. However, I
was starting to realize that they may not be the same,
but they weren’t so different either.

Chapter 122 :
“Hakaru!” I found Sasori’s nice breasts in my face first

Mom and dad had done as they said they would. They
got the girls and gave me time to speak to them. As
for Mary and Netori, they were still arguing up until
the point they disappeared, seconds before the door
opened admitting the other women. Even though my
girls more or less knew everything, the pair didn’t
seem to want to appear in front of them. It must be a
goddess thing. My parents weren’t even there.

Perhaps my parents trusted Sasori was a good enough

adult to watch the other three. If mom only knew her
joke about me being with Sasori was absolutely true.
Dad, who had previously been a lover of Sasori until
he got bored with her and broke it off, would be
furious. Just thinking about it gave me a strange sense
of pleasure. In a way, Netori was still with me, I guess,
so I enjoyed the scent and feel of my former teacher.

If the other students in my class thought that nearly

dying would get them a place in sensei’s chest, many
of them would have gladly jumped off a cliff just for
the chance. However, those things were reserved for
me. I couldn’t enjoy them too long though. Her
daughter was present, along with my sister and my
woman, Akiko. Plus, this was a hospital, and if a
teacher acted too affectionate for too long, people
would start to talk. Even knowing this, Sasori couldn’t
hold back her emotions, and cried while hugging me

Since she had pulled the fire alarm, she had saved
everyone’s life. In a way, she had earned first dibs, so
none of the other girls minded. They all smiled with
quivering lips, although their eyes all showed signs
they too had been crying to various stages. Sasori
finally pulled away, and Kira stepped forward. She
didn’t throw her arms around me. In fact, she kept her
distance, and she looked almost scared to face me. I
was only confused for a moment until I remembered
exactly what had happened before I had left. Kira had
started to give fellatio to Derek.

“Hakaru… I’m so sorry… I never would have… I never…

I mean…” Kira looked away, her eyes just about to
break into tears.
I reached out and grabbed her hand. “Kira, you were
being drugged and forced to do it. The other girls were
in just as bad of a situation.”

“I promised myself I’d be careful.”

“You didn’t know what you were going up against.”

How could she? Even with the belief something

supernatural or mystical was happening, who would
believe that this was the act of gods and goddesses?
What hope did Kira have in fighting against them?
Sure, she had the protection left to her by Netorase,
but I was realizing how feeble that power truly was. A
stronger god could override the power of a weaker
god. So, while a protection might protect champions
from each other, as soon as a god decided to cheat
and use his own power, the whole thing broke down.
Then again, when Netori had planned the game, it was
only intended to be between her and her two sisters.
They were all absolutely equal in power, and none of
them would go against the rules they set. It really
wasn’t supposed to end up like this. I had gone
through a wild ride because other gods and goddesses
had decided to jump in on her game, and a few even
decided to just try to cheat their way through it.

I had to grin and bear it as all of those around me

cheated to win. Although, I understood now why
Netori was so insistent that I played by the rules, and
also didn’t play as active of a part as she could have in
my development. She wanted me to become a god
and becoming a god wasn’t something I could do by
taking shortcuts. I had to play the game straight, even
if those around me cheated.

Now, we had succeeded against all odds. NTR was

back, and her game had done exactly what she had
wanted. However, I wasn’t a god. This was fine. I had
never really been planning to be a god, anyway. That
was something Mary had revealed to me, and not
something that concerned me too much.

NTR would still help me, and if it came between being

a god or not, I supposed I might as well follow the
path Netori laid out. She left me several of her
powers, not to mention the beautiful NTR. Mary was
also willing to help me, and while I didn’t necessarily
understand all of her reasoning, I did genuinely
believe that she cared about me and wanted to help.
So, with two powerful goddesses by my side, what did
I need to be afraid of.

Perhaps that was part of the reason I wasn’t too angry

about what happened with Derek. She had bit off his
cock. Just remembering it caused me to wince, but
even when I winced a slight smirk formed on my lips.
My words hadn’t soothed Kira, who had started
crying, but when she saw me suddenly smirk, she hit
my shoulder lightly.
“Th-this is serious.”

“You’re beautiful, come here… kiss me!”


“What, you think because you bit off a dick your lips
are forever tainted? How many other men did you
service while you were… nevermind that… because it
doesn’t matter! What matters is that I’m your man,
and I will hold you forever by my side, okay!”

Her face had flickered when she started to recall all

the horrific things she had been forced to remember.
So I changed what I was going to say. I would never
think that Kira was used up. Even if we wanted to talk
physically, Netorase had repaired all of that damage
when she was inside Kira. As for Derek, she could bite
off the dick of any guy who tried to stick it in there!
Ah… except for me!


“Besides… you’re the mother to my child!” I pulled her

to me. “So, don’t think you’ll ever get away from me!”

“Ah! That’s right!” Kira said, her eyes widening as her

hands went to her stomach.

“She’s WHAT!?” Sasori let out a cry that was a little

loud, causing a nurse to peak in the door.

When the nurse moved away, Kira turned to her

mother. “I-I’m sorry, in all the excitement, I had
forgotten to say anything. After the incident, I
regained all of my memories. One large thing is that
I’m pregnant. I’m actually starting to show, but I
thought I was just eating too much and wore baggier

Kira stroked her stomach, protruding it in a way that

made the very start of a baby bump extremely
obvious. Anyone who saw her there would instantly
assume she’s pregnant. In fact, once seeing it, it was
hard to unsee it. If her own memory didn’t return, she
would have found out anyway within the next month.
There just wasn’t any way to deny it any more than

“Ah! A-a niece or nephew!” Maria’s eyes lit up.

“G-g-g-g-g…” Sasori’s eyes were big and she was


“Geh?” Kira cocked her head.

Akiko gave a smirk and leaned over to her teacher.
“That’s right… you’re a grandma!”

“Ugh!” She made a noise like she was just punched.

“Shall we call you old lady? Or Grandma Sissy?” Akiko

asked innocently, each word like a whip against Sasori.
“Who knows if Hakaru will even be into GILF action!”

“Akiko!” I admonished her.

“Hmph! Kira got a child, Sasori a grandchild, and Maria

a niece or nephew, I’m the only one who didn’t get
anything! To think, I stopped birth control too! Hakaru
should have definitely made me pregnant.”
“You say that like I’d ever let you get pregnant!”

“You can choose!”

I chuckled darkly. “I think you’ve gotten presumptuous

the last few months. I’ve been treating you too nicely,
almost like a lover or mistress.”

“I’m not?”

“You’re just a sex toy! Perhaps, I need to take you

back to my dungeon and perform some retraining so
you remember your place.”

“I remember!” She cried out. “I remember! Please,

Master… have leniency!”
The girls laughed, but her reply suddenly caused me to
realize something.

“Wait, you all remember?”

“About Hakaru raping me!” Maria snorted. “How

could I forget?”

“You raped me last week!”

“Hehe… and you better not forget that too!” Maria


“Also, how Hakaru blackmailed me.” Sasori blushed.

“You were so naughty back then. You even had me in
front of my daughter.”
“Soon, I’ll be having you in front of your
granddaughter too!” I snorted.

“Oh, my…” She blushed even more, not looking

horrified, but slightly intrigued.

“Technically, you already did once…” Kira laughed


It seemed like when NTR returned, the spell that had

been on everyone had broken. Everyone was able to
remember the past. Wait… there was something that
was a bit off about that. Dad seemed to still have
some kind of perverted control over mom. He
definitely could remember. When mom suggested I
was with Sasori, the ugly look on his face definitely
suggested he remembered having cheated on mom.
However, mom didn’t look like she had recalled that
dad was a scumbag.
“What are you thinking, Hakaru?” Sasori asked,
noticing that my brow was furrowed.

“Mother.” I responded shortly.

“Mom?” Maria asked, perking up.

“If you remember everything, then you remember the

relationship mom and dad have now versus how
things used to be.”

“Dad going out every night and banging any slut, mom
drinking herself into a coma on the couch. Yeah, I

“Ah!” Sasori made a noise, which caused Maria to

glance at her with a questioning expression.
“My mom was one of those sluts.” Kira explained.

“Slut! You…” Sasori shot her daughter a harsh look.

“P-pregnant!” Kira frantically pointed to her belly like

it protected her from everything.

Sasori sighed and then patted her daughter’s head,

then rubbed her belly for a good look. That seemed to
calm her down as Maria blushed and recovered from
her slip.

“Anyway, mom seems a lot happier than she used to

be. She used to complain that dad never touched her.
They are married, so if their sex life improved, then
mom’s happiness might just be genuine. As far as dad,
once he got used to being with mom regularly again,
well, it might just be a habit. Maybe… it’s best if we
leave it this way.” Maria offered.

I actually wanted to agree with Maria. Mom did seem

happy. She smiled more, and on the surface their
relationship returning felt like a good thing. However,
the first time I had seen mom start to be happy was
when I started to show interest with her. Since I had
felt that happiness, I knew it a lot better than Maria.
The happiness she experienced now, it felt forced. She
was faking being happy. I remembered her drunkenly
leaning on me, begging me to rescue her from dad.
That left an imprint, and there was just no way I could
let her be.

“You’re going to go after her, aren’t you?” Kira asked,

a small smile on her face.

“I love her, and I know I’m the only man who can truly
make her happy. Mom just doesn’t realize it yet. I’m
going to take her from dad, and I’m going to become
the man in her life. Dad may be acting good now, but
he’s still the same cheating scumbag he has always
been. He may have some renewed interest in playing
with mom, but he only sees her as an object. Once he
gets bored with her, he’ll move on to the next toy. I
won’t let him break her heart again.”

“Hakaru… you don’t have to do this alone.” Maria



Maria bit her lip and then nodded to herself before

giving me a resolute look. “I will help you, brother.
Together, we will turn mom into Hakaru’s lover!”
Chapter 123 :
As Mary had predicted, I was released from hospital
the very next day. Her healing had done wonders and
as soon as they removed the bandages to change
them, their mouths had fallen open over the complete
lack of wounds. A quick scan had confirmed that
everything healed perfectly without any damage. The
doctors were stumped, but whether it was from Mary
or NTR, the use of a little goddess magic and the
doctors didn’t look too hard at the near miraculous

Of course, my mother was only thankful that my

recovery was swift. If she chose to thank god for that,
she’d almost be right. After all, my recovery was the
result of two goddesses intervening. So, two days
later, my parents brought me home in our car, and I
sat in the back with Maria. Where they couldn’t see,
we held hands, and occasionally whispered something
to each other. I felt a closeness to my sister that I
hadn’t in a long time, and it felt really nice having her
next to me. I actually had to restrain myself from
fondling her. I definitely didn’t want to get caught
doing that.

Our conversation was mostly about how I’d get mom

away from dad. It wasn’t enough that I simply threw
myself at her. Dad was a very real obstacle. He used to
be away all the time. Now, he was home more often
than not. There were very few opportunities when I
could express my love and take advantage of Mother.
If he showed up, he’d definitely intervene, and it
might even end up violent like when I had struck him
with a bat. In fact, that could be said to be the cause
of all of this, since it was after I was sent away that
things started to go strange.

This wasn’t to say that I had completely forgotten

about Depravity either. Derek and Depravity were
definitely two things I had to worry about. However,
with NTR and Mary on my side, it was only a matter of
time before they were defeated. Their moves had
boughten me a bit of time. In that time, I wanted to
win back my mother, and then come at them at full

I already was formulating an idea based on what I

knew about the pair. War and Depravity really did
match their name. War was the kind of person who
wanted a direct confrontation. They built an army,
prepared a battlefield, and ultimately made an attack.
I knew the covert subterfuge Derek had used, but
getting the Mafia involved was only a test. The event
in the auditorium had been the true attack.

It really had been a perfect plan. He had lured me to

his battlefield. He had taunted me before the battle to
break me psychologically. His army had been a large
group of degenerates who followed Depravity. They
might have even been some of the same men that
were part of the God of Lust Society, those that had
managed to wiggle their way out of it through luck,
money, or power. Their attack had been to ruin my
women in front of me and destroy my sense of
manliness. It was extremely effective.

It was an attack that had almost destroyed me, and I

had to do something unbelievably risky just to make it
through. However, we somehow managed to pull
through with both sides retreating. Derek had been
hurt just as much as me, probably more. His army had
been scattered, but not destroyed. It wouldn’t stop
War from planning another battle. No matter what
influence Depravity had over Derek and War, War
wasn’t going to change.

As for Depravity, he was someone who hid his deeds.

He skulked behind an innocent façade. He didn’t
attack directly. Instead, he tried to draw out the
Depravity in all people, and use it to bend them to his
will. The God of Lust Society was one such endeavor.
The reason it had seemed so amateur and childish is
because it was. It was just a front? A façade. It was a
mask that Depravity hid behind. True Depravity
bubbled under the surface. If you pulled off the mask,
he’d only sink deeper, and you’d never see it all.

He’d never attack directly unless he was certain of

victory. The only reason he had exposed himself was
because he didn’t expect Mary to intervene. However,
he must be getting desperate to show up personally.
As for how I could defeat him? He’d always hide
behind others before he’d show up himself. Getting
him to come out of his dark hiding space would be the
greatest challenge.

It would definitely require the help of the two

goddesses if I was going to pull it off. He, by all
accounts, wasn’t truly playing the game. He had been
here since before the game had started, and he
planned to be here after it left. As to what he was
trying to do on Earth, playing with and ruining
mortals, Kira having been one of them, I didn’t know.
However, after seeing the things Mr. Smith had done
to my woman, I planned to destroy him, even if I had
to give up my godhood to do it. He was definitely not
a guy I could ever forgive.

By the time we made it home, mom had already

turned back once. “You two seem to be getting very

We had been whispering in each other’s ears a bit too

much. I withdrew my hand from hers with a squeeze
and then proceeded to act emotionally distant.
Thankfully, the pair of us were good at that, we had a
lot of practice. Mom stopped eyeing us suspiciously
and we went the rest of the way without having
developed a plan.

Unfortunately, once we got home, it wasn’t like I

could just go in her room or vice versa. It’d definitely
be suspicious. Maybe we were thinking about it too
much. What parents would immediately assume their
children were fucking and discussing bringing one of
the parental units in on it? Yet, we were in a
relationship, and it made every look my parents gave
us a little more stressful. It was to the level that we
definitely wanted to be a bit cautious. It was better in
the past when both of them were out all the time with
friends and we practically had the house to ourselves.
I missed the times when mom was so drunk, I could
fondle my sister openly and she wouldn’t even notice.

As Maria said, it was probably better that those days

were behind us. Neither of us wanted Mom to return
to her depressed, lonely state. We just didn’t want
dad to be the one who brought it to her. He was
selfish and arrogant, and he had been barely a father
to us for years. He supposedly had other bastard
children that he had basically abandoned and refused
to acknowledge.

I couldn’t even guess why he had decided to stick

around with my mom. I mean, she was a Japanese
beauty with a healthy sexual appetite, so I could
imagine any man desiring her, but I couldn’t
understand why dad, who stuck it into anything, stuck
around for so many years and supported us kids.
Whatever happened, I would definitely cut him out.
Admittedly, I didn’t know how that would affect us
monetarily, but I didn’t care. I only had to look at
dad’s eyes once to know he had no love or care for his
children, or for his wife for that matter. It was about
time he was kicked out.

It would ultimately be up to mom whether father was

kicked out of the house though, and to accomplish
that, I needed to reignite her passion for me. A few
months ago, she had been giving me some pretty
strong signals. Only in hindsight did I realize just how
much my mother had fallen for me. I had been
shocked the first time we had sex, but I now realized
she had been desiring to have me conquer her body
for a long time. Perhaps she saw me as the harem
protagonist she always wanted. Perhaps she just liked
younger men. I couldn’t say what was on mother’s
mind. However, she justified it though, I knew she was
my mother and would accept me no matter what.

Before I could kick dad out, I needed the time to work

on mom, and that proved to be the most difficult
thing. That’s where we were honestly stumped. That’s
what I thought, but the very night I had gotten home
from the hospital, mom decided to cook me my
favorite meal and eat as a family. It was there where
the solution Maria and I had been spending the last
day breaking our minds over ended up falling right
into our laps.

“A business trip?” Mom asked with a frown.

“Yeah, sorry, sweetie. You know how these things go.”

He gave a laugh. “It’s just a week. Can’t you go that
long without me?”
The way he said it, it made it feel like he was calling
her a slut that couldn’t even last a week without his
magical cock. The slight blush on her cheeks suggested
she had taken it that way as well.

“I’ll miss you, but if it’s for your work, then I suppose it
is fine.”

Is it for his work? That was a question I was very

curious about. In the past, these business meetings
had been so he could go to sex retreats and meet up
with women. Sasori had been one such woman who
would go on retreats and be his sex toy. Since he had
remembered his relationship with Sasori, I had to
believe he remembered everything.

At that, a thought occurred to me. Did he remember

when I hit him with a baseball bat? I really hope that
this was one memory that he had forgotten. Depravity
started messing with our minds shortly after, so I
never had a clear answer whether he had actually
remembered it or not. I just had to hope that he

Either way, it would be too much to believe that he

wasn’t returning to his old behavior. If things kept
going this direction, he’d have more and more
business trips. Slowly, mother would sink into
depression, start drinking sake, and return to the
bitter woman she had been. Fortunately, she had me
now. I wasn’t going to let her face any of that hurt.
Over this upcoming week, I was going to steal her
body and heart. When father returned next Saturday,
he’d be shocked to find all the doors locked and all of
his stuff moved into a storage unit, maybe with a
lawyer waiting to give him some divorce papers.

“Wow… sweetie, I’m glad you enjoy it so much.” Mom

said as I shoveled food into my mouth.
“It’s so good!” I beamed.

Maria gave a small snicker. I had been eating my food

extremely enthusiastically, and mom took it that I
really liked the food. Instead, I was just excited and
making plans for the next week. That night, dad
packed his bags to leave.

“Hakaru.” He said. “You’re going to be the man of the

house when I’m gone. Take care of your mother and

“I will.” I smiled.

Strangely, he put out a hand and shook mine. I

squeezed his hand hard. Perhaps I was being a bit too
competitive and I was acting suspicious, but I couldn’t
help myself. His smile tightened slightly, but he didn’t
say anything. He gave mom one last deliberate kiss,
his tongue attacking her mouth and his hands
grabbing at her body. Then he grabbed his bags and
turned to leave. As the door closed behind him, the
smile on my face hadn’t left, but it had turned
somewhat malicious. Thankfully, my flustered mother
hadn’t noticed. My sister had, and she hit my

I covered my face, but the thought that was going

through my mind did not change at all. This would be
the last time that he ever touched my mother again.
That wasn’t just a threat, that was a promise!

Chapter 124 :
Once dad was gone, I found my eyes wandering to
Mother more often than not. Had I turned into a
complete momcon now? I had gotten only a taste of
her, now I seemed to desire everything else. However,
the situation from before was different from now. For
whatever reason, she was still under the effect of
whatever Depravity had done to the rest of us.
Perhaps the shock of encountering Depravity had
caused the rest of them to remember. Or maybe the
fact that I had slept with them had caused some
change. The only thing I knew was that it wasn’t Mary
or NTR who did it.

Mary had promised not to interfere, and couldn’t

break her promise without experiencing a nasty
backlash. As for NTR, she didn’t want their memories
to return, since not remembering meant more points
to me. In fact, she could have restored my mother’s
memory immediately, but if she did that, it wouldn’t
be helping me grow toward godhood. Mother was my
last challenge, the one I had to manage on my own,
before I could finally say I was ready to begin my path
to godhood.

Even a month ago, thinking things like that would

have been ridiculous. What kind of guy did I think I
was talking about ascending to godhood? It definitely
required a degree of hubris that would make most
people blush. However, I had met many gods at this
point, and I perhaps knew more about the god realm
then any human. I had even visited purgatory and
returned to tell the tale. I wasn’t so simple of a guy
anymore. Yet, despite that, the thought of pushing
down my mother still caused my palms to sweat. I was
able to push down a literal goddess, but mom made
me nervous.

She had changed in the last two months since

Depravity. All of us had changed. In a way, the man
had done me a favor. By showing me what life would
have been like if low self-confidence and failure had
destroyed my self-worth, I truly began to value and
respect the surrounding women. It was a lesson I had
started to learn when I went to the all-girls school, but
it only came crashing home when I had finally found
myself seeing the girls from a non-game perspective.

I felt like my relationship with all of them was stronger

for it. My sister and I now understood each other on a
more intimate level, and she was willing to accept
other women in my life. Kira was able to reconcile
with her mother, and the both of them were willing to
accept my love. As for Akiko, well, although she was
still my sex toy, she was my woman as well. As
someone who had been the most questionable in the
past, it seemed to make her loyalty to me now even
stronger. She had already been tempted away. She
knew what that offered, so she wasn’t easily swayed

Mother was the same way. She had seen a

relationship with father at his best. If I could pull her
away from him even now, then there is no way she’d
ever return to him later, or leave for anyone else for
that matter. It was the perfect time to strike.

“You’re making that face again.” Maria whispered

over to me.
“There is no face.”

“There is a face.”

“This is just me.”

“You’re staring at mom’s butt with a hungry look like a

wolf, yet your brows are furrowed like you are not
pleased with your desires.”

“I’m very pleased with my desires!” I snorted, sipping

from my glass.

“Once I push out a few kids, my hips will get wide too,
will you look at my butt like that then?”

I spit out my drink, breaking into a cough. “K-kids?”

Maria blushed, realizing what she had just implied.
“Ah, I mean… between us… Hakaru’s baby… brother
and sister… I suppose, if it’s just one generation… it’s
not so bad!”


“Well, it’s not like I can have a baby with someone


“Definitely not!”

“Th-then… it’d have to be… Hakaru… right?”

I was flabbergasted over her words. I admit I had

made progress over the last two months. However, I
was only just getting comfortable with having women.
Adding children into the mix, and that was a step
more than I could handle currently. Worst of all, Maria
was blushing and looking at me coyly. She looked
especially beautiful. It wasn’t fair that she asked such
a question while appearing so tempting. I wanted to
push her over the table and give her a baby right then!
Just like…

“Ah… Maria… you’re brilliant!” I leaned over and

kissed her cheek.

This caused her to look even more adorable as she

blushed, and a temptation started to erupt from down
below. Soon, the hungry eyes were being thrown at
my sister.

“You two sure have gotten close of recent.” Mom’s

voice appeared like a damp towel.
The pair of us who were practically snuggling pulled
apart, the chairs separating with a noticeable squeak
of the floor. For a second, I had forgotten mom was
there. She had been busy in the kitchen for the last
twenty minutes, so I didn’t expect her to suddenly
turn around and come here at just that moment. It
wasn’t like I was really going to put Maria over the
table, but if she found out about us, it might make it
harder to push things forward with mom.

Mother was wearing an apron around a skirt and

blouse. She looked nicer than the original her who
always wore a bathrobe. Her hair was done up, her
makeup was applied. However, there was just a hint
of sadness in her eyes. She had been making dinner,
and now she was bringing out bowls of ramen. We
each got a bowl in front of us, it had strips of chicken,
and was complete with an egg. The pair of us thanked
her in unison, only growing more flustered as a result.
Mother let out a slight laugh. It was the kind of tone
she had previously lost over the years. The only
reason she could laugh so freely was that this was my
mother before she realized her husband was a
cheating scumbag. Maria and I gave each other a look.
We both remember our old mother. She was a
depressed woman who drank all the time. It wasn’t
that we wanted that mother back. Rather, we knew
the kind of man dad was, and we understood it was
only a matter of time until she ended up back in that
state again. Neither of us wanted her to return to that
state again, and the only way that would happen was
if she remembered the past and learned from it. Maria
gave me just the slightest nod, although we didn’t
have a plan just yet.

“You don’t have to act so coy; I like that you two are
getting along better. In the past, you used to fight like
all the time.”
“Mom…” I gave an awkward smile, not sure how to

“You two are just starting to grow up.” Mom’s eyes

suddenly teared up. “You won’t leave your mother all
alone, right? You’ll call? Visit?”

“Mom, I’m not even done with high school yet, you
know-“ I stopped at those words, lowering my eyes.

That wasn’t entirely true. With my path to godhood, I

might be gone in the next three months or so. This
was something I hadn’t shared with the other girls.
NTR, Mary, and I had these plans, but if they truly did
come to fruition, I didn’t know what that would mean
for everyone else. It was definitely something that
worried me. I could no longer say that I would be
beside any of them forever. Suddenly, I wasn’t so sure
I wanted to take that path.
“Mother…” Maria reached out and touched mom’s
hair. “We’ll definitely both be with you. Even if dad
leaves, you’ll always have Hakaru.”

Mom laughed, wiping a tear, “Oh my, well, even if I

have Hakaru, there are some things he can’t do for

She laughed one more time and then returned back to

the kitchen. It was exactly the kind of lewd comment
the more jaded mother I used to have would have
made. She was still that woman, even if her memories
were hidden from her. Maria gave me a look, and then
smirked. I raised an eyebrow, but mom returned with
the rest of the meal. We started eating, but after a
moment, Maria put down her chopsticks and turned
to mom deliberately.

“Mom, I got into my choice for University.”

“Really!” Mother nearly jumped up, looking far more
excited than I would have expected.

“Y-yes?” Maria looked a bit stunned, not expecting

such a violent reaction.

“We definitely have to celebrate this! It’s wonderful

news! I will go get the sake!”

She stood back up, and immediately headed to the

garage where the sake was stored.

“I didn’t even need to ask.” Maria responded, slightly


“Is it true? Did you get into University?”

“Ah… it’s my third choice, not first. I’m still waiting on
my first choice, but yeah… It’s not like I’ve decided to

She spoke those last words nearly to herself. At first, I

didn’t understand why she was acting that way, but
then I realized she was facing the same dilemma I was.
She didn’t want to leave me by going off to college. At
best, it would put some distance between our newly
forming relationship. At worst, it might even stick a
wedge into it before it could become something more.
Maybe that was why she had mentioned children
earlier. If she was pregnant, there would be no
question about her going to University. She’d have no
choice but to stay home and raise the baby, much like
her mother before her. It would force her to stay at

“Let’s not talk about it right now. The goal is to get
Mother drunk so she’s a bit looser. Just follow my

“Alcohol lowers that amount of points I get. The easier

it is to seduce someone, the less valuable that

“Ah! That… well… just a drink or two. I have a plan.”

That’s all she got out when mom came back with
three glasses and a bottle of sake. She was singing
happily and nearly dancing on her feet. As a woman
who had never managed to go to university herself,
this was her proudest moment. Her daughter who she
had fought so hard to raise was going to have a better
life than she did. It certainly beat the life of a gang
member and punk, let alone a shrine maiden to a
slightly perverted harem cult. She poured a glass for
each of us.
“It’s a celebration, you must drink!” She told me.

Considering the thoughts on my mind, I felt like I could

use a drink. We all ended up drinking a glass. She
poured more, but I let it linger in my glass, and then
poured it out when she wasn’t looking. We ate our
meal while mom happily chatted away. Maria
answered all of her questions, although she kept an
eye on me, as if afraid I’d run. About twenty minutes
of idol chatter and three glasses of sake later, mom’s
cheeks were flushed, but she was still quite vocal.

“When your father returns, we will definitely get a gift

for you. Anything you want, just name it.”

“Actually, mom… ah! I’m sorry!” She suddenly spilled

her drink on mom’s skirt.
“Oh! Well, this kind of thing happens. I’ll go to my
room and change.”

“Hey, mom, while you’re there, can you get me that

dress of yours? I might go out partying with friends in
celebration later, and I wanted to get it dry cleaned

“What dress?”

“You know, the black strapless…”

“Ah! You’ve been wearing that? I knew it! I thought I

saw a stain on it.”

“I-it’s not like you can fit in it anyway!”

“You- daughter!”

“Please, mom! You can call it my present?” Maria

asked, fluttering her eyes.

“Hmph! Even though that thing looks very slutty…”

“It’s yours!”

“Hehe… exactly! Fine… I’ll bring it out, but it better not

get any white stains on it.”


“Hahaha… my daughter… get your partying out now,

because when you’re in college, I won’t have it!”
“Yes, mom.”

Mother walked off into her room, shutting the door.

After a moment of waiting, Maria reached over and
pinched me.

“Ow! What?”

“Well? Go in there!”

“Ah! That’s what this is?”

“She’s drunk, in her panties, and thinking about her

time as a slutty party girl. You’re not going to get a
better chance!”
“You… you’re pretty evil.”

“Tsk… I just want you to give her as hard of a time as

you give me.”

I looked at the door, swallowed, and then stood up. I

guess it was about time that I gave my mom a hard

Chapter 125 :
Standing in the room alone with mom, I saw her
standing in front of a mirror, admiring herself. She was
wearing a dress, which must have been the slutty one
Maria had mentioned. It was extremely tight on
Mother. She had to force her body into it. As a result,
it stretched where her boobs looked ready to burst
out. The bottom of the dress barely covered her ass.
On the other hand, it was extremely sexy. With her
fixed up hair, the makeup, and the dress, she was
looking as sexy as she ever had.
As the sexual desire flared up inside me, my feelings of
worry and trepidation were blasted away. The dark
Hakaru who had been in slumber for quite some time
was starting to resurface. It was the same guy who
raped his sister, turned Akiko into a sex slave, and
blackmailed his teacher into sex. Two months of clean
living had changed me, but those dark impulses inside
raged back to the surface once provoked by my
Mother’s beautiful body.

I could recall the first time I had tasted her vividly.

However, this was a different version of my Mother.
This was a woman who hadn’t started lusting after her
son yet. I was about to change all of that. Mom hadn’t
noticed my entry, focused instead on checking herself
out in the mirror. I stood in the low lighting of her
bedroom for a solid minute as my lustful desires grew.
When they reached the peak, I reached back and gave
a light tap on the door, intending to get her attention.
“I’ll be right out!” She called without looking back.
“Hm, I wonder if I still have the boots.”

She opened up the closet and reached in. She ended

up practically falling inside. Her dress was raised up
over her butt, revealing her butt and underwear
completely. She was digging around for something,
and as she did so, her butt bounced back and forth.
Her underwear wasn’t anything sexy. Instead, it was
rather loose and old. The result was that it hung
slightly, revealing the slit of her cunt every time she
wagged her butt. It was like she was asking for it, but I
was pretty sure she was oblivious to me being in the

Watching her there, presenting herself for the taking,

any last bit of self-control I possessed was blown
away. I took a few quick steps until I was directly
behind her bent over form. I reached into my pants
and pulled it out. Grabbing her ass with one hand, I
pushed myself into her in a single swift motion.
“Ah-Ah!” She let out a gasp of surprise, losing her
balance and becoming even more stuck in the closet.
“E-Elzo? When did you come back home?”

She seemed to think that dad had stopped back home

and was now accosting her. She’d certainly be
shocked when she found out the truth, but I reckoned
I’d let the lie live just a little longer. Enjoying the feel
of her moist parts wrapping around my pecker, I
grabbed on to her hips with both hands and began to
rock my hips, shoving myself in and out of her.

“Ahh… Elzo… not here… not now… our children are

outside. Ahn!”

I lifted a hand and spanked her butt, giving off a

resounding slap that filled the room. My mother’s
muffled moans came from the closet, and the only
other sound was the wet noises as I pushed myself in
and out of her over and over again. The feel of her
womanly body was missed. They were right to say a
mother’s womb was comforting, as I was most
comforted by the feel.

“Ahn… Ahn… oh my… w-wait… Elzo?” Mother’s voice

started to change and she tried to pull out of the

I sped up my pace, causing her to fall right back down.

I moved faster and faster, thrusting my hips into her
with reckless abandon. My silence was starting to
cause Mother to realize something was wrong. Her
moaning had stopped and she was trying to pull
herself away.

“Th-this isn’t my husband’s cock… I can feel it. You’re

thicker than him, but not as long…” She said through
panted breaths.”
I can’t say I ever looked at my dad’s dick. However, his
was longer? Well, girth mattered more, right? Plus, I
could get plenty deep inside mom. I was stretching
her pussy more than dad ever did. That’s why it felt
nice and tight for me.

“Who are you?” She gave a staggered breath. “You

won’t even let me see your face?”

She seemed extremely calm now. I was starting to

remember that my mom wasn’t any pushover. She
was a party girl and a former gang memory. She joined
the shrine of an unknown harem god simply because
she was hoping for good sex. She wasn’t like Maria,
who I could just rape into submission.

Still, I didn’t want to let up now that I had taken it this

far. I groped her ass, and then let my thumb slide into
her asshole. Even though she could keep her cool in
this situation, The suddenness of my attack took her
off guard and she ended up letting out a satisfying

“Y-You…” She moaned.

I wiggled my thumb in her ass, using it as an anchor as

I groped her butt with the remaining four fingers.
Mother moaned and shuddered, unable to deny the
feelings I was giving her. She made moans, and she
was clearly enjoying herself, but as I kept going, I was
starting to feel something was off. Of course, I was
guided by my abilities. They were as useful as always. I
was touching her exactly how she liked to be touched.
I was hitting her erogenous zones with precision and

Those skills proved to be extremely useful. In the long

run, they were a hole that prevented me from
reaching godhood, but in the short run, they were a
powerful tool that I could use to seduce any woman.
That’s what I thought, but the feeling that something
was off continued to grow.

Even though I was hitting mom with exactly the way

she liked it, it didn’t feel like she was being driven to
any sexual heights. Rather, she acted about on par for
the course. Leave it to my Mother to have already
experienced the pinnacle of sexual delight. When it
came to Sasori, she was a reserved woman who
hadn’t truly let loose. When it came to my Mother, it
was a different ballgame.

I was beginning to understand what the sisters had

been getting at. I didn’t really need these abilities to
seduce women. If anything, they were only an entry-
level trick. True skill in seducing, pleasuring, and
satisfying women came from within, not from a
magical skill given to you by a goddess. However, at
the time, I had rejected the notion of selecting
Godless. I was convinced I needed my skills or would
be defeated by the other players. The reality was that
it wasn’t looks, or how many orgasms one could
deliver, that made someone a god of harems. It was
something else.

I slowed down my thrusting, pulled my thumb out of

her ass, and then finally took a step back. “Come here,

“H-Hakaru?” Her voice sounded a tinge surprised, but

just a bit reserved as well.

She stood up and turned around. The look on her face

was complicated as she tried to pull her little dress
back down.

“Mother…” I said, forcing myself to meet her eyes.

“What are you thinking? As soon as your father is
away, you suddenly do this to your mother.”

“Shut up.”

“Hakaru! How dare you!” Her face twisted angrily.

“Mother, just be quiet, and lie down.”

“Y-you… what are you saying?” Her dark expression

broke, and she had a mixture of fear and interest
appear on her face.

“I love you.”

“Hakaru… I love you too, but this… why are you doing
“Because…” I reached out and gently guided her to
the bed. “I know what you want, and I know Father is
incapable of giving it to you.”

“N-nonsense… our sex life is amazing. He gives it to

me like-“

I put a finger over her lips, causing her eyes to widen.

“I’m sure he uses you like a toy. He pounds you hard
and all that bullshit. However, that was never what
you wanted. Father is incapable of love. You’ve always
known this…”

“Hakaru…” Her eyes started to well with tears.

“I love you, and it’s a love I cannot express with simple

words. I came in here with the idea of making you
mine. I wanted to break you, or amaze you with my
sex. Then, I realized the truth of it. For you, great sex
was never about any of that. It was always about

Mother’s body shook, and she bit her lip, lowering her
head. “When did you suddenly become such a smooth

“I just listened to the signs you were always giving


I lay mother back and then got on top. I pushed her

dress up again, but this time I wasn’t forceful about it.
I gently spread my mother’s legs, and then slid back in.
She was already wet from before, but this time it was
different. I wrapped my arms around her, my head
resting in her cleavage. Her arms wrapped around me,
hugging me tightly. I slowly started to move my hips.
I didn’t give it to her as hard as I could. Rather, I gently
rocked her body while we embraced. Her warmth
flooded into me in waves, and my warmth was
returned to her. The pair of us looked like we were
barely moving, just embracing each other on her
marital bed, but my hips never stopped moving, and
soon hers started to join in.

Our lips found each other, and I started to kiss mom.

Her eyes filled with confusion started to turn into
looks of love and happiness. A smile formed on her
lips, and she squeezed me tighter as if she couldn’t
bring me any closer. When our lips parted, I moved
my lips up to her ear.

“I love you so much.”

Her thighs tightened, and I could feel her climaxing

just with those words whispered so innocently.
“N-no fair…” she murmured, her entire body shivering
with pleasure.

There was only so much a man could stimulate a

woman’s private parts. At some point, there was also
the psychological aspect to think about. While I had
broken all of the other women in one way or another
to get them to sleep with me, that really wasn’t why
they stuck around. They were with me because deep
down, we had a connection. It was something that
wasn’t skin deep. No amount of tricks or aphrodisiacs
could break the intense feelings of love they felt.

I bit her ear and whispered again. “You’re mine,


“Hakaru… yes… baby… I’m yours.”

We continued to make love deep into the night. Once
Mother’s lust had been awakened, there was no
stopping her. When I was tired, she’d be on top. When
she started to drift off, I would nudge her awake and
begin again. Each time, I came deep inside her, and I
felt like we grew a little bit closer. The sun was starting
to shine the next day, and the pair of us were still
naked in bed together.

“I remember, Hakaru…” Mother said. “My mind… it

was wiped again, wasn’t it?”

She gave me a very serious look, and after a moment, I

gave an affirmative nod.

“It was.”

“You… have some involvement with the gods, don’t

“You can say that.”

“Then, what do you need from me?”


“You felt that I had to be conquered before you could

continue. So, you need your mother for something.
Don’t give me that ‘I just love you’ crap now. A mother
knows when her son is sucking up to her because he
wants something, so just out with it.”

I looked down guiltily. “There is… something you can

help with.”
She grabbed my chin and lifted my head. “I’m your
Mother. Don’t feel bad about using me. You can do
anything to me you want. I love you unconditionally,
and this body is completely yours. I won’t let another
man touch it again!”

“M-mom! What are you doing?”

“Ah… how about one more round?”

“Ah… mom… only for you.”

“Hehe… it’s good to spoil your mother once in a while

too, isn’t it?”
Chapter 126 :
“And so, his character descended into depravity, and
only by testing his limits did he see… just how much
he could handle?” Depravity, or should I call him Mr.
Smith, put on a slight grin.

Many of the girls in class blushed as his eyes met

them. A few of the guys even looked up at him with
blind idealism. I wanted to say it was similar to what
Principle Vienna and her Councilman Master had
done, but Depravity’s work was far more subtle. He
wasn’t brainwashing these people. He was doing
something far more terrifying. He was fundamentally
changing how they thought.

It was no surprise that Depravity would masquerade

as an educator. He could raise an entire generation of
degenerates to worship at the altar of his godliness.
He was a cross between hedonism and shame, and he
subtly mixed those lessons into everything he assigned
us. The book’s assignments were read always
depicting some person descending into a life of
depravity. Interestingly enough, he always ended the
story right before the fall.

He claimed he did this because he didn’t want to stifle

our creativity by giving us an ending. He said he’s
rather that we created our endings. To me, the reality
couldn’t be clearer. He did it to hide the negativity
associated with his preachings. He did it to manipulate
everyone in the class.

After seducing mom, almost a week had passed. My

relationship with mom had become quite healthy. We
weren’t at the point where Maria was willing to join
in, but we were getting there. I was thinking of a
threesome with my mom and Sasori. I wanted to see
the two older women interact with each other.

As for returning to school, both Kira and Derek had

taken a week off. Even if Derek’s god had regrown his
pecker, it looked like he wasn’t able to bounce back
from the physical shame. As for Kira, it was a
deliberate means of keeping Depravity from going
after her again. It was fine, as Sasori was a teacher, so
it wasn’t like Kira would fall behind. She just reported
to the school that Kira caught mono, and we were
good for a week. Kira and Sasori would truly get some
time to spend together. With their memories
returned, they still had a great deal of their shattered
relationship to repair.

I eventually decided I had to go back to school to keep

an eye on our enemy. I also wanted to protect Akiko,
who didn’t have parents that knew about these kinds
of things and wouldn’t take kindly to calling her off for
a week. I tried to stay close to her, which started
rumors to spread. Kira got mono, Derek and Kira both
took off, and now I was hanging off my old girlfriend.
It’d be more shocking if rumors didn’t appear. I didn’t
care at this point. I was beyond caring about what
high school kids said or thought about me.
I was really worried once I went back to school that
there would be repercussions. The goddesses had
assured me that it would be alright, and it looked like
they were being honest. The late-night attack was
swept under the rug. There was no news of it and not
even a rumor of it floated down the hallways. No one
knew why Derek took a week off. At least, as his
supposed best friend, I was the most likely to know,
and I was keeping my mouth shut.

As for Mr. Smith, he didn’t act aggressively toward me

or try to keep me after class. I think he was worried
about Mary and NTR. Just Mary was enough to cause
him to back off, but now that NTR was back, he slunk
even more into his hole. As they explained it, Mr.
Smith was like a spider. He hid in his web, only
catching the prey that got stuck. He wasn’t the type to
put himself out there or take a risk. Four days of
school had proved that to be true, as he had left me
alone. He didn’t even passive-aggressively tank any of
my grades. I did most of that on my own. My focus
hadn’t been on homework lately. What was the point
of grades anyway if you were going to be a god?

The other thing I did those four days was read the
minds of all of the girls. NTR said it didn’t matter
whether I used my skill or not regarding my so-called
leak, so I made sure to use my skills to gain a grasp on
everyone in the class. I couldn’t read Mr. Smith’s
mind, but I could read the minds of people he was
interacting with. Dirt Scribe and Inner Desires were
used extensively in the hopes that I learned something
I could use from the minds of other students. I also
manipulated students into telling me whatever I
wanted to know. Information collection was the name
of the game.

I had also used True Feelings on a girl in class out of

curiosity. Later that day, she had ended up confessing
to Mr. Smith, who politely turned her down. It was the
only time he had given me a stern look in those four
days. It was also why I knew that the feelings these
girls had for him were genuine. He was turning an
entire class of students to degenerates. Thankfully, I
wasn’t affected, and as for Akiko, she had long
become her own type of depraved woman.

“Just think about your futures, and what will come

next.” Mr. Smith ended his talk.

I got up and left the room with the rest of the class,
making sure to stick close to Akiko as I did, even
though it earned me looks from various other women.
The rumors weren’t just that I had an affair with
Akiko, but that I was playing both Akiko and Kira at the
same time. Akiko even jokingly told me that on two
occasions a girl took her aside to tell her that I’m a
scumbag. Mr. Smith didn’t even look my way as I left
the room. That would be the fourth day in a row that
he allowed me to leave without incident. He was a
spider, happily waiting until the perfect moment to
The pair of us headed outside, but I had only taken a
few steps when my eyes landed on Derek. He was
standing by his car, seemingly waiting for me. When I
appeared, his eyes instantly darkened and narrowed
on me. Where once, he had been able to hide his
disdain, he now wore it openly on the face. I had
wondered why the god of war went for him. I always
saw Derek as a backstabber and a betrayer, not as a
man of war. The gods and goddesses tended to find
avatars that aligned with their beliefs or sometimes
complemented them. What about Derek’s behavior
had been warlike?

Then again, every war had a strategy. In a war, a

footsoldier didn’t possess the same function as his
king. In that respect, Derek was probably filling out his
role perfectly to suit War’s taste.

“I’m here to pass on a message,” Derek said as I

approached him.
“You’re a messenger boy now?”

He gave a grin that looked nearly as threatening as a

snarl. “Depravity is done playing games. We settle this
Saturday. All of you, against all of us. One battle to
finish this.”

“That sounds like war… but that doesn’t sound like


“Depravity doesn’t care about the game, he never

did.” Derek snorted. “And now that NTR and Mary are
on his ass, he’s starting to sweat.”

“Aren’t you his ally? Why are you telling me this?”

“Allies? Hmph… the enemy of my enemy, that is all.

He’s made an offer. Both of us have an offer. I suggest
you take it.” With those words, he thrust a letter in my

“What is this?”

“Ask your goddess whores. They’ll know what that

document is.”

He didn’t give me time to ask anymore. He didn’t even

give Akiko a look as he spun around and got into his
car. The pair of us made our way home immediately
after. Rather, we met at my house. I called everyone
over to hold an official meeting, but before I did, I
entered my room. Mary and NTR did not interact with
mortals. I was a champion, so I was an exception. One
might even claim I had achieved the level of a
demigod, although I didn’t think I’d live longer than a
normal human.
I had left the letter in my pocket, but I wanted to know
the contents before I spoke to the girls. I was worried
it was a trap, so I handed it to NTR directly instead.
She seemed surprised, but when she opened up the
letter, her mouth opened slightly.

“What does it say?” Mary demanded, looking slightly

annoyed I had given it to NTR.

“He’s… surrendering.” She said, sounding like she

didn’t believe it.

“Nonsense!” She ripped the letter from NTR’s hands

and started reading. “This…”

“Surrendering?” I asked.
“Not exactly. He’s proposing a resolution to the game.
He realizes it’s only a manner of time before we win,
and since he was never here to fight us in the first
place, he’s offering an alternative.” NTR explained.

Mary finished the small note and shook her head.

“This… it’s written on a heavenly ledger, and inked
with a holy script. This is the same thing as making a
vow. He cannot break his word, and if he did, the
heaven’s would punish him.”

“What are the conditions?” I demanded.

“This Saturday, we meet at the school auditorium for

a showdown. It would be you against Derek. To the
winner go the spoils.” Mary explained.

“What are the spoils?”

“Everything…” NTR sighed.


“Here, just read… don’t worry, it is safe.” Mary

handed me the letter, and I quickly read through it.

Dear Hakaru and You Goddesses,

I have never had a desire to defeat or destroy you.

Perhaps, I had a passing interest in possessing the NTR
sisters, but now that you are undivided, I can only see
you as my equal. I made a vow to give War a chance to
win the game, but I do not wish to threaten my
position or my future any longer. It is… unbecoming of
us gods to squabble in such a childish manner among
the mortals.
Therefore, I have come to my proposal. You and War
finish your battle. You will each have a chance to
defeat the other, and I will hold back my time and
power. If Derek wins, then he gets what he wants.
Hakaru loses all power, all of his women and NTR
follows the council and marries him. If Hakaru wins,
then War will leave. As for me, I will pay the price to
have you become a god.

I have nearly fifty women currently in relationships

willing to do whatever I say. I will give them to you.
You will be able to jump to the next level and be able
to ascend to godhood. Everyone gets what they want.
I will be allowed to return to my tasks on Earth. I even
promise I won’t touch the mortals you indicate. I hope
there are no hard feelings. You are the future Harem
God, after all, and I look forward to a future of

I promise with all of my power as a god that I will

abide by the words written by me above.


“Seriously,” I said when I finished. “Just like that.”

“It’s not like he doesn’t get something out of it. He

hopes to become closer to us. He wants you to accept
more depravity into harems, marriage, and NTR. He
realizes we’re too strong to defeat, so now he wants
to help you so that in the future, we owe him.” Mary
responded bitterly.

“Can this be trusted?” I asked.

NTR thought for a moment and then nodded. “I
believe we can. This letter is a promise. If you come on
Saturday, if you defeat Derek, then we win. NTR Crush
will come to a close.”

Chapter 127 :
The rest of the week passed by both too quickly and
too slowly. I agreed to Depravity’s demands. Now, all I
had to do was wait and prepare. With Mary and NTR
as guides, we hacked out various plans for any
eventuality. That was easier said than done. After all,
the two women still fought on just about every point.
When I tried to get between their points, I truly came
to know what it felt like to have the pressure of an
angry god turned on you. Most of the time, it ended
with me getting the wrath of both women.

Other than planning out how I was going to defeat

War, the rest of my time was spent with my women.
Akiko, Kira, Sasori, Maria, and Mother were all there.
Despite preparing my final strike, it ended up being a
rather peaceful time in many ways. The girls started
getting along and every day after school, everyone
would end up finding their way to our house. Getting
Mother to accept Sasori was easier than I expected.
Mother hugged Sasori the second she walked into the
home. I did tell her that father had an affair with
Sasori for a while.

“Then, the pair of us have shared two men, yes?”


“But never a third!” She shot Sasori a stern look.

“N-never!” Sasori nearly squeaked.

It looked like my mother’s ability to intimidate also

affected my teacher as well. However, they were two
women of roughly the same age, and so they started
to get along and even got on friendly terms. Of course,
when they started talking about sex, they often used
me in their descriptions, and it became extremely
embarrassing. At those times, I fled the room.

The worst of these events involved mom pulling out

pictures of me as a baby. There was a surprisingly
large amount of them that were naked! Perhaps,
Mother had always been a closet son-con and I had
just never realized it until now. Kira, Akiko, and Sasori
went over them meticulously, and I spent that entire
evening in my room mortified. Thankfully, Maria
joined me, as many of those images included her as
well, and we spent that night comforting each other

During that week, Sasori was able to get a new job. I

didn’t know if it was just luck, or something Depravity
did as a show of good faith. Sasori wasn’t allowed to
return to her old job, but she got a job at a private
high school. There were fewer students and they were
mostly rich kids. The pay was better and the job was
easier, so in just about every way it was a better job.
We celebrated with her by going out to dinner. It
didn’t end in an orgy or something, everything in my
life didn’t have to be sex.

After two months of living like a normal kid again, I

had managed to get my hormones in control again. I
wasn’t going to go on a seducing rampage again as I
did with Kira at the Riphorn All-girls school. That
wasn’t saying I wouldn’t play with a new girl if the
occasion called for it, but I was generally happy with
my family, my girlfriend, my mistresses, and my
goddesses. Well, Mary and I hadn’t done anything
physical, and neither had I done anything with NTR.

Mary was saving herself for the process that would

bring me to godhood. Even though I had never
technically been with NTR because she had
reassembled using me, even if I slept with her, it
wouldn’t do anything. Of course, Mary insisted that I
not sleep with NTR until she’s been with me first. I
accepted this requirement since it seemed to be one
of the few things both women could accept. That just
left me my five mortal women to warm my bed.

Finally, the last night arrived. It was a Friday night, and

tomorrow, while school was closed, we’d be meeting
once again at the auditorium to face whatever War
brought. Depravity had announced that day that it
was the last day he’d be teaching that class. He told
them he had found a proper replacement to take over
from then on. All of the girls and some of the guys
were quite upset. For me, it only added to that feeling
of finality.

That night, Mother cooked me my favorite meal.

Sasori and Kira decided to stay at their house that
night, so it was just Mother, Akiko, Maria, and me.
After she finished serving the meal, instead of jumping
right into dishes, mom sat down and pulled out some

“What’s that?” I asked as I ate strips of steak meat.

“These are divorce papers.” Mother explained while

still looking through them. “Your father will be coming
home tomorrow night, so I figured it’s best to get this
out of the way.”

“Mother is finally going to do it?” Maria asked with

interest, not sounding even remotely upset that her
mother will be leaving her father.

Of course, she felt the same way as me. Dad had

always been a cold and distant man. Other than for
when our minds were altered, Dad had never cared
much about us. I had always wondered why he stuck
around, but it was likely because of Grandfather, who
had run the shrine that mom had been a shrine
maiden at. He had died before I was born, but he
probably made dad promise to not leave mom and to
take care of us children. Even though he had provided
money, that was about his only involvement in raising
either of us. If he disappeared and never returned,
neither of us would feel moved.

“Yes, I got some advice from Sasori. The judge just

approved her divorce officially today. It only took her
two months because of her husband being in jail. This
also ended the investigation on Sasori. Her daughter
and she are taking some private time today to
celebrate that. They invited us, but considering
tomorrow, I thought it best if you focused on your

“Ah… that’s true…” I accepted mom’s reasoning. “So,

divorcing dad will take about two months?”
“Regrettably, my divorce isn’t so simple. Since there is
no clear reason to end things with my husband, it
makes things difficult. By law, we must attempt
remediation. It might take another year before I’m
able to leave him. At the least, I can expel him from
the household tomorrow. Still, if this had been before
the Westernization, I don’t think I would have been
able to leave him at all.”

I blinked. “Is that a compliment about Westerners?”

She shot me a look. “I’m not saying I accept all

westerners, but there are a few things they’ve done
that are advantageous.”

I chuckled. “I see… then, I’ll remember that when I

bring my American girlfriend’s home.”
“An American!” She shot up, her brow furrowing.
“Who is she? What woman? She better not be a slut!”

Not be a slut? That’s rich coming from my mother! I

didn’t say that though. I denied anything, even after
she pressed me, and once I finished my meal, I
retreated to my bedroom without confirming or
denying the presence of a western girl in my life. Of
course, I had tasted a few Western girls at the All girl’s
academy, but I decided not to mention that. It’d only
give mom stress.

That night, I slept in my bed alone. I supposed you can

say it was something like storing up my yang. I wanted
to make sure I was full of virality. The thing was, I
didn’t know how this war was going to go. Was he
going to try to seduce my women while I seduced his?
Was it a literal fight to the death? I didn’t have the
I hadn’t even closed my eyes for a few moments
before I opened an eye. “I can’t see you, but I know
you’re there.”

“Hmph… so you can detect when a goddess is in your

room.” NTR appeared like she always did.

She had similarities to Netori, but she had just as

many differences. She floated like Netori, but she had
a much stiffer approach, always moving around
vertically. Netori liked to move around like a
stretching cat, lazing through the air with a feeling of
ease. Overall, NTR just seemed like a more serious
person. She was a higher-level god, so I guess it made
sense that she was on a different level emotionally
too. At least, she had a complete body and mind, as
opposed to the shattered sisters.

“So, what is it that you want? Do you want to go

through the points one more time?”
“No, that’s not it.” She shook her head. “I just… felt
like talking.”

“I see…”

“Hakaru! We haven’t talked all too much since this all

started! Since you’re to be my husband and lover in
the future, I feel like we should know each other

“What about Mary?’

“Hmph! I’m glad if I piss off that wench! If we didn’t

need her to help you reach godhood, I wouldn’t even
be in the same realm as her! Rather, I want to know
more about you.”
“Don’t you have all the memories of the three sisters.”

“Hmph… even if you say that… you didn’t always treat

all three sisters the same, and you changed as well!
You’ve come a long way from that boy who tried to kill

“That’s true… I’ve become a much better lover!” I

laughed, reaching out to grab her.

She moved in a fashion similar to Netori, skillfully

slipping out of my grasp. “Naughty Hakaru, can’t you

“Didn’t you say you’re happy to piss Mary off?’

“This isn’t about Mary!” She blushed. “It’s just… it’ll be
my first time since regaining my full form. It’s… like my

I laughed. “Hasn’t that vessel of yours had sex with me

countless times?”

Although it was with her spiritual body or conjured

illusions, she always framed it off this body, so I was
beyond familiar with it.

“So, you recognize this body, even though I changed

the appearance so…”

“It was always clear to me you were using Netori’s

vessel,” I said. “I recognize the smell.”
All goddesses needed a vessel to appear to mortals.
However, they didn’t need to appear as their vessel.
Netori had picked a vessel that had similarities with
her real appearance. Netorare had taken a different
body, Tiana’s body, but then made it look like Netori,
which might have had something to do with her
inferiority complex. Then there was Netorase, who
used Kira as her vessel and shared her consciously
rather than possessed.

The goddess needed a mortal body to remain in this

world, and her sister Netorase had been prone to
using illusions to manipulate her appearance. NTR had
first come to me in Netori’s body, so it stood to reason
that she was still in that body, even though her
appearance had changed.

I still didn’t know who she was. I had looked her up,
but Netori had already once explained that while
being used as a vessel, she was wiped from existence.
No one missed her and it was as if she didn’t exist.
Only once a god relinquished their body, which was
the equivalent of abandoning the mortal realm and
going to heaven permanently, would their bodies
return to them.

Sometimes, this only took a few days, other times it

took decades. When the person was returned, they
didn’t age a day and gained many benefits from the
god or goddess. They also changed reality around
them, so even if they lost a decade of their lives,
they’d still end up fine. They wouldn’t find themselves
without parents or in a world they didn’t recognize. All
of this was resolved, even if birth certificates and
entire family histories had to be rewritten to

“Even though this body has had sex, and even though
NTR and all three of the parts had sex, I’ve been
remade, understand? So, the current me could be
considered a virgin!”
“Okay! Okay! I get it.” I laughed as she cutely tried to
stress the importance of our first time.

“Hakaru… good luck tomorrow.” She reached out and

gently touched my cheek.

“You’re saying that like you won’t be there?”

“Mary and I flipped a coin on who was going to tell

you this. That slut has all the luck.” NTR pursed her

“So, you both won’t be there?”

“We’ll be watching, and making sure the game is

played fair, but we can’t interfere. That was the
unspoken part of our agreement with Depravity. It’s a
competition between you and War.”
“But It’s War and Derek! I’m Hakaru and Netori! If I
don’t have my goddess…”

She smiled sadly. “She’s gone, and if I helped, it

wouldn’t be fair. This is why they were willing to agree
to these terms. War thinks he has the upper hand,
otherwise, he wouldn’t be betting everything on this.
We believe in you, Hakaru. We all do.”

“What should I do?”

“Win, Hakaru… win, and claim your prize.”

“My prize?”

Her sad smile turned shy. “Me.”

Chapter 128 :
“What if he has a hostage?” I asked.

“Everyone of importance is with you,” Mary assured


“What about my father?”

“We delayed his flight. He won’t be home until late

tonight. Besides, you’ve already changed the locks and
left a note for him. A lawyer is going to serve him with
divorce papers as soon as he gets off the plane.
Hakaru, we’ve prepared every eventuality.” NTR
“I know… I know…” I said, half to myself, as I paced
back and forth. “It’s just, what if something goes

“Then, you will take care of it.” Mary smiled. “You

always do.”

“Hakaru, we’ve made these plans all week. We’ve

checked and rechecked. The only thing for you now is
to be bold and take the final step. Take care of Derek,
and become the god that we know you deserve to
be.” NTR nodded.

Just as she said that an alarm buzzed on my phone.

“It’s time.”

“Remember, we’ll be waiting here for you.” Mary said

blushing, “ I mean when you get back, you can have…
“First, you must take Depravity’s offer. He’s got a
harem of depraved women he has prepared as the
award for ending this conflict. He cannot go back on it.
We’ve even discussed this in person with him to make
sure he sticks to the deal. We’ve left no room for
error.” NTR continued.

“You want me… with… all of the women? And then

come home and satisfy Mary too?”

“I-I’ll give you a break first!” Mary cried, and then

blushed even more.

“Don’t forget, NTR Crush points work with multipliers

and groups. You’re going to enjoy an orgy with all
those women at once. So many first times, cheaters,
and other multipliers, you may achieve godhood
without the need for Mary at all!” NTR sounded very
happy when she said that, which caused the blush on
Mary’s cheeks to diminish as she shot the other
woman a glare.

“Trying to box me out again! Hmph! Don’t think you

can just throw me away. My heart is Hakaru’s and
Hakaru’s alone.”

“Yes… yes… I’m very fond of Hakaru as well.” NTR

responded flippantly. “I merely mean that if he’s able
to achieve godhood without you, then your essence
might help boost him even farther so he’s not so

“Ah! That might be best. In that case, Hakaru, please

earn as many points with those women as possible,
even if it means doing degrading or disgusting acts
you wouldn’t normally do!”
“You guys…” I shook my head and took another
breath. “Then, I’m off.”

Mary and NTR looked at each other challengingly for a

moment, but it was Mary who took a step back and
gestured. NTR stepped forward and put a hand gently
on my shoulder.

“We believe in you, Hakaru. If we didn’t think you

were ready to face down War, then we definitely
wouldn’t send you there on your own.”

“I know.” I smiled and touched her hand gently. “Plus,

I’m not alone. I have my army.”

Since I might not have had the strength to leave that

room on my own, and had already been dragging
myself to that point, the two women in front of me
faded away, leaving me alone in the room. I looked
around one last time and then left.

“Brother! We’re going to be late!”

“I thought Master had given up.”

“Akiko, Hakaru would never give in.”

“Hakaru, are you sure you’re up to this?”

“He’s my son, of course, he can handle it!”

I was immediately met with the concerns of four

beautiful women. They had dressed for war, which
was to say they had worn their best, dressing up like
they were going to the prom. They all wore dresses,
had applied their best makeup, and even did their
hair. It was like an event.

For all we knew, the form of the challenge would be

something like a beauty pageant. That was what the
girls predicted it might be. Each woman from both of
our harems would be compared and given a score,
and whoever collectively had the largest score would
be the winner. That was only one of the possibilities
we had considered though. War truly did have the
upper hand in this respect. It was the only reason he
had agreed to such a definitive battle. If he hadn’t
been confident in his success, then he definitely
wouldn’t have done it.

I looked over the beautiful women waiting on me with

expressions of concern and worry. I did my best to
give them a confident smile.

“We got this.”

Whether they believed me or not, they all relaxed. At
this point, they all knew what was at stake. The realm
of gods and goddesses might be impossible for them
to truly wrap their heads around, but they trusted me
and the things I said. In the end, they took this war as
seriously as I did, and they wouldn’t hesitate to give it
their all to help me win.

With my words, we headed out into Sasori’s van.

When I closed the door to my house, I had an odd
feeling like nothing would ever be the same again
after this. When I returned, I’d be on a one-way track
to godhood. Even I didn’t truly understand what that
meant, but I understood the gravity of the situation.

The drive to the school was lively. I sat back and

watched with a small smile on my face as the girls
chatted about this or that. The subject they were
discussing was cooking techniques. Maria, who had no
cooking skill at all, and had always allowed mother or
me to take over the cooking in her place, wore an
expression of determination as if she wouldn’t lose
out to the other women. Perhaps, she’d start taking
classes after this. I wasn’t against a competitive spirit
in my women.

Just as they finished discussing how to get the meat

just perfectly juicy on the inside and crispy on the
outside while frying a panko katsu, we pulled up in
front of the high school. There was a large crowd of
women there that instantly caught all of the girl’s
interests. This was a part I hadn’t told them about yet.

As soon as the van parked, I got out and threw open

my arms. The grouping of women all let out cries of
excitement, running over to us. Every single girl was in
high school, and they were all beauties in their own
“Hakaru! I’ve missed you; it’s been years!” Tiana cried

“It’s only been months…” Another girl laughed.

“Yeah… in normal years.” She rolled her eyes. “In sex

years, months are like years!’

“What does that even mean?”

I ended up giving the girls a big group hug as they

chatted excitedly. Most of them were trying to
understand the concept of Tiana’s sex years, but few
seemed to reach a mutual consensus. Kira, who was
familiar with the group of women left from Riphorn’s
All Girls academy approached with a gentle smile on
her face. She wasn’t as familiar with these women as I
was, but they were all very familiar with her. After all,
as Netorase, she had personally seduced a good chunk
of them, and they had become quite familiar with
each other. That was a part of Netorase that Kira
hadn’t inherited, but she did her best to remain
accommodating and not show her unease.

The rest of the girls didn’t know about this group and
approached with questioning looks or wry smiles.
When I was done hugging the new group, I turned to
my women.

“These are all close friends of mine,” I said. “I met

them during my time at Riphorn.”

I kept it extremely simple, so as to not confuse

anyone. However, the girls all had looks like they had
jumped to the true nature of our relationships without
me saying another word.

“More competition,” Maria said sourly.

“Ah… even more girls… Master truly is a demon.”
Akiko added.

“All so young…” Sasori sighed.

“As expected of my son.” Mother said in a pleased

voice, but it turned slightly sour. “It’d be nice if there
weren’t so many foreigners in the batch.”

“Hah… mom…” I had expected such a comment, but I

didn’t want anyone getting offended.

As I went to diffuse the situation, Tiana approached

mom first. She was once a regular Japanese girl, but I
had gotten a little heavy-handed with her. She had
tanned skin, blonde-dyed hair, piercings, a slutty
miniskirt, and blouse, and she even had a tattoo on
her back. In short, she was the kind of woman my
mother detested the most.

“You’re Hakaru’s Mother?” She asked.

I could already see the expression on my mother’s

face souring. In a moment, the entire mood would be
destroyed. Mother gave the slightest nod, but once
again, before I could cut in, Tiana suddenly brought
out an item from behind her. She did a perfect bow
while holding out the item. It was a box that contained
a Japanese Tea Ceremony kit.

“Wh-what is this?” Mom let out, caught off guard.

“Your son is very important to me. As his mother, I can

only properly honor you! I was hoping that when all of
this was done, I could perform a proper Japanese Tea
Ceremony for you.”
“Y-you know how to do a Tea Ceremony?” Mother
asked in surprise.

“I do! My mother has had me pouring since I was

three! I even won a regional competition! The judges
said that my tea is the most delicious they’ve

“Oh… hoh…” I had never heard mom make such a

pleased sound as she covered her mouth. “Then, I’ll
have to inconvenience you when the time comes.”

With Mother accepting the new group, the tension

melted away. The new girls chatted with the old, and
we headed into the High School, entering toward the
outer auditorium doors. No one would think that we
were heading toward some battle that would decide
the fates of the gods. Even I felt a bit lighter, that was
until I entered the auditorium and found Derek
standing there. Behind him was Mr. Smith, Depravity,
and there were also groups of people in the stands,
much like before.

They had their army, and I had my own. I hadn’t

invited these girls so much to fight but to bear witness
to what happened. They bulked up our number and
would act as cheerleaders. If the results of this
depended on something like how loud an audience
could cheer, my girls would scream their heads off. At
the very least, their presence eased my mind. The rest
of my body couldn’t help but grow stressed and
sweaty as I looked at the enemy and recalled why I
was there.

I walked up with my five girls behind me like an honor

guard. When we got within speaking range with
Derek, I stopped and stood up straight.

“Where is War?” I asked.

“War is around,” Derek responded with a hateful glare
that shot over me and my girls. “You don’t have to
worry. He trusts in me to win in his name.”

“Depravity?” I looked at him, barely even

acknowledging Derek’s answer.

“I’m a god of my word.” Depravity shrugged. “The

games you and I have shared were fun, but I’m not
purely a masochist. I won’t see everything I built go up
in smoke trying to fight NTR and Mary. My
involvement in this is impartial. Whoever wins, I will
grant the rewards and step back. I’m giving much in
the name of ending this battle that started on my
doorstep. If it’s any consolation, I never had a desire
to make an enemy out of you. Kira…”

Kira slinked back, and I reached out and squeezed her

hand reassuringly.
“She was so close to reaching true depravity. It was a
shame you managed to save her soul. She would have
been a splendid work. However, I have others, and I
will have more in the future.”

“And… what about your promises?”

He sighed, giving a wave. There was a side stage

where speakers could stand, and the drawn curtain
around the stage opened up. This revealed a group of
fifty school girls. They all had strange expressions on
their faces. They looked euphoric like they were under
some kind of wonderful drug. They lazed around the
stage, looking only half there. With another wave, the
curtains closed.

“All fifty women have been corrupted by depravity.

They all have boyfriends but are here of their own
volition. I promised them a man who would help them
achieve a true sexual high, and they are eagerly
awaiting that promise. The winner can take them
however he wants.

Fifty… I started to realize just how far I had to go. He

casually could hand me fifty women. Gathering the
twenty-some I had taken calling every girl. Had I tried
to fight Depravity on an equal stage, I was beginning
to realize there was no way I even had a chance to
win. He was light years ahead of me, and his depraved
women were more plentiful than I had ever imagined.

“Enough delay…” Derek declared. “It’s time to begin.”

Chapter 129 :
“Very well…” Depravity broke in. “In the name of
fairness, the nature of your battle, and the ultimate
fate of this battle between love and war will be
decided by me. The battle is rather simple. You will
each present a woman you have seduced. You must
give the woman who loves you the most
unconditionally and completely.

“That woman will be placed in a room that is pumped

full of aphrodisiac. The other party will enter and have
one hour to break her. We will all get to watch their
best efforts. I expect it to be very entertaining.” A few
people in the crowds chuckled as he gave a pause.
“When they’re done, the woman must choose
between their new lover or their old love. Whoever
their heart chooses will win. If both sides break, or
both sides remain loyal, then you will each pick
another girl, and we will repeat the process.”

“Absolutely not!” I snarled.

“You think I’d let him touch my women!” Derek

snapped at the same time.
Depravity let out an unaffected laugh. “You two… you
worry too much. There are two other caveats. First
off, your woman will be put to sleep, and it will be a
proxy in the room. You’ve likely seen them before,
they are illusions the gods and goddesses create to
make people think they are real. It will be… a copy… of
your woman’s mind, and it will only appear as your
woman’s body. Although, watching your woman be
seduced and raped by a man, even though it’s only an
illusion, may be too much for you, but if that’s the
case, you’re welcome to walk away, and accept your

“Loss!” I took a step forward.

“You bastard! You told me this competition would

favor me!” Derek added, just as angry.

“Does it not? Aren’t you the one who held an affair

behind Hakaru’s back for all of those years? Aren’t you
a man that prefers to attack head-on? Do you think
yourself too weak to seduce a woman at your mercy?”

“Even if you say that his women have all been

brainwashed by him. How could I break a woman who
is already broken?”

Depravity nodded thoughtfully. “That’s why I’ve

decided on a second condition. The woman will have
her mind altered. She will lose all inhibition, and will
not see herself being in a relationship with anyone.
Her choices will ring to her true desires, and not be
influenced by expectations, status, or principles.”

“If you’re going to alter their minds, how do I know

you’re not going to truly put things in his favor?” I
“Your goddesses have already made me make a pact
with them.” Depravity sighed. “You may see us as
enemies, but the truth is, I admire you a bit. I am
Depravity, the god of perversion. You are a man who
raped your sister, lusted after your mother, broke the
vessel of your former goddess, sexually tortured your
former girlfriend, and seduced countless women to
love you when you had no plans to love them back.
You are a model of Depravity!

“My biggest regret is not drawing you to me. I would

have made you my champion if Netori hadn’t done it
first. I only tried to bully you because I was afraid that
you would cause me troubles. Imagine, a mortal like
you causing a god like me to worry. Hmph!” He
crossed his arms. “My point being, I have no animosity
toward you. I actually might have even liked you if
situations were different. However, even if I did have
nefarious intentions, your goddesses have made me
swear, and my vows are unbreakable. That means that
I will carry through with every promise, and I will only
be fair to you. On my oath as a god, I swear it.”
I didn’t know how to respond. I had never really seen
things this way. He never came to the mortal world
intending to be my enemy anyway. He had just been
here already and got caught up in their stuff. Even
Mary and NTR had mentioned that there was room for
Depravity in their lives. I had just built him up so much
as an enemy that I was never able to see him any
other way. I still hated him, if for no other reason,
then for what he did to Kira. Even then, he had done
that stuff before I even knew of his existence and he
even knew my name.

“Fine, I agree to the terms!” Derek said first, shooting

me a defiant glare.

Even if I wanted to back out, it was too late now. The

conditions were out, and if I walked away, it’d be the
same as admitting defeat. I would lose NTR Crush, and
possibly even more. I nodded in confirmation,
preparing myself for what came next.
“Very well then, who will seduce first? Hakaru! Call it!
Blow Jobs or Anal?”

He flipped a coin in the air before I had more than a

second to think about what he said.

“Ah! Anal!” I answered instinctively.

The coin landed on the ground, but even bouncing, it

seemed to stay in one spot and not roll or bounce
away, as if Depravity had complete control of its
trajectory. The coin bounced two more times up and
down before finally landing. It was tails, or as he put it,

“Hakaru wins the right to go first.” Depravity spoke in

a low voice. “Derek! Choose a woman you have
seduced, the one you think will choose you no matter

“Tsk!” Derek made an irritated noise.

He gestured, and a group of eight women made a

circle around him. They were all in robes, and they
had their hoods up, hiding anything about them.
Comparatively, I had not attempted to hide the
identity of my women. Maybe that was a mistake I
had been making from the beginning. I had no clue
who Derek had seduced and who he was playing with.
It was clear who all of my women were, which also
made them extremely vulnerable.

I watched as he spoke to the eight women. He

eventually pointed to one woman. She seemed to
argue with him for a bit, but he waved it off. Then, he
pulled her aside and whispered some words in her
ear. She slowly started to nod, and then, with a small
smile forming on his lips, he pulled her to the front.

“This will be the one!” He declared confidently, pulling

back her hood.

The girl he revealed wasn’t someone that I knew at all,

but Kira gasped and then grabbed my arm, whispering
quickly in my ear.

“Her name is Michelle. She’s gotten in a lot of trouble

at school. She likes to use guys, and will sometimes
date several at a time. She’s a manipulator, and
trickster. She has a shallow personality and I don’t
think she loves anything. It will be very difficult to
seduce her. She’s a woman who can have sex casually
without any emotional investment!”
“Kira…” I put a hand on hers, softening her grip. “It’ll
be okay. I’m a manipulator too, right?”

“Ah… Hakaru…” She still looked worried.

It wasn’t that I was confident. Rather, it was that I had

nothing else I could do. These were the conditions
that were laid out. He said it himself. If I walked away,
I was admitting defeat. I had no choice but to push
forward and win this thing. I had two goddesses who
had the confidence that I could win. I had to trust
myself and my instincts.

“Hmph!” Michelle crossed her arms, “You don’t look

like anything impressive. I’ll definitely pick my
precious Derek!”
“Well, you won’t remember your relationship with
Derek so much.” Depravity shrugged, snapping his

There was a flash of light, and suddenly she was lying

on the ground to the side. Furthermore, there was a
room sitting in the middle of the auditorium. There
was a bed, some dressers, and even a lamp. Sitting on
that bed was Michelle. She didn’t meet anyone’s eyes,
and it seemed like she had no awareness that she was
being looked at by crowds of people. She hummed
patiently while her feet hung from the end of the bed.

“When you are ready, Hakaru, you can approach her.

Once you enter the illusion, it will appear like a normal
bedroom. Michelle is waiting for someone, but she
doesn’t remember who. As for what happens after
that, this is up to you.”
Sasori raised her hand, and when he glanced at her
she blushed. “Can we discuss his strategy before he

“You have one hour. The time has already started. You
can use it however you want.” Depravity waved his
hand dismissively.

“Ah… Hakaru… you need to approach her with a

strong hand. Turn her into your little slut!” Akiko said.

“You should rape her!” Maria nodded. “Just push her

down and imprint yourself on her heart.”

“You should woo her. Appeal to her emotional side.

Make her feel safe and protected in your arms.” Kira
“Make her feel wanted. Apply to her need and lust.
That’s the best way to seduce her!” Sasori added.

The girls were all nearly speaking on top of each other.

They didn’t seem to notice that a lot of the things that
they were saying came almost at conflict with each
other. As they spoke, I began to realize that I had
seduced each woman differently. It caused me to
realize that every girl was different, and there was no
specific way to seduce them. I had to find a way to
reach Michelle’s heart, and I only had an hour!

“Hakaru…” Mom spoke last, and all of the other

women quieted as she stepped forward. “You are my
son. Just be yourself, and she will decide whether the
man you are is the man she wants.”

A loud snort filled the room, and the group turned to

look at Derek, who was standing there with an
unhappy expression on his face, and his arms crossed.
“You don’t have a chance. You don’t understand the
kind of woman she is. Deep? Emotional? Hmph… not
every woman is like that. Most women are shallow
and weak. You show them your big cock and they
quiver and lose their shit. That’s the true path to
having women. They need a strong hand. My women
know I’m the boss, and they won’t hesitate to do
anything for me. If you’re going to try to win my
women with your weak-ass shit, well, be my guest. I’ll
look forward to taking your women from you!”

His words received ugly looks not just from my five

women, but the additional ones sitting in the stands.
He ignored the icy looks. His women were looking at
him too, but their hoods were still up, and it was
anyone’s guess what was running through their minds.
There was no way they could be satisfied with a man
like him. That’s what I thought, but they were
following him for one reason or another.
“The time is ticking…” Depravity muttered.

I snapped out of my thoughts. I had already wasted a

few minutes. My prey was in there waiting for me.
Taking a breath, I looked at all my women one last
time, and then I stepped forward. I walked for a few
steps. It wasn’t until I was only a meter away from the
bed that the room suddenly changed. The sound of
the auditorium fans disappeared, and even the air felt
like it changed. I had to remind myself that this was all
an illusion. Even the girl sitting on the bed was
technically just a puppet made by a god.

The walls closed us in on all four sides, and I was

standing right where a door should have been. It
looked like a typical hotel room, maybe a bit cozier
than a hotel. Curiously, I reached out again, and my
hand hit a solid wall. I couldn’t walk back out. I was all
in now.
“Who are you?” Michelle noticed I was standing in the

I turned back to her and smiled. “Hakaru. The name is


It was time to give it my all.

Chapter 130 :
“Hakaru…” Michelle frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t
know you!”

“Ah!” I smiled wryly. “Aren’t I the guy you’re waiting

on? Hakaru.”

“You are? Hakaru? Ah…. Um… yeah…I think…” her

face scrunched up cutely. “You must be!”
I smiled and took a step forward. She reeled back.

“Wh-what are you doing?” She cried out.

I cocked my head, frowning slightly. “What do you


“We’re in a bedroom!”

I looked around and raised an eyebrow. “I know.”

“The only reason we’d be in a bedroom together… i-is

to do that!”

“You mean sex?”

“Ah! D-don’t say it!”

I furrowed my brow as I tried to get a grasp of the

situation. Her mind had been altered. Supposedly, this
was an uninhibited version of her. It felt like the exact
opposite. However, Kira had also said that she was a
manipulator. That meant that her current behavior
was all an act. There was supposedly aphrodisiac in
the room too, which meant that she was slowly
growing more and more sexually excited. I supposed
that was to make sure the deal was sealed within an

Derek’s words rang out in my head. I didn’t think he

was being a trickster when he shouted. He wasn’t that
smart to be so clever and try to deceive me. War
picked him exactly because he was such a
straightforward competitor. So, when he said you
needed to attack her with a heavy hand, it’s probably
exactly what he did. She was a manipulator, but he
tore through her manipulations and did whatever he
wanted to her. In the end, he had conquered her

What did that say about her? She was someone who
desired an alpha? No… but breaking apart her
manipulations, he showed her that he had control.
With that, he was able to do what he wanted with her.
However, that was a girl who was inhibited. Perhaps,
deep down, she had felt she needed that control. Or
maybe, I was just thinking bullshit.

If I tried to win her in the same way that Derek did, I

would fail. I’d be competing with him over who was
more alpha, or who was more dominant. He already
had time to ingrain his dominance into her heart. Even
if she doesn’t see herself as dating him, she’d still pick
the more dominant man. That meant I needed to
appeal to a side of her that Derek never did. I needed
to give her something that Derek couldn’t, something
that made her feel fulfilled in a way that he didn’t. I
didn’t need to be his direct competition, but his

As I sat there staring at her, she cocked her head at

me, clearly wondering what I was thinking about. She
started to grow a bit shy and even blushed slightly. I
finally made my decision, breaking my eye contact
with her.

“I’m not going to have sex with you,” I responded.

“You’re not? Ah… I mean, like that was even an

option! Ah… wh-what are you doing?” She let out a
cry as I sat, I began to unbuckle my pants.

“I’m taking off my clothing,” I responded.

“Why- why are you doing that?”

“Hah? To masturbate?” I yanked my pants down,
causing her to look away.

“Y-you… here?”

“It’s my hotel room?” I ripped off my shirt and tossed

it aside.

“Ah… it is? Wait… even so! I’m still here.”

“That’s fine, you can leave. You’re not needed.” I

flopped on the bed next to her, causing her to leap
out of it, spinning and staring at me helplessly.

“N-not needed… I mean… I don’t want to leave?”

“You want to watch? It’s not like I mind if a pervert

“P-p-pervert?” her eyes turned as wide as teacups.

“Ah, let’s go!” I started to play with it as it started to

get larger.

“Even if… you can’t…” She didn’t know how to


Despite the fact her head was turned away, she kept
glancing back at it over and over again. Each time she
looked at it, it was bigger and harder. Her eyes
lingered on it more and more, as she became
entranced with what I was doing in front of her.
I didn’t hold back either. I used my hand and started
to pump my cock hard. It had been some time since I
masturbated, but it wasn’t like it was something you’d
forget how to do. I knew that this was being done in
full view of my girls, Derek, and innumerable others. I
wasn’t an exhibitionist, this was super embarrassing.

As the lewd grunts and noises I made filled the room,

Michelle no longer made a show of looking away.
Now, she was staring at it with great excitement. She
licked her lips, her legs rubbing together as she fought
her growing arousal. Of course, now that she was
looking at my penis, she’d think all of that arousal was
purely from watching me masturbate. Maybe some of
it was, but most of it was thanks to the aphrodisiac.
Had it just come naturally, she would have just felt like
a slut who gave in to temptation. Now, that
temptation had a name, Hakaru.

Ten minutes passed by, and I was beginning to think I

really would blow my load. I felt relieved when she
leaned down on the bed next to me. I turned to her
for the first time since I started.

“I can’t get off on my own. Can you help me?”

Her cheeks turned red and she looked away, puffing

out her cheeks. “Well… I mean… I guess it can’t be

She reached out with one hand and grabbed the shaft.
I immediately let out a noise, causing her to squeak
and let go of it. Then, feeling embarrassed, she
reached out and grabbed it with both hands. She
began to enthusiastically jerk it up and down. Her
hands were small, but they were warm and moved
quickly. She seemed to have a bit of experience doing
this, and it felt pretty satisfying. While she was doing
it, she wore an extremely determined expression on
her face.
“Perhaps, if you used your mouth?” I asked.

“Ah… o-okay!”

With the skill of a pro, she began to suck my cock

excitedly. Her head bobbed up and down rhythmically
and she showed no signs of slowing down. I did feel
like I was just about to lose it in her mouth.

“How about I try you!” I said to push back the


If I came at that moment, it’d require at least a little

bit of recovery time. This was time that I couldn’t
afford to lose. I had underestimated her skill, or
perhaps the aphrodisiac was affecting me too and I
hadn’t noticed it.
Either way, I grabbed her and flipped her over. She let
out a noise of surprise as my cock left her mouth, and
she was laid down on the bed on her back. She was a
small, light girl, and it was very easy to do such a thing
with her. In a swift motion, I pulled down and tossed
aside her pants as well.

“Ah… wh-what are you doing?”

“Heh, aren’t I just going to eat you up.” I kneeled and

sucked on her inner thigh.

The suddenness of my motions caused her back to

buckle for a second as she let out a cry.

“D-down there? N-no…”

I dived in instead, sucking her clit immediately. She let
out a cry, pushing down on the bed with her feet and
pushing up her hips, inadvertently shoving it in my
face even more.

“Ahhh… stop… if you do it like that, I’ll go crazy.”

“Well, now that is something I’m interested in

seeing!” I chuckled, speeding up a bit.

“Ahn… Ah… it’s sensitive. Hah… hah…”

“You smell so naughty, you must really like this.”

“D-don’t smell it.”

“Mmmm…” I moaned sucking on her pussy roughly as
I rubbed my face in it and penetrated it with my

“Ahn! Ahh… Ahhh!” She was already cumming, which

excited me further and caused me to attack her again
and again.

When I needed a breath, I switched to my fingers and

then returned. She came numerous times, and my
face and hands were covered with her lust. Her eyes
were filled with pure delight and she was panting in

“Please… I need it, I need your dick!” She cried out,

almost drooling.

At this point, it wasn’t the first time she had said that.
I had been teasing her relentlessly for over a half-
hour, building her up until she was at a point where
she was truly ready to break. With that, I finally
moved up and kissed her. Even though my mouth was
covered in her naughty fluids, she kissed me roughly,
her eyes filled with lust.

“Please, fuck me…” She whimpered.

I pulled out my dick, pressing it against her wet

womanhood. She was so wet that even the slightest
pressure would have caused it to penetrate. I avoided
applying that pressure.


“I want it so bad. Please… give it, give it to me.”

“Since you want it so much, I’ll-“

“Times up!” The illusion disappeared and she
disappeared like smoke under me.

I fell an inch to the hard ground. It was my dick, posed

to slam into a soft wet pussy, that took the brunt of
the fall. I let out a groan, curling up for a bit. My girls
all ran out to greet me. One of them tossed a blanket
over me, although I had no clue where she had got it
from. They helped me to my feet and walked me back
to where we started. As I went, Derek pointed and
laughed. Standing next to him was the girl, fully
dressed, who was looking at me with an awkward

“Ah man, this was hilarious. You took too long, you
didn’t even get it in her! That was the best!” he
Many of the robed men in the bleachers, the so-called
witnesses, were also laughing at the sight. I had an
ugly expression on my face.

“This round is over. It is now time for Hakaru to

choose his woman.” Depravity called out.

“Why even bother?’ Derek asked. “It’s clear I won.

Right babe?”

“Y-yes! I will stick with Derek!” She cried out, shooting

me a defiant stare.

The real Michelle was still asleep. This was technically

the illusion that had been in the room with me. I felt
my heart fall. I had been so determined to give her
satisfaction; I had let time slip by. In the end, I hadn’t
left even a single print on this girl’s heart.
“That decision will come after the both of you go.”
Depravity snorted. “Besides, you still need to go. If
you do no better in swaying a woman to your side as
Hakaru, then another round will begin. Either way, I’ve
found this all quite entertaining!”

“Hah… whatever, I’ll break whatever girl you throw at

me.” Derek responded confidently.

I was depressed, but as I started to calm down and

glanced at the women around me, I felt a pain in my
heart. I had to let Derek fuck one of them? It might
have been an approximation, but it felt real. Even if I
won this round, we’d just have to do it over again. I
felt extremely disheartened. I wouldn’t just have to
watch one girl of mine, but possibly several? Who
would want to play this cruel, depraved game?
“Hakaru, I’ve already slept with Derek, so it won’t be
another notch on my belt,” Akiko explained. “Plus, I’ve
already rejected him for you, so I’m the best choice.”

“Except, you won’t remember your relationship with

Hakaru, and you won’t be inhibited. You’ve already
slept with Derek before, so there is no telling how
your feelings may fall.” Kira spoke up. “On the other
hand, Depravity spent months trying to break me. I’ve
been used and abused by countless men. Derek
wouldn’t have the power to even touch me!”


All the girls started to say they would, even the ones
on the bleachers. Just as it was starting to get noisy,
one voice shot out from the crowd.

“I’ll do it.”

She smiled. “I’ll be the one who goes in there. It’s

impossible for him to win.”

Chapter 131 :
My mother had stepped forward, agreeing to become
Derek’s plaything. Naturally, I was horrified by this.
Both Kira and Akiko had their reasons. After Kira’s sex
life had been aired out during their last encounter,
perhaps she wanted to put egg on Derek’s face as she
rejected him. Akiko had even more investment.
Perhaps, she wanted to prove to me and herself that
the only man in her life was me.

As for my mother, she had been my lover for the

shortest amount of time. When her mind had been
wiped before, father had enjoyed her greatly, and
mother had descended into her brand of debauchery
while I could only watch. Of any woman there, she
was the one who was most likely to have her heart
easily taken. It was painful to accept, but my mother
was a wildflower, and taming her was a privilege I
couldn’t flaunt.

“Mother… I…” She reached up and put a finger on my


“Hakaru, do you trust your mother?” She asked.

“I do…” There was no other way I’d ever answer.

“Then, please have faith that I know what I’m saying. I

will pick you.” She responded, cupping my cheek
I sighed helplessly and then nodded. “Yes, mother.”

There was nothing else I could say. Even in this

situation, I would never tell her that I didn’t trust her.
No, I did trust her. If I didn’t, what was I even doing
here? I had to trust every woman here.

“It’ll be her,” I said weakly toward Depravity.

There was a flash, and she was no longer in my arms,

but lying right next to Michelle on the floor. Her other
form appeared in the room. My mother was sitting on
the bed.

“Haha… I’ll be fucking your mom!” Derek chuckled.

“Ah, I know I wanted to hurt you, but you make it too
I had a bitter expression on my face, but I didn’t grant
him the pleasure of a response. Instead, my eyes were
focused on my innocent mother, sitting in a hotel
room, slowly being driven mad with lust, all while
having no clue she was about to be assaulted by this
deviant. I wanted to strangle Derek right there.

“Watch how it’s done.” He smirked in a way that only

caused my rage to build.

I didn’t realize I had stepped forward until there was a

hand holding me back. It was Sasori, who then stroked
my arm to calm my emotions. Derek didn’t give me
another look as he walked right into the bedroom. I
didn’t see when he entered, but he did stop
momentarily before taking another step forward.
Mother noticed him as he reached the bed.

“Ah! Oh… Derek? You’re Hakaru’s friend, right?”

Where I had never met Michelle before, my mother
had met Derek. I felt like it was even more of a
mistake that I had picked mom. A guy going after the
needy mother of their close friend was a story as old
as time. I had given him complete access to the
ultimate fantasy. I felt completely stupid.

“Yeah… I’m your son’s friend.” Derek laughed. “And

I’m going to fuck you.”

Mother’s expression turned icy, and just a bit angry,

and I started to feel an ounce of hope. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me!” Derek chuckled. “I’m gonna make

you my little plaything. Hakaru can watch as I turn you
into my sex toy!”

Her icy expression slipped into one of confusion and

surprise. “Hakaru? What about him?”
“Hehe… let’s just say, he’s going to see everything I do
to you, so be a good little slut and put on a show.”

“Y-you vulgar boy…” Mother blushed, looking away.

My expression started to sink once again. She couldn’t

be falling for this, right? He showed absolutely no tact
whatsoever. He just walked in and said it without any
mercy, and my mother was already showing signs of

“Hehe, I like that look on you.” He turned and yelled.

“You see that look, Hakaru? I’m going to make your
mother have all kinds of fun looks as she rides my
cock. I hope you watch closely!”

“Shameless!” Maria snapped hatefully.

“That bastard!” Akiko added.

Without warning, he reached out and ripped open my

mother’s blouse. She let out a cry, but he wouldn’t let
her cover her chest as he fondled it roughly. Rather
than fight him, she looked on helplessly. These were
the same horny, excited eyes mom showed dad when
he was pawing her. She never looked or acted that
way with me. It was a level of perverseness that
exceeded her normal behavior like she was putting on
a show to please her sexual partner.

I wanted to believe something like I was so good, that

she didn’t need to put on a show, but it was clear in
my mind that she wanted to please Derek and express
her pleasure from him. These weren’t the eyes of a
reluctant woman, but one that was excited to push
“Please, don’t… haah… please…” However, Mother
couldn’t hide the excitement in her eyes.

He was sucking on her nipples, pushing her back down

on the bed as he tore off the rest of her clothing. He
didn’t even remove it gently. He just ripped it off her
body without any care whatsoever. She let out cries as
he did, but it only seemed to cause her to grow more
perverse and wilder. I felt a building pain in my heart
watching my mother act this way. She had told me to
trust her, and it turned out that this trust was
completely unfounded.

“Haha… I’m about to stick my big dick in that loose

pussy that pushed our Hakaru, how do you feel about
that?” Derek asked with a sadistic grin on his face.

“Y-you’re one of Hakaru’s friends, i-it can’t be that

“Hehe… how about I let you be the judge!’ He opened
up his pants and a large thing came out.

His penis that had been bitten off had been restored.
His god or Depravity had likely healed him, just like
they healed my knife wounds. It looked even bigger
than before. It was like a coke bottle, and the fact he
wanted to shove that thing in my mother caused my
teeth to clench. I had to look at the sleeping woman
on my right and convince myself he wasn’t going to rip
apart my mom’s delicate womanhood for real. This
was just an illusion.

“Th-that’s too big!” She cried out. “You’ll rip me


“If Hakaru’s dumb head can squeeze out of that thing

then this dick will fit!”
“Y-you can’t…” She responded shyly.

“Hehe… just be a good little slut and put on a show for

your son!”

She didn’t fight him as he forced open her legs,

revealing her pussy. She was well shaved and clean.
She had made it nice, but that was because she had
been longing for my dick. Had she known that all of
her efforts would just go so that this bastard could
stick it in her, I wondered if things would be different.

Derek thrust himself into my mother in a single

motion. She dug her nails into his back as her body
arched, letting out a wailing cry of lust.

“Ah… your loose pussy took it all in one thrust. You’re

such a slut.” Derek laughed.
“It’s cause I’m so wet… this feels so amazing!” She
cried out, biting her knuckle as she fought back

He grabbed her wrists, pulling her finger from her

mouth and holding them over her head. “Ahh! Ahhh!”

She was unable to hold back her moans as he started

to thrust into her, conquering her pussy with long,
rough strokes.

“It’s… it’s so deep. It’s too big. You’re tearing me

open!” Mom shuddered orgasmically.

“I-it’s not that big…” Maria tried to comfort me, but

then looked away.

“Ahhn… it’s crushing my womb!” Mom screamed.

“Hehe… I’m invading that space Hakaru used to take
up. Maybe I should put a baby of my own in there!”

“Don’t, you can’t, I can’t be pregnant!” Mom cried.

He continued to pound into her, leaning down and

licking her nipples wetly. As soon as he used one of his
hands to attack her other breast, she used her hand to
try to cover her face, ashamed of the erotic expression
that she was showing.

“Don’t hide from Hakaru! Show him who you truly


It wasn’t like Derek would give her a choice. He picked
my mother up and put her on her knees facing the
foot of the bed, in other words, toward us. He went in
from behind, pounding her with rough, violent thrusts.
She had to grab onto the bedpost just to keep from
being knocked down with each thrust. With her arms
holding on to the bed, her face was on full display
clearly for the rest of us.

“Ahn! Ahnn… So good!” She screamed, a bit of drool

dripping from her lips as her eyes seemed unable to

He thrust into her with enough force to create a

slapping sound as his ball slammed into her with each
thrust. Her tits were bouncing back and forth wildly,
and her red-faced expression only grew more
“I want more!” Derek cried. “I want you to show your
son how much you love it. Come on… cum like the
whore mother you are.”

He had leaned over her now, reaching around her to

grab one tit as he rocked her hard and wetly from
behind. The wet sounds of each thrust put on display
just how aroused Mother was.

“Your boobs are so perfect… hehe… tell Hakaru whose

boobs they are!”

“N-no… no…” She cried out.

“Say it… say it!” He taunted, looking every bit a devil.

“Derek! Ahhhn… Derek’s cock is amazing! I love it so
much!” She cried out, her moans amplifying like a
damn had just broken.

Any lucidity in her left, and she began to moan and cry
and writhe, completely at Derek’s whim. My stomach
had already clenched to the point of vomiting, and
then I felt like I was gutted out. By this point, I just felt
hollow inside. Yet, Derek’s cruelty knew no end.

He changed positions and had her get on top in

reverse cowgirl. She rode his dick, showing the full
display of her pussy as it was penetrated by his too
large cock. She used her fingers and even spread her
pussy, showing the full display.

“Hakaru! Your mother loves dick! Watch! Watch

Hakaru!” Mom called out.
Her calls were as deadly as a siren, and they beat me
to the point I felt like dying. Derek didn’t even goad
her anymore. She was moving her legs on her own,
bouncing up and down on him as her tits flopped
around. The elegant Japanese woman I had known
was completely gone. Even Maria had her mouth
covered with her hand, and could only watch in shock
as mother sunk as low as she could.

“Watch! Watch your best friend fuck Mother’s pussy!”

She cried out. “I’m, I’m cumming!”

She exploded liquid shooting out like a fountain over

the bed. To her, she was shooting at a wall, but to us,
it was like her lust was shooting right at me, all caused
by Derek’s dick.

“Ah… damn… it’s twitching so good! I’m gonna

creampie your mom!”
“Yes! Yes! Inside!” Mom moaned happily. “I want
Derek’s cum in me!”

He delivered his load, holding Mom’s wild hips down

as he pumped her full of his cum. When she pulled off
his dick, she shot a smile out, and it felt like she was
looking right at me. She opened her lips, and white
stuff oozed out.

“Look, Hakaru… Your mother’s pussy is filled with your

friend’s cum. So… good…”

I had never realized my mother could be so cruel. As I

sunk to my knees, feeling like a complete failure, even
the girls around me couldn’t bring themselves to try to
comfort me after witnessing that.

“Times up.” Depravity’s voice rang out.

Chapter 132 :
Seeing me on the floor, Derek laughed with pure
delight as he returned to his women. Mom appeared
near my side, but I couldn’t even look at her right
now. The peaceful sleeping mother on the floor, that
was her without inhibitions? It hurt too much to think

“Then, who do you pick?”

“Derek naturally.” Michelle snorted. “After watching

that, how could I ever want this loser who can’t even
get it in me?”

Michelle’s words were just a drop in the bucket.

“And you, Nonaka, what is your decision?”

I was on the ground, not even looking at her. I saw her
feet in front of me.

“Hakaru… did you see?” She asked, her voice sounding

somewhat excited.

“I… saw…” I responded hollowly.

“You saw it… huh, you saw me with Derek. You saw
me like that. You saw all of me?”

“Hehehe… that’s my girl.” Derek giggled.

My hand tightened. “Just pick Derek already!”

“Hmm?” Depravity seemed to notice something

“I need to know! Did you see everything?”

“I did! I saw you fucking him! I saw your pussy

stretched out! I saw cum leaking from your crotch!”

“How did it feel? What did you think?”

I stood up in fury. “I hated it. How do I feel? I feel

jealous! I feel anger! You’re my woman! I want no
other man to have you! How can I possibly be
satisfied! I won’t ever let any man touch you again! I
won’t let any man have you!”

I screamed into her face, but when my eyes focused

on her looking at me, I was stunned. She was looking
at me a massive grin on her face, and she was panting
just as lewdly as when Derek was fucking her. She
looked more aroused now than when he was doing

“Hakaru… I’m so happy…” She said, holding her hands


“Wh-what?” I was completely confused.

“When Derek said you were watching, I had my fears

you weren’t, but I’m glad you saw everything.”

“You… wanted me to watch?”

“I wanted you to see me… see me.” She crossed her

arms and shot me a sudden angry look. “You make
things so difficult! All these years, I have to lay it on so
thick to get you to see me as a woman! It took having
to act so humiliatingly just to get you to finally react!”
“What are you talking about, we’ve already been
together, don’t you remember?”

Sasori grabbed my shoulder. “She doesn’t remember!

Depravity took her memories of being in a relationship
with you, as well as any inhibitions.”

“The day you were born, and your head came out… I
had the most mind-blowing orgasm giving birth.
Hehe… it made your father so uncomfortable, but
after that, I knew that I was Hakaru’s forever. Yet, no
matter what I did, you never noticed me. I’d dress
around the house half naked. I’d get drunk so you’d
have to take advantage of me. I even flaunted myself
with your father so you’d get jealous. Time and time
again, you ignored your Mother!”

I suddenly remembered a time when she was drunk.

At the time, we didn’t remember we had already
started a sexual relationship, but even then, she called
out to me and wanted me. Only when drunk did she
allow herself to express her true desires.

“I was so happy that you were watching me. It made

me mad with lust. I even went a bit overboard… but
it’s all because Hakaru was watching.”

“What are you saying?” Derek stepped forward. “I

fucked you! I made you cum!”

“Eeeeeh?’ She turned to Derek and looked at him like

a bug. “Aren’t you just a dick? I can fuck a dildo and it
can make me cum, that doesn’t mean I’ll ever have
feelings for it.”

Derek’s face was extremely satisfying. His eyes bulged,

and he looked like he had just been slapped.
“You… you want my dick some more!” He tried to
regain his pride.

“Hmph! Don’t get so full of yourself. You’re just a sex

toy I used in my little game with my son. You don’t
matter in the slightest.”

He looked like the air had blown out of him as Mom

turned back to me. “I’m sorry for my words earlier. I
wanted to get a rise out of my Hakaru, please forgive
your slutty mother. If you finally see me as a woman,
then please make me yours. I want you so bad.” She
grabbed me. “Please, your mother will do anything for
you. Anything. I love you unconditionally, and this
body is completely yours!”

These words echoed words she had already said

before. Her eyes were no different than the eyes
mother had used when I had broken her. No… I had
never broken her. Perhaps, she was broken from the
moment I was born. I hadn’t been taking my mother,
she had just been waiting for me to finally claim her.

Her stunt had hurt, but only because she didn’t know
we had ever been in a relationship. In her mind, she
would do whatever it took to have my love. That
manifested in her putting on a show, using Derek to
try to make me jealous enough to finally admit I loved
her. However, at no point had anyone else been on
her mind. Even when she was with father, deep down,
her shameless actions had been there to get my
attention. My mother wasn’t a willful slut, but a
woman acting out for the attention of the man she

This is what Mom had meant when she said that she
wouldn’t lose. There had never been another man on
her mind. There had never been another choice.
Derek was never going to win her heart because it was
already mine completely. At best, he succeeded by
teasing her that I was watching. Just the mere thought
of her son caused her to put on a show, intended to
drive me wild. She did succeed.

“Mm!” While I hesitated in thought, she leaped

forward, kissing me, her tongue taking my mouth

“Ahem… I need an answer,” Depravity said, looking

slightly helpless, but also somewhat amused.

She pulled away. “Hakaru! Always Hakaru… let’s have

sex now, my love, I want you to wash away the feel of
that gross man. My vagina will always be Hakaru
shaped from now on.”

“You… bitch!” Derek yelled. “It doesn’t matter! We

both kept one! Now, we’re just going to have another
“N-no!” There was a cry, and Michelle suddenly ran
out and slammed her body between me and Mom.

Mom let out a noise of surprise as she was shoved

back by the tiny woman. Immediately after, Michelle
grabbed on to me tightly.

“He-he’s mine! You can’t have him!” She cried out.

“What?” I blinked.

“Michelle! What are you doing?” Derek snapped.

“I can’t stand it!” Michelle cried out. “I can’t stand this

old woman touching my precious Hakaru! He’s my
“What are you saying? We had a deal!”

“Hmph… I was going to take the deal too… after all,

once you became a god and gave me eternal beauty, I
could find Hakaru, and then we could start our
relationship. That way, I could have everything!”

“Is that what he promised you?” I cried out.

“You… conniving bitch!” Derek shouted.

“If he lost, I wouldn’t be able stand it! I couldn’t stand

not being with him! He’s gentle and kind, and I know
he’ll treat me right. Time and time again, I always
went for what was most profitable or logical. With
father… with you… I only thought about the biggest
gain! However, I’m going to make my decision on
emotion just this once! It is Hakaru that I want!”
Like Mom, she had her inhibition turned off. Normally,
she was a scammer and a girl who made decisions
based on logic. Even now, she had tried to pick the
outcome that would give her the most benefits.
However, seeing me with my mother stoked her
emotional side, and without inhibition to hold her
back, the truth finally came to the surface.

“Wait… this isn’t fair!” Derek cried out.

“Are you both decided?” Depravity asked.

“I am!” Michelle nodded.

“Of course…” My mother added.

He snapped, and both women hanging on me

disappeared. The two sleeping women woke up as
suddenly as they had been put to sleep. Mother got
up and turned to me. She suddenly blushed shyly.

“I… didn’t do anything to shame Hakaru, did I?” She


“Mother…” I didn’t know how to respond to that, as I

didn’t want to hurt her.

“You rode Derek like a slut.” Maria snapped, showing

no mercy.

“Eh?” Mom’s mouth dropped open in horror.

“With a big smile. Even let him cum in you!” Sasori

added. “You’re lucky your son is so forgiving.”
“H-H-Hakaru! I’m so sowwwy!”

“Ah! Mom! Look what you two did!” I glared at the

two women as Mom collapsed to the ground and
suddenly brought out a letter opener. “Ah! Stop!”

“No! I must kill myself! Mother will be better in her

next life!” I ended up having to fight Mom for a solid
minute before she finally settled down.

While this was happening, Michelle walked over to

Derek with an excited expression on her face. “Did we


The sound of Derek hitting Michelle across the face

caused Mom to settle down as we all looked over.
Michelle had collapsed to the ground, holding her
face. She was looking up at Derek with shock.

“Wh-what did I do?”

“Get out of here! You fucking whore!”

“B-but…” She looked up at the other women, but they

all turned their heads away.

Tears burst into her eyes, and then she stood up and
ran from the room, bawling.

“You lost, Derek,” I responded, coldly.

“Lost…” Derek had a strange grin on his face, and he

wasn’t looking coherent at all. “I lost?”
“I’m sorry. Our deal is now complete. War… you have
lost. As per your agreement, get lost.”

The man himself lifted his hood, revealing he was

hidden amongst Derek’s women. “Hmph… our
agreement is over as well, Derek. You will no longer be
my champion. How… disappointing.”

Those were the only words he left before he

disappeared. I didn’t even get a good look at him, but
he probably did that on purpose.

“You… you… you… I won’t lose… I never lose.”

“Stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.” Depravity

“I’m the one who wins!” Derek shouted, reaching into
his pocket and pulling something out.

I didn’t realize until it was pointed my way that it was

a gun. The girls behind me screamed as he pointed the
gun right at me. His girls fled as soon as they saw the
gun, not even glancing back once as they left the

“Derek! What the hell?”

“I always win!” He shouted, lifting the gun in both

hands and aiming.


I jumped at the sound of a gunshot, but it was Derek

who screamed as the gun in his hand fell. His hands
were bloody, and it looked like he had lost his trigger

“Got him!” I heard a voice behind me.

A group of men suddenly entered the room. I turned

expectantly as I watched them approach the rest of
us. They were men in suits, and even though it was
night outside and we were indoors, they still wore
sunglasses. A man in the center walked with a limp
and he had a cane. There was also a beautiful woman
next to him, who looked very embarrassed and sad
and had a distinct baby bump.

“Wh-what is this?” Derek squinted at the group

approaching. “Gina?”

“Hey, Hakaru!”
“Hey, Gio. It’s been a while.” I waved back.

“Wh-what are they doing here?” Derek hissed.

“Ah… remember when you captured Kira and tried to

make me pay? Remembered when you mentioned
you were the one who impregnated the prestigious
daughter of the Yamaki family? That seemed like a
pretty stupid thing to say at the time, but I never pass
up on an opportunity.”

“Just like you brought a gun as a backup plan. I

brought a bunch of guns of my own!”

The old man with the cane stopped right in front of

Derek. “So, you’re the little shit that got my daughter
pregnant, huh?”
Chapter 133 :
“Stop crying, you little shit,” the head of the Yamaki
family snapped. “We’re not going to kill you. As much
as I’d like to peel your dick like a banana, you are
regrettably the future father to my grandchild. You
will be brought into the Yamaki family where you will
spend the rest of your life working for that child’s
happiness and growth. Now, what do you say?”

“Th-thank you?” Derek said in a shaky voice.

“Hmph, you have some manners.” He snorted. “Hey,

Hellcat! I caught the very end of that show. I must say,
you’re still as wild as I remember.”

“You better stop remembering, or I’ll gouge out your

eyes,” Mom responded sweetly.
“Geh… noted,” he said. “We best get going now. We
just came for the kid. Eh… speaking of kids. Where is

“Huh? Hakaru is missing too!”

“Wait… what’s that sound?”


“Ah… ah… H-Hakaru… daddy’s right out… nnyaaaa….

Please… ahhhn… so good.”

“It’s coming from behind that pile of mats!”

Rather than just look behind the mat, a group of six

strong men walked over and threw them to the side
without restraint, revealing what was behind them. I
was standing there with my zipper open with my dick
out. Gina was bent over against the wall. Her pants
were down to her knees and her shirt was up with her
bra, exposing her tits. I was fucking her roughly from
behind, her tits bouncing with each thrust. My hands
reached around and were playfully squeezing them.

What? I had been horny since I hadn’t gone all the

way with Michelle. Gina was available and willing.
Plus, she was looking pretty good these days. Her tits
had grown a bit, and she had a very pretty motherly
look to her. She was also noticeably pregnant, and a
bit farther along compared to Kira. I was just sampling
the merchandise!

“I wonder if I get milk yet,” I whispered in her ear.

“N-no… you can’t… Please… it’s so deep you might hit

the baby with your cock.”
“What are you saying? It’s Derek’s kid, so he has a
hard head, maybe I’ll knock some sense into him and
he won’t end up like his trash father who threw away
such a beautiful woman.”

“Ahn… Hakaru… I’m cumming!”

“Well, enjoy my seed too…”

“I-it’s filling me up! Ahhn… so warm… show my baby a

man’s seed!”

This scene played out under the eyes of a dozen

people who were unable to react before I ended up
cumming inside Gina. She orgasmed too, moaning
with delight as her body twitched and spasmed. Only
when she started to recover did she look back and
realize she was being slutty in front of her entire
family. Her face turned red.

“S-sister…” Gio said in disbelief.

“Ahhh…!” She cried out, desperately trying to put her

clothing back on as my cock flopped out of her,
dripping white stuff down her legs.

When she finished, she tried to run away, but I

grabbed her and pulled her to me. “You’re mine now.”

“A-ahh… Hakaru…” She looked up at me, tears in her

eyes, as I grabbed her hair and then kissed her

When I pulled away, I looked down to see some wet

spots on her shirt.
“Oh… so you are leaking a bit… naughty girl…”

“I-it’s only because you treat me so naughtily that that

happened,” she responded, breathlessly, holding me.

“Y-y-you…” The old man began to move toward us.

Kira and Akiko took a worrying step forward, but mom

put out a hand stopping them. All the other Yakuza
were backing away, expressions of shock, and terror
on their faces. Derek had a hopeful expression on his

“F-father…” Gina noticed her father coming near us

and responded by grabbing me tightly. “I-I love him…”
“Y-y-you…” He reached me, lifted a hand to my face,
only to lightly pat it. “That’s my boy! You’ve finally
decided to become part of the family! I’m so happy!”

“What the hell is with the difference in treatment?”

Derek bellowed.

“Shut up!” Gio kicked him before turning back with

tears in his eyes. “Brother has finally become my true
bother. So beautiful!”

He started crying, as did several other Yakuza

members, causing everyone else watching to look on
with dazed looks.

“What are you saying? Join your family?” Mother’s

voice suddenly cut in. “The girl has joined our family!”
“Geh! Y-yes… Hellcat.” The old man looked deflated
but still happy.

“You can keep that bastard baby though.”

“Deal… but if you do happen to get her pregnant, I’ll

be treating it as my first.” The old man stroked his
beard. “Now, we really should go. Gina… you’ll see
your Hakaru again, but first, we have some affairs to

“Y-yes, father! Just one moment.” She left my side and

then ran over to my mother. “Mother, I’m sorry that I
was a lying slut before. Please accept me.”

“Hmph…” Mom crossed her arms and looked down on

Gina. “Come over to my house and work hard, and I’ll
consider letting you in my son’s harem.”
“Y-yes! I will!”

“I will train you hard! You will become the perfect


“Thank you, great mother! I will work hard!”

“Sexually too! That performance could use work!”

“Geh! Y-yes Mother!” She did have some similarities

with her father.

The group of Yakuza finally left after an exciting few

minutes. War’s army and Derek’s women were now
long gone. A moment later, Mary suddenly appeared.
She smiled at me.
“You’ve done well, Hakaru. I told you that you’d win.”

“Where is NTR?”

“D-do you think she wants to watch… us?”

“Ah, I suppose not.”

She’s probably fine with any other girl, but banging

Mary was equivalent to banging the enemy. She’d
tolerate it for the gains it would give me, but that
didn’t mean she wanted to watch.

“I thought you were going to wait at home for when I

was done,” I pondered.
She blushed in an adorably innocent way. “I couldn’t
wait. Could you blame me?”

“Yes, yes… Hakaru won,” Depravity cut in. “Good job,


My expression turned ugly and I looked at him. “You

better deliver!”

He made a hurt expression. “You wound me! I’m a god

of my word. I had always hoped you would win. I saw
much more advantage to being on the side of the new
Harem as he rises than the likes of a small-time war
god. I’ve meant everything I said.”

“It’s finished now,” Mary cut in. “Simply sleep with all
of the women Depravity provided, and then you
should have enough points to level. NTR will give you
the godless power. Then, you will sleep with me, and
obtain godhood once and for all.”

“I’m so proud… everything I’ve fought for… Netori and

I fought for, is about to become true.” Mother sighed

“They really are gods,” Kira whispered in wonder.

“Aren’t you less angry knowing that the man who

played with you was a god?” Depravity asked.

“Go die.”

“Hehe… I’m sorry, my dear, but I don’t plan to die for

a long time.” Depravity chuckled.
“Let’s not put a delay on this any longer,” I said.

“Are you sure?” You just went off with that pregnant
woman,” Depravity teased. “Nicely done, by the way.
Depravity approves!”

As he gave me a thumbs-up, I snorted. “I’m fine. Give

me my prize.”

“So sour… just watch, we’ll be friends one day.” He

shrugged. “On my word.”

He waved his hands, and the curtains covering the

stage which held his prepared prize started to open. If
I had any issue with this reward, it was the zombie-like
state of the women. I preferred women who had
functional minds. Already broken women were a bit
boring. I didn’t know how I felt about using this
method to reach godhood. However, if NTR felt it
would work, I would do what I had to. I waited in

As the sheets spread apart, my expression froze, and

the room became extremely silent.

All of his women were stripped naked and lying on the

floor. Every single one of them was leaking white stuff
from nearly every orifice. The sounds were dead when
the sheet was closed, but as soon as it was opened, I
could hear moans and gasps. Fifty virgin women had
all been fucked raw and filled with cum. It was like a
gangbang tsunami had blown across the stage. Blood
and cum leaked from many crotches. The women
themselves were fucked so hard that they looked like
their brains were barely functioning.

My first thought was that Depravity was fucking with

me, but he similarly gasped.
“What the hell?” he shouted.

However, we didn’t have to look far for the culprit.

There was a platform on the stage, and a woman bent
over the platform. Her upper body was covered in a
sheet, but a man was holding her lower body. He had
a grip on her ass and he was grunting as he fucked her
roughly on the stage. It was like he had systematically
banged every girl there, and he was now working on
the last.

“Father?” I asked in wide-eyed wonder.

My dad looked up from the woman he was banging

and then smiled. “Oh, hi, champ! I’m almost finished
here. Give me a second! Ahhhh! Yeahhhh…”

He exploded, pushing himself deep in the girl as he

came. When he finished, he pulled out his cock, wiped
it on her ass cheek, and then turned to face us,
completely naked.

“What are you doing here, old man?” I took a step

forward, feeling some anger.

“He’s not your dad!” Mary grabbed my arm, pulling

me back.

“What are you saying?”

“I haven’t been Elzo for a long time.” He chuckled.

“How did you hide from us? Tell me, Harem!”

“Harem?” I took a look at my father once again.

The man wearing my father’s face, Harem, let out a
laugh. “You know… it’s funny. You always keep calling
me Harem. That’s never been my name.”

“Harem!” Depravity called out. “What have you done

here? These… these were my women! You didn’t have
the right?”

“Right?” Harem laughed. “I have a right to whatever I

have the power to take.”

“I’m not a god who is so easy to play with!” Depravity

started to give off a feeling of power, like electricity
dangling across his skin.

“You got involved in NTR Crush. Your reason to be

here may not have started that way, but you were
involved. In that way, you violated the mandates of
the council. You may have thought there was no one
down here strong enough to enforce said laws, but
there is always someone stronger than ourselves. I
take it upon myself to give you your proper

“You dare!” Depravity sent out a wave of energy

directly at my father, but he merely lifted his hand.

A single white beam shot out. It pierced right through

Depravity’s beam, and then right through Depravity.
He let out a scream as the beam flashed through him.
The entire act had taken less than a second. When
their powers subsided, Harem stood there with a cruel
smirk on his face, and Depravity had a five-inch hole in
his chest.

Darkness started to spread out from that hole. It

looked like ash. Piece by piece, his body turned to ash
and floated away. He looked up at Harem in complete
shock as the darkness reached his face. His head
crumbled, and soon there was nothing left of

“Let’s hope your next incarnation isn’t as foolish.”

Harem snorted.

“H-how…” Mary shook. “How are you so powerful? Y-

your level is 15? You’re just Harem! You should be
weaker than me by now!”

Depravity and Mary were 13ths, while NTR was a 12.

She had only been an 11 as the three sisters. As for
me, I was still a level 7… although pretty high level 7 at
this point. That was still less than half of Harem.”

“Haha… that’s what I loved about you Marriage… how

gullible and stupid you are.” Harem snorted. “You still
think I’m Harem? After all these years? If I was truly
Harem, I would have wasted away by now, given how
weak this world appreciates harems anymore. Did you
never wonder why my shrine was called the unnamed
harem god? If I was truly Harem, why would my shrine
be unnamed?”

“Y-you…lied to me?”

“Who said a god ever had to be honest? I never lied. I

facilitate the existence of harems, just as NTR does.
However, I’m not some measly love god. I am the
feeling that every man has. I am the drive to
procreate, to spread your seed, to fuck and
impregnant one girl after another.”

“N-no…” Her eyes began to widen.

“I am a core god of human existence! You can call

me… Procreation!”
“What did you do to my father?” I demanded.

Procreation glanced over at me. “Oh… Hakaru. Your

father? He’s just my vessel. I’ve never done anything
to him. Rather, when you hit him with that bat, you
should be glad I stepped in, or you might have gone to
jail. He was once the son of the elder of one of my
shrines. I have so few left. It’s because I spent so long
letting myself be stifled by Marriage! However, I see it
clearly now. I’ve… found myself, you could say. I’ll be
spreading my name once again. All men worship me
whether they want to or not. Without me, there is no
man. It’s about time they worshiped me properly as
the god I am!”

“You bastard…”

“Me? I’m not the one who tried to take something of

daddies. You’re just a little kid who wanted to play
god.” He made an ugly face. “It’s about time that
someone showed you the truth.”

As he spoke, he walked back over to the woman bent

over the table. He pulled out his cock and then slid it
back into her. Her pussy shined wetly as he
penetrated her.

“Do you want to know the truth, Hakaru?”

“Harem… don’t…” Mary cried out.

“Shut the hell up!” I cursed, getting a sudden bad


“Well, too bad.” He reached up and ripped off the

sheet of the woman underneath him.
The woman who was bent over the table as he fucked
her… was NTR herself!

Chapter 134 :
“NTR… how could you?” Those words came from
Mary, who was tearing up.

Harem lifted NTR’s upper body off the table, his arm
wrapped across her chest, holding her neck. He began
to give quick, hard thrusts up into her, each one
causing the table to squeak and NTR’s legs to shudder.
Her eyes suddenly turned to Mary, and they didn’t
hold the same fog-like appearance of the other girls
on stage. They looked extremely clear and held a bit of

“You’re one to talk. All your talk about the sanctity of

marriage, and you run off to cheat on your husband.
You gave up all of this… Ahhhn… Yes… baby…
harder…” She moaned.

“This…. It’s a lie, right?” My eyes turn to Mary. “He’s

controlling her, right?”

She looked away speechlessly, a bit of shame and

regret in her eyes.

“Hakaru…” Mom reached out.

“Aphrodisiacs? Mind control?”

“This is the truth, Hakaru. You never had a chance,”

my father’s voice filled the room, containing more
malice and hubris than I had ever heard in his voice
before. “This story was always going to end this way;
when a mortal challenges a god. Isn’t that right, NTR?”
He licks her face, and she gasps as he pushes it into
her in one giant thrust. “Ahn… my love, you shouldn’t
tease the poor idiot much more. He is suicidal, after

“Haha… that’s true… it would be less fun if he just

ended it all. Good job.” He complimented her and NTR
seemed to smile in ecstasy at just his pleased look.

“Fine… have that skank!” Mary hissed. “Hakaru has

me. He’ll become the Harem god you never could!”

“You say that like I would ever let you stay.” He waved
his free hand that wasn’t grasping NTR, and Mary
suddenly flew across the room and landed in his grip.

“Let go! You Bastard!” She fought back, but there was
no sudden rise in power, no sparks of electricity.
Harem suppressed her completely, and she only
struggled like any woman might. I took a step forward,
and with just that step it felt like gravity increased one
hundred-fold. My next step landed me on my knees
with a crack. I let out a cry as I fell to my knees.

“No need to pray!” He laughed. “But your sentiment is

well received.”

“I am marriage!” Mary screamed. “You can’t do this to


“Didn’t I already say it?” He smirked. “I can do

whatever I have the power to do. Suppressing you is a
mild thing. You were always such a perfect wife. You
were always so diligent, so thoughtful. You made sure
every one of my needs was fulfilled. Even when it
came to women, when I grew hungry, you vetted and
sent them to my bed. You pretended you didn’t know,
and I pretended I didn’t notice, and as a result, I grew
tame and fat. It was only recently, after watching my
little sphinx here who lost everything work so hard,
that I realized why I was so unhappy. I had lost my
edge. I had lost my reason to be.

“Then, even your eyes wandered. My perfect wife had

become a perfect cheater. It took 2,000 years, but
NTR managed to turn you into the very thing you once
despised.” He continued to speak to the struggling
Mary in his hand while I failed to move an inch from
my spot. “I will gain much satisfaction in taming you
this time. I will turn you back into the perfect wife, but
my own ideal, not yours.”

“I didn’t cheat… I left you!” Mary snarled. “I don’t

want to be with you anymore.”

“Sure…” He chuckled and then pulled her close while

snapping his finger.
The clothing on her exploded into bits, revealing her
naked body in front of everyone present. She let out a
cry as he brought her close. Two fingers plunged into
her depths. While he held and fucked NTR with one
hand, he held and fingered Mary with the other.

“N-No… no…” She cried out, her face red, but

seemingly powerless to throw off his grip.

He turned back and sucked on her neck while rubbing

her clit. Wet noises started to sound from his

“Already cumming?” He said as he pulled away from

her neck, drool and spit still on the red hickey he had
given her.
“I-Imposs- aaahhhhnnnn…” Her body shuddered and
she collapsed against him, her eyes closing as her
body spasmed in his grip.

“Don’t fight it, Mary. You’re just as big of a slut as I

am! Don’t act like you don’t love it.”

“I don’t…” Mary spoke weakly, but she didn’t have any

confidence in her voice.

“Please… stop…” I begged, tears running down my


“H-Hakaru…” Mary cried.

“Hakaru…” NTR repeated in a cruel mimicry, grinning

in my direction.
“NTR! Why are you doing this?” I demanded. “I loved

She jerked when she heard my voice, and when she

looked at me there was the briefest glint of guilt. In
many ways, that felt even worse. She had been acting
cruelly specifically to hurt Mary more. She hadn’t even
considered my feelings. If she just had no care at all, I
could consider myself duped, but there seemed to be
a part of her that cared.

“You may love me… but I love him more,” she

responded, even while panting as he still gave it to
her. “You had to see this coming. I’m NTR. It’s in my
nature. I will always belong to the best, and you’re just
a hopeless mortal.”

“We were so close…” I said weakly.

“Were you though?” The unwelcomed voice of Harem
spilled into our conversation. “After all, from the
beginning, I’ve been enjoying all of your women.”

“What?” My expression darkened as I looked at the

hateful man.

“I’ve gotten to play with your mother right in front of

you for the last month. Of course, you know this body
has tasted Sasori… and Kira for that matter.”

As he named off the women, they covered their

bodies as if disgusted by his very gaze, but he ignored

“Of course, there was the Principal. Did you ever

wonder why you were selected? Of course, I played
with her first.”
“You didn’t touch me or Akiko!” Maria declared

“You’re a daughter. I’m not Depravity. Incest is… bad

for procreation. Only a delinquent gets excited over
fucking family.” His eyes shot scornfully toward me
and then he grinned at Akiko. “Akiko, on the other

Everyone’s eyes turned to her in surprise. She let out a


“I never did anything with Hakaru’s father! How could


“Wasn’t it Hakaru’s father that picked you up that

night you ended up drunk at a party?” he asked
innocently, causing Akiko’s face to drain white.
“When his father learned that Hakaru was being
cheated on by Akiko, how could he stand to have such
an embarrassing son? He set out to prove to his son
that she wasn’t worth his time. It was really easy
getting you to take those drugs. As for hiring those
boys to make the video… well, I didn’t anticipate
Hakaru coming in and saving the day, that was for
sure. It was too bad I already picked that fruit myself
before passing her off.”

“N-no…” Akiko fell to the ground. “No!”

“Let’s see… your first girlfriend was tasty. Daddy

dearest was her first, by the way. I’m the one who
turned her into that STD-riddled cumdumpster. As for
Gina, it was so easy making Derek think he was the
father. He wakes up naked next to a girl and thinks
he’s hot shit. Well, when I found out she was
connected to the mob, I had to hide it. Remember
that babysitter you liked when you were ten. We
fucked her too!”

“Stop!” I screamed out. “You’re lying!”

He chuckled. “Maybe I am… maybe I’m not. Who

knows? Who cares?”

“My avatar, your father, and through extension, me…

have been a part of your life. It may have been Netori
who made sure you were created, but it was I who
raised you. In a way, we’re your parents… your
godparents! Ah… I even made a dad joke!” He burst
out into laughter.

“I’ll become a god…” I said through teeth clenched so

tightly they hurt. “I will take them back!”
“If you find me, by then, would they even want you
back?” He asked, his voice sounding certain, not cruel.

That was the final hit, and under the pressure, I

collapsed to the floor.

“It’s time I take my girls and return to the world of the

gods. This mortal plain was an interesting diversion.
Mary, I will break back into place, and NTR…”

“Yes, my love,” she panted, looking up at him with

hearts in her eyes.

“I’ll keep you from ever cheating on me again!” He

laughed, kissing her lewdly, while still holding Mary
against his other side.
Mary had given up struggling, while NTR had never
tried in the first place. He raised his hand, looking like
he was about to teleport away.

“What about Hakaru… I do worry about him? I did

make promises,” NTR interrupted him.

“Ah… there is the matter of NTR Crush.” Harem

suddenly snapped his finger. “Hakaru did win, and for
that, every mortal deserves a prize.

“You’ll give him godless?” NTR didn’t ask excitedly,

just curiously.

“That is what you promised, then Godless he shall

have! However, as for him becoming a god… watching
him struggle, never able to reach me, would be very
amusing. However, mortals should stay where they
belong, and Hakaru doesn’t have what it takes to be a
god. Very well, I have decided what I shall grant him.”

Harem threw out his hand one more time, and white
light shot out. It was similar to the light that had
destroyed Depravity, causing everyone in the room to
gasp. As I tried to stand up, it hit me in the chest and
caused me to fall onto my ass.

“It’s done,” he said.

“What did you give him?” NTR asked.

“I gave him the Godless he so wanted. He’s his own

person… ah… with one caveat.”

“What is it?”
“I gave him what all mortals want. I gave him
immortality. You will never die and never age. You will
be in the prime of your youth for the rest of your lives.
Feel free to build a harem and honor me. Procreate,
have a family, get rich, and live as you see fit. No one
will ever be able to stop you.” His expression grew
darker. “And watch them all grow old and die.
Immortality is the greatest hole possible. You will
never be able to reach godhood, and since you’re
immortal, no matter how you die, your soul will never
reach Purgatory, let alone Heaven. With this, the
connection between you and the God Realm is shut
forever. It is done. By the way, I’ll be taking these
vessels with me. I wouldn’t want you trying to contact
us by using our vessels or something foolish like that. I
guess that means, take care of your Mom and Maria.
I’m done with them. It looks like your dad was the one
fated to become a god after all, as my permanent
Without another word, there was a flash of blinding
light. When everyone was able to focus again, Harem,
NTR, and Mary were all gone. Silence permeated the
auditorium for some time after that. Hakaru had
reached the end of his story. Game Over.


This is the end of Volume 5. This seems to be the

"point" where people rage quit the story, so I guess I'll
have to pull out another disclaimer.

I don't know what to tell you. It's a seven volume story

and you're right at the crisis point of the story. This is
literally the bottom point, which was honostly kind of
predictable if you think abou it. That's how literature

V6 and V7 are all about him winning from now on.

They were originally only one volume, but the size
ended up to a point I split them into two, but yeah,
this is the turning point of the series.


. Man, it still boggles my mind the level of rage this

story gets. If your read V7 and aren't happy with the
ending (putting aside the netorare fans who actually
wanted him to lose everything), then I'd be shocked.

I will not be releasing anything tomorrow or the next

day, but as promised, V6 will start the free release. It
will release once a week until the story is done,
Sunday or Monday like all of my other free releases.

The eBook is currently available for sale in my store,

Amazon, and eventually Smashwords on of these

Please support the continued release!

Don’t forget the V5 Bonus chapters. You can unlock
them with Unlock all one month with only $15
through Patreon or Full Frontal Access, or get them
from the eBook. New members can get a free eBook.

Chapter 135 :
My name is Hakaru, and earlier this year, I nearly
became a god. Those plans fell through, but it didn’t
really affect me much. After all, I had already
benefitted immensely from playing the game, NTR
Crush. It was a game devised by a goddess named
Netori. It was her way to get her sisters, Netorase and
Netorare, to merge with her and become the powerful
goddess NTR. In exchange, I was her champion, who
stole women and cucked men and gods alike until I
was the only one left standing.
In exchange for playing, not only did I get all of the
women I stole and the experiences I gained along the
way, but a myriad of other strange and unique powers
that put me on the level of being a demigod. After
nearly a half a year of grueling challenges and close-
calls with the police and even death, I finally won the
game for her.

NTR was remade once again. The last player admitted

defeat, and I was about to begin an orgy with fifty high
school girls to become a god myself too. Then, NTR,
true to her name, went and left me for her old flame. I
got the runner-up prize, immortality, and was
expected to forget all about her, as well as Marriage,
another goddess who had taken a fancy to me.

As for my abilities? Other than the immortality, I gave

them all up. It was part of the exchange. No gods
would be able to interfere with me or my women, and
in exchange, all of those unique demigod abilities
were gone. I wasn’t sure how immortality played into
that. Wasn’t that considered god interference? Well, I
supposed it was stupid to complain about living
forever, even if it did come with the caveat of making
it impossible to reach godhood.

Being a level 8 human did have other benefits too. I

didn’t get acne anymore. In fact, I found it really
difficult to get dirty at all. I had a feeling I was immune
to human diseases. At least, I hadn’t had so much as a
sniffle since. I had once had an ability that made me
immune to STDs. I had a feeling that this was still the
truth. I also had a lot of energy. My stamina was out of
this world, especially when it came to sex.

“So, you see, things are going just fine for Hakaru.
Wouldn’t you agree?” I asked, raising a glass of
something bitter and drinking it down.

“You sure can take a lot of alcohol. I’ll give you that. Is
that also the god abilities.”
“I should think so.” I chuckled and then held out my
hands. “So, what do you think?”

“You did say you’d tell me a story I never heard before

if I came to your hotel room. It’s definitely a unique

“Come on, you can say you’ve fucked a god.” I


“Almost god…” She corrected, grabbing the bottle

from my free hand and taking a swig. “Ahh…. You’re
so weird, but I kind of want to see if that makes it
better. You’re just a little young for my tastes.”

“And you’re a little old for mine.” I snorted. “But, you

happen to be the most fuckable girl in the lounge
tonight, so you’re the lucky one.”
“Old! I’m only twenty-five. Not everyone can age like
you Japanese people. Hmph… I bet you have a small
penis like Asian men too.”

“Well, why don’t you look and find out.” I walked up

to the foot of the bed where she was sitting and
pushed out my groin.

She bit her lip, thinking about it a bit, but eventually,

reached out and started to undo my belt. The girl in
front of me was a blond-haired Australian girl I had
picked up at one of my grazing spots. She had a ring
on her hand, so she was probably in a relationship, but
I didn’t ask and she didn’t offer up the information.
Even if she revealed she had a boyfriend, I wouldn’t
have cared anyway.

She reached into my underwear and fished out my

cock, currently half erect. As it bounced out of my
pants, she let out an audible gasp. I liked banging
foreign chicks for this exact reason. A lot of them
fantasized about banging Japanese men, but they also
had it in their mind that we were small. When I had
first started the game last year, I would have been the
type who only confirmed that stereotype, but after
upgrades that expanded my length and girth inch by
inch, I now had a cock that was large enough to be
intimidating, but just small enough that most girls who
weren’t complete sluts were willing to give it a try.

“The rumors about Japanese men are bullshit!” she

cried out.

“Why are you in Japan again?” I asked.

“I’m an English teacher,” She responded, blushing

“High school level?” I asked.

“No, middle school.”

I chuckled. “Ah… well…”

“Wait… you’re not still in high school, are you?” Her

face flushed with panic.

“I’ll just say you’re not the first teacher I’ve fucked.” I
responded instead.

She still looked uncertain, but being as she was drunk,

and currently holding a large dick in her hands, she
didn’t think about it too much before grabbing my
dick and licking it. Her tongue left her mouth and she
licked the shaft from top to bottom like she was
enjoying a popsicle. As she did so, her eyes closed and
she made a gentle moaning sound like she enjoyed
the taste. If only her students saw her now, I
wondered what they’d think of their teacher. Heck,
what would her husband think if he saw her?

“Put the whole thing in your mouth,” I ordered with

my hand resting on top of her head.

“I-I’ll gag… it’s too big.” She responded, blushing

cutely again.

Although she said that, the look in her eyes showed

she was thinking about doing it anyway. With me
pushing her head toward it, she finally gave up and
opened her mouth, taking the head of my cock in. Her
soft lips gently caressed the head while her small
hands stroked up and down the cock. It was clear to
me that she was knowledgeable about these things,
but she wasn’t used to one as large as mine.
“Mmn… mmm… so big.” She moaned again as she
spat it out and looked up at me seductively.

“Is that as much as you can do? Is that all you know
how to say?” I asked.

Her eyebrow twitched, but rather than condemn me,

she grabbed it with both hands and started to focus,
bringing more of it into her mouth. Her hands gripped
the shaft. I had a feeling she didn’t trust me not to
shove it down her throat, so she was using her hands
as a stop-gap on my cock.

“Mm… it’s getting even bigger,” she cried out as drool

connected her lips to my cock.

I was only half-erect before. After a few minutes of

playful sucking, I had finally reached full thickness.
That appeared to be too much for this girl though. I’m
sorry you only had tiny westerners before me.

“You’re noisy.” I complained, “If you have such a

problem satisfying me with your mouth, then your
cunt will have to do.”


I didn’t give her much of a choice. Pulling her up, I

spun her around and then shoved her over the bed.

“W-wait… I didn’t mention it before… I’m married!”

She cried out defensively.

“As if I care!’ I laughed, “Don’t act like you didn’t come

to my room expecting this.”
“…” She remained silent as I took my cock and pressed
it up against the entrance to her pussy.

She had the look of a woman who had sex plenty of

times. She wasn’t a virgin flower like many of the
women I had tasted. It was pretty easy to tell now,
after all of the experience I had gained.

“A-at least can we use a condom?” She responded


“I put one on.” I lied. “So, I go.”

“W-wait! Ahhhhh!”
I grabbed her hips and then thrust myself inside her.
She was already pretty wet from earlier, so I had no
doubt she was horny. My cock even made a wet
squelching noise as it slid into her pussy.

“So big… so good… fuck…” She cried out as I filled up

her pussy.

Her pussy had been used, but never by a guy like me,
so I was giving it a nice stretch, and it was fairly tight
for me. I remembered back in middle school, guys
would always make jokes about women with loose or
stretched-out pussies. I came to realize that this was
the calling card of small-dicked babies. After all, if your
vaginas are loose, it just means your dick is too small!
When you have a big dick, all women are tight, even

I was pumping into her now from behind. With her

bent over the bed, her legs not quite long enough that
her knees touch the ground, I was thrusting into her as
hard as my arms could allow. Each thrust was rough
and loud, and I was sure people in the other hotel
rooms could hear us. They were used to that though,
and I didn’t bother to do anything to be quieter.

“Oh… Oh… hah… I’m losing my grip…” She moaned

into the sheets of the bed in a muffled voice, the
expression on her face hidden to me. “I want you
deep! Deep!”

“Hah… well, if you insist.”

I liked seeing the orgasmic expressions of the women I

was fucking, and she didn’t seem like she’d last much
longer. Thus, I spun her around onto her back, spread
her legs, and began to take her from the front.
Even then, I didn’t touch her breasts and I didn’t kiss
her mouth. My entire focus was on fucking her lower
region for all it was worth. There was no particular
romance in this, just pure, raw fucking. With her legs
spread wide, and my knees up on the bed, I was able
to pile drive myself as deep into her as I could, feeling
the end of her cervix with each thrust.

“Hng… Gbn…. Uhhh!” She moaned, a bit of drool

running down her cheek as she cried out with her
mouth open.

I found western girls were more shameless about their

actions too. Oh, you could make a Japanese girl turn
into a slut, but she would always try to give an illusion
of modesty. She would blush and hide her mouth, and
cover her chest. You had to break her apart piece by
piece until you revealed the slut underneath. For
western girls, they wore their sluttiness on their
sleeves and would act obscene after barely touching
them. This girl under me was playing with her nipples
since I wouldn’t, grabbing and kneading them as she
looked up at me with dirty, lustful eyes.

“You’re too much! If you keep this up, I’m going to

cum!” She cried.

It wasn’t much of a warning, because she reached

over her head, abandoning her nipples and grabbing
onto the bed above her. Her teeth clenched and her
eyes closed as her body began to shake in orgasm. Her
pussy tightened considerably, convulsing on my cock
as if it wanted to suck it dry. Well, since her womb was
so thirsty, how could I deny it.

I shoved myself into her one more time as deeply as I

could go, and I began to cum deep into her womb.
When she felt the spurt of hot, warm stuff inside her,
her eyes popped open and she lifted her head, letting
out a cry. However, my cock continued to pump her
full of gobs, and after a second of struggle, she
realized it was already too late. Her head fell back, and
her body twitched as I continued to unload my seed
inside her.

When I finished, I pulled out of her and put my pants

back together. Now, she decided to act modest,
closing her legs and crossing her chest. I had already
taken everything from her and seen everything, so
acting like that now was silly.

“Y-you’re a jerk.” She responded, her expression


I grabbed the bottle by her side, which she had

dropped while we were having sex, but hadn’t spilled
the last few dregs of alcohol.

“I know,” I responded, lifting it and taking a swig. “I’m

going to go get some air. You’re welcome to leave.”
“You’re kicking me out?” She demanded angrily.

I shrugged as I walked away. “If you’re still here when

I get back, we’ll go another round. Next time, I won’t
be so gentle.”

With those words, I opened the patio and walked out,

looking out onto a neon-lit street. The bottle in my
hand was empty, but I still held it just because I could.
What did normal people do at times like this? I felt like
I should have a cigarette. Maybe I should take up
smoking? Well, it wasn’t like I was going to die from it.

Sitting in the chair, I watched the people down below.

It was still a bit busy this late at night. Large buildings
filled the street, filled with various love hotels, host
clubs, lounges, and shops. I was in the red-light district
of Tokyo. It had been two months since I had last seen
my family.
After five minutes, I started to feel chilly. With a sigh, I
stood up and walked back into the hotel room. The
foreign woman was still lying there. It looked like she
had run to the shower while I was outside, as her hair
was still slightly wet.

“D-don’t get me wrong…” She crossed her arms.

“You’re an asshole. I just haven’t cum in months, and
your dick is amazing.”

“That’s what they all say.”

Chapter 136 :
The next morning, I awoke to an empty room. They
usually left in the morning before I woke up. Maybe,
she sobered up and realized this was all a mistake.
Maybe, she had a planned breakfast with her
husband, and had to race straight to him only to
pretend that she hadn’t spent the entire night
cheating on him with a stranger. I’d love to see the
look on that man’s face if he saw all the things his wife
did that night which she’d never do for him.

Then again, it’d be stranger if they were still in my

room by the time I woke up, since I didn’t usually
wake up until later in the afternoon. I groggily got out
of my bed and opened a nearby window, letting out
the thick smell of sex. I had already negotiated with
the hotel to clean my room in the evenings when I
wasn’t around. After all, when I brought a new girl to
the room, the mess the last girl left on the bed would
certainly make things awkward.

Of course, my actions had caught the eyes of several

of the maids. I had considered playing with a few of
them, but I had a policy of not messing with my living
conditions. These women had access to my room, so it
was better if I left it to light flirting. I opened up the
small minifridge and pulled out a water, taking a sip
and swishing it around in my mouth to get the day old
taste of pussy out of my mouth. I then went to the
bathroom sink and spit it out.

I turned on the shower and washed up, bushed my

teeth, and finally started to get dressed. I wore some
rather fine clothing that was hung up in my closet in
pristine shape. This suit was cared for much different
than the crumbled-up clothing that I had sitting in the
corner of the room. I finished by using some hair gel
and styling my hair. No one would guess the nicely
dressed and suave man before them had spent the
whole night drinking and having sex.

I left my room and headed down to the hotel bar

where I ordered a light meal just to fill me up. The
bartender was a guy, so I spared my charms and
responded instead with money. I had enough to spare.
Receiving a nod from the hotel concierge, I gave her
my best smile and she giggled as I walked out the
The sun was still up, but it was starting to set and the
typical night-lifers were just starting to come out into
view. The streets were lined with hourly love hotels,
sex shops, hentai comic stores, clubs, and bars. As I
walked down the sidewalk, my fancy appearance
caught the eyes of many women. However, I had
places to be and didn’t have time to flirt.

There were several women working the streets too,

but they didn’t glance my direction at all. They had
long since learned that I didn’t have much interest in
whores, and I didn’t pay for sex. They concentrated
flashing their bodies and their smiles to men that
might put money in their pocket. Still, there was a
mutual respect their, and some of the older and more
experienced hookers gave me a nod, which I returned.

I finally turned into an alley, entering the backdoor of

a fancy looking lounge that was just starting to turn on
its neon lights. I entered into a back hallway.
Immediately to my left was a kitchen that had some
cooks clattering away inside. I ignored that and started
walking down the hallway lined with dressing rooms
and private chambers. Although this area was
technically reserved for business, a few lucky women
might find themselves being brought back here for
various reasons.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” A voice

caused me to turn and see a short man who was
poking his head out of one of the rooms, his office.

He was the owner of this club, and a rather

unattractive man. Considering the line of business he
ran, it was strange that he lacked the charisma or
attractiveness of the men he hired. However, he had a
good business sense and a love of money.

“I’m working…” I raised an eyebrow.

“The floor is starting to get busy! You certainly took
your time getting here!” He snapped.

“I’m on time.”

“Time is money! Being on time just means you’re

satisfied with ‘just enough’ money.” He growled.

“Then, it’s best I get on the floor, rather than talk to

you. The ladies aren’t going to host themselves.” I

He blinked, caught off guard as I caught him with his

logic. He grumbled and then waved me to go,
returning into his room likely to count his money
again. He was a rough guy, but he wasn’t bad. We
both knew he wouldn’t fire me. I was one of his best
employees. As he entered his office mumbling about
the younger ones having no respect and if I didn’t
have such a pretty face he’d show me a thing or two, I
let out a soft laugh and walked on.

Instead of going out to the floor though, I walked into

the bathroom to check my appearance one more
time. First impressions could only be made once, and
if I walked out onto the floor with a stick in my hair or
my tie a mess, I’d lose out.

“You know, he wouldn’t nag you so much if you

stopped taking women home to sleep with.” A man
emerged from one of the stalls as I checked myself in
the mirror.

He walked up to the sink next to me and started

washing his hands.

“Can’t I do whatever I want in my spare time?” I asked

He chuckled. “True… but I think boss feels if you’re
going to fuck them, they should be on the clock.
Taking them home instead of in the back room, you’re
giving them a free service. Feels like you’re stealing
business from us.”

“Aren’t you just jealous that I get all the pretty


“Hah… what are you saying? The pretty girls are also
the most shallow. It’s the ugly girls that will spend a
lot of money on a host. While all the pretty girls fawn
all over you, it makes the other girls start spending
more out of a feeling of inadequacy. That doesn’t
even mention the crowd you’re able to bring in. So
many girls have come on recommendations from your
This was a guy who understood me. He was another
host, and probably the closest I had to a friend in this
place. At least, we both were men who worked
seducing women. It was a comfortable environment. It
was somewhere I felt I belonged. You didn’t have to
worry about love, theft, or loss, it was an even
exchange. The girl gave me money, and I gave my
time. It was easy. It was safe. Love had nothing to do
with it.

“If we’re doing so well, what about that new guy?

Didn’t he get fired?” I asked.

“Ah… he… ended up stalking a girl. That’s why boss is

so wound up. He’s scared of a lawsuit.”

Other people had come to the host club who simply

couldn’t cut it. They had trouble separating their work
from their life. It looks like the new kid let love get
involved. As for his other dumb decisions regarding
stalking, I would comment. The pair of us finished and
walked out onto the floor together. We shared a
knowing look and then split our separate ways to look
for a mark.

The host club looked extremely nice in the main room.

It looked like a fine restaurant with a bar, a chandelier,
and someone playing the piano. Even without wearing
a suit, you felt fancy just walking across the room. I
scanned the room, looking for any women that
seemed like they might be a good target. My eyes
quickly landed on a pretty middle-aged woman. She
had the look of a professional, perhaps a doctor or a
lawyer. In other words, someone rich and rigid,
desperately needing a man to loosen her up.

I put a smile on my face and walked straight to her

table. My eyes immediately dropped to the glass at
her side.
“Dassai 23, a good sake.” I gestured to a passing
waitress who nodded.

She came back with a bottle of sake of the same brand

she was drinking and two glasses. I sat down across
from the professional woman without asking. She
looked up at me with a small frown on her face.

“I’m not interested in a host. I’m just waiting for


“Aren’t we all?” I responded, opening the sake and

pouring two glasses.

“I don’t need any more drink.” She shook her head.

“Who said it was for you?” I grabbed both glasses and

slammed them, one after the other.
Her eyes widened, and then narrowed, and she
formed the smallest curve of her lips at the corner of
her mouth. “Aren’t you being a little rude?”

“I find that-“

“Excuse me…” A waitress tapped on my shoulder.

I glanced back angrily, finding my seduction attempt

having a wet towel tossed on it. In fifteen minutes, I
would have had her eating out of my hand, but now I
could see that the hook of interest I had tossed out
was interrupted. The waitress had an apologetic look
on her face. Under normal circumstances, they’d
never do something like that. It didn’t just mess up my
progress, but also the entire host club.
I calmed myself down and quickly returned my smile.
“May I help you?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, but there is a woman who asked for


I frowned, but if I said something like, “She can wait,

I’m with this girl now”, at this stage, it would only give
me trouble.

“Excuse me.” I gave a nod to the woman and stood up,

watching as whatever last vestige of interest she had

I then grabbed the waitress, and we headed to the bar

where we could get some privacy. It was a bit early for
the heavy drinkers to arrive yet, so it was just the
bartender and us.
“What is it?” I hissed.

The girl’s cheeks turned red, but she still spoke.

“There is a girl in the back who has requested you
personally for a special service.”

“I’m a host, not a prostitute.” I made an ugly face. “If

she wants me, she should come into the club like any
normal person.”

“Yes… but… she offered a lot of money, and boss


I hissed at first, but then I had to wonder just how

much money she offered that he was willing to pimp
me out like a hooker.

“I want 100%.”
“Ah! He said you’d say that, and he said 50% is the
best offer he’ll give, and you should take it, because its
that much money.”

I bit my lip. “Fine… I’ll go back there. But I won’t

perform unless I want to.”

I turned and walked away. My eyes saw the

professional lady, but her friend had arrived at that
point, and she didn’t even spare me a glance as they
left. It had better be worth it.

I went to the backrooms, finding the one indicated

and walking in. The room was dark. The backrooms
didn’t have beds. There was just a couch, reminiscent
of the media rooms that I used to rent out when I
worked with Kira’s brother. Except, this was an adult
location, where hosts brought their clients to get
“I heard you wanted me?” I said, looking down at the
woman hidden in the shadows with a frown.

Usually, if they were hiding to this extent, they were

probably pretty ugly. I had already prepared myself to
walk out. At the very least, I’d need to know how
much money we’re talking about before I’d sell my


My hostname wasn’t Hakaru, so this instantly put my

hackles up.

“Who are you?” I demanded, taking a step forward.

Standing up and out of the shadows was a familiar
face. “It’s been a while, brother.”

The woman was Maria, my sister!

Chapter 137 :
Ilet out a long sigh, dropping the smile and sitting in
the seat across from her. Maria looked me up and
down, but rather than worried, she looked slightly

“Is this the kind of treatment you give all of your

clients?” She demanded.

“You’re not a client.” I responded, looking at her

“I am tonight.” She sniffed. “I paid a lot of money for
your company. Mom and I, both of our money. We
had to decide on which of us was going to come. In
the end, mom thought I might have a bit more luck.”

“Well, you’re wasting your time.” I shrugged. “I’m not

coming home.”

“There are a lot of women waiting on you.” She

responded, grabbing the glass of coke in front of her.
“Are you really just tossing them all away? Over that
bitch who tore your heart out?”

“This isn’t about… NTR.” I had to pause a second as I

said the name.

“What? Marriage? Godhood? Was it all just about

being a god to you?” She demanded, anger flickering
across her face. “Did you know when you became a
god, you’d just be leaving us all behind? Did you think
we didn’t realize that?”

“…” I looked down.

I guessed that while I had time to think about things,

they had time to dwell on things too. They must have
realized the implications of godhood at some point.

“So… what? Were you always planning on leaving us?

Since you failed to abandon us as a god, you abandon
us as a mortal?” When she said those words, her voice
broke slightly.

“I’m not a mortal anymore.”

“Oh… right, of course. You’re an immortal, right? Are

you suddenly too good for us measly mortals?”
“It’s not like that.” I responded, trying to keep my
voice from sounding sullen. “If I became a god, I would
have figured out a way to bring you all with me.”

“Then why are you here?” Her brief moment of

vulnerability snapped back to anger in an instant.
“What is it, Hakaru!”

“Maria, enough!”

“Do you just not care?”


“No, you don’t care?”

“I can’t lose anymore!” I slammed my hand on the
table, causing her to grow quiet. “I just… can’t lose.
Don’t you get it? I’ll live forever. You. Mom. Kira.
You’re all going to get old and die. As for me, I’ll just
still be there, living.”

“I’m not even out of high school yet, aren’t you

worrying a bit too soon about that?”

“Why? Do you think it will hurt less after we’ve grown

old together? Should I only break down when all my
women are dead? I’m just… preparing myself for my
inevitable future. Netori taught me to fight and take
what you wanted, but how can I fight time?”

“So, you’re going to just abandon us? How is that fair

to us?”
“How would it be fair to you when you grow old? Do I
just trade you in for a younger model? Or should I
make you pop out a few kids and then have fun with
them?” I shot back bitterly.

Maria seemed taken aback for a moment, but she

quickly regained her composure, as well as her biting
tone. “You may have given up on us, Hakaru, but we
haven’t given up on you.”

I lowered my head. “I just need… heh… time.”

“That’s what Akiko said. Sasori and Kira seem content

waiting for you too. Mother and I thought we’re
already your family, so we can’t leave you alone.”

“Well, you’ve wasted your time and your money.” I

snorted, standing up. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t
visit me at my place of work again.”
Maria’s expression darkened, but she didn’t stop me
from leaving. She might have been angry, but so was I.
However, if it came to explaining why I was angry, it
might be a bit more difficult. After everything that had
happened, after being used all that time, after being
given a gift like this, couldn’t I be a little angry?

Since I was immortal, maybe I wanted to take

advantage of that immortality? I could be reckless,
have sex, drink, make lots of money. Those were the
kinds of things an immortal could do. Love? Have a
family? Those were things I didn’t need. At the time
Harem had done all of that to me, I didn’t realize how
things would be. However, after reading numerous
tales about those who were immortal, I came to
realize just how much of a lonely life I would have.

If I got close to anyone, I would just end up losing

them. That was no life to live. So, I chose to live a life
free of pain. It would be free of complications. It
would be free of frustrations. As long as it was the life
I chose, then my family should just accept it. It was
better that Akiko and Kira moved on. Sasori wasn’t
getting any younger, and neither was my mom. They
should both land themselves attractive and rich men
who could take care of them.

That wouldn’t be me, not that I wanted to know when

they found someone. Frankly, I’d be happy if I never
knew when they finally moved on. Was it cowardly?
Maybe. However, the game that taught me to fight for
everything never taught me how to give everything
up. I could deal with winning, and I could deal with
losing, but what did I do when I didn’t want to play at

I was so worked up that I hadn’t realized I was just

glaring around the host room, not even looking for
another mark. Furthermore, the dark expression on
my face made sure no girls came to me as well. If the
boss had seen me at that point, he would have
hollered and made a fuss.

“Man, you gave up on a rich one earlier.” My friend

from earlier stopped next to me and said. “Don’t tell
me that you’re trying to give some of the new guys a
chance to earn some money. You’ve never cared that
much before.”

“What are you on about?” I shot him a side-look,

trying to school the expression on my face.

“That hot girl you’re with. One of the recruits got to

her, and he’s taken her back to one of the private
chambers to play.” He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. “The professional? He can have her.

Women like that tend to be pretty guarded with their
money, and they always expect more than you

“No, the girl you were in the backroom with.” He

frowned. “After you left, she was fuming. Grabbed the
first guy she saw and said she wanted to suck his dick
since it’s paid for. Not sure what you did, but I haven’t
met a girl that thirsty in-“

“Fuck!” I cursed, spinning away and running toward

the back room, showing no sense of decorum.

Even though I earned a lot of looks both from hosts

and clients alike, I immediately came upon the only
closed door and kicked it open with a thud. One of the
newer guys, someone who had been on for only a few
weeks and whose name I didn’t know, was standing
there with his pants down to his ankles. Maria was on
her knees and had her hands on his dick. As soon as I
kicked open the door, the guy looked back, but Maria
held his dick tightly so he couldn’t pull away.

“Ah! Hakaru… what is it?” He cried helplessly.

Maria gave me a scornful look and then turned to the

dick in her hands. “Itadakimasu… ahhh!”

Her mouth was wide open, and she was bringing his
dick into it. With a flash of rage, I closed the distance,
shoving him away and grabbing her roughly.

“You bitch!” I cursed, tossing her onto the couch.

She shot me a scornful and unforgiving look. “What do

you care? You’re tossing us away. I can fuck whoever I
“You want to get fucked!” I snapped. “The only dick
you’ll ever taste is mine!”

I grabbed her and ripped her shirt right off her body.
Her eyes widened, and the watching guy’s mouth fell

“You pig!” She shot back with a shake of her head.

“I’m not yours anymore!”

“Like I’d give you a choice!” I was seething with anger,

feeling both humiliated and inadequate.

“Go fuck yourself!” She tried to fight my hands.

However, I easily overpowered her, holding both her
hands over her head with one my mine while the
second ripped off her skirt.

“Why fuck me when I have a perfectly good pussy to

fuck here!”

As soon as I bared her pussy, I pulled out my dick and

shoved it inside her. Her eyes widened as I pinned her
to the couch and began to fuck her roughly. Her tits
began to bounce each time my dick slammed into her
pussy. She was already very wet, and even though her
face was angry, her cheeks were glowing pink with

“Okay… is this some kind of weird sex thing she paid

for? Damn it, fill me in the next time you’re doing one
of these!” The guy watching said, pulling his pants
back up awkwardly.
“This doesn’t mean anything!” Maria said through
gritted teeth, fighting back the moans caused by my

I didn’t relax at all, instead, lifting her butt and then

really pounding my dick deep inside her.

“What do you want me to say!” I snapped, lifting her

leg on my shoulder and bending her nearly in half
while I roughly fucked her.

“I don’t want you to say anything! Ahhhnnn… fuck…”

She let out a moan, her mouth opening for the first
time as she gasped.

“I love you! I want you to be mine! You’re my woman!

My slut! Only my dick can satisfy you!”
“Those…. Hah… hah… those are the words of a loser!”

I let go of her arms, and then roughly grabbed her

hair, pulling her lips to mine. “You are mine… I’ve
already stolen you, and I won’t let any other man
touch you!”

When I finished, I kissed her roughly, my tongue

exploring her mouth. The taste and smell of Maria… it
was intoxicating. I had banged dozens of hot bimbos
the last two months, but nothing compared to this
woman. I came to a realization. The reason it felt so
much different from her is because of love. I care and
loved her. The mindless sex without any emotion…
that was Harem’s way. That was how he treated
women. I couldn’t do it. It put a bad taste in my

“Ah… that’s kind of sweet.” The guy watching said,

scratching his chin.
As soon as our kiss broke off, Maria’s back bucked and
she cried out. “Ahhh… fuck… I’m cumming! Brother,
you’re making me cum! I’m gonna cum!”

“Shit, I’m gonna cum in you, sister!”

“Yes! Cum! Cum in your sister!”

The guy watching’s eyes grew as big as saucers. “Uh…

this weird fantasy just went up to eleven.”

My body started to shake, and my dick swelled. I

started to cum. Maria held me tightly as I came inside
her, her own body shaking as she climaxed as well.
Meanwhile, the man who had been watching slowly
backed out of the room and closed the door. A
brother-sister creampie was a little too much for him.
Later that night, the boss slipped me the pink slip. It
turned out noisily banging your sister in one of the
backrooms while you’re supposed to be working was
frowned upon. It wasn’t abundantly clear if he was
firing me because of the scene I made in the host
room, the scene I made in the backroom, or just the
general disgust over incest, but I didn’t care to fight
his decision.

I realized that night that I was done with this place. It

was time to move on. I just needed to know-how.
Fortunately, I already had a lead.

Chapter 138 :
“I’ll meet you at the house.”

“It’s okay, Maria. I won’t run off again.”

“It’s not that.” She frowned slightly. “You’re worried

about what everyone else will say, aren’t you?”

It was true. I was a bit worried about coming home.

Maria had convinced me to return. It was more like
she had caused me to lose my job. After our
incestuous display, I probably would struggle to get
another hosting job period. The various lounges did
talk, and I was sure my deeds spread throughout the
entire district. It was best if I left that place and
returned home.

However, I had abandoned my mother, my girlfriend,

and even my sex toy, so it was hard to say how they’d
feel about me coming home. Since I had last been
with them, I had refined my flirtation and lovemaking
to a criminal degree. I had no doubt I could smooth
things over with any woman. Yet, when I thought
about the women who I cared about most, I felt
terrified to face them again. It was because of those
pesky emotional attachments. They were my women,
and that made all of the difference.

“I’ll be fine.” I gave her my best smile, and Maria

reluctantly let me go.

Although I worried about heading home, there was

one other stop I wanted to make. I pulled out a
stained cocktail napkin from my wallet and then
pulled out my cellphone. A few moments later, a girl
picked up on the other line.

“It’s Hakaru.”

“Hmph… so soon? I was expecting you to take at least

a decade or two.”
“Whatever, are you available?”

“The same spot as before.”


I hung up and then got a rideshare. He took me to a

nearby bar that was open late into the night. I walked
in and looked around. Sitting at the bar was a girl. She
was pretty, with pigtails. She was wearing knee-high
socks, a very short skirt, and a pretty top. She stood
out in the bar and caught a lot of eyes. I let out a small
sigh and then went to sit next to her.

“I see you’ve been experimenting with your look,

War,” I muttered, glancing at the girl sitting next to
“Hakaru… do you know why Michelle decided to let
me take over her body?” The girl asked while staring
into her drink.

“Did she?” I responded flippantly, raising my hand and

ordered my drink I had come to appreciate at the

“A bit fruity… isn’t it?” War glanced at the mixed drink

the bartender placed in front of me.

“What about Michelle agreeing to let you take her

body?” I ignored her condescending look and took a

She shrugged as if it didn’t matter to her whether I

was annoyed or not. “It’s true… all gods and
goddesses, when we wish to remain on the mortal
plane for a significant time, must find a body to
possess. We call them our vessel or avatar.”

“I already know all that. NTR took her vessel when she
abandoned me.” I pulled out the straw and tossed it
aside and then took a gulp of the drink.

“That is true… she did. A mortal body can be taken to

the immortal world, but the immortal body can’t exist
directly in the mortal world. In the immortal world,
their bodies will last many ages, but they do
eventually get old and decay. Some gods and
goddesses do it. It’s considered cruel though. You’re
taking their lives away from them permanently, never
letting them see the light of day again. And, when they
get too old and the god wants to abandon them,
they’ll be returned to a world that moved on without
them. Plus, they’ll be far too old to start new. It might
have been better just to kill them then.”
“Get on with whatever point you’re trying to make.” I

“Point? Right! Michelle!” War chuckled to herself.

“You forgot!”

“When you’re a goddess like me, we can be forgiven

for forgetting some things.”

“Look, I’m looking for help. Before I left, you came to

me in Michelle’s body and implied there might be a
chance to save Marriage and NT… and stick it to
Harem… or Procreation… or whatever the hell he
wants to call himself these days.”
“Most know him as Harem, so it’s as good of a name
as any, if not intentionally misleading,” War spoke as if
she had all the time in the world.

“I don’t care. Will you help me?”

“Michelle loved you,” War said instead of answering


“What?” I asked incredulously.

“Michelle was Derek’s woman. However, after

spending a single hour with you, she could see the
compassion and the love in your heart, and she was
won over. That’s why we lost that competition. After
Derek spurned her and she fled, I approached her. I
feared retaliation from NTR, so I wanted to change
bodies quickly. I had just shed that guy, and Michelle
was giving off the right feel. She was ready to go to

“What war?”

“War for you… she knew that you had no love for her.
She knew that she was going to have to fight for your
affection. She’d have to get past your harem too and
become a woman that you wanted. That’s why she
gave me her body. I promised her I’d be able to get
her close to you. For that, she was willing to give up

“Well, you’ll have to let her down slowly,” I responded


She shrugged. “I am a goddess of honor, Hakaru. If

you want my help, then Michelle would be the cost.”

“Mm…” She nodded. “You have to give her a chance.

Well, I don’t mean right now. However, when I’m
done using her body, you have to promise not to leave
her behind.”

“Leave her behind?” I sneered. “I’m not going


“Are you so sure about that? Godhood might be more

obtainable than you think.”

“You already told me that even if you were my

incubator, I wouldn’t reach godhood.”

She nodded. “You’re right. I can’t make you a god.”

“Then, do you know someone who can? Do you have
some method where you can turn me into a god?”

She shook her head. “I don’t have that either. I don’t

know any method to turn you into a god.”

“Then what good are you!” I slapped my hand on the

bar, causing a few drunks to glance over before
turning back to their drinks.

She raised her hands in an exaggerated shrug. “You’re

right. I don’t know how to fix your problem.”

“But… I might know how to contact someone who

I bit my lip in irritation. “Well, who is it?”


“Okay, we’re done here.” I stood up to leave, but War

seemed to be expecting this, and reached out,
grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back down.

“I’m not wasting your time.”

“It sure seems like you are. Netori… along with

Netorare and Netorase… they are no more. They are
now just a part of NTR.”
“That’s not true… not entirely. When NTR broke into
the three goddesses, it created a schism in her soul.
You pieced her back together, but that soul of hers is
still fragile in many ways. It should be possible to free
a piece of her soul and summon it.”

I leaned toward her, much more intent now. “How?

What do you do?”

“First things first, NTR can’t realize it’s happening.”

“So, what you’re saying is, it’s already impossible.”

“No… you may be an immortal, Hakaru, but I am a

goddess. I can go see NTR. It’s possible I can distract
her. I might be able to make it so that she doesn’t
realize that a part of her soul was summoned to Earth.
It’d only be a few minutes, but it is possible.”
I shook my head. “Wouldn’t that be dangerous? Why
would you do something like that?”

“I’m a goddess!” She sniffed. “I have my reasons. First,

I have high hopes for you. Second, I want to stick it to
the current Harem. Third, I am the goddess of war,
and what you want to bring right now is a war of love.
You could say that your cause rings to my very being.”

“What hope? Even if I become a god, I’ll be a measly

level 9, right? Harem and NTR could easily destroy me
with a thought, just as they ended Depravity.”

“Not true!” She shook her head. “You see, there is a

very rare opportunity going on. You were being raised
and bred to be Harem’s replacement. However, there
is no Harem. The man named Harem was hiding
behind that name. He was truly the god, Procreation.”

“So… the god of procreation, by acting like the god of

Harem, has created a gap which you could fill. He has
been polluting the concept of harems for untold
centuries. There is a reason so many Harem stories
involve just mindless sex. A male protagonist just
bangs woman after woman without meaning, and
they call it a harem. You have a chance to change that.
You have love, and care, and concern for the women.
It’s what attracted Michelle to you, and it’s what has
led to me wanting to help you. You can introduce a
new Harem to the world, one of mutual respect and
love, where a man treats his women with respect. If
you do that, you’ll grow in strength extremely rapidly,
but only if you embody Harem completely, and strip
Procreation of the name.”

“You say that like it’s easy!”

“I don’t believe it will be easy, but I’m not the goddess
of easy battles!”

I rubbed my forehead as I thought about what she was

saying. “Even if I become Harem, Procreation would
still be a stronger god.”

“Harem would be a strong enough god that

Procreation wouldn’t be able to just make you
disappear like Depravity. Furthermore, if you were
able to… defeat Procreation, then he would have no
choice but to reincarnate. His new form would
hopefully be better than this one. Gods shouldn’t live
as long as he has. They grow stale.”

“Okay…” I dropped my hands. “Fine. Let’s say I am

willing to follow you on this crazy mission. You go up
to heaven to distract NTR, then what?”
“Oh, that’s easy. You simply have to summon Netori
back to her vessel. I can give you the spell.”

I let out a sigh. “Didn’t I already say it? NTR took the
vessel with her. Harem accounted for that.”

“Harem to NTR’s vessel.”

“NTR and Netori were using the same vessel!” I


She smirked. “True… but didn’t Netori have another

vessel once?”

“What other… oh…” My eyes widened as I realized

what she was saying.
She was right. Harem, for all he had done, had made
one major mistake. Netori still had a vessel on Earth,
and she was at the house right now!

“So, are you in?” War asked, putting out her hand.

“You’re the goddess of war…”

“Signing treaties, making alliances, these are a part of

war as well.” She responded.

I reached out and grabbed her hand, and then we

shook. It was time to have a conversation with Netori.
Chapter 139 :
Itook a deep breath. I had been standing at my front
door for about five minutes now. After I finished
hashing out my plans with War, it was finally time to
come home. Once again, my anxiousness and concern
surged up. I had run away a few months ago. I know
they had tried to contact me a few times. At one
point, my mother had even driven out to find me, I
had hidden in my room and didn’t answer. It had
taken Maria pinning me down to finally make me
come out of hiding.

Now, I felt shame. I had punished all of them because

of what one person did. No, I couldn’t even leave the
blame on her. I chose to leave on my own, and I had
to live with the consequences of that. Kira, Sasori,
Akiko, Maria, and mother… I left them all for selfish
reasons. Would they forgive me? I wouldn’t blame
them if they didn’t.
I reached for the doorknob, and then the door
suddenly swung open. Mother was standing there.
She crossed her arms and looked me up and down.

“Mother…” I said, but my voice croaked a bit.

“Well, are you coming in, or are you not?” She


“Am I, allowed in?” I asked, feeling too awkward to

just walk in without permission.

“Sweetie… you’ve always been welcome here, and

you always will be.” She reached out and touched my

Her touch seemed to open the gates, and I reached

out and grabbed her. I pulled her into my embrace,
but how could I stop there. My mouth found hers, and
my tongue invaded her mouth. We had lived in that
neighborhood for years. Anyone who looked at our
front door at that moment would see me openly
Frenching my Mother. These were people who were
familiar with us enough that they knew she was truly
my mother and I was her son. There would be no
question about it. They might have many questions,
but I had no care what they thought.

Mom pushed my chest, pulling her lips away. “Hah…

Hah… you naughty son, I was going to still be a little
angry at you, but when you kiss a woman like that,
how can she do anything but get wet.”

“Gross, mom, I don’t want to hear those words!”

Maria’s voice came from inside.

She walked up to us, giving me a mischievous smile as

if to say that she had told me so. She had said many
times that none of them had given up on me.
However, I just couldn’t allow myself to believe it,
because I had given up on myself for a bit there.

“Oh? You don’t like hearing about how horny your

mother is? Or is it because your boyfriend is the one
making me wet?” Mom said, her eyes holding some

“Mom!” She blushed. “He’s my brother!”

“So what? Your brother is your boyfriend, no need to

act so embarrassedly. Why Hakaru may want to play
with us both at once.”

“I’m not like Kira! She and her mom have a weird
relationship! I don’t want to see my mom naked!” She
said accusingly and then shot me just an accusing
look. “Brother, just because I’ll let you tap this old hag,
doesn’t mean I’m going to participate. You shower
between us, it’s only respectful!”

“Old hag! Hmph! Experienced!”

“I’m experienced too!” Maria responded defiantly.

“Young and experienced!” Mom smirked. “Doesn’t

that just make you a slut?”

Maria let out a cry. “You… bitch! Hmph! Hakaru, since

we’ve fucked like ten times since we got back
together, I’ll let you give this old hag your sloppy
seconds. I’ll be in my room if she can’t hold out and
you realize you want a more youthful woman!”

She spun and walked away. Mom snorted and shot me

an accusing look.
“Do you see how Maria talks to me now? It’s all your

I blinked. “How is it my fault?”

“Ever since we starting dating the same man, she’s

gotten it in her head that we’re equals. Suddenly, she
thinks she can talk to me like she talks to her friends.
I’m going to have to remind her who her mother is.”

“Isn’t it just because she turned 18 and is graduating

and leaving the house soon?”

“Hmph, you think she’ll leave as long as you’re here?

Thirsty sluts always come back for a drink.”
“That’s your daughter you’re talking about…” I said
helplessly, wondering when my sister and mother had
established such a relationship.

Maria was never terribly respectful to mom, but she

usually hid it by remaining in her room all the time.
She never acted out, and definitely wouldn’t use her
name. Now, it was like I didn’t even know the two
women. It looked like once dad and I both left, the
pair had come out of their shells. I kind of liked it.

“Well, come in then before you get a cold.” Mom

walked inside, and I made sure to take off my shoes
before following her as she walked into the kitchen.

“Hakaru.” Before I could say anything to mom,

another person immediately caught my attention.

“Akiko? What are you doing here?”

She put on a pouting face. “After you left, what was I
supposed to do?”

My face flashed with guilt. “What… happened since

I’ve been gone?”

“Naturally, the second massive sex scandal in so many

months? You’d expect it to be all over the news,

“I haven’t heard anything.”

“And you won’t. The government suppressed all

knowledge of it. We only know because we were
there. Suddenly, nearly a hundred girls were
transferred out of school. They said they won some
kind of special education scholarship, but I bet every
girl who won was one of the ones that Depravity had
messed with and enslaved. They probably made them
and their family sign an agreement to be silent, and
then paid them.”

It was true that the government wouldn’t want to risk

a second disaster. After the first sex scandal involving
Sasori’s husband, the district chair was brought in to
reconcile the situation. However, only a month into it,
he was discovered to have been part of an even larger
scandal. The man himself was gone without a trace
though. They likely thought that he fled after doing his

In reality, he had been killed by Harem, but no one

would ever know that. As to this all being covered up
by the government nicely, was that the act of the
gods? It seemed almost too convenient that there was
no fallout after dozens and dozens of girls were
seemingly raped to a catatonic state. The fact that my
father was at fault for it could have caused our family
a great deal of trouble too. Harem and NTR must have
done something to smooth things over, or maybe
things were just smoothed over because that was
ultimately what they wanted.

It seemed like the gods and reality had a strange

relationship. The personality and behavior of the gods
reflected the way mortals acted, or it could just as
easily be said that the way mortals acted influenced
the god’s behaviors. If I became a god, would that
mean I’d end up changing my personality to fit the
trend of society? Would it be the equivalent of giving
up my free will?

These were questions I had never allowed myself to

ask before. I had also known deep down that I would
have to abandon my family if I became a god, but I
ignored that as well. I’d figure it out as I went along.
That’s what I told myself. Now that I had the time, I
truly could ask these questions. I was thinking that I
really should ask them, particularly with my family
here. I didn’t need to do this alone. This was
ultimately something that would affect all of us now,
so I couldn’t be secretive anymore. It was time to get
everything in the open.

“Akiko, can you go get Kira and Sasori. I need to talk to


“Ah! Y-yeah! I can do that.”

Mom seemed to realize I meant serious business, and

she started cooking. By the time Akiko returned with
the two women, she had made a full meal. As a result,
we ended up having supper. I felt like what I needed
to say would be better on a full stomach, so after
fetching Maria from her room, we all ate like a family.
Kira and Sasori hugged me, of course, and we made
amends. When I looked at Akiko, who had remained
distant, I realized she was waiting for me to allow her
to hug me. She was my slave, after all. If she were to
hug me without permission, I could punish her. She
was so relieved when I finally let her touch me, that I
felt a little bad for forgetting our arrangement.

Finally, after we had finished kissing, hugging, making

up, and eating, I sat everyone down in our living room.
The room seemed to hold just enough space for all of
them. It was like this house was always meant to hold
my harem here. That was just silly. There was still
Gina, all the girls from the Academy and even the one
War was inhabiting. I’d need a much bigger place if I
was going to accept everyone.

All of the girls were watching me with different

expressions. From Maria’s impatient get-on-with-it
look, mom’s encouraging glance, or Sasori’s active
listening like the school teacher she was, every
woman offered something. I was foolish not to talk to
them earlier and be open. Perhaps, I could have saved
two months of self-exploration had I just been willing
to talk.
“So… it all started like this…”

I told them everything. I started from the beginning

because not every girl necessarily new everything.
They had more or less filled each other in on the
details, but I had never explained things from
beginning to end so fluidly. It was true, they knew a
good deal of it, but it was still something that I needed
to get out. I didn’t just explain what had happened, I
revealed all of my wounds. Whether it was what
powers I used and how I used them, or what tactics I
used to seduce the women in front of me, or even my
fears and regrets. I laid it all bare, even when it
seemed uncomfortable.

“You all already knew I was immortal, although some

of you may have questioned if it was true. It’s one
thing to have someone say it, and quite another to see
it for yourself.”
I pulled a kitchen knife that I had grabbed earlier
during dinner, and then I stabbed it into my hand. All
of the girls let out cries, and my mother was first to
grab a rag. I pulled the knife back out and handed her
my hand. She immediately wrapped it up, wiping up
the blood. However, a few moments later, she could
no longer find a wound. It had already sealed

I supposed, as far as immortality went, I got the good

kind. Although it had hurt, I would heal from any
damage. I was Wolverine, although without the claws
and the six-pack. Once the girls calmed down, I
finished explaining things, by talking about War and
her ultimate proposal.

“As an immortal, I can only watch you all grow old and
die. As a god, I might be able to bring you into the
heavenly realm. Mortals can go there; they say they
live much longer than a normal human. Plus, I might
have the power to make you all immortal like I am
now. I don’t know. I know where staying on Earth will
get me, but becoming a god is something else

After I finished speaking, there was a silence for some

time. Every woman present seemed lost in her
thoughts. I was almost about to speak again, thinking I
should say more, but mom perked up first.

“What do you need from us?”

“Then, you’re with me?” I asked.

“We were always with you.” Sasori chuckled.

“You’re our man, if we couldn’t support you, how

could we call ourselves women!” Akiko added.
“If Brother wants to become a god, then brother will
be a god!” Maria nodded like it was decided.

I felt a warmth in my heart that I hadn’t felt for some

time. I was finally starting to move in the right

“In that case, I need to do a summoning ceremony. I

need these so-called ingredients, as well as Netori’s
former vessel. She wants me to do it tonight at

“Tonight! That’s only four hours away!” Mom let out

in alarm. “That doesn’t give us much time. Who will be
Netori’s vessel?”

“Come on, mom, don’t you know the answer to that

already?” I raised an eyebrow. “You are!”
Chapter 140 :
re you sure you’re okay with this, Mom?” I asked

I knew that it was ultimately my own plan that we

were following here, but I was definitely apprehensive
about it. We were doing some kind of ceremony
designed to summon a goddess. We then planned to
put that goddess into my mother. Furthermore, that
goddess was actually just a small aspect of a larger
goddess and protected by a petty god. Basically, I
wanted to rip apart a goddess using my mother as the
medium. No one had told me the consequences of
failure, but perhaps that was because if I knew the
chances, I’d never agree to it.

In a way, I had been hoping my mother would be the

voice of reason. As a proud Japanese woman, I
thought she might reject the idea of another woman
taking over her body. At the least, I expected her to
reprimand me for still following this fanciful dream of
becoming a god. It really was a silly desire. Had
anyone else suddenly announced they wanted to be a
god, I’m sure everyone would have laughed them out
of existence. However, I had come too far, and there
was no turning back now.

There was also another thing I had to prepare my

heart for. Assuming everything worked and I was able
to summon Netori, there was no guarantee that she
would be able to help me become a god. I would likely
only have a few minutes to talk to her, and there was
no saying what she would offer. My biggest fear,
naturally, was that she’d be just like NTR. She would
laugh at me, sneer, and call me an idiot for ever
believing the goddess of cheating. Had I tried to
summon her two months ago, there was no saying I
would have been able to mentally handle it.
Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around me, and my
mother’s chest press against mine. She held me
tightly, and feeling the warmth of her love and
affection, I started to feel better once again.

“It will all work out.” Mom suddenly spoke into my

chest. “This will be tough for you, but in the end, I
believe you will succeed.”

Her voice seemed to contain a feeling of certainty.

“How do you know?” I asked.

She looked up at me and smiled. “Just, trust in your

mother. I have a good feeling about all of this. I
believe everything happens for a reason, and this was
a journey you were bound to take.”
“Okay… mom.” I didn’t know what to say, as all of a
sudden, she started sounding like a fortune cookie.

She got back down in the circle that we had drawn on

the floor. I looked up at the clock. Five minutes to
midnight. It was time. I pulled out all of the
ingredients ordered. We were in the living room. The
couch had been pulled aside, a pentagram of sorts
was drawn in the center of the room, and the lights
were out. The only thing navigating out were rows and
rows of candles.

Anyone who looked in through out window would

think that we were doing some kind of witchcraft.
First, a son was fornicating with his mother at the
front door, now, they were committing devil worship!
I could already imagine our reputation on this block
plummeted. If I didn’t become a god, we’d definitely
have to move thanks to the pure shame of it all.
The other girls watched in anticipation. They were
only there to be support, and actually wouldn’t really
be involved in the ceremony. Technically, it was just
mother and I. From what I understood from War, this
wasn’t exactly like I was summoning Netori and
putting her into mom’s body. It was more like the
séance it looked like. I’d be using mom as a conduit to
call Netori. Whether Netori had the capacity to
answer, that was yet to be seen.

I just had to trust that War was doing whatever she

said she’d do to pure NTR in the state where I could
talk to Netori. If she did it, then she was probably
putting herself in a lot of danger. There was also no
saying she would succeed. On the other hand, War
could just be looking for vengeance. Maybe, she just
wanted to cause me pain. Maybe, she alerted NTR,
and I’d be met with an angry goddess. Maybe, it
would even hurt mom!
There were too many maybes, and I needed to stop
thinking about what might happen. I had already
committed to doing this, so now I just needed to do it.
I took a long deep breath, trying to steady my mental
state. Once I felt calm, I began to mix the ingredients
in the bowl. I did them exactly to War’s explanation.
When I was done, I lit a match and dropped it in.
There was a puff and the pile of mixed ingredients
caught on fire. White smoke rose from the bowl.

I put it down in the circle and then sat, closing my eyes

and opening up my mental state. I was sitting in the
pentagram, directly across from my mother. We were
both kneeling with our eyes closed. Between use was
the rising smoke. I breathed it in. The first few breaths
felt toxic, and I coughed terribly, but I quickly got used
to the smoke. All of the other girls remained out of the
circle and kept their distance. Each breath of the
fumes, I felt heavier and heavier. Soon, I wasn’t sure if
I was sitting or if I had collapsed to the floor.
Time passed on, and I just kept breathing and
breathing. Was it midnight yet? Did I already pass my
time? Did I do it wrong? Was my window already
passed? These thoughts bubbled along the surface of
my mind, but I refused to allow myself to dwell on
them. Breath in, breath out.

“Hakaru.” A familiar voice called my name.

My eyes opened, and Netori was sitting across from

me. She looked exactly how I remembered her. She
didn’t look like the grander NTR but like the beautiful
and sensual Netori. Around us was a smokey grey. This
didn’t look like purgatory, which was a pure
whiteness. This was just a smokey abyss. I couldn’t see
the other girls, and Netori was sitting in the place
where my mother should have been. She had a light
smile on her face, and a bit of sadness in her eyes.
“You left me, you lied.” Those were not the words I
had wanted to say, but as soon as I saw her, emotions
came bubbling to the surface.

I felt fear, anger, frustration, and a whole bundle of

complex emotions. I could feel my eyes stinging, and I
felt like even crying, but I didn’t want to give NTR the
satisfaction of shedding any more tears because of

The weak smile on her face flickered down. “I know… I

failed you, Hakaru. You performed splendidly and did
everything I asked of you, but in the end, I had never
realized just how different I was from NTR.”

“You are NTR!”

She lowered her head. “I am… but I’m not as well. She
was a powerful and prideful woman. She cared about
things like status and position. It had been so long
since I was her, I had forgotten how shallow she was.
You have changed much in the last six months.
Imagine the person of you back then seeing the
person of you today. It’d be similar, except separate
that time by thousands of years.”

“Can’t you… change her mind? You’re still there!

You’re still inside her.”

“It’s not that simple. You have a place in each of our

hearts, Hakaru. We never would have been able to
combine and be reborn if you didn’t.” Netori
explained. “However, NTR is a woman who has
learned to put her heart aside. She got very used to it,
having a heartless lover like Procreation by her side.”

“Why did you never warn me about Harem?”

“It was true… I suspected that Harem wasn’t who he
claimed.” Netori admitted. “I suspected his power was
much deeper and went into what it meant to be a
human. However, would you have agreed if you knew
your opponent was a god of life itself? No living thing
can exist without him. He’s one of the Creation Gods,
a concept as old as humanity itself.”

“How… how can I defeat him?” I asked.

“That answer, you’ll have to discover on your own.”

“How can I steal you back?”

“If you break us back into three… our hearts are yours.
If you can destroy NTR, then we’ll all gladly leave
“Wouldn’t he just steal you like Marriage?”

She shook her head. “He also cares about status, just
like NTR. We’d be fundamentally too weak. Among
everything that Procreation is, you must never forget
he’s lazy. If all three of us left him, we’d be more
trouble than it was worth for him to cling to us.”

“What about getting Marriage back?” I demanded.

“I don’t know. At the moment, he’s imprisoned her

until she succumbs to him. He’s too busy now diddling
us… I mean… NTR. She’s his newest toy right now. It
might be a hundred years before he breaks Marriage,
but if there is any other trait he has, it is patience.”
She suddenly looked up like she just felt something.
“We don’t have much time. War gave NTR a wine
made by Dionysus, the god of wine and they drank in
what she claimed was an offer of peace and
surrender. War got her so drunk she passed out, but
she’s starting to become aware something is up.”

“Then, what do I need to do? How do I get to the

heavenly realm? How do I become a god?” I cried out,
feeling like we needed more time.

Netori gave me a helpless look that seemed to say

that she didn’t have an answer for me.


“Please, I’ll do anything!” I cried, reaching out to grab


Netori pulled back, but a second later, she loosened

her shoulders. “There is an option. However, I don’t
know if it will work. I don’t even know what it could
accomplish. I only know… it happens, I don’t know
what happens next.”

“Anything!” I reaffirmed.

“Hakaru… I’m going to do something, something that

is forbidden. If I do this, it will be a long time before
you can see your harem again. I can only even attempt
it because you are you. Do you understand?”

Of course, I didn’t, but I nodded anyway. “I’ll do it!”

“Once I do this, I will exhaust all of my power. You will

never be able to summon me again. More than that,
NTR will realize what I did. I will be temporarily
borrowing her power to do it. Not only will she punish
War, but she may come after you as well.”
I gulped. “H-how is that going to help?”

“You have to figure that out for your own.”

I bit my lip. “Just do it.”

“What I will give you is time, how you use it… has
already been decided!” She suddenly reached out and
touched my forehead.

I felt a sudden burning that spread out from my head,

and it exploded through my body, and I felt like I was
being torn apart. The image of Netori faded it. I
suddenly heard a screaming sounded like NTR. She
sounded extremely pissed. I felt a sense of dread and
crisis. It felt like NTR was reaching to grab me.
However, I seemed to just manage to avoid her, and
the dread started to dissipate.
My eyes snapped open, and I realized I was lying on
the ground. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. Very
slowly, I sat up. I could barely see, but it seemed like I
was in some kind of ally between two buildings. My
head ended up in my lap as I rubbed my temples,
trying to get rid of the pounding headache.

“Yo… is that guy on drugs?” I heard a woman’s voice.

“I’ll have what he’s having.” Another girl said.

“This is our turf, he better not be tweaking on

Hellcat’s block.”

“Kana, go fuck him up!”

Just as I started to look up, someone kicked me in the

face. I fell back into a laying position. I felt someone
get on top of me. My eyes finally cleared and I looked
up just in time to see a tough-looking hot girl mount
me. She was wearing a Japanese school uniform. It
was an older style one that I swore was phased out
over a decade ago. As I looked up at her, I began to
see familiarities. She looked like she could be a cousin
of my sister.

“Hellcat Kana, tell him who’s boss.”


It was the same name that my father had always

called my mother. Suddenly, my mother’s appearance
overlapped with this girl nearly twenty years younger.

“Tell me, punk, who’s your mommy!” She smirked.

“You are?”

“You’re damn straight.”

I was being serious though…

Chapter 141 :
Standing in front of me was a woman who resembled
my own mother. However, instead of being a refined
and elegant woman in her thirties, she was a young
teenager, no older than Maria. However, Maria looked
like a downright good girl compared to the woman
before me. She was wearing a leather coat, short jean
shorts, and a newsboy flat cap. The way she held
herself was domineering and seemed nothing even
close to elegant.
“You’re on my turf, boy, do you want to die?” She
asked, and then she pulled out a switchblade, causing
my eyes to widen.

After a moment, I relaxed though. “You think you can

kill me with that?”

My expression was wry. After all, I was an immortal

now. Things like knives were no longer a threat to me.
However, the woman who looked like my mother only
seemed to grow angry at those words.

“Listen here, you Yankee-loving shit, get up and do

your drugs somewhere else, or I’ll send you away in

Although she was threatening me, I was barely

reacting to her threat. Part of it was because I knew
she couldn’t cause any long-lasting harm, but the
other part was because I was still a little woozy from
what happened and was trying to figure out what just
happened. I had been perfectly fine talking to Netori a
moment ago, and then I was suddenly plunged here.

She had told me that she was going to send me

somewhere where I might be able to learn how to be
a god, but she didn’t know for certain. She seemed to
be hesitant to do it from the beginning. Just what had
she done to me? I slowly got to my feet. The girl with
the switchblade on me backed up warily. Since I didn’t
seem afraid or even cared about her switchblade, it
looked like she was starting to worry.

“Hey, Hellcat, I think he’s one of the men who has

been poaching our group!” One of the women called
The girl’s originally uncomfortable look turned severe
at those words. “Are you from a rival gang? We’ve lost
half our crew already. You bastards!”

She lunged at me, and I caught the blade in my hand.

It cut into the skin, and it did hurt, but I had taught
myself to ignore most surface level pain. I’d have to be
hurt or surprised before I’d do more than flinch at
being cut. Blood quickly started to run from my palm
and down the handle of her knife. As soon as she saw
the blood, a look of shock and fear spread on her face,
and she let go like her hand had been shocked.

“Y-you’re crazy!” She accused.

“Let’s get out of here! This is some crazy masochist!”

One of the other girls cried out.
The woman who resembled my mother managed to
flip me off as she backed away before turning and
running. I could only cock my head as they made
accusations of me being some kind of creeper or
masochist. They came to me. I was just minding my
own business. Opening up my hand, I let the bloody
blade fall to the ground. There was a fair amount of
blood, but the wound itself had already closed and in
a few minutes, it’d be gone. It looked like whatever
she had done, I was still immortal.

Stretching casually, I left the allyway, looking around

to see if I recognized where I was. To my surprise, I
did, but everything nearby looked a bit wrong. I
appeared to be standing around in the downtown
area, but the buildings all looked different. There was
a certain level of age to everything here. The cars
seemed older, as did the clothing people wore. Even a
few haircuts seemed like they went out of style a few
decades ago. That was when my eyes fell onto a
payphone built against one of the walls. There hadn’t
been a payphone installed for years.
My eyes widened as things finally started to click. I ran
to a nearby stand and snatched one of the free
advertising magazines off the stand. My eyes
immediately flipped around for the date. When I saw
it, my mouth fell open. It was over two decades ago. I
was in the same city, but at a completely different
time. I didn’t even know how to react to what I was

“Netori… sent me through time?”

It was the only explanation I could come up with. If

that was true, then Kana the Hellcat… that was truly
my mother! I had run into my mother! Of course, I had
found the entire experience odd from the beginning,
but of all the things that Netori could have done,
illusions, clones, memories… it wasn’t my first instinct
to imagine time travel. I immediately started going
through every time-traveling movie I had ever
contemplated in my head.
Of course, who hadn’t heard of the butterfly effect? A
butterfly flaps its wings, creating a breeze that grows
throughout time into a hurricane. Did my brief
interaction with my mother right there already cause
irreparable harm to the future? Did I have to walk on
eggshells for the rest of my life? I tried to remember
every last word Netori said before she sent me away. I
began to realize that it couldn’t possibly be that. If I
could destroy the future, Netori never would have
sent me to the past.

So, why was I here? Netori hadn’t been able to give

me a clear answer. What she did say was that it would
give me time. Well, now, I had time. It would be years
before I was born and decades before the game ever
started. I’d have tons of time to contemplate how I
was going to become a god. Did that mean that there
was no means to return to the future? I was decades
in the past! Was I supposed to just sit and wait while
trying to contemplate the universe? I wasn’t a
Buddhist! Was I supposed to cultivate or something?
I then realized that I did have a way to cultivate. I
could seduce women. How many points could I accrue
in twenty years? How many women could I seduce?
Certainly, enough to make the fifty-girl virgin orgy
seem like a cakewalk! Then… who would cash in those
points? Wouldn’t it have to be Netori from the future,
or rather Netori from my past? If I found her before
she became NTR, then I could cash in all the points I
had been earning, perhaps level up and finally become
the god she wanted.

If that was the case, then Netori would have known

this, wouldn’t she? She would have met the other me,
the one who had been waiting for twenty years for

“It’ll be a long time, my ass!” I shouted, causing a few

people to shoot me strange looks.
I quickly ducked into an ally near the store I was
standing by to keep out of sight. However, my mind
was still trying to wrap around this enigma. I felt angry
and frustrated. Was that Netori’s answer? I had to
wait and gather points in twenty years, and then
become a god while everyone had their eyes on the
other Hakaru? Actually, it might work, and I did tell
Netori I would do anything. My only worry was the
Netori didn’t seem sure even as she did it if it would
work. Did that mean that she didn’t remember ever
making me a god?

As I was thinking about such things, I suddenly heard a

scream. It didn’t come from the noisy street but down
the ally. Acting purely on impulse, I moved toward the
sound. If I was going with whatever happened already
happened and treated this whole event as a personal
journey, I had to take to become a god, then it didn’t
matter what I did. In that case, if a girl was screaming
for help, I would naturally come to her aid.
I ran down the alley and came out into a back lot
where three alleys all intersected. This area was
remote and well hidden. Had I not heard the scream, I
never would have come down here in the first place.
What I walked out on was a group of guys who were
assaulting three women. It took me a moment to
realize that they weren’t just any women, but the
three I had just encountered earlier. Worse, the men
outnumbered by them five to one.

One woman was stripped on the floor, and three men

were holding her down. One guy had his penis out and
was thrusting inside her. Another guy had covered her
mouth, and I had a feeling by her muffled sounds that
she had been the one who had screamed. He had
shoved her panties in her mouth now, and his hands
kept her from spitting it out. She was powerless as he
had her right in the middle of the ally.

A second girl had seemingly fainted. Three other men

were actively stripping her. It was abundantly clear
that they planned to use her in the same way they
were using the first girl, whether she was awake or

The final woman was cornered. She had the last five
guys around her. This was Kana, the Hellcat, but there
was nothing fiery about her or devilish about her. She
looked like a scared and defenseless woman. Her
hands were up, and she was desperately trying to
keep the guys back, but they didn’t seem to mind at
all and were even grinning with lewd expressions on
their faces as they closed in on her. I realized that she
didn’t even have a weapon. The one weapon she had,
the switchblade, I had taken from her only a short
while ago. They must have taken this ally to try to get
away, only to run into this rapist gang.

One man grabbed Kana, and her skirt ripped. She let
out a cry.
“You bastards! You’ll never get away with this!”

“Hehe… fact is, Kana, the Hellcats are gone. You’ve

lost your bite.” One man teased.

“Your fate is to just be a cock sleave for us.” Another


“We’ll rise back up!” She cried out helplessly.

“It was great of you to gather up all the dysfunctional

women. Should have called your gang the pussy
buffet, because that’s what you made for us!” The first
guy left.

“N-no!” She cried, but one guy finally got a grab on

“Time to give me your virginity!”

“G-give you…” She said, her eyes suddenly looking

unhinged. “I won’t give you anything! I’ll take
everything back! Everything you’ve taken, I’ll get it
back! I swear it! I swear I’ll steal everything!”

As the man started to push her down, I took a step

forward. They hadn’t seen me yet, but as soon as they
did, I’d have eleven angry guys on top of me. Even if
I’d survive and heal, it’d do no good if they restrained
me or beat me up. I was no longer the guy who would
watch my woman get fucked by another man. I was
the guy who would fuck a woman in front of her man!
However, wanting to stop them and being able to
single-handedly fight eleven people were two
different things. I’d need to somehow cause them to
feel the fear of God.
Just as I started to come up with a plan, there was an
explosion. I felt a strange power emerge, which
caused the hairs on my arms to rise. The men who
were just started to crowd around Kana were
suddenly blown back.

“Stealing everything?” Kana’s voice and demeanor

had suddenly changed, and she touched her lips as if
she had thought of something interesting. “I prefer
when it comes to people, but these days, I’ll take what
I can get!”

“Get her!” One of the guy’s shouted.

The five men advanced on her again, but the new

Kana didn’t seem frightened at all. She watched them
approach her with an almost amused look. Then she
reached out and tapped the closest man on the chest.
He suddenly flew back like he had been pulled by a
stunt wire. He slammed into the wall on the other side
of the alley. The six who were raping froze as they
looked to the scene of their friend splattered against
the wall.

“I’m all for taking what you want.” Kana looked down
at the men. “But only when it leaves both parties
happy. You are not giving her what she wants… you’re
taking something away from her. I hate people like
you the most.”

Her eyes narrowed, and then the men all sprang at her
at once. Not a single man managed to reach her.
Almost casually, she flicked her fingers, sending them
spiraling off into the walls. Before long, she didn’t
even bother to make contact with them before she
flicked them away. In short order, all eleven men were
knocked out cold. Then, as if this was nothing, she
walked over to the naked girl on the ground. She
made an unhappy face.
“You once gave a married man a hummer so that he’d
buy you a pair of shoes you wanted.” She sighed. “You
could have made a wonderful disciple. Never say I
don’t look after my own.”

She waved her hand, and both girls disappeared from

the ally, although only she would know where. It was
pretty clear at this point that this Kana was not my
mother. It was Netori. I moved forward, stepping on a
can. Netori’s eyes snapped to mine.

“Hmm? It seems like I missed one.” She raised her

hand at me in a flick position and then gave her best

Chapter 142 :
“Hmm?” She cocked her head as I didn’t move, and
then flicked her finger again. “That’s odd…”
I was confused too for a few seconds. I had honestly
thought I might go flying into a wall and end up in a
hospital like the rest of them. Well… not in a hospital.
I’d recover quickly thanks to my immortality, but it
would still hurt being tossed around by a goddess.
That was when I remembered that despite my
immortality, I also still had godless. That meant that a
god couldn’t directly use their skills on me, and I
couldn’t directly use my skills on others.

Immortality was a strange exception to this rule. I

didn’t know if this was because the skill was provided
by a much more powerful god, or if it was because I
was forcefully given this skill after godless, but the
results were the same. I had forgotten I was effectively
immune to other gods thanks to that skill. Then it
suddenly occurred to me that maybe the reason
Harem gave me Immortality is that, because of
godless, he wasn’t able to do anything else to me.
I shook my head. Whatever it was, I could think about
it for days and not have an answer. Right now, Netori
was right in front of me. She was the very woman I
had been wanting to speak to for some time.
However, if I had to guess, this was an earlier Netori.
She didn’t time travel with me, but she was the Netori
from when my mother was that age. In fact, she had
just taken over my mother. Does this mean that this
was the event that my mother couldn’t remember?

“Netori.” I said, taking a breath to calm myself.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, but then she quickly

schooled her face. “Let me guess, you’re an avatar of
some god? No… that’s not quite right. Your energy is
too powerful. You’re not quite a god, but you’re not
quite human either.”

She frowned as if considering what she was looking at.

Although it was clear that my mother had been
possessed by Netori, Netori hadn’t seen fit to alter her
appearance. The Netori from my time had possessed a
girl who happened to look a bit like Netori, and I
supposed, in some ways, my mother also had features
that resembled Netori. She was a beautiful woman
with long dark hair and a slim physique. Mother
wasn’t full developed yet, so her large chest and hips
hadn’t developed. This was her body before she
pushed out a couple of kids.

Netori could change her appearance, as her sister

Netorare had done, but she didn’t choose to do so.
That meant that anything she did while in my mother
would be blamed on my mother. Supposedly, mother
agreed to allow Netori in. This probably wasn’t a
conversation that occurred out loud, but in her mind.
Given the dead-end that mom had been pushed into,
there was no question to me why she had chosen to
allow the goddess in.
“I’m a champion.” I explained to Netori, looking to see
if I got any reaction out of her.

“A… champion?”

She had a strange look on her face, like I had said

something weird. I had come to the belief that
champions were rather common among the gods.
However, the look that she was giving me suggested
that this wasn’t true.

“Champions? Gods haven’t created champions since

the times of ancient Greece.” She said, looking at me
cautiously. “When human beings started developing
too quickly, they started creating new concepts that
previously didn’t exist. Some of the gods grew
concerned that humanity would be lost with out gods
applied to these concepts. Thus, they sought to create
“Champions were created, humans that were allowed
to grow through challenges provided to them. They
would become gods. However, it quickly became a
mess. The Gods who were once human acted
irrationally, breeding with humans, and creating demi-
gods. They interfered directly with humanity,
demanding worship, and even some created
duplicates, two different gods retaining the same
concept. This is how we ended up with the Greek
Gods, Roman Gods, and so on. Eventually, the higher
gods had to wipe them out. It turned out the whole
system wasn’t needed. The majority of humans began
to worship a single god, and it turned out the power
gods received wasn’t dependent on shrines, but the
hearts of man. New gods sprang into being when they
needed to be.”

Her words made a lot of sense. This competition that

she was holding with champions couldn’t be
something common. If it was, then humans would be
rising to godhood all the time. Instead, we heard
about it being common in the distant past, but
nowadays, it just didn’t happen. That wasn’t an
accident, but a deliberate intervention from the true
gods, the concept gods.

“So,” Her eyes fell on me. “What idiotic god decided

to make you a champion?”

“Ah, about that…” I laughed uncomfortably.

The second I ran into Netori, and she was already

grilling me. I didn’t know what to say in this situation.
Could I just tell her I came from the future? The future
Netori seemed to know about this, or did she? Did I
have to react in a way I thought the future would go,
or could I just do whatever I wanted? So soon after
making that decision, I was already doubting myself
again. I felt like I was going around in circles.
“Well, whatever.” She had been leaning toward me
curiously, but then stood back up just as quickly
without me providing an answer. “They probably had
their reasons for doing that. All I can say is good luck
with whatever you’re doing. Don’t rape women unless
they secretly want it!”

She held up her finger like she was giving important

advice, and then winked before turning away.

“W-wait! Netori, why are you here? In fact, why aren’t

you surprised I know your name?”

“Why should I be surprised that a human knows my

glorious name? Although, I suppose these days it is
pretty niche to Japan.” She tapped her finger on her
lips and then snapped. “I need to break out into
America. I bet I can use Japanese manga to do that!”
She started to walk away again, and I took a few
helpless steps forward. “W-wait… why are you here?”

She turned back. “You sure are nosy for a human. Of

course, the reason I am here is simple. I want to
further my name! This woman here is going to help
me get back on top! I’ll use her virgin body to steal a
hundred married men, no, one thousand! That’ll show
Marriage who is better!”

While she was speaking to me, that last part seemed

to be said partially for herself. However, as soon as
she said it, I grew confused. This was only a few years
before I was born. From what I knew, Netori had come
down, possessed my mother, wiped out a few gangs,
and then encouraged her to get with my dad.
However, this woman didn’t seem interested in any of
that. It seemed like she had just come to Earth to fool
“Wh-what about your sisters? Netorare? Netorase?”

Netori’s expression suddenly turned cold. “What

about them? Are they the ones who sent you to me?”

“No! I mean, don’t you want to unite with them

again?” I asked.

“Why would I want to unite with them?” She asked, a

flash of anger on her face. “They left me! I’m great by
myself! I’m the greatest of the bunch! People hate
Netorase, and Netorare is just a freak. However,
everyone likes to read some good Netori. The
protagonist steals the girl from some asshole who is
not treating her right? I don’t need those two, and I
never did!”

I was floored by her words. She was the one who had
worked to bring them all together, but now I was
realizing why it was something that hadn’t happened
before. Her attitude regarding her sisters was bad.

“You need… them…” My voice started strong, but it

quickly weakened.

“I need them?” She sneered. “They’re holding me


After what happened, I didn’t even know how to

respond. I didn’t believe what she believed, that they
were holding her back, but NTR was not a sum of her
parts. She had left where those three had been loyal.
How could I encourage Netori to become NTR, when
NTR had hurt me in the way she had? My silence
seemed to confirm to Netori that she had won the
argument. With a nod, she turned around again. She
raised her hand, and I realized she was about to snap.
As soon as she snapped, I had a feeling she was going
to disappear to go do whatever her mission here was.
At that point, I wouldn’t see her again. I had to say

“I need you!’ I cried out, just before she disappeared.

Her hand froze in midair, and I couldn’t see her face. It

was impossible to know what she was thinking. After a
long minute, she lowered her hand. She turned her
head toward me, but I still couldn’t see her face in the
shadows of the alley.

“Is there… some girl you’re trying to get?” She asked.

I thought about it for a second and then nodded.

“There is some girl… I need to steal!”

Her body straightened for a second, and then she

turned around. As she did so, she floated off the
ground, casually floating toward me. She was looking
me up and down once again as if her interest in me
had been piqued.

“Tell me about it.” She said, her body floating nearby

in a manner familiar to the goddess I had come to

If she wasn’t still wearing the body of my young

mother, I wouldn’t have been able to tell the
difference. Somehow, seeing her floating there, giving
me a listening ear, reminded me of all the times
Netori and I had spent together in the last half-year.
The familiarity of it all caused my heart to throb
painfully, and tears ended up coming to my eyes
unexpectedly. Up until this point, I had grown angry
and raged, grown sad and sunk to depression, and
even run away. The thing I had never done was face
my feelings head-on.
I stood straight and looked Netori in the eyes. “I love

“Then, what is the problem?”

“Another man stole her from me,” I responded, my

body shaking as I spoke.

“That can happen. Was it your fault?”

“It was. I wasn’t strong enough to hold on to her.”

She made a noise, her expression turning surprised for

a moment, and then her eyes narrowed in a pleased
look. “I would have expected you to come up with a
dozen excuses as to why she left you.”
“Excuses won’t change what happened.” I shrugged. “I
lost her because I couldn’t keep her. My only chance is
to grow stronger.”

“How interesting…” She tapped her lips once again

and then broke into a smile. “I could tell from the
beginning that you weren’t with those other guys.”

“I’m not!”

She said that, but wasn’t she the one who tried to flick
me into a wall?

“In that case, I’ll do it!” She announced just as


“Do what, exactly?” I asked as she seemed to be

convinced of something.
Her grin widened. “I’m going to help you steal her

Netori was going to help me steal herself from

Harem? This was turning out to be a strange day

Chapter 143 :
“You’re a champion. From what I can feel, you’ve
already approached the door to becoming a god. How
could someone like you be having girl troubles?”
Netori asked, taking a sip of a soda.

The both of us left the ally to find some place that had
a few less unconscious gangsters. Although we were a
goddess and an immortal, it felt like it’d be less
trouble if we were caught over a bunch of people. We
ended up in a small café across the street, and ended
up ordering food. It felt strange. This was the first time
that I had ever been out in public with Netori. She
usually moved around the world like an unseen ghost,
but she had actually returned to her feet and the
waitress even acknowledged her.

“Being a god doesn’t make things easier…” I

responded helplessly.

“True… but you seem pretty good with the ladies. That
woman over there even looks like she wants to mount
you on the table.”

“Who…” I looked back to see a middle-aged woman

sitting at a table; when she noticed me looking she
licked her lips and winked. “Grandma Jill!”

I realized I recognized her! She wasn’t middle-aged in

my time, but actually a bit old! She used to babysit for
us back when my parents went on dates! She was in
her 60s back where I came from and we called her
Grandma Jill, but now she was a thirty-year-old
woman hungrily eyeing a seventeen-year-old boy!

“Hmm? Grandma?” Netori asked.

I turned away from her giving me welcoming looks as I

cleared my throat. “Ah, nothing… just thought I saw a

Netori shrugged. “Anyway, I’m just saying that you are

an attractive man at the prime of your life. I can tell by
the way you hold yourself you’re both skilled and
capable of seducing women. You’re confident,
smooth, and I’m not sure what girl wouldn’t fall head
over heals for you.”

“You think?”
I hid my expression behind my hands as I asked an
empty question. In reality, I had a complicated feeling
toward her words. On the one hand, her complements
felt good. However, Netori had been the one to train
me to seduce, so naturally I would fit within her
expectations. She had made me the man I was today.

“I wouldn’t have agreed to help just anyone. I found

you intriguing and compelling. As a goddess, it’s
improper to get into other god’s business. Unless
you’re at a high enough level, of course. So, I won’t
ask about your origins. However, I am curious. What
kind of girl turns down a demi-god?”

“A goddess…” I responded.

She blinked, and then burst out laughing. “You’re

chasing after a goddess? No… not just a goddess, but a
goddess who is already claimed by a god? Do you not
value your life?”

“My life is already hers!” I shot back, stopping Netori’s

ridicule before I sat back in my chair. “I died, and this
life of mine, she took it. She… stole it. So, I lived my
life for her, and as soon as she got what she want
from me, she tossed my life away like it was trash.”

Netori’s expression turned serious. “What a bitch.”

I snorted. “It wasn’t entirely her fault. The man who

took her is a total tool. She just walked away with him,
while tearing my heart out of my chest.”

I didn’t know why I was telling Netori this. It just felt

like she was the only one I really could talk to about
this. After all, she was the goddess of this very thing.
“When you take a life, it’s permanent,” Netori said,
her voice sounding shockingly angry. “Someone who
does that must always live with the consequences!”

I was surprised by the passion and anger in her voice. I

could feel the anger throughout the café. It felt like a
sudden rise in electricity. There was a pop as a
microwave suddenly broke, and a woman cried out,
dropping her plates as she was suddenly affected by
her wave of pressure. It didn’t feel as bad on me, but
everyone in the café was looking around in confusion.
A few even let out cries or hid under their tables.
Then, she took a breath and calmed down, the feeling
going away as quickly as it came.

“Well, it’s not like she killed me,” I responded


“Even still… the woman who betrayed you, I would

never forgive her!” Her eyes flashed.
“What?” I had no clue how to respond to this sudden
development. “I thought you believed that if you lost
someone, you should get them back?”

“Except that she stole you, not the other way around,”
Netori spoke like this was obvious. “You don’t commit
to stealing someone and then tossing them away.
That’s cruel, and it spits in the face of everything I am.
You were hers, and when she refused to appreciate
what she had! Grrrr…. It makes me so mad!”

She crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks. She
looked extremely cute as angry as she was. I was still
speechless. How would she respond if I told her that
the person she was badmouthing was herself?
Somehow, hearing her talk like this felt relieving. I felt
like a burden had been lifted off my heart. I couldn’t
help but laugh softly, but then something occurred to
“Are you not going to help me, then?” I asked

If she was so angry at her actions and thought that I

was wasting my time, she might not be willing to help
then. At that point, I might have to tell her the truth
about the future.

“No, I’ll help you.” She said, her expression looking


“You will?” I was a little surprised, given how she said I

should never forgive her.

She nodded, her appearance still serious. “This girl

may have done you wrong, but in the end, it will be
the ultimate victory to snatch her heart. With my help,
you will defeat her!”
“That just leaves the fact she’s a goddess in the
heavenly world, and she belongs to a powerful god.”

Netori’s expression sank. “Ah… that’s right. Winning

her over while in the mortal world… that’s simply
impossible. Unless…”

“Unless?” I asked, leaning forward.

“Unless… you become a god!”

My head dropped, and then I shot her a rueful look.

This had been my problem since the beginning. It felt
like we were just going around in a circle. At least
Netori was finally up to speed here.
“You say that like it is easy,” I said.

“No…” She shook her head, “It won’t be easy.”

I perked up. She said it wouldn’t be easy, but she no

longer was saying it was impossible.

“Do you know how I can become a god?”

“There are only two ways that you can step into
godhood. First, you receive the virgin essence of a
high-tier avatar.”

“Pretend like I don’t speak god.” I frowned.

“You need to fuck a powerful goddess while she is

visiting earth. At least someone from the 13th level.”
“Will you do?” I asked.

“B-bold!” Her face flushed. “Even if I slept with you,

I’m not strong enough.”

I had known that the second I said it, but I had felt a
bit mischievous suddenly and I wanted to see her
blush. I had already known that Netori, as far as
goddesses went, was the lowest spectrum. She
couldn’t even move between heaven and earth easily
without some preparation. It was marriage who was
level 13 and would have been powerful enough to
make me a god, but she had been taken right
alongside Netori. Although I couldn’t say I loved
Marriage, I did care and worry about her too.

“What about my immortality trait? Can I even become

a god with that?” I asked.
“Immortality? Why would you ever select that? Once
you become a god, you’d have immortality anyway.”
She asked incredulously.

“It’d not like I had a choice. I had selected Godless, but

the guy who took my girl gave me immortality as a

“Woah…” her eyes widened.


“I fucking hate that guy.”

I snorted again if she only knew.

“With immortality, you’d never be able to slowly
progress to godhood, but you might be able to rapidly
progress to godhood.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, as a mortal, your body fundamentally can’t

hold divine power. You can build up divine power, but
it leaks. It’s like an intertube with a small leak in it. At
first, when you add air, it doesn’t matter, the
intertube grows and expands. However, soon it begins
to leak, and the more you fill it, the faster the air
floods out. Normally, with a strong enough breath,
you can still fill it until it’s complete. At that point, the
holes fix themselves. However, an ability like
immortality is like having dozens of holes. No matter
how much you huff and puff, you’ll only ever remain
half-filled, unable to reach the next level.”

“Yeah, I get that, so?”

“So… we need a bigger breath.”

“What? A more powerful god?”

“No… but an actual virgin god, yes.”

“I don’t get what you’re saying.”

She let out a sigh. “As is, most gods are hardly virgins.
We can possess an avatar, and often have good
affinity with virgins. It’s ultimately our avatar’s
virginity that you’re taking. I mean, we can restore it
when we leave if we feel like it, but there is something
about sleeping with a virgin that causes a flood of
divinity to enter the one taking it.”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with NTR Crush?”

“Huh? What did I crush?”

“Um… nevermind.”

I had spoken too quickly. I had always thought that

the idea of sleeping with Marriage or NTR to propel
me to godhood had to do with the game. In the game,
I received points for sleeping with women. These
points were actual divine essence, and while I could
spend that divinity for divine skills, it ultimately all
built up toward me becoming a god. In the end, I was
supposed to sleep with NTR, and ultimately obtain

Since points were higher based on how tough an

opponent was, I always thought it was just the fact
goddesses were harder to bang than MILFs. It turned
out there was something specific about gods that
could help me reach godhood. When I slept with
Netori’s avatar, I used up that burst of power. If I had
instead managed to reach a higher level and then
sleep with NTR, I would have become a god like we
planned, but since NTR used the same avatar as
Netori, I had exhausted that option.

As for why they didn’t just find a new avatar and

perhaps let me pop them in rapid succession, there
had to be some kind of circumstances that made
identifying an avatar difficult. I decided to ask about
that anyway and received a response I expected.

“It’s true, the conditions that allow us to find an avatar

to interact with the human world is rare. It might only
happen once a generation. Part of the reason I haven’t
been to the mortal world for so long was exactly
because of this. This woman, Kana, is my first step
toward regaining the power lost to me. However,
we’re not focusing on me, but you here.
“What I am saying is that taking the virginity of a
goddess’s avatar is one thing, but taking the virginity
of an actual goddess is another. Even a level 9 goddess
who lost her virginity would be enough to bring you to
level 9. No, it might even bring you to 10. The
difference between an avatar and a true body cannot
be compared!”

“Are you telling me there is a goddess in this world

that is here in the flesh without an avatar and also a
virgin?” I asked in disbelief. “I thought goddesses
couldn’t interact with humanity unless they had an

“They can’t… any mortal who saw her true visage

would die! However, you’re not exactly a mortal. I
suspect that you’ll be able to survive in her presence.”
“S-survive!” I cried out, feeling her wording was a bit

“After that, it’s up to you.” She shrugged. “I can make

sure you don’t die the second you see her. That
doesn’t mean she won’t try to kill you. You will have
to seduce her on your own!”

Chapter 144 :
“Well, if it isn’t the little Hellcat coming out of her
cage.” A voice came to us as we were finishing up in
the café.

A group of young men had walked into the café. They

each had a dangerous vibe about them. The waitress
immediately cowered away, hiding with the cook back
in the kitchen. Several other people tossed their
money on the table and quickly left the place through
the back.
The boys were all wearing leather jackets. A few of
them had piercings or tattoos in some pretty apparent
places. The guy in the lead pulled a bat from his coat.
Another had a switchblade, and the third pulled out
and put on what appeared to be brass knuckles.

“Friends of yours?” Netori cocked her head looking at


“I think we both know that they’re looking for mo-

eh… the woman whose body you’re in.” I quickly
corrected myself.

She sighed. “Very well. It looks like I’ll need to take

care of these guys first. Hmm… by the looks of it, it’d
take about two minutes a guy. I’ll need about ten
I nodded. “You’re going to kick the crap out of them?”

“What? No, I’m going to fuck them.” She raised an

eyebrow like I had said something weird.

I blinked, her casually spoken words taking me a

moment to process. Then I stood up, slamming my
hand on the table.

“What did you just fucking say?”

“Huh?” She looked up at me. “What are you so

worked up about? I entered this woman’s body to
spread my name. I have to fuck at least a hundred
guys or so, otherwise, my trip will be a complete
“O-one hundred…” I couldn’t believe she was saying

Even if she wasn’t Netori, the woman I was trying to

win back, she was also in the body of my mother. She
was going to turn my mother into the town bicycle!
How could I stand for it? Even though I had rage on
my face, she was looking just as confused. After a
moment, she snapped her fingers.

“Ah! I see what it is. You’re concerned about this girl’s

body! Did you have a crush on her previously?” Her
expression looked mischievous.

“C-c-crush?” How could I even reply to that?

She was my mother! Well, I mean, I fucked her a

bunch, but that didn’t mean I was crushing on her like
a kid over his babysitter.
“It’s fine. I won’t let her get hurt. As for her body,
she’s already quite sensual. I can keep her getting wet
just thinking about those five men pushing her down.
Although she’d probably deny it, I think she has a bit
of a rape fetish.”

“It’s genetic?”

“So, she’s wanted to lose it to someone, so it might as

well be these guys. At the very least, her body will be
safe. It’s the least I can do for her helping me spread
my name.”

“How does this help you spread your name?”

She looked irritated at my line of questioning. “Look,

all five of those guys have girlfriends. I guess the girls
in this town like the bad boy type. I’ll just give them a
taste right now, and then leave them hanging. When
their girlfriends can’t give them what I give them,
they’ll all become cheaters. In a week or two, these
boys will be eating out of my hand. Okay?”


Her irritation turned to anger. As we were fighting, the

cocky men had slowed down. Noticing the pair of us
incensed in a conversation and seemingly ignoring
them, they were at a loss for what to do. They weren’t
used to being ignored. Plus, Netori had started to put
off a dangerous aura. Although it was directed at me
and not them, they slowed their steps even more. At
that moment, they were trying to convince
themselves they were just imagining it.

“How dare you… I even offered to help you with your

problem, and now you’re going to try to get in the way
of me and my job? Who do you think you are?”
Feeling the pressure of a goddess on me, I felt myself
sweating quite a bit. Even though I was a demigod and
could hold my own quite a bit better than most, it was
still quite a lot of pressure. Unfortunately, I knew the
kind of person that Netori was. If I continued to press
her, it would only end up badly. She would not only
ignore me, but might make things even worse. Her
help, as well as my mother’s virginity, depended on
me navigating this properly. My mind ran a mile a
minute trying to decide what to do.

“Frankly… I just think that getting these deviants to

cheat is… too easy?” I said, trying to act casually.

“E-easy?” She was still angry, but now she was


“Oh… yeah, you got to rank everything. Is stealing one

lover the same as stealing another? These boys
already came here planning to hurt and even rape
you. They’re deviants who frequently break the rules.
Do you think they care about such a thing as loyalty to
their women? They would stick their dicks in a pig if
you let them.”

Although I was saying this, I did lower my voice so that

they didn’t overhear me. I wanted to convince her to
change her plans, not get myself beaten up by a gang
of thugs.

“Pigs… I am a goddess…” Her expression darkened.

“Exactly! You are a goddess, so how could such a prey

be exciting? How could it be riveting? What fame
would you gain stealing those that never loved their
partners anyway? I thought you wanted to increase
the glory of Netori. It seems to me like you want to
drag it through the mud!”
Her eyes flashed with a complicated emotion. She
knew that what I was saying was true. The Netori of
my time would have never wasted her time on these
delinquents. Her appetite was so much larger. Her
expression turned serious.

“What do you propose?” She asked, looking a bit


“If you convince these men to cheat, you know, these

delinquents who have probably pushed down tons of
women, just like the ones in the ally, no one will learn
your name. Their women will never learn of their
deed, and even they will completely forget about you
once you disappear. They will likely lie, and even if
they tell the truth, who would believe them that they
got to bang a goddess? In the end, your fame won’t
increase a single bit.”
“However, you’re a goddess. Why should you be
increasing your fame? It’s the women that should be
seducing. The women of these guys.”

I was just saying things as I thought of them. I was just

trying to come up with any reason for her to not put
out for other men. Ultimately, I realized that if the
targets were women, then mom’s virginity could stay

“What?” Her eyes widened.

“That’s right! These guys who rape other women

should see their women leave them for another man.
Those women are infatuated with their men. After all,
they like bad boys, as you said. However, what if some
other guy came in and took their women?”

“It… it would start a war!”

“Right… oh… wait… what?” My mind was not going in
the direction her mind was.

“They’ll be furious, and everyone will know their

women left them. They’ll want to find out who did it,
and they’ll toss the blame on each other. The streets
will explode in war, and my name will spread like
wildfire. These women will go on, and then steal other
men, and it will spread! It’s genius!”

“Is it? Ahem… I mean… it is!”

“Hah… it’s been some time since I seduced a woman.”

She tapped her lips. “I’ll need to pull out the old’
double dildo. Need to find a strap-on too… uck… my
lips are going to get chapped.”
Crap! I had forgotten that she was just as into girls as
she was guys! Seeing my plans going south, I quickly
stood up.

“I’ll do it!”


“A-a… um… a goddess shouldn’t be responsible for

increasing her prestige. That job should fall on the
shoulders of her champion!”

“A-a champion?” Her eyes widened.

“Since you must increase your prestige before you

help me, then I will go forth and seduce all of the
women in your name!” I declared, lowering my head.
“You… you’ll do that? For me?” Her voice sounded
choked up.

I looked up in surprise to see her eyes were wet with

tears. She looked genuinely touched. As a goddess
who was typically rivaled and had been on the decline
for millennia, to suddenly have a person offer to help
her, it had truly caused her to feel happy. That caused
my own heart to speed up. I was just about to say
something else when we were suddenly interrupted.

“Hey! Who’s this guy? You letting boys into your gang
now? Or is he your new boyfriend?” The leader with
the bat had finally worked up the courage and
interrupted our conversation.

“She must be afraid so she looked to get help. Too bad

she went for some scrawny pretty boy.” One of the
guys behind him remarked.
“Pretty boy?” I blinked, never having expected to be
called that ever in my life.

It was true that I dressed better and kept up

appearances, something I had learned at the
gentlemen’s club, but that didn’t mean I was
necessarily a hottie.

Facing the dangerous-looking men, Netori didn’t seem

perturbed in the slightest. Considering she could flick
them away with a finger, I supposed she had no
reason to. However, a few moments ago, she was
going to let them ravish her, so seeing them form a
half-arc around her left me feeling a bit anxious

“You know… I was going to fuck your brains out, but

Hakaru here convinced me not to.” Netori declared
with a smile.
All the eyes suddenly turned to me. They were not
looking even remotely happy to see me. I lifted my

“H-Hi… Hakaru here…” I said weakly.

The leader rolled back his head and burst into

laughter. The other guys joined him. After a minute,
he lowered his head again and sneered at me.

“Look, little kid, get lost before you get hurt! We’re
going to play with Kana here for a bit.” He chuckled

“Are you the leader of your gang?” I asked.

He blinked. “This fucking guy… yeah… we’re the Street
head Sharks! We’re the toughest gang on this street.”

“And what is your girlfriend’s name?”

“My sweety? Her name is Kimie.” He shook his head.

“The fuck is it to you?”

“Oh… I just like to know the name of the women I

fuck.” I shrugged. “She has trouble telling me her
name when she’s gagging on my dick.”

I spoke so casually, that it took the man several

seconds of silence before he caught what I said. When
he finally did, a furious expression exploded on his

“You mother fucker… I’m gonna kill you!”

“Well, you’re half right… Netori?”

Netori rolled her eyes and then made a shooing

gesture. As the man stepped toward me, he was
suddenly thrown away with the other five. They all
slammed into the ground halfway down the hallway.
Several plates were knocked off their tables and a
mess was made as they collapsed to the ground in a

“So… shall we go find this Kimie?” She asked excitedly,

turning to me with bright eyes.

“Actually…” I looked over at the leader of the Street

head Sharks as he tried to stand back up, but was too
dizzy and fell again. “How about we bring him along?
If we want to spread your name, don’t we need an
Chapter 145 :
“This would be faster if you just got her drunk.” Netori

“Do you mind, I’m taking a piss.” I sighed.

She looked down at my stuff, grinning. “I don’t mind

at all.”

The pair of us were in the bathroom. The sound of

thrumming could be heard through the walls as a
deep base played out in the room beyond. We were at
a certain club. This wasn’t like the place I worked,
which was a quiet affair where women could chat and
drink to the sound of a piano. This was a dancing club
with loud music and copious amounts of alcohol.
It was night now, and I had come here for a singular
purpose. This was where the girl Kimie had come to
hang out with her girlfriends. Naturally, my goal was
to play with her, and NTR her boyfriend who had
decided to make a move on Netori. Netori wanted to
use my mother’s body in order to spread the name of
NTR. Somehow, I had become enlisted into it instead.
My ultimate goal was to reach heaven and win NTR
back, but that could take some time. Fortunately, time
was all I had. I wasn’t even born yet. Right now, the
most important thing was what Netori decided to do
with my mother.

“I don’t like to depend on alcohol to seduce women. A

little is fine, but how can you win a woman’s heart if
she’s too drunk to care?”

“Win a woman’s heart? What’s the point in that? Just

give her some good sex, and make her into a deviant!”
Netori snorted.
“Are you really Netori?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

“What is that supposed to mean? Of course, I am

Netori.” She glared at me. “You’re more of a mystery!”

The reason I had asked her that is just how different

she was. It wasn’t like with NTR, where she was clearly
a different woman. Rather, this felt like a younger
Netori. She had lived for thousands of years already,
so it seemed strange that she would have changed so
much in the last few decades, so I just had to ask if I
was really dealing with the same woman.

“It doesn’t matter if I sleep with her if she’s not happy

with it. Netori is about giving someone a better path.
It’s about stealing a lover’s heart, not her body!”
“You…” She blinked, her face turning ugly. “I am the
literal goddess of Netori, and you think you can tell me
what it means to be me?”

I zipped my pants up and turned to her. “Maybe

someone should. You gave your heart to Harem, and
then you became afraid to have your heart stolen

Her eyes flashed. “How did you know about that?”

“Because I know you, Netori!” I said, my face close to

hers. “I know what your heart wants.”

“Hakaru…” Her eyes grew wet, and for a second her

face started to move toward mine.

The door suddenly burst open.

“Ah… I got to go!” A guy stumbled into one of the
stalls and locked it.

As for Netori, she had disappeared as quickly as she

had arrived. I bit my lip and then chuckled silently to
myself. Turning around, I left the bathroom before it
started to smell. As I reached the door, I heard a
whisper in my ear.

“I don’t know how much longer I can keep this guy

unconscious. Just hurry.” Netori spoke from an
unknown source.

I walked out onto the main floor. There was a dance

floor where people were jumping around excitedly to
songs, I would have considered old. What exactly was
a Macarena anyway? Sitting at a table across from the
bar were two women. One woman was the girl, Kimie,
who he had been buying drinks for all night. The other
one was her female friend who had gone out clubbing
with her. Both girls were dressed in sparkly dresses
that showed a lot of leg and chest, clearly looking to
play. At least for Kimie, she was still in a relationship.
Considering the kind of people I had seduced in the
past, this was considered extremely easy. The biggest
issue I had was that despite all the signs, her friend
hadn’t left.

“Hey, you’re back! Just in time for another round!”

The friend held up her drink, grinning from ear to ear.

Of course, the reason I had initially gotten their

interest was by paying for the drinks. As for where the
money came from, her boyfriend had been generous
enough to lend me his wallet. He must have just
recently made some sales, as he had a few hundred in
his pocket. It was enough. Even so, I avoided pushing
drinks on Kimie. Despite Netori’s previous words in
the bathroom, the original Netori had always pushed
on me a feeling of pride in making a girl fall head over
heels in love. If I couldn’t get her willingly, then there
was no point.

I couldn’t help but shoot the girl grinning a look, but a

moment later I put on a smile. You could never win a
girl if her friends turned on you. It was just common

“Another round then.” I smiled, gesturing to the

bartender who nodded. “So, where were we?”

“Oh? I was just talking to Kimie about how she should

tie the knot with her boyfriend.” Her friend said,
grabbing Kimie as she spoke.

Kimie made a face at that. It was clear by the look on

her face that she had come out tonight not to think
about that guy who was currently unconscious and in
Netori’s possession. She had been giving me signs all
night that she was interested in starting this affair, but
her friend didn’t seem to get the message. The main
reason I left to use the bathroom was to give Kimie a
chance to tell her friend to bugger off. Either she did
and it didn’t work, or she chickened out.

“Marriage?” I rose an eyebrow. “It doesn’t fit with my

image of you.”

“Oh?” Kimie smirked. “What image do you have of


“I saw you as a bit of a ‘bad bitch’ type.”

“A-a bitch?” She frowned.

“No… a bad bitch.” I said, realizing I had used a term a

bit too new for this decade. “Ahem, it’s a woman who
doesn’t live an ordinary life. Exciting. Fun. Not a wife
who works in the kitchen with a baby in her belly.”

“B-baby! I’m not ready for children!” She cried out.

“I’m a bad bitch! Deathgrip calls me a bitch all the

“Deathgrip? Is that his name? I’m not sure if he calls

you that, he’s being nice…” I scratched my nose

What kind of name was Deathgrip anyway?

“Really?” She seemed disappointed. “Either way, he

was supposed to take me out somewhere nice
tonight, but then he stood me up! I heard someone
saw him with another woman! A real beauty!”
Of course, I had been the one to set that up. He had
been seen with Netori. He was unconscious, but we
didn’t let anyone see that. It was enough that the
rumors spread to Kimie. What? Just because I wasn’t
going to use alcohol didn’t mean I didn’t fight dirty.
Besides, this was the kind of guy who already did that
kind of cheating. He had never been caught, so I was
just speeding things up.

“W-we can’t confirm that!” Her friend defended.

What the heck was with this friend? It almost felt like
she was trying to directly get in my way. Was she a
secret lesbian lover? I had considered seducing and
having them both, but something about her had made
her come off as unapproachable. At that moment, the
drinks arrived. A drink was put in front of each of us.
The friend was glowering with her arms crossed, while
I used the opportunity to slide closer to Kimie. Just as I
was about to put my arm around her, she jumped like
she had been goosed.
“Ah! I need to go… um… freshen up!” She stood up
and fled the table, not even offering to bring her
friend along.

Suddenly, I was sitting across from her alone. I ignored

her, watching as Kimie left for the bathroom. When
she went in, I sighed, thinking that this would be way
easier if she was alone. I turned to glance over at her
friend, thinking about whether I should seduce her or
not. I jumped when I realized the girl had moved over.
She was now on all fours on the round seat, staring at
me with a pout on her face.

“Wh-what?” I cried out, backing as far away from her

as I could, but finding that to only be a few
centimeters before I fell off the table bench.

“I know what you’re trying to do.” She said, her voice

suddenly sounding thick and serious.
“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked, feeling a bit
awkward as I leaned away while she continued to lean
closer and closer to me.

“You’re trying to have her!” She hissed.

“What?” I decided to play dumb. “I like her. We’re just


“Don’t give me that! She’ll be married soon, and you

want to break them up!”

“To Deathgrip? That guy? Come on! You think he’d

propose to her?”

“He already bought the ring!” She shot back.

“Really? I mean, still, the guy’s name is Deathgrip!
How could she be happy marrying him?”

“What does happiness have to do with marriage?

Once they are together, forever, that would be for the

“Together…” I shook my head, feeling something odd

about this friend. “Why does it have anything to do
with you?”

“Ah… that… it just does! They should get married and

they’ll be happy!”

“I don’t believe marriage is a key to happiness!”

“You dare!”

She looked genuinely upset, but with her puffed out

cheeks, she also looked pretty cute. It was then that
the facial features started to overlap with someone I
knew. As the realization set in, my jaw began to drop.
Kimie had even introduced her friend, but I had
ignored her name before.


“That’s my name, don’t wear it out!” She huffed.

How many people in the world were named Mary? I

had no reason to believe that this was my Mary. She
was also in a completely different body. Instead of a
punk girl with blonde hair, she had a more tomboy
look in this body. She did still have big breasts, which
hung down and shook with every movement. At this
point, I had become completely certain. I could even
feel the divinity inside her. It wasn’t something you
noticed unless you were looking for it, and my focus
had been on Kimie the entire night.

“Not Mary…” I sighed. “You’re Marriage.”

She jerked up like I had suddenly squeezed her

bottom. “H-How do you know that name?”

Comparatively, I was considerably more familiar with

Netori than Mary. I had slept with her and all of her
sisters and even had their essence inside me. Mary, on
the other hand, was a woman who had given her
everything for me, but in return, I had done very little
for her.

Part of the reason I didn’t concern myself with her as

much as NTR was that I never felt I deserved her
affection. As for Harem taking her, if I defeated him,
I’d get her back. She didn’t even want to be with him

I reached out and touched her cheek. “It really is you.”

She closed her eyes and then rubbed her hand against
my cheek affectionately. Then, her eyes popped open
and grew wide. She jumped back.

“Wh-what was that? Why is my heart suddenly

beating fast?”

Could Marriage somehow remember me? No, that

wasn’t right. She was the Marriage of the past. Then,
what was it?
“Let me get your drinks.” A waitress approached and
grabbed Marriage’s drink.

“No, I’m not done.” She went to grab it.

“I think you are!” The other woman tried to snatch it

from her, clearly intending to splash it on her. “Eh? It’s

“Marriage, you old bitch! Go back to hell!”

“Hoh… hoh… Netori… a waitress outfit, it’s fitting that

you’ve become a servant.” Marriage chuckled.

I sighed. With the pair back together, this was going to

be an unproductive night.
Chapter 146 :
The friend of Kimie had turned out to be Mary, the
goddess of Marriage. Netori naturally figured it out,
and then appeared in a waitress outfit so as to not
appear conspicuous on approach. Just like before, the
two were like oil and water. However, there was
something a bit different about this time. True, their
bodies were different, but there was also a kind of
suppressive feel coming from Mary. It was then I
realized that at this stage in their lives, Netori was
weaker than Marriage, with no chance of flipping
things. Although she was angry, she also had a slightly
defeated look to her.

In the past, marriage had stolen Harem away from

her. This might not have even bothered her, as she
was the goddess of theft, but then Marriage had cut
her off, monopolizing Harem’s affections for many
years. No matter what NTR did after a certain point,
she was unable to move Harem’s heart. This had made
NTR collapse to the point she broke into the three
sisters, and those sisters had taken the bitter failure to

However, I wasn’t just Netori’s man. Marriage had

been taken by Harem as well. I couldn’t allow one of
them to undermine the other. I realized I was going to
have to step in between these two goddesses before
it broke out into a fight that Netori would assuredly

“Cow tits, I see you still like women with back


“Hoh… hoh… still as jealous over my breasts as ever,

but your right, large breasts don’t suit a hussy like you.
It takes a woman with proper assets to keep a man.”

“Why, you stupid bit-“

“Netori, I’ll take care of this.” I cut into their
argument, causing the two girls to send their glares at
me in surprise.

Being looked down on by two beautiful, angry

goddesses did cause my heart to quicken, but I just
managed to keep my cool.

“Hmm? So, you’re working with her? I knew there was

something off with you. Is that… a champion? How
antiquated…” She shot a look to Netori. “It suits an
old, decrepit-“

“Enough!” I slapped my hand on the table, causing her

to jump. “Netori, trust me. I’ll handle Marriage.”

Netori narrowed her eyes for a moment, her arms

crossed, and a strong desire to keep fighting still on
her face, but after a moment she gave a curt nod.
“Fine… take care of her. I have better things to do

Even though she had made such a show of coming out

in a waitress outfit, she disappeared instantly without
a trace, teleporting away somewhere. No one in the
club seemed to have noticed her. Once she was gone,
an incredulous look formed on Mary’s face as she
turned to me. Her large breasts hung down
menacingly in front of my face as she glared down on
me with the might of a level thirteen god.

“You’ll take care of me?” She asked, her tone

sounding icy. “Just who the hell do you think you are-”

Not giving her a chance to keep talking, I grabbed her

wrist and pulled. She let out a cry of surprise as I
pulled her from her seat and led her away. For some
reason, she didn’t resist. As we walked, she lowered
her head, a strange look appearing on her face as I
guided her out of the club. I went through a back door
which I unlocked before closing it. We were now in an
alley behind the club, completely alone. I could still
hear the faint thrumming of the music, but it was
rather quiet out here.

“What do you want?” She asked, her voice filled with

various emotions. “Let go of my wrist.”

She tried to pull her wrist away, looking at it with

slight worry. A realization struck me, and I suddenly
knew what I had to do. I spun around and then
grabbed her. Before she could react, I planted a kiss
on her. My hands found her but and grabbed it
roughly as my tongue explored her mouth.

“Mm! Mmnssmmmm!” She cried out in alarm.

She tried to push away. Despite all of her god-like
strength, it was completely useless in my arms. I
squeezed her body tightly and kissed her with all of
the built-up emotions that I hadn’t been able to
display before. Her resistance weakened, and soon
she melted to me. After kissing her for a minute or so,
I finally broke my lips away, but I kept her in my grip.

“Please… let go of me.” She looked up at me tearfully.

“You… you can’t pull away from me. Godless?”

A realization struck me. Godless was an ability that

exchanged all of my power so that even gods couldn’t
mess with me. This gave me a hidden power I had
never realized before. I had the power to restrain a
god. Not only could they not target me with their
powers, but if I grabbed onto them, they couldn’t
teleport away, and they lacked the strength to injure
me. In my arms, Mary was just a woman, no longer a

This was why her expression had turned strange. She

had probably attempted to teleport out of my grip the
second I grabbed her, but she’s unable to. After kissing
her like that, I had confirmed what I expected.
Although I only had an outline of what I was doing
before, it all depended on how Marriage reacted.

This also gave me a revelation about Netori. In the

past, or maybe I should say the future, Netori would
always avoid me grabbing her. She’d float out of my
reach. I had always thought it was metaphoric, but
perhaps she was always on guard for being grabbed
by someone with an ability like that. When she said
that once I had godless, I could have her, there was
more meaning to that. It meant that once I grabbed
her, she couldn’t flee. In the end, we had been forced
to a point where she couldn’t flee, but Netori was also
the flighty kind of girl who might have genuinely run if
things became too intense.

However, Marriage was a bit different. She loved the

intensity. This is why, even after I kissed her, she
wasn’t panicking. Other than having flushed cheeks
and hard breathing, she otherwise was fine.

“What do you want from me?” She demanded.

“I want you.”

Her expression froze like she didn’t quite understand

what I was saying. So, I squeezed her body righter in
my grip.

“I-I’m married.” She responded, trying to keep an air

of distance between us.
“I don’t care.”

“Tsk… just like a minion of Netori.” She turned her

head away, a flash of anger in her eyes.

“Are you happy, Mary?”

Mary’s body shook imperceptibly as she heard those

words. If I hadn’t had her so close to me, then there is
no way I would have noticed. She turned back to me,
her eyes looking into mine, but they contained a slight
emptiness to them.

“Of course.”

“You… don’t even know me.” She shot back, looking
increasingly awkward. “I don’t know you.”

I reached up with my free hand and gently stroked her

cheek. “In time, you will…”

As I said this, I released my grip on her. Her body fell

forward slightly. Without realizing it, she had been
leaning against me, and as I pulled back, so did the
support she had. She looked up at me with wide-eyes,
another flash of confusion on her face. I had
manipulated and seduced many women, but I never
meant any of it. This was why I was caught off guard
as my heart quickened as I felt her soft skin under my

I had put all of my pain and hopes on NTR. Perhaps, I

had felt it easier to focus on the woman who had torn
my heart out. In her case, I had been helpless as she
betrayed me. However, Mary had also been there,
and she hadn’t left me willingly. Harem had flat out
stolen her, and she wasn’t even happy about it. I
wasn’t strong enough to keep NTR’s eye, but I was an
even greater failure by not being able to protect a
woman who already gave her heart to me. I had failed
her once. As I looked into her eyes, I realized that I
wasn’t going to fail her a second time. I would save
her from Harem.

“Just who are you?” She asked the intense look I gave
her causing her soul to flutter.

“There is no point in a marriage where you are

unhappy,” I said instead. “A true marriage is one you
want, even if you have to share it with others.
Perhaps, you should take some lessons from your
She continued to stare at me for a few more
moments, and then she disappeared without a trace. I
stood in the alleyway silent for a bit. Other than the
sound of dripping water from an air conditioning unit
and the thrumming of the club, I was alone with my
thoughts. My hand tightened once again as if I was
summoning the power to defy the heavens in my fist.

“I will save you too. I swear it.”

I slowly regained my calm and brought my heartbeat

back to normal. Only then, I turned around and re-
entered the club. As I approached the table we had
been at, Kimie was looking around with her face
furrowed. When her eyes landed on me, they instantly

“Hakaru! Where did you and Mary go?”

“Mary wasn’t feeling well. I think she drunk too much.
I found her a cab.” I responded, the disarming smirk
returning to my face.

“Oh, so it’s just you and me then…” She responded,

her eyes holding a suggestive quality to them the old
Hakaru might never have noticed even if it slapped
him in the face.

“You want to come to my place?” I asked.

“Yes!” She nodded, blushing.

The pair of us left the club. I didn’t get a cab though.

When she questioned it, I told her I lived very close.
That was technically true. The location I was going to
was a spot that Netori knew about. It was a spot my
mother had, one of the hidden hangouts of her gang.
It wasn’t much, just an abandoned building with a few
furnished rooms. Thankfully, her gang was one that
belonged to women, and they didn’t spare any
expense decorating. If I had tried to drag her into a
room that was just a dirty mattress on the floor,
seducing her would be near impossible.

Even so, walking down the street of downtown and

then stopping at a seemingly abandoned building
made her nervous. She held my hand tightly, pushing
close to me in a seductive manner. I had worried that
she would be repelled by such a place, but I forgot the
effect fear had on making a girl sexually aroused. In
the club, filled with warm rooms and posh amenities,
women always felt safe and secure. Although this was
one way to make a girl loosen up, a more effective
way was to take her out of her comfort zone.

The fear of taking such a naughty risk would increase

her heartbeat and send adrenaline running through
her brain. As those thoughts turned to arousal, her
brain would confuse her physiological changes to be
emotional ones. Since she already took several risks,
she would be more willing to commit more risky
behavior, and it was a prime way to conquer a

Suffice it to say, it worked very well. Once we went

into one of the rooms that was less feminine
decorated, she quickly began to lose her clothing.
There was a big glass window leading into the factory
portion, but this was pitch black, while the room was
well lit. As a result, she couldn’t see on the other side
of the glass a certain man, tied to a chair with a gag in
his mouth.

Chapter 147 :
Kimie was a cute girl, attractive in her own right. Of
course, her hair style was a few decades out of date,
but she had a nice body. Her breasts were C cup, with
nice round flat nipples. They were sharp are pointy,
but flat against the skin, almost blending in with the
rest of her breast. She had brunette hair and brown
eyes. She was Japanese, but she might have had some
foreign blood in her as well. There was a slightly
familiar feel to her, but I didn’t pay attention to that

As her clothing fell to the floor, I guided her to the

bed. The room I selected was the barest of the rooms
available. A lot of the others had purple or pink sheets
and had a clear feel of a woman. This one might have
just been an extra, as the sheets were white and the
decorations were slim.

“C-can we turn off the lights?” She breathed, covering

her chest nervously.

“I want to see all of you.” I made up the excuse,

although the reality was that she would notice her
boyfriend on the other side of the window if I did that.
At the moment, she didn’t notice it. Since it was
completely black, it was easy to feel like that area was
empty and devoid of people. It’s too bad it wasn’t one
of those one-way mirrors, but given her skittish
nature, doing it in front of a big mirror might have
made her just as nervous. As I looked at the position
of the bed, I frowned slightly. Like this, this guy
wouldn’t even be able to see his girl. It wasn’t like I
knew how out of it he was, so by the time we were
done he might have no clue who was under me.

Thus, I grabbed her and spun her around. She let out
an innocent cry as I put her in an even more
embarrassing position. That was to say, she was on all
fours on the foot of the bed, facing the window
directly. Before she could cover up or protest, I licked
my lips and brought my tongue between her legs.

“Ahhn… Ag…. No… wait!” She cried out as felt herself

being stimulated from behind.
Although she protested, she didn’t move out the way.
Rather, the feel of my tongue was already viciously
stimulating her, and she didn’t dare move as waves of
electric desire exploded through her body. I could see
the reflection of her face in the dark glass, and her
eyes had rolled up as her upper half-collapsed to the
bed, sticking her ass up in an extremely lewd manner.
My hands grabbed onto the meat of her buns,
spreading them open as I continued to violate her
with my tongue.

Although she had come here with the anticipation of

sex, she hadn’t necessarily been excited yet. This
didn’t take very long though. I had gained a
substantial amount of skill when it came to
cunnilingus. After training under Netorase and Netori,
not to mention the dozens upon dozens of women I’d
practiced with, I became extremely skilled at
identifying and attacking the individual spots that
would make a woman go crazy.
Although I no longer had the skill that allowed me to
instantly know the best spots to touch a woman, I was
already more than familiar with them and could locate
them even without the support of a skill. In a way, I
still had every skill I had lost with Godless. From using
them so much, I had grown able to read women
extremely well. Even though I didn’t have Dirt Scribe, I
found myself able to ascertain and exploit secrets they
didn’t want anyone to know.

I didn’t feel like I would get STDs, and if it came to

getting a girl pregnant, I had a distinct feeling that was
extremely unlikely to happen. This didn’t come from
the skill, but my gradual rise with experience. I hadn’t
realized it when I was leveling, but every level I
increased made me less of a mortal, and more of a
god. By this level, I was already a demi-god. Diseases
wouldn’t affect me, and as for conceiving, it was
extremely difficult for gods to have babies, and at my
state, I couldn’t get a girl pregnant. Plus, I seemed to
have grown an instinct where I knew if a girl would get
pregnant if I took certain acts. If I felt a baby might
transpire, I’d get an overwhelming feeling to pull out,
and perhaps finish all over her tits or ass.

I could find Kimie’s erogenous zones with ease, and

with just my tongue, I brought her into a quivering
wreck within minutes. She spurted out excitedly, tears
running from her eyes as she experienced mind-
blowing orgasms that her boyfriend had never been
able to give her.

“Please… if you keep doing it like this, I’ll go crazy!”

She begged me as she moaned.

“But Kimie is so tasty… how can I stop!” I grinned,

sliding my tongue back into her and stimulating her
slit until she came on the bed once again.
“C-cumming… Ahn… no… it’s too much, my mind is
melting.” She cried.

Her face quickly became a wreck, as I steadily gave her

more and more aggressive orgasms. The first few had
just been a build-up, but each subsequent one was
more powerful than the last. Kimie was numb with the
shock of how much her mind was exploding with
pleasure. However, as much as she came, there was
something off about it. Something was missing. With
her brain turned to mush, she couldn’t figure out

I had given her enough time and orgasms that she

should have figured it out, but by the look over her
ruined face, with melted makeup, messed up hair, and
a sheen of sweat, tears, and drool, it was clear the girl
herself wasn’t going to get there without a little
“What do you want?” I asked, finally pulling away
from her, wiping her stuff from my mouth.

“Hah… Hah… Huh? What… Hah…” She was panting

hard, confused as to why I had finally given her a few
moments of relief.

“Do you want anything else?” I asked.

Feeling like even then, she was going to be oblivious. I

pushed my groin up against her wet sex pot. Her eyes
flashed in realization. The thing she was missing with
all that pleasure was the feel of something big shoving
inside her. I had stimulated the surface, but how could
a woman ever feel completely satisfied until she got it
deep inside?

“You-your cock… Hah…” She panted.

“What was that?” I pretended I didn’t hear her.

“Y-your cock… I want your cock…” She said, looking

back at me tearfully.

I pulled out my cock. Her mouth fell open and her

eyes widened as she glanced at it. As far as men go,
my cock was quite the beast. For an average girl like
her, it would seem like a monster.

“Do you think it will fit?” I asked teasingly.

Her body shuddered as she thought about that big

thing stretching her, but she had already been teased
to the limit. Her mind had already melted to mush,
and she no longer cared a bit about her appearances.
All her shyness was gone, and she just wanted to feel
good, and that cock teasing her from behind would be
able to meet her needs for pleasure.
“Please… stick it in.” She begged. “I need it. I need
your cock!”

“Since you insist,” I chuckled, and then started sliding

it in.

As I did so, I naturally winked at the window. I could

only guess the guy was out there watching all this, but
I decided to give it the best show possible.

“Ahhh! Sh-shit!” She moaned out, her hands

tightening on the bed as I forced it into her.

She wasn’t a virgin. She had probably slept with a

couple of guys in her life, but nothing had ever been
as big as this. It might have even been painful, but she
had already cum so hard that it had approached pain
several times. Now, her pussy was slightly numb and
extremely wet and swollen. At this point, although it
took a bit to get it in, she took it with vigor.

“I’m so full, fuck…” She whimpered.

“You did take it all in one go. You are quite the dirty
girl.” I chuckled.

“You made me so dirty. Please, fuck me. Make me feel

good. I can’t take it anymore.”

“Ah, that’s right, didn’t you have a boyfriend?” I

snapped my finger.

“You’re bringing that up now?” She responded

“I just was curious about how I compared.” I laughed.


“Tell me, or I won’t do anymore.”

“C-cruel… what do you want? You’re way bigger than

him, and I’ve never cum like that with him.”

“Is that so?”

“Weren’t you saying that you were expecting him to

ask you to marry him soon? You know, if you marry
him, you won’t be able to have a cock like mine

Her body shuddered. “What are you saying?”

“I’m just wondering, do you want him, or do you want
my cock?”


Before she could answer, I grabbed her ass and then

started thrusting into her as roughly as possible. My
balls slapped against her ass, making loud noises as I
fucked her. Her slowly recovering mind was once
again shattered with pleasure. I fucked her hard and
deep, and for a bit, only her pleased cries filled the

“Your answer?” I asked cruelly in the middle of fucking

“Your cock! To hell with him! I love your cock. Don’t
stop! Please don’t stop!” She cried out into the
blankets her face had been shoved into.

“I’ll hold you to that!”

I laughed as there was a click. The lights in the factory

room had clicked on, and now the view outside the
window was as clear as day. There was the gangster
guy, Deathgrip I think, and he was tied to the chair. His
eyes were wide open, and he was struggling against
his restraints. There was anger, rage, and
embarrassment in his eyes, but he couldn’t do
anything but close his eyes to the scene. Even then,
his girlfriend was moaning so loud that his ears still
could hear the entire scene.

Since she was lost in the throes of pleasure, it took a

few minutes to realize that the window was now see-
through. When her eyes finally focused on it, and she
saw her boyfriend there, she let out a cry. For the first
time, she tried to pull away, but I grabbed her tighter
and banged her even harder.

“Wh-what is this?’ She cried out in confusion.

“What, don’t you like my cock? Isn’t it better he knows

how you feel now?” I asked.


Netori was sitting on a crate, a bored expression on

her face. She showed no particular care about the
graphic scene in front of her. When Kimie
acknowledged her man, Netori waved her hand, and
the gag that was keeping him quiet suddenly came
undone. He spat it out and then let out a scream.
“You bastard! I’ll kill you! What are you doing to my

“Your woman? Haven’t you heard her? Is she yours

any longer? What do you think, Kimie?”

“Wh-why?” she cried out, “Deathgrip… I’m sorry… I’m


“I’ll free you! I’ll get out of here and then I’ll free you!”

I suddenly stopped moving. “Oh? Well, if she wants to

be free, she can go.”

Kimie looked back, a shocked expression on her face.

Deathgrip’s mouth fell open.
“The door is unlocked. You want to go?” I asked. “Of
course, then, we’re done here.”

“Y-you…” Kimie’s body shivered.

I had stopped just as she was about to cum. Now, the

orgasm she was denied was causing her to clench up.

“Kimie, get out of there! I forgive you!”

Kimie looked back at her boyfriend, and then she bit

her lip. “Death… I love you…”

“I love you too.” He said, a disarming smile forming on

his face.
“Hmph… he’s furious. If she goes with him, he’ll beat
her half to death.” Netori’s words were spoken in my
ear in a way no one else could hear.

How could a guy with a name like Deathgrip possibly

forgive a girl? Even if it had been rape, he’d likely
dump her and blame her for it. That was the kind of
guy he was. However, I could only shrug. Ultimately,
her fate was her own to choose. It was a battle
between Marriage and Netori playing out right before

“I love you…” She repeated, but then she dropped

back down, raising her butt again. “But I need it too
much. Please, Hakaru, don’t stop!”

I chuckled. “You heard the lady.”

Chapter 148 :
Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

For a while, the only sound in the otherwise empty

warehouse was the sound of my balls slapping against
Kimie’s tight cunnie. Every time I slammed into her, a
resounding wet clap would echo throughout the
room. This was followed by Kimie’s cries of lust. Her
boyfriend had been re-gagged, and he could only
scream into his sock as he watched his girlfriend get
lost in sexual pleasure.

As I fucked her, I kept one hand on her, stabilizing her

hips. Every once in awhile, I’d raise my palm and give
her ass a slap, eliciting a yelp from her. My other hand
was wrapped up in her hair, holding it all and pulling
on it. I used her hair to help me thrust roughly into her
pussy. There was an art to pulling a girl’s hair. If you
were too forceful, she felt pain and instantly get out of
the mood. However, if you kept building her sexual
pleasure, then there was a point where no matter how
much it hurt, she’d let you use her hair like a rein,
riding her for all she was worth. Kimie had long since
reached that point.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck… C-c-cumming!” She cried out,

showing her boyfriend her lewdest face as she came
yet again on another man’s cock.

Her face had long been ruined by her rough

treatment. Her makeup was destroyed, long lines of
mascara running down her cheeks, her lipstick
smeared, and tears, snot, and spit covering every part
of her face. Even so, she didn’t care at all and put that
wrecked appearance on full display in front of the man
who had wanted to marry her. As for Deathgrip, he
finally stopped struggling, sagging in his chair as if he
had lost all energy. Although he was still watching her,
his eyes had lost all their light, and he merely looked
long listless and defeated.
“Now, how about you have my baby?” I offered,

“What?” Kimie asked, her voice already hoarse after

crying out in lust for so long. “Th-that… don’t cum
inside, okay? I can’t afford to take care of it.”

“Like that would stop me! If you didn’t want to have a

baby, maybe you shouldn’t do that thing that makes

“S-stop joking. Just cum outside. You can cum

anywhere you want but in my womb!” She cried out

As she struggled a bit, her boyfriend perked up. He

struggled slightly once again, as she begged me not to
cum in her. Of course, her legs had grown numb from
being in that position, and with me beating down on
her relentlessly, she was completely helpless to resist.
That didn’t mean she wanted to risk having a baby.

“I see, so you can cum countless times with my cock

inside you, but I just want to cum once, and you’re
going to tell me to pull out?” I asked.

“How are those comparable?” She cried.

Whether it was by Netori’s allowance or by her

boyfriend’s will, he had managed to spit out the gag.
“You fucker! You better not cum in her! I swear to
god, I’ll kill you!”

“And what if I do? What if she gets pregnant? Will you

discard her?”
He lowered his head, a complicated expression on his
face. Kimie looked up at him, tears in her eyes even as
she was still taking it from behind.

“Deathgrip, I’m sorry…” She said.

He slowly raised his eyes. “I… I won’t leave you!”

“Hal…” Her eyes welled up with tears, a shocked

expression on her face.

“Deathgrip’s name is Hal?” I asked.

“Fuck you!” He cursed, but then look back to Kimie.

“Kimie, I love you! I don’t want to lose you.”

“Hal… I don’t want to lose you either!” She cried.

Although she still had waves of pleasure shooting
through her that she didn’t want to stop, her
emotions tumbled around inside and exploded out,
having her say things she knew she had no right to

“You hear that, fucker!” Deathgrip laughed. “She still

loves me! You failed!”

“Ah, but will his little cock even satisfy you after this?”
I asked, pulling back Kimie’s hair so she looked at me.

Her expression soured, and her real thoughts showed

on the surface.

“I don’t care!” Deathgrip cried out. “It’s just an

orgasm, right? I fuck lots of women! If you need to
fuck some other guy, it doesn’t matter as long as you
always come back to me.”


“And, even if you get pregnant, it doesn’t matter if it’s

mine! It’s yours, and that means I will love it too! Fuck,
I’m not ready for a kid, but I’ll take responsibility no
matter what!”

“Ah, isn’t that nice?”

“Do whatever the hell you want!” he cursed me. “Our

love is eternal.”

“I-I’m so happy…” Kimie cried out, and then her eyes

rolled up. “Ahhh… it’s cumming out, I’m cumming
“Me too!” I announced.

“W-wait… ahhh… I feel it!”

My cock swelled up and I began to cum deep inside

Kimie. Since becoming a demi-god, I was brimming
with vitality, and I could cum buckets and buckets if I
wanted to. I pumped her womb full of semen,
exploding with load after load until no more could fit.
The feeling of hot slime filling her up was too much for

“I’m so full! I’m sorry, this is going to make me

pregnant!” She moaned as her body shuddered in a

“It’s fine, baby, I’ll raise it! I love you! I love you so
much! Just don’t leave me!”
“Too much! Ahhhhhn!” Her pussy erupted like a

Stuffed full of cum, as soon as she climaxed, there was

no room for any of it, and thus it exploded out of her
hole in a violent mess. At that point, I skillfully pulled
away, letting the climaxing girl erupt in a fountain of
sex. The smell was thick, and even outside this room,
Deathgrip could practically taste it. Suddenly,
watching her climax became enjoyable, and with all of
the sights and smells, Deathgrip ended up cumming in
his pants without even touching it.

I carefully slinked away, and Netori raised her hand,

hiding him. Despite the fact he was gone, the couple
continued to look at each other and seemed to not
even be aware I left, or that I was ever there. After a
bit she got up and then spread her legs wide, giving
Deathgrip a full few of her cum dripping pussy. She
pulled open her hole, showing him the depths of her
ruined flower.

“Look, Hal, look at where your baby is going to come


Crying, Deathgrip nodded firmly. “Yeah… my kid. My

kid… Baby… please, fucking marry me.”

“Yes! Yes!” She got up and left the room, jumping

onto Deathgrip’s lap.

Even though she was covered in my sex, she happily

mounted him and the pair kissed like they were in the
throes of love. The relationship that had been shallow
at first had somehow become extremely firm after this
tribulation. Their love for each other inexplicitly
became deep and meaningful. It wasn’t clear to me if
the two had just completely lost their minds and their
grip on reality, or if there was something deep down
that made them want this, but they were both
extremely happy.

The pair would go on to get married, and Deathgrip

would share his wife around with other men. He’d
watch her bang various guys while playing with
himself. She loved banging other guys, and the bigger
the dick, the better. This became one of their favorite
past times, and they maintain a great deal of
relationship satisfaction because of it. Of course, it’d
be a long time before this happened. For the moment,
they were just two broken people clinging to
whatever happiness they could create.

Netori looked over at me with a complicated

expression on her face. “You didn’t steal her. You
were supposed to make her yours.”
“I won’t be around forever. How can I make her mine,
and then leave her? This won’t bring her happiness.”

“Happiness…” She said distantly. “Is it that


“It’s the only thing that is important. Do you see

them? Marriage and NTR leading side by side. They
commit to each other but are also open to being with
others. That way, they never grow bored in their
relationship, and can thus have a stronger unity than
most people that just do one of the others.”

“What are you saying?”

“Perhaps, you should consider putting things with

Marriage and Harem behind you.”
This time, her expression darkened slightly.

“You sound like Netorare.” She said bitterly.

“Perhaps… you need a little Netorare in your life, and

a little Netorase too. You need them, and they need

“You think?”

“When two people want the same thing, they must

make a sacrifice. One side wins, one side loses.
However, there is another way. You can share
everything. There is still a loss, and there is still gain,
but I believe there is a balance where every side is

“I’m not sure I can accept that.”

“When the time comes, you will.”

She turned to look at me. “Just who are you? Really?”

I’m just someone trying to take back what I lost.” I

sighed. “Shall we go?”

“Mm… we should.”

Over a week passed by quickly. During that time, I

ended up banging the women of various crime bosses
and gang members. Not all of them were as tolerant
as Deathgrip. Soon, battles broke out on all sides.
Netori and I navigated as the street fighting grew to a
crescendo. Surprisingly, it wasn’t me who became
known and notorious. It was Kana. That’s because she
was the one who captured every guy, tied them up,
and then made them watch as their girlfriends were
turned into onaholes.

I found and put on a mask at that time, just becoming

a dick under Kana’s command. After being kidnapped,
man after man returned to their gangs. However, how
could any man admit what had happened? They
rather say they were ruthlessly beaten than that their
girlfriends openly cheated on them with a strange
man in a mask. Thus, they only complained and griped
about Kana, further growing her fame.

A few gangs went out of their way to attack her, but

who was she if not a goddess. She sent them flying
with the flick of her fingers, and the gangs grew from
anger to fear. As time progressed, the actions the pair
were taking started affecting the entire community.
The women became looser, more willing to put out
with any guy, and the men became more tolerant,
allowing their girlfriend to cheat a little. Netori’s image
began to spread, and far greater than any other time
in the past when Netori tried to do such things.

Finally, one day, I was getting ready for another night

seeking out more meat when Netori appeared at my

“Are you ready to go?” I asked.

“Hakaru, we aren’t going tonight.”

“What? Why?”

“You’ve already fulfilled your part of the bargain. You

have fulfilled it since the first day. You helped me
spread my name. I’m now in the hearts of dozens of
people, and their actions will spread out to another
dozen, and then another dozen beyond that. I can’t
express my appreciation for what you’ve done

“What are you saying?”

“It’s time, Hakaru. It’s time you became the god you
were meant to be.”

Chapter 149 :
“Where are we?” I asked.

After announcing that she was finally going to help

me, Netori had grabbed my arm and the pair of us
teleported. Looking around, we appeared to be at the
bottom of some hill. I realized there was a large gate
at the base, with stairs leading up. The hill was
covered with long trees, making it impossible to see
what was at the top of the hill. However, I had a vague
impression of this place. It was the shrine grandpa had

I had seen this place once before. At the time, I didn’t

know mom had once been a shrine maiden. At that
point, the shrine had already been torn down, and my
parents had merely driven by the hill to show me
where they met. I had thought that it was some kind
of scary forest challenge or something. It was only
now that I saw the familiar gate that I had put it all

As I realized this, Netori put her hand gently on the

pillar of the gate, almost hesitantly. “This is the shrine
of Harem. You already know about our history, right?
Although he has no shrines, Harem exists in the hearts
of all men. That’s why… I haven’t touched a man since
My eyebrows rose. I didn’t want to be disbelieving,
but I knew Netori’s mischievous and sexual nature, so
to find out that she had never had sex was a shock.
That’s right, if she hadn’t had sex since Harem, then
that means she hadn’t had sex since her split into
Netori, Netorare, and Netorase. While I wasn’t sure
the state of the other girls, that would make the
current Netori a virgin!

She continued as she shook her head and turned to

me. “I just couldn’t stomach it for the longest time. It
took a great deal, both physically and mentally, to
finally come down to earth once again and try to
move on and re-establish myself. My sisters have had
their plans, but for me, I think it was hardest since his
abandonment went against my true nature.

“Hmph… although this is Harem’s shrine, they always

called it the shrine of the unknown god. I never
understood why.”
She looked up at the sign across the top of the gate,
although the characters had faded to the point that
they were unreadable.

“Because the shrine wasn’t intended for that man,” I


She frowned, turning to me. “What are you saying?”

“Perhaps this shrine was built to worship a god that

embodied Harem, but can you truly say Harem
embodies Harem?”

Her expression darkened and I could feel slight anger

as she spoke in a shaky voice. “No, he doesn’t.”

“If he doesn’t embody Harem, then he isn’t Harem.”

Her eyebrows jumped up. “That’s impossible. He can’t
be anything other than what he is.”

“Unless what he is… is a lie,” I muttered under my

breath before shaking my head and speaking louder.
“A god is a reflection of the mortal world, and the
mortal world is a reflection of the god. If those two
are out of sync, and the god doesn’t rise to match,
doesn’t that create an opportunity?”

She cocked her head with interest, crossing her arms.

“What do you mean, opportunity?”

“The mortal plane gives worship, but the heavens

don’t answer. At this point, a god is born.” I explained
cautiously. “Except, that a god can’t be born, because
there is a false idol!”
Netori gasped, her hand rising to her mouth. This was
clearly something she had never considered, but since
the day Harem revealed his true identity as
Procreation, I had thought about it all too much. This
also proved to me that Netori didn’t know Harem’s
true nature. She should know everything that NTR did,
so NTR must not have known about Procreation
either. He had hijacked the name of Harem. He was a
wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Procreation had many shrines. He gained all the

worship of fertility gods, and on top of that managed
to steal the strength of NTR, harem, and marriage as
well. This was how he was able to grow so powerful.
However, there was still a hole in the story. One could
say it was the most important part. That was his
motive! Why did Procreation pretend to be Harem?
His disguise had seemingly been flawless, only a few
things, like the existence of the unnamed shrine, gave
him away.
Even now, I felt it easier to see him as Harem than
Procreation. One reason is that when I thought about
going up against him, the god of Harem felt
manageable, while the god of Procreation was only a
step under a creation god. With a pillar of life, and not
something I could topple. If I did manage to stop
Harem, it’d be the same as wiping out the human
race. If I did that, there would be no more Marriage,
NTR, or me for that matter.

“What can be done about it?” Netori’s original shock

fell to bitterness. “The current Harem is too powerful
a god to defy.”



“Unless you find someone to replace him.”

She gave me a look filled with disbelief. She had been
willing to follow my train of thought thus far, but even
I thought that trying to defy him was impossible, and I
understood the depth of his power.

“Y-you can’t kill him,” Netori said, looking awkward.

“Did I say kill? I’m not talking about reincarnation. I’m

talking about raising someone… a mortal and making
them into a god. Raise them from birth, teach them
about forming a real harem, one based on NTR, give
them the tools necessary to grow…”

“Turn a mortal into a god?” Her eyes widened again.

“The… the chances of that… it’s astronomically small.
One would say this would be a waste of time.”

“It’s not.”
“How do you know?” She demanded, and then her
eyes flickered. “Who are you?”

“That…” I looked away from her prying eyes. “I’m just

someone who knows… I’m a mortal trying to become
a god, after all, right?”

“Ah! That’s right!” Her eyes widened.

She had completely forgotten that such a mortal was

taking a step into becoming a god right in front of her,
but once again, her excitement was doused as quickly
as it rose.

“It may be possible to turn a mortal to a god, like with
you, but doing that, and having that person grow to
the point they can take on Harem… those are two
different concepts entirely!”

I lowered my head, nodding slightly. “Maybe… maybe

he could do it… if he had the time.”

This entire conversation was becoming extremely

surreal for me. Of course, I was aware of everything I
was saying. I was basically convincing Netori to do
what she already did! The reason Netori went on this
mission, the reason she had me conceived, and chose
me as her Champion, and started the NTR Crush
game… these ideas had come from me in the first
place! I didn’t want to think about the temporal
implications of that. If I ever met the god of time once
I got up there, I might consider asking him. I had a
feeling though he was far outside my pay grade, even
if I reached Procreations level.
“Time…” She repeated, looking like she was deep in

Unfortunately, I couldn’t be more convincing. Part of

the problem is that I didn’t even know how I was
going to do it myself. I was still working on the
becoming a god part. As for finding a way to push
Harem aside and make him give up the name so that I
could take the mantle, I had no clue how to do that. I
had already decided killing him was impossible,
although if I did kill him and he reincarnated, that’d be
for the best. The new Procreation would have a new
mind, and he’ll likely drop his obsession with the
Harem title. Either way, I was confident by the time he
grew up, I’d already be settled in the position and
untouchable. As for keeping NTR by my side, if I
couldn’t manage that, then what was I doing here at

As I considered these thoughts, I noticed that Netori

was watching me now. Her eyes watched me
intensely. In the past, I always felt like she could see
through my very being. It wasn’t that exaggerated this
time, but she still left me blushing a bit.

“What is it?”

“Hakaru, thank you.”

“Hmm? I’m just saying my thoughts out loud.”

“No… it’s more than that…” She reached out and

touched my arm, but then she suddenly blushed,
turning away. “Ahem… I mean…”

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not worth… such a
look.” She responded, her cheeks continuing to
redden. “I’m just a cheating slut.”

“No…” I shook my head. “You’re more than that too.”

Her body shook slightly as I reached out to touch her.

However, as my hand went to grab hers, she slipped
away, just like smoke. That was the Netori I was used
to. I looked at my hand and chuckled to myself wryly.

“So… are we going to fuck or what?”

I turned around in surprise to see Netori standing

there, opening up her robe. I jumped as she pulled it
open, showing her beautiful naked body.
“Wh-wh-what is this?” I cried out, throwing my hands

I knew we had a moment, but when she slipped away,

that was her shutting her heart off to me. Now, she
was suddenly getting naked. This was the more casual
Netori. I could tell deep down that while she was
willing to have sex, she had wrapped her heart in a
barrier. Of course, I was ecstatic. If we had sex, it was
a chance to reach her heart once again, but I was

“Don’t think anything alarming about this!” Netori

pouted. “I’m just keeping up with the bargain!”


“I’m supposed to help you become a god, right?”

“Weren’t I supposed to sleep with some fallen god?” I
let out a cry. “Are you the fallen god?”

“No! Dummy…” She huffed. “You’ll need to still

seduce them if you want to reach godhood. But, I said
you needed a kind of protection, and I can give you
that protection.”

“Through sex?” I asked.

“This is the virgin body of an avatar. Taking my body

will have a protective effect, allowing you to withstand
them, and give you a chance to seduce them. That’s all
I can offer. Afterward, it’s up to you and fate if you
become a god. Furthermore, if I give you my virginity
along with a bit of my divinity, we can assure your

“I see…”
“You should be glad that I’m doing this! By giving you
my body, I will greatly weaken myself on the mortal
plane. I will no longer be able to possess this mortal
body, and I’ll have to return to the heavenly plane and
go into hibernation, or I may end up trapped here.
Since you have helped me gain a few followers, I’ll be
able to recover in ten years or so, but it’s a great
sacrifice on my part!”

“Ah… I’m sorry…”

“You don’t need to say sorry.” She responded, her

voice growing very quiet. “All you need to say is ‘yes’.”

Of course, I hadn’t forgotten that she was in the body

of my mother. Not only was she suggesting that I take
her virginity, but also my mother’s! I actually didn’t
know what that would do. It left me feeling very
complicated. However, my mother was a teenage
beauty and separated enough from her that it was
more like banging a sister than a mother. That was
considerably better. Well, not really, but I had already
made my decision a long time from now, and I wasn’t
turning back.


Chapter 150 :
Whether it was my mother or Netori, these were the
two women who made me who I was today. My
mother who had given birth to me and raised me. She
had given everything to me, and in the end, I had
thrown it all away. When I thought back to the
reasons I had tried to commit suicide, I truly felt like a
coward and an idiot.

Yet, Netori had seen something in me, and she had

given me a second life that I didn’t deserve. She then
filled me up with her knowledge and her power,
teaching a foolish cucked boy how to be a man worthy
of the love of multiple women. I owed both my lives to
the woman in front of me, so when she asked me to
have her for the first time, how could I say no. I
reached out and grabbed Netori, pulling her toward
me. She didn’t pull away or dissipate this time. She
was truly giving her body to me.

This wasn’t the first time that she had done this, but
something about it felt more real this time. This
wasn’t a trick or an illusion like she had played our
first time. This was the true Netori, opening her heart
and soul for me. I had let her down once, I would
never let her down again. My lips found hers, and I
gently kissed her. Although my movements were as
dominant and aggressive as they were with any
woman, there was a care to them that I usually didn’t

Every touch and movement was filled with my

emotions, emotions that I hadn’t truly expressed since
NTR had left me. As she opened up her heart to me, I
realized that I was opening my heart up to her as well.
I fell against her body, my hands enjoying the feel of
this goddess. Although it was my mother’s young
virgin body I was touching, I could feel the goddess
underneath as well. Her skin buzzed with power, and
as my hands ran across her body, I begin to make out
the form of my goddess too.

This wasn’t the form she had taken in the future or

the form that NTR appeared as. It was her true body.
It was something impossible for a mortal to grasp.
When gods and goddesses interacted with the mortal
plane, they used an Avatar because humans were
unable to perceive their true form. If a mortal person
was to truly see a goddess, they would likely go blind.

When it was said a goddess was beautiful, the

appearance was far more attractive and far grander
than a mortal mind could comprehend. When they
were in an avatar, that person only saw the feel of the
beauty, like looking at the silhouette of a sexy naked
woman. You could guess that she was beautiful, but
much was lost when compared to seeing her in all her
glorious detail. As I felt my goddess, I closed my mind,
and I started to see the true Netori.

I could feel the torn part of her, the part where she
had broken away from NTR. I could feel the pain, the
uncertainty, and the hesitation. I could feel the fear,
the determination, and the desire. I could feel every
aspect of Netori, and her shape began to form in my

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered into her ear.

Her body shook. The words I spoke weren’t so simple

as the appreciation toward a pretty woman. She knew
she had been seen. Her everything was exposed, and
in the end, there wasn’t a single piece of hesitation in
my voice. I slid myself inside her. Although my dick
entered her pussy, it was more accurate to say that
my soul slid her divine essence.

“Ahhhn!” Netori’s eyes tightened, and her hands

squeezed tightly on my arms as she melted against

Her divine body grew hot as she felt my soul inside

her. This hadn’t been what she expected at all when
she offered me her virginity. While such an act would
have happened, it was supposed to happen on a
superficial level. Our bodies would have bumped
uglies, and my soul would have superficially touched
her own divinity. She never expected with just a light
touch, I would be able to recognize and grasp her true
body, let alone that I’d be able to combine my soul
against hers.

I didn’t know this, but this was the ultimate form of

intimacy. Calling what they were doing sex was a mass
understatement. It was a true unity of souls. It was
something she hadn’t even done with Harem! After
all, she was Netori, a fickle woman who blew through
the world like the wind. To have a man grab hold of
her and take her so thoroughly, Netori’s brain had
already lost all reason.

“Hakaru… Hakaru…” She panted as Hakaru thrust into


To an outside observer, Hakaru had pushed Kana

down onto a step and was now wildly thrusting into
her as she moaned with delight. Both had their eyes
closed, completely lost in concentration, their brow
furrowed. However, passed that, the pair had entered
their own little world. Hakaru’s true soul made love to
Netori’s divine body. The intense pleasure of it
exploded to every part of her pristine and godly body.
The feel of it all was extremely pleasing, more
satisfying than any amount of normal sex. It wasn’t
just a matter of pleasure, but a matter of feeling, and
feelings flooded into her mind that left her shocked.
With Hakaru inside her, she was vividly aware of what
he was experiencing, and she could feel the intense
love and adoration he had for her.

Netori had experienced the love of fans and

worshipers, and the hatred of detractors. However,
the intense feelings from Hakaru were far more
intense than love. He wasn’t just her biggest follower,
he was her everything. It caused Netori’s mind to shift.
She wanted this. She wanted all of this. Hakaru was
her everything, and she wanted to become his

Until that moment, Netori had still had a lingering

attachment to Harem. Deep down, she still loved and
craved him. Even when she spoke of replacing him
earlier, there was a part of her who only wanted to do
that like a pouty ex wanting to make him notice her.
As Hakaru blasted away all thought and reason within
her, she found herself letting go of those other desires
too. She didn’t need him anymore. Why would she?
She found something much more wonderful.

She immersed herself in Hakaru’s emotions, her body

tingling, growing hotter and hotter. She melted into
him, wanting to become a part of him, wanting to
become all of him. What she didn’t realize, is that
somewhere else across the planet, her emotions were
being transmitted.

Netorase nearly collapsed as her soul started to feel

like it was on fire. Her loins burned, and she felt a
mark being left on her soul. The same thing happened
somewhere else. A goddess named Netorare also
collapsed. Just what was this feeling? What was going
on? Why did she feel so good?
The wound where the three of them glowed, and they
felt a pull, the three of them having their feelings in
sync. It lasted for a total of fifteen minutes. Hakaru
had Netori, putting three women through sexual
agony as their divine body was tasted by Hakaru,
marked by Hakaru, shaped by Hakaru.

“C-c-cumming!” Netori moaned.

“Ahhh! I’m cumming!” Netorase shouted.

“It’s coming out!” Netorare cried.

“I love you,” Hakaru whispered, and he started to cum

inside her.

Hot life shot into Netori, and her mind and body
melted. She collapsed into a heap on the floor. Kana
and Hakaru were both covered in a sheen of sweat.
Her body wasn’t just exhausted, but so was her soul.
As Hakaru’s soul steadily pulled away from her, she
felt a sense of extreme loss. She wanted that feeling
to last forever.

As the feeling dissipated, and Netori returned to

normal, the link between the three of them
disappeared. To Netori at ground zero, she had never
even realized what happened. She had felt the pull,
and through that, she had been inspired. Perhaps,
there was a way that she could be put back together,
and recover NTR.

As for the other girls, they knew exactly what

happened, but both girls reacted differently. Netorase
stood up, a puddle of her own lust left on the floor.
The nearby gods and goddesses who were in that
particular atrium all gave her strange looks. However,
she ignored them. Rather, she licked her lips, her eyes
flashing with desire and excitement.
“Hakaru… huh?”

Somewhere else, Netorare also peeled herself off the

ground, flopping over as she regained her breath. She
wanted to deny what just happened. It was absolutely
impossible! She gritted her teeth.

“I won’t lose! I won’t!”

As for Netori, she went to sleep, her body pressed

against Hakaru, unwilling to leave. She was a bit
confused as to what happened or why, but she was
even more afraid of losing this moment.
Unfortunately, time waits for no one, and eventually,
Hakaru’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. He looked
around in confusion, only to see they were still at the
foot of the hill. He recalled going to push her down,
but then it all sort of became a blur.
“I won’t be able to stay on earth much longer.”

These words caused Hakaru to look back, where he

saw Netori sitting on the bottom step of the stairway.
She looked different. If anything, she looked even
more radiant and beautiful. The sadness in her eyes
had disappeared completely. Her entire body seemed
relaxed, and she seemed almost exactly like the Netori
he had come to know and remember.

“Hakaru…” She said. “So, you will be the next Harem,


“…” I didn’t know what to say, I opened my mouth to

“Don’t say. I already know enough. I don’t want to
ruin the surprise.” She stood up and then dropped
something in front of me.

I looked down to see my wallet sitting there. My

identification cards were all in there. If she had
looked, then she would know I didn’t come from this

“Th-thief!” I cursed.

She giggled. “I’m the thief you love… but aren’t you
the one who stole my heart?”

I looked up at her, tears forming in my eyes. “Netori…

I tried, but…”
“Shhh…” She held up her finger. “I’ll take care of
everything else, as long as Hakaru takes care of me.”

I clenched my teeth, thinking about it fiercely until my

body shook. Then I stood up and nodded.

“I will! I will take you completely.”

“Dummy…” She whispered. “You already have…”


“Nothing!” Her face turned red. “We will part from

here. I have a few things I must prepare for this
woman. Once you reach heaven, I don’t expect us to
meet for some time.”
My eyes lowered. “But we will meet again!”

She smirked. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Good!” I nodded.

“Oh! And… look after our baby for me!”


She touched her stomach, blushing. “After such a

wonderful time, how could I not want a souvenir?”

“Don’t worry, although goddesses aren’t allowed to
have babies with mortals, you’re a demi-god about to
reach godhood, so no one should mind. As for our
baby, I’ll make sure this woman sleeps with another
man and he’ll raise it! Ahhh! I sound like Cuckold, but
something about tricking these two into raising our
baby makes me happy!” She put her hands on her
cheeks as she blushed.

“Th-th-that’s my mother!”

She blinked and then laughed. “Oops! Wait… I didn’t

make you your own father, did I?”

My eyes opened so wide that they burned, but then I

shook my head. “No, wait… I’m the second child.
Maria is… oh… my… god!”
“Maria? Hehe… I like the name of that! In that case, I’ll
make sure you’re born. I might need to lock my own
memories too, just so this all works out right. So much
to do, and no time to do it! Farewell, my love. Oh, and
here are the instructions on that fallen god!”

A folded letter appeared in my hand, but I ignored it.

“W-wait! We need to talk about our daughter! You’re
joking, right! Please say you’re joking!”

Netori had already disappeared. As for me, I was left

with the realization that I didn’t rape my sister, I raped
my daughter!

Chapter 151 :
“Ican’t believe she sent me this far away.” I grumbled.

Two weeks had passed since I had ended up in the

past. Honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal. I didn’t
have anything but time. It still left me extremely
annoyed. I may be closing the gap between god and
demi-god, but one thing I couldn’t do was teleport.
Netori could have teleported exactly where she
wanted me to go. Instead, she gave me instructions to
head to a place in Europe, and then left me in the
same little town.

Last week, I had to do a lot of things to establish an

identity and fly overseas. Now, I was backpacking out
seemingly in the middle of nowhere on the shores of
Italy. This entire thing felt ridiculous, but if I backed
out now, then I would likely be giving up my chance at
becoming a god. The location I was looking for was
merely called the tomb of the fallen god. Supposedly,
a fallen goddess was there, and if I managed to taste
her, I’d be able to become a god. At that point, I’d at
least be able to enter heaven and have a chance at
saving Marriage and NTR.
I finally found the spot indicated in Netori’s sloppily
drawn map. It really would have been nice if she put a
little more effort into it. I was on the beach, and an X
marked a spot directly under me. It only took me a
moment to realize the supposed entrance was likely
buried in the sand. I had already anticipated this
much, though, so I reached into my pack and pulled
out a shovel. With that, I began digging up sand.

I had hoped that it wouldn’t be a big deal, and after

five minutes of digging, I’d run into it. However, if a
fallen god was easy to reach, then wouldn’t they be
common. I dug and dug, stopping only to reach and
rest. A week went by, and I had long since shoveled
away mountains of sand and was now working on dirt.
I was at least thirty feet underground now.

“Is it really here? Maybe I read the map wrong?” I

muttered as I worked.
That wasn’t the first time I had thought such words. I
had reviewed her map over and over again, and I was
certain this was the place. Just when I was thinking it
was about time to take another break and check
again, my shovel hit something I couldn’t pierce. I
fought from getting my hopes up. If I just hit a big
stone, then it’d be embarrassing getting too excited.
Slowly and methodically, I excavated whatever I had
struck. It turned out to be a giant stone. Although
there had once been ornate details carved into it, the
time had wiped it all away except for some very faint

If an archeologist saw this, they would probably lose

their shit. This was a discovery that would sweep the
world by storm. Then again, anyone who tried to
empty the building would likely die a horrible fate. As
for how I could enter, it involved twisting off a stone
lid. Using crowbars and leverage, it was another two
days before It finally burst open. Ancient air from a
time I couldn’t even imagine rushed out and struck my
With the cover open, there was a dark hole in the
ground. I could see narrow stone steps leading into
the darkness. Taking a breath, I left my hole and tool a
small break. I wiped off my sweat, cleaned up, and got
fresh clothing. If this woman ended up being some
old-decrepit corpse, I was going to kill Netori. I hadn’t
considered such a joke in this world, but perhaps my
only choice to obtain godhood was to lay with some
monster. Shivering, I took an even longer break.
Finally, once I realized I was just delaying the
inevitable, I grabbed a flashlight and entered the

Turning on the flashlight, I started walking down. The

tomb was extremely cold, and the smell was stale and
unpleasant. I immediately walked through a doorway
and got a face full of cobwebs. Spitting it out, I
continued on a long hallway. As I went, I could hear a
wet, slithering sound in the distance. It was strangely
pleasant to the ears, almost alluring. Immediately, I
shook my head and put my game face on.
Netori claimed that the woman I was seeking out
wasn’t easy prey. She was a seductress who could
easily eat men up. She might be my last option to
obtain godhood, but even my ability, godless, which
kept me from being targeted by abilities didn’t leave
Netori with the confidence that I could face this
woman and live. I needed to be completely alert. As
for those sounds, the more soothing they sounded,
the more on edge I became.

As I walked deeper into the tomb, the cobwebs and

decay gave way, and the hallway started to look nicer
and nicer. It began to look like a tomb that was sealed
recently rather than one that was sealed untold eons
ago. That’s when I realized that the sconces were lit. I
came into clear light, with either side of the hallway lit
with flames. I didn’t know if those flames suddenly lit,
or if they had always been lit. As I grew closer, the
slithering sounds got louder, and the tomb began to
look ornate, the walls seemingly made of gold with
diamonds and gems inlaid within them.
Finally, I reached the final door. It resembled the door
outside, but it had absolutely no wear and tear. As for
the images on it, they were images of snakes and
demons. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. Why couldn’t
this have been the goddess of candy and unicorns?
That would be much more agreeable. I stopped at this
spot, hesitating what I was going to do next. I bet the
entrance was a bit easier to open than the last one
since it contained no rust or decay. However, there
was no telling what was beyond there, and my
foreboding feeling had reached a point where I
wanted to turn back.

“Come in.” A female whisper sounded like it was right

next to my ear.

There was a woosh, and the door opened of its own

accord. I covered my eyes as air rushed out, but it
contained no dust, and in fact, smelled crisp and full of
life. It was fresh air. There was also a bright light
assaulting my eyes from beyond the door. Slowly, I
allowed my eyes to adjust as I cautiously moved
forward. I found myself stepping out into a beautiful
meadow. The sun was beating down overhead, the
sky was blue, with only a hand full of fluffy clouds in
the sky. I could even hear the sounds of birds and
insects. The slithering sound had disappeared.

“An… illusion?”

I could feel the heat on my face. I could smell the fresh

scent of life. However, I was underground by at least
fifty feet. There was no way I could be seeing the sun.
Therefore, this had to be some kind of illusions.

“It’s not.” A sweet, feminine voice said.

My eyes traveled to the source. There was a large hill

covered in moist green grass. At the very top of that
hill was a single large tree. Hanging from that tree was
some kind of red fruit that resembled an apple. Sitting
at the base was a woman, who sat there completely
naked, lounging against the tree. She might be the
most beautiful woman I had ever seen, standing even
a bit beyond NTR and Marriage. She had long,
brunette hair, pert, luscious breasts, and a devilishly
tantalizing body. She was truly perfect.

I closed my eyes, once again trying to will the illusions

away. However, when I opened them, she was still
sitting there. She gave me a tempting smirk, and my
heart felt like it’d burst out of my chest.

“H-hello…” I greeted her, keeping my feet locked in


She had said only those words, but without though my
feet betrayed me. I found myself walking up the hill to
her. My breath quickened and my heartbeat thumped
in my chest. As I approached, I began to notice a few
unnerving things. First off, there was a snake wrapped
around her shoulders. Secondly, the tree above was
filled with various snakes slithering through the
branches. Occasionally, one would open its mouth and
eat a fruit.

The woman lifted a hand, and a fruit from the tree

suddenly fell and landed in her grasp. She then held it
out to me.

“Hungry? Would you like a taste?”

Although it seemed like she was asking about the fruit,

her eyes seemed to be offering so much more. I
gulped, feeling like maybe I was not prepared at all for
I shook my head. “That’s not why I’m here.”

“I see…” She shrugged. “Then… why are you here,


I blinked, taking a step back. “You know my name?”

She let out a laugh, which was as sweet as it was

alluring. “Of course, I know everything. You come into
my love’s tomb, and you don’t even know that

“You’re not the fallen god?”

This was the tomb of the fallen god, but she just
referred to someone else as the person of this tomb.
She giggled. “You know so little, and yet you dared to
walk in here. You’re like a little lamb coming right up
for the slaughter.”

My eyes darkened. “Just because I don’t know,

doesn’t mean I’m not confident in my abilities.”

She smiled, ignoring my threat. “I know you’re

confident. I know everything about you.”

“Then why don’t you know why I’m here?” I asked.

Her smile flickered for a moment, and then she let out
a sigh. “I know everything about your mortal life. Alas,
I can not see into the realm of the gods. That is
something denied to the likes of us on the mortal
“So, you don’t know anything…” I let out a breath of

“Che… cocky!” She glared for a moment, the snake on

her shoulder flipping its tongue.

“I’m sorry, I am also ignorant of many things. Perhaps,

you can help.” I lowered my head, remembering I was
supposed to be getting in this woman’s good graces.

“Then, let me tell you what you don’t know.” The

woman responded, flipping her hair as her smile
recovered. “Above me is a tree that breeds the fruit
known as Ambrosia. You may have heard of it by
another name, the tree of knowledge. By biting a fruit,
I was able to obtain what I know about you. However,
this truth only contains the knowledge of the mortal
world. It appears your life has been touched by the
gods. For that, I cannot see.”
“I see…”

I had already guessed that a bit. A naked woman,

snakes, and a tree in a beautiful paradise, it was either
the tree of knowledge or a joke.

“As for this tomb, this tomb is made for my love,


I nearly spit at that point. “The devil!”

“Hmph! Don’t believe everything you hear. He was the

god of temptation, born at the beginning of man.”

“He was killed. Murdered by a treacherous bastard
and his slut of a girlfriend.”

“Lucifer was killed!”

“Hmph… do you think the current god of temptation

holds a candle to my prince? To think, the man known
as the father of lies would fall… to Procreation and
that bitch NTR!”


“That woman! I hate her! I hate her so much! Her, and

that bastard Procreation! Everything was just fine
between me and Adam! Then, that slutty little bitch
Eve came along, and NTR tempted Adam while
Procreation taught him about the joys of fucking like
dogs! It was my lovely man Lucifer who used
temptation to get them kicked from the garden… and
what happens? NTR seduces him, poisons him, and
that bastard Procreation finished him off! The next
thing I know, I’ve been cast down to the mortal plane
only to spend an eternity trapped within this tomb,
forcing women into a submissive role toward men
through all of history!”

Her voice rose as she spoke, and all the snakes

became angry. Her face didn’t stop being beautiful,
but it gave off a dangerous vibe, and even that looked

“Huh?” I could barely even speak, there were so many

confusing things she just said. “Who are you?”

“I am Lilith, the goddess of women!”

Chapter 152 :
Ifelt incredibly irritated at Netori right now. I knew
that she was flighty and irresponsible, but it would
have been nice if she had told me her history with
Lilith here. I didn’t know that NTR and Procreation had
interactions with the Christian Bible. I’m sure the
stories didn’t match up perfectly, but this still felt like
too much. Lilith was believed to be the first woman,
but since she was Adam’s equal, she was discarded in
exchange for Eve. Then, Lucifer tempted Eve with the
apple of knowledge, and Adam and Eve were cast
from the Garden of Eden. There, they gained mortal
bodies, as well as the ability to reproduce.

The way Lilith tells it, her and Adam were a thing in an
age before sex was a thing. Eve came along, and NTR’s
seeming first act was to cuck Lilith. When Lucifer
retaliated by forcing them to be punished for their
sins, Procreation was created, and NTR conspired with
him to destroy Lucifer. That was the story as she saw
it. There was just one little caveat, and that was that
NTR was being manipulated too. Although Lilith
seemed to know his true identity, NTR did not. It was
likely she thought that he was Harem. Perhaps, the
original NTR tried to create a harem for Adam, and it
backfired. She blamed Lilith, Lilith blamed her, and
Procreation managed to gain power. It seemed to be
that he had been manipulating everything from the
very beginning.

Naturally, I didn’t think I’d ever learn the whole story.

It was so long ago that even they probably didn’t
remember the details. Just because I sympathized
with Lilith didn’t mean I didn’t have my own wants
and desires either. I had to remain focused on my
goals. I was going to taste Lilith, become a god, and
gain the power to finally usurp Procreation, becoming
the new harem. It was much easier said than done.

With a breath, I put a smile on my face, putting aside

my fear and hesitation and bringing out my best side.
“What Procreation and NTR did to you was wrong.
Procreation deserves to die a horrible death!”
Her eyes which had drifted off in introspection
suddenly snapped back to mine. She had bright green
eyes, and while they weren’t like that of a snake, the
way she looked at me unblinkingly reminded me of a
snake. This didn’t make her appear ugly, but
dangerous. Somehow, the dangerousness gave her an
even greater beauty.

“You’re a man…” She snorted. “What can a man know

about the plights of women?”

“As a man, I can see what you cannot.”


“I can see your beauty and your strength. I can see

you entirely. Most of all, I can see you, as a woman.”
Her expression flickered. “Adam used to tell me such
words too… then I caught him with his thingy in Eve’s
mouth. What good is such a thing anyway? She
moaned like it was the tastiest thing ever, but how
could anyone enjoy sucking on such a thing!”

“I’m not Adam,” I responded. “And I won’t make

promises of undying loyalty. What I want isn’t so

Her eyes narrowed and a twisted smile formed on her

face. “Yes, I know. You want to take my special thing
and my power, becoming a god!”

I couldn’t stop myself from making a face at that time.

“This is…”
“Hehe… do you think you’re the first man to try such
acts? Although my true name is Lilith, I’ve gone by
other names too. I’ve also been known as Naga,
Hydra, and Medusa.”


“You’d have already been turned to stone if you

weren’t being protected by a certain goddess.” She
stood up.

“Ah, goddess?” Now, I was alarmed.

I took a step back, but Lilith suddenly disappeared and

then appeared right next to me. She leaned forward.

“I smell her on you.” She said in a cold voice, the smile

on her face growing more malevolent.
“Smell? What? What smell?” I tried to play it off as

She let out a laugh. “The smell is different, I admit. It

feels… distant, incomplete. However, how could I not
smell that skank NTR? Admit it. She sent you here!”

“She didn’t.” I declared, shaking my head. “The one

you know as NTR was destroyed many years ago,
broken apart into minor gods. Netori is only one of
those gods, a fragment.”

“Part or whole… I hate every piece of her being!” Lilith


“Look, Netori wronged you. I understand that.

However, I can set you free. We can leave this tomb.”
“Why do you think I allowed you to live up until now?”
she cocked her head. “I won’t make the same mistake


“There was once another demi-god who wandered in

my tomb. His name was Perseus. I had compassion for
him, and I wasn’t willing to do whatever it took to
escape. He then left and started telling everyone he
took my maidenhead! That bastard! I’ll handle things
differently this time.”

I fought from making a face. If I remembered my

ancient Greek stories, Perseus was known for cutting
off Medusa’s head. I guess, over time, the story had
changed. Originally, he had gone around claiming her
banged her, and took her virginity, and over time,
taking her maidenhead turned to just taking her head.
Many stories suggested that the source of her power
resided in her head, and once it was severed, you
could take her power. Wasn’t that exactly what I was
trying to do?

“What do you mean that things are different?” I asked

as she walked around me, and despite being naked,
seemed just as dangerous and dreadful.

“I’m not a cruel woman.” She sighed. “And although

you seem to be attached to the woman I hate the
most in this world, I won’t destroy you without you
understanding what is happening. You wish to use me
to ascend to godhood. Instead, I will turn things
around and use you. Be lucky, Demi-god. I wasn’t
ready or willing to sacrifice my maidenhead to Perseus
all those years ago, but I’m prepared now.

“Except, it won’t be you gaining power. It will be me. I

will absorb your essence and power, and use it to
break free of this tomb once and for all. Then, I’ll be
able to return to heaven, and exact my vengeance on
those two bastards!”

“The heavenly world has changed a lot since you were

last there,” I warned.

“You forget, I have the tree of knowledge. It has

allowed me to spy on the mortal world all this time,
and while I cannot see things related to gods, the gods
of heaven are merely a reflection of the mortals
below. I feel I am confident in what I can expect. As
for you, kindly become my sacrifice.”

As she said that, I suddenly felt a piercing pain in my

ankle. I looked down to see a snake biting me. I let out
a noise and tried to back up, but that was when I
realized that I couldn’t move. I was completely frozen.
“There are many ways to get around a goddess’s
tricks. The venom paralyzes.” Lilith explained.
“However, the part of you that I need should still

“Wait… we can talk about this.” I was able to speak,

but I could barely move my lips so it sounded a bit

“I’m done talking.” She waved her hand, and the

clothing on me exploded off, revealing my naked

She looked me up and down, her hand coming out

and gently resting on my chest. Although her
expression was serious and she looked determined,
there was a layer of innocence and childishness to her
actions. It was clear she hadn’t seen many naked men
before. Her hand slowly moved on my chest, and
there was a strangely alluring flash of delight. She
continued to survey my entire body, savoring my
appearance. When her eyes landed on my dick, they

“Y-you’re… quite a bit bigger than Adam.” She gasped.

“I-it’s fine. Without any sacrifice, how can I experience
any reward?”

“Lilith… please. We can work together. I’m actually

looking to defeat Procreation and NTR too.”

“You think you can deceive me, Hakaru?” Her eyes

flashed angrily.

“It’s true! Procreation… he calls himself Harem now.

He tricked NTR, just like everyone else. I want to reach
heaven so that I can take his power away! I want to
become the true Harem god.”
“Harems…” her face turned ugly. “Just like a man to
want to collect women! Stop resisting and just accept
the fate that you deserve!”

With that, her hand that had been on my chest

pushed. I fell back like a log. However, I didn’t feel a
thud when I hit the ground. Rather, the extremely soft
mossy grass was shockingly springy, and I landed
softly, like falling into a bed of feathers. She looked
down at my thing, a small frown on her face.

“Why is your thing not hard? It should be hard!”

I could only give a helpless look. It was true, she was

beautiful and naked, but without a little bit of
foreplay, I couldn’t get it up even if I wanted to. As far
as telling her, I wasn’t nearly so self-destructive. If she
was going to absorb my essence, I assumed that
would probably kill me. In that case, why would I help
her at all? The only thing I could do was try to
convince her I wasn’t her enemy? Was that true? Even
I didn’t know. Wasn’t I just there to use her?

“I see… it seems like I misunderstood the reason she

put the thing in her mouth. It must be the means of
activating it!”

“Don’t you have the tree of knowledge?’ I asked


“Hmph! That is that, and this is this! The fruit only

reveals what you want to know, it doesn’t fill your
head with all knowledge or something. That slut Eve
filled her head with such crude knowledge, and
suddenly they were wearing those weird skins, and
doing strange things with each other’s bodies! I would
never profane my body with such knowledge!”
“I see… in other words, you’re completely
inexperienced when it comes to sex!”

“Geh! I-I know plenty! I know your thing goes in my

thingy! I know about my maidenhead! I know babies
grow in your stomach and then are delivered by
storks! Why are you making that face? Are you making
fun of me?”

“No, rather, it seems like you’ll need to learn some


“Don’t you mind that, Hakaru the demi-god!” She

huffed, crossing her arms over her chest while puffing
out her cheeks. “I’m an extremely fast learner! I will
figure out this sex thing and I’ll sex you so hard! Ah!
It’s getting erect!”
“You’re just acting so adorable. I can’t help it.” I

My dick was truly betraying me. I had thought Lilith

was a major threat, but it turned out she was as naïve
as… well… Adam and Eve before the apple. At least,
when it came to sexuality, she knew nothing. She was
probably quite knowledgeable when it came to other
things. I wondered why, despite her personality, she
had no qualms about me seeing her naked? She had
even ripped off my clothing as soon as possible, and
looked at my naked body with child-like curiosity,
without the least bit of shame. It turned out that she
had no reference for any of that, so to her, it wasn’t

Just thinking about the possibilities of soiling such a

blank slate, my sadistic side caused me to grow
aroused. However, for the current me who was about
to be absorbed by her, that was a complete betrayal.
“Then, since it is already aroused, I’ll just have to slide
it in.” She said, sounding like she was trying to work
out the logistics in her head.

“Without lube?”

“L-lube?” She blinked.

“Ah, that’s right, you don’t know…” I bit my lip.

“Tell me! I order you!” She demanded, pointing down

at me.

“For it to slid in, your pussy must be wet.”

“W-wet? Like water?”

“No… water won’t work… it needs to be your own

“G-gross!” She made a face and then bit her lip.

“Then, if I wet your cock instead, will that work?”

“I suppose it will?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Then, it looks like it is fated! I will put that thing in my


Chapter 153 :
“It smells weird.” She made a face after getting close
to it. “Is this really necessary?”
“You’re welcome to just shove it in dry, but don’t
blame me.”

“Alright! I get it. Hmph!” She put her face down and
grabbed my cock, then opened her mouth and sucked
on the tip like it was a lollipop.

I closed my mouth and let out a moan, causing her to


“Wh-what? Did it hurt?”

“How could that be? And aren’t you planning on

sucking me dry, so why do you care if I’m hurt?”

“You… since this will be the last experience you ever

have, I should at least allow it to be pleasurable.” She
I watched her as her head started to bob up and
down, thinking back to everything she had said. She
was the goddess of women, and true to her name, she
truly felt like a perfect woman in shape, form, and
demeanor. She even seemed to have an innate desire
to take care of her man! The delectable little virgin
giving her best contrasted badly with the snake-like
goddess who wanted to consume my soul to get
revenge. I didn’t know how to reconcile the two

“It’s salty…” She mumbled, seemingly speaking to

herself. “I don’t hate it though.”

Well, at least she liked the taste. I hid the incredulous

expression on my face. I supposed when you’re
trapped in a tomb for most of human history, you talk
to yourself a lot. Maybe it was something like that.
Even though her blowjob wasn’t at the skill of a
professional, her mouth felt good. She was a beautiful
goddess, after all, and she had the visage of a perfect
woman. Her naked body bent over and sucking my
cock, it was beyond incredible. Thankfully, she had
gotten rid of the snake, although my eyes still scanned
the grass afraid another one would crawl up and bite

The paralysis she gave me kept me from moving, but

my cock was now fully erect and ready to go. With my
blood pumping hard, I felt like I might regain my
ability to move in due time, but at the moment I was
completely at her whim. I just needed to hold on long
enough until I regained my strength, then I would flip
the tables on her.

“Mmm… Mmmggmmm… mmmm…” her throat

moaned as her head moved up and down my shaft.
The wet feel of her mouth was very erotic, and her
tongue moved in various pleasing patterns that left
me feeling particularly good. I found myself enjoying
her mouth immensely. Plus, she looked extremely
cute as she did, her face filled with determination like
this was the most important thing. Considering, all of
her goals started by finishing me off, perhaps it was
the most important thing in her mind.

“Okay…” She gasped, swallowed hard, and panting as

she looked at the cock.

It looked like it had excited her a bit and she got

carried away. If she had just needed to get it wet, it
probably hadn’t required five minutes of hard sucking.
However, after the taste and smell, something came
over her and she felt slightly giddy. Even now that she
finally pulled away, she felt a strong desire to suck on
it some more.
“Now, it’s time.” She clenched her fists firmly and
swing her leg over me and squatted down.

Her little pink flower, the very essence of feminine

purity, hovers vicariously over my cock, which was
sticking at full staff ready to penetrate her insides
deeply. I wondered what would happen if I
deflowered the goddess of women. Would women
stop being born with hymens? Would they find
virginity as some special part of themselves? If women
defined their identity as women based on this one,
then it made sense that by losing their virginity, they’d
think they’d lost a fragment of what made them a
woman. In that case, if she is deflowered, wouldn’t it
become the inverse? Women would be eager to lose
their virginity so that they could feel like a woman? I
couldn’t say if any of that was true… but it did leave
me excited for the moment.

She slowly lowered herself down, and the head of my

cock started to push into her. Her hands grabbed my
chest and she started scratching it as her entire body

“It’s… it’s so big…” She gasped. “I’m splitting open.”

“It’s not even in yet,” I responded helplessly.

“Ahh… Ahhh… it’s too much…” She was still lowering

herself, but it was infinitely slow. Her wet juices
smeared on the head of my cock, but still, there was
no penetration. Her eyes were closed and she was
practically going crazy, but the moment still lingered
on the cusp. With this beautiful woman on top of me,
her pussy lips wrapped wetly around my cock, the
head pressing against her entrance and threatening to
enter with the slightest breeze, it was agony.
However, Lilith was too scared, or perhaps she was
unable to sacrifice something that had been a part of
her for her entire creation.
I didn’t want my soul to be sucked out, but I also
couldn’t stand this feeling either. As I felt her there
teasing me, my body began to boil, and I felt like the
paralysis that had been holding me started to
evaporate. I could feel a rising power of divinity, and I
realized that this was the power Netori had given me.
It was dissolving the poison and giving me strength.
Ultimately, I had been pushed to this point because I
didn’t know how to activate such a power.

My hands reach up. I’m unable to control myself any

longer. Grabbing her hips, I plunge her down on my
cock. It finally tears into her.

“Ngghhhh!” She cried out, her eyes popping open.

Her insides were tight. I managed to force her to take

it all in a single thrust. Her lewd womanly body was
just more that I could stand. I couldn’t stop exploring
her entire pussy with my cock. As for defining the
feeling. It was out of this world. She fit like a glove as if
her body was made just for mine. As the perfect
woman, it would likely feel this way for any man, but I
was the one who had her first. If I made Lilith fit me,
did that mean all woman would become fit for me?

“Your cock is too big!” She whined.

“Isn’t it just that your pussy is too small?” I teased.

“It’s not…” She panted. “Ahhh… Hahhh… AAhn…”

Even though I had savagely pierced her, her body

started moving on its own. She was the ultimate
woman, and the ultimate woman now had a dick in
her. Her body instinctively knew what to do, just how
her amateur blowjob had contained no mistakes, nor
did her own sex. She began to rock her hips, bobbing
up and down on my cock excitedly, her hand on my
chest. She occasionally scratched my chest as her
body writhed with pleasure.

“Your thing is rubbing all of my sweet spots….

Nghhh…” She panted. “My hips have a mind of their
own. I can’t stop! Ahh… Ahhhh!”

She truly did look like her body was functioning

outside of her control. Her lower half moved
aggressively rocking on my cock, while her topside
looked slightly awkward.

“This raw feeling, it’s incredible!” She moaned.

“Like you’d even know any other way?” I snorted.

Feeling like the paralysis was finally completely gone,

this time I grabbed her and flipped her, pushing her
down on the grass instead. While on my knees, I
pushed into her roughly.

“You! The paralysis is gone!”

The first time I had grabbed her, she had been so

surprised, she hadn’t even realized the paralysis had
worn off. She then completely forgot about it while
enjoying her own lust. However, after moving my
entire body and shoving her under me, she couldn’t
deny it anymore. However, she was still trapped, her
womanly body being compelled to work with my
body. After all, the only point of being a woman came
when reacting to a man. I was finally completing an
ingrained part of herself that she had ignored.

In this case, there might have been some kind of

disconnect between her and the mortal plane.
Usually, the mortal plane reflected the gods, and the
gods reflected the mortal plane. However, she had
been trapped here, an eternal widow, and a major
aspect of her womanhood had been denied to her.
Now that she was getting that, she was feeling
completeness that she had never felt in her life.

“You’re… too intense!” She moaned. “I… it’s

sensitive… Ahhhn… I’m cumming!”

She couldn’t fight her body’s willing submission. Even

if her mind tried to protest, it was quickly overridden.

“You’re pressing into me. My womb! I can feel you so

close to my womb!” She cried out. “You’re reaching
the deepest parts of my pussy! Amazing! Ahhh…

She began to cum, her pussy erupting like a fountain

with no escape. After all, I had her hole plugged, and I
didn’t plan to go anywhere as I continued to take her
pussy. Wet noises filled the tomb. If Lucifer were alive,
how would he feel about the girl he had given his life
for banging on the top of his tomb. Maybe I shouldn’t
think such thoughts while cucking the devil. That
seemed like something that would give me bad luck.

If I thought that cumming would cause her body to

calm down, I was completely mistaken. After she
experienced an orgasm, she became even more
frantic. Although I was thrusting down into her, she
wasn’t any less animated as she thrust up to me. Her
hips moved with great vigor, slamming our parts
together aggressively.

“Yes! Yes… Hakaru! Yes! Make me yours! Make it

shaped only to you! I’m Hakaru’s! I’m Hakaru’s!”

The thing about a virgin girl who has only spoken to a

handful of men her entire life is that her heart was far
too easy to win. A single sexual encounter, no, a single
orgasm, and she was convinced she was in love. It was
truly unavoidable. Women fell in love with men, and a
woman with no defenses up around men would fall
the hardest. Her thoughts of consuming me
evaporated like smoke.

In many ways, what was supposed to be the hardest

conquest I should have ever faced turned into the
easiest. From the second she agreed to stick it in, I had
already won. Neither of us realized that until this

“Ah… I’m going to cum!” I cried out.

Her perfect female form giving everything toward

uniting with me in body was more than I could stand.
Rather than grow shocked or afraid, Lilith’s eyes
flashed excitedly.
“Ahhhn! Yes… deep! Cum deep in my womb! I want
Hakaru’s baby! Give me babies!” The goddess of
women had never had a baby, the most defining thing
that made a woman a woman.

The thought of my semen shooting inside her was

enough to make her orgasm again and again
endlessly. She wanted to become pregnant. She
wanted to have a baby. She wanted to be a woman. I
was happy to oblige, carried by her growing
momentum that could no longer be controlled. My
cock erupted, and I exploded hot cum deep inside her.

“Ahhhhnn! I feel it! I feel myself getting pregnant!”

I had no clue if that was true, but I was too excited at

the moment to focus on that. I felt a growing sense of
pleasure. It started in my groin, but then it carried out
through my entire body. It was only at that moment
that I realized that the entire tomb was shaking. No, it
wasn’t shaking, it was collapsing. Giant pieces of rock
were falling, burying the surreal underground
environment. The sky looked like it was cracking and

Lilith clung to me in delight, seemingly oblivious as the

world fell around her. I held on, and the power in me
grew and grew, filling my body from my head to my
toes. I was starting to grow frightened. I felt like I
might explode.

“Relax, let it happen,” Lilith whispered in my ear.

I calmed down, holding onto her. Rocks began to fall

on top of us, burying us. However, I didn’t feel it. I
could only feel Lilith. The two of us clung to each
other, floating naked through an abyss. Then, the
power reached a critical point, and I felt my body burn
away. It didn’t feel painful. Rather, it felt strangely
relaxing, like a snake must feel when it released its
previous layer of skin. I wasn’t dying, I was freeing my
soul from Earthly confines.

One moment, I was clinging to Lilith, buried in

mountains of dirt. A moment later, I was standing in a
world of white. I had done it. I had become a god.

Chapter 154 :
“Where… where am I?” I looked around in confusion.

At first, I thought I was standing in Purgatory. The

white world often depicted in near-death experiences
and when people meet angels and gods was a real
place. It was the place where the mortal world and
the heavenly world met. Crossing the barrier was
difficult, and for a newly formed god like me, getting
stuck in such a place was easy. Furthermore, time in
purgatory differed from Earth, so although it was only
a decade before I’d be caught up in time, it might be
thousands of years in purgatory.

As I focused more, I began to make out my

surroundings. It wasn’t truly a white space. It was just
that everything around me was extremely bright. It
was like walking indoors after being out in the bright
sun all day, except in reverse. Rather than finding
myself in the darkness where my eyes needed to
adjust to the low lighting, I found myself in a world
that was far too bright, and I had to give my eyes time
to adjust to that.

As they adjusted, I realized I was in a forest. It was a

beautiful place, filled with animal life. I started to be
able to hear the sounds of insects, birds, and a gentle
breeze. The forest had an otherworldly feel to it. It felt
extremely old and also filled with magic. It’d be like
one of those forests said to house spirits or fairies. I
wouldn’t be too surprised if one of the trees started
“Don’t be afraid, young one. You have made it to

“Ah! Is that so…” For a second, I had thought that

disembodied voice was one of the trees, but it didn’t
seem to be coming from any specific spot.

Hearing another person helped ground me some

more, but I couldn’t see them at all. I still felt weird.
After all, I had no body anymore. If I looked down, I
still saw myself. I had hands, arms, legs, and
everything. However, I had a feeling like it was an
illusion. This was the way of the god realm. I no longer
had a mortal form, and my immortal form was vague,
relative, and based more on my soul than any
biological aspect.

If I wanted to project something else, I could just

project it. For example, if I wanted to be taller, I could
just imagine myself taller. As I thought that, my legs
slowly stretched from the ground. I then returned to
my original size. Hmm… I wonder if the size was an
illusion too. If I wanted that to be bigger… I felt my
pants tightening.

“Ahem… anyway, whenever a god or goddess is

spontaneously created, they are automatically
assigned another god or goddess to guide them. I’ve
been assigned to orientate you to heaven. As you are
born more or less an innocent lamb, I will nurture you

“Oh? That’s nice. What goddess are you?”

“Mmm… I am the goddess of the hunt. You may know

me as the goddess Artemis.”
“A Greek goddess? I thought you were all wiped out
by the high gods?” I blinked.

“Wh-what? H-how did you know that! Who are you?”

Slowly, a woman suddenly appeared in front of me.

She had a bow over her shoulder and was tall and
radiant. She was an outstanding beauty, with blonde
hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, and extremely long legs.
She wore a white robe cut in a way that allowed her
mobility. It looked Greek in style to me. She was
staring at me with narrowed eyes, like a hunter trying
to discern their prey.

“Ah, there you are.”

“New gods are either born reincarnated from dead

gods or spontaneously created by a need in the
universe. You’re born a pure representation of your
source. You should have the mind of a child, unaware
of the world or the nature of others.” Artemis
declared. “I’m supposed to nurture you, and help you
grow into the god you’re supposed to be. You
shouldn’t already contain such knowledge as that of
ancient gods. The only thing you should know pertains
to your reason to exist… hmmm… what reason is that?
You’re the god of… Ha-ha-harems?”

“Ah, so that is what I’m the god of? I mean, ultimately,

it was my desire, but I wasn’t certain if I would be
successful…” I muttered, looking my body over.

“You don’t even know what you’re the god of? Wait…
a-are you a human?”

“I was a human. Now, I’m a god.”

“You…” Her eyes flashed. “The Greek gods were
brought down because of their closeness to the
mortal plane. They blurred the line between the
mortal world and the immortal world. For the mortal
world to reflect the gods and vice versa, there must be
a clear line of distinction! They nearly destroyed
reality. I was one of the few lucky ones to avoid the
great purge!”

“So, that’s what happened.” I nodded in interest.

“Don’t act so innocent! You’re a human who managed

to fill the role of a god! How can this be allowed?” Her
pretty face formed an ugly expression. “After seeing
so many gods and demi-gods obliterated by the
highers, a being like you cannot be allowed to exist!”

“Hey! That’s something else entirely… right?” I held up

my hands defensively. “I mean, they were banging
mortals and having babies. I’m not trying to do that.”
I naturally wouldn’t tell her about my mother and
girlfriends, who I planned to somehow keep
regardless of those rules. None of them even existed
yet anyway, nor did I, so none of that mattered. Just
because I had a little knowledge, I had no attachment
to the mortal realm if you thought about it.

“Do not worry, Harem god. I will kill your current

form, but you will be reincarnated again. In your next
life, I will happily guide you.”

“This isn’t what I had in mind when I went to the

effort of coming up here!” I cried out.

She wasn’t even listening at this point. In another

motion, she reached out, grabbed her bow, and then
pulled it. An arrow suddenly appeared in her bow,
already notched and ready to fire. I let out a cry,
dancing from side to side. However, this was Artemis,
wasn’t it? She was the goddess of the hunt! How
could I dodge her?

She fired an arrow, and I threw myself to the side. Her

arrow ended up hitting the trunk of a tree nearby. She
let out a curse.

“You ducked! Just stay still and receive your divine


What was I supposed to do now? After I had come this

far, I was just going to die? I had become the first
mortal to make it to godhood in ages, and it was just
my luck I had to run into the one god that both had a
history that exposed me, a deep trauma regarding
that history to cause her to react violently, as well as
the methods to destroy me. Just what kind of luck was
Like a scared deer, I raced into the woods. I heard the
whistle of the arrow, another thud into another tree,
finished off by a second curse. I ran harder through
the forest. If I was going to survive, I had to get a hold
of my powers as a god and quick. If I couldn’t even get
out of this ancient forest, I was a dead man! A third
arrow came and missed just as bad as the first ones.

“You… stop running! Arrows are really hard to shoot!”

She cried.

She sounded pouty, like a child who wasn’t getting her

way. It might have sounded cute if my life wasn’t in
jeopardy. Naturally, I ignored her, and I kept running.
However, I suddenly saw her in front of me. I let out a
cry, jumping just as an arrow came. I then turned
around, and ran the other way, only to see her in front
of me. I spun around again. She was still in front of
“Hah…” She laughed defiantly. “You can dodge, but
you can’t run! As a goddess, how could I let it be so
easy for you to get out of my grasp!”

At that point, vines rose from the ground and grabbed

my legs. I let out a cry as I was instantly immobilized.
This was ridiculous, and also complete cheating. I had
only just become a god, and this woman had been a
goddess for many years. She had long mastered all of
her powers and was now using them to her fullest to
kill me. I looked on in horror as she raised the bow,
pulled, and shot. The arrow whistled by my ear. I
hadn’t even dodged. Rather, I was standing still
waiting for death, and she had missed.

“Damn it!” She cursed, “One more try!”

“A-aren’t you the goddess of the hunt?” I asked.

“I-I am!”

“Are you… actually a bad archer?”

“What did you say?”

Her entire atmosphere turned a bit deadly. I had said

the wrong thing. Suddenly, her eyes looked a bit
crazed, and she started laughing maniacally as she
raised her bow again.

“Ah… nothing! I said nothing! I didn’t see anything

about you being a crappy archer.”

“You… Hahahaha… you won’t be able to tell my secret

if you’re dead!”
“Wait! Wait! I’m sorry!”

“Die, Harem!” She released the arrow.

This time, it flew true and was heading straight for my

forehead. I closed my eyes, unwilling to face my death
so suddenly. This was all a joke. How disappointed
would Netori be, knowing how much of her life and
faith she had put on me, only for me to die minutes
after entering the heavenly plane. I never even got
close to Harem. A second past and the arrow didn’t

“You are too much, Artemis. I never thought you’d be

such an embarrassment!” A voice said in front of me.

I opened my eyes, one after another, only to focus on

an arrow only a few inches from my forehead. That
arrow was being held by a woman, and that woman
was a beauty I was deeply glad to see.

“Lilith!” I smiled at her with joy.

“Ah… H-Hakaru…” She blushed, putting the arrow

down next to her. “I’m sorry it took me so long to find
you. I should have guessed you’d end up in the forest
of beginnings.”

“L-Lilith!” Artemis gasped, and then lowered her head.

“Mistress of women! I’m honored! I’ve heard all about
you! I’ve always admired you.”

Lilith’s sweet looks toward me turned sour looking at

Artemis. “To think, you’re supposed to be training
new gods, and when a god comes, you try to murder
him instead?”
“H-he is once a mortal!”

“Don’t you forget that so was I?” Lilith’s eyes


“Ah! That’s true!”

“Since you’ve decided to do this, you must make

amends.” Lilith declared.

“I will! Anything Lilith wants, I will do!”

“Heh… I’m not the one you must make amends to.”

“It is to the new Harem god that you must seek

“S-sorry, Harem, it was my mistake for trying to kill

you!” She declared, although her voice sounded
slightly reluctant.

“Hehe… I said you must make amends. Do you think

an apology is all I want?”

“What are you saying?” Artemis cried out.

“Since you’re already here, how about you leave

behind your virginity?”

Her eyes widened to the sizes of teacups, and even I

broke into a cough.

“Hehe… Hakaru, my love. Earlier, I gave you myself

and you finally ascended to godhood. The process
destroyed my tomb and freed me as well. Since we
are both in heaven now, I couldn’t be happier.
However, I know your nature. I am the goddess of
women, after all, and you are the god of harem. To
give you my heart, I’m very well aware of the
consequences. Since I must help my man, and you
must form your harem, then how could I not do
everything in my power?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had thought

that sleeping with Lilith would be the last thing I did,
but suddenly she had become an ally.

“I-I’m the goddess of the hunt! H-how could I give my

virginity!” Artemis yelled out.
Lilith laughed. “You forgot my tomb existed near
ancient Greece, and many demi-gods had visited me
in my years. I’m very well aware of you, Artemis.
Goddess of the hunt? Is that truly the name you used
to deceive men from your true purpose?”

“Huh? Is she not the goddess of the hunt?” I blinked.

“Oh, she is… but she’s not the hunter. If you ranked
the two of us, I’d be her superior. You see… Artemis is
the goddess of hunting chastity. It’s true, she is the
goddess of the hunt, but to accurately portray her
nature, she is the embodiment of the desire women
possess to protect their virginity!”
Chapter 155 :
“L-Lilith, why do I have to do this?” Artemis protested.
“And calling yourself my superior? Although I’ve
admired you, we were born around the same time!”

“Ah… I suppose that’s right.” Lilith suddenly touched

her lip thoughtfully. “We even have similar origins.”

“Similar origins?” Artemis scoffed. “We have the same


“Y-you’re sisters?” I cried out.

Lilith laughed. “Calling us sisters… I suppose, in a way,

you could say we’re related. I am the goddess of
women, after all, and you give women the inclination
to protect their virginity. Perhaps, you’ve influenced
me in ways I never realized. Well, that was in the
“I-in the past?” Artemis gasped. “Y-you… you’ve given
your womanhood? To that beast?”

She pointed a finger out at me. I raised my hands

defensively. I mean, it was true, but she was being too
accusatory. Actually, it did bring up a question drifting
in the back of my mind. I turned to Lilith who was
standing beside me defensively.

“Lilith, why have you changed your mind? Earlier…

didn’t you want to suck out my soul?”

“Y-you have to ask.” She suddenly grew shy, touching

her fingers together with a gentle pink glow on her
cheeks. “I never wanted to hurt you, Hakaru. I just
wanted to escape my imprisonment. However, after
you took my womanhood away and made me yours,
how could I just leave? You took my heart, and now
you have to take responsibility. I’m your woman now.”
“What about the harem?” I asked hesitantly, not
wanting to anger the person protecting me from

“Even though I don’t necessarily like having to share

you, I’m the goddess of all women, not one. If multiple
women love you, is it wrong as long as they are all
happy?” She suggested innocently.

“You know… that’s all that NTR wanted for you too.” I
bit my lip. “She wanted you all to be happy together.
It was Procreation who perverted those desires.

“R-really?” She looked doubtful for a second, and then

shook her head. “Since Hakaru says it, it must be true.
I was a different woman back then, though. I was too
prideful and arrogant. Those years in my tomb, I
suppose I’ve learned some humility.”
She changed her mind just like that? At first, I was
thinking that her way of acting was very antiquated
when it came to women. If she was a reflection of a
woman, then how could she be so demure? Then, I
had to think about what other influences women had.
For most women, isn’t it the first time that has a
special place in her heart? If you took a woman who
had no experience, and only had her meet a handful
of men in her life, wouldn’t it be really easy for her to
fall in love? The promiscuousness, jadedness, and
realistic attitude for most women didn’t come until
they were older. A pure, young, teenage girl often
filled her head with all manner of romantic fantasies.
Even older woman liked to fantasize about a knight on
a white horse.

Instead of ending up with a bad boy, she ended up

with me. As a result, she excused my faults, or
perhaps she willfully ignored them, and was now
giving her whole heart to me. Did Netori know this
would happen when she sent me to Lilith? Had she
anticipated that if I could succeed in having Lilith, that
she could become a helpful ally? That woman had so
many layers to her.

“He calls himself Harem now.” I continued trying to

convince Lilith. “I don’t think even NTR knew his name
was Procreation until recently.”

“He dares!” Lilith’s eyes flashed angrily. “That man

tries to steal my lover’s name?”

“Wasn’t there also the other stuff about murdering

Lucifer and trapping you?” I added.

“Besides that… this is truly unforgiveable!” Lilith

clenched a fist, her eyes flashing with violence aimed
toward the man who wasn’t here.
I could only give her a wry look. She really did have a
one-tract mind. She definitely wore her heart on her
sleeve and gave all of her focus in one direction. Now
that she gave herself to me, she held nothing back. It
was both flattering and a bit scary. Wasn’t this also
the beginning signs of a Yandere? I recalled a few
legends about Lilith. She wasn’t just called the first
woman, but she was also the first demon!

“H-harem! That Harem? That beast?” Artemis’s eyes

widened. “He’s… Procreation?”

“I found out his true identity before I fell. I’m perhaps

one of only a handful who knew the truth. This was
because he had pretended to be Lucifer’s friend.
Temptation and sex go well together, after all.” Lilith

“I… hate that man!” Artemis cried out, her hand

clenching on her bow. “He humiliated and suppressed
me many times. He’s hunted me for years. I’ve only
managed to remain pure because of Mother’s

If Artemis was the representation of a woman’s

virginity, then naturally Procreation would want to
have that. In fact, Artemis would be one of the biggest
obstacles for Procreation. Their natures were
fundamentally opposed to each other, and if he could
take her virginity, then it would only lead to him
having even more power over women.

While most people considered love and sex to be

linked, there was also a link between sex and power.
People used sex to gain power, and people had sex to
exude power over others. It was Procreation who put
that will into the people. In the end, he didn’t care
about the women around him. All he cared about was
his never-ending quest to become a stronger god. It
was a quest that started from his creation. From the
moment he used Lilith and NTR to trick Adam and Eve
out of the garden and got them to start making
babies, he’d been growing his power. Even his long
period of lethargy under Marriage had only been him
gathering up his power.

That just left one question. Why? Why had he been

building up power? Why did he decide to move
against Netori and gather NTR and Marriage back
under his control? What was he trying to accomplish?
Even Lilith wouldn’t have these answers. The tree of
knowledge couldn’t show her anything regarding
gods. I did have a theory though.

“We have to stop him.” I muttered. “We have about

eighteen years to prepare.”

“Why eighteen?” Artemis blinked.

“Because that’s when he’ll make his move.” I shook
my head. “I believe, in eighteen years, he will become
an upper level god.”

Both girls gasped when they heard that. NTR had

explained levels to me before, but now that I was a
god, I could feel the power and energy more directly
and understand it better. In short, levels dictated the
power a god possessed, and was a measure of how
much influence they exuded on the universe. Each
level was an order of magnitude more powerful than
the previous level. Levels 1-5 were mortal levels. A
one would be any random schmuck, where if you
were level five, your influence should be at a point
where you had a major influence on the world.

This didn’t necessarily mean someone had abilities,

and there were true mortals that could actually reach
level five without the aid of a god at all. One example
might be a celebrity or world leader. Although, to be
level five, they’d have to be extremely influential.
Maybe someone like Oprah Winfrey at her prime,
when a word from her could cause the stock market
to fluctuate, might have reached level five.

Level six to eight were the levels of a demi-god. These

were the heroes of the world that might go down in
history. Most demi-gods were children of a god and a
mortal. Children of gods would be gods, and children
of mortals would be mortals. A mortal reaching demi-
god status was possible, but since ancient times this
was extremely difficult. A god would have to be willing
to sacrifice some of their power to bring a mortal to
demi-god status. I was a prime example of how
difficult that was. Just to reach godhood, I had to
sample many goddesses and mortal women.

Level nine was a starter god. It was the beginning of

godhood, and the basic level needed to leave the
mortal plane and enter the heavenly plane. I was level
ten right now. Thanks to Lilith’s high level and
sacrifice, I had jumped straight from the top of eight
to ten. I was now considered a base god. Artemis was
a level thirteen, as was Lilith. This was the same level
as Marriage, while NTR was only at level twelve. Lilith
should have been a level fourteen, but her years of
captivity had caused her to lose a step, not to mention
her sacrifice to me.

Level ten to fifteen were normal gods. The vast

majority of gods fell within these numbers. Each level
was significantly more powerful than the last, and it
was based mostly on how important they were to the
universe and humanity. To put it in comparison, all
three parts of NTR, Netori, Netorase, and Netorare,
were level eleven, and together still weren’t as strong
as NTR combined at level twelve.

There was also a separation between the gods of

mortals, and the gods of higher concepts. Mortal gods
tended to have mortal forms, while concept gods
were aloof and distant, standing above the lower
gods. These higher concept gods existed at level 16-
20, and were called great gods or upper gods.
Typically, level 16-17 gods formed the council of gods,
and set mandates for the other gods to follow.
Meanwhile, gods at the level of 18-20 barely even
interacted with the others. As for what kind of gods
sat at the top? No one knew. Some were so ancient
that they didn’t even have a name. Those that did
might include things like Time, Gravity, and Reality.

Procreation had managed to reach level fifteen. It was

supposedly the most powerful a mortal god could
reach. He was literally one of the defining tenants of
life, so it made sense he’d stand at the top. I believed
that level fifteen wasn’t enough for him, and
Procreation’s desire was to reach level sixteen,
become an upper god, and join the council. To reach
that level of power, he would step on anyone to

The reason Harem left me alive was because I wasn’t a

threat, and I’d never be a threat. Once he was an
upper god, there was no way I could destroy him. I’d
need to wipe out the human race to even hurt him,
and doing so would bring a million angry gods on my
head long before I succeeded. I didn’t know how long
it’d take Procreation to reach level sixteen after he
left, but I couldn’t risk giving him too much time. It
was possible that the only reason I was successful in
summoning Netori who sent me back in time was
because Procreation was busy ascending to the level
of a great god. That meant that if I wanted any hope in
challenging him, I had to reach at least level fourteen
by the time he claimed NTR and Marriage. That was
the minimum level needed that he couldn’t just
vaporize me.

Ultimately, I ended up explaining these thoughts to

the girls. “In the end, he might even have his sights on
you, Artemis.”

I didn’t know what it was, but I was almost certain

that after Marriage and NTR were captured, he’d have
gone after Artemis. He might have sought out Lilith
too. He’d use every goddess he could reach to help
him ascend, and the virgin goddesses would have
been his crowning achievement. If I hadn’t gone back
in time, there would have been no way I could have
even had a chance. Even now, it often took hundreds
if not thousands of years for gods to increase levels,
and I was planning on growing in only eighteen, give
or take the time until mom had me. It was definitely a
long shot.

“That bastard. He’s been playing the role of a whipped

man for all these years just to take control of
everyone. Even the other gods and goddesses were
just his toys!” Artemis growled angrily.

Lilith smirked. “Then, you’re willing to help my man

destroy him?”
“I will!” She cried out. “I’ll help you hunt him down
and kill him!”

“Hehe… that’s not what my man needs right now.”

Lilith giggled.


“You see, Hakaru is the god of harems. To increase his

power, he must spread the nature of the harem.
However, that shameless Procreation has stolen his
identity and is consuming his power. If our Hakaru
tries to spread his name in the mortal realm,
Procreation will clearly learn of it and stop him. Thus,
we have only one option.”

“Wh-what is that?” She asked, her eyes filled with

“Naturally, Hakaru must secretly build his harem
throughout heaven, and seduce all of the goddesses
and make them his!” Lilith declared, and then grinned
at Artemis. “And he’ll be starting with you!”

Chapter 156 :
“How did things end up this way?” Artemis cried

She was in a small tree hut. It didn’t appear to be built

but grown as if the trees just happened to grow out
and grow together in the form of a hut. In the middle
was a fresh leafy bed with a blanket over it. It was a
suitable place for a goddess of the hunt to lose it, but
what hunt was this? She was more like a captive,
having been trapped by Lilith’s logic and her desire for
“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to.” I offered.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t ready or that I was having

second thoughts. Rather, women were more
comfortable if you gave them a way out. I didn’t
expect her to refuse me but making the offer simply
made her more likely to accept what happened next.
These little tidbits of knowledge had filled my brain
after innumerable experiences with women. Then
again, maybe they were starting to come from my
nature as Harem too.

Whether I understood it or not, I was the embodiment

of Harem. It would be in my nature to have a group of
women to love and support, and in turn to have them
support me. This felt as natural to me as breathing. As
for the methods toward getting a harem, the art of
seduction, that had all been thanks to the influence of
The only thing odd about Artemis is that she didn’t
have another. Most of the girls I had laid with in the
past weren’t untouched virgins. That wasn’t to say I
hadn’t enjoyed many virgins. My mother had been a
virgin before I had her. Well, that was a part of some
strange circumstances.

“N-no… it’s fine.” She blushed.

“Then, allow me.” I sat behind her and then wrapped

my arms around her.

Although it was true, I had tasted many women

before, most of them weren’t virgin goddesses either.
Something about the feel of her body, a woman who
has existed for thousands of years, to suddenly be
spoiled by me, definitely left an excited feeling in my
body. Earlier, I had asked Lilith if deflowering her
would somehow break reality. After all, if she was the
huntress who represented a woman’s desire to
protect her virginity from men, then wouldn’t
deflowering her completely obliterate that?

“The mortal realm reflects the gods and goddesses

and vice versa. If you deflower her, it won’t destroy
the concept, but it may evolve it. Perhaps, by
deflowering her, women will begin a sexual
revolution, being more willing to give themselves. If,
after everything, the concept continues to exist and
the goddess no longer fits the concept but has evolved
into some kind of new concept, then a new god or
goddess will simultaneously be created to fill in the

This was ultimately what I was told by Lilith. I’m not

saying I understood all of it, but the basic premise was
that it was all meant to be. Any action I took, I didn’t
have to think about how it’d impact the world, any
more than the world thought about how its actions
would impact me. We were linked by fate, but we
were still our own entities acting independently of
each other. Well, it was something like that.

“Ahnn…” She cried out as I wrapped her in my arms.

“Y-you can’t…”

“Why can’t I?” I whispered in her ear, my hands

raising up and cupping her breasts.

“Ahh… don’t squeeze!”

“So noisy, although I do like that you’re getting

flustered.” I bit her ear.

“H-Hakaru…” She seemed like a helpless bunny in my

arms, rather than the huntress who shot arrows at me
Actually, she was really bad at shooting arrows, so I
was certain it was just a gimmick. In some ways, she
was like Procreation. However, where Procreation was
a wolf dressed as a sheep, Artemis dressed like a wolf
hoping none of the others would notice and eat her.
Perhaps, she knew I was one such predator, and her
desire to eliminate me at first was for that reason.
Thankfully, she had a great admiration for Lilith, and
seemed to be a follower, revolving around her

“If you hold your hands over your chest, I won’t be

able to continue.” I teased.

Ultimately, she had already agreed to give me her

virginity. Her mind might flip if I became too
aggressive. Therefore, the best course of action was to
give her choices. She had to give it up.
“I-I’m sorry… it’s my fault.” She blushed. “It’s just…
I’ve never done this before. Please… big brother…”

She reached down and lifted her shirt, which had no

bra underneath. This exposed her large, robust bosom
and pert, pink nipples.

“Big brother?” I raised an eyebrow.

I already had a big sister, but I didn’t have a little

sister. Actually, my big sister was my daughter. I didn’t
want to think about that anymore.

“I-is that okay? You’re Lilith’s man, and Lilith is my

sister, so that makes you big brother. I-is that weird?”

If we were human it might be weird, but who was I if

not the god of harems. I’d banged my own mom, so
why couldn’t this little morsel under me not be my
sister? She was cute and innocent enough to be so.

“Then, you’ll be my little sister.” I leaned down and

nibbled on her nipple.

“Ahh! H-Hakaru!”

“Do you want me to stop?” I grinned at her.

“N-no… you can have my body however you want.”

She reached out and gently put my hands on her
breasts, her cheeks flushed and her breathing ragged.

I was usually quite aggressive with women. After all, I

had raped my big sister, blackmailed my teacher, and
enslaved Aiko. This was the first girl who was
completely submitting to me. To have her offer her
virgin body in this way caused an intense heat and fire
to rise in me like I wasn’t used to experiencing. Her
breasts were extremely tender and soft, and her
nipples stiffened as I played with them. I felt no rush
to claim her, even as she closed her eyes and let out
soft moans.

Rather than pulling it out, I started to play with her

body. In the past, my touches were always geared
toward an end. I wanted to ultimately make her
climax. Not simply climax, but to climax so absolutely
that her heart and body belonged to me. With it was
Lilith or Netori, sex had always been a means to an
end. However, with Artemis, I started to admire the

With her eyes closed, her cheeks flushed, and her

body submissive, I explored her body intimately. I
didn’t try to understand just how to satisfy her, but
about her in general. My fingers traced every curve of
her body, and I committed those curves to my
memory. I studied her at the point she was most
open. I learned all of her most erotic spots, but they
didn’t come from some cheap god skill or blind
intuition, they came from me fundamentally
understanding what Artemis was.

She was a proud woman, but loyal. She was broken,

but reformed. She was beautiful but shy. She was all
of these things, and all of these things made her who
she was. As I explored, my touch moving across her
body, she grew more and more excited, as did I.

“Hakaru… please… I want you inside me.”

The hesitation in her voice was gone, as was the

doubt. She had feared that I was just another man
who would push her down and shove it in her. A few
hours ago, that might have been the truth. I had
planned to just claim her virginity and become
stronger. However, something about this unsoiled
goddess had sparked a part of me I had never
understood, but now that I felt it rising, I could see it
was the part that all of the girls in my life had seen.

I had always thought it was my smooth words, my big

cock, or my manipulations that brought the girls to my
side. It might have been true that it instigated their
love for me, but they didn’t stay there because of
these things. The loyalty from a woman that lasted
wasn’t earned by being clever or manipulative. It
came from the heart. Knowing that someone knew
you, experienced you, was a part of you, wasn’t
something that could be stolen away.

I began to truly understand what Netorase had been

all about. She was a goddess of sharing love. That was
an essential aspect of any harem. My girls had to love
me, and I had to love them. It was something that
Procreation ultimately lacked. He pretended to be
Harem, keeping women around him, but he did so
more for convenience than any kind of attachment.
He had a loveless harem, which easily could fall apart
at a moment's notice.

If I wished to defeat him, if I wished to become a god

that could claim the women he had stolen, then I
needed to know these women better than I know

“Artemis…” I gently touched her cheek. “I will take

responsibility for you.”

Her body shivered, and her eyes looked up at me with

want and desire. “Please, touch me, Hakaru… I’m
Hakaru’s too.”

She grabbed my hand and pressed it against her wet

patch. She was slimy and wet, having grown extremely
aroused after my hands had explored her naked body
for so long. The smell was intoxicating, like a gentle
spring in a forest. This was the womanhood of
virginity itself, and that virginity was offering itself to
me. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Please, I need it inside me. Take me, Hakaru… please

take me.”

With her constant words of encouragement, which

had morphed from hesitation and reluctance to pure
encouragement and desire, I found her own hands
opening up my belt and pulling out my cock. I helped
her along, and when it popped out, she looked at it
with pure desire. There was no shock at the size or
hesitation that it might hurt. Her heart was filled with
a desire that was turning into a need. I pushed up my
cock against her tight entrance. She bit her lips,
closing her eyes tightly as she braced herself.

“Ah... Ahh… I want it…” She begged.

I began to push it forward, splitting her open. She kept
her legs spread and her body relaxed. It had almost
been like she was waiting for this moment, the final
moment she was conquered, for her entire life.

“Hakaru is going inside me!” She moaned. “Uwaaah!


I thought it’d be really difficult, but my cock slid into

her with ease. I could feel the hymen break apart, and
it was like my cock had opened the door and reached
paradise. I slid all the way in, and she took it all
without a problem. Her expression didn’t look pained,
but completely blissful.

“It all went in,” I said in disbelief.

I had expected a virgin goddess to be difficult to

penetrate. Perhaps, her virginity might be resistant.
Now, I realized that this wasn’t the case at all. Her
pussy was perfection, the perfect virginity. Why would
it not perfectly accept a cock? It wanted to be
conquered. It wanted to be shaped. It wanted

“Hakaru…” She breathed. “I’ve been shaped to you

now. Only you can have me. No other man will fit

She spoke those words as if they were absolute truth,

not just a boast, and I believed her. She was the
perfect goddess who had lost her first time. Now, her
pussy was shaped to that man’s cock. Would any
other man be able to satisfy her? Well, I’d never let
that question be answered because I planned to win
her over completely.

“I’m going to move slowly.”

“Yes… please…” She reached out and grabbed my
sides, holding me while she panted.

I started to rock my hips, and each thrust felt like bliss.

This was the heavenly realm, and we were a god and a
goddess. So, although we had these mortal bodies,
that was only an interpretation of what was going on.
We were both energies, merging ourselves seamlessly,
and a man and a woman doing the same. Her body fit
my cock perfectly, and it slid in and out with just the
right pressure. Being inside her felt like bliss, and
every time I pulled out, I couldn’t wait to push it back
in gain, to feel full and a part of her.

“Ahhh, Haah, Haah… Haah… Uhn…” She made more

and more moans, her mouth wide open as she gasped
for breath.

She had wrapped her hands around my neck and she

wrapped her legs around my hips. She clung to me
tightly while I rode her slim, erotic body. Wet
splashing noises sounded whenever I thrust into her.
Her legs, the blanket underneath, and my groin were
wet with her sweet-smelling lust. Other than the slight
crinkling of leaves, the wet sound of our parts
merging, and her light gasping, nothing else could be

“Artemis…” I gasped, moving faster and faster.

“I-if you don’t slow… I’m going to… I’m going too...”

“Me too…” I smiled, causing her eyes to widen.

The pair of us kissed, and then her pussy started to

squeeze my cock. My cock expanded and then blew
hot cum deep into her womb. I shoved myself deep
inside her, and the pair of us remained holding each
other tightly as we shook. Her pussy perfectly grasped
and sucked my cock, and my cock swelled and shot
cum in her. In the end, her pussy milked my cock for
every last drop of cum, filling her womb until it nearly

“It’s so full. Hakaru’s cum…” She giggled, still holding


There was a noise, and the pair of us turned to see the

flap of the entrance and Lilith was standing there, her
arms crossed.

“S-sister!” Artemis cried, still panting as her body

slowly recovered.

“L-Lilith?” I smiled weakly, afraid as to why she was

glaring at us.
“Why wasn’t our first time like that?” she demanded.

“Ah… that… wasn’t I paralyzed?” I quickly came up

with such an excuse.

“That!” The excuse was effective and Lilith dropped

her arms, blushing. “Well… I mean… you’re not
paralyzed now, right?”


She was wearing a gentle summer dress since she had

reached the heavenly realm, that now fell to the floor.
Since no one had mortal bodies, things like bras and
underwear weren’t necessary, and she similarly hadn’t
been wearing anything underneath.

“Then… do me like that!”

“Eh? S-sister!”

“Move over, my turn! Mother can wait!”

I wasn’t too worried. I still had two decades to

become the god I needed to be. Now, I knew how to
get there.

Chapter 157 :
Ilifted up the axe, and then chopped it down. The
wood split into pieces on the ground. I grabbed a new
log, lifted onto the stump, and then repeated. Once I
had a good amount of firewood chopped, I started
wrapping up a pile. They’d keep the fire going for a
while. The girls liked it when it was warm inside our
little hut.
I was still in the forest of beginnings, and the place I
had taken Artemis’s virginity had become my home. I
didn’t know why, but I decided to take up
woodworking, and by using my hands I had slowly
created and filled the place with furniture. I had a
fireplace as well, which burned to keep the place
warm. At night, I’d spend my time with either Artemis
or Lilith, sometimes both.

As for what I was waiting on, it seemed like this so-

called mother of Lilith and Artemis was difficult to get
a hold of. The girls assured me that she would come,
but it would take some time before she’d get the
message and visit. They said that she was worth the
wait and that once she arrived, I’d be able to achieve
the goals I had set out. I wasn’t so sure.

I had considered leaving on my own various times but

I honestly didn’t know where to go. I couldn’t navigate
the heavenly plane at all. If I left, I’d be wandering
aimlessly, and I wasn’t even confident I’d be able to
get out of the forest, let alone reach anywhere else in
the godly world.

Besides, I trusted in these girls. They had given

themselves to me, and there was no way that they
would betray me like that. This wasn’t the same kind
of blind faith that had burned me with NTR. This was
something that came from us sharing our hearts with
each other and understanding each other. Through
the combination of Lilith, the goddess of women, and
Artemis, the goddess of virginity, I came to
understand women in an extremely intimate way.

Therefore, I decided to live a simple life and wait for

this mysterious woman to come. I had plenty of time
to kill, so even a year or two wouldn’t be a big deal. It
was also important to consolidate my power. I had
only just become a god. That was something that took
time. Most newly born gods might take years just to
get to the point where they could talk with others.
Since I was born with the knowledge of a human, I
skipped a lot of that trial and error, but that meant it
was just that much harder to figure out my godly

In the end, I just spent time dwelling on what it meant

to be the god of harems. During the day, I hunted, cut
firewood, and crafted furniture. At night, I made love
to my women, communing with them, and exploring
their bodies. Even though we had slept together
countless times, I always found new things every time
I touched their bodies. It was just the way of things. It
was a peaceful life.

Just as I was about to head inside, I heard a sound.

Was that a sob? Standing up, I looked around the
quiet forest. Ever so slowly, I came to pick out one
sound lost behind the chatter of the birds, the insects,
and the wind. There was a woman some distance
away who appeared to be crying. With interest, I put
the firewood down and began to walk away.
I didn’t have to walk far until I came upon a clearing.
In the center of that clearing was a woman who had
thrown herself on the floor. She was sobbing

“Are you okay?” I asked.

The crying stopped, and then a woman slowly stood

up. She had blonde hair, and she was wearing a white
dress. Despite being in the forest and having been on
the ground in a heap, her dress looked immaculate.
Just from her backside, I realized that I recognized this

The woman stiffened and then turned around. “It
would be in your best interest, young god if you forget
what you saw this day.”

Marriage stood with a haughty grace. Her eyes were

red and puffy, but she otherwise looked just as
beautiful as the last time I saw her. I had met her once
on Earth before I grew into a god, but she had been in
the body of a human woman, which was the only form
I saw. This was the first time I had seen her in her true
glory for some time. However, she didn’t seem to
recognize me from that time.

“Did he cheat on you?”

“How did you-“ her eyes flashed. “N-none of your

“Suit yourself. However, he’s not going to stop
cheating on you. I think you know that.”

“H-he’s Harem… he can’t help it.”

“That’s a lie.”

“Excuse me?”

“He doesn’t consider your feelings. A true harem god

wouldn’t leave you crying.”

“He’s still cheating on me though?” She raised an


“It’s not cheating if you’re okay with it and happy.”

“Well, that will never happen.”

“If a man has a big enough heart, and he can love you
with all of it, and love her with all of it, and love all the
women who love him with all he has, and everyone is
happy, then what does it matter how many there

“That…” She blinked and then shook her head. “Are

you against Harem?”

She was talking about Procreation.

“No. I’m very much for harems. I just don’t believe in

that man’s idea of a harem.”
“So, you’re anti-Harem, but your pro-harems?” She
raised an eyebrow. “Hmm… well, it’s not like you can
change things. You’re just a little god with new ideas.
He’s been around for as long as I’ve existed.”

“Things always change. Everything changes. The world

keeps moving. One day, my new ideas might be the
old ideas, and as for Harem’s antiquated views…
they’ll be nothing but dust.

“Just who are you?” She asked, her eyebrows


I grinned. “You can just call me… the harem


“Yeah… Okay…” She snorted, then shook her head. “I

feel… like we’ve met before.”
“That depends on you.” I turned to walk away.

“W-wait…” She took a step forward anxiously. “W-will

we meet again?”

“That depends on you too.” I continued to walk away.

She bit her lip as she watched me leave. “Ah! I just

remembered! You’re that demi-human buzzing
around Netori. You really did it? You became a god?
To think, it only took you, how long ago… six years?”

I froze in my step and then looked back at her, my

eyes going wide. “What did you say?”

“Ah… so it is you. Hmph… trying to act all mysterious.

Weren’t you saying you were going to take me away
from Harem? Well, I guess you did manage to become
a god. Is that a minor harem god? It’s no wonder
you’re hiding in the forest of beginnings. If he knew
you were around, he’d wipe you out.”

“You’re saying the last time we met was… how long?”

I asked.

“Hmm? That was six years ago? Is that a problem?”

“I need to go…” I turned to leave.

“H-hey! Wait! What happened to all of that talk about

making me happy last time we met?” She demanded,
reaching out and grabbing my wrist.

My thoughts were a bit turbulent though. Six years? I

had been in the forest of beginnings for six years?
How could that be? I had only been… it had only
been… actually, I couldn’t remember how long I had
been here. Time seemed to pass differently here.
Netori had said as much to me in the past. In the
realm of the gods, what was a hundred years or so?

I turned around and grabbed Marriage, causing her to

cry out. “Look, Marriage. I’m not the man who will
make you happy. However, there is someone who will.
Right now, he is just a boy, but he’ll grow up, and
you’ll give your heart to him.”

“Wh-what are you saying? Give my heart to a

mortal?” Her face looked strange.

“Even mortals can become gods,” I said.

She stared at me, her mouth falling slightly open. “I

guess I can’t deny that.”
“You’ll just have to wait. He’s coming to take you, but
it’s going to take a while, okay? However, he will
come, when you need him most. You must always
believe that.”

She stared at me silently, and I realized I was probably

sounding like a crazy person right about now. With a
sigh, I let her go and walked away. As she watched me
leave, I heard her whisper under her breath.

“Farewell, true harem protagonist.”

There was little I could say to help Marriage right now.

That was the Marriage from another time. If I did too
much with her, I might even screw with time. On top
of that, I was extremely concerned about what she
had revealed to me. I barged into the small hut,
causing Lilith who was lounging on the bed to jump up
at attention.
“It’s been six years!” I cried out. “We’ve been here for
six years!”

“And?” Lilith cocked her head like she didn’t

understand the problem.

“I only have twelve years left. I’ve used a third of my


“Do you regret it?” She asked, her eyes turning wet.

I blinked, not expecting such a question. How could I

say I regretted it? My time with Lilith and Artemis had
been wonderful. My only regret is that the other
women I cared about weren’t there. However, even if
I wanted to go fetch them, I couldn’t. As much as I
hated admitting it, I was trapped by time and
“No… not even a minute.” I sighed.

A smile returned to Lilith’s face. “Good.”

She took a step forward and I wrapped my arms

around her. “I’m just… I need to grow stronger. You’re
the only two goddesses I’ve had in six years. At this

The door burst open and Artemis ran in. “The wait is
over! Mother is here!”

The two of us turned toward her. Just as I opened my

mouth to say something, she disappeared. In fact,
everything disappeared. Even Lilith who I was holding
just suddenly disappeared from my arms. The hut was
gone too, and I found myself standing in a dark abyss
that stretched as far as I could see.
“So, you are the Hakaru, huh?” A strangely warm and
alluring voice broke out.

“Ah! Are you… um… I actually didn’t get your name.

Lilith and Artemis just called you Mother.”

“Mother is an apt name for me. Those two goddesses

are my daughters. It seems that you have been
treating them well.”

“I love them! Um… ma’am.”

“Lilith was a goddess I made, born of my womb.

Artemis, on the other hand, was once a part of me,
broken off and reformed.”

“Artemis was once you? You mean, she’s like NTR

“Not quite. The NTR sisters broke apart because of the
turbulence within NTR’s soul. Each sister maintained
an aspect of the original goddess. As for Artemis, she
was only a small piece of me who reformed to become
a goddess of her own. She is me, and not me. Do you

“Maybe… um… Mother. It’s just… I’m the god of

Harem. I need to grow stronger so that I can defeat
Procreation. Your daughters thought you might be
able to help?”

“Yes, I know of your situation, Hakaru. I was the one

who oversaw the NTR Crush game and made sure it
was conducted fairly.”

“You know about that? Wait, it hasn’t happened yet!”

“For a goddess at my level, time is merely an illusion. I
know all about your rise to godhood.”

“I see… then, will you help me?”

“For me to get involved in this would be a violation of

the game rules.”

“What? What do you mean, the game rules?”

“NTR Crush.”

“What are you saying? Are you saying the game is still

“Mm… originally, the game was meant for lower gods.

He shouldn’t have been involved. However, the
second he chose an avatar, he decided to join the
game. Now, you shall defeat him, or… he shall defeat

“But… you admit… it was for lower gods, right?”

“It was… the game was never intended to enter the

heavenly realm, but as the goddess overseeing it, I’ve
allowed you to continue up until now.”

“Except, I’m not being allowed to play fairly! You see,

he’s taken those women by force. He’d destroy me if I
even tried to talk to them, let alone steal them.”

“His power has granted him an advantage in the


“Then… please allow me an advantage too.”

She was quiet for a second. “What is it that you

“I want a chance! A chance at power. Giving me a

goddess’s heart, and I will conquer it. I will love her,
and I will make her mine.”

“Will you impregnate her?” The woman suddenly


“Yes! I will give her my life, and we’ll make a life too!”

There was another brief period of silence.

“Very well, Hakaru. If you want a chance, I will give

you a chance.”
Suddenly, a woman appeared before me. Her hair was
mostly blue, with green highlights. She had massive
breasts and an extremely shapely body. She was the
absolute picturesque version of a MILF. Wide hips, a
voluptuous body, and a bountiful chest, all showing off
a perfect face and body. It was to the point her beauty
stunned me for a moment.

“Ara ara… a god hasn’t looked at me like that in

billions of years.” The girl suddenly flushed.
“Perhaps… you might just be able to pull it off.”

“P-pull of what?”

“Mmm…” She put her soft, red lips together.

“Becoming my new baby’s daddy.”
Chapter 158 :
“What are you asking of me?” I asked calmly.

If I was caught so off guard by a woman propositioning

me, then I never would have succeeded up until this
point. Although Lilith and Artemis trusted this woman
named Mother, I didn’t know her much at all.

“Well, I’m not saying it’s going to be now. Rather, I’d

like to allow you to live with me.”


“Yes… gods and goddesses live all across the heavenly

plane. It’s as vast as your mortal realm. Like with
humans, ranking is very important to gods. The lower
gods explore the lower planes, like your forest of
beginnings. However, the higher gods live in areas
that normal gods typically aren’t allowed. I live in one
such area called the celestial palace.”

“You want me to come live with you in a palace?”

“Yes… but the palace has strict restrictions. Thus, I will

be taking you to a place where you technically have no
right to be.”

“Are you saying it will be dangerous?”

“Oh, my, yes, I should think so.”

“Then, why would I want to go.”

“The answer to that should be obvious. The women in

the celestial palace are all high-level goddesses. They
are all beauties, but more than that, they’re all


“Mm… your power is connected to your existence as a

harem god. By forming connections and adding
women to your harem, your power will grow rapidly.
This is the way that Lilith had worked out that you can
reach the strength to defeat Procreation.

“I must warn you though. The women, me included,

are all the women of another.”

“You’re in a relationship, but all virgins?”

“Well, I’m not.” She let out a laugh, her bosom shaking
as her melodic laugh filled the strange space we were
in. “However, all of my sisters are. They wouldn’t dare
touch our beloved. They are… ahem… eccentric. You
can not let them catch you there. I’m afraid you’ll be a
fox trying to sneak into the hen cage, to eat your fill.
This is where the danger comes from.”

“How could I hope to hide?”

“Our beloved is extremely busy. They are the highest

god in existence that still deals with the matters of
humans. They are always out of the palace, and it
wouldn’t be surprising if they don’t visit. I should add
that I am the second highest goddess associated with

“Yeah… who are you?”

“You might call me the goddess of life.” She

She was the goddess of life? Wait… that was only the
second goddess? What god would be linked to
humanity that was more powerful than life itself?

“L-life… wait… do you have a connection to

Procreation? He’s not one of your children, is he?”

“We… have a history.” Mother blushed. “Ah! It’s not

like we slept together… although he’s tried to seduce
me almost since his creation. He has never succeeded.
I will tell you that I once allowed him in the celestial
palace as well. After 1000 years, he wasn’t able to
score with a single woman. I’m making you the same
promises I made him. There is no guarantee that you
will come out of this with more power.”

“Even you?”
“I’m offering you my assistance because my daughters
asked me to. If you wish for my heart, let alone my
body, it won’t be easy. I’ve only been with one man
my entire life, and while I would like to experience
another, only the right man will be able to have me.”

“I see…”

This conversation was a lot to take in. There seemed

to be a group of women in this place called the
celestial palace run by a mysterious and powerful
master. Mother would sneak me into the castle with
the intent of letting me seduce the women. If I was
caught by the master, I would die. If I displeased the
women, I had to assume I’d die then too. Only if I
managed to win the women and claim their virgin
godliness would I be able to raise my level. At first, it
seemed too good to be true. Now, it seemed like an
“So, are you willing to come?” Mother asked. “I will
need an answer quickly. I’m also a busy woman, and
sneaking you into the palace will require a bit of

“I guess, I just have one last question.”


“What do you get out of it?”

“Heh… I have my own plans. I’ll just say that I believe

the right man will help me achieve my dream. It might
be you. It might be someone else. As I said, I am only
giving you the opportunity. Success is dependent on

“Fine, I’ll do it.” I agreed.

What other choice did I have? If I turned down the
opportunity to mingle with higher plane gods, just
how many low plane gods would I have to seduce? At
that point, wouldn’t Procreation realize I was around?
If he had once been allowed in this so-called palace,
then that means he normally wasn’t allowed there.
Although it had its risks, it might be the safest place
for me to try to gain power. Even if the difficulty was
high, I had to give it my best. I had to do what
Procreation couldn’t.

“Good!” Mother snapped her finger, and the world

started to spin.

Although it was all darkness, I had a feeling of vertigo.

It only lasted a moment, and then I felt my feet hit
solid ground. I blinked, looking around to see a
massive starry sky. It looked like I was in space. As I
turned around, my eyes fell on a massive palace. It
was ornate and beautiful. Something that resembled
the Aurora Borealis fluttered around it. The castle was
black as night, but it also was filled with innumerable
lights. It truly earned the name celestial palace. It
looked like the sky at night. It was also vast, a massive
building that probably included thousands of rooms.

A noise caused me to look to see Mother walking

casually up to a door. We weren’t standing in front of
the palace, but a side area, which included a small side
door. As Mother approached the door, it swung open.
Before I could even open my mouth, Artemis burst out
and threw herself at Mother. Mother smoothly
sidestepped, and Artemis went flying.

“Mother! Ahhh!” Artemis landed and skidded across

the ground, stopping near my feet.

She glanced up at me. “Hi, Hakaru!”

“You’re here too!”

“Hehe… I bet you didn’t think I had connections with

the upper gods!” Artemis stood up proudly, even
though she had a skid of dirt up the front of her
clothing. “In fact, I’m Beloved’s favorite!”

“Beloved… so, you love them too?” I asked.

She let out a cry and then grabbed my arm. “Hakaru…

I love you. I do. You have my heart. However, Beloved
is Beloved.”

“I see… is Lilith here?”

Artemis shook her head. “One of the reasons Lilith

wanted to spend so much time with you was because
she’s not allowed to enter the palace. It will be some
time before you can see her again. She says she’ll be
waiting in the forest of beginnings for your return.
Well, she had some enemies too, and also doesn’t
want Procreation to know she exists.”

“At least, I can rest easy knowing she’s in the safe

place we built together.” My heart ached slightly as I
thought about it.

This had all happened so quickly. I know we had been

waiting for years for Mother to answer, but now that
she appeared, it all felt like it was happening too fast. I
didn’t even get to say goodbye to Lilith.

“I’ve done my part and brought you here.” Mother

nodded. “From here on, you’re on your own. Artemis
can be your guide.”
“Thank you, Mother!” Artemis ran with her arms
outstretched toward Mother again.

Mother put out her hand and caught the other girl’s
forehead, keeping her from hugging mother.

“Mom, just a little hug!” She cried.

The other woman sighed and then flicked her

forehead. Artemis’s eyes rolled up into the back of her
head and then she collapsed to the floor.

“Silly girl…” Mother sighed, but when she noticed me

looking questioningly, she shrugged. “Daughter is as
obsessed with me as she is Master. I’m afraid she’s
fallen for us, but since I’m more obtainable, she
desperately wants to reunite. Of course, if we
reunited, all of humanity would be wiped out.”
She let out a little laugh like it was a joke, but I felt a
cold chill. She was speaking the complete truth. If
Artemis and Mother got together, humanity would
end. That was the power these gods stood at. It was
rather terrifying. However, it also made sense.
Artemis was the god of virginity. How could life
flourish if everyone was a virgin? It seemed like the
relationships between gods and goddesses were far
more complex than I ever imagined.

Mother looked down at her unconscious daughter and

sighed. “Well, it looks like I’ll be the one giving you the
tour after all. Artemis isn’t that reliable anyway. She
goes through phases, you see? Sometimes, she wants
nothing to do with the celestial palace. Right now, I
think she’s interested in it because you’re here.”

“Alright, then.” I picked up Artemis, which caused

Mother to look with a small smile.
Although she avoided close physical contact with
Artemis, I could see a loving look in her eyes. She
really did love her children. Although Mother had
given me many warnings, since the moment I met her,
I felt a calmness in my heart. One of the reasons I was
able to keep my cool, other than the years of training
in the forest, was because I didn’t get worked up
around her. She had a very peaceful and warm nature.
She reminded me of my mother as if I could trust her.
I found myself wanting to lie in her bosom and rest,
however, I resisted the urge.

The pair of us entered the celestial palace. The

hallways were just as ornate as the outside. Countless
pictures filled the hallways. At first, I had thought they
were different pictures of different people, but as I
walked I began to realize that every one was an image
of the same person. They were just wearing many
different outfits. I even saw some famous works like
the Mona Lisa, except the face was replaced with this
woman. It was odd, but something told me I shouldn’t
Boom! A door exploded open, and a beautiful woman
stumbled out. She had fiery red hair, and she was
wielding a sword.

“Who took it!” She shouted. “I’ll kill you!”

Her eyes seemed to jump to me instantly. She

immediately ran at me. She was extremely attractive,
just as beautiful as Life, but she had a dangerous aura
to her beauty, like getting too close to her might be
bad for my health. Two other girls poked their heads
out of her room. They were wearing maid outfits. They
watched shyly as the sword woman stormed up to
me, pointing her sword.

“Was it you? Did you steal it?”

“Steal what?” I asked.

“Never mind, I’ll just kill you and find out afterward!”
She raised her sword and then attacked.

A soft hand grabbed her sword carefully by the tip and

then picked it off of her. The red-head blinked before
spinning around.

“Forth, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Forth?” I blinked.

“Ah… it’s another name of mine. I prefer Mother


“Hmph… that’s your ‘human’ name.” The red-head

“Don’t you like your human name? It’s War… isn’t it?”

“That’s not relevant!”

“What are you looking for, sister, maybe we can


“Hmph… and who is this then?”

“My name is Hakaru,” I responded before I could help


“What is that? Another humanoid god?” War shot Life

a look. “You’re not tempting fate again, are you?
Don’t you remember what beloved did to the last
humanoid god you snuck into the palace?”
“That was thousands of years ago.” Life blushed. “That
won’t happen again!”

“Seventh still can’t get the ash stains off the floor.”
She sighed. “Well, do what you wish. Don’t say I didn’t
warn you.”

She grabbed back her sword, shot me a pitying look,

and then walked back to her bedroom, gesturing the
two maids aside before entering.

“Was that…” I swallowed to get some spit back in my


“One of the virgin maidens? Hehe… it is, good luck.”

“She’s… War?”

“Gods of our level can have many roles. She has a

name you humans recognize too, but I won’t tell you

It was probably Ares, right?

“Why not?” I asked instead.

“I’ve said before. I have a close relationship with

humans. My sisters… they do not. They’ve all but
ignored humans, and remain distant and aloof. Even if
you called them by their names, they wouldn’t
acknowledge them. Fifth has had a little bit of contact
with humans, that’s War here, by the way, but the
others will be even less friendly. Except… maybe
tenth. She’s a little strange.”
“How many live here in the palace?”

“Hundreds. However, most are just servants and

hanger ons.”

“I mean, how many have numbers?”

“Just the ten. It’s a measure of our position. Well, it

doesn’t reflect our strength as gods or anything. As I
said, besides Beloved, I’d be second if that was the
case.” She sighed. “Well, let me show you the girls.
What happens after that is up to you.”

Chapter 159 :
"Now, remember Hakaru, these goddesses have had
almost no contact with the human race. They only
have humanoid bodies because Beloved asks them to
appear human. Otherwise, they would have no bodies
and no names. Other than our servants, we’re solitary
existences, us upper goddesses. You won’t hear it
from my sisters, but they secretly envy you lower
gods. The way you interact with each other so closely,
and how there are so many of you, they’ve always
been watching. I think they want such contact but are
afraid of obtaining it.”

“What about you?” I asked.

“Me?” she blinked and then laughed. “I’ve had plenty

of contact. One could say that I’m an extremely
popular goddess.”

“That doesn’t mean you don’t want things.”

She gave me an amused look. “Are you trying to learn

my secrets, Hakaru?”
I blushed. “I’m just… trying to figure you out.”

“I don’t think there is much to figure out. I’m an

earthy woman. I like being the bottom. I give
everything of myself for others.”

“If you’re giving everything to others, then what about


She smiled gently but didn’t answer. Turning away,

she opened a door into a large room that looked like a
great hall. She walked over to a large bell that was
sitting at the head of the room, lifted a large hammer,
and then slammed it against the bell. A ringing sound
exploded out, causing my insides to shake. She
dropped the hammer and laughed softly while I felt
my body still vibrating.
“Wh-wh-what was that about?” I asked, feeling like
my teeth were loose.

“I’m just calling all of the girls over.”

“You’re letting them know I’m here? I thought you

said I had to be snuck in!”

“True… but if you seduce the girls, you’ll have to make

your presence known to them.” She responded
thoughtfully while tapping her lip. “How else will they
know you’re here?”

“What about this Beloved?”

“Well, I mean, she’s always out. You’ll likely be gone

by the time they return. If Beloved returned before
you left, they’d find out anyway and you’d be


“Ah! Did I say that? Y-you’ll probably be fine!” She

hastily corrected herself, looking incredibly guilty.

I shook my head, deciding I didn’t want to think about

this Beloved coming home. “Didn’t you say many gods
and goddesses lived in the celestial palace?”

“I did… but I also said they’ll mostly ignore the likes of

you and me. You’ve already encountered a few
hundred of them.”

She giggled. “As I said, they won’t show their human
forms. They exist in this space, but they won’t interact
with you and you won’t interact with them. If you
reach a high enough level, you’ll at least be able to
sense their presence. Although this castle is quite
crowded, you’ll likely only encounter my sisters.
Furthermore, only my sisters will come to a bell I ring.
Even Beloved doesn’t have the right to call many of
the people who reside in this palace. The concepts are
so ancient and abstract that even attempting a
conversation with them would be impossible for
someone at your level.”

“I see… it seems like I have a long way to go.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “It’s true, you have some

way to go, but don’t allow yourself to grow a
personality like Procreation, where all you seek is
power. Strength comes and goes. Time always moves
on, and no one can move time.”
“Time, huh?” I responded while thinking to myself.

If no one could move time, then I wondered how I had

been sent back in time. Netori had moved time for
me. I decided not to contradict Mother though. I
noticed Mother still watching me.

“Ah… I know!” I cried out as I realized she was waiting

for an answer. “As a former human, I understand
about getting too close to the sun.”

“You do? Good. As long as you remain within your

limits, I see no problem.” Mother nodded

As she said this, the door burst open. A young woman

with small B-sized breasts and white hair walked in.
She was very beautiful, and while she didn’t have the
voluminous bosom of Mother, she had her own
charms. Her face was perfect as a doll’s, and she had
pert red lips that looked extremely kissable. She
didn’t wear much, and the few fragments of clothing
were just enough to accentuate her small figure even
more, making it look extremely desirable.

She let out a sigh, pulling out a mirror from a place no

one could see and admiring herself in it. “Why have
you called us here, forth? Don’t you know I’m very

“This is Third.” Mother whispered to me. “She can be

a bit volatile and self-absorbed.”

“Who are you calling self-absorbed, you big fat cow?”

Third snapped, closing her hand mirror with a click.
“And then there is that tongue that spits acid…”
Mother put on a smile while her face twitched. “Sister,
you’re not still jealous about our sizes, are you?”

“Hmph… how can I be? If it’s the size that matters

then Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth are all larger.
Well, they may be big, but I have substance!” Third
snorted, then her eyes landed on me. “Who is this?”

Before she could say anything, the door opened and a

girl stepped in. She looked somewhat shy. My eyes
widened when I saw her because she was big. Calling
her fat wasn’t right, but neither was calling her
muscular. She was nearly seven feet tall, with thick
thighs and an equally thick butt. Her hair was strange,
a mixture of white, orange, brown, and red streaks
giving her an appearance like the strata of the earth. If
anything, she was much curvier than Mother, but she
was much more everything than Mother.
The smaller Third next to the larger woman only
caused her appearance to be more exaggerated.
Unlike Third, who wore very little, this woman covered
her body in loose-fitting robes, and her head was
lowered. It seemed like she was very uncomfortable
with her body. The Third girl shot the larger one a
dismissive look.

“H-hello, M-mother…” She responded nervously.

“Sister!” Mother threw out her arms and hugged the

bigger woman.

“S-sister… why did you call us?” She asked shyly,

clearly unused to being touched.

“Isn’t it obvious?” A new girl appeared at the door

without a sound. “She invited another mortal god into
the celestial palace.”
She had an angry expression on her face. She was
pretty, with long red hair, but at this point, comparing
any of these girls was like comparing beautiful
sunsets. Each was different, but they were all

“Another?” Third cried out.

“Yes, Fourth has surely done it this time.” Another girl

walked in.

I recognized her as well. This was Fifth who I had met

a bit ago. Although she already had known why the
bell was rung, she had an expression like she had
come just to see the fighting. She had a grin on her
face like she was enjoying the disaster.

“I guess this makes everyone.” Mother announced.

I looked around in confusion.

“If you were expecting Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth to

leave their rooms, they’re far too distant to care about
Fourth’s issues. Even Beloved isn’t that close.”

“Th-that’s not true…” Sixth cried out and then


The war goddess grinned, causing Sixth to shrink into

herself even more, which was saying something given
her size.

“You dare bring another humanoid god into our

sanctum?” The redhead snapped.
“Second…” Mother lifted her hands defensively, “I

“Don’t think we don’t know what you want.” She

snapped. “You think if we hang around with humans,
we might start to like them as much as you do! Isn’t
that right?”

I was shocked to see Mother getting cursed out. She

had exuded quite a pleasant atmosphere. She almost
felt like my own mother. It made me uncomfortable to
see her being berated by that small B-cupped
redhead. She was Second? Mother said that power
had nothing to do with ranking, but it was clear to me
that Second was in charge. They seemed to grow
timider and timider the larger the numbers. Just who
was Beloved that she made them all so hot-

“I’m sorry I imposed… my name is…”

“Names? Such a human!” The woman interrupted me
before I could speak. “I don’t care about your name or
anything else about you. Do what is best for you and
leave this place! I-i-if you don’t, then I’ll tell Beloved!”

“You wouldn’t?” Mother gasped in surprise.

Her shock did catch the angry girl off guard, and for a
moment, there was a guilty expression on her face.
However, then she grew serious again. Crossing her
arms, she snorted.

“Leave, boy. You don’t belong here. You should know

your place.” She declared, her eyes flashing like
volcanos. “Come, girls. We’re done with this.”

Second spun around and started to walk toward the

door. When no one followed her, she spun back
shooting them all a look that said they were coming
with her or she’d make them.

“Ah! Y-yes…” Sixth cried out, lowering her head and

leaving the room.

Second’s eyes fell on Fourth.

“Heh, whatever… I got better things to do.” Fifth left

as well, but she took her sweet time.

“Look at the bright side.” Third smiled at me sweetly,

causing me to feel like smiling back. “You’re still ugly.
Bye idiot!”

She waved and then skipped out of the room.

Naturally, my flickering smile fell to a frown. She knew
how to kick someone when they were down. With all
of the girls gone, Second shot Mother one more look,
and without saying a word, spun around and left. The
door slammed shut, leaving the pair of us alone in the
room like before she hit the bell.

“Well, that went well.” Mother declared.

By her tone of voice, she wasn’t being sarcastic. I

gawked at her as she smiled contently.

“How did that go well?”

“Well, you don’t know how bad my sisters can be.”

Mother sniffed. “You were able to meet half of the
girls, and you weren’t instantly kicked out or killed.”

“That… I mean…” I actually didn’t know what to say to

I was a bit frustrated, but she had warned me it
wouldn’t be easy. I had been around temperamental
or disinterested women before. It was just, in the
past, those women couldn’t vaporize me with a
thought. Furthermore, I was in my element, where
here I was somewhere I had never been before. The
door opened a crack and a head popped in. The pair of
us turned to see Artemis there.

“Are they gone yet?” She asked.

“Artemis!” Mother crossed her arms. “Did you

seriously wait until after they left before you showed

“I-I’m not a number… they won’t even treat me

properly. They treat me like the help!”
“Well, other girls in the celestial palace in your
position are just maids.” Mother said thoughtfully.

“M-mother!” She cried out tearfully.

“You know that I don’t make you serve me.” Mother

sniffed. “However, what about your man Hakaru? You
left him alone and haven’t even offered him any help
at all!”

“Th-that’s not true!” Artemis shot back and then

brightened. “Ah! That’s right! Hakaru! I found you a

“Oh?” Mother raised an eyebrow.

“Yes! I ran into Tenth on the way here.” Artemis

declared. “We have a lot in common, so she’s the only
number that talks to me. I told her what I was looking
for and she volunteered!”

“Tenth? That weird girl?” Mother frowned before

turning to me. “She’s a little… out there.”

“Hmph! Don’t be jealous just because I’ve already

helped Hakaru! That’s why I’m his woman!”

“Helped… but volunteer, you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, she’ll have sex with you! I told her how fun it
was and she says she wants to try it!”

“Why am I not surprised.” Mother sighed.

“Really? She will?” I blinked in surprise.

“Mm… well, she says you can have sex. Whether she
joins your harem, that depends on you, I guess.”
Artemis admitted.

“Then, great!”

“Good, you ready to meet her?” Artemis excitedly

opened the door again and waved.

“Now?” I cried out.

“Come on, Tenth.”

I waited as a pretty girl stepped into the room. She

was extremely cute. She seemed to be wearing a long
nightie dress like she had just been sleeping. Her hair
was grey and tied up in pigtails, and she was holding a
teddy bear in her arms. My eyes looked down at her,
and my excited expression dropped. I knew why they
called her Tenth. It was because she was no older than
ten! She appeared, unequivocally, absolutely, like a
little girl!

“Are you ready to rock my world?” The girl asked in a

flat voice, cocking her head.

Chapter 160 :


“Not happening.”
“Hakaru, you aren’t in a position to be picky.” Mother

“Yeah, no.”

“Hakaru…” Artemis made an awkward face. “I know

she looks young, but believe me, she is extremely old
compared to you.”

“I’m not interested.”

There were very few limits I had in this world,

obviously, but they stopped at underaged girls. It
didn’t matter what her true age was. She had the
physical appearance of a small little girl. I wasn’t
attracted to small, little girls. I wouldn’t sleep with a
woman I wasn’t attracted to. It was as simple as that.
It had nothing to do with right or wrong, but little girls
had no sex appeal to me.
“You… a humanoid god… are rejecting me?” The little
girl’s eyes flashed with coldness. “I’m older than your
concept’s concept! How dare you! Who wants to be
with an icky human anyway?”

“Who wants to be with a dwarf?” I shot back. “If you

want me to be interested, grow some tits, and then
we can talk!”

I snorted, looking at the other girls. Mother had a tight

smile, and Artemis was feeling her breasts, clearly
unhappy about their size.

“Your breasts are fine, Artemis!” I shot out

defensively. “You’re a full woman! This girl doesn’t
even belong here.”
“D-d-don’t belong?” Her eyes widened. “I’ll show you
don’t belong!”

“Tenth, please relax…”

“He-he-he’s bullying me!” She suddenly wailed, having

a tantrum exactly like a little girl.

“It’s okay…” Mother went to comfort Tenth, but when

her eyes fell on the other woman’s giant bosom
coming toward her, they narrowed.

“Stay away from me!” She shouted, backing away

from everyone before her eyes fell on me. “You… this
isn’t over! I’m going to send big sister to punish you!”

She spun around and ran out the door, slamming it on

the way, just like a child. I let out a breath of relief. I
felt like I had dodged a real landmine with that one.
She was clearly unstable. I noticed Mother and
Artemis staring at me.

“Wh-what? I have standards, okay?”

“I spend a lot of time with humans, but they surprise

me time and time again.” Mother responded casually.
“I brought you here to meet my sisters, but I have to
say that I find you more interesting the more time I’ve
interacted with you.”

“Mother, does that mean you’ll sleep with him?”

Artemis asked, looking excited, not upset.

Mother let out a laugh. “Ara ara, maybe someday. For

the moment, I must go. Now that you are here,
Artemis. Show him to his room. He’ll naturally have
your room.”
“My room? Ah… it’s not like I mind. We can sleep
together.” Artemis’s eyes brightened and she looked
at me.

“No, you must leave the palace once you’re done. I’ll
need you.”

“You’re both leaving?” I asked with just a hint of


“Y-you want me?” Artemis looked excited for a

moment, but then she looked over at me, reluctance
in her eyes.

“There was a time when you would excitedly join me

whenever I snapped my fingers.” Mother mused.
“S-sorry…” Artemis dropped her head, biting her lip.

“Don’t feel ashamed at all. It actually interests me. My

little daughter has found something else that excites
her. It’s good for you to find things that make you

“Yes, Mother.” Her expression brightened.

For a woman known for her hunting, Artemis

definitely was a follower. She idolized Lilith, seemed
to follow Mother around like a loyal dog, and also
seemed to have some kind of relationship with this
dreadful Beloved. I could only shake my head. At the
end of it, she still felt hesitation and glanced over at

“It’s probably fine. I’ll figure things out.”

On the one hand, seducing women in front of other
women was never my cup of tea. Thankfully, Netori
usually didn’t get involved while I was putting on the
moves. With Artemis, it’d be just as odd. On the other
hand, I had no clue what I was going to do next.
Although I said I would be fine, I was in a mysterious
castle, with some kind of beloved master who could
appear at any moment, and it seemed like most of the
women here were openly hostile to me.

I suddenly felt just a tinge of regret turning Tenth

down. She could have been my ally, but I foolishly
shunned her. No, my principles were who I was. I
wouldn’t bend on something like that. I gave a woman
my heart when I accepted her into my bed. I wouldn’t
be like Procreation, who emotionlessly banged anyone
just to get his way. If I wasn’t into a girl, then it just
wouldn’t happen.

With that, Mother left the room, and Artemis escorted

me through the palace. She very briefly told me where
a couple key places were. The celestial palace had just
about anything. There appeared to be all kinds of
godly devices. You could find answers to life’s
questions in their extensive library, you could
rejuvenate your body and go for a dip in the milky
waters of their hot spring, or you could even get a
map of the immortal realm and contact other gods
and goddesses. I was interested in all of that, but I was
particularly interested in that last one. Once I left this
palace, I’d need to know where Procreation was held
up if I wanted any hope of freeing my women.

At first, I had only come to this place with the idea

that I was going to increase my level as a god. I
realized I shouldn’t waste all my time on just that. This
was also a good opportunity to learn more about
being a god too. I was starting to understand why I
needed those extra decades that Netori had given me.
I had to get familiar with my power, contemplate my
existence, and also learn a lot about the god realm.
This was the perfect place to accomplish all of that.
Even if I didn’t seduce a single girl, I would probably
gain a lot just being in this palace. I had to remind
myself that Procreation had been in this palace once
too. He had walked these halls and had ultimately left
empty-handed. I definitely had to obtain something.

We finally ended up on a long stretch of hallway. At

the very end was a large double-doored room. At the
top of it was an emblem of a massive star. Then, there
were various hallways leading out to other rooms
which were smaller and less impressive than the main
one. They were placed in the same order as the ranks
of the women. Mars lived here, which meant the
room she had been in before was not her bedroom
but related to something else.

“That is Beloved’s room at the end of the hallway.”

She pointed to the most impressive double-doored
room. “Each wing is one of the goddesses. The room
at the end of each wing is one of the goddess’s
bedroom. The other rooms are reserved for their
guests and servants. Our room is here.”

I wondered why I couldn’t just take another room on

Mother’s hallway, but I quickly realized it was because
she only had one. The rest of the hallways was vacant
of any room. There was only Mother’s room at the
end and then this single room about halfway down
the hallways on the right. If anyone thought that
made the hallways seemed bland or boring, it was far
from the case.

On the way down, I had snuck a look down some of

the other hallways. They had several rooms, and also
a few decorations, paintings, or statues I couldn’t
make out while I was just walking past. Comparatively,
Mother’s hallway was extremely festive. The walls
were filled with images from top to bottom. As for
what those images contained. It was life. There were
pictures of people, animals, plants, landscapes, and
more. It wasn’t until I looked up that I realized the
ceiling was similarly decorated.

“She really is the goddess of life,” I mumbled.

If I looked down the other hallways, would I be able to

glean some understanding of what the other
goddesses were as well? Before I could successfully
seduce them, I needed to know more about each of

“Mm, Mother is!” Artemis giggled.

“And you’re her servant?”

“Guest! I’m her guest!” Artemis pouted her lips. “This

isn’t really my place. I stayed with you in the forest of
beginnings, remember? I move around a lot. I’m
always on the hunt. This just happens to be a place I
stay at when the mood strikes me, so don’t be afraid
to make the place your own.”

“I see… so you’re not a servant, you just do whatever

she wants when she wants it?”

“Exact-err…. Hakaru! Don’t make fun of me!” She

slapped my shoulder while I chuckled and pulled her
to me. “I’ll really miss you.”

She shivered, melting into my arms. “The last few

years with you really have been like a dream.
Remember, Hakaru. Even if you can’t see me, I’m
always there for you.”

“I love you, Artemis.”

“I love you too. Please, try to get along with Mother’s
sisters. I know they can all be a pain, but deep down, I
think they all long for a human connection that
they’ve been denied. I’ll try to talk you up to Mother,
and encourage her to return quickly so we can check
on your progress. Even if you don’t succeed,
remember, you’ll always have Lilith and me. We’re
your women, no matter what!”

“I understand.” I kissed her gently.

The moment passed too quickly, and soon I was alone.

I wasn’t just alone in a room, but an entire palace. No,
I was alone in the entire god realm! I wasn’t familiar
with anything. I had never even taken a step outside
of the forest of beginnings, and now I was in an
unfamiliar place surrounded by gods and goddesses
that could snuff me out with a thought. From now on,
success or failure depended on me.
The bedroom was massive, and so was the bed. The
clear thing about this palace was that everything was
large. The hallways were large enough that a bus
could drive through them, and this room that should
have belonged to a servant was large enough for a
master bedroom. The bed was larger than a king’s. It
was certainly perfect for a harem protagonist like me.
I’d want to have one like this that I could lay out my
entire harem on.

Well, that was years from now. For the moment, I

needed the strength to back up everything that I
promised my girls. I promised them I’d be able to
protect them. I promised them that they’d be safe to
keep their hearts with me. Now, I needed to prove

Just as I was thinking about such things, the door

opened and a woman burst in. She was a black
woman, rather tall. I wasn’t the tallest as a Japanese
man, but she was a bit taller. She had wide hips and a
big, shapely behind. It was the kind of ass that there
were songs about. Her hair was a light baby blue, and
she wore a belt around her hip covered in rhinestones
that only accentuated her butt even more.

She had open rage on her face, and she looked around
the room before her eyes landed on me. When she
saw me, her brows narrowed angrily.

“C-can I help you?” I asked, fearing that my

confrontation with the girls earlier might have caused

Did that hot-tempered Second send a bodyguard to

kick me out of the palace? She seemed pretty strong,
so that was really a possibility. She pointed a finger at
“Are you the one who was bullying Tenth?” She

Oh, so it was that damn little loli that caused this! She
did say she was going to sick big sister on me. Since I
had already met most of the girls, Tenth’s threat
didn’t register, but this must be her big sister. In truth,
she wasn’t a giant like Sixth, but yeah, she was big
enough to kick my ass, and she didn’t have the other
girl’s shy demeanor!

“Who are you?” That’s all I got out before she had

“I’m Eighth, and you’re dead!”

Well, I had a good run. It looks like I had reached my

end. No, wait, I want to live! Just how the heck was I
going to placate the angry goddess?
Chapter 161 :
An angry goddess was glaring at me. So much for my
theory that the higher their number, the more docile
they were. This woman was anything but docile.
Although, if anything, her anger felt cold and
domineering, rather than explosive and fiery like

“I didn’t do anything to her!” I tried to defend myself.

“You want to deny it!” Eighth growled. “Tenth told me


“Everything? She told you I wouldn’t have sex with

“Exactly!” Eighth declared. “She said you had sex with
some servant girl, but not with her. Is Tenth not good
enough for you?”

I was surprised by her response. I was expecting Tenth

to have manipulated the story to make things sound
like I had done something bad to her, but it turned out
she had told her friend exactly what happened.

“Artemis is not some servant girl!” I shot back.


She looked confused for a second. The numbered

goddesses didn’t use names. She didn’t know who
Artemis was.
“It’s fourth’s… um… ser… ah…associate?” I almost
called her a servant too, but she would have been
angry if she heard me say that.

“Ah! That girl… she’s as odd as fourth. I swear that girl

thinks she’s comparable to Beloved sometimes.”
Eighth snorted. “Either way, I demand you give Tenth
what she wants!”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This woman

was trying to bully me. That’s when I remembered
that for all of her encouragement, that Fourth had
said that all of these girls had been deprived of human
contact, and were all virgins. That meant that while
Eighth was telling me to be with Tenth, she was
referring to something she had never done before. I
hid a grin on my face as I put on the most sympathetic
and serious expression I could.
“Eighth, the thing about sex is that it is very, um…
painful for a person’s first time. The reason I told
Tenth no is that she is such a small girl. If we had sex,
it would cause her too much discomfort, and she
probably wouldn’t enjoy it.”

“P-painful?” Eighth blinked. “How can that be true?

From what I understand, humans have sex all the
time! Tenth made it sound extremely fun!”

“Perhaps, Artemis was pulling a prank on her? I’m not

lying. Sex can be quite painful. I was only looking out
for Tenth.”

“E-even so… if it’s what she wants, you should give it

to her!” She fought back.

“Hmmm…” I scratched my chin and started to look at

her appraisingly. “Have you ever had sex?”
“I-I could have sex if I wanted to!” She said
defensively, covering her chest from my eyes.

“That’s not what I asked. It seems like if you know sex

to be so fun, then you would do it yourself.” I

“I will do it myself, just you wait!” She responded,

crossing her arms as if that settled things.

I raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m waiting.”

“What?” Her arms fell and her eyes widened. “H-


“I thought you were a good friend of Tenth?”

She blushed. “I mean, we’re sisters and we’re close…”

“You don’t want to protect her?”

“O-of course!”

“Then, don’t you owe it to her to experience

potentially uncomfortable things before she can
experience them? You’d be doing her a favor!”

“B-but you said it might hurt?” She asked, suddenly

looking worried.

“For someone small, yes. For a full woman like

yourself, how can that be the case?”
“W-woman… you’re calling me a woman.” She

“A beautiful and sexy woman.” I corrected.

She blushed again. “That’s… not true.”

“It is. I have a good eye for this kind of thing. I’m the
god who tamed Lilith, after all.”

“L-Lilith… who is Lilith?” She blinked.

Ah, I guess that name drop wouldn’t help me. Mother

had said that these women were detached from the
human world. I supposed the goddess of women was
too much for her. Mother had mentioned that a lot of
the reason these women had female shapes is that
Mother had a female shape. In short, they had created
female forms just to get along with Mother.

Although I commonly used the terms gods, and

goddesses, the truth was that there was no such thing
as a sex among gods, especially as you reached higher
tiers. Most concepts weren’t born mortal like me or
Lilith, and they didn’t have an assigned sex. Whether
they were a god or goddess was determined more
arbitrarily. War had changed from a male to a female,
but that was only changing her avatar. She had always
identified herself as a goddess and had only chosen a
man as a strategy to keep her true nature from being

Gods and goddesses didn’t need to be of the opposite

sex. Two gods could have a relationship just as easily
as two goddesses. Although, unless there was some
reason that forced them to remain the same sex,
usually, one of them would become a god and one a
goddess upon union. Then again, a deity who presents
as a god in one relationship might present as a
goddess in another.

It was all very complicated, but an important part of it

came from the eye of the beholder. These goddesses
were women because I perceived them as women.
Once I have an opinion of them in my mind, it is
unlikely to change. In other words, now that I’ve seen
this woman before me as a woman, I would always
see her as a woman because I already have a mental
image of her as such. She’d never suddenly grow a
penis and look like a man to me unless I somehow
convinced myself she was a man.

So, if I saw a god I knew to be male, let’s say someone

like the god of men, Adam, then I would see them as
male. However, if another god introduced me to a
group of goddesses, and Adam happened to be in that
group and I didn’t know he was the god of man, I
would see him as a woman. If, after learning her
identity, I was unable to see her as a man again, then
she would always look like a woman to me. This isn’t
the only factor involved. As I said, the person’s own
identity as a god or goddess matters. If the world sees
their concept personified as a woman, they’ll be more
likely to be a woman.

In short, this meant that Procreation, who had taken

on the body of my father, would never, ever look like
a woman to me. I was very glad about that. The last
thing I needed was for him to suddenly turn into a
woman and try to seduce me or something. I may be a
god, but I still had the memories of a human, and that
was more than I could handle.

In general though, all of these numbers identified as

women, even without me seeing them as women I
could seduce. This was mostly because of Mother. She
expressed herself as a woman and called the others
her sisters. She even birthed the goddess of women,
so her womanhood infected all of them. Meanwhile,
most of the other concept gods here didn’t identify
with any gender or a species for that matter.

While the person before me was only a woman

because I accepted her as a woman and Mother
treated her as a woman, that didn’t make her any less
than a woman. She was still vulnerable to
compliments and affection. In fact, she might be more
vulnerable because she received so little affection

“Never mind about Lilith.” I shook my head as a smile

returned to my lips. “Let’s discuss you. So, how about
it? Do you want to be a good friend and test out this
so-called sex before she experiences it?”

“That…” She pushed her fingers together. “F-fine…

then… I will experience sex. You will proceed to sex
“Yes, ma’am!” I saluted.

“Good, that is settled.” She declared. “Now, begin!”

“Ah! Now!” I was caught off guard at her sudden

declaration. “Shouldn’t we get in the mood first?
Maybe kissing and a little cuddling.”

“No. I have no interest in your pesky human

traditions!” She waved it away. “I’ll just take the sex.”

I looked on helplessly for a moment at how clueless

this girl was. Even the purest virgin had at least some
level of common sense when it came to sexual
relations. This girl seemed completely alien. It was like
she came from another planet. It wasn’t like she didn’t
know what sex was, but it was like it had no meaning
toward her. It might as well have been a handshake or
jumping jacks. I snapped out it. I knew what I was
getting into when I entered this palace.

“Very well, then, I need you to remove your clothing.”

I hadn’t had any hope of getting anywhere when

Eighth angrily stormed into my room. I was surprised
we had made it this far. Now, I wasn’t completely sure
how I wanted to proceed. Naturally, my job was to
win this girl’s heart. If I sexually dominated her and
turned her into my mewing little pussy, that would be
for the best. On the other hand, I had told her that sex
was painful. If she enjoyed it, then wasn’t I just giving
her ammunition to demand that I sleep with Tenth?

“My clothing?” She asked, frowning. “Hmph, very

She didn’t even move, but her robe melted away,
revealing her naked body. She had amber-brown skin,
a large round buttock, pert breasts with large dark
brown nipples with areola the size of bottle caps. She
had thick, natural pubic hair above a pink slit. It wasn’t
excessive or hairy. Such a thing didn’t exist on a
goddess. Rather, she looked perfect in every way. I
had only been with one other black woman before,
and even though her appearance was arbitrary in the
immortal world, my mortal side grew excited by her
exotic appearance. She stood there as if daring me to
comment on her body further. Things like being shy of
your nude body were concepts of humanity, and a
higher god would even be aware such a thing was
worth pointing out. At least, that’s what I thought…

“Damn, you’re hot.” I looked at her body appraisingly.

She blushed again, one hand covering her chest and

the other covering her lower part. It looked like she
could still feel shyness when being looked at so
blatantly. This modesty made her even more alluring
to me, and I could feel an erection pressing against my

“Now what…” She asked, her confident expression

slowly losing to a growing shyness.

She was like a girl who boldly claimed she wasn’t

afraid to go bungee jumping up until she was standing
on the edge. Now, with a cliff before her, she started
to wonder if it wasn’t too bright an idea. However, her
pride prevented her from backing out, so she was
frozen at the precipice. Well, it was that kind of

“Turn around and bend over,” I ordered.

My mind was still racing as I tried to figure out what to

do. Once she realized it wasn’t painful at all, she’d call
me out on it. I should point out the goddesses didn’t
typically have hymens, with some noticeable
exceptions like the goddess of virginity.

I watched as the one bent over. She put her hands on

the bed but otherwise remained standing. I could see
her wide, round booty in all of its glory. It was so
tempting I just had to take my dick and shove it in. I
was pulling out my dick and stroking it before I could
even think about what I was doing.

“Now, spread your cheeks,” I said.

“Humans are strange.” She said I thought sex involved

us facing each other. “Well, I don’t mind this. It’s less

With her hands pulling back those two brown bubbles,

I could see her tight slit again. As I got right behind her
with my dick in my hand and surveyed her beautiful
backside, my eyes fell on a tight little brown hole. An
idea struck me, and I decided to just go for it. If I
wanted to get my way, I had to be bold. I decided I
was going to raw fuck this goddess in the ass!

Chapter 162 :
I’m not sure why the idea suddenly struck me.
Something about her anus told me that this was the
right decision. You could call it my godly intuition as
the harem god. Rather than stick it into her pussy, I
shoved it in her asshole. It’s not like I’ve never done a
girl in the ass before. Some women really liked it after
they got used to it for a while. However, this woman
had never even had sex, let alone anal. On top of that,
she wasn’t lubed up, nor was her asshole stretched.

Then again, it was my goal to make it painful. Her

pride as a goddess would prevent her from admitting
defeat. It would feel painful, but eventually, it would
feel good. I’d make her cum a few times, and slowly
dominate her sexually. However, she’d remember the
pain of her first time, and remembering that Tenth is
much smaller than her, she’d acknowledge that she
wouldn’t want another woman to have to suffer what
she did. Well, that was my plan at least, so I slammed
my dick deep into her black, tight hole.

“So, tight!” I cried, really having to grab her round

booty and force it.

“Nnn! Nnn! Wait! Wait! Wait!” She cried out.

I didn’t wait. I kept shoving it in.

“Ah… you’re pretty tight and warm. It’s like your ass
was made for my dick.”
“M-my ass… it’s in… my ass…” She panted in disbelief.
“But… my pussy…”

“How can I stick it in there? Do you want to get

pregnant? Anal sex is much safer.” I disregarded her
as I brought my cock the rest of the way, fitting it
entirely in her.

My balls were being groped by the cheeks of her

hungry ass that gobbled up my Japanese cock. She
was biting a pillow, her ears red and tears running
down her cheeks.

“That’s so nice and warm…” I complimented her.

“Even if you say that…” She cried out, finally releasing

the pillow but was unwilling to tell me to stop.
“I warned you this would hurt. Should I stop?” I asked
the dangerous question, already expecting the

“St-stop? That’s isn’t it?” She asked.

“What are you saying? We keep going until you cum

like this.”


“Ah, that’s when you feel really intense good feelings,

and then your pussy leaks out your juices,” I

“B-but… I already came.” She looked back, confused.

“You… what?”

I looked down between her legs, only to see that her

pussy dripping wet, liquid having spurt down her legs.
Did this girl already cum just with me sticking it in her
butt? Are you kidding me? How much of a masochist
was this woman? I suddenly worried that if she found
it pleasurable, not painful, then I might end up being
forced to fuck a loli later. No! I had to be rough with
her black ass if I wanted to keep to my standards!

“I have to cum too! Besides, sex involves a lot more

than that. It doesn’t last seconds.”

“I-I see! Then… please continue… I want to see what

happens next!”
Although she was sniffling and had tears running
down her eyes like she was in pain, the expression on
her face was one of satisfaction, not regret or pain.

“Fine… it’s time to kick it up a notch!”

I began to pull my dick out of her ass and into it again.

Her ass really did feel amazing. I expected that doing it
raw would be uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because
we were a god and a goddess, and these bodies of
ours weren’t mortal, but my dick penetrated her ass
smoothly, and all the pleasurable sensations filled my
body. I could get used to this ass. Plus, her butt was
really big and comfortable, and it had just a bit of
jiggle when I slammed my dick into her ass.

She let out moan after moan. It was difficult to tell if

she was in pain or pleasure, but since I was trying to
give her pain, I sped up more and more. In only a
minute, I was now pounding her ass hard. Waves
appeared on her ass with each thrust as I pounded her
so hard. I wanted her to call mercy. I wanted to see
her face. I had my sadistic streaks from time to time,
and since her moaning was indeterminate, I thought I
could see more from her face. However, in this
position, I couldn’t see anything.

Thus, I could only take her hard and rough, making

sure that there was no way she could receive pure
delight from it. I reached out grabbed her hair, and
then yanked back on it. She let out a loud moan as I
pulled back her hair while fucking her in the ass.

“Ah, I’m cumming!” I cried out.

I had been trying to be as rough as I could, giving her

asshole no respite as I banged it. However, her ass felt
amazing at the same time, and I reached my limit
before I could hold back. I reached out and slapped
her ass a few more times as my cock began to pump it
full of cum.

“I-I feel it!” She cried out. “Hot stuff inside my ass!”

“Ahhhh!” I cried out, slapping her ass two more times

as my cock continued to swell and spurt into her.

I felt really exhausted. It was rare that I put so much

personal effort into fucking. I usually didn’t do it that
fast and vigorous. I was sweaty, and as soon as I
finished, I found myself collapsing on her back, my
dick still in her ass. I had let go of her hair and just
remained pressed against her, my sweaty body
pressed against her cool skin. I lay on top of her for a
while. Her face was against the bed, and after I had
finished, she didn’t say anything.
She had become eerily quiet. Before, she had been
moaning at least, but now she just lay down like she
had suddenly gone dormant. Was she angry? I had
gone a bit too far, even finishing inside her without
permission. A lot of girls didn’t mind where you came
so much as they minded how you came. A girl was
happy to take it on her tits or in her ass, as long as it
was on her terms. When you just came without
permission, her satisfaction started to decrease. I had
nutted in her butt with barely a warning, let alone
asking where she wanted it.

Slowly, I rolled off of her behind and onto the bed

next to her. Her hair had fallen in a way that covered
her face, so I couldn’t see her expression at all. I was
just thinking of slipping off the bed and escaping the
room when she finally lifted her head, turning it to
me. Her face was covered in tears and snot. Even
though her face looked messed up, she was still
“Why didn’t you tell me it’d be like that?” She asked.

I felt a chill. “Ah… I did… sort of. I mean, didn’t I say

it’d hurt?”

“Hurt… it did…” She clenched her teeth and shook

before looking up at me with a lewd expression. “It
hurt so wonderfully!”


“Sex was amazing! It’s the best feeling ever! Why did
no one tell me sex felt so exhilarating? I haven’t felt
this much excitement in billions of years. The way you
tore into my ass… I orgasmed over and over. I thought
I could only do it once, but you made me do it over
and over again.”

“I want to do it again.” She grabbed my hands.

“Again! Ah… well, I guess so. Let me clean up and then

I’ll stick it in your pussy.”

“Pussy? No! I want it in my ass!”


“Ass! Put your dick in my ass! I like it in my ass!” She

said ass three times.

“If you like it in the ass, you might like it more…”

She shook her head stubbornly. “That won’t feel the
same. That will feel all wrong! I’m a girl who knows
what I like, and I like it in the ass!”

“Okay… then, I need to get a little turned on first…”

“Shall I bend over?” She asked again while seeming to

ignore me. “I want it deeper this time!”

“A-actually, your butt is a bit round, I might have more

luck from the front…” I suggested helplessly.

“I-I see! In that case…” She spread her legs wide open
while lifting her ass.

A girl her size I would have expected to be a bit

clumsy. However, I was using the logic of a mortal. She
was a goddess, so why couldn’t she be extremely
nimble? She was able to spread her legs wide until she
nearly did the split, lifting them until I could see her
brown slit and her dark asshole underneath. She was
leaking white cum from her butt, and her legs were
wet down to her knees, having cum dozens of times to
having her ass fucked.

The erotic sight she put herself in was all I needed for
my cock to grow erect again. She looked at my cock
hungrily, but it was her ass she wanted me to shove it
in. I had never met a girl who demanded I take her in
the ass. Maybe, I could work hard and get her to
accept some of the other play beyond her ass. I
grabbed my dick, got between her legs, and then
shoved my cock in her ass.

“Yes… that’s the stuff…” She purred happily.

I started to thrust into her ass, while she held her

ankles and remained in a W position. Between the
MILFs and young girls I had fucked, I had never
enjoyed a woman quite as flexible as Eighth. I pushed
my dick into her ass until the balls strained against her
tight hole. There was nothing ‘dirty’ about a
goddesses butthole either. It’s not like she had to use
a restroom. When I said I had to clean up first, that
had been to give myself a break. Now, I didn’t need a
break at all.

As I banged her ass, I used my new position to start

playing with her tits. At first, I licked and sucked them
softly, but she didn’t seem that impressed. It wasn’t
until I started being rough that ecstasy filled her face. I
twisted her nipples and pulled on them, using them
much like I used her hair when I went from behind.
She let out moans and cries of pure pleasure as I
pulled them hard enough that they started to turn

Every time she orgasmed, the liquid would squirt out

of her pussy. Of course, a goddess didn’t pee, so it was
pure lust juice if such a thing existed. Her squirting
pussy would be hitting me in the groin until I was as
wet as her, liquid soaking our regions. My dick wetly
thrust into her ass. I had considered switching to
pussy, but I got another intuition that it would be
ruining the mood between us. Thus, I kept myself
thoroughly in the ass.

Over time, I got her to do some kissing as well. She

was a very aggressive kisser, and I thought she’d
swallow my mouth once she got the hang of it.

“I like this too.” She moaned. “Kissing makes my ass

feel even better.”

I never thought that kissing had any association with

the way your ass felt, but I guess even a harem god
like me could learn something new. We fucked long
and hard into the night. I slowly incorporated some
clitoris rubbing into it, and she orgasmed even harder
than before, but I never stuck it into her pussy. By
making her first experience anal, I seemed to have
ruined her for good. She had become my anal queen,
not that I minded.

A night went by, and we were still fucking. I had cum

buckets in her ass, and she had lost enough liquid to
drench the bed. We were both covered in sweat, and
all distance between us had disappeared. It was at this
point, with my cock still deep in her ass pumping
away, that a familiar bell rang out. This was the bell
that Mother had rung to gather all of the girls.

“Is Mother back already?” I asked, finally collapsing

next to Eighth and wrapping my arm around her.

“No, silly. That’s my sister’s Beloved. They’re home.”

Chapter 163 :
“B-Beloved!” I sat up in bed, a feeling of panic inside
me. “Fourth said she was unlikely to come back this

“That’s true. It’s hard to understand her comings and

goings, but it turned out that she came back early.”

“What do we do? What do I do?”

“Hehe… are you worried?” Eighth seemed completely

at ease, completely relaxed after hours of anal sex.

“You don’t need to worry too much about her.”

“It’s a big castle. It’s unlikely that you’ll run into her.
As long as you stick to places she doesn’t go, then
you’ll be fine. For example, she had no reason to go
down fourth’s hallway, because she will know that
fourth is gone.”

“What about the other girls? What if they tell her?”

“Are you talking about Second and Third? I can’t say

we’re close, but they won’t cause fourth those kinds
of problems normally. Now, come back to bed. My ass
needs your hard dick again.” She turned, showing me
her ass, which was still wet with juices from the
previous times she came.

“Aren’t you going to go visit her?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I do follow her, but only from afar. I’d

much rather play with you.”
“W-wait… you say that she has no reason to come to
this wing… but maybe she would if you don’t come?”

She pursed her lips for a second and then sighed.

“Fine, I’ll go see what Beloved wants. You wait here…
and keep that hard for me.”

She reached out and stroked my cock lovingly before

standing up. She only took two steps before a
beautiful black robe formed around her and covered
her voluptuous naked body. She walked out casually,
showing no signs of a woman who had just been
pounded in the ass all night. Even I was feeling slightly
exhausted. That woman was insatiable. I had thought
of myself as a sex god in the bedroom, but she ran me

I had a feeling that if I let her, she’d just keep coming

at me, and I’d be banging her ass for the next ten
years without ever seeing another woman, or even
getting her vagina. The goddesses of the celestial
palace just didn’t think like… well… like humans. I
knew that already. Mother seemed to be the most
human of the bunch, but all of the others seemed to
be more or less focused only on themselves.

There was some merit to leaving a woman wanting.

Although it’d be fun staying in this room and having
frequent conjugal visits from Eighth, that wouldn’t line
up with my goals. Instead, I decided to lay low for a
while. I wasn’t comfortable being down the hallway
from this Beloved anyway. Hopefully, they left soon. In
the meantime, I’d accomplish one of the other goals I
had set up for myself.

Since I knew where Beloved was at the moment, by

the bell, I took this opportunity to flee Artemis’s
bedroom, abandoned the ruined sheets behind as I
headed in the opposite direction. The location I
wanted to visit was one of the places on my list. I had
been planning to go there first before I found myself
having some unexpected luck with my first goddess. It
took about fifteen minutes to find it, but I initially
walked into a massive multi-floor room.

“The library…” I breathed out.

This was a repository of knowledge in the celestial

palace. This was otherwise known as a library of the
gods. To compare it to the mortal world was
underestimating it. The library was gigantic, large
enough that it’d take me an entire lifetime just to read
the title of every book. There were multiple floors,
wide hallways, and tall ceilings. There were many
places where the only way to reach a book was to fly. I
didn’t know how to fly yet, so I hoped I could find
what I needed on the ground floor.
As for this Beloved, they were far too busy. I wasn’t
too worried about running into them at a library. How
would they have the time?

As for what I needed from the library, that was pretty

simple. I needed the knowledge of the gods. I wanted
to study the immortal realm, but also understand my
role better. By the time I confronted Procreation, I was
determined to be ready. Thus, I grabbed a book and
began reading. Time passed, but I was careful to make
sure it wasn’t too much time. It’d be too easy to spend
decades in this place. I made sure I had only wasted a
month or so.

During that time, I familiarized myself with the

locations around the immortal plane. I tried to
familiarize myself with some of the more important
gods, as well as the laws around what we could and
could not do. The one thing that I struggled to learn in
a book was how to be a god. I wanted to know how to
use my godly powers, such as how to travel between
the mortal and immortal world and pass across
purgatory. Every single little thing needed to be

It was at that point the door to the library opened

quite loudly. I was near the entrance, but behind a
bookshelf. By looking through a crack, I could see
Eighth there. She was looking for something, and it
didn’t take a genius to realize that something was me.
I had suddenly disappeared on her after a single night
together and had then spent nearly a month reading
through books. I wasn’t ready to return to her yet. At
the very least, I wanted to learn a few godly powers of
my own so that I could keep up and not be bullied. I
didn’t need to become a goddess’s permanent

Thus, I snuck away, trying to find a place to hide in the

rows. There were a lot of places to hide, but as if she
could smell me, she started heading in my direction. I
moved as quickly as I could, ducking around two
corners before I ran into someone. She let out a cry,
but I reached out and grabbed her, covering her
mouth before she could utter another word.

Her eyes widened in shock. She was a short girl, but

her breasts were extremely large. Her small size
contrasted with her very large breasts. She also had
glasses on, and blue hair which was a bit darker than
Eighth’s hair. The strangest thing about her was that
she was wearing an ornate dress. It had a wide bottom
that was flayed out like a circle, causing her to appear
quite formidable despite her small size. The dress
seemed to take away from her extreme top-heaviness.
No, I’d almost say that the dress was necessary to
keep her from tipping over!

“Whose back there!” Eighth had heard us bump into

each other and was now barreling over here like a
Looking around for a place to hide, I found only one

“Please, excuse me for this. You didn’t see me!” I

grabbed the flustered girl’s hands and pleaded.

“Ah…” She spoke in a flustered tone.

I reached down and lifted her dress. She let out

another cry as I ducked under it, letting it flop right
now. There wasn’t as much room as I thought, and I
ended up between her legs. I grabbed onto them so I
wouldn’t fall out of her skirt. She made several more
gasps and noises, but she didn’t move. I could hear
the thudding of Eight’s footsteps as she walked up and
stopped before the girl in front of me. I gulped. She
didn’t see me down here, did she?”

“Oh! It’s you, Ninth. What are you doing?”


My hands instinctively squeezed on her thighs. I

didn’t mean to, but I was nervous. She let out a gasp.

“Never mind that!” Eighth didn’t seem to notice the

other girl’s erotic noises. “I’m looking for someone. A
man! Have you seen him?”


I let out a hot breath as I clung, my lips pressed

against her inner thigh. Her entire body shook.
“Look, you’re always in this library. If he stopped by,
you definitely would have seen him. He’s a

“A humanoid god?” This new god seemed to just be

repeating everything the other one said, but Eighth
was so distracted that she didn’t notice the other girl
was barely paying attention to her.

“Don’t blame me! I’m not the one who brought him! It
was Fourth! Well, she dropped him off and took off,
but that’s not what is important.”

I started to notice a familiar scent. Turning my head,

my eyes widened as I looked directly between the
girl’s legs, only a few inches from my nose. She wasn’t
wearing anything under this dress. Her bare-naked
pussy was on full display. It wasn’t just that, it looked
really wet. Was this goddess secretly really turned on
by this? She seemed pretty shy when I ran into her,
but was she secretly a freak. Her expression could lie,
but the way her pussy acted couldn’t. I leaned forward
and sniffed. I could smell her naughty lust was thickly
filling the small area under her dress.

“S-smelling…” She whimpered.

“I’m sorry, Ninth! I know the situation smells

suspicious!” Eight continued to misunderstand. “You
don’t understand. The way he makes me feel, I’ve
never felt that way before! With Beloved having
returned, I’m worried that he might get into some
major trouble. You’re the only one I know I can trust
with this since you’re even more distant from her than

I could feel the heat of her loins, and her dripping

cunt. It was hot under this dress, and the sweet smell
of a goddess was like an aphrodisiac. How could I hold
back? Before I could stop myself, my tongue came out
and I licked some of her juices.”

“You can’t!” Ninth screamed.

“I-is it so bad?” Eighth sounded slightly hurt. “I just… I

just needed to tell someone. Are you sure you haven’t
seen him!”

“No!” She gasped as my tongue slid inside her.

“I see…” She sighed. “I guess I’ll go…”

“Don’t!” Ninth moaned.

At this point, I was eating her pussy softly, my tongue
lapping her insides in a steady matter as I tasted her
wet cunt.

“Ninth, you’re sending me mixed signals here.”

“I can’t take it… it’s too much…”

“I didn’t know you felt so strongly against humanoid


“No… that’s not… ahhhn… I’m going…”

“No… I’ll go first. You’ve made your feelings clear.”

She turned and walked away.
At that moment, Ninth wrapped her legs around me
and started to wildly hump my face. “I-I-I’m

Her dress did keep her body from falling over. It was
almost like a tent, and her naked body hung from it.
Her arms and head peeked out the top, and when she
did not attempt to stand, she could just hang there,
her toes scraping along the ground. As she came, her
pussy erupted in a fountain. Cleary, sticky stuff shot
out of her pussy like a faucet, and stuck in the tent as I
was, I felt like I was being showered with warm liquid.
She gushed for nearly a minute, drenching me from
head to toe and soaking the carpet between her legs.

When she was done, her legs just hung there aimlessly
as she gasped for breath. I finally opened up the edge
of her skirt, convinced that Eighth had left. It was so
hot and humid in there that it was difficult to breathe.
I stood up, my shirt and pants drenched, as I looked
down at the little girl who squirted a ton.
“I-I’m sorry.” I bowed. “I got carried away. My name is

It was bad giving my name after already eating her

out, but things just sort of worked that way.

She lifted her hand and straightened her glasses. “I’m

Ninth. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

She was trying to play it off like nothing happened!

Chapter 164 :
“Ah… so this is how that is…” I said, flipping the page
of the book I was reading. “The meaning of life is

“Exactly, and the reason we exist is…”


“I find it all so hard to believe.” I looked down under

my table were a cute goddess in glasses had my cock
in her mouth as she blew it.

She spat out my cock and gasped for breath. She

didn’t need to breathe. She was a goddess. However,
she had been studying up on blowjobs ever since I had
mentioned one, and she was emulating earth women.
I had told her that needing to breathe versus the
desire to satisfy your partner was just one of the
charms of deepthroating, and she had taken to it
Unfortunately, her lips had been too good, and I
hadn’t realized how close I was until I took my eyes
away from my book. As soon as I laid my eyes on her
cute face with glasses sucking my cock, I began to
cum. Of course, that was the second she pulled away.
White seed shot out and struck her in the face. She
looked up at me with her mouth open ready to speak
as white strikes hit her in waves, covering her glasses
and then leaking down her rosy cheeks. It was a pretty
good blowjob, so it made quite a mess.

“Everything in this library is true. There is nothing like

this so-called fiction you told me about.” She said in
her usual dry voice, barely reacting to her face being
covered in seed.

Although she acted extremely cold since I had caused

her to cum that first time, she had been hooked.
Women who had never experienced contact with a
man before were very easy to subdue. Ninth was quite
the freak, taking to any sexual act I gave her. In fact,
she’d look up different sexual things and then try to
do them with me. She was a gusher too… exploding
with lust whenever she orgasmed.

“I want you to cum in my ass again.” A bored voice

came from across the table.

Eighth was there too. She hadn’t yet left the library
when she heard Ninth cumming. She had come back
to explore where she found me. I had thought things
would go horribly, but the girls were close friends, and
everything was sorted quickly. Eighth was excited that
Ninth was willing to bang me. In her mind, there was
no such thing as monogamy. Marriage didn’t even
have the right to approach the celestial palace, so how
could her influence affect this place at all?

Since, in these girls’ minds, monogamy didn’t exist,

why couldn’t they both have me together? It only
gave them another thing to share that brought them
closer together. Eventually, I gained the confidence
and trust to tell them my story.

I told them about my life as a human. They were a bit

surprised that I wasn’t always a god, but they knew
that kind of thing could happen. I explained about
NTR, Procreation, Marriage, Lilith, Artemis, and all the
way up to meeting Fourth. Most of these explanations
came while we were naked and snuggling after sex. At
first, they were all about sex, but as we did more and
more, both girls slowly grew to enjoy snuggling
together as well.

As for how they reacted to my story, they were mostly

sympathetic. Humanoid problems were completely
foreign to them, so they weren’t exactly able to
provide help.

“Crush him.” Eighth merely offered.

“Absorb him… Ninth added.”


“Make him a part of you. Steal all of his power and


I wasn’t sure about either of those. I wasn’t powerful

enough to crush him, and absorbing sounded like
something I wouldn’t be able to manage unless I was
many times stronger than him. I had read a little bit
about absorbing, and as bad as it sounded, it wasn’t
that different from splitting. Fourth and Artemis had
once split up. The NTR sisters had also all broke apart
and then were absorbed and reformed. This kind of
thing happened all the time.
I learned a lot from the library and talking to these
two upper goddesses. Eighth said that she was a
heavenly goddess, signifying the sky. Ninth declared
she was the goddess of springs. I could believe that a
bit considering how much she gushed when she came.
She did taste like a mountain spring if I did say so

So, I sat in a chair with Eighth’s brown butt sitting

down on my cock. She rocked her ass as she rode my
dick. I had my arms wrapped around her as she leaned
back, and I sucked on one of her nipples from the side.
Meanwhile, Ninth was on all fours, eating eighth’s
cunt. She had seen it in a video and was eager to try it
out. She seemed determined to try every sex thing
imaginable. As time passed, I ran out of sex positions
and she started teaching me new ones.

Months had gone by, although it was hard to say how

many. I spent my days reading and my nights having
sex with these two goddesses. I spent most of the
days having sex with them too. Whenever Ninth found
a new position she wanted to try out, she ran up to
me eager to experiment. When Eighth saw and heard
us, although she wasn’t possessive of me, she did get
jealous over watching Ninth get off while she didn’t.

That’s why Ninth had lately been offering positions

where she got to experiment and Eighth was satisfied
as well. The library had started to stink of our sex, and
even though the goddesses always smelled perfect,
after two months of nonstop sex, especially with one
girl who gushed over everything and another girl who
always wanted it in the ass, I was starting to feel dirty.

After exploding in Eighth’s ass and watching Ninth eat

the cum from her ass, something that was only hot
when it was a couple of goddesses, I finally decided I
needed a bath. While the girls were still distracted
with each other, I left the library for the first time in
two months. I reckoned it was best if I didn’t move
around too much. After all, Beloved was still around.
According to Eighth, they had felt the presence of a
humanoid, and although the girls all denied it, they
had stormed around for a while.

The other girls believed I had already fled though.

Only Eighth and Ninth knew the truth that I was still in
the castle. However, as they previously pointed out to
me, this place was humungous, and the chances of
running into any of them were unlikely. Therefore, I
decided to risk it and head over to the indoor hot
spring. It was a massive bath, broken up and divided
by dozens of pools connected by multiple branching
streams. Although it was within the celestial palace,
the spring had a feeling of being natural, with rocks,
plants, and even animals.

The animals were heavenly beasts, just like the gods

and goddesses. Some of them were gods and
goddesses who just happened to have a beastly form.
However, they would interact with me in much the
same way an animal would interact with me. The
point being, the place was large and divided enough
that two people could bathe in it without ever seeing
each other, which was why I didn’t worry about
Beloved too much. The waters were purifying mineral
baths of the highest quality. The rich and earthy scent
assaulted my nose as soon as I entered the room.

As I disrobed, I took deep breaths, enjoying the feel of

the place. Then, I eased myself into the water. I had
bathed a few times since entering the heavenly realm.
In the forest of beginnings, I’d create a few baths
where Lilith, Artemis, and I would frolic and play with
each other. This was far superior to the makeshift hot
tub I had made in the forest of beginnings. The water
was extremely warm and pleasing. I couldn’t help but
let out a groan.

As a god, I would have thought I was beyond pain and

discomfort, but the waters of this world were
rejuvenating. I felt like my body was truly becoming
pure and renewed just by being in this water. I leaned
my head back and closed my eyes, allowing the
warmth to penetrate deep into my bones and wash
away all of my stress and discomfort. It was because I
was being so quiet and could only hear that I noticed a
light splashing sound.

I opened my eyes with curiosity. I could still hear the

sound of water moving like someone else was in the
pool. I realized that they weren’t in my particular pool.
I had picked one that was particularly hidden in a
crevice so that I wouldn’t be disturbed. However, they
were in the pool adjacent to mine. I knew I should
hide or leave, but I was curious. I had isolated myself
so many times in these last few years, first in the
forest and then in this palace, that I found my heart
growing slightly excited every time I felt the prospect
of interacting with someone new.

I gently started to move, trying my best not to disturb

the water or be heard as I followed the source. It did
sound like someone splashing in the water. I went
down a short canal, and as I peaked around the corner
into a side-pool, my eyes landed on a familiar person.
This was the woman otherwise known as Sixth. I had
met her once before, but only briefly. She was a big
girl, nearly seven feet tall. Her breasts were large, but
everything about her was large. From a distance, she’d
look like a normal woman of incredible beauty, but as
you got closer, you started to realize she was quite

I tried to remember what I had seen about her. My

impression was that she was pretty quiet and shy and
that she did whatever her sisters told her to do.
Overall, she probably wasn’t the best one to push me
on if I didn’t want to get caught. I had a feeling like she
would fold to pressure too easily.

I was just about to turn away, but she had a shell in

her hand, and she was using it to scoop up water and
then gently pour it over her body. Her beauty was
extremely clear, and as the gentle streams of water
ran down her succulent body, it was truly beautiful.
That’s when my eyes fell on her butt, and for the first
time on the goddess, I found something that didn’t
look perfect. There was a large port-wine stain
birthmark. It took the shape of a large red circle which
covered nearly half of one of her buttcheeks.

I had leaned too far checking her out, and my hand

suddenly gave way. With a yelp, I fell into the water,
causing a splash. I was going to spin around and flee,
but by the time I regained my footing, I heard a voice.

“Who’s there!” Her voice burst forth like thunder, not

belying the shy girl I had been expecting.

That wasn’t the only alarming part. The voice didn’t

come from where she had been standing, but where
she was standing now, which was hovering over me. I
didn’t even see her move, but she had somehow
appeared right where I had splashed, and instead of
running, I could only look up at the large woman
staring down at me. Her chest was right in my face,
her eyes filled with anger.

“I-I-I’m sorry! I was just bathing and I ran into you!”

“Did you see?” She demanded.


“Did you see it…” She narrowed her eyes.

“What? The-the birthmark?”

Her expression fell, and then when she looked at me

again, it was filled with regret. “I see, so you did. Then,
I apologize, but you can no longer live.”
Chapter 165 :
The tall woman who I had previously seen as timid
raised her hand in the air, and I suddenly felt an
intense gravity like I was about to be torn apart. Of
course, I began to panic!

“Wh-what are you doing?” I cried out.

“You’ve seen my embarrassing spot. The only solution

is to end you!” She declared.

“What are you saying? Do you mean that cute little

birth spot?”

“C-c-cute!” Her hand suddenly slipped back down and

she stumbled back. “What are you saying?”
“You’re talking about that cute red spot on your butt,
right? It’s fine…” ‘

“Y-you! How can you say that?” She demanded.

“I don’t know, it just seems to fit you. It matches your

hair, and it defines your butt better. I like it.”

“N-no one likes it!” She took another step back. “My
sisters all make fun of me for it!”

I wanted to ask why all of her sisters were looking at

her butt, but it didn’t seem to be the right time. They
probably had taken baths in here together. It looked
like Sixth had deliberately come into a more isolated
area just like me to avoid her sisters and prevent
herself from being teased. However, since she had
talked about her butt, I was naturally checking her
out, and even though she was large, she was
extremely beautiful.

From a distance, you wouldn’t even know she was

larger than normal, and I couldn’t help but see her
beautiful body and become turned on. Before I could
stop myself, my cock started to harden looking at her.

“Wh-wh-what’s that!” She immediately noticed the

change and pointed down accusingly.

“Aren’t you a beautiful naked woman?” I declared.

“I-I’m a goddess, not a woman!” She shot back, her

shy side returning. “A-and I’m not beautiful. Second
says I’m big and ugly.”
“How can that be?” I took a step forward. “She’s just


“Second is that small girl, right? She just envies you

because she doesn’t have a body like yours.” I took a
step forward.

“K-keep that thing away from me.” She pointed at my

dick again. “In fact, put it away!”

“Why? You shouldn’t be ashamed of what you have.

And since you’re showing me all of you, why can’t I
show you all of me?”

“That…” She didn’t seem to be able to come up with a

good reason.
I was depending on my instincts now. I could feel that
Sixth was lonely. All of the goddesses in the Celestial
palace felt lonely. They all grouped, but they all felt
distant as well. It was like they were all alone, never
touching anyone else, and only interacting from a
distance. I felt a strange but intense desire to bridge
that distance. I took several steps forward, and the
rapid beating in my heart no longer came from fear,
but the enjoyment of eyeing a beautiful woman in
front of me.

It didn’t take long before we made love in the water. I

was worried that due to her size I wouldn’t be big
enough for her, but her size was an illusion in this
world. I made myself her size, or she made herself my
size. I don’t know which it was. She was as tight as any
virgin I had ever tasted, and she was extremely giving.
There was a feeling to her that just drew me in. I could
sink into her large breasts, or hold her naked body all
When we finished, floating in a pool that had been
mixed with her virginity and the various other juices
the pair of us spewed, she reached over and grabbed
me, looking at me with longing and love. This was the
expression of a woman who had already lost her
heart. It had taken several bouts with Eighth before
she had become this enamored, but not every girl was
the same. I knew I had her heart after just a single

“Will you see me here again?” She asked tearfully.

“Of course.” I grabbed her chin, and lifted her to me,

kissing her gently.

I wasn’t like my father. I wasn’t like Procreation. Her

giving me her heart completely wasn’t an end goal. It
wasn’t time to move on to the next woman. After I
finished cleaning up, I returned to the library, but the
next day I returned to this same place. Sixth appeared
again, and our second time was even deeper and
more expressive than the first time.

“Your goal is to become strong, right?” Sixth asked.

“Huh?” I blinked as I lay on the shore of the pool, Sixth

next to me, her finger gently stroking my chest.

“You want to become a high-level god, and you must

do that by… by having goddesses, right?”

“Who-who said that…” I looked away sheepishly.

“The other goddesses, they talk…” She blushed.

“That’s what fifth said. She said fourth brings men in
looking to steal our virginities. Second says it’s
because she’s bitter and unhappy with what humanity
has done to her, and she wants all of us to feel the

“That’s not true at all!” I sat up, a flash of anger on my


She giggled. “You don’t need to worry. I already knew

Second was lying. She’s just too close to Beloved. It
blinds her to everything else. That’s why you’ve had so
much success with Eighth and Ninth… they aren’t that
close to Beloved.”

“Ah! That! I can explain…”

She giggled again. “I can sense my sister’s aura on you.

My aura is on you too, so my sisters also know.”

“R-really…” I put on a depressed look.

I wasn’t trying to keep Sixth a secret from the other
two. I had every intention of telling them, but I
wanted to do it slowly with finesse as I had done with
Ninth. Although, now that I thought about it, since the
moment Ninth saw me, she must have known about
Eighth. It might have been her curiosity that caused
her to fall so easily.

“I’m happy to share you with my sisters, all of them.”

She admitted. “As for your need to become stronger, I
do not mind this as well. It makes me happy to be
useful to you.”

“I don’t want to use you,” I said.

“I know.” She lifted her hand and touched my cheek

gently. “That’s why I knew I could give myself to you.”
More time passed, and I’d alternate from studying in
the library to the bath. Sixth started to slowly come to
the library as well, and I’d occasionally play in the bath
with Eighth and Ninth. The explorative and wet Ninth
didn’t hesitate to incorporate Sixth into all of her
sexual play. Sixth was extremely shy and resistive to
all of Ninth’s experiments, but considering Eight only
cared about anal play, there were some things it was
easier to get Sixth to do.

“Seventh likely would join easily as well.” Ninth

suggested. “I’m curious if she tastes different to Eight
and Sixth.”

“St-stop tasting!” Sixth cried.

“Eh? Do you not like it?”

“I-it’s not that… it’s just… I prefer it when Hakaru
makes me cum, not you!” She grew red just saying it.

“You two worry too much!” Eighth cut in. “Let’s just
ring the bell already and he can show them all the
glory of anal sex.”

“Are you becoming an anal sex goddess?” I asked,

wondering if I should laugh or cry.

“Anal sex goddess…” Ninth pushed up her glasses. “I

wonder if there is such a humanoid goddess. I should
look it up.

“Before we introduce more of our sisters, shouldn’t

we let him play with them?” Eighth offered the other
two, giving them another look.
“Oh? Them? Well, they are kind of… insignificant?”
Eighth said thoughtfully.

“Still, by number, we do have the most. Only Seventh

has as many as us.”

“What are you all talking about?” I asked.

“It’s a present!” Sixth cried out.

“Yeah, something like that.” Eighth laughed. “Why

don’t we do it then?”

“Sure! This sounds fun. I’ll go get mine!” Ninth stood

up and started walking, taking it already as decided.
“It’s a good idea. I should have been spreading the joy
of getting your butt broken before now.” Eighth


“Well, it was your idea, are you coming?”


“Where are you all going?” I asked, frowning.

“We’ll be back for you. Just wait a bit.”

While saying such cryptic things, the girls suddenly all

left, and I was alone. It wasn’t the first time I had been
alone in the library. I had spent days without seeing
another soul. However, recently, it was rare that at
least one of the girls wasn’t accompanying me. For
them all to leave just like that, I felt a bit alone.
Ignoring the feeling, I threw myself into reading one of
the stories. This one was explaining the theoretical
hierarchy of gods and goddesses.

I didn’t have to wait too long before the girls came

back. They looked to be extremely excited. They asked
me to close my eyes, so I did. I was surprised when
they didn’t put something in my hands, but instead
grabbed me and encouraged me to stand up. The
three girls started to push and pull me. I realized we
were leaving the library entirely. They spoke in hushed
whispers as they pulled on me for what felt like some
time. Finally, we ended up in a new room.

“Okay, you can open your eyes.” Sixth whispered.

I did open my eyes and then blinked. “Where are we?”

“Ah… it’s just my bedroom.” She blushed again.

Asking where we were was kind of a dumb question. It

was pretty clear we were in a bedroom not unlike the
one Artemis lent to me, although this one was much
bigger, so it was likely one of the main rooms. The
thing about it that caught me off guard was that it was
nearly full. Over a hundred beautiful women were
standing in it. I didn’t recognize a single one of them.
They were all wearing maid outfits.

“What is this?” I asked.

“These are… our servants and maids!” Ninth


“S-so many?”
I knew that each number had servants and maids that
worked for them. Fourth had none. Fifth only had two.

“Wait… how many are yours, Sixth?”

“Seventy-nine…” She blushed.

She had seventy-nine servants! I had thought these

girls were all lonely, but they had a small army of
servants at their disposal!

“What about second and third?”

“Oh, they don’t have any…”

Was that how this castle was maintained? The higher
numbered goddesses had to keep a small army of
maids. That made them closer to the head maids or
the pr department. I realized that I still really hadn’t
figured this place out. As soon as I got comfortable
with something, there was something else that left me
even more confused. Just what was the power
structure of this place?

“So, what do you think?” Eighth asked.

“What do I think about what?”

“Ah, girls!” Ninth snapped her finger.

All one hundred and something girls lifted their skirts

at once. Every girl reacted differently. Some blushed,
while others glared at me definitely. Still, others
looked curious. There were tons of different
underwear, from the extremely sexy and seductive to
the childish to the basic. It was a bouquet of feminine
delight in front of me.

“I-I’m confused!”

“To become stronger, you must win the heart of more

goddesses,” Sixth explained. “How about all of these
women? They are lower-level goddesses.”

“All virgins that don’t know a man’s touch!” Ninth


“They’re for you, Hakaru! Enjoy!” Eighth finished.

My mouth had fallen open. Once, Depravity had

compiled forty-some Virgin high school girls that I
could defile and play with. The subsequent orgy was
supposed to be enough to make me a god. Now, I was
being offered over a hundred beautiful women, who
weren’t just beauties, but goddesses. Every single one
of them had immaculate looks, and while they may
not have shined as radiantly as their Masters, they
were all desirable in their own right. Now, those
women, each at the level of the NTR sisters, were
mine for the taking.

What would happen after I won all their hearts? There

was only one way to find out.

Chapter 166 :
“Iwonder what level I am now.”

Time passed, and I had managed to seduce Seventh as

well. Seventh was a very tall woman, but not full like
Sixth. I would even call her willowy and thin. She had
an elf-like aura that made her feel fragile. That said,
she was gentle and had a love of baubles and trinkets.
She liked to dress up, unlike her sisters, and in
particular, she liked wearing belts. Well, calling them
belts wasn’t quite right. It was more like rings.

There were a dozen or so rings that sat around her

hips. They were always spinning, and I wondered how
they didn’t fall off her body even though they almost
seemed to float around her. They sort of looked like
some kind of alien device. The worst part is that even
if she stripped off her clothing, she would still wear
the rings. It made having sex with her interesting, but
we managed. I could even use the rings to get some
good traction when I was going in from behind.

It wasn’t just Seven, but also her assortment of maids

and servants who were just as plentiful as the others. I
had played with all of them, and it kept my days
extremely busy. Time seemed to move on as I
alternated from visiting the library, taking baths, and
banging hundreds of beautiful women. That alone was
enough to fill up a lifetime. I had tasted the flowers of
all of these beauties, and now after all of that, I was
wondering how long I had come along. My goal was to
reach level 15. Only then would I be on the same level
as Procreation.

“Why don’t we see?” Eighth offered. “The hall of

records exists here.”

“The… hall of records?”

“Well, it’s technically not in the celestial palace, but it

crosses with it.”

The old me might have been confused about what

that meant, but I had read enough in the library to
generally understand it. Space didn’t exist on a 3D
plane in the heavenly world. Since that was the case,
there was a room in the celestial palace that
connected to the hall of records, but the hall of
records wasn’t in the celestial palace. Calling it a
portal wasn’t quite right either.

Although I could visit the hall of records, I wouldn’t

see any other gods in the hall of records save for those
who came to it from the celestial palace, even if we
happened to stand on the same point. The easiest way
to explain it would be that we exist slightly out of
phase with others. That is also how the other gods and
goddesses existed within this palace, but I never
encountered them. I was starting to just get to the
point where I could kind of feel others around me.
Thankfully, they couldn’t see me any more than I
could see them, so all of my hanky panky with the girls
would have gone completely unnoticed by them
unless they went out of their way to peak on me.

As for doing such a phase shift myself, it wasn’t just a

matter of power, but also time and experience. No
humanoid god or goddess could achieve this, because
none of us had existed long enough. Only concepts
that predated humans had been around enough to
understand the trick. Simply put, I was a million years
too young to do such a thing. As for the girls, they
could do it, but they couldn’t bring me with them. So,
the idea of permanently hiding from Beloved in a
pocket of space was impossible.

“Alright, let’s go.” I declared.

I was open to experiencing a new place. I had been in

the celestial palace for who knows how long, and it
was nice to have a new experience. To date, neither
Artemis nor Fourth returned yet. As for Beloved, they
also hadn’t left, but I had thankfully never
encountered them. I now had a close relationship with
all of the higher numbers. As they explained to me,
the others had a closer relationship to Beloved than
them and would be hard to win over. Fifth would be
the next easiest girl.
I had met her before though, and she felt a bit volatile.
All of them did, except for Fourth. The four smaller
numbers seemed much different than the four larger
numbers. That’s when a face suddenly occurred to me
that I had forgotten about.

“What happened to Tenth anyway?”

“Eh? You said you weren’t interested in her.” Ninth

spoke up. “So, I got rid of her.”

I stiffened. “Got… rid of?”

“She was being insistent,” Eighth spoke up. “Like,

really annoying about it. We were afraid she’d tell
Beloved you were still here.”
“So, we put in a request to have her ejected from the
group.” Ninth finished. “The closer sisters never really
cared about her. It was always us who kept her as a
number. So, without our support, Beloved accepted
our motion.”

“I-is that really okay?” I asked. “Weren’t you close?”

“We were, but we’re closer to you…” Ninth grabbed

one of my arms.

“We just want Hakaru to be happy, did we make a

mistake?” Eight asked tearfully.

Women, whether they were on earth or in heaven,

were totally scary! Based on just a few words of my
own, they had decided on their own to turn on a
friend. However, with their beautiful faces looking up
at me with praise, I definitely couldn’t condemn them.
After all, they did ensure that I wouldn’t end up having
to sleep with a loli. That alone was worth some
celebration. I patted both girls on the head, and they
preened under the attention.

“It’s not that bad,” Sixth spoke up. “She’s still in the
celestial palace. “She just got kicked from our hall. She
found a new room and has been there pouting ever
since. We’re here.”

She ended her words by stopping in front of a door. I

opened it up to see a room of infinite whiteness. I
didn’t need to shield my eyes for them to adapt to this
glow. I merely stepped into the room directly with
confidence. As I surveyed the white, I could see stone
tablets. Like looking up at a sky at night stargazing, the
longer I looked, the more I could see in the infinite

“What is the hall of records?” I finally asked.

“These are the holy edicts. Uh… they’re records on the
status of gods. Here… Artemis!” Sixth called out a
familiar name.

The dots began to shift, and one dot suddenly came

out from the infinite distance and approached us with
extreme speed. It stopped right in front of us
noiselessly, showing a large stone tablet. I looked at it.

“Artemis, Goddess of the hunt. Goddess of the moon.

Goddess of Virginity.” I read a long list including her
status, her level, and even her location. “So, it’s like a
heavenly Facebook? Why so many names?”

“Haven’t we said? Gods and goddesses exist to fulfill a

concept, but concepts can be complicated. This can
make a goddess attach to many different concepts at
“Oh? So, like the way NTR is also the goddess Netori,
Netorase, and Netorare.”

“Yes, exactly like that.” Sixth nodded.

I was still looking at the stone when it suddenly flew

off. Four new stones took its place a few moments
later. A glance informed me that it was NTR, Netori,
Netorase, and Netorare. The room had heard me say
the other names and had thought I was calling them.
There was a strange shield around NTR, and the entire
surface of the stone was blank.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“It seems like someone put a spell over NTR.” Ninth

frowned. “This might be why she wasn’t able to
reform herself easily.”
“Was this done by Marriage?” I asked.

“No…” Ninth shook her head. “This energy, it came

from someone who exudes a male aura.”

“Procreation…” I said, my voice lowering.

I had originally thought that Marriage had maliciously

destroyed and split NTR up. Now, I realized that it had
been Procreation who had ultimately cracked her into
three. I wasn’t sure why, but I’m sure he was planning
to gain power from it. This made me even angrier as I
remembered vividly why I was doing all of this. One
could say that the faults in NTR’s psyche had already
been there before setting her up to break apart, but I
now knew Procreation was the one who took the
hammer to it as if that guy wasn’t bad enough.
“Anyway, call your name!” Sixth cut in excitedly.

“R-right… Hakaru!” A new stone appeared in front of


“Hakaru, God of Harems. Level 13!” I felt a surge of

excitement hearing that.

The girls around me were level 15. Only Fourth was a

level 16 goddess. I had originally been surprised
because it meant that none of them were on the
council, but I supposed that made sense. They had
tons of free time, where Fourth was busy nonstop. My
goal was extremely close. Just two more levels to go.
After all this time, I was doing it. It was one thing
working hard to achieve something. It was another to
see tangible proof that you had obtained your dream.
The girls all let out cries of excitement.
“Good job.”

“As expected of my man.”

“You’re doing great.”


“NTR is level 13.” I sighed.

I had already reached the level of the goddess who I

was chasing. By all rights, I was finally at her level. I
was stronger than NTR was when she started me on
the path toward becoming a god. More than that, it
had only been around ten years. That speed of rising
could be considered astronomical. That’s when a
thought came to me.
“Any god can see these records?” I asked.


“Then… Procreation could look them up too.”

“Ah! That’s true…”

“Is there no way we can hide this? He can’t learn of

my existence.”

Right now, he wasn’t looking for me. I should have

been born by now, but I wasn’t someone who would
have even been on his radar. However, he might care
about a rising harem god who is taking the power he
had accumulated from pretending to be a god that
doesn’t fit his true nature. If he ever did discover me,
it would be bad. It wouldn’t just be bad for me now,
but the me of the past. If he found out the human he
was dealing with in the future became a god, it could
disrupt all of time and space. Thus, I asked such a
question, feeling a bit desperate.

“That is something we might be able to do if we work

together. You’re lucky you’ve encountered 4 level 15
goddesses.” Eighth smirked.

I was only vaguely familiar with what they did. It was a

lot like casting a spell, with a bit of ceremony thrown
in. The entire thing took a few hours to finished. By
the end, the tablet was wrapped in a light a lot like the
one I had seen with NTR.

“If someone level 15 or lower tries to call your tablet,

it won’t respond, at least for now,” Sixth explained.
“That was exhausting…” Seventh sighed in a tired

“Hakaru needs to reward us for working hard for him.”

Ninth declared.

“In the butt?” Eighth asked.

“Hakaru… you have to give us all more orgasms,” Sixth

said, and then blushed.

“Hehe… look at Sixth acting so bold.” Eighth teased.

“Ah! I was just saying what everyone else was

thinking!” She cried out.
The atmosphere was extremely calm and collected.
Everything was finally going smoothly. I had a group of
beautiful women. I had more women to gain, and the
time and ability to win their hearts. The girls cuddled
excitedly around me as we left the hall of records.
When we stepped out the door though, we all froze.

Standing in front of the five of us were five other

women. That was Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth. The
one who caught me most by surprise was Fourth, who
I hadn’t known had returned yet. She had her head
down, looking browbeaten. Directly in front of them
was a woman I had never seen before. She was so
beautiful; it was nearly blinding. I could barely look
away. She was hands down, the most attractive girl I
had ever seen. She had white hair that ran down her
back, and she dressed in something bright and
colorful, but elegant and powerful. She was truly

“B-B-Beloved…” Sixth gasped the name first.

“First…” Eighth echoed her.

She had an expression on her face of boiling anger.

“It’s time to talk. Now!”

Chapter 167 :
There was a blinding light, and the next thing I knew,
we were all in the meeting room with the bell. All nine
of us were present, minus ten who had seemingly
been removed at some point previously.

“So, this is the humanoid god?” First crossed her arms,

appraising me with an unpleased look on her face.
“You don’t belong in the Celestial Palace, boy. That is
my decree, and it cannot be denied.”
“And just who are you anyway?” I asked, feeling a bit
angry at her dismissive nature. “What right do you
have to set the rules.”

I had come so far recently, it felt wrong to just bow

down now. Perhaps it was the very definition of an ant
standing against an elephant, but I was far smaller
than even an ant before. As I said these words, all of
the other goddesses gasped. Mother looked to be
filled with shame, and even my girls looked very

“I’m the star attraction here.” She declared.

“Whatever I say goes, and everyone and everything
revolves around me! Do you understand?”

I understood. She was full of herself! Beloved? I

started to realize what she reminded me of. She
reminded me of a Hollywood prima donna. The way
she held herself was a woman who had her nose up in
the clouds. She was convinced of her superiority. I
could even see it in her eyes when she looked at the
others. She looked down on them all. It started to
make me feel irate. I knew that I was in real danger,
but this woman rubbed me the wrong way.


“Shut up!” she waved her hand and turned away from
me, and I wasn’t able to get another word out.

I opened my mouth, but there was no sound. She had

silenced me completely. More than that, I felt
pressure weighing down on me. Compared to the time
when Eighth had threatened me, this felt a million
times worse. My legs started to shake, and it took
everything I had to keep from kneeling on the floor.
Was this the so-called worship? Forcing people to
kneel to you? If that was the case, then this woman
was just a bully!
Even Sixth, Seven, Eight, and Ninth could only look at
me longingly. They dared not speak. Even after
winning their hearts, they still followed First. In that
respect, I hadn’t won their loyalty at all. I thought I
had accomplished so much here. It was a bitter pill to
swallow. On top of that, everything I did could be
obliterated in a second. I started to realize just how
volatile everything I did seemed.

“Beloved! Beloved!” The door slammed open, and

Artemis ran in.

Beloved glanced at Artemis, and for just a moment

she smiled. “Ay, what are you doing here?”

“Please! It was my fault!” Artemis fell to her knees,

“I’m sorry! I brought him here. He-he’s my boyfriend!”
When she said these words, she blushed. Beloved’s
expression turned sour.

“I already know the truth of things. Yer told me

everything…” She turned to Mother. “You knew the
rules, but you decided to defy me anyway. Your
closeness with that lot has caused you to grow foolish
and stupid.”

Mother seemed to wince more with each word. It was

hard to watch. She was always so calm and sure of
herself, but under the brightness of this Beloved, she
was quickly being bullied. All of them seemed bullied
by her. I had originally thought they called her Beloved
because they all had a deep affection for her. Now, I
realized they called her Beloved because the thing she
seemed to love most was herself!

“I’m the one who brought him to her though!”

Artemis spoke up again. “Please, punish me!”
“Silence, girl!” Beloved bellowed, causing her to lower
her head again. “You’re just a servant. Ultimately, it is
your Master who will take responsibility for this error.
She is the one who made this decision, and for greedy
and selfish reasons besides!”

Artemis was nearly on the ground in a kowtow

position by the time First was done berating her. She
turned to the rest of them as if daring any of them to
speak up. When no one dared, she gave a nod once

“Fourth, I know you have brought humanoids into this

palace before. I can always smell them. This one has
been slippery, but I finally caught him as well. You
shall be punished. I first thought to wipe out
humanity, but the council would have a panic attack if
I did that.”
Wipe out humanity? She said that so calmly as if it was
of no consequence to her. My heart skipped a beat.
Wiping out humanity wouldn’t just kill humans, it
would kill more than 90% of all existing gods. It would
be the most destructive apocalypse imaginable, and
Beloved spoke of it as if she could do it with ease and
wouldn’t even lose sleep! That irritation I had been
feeling started to turn to fear. I had been a frog in a

“Therefore…” She continued. “Upon careful reflection,

I’ve decided to take Artemis from you.”

All the girls cried out in shock at once. Artemis’s head

rose in shock, and then her eyes rolled up and she
passed out on the floor. I didn’t know what the big
deal was, but everyone else had reacted like this was

“Y-you can’t do that!” Fifth was the first to speak out.

“Artemis would be better off closer to me anyway.
She’ll be even more radiant as long as she stays by
me.” Beloved declared.

“You… you can’t!” I was shocked to hear Mother cry

out, her eyes in tears. “You can’t take her away!”

“Can’t?” A fiery expression filled Beloved’s face. “That

was me going easy on you for repeated
transgressions, don’t tell me what I can’t do…”

Mother didn’t back down though. “Artemis belongs to

me! She’s a part of me! You can’t take her away.
You’ve always coveted what we have! You’ve always
wanted my baby! I won’t have it!”

A gasp filled the air as Beloved slapped Mother. She
stumbled back holding her cheek. She looked back up
at Beloved, her eyes filled with tears. Beloved looked
guilty for a second, but then she shook her head and
her expression firmed.

“What I do, Yer is for everyone’s good. I have the

power to burn the bonds between gods and
goddesses. I will sever your connection to her with my
holy fire. Then, I will take her to my quarters. She will
be safe and protected there. She will feel my warmth,
and no longer concern herself with the realm of

I had heard that Artemis was Beloved’s favorite, but

now I was seeing it first-hand. She had a strange
obsession with the woman, like a big sister who didn’t
want to let her little sister be free. However, when it
was at the level of goddesses, she came off as
extremely terrifying. As Beloved’s words dawned on
Mother, she collapsed to her knees. She was sobbing,
but there seemed to be resignation. All of the other
goddesses looked away.

Was that it? Were they all just going to accept it? A
single slap and this woman could just take Artemis
away? It sounded like she wanted to indoctrinate her,
detach her from humanity. I didn’t want that to
happen at all! Artemis was my woman! How could I let
someone else take her? This went beyond the plights
of gods and goddesses. This was about my women. A
strong feeling of anger and defiance grew inside me.

Beloved held out her hand, and suddenly it ignited

into flame. It looked like a long sword which
incorporated her arm into it. The blade left her body
far enough that it was between Mother and Artemis.
As she raised her arm, Artemis seemed to come to.
She looked up as Beloved readied the cut.
“No! Please!” She cried out.

“I’m… I’m so sorry…” Mother looked at her, tears

falling down her face.

“Stoooooop!” She lowered the sword, and I leaped in

the way.

The blade struck my shoulder, and I felt pain. The

sword was impossibly hot, and not a single drop of
blood fell, as the wound was instantly cauterized. All
of the girls in the room let out cries of shock as I flew
back and struck the wall. I looked down to see a
massive burn across my chest, smoldering sizzling.

“Hakaru!” Artemis screamed out.

It was Mother who somehow reached me first,
grabbing my arm. “Wh-what did you do?”

“Did… I protect your bond?” I asked weakly, feeling a

numbness in my body.

The other girls Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth ran

over as well. The lower numbers looked
uncomfortable and confused, while Beloved stared
down. Her blade had disappeared. She could have
destroyed me. She could have cut right through me
and the bond as well. However, she held back at the
last second, pulling away. Now, she was staring as the
majority of her followers was crying on the floor,
holding me.

“Hakaru… you foolish… foolish… why?” Mother

I reached up and touched her cheek, wiping the tear
from her eye. “I couldn’t stand to see you cry.”

“Hakaru, it’s just the bond between me and Artemis. If

you died…”

“Nothing… is more important than the bonds we

share between each other,” I explained. “All of my
time reading in that library, this I’m clear on above
anything else. Our bonds are what make us who we
are. It’s cruel to cut the bond between someone you
love. We should make bonds, not destroy them. I’d…
I’d rather die than see the bonds between the people I
love destroyed.”

“H-Hakaru…” Mother shook, and then she leaned

down and kissed me.
I started feeling a warmth inside me. Her kiss was
healing me! I could hear the girls that were standing
inhale in shock as they witnessed Fourth kissing a
humanoid goddess. The kiss felt like it lasted ages but
only ended when all of the healing was finished. When
she pulled away, she suddenly slouched on me, her
bountiful chest pressing against mine like she had
grown weak.

“What did you do?”

“It’s fine… I just gave you some of my power for a bit.

I’ll just be a bit weak for a while.” Mother said.

“So, it’s all of you then?” A low, angry voice sounded

from in front of us.

All the girls turned to Beloved. However, instead of

cowering like before, they all moved in front of me
defensively. The wore looks of defiance. It was as
close of a mutiny as I had ever seen. There was an
extremely bitter expression on Beloved’s face.

“So, this is how it is,” she said. “Even you, Artemis?”

Artemis turned away from her grabbing onto my free

arm for support.

“It seems like this… human god… has formed bonds

with all of you. If I tried to cut them all, it would cause
lasting harm.” After a moment, First turned away, and
I felt that the weight was finally is lifted. “I won’t kill
him. However, he will remain confined until I can
figure out what to do with him. You are ALL forbidden
from seeing him! I’ve created a new room for him on
Earth’s hallway. None of you may enter it!”
All the girls let out breaths of relief. However, once
she finished, they all wore complicated expressions. It
looked like I wasn’t out of things yet. I was a prisoner
now. I was going to say something else, but she flicked
her finger, and there was a flash. I was in a room that
looked a lot like Artemis’s room, but it was a lot
smaller. It was probably fine, but after being in the
massive rooms, it felt almost cramped. There was also
no door. It was impossible for me to leave.

I had managed to live, but what would happen next?

She could leave me there for a thousand years if she
wanted to. From then on, it was all out of my control.

Chapter 168 :

I faced the woman the other girls both feared and
loved. She was a woman who led this band of
goddesses, acting both as their leader and their
control. I wasn’t quite sure how long I had been in
that room. It felt like ages. It could have been days,
but it also could have been weeks. While a mortal
man might have gone insane waiting in isolation for so
long, as a god, my mentality had changed. It was
rather peaceful, and the Celestial Palace was rich in
heavenly energy, so just sitting and meditating along
helped me become more familiar with myself and my

However, I was nowhere near ready enough to face

this goddess. From what I understood, she was a level
eighteen goddess. She was up there with the
goddesses of creation. I had reasoned out that she
was the god of fire, or something akin to fire. I hadn’t
figured out how this related to the other goddesses,
but I understood the close but also distant
relationship between fire and humanity. If Mother
was some kind of a life goddess, then the fire would
be some kind of destruction goddess. They seemed
like opposites, yet Mother seemed to follow Beloved,
and even admired and loved her to a certain degree.

She had appeared in my room all of a sudden, looking

down on me like an eternal judge. I had a feeling that
how this conversation went would also determine
whether I lived or died. I gulped and then stood up,
deciding to face her head-on. I wasn’t going to beg for
my life or act pitiful. I had to face this honestly.

“Insolent… to look me in the eye…” She snorted,

looking away in disgust. “You’ve grown too powerful
for your value.”

“I’m sorry, I haven’t been a god for long. I was once

She spun, surprise flashing across her face a second
before she coughed slightly. “Ahem… even humans
know not to gaze upon my beauty. You’ll go blind.”

“You’re beautiful, but I’m not blind.”

She blushed for just a second, and then she grew

angry. “I know I’m beautiful. Why would I need a lowly
god to tell me that which I am very aware!”

“I’m sorry, um… Beloved, but what are you going to do

with me?”

“Beloved?” She made a face. “You… dare say you love


“These goddesses, I heard they were once a part of

“Yes, they are my sisters.”

“Sisters!” My eyes widened. “I thought they were your

servants or something…”

“You…” She glared. “It is my responsibility to shed my

light on all of my sisters and give them my love!”

“You love them? It seems like they are afraid of you!”

“Love can be hard sometimes. It is healthy to fear


“I love them, and they don’t fear me at all.”

“You dare!” She took a step forward and then turned
away. “Geh… the love you’ve given them. Fleeting
love. It is temporary. We have existed for billions of
years, and we will continue to exist for billions of
years. You, on the other hand, are a bleep in their
lives. My love is everlasting! What can you offer


She blinked, looking surprised. “Happiness? What is

the point, when it will be followed by sadness?
Humanity won’t be around forever. When you in a few
thousand, maybe a few million years, what will my
girls do? You will crush them all.”

“Everything changes. Even you will one day fade.”

“Before I go, I will take them with me in a blaze of

“Then, it is right that they fear you. Because I don’t

offer them an end. I offer them a beginning!”

Our voices had both raised, and the pair of us were

yelling at each other at that point. If anyone else had
seen me yelling at a level 18 goddess, a being so
powerful that she could wipe out the majority of the
gods and humanity with a flick of her hand, they
would surely faint from shock. However, I was in it
now, and I wasn’t willing to step back at all.

“You dare…” She lowered her eyelids and her voice.

“I have been daring…” I shot back. “If you were going

to kill me, you would have done it already, right?”
She scoffed and turned around. “Don’t pretend you’re
clever. I’ve been around longer than your entire
evolutionary chain! You’re right, though. It seems that
I will be unable to kill you. You have managed to
exploit the naivety of my girls like a parasite, latching
yourself onto them, and create bonds.

“I can indeed destroy the bonds between you, but

there would be a backlash. It’s to the strength that it
would injure my girls, and would assuredly kill you.
With the girls whose influence is distant, their bonds
for you even rival their loyalty to me. If I killed you, or
you died before I had cut all of the bonds, then I
would cause them unimaginable pain and suffering.
Make no mistake. I would kill you a hundred times
over if I could do it without upsetting them. You have
put me in a situation I have never been in before, but I
will tell you another thing. I always get my way. I have
whatever I want, and there will be a time when I
dispose of you too.”
“What are you planning?” I asked.

“Time is the great deteriorator of all things. You will

remain in this room, separated from my girls and the
rest of humanity. My girls have only known you for a
short time. By cutting you off from them, their hearts
will slowly begin to forget about you. After a few
million years, those bonds will be as thin as string, and
eliminating you won’t hurt them a bit.”

“Millions of years?” I let out a cry. “No… I have less

than a decade! I have to go back home. People are
waiting for me! Gods… goddesses… my family!”

“Why would I care about such fleeting things?” She

responded flippantly.
“You love your sisters, don’t you? Well, I love people
too! I won’t return to the celestial palace! I promise!
Just… let me go home!”

She looked conflicted for a second, but then her

expression grew sharp. “No! This is what you deserve.
You can rot in here, and no one will ever know or care
what happened to you. That is your fate!”

She disappeared before I could say another word,

although it seemed like she was fleeing the room as
much as making a point. I was back in isolation again. I
had tried to leave this place, but it was created by a
level 18 goddess. I wasn’t nearly powerful enough, nor
knowledgeable enough, to leave such a place. I fell
back into the bed. I had lost.

Who knew the next time she’d show up again. Would

she show up again? The next time she came to this
room might be when she came to destroy me. After
millions of years in isolation, would I even be me
anymore? No, that wasn’t even the important part.
The important part was that all of my family and loved
ones would be dead. Procreation would have
Marriage and NTR and played with them for longer
than they had even existed to this point. My bonds
with the numbers wouldn’t just be over, my bonds
with everyone would be gone.

I was just starting to sink into depression once again, a

tear falling down my cheek when I realized someone
was in the room with me again. I stood up, but I
couldn’t see who it was.

“Show yourself!” I demanded.

Slowly, a form appeared, and my eyes widened as I

saw Mother form in front of me. Her long blue hair
framing her beautiful, voluptuous figure.

“She… doesn’t know I’m here,” Mother said. “I figured

out how she made the room, and how to enter
without her seeing. Artemis is… making sure she’s
distracted while I visit you.”

“You shouldn’t.” I declared, turning away. “I don’t

want you to get hurt. She might decide to punish you

She didn’t flinch. Rather, she stood there staring at me

until I felt like covering myself.

“Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth… they all… love you?” It

was half statement, half question.

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “I love them.”

Mother shook for a second. “You saved my bond with
Artemis. You should have died. You would have died.
How could you do such a thing.”

“Because I love Artemis too. I know how she feels

about you.”

“Did you mean what you said? About bonds?”

“Of course, I believe that nothing is more important

than the bonds we share with others. Gods and
goddesses, we’re all interconnected. That’s why
Procreation needs to be stopped. He doesn’t believe
in those bonds. He believes in shallow self-
satisfaction. He doesn’t honor the bonds between
people at all. He’s happy to create those bonds, but
he’s also happy to discard them when it’s convenient.
I will never be like him.
“I see…” She grew quiet; her expression was hidden.
“What about me?”

“Your bonds to Artemis are extremely important.” I


“Just… Artemis?”


“Was it only Artemis that you were thinking about

when you stood in front of and protected us?” She
asked, her voice sounding strangely heavy.

“Mother, I appreciate you as well. You brought me

here and allowed me to meet many women who I care
about. I have grown more powerful, but I don’t care
about that. I care about them. I care about Artemis,
Lilith, NTR, Marriage, and my family at home. I care
about you…”

She finally looked up at me, and I was shocked to see

her crying. “I’m sorry that I caused all of this to

“Ahh… wh-what… it’s not like it’s your fault or

anything.” I grew a bit flustered as the proud and
organized goddess cried.

“I brought you here for my own selfish reasons. I knew

that there was a risk to your life. I just never
considered it that important to me. I allowed you to
take that risk because of the offshoot it would help
“It’s okay.”

“It’s not!” She walked up to me and grabbed my

hands, her enormous chest grazing my knuckles as her
tearstained eyes looked at me pleadingly. “I just
walked you through the door and then abandoned
you alone. I had no faith that you would manage
anything. I half expected you to get fed up and leave,
or for one of the girls to chase you out. I risked your
life all because of a shot in the dark that my sisters
would connect with humanity.

“Yet, look at you. In a few years, you managed to do

what I could not accomplish in millions. You’ve caused
my sisters to open up. I’ve never seen them so
talkative and expressive. I’ve never seen them so
close. This is something that you did for them.”

“I just… it wasn’t really…” I grew flustered as she held

me so intensely.
If the other girls were naïve, the Mother would be
worldly to a fault. Looking at her was like looking at an
unshakable mountain. Yet, here she was, showing
more vulnerability than I could have ever have
imagined. It left me completely speechless.

“Hakaru…” She suddenly looked down on my chest.

“There has only been one man who has ever moved
my heart.”

“R-really?” I frowned.

“You shouldn’t be jealous. He’s gone now. He…

became something else a long time ago.”

“I see…”
“However, I think… my heart belongs to another

“Oh? Wait, what?” I was only half-listening, the feel of

her rapidly beating heart and her large chest pressed
against me.

“Hakaru, I don’t know if you understand this since you

were mortal, but all immortal beings are terrified of
death. In a way, it had made us cowardly. Most gods
won’t face their superiors, especially those that can
wipe them out with the crook of a finger. We have
lived too long to risk everything. Our lives are our

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

“When you threw yourself in front of Beloved when

you stood up and defied her, to a goddess, it’s like
giving everything. Our lives, billions of years of history,
to give that up for another, that’s something none of
us would do. However, when a man does that for me,
how can my heart not be moved.”

As she spoke, her arms moved around me, and the

atmosphere was increasingly getting hot and sensual.


“About that name… I haven’t been a mother in many

many years.” She purred. “I think… I’m ready to have
another… right now.”

Chapter 169 :
Many men like to say that women are complicated.
They say that women are exceptionally hard to please.
Winning a woman’s heart is extremely random and
difficult. However, this couldn’t be farther from the
truth. Two tricks work on every woman, whether she
be a common girl or a goddess.

The first method is to put your life on the line to

protect. It doesn’t have to be her. In fact, just
protecting a woman’s life doesn’t work nearly as well.
What you need to protect is a woman’s desires and
wants. A woman would love a man more for
protecting her honor more than her life. Don’t believe
me? Save a woman from being hit by a car by pushing
her into the mud, or throw yourself in front of her to
keep a car from splashing mud on her, and see which
one gets you more affection from her.

The thing is, this doesn’t have to be her own honor. It

works better when she sees you protecting another
woman’s honor. Women tend to embellish what they
see in others. They think other women are more
attractive than them. They think other relationships
are more romantic than their relationship, and so on.
So, when a woman sees you protecting another
woman’s honor, she desires that same thing, and even
glorifies and idolizes it. This is the substance of every
romance novel ever written.

The second method is unfortunately completely out of

your control. It depends on her having some kind of
force over her. For a beautiful daughter, it’s her
father. For a beautiful wife, it’s her husband. That man
has to tell her she can’t be around the person she’s
intrigued with. Nothing will draw a woman to fire
faster than telling her she can’t touch the fire under
any circumstances. This is something I learned to
exploit under NTR. As long as I can make her think her
husband, father, or even brother would disapprove of
me, then her interest in me grows exponentially.

As it turned out, the goddess named Beloved fulfilled

both of these criteria when she banished me. In front
of eight vulnerable, girls, I put my life on the line to
protect the relationship between Artemis and Mother.
She then forbade any of them from ever seeing me.
The kind of things that did to a maiden’s heart could
not be underestimated. Thus, it wasn’t much surprise
that it was only a few days after Fourth came that
other numbered gods showed up.

“H-Hakaru… right?”

“You’re Second?”


Second was a hot-tempered girl, with a small chest

and stature. Both Second and Third had their charms,
but it wasn’t in size. They weren’t loli dwarf girls like
Tenth, but they weren’t voluptuous either. They were
extremely petite. She had dark grey hair, which she
had gripped tightly in her hands. There was a feeling
of reluctance as she looked at me.

I was lying in bed with the sheets over me. I had no

shirt on, and my arms were relaxing up on the
headboard comfortably. If she came at another time,
she might have caught me indecent. She didn’t seem
to be aware of that at all. None of the girls seemed to
grasp privacy or distance, but I was used to that by

“So, what do you want?” I asked.

She bit her lip and then sighed. “It was my fault you’re

I raised an eyebrow. “Your fault?”

“I was… I got…” She blushed cutely, rubbing her arm.
“I was talking to Third about you. I learned that some
of my big sisters were visiting you, and I got upset. I
was raising my voice, and that’s how Beloved learned
about it.”

“Oh, I see…”

“Fourth almost got hurt! Although First has calmed

down since then, it was my fault. I… my anger…
almost hurt a lot of people.”

“What do you want me to do about it?”

“I… have trouble… dealing with… people.” Second

admitted. “Sometimes, all I can see is First. I don’t
think of anyone else. Some of my sisters, I feel so
distant from them. I don’t like being alone all the
“Okay. Are you having fights with them?”

“No… Fourth forgave me, but she said that she wasn’t
the person I should apologize to. She said I need to
apologize to you.”

“It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine!” Second stepped forward. “You’re right.

B-bonds are important. I just… I don’t have any bonds.
I want to be close to my sisters, but just can’t. Third is
the only one I’m on good terms with, and she’s so self-
absorbed and nasty… I just want something more.
You… you’ve managed to connect with all of them.
You know how to do this. I need you to help me.”

“Are you apologizing or are you begging for a favor?” I

laughed, scratching my cheek.
“Shut up, Idiot!” She coughed and then blushed again.
“I mean… I’m sorry. I want to say I’m sorry! Got it! You
better get it!”

She went from yelling to speaking quietly back and

forth several times in that conversation. I didn’t know
what to make of it.

“I don’t really know what you want.” I shrugged. “The

way I got close to your sisters… well, I don’t think the
same thing will work with you, right?”

“Th-that’s true…” She blushed. “B-but… you seem to

be something that unites them, right?”

“All of them, they… l-l-love you. I know it’s true! Don’t
deny it!”

“That’s true,” I said frankly.

“Th-then… I can be close to them, i-if, I’m close to



“I want you to do with me what you do with them! If I

experience it, then I’ll have something in common
with them!”

“What?” I shifted, and then my blanket moved.

I quickly grabbed where it moved, and then looked up
at Second. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“What was that?”

“N-nothing?” I smiled, showing teeth.

“There is someone under your sheets!”

“Okay… Okay…” The sheet lifted, and Mother rose

next to me.

She didn’t bother to cover herself either, so her

delicious breasts were on full display. She happily
pushed that chest against my side, hugging me
intimately right in front of Second. As I said, the girls
had no boundaries they weren’t willing to push.
“F-fourth!” Second yelped. “Wh-what are you doing
under there?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m spending time

with my precious little Hakaru-kun.” She kissed me on
the neck as she wrapped her body around me.

“This… I see…” Second looked extremely flustered.

“So, it’s like that.”

“I think it’s really cute how Second wants to get closer

to me.”

“Who said anything about you, Idiot!” She yelled, her

face flushed in embarrassment. “It’s the other sisters I
care about!”
“Are you sure you don’t want to get close to me?”
Mother asked, looking innocently.

“I want you to go away! I’m going to have personal

time with Hakaru!”

“You’re saying you don’t want to have him together?”

Mother gasped. “It’s really comfy under here.”

Mother patted the blanket in a seductive and inviting

manner, but where she patted just happened to be
right above my groin.

“H-how can you say that?” Second made a face.

“None of the other girls are nearly as shameless as
you! Now, get out!”

She grabbed the sheet and ripped it off.



“The light!”


Second’s eyes turned to a pinprick as pulling the sheet

away revealed almost a half dozen naked women
under there. There was Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth,
and even Artemis. Even Artemis had made it to the
room before her!

“Ahhh… there is room for one more?” Mother offered.

“Out! All of you!”

“We’re here first!”

“Hakaru’s penis is public property!”

“Actually, my penis is my own property!”

“I didn’t agree with that!

“Neither did I!”

“Everyone out so I can have sex with Hakaru!” Second

All the eyes turned to her, a bit shocked at her brazen
words. Her entire body turned red. She then turned
around and ran away. The girls went after her and
brought her back, and it wasn’t long until another
goddess had succumbed to my charm. I didn’t have to
wait long for more either. It was only a few more days
when a certain redhead appeared at my door. I was
still in bed, with no shirt, and my hands upon the rails.

“War! Ahem… I mean Fifth?”

“Hahaha… I got through First’s barriers! Are you

surprised to see me, Hakaru?” Fifth asked, her brilliant
red hair dancing on her head.

Fifth wasn’t as small as Third and Second, but she

wasn’t as large as the higher numbers either. She
looked a bit like a red-head version of Fourth,
although she wasn’t as bountiful in the bosom. She
was still a perfectly sexy redhead. I had honestly been
expecting her sooner, but she didn’t know about the
other girls.

“So, why are you here?”

“The other girls had sex! I heard them talking about it!
Even that old hag Mother is getting some. I want sex

“Really?” I had to admit I was surprised that she

approached me so boldly, but then again, she was
never the type to hold back from what I knew about
her. “Are you sure you want it?”

“If your dick is good enough for my sisters, then I

deserve a taste too!” She declared. “You can fill your
bored time filling me with your cum!”
I nearly spit up, and I wasn’t even drinking anything.

“You’re surprised? I’ve been thinking about having a

baby ever since Mother created life. I keep checking
and checking though, and I never get pregnant!
However, I asked about it, and I found out it’s because
I’m a virgin! So, if you pop my cherry and pump me
full of seed, I’ll have a baby!”

“That’s… technically true…” I shook my head

helplessly at the nativity these girls had sometimes.

“Then, pull out your dick! You’re on baby-making

duty!” She jumped on my bed.

“Wait!” I held up my hands and tried to stop her, but

she immediately hit something lumpy.
“Huh? What’s that?”

“You!” Second’s head popped out from my sheets. “I

have him first! You can wait until after!”

“S-second!” Fifth gasped.

“After me, she means!” Another head popped out.

“Th-third? You too?”

“D-don’t get the wrong idea!” Third responded

snobbishly. “I just didn’t want to be left out. All of the
other girls were having sex with him. Since his dick is
so popular these days, I had to try it out.”

“T-try it out…”
“Hmph! Are you any better?” She glared at Fifth
challengingly. “Well, it doesn’t matter. Hakaru and I
have the best sex. It’s because I’m so wonderful that
the sex is so amazing.”

Sex with Third did get pretty hot, but it did with all the
girls. I hadn’t said anything about her being better.
She was coming up with all of that on her own. She
could be so vicious at times.

“W-wait… are you all saying that I’m the last?” Fifth’s
voice raised an octave.

Third’s eyes narrowed with maliciousness. “Hehe…

poor Fifth. Since Tenth is out of here, you are sloppy
last place.”

“Don’t worry, you can have him after I’m satisfied.”
Third grinned. “Just know that taste on his dick…
that’s my pussy.”

There was a brief moment of silence as everyone took

in her last comment. She really knew how to throw
out burns.

“Everyone out! We’re doing it now! Now! Your dick!

My pussy!”

“W-wait!” Second cried. “I-I want to try this pregnancy

thing now!”

“If everyone’s getting pregnant, then I guess I’ll do it

too.” Third added.
A final goddess was deflowered. Time continued to
pass, and despite being trapped in that room, I was
never bored for even a moment. In fact, there was
nearly a constant stream of women coming to my
room. I didn’t really know how much time passed, but
it was probably years. I grew closer to and more
familiar with all of the women, enjoying my days. It
was a peaceful and happy time, even with the threat
of First looming over my head. However, deep down, I
knew this was temporary, I would have to leave the
castle one day.

Then, I opened my eyes. I realized I could leave this

room. Just like the other girls had figured out how to
get in and out, I had also learned the ability. I was now
a level 15 god, the same as Procreation.

Chapter 170 :
“How much time has passed?” I asked Fourth.
“Many wonderful years.” She answered
nonspecifically as she cuddled against me with her
naked body.

“I mean it! I can’t stay in the Celestial Palace forever. I

have to return home. I’ve left a lot of women waiting
for me. Lilith, Marriage, the mortal women that I also

“Lucky women…” She pouted. “You’ll even leave so

many beautiful goddesses for them.”

“I will be coming back,” I promised, kissing her


“I regret I only have a vague understanding of human

time. If you want to know the time, Artemis would be
your best bet. She keeps track of such things much
better than any of us.”
“Then, I will go ask her then.”

“N-now might not be a good time!”

“Hmm? Why?”

“Ah… it’s just… every once in a while, she gets really

busy. Beloved has her do some stuff while she goes on
a break.”

“First is taking a break?”

“Yes, every once in a while she becomes extremely

weak and must remain in bed. That time has just come
“Great! Then, this is probably the best time for me to
leave.” I declared. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right back.”


I slipped out of the room that had been my prison for

all of those years. It felt pretty good being able to do
that. It was something that even Artemis couldn’t do.
When she visited me, she had to be brought by one of
the numbered goddesses. This was why I decided to
go to her. I had only slipped out of this room a couple
of times up until now, and I was eager to stretch my
feet. If First was out right now, then I had nothing to

I went straight into Artemis’s room. I was surprised

when I entered it because the room was pitch black.
Artemis did like the lights low, but she wouldn’t be
able to work in this lighting. Calling it light wasn’t
exactly right. Light was a relative thing for a god.
However, it seemed like Artemis wasn’t here. I was
just about to turn to leave when I heard her rustling in
her bed.

Oh? Perfect. I caught her taking a nap. She probably

had been working hard. I supposed I could give her a
little reward. With a grin on my face, I sneaked up into
her bed. Lifting the sheets, I slid in next to her. I
reached out and wrapped my arms around her. She
turned to me, and I immediately kissed her lips.

“Mmm!” She let out a cry.

I pulled away. “It’s okay. It’s just me.”


“You’re so pretty in the dark.” I got on top of her.

Her eyes widened. “Wh-what are you doing?”

“I love you.” I kissed her again, pulling out my dick and

lining it up against her.

“W-wait! You ca- ahhhhn!”

I slid it in. “It’s okay. I don’t care about that. I’ll be

gentle and leave you feeling good.”

My assumption was this was something akin to having

a period. She was the goddess of female virginity, and
unlike the other goddesses, she did have a period, as
did Lilith. They were very self-conscious about it since
most goddesses didn’t. It was entirely because of their
close connection to women that they experience the
same things women did. She normally wouldn’t visit
me during what she called her moonflow, so now that
I caught her, I wasn’t going to let her say no.

“You-you’re saying that now… after touching me like


“How can I not? You’re so beautiful and sexy.” I

reassured her.

“H-Hakaru…” She blushed.

I began to rock myself in and out of her. Her body was

deliciously warm, and her pussy was surprisingly tight.
She was as tight as a virgin. I kissed her gently, and the
two of us made gentle love in the dark. My hands
gently explored and caressed her body. It wasn’t
rough or violent, but loving and gentle. I didn’t know
when the next time I’d see any of them were, so I
almost felt like this would be our last time together.
I didn’t notice it until a tear suddenly fell. The warm
drop hit Artemis’s face, causing her alarm.

“H-Hakaru?” She reached up and stroked the moisture

from my cheek. “Why are you crying?’

“It’s time for me to go.”


“You know that I came here for a reason. I came to

save the people I love. That time should be coming at
any moment. I need to leave the Celestial Palace, and
when I do, I don’t know when I’ll be able to see you
“Y-you can visit anytime!”

“Can I? Beloved doesn’t want me here, Artemis.”

“Artemis? B-beloved!” Her eyes widened. “R-right…


She seemed a little confused and foggy. Then again, I

had no clue how the time of the month would affect

“I don’t want to leave any of you.”

“You’ve… you’ve really brought them all together. My

“Don’t you mean aunts?” I chuckled, flicking her

“Ah! Y-yes… aunts…”

I kissed her again and then started to thrust once

again. “I’m going to cum.”

“C-cum!” She squeaked. “W-wait… actually, bad idea!

It’s almost over! I’m almost done!”

I wanted her to finish first, but it was too late. I

pushed myself as deep into her, and my cock began to
swell. I came deep into her womb. As I did so, she
wrapped her legs around my hips and her back
arched. The feeling of me creaming her was too much,
and she started to orgasm as well. Her womb sucked
up all of my cum eagerly as the pair of us writhed in
The light in the room suddenly turned back on. I
mostly ignored it, gasping with my face pressed into
her chest, our sweaty bodies wrapped together. Her
body temperature felt like it was rising rapidly though.
It was a strange enough feeling that I couldn’t help but
furrow my brow.

“H-Hakaru! Wh-what did you do!” Artemis cried out.

“Huh?” I turned my head to the voice.

This was because the voice wasn’t coming from the

girl under me, but a girl lying next to me. I turned to
see Artemis lying there naked, her eyes wide, and a
shocked expression on her face. What? I slowly
glanced up, and there I saw First! Beloved was staring
down at me. I was still inside her, but she had stopped
wrapping her legs around me. She was staring down
at me with hot fury on her face. I was completely

“You… dare!”

“Wh-what’s going on?” I cried out.

“Once in a while… I… um… it’s complicated! For just a

bit, she is eclipsed by my appearance and
personality… or something like that.”

A force shoved me away, and I found myself hitting a

wall. First stood up, the clothing appearing around her
before she had even gotten out of the bed.

“You defiled me!” She screeched.

“B-Beloved, wait…” Artemis tried to get in front of her.

“Silence!” She shoved Artemis away and walked up to

me where I was pinned against the wall.

“I-I didn’t know!” I said in a strangled voice, feeling

the full pressure.

I was a higher-level god now, so I wasn’t nearly as

disadvantaged as I was the previous time, but she was
still much stronger than I could ever hope to be.

“You would have been destroyed touching me at any

other time, but you exploited my only weakness to
have me! I hope the power you gained was worth it!”

“I didn’t… I’m not.”

I had only just reached level fifteen god before. Now, I
was extremely stable as a level 15 god. There weren’t
typically tiers between the god levels, but if there had
been one before I would have been a fledgling level 15
god, and now I’d truly be on the same level as
Procreation. She seemed to think that I had
deliberately slept with her to achieve that goal.

“Shut up!” We suddenly disappeared and then

reappeared again.

I was now standing on some kind of outdoor balcony,

and despite not being bigger than me, Beloved had
me held up by the neck. She lifted me over the edge
and hung me off a fall leading to a seemingly infinite

“First, no!’


All of the girls seemed to appear on the Balcony. They

had somehow been notified and had appeared here,
dropping everything to stop beloved from killing me.

“Sisters! This man never loved you!” She declared.

“That’s not true.”

“He’s ours.”

“He was planning on leaving!” First interrupted them.

All of the girls looked away. They knew this already. I
had been open with them that I would need to leave
at some point.

“He just wanted power, and now that he has it, he’ll
abandon every one of you!” She snarled.

“That’s not true!” Fourth declared, stepping forward.

“Hakaru loves us! Don’t do this.”

“You dare argue with me? My word is the law!”

“You’re wrong!” Second cried out.

Second, who was considered closest to first besides

Artemis, shot her a defiant stare.
Beloved looked truly shocked, a bitter expression on
her face. “I see now. So, you’ve all betrayed me.
You’ve all turned on me because of this… this… man.”

“I-I’m sorry…” I gasped, pleading to the girls. “I… love


“You dare speak of such emotions! You’re just a

mortal human who thinks he’s a god.” First snapped
back. “It’s time for you to face your final sentence.
You will be exiled from the Celestial Palace!”


All of the girls begged, but when I saw the anger and
hate in First’s eyes, I knew that there was no way I was
getting out of this.

“I could have loved you as well.”

“Everyone loves me.” She sneered.

“As… a woman.”

Her expression falters for a second, but then it grows

cold again.

“You forget, Hakaru. I’m not a woman. I’m a goddess.”

She let go of her grip.
I could hear the screams and cries of the girls as I fell
off the ledge of the celestial palace. I plummeted past
the floating structure and then fell into the abyss. The
world began to warp and twist around me. Everything
started to grow strange and abstract. Time and space
bent, and it was at a level that even a level 15 god like
me didn’t grasp. I had no clue what happened to a god
who was tossed away like this, but it didn’t leave me
with confidence. My consciousness started to drain
from me, and I passed out long before I reached the


Darkness, I was floating through the darkness.

“Haka-ru…” A distant voice shouted.

I recognized the voice. It was a voice I hadn’t heard in
what felt like forever. It was familiar and comforting.

“Come back to us.”



“Sweetheart, mommy loves you.”

“Wake up.”

My eyes snapped open and I let out a gasp. I felt like I

had been drowning. Looking around, everything
seemed off and wrong. The world was strangely small
and crowded. My eyes tried to focus, and finally, I saw
a group of women around me.


“You woke up! Thank the gods!” Mother’s chest

pressed against me.

“Hakaru… don’t’ scare us like that!” Maria said, wiping

her tears.

“In the middle of the goddess summoning ceremony,

you just suddenly passed out,” Kira explained.

“P-passed out?” I looked around dizzily. “Wait… the

goddess summoning ceremony!”
I sat up, my mind snapping back to reality. We were in
the living room of my house. Not the Celestial Palace,
but that little place in Japan. My mother, my sister, my
girlfriend, my sidewoman, and my bitch were all

“Why do I have a feeling Hakaru thought something

rude about me?” Akiko whined.

“Did it work?” Sasori asked. “Did you find a way to

become a god?”

No time had passed at all. They didn’t even see my

conversation with the Netori. To me, nearly twenty
years had passed. To them, I had only just passed out
as soon as they finished the ceremony. First… she had
sent me home? Maybe, the last twenty years weren’t
real. Maybe, they had all been a dream.”
“Does… Hakaru seems a bit different to you guys? He
seems… powerful… and really, sexy.”

“My Hakaru is always sexy!” Mom declared.

“No, there is something different. Ah! Where did he


“I’m over here.” The girls all spun to see me standing

in the kitchen.

“T-t-teleportation!” Sasori cried out.

“I’m a god.”

“Y-you’re what? Ah… do we need to take your

“I’ll get the rectal thermometer!” Akiko said excitedly.

“I’m not sick or confused.” I chuckled. “I’m a god.”

I lifted my fingers and snapped.



“N-no, it’s coming out!”

All of the girls in the room fell to the floor, grabbing

their crotches as they simultaneously orgasmed. They
weren’t goddesses, so making a mortal girl cream
herself didn’t require anything.

“You see? I’m a god now.”

“Boo… you could have shown us without ruining my


“Y-you have to finish what you started!”

“Hakaru is getting too cocky! As his mother, I’ll need

to spank him!”

My first moments back on earth as a god after twenty

years and I immediately get admonished by five angry
mortal women. Even as they berated me, I felt
extremely happy and relieved.
Chapter 171 :
“Idon’t understand. What happened when you spoke
to Netori?” Kira was the first to ask.

“It wasn’t much. She just sent me back in time, so that

I could become a god and have time to grow my
strength. Compared to the likes of War and Depravity,
I’m considerably stronger!”

“B-back in time?” Mother cried out.

“Hmm? You should be aware of this more than


“How can that be?” Mother responded, looking

“You don’t remember?” I disappeared and then
appeared in front of her, causing her to let out a cry as
I touched her forehead. “That’s right, you wouldn’t
remember the time when you were possessed by
Netori. It’s been a while since I’ve dealt with mortals.”

“Are you looking down on us?” Maria cried out.

“How could I? You are all my world. Without you, I

would have fallen through the cracks of eternity.”

“I can see he’s grown a smoother tongue, at least.”

Sasori chuckled.

Those weren’t just empty lines. I was a level fifteen

god and I had spent a lot of time studying in the
Celestial Palace. When Beloved had tossed me from
the Celestial Palace, I could have ended up anywhere,
and perhaps anytime. I could have fallen for a
thousand years. I could have ended up on the other
side of the universe. However, I had ended up here, at
this time and this place. I believed that it was my
connection to these women, who, at one point in
time, all were thinking and worrying about me at
once. It drew me here like a beacon, and that is why I
appeared exactly where I wanted to be.

Actually, I would have liked to leave the Celestial

Palace on my own terms. It would have been nice to
say goodbye to all of the women I loved. I planned to
return one day, but just as I had to leave this family
for many years, I was prepared to leave that one for
just as long.

I took my hand off of mom’s forehead and then

tapped her. Restoring the memories of when she was
Netori was a rather simple action. She blinked for a
second, her eyebrows furrowing, then she gasped as
she started to make sense of the memories that she
had lost. Even if she had remembered what had
happened while she was Netori, those memories
would have faded with time. I likely would have grown
up hearing about how I resembled a crush with the
same name as me. Instead, the memories were locked
away, and when I unlocked them, they were as fresh
as if they just happened.

“You… really did go to the past! I-I remember!” Mom

cried out.

“You didn’t believe me before?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Well, there is no saying what your conversation with

that woman would have resulted in. For all we knew,
she could have messed with your mind. She’s
betrayed you once before.” Akiko began, but as soon
as she realized what she was saying, she covered her
I shook my head. “It’s fine. I’ve had a lot of time to
think about it and grow. NTR left me because of her
nature, and I will claim her back because of my own

“So, what happens now?” Mother asked anxiously.

“Are you going back to heaven to wage war against
that bastard ex-husband of mine?”

As soon as she asked those words, it was like a blanket

was thrown over all of them. They started to realize
what being a god truly meant. I existed on another
plane from them. We no longer belonged together.
Once I returned to the heavenly realm, there was no
saying how long I would be gone. For me, it had been
twenty years since I was last in the room with these
women, but for them, I hadn’t even left yet.
Furthermore, twenty years was a lifetime to them.
Mother would be old, and the rest of them would be
adults past their prime if another twenty years passed.
This was also assuming that I was able to come back at
all. There was the possibility that I failed to defeat
Procreation and died instead. They would live the
remainder of their lives never knowing what
happened to me. It was a concern that weighed
heavily on all of their minds. They stared at me
worriedly, wringing their hands as they considered all
of the possibilities. There was silence in the room as
they waited for an answer they feared.

Of course, I had also been thinking about this moment

over the last twenty years. I had read countless books
and considered countless things. In the end, I had
come up with a solution that I thought was necessary.
I was the harem god. I would be nothing without my
harem. They were my strength, and my reason to be. I
couldn’t face Procreation without all of my strength
around me. That meant I had to collect and focus on
that strength.
My women might be mortal today, but that didn’t
mean I was going to leave things at that. My plan was
simple. I would make them all goddesses. It wouldn’t
be too difficult to bring them all to level 9 so that I
could bring them with me. As for how I could do this,
where it took me so much effort to rise, the situation
was substantially different. I was brought up from a
level 1 mortal to the realm of the gods by a goddess at
level 10. Even once Netori reformed, at her highest
she had been 13, and after years of neglect, she was
only a level 12.

In comparison, I was level 15 right now. It should be

noted that every level wasn’t an equal increase in
strength. Power grew exponentially, so each level was
effectively ten times more powerful than the level
before it. That meant that when I faced Beloved, she
was 1000 times stronger than me. Well, the numbers
weren’t that clean and could differ from god to god,
plus the very idea of strength was a bit questionable,
but the point was there.
I was 100,000 times stronger than Netori and her
sisters were, and 1000 times stronger than NTR.
Furthermore, I had studied in the Celestial palace, and
even accessed the hall of records at a level that one
could consider being at the level of an admin. One
could say that I spent the last twenty years preparing
for this moment. I first reached out and waved my
hand. A basket filled with apples appeared on the
table. The girls who had been waiting for an answer
turned to the basket, confusion on their faces.

“What is this?”

“You can make fruit?”

“This is fruit picked from the tree of knowledge,” I

explained. “It doesn’t touch on the heavens, but by
thinking about a subject and then taking a bite, you
can learn all there is to know on that subject.”
“Wh-what are we supposed to know?” Kira asked

“What you choose to learn is up to you. However, I

intend you all to ascend to the level of immortals.
What goddess you become will be influenced by your
knowledge, so try to pick something that you feel
embodies yourself the best. What would make you
happy if you could follow for eternity.”

“What if there is already a god that exists with this


“There are infinite variations.” I shrugged. “Just take

War. The War you’ve met was the goddess of wars for
love. However, there are other gods of war too.
Dozens, maybe thousands of them. Some of them
become consumed by larger ones, but as long as
you’re by my side, such a thing would never happen.
Besides, if you truly want a title that someone else has
taken, I’ll just destroy them.”

“He said that so naturally!”

“H-has my Hakaru become the devil instead of a god?”

“It’s kind of sexy.”

I waved my hand. “Just take an apple, think of a

subject, and then bite.”

Of course, I had consumed many apples over the years

and knew about a large range of topics. That didn’t
mean it was common in the heavenly plane. They
went by different rules than the mortal world, so
many considered such knowledge as pointless waste.
Take the girls from the Celestial Palace, who lived in
relative naivety about many things. They were pretty
quick learners though and dived in as soon as I
introduced them to many things. On the other hand,
these girls would be low-level gods, just a step above
humanity, and having an intimate knowledge would
help them.

There were two other reasons I am able to rapidly

ascend them to goddess status. The first reason is that
any energy I lost helping them grow, would be
regained by the growth of my Harem. The stronger
the women around me, the stronger I would be, so
there was no loss of power, even if I gave up most of
the energy I had absorbed from my time with Beloved.
The second reason was something that even Netori
wouldn’t have been able to guess.

These girls weren’t level 1. They were all level 5, the

very peak of the mortal world. Every woman present,
if she was allowed to continue on her own, would
likely be a leader in this world. They’d be faster,
stronger, and smarter than most of the competition.
How had they become such specimens? That naturally
had to do with me. While I was ascending to godhood
using Netori, the many times I slept with these girls
had also dragged them up with me. It wasn’t at a level
where they could shed their mortality, but every girl I
lay with would be fitter, stronger, and more capable
because of it. Just like how when I slept with a
goddess, I grew in power, the same happened to
these girls.

“Okay, I’ll do it first!” Akiko volunteered as the test

subject, grabbing an apple, scrunching her face cutely
in thought, and then biting.

“Ah! I know Algebra now!”

I smacked her on the back of the head. “I said content

related to being a goddess! You hate math, you’re not
going to be a math goddess.”
“Ah!” She rubbed her head. “S-sorry. I was just
thinking of something I didn’t understand very well
and I remembered that D+ I got on my last exam.”

I rolled my eyes, but after seeing Akiko try it, each of

the girls grabbed an apple and started trying to think
of subjects they wanted to understand intimately. It
lasted a few hours before the girls were stuffed with
apples, their heads swirling with information.

“Okay, Hakaru. I now know enough about sexual

fitness to write an encyclopedia.” Mother declared.
“Now, what next?”

“Sexual fitness? You want to be the goddess of sexual

fitness?” I asked incredulously.
“Hmph! I’m not as young as these other girls, so to
continue to excite my son, I needed an edge. Now, I
can do things to Hakaru that the other girls could
never dream of.”

“S-seriously?” Sasori cried out. “I-I only absorbed

knowledge about education, teaching, and pedagogy.
You could learn about that?”

“Sexual education?” Mom asked.


“Foofoo… then we know which MILF my son will pick.”

Mother crossed her arms and laughed giddily.

“I-I need more apples!” Sasori turned to me and

“We’re out!” I put my foot down before everyone
started wanting to change their choice. “What you
selected first is ultimately what resonates closest to
your heart. Trying to change it for arbitrary reasons
would only cause problems.”

That was probably true too, but I was just making it up

because I was growing impatient.

“What is the next step?” Kira asked as her mother

clung to her with a depressed and dejected look.

“That should be easy. I will sleep with you. I will shine

my heavenly light on you, allowing you to rapidly grow
into a goddess.”

“Hakaru thinks highly of himself.” Akiko teased. “He

just wants an excused to take us all in an orgy!”
“A-an orgy?” Maria’s eyes widened.

I smacked Akiko again for good measure and then

turned to the rest. “This is a very delicate thing. It’ll
have to be done one at a time. I’d also need some

“I’ll do it first.” Mother volunteered immediately. “It’s

my bedroom anyway. I don’t want the other girl’s
sloppy seconds.”


I calmed the girls down and got them to select the
order. Then, I took Mother into the room. There had
been a time where I might have felt awkward with
her. However, looking at her now, I saw the same
teenage beauty I had shared my love with a lifetime
ago. She might still be my mother, but that kind of
thing didn’t matter anymore. We fell to the bed and
gently made love.

About an hour later, the pair of us came out. The rest

of the girls had been waiting with various levels of
patience. Having to sit and do nothing while their man
slept with another woman one at a time was torture.
They ended up drawing straws to inevitably determine
the order after my mother.

“K-Kana! You look…” Sasori gasped.

“Hmm?” Mother cocked her head.

“What is this?” Maria’s eyes ignited with shock. “What
did you do to her?”

I waved a hand, summoning a mirror that mom could

look into. She was a level nine goddess now, and
incidentally, she had lost a few years. Actually, she
looked like her teenage self. Since I had just unlocked
those memories shortly before doing this, her sense of
self must have leaned on her younger form, and thus
that was the form she took.

“Oh, my…” Mom checked herself in the mirror. “Great

sex and a facelift. Hakaru really spoils his mother.”

“Facelift?” Maria sputtered. “You look younger than


“Hehe… poor Maria, now you have direct familial

competition.” Mom’s expression grew mischievous.
“I’m not only young and beautiful, but I also made
Hakaru cum buckets. You might be having a little
brother or sister soon.”

“A s-s-sister!” Maria shook her head. “Well, a half-

sister at least.”

Mom and I looked at each other, and then back at her.

“About that…” I laughed, scratching the back of my

head. “I’ve forgotten to tell you about that part.”

“Wh-what part?”

“Ahh… well, Hakaru came back in time and…” Mom

gestured to me. “Meet your new daddy!”

“Don’t see it as losing a brother… but gaining a

father.” Mom declared. “After all… he’s both.”

“This… this… my mother is younger than me and my

brother is my father!” She weakly declared, her eyes
dancing wildly. “I… I’m going to lose it!”

“Well, lose it after you’re done!” Mom clapped. “It’s

time to bang your dad!”

Chapter 172 :
It was a beautiful fairytale forest. The lush leaves were
always green, and the sounds of birds and insects
serenaded the landscape. Deep within this forest, in a
place that would be nearly impossible to encounter
unless you already knew where it was, there was a
cottage. There was a knocking on that cottage door,
which opened up after a few moments of quiet.

“Hakaru!” Lilith jumped out and wrapped her arms

around me.

“Lilith…” I smiled and tried to talk, but Lilith began to

aggressively kiss me.

It had been twenty years since I had last seen her.

Unlike Artemis who could move between the Celestial
Palace and here, Lilith was firmly trapped in the
Mortal world. I had been in the Celestial Palace all this
time. I hadn’t even been certain she would still be
here. Then again, Lilith was a woman who had
remained trapped attending Lucifer’s grave for many
thousands of years. A twenty year span for her was
barely anything when it came to remaining in one
However, I hadn’t anticipated her exuberance over
meeting once again. She had thrown all of her weight
on me, and as she rained kisses down on me, I fell
back onto the ground.

“Th-this is a goddess?” Kira asked curiously.

“Yeah… ahh… Lilith, we need too… ahhh…” She had

started to strip off my clothing. “We’re not alone!”

I pointed up to reveal all of my girls. I had brought

them up to the heavenly plane successfully. They were
all level 9 goddesses. Although they still looked the
same, it was like all the imperfections had been
scrubbed away. They all looked radiant and beautiful.
The only one who didn’t resemble a young woman in
her late teens was Sasori. Incidentally, she was rather
happy when his mother de-aged, solidifying her place
as the group MILF.
I didn’t know what to say to that. It wasn’t like I
fetishized them on their age. I loved all of them, and
physical appearance was mostly meaningless in the
heavenly plane. She didn’t know about all that though,
and it seemed important to her that she had
something none of the other girls possessed, even if
that thing was a slightly more mature body.

When she came to age though, or even motherliness,

she couldn’t compare to various other goddesses.
Mother was a queen MILF that even my mother
couldn’t compare to. Her welcoming bosom was
something I still thought about. It made me miss her
embrace, no, all of their embraces, so much more.
Ah… thinking that way along with Lilith rubbing
against me and it was getting erect!

She looked up at the girls who were watching her

mounted on top of me. “Hi! You can hold this.”
She ripped off her dress. Naturally, she wore nothing
underneath. She tossed the dress to Akiko who caught
it, then she went back to stripping me as I helplessly
tried to resist. I was a more powerful god than her
now, but she was the very essence of a woman. How
could I truly resist her when she wanted it so badly.
The girls, including my daughter and my mother, could
only watch helplessly as she mounted me and started
to ride me aggressively to her satisfaction.

I had thought I had gotten used to the goddess’s

complete lack of shame. After experiencing the
Celestial goddesses who would perform sexual acts
without a care who saw, I figured I could handle
anything. However, Lilith proved me wrong. Doing this
kind of thing in front of my family and lovers whom I
recently reconnected with was still enough to make
me blush.

“This is another woman Hakaru picked up?” Maria

asked unhappily.
“She is quite pretty,” Mom added.

“Tsht… I could do that with my hips if I wanted to.”

Akiko complained.

“I think that would throw out my back.” Sasori


The commentary wasn’t helping at all. When we were

finished reacquainting at the hip and Lilith allowed me
to get back up, I gathered all the girls.

“You’ve become quite powerful.” Lilith purred holding

me affectionately, still naked even though everyone
else was clothed.
“Are you doing okay? I’m sorry I had to leave you for
so long.”

“No, it’s fine.” She shook her head. “Artemis visited

me and let me know how you were doing once or
twice. Besides, it was a mere few decades. That went
by like nothing.”

“A-a few decades, she says,” Kira murmured.

Lilith’s eyes suddenly brightened. “Oh, speak of the


“Hakaru! You’re safe!” A voice cried out, causing

everyone to turn as a beautiful woman emerged from
the forest.

“Hakaru, when she… I was so worried!” She ran up to
me and embraced me.

“Th-they’re all so pretty!” Akiko cried out.

“Don’t worry…” Kira comforted her. “They may be

pretty, but only you would let Hakaru do all those
dirty things to you.”

Her expression brightened. “Th-that’s true! If Hakaru

wants to be nasty, he’ll still need me!”

“Oh?” Lilith had approached the other girls as she

gave Artemis room to hug me. “Is that so?”
A thin covering came over her body, acting as her
clothing. However, it was still almost completely see-
through, making its function as clothing to be highly
questionable. She was looking at the former mortals I
had brought up as if appraising them. Some of the
girls grew sheepish under the look of her beautiful,
predatory eyes. Akiko glared back defiantly.

“It is! He can have any hole! A-and even if I beg him to
stop, he can do whatever he wants to me!”

“You beg him to stop?” She cocked her head. “You are
one of my man’s women, and I am the goddess of
women, Lilith, so do not think I wish you any ill-will.
Quite the contrary. Now that you are a goddess, I wish
for you to act feminine and honor womanhood well.
That’s why I’ll warn you that most goddesses aren’t
nearly as repressed as mortals. Hakaru may also do
anything he wants with me.”
“A-anything?” Akiko’s original defiance quickly melted

“Why… I’d even let him…” She leaned close so no one

could hear as she whispered in Akiko’s ear.

Akiko’s expression slowly changed to shock, horror,

and then bright red. Lilith finally pulled away, a
satisfied grin on her face. Akiko shook for a second like
she couldn’t handle what she heard, and then turned
to me.

“Master! We must go to a bedroom now! There are

things I must experience!”

“No time!” I discarded her, as I was currently talking

with Artemis.
“Beloved has locked down the Celestial Palace since
she sent you away. I was barely able to get out. They
sent me to find out what happened to you. They were
all deeply worried.” Artemis explained. “Although
Beloved said she didn’t destroy you, we still feared the
worst. It wasn’t until just now that I was certain of
your safety.”

“Well, you came just in time. I am about to begin my

confrontation with Procreation. Once I had won back
Marriage and NTR, I will see what I can do about the
Celestial Palace.”

“Hakaru, I’m not sure if there is anything you can do.

Beloved is one of the greatest and most well-known
goddesses in existence. What she wants, happens.”

“And there was once a time where Procreation

seemed like an insurmountable foe, but today I will
defeat him.”
Artemis bit her lip and then nodded. “As you say
Hakaru. I will be by your side.”

“No…” I shook my head.

“Y-you don’t want me?”

“It’s not that? You are all my strength. I would want all
of my girls with me. It pains me that I can’t be with the
goddesses from the Celestial Palace. It’s the same for
you. I don’t want to part from you for an instant.”

Her face blushed. “I… then what is it?”

“I have a task for you.”

“A-a task?”

“I was seeing if I could do it myself, but since you are

here, it is best if you do it.”

“What is it?”

“I need you to return to the Celestial Palace.”

“Th-the Celestial Palace?” Her face turned white.

“Wasn’t that your plan from the beginning? Once you

found out I was okay, you’d need to return to the
palace to tell the other goddesses, right?”

“Th-that’s true… but, I was hoping to spend time with

you. J-just a few years, then I would go back. Once I
return, Beloved will be furious. She may actually take
me away from Mother.”

“I know.” I gently cupped her face. “And I wouldn’t

send you at all if I felt it wasn’t necessary. However, I
need you to access the Hall of Records. This is
something I had been planning since I had been in
isolation. If my calculations are correct, then by doing
this, I will ensure my victory against Procreation. Will
you go for me?”

“I will!” She declared, looking up at me with loving


I gently kissed her, but as our kiss grew more

passionate, Lilith pulled us apart. “No time for that!”

“R-right…” Artemis blushed.

“She seemed to think she had time for it,” Maria

After Artemis left to return to the Celestial Palace, I

gathered the rest of the girls and took them from the
forest. I had spent a lot of time training in the Celestial
Palace, but everything was done merely in theory. I
may have the power of a level 15 god, but that didn’t
mean that I was able to do anything and everything.
However, it was going well so far.

The group of us appeared in a large landscaped yard.

There was a massive mansion at the end of the yard,
and a clear blue sky as far as the eye could see. The
only thing strange about the sky was that there was
absolutely no sun or clouds.

“That place is so big!” Kira cried.

“Where are we?” Sasori asked.

“This is the Harem Palace… Procreation’s palace. It’s

supposed to belong to the god of Harems, but he stole
it. Well, that’s my story, at least.”

Since there never was a true Harem, then there never

was a Harem Palace. However, Procreation had
tricked the universe into thinking he was the true
Harem by creating and living in the Harem Palace.

“Th-this is where you live?”

“It’s a bit small.” I shrugged. “But it will do.”

It was larger than the largest mansion they could

imagine, but to me, it was only so-so. After seeing the
majesty and scope of the Celestial Palace, this place
just seemed like a small house. It felt cozy, and a good
place to house my harem of women. The girls all gave
me looks after I said that. Even Lilith couldn’t imagine
how much my mind had expanded in pure scope. This
place was only a start, it was simple as that. However,
I’d need to defeat and kick Procreation out to reach
my goals.

“If this is his place, aren’t there any guards?”

“Why would there be?” I asked. “He’s a level 15 god.

No one in the heavenly plan of humans would do such
a thing, and no one stronger could be stopped.”

“So, you’re saying he’s aware we’re here?”

I shook my head. “No. Not yet. He’s likely trying to

break through to level 16, so he’s secluding himself.
Unless we make too much noise, he’s unlikely to
realize we’re here.”

“Then, what is your plan?”

“My first plan…” I declared, holding up a token I had

received once a long time ago. “Is to find War.”

I was going to begin a battle with the god of

Procreation, trying to steal my loves back and conquer
my rightful title. How could I begin such an act without
having the goddess of fighting a war for love? On the
other hand, if I had the goddess of war on my side,
how could I lose?”

Chapter 173 :
“Hmm?” I stopped as I took a step forward toward the
mansion. “Oh?”
“Hakaru?” Kira asked as the rest of the girls gave me
expectant looks.

“I was expecting War to be in the mansion, but it turns

out she’s nearby.”

War had come in here and managed to somehow

distract NTR, allowing Netori to be summoned.
Although this had happened a long time ago for me,
timewise, this would have just been last night. There
were many possibilities regarding what happened to
her after. It was undoubtedly that NTR would have
been furious with her. At that point, she could have
been banished or imprisoned.

After tracing her all the way here, I had assumed that
she was in the mansion, but now that I got a clear look
at the surrounding area, I could see that the mansion
sat on a big hill overlooking a city. War’s signal was
actually within that city. As much as I desired to burst
into the mansion now, it looked like I’d be taking a
detour first.

“It looks like we’re going down there.” I gestured.

“Hmm? A city?” Maria asked.

“No, Maria… a city of the gods!” Mom responded


Mom had spent half of her life as a shrine maiden. To

finally enter the realm of the gods and goddesses that
she had dedicated her life to had excited her. Sasori
looked at it more like an intellectual pursuit. As for
Kira and Akiko, they seemed extremely shy but
determined to follow me wherever I took them. To be
honest, I had never explored the heavenly realm. I
looked at maps and I knew how to navigate them
now, but that didn’t mean that every sight wasn’t just
as new to me. For example, this was the first time I
knew gods and goddesses even had cities.

I took the group of girls down into the city. It was a

small village, somewhat simple compared to the
mansion on the hill above. It was clear that the
residents here were all subservient to Procreation. As
we walked down the street, I caught glimpses of more
and more goddesses. I felt them out and was able to
tell that most of them were fairly low tier. There were
level 9 to level 11 goddesses. The majority of my
harem fit right in here.

“A-are all goddesses so beautiful?” Kira asked.

“It comes with the territory, yeah…” Lilith chuckled.

“But you don’t need to worry, you’re cute too.”
Kira blushed as Lilith gave her a flirtatious look. Lilith
represented all women, so naturally, she was bisexual.
As for Kira, she had been through a few threesomes
by now, and while she wasn’t into woman per se,
there was enough curiosity there that she blushed
under Lilith’s predatory gaze. Netorare had taught me
about sharing, so I didn’t mind if my women played
with each other while I wasn’t around.

“What is this place?” Sasori asked, looking around in


“People call this place the village of the harem,” Lilith


“Procreation’s harem isn’t allowed in the mansion?” I

blinked in surprise.
She shook her head. “That name is just a lie like he is.
It’d be better to call this the village of the discarded.”

As we looked around, I began to see more and more

girls, but they all had depressed, lonely, or sometimes
even hateful and jealous looks. I was catching a little
bit of interest, as I was the only male presenting god
here, but only a brief interest. My presence here
should have caused a bit of an uproar. After all, this
was his harem, and another man was walking among
them. This gave me a somewhat bad feeling.

“They don’t care that I’m here?”

“It doesn’t happen often, but when Procreation favors

a man, he lets them come down and play around with
these girls.”

“An influence of NTR?”

“That’s what the gods believed, but over the years
since you revealed his true nature, I’ve come to
believe it’s simply because he doesn’t care,” Lilith
explained. “You see, these goddesses have all been
pregnant at one point.”

“A-all of them?” Akiko’s eyes widened.

“So, it’s like that.” I sighed.

“What?” Kira asked as the girls all glanced my way.

“He’s Procreation, the god of making babies. I had

always wondered about that. Now I know. He does
have girls in the castle, goddesses he has seduced.
However, when he gets her pregnant, he kicks her
“K-kicks her out! A pregnant woman?”

“No one said he was the God of fatherly love. Once he

procreates with them, he does not need for them
anymore, so he tosses them… the village of the
discarded. It’s an apt name.”

“What a bastard.” Lilith hissed.

“It probably doesn’t just include his women, but the

children of his women. An entire city made of gods
that look up to and idolize a man who will never look
at them twice. This is a pitiful place.” I sighed as I
looked up at the mansion overlooking this city, a
constant reminder of what these women would never
“These are goddesses, why would they put up with
this?” Mom demanded.

“They are low-level goddesses, most of them are

barely above 9. In the hierarchy of this world, they are
barely present, threatening to cease to exist for all
time.” Lilith explained. “Unlike you lot who came from
mortality, the worst thing that would happen to you is
that you lose your divinity and return to being
mortals. For us, it’s ceasing to exist.

“Tying yourself to a powerful god or goddess is one

way to survive. You bask in their grace, and your
association with them keeps you from ceasing to be.
The heavenly realm is a cruel place where the bottom
goddesses, those that exist for insignificant purposes,
must struggle to be seen by anyone.”

“H-Hakaru…” Most of the girls were white after

hearing such words, but Akiko was visibly shaken.
“I will never abandon any of you. Ever.”

The girls still looked a bit uncertain. I didn’t

understand why until Lilith spoke up again.

“To you, Hakaru is still just the young boy you fell in
love with, but do not underestimate his strength and
power. He’s carved an existence into this world and
into the hearts of too many goddesses to be surprised
by others. In terms of human gods, there is no one
more powerful, even Procreation. He could have a
mansion like this, and if he opened his harms,
thousands of goddesses would flock to his side.”

“Th-that’s what I’m worried about!” Akiko

“Akiko…” I turned to her suddenly, causing her to
jump a bit.


“I will have many lovers from now on. However,

you’re not my woman. You’re a dog.”


“A dog is a man’s best friend. They remain blindly loyal

to them, and in exchange, that man dotes on his dog.
You can take a man’s family, his children, and even his
woman… but a man’s dog is special and he will burn
the world to the ground for his dog, and forever dote
on her. You, Akiko… are just such a bitch.”

“Y-you mean it?” her eyes brightened.

“Forever.” We embraced while all the other girls
stared dumbfounded.

“Such shitty lines worked!” Kira cried out.

“Wh-why does she look so perversely happy?” Sasori

clung to her daughter.

“This woman is definitely broken.” Maria sighed.

We continued into a square, and that’s when I finally

came upon War. The other mortal women recognized
her since she still appeared as the mortal host she had
taken, Michelle. She was in a stock, a wooden
contraption that held her head and arms. She was
completely naked and bent over. The stocks pointed
away from the square, effectively showing her ass and
cunt to the world while all she could look at was the

I recognized her by her body, which I had once

intimately enjoyed. Maybe, as a mortal, I’d never had
that kind of retention, but since becoming a god, I
knew every girl I had ever touched in depth. It had
only been a day since War had returned to the
heavenly realm to help me, but she was in extremely
bad shape.

She was filthy, looking like various people had tossed

fruit at her. She had various writing on her back, ass,
and legs. They were words such as cum dumpster,
slut, and whore. There was a dildo stuck in her crotch
that was vibrating wildly. I could hear her panting
slightly, but it was an exhausted sound of someone
who had already been put through the wringer. Of
course, these weren’t a normal stock, and she
wouldn’t be able to escape them just because she was
a goddess.
“This is awful…” Sasori gasped.

“Did Procreation do this to her?” Maria asked.

“No… this was NTR’s doing,” I said. “No, it’s more to

say this is the entire villages doing.”

“These goddesses did this?”

“Do you think women aren’t capable of such brutality

to each other?” Lilith raised an eyebrow.

“No… it’s just…”

“War used to be one of the women Procreation used.
She ran away and tried to find a new life for herself.
The reason she approached Derek and agreed to have
him champion her was that she wanted to change her
fate. To these discarded women, that would naturally
erupt their hate and ire. How dare she get out when
they were all trapped. It’s that kind of feeling.”

I stopped talking and walked the rest of the way up to

her. This drew a few more glances. Some women
sneered or looked on happily as they saw me
approach. I was a man, and if I was here, that meant
that I was here with the approval of Procreation. No
male god would have the guts to just walk into the
village of the discarded without Procreation’s
knowledge. That was asking for death!

One woman, a level eleven who likely was the top

bitch in here, walked up to War from the other side, a
nasty grin on her face. “It looks like your time has
“P-please… take it out…” She spoke weakly.

“Hehe… no worries, it’ll come out!” The woman

laughed. “Then, you can be filled with a real cock.”


“Hey, Freya, we have a visitor, and it looks like he’s

going to play with you!” She teased before glancing at
me. “Give her a good fuck. This traitor deserves to be

“A-ah!” War let out a cry. “N-no… please… not that. L-

leave the dildo in. Just… not another man… I have…
This was the wrong thing to say, as the woman
slapped her cheek and glared. “The only one in your
heart should be Harem! Just like a traitor! Make sure
to impregnate her!”

“N-No! I… I don’t want this. Please… Hakaru… I’m


“What’s that name? Never heard of it. Some loser

demigod?” The woman chuckled before glancing back
up at me. “Come on, stick it in her! I want to see the
look on her face as she loses all hope.”

I was hiding my level, so this girl had no clue what I

was. As for the name Hakaru, it wouldn’t have spread
across the human parts of the heavenly realm, since I
had spent my time avoiding such things. Level 15 gods
didn’t just appear from nowhere, so she was forgiven
for not realizing the truth. She only saw someone NTR
or Procreation had invited to start phase 2 of the
punishments that had only just started.

I nodded my head silently toward the waiting woman,

however, inside, I was conflicted. I didn’t owe War
anything. She had helped Derek, my rival, and by all
accounts was my enemy. However, she had gotten
herself into this situation helping me. I never expected
my name to be called out in this heavenly realm, but
when I heard it, I knew that War was my woman. No,
I probably should call her by her true name, Freya.

I guess her history wasn’t so simple. She was a level 11

goddess herself, and I had always wondered how she
was so strong despite being a goddess of wars for
love, something that no one fought anymore. Her
name explained enough.

I pulled out the dildo from her, and then with a wave
of my hand, made it, and all the filth and writing on
her behind disappear. I had started to pull in a show,
women eager to watch Freya be humiliated and
raped. These women were all extremely vicious to
each other, but could I blame them. They had gotten
that from Procreation.

I pulled out my dick. Well, I wasn’t above a little

showmanship. I’d get to tease Freya a bit as
vengeance for what she did to me, and I’d show all of
these women a show. It was time to show them how a
real Harem god loves a woman.

Chapter 174 :
“Ahhn!” Freya cried out as I slid myself inside her. “N-
no! Please, stop!”

“Are you sure you want me to stop?” I spoke for the

first time since sticking it in.
“You… wait… huh?” Freya seemed to recognize my
voice, even though she couldn’t see me.

“Hehe… Just take it and enjoy what I have to give

you.” I chuckled darkly.

“R-right- I mean, no! Please, no!” Freya was thankfully

not foolish.

She was a goddess of war, so naturally, she was

adaptable and knew all about strategy and
cooperation. She may not know how I had gotten
there, but I had already tasted this body once before,
and I was the very Hakaru that she had been
lamenting about. Her tone shifted a bit, but it was at a
level that the other goddesses gathering around didn’t
notice. At this point, we began to put on a show.
I thrust deep inside her from behind while the lead
woman glared condescendingly down at Freya. Other
women were gathering around as well, watching as
the traitor who was chained up by NTR the night
before now got what was coming to her. That was my
dick, which thrust into her roughly from behind. Even
chained up, with her face filled with helplessness and
cries of resistance, she couldn’t help but rock her hips,
taking pleasure in my cock.

Feeling like I was owed a bit more revenge, I lifted my

hand and slapped her ass. Instead of a cry of surprise,
she gave an orgasmic one. She liked having her ass
spanked. I kept doing it, eliciting cries of lust. She
started to cum already, perhaps relieving a lot of
stress she had been feeling through the pleasure of
sex. I continued to bang her roughly, not even giving
any mercy.

The audience grew until it likely included all of the

ladies in town. My women were among them. Some
looked away in embarrassment, while others watched
with keen interest as if they wanted to compare and
see what they could learn from our interaction. As for
the other women watching, many of them had
knowing or smug looks. However, as time crept on,
and Freya’s cries turned more lustful, their lips started
to twitch.

An hour passed by, and Freya came dozens of times. A

small pool of godly lust had formed at my feet as I
pounded away. All her original cries of resistance and
defiance were gone now. She didn’t seem to have the
energy to keep up the charade. She was merely lost in
lust. The lead woman’s expression had turned
awkward the longer we went at it.

“You’re enjoying it! Hmph… and here I am doing all

the work!” I declared suddenly, and then reached
down and flicked the stock.
The lock immediately clicked open, and the stock
released her. I pulled Freya out of the stockade and
swung her around. Many of the girls gasped at this
sudden development, but they weren’t that surprised.
They assumed that I must have been given the key to
removing it. After all, one would have to be very
powerful to break an enchanted bond created by NTR.
It never occurred to any of them that I was such an
impressive figure as that. If I was so powerful, why
would I be screwing around with some level 11

I stood Freya up and spun her around. She let me

move her body, powerless to resist. When she looked
up at me, there was a growing sense of peace and
happiness. She hadn’t seen me before, so she had
only allowed herself to hope there wasn’t a mistake.
Now that she had finally confirmed that the man who
had given her such release was the man, she had
already allied herself with, Freya nearly fell against
“I…” I put my finger on her lips. “Since you feel like
talking, why don’t I make you work your mouth!”

Rather than fear or disgust, there was a flash of

excitement in her eyes. I pushed her to her knees,
which she fell to without resistance. I then shoved my
dick into her mouth. Freya began to eagerly suck on it,
tasting hours of her lust as she sucked the juices from
my dick. Freya wasn’t like Lilith or Artemis, two virgin
goddesses. If I recalled, the stories painted her as a bit
of a party girl back in the day. That meant she had
ample experience. She took my cock down to the root,
giving me an incredible and enthusiastic blowjob.

Seeing her get pushed down and her mouth used like
a sex toy initially pleased all of the other women, who
gave triumphant looks at seeing Freya defiled. She had
been one of the strongest goddesses under
Procreation at one point, and perhaps there was even
a history of her suppressing some of these women in
years past. So, why wouldn’t those women want to
see her debased?

However, as I pulled back my head and thrust my dick

into her pleasing mouth, she let out happy, excited
moans as she gobbled my dick. I stroked her hair
affectionately as she serviced my member. A scene
that had started as the brutalization of an arrogant
goddess had somehow started transforming. The
goddesses all felt like something was off, but it was

I grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her head

back. Her mouth only released from my cock after a
bit of pulling. That’s how hard she was sucking it. She
gasped as she looked up at me, her eyes filled with
intense desire. I pulled her up by the hair, making her
stand and face me. Then I kissed her roughly. My
hands wandered over her body as the pair of us
passionately kissed.
“He kissed her… after her mouth was down there…
but he never would.” One of the goddesses looked
toward the mansion to show who they were talking

“That… i-is she being punished?” Another said


A few of the goddesses gulped and tightened their

thighs as they watched the scene unfold. They were
feeling funny. It was like a feeling of longing and
desire in their hearts.

“Now, pleasure me.” I ordered Freya.”

“Y-yes…” She said, her expression filled with lewd

She pushed me down excitedly, and then grabbed my
cock, squatting on top of it and taking it back into
herself. She started to bounce up and down on my
member, riding me with her body for all it was worth.
I reached up and touched her face, stroking my fingers
over her cheeks as she looked down at me. She
started to suck on my fingers lustfully, as she rocked
her cunt against my cock.

As our actions grew more and more affectionate, the

girls watching grew more and more entranced. Many
of them had only been with one god. That would be
Procreation, who had used them like cum dumpsters
until they got pregnant and then tossed them away.
The rest were procreation’s children, many of which
were still virgins having only gazed up longingly at the
mansion of their father who they never met. A few
lucky ones might be able to work their way into the
castle and become his sex toy, only to be discarded
just like their mother’s when he unceremoniously cast
them out.
Thus, these women, even though they were
goddesses, had no concept of affection. They didn’t
understand love. Many of them had never even had
an orgasm. You were an object to please a powerful
god, nothing more. Yet, the façade of me treating
Freya like an object didn’t hold up. At first, I had
roughly fucked her from behind, but now, she was on
top, and in charge, and we had our naked bodies
pressed together, kissing lovingly with our tongues.

Our hands roamed over every nook and cranny of our

bodies as we touched and fucked. How many times
she had orgasmed were lost, and she had become
nothing but a sex machine, lost in satisfaction. The
other goddesses didn’t even feel jealousy. It was
something far more than that. It went beyond envy
and approached a state of feral desire.

The lead girl was the one who had taken the greatest
emotional blow. She could barely stand. It was like a
woman in a desert being handed a glass of water. She
had finally seen meaning, and that meaning was being
displayed by Freya and me. It was a display of
everything that they wanted and had been denied. It
was the affection, the love, the care, and the mutual
sharing that Procreation ignored when it took from
women. All he did was bang a woman and get her
pregnant, but whether you were a mortal or a
goddess, this level of satisfaction didn’t go very far.

As our bodies merged in the middle of the square,

sweaty, orgasmic, and toward both of our satisfaction,
the girls watching grew increasingly entranced. They
wanted such things as well. They wanted to be
touched. They wanted to be loved. They wanted
everything that we were sharing and more.

“I’m going to cum.”

“Inside me…” She gasped. “I want you inside me.

Make me pregnant with your seed.”
“You and your baby will be mine.” I bit her ear playful.

“Ahhhn… C-cumming!” She began to climax just with

that little bit of teasing, but I had already made her do
so enough times that the familiar feel of pussy
tightening around my cock felt comforting.

I released inside her, shooting my hot load into her

womb. This was at a level where it was very likely
she’d get pregnant, but I didn’t mind such a thing. Kira
was already pregnant, and technically I already had a
daughter in Maria. Twenty years had passed, and I
was no longer that uncertain teenager I had once
been. I was content having many children. I looked
forward to raising them. Such a thing was only natural
when a man reached my age.

Of course, I was no longer a mortal, but a god, so it

wouldn’t be the same thing. All of my kids, including
Kira’s unborn baby, would ultimately be gods. One of
the reasons I had made all my girls into goddesses was
because I didn’t want to break the rule. If I started
impregnating mortal women and making demi-gods, I
could seriously get in trouble. This was why while
Procreation went to earth, he didn’t just impregnant
all of the girls. Given his nature, he could impregnate
every woman on earth if he wanted to, but he

Even the girls that he had used from the stock

Depravity had put together as my reward ended up
not getting pregnant. That was the level that we had
to concern ourselves when it came to these edicts.
They came from the higher goddesses, such as
Beloved and Mother. Even Procreation was so bold as
to defy them.

Thankfully, I had discovered a loophole in this. As long

as my girls became goddesses, then I was free to
impregnate them as much as I wanted. In that way, all
of my girls had become fair game.

I finished cumming inside Freya, and she finally

collapsed on top of me, gasping for breath. I gently
stroked her hair as our naked bodies recovered. I
noticed that the world around us had become
somewhat quiet. I finally pulled Freya to the side and
sat up, looking around. All of the girls were watching
us with fervent eyes. That’s when my eyes landed on
the lead woman.

“You… why did you come here?” She asked

“The man you called Harem was a lie,” I explained

careful. “He stole that name. I am the true Harem
None of the girls looked surprised or even reacted all
that much to this news. A name was generally
meaningless. Procreation wasn’t defined by the name
Harem. He was still the same concept he had always
been. What did change though was their definition of
Harem. Harems didn’t look like what Procreation

“My name is Kukurihime no Kami, god of the land,”

she said uncertainly, reaching up and unclipping her
robe. “Please, receive me.”

Her robe fell, revealing her beautiful naked body.


“Please… I may be an insignificant goddess, but if you

accept me, I’m yours.”
I slowly moved to my feet, and then nodded. “I will
have your heart, but I will never give it back!”

I heard rustling behind me. Turning around, my

eyebrows raised to see hundreds of other goddesses
having similarly stripped to nothing.

“Please, receive us!”

It looked like I was going to be busy for a while.

Chapter 175 :
“It’s time to go!” Lilith declared, standing over me.

I was on the floor in the middle of the square.

Hundreds of naked women were around me. Most of
them had been sexed into a happy sleep. I was naked
and somewhat exhausted. Gods and goddesses didn’t
need to sleep, but it still felt good to rest after
exerting yourself. Even a level fifteen like me could
overexert himself, especially when it involved putting
two hundred goddesses into a happy sex coma.

“Snort-huh?” The half-asleep Akiko who had been

resting on her elbows fell off them.

“Can we go now?” Maria yawned, stretching.

“How long has it been?” Sasori asked.

The ladies that had refrained from my service,

specifically my main girls, rose after Lilith’s
declaration. They walked over to where I was laying,
standing next to Lilith all around me. They each looked
down at me with mildly amused expressions on their
faces. Freya joined them, having had time to recover,
clean herself up, and get dressed while I played with
the other goddesses.

“Too long!” Freya answered Sasori’s question, an

impish expression on her face.

“You’re the one who started this!” Lilith smacked her

on the back of the head.

“H-hey!” Freya complained. “I didn’t know he’d bang

every goddess in town!”

“We should punish him for being too greedy!” Kira

sniffed. “I know we’re all sharing him, but there are
only so many times I can watch him torture a woman’s
pussy before it stops turning me on and I just start to
feel sorry for his penis.”
“His penis looks all shriveled up now that he’s abused
it so much, it’s kind of cute.” Akiko giggled, pointing
down at my groin.

“It does look dead.” Kira gasped. “The snake can truly
be slain!”

“Hehe… maybe if he focused on the women and didn’t

make sure he came in everyone, he’d have had more
energy.” Maria chuckled. “That two-hundredth
cumshot was barely anything.”

“Mom… the harem is bullying me.” I cried, grabbing

onto the only woman who wasn’t being mean.

“You were a good boy.” Mom patted my head. “Did

you all have fun?”
“Mm! Mm!” I nodded.

“Then my baby has nothing to be ashamed of.” She

gently kissed my forehead and stroked me soothingly.

I buried my head in mom’s chests, which were still

large even after her teenification. Her breasts had
gotten bigger after two kids, but while returning to her
youthful age had made her breasts youthful, they had
also remained the same size as they were as a mother.
All of the other girls gave flat expressions as I happily
rubbed my face in her cleavage.

“Momma’s boy,” Akiko growled.

“Definitely mother whipped.” Kira snorted.

“Even though she’s no longer older, she still wins as
the MILF.” Sasori sighed.

“Don’t worry, mom. You’re Hakaru’s sensei. I don’t

think he’s ever going back to school now, so you’ll
always be his teacher.”

“Th-that’s right!” Sasori’s mood improved as she

finally realized she did have an archetype none of the
other girls could touch.

As for me, feeling rejuvenated by my mother’s

breasts, I straightened up as new clothing appeared
on me.

“I got to learn that trick,” Maria muttered to herself.

“Hakaru, I know you want to gather as much power as
possible, but if Procreation didn’t know you were
coming before, he would know now,” Lilith explained.

What I had done at this moment was directly steal his

power. These were two hundred goddesses dedicated
to Procreation that I had stolen. Although none of
them were that powerful to begin with, and it
probably wasn’t all that much in the longer term, it
would have certainly gotten his attention. Yet,
Procreation still hadn’t appeared even after I banged
his women directly on his doorstep. It was something
that left me a bit worried.

“I’m counting on it.” I declared. “I had hoped he’d

come out here with such a provocation, but it seems
he’s too cowardly.”
“We don’t know what we’ll be facing once we enter
his castle though,” Mother warned. “He may have a

“Well, we do have one way of finding out,” I

responded thoughtfully, causing the girls to glance
over at me in surprise. “Isn’t that right, Marriage?”

“Marriage!” The girls all cried out in surprise.

Stepping out from behind the corner of the building

was a beautiful blonde girl with large breasts. She
wore a long white dress, not unlike a wedding dress.
She wore a slightly worried expression as if she was
afraid to be seen. I once would have called her a
stunning beauty to which none could compare, but
after being with so many goddesses, while her beauty
was exceptional, it was not unique. What was unique
was the feelings I felt for her, which after twenty years
began to swell inside me upon seeing her.
“Hakaru…” She spoke up quietly. “What are you doing

“I’ve come here for you and NTR. Did you think that I

“You shouldn’t be here.” She looked down.

“Procreation may have let you remain alive forever as
a mortal, but he won’t accept you in this world. He will
kill you.”

I disappeared and appeared right in front of her. With

a bent finger, I put it under her chin and lifted her
head. “I don’t care about Procreation. I won’t allow
him to take what is mine.”

There were tears welling in her eyes, and her body

was shaking. “He’s too powerful. You may have
become a god, Hakaru, but even I cannot resist him.
The only thing that allows me to go on is knowing that
you are safe and alive. Please don’t take that away
from me.”

As she spoke, the tears released like waterworks

gently falling down her cheeks. Her feelings of love
were as clear as day. She only remained with
Procreation for fear that I would be hurt. She was a
level 13 goddess, and even she wasn’t powerful
enough to break away from Procreation. As for me, I
still had my level obscured. Seeing as only months had
passed, it stood to reason that it would be impossible
for me to reach a level to oppose Procreation. She
likely thought that I had just managed to reach
godhood and get here and that I had foolheartedly
attacked Procreation.

“She’s right, you know.” Freya sighed. “Hakaru, I

appreciate that you came to save me, but it would
have been better if you stayed low and consolidated
your power. Even seducing all the women in this
village, these are only the scraps that Procreation
threw away. You’re not powerful enough to face him.”

Freya also didn’t seem to know my true level. Well, we

had just seen each other two days ago. There was no
way she would have thought I had gotten more than a
few levels.

“We need to get you out of here before Procreation

comes.” Marriage insisted, grabbing my arm. “If… if I
give myself to Procreation completely, I might be able
to convince him to leave you alone.”

“Have you?” I demanded, suddenly feeling my heart

skip a beat.

Marriage shook her head. “No, he hasn’t touched me

or NTR. He’s been in seclusion almost since we came
back. As soon as he took us back, he went on to ignore
us. It’s put NTR in a bad mood, and she’s been taking
it out on the girls in town. That’s why I came down
here. I was looking to free Freya before NTR did
anything else. So, I hope you understand that you
absolutely must leave now. I know I promised to be
with you, but it just wasn’t meant to be. You’re not
strong enough.”

“You shouldn’t look down on my Hakaru!” Lilith

responded unhappily.

“Yeah!” nodded Kira. “Hakaru is much cooler than you

expect. Even Artemis thinks so!”

Marriage blinked as she examined the women she

didn’t recognize and pondered Kira’s words. The new
girl was with me, but she wasn’t any of the mortals
Marriage had recalled me being with. It took a
moment, but she let out a gasp as she finally
recognized the goddesses.

“L-Lilith? You’ve escaped your prison? Wait, Artemis

as well? What are you doing here?”

“Huh? Th-the goddess of women and Selene?” Freya

spun and looked at the new goddess for the first time

She had grouped them in with the other girls and

assumed they were just a couple more mortal women.
However, these goddesses were no less than Marriage
in power. They were so high profile that many of the
women didn’t even dare to think they’d ever have the
right to gaze upon them. Many of those women who
were only just starting to recover from their sexgasms
gasped as Marriage called out their names.
“Who’s Selene?” I asked.

“Selene is another name for Artemis.” Lilith responded


“Oh, it’s just… I’ve never heard her called that. Mother
always called her daughter.”

“What? H-H-H-Hakaru!” Marriage jumped. “Y-y-you

know Artemis’s mother?”

“More than that… hmph… they’re intimate lovers.”

Lilith stuck out her tongue.

Marriage shook. “Hakaru… what… what happened in

the last few months?”
I laughed awkwardly as she seemed to be having a
mini panic attack. “Ah… well many things. I spent
some time in the Celestial Palace. Became friends with
a lot of numbered goddesses, and then 1st god went
and kicked me out.”

“F-F-F-F-F-F-First!” her voice was so high pitched that

she sounded funny.

“Hakaru, I know it’s not polite for a goddess to ask,

but just what level are you?” Freya demanded.

“Oh, well, I already am getting Procreation’s attention.

It’s probably time that I stop hiding myself.” I shrug
and then release my true strength.

As my power surges out, my mortal women turned

goddesses all tremble, falling to their knees. All of the
naked women just getting up and redressing let out
cries as they unintentionally surrendered to my
power. Some, having already been sexually stimulated
to their limits, came again just by the feeling of
submission inside themselves. Ah, my power was a bit
too strong. I made sure it didn’t affect the girls, but it
was still clear how strong I was.

“That’s my man.” Lilith purred, very pleased at the

feeling of strength pressing down on her.

“H-h-how?” Freya cried out in disbelief.

“Hakaru…” Marriage was still crying, but they seemed

to be happy tears. “You… you really did come

“As you can see, I’m not any weaker than Procreation.
I am the true harem god. I’ve come here to claim my
harem and my place in the heavenly realm. I won’t let
him bully me around, nor will I let him bully around
anyone I love!”

“Hakaru… Hakaru!” She threw her arms around me,

hugging me as she cried into my shoulder. “I’m so
sorry… I’ve been a bad wife. I love you! I love you so
much! Please… I want Hakaru. I want to be by your
side forever!”

As she cried, I gently stroked her hair. “I stole your

heart, but I was still too weak and let another man
steal your body. That will never happen again. I will
steal every woman, I swear it.”

“Even me?” A mocking voice came from the air.

“Ah!” Marriage let out a cry. “I-it’s here?”

I didn’t move or react. After all, I had known she had
been there for some time. In fact, she had been there
longer than Marriage. This was the woman that had
started it all. Rather, it was a piece of her that had put
me on the path to becoming a god. This had been her
game from the start, and after many ups and downs,
we had finally reached the end. She had stolen my life
twice. Once at the moment of my death, and a second
time at the moment of my immortality. She had
invigorated my heart, broken my heart, stomped on
my heart, and consumed my heart. She was the
reason I was there. She was the reason for everything.


Chapter 176 :
Many of the girls who had been growing increasingly
curious as I spoke with Marriage, Lilith, and the other
higher goddesses now scattered and hid at the
appearance of NTR. She didn’t give them any attention
though. Her eyes were locked on me, a small, yet
condescending smile on her face.

“Hakaru… still biting at the scraps of Harem’s

leftovers?” She raised an eyebrow.

“You…” I held up my hand, stopping Lilith from

approaching her.

“He is not a Harem god. You know this more than

most. He’s Procreation. The only true Harem God
stands before you, NTR. Are you blind?”

“Heh… you even try to steal his name? Well, I suppose

it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t need it, or rather, he can
just take it from you. You’ve gathered all of that
power and delivered it right to Procreation to
consume. It’s not uncommon for one god to acquire
the tasks and power of another god. Once he kills you,
he’ll be the Harem god entirely.”

“You seem convinced that he’ll win.” I raised an

eyebrow. “I’m not so certain.”

“Hakaru, I know how you were sent into the past. I

know everything that she knows, after all. That bitch
Netori dared to show her pathetic face, and even
break the edicts of heaven sending you back into the
past. I’ve been busy cleaning up after her mess. I don’t
know how Chronos allowed such a thing to happen,
but you’re both lucky that there hasn’t been any

“You call her a bitch? She is you?”

“She’s a part of me. A part that is more detestable

than I originally predicted. Don’t worry, she won’t be
available again. I’ve pushed her down so far into the
recesses of my psyche that she’ll never emerge

“Still, she gave me a chance, which is more than you

ever did.’

“If she wanted you to have a chance, she should have

sent you back a million years. You think because
you’ve gone twenty years and seduced a few low-level
inexperienced goddesses that you’ve approached his
greatness? You’re still far too naïve Hakaru. That’s
why I left you. I needed a man, and sadly, you’re still
just a little boy.”

The girls all made noises of anger, but they were able
to control themselves enough that they didn’t surge
forward and allowed me to do things my way. On my
side, I didn’t flinch at all even though she was laying
on such vicious remarks.
“Hakaru… just leave her.” Marriage tugged on my
sleeve. “Let her have what she wants. She can stay
with that dickless loser. We can go somewhere else.
You’re strong enough now to walk away. You can have
me, and all of these girls. We can establish our own
base, and carve out a nice piece of the heavenly realm
in your honor. At your power, once you announced
yourself, he wouldn’t dare try to bring you down.
Doing so would bring him the ire of half of the
heavenly realm.”

“You should listen to her.” NTR chuckled. “Run off

with your little harlot. I’ve gotten what I wanted, just
me and Harem again, and you’ll get what you want. If
you come, you will die.”

I looked back between the two girls. Marriage seemed

to be a goddess of stability. Go home, play it safe, live
with what you’ve got. NTR was a goddess of a rougher
path. It was a bitter path, and sometimes painful. You
might not get what you want, and you risked losing it
all. However, if you wanted everything, if you didn’t
want to settle for a single thing less, then it was the
only path one could travel.

I loved both of these women. I loved all of my women.

However, the path I was on was a path I had to carve
out all for my own. I reached up and stroked
Marriage’s beautiful blonde hair.

“I must do what I must do.” I smiled at her, even as

she looked up at me with worried, tear-stained eyes.

“Tsk… why must you be so stubborn!” NTR snapped.

“You want me to leave, huh?”

“Of course! You’re an eyesore. You’re like that dweeb
the popular girl dated in high school. You’re an
embarrassment from my history.” She snapped back.

“Or maybe, you just don’t want to see me hurt.” I

smiled gently.

“R-ridiculous! If I didn’t wish to hurt you, I wouldn’t be

saying these words! You’re disgusting! I hate you!
Procreation’s dick is way bigger! He can satisfy me in
ways you never will!”

“How do you know? I’ve heard he hasn’t put out since

you’ve been back?”

Her expression turned into a glower. “I could do it

with him whenever! I just respect him and his current
goals. I didn’t want to disturb him.”
“Or… you dreaded going into his room. You dreaded
taking that last step of betrayal.” I responded, walking
toward her.

“Y-you have an active imagination.” She responded

defensively, taking a step back. “I am the goddess of
NTR, and you accuse me of balking at NTR? You must
be the god of delusions!”

“I’m no longer angry with you.”

“Th-then you’re a fool! You’re like Cuckold, you should

go hang out with him…” She backed up another step,
her cool expression starting to flicker a bit.

“NTR, I forgive you.”

“Forgive? Who is asking for forgiveness? I made the
decisions that I made!”

“But are you happy?”

Her breath froze, her eyes growing unfocused for a

second before she turned her head away. “What does
that have to do with anything?”

“It has to do with everything,” I responded. “You’re

not happy with the person you’ve become. This isn’t
the kind of person that you are.”

“You have no idea what kind of person I am!” She shot

back angrily.

“I know who you are better than anyone,” I

responded. “Certainly better than him.”
She stepped back again, a defiant expression on her
face. “Try me.”

“You’re a thief.”

She snorted, turning her head. “Spare me, that was

Netori. She may be me, but I am not her.”

I smiled calmly. “You’re wrong. You are her. You are all
of them. You are no greater, and you are no less. That
was my mistake before. I had been so convinced that
you were someone else.”

“I am!”
“Netori thought so too. She was convinced that she
was a different person from you, but that couldn’t be
farther from the truth. She is you, and you are her.
However, you’re also Netorase. You’re also Netorare. I
know everything about you.”

“You don’t.” Her expression grew panicked, and tears

formed in her eyes.

“You are a thief. And you’re lost too. Always taking to

keep from losing, but always losing what you take.
You’re a kind woman, a woman who wants to share
her love with the world, but you’ve become someone
who has grown afraid to lose. You are too afraid of
losing what you have that you stopped taking what
you want. As long as you don’t seize happiness for
yourself, you never have to blame yourself for failing,
is that it?” I continued to approach her.

“Shut up!” Her back hit a wall.

“I know you, NTR. You’re mine. I claim you as mine.
I’m stealing you, every part of you. I want your body. I
want your mind. I want your soul. You’re mine from
now on, and no god will take you away from me. If
they even try, I will show them what a Harem god

“I-I can’t…” She was crying, her head turning away.

I stopped in front of her. “Most of all, I know that you

are a sum of your parts. Netori, Netorare, Netorase…
every single one of those women loved me. You may
have lied to your own heart, but you will never be able
to lie to me. I know how you feel. I know how you’ve
always felt.”

“Hakaru…” She shook, looking like a frightened deer

who may run away.
I reached out and grabbed her hands. She didn’t
escape my grasp as I held her there. I pushed my body
against her, my arms wrapping around her. Tears
streamed down her beautiful face, and her body
shook. I leaned up to her ear.

“I caught you,” I whispered.

“Hakaru!” She broke into a wail, throwing her arms

around me and holding me tight.

The goddess NTR held me tightly and cried into my

shoulder. She had once seemed so powerful and
omnipotent, but I understood her now. She was just
as scared and worried as I had once been. She had
picked me because I exemplified herself, but it wasn’t
just a love of the chase. It was also our hopes and
fears. Even the goddess of NTR feared losing. She
feared it so much that she was willing to throw it all

As she cried, all of the goddesses that had gone into

hiding began to peek their heads out. They had
conflicted expressions on their faces. This had been a
woman who had made their lives hell the last few
weeks, and in only a few words, she had been reduced
to a blubbering mess. On the one hand, they felt a
little vindicated seeing her mentally crushed. On the
other hand, they felt overjoyed that the man they had
handed their hearts out to could even put reigns on
Procreation’s top bitch.

The mortal girls also watched this display, but they

had more pleased expressions on their faces. They
were the ones who had been there when NTR had left.
They had seen how broken I was, and knew first hand
how much she meant to me. They were happy to see
their man get what he wanted, especially after so
much struggle.
NTR’s tears finally settled down, and she finally pulled
back. Despite her crying, she looked just as beautiful
as ever. Even her crying face was alluring enough to
steal a man’s heart. She looked up at me, hope started
to come back into her eyes again.

“Now what?” She asked.

“I already said. I love all of you.” I grinned. “How could

I just settle for one of you?”

“O-one?” NTR raised an eyebrow.

“If Artemis did what I asked then… split!”

NTR burst with light, and then standing in her place
were three women. They looked between each other
as if they were confused.

“Netorase!” Kira cried out in recognition.

“We… we’re apart?” Netorase frowned.

“Hakaru?” Netori looked up at me.

“Netori…” I leaned toward her for a kiss.

She hit me on the head. “You dummy!”

“Ah! What?”
“Why did you split us up just now? You had finally
conquered NTR. Believe me, I am her, we were totally
ready to give you our everything!”

“Sh-she’s right!” Netorare nodded. “She was like

mmmm… and she was ready to go ‘oooooh’.”

“Exactly!” Netori snapped her finger. “You’re about to

face Procreation and you need all of the power you
can gather. As sweet as your words were about us
being no greater than her, the basic truth is that a
single level twelve goddesses can do better than three
lower-level goddesses.”

I balked as all three of the goddesses I had

painstakingly brought back immediately responded by
lecturing me.

“It’s not like that,” I responded defensively.

“Oh? Then what is it like?” Netori demanded.

“This is an enchantment, forged by higher goddesses,

and secured in the hall of records!”

“Wh-what is that supposed to mean?”

“Ah… well, I sent my girl Artemis up to the celestial

palace and had her enter the hall of records. Her first
task was to set up a few laws. I mostly wanted to
cover my mortal girls’ butts, making sure their
transition to goddesses goes uncontested, but I also
made it so that NTR and her three parts were

“Th-the celestial palace?” Her eyes went wide.

“Y-y-you… you did what to the hall of records!”
Netorare’s voice was squeaky.

“I said I put a few edicts in them.”

“Hakaru! The hall of records is heavenly decree! One

does not walk into the hall of records and just start
changing things!”

“Ah… but I did though. See, I can put you back

together. Combine!”

The three sisters disappeared in mid chastisement,

turning into a single woman once again.

“Hakaru! Becoming a god has gone to your head!”

NTR declared, but her voice didn’t sound like NTR, but
more like Netori!”

“Y-you shouldn’t play with a goddess so much, you’ll

definitely break us,” NTR spoke again, but this time
she sounded like Netorare.

“Why are there three other voices in my mind?” NTR

cried out, sounding like the original NTR.

“No, sisters.” It was still NTR, but now it was using

Netorase’s tone. “Do you see what he did? He made
us share!”

Actually, that was an accident. I just intended them to

be able to split up and form back together. However,
when they formed back together, it seemed like NTR
had grown a split personality. All four of them had
become their own unique personalities all within the
same goddesses’ body. At least she didn’t sprout four
heads or something like that.

I gave a thumbs up. “This way, if you want anything,

you’ll have to learn to share. You’ll give, you’ll take,
and you’ll be a stronger goddess than ever before.

“He’s right!” Marriage gasped. “She’s… actually

increased in power! She’s a level 13 goddess again,
just with that her power has increased greatly.”

“Y-you did this, for us?” NTR looked up at me, her

eyes filled with happiness.

“NTR, I will do anything for you.”

It was best to just pretend I did this on purpose. No

one said I was the god of honesty.
Chapter 177 :
Now that NTR seemingly had her transformation, it
was still possible to split them apart, but while they
were together, all four of them seemed to exist
simultaneously. I wasn’t sure how that worked, but it
seemed like NTR could just decide who was running
things. At the moment, she had let Netori run the
show. She had her arms crossed, and while she didn’t
lazily float around like she did in the mortal realm, her
mischievous grin had returned to her face.

“Hakaru, are you truly ready to do this?” Netori asked.

“You have me and NTR now. You have all of these

girls. We can still leave.” Marriage added. “If you go in
there, there is still a chance you could lose
I thought about it for a moment. They were honestly
right. What did I hope to accomplish by charging in
there? We were both gods of roughly the same level.
It wasn’t like I was going to kill him. If I just left with all
of the girls, there was very little he could do. However,
the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I
couldn’t do that. I slowly shook my head.

“I can’t walk away from this. I may have you all with
me, but I will never truly possess you as long as he is
in our past. We need to settle things, once and for all.”
I explained, turning to my girls. “It’s time to end this

There was no triumphant thunder. No taunting voice

edging me on. No retaliatory attack. I simply turned
away from the girls and started trudging back up the
hill, heading toward the mansion that overlooked this
village. I had a feeling that Procreation was out of
solitude now. He not only knew that I was here, but
he was waiting on me. If I had chosen to flee instead, I
had a feeling I would have encountered him on the

NTR wasn’t the only heavenly deity I knew intimately.

I knew who Procreation was as well. He was in the
body of my father, and the two men were much alike.
They were uncaring bastards who cared more about
sowing their wild oats than the women they did it
with. There was no way he’d let me walk away. He
was too arrogant and too prideful.

As I headed up the hill, the girls came from behind me.

It wasn’t just the mortal girls, but Lilith, Harem,
Marriage, Freya as well as all of the women in the
village. These women had been banished from the
mansion. Some of the women had never even been
lucky enough to enter it. Now, they walked in a
procession behind me, heading toward the place they
were once denied. They wanted to see this battle to
the end. They had to. They had already thrown the
fates in with me. If I didn’t win, then they would all be
banished, only to be preyed upon by other gods or
eventually cease to exist.

So, we walked up the hill. As we did so, a silence filled

the group. The mansion grew larger and larger in our
eyes, and it wasn’t too long before I stood before the
front doors. I didn’t bother to knock. I just kicked the
doors open. Although they were massive, with my
power as a level 15 god, they flew open with a
resounding bang. Now, everyone in the castle knew I
had come. If Procreation had somehow missed the
last day or two of orgies happening right outside his
castle, he would have had no choice but to hear that.

With a breath, I walked through the somewhat dark

castle, and into a large throne room. The throne room
was a massive room with giant pillars. It was lit up
with giant bowls containing oil and fire. The ceiling
was mesmerizing, seemingly enchanted in a way that
it showed the sky above. The sky was starting to grow
to night, stars flickering However, since this was a
heavenly place, that sky, as well as the day/night
cycle, were merely an illusion.

As soon as I entered the room, I could see him.

Procreation was sitting there on his throne as if he
didn’t have a care in the world. There were several
pretty women, the youngest, the prettiest, and the
ones who caught his attention. They performed for
him, putting on shows. Some of these shows were
displays of their powers and their prowess. Acrobatic
shows, fire juggling, and other such things. A few
shows were far lewder, women debasing themselves
in the hopes of catching Procreation’s attention.
Believe it or not, these women were even more
pathetic than the ones from the village. These women
only hoped he’d take them to bed and make them
pregnant with his seed.

Then, they’d be allowed to stay in that village,

protected by his embrace. If they failed to get
pregnant, either because he never took the initiative
to bang them or because their own wombs betrayed
them, then they would be cast out. Even their virginity
would have been lost, and they would have nothing to
barter with in the harsh heavenly realm.

I had been extremely fortunate to come to heaven

with Lilith and to meet Artemis who put me in touch
with Mother. The humanoid gods were in a state
where they ate and destroyed each other, desperately
clawing for relevance. Netori’s NTR Crush was
downright vanilla compared to some of the
machinations these gods would do toward each other.
Comparatively, the aloof higher gods who didn’t fret
about such things were much more manageable.

“Hello, Hakaru. It’s been a while. Or has it?”

Procreation, still wearing the face of my father, gave a
malicious grin.
My father was a fairly nondescript man. He had black
hair and brown eyes. Right now, he was dressed in
godly robes that made him look intimidating. He
wasn’t a small or skinny man, but it wasn’t right to say
he was fat either. He was just a large man, with big
shoulders, and a commanding gait. There was a
reason he did so well in business, as he commanded a
presence. Now that he was a god, that hadn’t changed
much at all.

“Procreation.” I could only growl those words, as

there was a wave of anger riding up inside me.

“Heh, what is with that hostility?” He asked, waving

his hand so that the entertaining goddesses all
scattered from the room. “Aren’t I the man who made
you everything that you are today? You should be
thanking me. Had I not taken NTR and gifted you with
immortality, you would have lived your life being
NTR’s little fuck boy for the remainder of your time.”
“I-I wouldn’t!” Netori protested, but her voice
dropped slightly.

It was the way of this world, after all. If I had truly

become a level 10 god, then I would have been NTR’s
subordinate. Even if Procreation had never gotten
involved, the dynamic between us would have been
completely different. That didn’t mean I felt I owed
him anything. In fact, I hated this man to the core,
whether it was my father who all but abandoned my
family or the god who hurt my women.

“Well, it’s not like I didn’t have my reasons.”

Procreation shrugged. “You’ve given me everything I
needed. I am so eager to play with my little Lilith now
that she is free.”

“You wish!” Lilith snapped.

“Do they know why they call Lucifer the Morning Star?
It was because of you. When I imprisoned you in that
tomb all those years ago, taking advantage of the time
you mourned for your loved one, you became his
Mourning Star. It’s funny how the meaning of things
become lost with time.” Procreation spoke in an
introspective voice as if this was all under his control.

“I’ll make you pay for that!”

“I’m afraid you no longer have that ability.” He

chuckled. “However, you can still serve me well. When
I imprisoned you all those years ago, I never predicted
how big humanity would become, and how necessary
it would be to our survival. A species capable of
understanding and worshiping the natural laws, it
gave birth to the humanoid gods and provided us with
more power than ever before. Gods existed before
humans, but it was humans that gave us a will.”
“Do you have a point?” I demanded angrily.

“It’s just that you gave me everything I wanted.” He

grinned. “Since I didn’t know how big humanity would
become, I didn’t understand how important Lilith was
to my plans. Unfortunately, for many reasons, I
couldn’t reach her, let alone free her. However, you

“Your plans?” I started to get a sinking feeling.

“You don’t understand? Lilith is the goddess of

women. She is a direct link to the womb that all
women possess. As the god of procreation, I can use
her to become more powerful than any humanoid god
has ever become! I will impregnate every woman in
this world!”
“Y-you can’t!” Netori cried out, taking a step back.
“That’s a crime… the other gods.”

“The other gods will never know! That’s why Lilith is

so important. She is the embodiment of women. If I
contain her, then I can obscure heavens view. By the
time they realize what I did, it will already be too late!
No one would dare stop me.” He laughed. “And I must
say, NTR, you performed perfectly.”


“I made Hakaru immortal, knowing that his only

choice would be to one day go to the tomb of Lilith
and become a god. Only he could break the chains
that bound her. Don’t you remember I was the one
who told you where Lilith was entombed?”
Netori’s face turned away. “No… that… you

As soon as she said those words, realization dawned

on her face. Procreation didn’t trust anyone. At the
time, she had believed they were in love, and she had
done everything to help Procreation, but he was
always just using her. Why would he tell her Lilith’s
location? He had told her that knowing that one day
he could use that to his advantage. The reason she
had told me about Lilith is that Procreation had put
that knowledge in her mind. Laughter filled the
echoey chamber.

“You see, I’ve had everything prepared since a long

ago. I admit I am surprised by how quickly you’ve
come. I was expecting it to take hundreds, maybe
even thousands of years both for NTR here to betray
me, and for you to find Lilith and grow to a point you
were confident showing yourselves. I underestimated
you, Hakaru.”
“You did,” I responded. “You underestimate me by far
too much! You wish to conquer the world? You wish
to impregnate all of the women on Earth! I won’t let
you! I’m not some measly low-level god anymore.”

As I spoke, I let out my power, finally showing just

how strong I had become. I made sure the power
didn’t touch the girls, as it could suppress them
entirely. Instead, I directed it all on Procreation.
Procreation’s eyes widened as he began to realize just
how powerful I had gotten. He had maybe been
expecting a level 11 or 12, maybe as high as 13, like
Marriage and NTR, but how could he have predicted I
reached level 15?

The power erupted pushed down on Procreation,

trying to suppress him with everything I had. His legs
started to shake, and his brow started to sweat. He
wasn’t in control of this situation, not nearly as much
as he had thought. A worried expression started to
appear on his face, and I straightened my shoulders,
the women behind me looking up at me in awe.

Then, a moment later, Procreation burst into laughter.

He no longer showed any pressure. Instead, he stood
up, a grin on his face.

“I just couldn’t do it.” He wiped a tear in his eye. “Too

funny. You think since I was so good a deceiving
people that I would be a better actor, but I couldn’t
pretend any longer.”

I took a step back. “You… what… we’re both level 15!”

“Are we?” He asked mockingly.

“Oh no…” Lilith’s face went white.


“He’s started to become level 16!”

Procreation grinned. If he had become level 16, then I

wouldn’t be able to suppress him a bit. In fact, this
battle would go the opposite way! I’d be the one who
was suppressed.

Chapter 178 :
“Regrettably, I am not completely in the 16th level, or
I’d be able to crush you entirely. The gap between the
lower gods and higher gods is much steeper than the
lower gaps. In general, a level 16 god might be 100
times greater than a level 15 god. As for me who has
only just started, the difference is closer to 10 times.
Still, enough that you don’t pose me any threat.”
“N-no way… It should have taken hundreds of years to
reach this point!” I declared.

I had done plenty of reading in the celestial palace,

and I wouldn’t have boldly marched in here if I had
thought he was already at level 16.

“You’re one to talk.” He snorted. “You rose from a

mortal to level 15 in how short a time?”

“He used demi-gods.” NTR declared.

“Demi-gods… demi-gods! That’s a crime!” I stiffened.

“What’s demi-gods?” Sasori asked Freya, who had

been staying near the mortal goddesses.
“Technically, a god and a mortal aren’t allowed to
make a baby. If such a union happens, gods are
supposed to eliminate them on sight.”

“Ah!” Kira grabbed her stomach.

“You don’t need to worry. We aren’t so foolish as to

impregnant you with Netorase’s own baby. The baby
in your womb is 100% yours and Hakaru’s. Besides, it
will grow up a god, since both of its parents are gods
now.” Netori explained. “Just as Maria wasn’t a

“However, there was a demigod made,” I responded

bitterly. “Wasn’t there?”

“Who?” Akiko asked.

“Gina… Procreation got her pregnant, but she wasn’t
with father’s seed, but his own!”

He grinned. “Did you think that she was the only one?
I spread my seed all over the earth, rapidly increasing
my own power as a result.”

“You dare violate the rules set out by the council?”

Lilith shook with rage.

“And why not?” he glared back. “The council… those

alleged greater gods, have suppressed us humanoid
gods for too long! They sit in their ivory towers,
looking down on the rest of us. We are closest to
humans, but they say we cannot even interact with
them? How foolish is that? How can a level 9 god
survive in heaven when he can’t even promote
himself directly?”
“Don’t act like you are some morally superior hero.” I
snapped. “You’re just bending the rules to gain power
for yourself!”

He raised an eyebrow and then laughed. “Oh? I’m not

the only one who has bent a few rules, am I?”

I didn’t respond, glaring at him instead. It was true

that me going to the past also was a violation of the
rules. I didn’t have any room to speak. Everything I
had read said that time travel for gods and goddesses
was forbidden, and if the god of time caught you
doing it, they’d come down swiftly and destroy any
violators. Yet, I had gone and faced no consequences.

Netori was the one who had sent me, and she sent me
because she knew I had successfully made it and
altered the past. She never would have attempted it if
she didn’t know that it already worked. Thus,
Procreation’s revelation that he even knew about this
put a bitter expression on her face. We had both made
a dangerous play to get to this point. It was just that
Procreation still came out ahead. If I tried to accuse
him of violating the rules, then he likely had proof of
the same. We would both be destroyed at that point.

As for how all of this fell below the council’s notice,

Procreation was a crafty deceiver, and as much as the
council set these rules and the lower gods followed
and revered them, most of those gods were so
detached from reality that they’d never notice unless
someone else told on them. The entire system
depended on gods tattling on each other. It was no
wonder that the heavens had become so cutthroat. I
had always wondered why the trust I gave my
goddesses had touched them so deeply. Now, I
understood. In this world, trusting the wrong person
could be your own destruction.

“Let’s just go, Hakaru.” Freya urged. “You can’t defeat

him now.”
Procreation raised an eyebrow. “Did I say any of you
could leave?”

“Y-you may be the strongest one here.” Lilith said

defiantly, “But there are still many of us, and Hakaru is
level 15!”

“You are all ants before me.” He snorted. “And do you

think all of them will fight and risk their lives for you?”

As he said that, he looked back at the girls who had

followed from the village. They all guiltily turned their
heads, dropping them down. Many of them were
fearing they bet wrong. Hakaru wasn’t as strong as
they had thought. How could he possibly protect them
all? Even if he lived, Procreation could take vengeance
on just about every woman here.
Procreation wasn’t overpowering better than Hakaru.
If Hakaru had it in his mind to escape, he could do so.
However, besides perhaps Lilith, Marriage, and NTR…
Procreation could have his pick of the other girls,
including the mortal goddesses closest to him. If all of
the goddesses worked together, some would fall, but
the majority of them would escape. That would never
happen though. These women were beaten down and
scared. Any one of them might stab the others in the
back to hope for survival. How could they work
together like that? This reality wasn’t lost on Hakaru.

“I’ll hold him back. Everyone, run.” I declared.

The only thing I could do was fight for them.

“You overestimate your ability!” Procreation released

his power this time.
He attacked the girls, putting enough pressure on
them to crush them. I let out a cry, using my power to
block his own. However, he was a lot stronger than
me, and he wasn’t aiming at me at all. I realized my
folly instantly. I wasn’t holding him off from me but
from all of the girls. If the pressure he was using
landed on them, they could be hurt or even die,
especially the level 9 and 10s, which included my
mother and daughter.

“Y-you…” I growled with exertion. “You dare attack


His attack was malicious. He was trying to kill his own

children and the women who bore them. I never
would have imagined he’d act so callously. Even
though I held off most of the pressure, he had ten
times the power I did. It was still enough the girls were
brought to their knees. The girls let out cries of shock
and distress. Any affection they had lingering for this
man only turned to fear. No one in the room could
mount the ability to flee. Even NTR, Lilith, and
Marriage were sweating with exertion, although they
managed to stay on their feet.

I collapsed to my knees. It reached a point where I was

rapidly growing weaker. Once I used up all of my
energy, either the girls all died, or he’d stop, and take
everything from me. I had come so far along, and yet I
was still basically helpless. The grin on his face grew
the more I struggled. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I
had to protect them.

The pressure on me suddenly disappeared. It was so

shocking I nearly fell forward on my face. I scrambled
back to my feet as I heard a gentle voice floating
through the air.

“I’ve had enough of this.”

The voice was as sturdy as a mountain but as smooth
as water. It radiated power, and a moment later a
woman appeared at my side. I looked over at her,
both shocked and elated.

“Mother!” I cried out.

“Hakaru!” She smiled and then threw her arms around


My face was buried in her bountiful chest.

“Y-You’re here,” I spoke in a muffled voice from

between her warm pillows.

“How could I not be? I was so worried for my Hakaru-

“I was managing.” I lied.

“Yes, you were.” She pulled my face out of her chest.

“And you did such a good job!”

She licked her thumb and then wiped something off

my cheek before straightening my coat.

“Who-who is this lady?” Mom frowned.

“Isn’t she a bit… too motherly?” Sasori asked to no

one in particular.

“When you fell, my heart fell with you.” She sighed.

“How could I stay in the palace not knowing you were
safe? Thankfully, I found Artemis and she told me
what was happening. I managed to arrive just in time
to save my big, strong man.”

“G-G-G-Gaia?” Procreation, who had a smug

expression on his face the entire time so far, had
suddenly become shocked to his very core.

“Eh? Gaia?” I blinked.

“That’s one of my names.” Mother chuckled. “But you

can keep calling me mommy.”

“I’m his mother!” Mom cried out.

Mother suddenly disappeared and then reappeared

next to my mom. “Oh, hoh… so you are. I’ve been
wanting to meet you for some time.”
As she spoke, her giant chest was pressed against
mom, and she had her hands all over the woman like
they were lovers.

“Wh-who are you?” my mom asked shakily.

“She’s Gaia!” Marriage cried out. “She’s… the

embodiment of the planet Earth!”

“I thought her name was Mother…” I frowned and

then gasped. “Wait… Mother Earth!”

“Aii… Aiii…” Gaia put her hands on her cheeks and

blushed. “Don’t call me that, it makes me feel so old!”
My head reeled at the realization. She was Earth. That
meant that all of the other goddesses here… lived on
her! To say she was popular with humans would be a
massive understatement. All of the girls from the
village fell to their knees and lowered their heads,
prostrating to her. Only my closest women remained
standing in their presence. That was only because they
didn’t know what to make of this woman. NTR, Freya,
and Marriage did, but they were too stunned to do
anything. They had heard that I had been close with
her, but hearing it and seeing it were two different

“What are you doing here uninvited?” Procreation

demanded in an unhappy voice.

“Why can’t I come? My precious Hakaru is here, and I

worry so much.” She appeared next to me again, once
again fussing over me.
“Hey, I’m okay,” I complained.

“Hakaru, I’m leaving and you’re coming in me


“Um… don’t you mean that I’m coming with you?”

“I know what I said.”

“I can’t leave until Procreation is dealt with,” I

responded, trying to sound confident even though I
had come so close to losing everything a moment

She smiled. “I know… that’s why my Hakaru is so

amazing. I will support you completely. My Hakaru can
do whatever my Hakaru wants.”
“She’s too motherly!” Sasori cried out again.

“I-I’ve been replaced!” my mom whined.

“Not at all. Mother Kana…” Gaia bowed respectfully to

her. “In fact, I wish for us to become very close. You
see, you’re my family too. After all, you’re the
grandma of my child.”

She touched her stomach, and mom’s eyes popped

out. “G-g-grandma!”

“Well, it was inevitable with Kira pregnant,” Maria

said helplessly.

“Wait… Gaia… as in Earth, is pregnant?” Kira cried out.

“Fufu… in time, there will be a renaissance of life
forming on me. Hakaru’s life. I once was pregnant, and
I birthed humanity. This led to Lilith and Adam. Then
Eve came along, and NTR was created as well.”

“Wait, if Lilith is your daughter, then wouldn’t that

make NTR…”

“H-hello, Mother…” NTR spoke shyly and reverentially

to Gaia.

“Everyone calls me Mother for a reason.” She


“Don’t forget!” A voice broke into the odd mood that

had formed when Gaia appeared. “That the one who
got you pregnant… was me!”
Procreation declared a cruel grin on his face. As his
words settled in, the jovial mood was broken like a

Chapter 179 :
“Y-you slept with him?” I cried out.

Gaia frowned, shooting the man a glare. However, the

look told me everything. Gaia had once snuck
Procreation into the celestial palace. I knew that she
had dreams of bringing her sisters closer to humanity,
and had hoped he would seduce them. However, he
had failed and had never managed to get close to a
single one.

However, why would she give him a chance? She had

given me a chance because of Artemis, and she had
also come to love me after I protected her bonds to
Artemis. As for Procreation, it only made sense that
she had once been his lover. He had been trying to
gain power since long ago, so he had created
Humanity. Then, he had corrupted them using NTR.
He had banged the mother, and then the daughter!
Well, I didn’t have room to complain about that. It still
left me feeling cold.

“It’s not what you think.” Gaia looked at me worriedly.

“He wasn’t the same man back then as he is now.”

“I understand,” I responded bitterly.

“You don’t,” Lilith spoke up. “The man she loved died.
This is the one who replaced him!”

I blinked. “What?”
A tear fell from Gaia’s cheeks. “The god procreation
existed long before humans. After all, other species
procreated too. I may have birthed humanity, but
other life had existed for much longer, as well as the
act of procreation. It was only later that I fell in love
with Procreation and we conceived humans.”

“So, what are you saying?”

“Procreation had found a young god, a protégé of his.

Then, one day, Procreation disappeared, and this his
protégé gained all of his power. It was because of my
love of Procreation that I took this man to the celestial

So, ultimately, she had slept with a Procreation, but

not this Procreation.

“That doesn’t sound suspicious to you?” I blinked.


“Definitely suspicious.” Kira nodded.

“Shady as hell,” Maria added.

“What are you saying?” Gaia asked.

It must be the difference between mortals and

immortals. It never seemed to occur to her, and even
Lilith was looking questioningly. I didn’t know how to
make the accusation, but Netori came in for me.

“I always suspected that he killed the former

“H-he… what?” The loving demeanor of Gaia melted
away in an instant, and she became enraged.

“She’s right.” Procreation said, causing all eyes to turn

to his smug, grinning face. “I did kill my master. It was
the quickest way to gain power. I saw an opportunity,
and I took it.”

“You bastard!” Gaia shouted. “You were his most

trusted friend!”

“Heh… you know, I had thought once I took on his

mantle, in your grief-torn state you would have
jumped on my cock. However, you kept your legs
closed. How the hell did this little shit manage to get
you to spread them again?”

Gaia took a step forward, radiating energy, but I

grabbed her arm, stopping her.
“Of course, you gave me the next best thing, entrance
into the celestial palace. Unfortunately, those old hags
were even less receptive.”

“You’ll pay for that…” She growled.

He shrugged. “We are both higher gods now. You

can’t cause me any lasting damage. I admit my defeat.
I can’t possibly take Hakaru’s women with you here.
With you alone, though, you couldn’t possibly stop me
from leaving. I’ll be back. It may be a century or a
millennium, but I will come and take it all back. I will
have everything!

“Did you really think I came alone?” Gaia grinned and

then looked up. “Sisters!”
In the dark sky overhead, seven lights suddenly
flashed. They were indistinguishable from the stars,
but then they started to descend. They moved as if
the sky was real, and not just a roof. Those stars fell
from the ceiling and then landed all around me and
Gaia. They glowed for a few moments before turning
into the shapes of seven beautiful women.

“Th-th-the celestial goddesses!” Procreation was

shaken once again, losing all of his previous force.

“So, this is the humanoid realm?” a small, flat-chest

redhead said. “Gross.”

“Hakaru!” A large girl, one I knew to have a

pronounced red spot on her butt waved excitedly.

“We missed you.” A cold-sounding blue-haired beauty

“Who are these girls?” Sasori asked.

“They are my sisters,” Gaia responded proudly.

“Sisters… who are the sisters of Earth?” Kira pondered

out loud.

Wait… they are… my eyes began to widen. “Wait…


I pointed at the redhead.

“Hmph! Isn’t that some human label?”

“Hakaru is too pathetic, he even needs our help.” The
woman who was even now, looking at a mirror and
fixing herself.

She had an acid tongue and would say cutting words.


“Hehe, I like war better.”

“Mars! I-I’m a big fan!” Freya cried out. “I’m a war

goddess too!”

“Hmm?” Mars looked at her. “Oh? You’re the goddess

of war for love? Let’s combine! Now that I have
Hakaru, I’ll need to be better at fighting.”
“Eek!” Freya cries out as Mars looks at her hungrily.


“H-hello Hakaru.” She blushed, still shy over… her big

red spot!


“Hakaru.” The girl who wore dozens of belts.

“Ur-” I stopped myself, my eyes losing a bit of light.

“What’s my name?” The girl with light blue hair and a
big brown butt asked. “I’ll let you stick it in my ass if
you tell me!”

“And Neptune!”

“Mm…” The dark blue-haired girl with glasses nodded.

“Are you ignoring me?”

“Wait… where would Pluto be. What was her number,

I guess it’d be…” My eyes flashed. “Oh… my…. God…
I’m the reason she’s not a planet!”

“Don’t worry about Ten, she’s doing alright. She’s

started some kind of club. They call themselves the
dwarves. She’s even recruited a few new celestial
goddesses.” Mercury laughed with her hands on her
hips. “It’s kind of cute, they try so hard to get

“You all…” Procreation said, shaking. “Why are you all




“My boyfriend Hakaru!”

All of the other goddesses all looked at me, and even

Procreation’s expression had grown extremely
“He didn’t just bang Earth… he banged the whole solar
system!” Maria cried out.

The aloof goddesses who Procreation had failed to

impress were all my women. This was the immutable
truth. I looked down, a flash of disappointment on my

“What is it, Hakaru?” Gaia asked, looking at me with

love and concern.

“I desired to defeat Procreation on my own. However,

I had almost failed. If you girls didn’t come down, I
would have assuredly been defeated, and the women
I loved would have been hurt or killed. Ultimately, this
is your victory today.”

“That’s not true!” A voice cried out from behind

“Artemis!” I recognized the voice as she poked her
head out from behind Jupiter. “Wait… a celestial
body… you’re also…”

“The moon, duh!” She stuck her tongue at me. “It took
you that long to realize it? You’re so silly.”

That’s how she was created from Earth but wasn’t the
same kind of daughter that Lilith was. She was the
moon! The same moon from a woman’s moonflow,
and also influences the tides. She was a goddess of
many things, and likely has many names. I recalled she
had also been called Selene earlier. All of those other
servants for the girls, they also must be their moons.

“Tell him.” Gaia encouraged Artemis to keep speaking,

looking at me with a gentle smile, having cooled her
previous rage for the moment with the arrival of her
“You are the Harem god, Hakaru. Your power is us. All
of the women who love you, and want to be with you,
we are your strength. You have the heart of every
woman here. Procreation may be a higher level, but
you’re much stronger because strength isn’t just in a
level, it’s in who you are and the resources you have.
So, never think you have failed, because you haven’t.
Just trust in Mother and her sisters.”

“You guys…” I looked around to see the loving looks of

all of them.

These women who had never come to the humanoid

realm even at Gaia’s begging now came because of
me. Even Mercury who looked like she had stepped in
something had moved for me where she hadn’t done
for anyone but first. They had even defied her to come
down here and see me. When she found out, she
would assuredly punish them. However, for this brief
moment, they were all decided. At that point, I started
hearing a clapping sound.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

The group all turned to Procreation, who was standing

there clapping, the arrogant expression on his face.
“It’s hilarious you’re all speaking like you’ve already

“The other planets may only be level 15s, but there is

no way you can face me and my sisters together!”
Gaia spoke defiantly.

Procreation seemed unmoved. He continued to stand

there as if he wasn’t completely outnumbered. Once
again, I began to have a sinking feeling. This man was
a schemer. Although he had a façade of someone who
didn’t care about anything, his plans had so many
layers that you could never guess how deep his
schemes went.

“It’s amusing to me that although you’ve accepted

that I killed the former Procreation, you don’t wonder
how I was able to do it. He was a level fifteen god, and
I was thirteen, no stronger than Marriage at the time.

“Okay, how were you able to do it?” She asked.

His grin widened. “I laid out a trap.”

He raised his hand and then snapped. Dozens of

magical runes began to glow on the floor under us as
well as the walls. Suddenly, chains made of light
erupted from the grounds. The girls all let out cries,
but they were barely able to take a step before they
were wrapped in chains and dragged down to their
knees. These chains struck everyone in the room. To
the lower gods, like my mortal women, they were
pressed to the ground so tightly they could barely
breathe. Even I was stuck in this trap.

“You dare!” Gaia screamed as everyone was captured

and sealed in place.

“When I thought it was just you, I wasn’t willing to pull

out this card, the chains of Vajra. It was an extremely
fortuitous encounter that allowed me to obtain such
an unbreakable binding spell.”

“Unlock us! If you don’t, you’ll pay with your life!”

Mercury shouted out.

The other celestial goddesses also yelled out such

words. As for the other women, at their levels, they
couldn’t even speak under this level of suppression. It
was something far greater than even a high god like
him could use on his own. He was able to suppress
everyone at his level or lower.

“You know…” He laughed. “It was these same chains I

used to bind Procreation. He would have been
standing right about where you are now, Hakaru.”

“Are you going to kill me too?”

“Kill you?” He looked surprised and then laughed.

“Why would I kill you? You’re my son, after all, and
you’ve given me so many… delicious gifts.”

His eyes ran over the women. He barely even looked

at NTR, Marriage, or the lower gods. Compared to the
celestial goddesses, they were chump change.

“You’ll never get away with this?” Mars yelled.

“You’re the ones who forced me to this point.” He
responded disdainfully. “However, you also spoke far
too freely. You told me everything I need to know. I
held my hand with Gaia because I was scared of that
bitch, Sol. However, she doesn’t know you’re down
here. You all snuck out, didn’t you?”

These were celestial goddesses, so the capacity to lie

was almost non-existent. Every girl turned her head
away from him, but it was abundantly clear that he
was correct.

“Then, you’ve given me an excellent opportunity.” He

chuckled, turning to me. “I must thank you, Hakaru. I
will get to enjoy all of these women, and it will be
entirely because of you!”
Chapter 180 :
“Gaia…” He walked up to her, leering down at her
with a perverted look. “I’ve wanted to play with those
since a long time ago. I used to watch Master flaunting
his access to your body in front of me. I grew enraged
with his presumptuous nature. Why was he the only
one allowed to touch you.”

“Don’t touch me!”

“Hehe… don’t act like a virgin now. After all, how

many men have lain on top of you? All of them? It’s
time a few gods got to try. I’m going to enjoy you in
front of your man. I will have you, and then each of
your sisters, and then I will give you to other gods, and
they will pass you around until you’re all just a bunch
of whores.” He glanced at NTR. “You’d like that,
wouldn’t you? Just like what we used to have.”
Netori shook her head with all of her might. “I… don’t
want that, anymore. I’m… not… that kind of woman.”

“Heh, you will be.” His hand began reaching for Gaia

As I watched, I felt a fit of extreme anger and

frustration deep inside me. It felt like a fire, burning
through my soul. I needed to stop him. I needed
power. This wasn’t going to happen, not again. I
refused to let it happen. I refused! I began to struggle
against the chains, causing them to give a hollow
echoey sound. This caught Procreation’s attention. He
turned to me and laughed.

“How about you just jack off and watch as all of your
women are satisfied by a real man, boy?”

“You…” The anger was growing.

It felt extremely intense. I had lost so much. I had so
many women cheat on me. I had so many failures. I
was done with it. I was done with all of it. Gods?
Levels? Powers? What did any of it matter? It wasn’t a
matter of strength. I simply wouldn’t allow it!

“You foolish chi-“

Crack… crack…

“Procreation!” I screamed.

“H-how are you doing that?” His eyes widened. “You


“They… are all MINE!”

“Die!” He threw out his hand, and a beam of light shot

It was the same destructive light he had once used to

vaporize Depravity. He had grown afraid and thus
went to kill me. At that exact moment, the chains
around me exploded. I felt like an explosion, erupting
out like a flare. I reached up and blocked his light with
my hand. It struck, and all of the energy was sucked
into my hand.

Procreation stared at me, a face filled with confusion. I

lifted my hand, and the beam he just shot at me fired
back at him. He let out a cry, throwing up a shield. It
struck the shield, and Procreation went flying back. He
landed on the ground, near the steps leading up to his
throne. He scrambled back to his feet, anger painting
his face.
“You… you’re weaker than me!” He shot out another

I waved my hand and it erupted to the side. The fire

burned in my eyes, and heat followed my steps. It was
so hot that every step I took melted into the tile
below, creating footsteps in solid stone as I walked. I
approached Procreation with a single solid purpose.

“You will never touch another thing of mine again. I

love them all. I will live for them all. They’ve stolen my
heart, and they each have a piece, so as long as I live,
no one will ever touch them!”

“Hakaru…” NTR whispered tearfully.

“You… you’re just a child!”

He threw another spell, this time a holy fireball. I
swatted it aside. He threw more and more spells, but I
kept walking forward at a steady pace. The man who
called himself a god fearfully kicked his feet, backing
up on the ground, trying to keep his distance from me.
He ended up scooting up to his throne until his back
hit the seat. I didn’t stop walking though. I climbed the
stairs until I was standing up over him.

“Nooooo!” He screamed, throwing his hand up to

strike me.

I punched down at him at the same time. An explosion

of power erupted between us, a flash of light bursting
out in a blinding cacophony of colors. There was a
booming sound, and the ground shook. When it was
over, I was still standing, and the throne was shattered
to pieces. There was a crater there, and in that crater,
was the broken Procreation.
His clothing was turned to rags. His hair was a mess.
Any feeling of nobility had been stripped away in an
instant. He held up his hands, squinting up at me.

“P-please… don’t… I… I’m your father, after all.” He


I let out a scream and then jumped on top of him. “I

hate you!”

I punched him in the face.

“You’re the worst! Bastard! Creep! Worst father of the

year!” Every name I called him, I’d punch again.

These punches didn’t have as much power in them,

but they were enough that the crying man became
bloodied. I punched again and again. I had the power
to kill him. I knew I could destroy him in an instant.
However, all I could see was the man, my father, and
all I could do was vent my hatred and anger on him.
He remained alive, but I kept punching.

“That’s enough.” A gentle hand touched my shoulder,

warm to the touch.

I realized I had been crying, and I wasn’t sure how

much time had passed. He was under me, his face a
bloody mess, covered in swollen bruised lumps. Two
thin arms wrapped around me, and I was picked up. I
turned to see a bright, beautiful woman standing


“Sol, Ra, Helios, I go by many names.” She chuckled.

“You can call me, Beloved.”
“You are… the sun?”

“Didn’t I tell you the first time we met? I’m a star!”

She made a pop star pose, which looked extremely

“A-aren’t you angry at me?”

“Tsk… furious!” She crossed her arms and huffed.

“After what you did to me, during a solar eclipse when
I’m at my weakest. Well, if you had touched me at any
other time, you’d have been burned up. Y-You’re my
first… my only…”

As she said that, she blushed.

“You mean… you like Hakaru too?” Gaia cried out

She snapped her finger, and all of the chains of Vajra

were destroyed even more quickly than Procreation
had created them.

“L-like’s a strong word!” She muttered. “I… d-don’t

hate him. Ahhh… I don’t know! What’s this emotion
humans have. It’s where you want to strangle
someone to death and kill them horrible but you can’t
bear the thought of hurting a single hair on his head!”

“Love.” Freya coughed.

“Love.” Marriage nodded.

“Definitely love.” Artemis nodded.

“N-not true!” Sol grew huffy.

“She says that but she’s still holding Hakaru’s hand

and stroking his arm lovingly,” Akiko whispered.

Sol looked down to see her hands all over me. She
jumped, bringing down the hand stroking my arm, but
even then, she still held my hands.

“It’s not that.” She responded, trying to act like she

wasn’t holding my hand. “Rather, it’s merely that,
after what Hakaru did, he needs to take

The other celestial girls were huddled together,

looking at Beloved with amused, inconvenienced
looks. This caused her to grow even more indignant.”
“L-look… after I threw him from the castle, I saw how
upset everyone became. When you ran away, I
realized my mistake. That’s why I’m being lenient
now. It isn’t because I have been thinking about him
every moment since he left, and I can’t stop thinking
about him and smelling his pillow.”

“Is that why you’ve been in daughter’s room since

Hakaru left?” Gaia asked.

“Wh-what are you saying! I don’t even care about H-

Hakaru…” She blushed again, but just as I went to
touch her, she spun and pointed at me. “However, the
real crime in all of this is what you did to my sisters!”

“I don’t regret loving them, or having them love me in

return.” I declared defiantly.
“Not that! I’m talking about the fact that you
impregnated them all!”

“What?” Lilith jerked.

“A-all?” Marriage’s eyes widened.

“Ah… I was found out…” Jupiter blushed.

“You’re pregnant too?” Neptune asked.

“Ah… even I’m pregnant,” Uranus added, causing all

the girls to look at her. “He-he does stick it in my
pussy too, you know!”

“Yeah, but he mostly sticks it in uran-”

“Don’t you dare!” I stopped Mars before she could say
it, causing Uranus to tilt her head questioningly.

“All of my sisters are pregnant… I’m so happy!” Gaia

practically glowed.

“I understand Gaia getting pregnant and making life…

but what about the other planets?” Sasori inquired.

“How does a gas giant create life?”

“Hmph!” Mercury crossed her arms and glared at the

other girls. “You humans think you know everything.
You think life is just DNA and proteins. Well, you’ve
only dealt with life created on a particular planet. Each
of us will have our own children, who throughout
billions of years may evolve into their own intelligent
species. Probably much quicker, because their daddy
is a human starting out.”

“I wonder what my baby will be like.” Saturn strokes

her belly.

“My life will kick Earth’s life’s ass!” Mars declared.

“Eh? Your baby is a million years too young to mess

with my humanity!” Gaia shot back.

“Anyway!” Sol cut them short before they could argue

more. “As you can see, this isn’t something I can turn
back. They are all pregnant with your babies. Even
with my powers, I can’t undo the imprint you’ve left
on my sisters. However, that’s not what I’m angry
“Wh-what is?”

“I’m not pregnant!”

I let out a cough. “You’re a sun!”

“S-so? You got all of them pregnant, you have to get

me pregnant too!” she declared. “That’s why… e-even
though I don’t like you, w-we’ll have to keep doing
that… every solar eclipse!”

“You know, Beloved, if he were just a bit stronger, you

could probably play together even without being
under a solar eclipse.”

“I-is that true? I suppose, if you were an upper god,

then maybe we could…” She looked at me, and then
her cheeks turned a golden red.
“S-Sol?” A voice cracked out from the crater I had
made. “How is this possible?”

Procreation was lying in that crater, and he had finally

seemingly regained enough coherence to see the
world around him. With a bruised and battered face,
he looked up pitifully with disbelief.

“It’s quite simple. Hakaru took my first time, and in it,

he gained a special part of me. He gained a piece of
my flame.” Sol explained in a cold voice. “When he
ignited my flame inside him, he temporarily gained an
incredible power, and he also simultaneously
appeared like a beacon, leading me here to my girls.”

“I meant… how… with him?” He grimaced.

She frowned, standing straighter. “Because unlike you,
he’s a real man. Unlike you, he takes responsibility.
Unlike you, he deserves power.”

“Heh…” He let out a single chuckle before his head fell


“You were always so small.” She continued. “While

you were busy making plans to impregnate the
world… he impregnated the entire solar system! The
pair of you can’t even be compared. Procreation…
no… you stole that name. You have violated the edicts
of the council. You have conceived various demi-god
children, and even conspired to make more.”

“Just kill me already.” He said.

“No… for the father, he will be returned to earth

where he left off, his wife and children gone. As for
you, I will be taking your power, and giving it to
someone worthy!”

She reached out, and the man screamed as his body

burst into light. Even Hakaru had to cover his eyes as a
bright light filled the room. Sol lived up to her name,
emitting a light that blinded anyone who looked.
Before his eyes cleared, Hakaru felt a pair of hot lips
press against his own.

Energy began to fill in him. It exploded out, and with

it, he began to gain familiarity with procreation many
times beyond anything he could ever imagine. His
power grew and grew, and he could feel himself
breaking into the realm of the upper gods. In an
instant, he reached level 16. When the power stopped
flooding into him, Sol’s soft, warm lips parted from his
and she licked them.

“Now, you’ll make me pregnant.”

“Is that why you did this?”

“Is there any other reason? It’s not like I like you or

“Oh, because I love you.” I reached out and grabbed

Sol’s butt, and then pulled her to me. “You’re my
woman now too. After all, I took a special part of you,
and I won’t give it, or any other part of you back!”

The celestial goddesses who had all been afraid of Sol

for so long audibly gasped as they saw me rudely grab
her. Sol stared at me as if even she was stunned by my
actions. Then, ever so slowly, her cheeks began to
glow. She lowered her head and pressed against me.

“Hakaru…” She whispered. “Mm…”

She gave a single nod, closing her eyes. I had declared
her as my woman, and she had agreed. My hands
were on her butt, and she didn’t even pull away. She
snuggled closer. All of the girl’s mouths fell open. She
was the sun herself, a glowing radiant beauty
recognized by all. Even the girls from town instantly
recognized her when she appeared, but to see the
man they love have such a top woman, it’d be like
dating a guy only for him to reveal his mistress is a
Hollywood celebrity.

“I love you, Hakaru!” An unfamiliar voice shouted.

I frowned, turning to the crater. A girl with a

disgustingly lewd expression on her face came
jumping at me. Instinctively, I moved against her,
drop-kicking the girl in the face.
“Ahhhhh!” She cried out. “Hakaru… please kick me

“What the hell?”

She jumped at me again, so I kicked her again. She

seemed to like it, gasping and moaning.

“What is this?” I demanded.

“Meet… the person behind Procreation.” Sol sighed.

“This is Procreation?” I asked in disbelief.

The girl was pretty, but she looked a bit dirty. She had
the beauty of a goddess, but something about her
seemed unwashed. She had messy hair and a
disgusting expression on her face. Every time he hit
her, she seemed to moan and writhe on the floor with
no modesty at all.

“No.” Sol shook her head. “Didn’t you listen? This is

the one behind Procreation. This is her before she
stole his powers. This was the original protégé from a
time before even humanity existed.”

“Who… then?”

“This is… Obsession!”

“More Hakaru! I love Hakaru!” She cried as I held her


She was a little level 11 god, but she was extremely

“Without Procreation, she’s reverted to her old ways.
Well, even as Procreation, this was her nature.
However, back then, she obsessed over power. That
was why she did so much to reach the top. She took
Procreation’s power, manipulated NTR, spread her
spawn across the earth, all to become an upper god.
She’s also the reason so many humans lust after

“That’s not the thing she seems to be lusting after

now,” Gaia observed.

“Yes, it seems like after she lost all of her power to

Hakaru, and was defeated so completely, her
obsessive personality shifted gears. It seems she’s
become obsessed with Hakaru instead.”

“Well, get her off of me!” I cried out as the crazy lady
tried to kiss me.
“Chop!” Akiko had approached the throne with the
rest of the girls, and she hit the obsessive girl, who
collapsed unconscious on the ground.

“How did you do that?” Sol asked, looking at my

former mortal goddesses for the first time.

“Hmm? I’m Hakaru’s number one obsessed lover. This

girl must learn her place! I’ll teach it to her.”

“This girl is only level 9… and she just knocked out a

level 11 goddess…” Sol muttered. “This shouldn’t be

She shrugged. “I don’t know, I just did it because she’s

The group looked down at the sleeping Obsession. She
had her mouth open and drooling, her expression
perverted even while sleeping.

“Hehe… Hakaru’s babies. I’ll have his babies…” She

murmured in her sleep.

“Humanoid… goddesses are more interesting than I

thought. Perhaps, I should get a little closer to them.”
Sol said, looking at the women standing around me,
who should have been cowering on their knees like
the village goddesses, but were instead joking around
and talking comfortably with the celestial goddesses
like rank didn’t even matter to them.

“Hakaru… Procreation is defeated. We’re all here for

you. What now?” my mother asked.

I really couldn’t believe it, but I had reached the end.
NTR Crush was done. I was an upper god, the highest
human god who had ever existed. I was Procreation, I
was Harem, and I was me, Hakaru. I went from a
coward killing himself to a god that ruled the realm.
There were a hundred women here, some of them
with the power to rewrite the universe, and they all
loved me. I loved them too.

I waved my hand, and the throne I had turned into a

crater formed into a perfect throne once again. Then I
walked over and sat on the seat. I looked out across all
of the women who had helped me on my journey.
There was my mother Kana, my sister who turned out
to be my daughter Maria, my slave-like girlfriend
Akiko, my childhood friend turned girlfriend Kira, my
teacher Sasori, Marriage, Artemis, Freya, Sol, Gaia, the
other celestial sisters, and most of all Netori,
Netorase, and Netorare… the three NTR sisters. They
were all looking in my direction, waiting for my
answer. A small smile formed on my face.
“There are still a lot of goddesses out there that need
someone in their life.” I declared. “I’m going to steal
them all!”

Chapter 181 :

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this is Haruto Aiko with

the morning news. This is my cohost, Felicia Mako. It’s
been an interesting couple of months, hasn’t it?”

“It sure has, Haruto. Japan has seen the highest rates
of precipitation in the last century.”

“Right Felicia, but this isn’t just unique to Japan. The

water levels have been inexplicably rising all over the
world. Precipitation is up worldwide. On top of that,
various volcanos have recently been erupting.”

“Mother Earth has been wet and gushy, hasn’t she?”

“Oh yes, scientists say not to worry though. Although

Earth is taking a pounding, she can handle it. In fact,
the biodiversity on our planet has inexplicably
skyrocketed. In unrelated news, scientists believe they
have recently found life on Mars. Now, they are
theorizing that life might exist on all of the planets.”

“How is that possible?”

“Well, as they study the new Martian lifeforms, they

have had to update their definitions of what life
means, and have found that life might be more
ubiquitous than they ever thought possible.”
“That’s amazing, Haruto. You’re really great.”

“I think you’re awesome too, Felicia.”


“Ah…. Ahem… anyway. For a more personal story, I’ll

shift to our on-site reporter on human interests, Mia

“Yes, Haruto. I’m here outside of a local high school

where I’m talking to a boy named Derek. He seems to
think there is an alternative explanation to everything
that is happening.”

“It’s Hakaru! He’s become a god! He took them! He

took my girlfriend, he took my child, he took them
“Now isn’t it true that no one has ever heard of this
Hakaru, either him personally, or his family?”

“It’s not just them! They’ve taken others! There was

my teacher, and my principal, and the student council
president, and… and… you believe me, right?”

“So, please tell me, why are you wearing the tinfoil

“It’s so Hakaru doesn’t vaporize my brain with his x-

ray vision! He’s after me the most! That’s why I’m
building a rocket ship to get off the planet!”

“And that… cardboard box over there is the ship?”

“It’s also my home! I live here so the illuminati can’t
find me.”

“I see…”

“Mia… maybe you shouldn’t interview crazy homeless


“Haruto! Ahh… one other gentleman also claims to

know of this Hakaru. This man claims he was once his
father. Sir, can you stop drinking for a second.”

“Yeah… I’m his father… hello baby, you’re sexy. Let’s


“Ah… sorry… he won’t be able to come on the air, I

just kicked him in the balls.”
“Well, those kinds of things happen, what do you
think, Felicia?”

“I’m really curious where this supposed god Hakaru

comes from. Do you know, Mia?”

“That’s something I can answer! You see, it’s a very

popular meme right now. God Hakaru! He’s a little
mascot who has been getting super popular. I even
have a God Hakaru tag on my smartphone.”

“Ahhh… that’s adorable!”

“Yeah, it’s exploding over the internet. It’s one of the

most popular memes. It’s a picture of this cute chibi
image of this black-haired boy and then some text like,
‘God Hakaru says…’ and then usually something silly
and perverted. Like… ‘God Hakaru says big breasts are
the best!’.”

“H-he really says that?”

“N-no, I was just giving an example, Felicia. Your

breasts are perfectly fine!”

“You don’t think they’re too small?”

“Not at all!”

“I tend to agree. I also enjoy Felicia’s breasts.”

“Ahem… anyway, is it getting hot in here? Um… we’ll
get back on the growing God Hakaru meme later.
Right now, let’s talk about another growing
movement exploding over the internet.”

“What’s that, Haruto?”

“Apparently, there is a horde of men who are pushing

to make Pluto a woman.”


“Ah! I mean, a planet. They want Pluto to be

considered a planet again. Sorry, I don’t know where
my mind was there.”

“I-it’s fine… yes, this movement has continued to

declare that even though Pluto is a bit flat-chested
and small, she is technically an adult, and thus deserve
to get raw-dogged just like all of the other planets.”

“Uh… I think your mind is going somewhere strange


“No, that was word-for-word what was written on

their site.”

“Oh. Weird.”

“Yeah… I think the site somehow got mixed with a loli

website. We might need to check our sources on

“In other news, across the world, people are starting

to change how they view relationships.”
“Oh? How is that?”

“Well, Felicia, it seems that polygamy, an act that was

once considered a bit taboo, is growing more and
more in fashion. Men and women are starting to form
harems, enjoying multiple partners at the same time.
Several governments are seriously considering
allowing polygamous unions.”

“Our population is pretty even, how is this going to

change things in the future, Haruto?”

“Well, men who are considered alphas are winning

the affection of more women. They’ll even steal
women from other men, or sometimes agree to share
them. The cucked beta men lose everything, while the
men who know how to give it to a woman get the
lion’s share. If you ask me, it’s about time! If two
women want to be with the same man, why does
unhappiness have to follow?”

“I see your point…”


“Haruto… I have something I have been meaning to

tell you.”


“I love you! I want to be with you!”

“F-Felicia? But, I’m married.”

“I don’t care! I’ll share you with her. We can have you
together. Maybe we’ll take turns, or maybe even

“Felicia… that…”

“Please, I just want to be with you so much.”

“Ah… very well…”

“You bastard!”


“Is that, the weather lady?”

“Haruto, we’ve been banging for the last six months!”

“You…. And the weather girl, Tina?”

“Tina… you misunderstand.”

“What do I misunderstand? You want her, but not


“I want you both, god damn it. I’m just a man, but I
love you both and my wife. I will take responsibility. If
I’m not enough man for all three of you, then I will
become a better man!”


“I love you both, with all of my heart. Will you be with

“I will.”


“I love you… mmm…slurp… mmm…”


“Heh, I can have one of you in each arm.”

“N-not there, if you touch me there, I’ll lose it.”

“Ahhn… not now… ahhhn…”

“I don’t care, I want you both so badly.”

“B-but we’re on air.”

“I don’t care, they can all listen. I want them to hear.”

“But, we’re live in video.”

“Then they can watch too!”


“Hah… Hah…”
“I-I’m ccuum-“

<The following broadcast has been disconnected due

to technical difficulties.>

The end

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