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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright
2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave

©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The 2CGaming logos and name and the book name (#YOLO’s Guide to Monsters - Gelatinous
Hypercube) are protected by copyright and trademark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained herein is prohibited
without the express written permissions of 2CGaming, LLC or its authorized representatives.
Preface Who Is Brother Yolo?
When 2CGaming publishes content, it is always Not all adventurers are awe-inspiring heroes
with a strong sense of purpose. We like to solve or dastardly villains. Some are just weird folk
problems DMs face or provide new experiences that who randomly decided to go out and fight some
can’t be found anywhere else. This is a serious task monsters. One such weirdo is the man known as
that results in (mostly) serious works that we hope Brother Yolo. Never one to follow the beaten path,
our customers and fans will enjoy. However, we Brother Yolo sought tales of creatures so strange
also like to have fun. A lot of strange and humorous they sounded outlandish even in a world of fantasy
ideas are proposed in brainstorming, but they never and magic. Fascinated by stories of such beings,
make it to print. We would like to change that. In he journeyed to the strangest corners of the
the tradition of the humorous holiday of April 1st, multiverse in pursuit of the fantasy equivalent of
we have concocted a humble selection of funky and Sasquatch. Did Brother Yolo succeed? He believes
bizarre monsters for the 5th Edition of your favorite so. The creatures this eccentric unearthed are
roleplaying game. Presented by an adventurer of certainly unusual. Most believe the world is better
questionable reputation and dubious wit, please off not knowing, but Brother Yolo doesn’t care. He
enjoy our gift to you: #Yolo’s Guide to Monsters. published this guide anyway and wants you to see

Life is too short

it. The truth must be told!

to be ordinary.
4 – Brother Yolo
Monster Classifications
Monsters within this booklet are classified into fighting shape. Leaders need at least a few allies to
groups based on their strengths and abilities, help, preferring those that help them accomplish
which helps a DM easily understand their roles on their encounter objectives. In combat, a leader
the battlefield. By understanding this system of alleviates harm on its allies, undoing damage with
classifications, you can craft encounters that deliver an efficiency that is nearly impossible to outclass.
on a specific challenge you want your players to
experience. Lurker. Master ambushers and assassins, lurkers
strike first and hard. Using evasion and stealth to
Artillery. The artillery classification indicates achieve their goals, lurkers are slippery foes that
ranged combat specialists with abilities that can are difficult to lock down and destroy. Because
harry enemies from afar. Artillery creatures are adventurers travel in groups, most lurkers require
vulnerable at close range, relying on allies or the assistance of other creatures to finish the job. A
their own evasive abilities to stay out of melee. An lurker seeks to systematically and swiftly eliminate
artillery wants to end a fight from afar, keeping its threats, taking heroes out of commission before
enemies on the defensive and struggling to find they have a chance to respond.

Brute. Brutes are brutal melee combatants Favors and Foils

specializing in giving out as much punishment as An understanding of a creature’s strengths and
they take. Free from player interference, a brute weaknesses is essential to a successful encounter.
quickly pulverizes vulnerable characters and Along with a monster’s classification is a short list
dismantles tactical advantages. Brutes can be of character abilities and features that favor or foil
counted on to take powerful hits and often do so to the monster’s own abilities and features. Use this
protect vulnerable allies or objectives. A brute seeks information to ensure your encounters challenge
to be the focus of a fight, soaking up punishment the players in the right ways, giving them a specific
and returning the favor tenfold. path to victory. Some monsters favor no features,
meaning there are no optimal paths to succeed
Controller. Controllers may not be the ones who kill against them.
a character, but they certainly make things easier
for their allies. Controllers unleash debilitating
effects that impair or cripple their enemies and Favors. Which character features,
are most effective when paired with more directly classes, and abilities perform well
lethal creatures able to capitalize on advantages against the monster.
the controller provides. A controller wants to secure
victory through tactical superiority, placing itself Foils. Which character features,
and its allies into a winning position that requires classes, and abilities perform poorly
only a final killing blow. against the monster.

Leader. Leaders are masterful support creatures

that aid allies with healing, magical enhancement,
and other powerful buffs. Leaders rarely possess
significant kill potential, focusing instead on
teamwork and keeping their deadly allies in top

The humble ooze family of monsters is filled with
strange and bizarre specimens, but none more so
than the physics-defying gelatinous hypercube. Like
A character can learn the following information about
its smaller, more common cousin, the hypercube a gelatinous hypercube with a successful Intelligence
is a massive cube of jiggly protoplasm. Its body (Arcana) ability check.
shimmers with strange, angular light, dimensional
echoes of its reality-altering powers. The gelatinous DC INFORMATION
hypercube hungers for brain activity of sentient
minds. With startling speed, the humongous A gelatinous hypercube exists in
geometric ooze seeks out prey that displays imperceptible extradimensional space
intelligence. Its dimension-altering effects are felt around itself. You may not be able to see
long before one makes direct contact with the ooze. 12 it, but once you share this space you will
Proximity to its multicolored form exposes oneself undoubtedly feel it. Do not trust your eyes,
to the confounding properties of other dimensions, and stay away from the cube to avoid
a sensation few can escape. This dimensional “net” being exposed to its strange properties.
ensures most prey cannot simply run away and must
The cube is very sticky. Any creature
battle the cube for survival. Veteran adventurers
or object that touches its surface
have learned to recognize the sickly-sweet smell of
may become stuck fast. Removing an
a hypercube, like freshly cooked gelatin with too 17
unfortunate victim requires terrific
much sugar, to avoid more hazardous methods of strength, made all the worse by the
determining the cube’s true nature. Whatever its cube’s alarming reach.
undoubtedly strange origins, the gelatinous cube
is best left alone lest one join its many victims as a The extradimensional powers of the
broken shell. hypercube bamboozle the mind,
preventing one from fleeing by physical or
even magical means. Your only hope is to
apply your hopefully vast intelligence to
FAVORS: Attacks (Ranged), Damage (Non-psychic), comprehending the dimensional energies
Intelligence (High); Artificers, Rogues, Wizards or slaying the cube. Only then will you be
able to escape.
FOILS: Damage Resistance (Physical), Mobility
(High), Teleportaion; Barbarians, Clerics, Paladins


THE GELATINOUS HYPERCUBE you pro bab ly fail ed geo me try . Tha nkf ully dealing with the monstrous
If you are like me, then d are
ercube doe s not inv olv e tes ts and pencils. A trusty sword and brilliant min
gelatinous hyp
t sai d, one mu st app roa ch suc h a foe with caution. The ooze somehow
more than adequate. Tha s to
pow er of oth er dim ens ion s, wh ich I am told I require several fancy degree
calls upon the
se “pr ofe sso rs” too , as my las t enc ounter with a gelatinous hypercube
understand. I believe the
still not sur e wh at it did to my brain, but it hurt. A lot.
– Brother Yolo
was con fou ndi ng. I’m
Armor Class 5
Huge ooze, typically unaligned
with the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
Hit Points 275 (22d12 + 132) there, it must succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence saving
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. throw or become bamboozled for as long as it remains
within the area. While so bamboozled a creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cannot leave the affected area by physical or magical
21 (+5) 1 (−5) 22 (+6) 1 (−5) 8 (−1) 1 (−5) means unless it first uses an action to attempt a DC 17
Intelligence ability check (no associated skill), ending
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +10 the effect on a success. Once a creature has succeeded
Damage Immunities psychic in this manner, it is immune to this cube’s Hypercube
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, trait until 24 hours have passed.
exhaustion, frightened, prone, stunned, unconscious
Sticky. The cube can climb difficult surfaces, including
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
passive Perception 9
ability check.
Languages —
Additionally, when a Large or smaller creature or
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 object makes direct physical contact with the cube’s
body for the first time on a turn, it becomes stuck to the
TRAITS cube and restrained. An affected creature can attempt
a DC 17 Strength saving throw, preventing the effect on
Gelatinous. The ooze’s body is a transparent 15-foot a success. A stuck creature or object can be freed by a
cube of gelatinous plasm that completely fills its space. creature within reach using an action to attempt a DC
Other creatures can enter the cube’s space and vice 17 Strength (Athletics) check, freeing the creature on a
versa as though they were difficult terrain. A creature success.
that is completely within the cube has total cover from
everything outside the cube, and vice versa.
When a creature makes physical contact with the ACTIONS
cube for the first time on a turn or starts its turn in Multiattack. The cube makes two Pseudopod attacks
contact with the cube, it takes 22 (4d10) psychic against two different targets.
damage as its mind is reaved by the extradimensional
reality of the cube. A creature reduced to 0 hit points Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
by this damage becomes permanently incapacitated 30 ft., one creature. Hit: 26 (6d6 + 5) bludgeoning
as its mind is scattered across the dimensions, and it damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature,
becomes immune to this trait for as long as it remains it is subjected to the cube’s Sticky trait.
incapacitated. This incapacitation can be ended by an Dimensional Shift. The cube magically shifts into
affected creature receiving the benefits of a heal spell, another dimension and vanishes, along with anything
greater restoration spell, or similar magic. stuck to it. At the start of its next turn, the cube and
Hypercube. A portion of the cube occupies an anything stuck to it reappears in an unoccupied space
imperceptible extradimensional space in a 30-foot cube within 60 feet of the space from which it vanished.
centered on it. When a creature makes physical contact

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