TS240 Scanner Setup

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TS240 Scanner Installation and Setting Guide

1. Login to FTP (ftp://ftp.oisclouds.co.in). Login Name : ftp.oisclouds.co.in|SGPO, Password: Gpo@123

---Download Final TS Driver TS-240.zip - Unzip Final TS Driver TS-240
a. Install TellerScanDriver_17_02
b. Install Scanlite2 16.11
2. Copy Zip Folder in C:Drive –( CaptureTsRelease.zip) from FTP (ftp://ftp.oisclouds.co.in). Right Click and open
with Extract to CaptureTsRelease\

3. Automatic Folder Created of CaptureTsRelease

4. Open the Folder CaptureTSRelease and Double Click on TsCapture.reg- For Regedit Setting.

On Popup massage Click Yes –Yes and Ok for Regedit Setting.

5. Copy the 5-Dll in CaptureTsRelease and Paste in C:\Windows\System32 and for 64 Bit System paste the Dlls
in C:\Windows\SysWOW64

6. Open URL (sgpo-out.oisclouds.co.in)

7. Login (MAKER)
8. Capture -Click OK on popup
9. Start Scan

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