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Early Fluid Resuscitation Reduces Morbidity Among Patients

With Acute Pancreatitis

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire

The standard treatment of acute pancreatitis focuses on

Podcast interview:; general supportive management: intravenous (IV) fluid resusci-
see editorial on page 633. tation, pain control, correction of electrolyte disturbances, and
provision of nutrition if prolonged fasting is expected.5 The
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Early fluid resuscitation is rec- diagnosis of acute pancreatitis should be made as early as
ommended to reduce morbidity and mortality among patients possible to recognize disease severity and appropriately triage
with acute pancreatitis, although the impact of this interven- patients to higher levels of care.2,6,7
tion has not been quantified. We investigated the association It is believed that IV fluid resuscitation is an important
between early fluid resuscitation and outcome of patients ad- variable for improved outcomes in acute pancreatitis, although
mitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis. METHODS: clinical evidence for this is limited. Historically, recommenda-
tions for resuscitation have been based on expert opinion that
Nontransfer patients admitted to our center with acute pancre-
urges “aggressive resuscitation” and relies on clinical decision
atitis from 1985–2009 were identified retrospectively. Patients
making to monitor for complications of the disease process or
were stratified into groups on the basis of early (n ⫽ 340) or late
the resuscitation strategy itself. Most guidelines encourage tar-
resuscitation (n ⫽ 94). Early resuscitation was defined as receiv-
geting fluid resuscitation toward correcting hypotension, cor-
ing ⱖone-third of the total 72-hour fluid volume within 24
recting hemoconcentration, and maintaining adequate urine
hours of presentation, whereas late resuscitation was defined as
output.2,5,8,9 The goal of fluid resuscitation is to improve patient
receiving ⱕone-third of the total 72-hour fluid volume within
outcomes and prevent, or at least minimize, compromise of the
24 hours of presentation. The primary outcomes were fre-
microcirculation of the pancreas and prevent necrosis.6,10
quency of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS),
The aim of our study was to determine the association
organ failure, and death. RESULTS: Early resuscitation was between early fluid resuscitation and important clinical out-
associated with decreased SIRS, compared with late resuscita- comes in patients admitted with acute pancreatitis. We hypoth-
tion, at 24 hours (15% vs 32%, P ⫽ .001), 48 hours (14% vs 33%, esized that early fluid resuscitation would be associated with
P ⫽ .001), and 72 hours (10% vs 23%, P ⫽ .01), as well as reduced incidence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome
reduced organ failure at 72 hours (5% vs 10%, P ⬍ .05), a lower (SIRS), organ failure, and mortality as compared with individ-
rate of admission to the intensive care unit (6% vs 17%, P ⬍ uals resuscitated less aggressively.
.001), and a reduced length of hospital stay (8 vs 11 days, P ⫽
.01). Subgroup analysis demonstrated that these benefits were
more pronounced in patients with interstitial rather than severe Methods
pancreatitis at admission. CONCLUSIONS: In patients The study was approved by the Committee for the Pro-
with acute pancreatitis, early fluid resuscitation was associ- tection of Human Subjects #21847. Patients presenting directly to
ated with reduced incidence of SIRS and organ failure at 72 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, an academic tertiary care
hours. These effects were most pronounced in patients hospital in Lebanon, NH, from 1985–2009 with the diagnosis of
admitted with interstitial rather than severe disease. acute pancreatitis were identified retrospectively by using Interna-
Keywords: Pancreas; Inflammation; Treatment; Efficacy. tional Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, codes. Only non-
transferred patients were included in this study, and the primary
View this article’s video abstract at diagnosis at admission had to be acute pancreatitis to be included.
Acute pancreatitis was defined per the 1992 Atlanta classification,
which required 2 of the following 3 features: abdominal pain

A cute pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of the pan-

creas that leads to approximately 210,000 hospital admis-
sions annually.1 Many of these admissions are associated with
characteristic of acute pancreatitis, elevated serum amylase and/or

significant morbidity, leading to prolonged hospitalizations, Abbreviations used in this paper: CT, computed tomography; ERCP,
and often require intensive care unit (ICU) admission. The endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; ICU, intensive care
unit; IV, intravenous; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2,
estimated mortality rate for all patients with acute pancreatitis
partial pressure of oxygen; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response
is approximately 5%.2 In addition, the incidence of acute pan- syndrome.
creatitis appears to be increasing in the United States, with the © 2011 by the AGA Institute
direct medical costs of acute pancreatitis hospitalizations na- 1542-3565/$36.00
tionwide estimated to be greater than $2 billion annually.3,4 doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2011.03.032

Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics study. This time period was then divided into 0 –24, 24 – 48, and
48 –72 hours, and early resuscitation was defined as receiving
Early Late P
Characteristic resuscitation resuscitation value
greater than one-third of the total 72-hour fluid volume within
the first 24 hours of presentation to the emergency department.
Patients (n) 340 94 Late resuscitation was defined as receiving less than one-third
Age (y) 54 ⫾ 20a 49 ⫾ 22a .08 of the total 72-hour fluid volume within the first 24 hours of
Women (%) 179 (53) 50 (53) .99 presentation to the emergency department. This stratification
Charlson score 2.51 ⫾ 2.62a 2.39 ⫾ 2.68a .70 schema was used because it allows for standardized compari-
Etiology sons between subjects by eliminating a reliance on absolute
Gallstone (%) 130 (38) 26 (28) .06 fluid volume.8
Alcohol (%) 52 (15) 18 (19) .40
The study used a retrospective design. The primary study
Triglyceride (%) 8 (2) 2 (2) .99
Post-ERCP (%) 18 (5) 11 (12) .03b
outcomes were the presence of SIRS and organ failure at 24, 48,
Medication (%) 12 (4) 1 (1) .30 and 72 hours, need for ICU admission, length of hospital stay,
Tumor (%) 5 (1) 2 (2) .70 and death. Data were expressed as mean ⫾ standard deviation
Idiopathic (%) 101 (30) 27 (29) .90 and as percentages. Statistical significance was defined as P ⬍.05.
Admission antibiotics (%) 18 18 .99 Categorical and continuous data were analyzed via standard
ERCP (%) 19 23 .50 one-tailed ␹2 analysis and unpaired, two-tailed Student t tests.
Parenteral nutrition (%) 26 46 .01b Univariate followed by multivariate logistic regression models
Intra-abdominal bacterial 3 1 .40 were then performed to calculate odds ratios and 95% con-
infection (%) fidence intervals for the association between aggressive and
Intra-abdominalfungal 1 1 .90
nonaggressive intravenous fluid resuscitation (independent
infection (%)
Surgery 50 (15) 18 (19) .40
variables) and the primary outcomes of SIRS, organ failure,
Cholecystectomy (%) 37 (74) 12 (67) .70 and death (dependent variables). The odds ratios were then
Necrosectomy (%) 4 (8) 2 (11) .50 adjusted for age, gender, and Charlson comorbidity score to
Other (%) 9 (18) 4 (22) .50 account for confounding. Statistical analysis was performed
by using GraphPad (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA),
aMean ⫾ standard deviation. Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA), and A
Language and Environment for Statistical Computing (R
Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna Austria).
lipase level greater than 3 times the upper limit of normal, and
characteristic findings on transabdominal ultrasound or abdomi- Results
nal computed tomography (CT).11 Seven hundred one patients were admitted to our med-
Four individuals trained by the principal investigator re- ical center from 1985–2009 with a primary diagnosis of acute
viewed electronic and paper medical records and abstracted pancreatitis. Two hundred twenty-two patients were admitted
data regarding patient characteristics (age, gender, Charlson in transfer, and 45 had incomplete or missing fluid adminis-
comorbidity score), process measures (admission antibiotics, tration data, leaving 434 nontransferred patients who were
total parenteral nutrition, need for surgery and/or endoscopic included in the study. Three hundred forty patients were iden-
retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP]), and outcomes tified as early resuscitation, and 94 patients were identified as
(presence of SIRS, organ failure, presence of intra-abdominal late resuscitation. As shown in Table 1, there were no meaning-
bacterial or fungal infection, length of hospital stay, need for ful differences in baseline patient characteristics or Charlson
ICU admission, and death).12 SIRS was defined by the presence score, but the late resuscitation group showed a greater number
of ⬎2 of the following criteria: pulse ⬎90 beats per minute, of acute pancreatitis attributed to post-ERCP etiology as com-
respirations ⬎20 per minute or PaCO2 ⬍32 mm Hg, tempera- pared with the early resuscitation group (P ⬍ .03).
ture ⬎100.4°F or ⬍96.8°F, and white blood cell count ⬎12,000 Fluid resuscitation volumes are shown in Table 2. There was
or ⬍4,000 cells/mm3. Organ failure was defined per the 1992 a significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of volume
Atlanta Classification as having at least one of the following: of fluid administered for each of the major time periods ana-
systolic blood pressure ⬍90 mm Hg, PaO2 on room air ⬍60 mm lyzed. As expected, during the first 24 hours the early resuscitation
Hg, serum creatinine ⬎2 mg/dL, and gastrointestinal bleed group received more than the late resuscitation group (P ⬍ .0001),
⬎500 mL/h. If not recorded, these values were assumed to be but from 24 – 48 hours, 48 –72 hours, and in the total amount
not present for purposes of the study. Severe acute pancreatitis
was defined as having the presence of SIRS, developing organ
failure present for more than 48 hours, and/or having evidence
of pancreatic necrosis on abdominal CT; all other patients were Table 2. Mean IV Fluid Resuscitation Volumes
classified as having mild, or interstitial, pancreatitis. Early resuscitation Late resuscitation
The volume and type of IV fluid administered were recorded Fluid volume (mL) (mL) P value
from initial presentation in the emergency department through
72 hours into the hospitalization by using nursing administra- 0–24 h 3493 ⫾ 1700 2403 ⫾ 1216 .0001a
tion documentation. At the time of data abstraction, abstrac- 24–48 h 2571 ⫾ 1325 3578 ⫾ 2490 .0001a
48–72 h 1841 ⫾ 1391 3353 ⫾ 1615 .0001a
tors were blinded to the outcomes being investigated. Oral fluid
Total 7600 ⫾ 3574 9514 ⫾ 4469 .0003a
intake was not recorded, and patients who had incomplete IV
fluid administration documentation were excluded from the aStatistical significance.

Figure 1. SIRS and organ failure in early vs late resuscitation.

of fluid given in 72 hours, the late resuscitation group received Subgroup analysis was performed that compared patients
greater amounts (P ⬍ .0001, P ⬍ .0001, and P ⬍ .0003, respec- with severe acute pancreatitis with those with interstitial disease
tively). Because nearly 85% of patients received normal saline, at admission. Thirty-nine patients were identified as having
we did not note any differences in outcomes based on the type severe acute pancreatitis, whereas 364 patients were identified
of fluids given. as having interstitial disease. There were no major differences in
Figure 1 and Table 3 highlight the primary and secondary baseline characteristics between the groups. In patients with
outcomes. There was no difference in presence of SIRS between severe disease, the early resuscitation group received more IV
the 2 groups at time of admission (P ⬍ .15). However, at 0 –24, fluids from 0 –24 hours (P ⬍ .006) but less from 24 – 48 hours
24 – 48, and 48 –72 hours there was less SIRS in the early and 48 –72 hours (P ⬍ .027 and P ⬍ .002, respectively) than the
resuscitation group compared with the late resuscitation group late group. There was no difference in the 72-hour total (P ⬍
(P ⬍ .001, P ⬍ .001, and P ⬍ .01, respectively). In addition, there .27) amount of fluid administered between the 2 groups. Table
was no difference in the presence of organ failure between the 5 reveals that the differences between the early and late resus-
2 groups at time of admission, but at 72 hours less organ failure citation groups in terms of important clinical outcomes are
was observed in the early resuscitation group, as compared with observed in individuals with interstitial disease at admission
the late resuscitation group (P ⬍ .05). Moreover, there were but not demonstrated in the severe subgroup. In patients with
fewer ICU admissions (P ⬍ .001) and a shorter length of severe acute pancreatitis, the only difference between those
hospital stay (P ⬍ .01) in the early resuscitation group com- resuscitated early and those resuscitated late was observed in
pared with the late group. There was no difference in mortality the need for ICU admission (P ⬍ .02).
between the 2 groups. There was also no difference between the
groups regarding the frequency of intra-abdominal bacterial Discussion
infection, intra-abdominal fungal infection, and necrosis on
This study demonstrates that patients admitted with
CT. Regression analysis demonstrated limited confounding
acute pancreatitis receiving early fluid resuscitation have lower
when controlling for Charlson comorbidity score, age, and
rates of SIRS and organ failure, shorter hospitalizations, and
gender (Table 4).
less need for ICU admission than do patients who are not
resuscitated as aggressively. This effect is observed only in
patients with interstitial disease at admission, suggesting that
Table 3. Primary and Secondary Clinical Outcomes in patients with severe disease, early IV fluid resuscitation is
Early Late Relative
resuscitation resuscitation P risk
Outcome (%) (%) value reduction Table 4. Primary and Secondary Outcomes Adjusted for
Age, Gender, and Charlson Score
Admission 25 33 .15 — Adjusted odds 95% confidence
24 h 15 32 .001b 2.1 Outcome ratio interval P value
48 h 14 33 .001b 2.4
72 h 10 23 .01b 2.3 SIRS
Organ failure 24 h 0.39 0.22–0.67 .0007a
Admission 10 9 .80 — 48 h 0.32 0.19–0.56 .0000a
24 h 7 10 .40 1.4 72 h 0.40 0.21–0.76 .0050a
48 h 6 9 .40 1.5 Organ failure
72 h 5 10 .05b 2.0 24 h 0.70 0.30–1.61 .3976
Length of stay 8 ⫾ 9.68a 11 ⫾ 10.2a .01b — 48 h 0.68 0.27–1.67 .3966
ICU 6 17 .001b 2.8 72 h 0.39 0.16–0.98 .0460a
Mortality 3 4 .70 1.3 ICU 0.30 0.15–0.63 .0013a
Mortality 0.80 0.24–2.64 .7085
aMean ⫾ standard deviation.
bStatisticalsignificance. aStatistical significance.

Table 5. Subgroup Analysis: Interstitial Versus Severe studies have been performed to qualify the effect of this inter-
Pancreatitis at Admission vention. Banks and colleagues have published numerous arti-
cles recognizing the detrimental effect of hemoconcentration
Early Late Relative
resuscitation resuscitation P risk on outcomes in acute pancreatitis.15–17 In one study of 39
Outcome (%) (%) value reduction patients, they found that although fluid resuscitation with
crystalloid solution was not shown to prevent necrosis, all
Interstitial at patients with inadequate fluid resuscitation as evidenced by
admission persistence of hemoconcentration at 24 hours developed necro-
SIRS tizing pancreatitis.17 Eckerwall et al18 described that in 99 pa-
Admission 23 30 .20 1.3 tients admitted with severe acute pancreatitis in Sweden, those
24 h 10 30 .001b 3.0
receiving 4000 mL or more of fluids during the first 24 hours
48 h 10 31 .001b 3.1
72 h 6 20 .001b 3.3
(n ⫽ 32) developed more respiratory complications (66% vs
Organ failure 53%, P ⬍ .001) as compared with patients who received less
Admission 0 0 — than 4000 mL of fluid.
24 h 1 4 .15 4.0 In a series of patients admitted with severe acute pancreatitis
48 h 1 2 .30 2.0 at the Mayo Clinic Rochester using the same definitions of early
72 h 1 5 .04b 5.0 and late resuscitation, patients in the late resuscitation group
Length of stay 7 ⫾ 7.83a 11 ⫾ 10.6a .001b — experienced significantly greater mortality than those in the
ICU 3 12 .01b 4.0 early group (17.9% vs 0%, P ⬍ .04) and demonstrated a trend
Mortality 1 1 .99 1.0
toward higher rates of organ failure (42.9% vs 35.3%) that did
Severe at
not reach statistical significance.8 Recently a multicenter study
SIRS evaluating the impact of targeted fluid resuscitation volume to
Admission 47 50 .90 1.0 serial blood urea nitrogen levels versus standard of care fluid
24 h 62 50 .60 0.8 resuscitation was completed; the results have yet to be reported.
48 h 46 50 .90 1.1 Because of the paucity of human trials, it is not surprising
72 h 50 50 .99 1.0 that current guidelines for resuscitation are mostly vague and
Organ failure based almost exclusively on expert opinion.10 Some of the more
Admission 100 100 — specific recommendations include bolusing fluids to achieve
24 h 67 75 .70 1.1
“hemodynamic stability,” followed by 250 –500 mL/h of crys-
48 h 62 75 .50 1.2
talloid solutions, 250 –300 mL/h for 48 hours, to 250 –300
72 h 43 63 .40 1.5
Length of stay 14 ⫾ 17.5a 13 ⫾ 6.94a .92 mL/h in non–volume-depleted patients, 300 –500 mL/h for
ICU admission 39 88 .02b 2.3 nonpancreatic fluid loss, and 500 –1000 mL/h for severe deple-
Mortality 23 38 .40 1.7 tion.6,13,19
The value of the current study is that it demonstrates the
aMean ⫾ standard deviation. critical importance of early fluid resuscitation in acute pancre-
atitis, specifically in those with interstitial disease. The results
support the dogma that in patients with less severe disease,
unlikely to substantially alter the patient’s clinical course. This early fluid resuscitation plays a significant role in preventing the
effect was observed despite controlling for possible confounders development of severe disease. Conversely, the data suggest that
of Charlson comorbidity score, age, and gender. in patients already presenting with severe disease, aggressive
Patients presenting with acute pancreatitis are often hypo- fluid resuscitation is unlikely to singularly reverse the clinical
volemic as a result of vomiting, reduced oral intake, third course.
spacing of fluids, and diaphoresis. In fact, one expert has writ- There are weaknesses with this study; the most important
ten that the minimal IV fluid requirements of a 70-kg person are that it was retrospective and relied on having accurate
during the first 48 hours after admission is already 6 L without measurements of IV fluid administration. However, meticulous
considering intravascular fluid sequestration loss.13 In addition, attention was paid to eliminating patients with missing or
it is believed that the release of cytokines, chemokines, neutro- incomplete data, and a number were excluded. Another limita-
phils, and macrophages leads to a proinflammatory state caus- tion is the relatively small number of patients admitted with
ing local and systemic inflammation. Such inflammation in- severe acute pancreatitis, which limited our ability to draw
creases vascular permeability, which can lead to hypoperfusion conclusions in regard to mortality because of probable type II
and third spacing of fluids. Often this is profound, as described error. Although we attempted to control for important con-
by Greer and Burchard,14 “inflammation begets hypoperfusion founders, we could not control for advances in care (infection
and hypoperfusion begets inflammation,” leading to a self- control, improved enteral feedings, etc) that occurred during
propagating cycle that causes vascular dysfunction in both large the course of the 24-year analysis. Adjustment for year or period
vessels and the microcirculation of the pancreas. Early IV fluid of admission, which might have confounded the results if
resuscitation is essential in correcting hypovolemia, thereby assuming progressive advancements in volume resuscitation
supporting the macrocirculation and microcirculation of the concepts and overall improved ICU care, was not performed.
pancreas to prevent serious complications such as pancreatic In addition, because of the retrospective nature of the study,
necrosis. a circular argument can be forwarded. Did patients develop a
Despite recognition that IV fluid resuscitation is an essential worse outcome because of limited early fluid resuscitation
component to the early treatment of acute pancreatitis, very few within the first 24 hours, or was volume restriction because of

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5. Forsmark CE, Baillie J. AGA Institute technical review on acute Reprint requests
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8. Gardner TB, Vege SS, Chari ST, et al. Faster rate of initial fluid Conflicts of interest
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9. Wada K, Takada T, Hirata K, et al. Treatment strategy for acute Funding
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