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4100 Fire Alarm

Programming Unit
Version 9 Supplement

Rev. A

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Copyrights and Trademarks

Copyrights Copyright  Simplex Time Recorder Co., 2000. All rights reserved. Printed in
the United States of America.
Copyright  2000 Simplex International Time Equipment Co., Ltd.,
Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1H3 Canada.
All specifications and other information shown were current as of publication,
and are subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written consent of Simplex
Time Recorder Company.
The suffix “C” following an eight-digit Product ID number denotes a ULC-
listed product.

Trademarks MAPNET II communications is protected by U.S. Patent No.4,796,025.

TrueAlarm Analog Detection is protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,155,468.
TrueAlarm Detector Base is protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,173, 683.
TrueAlert and IDNet are trademarks of the Simplex Time Recorder Company.


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Cautions and Warnings


ensure proper system operation, this product must be tested in accordance with
NFPA72-1999, Chapter 7 after any programming operation or change in site-
specific software. Reacceptance testing is required after any change, addition or
deletion of system components, or after any modification, repair or adjustment
to system hardware or wiring.
All components, circuits, system operations, or software functions known to be
affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to ensure that other
operations are not inadvertently affected, at least 10% of initiating appliances
that are not directly affected by the change (up to a maximum of 50 appliances)
must also be tested and proper system operation verified.
Follow the instructions in the installation, operating and programming manuals.
These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the Fire Alarm Control
Panel and associated equipment. Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) operation
and reliability depend upon proper installation.


DAMAGED. Upon unpacking your Simplex product, inspect the contents of
the carton for shipping damage. If damage is apparent, immediately file a claim
with the carrier and notify Simplex.

ELECTRICAL HAZARD - Disconnect electrical power when making any

internal adjustments or repairs. Servicing should be performed by qualified
Simplex Representatives.

Continued on next page


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Cautions and Warnings, Continued

Explanation of Symbols The following symbols are used in this publication to alert you to unusual and
possibly hazardous conditions.

WARNING - When you see this symbol, it indicates a potential danger that
requires correct procedures or practices in order to prevent personal injury.

CAUTION - This symbol is used to indicate correct operating or maintenance

procedures in order to prevent damage to, or destruction of, equipment or other

ELECTROSTATIC-SENSITIVE DEVICE - When you see this symbol, you

should use proper CMOS/MOSFET handling precautions to avoid electrostatic
discharge and damage to the device. Grounded wrist straps should be worn and
proper ESD safety precautions observed when handling electro-sensitive printed
circuit boards.


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List of Figures................................................................................................. ix
List of Tables ................................................................................................... x
How to Use this Publication ........................................................................... xi
Conventions Used ....................................................................................... xi
Keyboard Conventions................................................................................ xi
Convention Summary ................................................................................ xii
About this Document .................................................................................... xiii
Introduction............................................................................................... xiii
About the Appendices............................................................................... xiii
Related Documents ................................................................................... xiii

Chapter 1. Version 9 Overview

Introduction................................................................................................... 1-1
In this Chapter........................................................................................... 1-1
Version 9 System Description....................................................................... 1-2
Compatability with 4100/4020 Version 8 Firmware................................. 1-2
TrueAlert Controller ................................................................................. 1-2
Virtual NACs ............................................................................................ 1-3
LED/Switch Modes................................................................................... 1-4

Chapter 2. Installing the 4100 Programmer

Introduction................................................................................................... 2-1
In this Chapter........................................................................................... 2-1
About the Programming Unit Disk Set ......................................................... 2-2
Disk Set Contents...................................................................................... 2-2
Programmer Operating Environment............................................................ 2-3
Hardware Requirements............................................................................ 2-3
Security Key ............................................................................................. 2-3
Operating System Requirements............................................................... 2-3
Simplex Programmer Location ................................................................. 2-3
Installing the Programmer............................................................................. 2-4
Introduction............................................................................................... 2-4
Installing the Programmer Software from Floppies.................................. 2-4
Launching the Programmer........................................................................... 2-5
Entry Points............................................................................................... 2-5
Normal Startup Procedure......................................................................... 2-5
How to Exit the Programmer .................................................................... 2-5

Chapter 3. 4100/4020 Programming

Overview....................................................................................................... 3-1
In this Chapter........................................................................................... 3-1
Custom Control Programming ...................................................................... 3-2
Programming Guidelines for a Standalone System................................... 3-2
Virtual NACs ................................................................................................ 3-3
4100/4020 Support Capacity..................................................................... 3-3


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4100/4020 Programming .............................................................................. 3-4
Step 1: Specifying One or More TrueAlert Addressable Controllers ....... 3-4
Step 2: Defining TrueAlert Appliances..................................................... 3-8
Step 3: Setting Class A and LED Options ............................................. 3-11
Step 4: Saving the Job............................................................................. 3-11
Step 5: Checking Default Virtual NACs................................................ 3-12
Step 6: Creating Custom Virtual NACs .................................................. 3-14
Editing the Configuration........................................................................ 3-16
What’s Next? .......................................................................................... 3-17

Appendix A. WalkTest Programming

Appendix B. Network Programming Guidelines


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Figure 1-1. Graphical Representation of Virtual NACs................................... 1-3

Figure 2-1. Windows 95/Windows NT Run Dialog ........................................ 2-4
Figure 3-1. System Configuration Menu ......................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-2. 4020 Default Cards........................................................................ 3-4
Figure 3-3. Card Configuration Menu ............................................................. 3-5
Figure 3-4. List of Available Cards - Remote Interface Unit........................... 3-5
Figure 3-5. Associating the RUI Card ............................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-6. Interface List ................................................................................. 3-7
Figure 3-7. Remote Unit Configuration Menu................................................. 3-8
Figure 3-8. Device Type List ........................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-9. Dev Address Field......................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-10. Coding Type List....................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-11. Class A/LED Toggle Options Box ............................................ 3-11
Figure 3-12. Save Screen ............................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-13. Virtual NAC Data Entry Screen ................................................ 3-12
Figure 3-14. Default VNAC Tag List Screen ................................................ 3-13
Figure 3-15. VNAC Circuit Types Box ......................................................... 3-14
Figure 3-16. VNAC Point Types Box............................................................ 3-14
Figure 3-17. Tag List Screen for a Custom VNAC........................................ 3-15
Figure 3-18. Device Type Change Verification ............................................. 3-16
Figure 3-19. Circuit Type Change Verification ............................................. 3-16


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Table 1-1. Supported LED/Switch Modes ....................................................... 1-4

Table 3-1. Default VNACs .............................................................................. 3-3

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How to Use this Publication

Conventions Used Before you start using the 4100 Fire Alarm Programming Unit Version 9
Supplement, it's important to understand the conventions used in this

The following conventions are used in this publication to identify special names
or text.
• Italic type indicates important terms or publication titles, such as the 4100
Fire Alarm Programming Unit Version 9 Supplement, it's important to
understand the conventions used in this publication.
• Text enclosed in quotation marks indicates the title of a chapter or section
of the manual, such as “How to Use this Publication.”
• Bulleted lists, such as this one, provide you with information. They are also
used to indicate alternatives in numbered procedural steps.
• Numbered lists indicate procedures with steps that you must carry out

Keyboard Conventions The following conventions are used to describe keys and key combinations.
• Key names appear in bold type and in capital letters and are referred to by
their names only, without the word “key.” For example, “press SHIFT”
means press the keyboard key labeled "Shift."
• A plus sign (+) between two key names means that you hold down the first
key while pressing the second key. For example, “press SHIFT+F1”
means hold down the SHIFT key while pressing the F1 key. If the key
sequence includes three or more key names, hold down all of the keys
except for the last one, and then press and release the last key. For
example, “press CTRL+ALT+DEL” means hold down the CTRL and ALT
keys, and then press the DEL key.
• A comma between key names means that you press and release the first
key, and than press and release the second key, and so on. For example,
“press ALT, F, P” means press ALT and release it, press F and release it,
and press P and release it.
• Arrow keys is the collective name for the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW,

Continued on next page


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How to Use this Publication, Continued

Convention Summary The document conventions are summarized in the following table.

Document Conventions

Topic Description Examples

Keyboard key names Shown in bold type and in capital Example: “Press SHIFT”
letters, without the word “key.”
Plus Sign (+) between key Means to press and hold the first key Example: “Press SHIFT+F2”
names listed while pressing the second key.
Text / computer commands Shown in bold Courier type. Example: “Type EXIT at the
that you must type prompt…”
Computer file names Shown in italic Courier type. Example: “… open the log file
Windows menu and dialog Shown in bold type. Example: “Go to the Menu Bar and
selections that you must make select View.”
Computer commands All computer commands Example: N2DIAG /POLL SLAVES
demonstrating syntax are shown in
capital letters and Courier type.
Otherwise, computer commands are Example: “There is one APSEUDO
shown in capital lettters. object . . .”
An asterisk (*) separating a command Example: For the H*ELP command
indicates the character(s) preceding the “H*LIST” is equivalent to “HELP
asterisk are an abbreviation for the LIST”
entire command.
Command line optional Command line entries that are optional Example: LOGIN [operator]
arguments arguments are shown in square
Argument choices Words separated by a vertical bar Example:
indicate one of the choices must be CONNECT <node_number |LOCAL>
used as an argument.
Command line variables Variable information to include on a Example: “HELP
command line is shown in angled [<command_name>]” means type
brackets (< >). in the command name after the word
Computer screen displays Screen shots are used whenever Example:
appropriate. In addition, computer text
> Display Text
information such as that displayed in a > Display Text
operator interface window is shown in > Display Text
a double-lined box.


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About this Document

Introduction This publication has been created as an addendum to the following publications
to document the operation of the special features specific to Version 9 of the
4100 Programming Unit (hereafter referred to as the 4100 Programmer).

Publication Title Document

4100 Programming Unit Pocket Reference FA4-41-216
4100 Programming Unit Introduction FA4-41-222
Adding/Editing 4100 System Cards FA4-41-223
4100 Custom Control Editor Programming FA4-41-225
4100 Pseudo Point Definitions Programming FA4-41-226
4100 SMPL Programming Information FA4-41-227
4100+/4120/UT System Cards Installation 574-038
4020 Programming Instructions 574-066
4100 Programming Unit Programming Instructions for 574-308
4120 Network
4100 Fire Alarm Front Panel Operation Instructions 574-121
Rev. 8.01 Addendum
4100 Fire Alarm Version 8 574-102
PC Programmer Instructions

About the Appendices This document contains two appendices:

• Appendix A – WalkTest Programming
• Appendix B – Network Programming Guidelines
Appendix A provides guidelines for programming the WalkTest procedures for
TrueAlert appliances.
Appendix B provides guidelines to be used when programming TrueAlert nodes
for use with a 4120 Network.

Related Documents Refer to the following documents for additional information.

For Info On Title Document

Network 4190 Graphical Command Center (GCC) 574-313
Programming Version 1.x Programming Instructions
TrueAlert TrueAlert Addressable Controller 574-762
Installation Installation Guide
TrueAlert TrueAlert Addressable Controller 574-796
Applications Application Guide
TrueAlert TrueAlert Addressable Controller 579-125
Programming Programming Guide


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Chapter 1
Version 9 Overview

Introduction TrueAlert notification appliances provides power, control, and supervision of

horns and strobes over a single pair of wires. To use these appliances, the
4100/4020 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) must have at least one TrueAlert
Addressable Controller assigned to the system through the Version 9 of the 4100
This chapter provides an overview of Version 9 functionality.

In this Chapter This chapter discusses the topics listed in the following table. Refer to the page
number listed after the topic for information on that topic.

Topic See Page #

Compatability with Version 8 Firmware 1-2
TrueAlert Controller 1-2
Virtual NACs 1-3
LED/Switch Modes 1-4


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Version 9 System Description

Compatability with 4100/4020 To use TrueAlert functionality, Version 9 (or higher) of the 4100/4020 firmware
Version 8 Firmware is required. In addition, the 4100/4020 requires the use of a TrueAlert
Addressable Controller connected to the 4100 (via an RUI card).
The Version 9 firmware maintains compatability with all systems that are
curently compatable with Version 8.01 (or higher) of the 4100/4020 FACP.
Version 9 of the 4100/4020 requires no changes to other systems, and will
operate alongside other 4100s or 4020s on a 4120 Network (i.e., panels on a
network not using TrueAlert do not have to be upgraded if they are already at
Version 8.0X). Although TrueAlert appliances do not report over the 4120
Network, Virtual NACs can report to the network as signal circuits.

TrueAlert Controller The TrueAlert appliances are interfaced to the 4100/4020 FACP through the use
of the TrueAlert Addressable Controller. The TrueAlert Addressable Controller
is an intelligent external slave device that uses an RUI interface and consumes
one card address.

Continued on next page


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Version 9 System Description, Continued

Virtual NACs A Virtual NAC (or VNAC) is a collection of TrueAlert appliances grouped
together to allow control functions. Each 4100/4020 system can support up to 64
Virtual NACs (8 default VNACs plus 56 user-defined VNACs). A VNAC can
be made up of TrueAlert appliances from any or all of the TrueAlert Controller
channels. (A VNAC may cross channel or controller boundaries.)
The 4100/4020 supports custom labels for VNACs, and treats VNACs as
notification appliance circuits that can be controlled as system points. An
example of this might be a high rise, where every floor wires a single A/V unit
in the stairwell. All of the stairwell A/Vs could belong to a single VNAC,
although they are distributed across many TrueAlert channels.
Figure 1-1 shows a graphical representation of VNACs. Any appliance may be
assigned to up to three VNACs (in addition to the default VNACs). A TrueAlert
channel can then control the VNACs via VNAC addressing. This means that it
can tell all the appliances in a VNAC to turn on or off with a single command
that is VNAC-addressed. An appliance maintains internal status for each of its
VNACs. With the exception of the default groups, the appliance will be on
whenever any of its member points are on.

VNAC 1 (Default – All Appliance Outputs) Virtual14

RUI Communications
Group95 VNAC 106

FACP Channel 1
To/From TrueAlert
4100/4020 Addressable
Card Channel 2
FACP Controller
Channel 3
VNAC 116
Group VNAC 125
Group VNAC

Figure 1-1. Graphical Representation of Virtual NACs

Continued on next page


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Version 9 System Description, Continued

LED/Switch Modes TrueAlert appliances cannot be used as a reference for LED or Switch modes.
Only VNACs may be programmed as a reference address to a LED/Switch
mode. The following table shows the supported modes:

Table 1-1. Supported LED/Switch Modes

LED Modes Switch Modes



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Chapter 2
Installing the 4100 Programmer

Introduction The Simplex 4100 Programmer is a Microsoft DOS-based application that is

loaded from a set of floppy disks. This chapter shows you how to install and
launch this application.

In this Chapter This chapter discusses the topics listed in the following table. Refer to the page
number listed after the topic for information on that topic.

Topic See Page #

About the Programming Unit Disk Set 2-2

Programmer Operating Environment 2-3
Installing the Programming 2-4
Launching the Programmer 2-5


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About the Programming Unit Disk Set

Disk Set Contents The 4100 Version 9 Service Tools (553-856) consists of the following
floppy disks:
• The 4100 Programming Unit disk set (553-855) contains three 3.5 inch
floppy disks at Version 9.01 (or later). Disks 1 through 3 contain the files
necessary to do the following:
− Run the program
− Generate various screens used by the Programming Unit
− Provide Audio and Custom Control Editor functionality
− Create a job file that can be downloaded to the FACP
• The UT Master Exec Disk (553-852)
• The 4020 Master Exec Disk (553-853)
• The Database Comparison Disk (553-859)


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Programmer Operating Environment

Hardware Requirements The 4100 Programming Unit (hereafter referred to as ‘the Programmer’) has the
following hardware requirements:
• IBM compatible PC with 486DX-66 processor or better
(Pentium recommended).
• 8 MB RAM MINIMUM for Windows 95 (16 MB RAM is recommended).
• 16 MB RAM MINIMUM for Windows NT (32 MB RAM
is recommended).
• One 3 ½” floppy drive for program installation and job archives,
or backups.
• One serial port & cable for communication with the 4100.
• One parallel port for the Security Key.
• One Security Key.

Security Key The Security Key controls user access to the Programmer and is checked during
Programmer startup. When you start the Programmer, the software looks for a
Security Key on the PC parallel port before the main window for the
Programmer is displayed. If the correct key is not detected, a message box is
presented to you noting that there is either a missing or incorrect key. Then the
Programmer terminates execution with no further action.

Operating System The Programmer installs and runs under either the Microsoft Windows 95 or the
Requirements Microsoft Windows NT operating system.

Simplex Programmer When the Programmer is installed, the software creates the Simplex group in the
Location Start (Programs) area. There is an entry added within the Simplex group labeled
4100 Programmer 9.0X (where ‘0X’ refers to the software revision). If the
Simplex group already exists (from installation of other Simplex windows
programs such as the 4120 Programmer or 4120 Network Programmer), the
Programmer entry is added to this existing group.


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Installing the Programmer

Introduction The 4100 Programmer has a built-in installation procedure which permits you to
easily load the Programmer software onto your computer's hard drive (default is
Drive C). This procedure is described in the following paragraphs.

Installing the Programmer The 4100 Programmer is a Microsoft DOS-based application that uses the
Software from Floppies InstallShield installation wizard. Use the following procedure to install the
Programmer software:
1. Place Disk 1 (the System Disk) into Drive A.

2. Click the Start button and select Run from the Start menu.
Enter a:\install.exe in the Open window of the Run dialog.
(See Figure 2-1.)

Figure 2-1. Windows 95/Windows NT Run Dialog

3. Follow the instructions given by the InstallShield wizard.


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Launching the Programmer

Entry Points The Programmer can be launched (started) directly from the Simplex program
group like any other Windows application.

Normal Startup Procedure Use the following procedure to start the Programmer:
1. Using the Windows 95 or Windows NT Start button, select Programs.
2. Select Simplex; then select 4100 Programmer.

How to Exit the Programmer The File - Exit menu selection exits the Programmer. If the currently-loaded
job has not been saved, you will first be prompted to either save the job or exit
and lose any changes.


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Chapter 3
4100/4020 Programming

Overview This chapter provides a logical sequence of procedures to follow when

programming using Revision 9 of the 4100 Programmer. It describes how to
configure TrueAlert Addressable Controllers and appliances as well as Virtual
The number of TrueAlert Addressable Controllers that can be assigned to a 4100
or 4020 is limited only by the card capacity of 119 card addresses per FACP. A
single Addressable Controller takes up one address. Panel point capacity must
not be exceeded.
The points configured toward total point capacity are as follows:
• One point for each TrueAlert appliance
• One point for each user-defined Virtual NAC

In this Chapter This chapter discusses the following topics:

Topic See Page #

Custom Control Programming 3-2
Virtual NACs 3-3
4020/4100 Programming 3-4
Step 1: Specifing One or More TrueAlert
Addressable Controllers
Step 2: Defining TrueAlert Appliances 3-8
Step 3: Setting Class A and LED Options 3-11
Step 4: Saving the Job 3-11
Step 5: Checking Default VNACs 3-13
Step 6: Creating Custom VNACs 3-14
Editing the Configuration 3-16
What’s Next 3-17


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Custom Control Programming

Programming Guidelines for a Although Custom Control may be used to further configure your system, you
Standalone System should observe the following guidelines:
• TrueAlert Appliances cannot be directly controlled via Custom Control.
− VNACs must be created to control TrueAlert Appliances.
• Coding output qualifiers such as TEMPORAL or MARCH TIME are not
allowed with VNACs.
− There is no error checking for illegal qualifiers.
• Multiple VNACs are allowed in user lists for global control of
associated appliances.
• Only use HOLD, SET, or TRACK when referencing signal coding. If
you try to use Custom Control to configure signal codes, such as
Temporal or March Time, you will not receive an error message, but
your custom codes will be ignored in favor of the signal codes that are
programmed in the 4100 Programer TrueAlert Data Card Entry screen.
• Default VNACs 2 and 4 should be changed to the SIGNAL point type
for any custom control selective programming. Point types SSIGNAL
and RSIGNAL will default to general alarm.
• If conventional signal cards are added to or deleted from the 4100 host
panel, the VNAC point numbers will change. Be sure to update custom
control equations to reflect changed point numbers.

Note: See Appendix B for Network Programming guidelines.


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Virtual NACs

4100/4020 Support Capacity The 4100/4020 can support up to 64 VNACs (8 default VNACs and 56 user-
defined VNACs). In addition, the 4100/4020 supports custom labels for
VNACs, and treats VNACs as notification points that can be controlled as system
entities. An example of this might be a high rise, where every floor has a single
A/V unit in the stairwell. All of the stairwell A/Vs could belong to a single
VNAC, although they would be distributed across many TrueAlert channels. It
is therefore incumbent on the panel to keep track of which channels are part of
the VNAC.
A graphical representation of a 4100/4020 VNAC grouping is shown in Figure 1-1
on Page 1-3.

1. The VNAC “card” is automatically allocated when a new
job database is created. The VNAC “card” has the
constant card address of 175.
2. You can create up to 56 user-defined VNACs, in addition
to the 8 default VNACs shown in Table 3-1.
3. VNAC Point Name depends on job. (The Point Name
may be SIG9, SIG10, etc.)
4. Default operation for all TrueAlert appliances is General
Alarm, with all audibles OFF ON SIGNAL SILENCE and
all visuals OFF ON RESET through VNACs 2 and 4.

Table 3-1. Default VNACs

VNAC Point Ckt. Type Point Type Contents
1 SIG3 A/V SIGNAL All appliance outputs
2 SIG4 AUD SSIGNAL All audible devices
3 SIG5 N/A SIGNAL Reserved
4 SIG6 VIS RVISUAL All visual devices
5 SIG7 A/V RELAY All isolator devices
6 SIG8 N/A SIGNAL Reserved
7 SIG9 N/A SIGNAL Reserved
8 SIG10 N/A SIGNAL Reserved


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4100/4020 Programming

Step 1: To program a 4100 or 4020 system to include one or more TrueAlert

Specifying One or More Addressable Controllers:
TrueAlert Addressable
Controllers 1. Launch the 4100 Programmer.
2. Open the job you need to edit, or create a new job according to the
installation instructions. If you are creating a new job, do not proceed to
Step 3 until you have created a job that contains the default information.
3. On the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MENU use the arrow keys to
highlight Configuration, and press ENTER. A menu is displayed, as
shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. System Configuration Menu

4. Press ENTER on the SYSTEM CARDS menu item. The Card

Configuration Editor screen comes up, listing the cards that are currently
configured for this job.
• If you are creating a job for the 4100 panel, the only default card you
see is the 4100+ Master Controller along with its card number. If you
are editing an existing job, other cards may be listed as well.
• If you are creating a job for the 4020 panel, the screen lists four default
cards, as shown in Figure 3-2.

Note: The figure below applies to the 4020 only.



Figure 3-2. 4020 Default Cards

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 1:
Specifying One or More 5. Press A to add a card to the list. The second Card Configuration screen
TrueAlert Addressable comes up, with categories of device types that you can add. The line of text
Controllers (Continued) below the selection box describes the selection, as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3. Card Configuration Menu

6. Use the arrow keys to select the Interface option, and press ENTER. A list
of interface cards comes up.
Note: The 4020 FACP includes the RUI. Select the ‘(4009T) TrueAlert
Controller’ option, enter the quantity of TrueAlert Controllers, and
proceed to Step 10.
7. 4100 only: Use the arrow keys to select the ‘(0304) Remote Unit Interface
(RUI)’ card, press ENTER, and then type in the number of RUI cards you
want to add. Press ENTER again. You are now prompted for the unit
number. The default is L (for Local). If this is the first RUI card you are
adding, press ENTER and continue to Step 8.




Figure 3-4. List of Available Cards - Remote Interface Unit

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 1: Note: If you are adding a remote RUI card, type a number to identify
Specifying One or More the unit at the “Enter Unit number:” prompt, and press ENTER.
TrueAlert Addressable Finally, at the “Enter Remote Unit Interface number:” prompt,
Controllers (Continued) type an appropriate number. If this is the first remote RUI card,
type 1. If it is the second remote RUI card, type 2, and so on.
Press ENTER.
8. Use the arrow keys to select the (4009T) TrueAlert Controller option, press
ENTER, and then type in the number of Addressable Controllers you want
to add.
9. Press ENTER once more. If you are programming a 4020, skip ahead to
Step 10. If you are programming a 4100, refer to Figure 3-5a. Type a
number for the ‘(4009T) TrueAlert Controller’ at the “Enter Unit number:”
prompt and press ENTER. Finally, at the “Enter Remote Unit Interface
number:” prompt, type the number that corresponds to the RUIx number in
the Range column of the Card Configuration Editor table (as shown in
Figure 3-5b). Press ENTER.
10. Press ESC+ESC to return to the first screen of the Card Configuration
Editor. (The 4100 version of this screen is shown in Figure 3-5b.)

Figure 3-5a



Figure 3-5b

Figure 3-5. Associating the RUI Card

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 1: At this point, one ‘(4009T) TrueAlert Controller’ card should be listed for every
Specifying One or More TrueAlert Addressable Controller you intend to connect to the FACP. There can
TrueAlert Addressable be a maximum of three ‘(4009T) TrueAlert Controller’ cards per RUI. A 4100
Controllers (Continued) (with Rev. 9.01 or later firmware) and six TrueAlert Controller cards would be
configured as shown in Figure 3-6.



Figure 3-6. Interface List

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 2: Now it’s time to define each TrueAlert appliance that will connect to a given
Defining TrueAlert Appliances Addressable Controller. To do this, make sure the Card Configuration Editor
screen as shown in Figures 3-6 and 3-7 is already open (if it’s not, select
CONFIGURATION and then SYSTEM CARDS from the main screen). Then
follow the steps below.
1. Select the first applicable ‘(4009T) TrueAlert Controller’ entry, and press
ENTER. If you are configuring a 4020, skip ahead to Step 3.
2. 4100 only: The Remote Unit Configuration Menu comes up, as shown in
Figure 3-7. Select the “Configure” option, highlight the appropriate card
if multiple TrueAlert Controllers are listed, and then press ENTER.

Figure 3-7. Remote Unit Configuration Menu

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 2: 3. The TrueAlert Card Data Entry screen comes up. Press F2 on the currently
Defining TrueAlert Appliances highlighted field (Dev Type) so that the screen looks like Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8. Device Type List

4. Use the arrow keys to select the device type you want to assign to this address.
You have four options, which cover all types of TrueAlert appliances:
• HORN. The device type for a TrueAlert Horn.
• STRB. This denotes TrueAlert Strobes and Speaker/Visual (S/V)
• A/V. The device type for a TrueAlert A/V.
• ISO. A TrueAlert Isolator unit.
Press ENTER on the device type you want to specify for that address.

Note: The address is described in the Dev Address column, as

shown in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9. Dev Address Field

5. Press ENTER so that the first row of the Custom Label column is
highlighted. Enter a custom name for the appliance.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 2: 6. Press ENTER again so that the first row of the Coding Type column is
Defining TrueAlert Appliances highlighted. The Coding Type refers to how the audible signal is coded. The
(Continued) visual signal defaults to standard, 60 pulses per minute.
• If the device type is a HORN or A/V, the default audible code is
TEMPORAL. Press F2 to see the entire list of available codes. Use the
arrow keys to select the desired audible code, and press ENTER. (See
Figure 3-10.)
• If the device type is STRB or ISO, the Coding Type is listed as
STANDARD and N/A, respectively, and cannot be changed.

Figure 3-10. Coding Type List

7. Press ENTER so that the Dev Type for the second row is highlighted.
Repeat Steps 1-6 for every TrueAlert appliance.
8. Press ESC to exit this screen, unless:
• A Class A Adapter Card is being used
• You want TrueAlert appliance LEDs to blink when they are polled
In either of these two cases, continue to “Step 3: Setting Class A and LED
Options.” Otherwise, skip ahead to “Step 4: Saving the Job.”

Note: Pressing F4 on any Dev Type automatically assigns that device

type to all “Dev Type” rows below it. This may be useful for
quickly assigning the same device type of several addresses.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 3: You can specify whether a Class A card will be used, or whether LEDs should
Setting Class A and blink when they are polled, at any time in the TrueAlert Card Data Entry screen.
LED Options
Use the following procedure to set the Class A and LED blink toggle options.
1. Press ALT+F6 to bring up the Toggle Options box as shown in Figure 3-11.
This box shows options that are global for all three SLCs.

Figure 3-11. Class A/LED Toggle Options Box

2. If a Class A Adapter Card is being used, set the top option to YES using the
space bar. Use the DOWN ARROW key to highlight the LED’s blink when
polled option, and use the space bar again to change the setting. If the
setting is not changed, the appliance LEDs will not blink.
Note: If the “LEDs blink when polled” option is set to ON, the “Activate
4009T Device LED” functionality associated with front panel
diagnostics will be defeated.
3. Press ESC to exit the Toggle Options box.
At this point, you are prompted to save the configuration. Continue to the next
section to save it.

Step 4: Whenever you exit a screen by pressing ESC, you are prompted as to
Saving the Job whether you want to save, quit, continue, or make a revision history entry,
as shown in Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12. Save Screen

Use the arrow keys to make your selection.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 5: The last step of the process is to check the default Virtual NACs and create new
Checking Default ones if necessary. Use the following procedure to open the Virtual NAC Data
Virtual NACs Entry screen.
1. Press ESC as many times as necessary to return to the System
Configuration Menu, and then highlight the VIRTUAL NACs item.
Press ENTER.
2. The VIRTUAL NAC DATA ENTRY screen appears (Figure 3-13).

Figure 3-13. Virtual NAC Data Entry Screen

The screen columns are as follows:
• VNAC. The number of the Virtual NAC.
• Point. The signal number (SIGx). This signal number will change when
conventional signal cards are added to (or deleted from) the configuration.
• Ckt Type. The circuit type. Specifically, the type of appliance that can be a
member of this Virtual NAC.
• Point Type. How the signal behaves. This is the only editable field for
default VNACs.
IMPORTANT: Do not edit the VNAC 5 (All Isolator Devices) Point
Type. Isolators are controlled directly through the
software when a short is detected. Changing a point
type could interfere with this operation and cause
them to open at inappropriate times.
• Custom Label. The VNAC’s custom name (up to 40 characters). Default
VNAC names are not editable.
• Num Devices. The number of appliances enabled for the VNAC.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 5: In Figure 3-13, Virtual NAC 1 uses circuit type A/V, and a SIGNAL point type.
Checking Default This means all TrueAlert appliances are members of that VNAC. (See Table 3-1
Virtual NACs (Continued) on Page 3-3.
If you press F9 to open the Tag List for that VNAC, a list is displayed, as shown
in Figure 3-14.


Figure 3-14. Default VNAC Tag List Screen

Figure 3-14 shows all of the appliances that are potential members of that
VNAC. Each appliance that has an arrow to the left of its address is tagged; that
is, it has been selected as a member of that Virtual NAC. In this default list, all
notification appliances are tagged (isolators are not tagged).
Note that since this is one of the eight default Virtual NACs, it is ‘read-only.’
The list can be sorted, however, by pressing D (to sort by address, in ascending
order) or T (to sort by device type).
A default Virtual NAC exists for every type of appliance, and more than one
device type usually occupies each Virtual NAC. The first VNAC shown in
Figure 3-13, for example, contains all appliance outputs. VNAC 2, meanwhile,
contains all audible appliances.

Note: The references to TrueAlert appliances stored with default

VNACs are updated automatically by the Programmer whenever
new appliances are added, deleted, or modified by the end user.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 6: You can create up to 56 of your own VNACs, and you can edit appliance
Creating Custom memberships for each one. The following instructions show you how to create them.
Virtual NACs
1. From the Virtual NAC Data Entry screen, press the down arrow key until you
reach VNAC 9 (or any empty row). Make sure the Ckt Type field is highlighted,
and press F2. The VNAC Circuit Types box appears, as shown in Figure 3-15.

Figure 3-15. VNAC Circuit Types Box

Select the circuit type—in other words, what kinds of appliances—you want to
be members of this Virtual NAC, and press ENTER on the highlighted item.
• AUD. Any appliance with a horn: A/V, Horn.
• VIS. Any appliance with a strobe: A/V, Strobe.
• A/V. Any appliance that includes a horn, strobe, or both: A/V, Horn, Strobe.
Note: Isolators cannot be placed into custom VNACs.
2. Press ENTER or TAB to highlight the Point Type cell, and press F2. The
VNAC Point Types box comes up, as shown in Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-16. VNAC Point Types Box

Point type selection determines whether points get automatically generated
into lists that have certain specific operations. Autogenerated lists for
ON UNTIL RESET. The point types applicable to TrueAlert appliances are:
• SIGNAL. The default for VNAC 1. Used for Custom Control. This
forces appliances to not annunciate alarm conditions by default.
• SSIGNAL/RSIGNAL. Used for audible and/or visible appliances that
are required to be on until they are silenced or reset, respectively.
• SVISUAL/RVISUAL. Used for visual signals on A/Vs, S/Vs, and
• TSIGNAL/BSIGNAL. Used for trouble/supervisory signals and for
trouble/supervisory “bell” signals, respectively.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 6: • SWATER/RWATER. Used for waterflow signals ON UNTIL

Creating Custom SILENCE and ON UNTIL RESET, respectively.
Virtual NACs (Continued) Select the appropriate point type, and then press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER or TAB to highlight the Custom Label cell, and type in an
appropriate label for the associated Virtual NAC.
4. Press F9 to open the Tag list for this Virtual NAC. There are two differences
between how the Tag List screen looks now and how it looked earlier (in
Figure 3-14). Refer to Figure 3-17.



Figure 3-17. Tag List Screen for a Custom VNAC

Numbers may appear in the ‘Where Used’ columns. The more VNACs you
create with tagged appliances, the more numbers you will see. These
numbers denote the VNACs of which the given appliance is a member. The
untagged appliances that are listed do not have arrows to the left of their
device addresses. When you look at a default VNAC, there is an arrow next
to each address (as in Figure 3-14). This means that the tagged appliances
will become members of the associated VNAC. (When you first create a
VNAC, your VNAC has a list of appliances that can be used as members,
but which are currently untagged.)
5. You must tag the appliances that you want to be members of this Virtual
NAC. To tag an appliance, highlight it and press the Space bar. An arrow
shows up to the left of the appliance’s Device Address.
Note: You cannot tag the audible or visible component of an appliance
that is already tagged for three custom VNACs. That means all
appliances except A/Vs can belong to only three custom VNACs.
On the other hand, A/Vs can be tagged for up to six custom
VNACs. Once these limitations are reached, tagging for these
specific appliances will not be allowed, even though they appear
as untagged.

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Step 6: • To tag every listed appliance, press A.

Creating Custom • To untag an appliance, highlight it and press the Space bar. The
Virtual NACs (Continued) appliance will remain onscreen, ready to be added again at any time.
• To untag all appliances, press C.
• Press D to sort by address in ascending order, or T to sort by device type.
• Press U to place all tagged items at the top of the list.
• Press ESC and save your work at the prompt.

Note: Empty VNACs should be deleted.

Editing the Configuration TrueAlert Card Data Entry Screen

The configuration can be changed at any time. If you change device types on
any address in the TrueAlert Card Data Entry screen, you will be prompted to
save your changes, and the message shown in Figure 3-18 will appear.

Figure 3-18. Device Type Change Verification

Type Y to keep your change for the address. Type N to revert to the last setting
for the address. This message will repeat for every address you change.
When you are done, you will want to check the VNACs to see how they were
affected, and whether anything needs updating.
VNAC Data Entry Screen

Important: Record the current associated appliances for the VNAC

that you want to change before you change it. This is
because all appliance associations with this VNAC are
lost when the operation is completed, and the VNAC will
be completely empty. You must then re-associate the
appliances with this VNAC.
If you change circuit types on any VNAC in the VNAC DATA ENTRY
screen, you will be prompted to save your changes, and the message shown in
Figure 3-19 will appear.

Figure 3-19. Circuit Type Change Verification

Continued on next page


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4100/4020 Programming, Continued

Editing the Configuration Type Y to keep your change. Type N to revert to the last setting. This message
(Continued) will repeat for every VNAC circuit type you change.
When you are done, you will want to check the VNACs to see how they were
affected, and re-associate the appropriate appliances with the changed VNACs.

What’s Next? When you are done programming the 4100 or 4020, refer to the programming
documentation to upload the job to the FACP.


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Appendix A
WalkTest Programming

Overview This appendix provides guidelines for programming the WalkTest procedures
for TrueAlert Appliances.

In this Chapter This appendix discusses the following topics:

Topic See Page #

TrueAlert Appliance WalkTest A-2


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TrueAlert Appliance Walktest

Introduction A 4100/4020 FACP with an installed TrueAlert Addressable Controller supports

WalkTest in the same manner as the current 4100/4020 FACP does. VNACs can
be put into WalkTest groups, and the appliances will sound out the address of
the activated peripheral. In both silent test and WalkTest, the 4100/4020
displays a trouble at the Operator Interface Panel. After eight hours of
inactivity, the panel returns to normal mode and the trouble will clear.

Procedure Notes:
1. In order for the TrueAlert Appliance Walktest to work properly, only
one VNAC is allowed per Walktest group.
2. The TrueAlert strobes will not flash during this test.
The TrueAlert Addressable Controller will fully support the Non-Voice Simplex
Walktest. Use the following procedure to initiate the TrueAlert Walktest.
1. From the programmer edit the Walktest groups monitor list to create eight
groups (any combination) and enter in the table below.

List Number Monitor Points

L40 Group 0
L41 Group 1
L42 Group 2
L43 Group 3
L44 Group 4
L45 Group 5
L46 Group 6
L47 Group 7

2. Edit the Walktest signal list according to the following table.

List Number Virtual NACs

L50 Default VNAC 1

3. Build the job and download the changes.

4. Put the Operator Interface Panel into Walktest and verify the Walktest
trouble reports.


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Appendix B
Network Programming Guidelines

Overview This appendix provides guidelines to be used when programming TrueAlert

nodes for use with a 4120 Network.

CAUTION: As with other external control points, extreme care must

be taken when making TrueAlert VNAC points external
over a 4120 Network. Do not select the “AUTOLIST
GENERATE EXTERNALS” option. If you need External
VNAC points, provide custom programming for them. If
selected, the External VNAC signal points brought into
“List 8” will not work consistantly.

In this Chapter This appendix discusses the following topics:

Topic See Page #

Version 8/Version 9 FACP Compatability B-2
TrueAlert Notes B-3
General Programming Notes B-4
Network Alarm Silence B-5
Network System Reset B-7


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Version 8/Version 9 FACP Compatability

Compatability Guidelines Follow the recommendations below to ensure Version 8/Version 9 FACP
• Previously, when a node programmed at a higher version of software was
added to the network, all existing nodes on the network had to be upgraded
to the new version of software. With the release of Version 9.01 software,
it is now permissible to have an existing network at Version 8.01 (or higher)
co-exist with new panels programmed at Version 9.01.
• Building a 4120 Network when Version 8.0X and 9.01 co-exist requires
extreme caution. The 4120 Network Programmer can only be assigned to
load one version of the 4120 Programmer. The lowest version of the
Programmer should be the one that the 4120 Network Programmer initiates.
Thus, on a 4120 Network with co-existing panels, this would be whatever
version that the Version 8.0X FACP resides at. (For information on how to
load software, refer to Chapter 2.)
• “All Build” and “Build Changed” selections in the 4120 Network
Programmer with Version 9.01 of the 4100 Programmer must not be used.
• Panels at Version 9.01 must be individually built through Version 9.01 of
the 4100 Programmer.

IMPORTANT: When the Network Programmer is not used to build a

network, a second pass build will not be performed if it is
needed. To avoid Version Control Mismatch troubles, it
is recomended that a second individual build be
performed prior to downloading each node.


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TrueAlert Notes

TrueAlert Programming Notes Use the following notes when programming your TrueAlert Network jobs.
• TrueAlert appliances cannot be programmed as “PUBLIC” points in the
4120 Network Interface Data Entry screen.
• Status Troubles associated with TrueAlert appliances and the TrueAlert
Addressable Controller are reported over the panel’s “COMMON
TROUBLE” Pseudo.
• A VNAC group’s associated SIG X point can be programmed as a
“PUBLIC” point on the 4120 Network.
• A “PUBLIC” VNAC SIG X point can be declared as “EXTERNAL” on any
remote Network node capable of accepting External Points. An External
VNAC point should be programmed for control only. Associated VNAC
status is limited to ON/OFF, DISABLED TROUBLE, and MANUAL
• External VNAC signal points are autogenerated in remote panel lists
depending on the point type assigned to the VNAC and the option selected.
(See WARNING at the beginning of this appendix.)
• Local VNAC signal points are autogeneration point type specific. If they
are capable of being autogenerated, they will be placed in Local Lists L48
and L49.


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General Programming Notes

Guidelines for Programming Use the following guidelines when programming Network operations.
• All nodes must have the same version or a compatible version of software
and firmware.
• All nodes must use the same baud rate.
• To reduce Net activity and increase efficiency, it is recommended that you
do the following:
− Avoid making control points Public.
− Program all control functions in the node that contains the
control points.
− Use Lists to minimize the network traffic. (Nest only one list within a
main list.) Do not make a list Public that already contains External
− Do not use the SET command when writing Custom Control for a
Network node unless absolutely necessary. It acts on every poll cycle
and slows down the network response time. Use TRACK rather than
SET whenever possible.
• Do not make an NDU point Public above offset 1535.
• Never set the value of an External Analog Pseudo Point through
the Network.
• Do not use P212, P210 or P211 at the same time for Network System Reset.
Refer to Pages B7 and B8 for correct programming.
• Use P217 for Network Signal Silence. Refer to Pages B7 and B8 for
correct programming.
• Avoid Version Mismatch. If you change a label or device type or point type
on a point that is EXTERNAL to other nodes, you must build and
download all affected nodes. If you change the Job Title in the General Info
screen, or the Network Prefix in the Network Points in the Info Screen, you
must build all nodes and download all nodes.


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Network Alarm Silence

Central Network Silence Central Network silence may be initiated from any 4120 Network Node.
• Inhibit and Cutout Timers handled locally
• System Points involved:
− P217 Network Signal Silence
− L106 External Alarm Silence Points

Node 1

Node 4 Node 2

Public Public
P217 P217

Node 3


Figure B-1. Central Network Silence

Continued on next page


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Network Alarm Silence, Continued

Distributed Network Silence Distributed Network Silence is used in a peer-to-peer 4120 Network.
• System Points involved:
− P217 Network Signal Silence
− L106 External Alarm Silence Points

Node 1

Node 4 Node 2
L106 L106
1:P217 1:P217
2:P217 3:P217
3:P217 4:P217

Node 3

Figure B-2. Distributed Network Silence


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Network System Reset

Central Network Reset Central Network Reset may be initiated from any Node.
• Separate internal Detector Reset and System Reset.
• All General Alarm Points are being monitored and SMPL-controlled by the
Central Node.
• System Points involved:
− P210 Network Detector Reset/L103 External Detector Reset Points
− P211 Network System Reset/L104 External Control Reset Points

Node 1
3:P211 Node 2
Node 4
4:P211 Public
P210 P210
P211 P211

Node 3

Figure B-3. Central Network Reset

Continued on next page


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Network System Reset, Continued

Distributed Network Reset Distributed Network Reset is used in a peer-to-peer 4120 Network.
• Each node controls its own General Alarm Points.
• System Reset can be initiated from any node and all other nodes may also
experience the reset operation.
• System Points involved:
− P212 Detector/System Reset.
− L105 External Entire System Reset Points.

Node 1

Node 4 Node 2
L105 L105
1:P212 1:P212
2:P212 3:P212
3:P212 4:P212

Node 3

Figure B-4. Distributed Network Reset


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Rev. A Simplex Time Recorder Company Westminster, Massachusetts 01441-0001 U.S.A. 579-127
Ed 11 96 Simplex Time Recorder Co. Simplex Plaza Gardner, Massachusetts 01441-0001 U.S.A.

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