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Solution 5 CB Cleaning services

Nr Source document Account debited Account credited A E L

1. Bank statement√ Drawings√ Bank√ -1 200√ -1 200√

2. CRR/Duplicate receipt√ Bank√ Current income or +27 300√ +27 300√

Services rendered√

3. Journal voucher√ Vehicles√ Capital√ +350 000√ +350 000√

4. Duplicate credit invoice√ Debtors/Receivables√ Sales√ +7 000√ +7 000√

Cost of sales√ Trading inventory√ -5 000√ -5 000√

5. Bank statement Creditors/payables√ Bank√ -2 300√ -2 350√

Discount received√ +50√

6. Bank statement√ Loan√ Bank√ -3 300√ -300√ -3 000√

Interest on loan√

7. Original credit invoice√ Consumables√ Creditors/payables √ -1 880√ +1 880√

8. Journal voucher√ Credit losses√ Debtors/Receivables√ -1 200√ -1 200√

9. Bank statement Salaries & wages√ Bank√ -12 600√ -12 600√

10. Duplicate credit note√ Debtors allowances√ Debtors/Receivables√ -7 000√ -7 000√

Trading inventory√ Cost of Sales√ +5 000√ +5 000√

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