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Sarah Jones “The Adventurous Listener”

23 YO
Goals Pain Points
Discover new music that she limited availability of niche
“ I am Sarah Marketing will enjo genres on mainstream
Discover underground and platforms
professional “ emerging artist overwhelming amount of
share discoveries with content to sift through
friends lack of social features for
sharing discoveries with
like-minded individuals.

Needs Interests
Robust genre filtering diverse genre of musi
options to discover new artist
underground music scene sharing her discoveries
community-driven playlists
and forums to exchange

Sarah loves listening to music and discovering new artists. She uses
a variety of music streaming services, but she is always looking for a
more personalized experience. She would love a music application
that can recommend new music based on her tastes, as well as help
her create custom playlists for different moods and activities.
Sarah Jones “The Music Connoisseur”
35 YO
Goals Pain Points
“I am Alan A Musicician “ Discover new artists and Difficulty in discovering truly unique and
track obscure musi
create curated playlists for occasional dissatisfaction with the
different moods or algorithm-generated recommendation
occasion limited access to rare or out-of-print tracks.
access exclusive releases or
live recordings.

Needs Interests
advanced recommendation unique musi
algorithms that understand their other artist/musician live
nuanced taste recording

access to exclusive content such as

live recordings or artist interview
integration with audiophile-grade
equipment for optimal sound quality.

Hi i’m Alan and i am very passionate about music and

has an extensive collection across various genres. 

I have a high-end sound system and appreciate high-
quality audio.
Sarah Jones “The athlete”
70 YO
Goals Pain Points
Find high-energy music to Generic playlists often lack
“I am yusuf the athlete enhance his workout the energy or specific tempo
performanc he need
Create custom playlists for It's time-consuming to
different stages of his curate playlists for different
workout (warm-up, lifting, workout phases


Needs Interests
Dynamic playlists that adapt to Energetic and motivating
different workout phases (warm-up, musi
peak, cool-down New songs to refresh
Offline mode for uninterrupted workout routine
music listening during outdoor Customizing music for
activitie different types of workout
Integration with fitness tracking Uninterrupted music
apps to sync music with workout listening experience.

Andre is dedicated to his fitness and uses music to fuel his intense
workouts. He craves a music application that caters to his specific
training needs. He wants high-energy playlists that match the
intensity of his workout phases and help him push his limits.
Additionally, Andre enjoys discovering new workout music that
keeps his routines fresh and motivating.
Sarah Jones “The Parents”
35 YO
Goals Pain Points
Create playlists of lullabies Inability to find high-quality
“ My name is Arnold i’m parent and children's song and ad-free children's music
Find audio stories and conten
of infants or young children“ nursery rhyme Limited selection of lullabies
Explore educational music and soothing melodie
content for kids Difficulty in navigating the
app while tending to
Extensive library of age-
appropriate music and audio Interest
storie Search for relaxing song
Ad-free subscription options playlists for workout
for uninterrupted bedtime Discover new songs that fit
routine for children’s songs

User-friendly interface with

voice commands or
simplified navigation for
easy access while
multitasking with children

Arnold seeks soothing music to help their children relax, nap, or

sleep. They value calming melodies and gentle rhythms.

Sarah Jones “The Explorer”

Goals Pain Points
Discover new music that she Music streaming services
“ I am Sarah Marketing will enjo can be overwhelming with
Create custom playlists for too many choice
professiona “ different moods and It is difficult to find new
activitie music that she like
Learn more about her Creating playlists can be
favorite artists time-consuming

Needs Personality
Discover new music that she Discover new music that she
will enjo will enjo
Create custom playlists for Create custom playlists for
different moods and different moods and
activitie activitie
Learn more about her Learn more about her
favorite artists favorite artists

Sarah loves listening to music and discovering new artists. She uses
a variety of music streaming services, but she is always looking for a
more personalized experience. She would love a music application
that can recommend new music based on her tastes, as well as help
her create custom playlists for different moods and activities.

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