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 Acknowledgements  Pages 4–7 of Cambridge Primary
 Teacher's Guide introduction Computing Learner's Book 6
 Teacher's guide to Scratch
 Teacher's guide to MakeCode for
ESL support
 ESL introduction
 ESL dictionary
 ESL worksheets

Term 1
Unit 1 Go with the flow 6CT.01 Follow and understand  Teacher's Guide Unit 1  Pages 8–21 of Cambridge Primary
algorithms that are presented  Worksheet 1 Computing Learner's Book 6
as flowcharts. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 2
6CT.02 Understand the symbols used  Worksheet 2 Answers
in flowcharts, limited to start,  Worksheet 3
stop, process, procedure (sub-  Worksheet 3 Answers
routine), decision and the  Worksheet 4
connector. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 4 Answers
6CT.03 Predict the outcomes of  Worksheet 5a
flowcharts. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 5a Answers
 Worksheet 5b
 Worksheet 5b Answers
 Worksheet 5c
 Worksheet 5c Answers
 Worksheet 6
 Worksheet 6 Answers
 Worksheet 7
 Worksheet 7 Answers
 Unit 1: Self-check
Unit 2 Be a data manager 6MD.01 Identify the role of different  Teacher's Guide Unit 2  Pages 22–39 of Cambridge
computing tools when planning  Worksheet 8 Primary Computing Learner's
statistical investigations. © UCLES  Worksheet 8 Answers Book 6
2021  Worksheet 9
6MD.02 Design appropriate forms to  Worksheet 9 Answers
capture continuous data for  Worksheet 10
given purposes. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 10 Answers
6MD.03 Design spreadsheets that  Worksheet 11
include a combination of  Worksheet 11 Answers
features, including cell referencing,  Worksheet 12
arithmetic operators and  Worksheet 12 Answers
functions limited to SUM, and  Unit 2: Keywords flashcards
AVERAGE. © UCLES 2021  Unit 2: Keywords audio
6MD.04 Select data that is relevant for  Unit 2: Self-check
particular purposes. © UCLES 2021
Unit 3 Selecting hardware and 6CS.01 Know how to select hardware  Teacher's Guide Unit 3  Pages 40–51 of Cambridge
software and software components,  Worksheet 13 Primary Computing Learner's
while considering a range of factors  Worksheet 13 Answers Book 6
such as functionality, cost, speed and  Worksheet 14
aesthetics. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 14 Answers
6CS.04 Identify nibbles, bits, bytes  Worksheet 15
(kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte,  Worksheet 16
terabyte), making links to memory size  Worksheet 16 Answers
and storage. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 17
6CS.05 Explain the role of a processor  Worksheet 17 Answers
within a computer. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 18
6CS.06 Explain the role of primary and  Worksheet 18 Answers
secondary storage within a  Unit 3: Keywords flashcards
computer. © UCLES 2021  Unit 3: Keywords audio
 Unit 3: Self-check
Unit 4 Variables in programming 6CT.04 Know that variables can be  Teacher's Guide Unit 4  Pages 52–67 of Cambridge
used in different algorithms. © UCLES  Worksheet 19 Primary Computing Learner's
2021  Worksheet 19 Answers Book 6
6CT.07 Know how to develop  Worksheet 20
algorithms that include two or more  Worksheet 20 Answers
variables. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 21
6P.04 Know how to develop block-  Worksheet 21 Answers
based programs using data  Worksheet 22
types, including Integer, Character and  Worksheet 22 Answers
String. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 23
 Worksheet 23 Answers
 Worksheet 24
 Worksheet 24 Answers
 Worksheet 25
 Worksheet 25 Answers
 Unit 4: Keywords flashcards
 Unit 4: Keywords audio
 Unit 4: Self-check
Term 2
Unit 5 Digital content 6DC.01 Know that a range of digital  Teacher's Guide Unit 5  Pages 68–77 of Cambridge
content is stored on servers, including  Worksheet 26 Primary Computing Learner's
streaming and messaging services. ©  Worksheet 26 Answers Book 6
UCLES 2021  Worksheet 27
6DC.02 Explain that digital devices can  Worksheet 27 Answers
transfer data wirelessly using  Worksheet 28
radio waves, including Wi-fi and  Worksheet 28 Answers
cellular networks. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 29
6DC.03 Understand how bandwidth  Worksheet 29 Answers
affects network performance. ©  Worksheet 30
UCLES 2021  Worksheet 30 Answers
6DC.04 Know that a network can  Worksheet 31
become overloaded if there are too  Worksheet 31 Answers
many devices connected to it. ©  Unit 5: Keywords flashcards
UCLES 2021  Unit 5: Keywords audio
 Unit 5: Self-check
Unit 6 Sub-routines in programming 6CT.05 Know that the same sub-  Teacher's Guide Unit 6  Pages 78–91 of Cambridge
routine can be used multiple times  Worksheet 32 Primary Computing Learner's
in an algorithm. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 33 Book 6
6P.02 Know how to develop block-  Worksheet 33 Answers
based programs with a  Worksheet 34
procedure (sub-routine) to define  Worksheet 34 Answers
commonly used sections of code. ©  Worksheet 35
UCLES 2021  Worksheet 36
6P.09 Define and use criteria to  Worksheet 36 Answers
evaluate programs. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 37
 Worksheet 37 Answers
 Unit 6: Keywords flashcards
 Unit 6: Keywords audio
 Unit 6: Self-check
Unit 7 Be a data architect 6MD.05 Design and create single table  Teacher's Guide Unit 7  Pages 92–105 of Cambridge
databases, including data attributes  Pizza.xlsx Primary Computing Learner's
and data types, for given purposes. ©  Worksheet 38 Book 6
UCLES 2021  Worksheet 39
6MD.06 Know how to use phrase  Phrase Matching.xlsx
searching to find information  Worksheet 40
in databases. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 40 Answers
6MD.07 Know that data is used to  Worksheet 41
solve problems in a range  Worksheet 41 Answers
of industries, including health,  Unit 7: Keywords flashcards
manufacture and retail. © UCLES 2021  Unit 7: Keywords audio
 Unit 7: Self-check
Unit 8 Be an innovator 6CT.08 Understand and use arithmetic  Teacher's Guide Unit 8  Pages 106–123 of Cambridge
(+, −, *, /) operators in algorithms. ©  Worksheet 42 Primary Computing Learner's
UCLES 2021  Worksheet 42 Answers Book 6
6P.01 Explain the use of constructs in  Worksheet 43
programming, including sequence,  Worksheet 43 Answers
selection and iteration. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 44
6P.10 Know how to test programs  Worksheet 44 Answers
using a range of data. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 45
6P.11 Know how to develop programs  Worksheet 45 Answers
for a physical computing device to  Worksheet 46
generate outputs based on a range of  Worksheet 46 Answers
inputs, including the use of a  Worksheet 47
variable. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 47 Answers
 Unit 8: Self-check
Term 3
Unit 9 Keeping data safe 6DC.05 Explain the need to keep data  Teacher's Guide Unit 9  Pages 124–133 of Cambridge
secure during transmission. © UCLES  Worksheet 48 Primary Computing Learner's
2021  Worksheet 49a Book 6
6DC.06 Describe the different types of  Worksheet 49b
user authentication,  Worksheet 49c
including password, fingerprint and  Worksheet 50
facial recognition. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 50 Answers
 Worksheet 51
 Worksheet 52
 Worksheet 53
 Worksheet 54
 Worksheet 54 Answers
 Worksheet 55
 Worksheet 55 Answers
 Unit 9: Keywords flashcards
 Unit 9: Keywords audio
 Unit 9: Self-check
Unit 10 Be a game developer 6CT.06 Know that a sub-routine can be  Teacher's Guide Unit 10  Pages 134–149 of Cambridge
used in different algorithms. © UCLES  Worksheet 56 Primary Computing Learner's
2021  Worksheet 56 Answers Book 6
6P.03 Know how to develop block-  Worksheet 57
based programs where  Worksheet 57 Answers
multiple algorithms interrelate. © 
UCLES 2021  Worksheet 58
6P.05 Know how to develop block-  Worksheet 58 Answers
based programs with  Worksheet 59
combined constructs across multiple  Worksheet 59 Answers
objects and that meet set  Unit 10: Keywords flashcards
criteria, including:  Unit 10: Keywords audio
• variables  Unit 10: Self-check
• conditionals (selection)
• arithmetic and comparison
• loops
• procedures
• interaction.
© UCLES 2021
Unit 11 Autonomous robots 6CS.02 Know that there are many  Teacher's Guide Unit 11  Pages 150–161 of Cambridge
different programming environments,  Worksheet 60 Primary Computing Learner's
such as block-based and text-based,  Worksheet 60 Answers Book 6
and that some are more appropriate  Worksheet 61
to use in a given situation. © UCLES  Worksheet 62
2021  Worksheet 62 Answers
6CS.03 Explain that analogue data  Worksheet 63
must be digitised (converted into  Worksheet 63 Answers
a numerical form) for processing by a  Worksheet 64
computer, as computers can only  Worksheet 64 Answers
store, process and communicate  Worksheet 65
digital information. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 65 Answers
6CS.07 Know that robots can work  Worksheet 66
autonomously. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 66 Answers
6CS.08 Identify benefits of using  Worksheet 67
robotics in industry, such as  Worksheet 67 Answers
car manufacturing or food  Unit 11: Keywords flashcards
production. © UCLES 2021  Unit 11: Keywords audio
 Unit 11: Self-check
Unit 12 Be a problem solver 6P.06 Describe the role of prototypes  Teacher's Guide Unit 12  Pages 162–177 of Cambridge
when designing programs. © UCLES  Worksheet 68 Primary Computing Learner's
2021  Worksheet 69 Book 6
6P.07 Know how to develop  Worksheet 70
prototypes of interfaces for  Worksheet 71
programs, including suitable prompts  Worksheet 72
for its users. © UCLES 2021  Worksheet 72 Answers
6P.08 Know how to follow project  Worksheet 73
plans to develop programs. © UCLES  Worksheet 73 Answers
2021  Unit 12: Keywords flashcards
 Unit 12: Keywords audio
 Unit 12: Self-check

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