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Developmental and neurological effects of arsenic on Drosophila melanogaster

Submission ID: 1830926
Type of Submission: 10-Minute Presentation
Submission Status: Active


Jawaid Ahsan, PhD (he/him/his)

JA Organization:
Central University of South Bihar
Presenting Author

Submission Information

ESA Section:
Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology

Sub Topic(s)

Abstract Text
Millions of people in developing countries are affected by arsenic (As) toxicity and its prevalence. Arsenic’s
detrimental effects on humans have been amplified by an unacceptable level of exposure to food and
drinking water, the ongoing rise in industrial usage, and several other occupational conditions. Due to
increased cellular absorption and the ability to cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), inorganic arsenic (iAs) is
extremely hazardous to living organisms in its trivalent form. Arsenic toxicity damages an organism’s tissues
and organs, resulting in skin cancer, circulatory system abnormalities, and central nervous system
disorders. A competent model system is required to investigate the acute effects of arsenic on the brain,
cognition ability, and to assess any behavioral impairment. Drosophila melanogaster (common fruit fly or
vinegar fly), with its short generation time, genomic similarities with humans, and its availability for robust
behavioral paradigms, may be considered an ideal model for studying arsenic toxicity. The present study
helps to understand the toxic effects of acute arsenic treatment on the behavior, cognition, and
development of Drosophila in a dose and time-dependent manner. We found that the exposure of fruit flies
to arsenic significantly affected their locomotor abilities, pupae size, cognitive functions, and
neurobehavioral impairment. Hence, providing a better understanding of how arsenic toxicity affects the
brain leading to acute behavioral disorders and neurological alterations, this study will lead to a better
understanding of the mechanisms.

Presentation Disclosures

I understand that Entomology 2024 will feature only in-person content and that virtual/on-demand
presentation options will not be available.
Yes, I acknowledge that my presentation will be given in-person.

I acknowledge that all presenters are required to register for Entomology 2024 regardless of
presentation type.
Yes, I acknowledge that I am required to register for the meeting and agree to abide accordingly.

Presenter Limits Acknowledgment

Yes, I acknowledge the submission limits listed above and agree to abide accordingly.

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