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Which group includes microorganisms that display eukaryo5c cell structure? a.

b. Bacteria
c. Viruses
d. Archaea
e. More than one of the above
Louis Pasteur’s famous swan necked flask experiment was an important development in
microbiology because:
a. It showed for the first 5me that broth can be spoiled by 5ny organisms called “
b. It showed other microbiologists how they could keep environmental contaminants out
of sterile media.
c. It showed that some yeasts ferment sugar to alcohol when air is absent.
d. It allowed him to determine that the bacterium Bacillus anthracis was responsible for
the disease anthrax.
e. It directly lead to the discovery of agar as a suitable solidifying agent for Petri plates.
In microbiology, a species is best defined as:
a. A group of strains that share similar characteris5cs and a high degree of
genome similarity
b. A specific pure culture of bacteria
c. A group of bacteria that are gene5cally iden5cal
d. A group of microbes that can mate and produce viable offspring
e. A group of bacteria that share 100% iden5cal 16S rRNA gene sequences
In the name Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325, “NCTC 8325” refers to the: a. Genus
b. Species
c. Strain
d. Phylum
e. Specific epithet
Which of the following statements BEST describes the evolu5onary tree of life?
a. It shows that all microorganisms are more closely related to each other than they are
to higher organisms, like plants and animals.
b. It divides all microorganisms into three fundamental groups: those with prokaryo5c
cell structure, those with eukaryo5c cell structure, and those that do not consist of cells.
c. It shows that all cellular organisms descended from a common ancestor and that
ancestor belonged to the domain Archaea.
d. It shows that some parts of a modern eukaryo5c cell actually originated from bacteria
that were engulfed by an early eukaryote.
e. It shows that eukaryo5c life forms are more evolu5onarily diverse than are
prokaryo5c life forms
You perform a serial dilu5on of a bacterial culture. At each step of the dilu5on series you
transfer 1ml of the preceding sample into a 9ml water blank, using a total of 6 water blanks for
your dilu5on series. (Not including the original culture, which was in a flask.) You then plate 0.1
ml of the final dilu5on onto one Petri plate and 0.2 ml onto a second plate, and place them in
the incubator. The next day, you count 122 colonies on the first plate and 267 colonies on the
second plate. What was the concentra5on of bacteria in your original culture? a. 3.8 x 108
b. 1.2 x 109 cfu/ml
c. 1.3 x 109 cfu/ml
d. 1.9 x 109 cfu/ml
e. 3.8 x 109 cfu/ml
Which of the following statements best describes the rela5onship between the wavelength of
light and the resolu5on obtained with a microscope?
a. Light of a longer wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because the
light has higher energy.
b. Light of a shorter wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because short
light is more easily magnified by a lens.
c. Light of a longer wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because the
long waves
can reach the objec5ve lens more quickly than short waves.
d. Light of a shorter wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because short
waves can
more easily fit between individual objects in the specimen.
e. None of the above. The wavelength of light affects the magnifica5on that
can be
achieved with a lens, but has no effect on resolu5on
True or False. A brigheield microscope is excellent for observing Gram stains, but a phase
contrast microscope would be beber for viewing live bacteria.
a. True
b. False
Confocal microscopy provides a sharper image than phase contrast microscopy because it:
a. Ensures that only light refracted by the specimen enters the objec5ve.
b. Uses a laser to illuminate only a thin plane of the specimen.
c. Separates the light into two polar beams, giving the image an illusion of shadowing.
d. Prevents refrac5on of light, elimina5ng the need for immersion oil.
e. Uses short wavelength light to obtain beber resolu5on.
Which of the following statements best describes the rela5onship between the wavelength of
light and the resolu5on obtained with a microscope?
a. Light of a longer wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because the
light has higher energy.
b. Light of a shorter wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because short
light is more easily magnified by a lens.
c. Light of a longer wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because the
long waves
can reach the objec5ve lens more quickly than short waves.
d. Light of a shorter wavelength will provide beber resolu5on because short
waves can
more easily fit between individual objects in the specimen.
e. None of the above. The wavelength of light affects the magnifica5on that
can be
achieved with a lens, but has no effect on resolu5on The
following picture was most likely taken with a:

a. Brigheield microscope
b. Darkfield microscope
c. Phase contrast microscope
d. Confocal microscope
e. Scanning electron microscope

Mycoplasma genitalium is best known for:

a. Being one of the smallest bacteria, measuring just 0.3 m in diameter
b. Having a cell wall rich in mycolic acids, which cause it to stain fuchsia in
the acid fast stain
c. Producing methane from hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide
d. Making a complex polysaccharide cell wall called pseudomurein
e. Extreme heat tolerance, growing all the way up to 122°C
Compared to Eukaryotes, Bacteria and Archaea have ________ surface-to-volume ra5os,
causing ________ nutrient exchange and growth rates.
a. lower/lower
b. lower/higher
c. higher/lower
d. higher/higher
Which of the following best describes the “core polysaccharide”?
a. It is only found in Gram posi5ve bacteria.
b. The exact sugars in its structure are constant, and don’t vary much between closely
related species
c. It is the most external structure of the outer membrane.
d. It is a toxin that can cause vomi5ng and diarrhea in humans.
e. It is an important macronutrient that all bacteria need in their growth medium

Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the structure of pep5doglycan
in Staphylococcus aureus?
a. N-acetyl glucosamine is linked to N-acetyl muramic acid by a -1,4
glycosidic bond
b. Cross-linking occurs between the 3rd amino acid of one tetrapep5de and
the 4th
amino acid of another tetrapep5de on a separate glycan chain
c. The amino acids in the tetrapep5de are connected to each other by
pep5de bonds
d. Cross-links involve the unsual amino acid D-glutamate
e. The pep5doglycan is several layers thick, and cross-linked three
dimensionally Aner several long hours working with a phase contrast microscope, you
managed to take a beau5ful picture of a mitochondrion inside of a protozoan (or at least
that’s what you thought). Unfortunately, when you presented the picture to your
supervisor, he looked at it in disgust and shouted “you had beber get me a more clearly
defined picture before the end of the day or you’re fired!” The good news is that the lab
is well equipped. What type of microscope would you choose to take your next picture?
a. A differen5al interference contrast microscope.
b. A darkfield microscope.
c. A brigheield microscope.
d. You’ll try to take another picture with the phase contrast microscope, but this 5me
you’ll use a nega5ve stain to improve the resolu5on.
e. You decide to just pack up your things and forget about it. There is no light
microscope that will produce a clearer picture than the one you took the first 5me! To maintain
the semi-fluid character of the plasma membrane at very high temperatures, some Archaea will
make their membrane out of:
a. Ester linked phospholipids with lots of unsaturated faby acids
b. Diglycerol tetraether phospholipids
c. Lipoteichoic acid
d. A protein layer called an S-layer
e. Lipopolysaccharide
The hydrocarbon tails in the above molecule are bound to a glycerol backbone by:

a. Glycosidic bonds
b. Ester bonds
c. Ether bonds
d. Pep5de bonds
e. Ionic bonds A protoplast is:
a. A long thin protein appendage that is used to transfer gene5c material
between two bacteria
b. The s5cky layer of polysaccharide slime that surrounds some bacteria
c. A membrane bound organelle found only in eukaryotes
d. The cytoplasmic membrane and everything surrounded by it
e. An archaean that is capable of oxidizing H2 gas for energy and electrons
and can grow
at unusually high temperatures
True or False: When moving toward a repellent, a chemotac5c bacterium will display more
frequent tumbling, resul5ng in a shorter than normal run.
a. True
b. False
What are sulfur granules?
a. Small magne5c inclusions that allow bacteria to sense the Earth’s geomagne5c field b.
A carbon storage polymer
c. A structural component of a gas vesicle
d. A storage of the important macronutrient phosphorus
e. Inclusion bodies formed by some photolithoautotrophic bacteria With
respect to ABC transport, which of the following is NOT correct?
a. there is an integral protein that forms a channel allowing the substrate to cross
the membrane
b. aner transport, the solute binding protein remains in the periplasm and can be
used again
c. ATP hydrolysis supplies the energy required to phosphorylate the substrate as it
transported into the cell
d. ABC transporters work against a concentra5on gradient
e. two of the above statements are NOT correct All eukaryo5c cells have:
a. A membrane bound nucleus
b. Ester linked phospholipids
c. Chroma5n
d. Two of the above
e. All of the above
The bacterial genus ____________ is known to include obligate intracellular pathogens and,
based on SSU rRNA gene sequence analysis, is the closest phylogene5c rela5ve of the
eukaryo5c mitochondrion.
a. Mycobacterium
b. Escherichia
c. Clostridium
d. Rickebsia
e. Mycoplasma
True or False: Some animal viruses can force a host cell to engulf them by phagocytosis. a.
b. False
You set out to discover a new species of microbe. Aner isola5ng a microbe in pure culture, you
subject it to a Gram stain, and upon observa5on with a microscope, discover that it has stained
nicely pink. You then perform a biochemical analysis and determine that its membrane contains
branched chain hydrocarbons composed of repea5ng units of isoprene abached to glycerol by
ether bonds. The only cell wall the organism seems to have is a protein S-layer. You guess that
this new microbe probably belongs to which group?
a. Protozoa
b. Gram nega5ve bacteria
c. Viruses
d. Gram posi5ve bacteria
e. Archaea
Put the stages of viral mul5plica5on in the correct order:
a. Penetra5on, synthesis, assembly, adsorp5on, release
b. Assembly, synthesis, adsorp5on, penetra5on, release
c. Release, synthesis, adsorp5on, penetra5on, assembly
d. Assembly, penetra5on, adsorp5on, synthesis, release
e. Adsorp5on, penetra5on, synthesis, assembly, release
1. A 2.
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. A 17. B
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. E
22. C
23. E
24. D
25. A
26. E 27. E

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