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fe tts ramet Assessed Market Value R3.21073.686/- Segoe Rawat Mouzo-Jarsherpur, J. No.130, An area of 0.47Actes Sees eG of land within Dist-Nacia, under P. $.- Hogatbaria ansitiivror THIS DEED. OF GIFT is made on this 13% day of Juy for the year 2018 Sah cofespondence fo 28h Aashar 1473 BS. BETWEEN — Acharya Jagaaiéh Chanda Academy B.Ed, College represenied by is 119 JUL 20ers betay ect handel ose st Mondal of Vil.2°.0-Gadagari PS.- Joling!, Dit-Mushidebod, Pin cede-742305(W.8), by telgion-Hindy, by Social worker, Natonoliyindian, which & run by "SRUANI roheaiciost VILBP.-Sagamaa, P5-lalanai lrhidabad. Fin a 16530 al 4 code-742006(W.8) represented by its present Presi Bijoy Shanker Nand! SQicle Bkhwareih Nord of 211/1Sutimath, PO.SPS- Berhampore, i= \MuBhidabad. Pin code-742101(W2), by religicn-Hindu, by profession Sociol wofer, Nationally inion, Con.P/2 Me \g WY aero (Page-2) its Secretary Sujt Mandl $/0-Late Sunil kr. Mondal of Vil. &P« Joiargi, Bist-Murshidabad, Fin code-742205(W.8), by religions profession Social worker, Nafionafiy-indfan, present Treasure't3jAkash Nandi $/O-tjay Shankar Nardi of 211/1Sutimoth, P.O.8PS.Bethampore, Dist- Murshidabad, Fin code-742101(W.8), by religfén-Hindy, by profession-Social worker. Nationaity:Indian, its Ex-Presiden(4)Suloy Kumar Guhe $/O-Sunil Kumar Guho of ViL& POSagapara, PS-Jalangi, Dist-Mushidabad, Pin code- a T#23081W.8), bY Feligion Hindu, by prolession-Teacher, Notionaity-Indian and its wp Kumar Mandal $/O-Adhir Kumar Mandal of Vill-Dayarcenpur, Yp.0-b/Paraspur, PS=Jdangi, Dist-Murshidabad, Pin code-742305¢W8), by teligion-Hindu, by profession-Social worker. Nationality-Indiar, (é)Ratan Ghosh 8/0-Sambhu Nath Ghesh (7)811 Rajesh Mandal 5/O-Anonta: Kumar Mandal both of Vil Narasinghapur, PO-Sagarpara, PS.-Jclangi, Dis~Musshidabad, Pin code-742506W.B). by religion-Hindu, by profession-Social worker, Nationality. Indian, hereinatter called the "DONOR" (which expression shall mean and include their legal heis, Successors, representatives, administer, executors, nominees and assigns) of the one part AND “Si Ramakrishna Sarada Math & Mission” (Si Ramakrishna Sorada Ashrama] having its present office at Vil4P.0.8P.S.Karmpur, Dist-Nacia, Pin code- 741 152(W.8) represented by ils Presicleni(1}Swami Tapananda $/O-Late Swarri Himanshu Maharaj of Rabincrapath, P.O.&Dist-Hazaribag, P.S-Sadar Hezaribag, State-Jharkhand, Pin code-825301, by reigion-Hindu, by profession. Spiritual Priest, Nationolty-ndian and its Secretary (2)Samapti Paul s/O-Lale Sushil Kumar Paul of Rabindrapsth, P.O.&Dist-Hazaribag, PSSadar Hazaribag, State-Jharkhand, Pin code-82501, by religion-Hindy, by profession Sociol worker, Nationaity.indion, heteinater called as the "DONE" (which expression shall mean and include their egal heits, Successors, representatives, administer, executors, nominees and assigns)of the other part all. an: aS Me dA_ Mae) &y Moh A+ Sige Ket fine {Page -3) WHEREAS the donor “Acharya Jagadish Chandra Academy B.Ed. College” is the absolute owner and occupier of the piece of land mentioned in the scheduled below which has been got through a Regd. Sole Deed bearing No, 107728 of 2011 dated 26/09/2011 trem Dhirencra Nath Ghosh & others and it was registered in the office of A.D... Kerimpur. Thot in present some portion of the land has been the name of the donor and other portion of land hes been recorded in the nome of the prececestorsin interest which har been finaly ‘tamed and published and the donor paid rent fo the state and got dathilas. That the donor have been possessing and enjoying the landed property peacefuly without any types of hindrance or interruption from olhers ‘and he hes every right to sell git, mortgage the scheduled property in favour ‘of any patty or parties in any manner whalsoever. Thal the scheduled property is tee from all sorts of encumibrances or attachment. Be ll mentioned here that ‘the Deed of Trust of *SRLIANI FOUNDATION” wos registered in the offce of the Dit. Sub-Registarl, Mushidebad on 12/09/2011 vide Deed NoV.00088 of 2011; WHEREAS {he trustees of “SRUANI FOUNDATION" have a Motive fo setup and run B.Ed./D. £I Ed. College or same types of Institution for the proliferate: academic ambiance or Educational social welfare of the locality afd for at 2. committee hos been formed fo raise subscriptions for constuction of building | and creation of the endowment; And WHEREAS the trustees of “SRUANI, FOUNDATION" ore the members of such committee And for that the donor has ‘agreed to purchase the piece of land hereinafier described in the scheduled below as a site for such work And WHERFAS offer purchasing the below mentioned schecluled property there have been setup a new building by the donor Contd... 4 Khao Se eo ayy Sorrlgeyh —L (Poge~4) ‘And WHEREAS now a days the donor or the trustees of “RUAN! FOUNDATION” ‘re not able to running the purposes of their acival motive of the Trusl and in tha! situation the Donee give propose as becaure they have the ame motive for wefare of the sociely And in this process the werking power of the Trust ie. "SRUANI FOUNDATION” has been ceased ; NOW THIS DEED OF GIFT WITNESSETH- Thal in pursuance of such pious with and desite the donor dees hereby freely, voluntarily and absolvtely and subject fo the condition herein under imported grant, convey, transter and give unto and fo use of the said landed property bby the donee and or his successors in office, as trustees os afcresaid. And itis hereby AGREED AND DECIARED by ond between the patties hereto the fuslees and their successo’s in office shall from time fo time and at ail times hereafter stand possessed of the land hereby conveyed and the building or buildings to be @ected thereon to be ued tally and oxelusively for that specific purpose. And the donee has the righ! lo mutate his name with all and. proper authority concemed and the donor, bis hei, administrators or assigns further covenant that he/they shall at the request co:t of the done, his executors, cdministrator or assigns do or execute or cause to be done of executed all such lawful acts, deeds and things whatsoever for further and more perfectly conveying and assuming the said land and every part thereof inmanner aforescid according fo the true inten! and meaiuring of ins deed. ‘Andit's hereby further agreed and declared that in case the object of the gi fails oF in the event of closure of Insltulion or shifted anywhere or used or any other purpo:e contrary lo law or against religion or if the object af the git frusttated otherwise for any reason whatsoever- this gift wil stand ipso facto revcked ond the properly shail in that event revert to the donor or his Contain. 5 (Page~5) descendents as may remain alive with altimprovements thereon free from any aim on that account as if the gift was never made nor intendad unlose otherwise drected in an appropriate aclion by 0 cout of competent juisdicion. The assesed market value of the gifted land Rs, 2,10.73,686: [rupses two crere ten loth seventy three thourand six hundred eighty six onl) SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY District Nadie, Police Staion-Hogalbaria, A.D.SR. office-Kalinpur Mouse Jomsherpur, JL. No-130, Khatian No.R.S.2'81, 2182, 2183 L.R.980/2, 789/1, 244/2, 485/1, 2477 Plot NORS.&LR.1265 in the Stole of West Benga within the collector Nadia, BLELR.O office Karmpurl and the rent i payable os per ‘assessment by the authority concemed and the gifféd area is (67 Actes of Jond in where Sys. old, Semi Commercial purpose used 7838 Sq.ft atea in the Ground Floor and 4yr. old, Semi Commercial purpose used 7502 Salt. area in the First Floor constuction /building have been exist. ‘Moura :- Jamsherpur J-LNo.130 Khation No.RS.218!, 2182, 2183 L2.980/2, 789/ 1, 244/2, 485/1, 2427 PLOLNO. “CLASSIFICATION AREA RS. &LR. 1265 Bari 0.67 Acres of land out of 1.56 Acres of land. (twelve hundred sory hve) (Zero pont sixty seven Actes of landis the gifted property) BUTTED & BUNDED BY; To the Notth :-Land of Pachugopal Ghosh To the South + Land of Swapan Ghosh & Metal Road To the East Land of Ranjan Debrath, Tagar Chakraborty & others To the West Land of Nerugopal Ghosh It Is mentioned here that total stomp duty ossessed i Rs.12,44,441/- out of s.1,000/- is paid by Non Judicial Stamp Paper and rest amount along with Fegisration tees has been paid through e-payment, Contd..8 a: wv es) - ByySrot te As Ah Nea A L © j = 3 4 x It |s hereby noted that self attested colour photographs along with their respective thumb impression of both hands of the parties have been attached herewith which is treated as par of the deed. (Poge-&) |, the clones hereto sign 9s o loken of acceptance of the above donation a a President on behalf of "Sxl Ramakiishna Sorada Meth&Mission” (Sti Ramakiishna Sarada Ashrama) with fulsalsfaction, Soret Top ante, ts Ral IN WIINESS WHEREOF the parties to these oresents have Poles ond subscribe thelr respective signatures on this day month ond yeo fist mentoned above. Dratted and diciated by me under he instruction of both parties of thie cles ‘and the contents have been explained & read out in veinacular language. Dearteey Sukons Reeaad (Sukanta Biswas ) ‘WITNESSES: ade ’ csi ers ites Saree. pal Sheenchs. 98 ay . (a ‘ ‘Chotem ised Meter Sy Karimpur, Nadia 2) Sf 4 23% 2 ae a Bi fom Werner Soha % WIN. Chale: bam, Pe, Saqarpore . PS fotamaet Brat = MunpRicla bad TNS | 7uead i = “i iE Mondbe Sify Read Aka, Meat ws Be aR i ATTESTED BY M G La Gretel pay eeeree Doh, Bade. p OE @O'@ g/t ATTESTED BY ME« amen sere To dan Ceboel @qe eee a @ ©@8 6 et A @2aatd Az et BB 7" RB © ATTESTED BY MEW sre wat eR T T T T © z r ® ATTESTED BY ME ea wet efits el i 7 v r a & Rg ATTESTED BY ME} wate eee © z ® ATTESTED BY ME er wr eerfite Governmentof West Bengal Department of Finance (Revenue) , Directorate of Rogistration and Stamp Revenue OFFICE OF THE A.D.S.R. KARIMPUR, District Namo ‘Nadia Signature /LT| Sheet of Query No/Year 13131000256706/2016 |. Signature of the Person(s) admitting the Execution at Private Residence. Namo ofthe Exesutant| Category Photo Finger Print | Signature with No. dato 1 |suykuner Guna | Represent] —_ | ‘Segarpara,?.0:- ative of ‘Sagarpara, P.S~ dalangi| oor (District:-Murshidabad, | [Acharya = ‘West Bengal, india, PIN | Jagadish 5 > -742308 Chandra ‘Academy = BEd Colege Run By Sian Fourdatio ‘ 21 Si | Namo of te Executant| Category Photo Fingor Print | Signature with No. date 2 |[Suj Mondel Godagen. |Represent PO-Godageri PS- | ative ot slang, District Donor IMurstidabed, West | (Acharya 'Bongal, India, PIN- | Jagadish j7aa96 Chandra Aeaderyy Bed Colegs Run By Sijart Founcatio 4] 9 Ne 133100026626, LOT ANG 2:38 PME KARIMPLI (ADR) Pagezore |. Signature of the Person(s) admitting the Execution at Private Residen: St |Name of the Executant| Category Photo Finger Print | Signature with No, ato 3 [anuprcumar wandat —|Represe| Dayeranpur,.0- | atwe of ; DDakenn Paraspur PS:-| enor % alarg, Distr (Achar = IMurshidabed, West | Jagadish & Bengal ina, PIN- | Chandra = 4220s Academy BEd 3 cotege Run By Sill | Foundato| S ay 31 |Neme of te Executant| Category Photo Finger Print | Signature with No. ate 4 [Ratan Ghosh Represent INarsirghapur,P.0- | tive of | [Sagarpara. P.S:-Jalang,| Donor Distict-Murshidebad, | [Acharya iS West Bengal, nda. PIN | Jacadish i |- 74206 Chandra ‘ Acadery Bes 4 e College j Faun By Srieni a Founda 1 St |Name cot the Executant| Category Photo Finger Print | Signature with ate ‘Overy Nov 13126706204, 1407201602398 PM KARIMIFLIE ADS.) Popeaets ilay Shankar Nana: | Represent i211i1 Sutimath,P.0:- | ative of Bamampere. P.S~ anor Baharempur Town, | [Acharya [pisrict-Murshidabad, | Jagadish [West Bengal, India, PIN. | Chana | 74211 Acadeny BEd Fees |__| ce | fe = 5 |Rajesh Mandal Represent| ete oe: [Oe aloe \Sagarpara, P.S:-Jalang,,| Donor a bain le 2 Retcoe rch | eo : : 742308 Chandea a es ie | BEG College ae oe nm) ol aceueeemmen ieee ena | eee ee ie = ; College Run By | Stan Foundato ao) SI Name ofthe Executant| Category Photo Finger Print| Signature with No. | ane } 7 (Akash Nand 211/1 [Represee | Isurmatr, BO | lssrempore,ps:- | Donor | Aghns | leenarampurrown, | facharya Theyre [Dawiet-Mursnigaad. | Jogarish hast Benga India PIN | Carara 742101 eademy 30 € college unBy Siani Feurdate | oy ey Sev HTC 2H PM KARINE SR) an | fr J i 1 signature of the Person(s) admitting the Execution at Private Resigence, SI | Name of the Executant | Category Photo Finger Print | Signature with No. date 8 |SWAMITAPANANDA | Represent [Rabincrapath,F.0- | ative of |Hezentag, Ps Denes IHAZARBAGH SADAR, | [SRI y Distret-Hezarbag, | RAMAKRI - : ny Jnarcheng, India, PIN- | SHNA ¢ a2sa01 SARADA 8 MATH fag ‘AND | oe MISSION | > SRI RAMAKRI ‘SHNA SARADA ASHRAM Al Si | Name of te Executant | Category Photo Finger Print | Signature with No. ate 9 |Samapti Paul Represent) Rabindranath P.O- | ave of |Hazaribag, P.S:- Donee [HAZARIBAGH SADAR, (SR lstict-Hazerbeg, _|RAMAKRI Lnatinan, india PN | SANA e2sa0+ SARADA NATH ‘AND mission se RAMAKRY ; sina : SARADA ASHRAN Al 1G.07. 2016. Sommerpte Rud ‘Query Noss 1002487062016, 140TRONE 23954 PME KARIMPUR A.DSR) Page s 6 No, ‘Nama and Addross of identifier Identifier of ‘Signature with ldete iSemie Pal [Son ofLate Sushil Pat |Sarkhanager, P.O: Baigcanga, [P'S Murua, Distret-Naga, West Benge India, PIN = rat152 [Sujoy Kumar Guha, Suit Monda), , Anup IKumer Mandal, Relan Ghosh, Rajesh Mandal . my shana and, Asn Nava, swat | Saou PAL |TAPANANDA, Samapii Paul (W716 (Query Nes I3 14H 706201H, 140TBOLGODHESHPM KARINPLR ADS) (Snehendu Bhattacharyye) ADDITIONAL DISTRICT ‘SUBREGISTRAR OFFICE OF THE ADS. KARIMPUR Nadia, Wast Bangs! Payea te Donor & Donee Details Seller, Buyer and Property Details Nameand Address of Preseatant ‘Sulit Mondal ‘Godagati, P.O- Godagari, .~ Jalangl Dstret-Murshidabac, Wes! Bengal, ind, PIN - 742308 st ‘Name, Address, Photo, Fingerprint and Signature We. + | Acharya Jegadieh Chandra Academy B, Ed College Run By Srisni Foundation Godagari, P.0:- Godagarl, P.S-Jalang), Diatict-Murshidebad, Woet Bengal. ncia, PIN - 742308 PAN No AALTSOS16N, Status | Organization. Represanted by representative 25 given below ~ (1) | Sujoy Kumar Guna Segarpara. P.O: Sagarpara, P'S Jaleng, Ostret-Misshdabao, Wes Bengal, nda, PIN- 742906 Sex Male, By Caste Hindu, Occupation: Service, Citzen of India, PAN No, AENPG®O27G, Sia Representative: Date of Execution: 13(07/2016; Dae of Admission: 14/07/2078, Pace of Admission of Executon: Prt Residence (2) | Sue Moncal Godagar,P.0:- Godagar, P'S Jalan, Distict-Mursidabed, West Benga, India, PIN -742308 Sex Ma, ®y Caste: Hirdu, Occupation Orhe’s. Citzen of India, PAN No. BREPM7148R,; Status Roprosoniative; Date of Execution 12/07/2016; Dato of Admission: 14/07/2016; Place of Admission of Execution: Pvt. Residence (2) | Meanup kumar Mendal Dayarampur P.0:-Dakshin Paraspur, P.S~-Jelang,Cistict-Murshidebad, West Bongl, India, PIN - 742305 Sex: Male, By Caste, Hindu, Occupation: Others Giizen of India, PAN No. BKFPMBOG5Q,; Status Representative, Late of Execution: 13/07/2016, Date of Acmission: 4107/2016, Place of Admesion of Execution : Pvt. Residence (@) | Ratan Ghosh [Narasinghapur, P.O:-Sagarpara, P.S:- Jalangi Distct-Murshidatad, West Bengal, India, PIN - 742306 ‘Sex: Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Others, Citizen of Incia, PAN No. BDKPGB4S6K,, Stetus Representatve: Date of Executon : 13/07/2018; Date of Admission : 14/07/2018, Place of Admssion of Execution Put. Residence TBRTROTE Guay No-1OTSTOOOIEBTOS 2016 Dowd No 1 ToT S0GHE/ 20S, DosumER I aghaly Snes Pane OR nf 3A Name, Address, Photo, Finger print and Signature Rajesh Manat Narasinghapur, P.O:- Sagarcara, P.S.- Jalangi, Disrcr-Murshidabiad, West Bengal, India PIN - 742308, Sex Nale, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Others, Citizen of naa, PAN No CMEPMB1BAK.: Statue Representative; Daze of Execution 13/07/2016; Date af Admission: 14/07/2016; Piace of Acmission of Execution : Put Residence Bijey Shankar Nandi 24411 Sutrmath, P.0.- Barhiemipore, P'S - Baharampur Town, Distrct- Murshdagae, West Bengal, Ind, PIN-742101 Sex: Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation Ones, Gitizen ot. Inala, PAN No, ABMPNEDSZA,; Status: Representative, Date of Execution : 13/07/2016; Date of Admission ° 141072016 Place ot Admission of Execution : Pvt Resicence a Akash Nandi 24714 Sutrmath, P.O: Berhempore, P'S.- Baharampur Town, Distret-Mucshidabad, West Bengal, india, PIN - 742101 Sex: Male, By Caste Hindu, Ozcupaton: Othe’, Citizen of: Incia. PAN No, ACNPNE?61C,; Status: Representative; Date of Execution: 13/97/2016, Date of Admission 14/07/2016: Place of ‘Admission of Execution : Pvt Residence HOTIBOT Guary Now 15197000285706 2516 Deed Na 1” 1STSIGGRS /2OTO, Dosumantle Gaia Sgred Pane 206 35 Name, Address, Prote, Finger print and Signature ‘SRI RAMAKRISHNA SARADA MATH AND MISSION SRI RAMAKRISHNA SARADA ASHRAMA Karmpur, P.O:- Karimpur, P.S:-Karimpur, Dstrict-Nadia, West Benga, India, PIN -741152 PAN No. AACTS8O796.; Status : Organization; Represented by representative as given below:- 0) ‘SWAMI TAPANANDA, Rabindrapath, P.O:- Hazaibag, P S.- HAZARIBAGH SADAR, Dstrct-Hazarisag, Jharkhand, India, PIN - 825301 Sex Male, By Caste: Hindu, Cocupation: Others, Citzen of India PAN No, AEEPTSS77G,; Status Representaive: Dato of Execution : 13/07/2046; Date of Admigeion : 14/97/2016; Place of Admission of Executon: Pvt Residence @) Mr Samapti Paul (Alias Name; Nr SAMAPTI KR PAUL) Rabincrapath, P.O:- Hazaribag, P.S- HAZARIBAGH SADAR, Distret-Hazarbag, Jharkhand, India, PIN - 1828301 Sex: Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Others, Citzen of: india PAN No, AMNPP2982K;; Status # Representative, Date of Execution | 13/07/2016; Date of Admission : 14/97/2018: Place of Admission of Executon : Pvt. Residence gentiier Name_& Acaress Identifier of Signature [st.No. 1 Samir Pat ‘Svioy Kumar Guha, Suit Mond, |Son of Late Sushil Pal [Mr Anup Kumar Mandal, Ratan |Saninanagar, P.O: Batadanga, P.S- Ghosh, Rajesh Mandel, Bijay IMurutia, Distrct-Nadia, West Bengal, |Shaniar Nandi, Akash Nandi, india, PIN -741162 Sex Malo, By (SWAMI TAPANANDA, Mr Samapt) ICaste: Kincu, Occupation: Others, Paul ICtizen of indi, C. Transacted Property Details Witnance Tans beta SP TREE scr no | Piotnes | areaot | setiorm | amet |omer cetats natian Noy | Land |Valuetin Rs) Value(n Rs.) Road Zone [+ oistiet Nac, P-Hogaberia [LR Pot o> [670s fo.00000- [sa.16 186% [poposed Joram Panchayat JAMSERPUR, 268 Use: catego, he erent [UR Khatian ror ve, No 90072 Property ison Roos sajacentt wots Roa YlO7/207 Guery No T8181 000256708 | 2018 Dowd No | 191S0850R / 2076, Doumentie Gaialy signed Pane ar 3h | Area of Structure Setforth Other Detaite Valuetin | Vatue(in Re) Re) [7298 Sa Fe. ia {Semi Commercial Use, Cemented Floor, lage of Structure: 5 Years, Reo! Type: [Pucca, Exert of Completion: Compete _| [Fr |Floorno: 1 |7502.Sq Ft jor [Semi Commercial Use, Cemented Flocr, [Age of Stuctire: 4 Vare, Roof Type: Pucca, Extent of Completion: Compete [st Jontandis —|1sa406q Ft [52,00,000%- |1,72,97,5001 Structure Type: Structure . Applicant Details [Semepti Paul lacdress. INatna,Thana : Karmgur, District: Nadia, WEST BENGAL [Applicant's Status lOmere “10772016 Gury No: 13131000265708 2016 Deed No:I- 1315065822018 Docanon i Ugly SGOT Pane 21 nf 38 Office of tho A.0.8.R. KARIMPUR, District: Nadia Endorsement For Deed Number : | - 131306692 / 2016 ‘Query No/Year 13131000265706/201 Serlal noiYear 1313008387 /2016 Deed Ne/Year 1 181808882 /2016 “Transaction 10207} Git, Gitin Yo family members and others Name ofPresentant Suit Mondal Presented At Private Residence: Date of Execution 1307-2016 Date of Presentation 14.07.2018 ‘ertificate of Irules 0 i CCertifod thatthe market value ofthis property whioh isthe subject matter of the deed has been assessed at Rs 2.10,73,688).. Other amount Re 2.10.73 688)- Aarts. (Spohencu Bhattacharyya) ADDITIONAL DISTRICT SUB-REGISTRAR, OFFICE OF THE A.D'S.R, KARIMPUR Natia, West Bengal Se Ae ea ‘Exocution i¢ admitted on 14/07/2016 by ‘Sujoy Kumar Guha EX PRESIDENT, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Academy 8. Ed College Run By Srjart Foundation, Godegari,P.0-- Godagar, PS. dalang, Distt: Murshigeboe, West Bengal, nda, PIN - 7422 Suloy Kumar Gura, Son of Sunt Kumar Guna Sagespara P.O: Sagsrpare, Thana: Jalengi, Murshidabad WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 742306, By caste Hind, By profession Service Indesit by Sam Pal, Son of Late Sushil Pal, Sanknanagar, P.O: Balladanga, Thana: Muruta, , Nacia, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN- 741152, By caste Hindu, By Profession Others pee] Execution is arimtted on 14/07/2016 by Sujit Mendal Secretary, Acharya Jagadich Chandra Academy B.Ed Colege Run By Srijani Foundation, Godageri, P.0:- Godagari,P.S:- Jalang), District: Murstidabad, West Bengal, India, PIN - 742305 Sujt Monde ‘Son of Sunil Mondal, Godagar, P.O. Godagai, Thana: Jalang), , Murstidabad, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN ~ 1742306, By caste Hindu, By profession Cihers. Indetiied by Samir Fal, Son of Late Sushil Pal, Sanknanagar, P.O: Balladangs, Thana: Muruta, , Nedie, WEST BENGAL, nda, PIN~ 741152, By caste Hncu, By Protession Omers TBHOTROTE Gvsny Na 1513 TOUIRESTEG /2016 Boed Ne 1 151900058 2016, Document aiglaly gre Pane 99 af 35 ‘Admission Gt execution ( Under Sdevon 38] W.B.Regisration eS 662) [Representative] | Execution is admitted on 14/07/2016 by ‘Mr Anup Kumar Mandal Trustee Member, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Acacerry B. Ed College Run By Sriani Fourdation, Godagari, P.O.- Godagari, PS Jalangl Distrct-Murshidabad, West Bengal, India, PIN - 742305 ‘Mr Anup Kumar Mandal, Son of Nir Adhir Kumar Mandal, Dayerampur, P.O: Dakshin Pa‘aspur, Thana’ Jalangi Murshidabad, WEST BENGAL. India PIN- 742305, By caste Hindu, By profession Others \ndetiied by Sami Pal, Son of Late Sushil Bal Sankhanagar, P.O: Baliedange, Thana: Munutia,, Nadia, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 741162, By ceste Hindu, By Profession Others ‘Ramiasion of Esecition | Under Section 62, ¥.0, Registration Rules, 1962) tRepreseniatve) ‘Execution Is aamited on 14/07/2018 by Retan Ghosh Trustee Member, Acharya Jagacish Chandra Academy B. Ec College Run By Sijani Foundation, ‘Godagar, P.0:- Godagar, P.S - Jalangi, Dstrict-Murshidabad, Wes! Bengal, india, PIN- 742306 Ratan Ghash, ‘Son of Samibhu Nath Ghosh, Narasinghapur, P.O: Sagerpara, Thane: Jalangl, . Murshidabad, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN -742306, By caste Hindu, By profession Others. Indetified by Samir Pal, Son of Lete Sushil Pal, Sankhanagar, P.O: Baliedange, Thana: Murutia, Nadia, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN- 741182, By caste Hindu, By Profession Others, Execution is admitted on 14/07/2016 by 3 AL Rajesh Mandal Trustee Member, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Academy B. Ed College Run By Snijant ‘Foundation, Godagan, P.O:- Gadagar,P.S'- Jalangl Distrct-Murshdabac, West Bengal, nda, PIN- 742805 Rajesh Mandel, Son of Ananta Kumar Mandal, Narasinghapur, P.O: Sagaroara, Thana’ Jalangl, , Murshidabad, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 742308, By caste Hindu, By profession Others Indetifed ty Samir Pai, Son of Late Sushil Pal, Sankhanagar, P.O: Baliadanga, Thena: Murua, Nadia, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 741152, By caste Hindu, By Profession Others ‘Admission of Execution Under Section 68, WB. Recitation Rules, 1962) (Representative) Execution admitted on 14/07/2018 by Sijay Shenker Nandi President. AcharyeJagedsh Chandra Academy 8. Ed College Run By Sian Found, Godagar, P.0- Godage, P= Jalang, istct-Mussidebod, est Benga Inca, PIN -742908 Bay Shankar Nana, Son of Lae Bistwanaty Nan 2111 Summ, P.O: Barampere, Trans: Benerampur Town Nursnisabas, WEST BENGAL Ina FIN- 742101, By caste Hrd 8 profession Others Indeed by Samir Pl, Sen of Late SushilPs Sanknanager, P.O; Baladenga, Mane: Muuta, Nadia WEST BENGAL, nda, PIN 741152, By caste Hd, Ey Profession Oters “TRepresertaive) Section 68, WB, Registration Rules 1962 Execution is admitted on 14/07/2018 by ‘Akash Nandi Treasurer, Acharya Jagacish Chandra Academy 8. Ed College Run By Szjani Foundation, Godagari, P.0-- Gedagari,P-S:- Jalan, District: Murshidebad, West Bengal, Indo, PIN - 742308 Aiash Nandi, Son of Bijay Shenker Nandi, 2141/1 Sutimath, P.O: Barsampore, Thana. Baharampur Tawa, , Murshidabec WEST BENGAL, India, PIN -742101, By caste Hindu, By profession Others YBIOTAOTS Quen No-137S1000265700 [207 God No 1 15)SO9EER OTS, Document dilly Sane Pane %2 af 38 _finseiied by Semir Pal, Son of Late Sushil Pal, Sanknanagar, P.O: Balladanga, Thana: Murutia, . Nadia, WEST _/ BENGAL. nd, PIN- 761782, By case Hau, By Profession Others ‘Aamiesion of Execution Under Sedion 58, WB, Registration Rules, 1962) [Representative Execution © admitted on 14/07/2016 by ‘SWAMI TAPANANDA President, SRI RAMAKRISHNA SARADA MATH AND MISSION SRI RAMAKRISHNA ‘SARADA ASHRAMA, Karimpur, P O- Karimpur, P.S~ Karimpur, Distrie!-Nada, West Gengal, Inc, PIN 741152 SWAMI TAPANANDA, Son of Late Swami Kimmangshu Maharaj, Rabiedrapath, P.O: Hazeribes, Tha HAZARIBAGH SADAR, , Hazaribag, JHARKHAND, India, PIN - £25201, By caste Hindu, By profesoion Others Indetifed ty Samic Pal, Sen of Late Sushil Pal, Sanihanagar. P.O: Balisdenge, Trane: Muruti, , Nadia, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 741152, By caste Hindu, By Profession Others on 44 WB, Region Rls 1962) TReprseniavo) Execution is admitted on 14/07/2016 by ‘Nr Samrapti PavlAlias , Mr SAMAPT] KR PAUL Secretary. SR] RAMAKRISHNA SARADA MATH AND NISSION SRI RAMAKRISHNA SARADA ASHRAMA, Karimpur, P.O Karimpur, P.S- Karimpur, Distict-Nadia, ‘West Bengal, Insia, PIN - 741182 Mr Sarmapti Paul, Alias Mr SAMAPTI KR PAUL. Son of Late Sushil Paul Rabindrapath, P.O. Hazaribag, Thana: HAZARIBAGH SADAR, , Hazaribag, JHARKHAND, Incia, PIN - 82530), By caste Hindu, By profession Others Indeified by Sarrir Pal, Son of Late Sushil Pal, Sankhanagar. P O° Baliedange, Thana: Murutia, , Nadia, WEST EENGAL. India, PIN - 741152, By caste Hindu, By Profession Others Sous Laps (Snehendu Bhattacharyya) ADDITIONAL DISTRICT SUB-REGIETRAR, OFFICE OF THE ADS.R. KARIMPUR. Nedia. West Bengal Caron RRS BL fal: AMIS BS seymontottoee Some. 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