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1. concentrated in a defined area.

It protects ground and surface water from pollution and

avoids air emissions, odour, fire hazards, GHG gases etc.
2. Segregation of waste at source: Source separation of inert and high moisture materials
could maximise the recovery of materials from waste. Public awareness and participation
are the need of the hour in this regard.
3. Waste to Energy in India: The problems associated can be significantly reduced by
material recovery. Waste to Energy technologies produce energy, recover materials and
free lands that would otherwise be used for dumping. Thermal treatment process to
combustion includes gasification, pyrolysis etc.
4. Making citizens aware of waste segregation at source and its treatments: The
participation of citizen in the process is very much essential. If possible, bio wastes shall
be processed at residence itself. If not possible, segregation of waste is to be done for
further ease of processing.
5. Making school students informative about waste treatment for developing a
responsible future generation: Children are tomorrow’s leaders; they should be
sufficiently educated at school itself for waste management related issues.
6. Sustainable financing for projects related to waste treatment: Financing is a major
problem, there shall be a separate agency by Government for funding waste treatment
projects. Then only sufficient financing can be achieved. Introduction of waste tax would
be an initiative in that direction.

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