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Social Assistance Identification

for Senior Citizens

Ranvil Mae C. Reyes (Author) Chloe P. Reotutar (Author)

Regional Information and Communication College of Communication and Information
Technology Management Section Technology
Department of Social Welfare and Development University of Northern Philippines
Luna, La Union, Philippines Bangued, Abra, Philippines
e-mail: e-mail:

Mc Gerald P. Erginio (Author) Jay Carlou C. Sabado (Author)

Telecommunications Industry City Information and Communications
International Business Machines Corporation Technology Office
Bangar, La Union, Philippines City Government of San Fernando, La Union
e-mail: San Juan, La Union, Philippines
Debry T. Galleta (Author)
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilino Program Victoria Kirsten R. Sison (Author)
Department of Social Welfare and Development College of Communication and Information
Bauang, La Union, Philippines Technology
e-mail: University of Northern Philippines
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Jeffrey U. Rapanut (Author) e-mail:
College of Computing Studies
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines I. INTRODUCTION
e-mail: Technology is evolving at a very fast pace which is useful
to everyone’s daily living from manual work to being replaced
by computers or any advanced technology that makes our
Abstract—This study addresses the challenges faced by the Office work faster and easier. Organizing and administering an
of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) in managing records
manually and proposes a solution through the development of a
organization is difficult if the records are not maintained or are
web-based Senior Citizen Identification Management System. kept carelessly and fraudulently. Record management, on the
The current manual approach leads to issues such as data other hand, involves the accurate, dependable, and formal
replication, difficulty in record tracing, and space constraints. management of the processes of creating, receiving,
The proposed system aims to streamline operations by offering maintaining, and discarding valuable business records.
online registration for membership, processing identification
cards, and managing the personal information of senior citizens. The manual approach in managing and storing records of
The study identifies key problems related to data quality,
the agency for senior citizens resulted in several issues,
storage, and ID card delivery. By employing the Rapid
Application Development (RAD) model, the system aims to
including excessive data replication, difficulty tracing
provide real-time information, benefiting both the OSCA and previous members' records, and most especially, difficulty
senior citizens. The significance lies in reducing administrative tracing the flow of members' past data. Since records are
burden, offering convenience to senior citizens, and improving usually stored manually, some problems may occur. In
overall data management for enhanced social services. The inadequate record control and keeping, retrieving records is
success of the project contributes to the researchers' expertise in extremely difficult. It can also occupy a lot of space inside
program development. their office for every record they have and, in some scenarios,
where data or the information of the senior citizen might go
Keywords-senior citizens; social assistance; identification; missing or damaged because it is manually recorded.
RAD model; data management;
The researchers propose a system that could be a help to
the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) by
developing a record management system administered by
office staff who cater transactions for senior citizens such as
providing transactions and services to the members' online
registration for membership, processing and issuing
identification cards used for benefits and privileges of senior III. NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS
citizen’s members, and handling the personal information of
all member of senior citizens. (1) Security. The system should ensure system security,
and the development of the system must be compliant with
This study aims to create a user-friendly senior citizen ID the Open Worldwide Application Security Project
system for improved OSCA operations. Challenges include (OWASP) for web security, and vulnerability assessment.
enhancing data quality, defining criteria for storing and (2) Privacy. Collected information must maintain privacy
assessing information, and outlining the process for issuing and data collection must be compliant with the data privacy
senior citizen identification cards. law. (3) Regulatory Compliance. Generated ID Cards must
be readable and contain information for proper identification
This study aims to create a "Social Assistance Identification of Senior Citizens. (4) Data Availability. All reports should
for Senior Citizen" system, transitioning from manual to be readily available anytime if it is needed. (5) Data Integrity
automated processes for improved accuracy and interactivity. Ensure the consistency and accuracy of data at all times.
The specific objectives include identifying issues faced by
senior citizens, designing a Senior Citizen Identification IV. METHODOLOGY
Management System using the RAD Model, and evaluating and
producing identification cards based on senior citizens' input. Research Design
The research designs used by the researchers were
The study of social assistance identification for senior developmental and descriptive. Developmental research is a
citizens is of significant importance in the context of modern method to investigate patterns and sequences of growth and
social services the following are key points highlighted as change as a function of time. It is used in this study to
follows: develop an efficient and complete functional computer-
based system.
(1) The success of the project will highly benefit the Office
of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) in San Fernando, La Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Union since they are in charge of managing and keeping the In this study, Rapid Application Development (RAD)
records of the senior citizens in the city. With the was used as the SDLC model. The RAD described the
implementation of the system, there will be a reduction of method of software development which heavily emphasizes
administrative burden, rather than maintaining paper records. rapid prototyping and iterative delivery. The RAD model
(2) For the Senior Citizens, given their age, the system will was, therefore, a sharp alternative to the typical waterfall
highly benefit them in processing their records in the comfort of development model, which often focuses largely on planning
their homes. They would not need to personally visit the office and sequential design practices. Utilizing a Rapid
to register themselves as senior citizens. The system will assure Application Development method, researchers can
them that their records are accurate and safe. (3) The Social aggressively utilize knowledge and discoveries gleaned
Assistance Identification System for senior citizen records during the development process itself to shape the design and
streamlines the storage and management of crucial information or alter the software direction entirely.
such as emergency contacts and personal details. This efficiency
can lead to the improvement of social services provided to
senior citizens.


(1) User Registration and Authentication. The system has

a user registration module and a standard authentication process
for security. (2) Profile Management. The system can capture,
review, update, and delete basic and family information, Figure 1: RAD Methodology Process
pictures, and signatures. (3) Generation of ID. The system
generates Identification Cards for Senior Citizens which The RAD generally follows a cyclical process that
contains a unique ID, alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) characters, SCC- includes four basic steps or phases which are: Planning
Alphanumeric-year-month-day or other required format being Requirements, User Design, Rapid Construction,
used by the senior citizen office, and picture and signature must Cutover/Transition, or Implementation. In each step/phase,
be visible for easy identification. (4) Reporting. The system can the researcher performs a specified activity to develop a
generate necessary reports for government use. (5) Dashboard system.
Analytics. The system can provide dashboard analytics for
easier interpretation of data. The RAD process consists of four main phases:
(1) Requirements Planning phase which is the system to operate at an acceptable level of performance. The
initial agreement on project scope and requirements. This Cutover Phase, resembling the final tasks in the SDLC
enables the commencement of prototyping for future stages. implementation phase, highlighted the efficiency of the
(2) The User Design phase studies and analyzes the business transition to the new system. This ensured a smooth adoption
processes related to the system, that includes the and successful user training process which became effective
development of system structure, screen layouts, and for converting the system to deployment status. The
selection of the development approach. (3) Rapid combination of developmental research designs and the
Construction phase includes the detailed design completion, RAD model has proven successful in developing a
software creation, and testing. The generation of a system computer-based system.
operating at an acceptable performance level is done during
this phase. This phase also includes the documentation The results indicated not only the efficiency of the system
preparation for system operation and transition software but also the benefits of an agile and user-centric development
development. (4) The Cutover phase resembles the final process. The compressed timeline further underscores the
tasks in the SDLC implementation phase. This involves data advantages of this methodology, showcasing its potential for
conversion, testing, system changeover, and user training. future software development projects.
Compared to traditional methods, the RAD process is more
efficient, resulting in a quicker build, delivery, and operation
of the new system. REFERENCES
[1] Akbar, A., Irmayanti, A., & Prajaka, S. (2018,
V. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK November). Application of Web-Based Activity
Management Using the RAD Method. In 2018 2nd East
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[2] Cababaro, D. (2016). Educational Research Writing
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[3] Geverola, D. L. Jr., & Ugsang, J. B. (2018, May). Senior
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The adoption of developmental and descriptive research

designs, coupled with the utilization of the Rapid
Application Development (RAD) model in this study, has
yielded significant results in developing an efficient and
functional computer-based system. The research design
allowed for an in-depth exploration of patterns and
sequences of growth and change over time, essential for the
system's evolution. In conclusion, the selection of RAD as
the SDLC model allowed for an agile development process.

The User Design phase, which aims to study business

processes, analyze activities, and develop system structures,
contributed to a user-centric design. This brought about the
successful development of screen layouts that enhanced user
experience and streamlined essential functions. The Rapid
Construction phase's focus on detailed design, software
testing, and documentation preparation emphasized the
importance of not only system functionality but also
performance and operational readiness. This allowed the

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