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A Report on
Innovation/Societal/Entrepreneurship Internship (Course Code: 21INT68)
Carried out at
BENGALURU - 560074
Bachelor of Engineering In
Computer Science and Engineering
Submitted by
Under the Guidance of
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Don Bosco Institute of Technology

Kumbalagodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560 074




[2] G SAMPADA – 1DB21CS183
[3] SANJANA N H – 1DB21CS184
[4] SAHANA DEVI – 1DB21CS185



The satisfaction and euphoria that successful completion of any Innovation/

Social/ Entrepreneurship based Internship (21INT68) is incomplete without
the mention of people who made it possible, whose constant support and
encouragement made our effort fruitful.

First and foremost, I ought to pay my due regards to this institute, which
provided me a platform and gave an opportunity to display skills through the
medium of Inter/Intra-institutional Internship. I express my heartfelt thanks to
our beloved principal Dr. NAGABHUSHANA B S, Don Bosco Institute of
Technology, Bangalore for his encouragement all through our graduation life
and providing us with the infrastructure.

I express our deep sense of gratitude and thanks to Dr. K B SHIVAKUMAR,

Head of the Department, Computer Science and Engineering for extending his
valuable insight and suggestions offered during this Inter/Intra-institutional

It is my utmost pleasure to acknowledge the kind help extended by my

Internship Mentor Dr. VENUGEETHA Y, Professor, Department of Computer
Science & Engineering for excellent guidance and cooperation which
consequently resulted in getting this Inter/Intra-institutional Internship
completed successfully.


Kumbalagodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560 074


Certified that the Innovation/Societal/Entrepreneurship Internship (Course Code:

21INT68) work carried out by GEETHA SHALINI A N (1DB21CS182), G SAMPADA
(1DB21CS183), SANJANA N H (1DB21CS184), SAHANA DEVI (1DB21CS185) are
bonafide work carried out at Don Bosco Institute of Technology, in partial fulfilment for the
award Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi, during academic year 2023-2024. It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the
report deposited in the departmental library. The Internship report has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements in respect of the work prescribed for the said degree.

…………………… ………………….. ……………………..

Signature of mentor Signature of HOD Signature of principal
Dr. Venugeetha Y Dr. K B Shivakumar Dr.Nagabhushana B S
Professor Professor and Head of Dept Principal
Dept.of CSE Dept.of CSE Dept.of CSE
DBIT,Bengaluru DBIT,Bengaluru DBIT,Bengaluru
Kumbalagodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560 074


We all are students of fifth semester B.E, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore,
declare that “Innovation/Societal/Entrepreneurship Internship based
Internship(21INT68)” has been carried out by me and submitted in fulfilment
of the course requirements for the award of degree in Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belagavi. During the academic year 2023-2024. The matter
embodied in this report has not been submitted to any other university or
institution for the award of any other degree or diploma.


G SAMPADA [1DB21CS183] Date: 14-12-2023

As part of the curriculum, I have completed Innovation/Societal/Entrepreneurship Internship

carried out at Don Bosco Institute of Technology from 3-11-23 to 23-11-23 .

The report includes a comprehensive analysis of the skills and knowledge acquired during the
internship period.

Biopesticides are formulations derived from naturally occurring compounds that manage pests
through non-toxic and environmentally favorable means. Being living organisms (natural
enemies) or products, biopesticides represent less of a risk to the environment and to human
health. Biopesticides, classified into three broad classes, are increasingly used in pest control,
and include semiochemicals, plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs), and compounds derived
from plants and microorganisms. Because of their advantages for the environment, target-
specificity, efficacy, biodegradability, and applicability in integrated pest management (IPM)
programs, biopesticides are gaining interest. Although biopesticides have seen significant
advances in market penetration, they still make up a relatively small fraction of pest
management solutions. Over 3000 tons are produced globally per annum, and this number is
rising rapidly. In India, biopesticides account for just 4.2% of the country’s total pesticide
market. Although the government has promoted the use of biopesticides by including them in
several agricultural programs, biopesticides face numerous difficulties at a local level, but are
predicted to expand at an astonishing 10% yearly pace.
Bio solarization is a simple, safe, and effective alternative to the chemical technologies. This
helps to avoid toxic and costly chemicals used under chemical-based options and discard the
requirement of lengthy crop rotation technique usually practiced for damaging soil-borne
pathogens and pests.

This technology provides good weed control, improve soil tilth, and increase availability of
essential plant nutrients besides toxicity reduction. Bio solarization may prove to be a useful
tool for producers, especially organic growers, to treat infested soil and control weeds because
of the prevalent higher summer temperatures and sunny days in this sub-continent.










Annexure: Societal Internship 31
Innovation/Societal/Entrepreneurship 21INT68



What are Biopesticides?

Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals,
plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. For example, canola oil and baking soda have pesticidal
applications and are considered biopesticides. As of August 31, 2020, there were 390
registered biopesticide active ingredients.

Fig 1.1 Biopesticides


Classes of Biopesticides
Biopesticides fall into three major classes:
1. Biochemical pesticides are naturally occurring substances that control pests by non-toxic
mechanisms. Conventional pesticides, by contrast, are generally synthetic materials that
directly kill or inactivate the pest. Biochemical pesticides include substances that interfere
with mating, such as insect sex pheromones, as well as various scented plant extracts that
attract insect pests to traps. Because it is sometimes difficult to determine whether a substance
meets the criteria for classification as a biochemical pesticide, EPA has established a special
committee to make such decisions.

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2. Microbial pesticides consist of a microorganism (e.g., a bacterium, fungus, virus or

protozoan) as the active ingredient. Microbial pesticides can control many different kinds of
pests, although each separate active ingredient is relatively specific for its target pest. For
example, there are fungi that control certain weeds and other fungi that kill specific insects.

The most widely used microbial pesticides are subspecies and strains of Bacillus thuringiensis,
or Bt. Each strain of this bacterium produces a different mix of proteins and specifically kills
one or a few related species of insect larvae. While some Bt ingredients control moth larvae
found on plants, other Bt ingredients are specific for larvae of flies and mosquitoes. The target
insect species are determined by whether the particular Bt produces a protein that can bind to
a larval gut receptor, thereby causing the insect larvae to starve.

3. Plant-Incorporated-Protectants (PIPs) are pesticidal substances that plants produce from

genetic material that has been added to the plant. For example, scientists can take the gene for
the Bt pesticidal protein and introduce the gene into the plant's own genetic material. Then the
plant, instead of the Bt bacterium, manufactures the substance that destroys the pest. The
protein and its genetic material, but not the plant itself, are regulated by EPA.

Biopesticide Application and Its Limitations

Biopesticides have proved to be a very positive alternative to chemical pesticides; however,

there is a long way to go before they can completely replace the other synthetic market. There
are several pieces of evidence for the success of pesticides against a wide range of crop plants.
However, it is not devoid of limitations.

 Availability of plant sources: the production of a biopesticide is dependent on the availability

of host plants in large quantities and their cultivation. Until now, these plants are grown for
food, medicine, etc. Moreover, engaging in commercial production will require huge land
areas, which are mostly all reserved for crop cultivation, hence the incapability of meeting the
correct applied dosage remains inappropriate.
 Formulation: this is challenging as more than one active compound with different chemical
properties can be derived from one plant. The extraction procedure requires the use of organic
solvents, which pollutes the environment through their disposal.

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 Shelf life: compared to their rate of biodegradability, they have a very short shelf life. This
has an impact on the cost of development, production methods, and inconsistency in their field
 Specificity: microbes form a very small portion of the entire pest community. Hence, these
microbial biopesticides are only effective in controlling a small portion of the pest population.
They are also slow in action compared to chemical pesticides.
 Efficacy: the effectiveness of microbial pesticides is susceptible to adverse climatic
conditions. The effect is reduced by heat, desiccation, UV light, etc. Hence, it is important to
precisely design the system of delivery. Moreover, they show mild toxicity to the pathogens
and are inferior to the efficacy of conventional pesticides.

What are the advantages of using biopesticides?

1. Biopesticides are usually inherently less toxic than conventional pesticides.
2. Biopesticides generally affect only the target pest and closely related organisms, in contrast to
broad spectrum, conventional pesticides that may affect organisms as different as birds,
insects and mammals.
3. Biopesticides often are effective in very small quantities and often decompose quickly,
resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the pollution problems caused by
conventional pesticides.
4. When used as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs, biopesticides can
greatly reduce the use of conventional pesticides, while crop yields remain high.
To use biopesticides effectively and safely, however, users need to know a great deal about

managing pests and must carefully follow all label directions.

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Fig 1.2 categories of biopesticides


What is Bio solarization and How Does It Work?

Biosolarization is an alternative technology to soil fumigation used in agriculture. It is

closely related to biofumigation and bio solarization, or the use of solar power to control
nematodes, bacteria, fungi and other pests that damage crops.In solarization, the soil is
mulched and covered with a tarp to trap solar radiation and heat the soil to a temperature that
kills pests. Biosolarization adds the use of organic amendments or compost to the soil before it
is covered with plastic, which speeds up the solarization process by decreasing the soil
treatment time through increased microbial activity.

Instead of toxic conventional pesticides, bio solarization uses solar heating and microbial
activity to create soil conditions that are lethal to many pests, but safe for humans. Bio
solarization is an effective alternative to soil fumigation that reduces toxic exposures for
agricultural workers and neighbouring communities, increases soil health and carbon
sequestration, and reduces greenhouse emissions by reusing food processing wastes. While
many factors affect the cost and effectiveness of bio solarization, the benefits to human health
and the health of the environment are invaluable.

The need for new sustainable agricultural techniques increases as well. The massive use of
modern disruptive techniques in agriculture such as chemical fertilization, fertigation,
excessive irrigation, use of chemical pesticides and others is causing both biotic stresses and
abiotic stresses soil salinity, heavy metal pollution, nitrogen deficiency, soil erosion and more
in the soil and on crops. Soils salinity is a rapidly growing global problem that necessitates
sustainable solutions to increase crop growth in harsh conditions for the maintaining of global
food security. Looking for alternative nitrogen sources is also an important mission as
chemical fertilizers are a major environmental problem. One of the techniques that is being
used to mitigate these problems is bio solarization. It was established as an alternative to
chemical soil fumigation to treat a broad spectrum of soil borne pathogens. It is done by
placing a clear plastic cover over the crop rows ahead of crop planting. The idea behind the
technique is to use the resulting heat caused by the greenhouse effect to elevate the soil
temperature to a level that can kill a large share of the soil borne pathogens and weeds.

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Although is a sustainable and environmentally friendly technique that is currently being used
around the world (mainly for growing strawberries and other high value crops it has several
pitfalls that prevent it from becoming more popular among farmers. The pitfalls are coming
from its passive nature, as it is completely dependent on the available solar radiation, which
demands a long duration of treatment and has a limited ability to control soil-borne pathogens
beneath the soil surface. To overcome these problems a modification of solarization is being
studied and implemented in the form of soil biosolarization.


Biosolarization offers several advantages, making it an attractive and eco-friendly method for
managing soilborne pests and diseases:

1.Environmentally Friendly:

Reduced Chemical Usage: It minimizes or eliminates the need for synthetic chemicals or
pesticides, promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to soil
treatment. Unlike many conventional methods that rely on synthetic pesticides or fumigants,
biosolarization reduces or eliminates the need for these chemicals. This minimizes potential
harmful effects on the environment, including water and air pollution, as well as negative
impacts on non-target organisms.

Use of Natural Resources:

Solar Energy: The primary energy source in biosolarization is sunlight. This method utilizes
the sun's heat to create a greenhouse effect under the plastic cover, raising soil temperatures
enough to combat pests and pathogens. This reduces reliance on external energy sources.

Organic Matter: Instead of synthetic chemicals, biosolarization relies on organic materials

such as compost or plant residues. These organic inputs enrich the soil, improve its structure,
and foster beneficial microbial activity without introducing harmful substances into the

2.Soil Health Improvement:

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The process encourages microbial activity, benefiting soil health by promoting the growth of
beneficial microorganisms that can suppress pathogens. By incorporating organic materials
like compost or plant residues, biosolarization enriches the soil with nutrients, improving its
overall fertility and structure. Biosolarization encourages the growth and activity of beneficial
soil microorganisms. These microbes contribute to soil health, nutrient cycling, and natural
disease suppression, promoting a balanced and resilient soil ecosystem. The incorporation of
organic matter enhances soil fertility, promoting healthier plant growth without degrading soil
quality or causing long-term harm to the environment.

3.Pest and Disease Management:

It can effectively control a wide range of soilborne pests, including nematodes, fungi, bacteria,
and weed seeds, reducing their populations and subsequent damage to plants. it helps suppress
various soilborne pathogens, thereby reducing the risk of diseases affecting plants.

4.Long-Term Sustainability:

By improving soil health and reducing the populations of harmful pests and pathogens without
chemical intervention, biosolarization supports sustainable agricultural practices. Since
biosolarization relies on natural processes and materials, it often results in fewer residual
effects on the environment, decreasing the risk of long-term soil or water contamination. It
aligns with sustainable agricultural practices by improving soil health and reducing reliance
on chemical interventions. Over time, biosolarization can contribute to a healthier, more
resilient soil ecosystem, potentially reducing the recurrence of certain pests and diseases.

5. Versatility and Adaptability:

Biosolarization can be applied to different types of crops and in various agricultural settings,
making it versatile in addressing soil health and pest management concerns across different
farming systems. Its relatively simple technique and use of readily available materials make
biosolarization accessible to a wide range of growers, including small-scale farmers and
gardeners. This accessibility encourages broader adoption of eco-friendly practices.

Increased Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

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Initial field trials in almond orchards demonstrated control of soil pests immediately following

Ongoing monitoring of these field sites has shown long-term benefits to soil health including
persistent pest suppression and elevated plant nutrient content.

Adding organic biomass into soil as part of biosolarization can lead to carbon sequestration in
the soil. Additionally, the life cycle assessment showed that, under certain conditions, using
food processing waste for biosolarization can reduce the overall greenhouse emissions
associated with soil disinfestation and management of food processing wastes.

6. Financial Practicality

The economics of biosolarization are nuanced and depend on the location, access to low-cost
amendments, existing field infrastructure, and other factors. In certain situations,
biosolarization can be cost competitive with fumigation. However, if the increases in soil
health and human health that are unique to this process are considered, the cost-benefit should
not be underestimated.


“Pesticides can contaminate soil, water, turf, and other vegetation. In addition to killing
insects or weeds, pesticides can be toxic to a host of other organisms including birds, fish,
beneficial insects, and non-target plants.”


Bio pesticides are living organisms which can intervene the life cycle of insect pests in such a
way that the crop damage is minimized. The agents employed as biopesticides, include
parasites, predators and disease-causing fungi, bacteria and viruses, which are the natural
enemies of pests. Bio solarization is technic used as an alternative for soil fumigation where
solar heat and microbial activities is used to kill the pathogens present in the soil and control
soil borne diseases.

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Natural biopesticides are derived from natural materials, such as plants, animals,
microorganisms, and minerals. These substances are used for pest management in agriculture
and other settings, offering a more environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides.
Various oils have been used for centuries to control insect and mite pests. Oils remain an
important tool to manage certain pest problems (e.g., scales, aphids, mites) on fruit trees,
shade trees and woody ornamental plants. Several oils like neem oil, vegetable oil, summer
oil, narrow-range oil, horticultural oil.

Instead of toxic conventional pesticides, bio solarization uses solar heating and microbial
activity to create soil conditions that are lethal to many pests, but safe for humans. Bio
solarization is an effective alternative to soil fumigation that reduces toxic exposures for
agricultural workers and neighbouring communities, increases soil health and carbon
sequestration, and reduces greenhouse emissions by reusing food processing wastes. While
many factors affect the cost and effectiveness of bio solarization, the benefits to human health
and the health of the environment are invaluable.

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Specific objectives of biopesticides

 Identify the relevant regulatory agencies for bio-pesticides management.

 Review government policies governing the process of registration.
 Investigate what the private sector and civil societies are doing to promote biopesticides, etc.,
 To study the seasonal abundance of rice BPH in relation to abiotic factors.
 To study the efficacy of never insecticides and bio-pesticides against brown plant hooper in
basmati rice.
 To evaluate the effect of the insecticides and bio pesticides on the spiders.
 To study about the cost benefit ratio of different treatments.

Specific objectives of bio solarization

 To optimize the efficiency of the weed control available tools.

 To establish cultivation techniques that control weeds, enhance soil quality, and evaluate the
effects of weed management systems.
 To utilize renewable energy and recycling mineral resources while decreasing the use of non-
renewable substances like pesticides.
 To save and improve the natural environment and its resources.
 To ensure farming operations' capacity to generate profit.
 To provide sufficient nutritious and secure food.
 To improve weed control technology, expertise, and ability in ways that are compatible with
environmental circumstances and capability.
 To avoid the application of pesticides in a way that threats the health and safety of farm
workers, animals, local communities, and society in general.

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1. “The Need of Sustainable Crop Protection in India: How an Unnoticed

Practice Could Support Pest Control” (2017)

This article explores the how to reduce accumulation of pesticide residues and develop
programs of crop protection in rural development. Bio solarization is effective method on
production, weeds, nematodes, and pathogenic microorganisms.

2. “Less toxic insecticides” (2019)

This publication gives how a good pest management plan will be preventative, cultural, and
non-chemical. Organic insecticides are often less damaging to the environment. Organic
pesticides like soaps/oils such as Neem oil, Horticulture oil, Limonene, Insecticidal Soaps etc.

3. “Natural toxins for use in pest management Toxins” (2010)

Pesticide needs and the pesticide industry are changing. There is a growing requirement to
produce more toxicologically and environmentally benign pesticides, and natural products
often fill this need. Natural toxins are used in weed management, pest management, plant
pathogen management. Hence these products represent only a small fraction of compounds
that have been patented for pesticides use.

4. “Soil Solarization, A non-Chemical Method of Pest Control” (2014)

This book gives the insights of bio solarization that is simple, safe, and effective alternative to
the chemical technologies. In India, effective management strategies are lacking for common
soil borne diseases this method is very efficient in killing soil pathogens and it also control
wees because of the prevalent higher summer temperatures and sunny days in India.

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5. “Soil solarization: An effective method to control pest, diseases and weeds

of vegetable crops” (2022)
This paper publication gives how soil solarization is used in controlling weed growth and it is
simple, reliable, economical, and environmentally friendly. It is flexible for both agricultural
chemicals and biological control agents for a wide range. Serves as substitute for herbicide,
fumigant, and other pesticide treatments.

6. “Farmers, consumers and ecology fall prey to pesticides” (2019)

This newspaper article gives how pesticides are affecting the health of farmers because of
spraying pesticides. It also gives the statics of how much pesticides are consumed in
Pesticide poisoning may induce multisystem toxicity. A majority of farmers depend on
agrochemical dealers from seeds to market and even for finance so the have one step solution
that is to buy pesticides. This should be avoided to prevent farmers from getting affected by
the use of pesticides.

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Fig 3.1 Natural biopesticides

Companion planting is another essential strategy in pest control. It involves choosing plants
that will be good neighbours to one another—improving environmental conditions, attracting
beneficial creatures, and/or repelling, confusing, or distracting certain pest species to keep
their companions safe.

(I) Vegetable Oil Spray

Fig 3.2 vegetable oil

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A homemade insecticide made from vegetable oil mixed with a mild soap can have a
devastating effect on certain troublesome insects, such as aphids, mites, thrips, etc.

To make a basic oil spray insecticide, mix one cup of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of
soap, and then when ready to apply, add two teaspoons of the oil spray, mix with one quart of
water, shake thoroughly, and spray directly on the surfaces of the plants which are being
affected by the pests.

The oil coats the bodies of the insects, effectively suffocating them, 1 as it blocks the pores
through which they breathe.

(II) Soap Spray

Fig 3.3 soap spray

A very similar homemade pesticide to the oil spray is a soap spray, which is also effective for
controlling spider mites, aphids, scale crawlers, mealybugs, whiteflies, beetles, and other
hungry insects.

To make a basic soap spray insecticide, mix one and one-half teaspoons of mild liquid soap
(again, Castille soap is good here, as it's gentle and all-natural) with one quart of water, and
spray the mixture directly on the infected surfaces of the plants.

A soap spray insecticide works in a similar fashion as an oil spray pesticide and can be applied
as necessary.

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(III) Neem Oil Spray

Fig 3.4 neem oil

An oil extracted from the seeds of the neem tree is a powerful natural insecticide, capable of
disrupting the life cycle of insects at all stages (adult, larvae, and egg), making it a great
resource for the organic gardener. Neem oil acts as a hormone disruptor and as an
"antifeedant" for insects that feed on leaves and other plant parts.

Neem oil is biodegradable and is nontoxic to pets, birds, fish, and other wildlife, and is
effective against a variety of common garden insect pests, as well as being a natural fungicide
that can combat powdery mildew and other fungal infections on plants. 3 It can be found at
many garden stores or natural foods markets.

To use neem oil as an insecticide, either follow the instructions on the bottle, or start out with
a basic mixture of two teaspoons neem oil and one teaspoon of mild liquid soap shaken
thoroughly with one quart of water, and then sprayed on the affected plant foliage. Neem oil
can also be used preventatively by spraying the leaves of plants that are often ravaged by
pests, before they're actually infested.

When sufficiently dilute and not concentrated directly into their area of habitat or on their food
source, neem oil is not known to be harmful to mammals, birds, earthworms or some
beneficial insects such as butterflies, honeybees and ladybugs. It can be used as a household
pesticide for ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, houseflies, sand flies, snails, termites and
mosquitoes both as a repellent and as a larvicide.

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(IV) Diatomaceous Earth

Fig 3.5 diatomaceous earth

This natural substance with a somewhat unwieldy name is made from a sedimentary rock
created by fossilized algae (diatoms), and which is a rather abundant resource (diatomaceous
arth is said to make up 26 percent of the earth's crust by weight).

Diatomaceous earth has a number of uses in and around the home, and acting as a natural
insecticide is just one of them. This material works not by poisoning or smothering the insects,
but instead by virtue of its abrasive qualities and its affinity for absorbing the lipids (a waxy
substance) from insects' exoskeleton, which then dehydrates them.

Diatomaceous earth is often available at garden stores, although many times only in large
bags, so if you've got a small yard, consider splitting it with a neighbour. To apply, simply dust
the ground around your plants or even sprinkle it on the foliage, where it will help control
snails and slugs as well as other crawling insects. Due to its dried nature, in order to be an
effective natural pesticide, diatomaceous earth needs to be reapplied after every rain.

Diatomaceous earth is used in chemistry as a filtration aid, to increase flow rate, and filter
very fine particles that would otherwise pass through or clog filter paper. It is also used to
filter water, particularly in the drinking water treatment process and in fish tanks, and other
liquids, such as beer and wine. It can also filter syrups, sugar, and honey without removing or
altering their colour, taste, or nutritional properties.

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(V) Garlic Spray

Fig 3.6 garlic spray

Garlic is well-known for its pungent aroma, which is delectable to some and yet repellent to
others, and it is this strong scent that comes into play when used as a natural insecticide.
Actually, it's not really clear if garlic spray and Chile spray are actually insecticides or are
more likely insect repellents, but either way, these common kitchen ingredients can be used to
knock down, or even knock out, insect infestations in the garden.

To make a basic garlic spray, take two whole bulbs (not just two cloves) and puree them in a
blender or food processor with a small amount of water. Let the mixture sit overnight, then
strain it into a quart jar, adding one-half cup of vegetable oil, one teaspoon of mild liquid soap,
and enough water to fill the jar. To use this homemade insecticide, use one cup of mixture
with one quart of water and spray liberally on infested plants.

To make it, puree one bulb of garlic and one small onion, add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper
powder and let steep for an hour. Strain the mixture and add one tablespoon of liquid soap and
mix well. To apply this homemade insecticide, spray it full-strength onto both the upper
surface of the leaves, as well as the undersides, and store the remainder in the refrigerator for
up to a week if desired.

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(V) Chile Pepper Spray

Fig 3.7 chilly spray

Similar to garlic spray, Chile pepper spray is a great homemade natural insect repellent that
can be used for a variety of different pests. Chile spray can be made from either fresh hot
peppers or Chile pepper powder.

To make a basic Chile spray from pepper powder, mix one tablespoon of Chile powder with
one quart of water and several drops of mild liquid soap. This mixture can be used full-
strength on the leaves of affected plants. To make Chile spray from fresh Chile peppers, blend
or puree one-half cup of peppers with one cup of water, then add one quart of water and bring
to a boil. Let sit until cooled, then strain out the Chile material, add several drops of liquid
soap to it and spray as desired.

(VI) All-in-One Homemade Spray

Fig 3.8 homemade spray

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From the folks at Rodale's Organic Life comes this all-in-one DIY natural insecticide, which
is said to be a combination of many different recipes submitted by readers.

To make it, puree one bulb of garlic and one small onion, add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper
powder and let steep for an hour. Strain the mixture and add one tablespoon of liquid soap and
mix well. To apply this homemade insecticide, spray it full-strength onto both the upper
surface of the leaves, as well as the undersides, and store the remainder in the refrigerator for
up to a week if desired.

(VI) Tomato Leaf Spray

Fig 3.9 tomato leaf spray

Tomato plants are part of the nightshade family, and as such, contain alkaloids such as the
aptly named "tomatine," which can effectively control aphids and other insects. To make
tomato leaf spray for a natural insecticide, chop two cups of fresh tomato leaves into one quart
of water, and let steep overnight. Strain out the plant material and spray onto plant foliage.

Although there are many more natural pesticides available, such milky spore, nicotine
(extracted as a tea from bulk tobacco), pyrethrum (derived from a variety of daisy), and iron
phosphate (a natural mineral toxic to slugs and snails), the above natural and homemade
insecticide recipes should give

you a good starting point for creating your own version. Every organic gardener seems to have
their own particular blend and ratio of ingredients, so by paying close attention to the effects
of a specific recipe, it's possible to modify it to best suit your own insect battles.

Just remember, killing off all of the insects in your garden is not the desired result here, as any
healthy ecosystem requires an abundance of beneficial insects, microbes, and fungi, both in

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the soil and on the plants themselves, so encouraging other predatory insects (ladybugs,
praying mantis, etc.) and creating good habitat for them, as well as building soil fertility, can
also be an effective pest management approach.

(V) Marigold extract

Fig 3.10 intermediate cropping

 Marigold which is considered to be a traditional medicinal plant, as major chemical

component called limonene this has significant therapeutic value and is used in treatment of a
number of ailments.
 This study investigated the potential use of marigold flower aqueous flower extract by spaying
method on tomato plants on a weekly basis and the data of growth, yield and disease of
tomato pants were observed from 10th day onwards under field condition.
 The marigold flower extract showed significant increase in shoot height, number of branches,
number of leaves, number of buds, number of flowers and number of fruits of tomato plant,
while significant reduction in various diseases of tomato plants over control at probability
level ***p<0.001.
 The percentage of reduction of disease was calculated after the spray of marigold flower
aqueous extract on plants. It also reduces whitefly population on tomato plant.
 Biopesticides and biosolarization are eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practices that
offer effective alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides and traditional soil management

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 Biopesticides target specific pests with minimal harm to the environment, promoting
integrated pest management and reducing chemical residues. Biosolarization harnesses solar
energy and organic materials to control soilborne pathogens and pests, although it has
limitations in terms of climate dependence and effectiveness.

Both practices contribute to environmentally responsible farming, but their success depends
on careful implementation and consideration of specific crop and soil conditions.


Benefits of using biopesticides include:

 In addition to controlling pests and diseases, they produce little toxic residue, and are of
minimal risk to human health.
 Many biopesticides have a zero or low re-entry and handling interval.
 Some microbial biopesticides can reproduce on or near to the target pest / disease, giving
some self-perpetuating control.
 As alternatives to conventional chemical pesticides, they can help reduce the selection
pressure for the evolution of pesticide resistance in pest populations.
 The risk of pests and disease developing resistance to biopesticides is often considered to be
 They often have good compatibility both with biological pest control agents (natural enemies)
and conventional chemical pesticides, so can be readily incorporated into IPM programmes.


 A slower rate of control and often a lower efficacy and shorter persistence compared to
conventional pesticides.
 Greater susceptibility to adverse environmental conditions.
 Greater level of knowledge required by the grower o use them effectively.

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Fig 3.11 bio solarisation

Materials needed:

Plastic sheets: clear plastic sheets (preferably transparent) to cover the soil.

Organic material: compost, fresh plant residues, or any organic material that can enhance
soil health and encourage microbial activity.

Water: sufficient water to moisten the soil.

Prepare the soil:

Clear the area of any debris or existing plant material.

Till or loosen the soil to a depth of about 6-8 inches to ensure good mixing of organic

Apply organic material:

Spread the organic material (compost, fresh plant residues) evenly across the soil surface.

Incorporate the organic material into the topsoil by lightly tilling or raking it in. This ensures
better microbial activity and decomposition.

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Moisten the soil: Water the soil thoroughly to ensure that the organic material is moist but not
overly saturated.

Cover with plastic sheets:

Cover the treated soil area completely with clear plastic sheets. Ensure the plastic is in direct
contact with the soil surface and is tightly sealed around the edges to prevent heat loss.

Seal and secure:

Bury the edges of the plastic sheets with soil or secure them with rocks, boards, or other heavy
objects to prevent them from blowing away.

Expose to sunlight:

Leave the plastic sheets in place for several weeks, preferably during warm, sunny periods.
Solar energy heats the soil under the plastic, creating a greenhouse effect.


Check the moisture level periodically. The soil should remain moist during the process. If
necessary, water the soil lightly to maintain the desired moisture level.


The duration of bio solarization typically ranges from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on various
factors like soil temperature, the intensity of sunlight, and the targeted pests or pathogens.

Removal of plastic:

After the recommended duration, remove the plastic sheets and allow the soil to cool and
aerate for a few days before planting.


Monitor the soil health and the suppression of pests or diseases after planting. Sometimes
multiple treatments might be necessary for effective control.

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The success of bio solarization can vary based on soil conditions, weather, and the specific
pests or diseases you're targeting. It's also essential to research and adapt the method to suit
your specific gardening or farming needs.

Instead of toxic conventional pesticides, bio solarization uses solar heating and microbial
activity to create soil conditions that are lethal to many pests, but safe for humans.

The organic matter amendments encourage rapid growth of natural biopesticides and other
pest-inactivating conditions that temporarily reduce oxygen levels in the soil while
producing organic acids from fermentation. While these acids may be deadly for pests, they
are generally far less toxic than conventional fumigants, which benefits agricultural workers,

neighbouring communities, and the environment.


Plastic mulch for solarisation:

In general, all types of transparent polyethylene (PE) sheets commonly used in agriculture are
appropriate for solarization purposes. Out of the total solar radiation received on the surface of
the PE, part of it is transmitted through PE’s surface based on its chemical and physical
properties such as thickness, colour and wavelength transmission, UV protection, absorbed by
the soil surface and transformed to conserve heat.

The PE largely prevents the escape of long-waves radiation and water evaporation from the
soil to the atmosphere, consequently exerts greenhouse effect. In addition, the water vapours
accumulated on the inner surface of the PE sheet enhance the greenhouse effect, resulting in
higher soil temperature (ST). Black PE, absorbs most of the solar radiation and transmit a very
little, thus heating effect is less when compared to transparent PE.Thin PE is economically
cheaper and reflects less radiation than the thicker sheet, resulting in a slight increase in ST
but it deteriorates faster than the thicker layer under field conditions.

Clear, UV-stabilized plastic (polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride) sheet of 0.00127 cm (0.5

mil) to 0.00762 cm thick, flexible enough to stretch across the soil surface is used for
solarisation. The double-tent technique, in which the soil is mulched with two layers of PE

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(with a space of 3 to 7 cm between the sheets), increases soil temperature by an additional

10ºC when compared to a single-layer solarization.

During last decade, alternative technologies to PE have been proposed such as soil mulching
with sprayable polymers, or the use of paraffin-wax emulsion as a mulching material.

However, their cost-effectiveness and efficacy were not studied in detail, particularly when
combined with the common PE mulching. When PE is used, the edges of the sheets must be
buried 13 to 15 cm (5 to 6 inches) deep in the soil to prevent wind from blowing or tearing the
sheet. For effective solarization, the sheet edges should be made airtight by putting soil on the
edge of sheet and pressing by foot.

Thinner sheets (0.5 to 1 mil) are less costly, but they tear or puncture more easily. Damage to
thinner plastic by birds and self-shattering from UV light are detrimental and causes failure of
the treatment. It has been noticed that 1.5 mm plastic sheet is better than 1 mm plastic sheet as
thick plastic sheets are less prone to damages from birds and self-shattering.

Thicker plastic sheets (2 or more mils) should be used where damage is likely from high
winds or similar problems. Holes or tears must be patched with duct tape immediately to
prevent heat loss. Care should be taken not to mix soils from non-solarized area into solarized
area because of probable contamination of the solarized soil with pathogens and viable weed

Soil preparation:

Fine textured soil should be prepared, so that moist air can penetrate small soil particles and
pores, and reach to the areas where soilborne pathogens are located. The soil to be solarized
must be loose and friable with no large clods or other debris on the soil surface. A rotary hoe
or rototiller will eliminate clods and other debris which create air pockets, slow down soil
heating and helps to keep the sheet fitted tightly on the soil surface. A clean, flat surface will
prevent the puncturing of thin plastic sheet mulched by debris. Thus, good soil preparation
leads to a smooth soil surface facilitates, plastic mulching and prevents tearing.

Soil moisture:

The degree of killing of soil-borne organisms during solarization depends on soil moisture,
soil temperature and exposure time. Soil moisture is a critical variable in bio solarization

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because it makes organisms more sensitive to heat and also transfers heat to living organisms
(including weed seeds) in soil.

The success of bio solarization depends on moisture for maximum heat transfer. Heat transfer
increases with increase in. soil moisture. Soil moisture Favors cellular activities and growth of
soil-borne microorganisms and weed seeds, thereby making them more vulnerable to the
lethal effects of high soil temperatures.

The interaction between temperature and soil moisture brings about cycling of water in soil
during bio solarization. As the bio solarization effect penetrates deeper in the soil, the
movement of moisture becomes more pronounced, changing the distribution of salts and
improving the tilth of the soil and a reduction in soil salinity.

A drip irrigation line under plastic mulch to maintain moisture levels, flood-irrigation in the
adjacent furrows, or irrigation before mulching may be enough to keep good moisture inside
the soil throughout the period. Soil moisture improves temperature conductivity in soil and the
sensitivity of microorganisms to toxic agents.

Advantages of bio solarization:

Bio solarization offers several advantages, making it an attractive and eco-friendly method for
managing soilborne pests and diseases:

1.Environmentally Friendly:

Reduced Chemical Usage: It minimizes or eliminates the need for synthetic chemicals or
pesticides, promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to soil
treatment. Unlike many conventional methods that rely on synthetic pesticides or fumigants,
bio solarization reduces or eliminates the need for these chemicals. This minimizes potential
harmful effects on the environment, including water and air pollution, as well as negative
impacts on non-target organisms.

Use of Natural Resources:

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Solar Energy: The primary energy source in bio solarization is sunlight. This method utilizes
the sun's heat to create a greenhouse effect under the plastic cover, raising soil temperatures
enough to combat pests and pathogens. This reduces reliance on external energy sources.

Organic Matter: Instead of synthetic chemicals, bio solarization relies on organic materials
such as compost or plant residues. These organic inputs enrich the soil, improve its structure,
and foster beneficial microbial activity without introducing harmful substances into the

2.Soil Health Improvement:

The process encourages microbial activity, benefiting soil health by promoting the growth of
beneficial microorganisms that can suppress pathogens. By incorporating organic materials
like compost or plant residues, bio solarization enriches the soil with nutrients, improving its
overall fertility and structure. Bio solarization encourages the growth and activity of
beneficial soil microorganisms. These microbes contribute to soil health, nutrient cycling, and
natural disease suppression, promoting a balanced and resilient soil ecosystem. The
incorporation of organic matter enhances soil fertility, promoting healthier plant growth
without degrading soil quality or causing long-term harm to the environment.

3.Pest and Disease Management:

It can effectively control a wide range of soilborne pests, including nematodes, fungi,
bacteria, and weed seeds, reducing their populations and subsequent damage to plants. it helps
suppress various soilborne pathogens, thereby reducing the risk of diseases affecting plants.

4.Long-Term Sustainability:

By improving soil health and reducing the populations of harmful pests and pathogens without
chemical intervention, bio solarization supports sustainable agricultural practices. Since bio
solarization relies on natural processes and materials, it often results in fewer residual effects
on the environment, decreasing the risk of long-term soil or water contamination. It aligns
with sustainable agricultural practices by improving soil health and reducing reliance on
chemical interventions. Over time, bio solarization can contribute to a healthier, more resilient
soil ecosystem, potentially reducing the recurrence of certain pests and diseases.

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5. Versatility and Adaptability:

Bio solarization can be applied to different types of crops and in various agricultural settings,
making it versatile in addressing soil health and pest management concerns across different
farming systems.

Its relatively simple technique and use of readily available materials make bio solarization
accessible to a wide range of growers, including small-scale farmers and gardeners. This
accessibility encourages broader adoption of eco-friendly practices.

6.Increased Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

Initial field trials in almond orchards demonstrated control of soil pests immediately following
bio solarization.

Ongoing monitoring of these field sites has shown long-term benefits to soil health including
persistent pest suppression and elevated plant nutrient content.

Adding organic biomass into soil as part of bio solarization can lead to carbon sequestration in
the soil. Additionally, the life cycle assessment showed that, under certain conditions, using
food processing waste for bio solarization can reduce the overall greenhouse emissions
associated with soil disinfestation and management of food processing wastes.

7.Financial Practicality
The economics of bio solarization are nuanced and depend on the location, access to low-cost
amendments, existing field infrastructure, and other factors. In certain situations, bio
solarization can be cost competitive with fumigation. However, if the increases in soil health
and human health that are unique to this process are considered, the cost-benefit should not be


Bio solarization is a simple, safe, and effective alternative to the chemical technologies. This
helps to avoid toxic and costly chemicals used under chemical-based options and discard the
requirement of lengthy crop rotation technique usually practiced for damaging soil-borne
pathogens and pests. This technology provides good weed control, improve soil tilth, and
increase availability of essential plant nutrients besides toxicity reduction. In India, effective

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management strategies are lacking for common soilborne problems such as replant problems,
Phytophthora and nematode diseases in fruit crops, damping off and wilt diseases in
vegetables, and bacterial and fungal diseases in commercial crops like onion.

Bio solarization may prove to be a useful tool for producers, especially organic growers, to
treat infested soil and control weeds because of the prevalent higher summer temperatures and
sunny days in this sub-continent. Soil mulching is a well-known practice, used to increase the
productivity of crops by modifying the soil hydrothermal environment to enhance plant
development and growth. Bio solarization is an application of soil mulching (thin and
transparent plastic) to increase soil temperatures to levels that are lethal to disease causing
microorganisms in economically important crops.

Its effects on many crops such as artichokes, bell pepper, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant, garlic,
melon, onion, potato, strawberry, sweet potato and tomato, have been studied in details.

Limitations of bio solarization:

The major constraints in practical adaptation of bio solarization are relatively long duration of
the process and the climatic dependency. Bio solarization as a non-chemical method for weed
management is proven to be more cost-effective and profitable, especially in high-income

Technological innovations, such as mulching the soil with sprayable polymers or using a
variety of PE sheets or other mulch techniques, will facilitate the application and use of bio
solarization in agriculture. These facilitations should result in reduced mulch duration, a
broader range of controlled weeds, improved persistency of the PE sheets, decreased PE
pollution and a significant decrease in the total economic cost of mulching.

However, in addition to the favourable effects of bio solarization, there are also unfavourable

(i) The soil is occupied for at least one month with the mulch.
(ii) Although cheaper than most chemicals used for soil fumigation, not all crops can afford the
PE prices.

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(iii) It is difficult to protect the PE sheets from damage caused by wind and animals.
(iv) There is no full environmentally accepted disposal solution for the used PE
(v) Not all soil-borne pests and weeds are sufficiently controlled.


Biopesticides and bio solarization are eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practices that
offer effective alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides and traditional soil management
methods. Biopesticides target specific pests with minimal harm to the environment, promoting
integrated pest management and reducing chemical residues. Bio solarization harnesses solar
energy and organic materials to control soilborne pathogens and pests, although it has
limitations in terms of climate dependence and effectiveness. Both practices contribute to
environmentally responsible farming, but their success depends on careful implementation
and consideration of specific crop and soil conditions. Biopesticides offer a promising and
eco-friendly alternative in modern agriculture. They are derived from natural materials, such
as plants, bacteria, or minerals, and have shown effectiveness in managing pests while
minimizing harm to the environment, non-target organisms, and human health. These products
often have lower persistence in the environment compared to conventional chemical
pesticides, reducing the risk of residual effects.

However, despite their advantages, biopesticides and bio solarization might face limitations in
terms of efficacy against certain pests or diseases, shorter shelf life, and sometimes higher
costs compared to synthetic pesticides. Additionally, their modes of action can be diverse,
requiring a deeper understanding of their application methods and optimal usage.

Overall, while biopesticides and bio solarization present a promising avenue for sustainable
agriculture, further research, innovation, and education are essential to maximize their
efficacy, improve formulations, and integrate them effectively into farming practices for a
more balanced and environmentally friendly approach to pest management in agriculture

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[1] Harsimran K. Gill, Iqbal S. Aujla, Luigi De Bellis, and Andrea Luvisi,
“The Need of Sustainable Crop Protection in India” 2017 Sep 1.

[2] Karen Russ, Former HGIC Horticulture Specialist, Clemson University, “Less toxic
insecticides”, February 8, 2019.

[3] Duke SO, Cantrell CL, Meep gala KM, Wedge DE, Tabanca N, Schrader KK, “Natural toxins
for use in pest management Toxins (Basel)” ,2010, volume 2, page 8.

[4] Pragati Pramanik and Aniruddha Maity, “Soil Solarization, A non-Chemical Method of Pest
Control”, “Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012”, August 2014, Indian
Farming, volume 64(5), page 24–28.

[5] Mamidi Vaishnavi Reddy and Dipika Mal, “Soil solarization: An effective method to control
pest, diseases and weeds of vegetable crops”, “School of Agriculture, Domain of Horticulture,
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara”, 2022, Indian Farmer Volume 9, Issue 11, Pg 511-
“Vaishnavi soil solarization.pdf (”

[6] Anitha Pailoor, “Farmers, consumers and ecology fall prey to pesticides”, Nov 10 2019.

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Visit To Government School

Sarkari Hiriya Prarthamika Shaale (Heggadagere, Bidadi)

On the 4th of December 2023, at 2 PM, our group embarked on a heartwarming journey to
the primary government school. It was an initiative orchestrated by our college, a task that
aimed to engage with the students and contribute to their educational journey. As we
stepped onto the school grounds, a mix of enthusiasm and nervous anticipation enveloped
us - we were there to teach, interact, and engage with young, eager minds.

Our mission was crystal clear: spend a meaningful two hours teaching various subjects and
involving the students in interactive activities. We had meticulously planned a spectrum of
lessons encompassing Mathematics, English, Kannada, and General Knowledge. Each of
us took charge of a subject, ensuring an informative and engaging session for the students.

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The mathematics class commenced promptly, introducing basic arithmetic in a friendly and
approachable manner. Utilizing vibrant visuals and simplified examples, we made addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division an enjoyable learning experience. The twinkle in
the students' eyes as they grasped these concepts was incredibly gratifying.

Transitioning to English, we aimed to enrich their vocabulary and bolster their

communication skills. Engaging them in storytelling sessions, we encouraged free
expression in English, fostering confidence in their language abilities. The classroom
brimmed with excitement as we explored new words and phrases together.

Teaching Kannada, the local language, provided an avenue to celebrate culture and
heritage. We delved into Kannada literature, sharing captivating stories and poems.
Witnessing their eagerness to delve deeper into their language and culture was truly

The General Knowledge session was a whirlwind journey through captivating facts and
trivia. From geography to historical events, the students actively participated, absorbing
every nugget of information shared.

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Post the enriching classes, we transitioned to a more playful segment of the day. Musical
chairs brought contagious laughter and joy, breaking barriers between us and the students.
It was heartening to witness the children revel in such a simple yet joyous game, forging
connections beyond the classroom.

As the day drew to a close, we distributed pencils and chocolates to the students. The
excitement and gratitude shimmered in their eyes. It was a small gesture, but the happiness
it brought was immeasurable.

Our visit to the primary government school transcended the realm of mere academic
lessons; it was about creating an environment where learning was delightful and
memorable. The bonds we formed with the students, the shared moments of laughter and
learning, painted a beautiful collage of memories.

Leaving the school premises, we were filled with a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. The
experience taught us more than we could have fathomed. It unveiled the power of
education, the joy of giving, and the profound impact a small act of kindness can have on
impressionable minds.

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Reflecting on the day, our visit wasn't just a task allocated by our college; it was a soul-
enriching expedition that touched our hearts and inspired us to continue contributing to
society in every way possible. The laughter, the eager faces, and the shared moments of
knowledge exchange will forever linger in our memories, a testament to the profound joy
in giving back to the community.

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