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Timing of entrances and exits is crucial. Priestley uses this to increase dramatic tension,
particularly through the use of dramatic irony. For example, the Inspector arrives
immediately after Birling has told Gerald about his impending knighthood and about how "a
man has to look after himself and his own." Sheila runs off stage when she realises she is the
reason Eva was sacked – this creates an intense atmosphere. Sheila and Gerald are left
alone to discuss Daisy Renton - this draws information out for audience. Eric’s
reappearance at the end of Act 2 just at the moment when the audience and the characters
on stage realise that Eric is the father of Eva Smith’s baby. Inspector’s dramatic exit with his
final message left hanging in the air: emphasises his message to both characters and

Act 1
On stage at beginning: all Birlings and Gerald

Inspector’s entrance when Mr Birling, Gerald and Eric are on stage > Mr Birling’s interrogation

 Stage directions: “We hear the sharp ring of a front door bell. BIRLING stops to listen.”
This interrupts Mr Birling’s pompous speech to Gerald and Eric.

Sheila runs out

Stage directions: “She looks at it [photograph] closely, recognises it with a little cry, gives a half
stifled sob, and then runs out.”

Mr Birling’s exit to find Sheila and Mrs Birling

BIRLING: “We were having a nice little family celebration tonight. And a nasty mess you’ve made of
it now, haven’t you?”

Sheila re-enters > Sheila’s interrogation > Eric and Inspector go to drawing room > Sheila and
Gerald on stage alone

Inspector re-enters

Stage directions: “The door slowly opens and the INSPECTOR appears, looking steadily and
searchingly at them.

END OF ACT 1 [On stage: Inspector, Sheila, Gerald]

Act 2
On stage: Inspector, Gerald, Sheila

Mrs Birlings’s entrance

Stage directions: “MRS BIRLING enters, briskly and self-confidently, quite out of key”

Mr Birling enters > Gerald’s interrogation > Sheila hands back Gerald the ring

Gerald’s exit

Stage directions: “They watch him go in silence. We hear the front door slam.”

Door slams again and family think it’s Gerald returning, but it’s Eric leaving > Birling goes to find
out and then returns > Mrs Birling’s interrogation

Eric’s return

BIRLING: “Look, Inspector, you’re not trying to tell us that – that my boy – is mixed up in this - ?”

Stage directions: “Eric enters, looking extremely pale and distressed. He meets their inquiring stares.
Curtain falls quickly.”

END OF ACT 2 [On stage: all Birlings and Inspector]

Act 3
On stage: all Birlings and Inspector

Sheila and Mrs Birling exit > Eric’s interrogation > Sheila and Mrs Birling re-enter > Birlings argue

Inspector’s exit

INSPECTOR: “We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each
other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they
will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Good night.”

Stage directions: “He walks straight out, leaving them staring, subdued and wondering.”

Birlings discuss > Gerald returns > Birling makes telephone call to Constable Roberts > Birlings and
Gerald discuss > Gerald makes telephone call to infirmary > Birlings discuss > Telephone call from

Final curtain falls

Stage directions: “As they stare, guiltily and dumbfounded, the curtain falls.”


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