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Medical Research

Q-1: What is cause of MALARIA
and how it is transmitted to human beings?

Name: Noushad Yasir

Class: 3
I’D: 106



Malaria is one of the oldest known

diseases, with evidence suggesting its existence in

ancient civilizations. Genetic studies indicate that
malaria likely originated in Africa.
Malaria is a life threatning disease
and has major outbreaks in history like one in
Singapore at 1976-1982. The malaria still one of
the most common disease in world.One estimate,
which has been published in a 2002 Nature article,
claims that malaria may have killed 50-60 billion
people throughout history, or about half of all
humans that have ever lived.
So it is important to know Cause and
prevention of malaria.
Some Symptoms and how to prevent it

SYMPTOMS: How to Prevent Malaria

There are some
symptoms of MALRIA The main coarse of
which are given below spreading is mosquitoes
1-Headache bites so
2-Muscle aches 1-Avoid mosquito bites
3-Tiredness 2-Use mosquito nets.
4-Nausea and vomiting 3-Wear protective clothing
5-Diarrhea 4-Use window screens
6-Abdominal pain 5-Avoid high mosquito
7-Rapid breathing activity
8-Rapid heart rate
These observations are been taken into
account for making hypothesis
1-The patient of Malaria disease experienced
recurring attack of chills and fevers
2-The disease was more common in people
who lived in marshy places
3-When some volunteers drank water from
these marshes they didn’t develop malaria.
4-Peoples who slept open places suffered
more from malaria then who slept indoors.
5-Individuals who slept near smoky area not
get malaria.
Observation On Scientific Basis:
According to our thinking that marshes are the main
part from where the malaria started. These marshes
polute the air which is called “BAD AIR” when people
breath in this air they got Malaria.
But those observations are not very effective. But
we all know that there are microorganisms which are
responsible for transmission of several hundereds
disease se we just studied the blood of malarial patient
under microscope and noticed some micro organisms in
the blood. Thus we named the micro organism as
This lead to many different Hypothesis by
due to the discovery of plasmodium of PLASMODIUM.
On the basis of our’s observation so we
developed two different hypotheseis i.e

Deduction from hypothesis:


Deduction from Hypothesis:

For Hypothesis 1 we made an experiment
given below to test the hypothesis
1-We examined 100 malarial patient under
microscope and termed as Experimental group.
2-Also examined blood of 100 normal persons
which they termed as control group.

It is observed that all the malarial

patient have PLASMODIUM in their blood and
healthy persons blood was free of PLASMODIUM.
Thus Hypothesis were been supported by the
For Hypothesis 2 these experiments
were taken out
1-In first we allowed a female Culex mosquito to bite a
sparrow suffering from malaria. We then killed some of
the mosquitoes and studied them. We found that
Plasmodium multiplied in the walls of the mosquito's
stomach and then moved into the mosquito's salivary
2-We then allowed infected mosquitoes to bite healthy
sparrows.We found that these healthy sparrows got
malaria. When we examined the blood of these previously
healthy sparrows, we found many Plasmodium in it.
Thus these hypothesis were been proved by
these experiments.
As the experiments proved these two
hypothesis. So in this way we had got the
solution of 2 biological Questions
(Problems) which was
1-Which is the cause of Malaria and
2-How Malaria has been transfered through
human beings.

Important thing is that in Human the

carrier of plasmodium is female ANAPHELES
mosquitoes while in sparrows it is caused by
CULEX mosquitoes.


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