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ISLE OF THE DARK miles Northwest of Starry Lake Town.

One of
the boats unfortunately sank, the goblins
unable to swim, but the corpses floated
WIZARD towards the shore and more goblins were sent
to retrieve them. They are spotted by the PCs,
and killed. The PCs see they are branded with
the symbol of Hazsharad the Dark, called that
Dark Shadows Rising – Part 1 for the dark shadows he commanded and his
power over death: he was one of the most
Welcome to the first adventure in the powerful necromancers of his age and used to
Campaign Dark Shadows Rising, designed live on the Isle and spread his influence from
using the Open Game Licence (OGL) for the there. The PCs discover (they see dirt stains

fifth edition of the greatest game in the world, and scraps of burial cloth etc.) that they were
in a unique campaign setting. This adventure only recently exhumed, and there is a chance
is based on, expands upon and updates to the they catch the disease Ringfever. Kendel the
podcast “THACO and Things” by innkeeper recognises one of the corpses as
PaperSwordPodcasting @PaperSwordPod and Michek, an older man buried only a week ago;

is designed for 4-6 1st level adventurers, but is Kendel suggests that the PCs should take the
easily adjustable for a differing number of corpses back to the graveyard but should first
players or levels (we do suggest that the see the local cleric, Priest Markel. Markel will
maximum level for commencing this adventure heal the players of any Ring Fever disease sing
is 2nd so that the same types of monsters can Less and also their wounds if asked.
be used). A balanced party is always
preferable, but the adventure should work At the graveyard the gravedigger Old Keb is
with any mix of characters. found barricaded in his hut, and needs
e convincing to come out. He was overrun by
goblins but “kept them at bay” by running into
ADVENTURE OVERVIEW his hut and threatening he would attack any
that entered with his rake. The graves are
- STORY CHAPTERS 1-2 found to be missing another 6 bodies (8 in
total). The gravedigger says they should get
CHAPTER 1 the other bodies back for reburial, or at least
Starry Lake Town… make sure that they can’t be raised as undead
Using the name and legend of an evil wizard
called Hazsharad that once inhabited a small Back at the town, the Priest Markel requests
island in the middle of Starry Lake, Ke’Heshor that they find and return the bodies or ensure
has been undertaking experimentations into they can’t be raised as undead (probably by
undeath and combining it with golem creation fire). If asked, he will recognise that the brand

over the last few years. on the goblins is that of Hazsharad the Dark,
from the isle, but he assures the PCs that it
The wizard has his two sons working for him, can surely only be a coincidence as the Dark
although truth be told he has no love for them Wizard was slain over 10-score years ago (200
or anyone. Some time ago he subjugated a years). He can afford 70 gold pieces and 2
tribe of goblins which he feeds and which healing potions (2D4+2) as payment in total, to
guard the only beach access to the island and be shared amongst the group; Persuasion

the trail leading to the keep above it in which (DC12) to go as far as 80 gold pieces.
he lives.
CHAPTER 2 The PCs investigate the island,
A year or so ago, using bits of wood from the fight past the goblins that come from a cave,
old keep and leather which he teleported and reach a trail upward, they are all branded
across, he had his goblins construct crude with the symbol of Hazsharad. At a plateau at
boats called coracles. Using these, they travel the top of the trail they fight the occupants of
to the mainland and attack occasional two huts on the way to the old keep, which are
merchants or isolated farmsteads, bringing the sons of Ke’Heshor. They find in one of the
back goods or corpses for their master to huts a brooch which (DC12 History, Local
experiment on. Knowledge or Religion) they might recognise as
belonging to the Silver Guard, a holy order of
Recently having used all his corpses, the knights and paladins that worship Ixion in the
wizard sent his goblins to collect more dead small kingdom of Toril. The lawful and just
bodies from the graveyard which is about 3
kingdom of Toril is a part of Baraben but experience or they can easily be used in any
nestles near the border of Kavog to the West. other game the GM wishes.

PCs then investigate the keep, it has orc Thanks for playing, I hope you get the next
guards (all branded) as well as a few goblins, Chapters
and an impenetrable gate to the tower within.
There are other areas they can explore
however, such as the ruins of the stables,
workshop, a somewhat repaired garrison now
inhabited by orcs (branded) which serve The
Great One (wizard in the tower), and they can
get to the trap door in the open area with *

stairs leading down, fight through orc forces A Note on Balancing the Adventure
as well as other defences, and find various The Game Master should reduce the number
corpses and medical notes that the last two of monsters for small parties. As a rule of
experiments would work well as assault forces thumb for this adventure, for a party of 5-6 1st
against the Silver Guard for the coming winter level characters leave the enemy numbers as

assault. There is an impenetrable and written. For a party of 4 PCs you may wish to
immovable crystal display cabinet box in a consider reducing the number of enemies by
private room on the lowest level in which floats 25%, and give the party a total of two potions
a book showing a page on golem making and a of healing 2D4+2 from Priest Markel prior to
horn from a powerful devil. To reiterate: their journey to the island. For 3 or less, or
nothing in the crystal cabinet can be damaged less you should consider lowing the enemy
because it is impenetrable. They can destroy numbers by 50% and give them each a potion
the bodies by using the large barrels of oil they each from Priest Markel.
find, which are used to fill the oil braziers.
Then they can make their escape as the Great An old rule of thumb for a “moderate”
Wizard and his companions enter; the players encounter was the monsters rated Challenge
will already know from conversations with orcs divided by 4, so, for a rated Challenge 1
etc that the Great Wizard is beyond their creature it would be a moderate fight for 4x 1 st
power, so should flee. The Wizard’s level characters. They could do a few of these
companions are powerful… a dark Paladin and before all their resources such as spells and
a Fire Elemental (constrained to stay on the hit points were used up. So, 1x ¼ rated
isle) will pursue the characters but will not be Challenge creatures is a moderate encounter
in time to stop them getting into the lake on a for 1x 1st level character, and you could expect
boat; several will be struck with a reversed the character to win but possible be a little
Healing Word (Necrotic Word, a unique spell), damaged.
possibly rendering them unconscious, another

by a firebolt, attesting to the danger of their Based on the above, 4 goblins (each ¼) would
adversaries. be a “moderate” fight for 4x 1st level
characters. 2 Orcs (each ½) would be a
Back on land, the characters can level up, “moderate” fight for 4x 1st level characters.
before they consider going to (or suggested to) Based on that, 3 orcs in one fight would be
travel to the West to warn the Silver Guard in difficult for a party of 4 1st level characters,
Toril. but fine for a party of 6. 6 orcs against a party

of 4 would be extremely difficult, but possible

This ends the second chapter. The Third to win if the party were on maximum health,
Chapter commences with one of the players had resources such as healing potions and
attacked by a Lesser Stalker (a weaker version spells, and coordinated their attacks for
of an Invisible Stalker) as they rest at night in flanking and saturation of damage (taking
the Inn, and then will cover the trip to Toril, down 1 orc at a time quickly, rather than
meeting the Silver Guard and the City Militia, sharing the damage out over all of them).
the city itself, and adventures that occur
there. I hope you find these first two chapters
interesting enough that you want to continue
the campaign! Note: A product for Starry Lake
Surrounds will also be published soon, so that
GMs can use the adventure hooks and details
within to allow the same PCs to gain greater
Starry Town Lake has no fish as such to catch
The party start off in the Inn Off the Lake – by line, but does have crabs that exist along
sometimes called the Starry Lake Inn - a
the Southern edge only. Even trying to stock
pleasant inn catering to local townsfolk,
farmers, and passers-through alike. Just 100 the lake with fish does not work, and it is
feet from the edge of the placid Starry Lake, it assumed this is because of dark magics in
offers decent food and drink, average ancient past or maybe the half-believed
accommodation, and a pleasant human
legend of the Demon of the Lake (note the
innkeeper called Kendel.
crabbers fully believe it). Actually, it’s

GM/Players should discuss why they are here, because a giant catfish lives in the waters,
be it merchant guards that have finished their but it sleeps most of the time, arousing
hired time, travellers, or just simple rarely (every 3D6 days) to scour the lake
adventurers travelling from town to town

looking for fame, glory… and gold. looking for food, which is normally crab. The
locals know not to go far into the water lest
It’s about 11 notches of the candle and they’ve the Demon of The Lake get them (none of
finally settled down for a late evening meal and them have ever seen it).
a flagon or two of the local ale. Most of the
other villagers have left already, especially
those that need to be up at dawn to tend to
A new wizard, using the symbol of Hazsharad,
fields and animals.
has over the last year or so taken up residence
in the wizards old keep. He has a tribe of
Either the PCSs- Player Characters - (DC12

vague shapes that can just about be seen

down by the shore…
Perception roll) or a villager will point out
goblins working for him, and he himself is a
part of the Tribus (GM NOTE: The Three
Voices), a coming-together of three powerful
wizards that work for the nation of Kavog and
were sent to create unrest and develop the
It’s no more than a large village really, as the
means to aid in the attack on Toril (a small
total permanent population is only
but powerful Kingdom that has a prominent
approximately 200 but there are often just as
number of noble paladins protecting it). In
many passers through, heading either to other
actuality, the wizards have become much more
parts of Baraben or maybe even as far as the
independent, and wish to create unrest and
deserts of Eshán to the East, and some few
war so that they can work undisturbed and
even go to the West and Kavog lands. The
eventually rule their own lands free from
town sits on the Eastern edge of Starry Lake,

restrictive practices. PCs will not directly

and is fairly peaceful. The lake itself is only 5
combat the Tribus wizards in this adventure,
miles across, and at its centre lays the island
as direct confrontations will take place
known simple as Dark Wizard’s Isle, Dark
through published adventures at
Shadows Isle, or Isle of the Dark Wizard.
approximately levels 10-12. More will be
Ancient legends tell of the wizard of dark
discovered about the Tribus in later
shadows called Hazsharad that once called the
publications. Ke’heshor had been working
isle his home, and although that was over two

diligently to further a means to aid in the war

centuries ago the locals still avoid the place
against Toril, until he became involved with a
where he once cast his foul magics.
devil and began to use the war against Toril to
gain personal power in line with the others of
The lake itself is devoid of fish, although
the Tribus… a Captain (Captain Dotega) of the
crustaceans can be found along the shores.
Kavogian army – and a mid-level Noble –
Locals say it is because of the demonfish that
became aware of his plans and is now
lives in the water… There are no docks for
imprisoned whilst Ke’Heshor decides what to
fishing owing to the fact there are no fish to
do with him. If the PCs let this Captain free,
catch, a few “crabbers” make their living by
he will seek to bring the knowledge to his
throwing in cages tied to spikes on the shore
superiors… other forces will quash his
with food to attract the fish, they drag these
accusations, however, the PCs now have an
cages in at dawn and catch enough to make a
ally and at a later point he will come to their
modest living. They will tell that sometimes
aid in Kavog.
the ropes have been bitten in two by the
Demon of The Lake.
In this Chapter, the PCs are mostly unknown simply have a rest and use the coracle/s to get
to each other, sitting outside the Inn on Starry across to the island.
Lake on a balmy evening finishing their meal,
perhaps having an after-meal drink and a puff On route across the water, they must make a
of tabac, when they notice something down on Perception DC 12 roll or the bottom of the
the shore in the deepening shadows. coracle will be damaged from the sharp edges
of the peaks of small mountains under the
Upon investigation, they encounter goblins water – the water is choppy around the
trying to pull in a body. Battle ensues, the Eastern side of the Isle due to rocks and low
goblins are defeated, the players then need to mountain peaks just under the surface which
try and find out what is going on. The goblins might result in the PCs swimming to the local
are branded with a dagger above a book – the beach where they are attacked by Giant Crabs.

ancient symbol of Hazsharad, whose ruined
keep lies on the island. If the PCs land on the safe beach, they have
goblins to contend with and can even explore
People in town will tell the PCs to take the the goblin cave system, from here they can go
bodies to the cleric, he will put them back in explore crab beach again, or go up a (trapped)

coffins with a holy wafer in the mouth to stave trail to a plateau high above. There, there are
off any chance of rising as undead, and as two houses, both containing a son of
payment for his healing ask that they PCs take Ke’Heshor, one is a fighter the other a wizard,
the coffins back to the cemetery the next and they will have to fight these whilst
morning. avoiding orc patrols from the ruins on the
At the cemetery they find the grounds keeper
barricaded in his house, they convince him to The ruins contain an orc garrison, an
come out. He advises he was holed up e impenetrable tower, ruins of a stable and store
‘bravely’ to keep the many goblins from getting where they might find some useful items, and
to him – 8 of his graves were opened up the a trapdoor leading downwards.
yester-evening. He didn’t see, but there was
one with a deeper more powerful voice In the basement levels beneath the trapdoor,
directing the goblins, he did hear the word they find orc guards, the exhumed human
“Hazsharad” mentioned. bodies they were meant to find (which are
being experimented on in order to create
PCs row the goblins rickety boat to the island, unholy golems with which to fight against the
avoiding the rocks or having to swim/wade the Kingdom of Toril). They can also rescue
way if they went to the closest side – the Captain (Dotega) of Kavog, who will be
landing beach is on the far side. When thankful and will leave to inform his superiors;
landing they can see another 7 or 8 boats Dotega will become an ally of the PCs if they

pulled onto the shore near the entrance to a ever go to Kavog in the West (which they will if
cave, and at the far end of the beach is a steep they follow this campaign).
trail heading up the side of the small
mountain. END OF CHAPTER 1. It is in the lowest basement that they find
Capt. Dotega, and also the golems nearing
ADVENUTRE OVERVIEW completion… these golems are undead,
- STORY CHAPTER: 2 imbued with dark shadow energy such as

Hazsharad used to use, and there is a horn of

- Back to Town, & Off Again the devil wherein Hazsharad got these dark
shadow powers…
GM – The PCs have fought and beaten the
goblins. Any goblin survivors can be handed The PCs should hopefully flee before
over to the town (via Kendel, or anyone will Ke’Heshor and his two guards come down and
hurry off and get Gorbin the town-appointed find them… one is a Death Knight the other a
guards, he will lock goblins up in his brick- fire elemental.
built cell overnight, and will execute the next
morning. NOTE: the goblins will not survive The PCs should burn the basement using the
anyway unless put to sleep or similar. barrels of oil, but whatever they do should flee
and get back to the town where the adventure
The PCs have the opportunity to purchase ends (and they can level up).
provisions, equipment and the like from the
various locations in the town, or they can This is the end of the Overview
GM – Familiarise with the map at the end of
- STORY CHAPTER: 1 this document in case the players ask any
The Inn on Starry Town Lake is comfortable
with two fireplaces, one each on the North GM TO READ “You sit outside the Inn on
Starry Lake, just having finished a late
and West walls of the Tap Room (common
evening meal, it is already about the eleventh
room). The Western fireplace goes through notch of the evening candle. It’s a balmy
to the kitchen, separated by a grill. summer evening a fair few weeks before the
autumn is due to herald the oncoming winter,
The owner and bartender is Kendel Briarley, the stars are easily visible above you although

a middle-aged human with dark hair going to the moon is partly covered by some low patchy
grey with a bald patch which seems to be clouds. You sit back and enjoy your after-
meal drink and possibly a puff or two of tabac
growing at the same rate as his paunch, he – halfling brown is quite common here, one of
has a friendly jovial voice and kind four or five types commonly available and

demeanour. He is ably assisted by Maude, quite cheap per pinch. Around you another
his wife and cook, their daughter Kaude and few patrons are also finishing their meal; most
have however left for the evening especially if
the orphan boy Maille – both of the they are expecting to be up at dawn to see to
youngsters are 12 years old, Kaude red- crops and animals in the fields to the East and
haired like her mother is kind but cheeky North. If you would all like to describe and
whereas Maille is quite serious and strives to possibly introduce yourselves…”
do everything exactly as instructed.
The players should describe their characters
Food is wholesome and 1 silver for a hearty here.
stew of meat and vegetables and two thick GM – have everyone roll Perception Rolls.
slices of fresh bread, watered wine is 8 Remember that those without Darkvision or
Lowlight vision are at Disadvantage. Success
coppers and ale is another silver. A room for
the night is 2 silvers and includes breakfast is a 15, which is what the GOBLINS have
rolled for Stealth (they had advantage due to
and watered wine or half an ale. the poor light). If someone succeeds, go to 1,
otherwise go to 2.
Other Patrons of the Inn at this time

Orvitt Ironthew, Dwarf Blacksmith. One 1) – SUCCESS Noticing the Goblins

GM TO READ “Your practiced eye picks out

eyed, speaks gruffly, can repair and make something interesting on the shore of the lake,
metal implements, armour and weapons. which is perhaps 100 feet away. It’s not very
AC:16 in chainmail or 12 in working leather. clear, but appears to be a smallish coracle
HP:12, Attack: Hammer +5 Dmg:1d4+4. boat, with at least a couple of small figures on
it, nearing land. What do you want to do?”
Traille Longstrider, Female Halfling Ranger. GM – Those succeeding get advantage on their
initiative rolls.
She’s retired now, but is 3rd level. She wears

studded leather, and uses a shortsword and 2) – FAILURE Not noticing the Goblins
shortbow. AC: 14 HP:28 Att:+5 Dmg:1d6+2 GM TO READ “It’s a beautiful evening, the
stars are shining, the sound of the small
Pasett, human trader and 2 guards, on the ripples of the Lake hitting the shore… quite
way to Toril. He leaves next morning; his pleasant.”
wagon carries grains and cloth. His two
GM – It is probable at this point that the PCs
guards are brothers, Bordo and Tordo, both that noticed something (if any) tell the others
are tall, broad, and not interested in what they have seen. It is however possible
speaking. AC:14 HP:11 Att:+4 Dmg:1d8+2. that they say nothing, or go to investigate
themselves (in which case they move their
There are generally up to another 20 normal movement towards the shore,
patrons. narrowing the distance from 100 feet
accordingly). GOTO 3.

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