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- Euclid, based on his observations of light, made
predictions about light rays, stating that they are
straight lines.
- Light rays only fall on objects, and if they don't fall
on an object, we can't see it.
- Euclid, an ancient Greek mathematician,
introduced the law of reflection around 300 BCE.
- Light travels in straight lines and reflects from a
surface at the same angle it hit it.
- Euclid's Catoptrics1 (280BC), the earliest surviving optical treatise,
established that light travels in straight lines in homogeneous media.
- Euclid observed and utilized mathematical descriptions of shape and angles
to explain the behavior of light rays in his world.
Ptolemy (135 AD) Refraction
- Ptolemy used light reflection from mirrors and refraction when
passing through transparent materials to support his theory that
vision results from ocular flow.
-Ptolemy studied the refraction of light as it passes between two
transparent mediums and its reflection on flat, spherical mirrors in
order to support his theory that vision results from a flow that
originates in the eye.
-Ptolemy researched light, color, refraction, and reflection in the
realm of optics.
-It was claimed that his research was among the first to
comprehend the principles of refraction, particularly how light
shifts in direction or style when it travels through various
Al-Haytham (965)Light Is Reflected AND Not Produced By Eyes

-Ibn al-Haytham established the rules of refraction after conducting a

thorough investigation into how light travels through different
- He also conducted the first research on how light splits into its
individual colors.
-The most significant work by Ibn al-Haytham is Kitāb al-manāạir, or
-It contains the accurate model of vision, despite some influence from
Ptolemy's 2nd century AD Optics: light rays reflected from objects are passively received by
the eyes, not actively emitted from the eye.
-Later on, the name "camera obscura" was applied to the dark room.
-Ibn al-Haytham concentrated on producing significant advances in the study of light and
eyesight while he was in Egypt.
-Ibn al-Haytham conducted experiments with lenses and mirrors to study the motion of light.

Newton(1666) White Light Contains All Visible Light
-Through his lens-making endeavors, he became aware of a chromatic
aberration issue.
- By refracting sunlight onto a wall, Newton found during his renowned
prism experiments that white light was composed of seven discernible
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
-Isaac Newton proposed his theory of the corpuscular theory of light,
which holds that light is made up of tiny particles known as corpuscles.
-His principal finding was that the spectrum, or colors, of sunlight may
be dissolved.
-Light-related phenomena have long piqued Newton's interest, and
he sought to comprehend how light is reflected and refracted.
-He gave an example of how pure white light was made up of the
seven visible colors.
-Refracting light onto a piece of wood with a tiny hole drilled into it
was Newton's pivotal experiment.

Huygens (1629)Light Travels In Waves
-However, Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens developed a
method for visualizing wave propagation because he
thought that light was composed of waves that vibrated
up and down perpendicular to the direction of the wave.
-The 'Huygens' Principle' was later named after this.
-The photoelectric effect cannot be explained by Huygen's
wave theory of light.
-He demonstrated that all points of a wave front cause
partial waves, which in turn produce additional wave- motion, using the ether as

the medium for light wave propagation. As a result, light is not a substance
transfer but rather a "tendency to move."
-The diameter of the Earth's orbit may then be divided by the time difference to
determine the speed of light.
-The calculations were first performed by the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens,
who discovered that the speed of light was equal to 131,000 miles per second.
-Huygens postulated that light propagated in waves via luminiferous ether, a rare
material, based on the third theory.
James Maxwell (1831)Light Is Electromagnetic Waves
-The electromagnetic theory developed by James Clerk Maxwell, which demonstrated that
light was electromagnetic radiation, is what made him most renowned.
-Both Einstein's special relativity theory and quantum mechanics are said to have benefited
from his theory.
-The electromagnetic theory developed by 19th-century scientist James Clerk Maxwell is
his most well-known contribution.
-In summary, Maxwell found that there was an unbreakable relationship between the
domains of electricity, magnetism, and optics.
-All that visible light is, is an electromagnetic radiation that is detectable by the human eye.
-After publishing "A Dynamical Theory of the -
Electromagnetic Field" in 1865, Maxwell proved that
magnetic and electric fields move at the speed of light in
space as waves.
-Maxwell developed four significant mathematical
equations that defined these and other links between
electricity and magnetism after he observed
similarities between the speeds at which electromagnetic
waves and light travel.


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