Chemistry Project

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2023 - 24

“To study electrochemical principles on any

electrochemical cell”

Submitted By :
Session : 2023 – 2024
Class : XII A

Under the Guidance of :

Dr. M. P. Gupta
K V Koliwada

This is to certify that Mr. Rohit Kumar has
completed the chemistry investigatory project
entitled “Electrochemical cell”, for AISSCE 2023 -
24 Chemistry practical as per CBSE norms. Under the
guidance of Dr.M.P.Gupta PGT (Chemistry)

The data mentioned in the project are based on her

original finding experimentally determined in
chemistry laboratory in K.V.Koliwada,Mumbai

___________________ ___________________

Teacher’s Signature Principal’s Signature


Examiner’s Signature


Date ______________ School Stamp


I welcome this opportunity to express a deep sense

of gratitude and indebtedness to my supervisor Dr.
M.P. Gupta , PGT Chemistry , K V Koliwada for
guidance, suggestions, constant encouragement,
unfailing interest during the course of entire

I am grateful to _________________, Principal, K V

Koliwada for providing all possible help during the
period of study and providing necessary facilities.

I am sincerely grateful to Mr. Laxman , lab

attendant , Chemistry Lab for moral support and
encouragement during the research period.

Finally the author is deeply grateful to his father

Mr. Anil Mahato and mother Mrs. Devmuni Devi for
sustained support and sacrifice.

Rohit Kumar


To study electrochemical principles

on any electrochemical cell


Sr. No. Content Pg. No.

1. Introduction 5

2. Electromotive Force 8

3. Salt Bridge and its function 8

4. Standard EMF of an Electrochemical Cell 9

5. Principle of Daniel Cell 10

6. Features of Daniel Cell 11

7. Experiment 12

8. Bibliography 14


● Electrochemistry is the study of chemical reactions which
take place at the interface of an electrode, usually a solid,
metal or semiconductor and an ionic conductor, the
● Electrochemistry deals with the interaction between
electrical energy and chemical change.

Electrochemical Cell:

An electrochemical cell is a device by which electric current energy is

generated at the cost of chemical energy due to chemical action taking place
in the cell.Whenever a redox reaction is allowed to take place directly in a
single beaker, it is found that the solution becomes hot. For example, when a
zinc is placed in a copper solution, the solution is found to be warmer as the
reaction proceeds according to the equation.
Zn (s) + CuSO4 (aq) → ZnSO4 (aq) + Cu(s)
Similar results are observed when a rod of copper is placed in a silver
solution. The reaction taking place as follows:
Cu(s) + 2 AgNO3 → CuNO3 + 2Ag
Thus, we conclude that whenever a redox takes place directly in a single
beaker, chemical energy in the form of heat is produced. By suitable means
it is possible to bring out the redox reaction indirectly so as to convert the
chemical energy into the electrical energy.

Representation of an Electrochemical Cell:

An electrochemical cell is represented in a manner as illustrated below.
Zn / Zn2+ || Cu2+ / Cu
i.e. by convention, the electrode on which oxidation takes place is written
on the left-hand side and the other electrode on which reduction takes place
is written on the right-hand side. The electrode of the left-hand side is

written by writing the symbol of the metal first followed by the symbol of
the ion with its concentration in brackets.The electrode on the right-hand
side is written by first writing the ion along with its concentration in
brackets followed by the symbol of the metal.

Applications of Electrochemical Cells:

● Electrolytic cells are used in the electrorefining of many
non-ferrous metals. They are also used in the electrowinning of
these metals.
● The production of high-purity lead, zinc, aluminium, and copper
involves the use of electrolytic cells.
● Metallic sodium can be extracted from molten sodium chloride by
placing it in an electrolytic cell and passing an electric current
through it.
● Many commercially important batteries (such as the lead-acid
battery) are made up of Galvanic cells.
● Fuel cells are an important class of electrochemical cells that serve
as a source of clean energy in several remote locations.

E.M.F [Electromotive Force]:
Electromotive force, also called emf, is the voltage developed by any source
of electrical energy such as a battery or dynamo.
EMF of a cell means, when current flows through two points a potential
difference generated by a cell draws no current is called EMF.
Inside a source of EMF that is open-circuited, the conservative electrostatic
field created by separation of charge exactly cancels the forces producing
the EMF. Thus, the emf has the same value but opposite sign as the integral
of the electric field aligned with an internal path between two terminals A
and B of a source of emf in open circuit condition.

Salt Bridge and Its Function:

A salt-bridge is a U-shaped tube containing concentrated solution of an inert
electrolyte like KCl, KNO3, K2SO4 etc.An inert electrolyte is one whose
ions do not take part in the redox reaction and also do not react with
electrolyte used. The function of the salt bridge is to allow the movement of
the ions from one solution to the other without mixing of the two solutions.
Thus, whereas the electrons flow in the outer circuit in the wire, the inner
circuit is completed by the flow of ions from one solution to the other
through the salt bridge moreover, it helps to maintain the electrical
neutrality of the solution of the two half cells.
Thus, the main functions of the salt bridge are:
(i) To complete the electrical circuit by allowing the ions to flow from one
solution to the other without mixing of the two solutions.
(ii) To maintain the electrical neutrality of the solutions in the two half cells.

Standard EMF of an Electrochemical Cell:
An electrochemical cell is based on reaction which can be split into the two
half reactions:
(i) Oxidation half reaction
(ii) Reduction half reaction
Standard EMF of the cell:

Ecell= Electrode Potential of the cell
Ecathode = Electrode Potential of the reduction half reaction
Eanode = Electrode Potential of the oxidation half reaction
According to Nernst Equation, the relation between concentration of
electrode and the standard electrode potential
can be given as:

E = Electrode Potential at non-standard conditions
E⊝ = Electrode Potential at standard conditions
n = Number of electrons transferred in the equation
[M] = concentration of the metal
[Mn+] = concentration of metal ion

The Daniel cell is a typed electrochemical cell invented in 1836 by John
Frederic Daniel. A British chemist and meteorologist and cons sled of a
copper pot tilled with a copper sulphate solution. In which was immersed an
unglazed earthenware container filled with sulfuric acid and a zinc
electrode. He was searching for a way to eliminate the hydrogen bubble
problem found in the voltaic pile and his solution was to use a second
electrolyte to consume the hydrogen produced by the first Zinc sulphate that
may be substituted for the sulfuric acid. The Daniel cell was a great
improvement over the existing technology used in the early days of battery
development A later variant of the Daniel cell called the gravity cell or
crowfoot was invented in the 1860s by a Frenchman named Callaud and
became a popular choice for electrical telegraphy.

The Daniel cell is also the historical basis for the contemporary definition of
the volt which is the unit of electromotive force in the International System
of Units. The definitions of electrical units that were proposed at the 1881
International Conference of Electricians were designed so that the
electromotive force of the Daniel cell would be about 1.0 volts. With
contemporary definitions. the standard potential of the Daniel cell at 25'C is
actually 110 V

In the Daniel cell copper and zinc electrodes are immersed in a solution of
copper(II) sulphate and zinc sulphate respectively. At the anode. Zinc is
oxidised per the following half reaction.
Zn(s)→ 2n2+(aq) + 2e- (Standard electrode potential --0.7618
At the cathode, copper is reduced per the following reaction.
Cu2+(aq) + 2e-→Cu(s). (Standard electrode potential .0,340
The total reaction being
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)→ Zn2(aq) + Cu(s) (Open circuit voltage 1.1018 V)


1. Zinc rod at which oxidation occurs is called the anode while the
copper rod at which the reduction takes place is called cathode.
2. The half-cell reaction occurring at anode is called oxidation -half cell
reaction while the occurring at cathode is called reduction.
3. The two half-cell reactions always take place simultaneously while
the Half-cell reaction cannot take place immediately.
4. Since electrons are produced at zinc electrodes. It is rich in electrons
and pulls these electrons into the external circuit and hence acts as a
negative pole. The copper electrode on the other hand is deficient in
electrons and thus pulls the electrons from the external circuit and acts
as a positive pole.
5. The electrons flow from negative pole to positive pole in the external
circuit. However, conventionally the current is said to flow in the
opposite direction i.e. from positive pole to negative pole in the
external circuit.
6. The concentration of copper sulphate solution decreases with passage
of time as the cell operates. Consequently the current falls with
passage of time.

To study electrochemical principles on any electrochemical cell.

Materials Required:
Two Beaker , Copper Strip, Zinc Strip , Copper Sulphate solution ,
Zinc Sulphate solution , Voltmeter , Sandpaper

1. Take two clean beakers.
2. In one beaker take 1 M copper sulphate solution and in the other take
1 M zinc sulphate solution.
3. Take a copper strip and clean it using sandpaper.
4. Dip the copper strip into the beaker containing the 1 M copper
sulphate solution.
5. Similarly, take a zinc strip and clean it using sandpaper.
6. Then dip it into the beaker containing 1 M zinc sulphate solution.
7. Take a salt bridge and connect the two solutions using the salt bridge.
8. Take a voltmeter and connect the copper strip to the positive terminal
and the zinc strip to the negative terminal using connecting wires.
9. Note the position of the pointer in the voltmeter and record the
10. Repeat the experiment by taking different concentrations of zinc
sulphate and copper sulphate solutions.


Sr. no. Concentration of Concentration of Reading of

CuSO4 ZnSO4 Voltmeter
1. 1M 1M
2. 1M 0.5 M

3. 1M 0.25 M
4. 1M 0.125 M
5. 0.5 M 1M

1. The concentration of copper sulphate and zinc sulphate should neither
be too low nor too high.
2. Clean zinc and copper strips with sandpaper before use.
3. Carry out dilution of the solution carefully.
4. Note the reading only when the pointer becomes stable.
5. Connect copper strip with the positive terminal of voltmeter and zinc
strip with negative terminal.

With these observations, we conclude that EMF of the cell increases
with decrease in the concentration of the electrolyte around the anode and
with increase in the concentration of the electrolyte around the cathode.

1. Chemistry Part-I, Textbook for class XII


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