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Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

When was the last time you had a cup of coffee / tea?

Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?

Do you want to make your own cup of coffee at home?

A coffee/tea addict
Stay awake
Clumsy (at)
To be asleep
Lumps (n)/lumpy (adj)
Caffeine (n)
Coffee intoxication (n)
Have trouble sleeping
Sensitive to sth (a)
To gear (myself) up = get yourself
prepared (phr.v)
Black coffee (n)
White coffee (n)
A cup of sth (n)
To focus/concentrate (n)
Kick back (phr.v)
(It’s) not my thing = I don’t like it (idm)
To brew (some) coffee/tea (v)
Flavour (a)
Instant coffee/tea (n) Filter coffee (n)
Barista (n)
To be sleepy (a)
A coffee person/A tea person (n)
Aroma/odour (n)
Bitter/bittersweet (a)
Equipment (n)
To be a butterfingers (n)
Which do you prefer, tea
or coffee?
Well, I think I’m more of a.......I think it’s
because....But I drink.......sometimes for a

To be honest, I’ve always been a fan of......I

love it because....You should definitely
When was the last time
you had a cup of coffee /

Can you answer this question on

your own?
Do you usually buy your
coffee in a coffee shop?
Yeah of course. I cant see why we
shouldn’t buy one at a coffee shop

It depends really. When I’m in a

hurry,I would.......But when I’m
chilling at home, I would rather
Do you want to make
your own cup of coffee
at home?
Well as a butterfingers, I don’t
I think I’d be better off doing

Yeah I mean why not. Making your own

drinks, especially.......is
really......Not only can
you..........., but you can also make
sure that.......

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