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This worksheet is filled out by the project applicant and it is a required element of the
Landscape Documentation

Package. Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) 43.0_____

Hydrozone # Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Landscape ETAF x Area Estimated Total
/Planting Factor (PF) Methodb Efficiency (PF/IE) Area (sq, ft,) Water Use
Descriptiona (IE)c (ETWU)e
Regular Landscape Areas
Front Mod. .5 Drip .81 0.617 204 125.868 3355.64
Front & Rear Low .2 Drip .81 .247 1310 323.57 8626.38
Front & Rear Lawn .8 Spray .75 1.067 677 722.359 19258.09
Side Yd Low. .2 Drip .81 .247 194 47.918 1277.49
Totals 2385(A) (B)
Special Landscape Areas
1 68 68 1812.88
Totals 68 (C) 68 (D)
ETWU Total 34330.48
Maximum Allowed Water Allowance (MAWA)e 35968.34

aHydrozone bIrrigation cIrrigation dETWU

#/Planting Description Method Efficiency (Annual Gallons Required) =
E.g overhead spray 0.75 for spray head Eto x 0.62 x ETAF x Area
1.) front lawn or drip 0.81 for drip where 0.62 is a conversion
2.) low water use plantings factor that converts acre-
3.) medium water use planting inches per acre per year to
eMAWA gallons per square foot per
(Annual Gallons Allowed) = (Eto) ( 0.62) [ (ETAF x LA)
+ ((1-ETAF) x SLA)]
where 0.62 is a conversion factor that converts acre-
inches per acre per year to gallons per square foot per
year, LA is the total landscape area in square feet, SLA
is the total special landscape area in square feet,
and ETAF is .55 for residential areas and 0.45 for non- (43.0) (.62) [(.55 x 2385) + (.55 x 68)] = 35968.34
residential areas.
(1311.75) + (37.4) = 1349.15
ETAF Calculations

Regular Landscape Areas

Total ETAF x Area (B) 1219.715 Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must
Total Area (A) be 0.55 or below for residential areas, and 0.45 or
2385 below for non-residential areas.
Average ETAF B÷A .511

All Landscape Areas

Total ETAF x Area (B+D)
Total Area (A+C)
Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) .525

A copy of this form may be obtained from Department of Water Resources website:

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