NEP2020PA (Syllabus) Final Dt. 19.09.2022

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Department of Public Administration

Modified/Revised M.A.(Two Year)PG Programme Structure in Public

(Following the guideline of M.A. course and credit distribution for Two Year (2)
PG/Masters Degree Programme with exit option) of NEP 2020.

To award Post Graduate Degree to the eligible and qualified students who have joined the
University after completing their graduation courses have come out successful during the two
years of continuous and term end examinations.
Programmes Specific Outcomes (M.A. in Public Administration):
(a) To award M.A. in Public Administration to the successful candidates after completion of
two/one year of post graduate course including internal and end semester examinations.
(b) To prepare the students to take up employment in teaching or public service or private
(c) To make them eligible for academic research courses like Ph. D. in different areas of Public
(d) To inculcate values like knowledge, understanding analytical ability, and capacity of
evaluation among the students.
Multiple Entry and Exist System (NEP2020) and Continuous Assessment Grading
Pattern(CAGP)have been designed in Master of Arts (two) Course in Public Administration
which will be guided by Mizoram University Regulation Governing Post-Graduate Programmes.

There are Twenty Three (23) Courses and the total number of credits is 80 for two yearscovering
four semesters. There shall be two semesters in one Academic year and four semesters in two
Academic years and each semester will carry 20 credits. The two year M.A. Programme
consists of Nine (9) Disciplinary Major (DMj); Two (2) Interdisciplinary Major (IMj);
Three (3) Disciplinary Minor (DMn); Three (3) Interdisciplinary Minor (IMn)
papers/courses distributed in the first, second, third and fourth semesters.The above mentioned
papers/courses will carry total 46 credits in the four semesters. First, second, third and fourth
semesters will have one course of Field Project (FP) and third and fourth semester will have
one course of Dissertation Work (DW).The four field project courses will carry a total of 16
credits (each field project course carries four credit) and two dissertation work courses will
carry a total of 18 credits (dissertation carries 6 credits in third semester and 12 credits in fourth
semester), as per the MZU NEP2020 Guideline.
Modification of M.A Course Structure under NEP2020 AC RESOLUTION
M.A.(Two year) Course in Public Administration (Semester System) 2022. 20 Credits in each Semester
Total Credits = 80
S.N Course Code Name of Course Marks Credit

First Semester: MJ(3x3 =9), MJ=3, MN=2, MN -2,FP=4 700

1. PUB/MJ/500 Fundamentals of Public Administration 100 3
2. PUB/MJ/501 Indian Administration 100 3
3. PUB/MJ/502 Administrative Theory 100 3
4. PUB/MJ//503** Administrative Ethics 100 3
5. PUB/MN/504 Public Financial Administration in India 100 2
6. PUB/MN/505* Environmental Administration in India 100 2
7. PUB/FP/506 Field Project(FP) 100 4
Second Semester: MJ(3x3 =9), MJ=3, MN=2, MN -2,FP=4 700
8. PUB/MJ/550 Public Policy 100 3
9. PUB/MJ/551 e-Governance 100 3
10. PUB/MJ/552 Theories of Bureaucracy 100 3
11. PUB/MJ/553** Politics and Administration in N.E. India 100 3
12. PUB/MN/554 Comparative Public Administration 100 2
13. PUB/MN/555* Administrative Law 100 2
14. PUB/FP/556 Field Project (FP) 100 4
Third Semester: MJ(3x2 =6), MN=1, MN=1, FP=4, DW=10 600
15. PUB/MJ/600 Research Methodology 100 3
16. PUB/MJ/601 Public Personnel Administration in India 100 3
17. PUB/MN/602 Administrative Ethics 100 2
18. PUB/MN/603* International Administration 100 2
19. PUB/FP/604 Field Project (FP) 100 4
20. PUB/DW/649 Dissertation Work (DW) 100 6
Fourth Semester: MJ(1x4=4),FP-4DW=12 300
21. PUB/MJ/650 Development Administration in India 100 4
22. PUB/FP/651 Field Project (FP) 100 4
23. PUB/DW/699 Dissertation Work (DW) 100 12

(Disciplinary Major)


This course is being offered as a disciplinary major to know the basic information and
knowledge about the concepts and theories of Public Administration.

UNIT-I : Development of the Discipline of Public Administration and its Present

Status; Approaches to the Study of Public Administration: Behavioural;
Structural-Functional and Public Choice Approaches; Role and
Significance of Public Administration in Socio-Economic Change.

UNIT-II : Concept of Organization:Bases of Organization;Hierarchy; Unity of

Command; Span of Control;Coordination; Decentralization; Theories
of Administration: Classical Theory and Human Relations Theory.

UNIT-III : Emerging Trends: New Public Administration; New Public

Management; New Public Service; Governance Concepts and
Applications; Public Administration in the Context of Globalization;
Privatization and Liberalization.

Suggested Readings

Fadia, B.L and KuldeepFadia.Public Administration-Administrative Theories. Agra:

SahityaBhawan, 16thEdition, 2021.

Basu, Rumki. Public Administration in the 21st Century- A Global South Perspective. New
Delhi: Routledge, 2019.

Basu, Rumki. Public Administrations: Concepts and Theories. New Delhi: Sterling
Publications, 5th Edition, 2019.

Henry, Nicholas. Public Administration and Public Affairs. New Delhi: Routledge, 13th Edition,

Bhattacharya, Mohit. New Horizons of Public Administration. New Delhi: Jawahar Publisher &
Distributors, 7th Edition, 2018.
Chakrabarty, Bidyut and Prakash Chand.Public Administration from Government to
Governance. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2017.
Dhameja, Alka and Sweta Mishra. (Ed). Public Administration-Approaches and Applications.
New Delhi: Pearson Publications, 2016.

Denhardt V. Janet and Robert B. Denhardt.The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering. New
York: Routledge, 4th Edition, 2015.

Das, P.G. Fundamental of Public Administration. New Delhi: New Central Book Agency (P)
Ltd, New Delhi, 2014.

Chakrabarty, Bidyut and Prakash Chand.Public Administration in a Globalizing World-

Theories and Practices. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2012

Singh, Hoshiar and Sachdeva.Public Administration: Theory and Practice. New Delhi: Pearson
Education India, 2011.

Medury, Uma. Public Administration in the Globalization era: The New Public Management
Perspective. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2010.

Bhambri, C.P. Public Administration (Theory and Practice). Meerut: Meerut Educational
Publishers, 2010.

Barthwal, C.P. (Ed). Good Governance in India. Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 2004.

Arora K, Ramesh (Ed). Public Administration in India: Tradition, Trends and Transformation.
New Delhi: Paragon International Publishers, 2006.

Jain, R.B. (Ed). Globalization and Good Governance: Pressures for Constructive Reforms.
New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications Ltd, 2005.

Osborne, David and T. Gaebler.Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial spirit is

transforming the Public Sector. New York: Addison Wesley, 1993.

Golembiewsky T, Robert. Public Administration as a Developing Discipline.Newyork: Marcel

Dekker Inc, 1977.

Marini, F. New Public Administration. New York: Wilay, 1976.

Nigro A, Felix. Modern Public Administration. New York: Lloyd Harper and Row, 1965.
(Disciplinary Major)

F. M-100
Credits – 3

This course is being introduced as a disciplinary major seek to understand the ideas
about the origin and development, structure, functioning, rules and processes of Indian
Administration. This course also focuses on different levels of administration at the Central
Government, State Administration, and District Administration.

UNIT-I : Indian Administration: Origin and Development; Indian Administration

during the British Period; Transition from Colonial to Welfare
Administration; Nature of Post-Independent Indian State;Constitutional
Goals and Indian Administration.

UNIT-II : Central Government Administration in India: President, Prime Minister,

Cabinet, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office, Zonal Councils,
UPSC, Central Vigilance Commission; State Administration:Governor,
Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, State Secretariat, Chief Secretary.

UNIT III : NITI Ayog; Administrative Accountability;Corruption in Administration;

Citizens’ Grievances and Remedies;Administrative Reforms; Disaster
Management: Disaster Preparedness; Relief, Rehabilitation, and
Reconstruction.NDMA, NIDM, NDRF, State DM Agency, District
DM Agency, Role of Civil Society, Mass Media,&Social Media.

Suggested Readings

The Constitution of India, Pub. Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice,
Government of India, 2020
R. K. Arora, Rajni Goyal (2012) Indian Public Administration: Institutions and Issues, New
Age Intl Pub
S. Maheswari (2001) Indian Administration, Orient Blackswan, Sixth Edition
BidyutChakrabarty, Prakash Chand (2016) Indian Administration: Evolution and Practice,
R. K. Sapru (2018) Indian Administration: A Foundation of Governance, Sage
P. D. Sharma, B. M. Sharma (2009) Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospect, Rawat
APS Chouhan, Himanshu Roy, M P Singh (2017) State Politics in India, Primus Books
Disaster Management Handbook, 2005, NIDM, Govt of India.
R. K. Pandey (2020) Disaster Management in India, Sage

(Disciplinary Major)


This course is being introduced as a disciplinary major to know the

knowledge about various theories and approaches to the study of Pubic Administration and their
implications with reference to some of the Indian Thinkers.

UNIT-I : Administrative Theory: Meaning and Significance; Classical School of

Thought:Scientific Management Theory; Classical Theory; Bureaucratic

UNIT-II : Human Relations School of Thought: Hawthorne Experiment of George

Elton Mayo; Behavioral Approach to Organizational Analysis with special
reference to: Chester Barnard, Herbert Simon, Mary Parker Follett,
Abraham Maslow, Mc Gregor’s Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’.

UNIT-III : Development Approach: Elements of Development Administration;

Politics of Development Administration; Critique of Administrative
Theory with Special Reference to Satya Deva; Marxist Critique and
alternative to Western Organization.

Suggested Readings

D Ravindra Prasad, VS Prasad, P Satyananarayana& Y Pardhasadhi (2011), Administrative

Thinkers (Eds), New Delhi, Sterling Publishers.
PardeepSahni, EtakulaVayunandan (2009), Administrative Theory, New Delhi, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.
Thomas A. Bryer (2021), Handbook of Theories of Public Administration and
ManagementNew York, Edward Elgar Publishing.

RK Arora and MeenaSogani1991 (Ed.), Themes and Issues in Administrative Theory, Jaipur,
Arihant Publication.
Hahn Been Lee (1993), Korea, Time, Change and Administration.
TN Chaturvedi&R.K.Arora (1993), Administrative Theory, New Delhi, IIPA.
R.K.Sapru, Theories of Administration, (1996),New Delhi, S.Chand and Co.Ltd.
R.K.Arora, 1999(Ed.).,Perspective in Administrative Theory, New Delhi, Associated
Publishing House.
W.Hyderabrand (1990), A Marxist Critique of Organisation Theory, in W.Even (Ed.),
Frontiers in Organisation and Management, New York, Praegar.
W.Hyderabrand (1997), Organisational Contradiction in Public Bureaucracies, Towards a
Marxism Theory of Organisations”, Sociological Quarterly.
Robert L.Heibroner (1990), Marxism For and Against, New York, Norton, 1990.
Nicholas Henry (2008), Public Administration and Public Affairs (10th ed.), Engle Wood
Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall.

(Interdisciplinary Major)

This course is being introduced as an interdisciplinary major to know theknowledge

and understanding of administrative ethics and synthesis of the role of different stakeholders in
connection with ethical behavior and practices.

UNIT-I : Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, Determinants and Consequences of

Ethics in-Human Actions; Dimensions of Ethics; Ethics - in Private and
Public Relationships; Human Values: Lessons from the Lives and
Teachings of Great Leaders, Reformers and Administrators.

UNIT -II : Attitude: Content, Structure, Function; Moral and Political Attitudes;
Social Influence and Persuasion;Aptitude and Foundational Values for
Civil Service;Emotional Intelligence: Concepts, Utilities and Application
in Administration and Governance.

UNIT – III : Probity in Governance: Concept of Public Service; Philosophical basis of

Governance and Probity;Codes of Ethics; Work Culture;Public/Civil
Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration.

Suggested Readings:

Upadhyay,R. (2017) Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude In Governance. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd

Balaji, D.K. (2021). A Practical Approach to Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.Jice Publications.

Karthikeyan, M. (2021) Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.(4th Ed). McGraw Hill India.

Chowdhury, P.N.R.&Rao, G.S. (2021). Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude (6th Ed). GK Publications
Pvt. Ltd.

Kumar, A. (2019) Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude. PrabhatPrakashanPvt. Ltd.

Kamal, P. (2020).The Principles for Ethics, Integrity &Aptitude.Unique Publications.

Sirohi, R.K. (2019). Administrative Ethics.PrabhatPrakashanPvt. Ltd.

Martinez, J. M. & Richardson, W. D. ( 2008). Administrative Ethics in the Twenty-first Century.

Peter Lang Publishing Inc.
Cooper, T. L. ( 2000).Handbook of Administrative Ethics. CRC Press; 2nd edition

Cooper ,T. L. (2012). The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the
Administrative Role. Wiley Publications.

Robins, S. P.( 2008).Organizational Behavior.PHI Learning / Pearson Education.

Luthans, F. (2001).OrganizationalBehaviour.McGraw Hill.

Schermerhorn, H. & Osborn.( 2009).Organizational Behaviour.WileyPublications.


(Disciplinary Minor)
Credits – 2

This course is being offered as a disciplinary minor and the purpose of this course is to
introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of Financial Administration.

UNIT-I : Financial Administration: Nature, Scope and Importance;Budget: Principles,

Preparation, Enactment and Execution of Budget in India; Performance
Budgeting; Zero based Budgeting; Gender Budgeting;Reserve Bank of India.

UNIT-II : Control over Financial Administration: Ministry of Finance; Parliamentary

Committees: EC; PAC; CoPU; CAG; CGA; Tax Administration: Canons
of Taxation; Theories of Taxation; Goods and Services Tax
(GST);Finance Commission: Composition, Powers and Functions.

Suggested Readings

K.M.Baisye, Financial Administration, OSOMA Publishers, New Delhi, 1992.

H.L.Batia, Public Finance in India, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2000.
G.S. Lall, Public Finance and Financial Administration in India, Kapoor Publishers, New
Delhi 1996.
S.L. Goel, Public Financial Administration, Deep and Deep Publication, New Delhi, 2002.
S. Panda, Financial Administration and Personnel Management in Public Enterprises,
Mittal Publications New Delhi, 1989.
K.K.Sharma, (Ed.), Financial Administration in Government, Vikash Publication, New Delhi.
M. J.K. Thavraj, Financial Administration of India, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1981.
Hugh Dalton, Principles of Public Finance.
R.N.Bhargava, The Theory and Working of Union Finance in India, 5th Ed., Allahabad,
Chaitanya Publishing House, 1977.
D.N.Gadhok, Parliamentary Control Over Government Expenditure, Sterling, 1976.
M.J.K. Thavaraj, Performance Budgeting Research Publications, New Delhi, 1970.
A.K.Basu, Fundamental of Banking: Theory and Practice.Calcutta: A. Mukherjee, 1948
D.D.Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Delhi, Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Reserve Bank of India Bulletin.Bombay.
Mahajan, Sanjeev Kumar and AnupamaPuriMahajan,Financial Administration in India. New Delhi:PHI
Learning, 2014.
V. P. Verma, Financial administration- Concept and Issues, Alfa Publication, New Delhi, 2008.

(Interdisciplinary Minor)


This course is being offered as a interdisciplinary minor to know about Information and
knowledge about environment, sustainability and environmental administration and also
application of environmental protection activities.

UNIT-I : Environment: Meaning, Aspects, and Importance;

Environmental Conservation for Survival;Environmental Issues:
Global Warming andClimate Change; Environment and Law;
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UNIT-II : Environmental Issues and Concerns in North-East India;

Environmental Protection in the World: the role of UNEP; Central and
State Government Agencies and Institutions for Environmental Protection
in India; Environmental Protection in India : Role of Judiciary;
Environmental Movements in India; Public Awareness for Environmental
Management; Covid-19 and Environment.

Suggested Readings

Thangavelu, A and K. Sapru.Environment Law and Policy. New Delhi: Sankalp Publications,
Chopra, Kanchan. Development and Environmental Policy in India. New Delhi: Springer,
Reddy, M. Anji.Text Book of Environmental Science and Technology.Telangana: BS
Publications, 2019.
Rajagopalan’s, R. Environment and Ecology. Gurgaon: Oak Bridge Publishing, 2019.
Sankar, R.N. Environmental Management. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Ahmad, Jamil. Climate Change and Sustainable Development in India. New Delhi: New
Century Publications, 2013.
VenugopalaRao, P. Text Book of Environmental Engineering. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of
India Learning Private Ltd, 2010.
Anjaneyulu, Y. Introduction to Environmental Science. Telangana: BS Publications, 2009.
Sharma, P.D. Ecology & Environment. Meerut: Rastogi Publications, 2009.
Santra, S.S. Environmental Science. New Delhi: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd, 2009.
Saigal, Krishan.Sustainable Development. New Delhi: Gyan Books, 2008.
Rana.Essentials of Ecology and Environmental Science. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India,
Rangarajan, Mahesh. Environmental Issues in India: A Reader. New Delhi: Pearson, 2007.
Kumar, Sushil. Climate Change: An Indian Perspective. New Delhi: Cambridge University
Press India, 2007.
Asthana, D.K. and MeeraAsthana.Environment Problems & Solutions.New Delhi: S. Chand &
Company Ltd, 2003.
Divan, Shyam and Armin Roseneranz.Environmental Law and Policy in India. New Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 2001.
Saxena, K.D. Environmental Planning, Policies and Programmes in India. New Delhi: Shipra
Publications, 1993.
Sapru, R.K. Environmental Management in India. New Delhi: Ashish Publication House,

(First Semester)


Field Project will have the following components:

1) Selection of different Departments, Centres, Public Sector Organisations, etc, either part of or
located within the Mizoram University.

2) Field Visit to/ observation of the organisational structures, working and processes of different
Departments, Centres, Public Sector Organisations, etc, within the Mizoram University.

3) It will promote and understanding the different Departments, Centres, Public Sector
Organisations, etc, their misson and vision, composition, functions and role.

4) It helps to understand their problems, needs and challenges.

5) It helps to find out possible solutions or suggestions for further improvement in working.
(Disciplinary Major)

F.M: 100

This paper is introduced as a disciplinary major to understandthe theory and practices of

public policy including evaluation of specific policies like New Education Policy and
Reservation Policy.

UNIT-I : Public Policy: Concept, Nature, Scope and Significance; Types of Public
Policy: Regulatory, Distributive and Re-distributive; Policy Science:
Concept and Importance.

UNIT-II : Approaches to Public Policy: Incremental Theory, Systems Analysis

Theory, Elite Theory, Rational Theory and Public Choice Theory.

UNIT-II: Policy Formulation: Process and Role of Political Parties, Pressure

Groups, Mass Media and Citizens; Policy Implementation: Role of
Bureaucracy, Legislature and Judiciary; Policy Evaluation: Selected
Policy Studies in India: New Education Policy 2020, Reservation Policy.

Suggested Readings

Ramesh Kumar Tiwari, AashaKapur Mehta, Public Policy and Administration: Formulation, Implementation
and Evaluation, Gyan Publishing House 2012
J.E.Anderson, Public Policy Making, Boston, Haughton, Miffin, 1990.
T.Dye, Understanding of Public Policy, 9thEdt.Engewood Cliffs New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1997.
R.K.Sapru, Public Policy Formulation, Supplemention and Evaluation, New Delhi, Sterling, 1994.
L.N.Gerston, Public Policy Making : Process and Principles, London, M.E.Sharpe, 1997.
W.N.Dunn, Public Policy Analysis : An Introduction, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1993.
K.Disch, Policy Making in India, New Delhi, Publication Division,1990.
Charles E.Lindblom, The Policy Making Process, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.Prentice-Hall, 1998.
PradeepSahni, Public Policy Conceptual Dimentions, New Delhi, KitabMahal, 1987.
R.S.Ganapathy, S.R.Ganesh, R.M.Maru, Samuel Paul, Ram Mohan Rao, (Eds.), Public Policy and Policy Analysis,
New Delhi, Sage Publications.
Harold D.Lassewell, “Policy Sciences” in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Vol.12, pp. 181-189.
GraigLiskie and others, Public Policy : Issues, Theories and Methods, 1990.
Thomas R.Dye, Understanding Public Policy, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1991.
Paul H.Appleby, Policy and Administration, The University of Alabama Press, 1999.
Charles E.Jacob, Policy and Bureaucracy, D.VanNostrand Company, INC, 1996.
DrorYehezkal, Design For Policy Science, 1992.
B.A.V.Sharma and K.M.Reddy (Eds.), Reservation Policy in India : New Delhi, Light and Life, 1982.
PradeepSaxena, Public Policy Administration, Jaipur, RBSA Publications, 2005.
(Disciplinary Major)

F.M: 100
Credits: 3

This course is introduced as a disciplinary major seek to provide necessary

background information, growth implications and challenges of e-Governance in India.

UNIT-I : Governance: Meaning, Nature and Significance; Good Governance:

Meaning, Elements and Challenges; Government Process Re-
engineering; e-Governance in India: Meaning, Origin, Nature and
Development; NeGP; Digital India Programme.

UNIT-II : Basic ideas on Computer, ICT, Internet, NIC, Paper-less office, OnLine
Transactions, Single-Window System and Governance Through
Mobile Apps.

UNIT- III : e-Governance in Central and State Governments; e-Governance

Projects in Mizoram: Problems and Prospects; e-Governance and
Citizen-Centric Service Delivery, e-Governance: Limitations and

Suggested Readings

R. P. Sinha, E-Governance in India: Initiatives & Issues, Concept Publishing Company, 2006.
Sangita Dhal, E-governance and Citizen Engagement: New Directions in Public
Administration, Sage, 2021.
M.Sumathy, A Handbook Of E-Governance In India, Abhijeet Publications, 2021.
Puneet Kumar, Rajesh Sharma &UrmaniKaushal, E-Governance in India: Problems, Prototypes
& Prospects (Government Procedures and Operations), Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2016.
Sharma, e-Governance, APH Publishing, 2004.
Subhash C. Bhatnagar, e-Government:From Vision to Implementation - A Practical Guide
With Case Studies SAGE, 2004.
Prabhu, e-Governance : Concepts and Case Studies, New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India, 2008.
G.David Garson, ed., Handbook of Public Information Systems, Marcel Dekker, 2001.
Richard HeeksReinventing Government in the Information Age, Routledge , 2001.
Kate Oakley,e-Government : An International Study of On-Line Government, London: C &
W Communications, 2000.
SaskiaSassen,The Impact of the Internet on Sovereignty : Real and Unfounded Worries, San
Francisco, 2000.
K.C. Shekar, A to Z Handbook of IT,2003.
S.K.Bansal,Dictionary of IT Terms, 2002.
Gandhi and Menan, Global Source Book on Information Technology (Two Volumes), 2002.
B.B. Batra,IT : Opportunities and Challenges, 2001.


(Disciplinary Major)

Credits: 3

This paper is being offered as a disciplinary major to understand the theories of

bureaucracy and their application in the context of administrative effectiveness and reforms.

UNIT-I: Bureaucracy: Meaning, Nature, Dimensions and Foundation; Bureaucracy

and Politics; Bureaucracy and Liberal Democracy; Bureaucracy in
Developing and Post-Colonial Societies.
UNIT-II: Karl Marx and Max Weber on Bureaucracy: Concept, Types &
Dimensions;Post-Weberian Thinking on Bureaucracy:Mosca, Michels,
Robert KMerton, C. Wright Mills, Talcott Parsons, Anthony Downs, Peter
UNIT-III: Bureaucracy and New World Economic Order; Bureaucracy and Public-
Private Partnership; Bureaucracy and Planning; Bureaucracy and Civil
Society; Professionalism, Responsiveness, Neutrality and Commitment of
Bureaucracy; Reformsin Bureaucracy.

Suggested Readings

Elliot Jaques, N H Exeter (1980) A General Theory of Bureaucracy, H E Edu Books

David Beetham (1996), Bureaucracy, University of Minnesota
T A J Nicholson (2017) Organization and Bureaucracy: An Analysis of ModernTheories, Routledge
Miller and Fox, (2008)Post-Modern Public Administration, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India
Nicholas Henry, (2008)Public Administration and Public Affairs, New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India
Paul du Gay (2000) In Praise of Bureaucracy: Weber- Organization- Ethics, Copenhagen B School
Robert K.Merton, (1992), Reader in Bureaucracy, Glencoe Free Press
Max Weber (1958) Essays in Sociology, Oxford University Press
Tony Waters and Dagmar Waters (2015) Max Weber’s Bureaucracy, Palgrave MacMillan
StanislavAndreski (2008) Max Weber on Capitalism, Bureaucracy and Religion, Routledge
Robert C Trucker, edt (1978) The Marx-Engels Reader,W. W. Norton and Co, London
M.Bhattacharya, (1999)Bureaucracy and Development Administration, New Delhi, Uppal
Hal Draper, (1990) Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution: State and Bureaucracy, Monthly Review Press
ReinhardBendix (1990) Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait, New York, Dou
Indian Journal of Public Administration- Special Issues on Bureaucracy
(Interdisciplinary Major)

Credits – 3
This course is introduced as a interdisciplinary major in order to know about the
administration in North East India including the interface with the traditional system and present
day challenges.

(Note: This paper will be studied with special reference to Mizoram and Meghalaya)

UNIT-I : Administration in the Pre and Post-Independence period in Meghalaya and

Mizoram:Chieftainship; Syiemship and Nokmaship; British Rule in North East
India:Inner Line Regulation; Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Mizoram
and Meghalaya).

UNIT-II : Sixth Schedule of the Constitution: Regional/Autonomous District Councils in the

Post Independence Period; Village Councils and Local Councils; District
Administration: Deputy Commissioner; Formation of States of Meghalaya and

UNIT-III : Role of Political Parties for the formation of States of Meghalaya and Mizoram;
Instruments of Administration: North Eastern Council (NEC); Aizawl Municipal
Corporation; Civil Society and Administration in North East India.
Suggested Readings
Animesh Ray, Mizoram: Dynamic of Change, Calcutta, Pearl Publishers, 1982.
A.G. McCall, LushaiChrysallies, London, Luzac and Co, Ltd. 1999.
B.Pakem, (Ed.), Ethnicity Nationality and Cultural Identity, Delhi, OMSONS, 1989.
D.D. Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Delhi, Prentice-Hall, 1984.
E.A. Gait, A History of Assam, Calcutta, Thaker Spink, 1963.
J.K.Patnaik, Mizoram: Dimensions and Perspectives, New Delhi, Concept, 2008.
L.S. Gassah, (Ed.), Regional Political Parties in North-East India, Delhi, OMSONS, 1992.
L.S. Gassah, (Ed), Autonomous District Council, New Delhi, OMSONS Publications, 1997.
Lalneihzovi, District Administration in Mizoram, New Delhi: Mittal, 2006.
Lalrintluanga, Mizoram: Development of Politico-Administrative System and Statehood, (Serials Publications,
New Delhi, 2009).
R.N.Prasad, Government and Politics in Mizoram, Delhi Northern Book Centre, 1987.
S.K.Chaube, Hill Politics in North-East India, Culcutta Orient Longman, 1993.
V.V.Rao,, A Century of Politics in North-East India, Vol.I (Assam), Vol.II (Meghalaya), Vol.III
V.V.Rao, A Century of Tribal Politics in North-East India, Delhi, S.Chand and Company.
(Disciplinary Minor)

F.M: 100
Credits: 2

This course is offered as a disciplinary minor to know aboutcomparative Public

Administration and various models of study and analysis.

UNIT-I : Comparative Public Administration: Concept, Nature, Evolution and Significance;

Approaches to the Study of Comparative Public Administration: Traditional and
Modern Approaches.
UNIT-II : Models in Comparative Public Administration: Bureaucratic Model; Socialist
Model and Prismatic Model; Comparative Analysis of Administrative Systems:
U.K., U.S.A., France and Japan.

Suggested Readings

R.K.Arora and Sangeeta Sharma, Comparative Development Administration, Jaipur, Arihant,

Ramesh K.Arora, Comparative Public Administration, New Delhi, Associated Publishing
Hosue, 1992.
R.D.Sharma, Administrative System of Developing Societies, New Delhi, Mittal Publications,
Fred W.Riggs. Administration in Developing Countries : The Theory of Prismatic Society,
Boston, Houghton Miffin Co., 1964.
Ridley and Blonded, Public Administration in France, 1980.
UmertoMelotli, Marx and the Third World, London, NLB, 1981.
Rajni Kothari, (Ed.), State and Nation-Building : A Third World Perspective, New Delhi,
Allied, 1976.
James G.Wilson, American Government : Institutions and Policies, 1989.
Nobutaka Ike, Theory of Japanese Democracy, West View Press, 1978.
SrinibasPathi, A.Mishra, Major Constitution : Govt. & Politics in UK, USA, China,
Switzerland, New Delhi : Dominant, Vol.I& II, 2004.

(Interdisciplinary Minor)


This course is offered as a disciplinary major to have a Knowledge about public

personnel administration including basic features and emerging trends and evaluation of the
system in India.

UNIT-I : Administrative Law: Concept, Origin, Nature, Scope and Importance;

Rule of Law; Doctrine of Separation of Powers; Relationship between
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law; Delegated Legislation-Its
Growth, Meaning, Need; Judicial Control over Administration: Writs and
Doctrine of Judicial Review.

UNIT-II : Administrative Tribunals: Concept, Reasons for the growth,

Advantages and Dis-advantages, Safeguards; Public Corporations: Powers
and Limitations; Regulatory Agencies: Central Administrative Tribunal;
National Green Tribunal; Telecom Regulatory Authority of India;
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority; Institution of
Ombudsman in India: Lokpal.

Suggested Readings

Massey, I.P. Administrative Law. Law Books Publisher, 2022.

Pandey, J.N. Constitutional Law in india. Central Law Agency, 20th Edition, 2020.
Jain, M.P. Indian Constitutional Law. Lexis Nexis, 8th Edition, 2018.
Ghosh, Yashomati. Textbook on Administrative Law. Lexis Nexis, Ist Edition, 2015.
Wade, H.W.R & C.F. Forsyth.Administrative Law. Oxford University Press, 11th Edition, 2014.
Craig, Paul P. Administrative Law.Sweet & Maxwell, 2016.
Leyland, Peter and Gordon Anthony.Administrative Law.Oxford University Press, 2012.
Jain, M.P. Principles of Administrative Law.Universal Publications, 2011.
Jain, M.P. and S.N. Jain.Principles of Administrative Law.Lexis Nexis, Butterworth &Wadhwa and Compacy, 7 th
Edition, 2011.
Sathe, S.P. Administrative Law.Butterworth publication, 2010.
Rosedar, S.R.A. Administrative Law. Lexis Nexis, 2010.
Guissani, Elizabeth. Constitutional and Administrative Law.Sweet & Maxwell, 2008.
G.P. Singh, AradeAlokand. Principles of Administrative Law.Lexis Nexis, 2013.


(Second Semester)


Field Project will have the following components:

1) Field Study of Village Councils, Civil Society Organisations, Government

Departments/Agencies, Primary Health Centres of Service Delivery System, etc.

2) It helps to study their services and administrative process.

3) It will help in identifying their problems, needs and challenges.

4) It helps to find out the solutions or suggestions for further improvement in working.
(Disciplinary Major)

F.M: 100
Credits – 3

This paper is being offered as a disciplinary major in order to know about basic features
of Research Methodology and application of the concepts and techniques of research.

UNIT-I : Research: Meaning, Nature and Scope;Scientific Method, Types of Research,

Research Process, Hypothesis,Research Design, Sampling Method.

UNIT-II : Tools and Methods of Data Collection: Interview-Schedule, Questionnaire,Case

Study Method,Survey Method, Observation Method, Focus Group Discussion.

UNIT-III : Data Analysis:Data Processing; Scales of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval

and Ratio; Measures of Central Tendency, Non-parametric Test- Chi-Square Test;
Research Report Writing; Research Ethics and Plagiarism.

Suggested Readings

Kothari, C.R., (2009),ResearchMethodology: Methods and Techniques, New Delhi:New Age International.
W.J.Goode, P.H.Halt, (2004), Methods in Social Research, New York: McGraw Hill Company.
J.T.Doby, (2000),An Introduction to Social Research, New York: Appleton.
John Galtung, (2002), Theory and Methods of Social Research, London: Allen and Unwin.
PerttiAlasuntari, Leonard Brickman, Julia Brannen, (2008),The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods,
New Delhi: Sage.
Chris Hahn, (2008), Doing Qualitative Research Using Your Computer, New Delhi: Sage.
SteinarKvale, (2008),Doing Interviews, NewDelhi: Sage.
Tim Rapley, (2008),Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis, New Delhi: Sage.
T.S. Wilkinson & P.L. Bhandarkar, (1982), Methodology and Techniques of Social Research,Bombay Himalaya
Ram Abuja,( 2003), Research Methods, New Delhi:Rawat Publications.
S. Sarandakos,(1998), Social Research, London: McMillan Press Ltd.
Jay D. White & Guy B. Adams (Ed.), (1994), Research in Public Administration, Reflections on Theory &
Practice, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Pauline V. Young,(2001),Scientific Social Survey & Research, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
A.R.Tygagi, (1990),Scientific Method in Public Administration, London, Harper and Row.
F.N.Kerlinger, (1997), Foundations of Behavioral Research, New York: Halt, Rin-hart and Winston,
J.T.Doby (Ed.), (1999),An Introduction to Social Research, New York: Appleton Century Crofts.
F.Festinger and D.Katz, (Ed.),(2000),Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences, New Delhi, Amerind.
John Galtung, (1997), Theory and Methods of Social Research, London, Allen and Unwin.
C.A.Moser and C.Kalton,(1990),Survey Methods in Social Investigation, N.Y.Mac-millam.
H.M.Blalock, (Ed.), (1998),Methodology in Social Research, New York, McGraw-Hills..
Hyman,,(1994),Interviewing in Social Research, Chicago University of Chicago Press.
Dennis J.Pelumba,(1991),Statistics in Political and Behavioral Sciences, New York:


(Disciplinary Major)

F.M: 100

This course is offered as a disciplinary major to have acknowledge about public

personnel administration including basic features and emerging trends and evaluation of the
system in India.

UNIT-I : Public Personnel Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and

Importance in Modern State, Manpower Planning; Recruitment:
Principles, Methods, Selection Process, Personnel Agencies: UPSC
and State Public Service Commission.

UNIT-II : Training: Objectives, Nature, Dimensions, Types, Methods,

Techniques, Training Needs Assessment. Promotion; Service Rules:
Conduct, Discipline& Superannuation.

UNIT-III : Emerging Trends: Neutrality, Anonymity and Integrity; Grievances of

Public Personnel and Grievance Redressal Mechanisms.

Suggested Readings

V.M.Sinha, Personnel Administration, Jaipur, R.B.S.A. Publishers, 1996.

S.L.Goel, Public Personnel Administration, Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1994.
P.Ghosh, Public Personnel Administration in India, Delhi, Sudha Publications, 1995.
S.P.Verma and S.K.Sharma, Managing Public Personnel (2nd Edition), New Delhi, IIPA, 1995.
D.D. Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Delhi, Prentice-Hall, 1994.
G.Glenn Stahl, Public Personnel Administration, (7th Edition), New Delhi, Oxford and I.B.H. Publications,
S.R.Maheshwari, The Civil Service in Great Britain, Delhi, Concept Publication, 1996.
India, Sixth (Central Pay Commission), 2006.
A.R.Tyagi, Civil Services in a Developing Society, Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1999.
M.P.Sharma, Public Administration : Theory and Practice, Allahabad, KitabMahal, 1990.
RumkiBasu, Public Administration, Concepts and Theories, New Delhi, (Third Revised Edn.) 1994, Sterling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Mohit Bhattacharya, Public Administration : Structure, Process and Behaviour, Calcutta, World Press, 1987.
Ramesh K.Arora and RajniGoyal, Indian Public Administration-Institutions and Issues, New Delhi,
VishwaPrakashan, 1995.
S.R.Maheshwari, Indian Administration, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1990.
S.R.Maheshwari, Evolution of Indian Administration, Agra, LaxmiNarainAgarwal, 1992
S.R.Maheshwari, Administrative Reforms in India, New Delhi, Macmillan, 1993
R.D.Jain, Contemporay Issues in Indian Administration, New Delhi, Vishal Publications, 2000.

PUB/MN/602 Administrative Ethics

(Disciplinary Minor)


This course is being introduced as an disciplinary minor to know theknowledge and

understanding of administrative ethics and synthesis of the role of different stakeholders in
connection with ethical behavior and practices.

UNIT-I : Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, Determinants and Consequences of

Ethics in-Human Actions; Dimensions of Ethics; Ethics - in Private and
Public Relationships; Human Values: Lessons from the Lives and
Teachings of Great Leaders, Reformers and Administrators.

UNIT -II : Attitude: Content, Structure, Function; Moral and Political Attitudes;
Social Influence and Persuasion;Aptitude and Foundational Values for
Civil Service; Emotional Intelligence: Concepts, Utilities and Application
in Administration and Governance.

Suggested Readings:

Upadhyay,R. (2017) Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude In Governance. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd

Balaji, D.K. (2021). A Practical Approach to Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.Jice Publications.

Karthikeyan, M. (2021) Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.(4th Ed). McGraw Hill India.

Chowdhury, P.N.R.&Rao, G.S. (2021). Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude (6th Ed). GK Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Kumar, A. (2019) Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude. PrabhatPrakashanPvt. Ltd.

Kamal, P. (2020).The Principles for Ethics, Integrity &Aptitude.Unique Publications.

Sirohi, R.K. (2019). Administrative Ethics.PrabhatPrakashanPvt. Ltd.

Martinez, J. M. & Richardson, W. D. ( 2008). Administrative Ethics in the Twenty-first Century. Peter Lang
Publishing Inc.

Cooper, T. L. ( 2000).Handbook of Administrative Ethics. CRC Press; 2nd edition

Cooper ,T. L. (2012). The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role. Wiley
Robins, S. P.( 2008).Organizational Behavior.PHI Learning / Pearson Education.

Luthans, F. (2001).OrganizationalBehaviour.McGraw Hill.

Schermerhorn, H. & Osborn.( 2009).Organizational Behaviour.WileyPublications.


(Interdisciplinary Minor)


This course is offered as an interdisciplinary minor to have Knowledge about

international administration related to various important institutions existing at the global level
and their aims, background, governance structures, functions, role, programmes and activities.

UNIT-I : Concept, Nature and Characteristics of International Administration;

Historical Development of the International System; International
Organisations: Role and Functions; Evolution of the League of Nations
and the United Nations (UN). UN: Organizational Structure, Role &
UNIT-II : Specialized Agencies of the U.N;International Civil Services;
International Administration withreference to Developing Countries:
World Bank, IDA, IMF & ADB;Financial Administration in the UN;
Regional Organisations: EU &SAARC.

Suggested Readings

Alexander Loveday, Reflections on International Administration, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1956.

Pease, International Organizations: Perspectives on Global Governance, UK, Rutledge, 2018
Jacob Katz Cogan, Ian Hurd& Ian Johnstone, The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations,Newyork,
Oxford University Press, 2016
RumkiBasu, The United Nations: Structure & Functions of An International Organisation,Greater Noida,
Sterling Publications Private Limited, 2019.
H.O. Agarwal, International Organisations,Allahabad, Central Law Publication,2021.
SwapandeepKaur, International Organisations, Patiala, Madaan Publishing House,2015.
KuldeepFadia, International Organizations, Agra, SahityaBhawan, 2019.
B.S.Murthy, International Relations and Organisation, Lucknow, Eastern Book Company, 2019.
Y.Beigbeder, Management Problems in United Nations Organizations, (London, Pinter Publisher, 1988.
S.L.Goel, International Civil Service, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1984.
Satish Kumar, (Ed.), The United Nations at 50, New Delhi, UBSPD, 1995.
A.Le Roy Bennett, International Organisation: Principles and Issues, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1995.
J.A.Moore, and J.Pubantz, The New United Nations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 2005.
D.Pet and T.Weiss, (Eds.), The Nature of United Nations Bureaucracies, London and Sydney, Croom and Helm,
RumkiBasu, ,Personnel Administration in United Nations, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1989.

(Third Semester)


Field Project will have the following components:

1) To study the origin and historical development of Government

Departments/Directorates/Agencies and Boards, etc in Mizoram.
2) To study their organisational structure, working and functions.
3) To study the implementation of policies, programmes and schemes.
4) To find out their problems and challenges.
5) To give solutions or suggestions for effective and efficient functioning.

Credits – 6
Contents :
a) Theory:
Identification and Selection of Project Topic, Preparation of Project/Research Proposal,
Collection of Review of Literature related to the topic, Collection and Processing of Data.

Note: Any topic from within the entire course of M.A. in Public Administration may be
selected by each student. However, the topic needs to be finalized in consultation with the
supervisor allotted by the Department for each student.

Suggested readings:
Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology:Methods and Techniques New Age International, 2009
Ahuja, Ram, Research Methods, Rawat Publications, 01-Jan-2001
W.J.Goode, P.H.Halt, Methods in Social Research, New York : McGraw Hill, 2004.
P.V.Young, Scientific Social Surveys and Research, New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India, 2001.
J.T.Doby, An Introduction to Social Research, New York : Appleton, 2000.
John Galtung, Theory and Methods of Social Research, London : Allen and Unwin, 2002.
PerttiAlasuntari, Leonard Brickman, Julia Brannen, The SAGE Handbook of Social Research
Methods, New Delhi : Sage, 2008.
Chris Hahn, Doing Qualitative Research Using Your Computer, New Delhi : Sage, 2008.
SteinarKvale, Doing Interviews, New Delhi : Sage, 2008.
Tim Rapley, Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis, New Delhi : Sage, 2008.
A.R.Tygagi, Scientific Method in Public Administration, London, Harper and Row, 1990.
F.N.Kerlinger, Foundations of Behavioural Research, New York, Halt, Rin-hart and Winston,1997.
J.T.Doby (Ed.), An Introduction to Social Research, New York, Appleton Century Crofts,1999.
F.Festinger and D.Katz, (Ed.), Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences, New Delhi, Amerind,
John Galtung, Theory and Methods of Social Research, London, Allen and Unwin, 1997.
C.A.Moser and C.Kalton, Survey Methods in Social Investigation, N.Y.Mac-millam, 1990.
H.M.Blalock, (Ed.), Methodology in Social Research, New York, McGraw-Hills, 1998.
Hyman,,Interviewing in Social Research, Chicago University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Dennis J.Pelumba, Statistics in Political and Behavioural Sciences, New York,1991.
( Disciplinary Major)

F.M: 100
Credits – 4

This course is being introduced as a disciplinary major tounderstand the concept of

development administration and the role of different international and national agencies and civil
society groups. Also, information about institutional framework for developmental
administration and analysis of major challenge

UNIT-I : Development Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance;

Development Administration and Administrative Development;Changing
Dimensions of Development-Economic, Human, Gender and SustainabilityIssues.

UNIT-II : Approaches to Development Administration: Western Liberal Approach; Marxist

Approach; Gandhian Approach and Right-Based Approach.

UNIT-III :Institutional Framework of Development Administration in India: Role of Political

Executive and Planning Agencies: Planning Commission, NITI Aayog and National
Development Council, State Planning Board, Bureaucracy and Development.

UNIT-IV : Major Challenges to Development Administration in India:Role of World Bank;

Citizens&Civil Society Groups;Regionalism; Corruption in Administration;
Evaluation of Development Efforts in India with special reference to Economic

Suggested Readings

Richard Peet, Elaine Hartwick: Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives, Rawat Publication New
Delhi 2005

Katie Willis, Theories and Practices of Development, Routledge March (2005)

Faisal Al Salam, The Ecological Dimensions of Development Administration, New Delhi, Associated, 1995.

R.K.Arora and Sangeta Sharma (ed.), Comparative Development Administration, Jaipur, Arihant, 1992.

SukhomoyChakraborty, Development Planning, New Delhi, Oxford, 1990.

Grant George, Development Administration : Concepts, Goals, Methods, Madison University of Wisconsin
Press, 1999.
Md. Nazrul Islam, Decentralisation, Transparency, Social Capital & Development, New Delhi, Mittal
Publications, 2005.

R.B.Jain, Public Administration in India, New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2001.

Edward Weidner, (Ed.), Development Administration in Asia, Durham, N.C. Duke University Press, 1990.

V.A.PaiPanandikar, Bureaucracy and Development Administration, New Delhi, Centre for Policy Research,

M.C.Behera, Globalisation and Development Dilemma, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2004.

Jasmine Damle, Beyond Economic Development, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2001.

K.P.Mishra and S.C.Gangal (Eds.), Gandhi and the Contemporary World, Delhi, Chanakya, 1991

Richard Peet, Elaine HartwickTheories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives, Rawat Publication New
Delhi 2005

Katie Willis, Theories and Practices of Development, Routledge March (2005)

Faisal Al Salam, The Ecological Dimensions of Development Administration, New Delhi, Associated, 1995.

R.K.Arora and Sangeta Sharma (ed.), Comparative Development Administration, Jaipur, Arihant, 1992.

SukhomoyChakraborty, Development Planning, New Delhi, Oxford, 1990.

Grant George, Development Administration : Concepts, Goals, Methods, Madison University of Wisconsin
Press, 1999.

Md. Nazrul Islam, Decentralisation, Transparency, Social Capital & Development, New Delhi, Mittal
Publications, 2005.

R.B.Jain, Public Administration in India, New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2001.

Edward Weidner, (Ed.), Development Administration in Asia, Durham, N.C. Duke University Press, 1990.

V.A.PaiPanandikar, Bureaucracy and Development Administration, New Delhi, Centre for Policy Research,

M.C.Behera, Globalisation and Development Dilemma, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2004.
Jasmine Damle, Beyond Economic Development, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2001.

K.P.Mishra and S.C.Gangal (Eds.), Gandhi and the Contemporary World, Delhi, Chanakya, 1991.

PaiPanandikar V.A., Development Administration in India, New Delhi: Macmillan, 1974.

Hari Mohan Mathur., Administering Development in Third World Constraints and Choices, New Delhi: Sage
Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 1986.

Chaturvedi T.N., Development Administration, New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 1984.

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, A.K.Shivakumar (Eds.,), Readings in Human Development, New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2003.

AmartyaSen, Development as Freedom, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2000.

The World Bank, Engendering Development, Washington D.C: The World Bank, 2001.

The World Bank, Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World, World Development Report – 2003 Washington
D.C: The World Bank, 2003.

Jan NederneenPieterse, Development Theory: Deconstruction/Reconstruction, New Delhi: Vistaar Publication,


(Fourth Semester)



Field Project will have the following components:

Internship/Apprenticeship/Training/Public Policy Analysis/Application of Public
Administration Theory, etc.

1) It helps to train the students to know about the working and processes of different agencies.
2) It helps to train the students to know about the personnel management system and human
resource development processes.

3) It also contributes to enhancement of knowledge about public policy analysis, application of

public administration theory, etc.
(Fourth Semester)

Credits – 12
Contents :

a) Research Project Writing:

Writing and Submission of Final Dissertation Report.

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