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1. When you handle complaints, it is important to be diplomatic. d

2. You can establish a rapport with a customer if you know about their buying habits.
3. A money-back guarantee if not completely satisfied is often a minimum
expectation these days. g
4. Companies which do not meet their standards of service will lose customers. b
5. Giving refunds promptly and without fuss to dissatisfied customers is one
indicator of high-quality customer service. f
6. When a company is at fault, a one-off goodwill payment is a useful way to retain
customer loyalty. e
7. Financial compensation for poor customer service is not the only way to meet
customer expectations. a

1. c 5. b
2. d 6. g
3. e 7. f
4. a

1. get to the bottom of the problem

2. pass the buck
3. ripped off
4. slipped my mind
5. talking at cross purposes
6. the last straw
7. go the extra mile

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