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Topic 8: Colonial Cities – Calcutta, Bombay , Madras

This project will help to:
1. develop skills to gather data ,investigate different view points and reach a logical justification
2. understand the process of urbanisation under British rule, examine the chief characteristics of the colonial
3. appreciate the different architectural styles used by the colonial rulers and analyze the reason behind it
4. understand the social changes brought about in the cities
5. they will also analyze the condition of the cities in the post colonial period
1. This project could be presented in the form of a power point presentation . Each student could be assigned a
particular city and trace the history of the city from pre colonial period
2. If possible they can make a trip to the chosen city, visit the areas where the colonial impact is still prevalent ,
visit the archives and the museums and talk to the curators to gather information about the history of the
3. These observations should be combined with information from other types of sources like books and the
internet etc and with inferences drawn from discussions with experts (if possible). At the end, the student
could produce a concise write-up about their subtopic.
Students would be evaluated based on three things:
1. Group topic: The work of each group would be evaluated separately. Each group would be evaluated on the
basis their contribution and efficiency and involvement while putting up the final presentation
2. Individual presentation: Every student should present and explain a part of the section that his/her group is
in charge of.

The total marks allotted for the project will be 20 marks. The following are the methods and criteria for evaluation:

Group work 8 marks

Individual presentation/explanation 4 marks
Individual contribution 4 marks
Overall impact and presentation 4 marks
Total 20 marks

1) Anthony King : Colonial Urban Development : Culture, Social Power and Environment
2)Thomas R. Metcalfe : An Imperial Vision: Indian Architecture and Britain's raj
3) Robert K. Home: Of Planting and Planning: The Making of British Colonial Cities
4) Mumford, Lewis. The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects.
5)Albuquerque, Teresa. Bombay: A History.
6)Kosambi, Meera. Bombay in Transition: The Growth and Social Ecology of a Colonial City
7)Lapierre, Dominique. The City of Joy
8) Barlow, Glyn. The Story of Madras

Page 1 of Class 12 History Project

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