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0 22-Feb-2024

Warhammer Old World League 2024 Rules


This league is a “slow grow” ladder league using the Warhammer Fantasy Old World rules. The League
will take place over 4 months. Players will choose one race from the Warhammer Fantasy universe to
play for the entirety of the league and compete to achieve the highest ranking possible on the ladder.

The 4 months will be broken down into four 1-month sessions. At the end of each session, the game size
will increase by 250pts. During each session, players are encouraged to play as many games and as many
different opponents as possible to improve their ranking on the ladder.

General Game Rules

Warhammer Old World Rulebook and FAQ will be the basis of game play. Army lists can be made using
the Forces of Fantasy, Ravening Hordes, Legacy Army lists, Arcane Journals, and any associated

Warhammer The Old World - BC -> 2024 Ladder League subchannel has been created to facilitate league
notifications, and communications related to the league.

Ladder Ranks and Bonuses

The Trello app will be used to track player’s positions on the ladder. Players my challenge any player on
the ladder and players may select any scenario from the basic rulebook or Arcane Journals. If a player
wins a game, the winning player will advance one position “up” the ladder. However, games played
against the same player multiple times per session will not have any effect on the ladder rankings.

Games may be played in any time and location convenient to the players and are to be arranged at the
respective points level for the session. At the end of each session, the points value will increase by

 Month 1 – 1250pts
 Month 2 – 1500pts
 Month 3 – 1750pts
 Month 4 – 1999pts

Army on Parade: Players will score a bonus 100VP in any game for playing with a fully painted army (3
colour + base).

Army Building and Restrictions

As this is a slow grow league, players are encouraged to paint and play the same faction over the course
of the campaign. Because the Old World ruleset is still new, players are encouraged to try new builds to
determine their playstyle and may change their list multiple times over the course of a session.
However, tailoring your list to specifically counter your opponent is discouraged.


 Points limits for each session are maximums, i.e. For 1250pts, lists must be 1250pts or less,
1251pts is not permitted.
Rev. 0 22-Feb-2024

 There is a limit of 0-3 applied to any units that are not otherwise restricted.
 Mercenaries may be used if detailed in the army list (e.g. Bretonnian Errantry Crusade). If using
an army list from Forces of Fantasy, Ravening Hordes, or Legacy Faction, mercenaries may not
be included.
 Named Characters may be used.
 Allied Contingents are not permitted.

Players are encouraged to base their models to the sizes defined in the Forces of Fantasy/Ravening
Hordes supplements.

League Schedule

Registration can be done before 01-Apr-2024. Players must register on the Trello App before the league
starts. Any players joining after the official start date will begin at the bottom of the ladder. The league
schedule will proceed as follows:

Session Points Value

April 1250pts
May 1500pts
June 1750pts
July 2000pts

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