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Opening :

Assalamualaikum / good morning ladies and gentlemen and all of the

honourable guests.

Welcome to Jakarta History Museum.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Alexsa and I will guide you around to
see the collection in this museum, but before that I would like to tell you
about the history of this building.

Alright ladies and gentlemen, so this building was built as a Dutch City Hall
in 1710...


Alright ladies and gentlemen, before we end the tour, do you have any

Alright, if there's no more questions, I think this is the end of our tour.

We apologize if there's any inconvenience here and thank you for visiting
this museum.

I hope you do enjoy the tour, and it is very nice to meet you.

See you
Museum Sejarah Jakarta / Jakarta Historical Museum

Jakarta Historical Museum is one of the favourite and most visited museum in Jakarta. It
stores and exhibits collections related to the history of Jakarta from prehistoric up to

The building was established in 1707 under the reign of Joan Van Hoorn and was
inaugurated in 1710 by the Governor General Abraham Van Riebeeck. It was initially used as
a Town Hall and also Court of Justic that has five dangeons under the building to detain the
people who committed criminals and political felony.

On March 30 1974 the building was inaugurated as Jakarta Historical Museum by the
Governor of DKI Jakarta Ali Sadikin.

1. Sultan Agung Room

In this room we can see a very large painting by S. Sudjojono in 1974 with the title the
Attack of Mataram Kingdom. S. Sudjojono was the father of Modern Art in Indonesia. The
painting illustrate a war which happened in 1628 and 1629 between the Mataram kingdom
and the VOC’s army which was commanded by Gov. General Jan Pieter Zoon Coen.

2. Room of Batavia in 16th century

Here we can see a model of New Dutch Church which was built in 1743. In the past, the
church was also used a cemetary, that is why you can see tombs of the Dutch inside. Due to
a big earthquake in 1883, the church was broken, and subsequently changed into a puppet
museum as it stands at the moment on the left this museum. Here we can also see a big
map of Batavia city in the early of 18th century which shows Batavia city was once
surrounded by walls. On this map we can also see the location of this building.

3. Jan Pieter Zoon Coen Room

Here is the painting of the very famous Governor General of VOC Jan Pieter Zoon Coen or JP.
Coen. He was the founder of Batavia. Since after he successfully destroyed the city of
Jayakarta in 1619 he changed the name of Jayakarta to Batavia. The word of Batavia was
derived from Nederlands’ ancestor, called Bataaf of Batavieren. On your rightside there is a
diorama which illustrate the war between Jayakarta’s soldier and the VOC in early of 17th
4. Jayakarta Room

On the corner are the recplicas of the Sword of Justice. The swords were used to execute
the prisoners who found guilty and sentenced death. Most of the prisoners were Indonesian
and a few of Chinese who committed criminal or political crime.

This is the statue of Prince of Jayakarta. He was the king of Jayakarta with his real name
Prince Wijaya Krama.

5. Cirebon Room

This is called Cirebon Cannon, which was used to attack Portuguese in Sunda Kalapa.
Altough small but it has weight as 500 kg and made of bronze. Beside the cannon, we can
see a pulpit from an old mosque in Batavia. It was the place for Imam/Ustadz to give

6. Solomon Room

Here on the wall we can see a large painting made of wood from 18 century. In the middle,
the story is about King Solomon’s judgement over two women who fought for a baby. To
reveal the real mother between those two women, The king decided to cut the baby into
half. As we can see there is a standing women who agreed for the decision while the
kneeling one refused it. The painting was a symbol for justice as it was also functioned as
court of justice. On the second floor there are a lot of original furnitures of 17th to 19th

7. Meeting Hall of Court of Justice

In the middle of the room is the meeting table of the justice court. There are three
bookcase, which the glass was made in Italy.

- This big painting is picture of Governor General Petrus Albertus Van der Parra. He
was born in Colombo, Srilanka. Under his administration there were a lot of
corruption which finally made the VOC collapsed/bankrupt in 1799.
- The statue of the first king of the Nederland, Willem Van Orange.

8. Partition / Room divider

This beautiful room divider was used to separate the room. There are seven symbols of
VOC’s commerce cities above it. From rightside; Enkhuizen, Hoorn, Middleburg, Batavia,
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Delft. Here on the wall are the painting of important figures in
Batavia, Mr and Mrs. De Witt.
9. Round Table

This large round table was used as a meeting table. It was made of one piece of teak wood
with diameter 2,2 meter. On that large partition we can see the carving of Goddess of War
of Greek Mythology called Athene.

10. King Size Bed

This 18th century King size bed belonged to a rich dutch.

11. Commemoration board

The board tells about the date of the building’s construction. It is written in old Dutch which
says that the city hall was build from 1707 under the reign of Governor General Joan Van
Hoorn and was inaugurated by the Governor General Abraham Van Riebeeck in 1710.

12. Dungeon

There are five rooms for men with the same size. This is where the prisoners spent their trial
for weeks or months. Inside there are cannon balls and big metal balls which were chained
to their ankles. One cell can be for more than 30 people.
Jl. Taman Fatahillah no. 1, Kota Tua,
Pinangsia, Tamansari, Jakarta Barat –
021 – 6902387

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Gedung Museum Sejarah Jakarta didirikan sebagai Balaikota (StadHuis) dan Dewan
Pengadilan (Raad van Justitie) pada tanggal 25 Januari 1707 dibawah pemerintahan
Gubernur Jenderal Joan Van Hoorn dan diselesaikan dibawah pemerintahan Gubernur
Jenderal Abraham Van Riebeeck pada tanggal 10 Juli 1710.
Pada tahun 1925 – 1942 gedung ini beralih fungsi menjadi Kantor Provinsi Jawa Barat.
Tahun 1942 – 1945, gedung ini beralih fungsi menjadi Markas Dai Nippon Jepang.
Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tahun 1945, gedung ini kembali berfungsi menjadi
Kantor Provinsi Jawa Barat sampai tahun 1952. di tahun yang sama yaitu 1952, gedung
ini kembali berganti fungsi sebagai Markas Komando Distrik Militer 0503, Jakarta Barat.
Pada akhirnya gedung ini diserahkan kepada Pemerintah Kota Jakarta untuk diperbaiki
dan diresmikan sebagai Museum Sejarah Jakarta pada tanggal 30 Maret 1974 oleh
Gubernur DKI Jakarta saat itu, Bapak Ali Sadikin.
Jakarta History Museum Building was built as a City Hall (StadHuis) and Court of Justice
(Raad van Justitie), on January 25th 1707 under the reign of Governor General Joan van
Hoorn, then completed under the reign of Governor General Abraham van Riebeeck on July
10th 1710.
in 1925 – 1942, this building was functioned as West Java Provincial office, when the world
war 2 began in 1942 – 1945, Japan was used this building as Dai Nippon Japan
headquarters, when Indonesia celebrate the independence in 1945, this building regain its
function as West Java Provincial Office until 1952.
in the same year, which is 1952 the building change its function as Military District Command
0503 West Jakarta.
and finally, the building was handed over to the Jakarta Government to be repaired and was
inaugurated as Jakarta History Museum on 30th March 1974 by Ali Sadikin.
Lukisan Sultan Agung yang dilukis oleh Sindoedarsono Soedjojono pada tahun 1972,
menceritakan tentang pertempuran antara Pasukan Sultan Agung dari Mataram dan Pasukan
VOC pada tahun 1628 – 1629 di Batavia.

Sultan Agung Painting which was painted by Sindoedarsono Soedjojono in 1972 which
telling us about the battle between Sultan Agung troops from Mataram Kingdong and
VOC troops in 1628 – 1629 in Batavia
Maket Gereja Baru Belanda (De Nieuwe Hollandsche Kerk) yang hancur pada tahun 1808 akibat
gempa bumi yang mengguncang Batavia, sekarang kita bisa menjumpai bangunan ini sebagai
Museum Wayang

The mock-up of New Dutch Church (De Nieuwe Hollandsche Kerk) which was destroyed in
1808 because of earthquake in Batavia. Now we can see this building as Puppet Museum or
Museum Wayang
Meriam Cirebon atau Meriam Coak sudah ada pada era Majapahit tahun 1293 – 1527 M, meriam ini
terbuat dari kayu jati dan perunggu.

Cirebon or Coak canon was already exist in Majapahit era which was happened in 1293 – 1527 M,
this canon was originally made from teak wood and bronze.
Lukisan tentang peradilan dari seluruh dunia, dilukis ole J.J De Nijs pada tahun 1661, yang terdiri dari 3
bagian kiri menceritakan tentang Keputusan Cambyses, lalu yang kedua tentang Keputusan Solomon, dan
yang terakhir tentang pengorbanan Raja Zalukous.

This painting was telling us about the history of justice around the world, was painted by J.J De Nijs in
1661, it’s divided into three part, the first one which is the left one was telling us about the Judgment of
Cambyses, the middle one was telling us about the judgment of Solomon and the last part about the
sacrifice of Zalukous.
Patung ini terbuat dari perunggu dan memiliki berat 120 KG, merupakan hadiah dari pedagang dari
Jerman kepada Pemerintah kota Batavia. Hermes merupakan anak dari dewa Zeus, dan merupakan
dewa dari pedagang, pejalan kaki, dan atlet.

This statue is made of bronze and weighs 120 KG, is a gift from a merchant from Germany to the City
Government of Batavia. Hermes is the son of the god Zeus, and is a god of merchants, pedestrians,
and athletes.
Ruangan ini berfungsi sebagai Ruang Dewan Pengadilan Batavia. Pada ruangan ini terdapat perangkat meja
berbahan kayu jati, dan merupakan meja yang difungsikan untuk menghakimi para tahanan. Selain berfungsi
sebagai Ruang Dewan Pengadilan, ruangan ini juga berfungsi sebagai perpustakaan, terdapat tiga lemari
besar yang digunakan untuk menyimpan buku – buku sejarah. Lemari yang paling besar berhiaskan patung
dewi kebenaran dan dewi keadilan.
Pada ruangan ini terdapat lukisan Van Der Parra, gubernur jenderal yang memimpin VOC pada tahun 1761.

This room was functioned as a Batavia Court of Justice room. In this room, there seen a table set which using
a teak wood as its material and was used where the leaders of Batavia judging the prisoners. Besides used as
a Court of Justice room, this room is also used for a library in the past, there are big book cases which was
used for saving all the history books, the biggest case was decorated with two statues, there goddess of truth
and goddess of justice statues.
in this room, there is seen the painting of Van Der Parra which happened to be the leader of VOC in 1761.
3 meja bundar atau the three biedermeier merupakan salah satu koleksi mahakarya di Museum Sejarah Jakarta.
Material meja ini adalah kayu jati dan dibuat pada abad ke -18. Meja – meja ini dahulu digunakan untuk berdiskusi
dan mengadakan rapat.

3 round table or the three biedermeier is one of the masterpiece collection at Jakarta History Museum. The
material was fro a teak wood and was made in the 18th century. These tables was used for having a discussion or
a meeting in the past.
Sekat ruangan bergaya barok ini dulunya digunakan sebagai penghias pada ruang siding Hindia Belanda di
Kastil Batavia. Dibuat pada abad ke – 18 dengan detail ukiran yang sangat indah. Pada bagian atasnya
terdapat enam lambing kota yang membentuk VOC, sedangkan satu lambing di tengah merupakan lambing
dari Kota Batavia. Bagian tengah sekat berhiaskan ukiran seorang kesatria yang memegang perisai berhiaskan
kepala Medusa.

This baroque style room was once used as a decoration in the meeting hall of Indies Kasteel (Batavia Castle). It
was made in the 18th century with the exceptionally detailed carvings. On the upper part shows six coat of arms
of cities where VOC resided, while one symbol in the middle is the symbol of the Batavia city. The middle part
of the screen shows carving of a knight carrying an armour with Medusa’s head as its decoration.
Ruang Diponegoro diresmikan pada tanggal 1 April 2019 oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Bapak Anies Rasyid
Kamar Diponegoro merupakan saksi bisu penahanan Pangeran Diponegoro di Batavia selama 26 hari,
Pangeran Diponegoro menunggu putusan Dewan Pengadilan Belanda yang berakhir pada pengasingan
Pangeran Diponegoro di Makassar. Pada ruangan ini terdapat lukisan penangkapan Diponegoro di Magelang
yang dilukis oleh Raden Saleh pada tahun 1857.

Diponegoro’s Room was inaugurated on April, 1st by the Jakarta Governor, Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan.
Diponegoro’s room became a silent witness of Prince Diponegoro’s detention in Batavia for approximately 26
days, Prince Diponegoro was waiting for a decision result from the Dutch Court of Justice which ended with the
exile of Prince Diponegoro to Makassar.
In this room, there is a painting of the arrest of Prince Diponegoro in Magelang which painted by Raden Saleh
in 1857.
Penjara bawah tanah ini digunakan untuk menahan tahanan laki – laki, terdapat lima ruangan dan dalam setiap
ruangan bisa menampung 20 – 50 orang. Pada ruangan penjara ini terdapat bola – bola besi yang ukuran nya
beragam, bola –bola besi tersebut digunakan untuk merantai kaki para tahanan dengan tujuan agar tahanan
tersebut tidak melarikan diri.
Tahanan tersebut menunggu keputusan keadilan di Dewan Pengadilan Batavia, apabila terbukti bersalah,
tahanan akan memilih jenis eksekusi mati mereka, ada dua cara eksekusi mati, yang pertama dipenggal dan
yang kedua digantung.
Pelaksanaan eksekusi mati berlangsung didepan gedung Balaikota dan disaksikan oleh masyarakat Batavia.

This dungeon is used to hold male prisoners, there are five rooms and in each room can accommodate 20-50
people. In this prison room there are iron balls of various sizes, the iron balls are used to chain the prisoners'
feet with the aim that the prisoners do not escape.
The prisoner was awaiting the decision of justice in the Batavian Court Council, if convicted, prisoners would
choose the type of their execution, there were two ways of execution, the first beheaded and the second
The execution took place in front of the City Hall building and was witnessed by the people of Batavia.
Sekat ruangan bergaya barok ini dulunya digunakan sebagai penghias pada ruang sidang Dewan
Hindia Belanda di Kastil Batavia. Dibuat pada abad ke – 18 dengan detil ukiran yang sangat indah.
Pada bagian atasnya terdapat enam lambang kota yang membentuk VOC, sedangkan satu lambang di
tengah merupakan lambang dari Kota Batavuia. Bagian tengah sekat berhiaskan ukiran seorang
kesatria yang memegang perisai berhiaskan kepala Medusa.

This baroque-style-room screen was once used at the meeting hall in the council of Dutch Indies,
Batavia Castle. It was made in the 18th century with exceptionally detailed carvings. On the upper art, it
shows six city symbols where VOC resided, while one symbol in the middle is the symbol of the Batavia
city. The middle part of the screen shows carving of a knight carrying armor with Medusa’s head as its
Ruangan ini berisi tentang kondisi Jakarta pada masa kini, terdapat pula papan tulis yang
tersedia bagi para pengunjung untuk menuliskan harapan bagi Jakarta 20 tahun yang akan
datang. Di ruangan ini terdapat furniture berupa kursi yang dibuat pada abad ke – 19. Kursi –
kursi ini dibuat dari kayu jati yang bergaya campuran Jawa dan Eropa.

This room consists of the condition of modern Jakarta, there is also a board which available for
the visitors to write down their hopes and wishes for Jakarta in the upcoming 20 years. There is
also furniture such as chairs and seats which were made in 19th century. These chairs was also
made from a teak wood which have Javanese and European style.
Peta ini ketika ditemukan oleh seorang controleur Belanda pada tahun 1858 masih tersimpan di
desa kecil di sebelah selatan Garut, Pasundan Timur, bersama pusaka-pusaka yang lain. K.F.
Holle sempat menyalinnya pada tahun 1876. Dokumen yang digambar dengan tinta di atas kain
katun itu hilang tanpa jejak. Ketika akan dipamerkan di Museum Baru Kota Jakarta sekitar tahun
1975, terpaksa dibuat sebuah kopi di atas katun putih haus berdasarkan salinan yang dibuat oleh

This map when it was discovered by a Dutch controleur in 1858 was still stored in a small village in
south of Garut, East Pasundan, along with other heirlooms. K.F. Holle had a chance to copy it in
1876. The document drawn in ink on a cotton cloth was lost without a trace. When it will be
exhibited at the Jakarta City Museum in around 1975, a coffee must be made on thirsty white
cotton based on a copy made by Holle.
Prasasti ini diketahui keberadaannya berdasarkan laporan dari pimpinan Bataviaasch Genootschap
van Kunsten en Wetenschappen yang menemukannya di aliran Sungai Ciaruteun, Bogor pada
tahun 1863. Pada tahun 1893, letak prasasti berubah karena diterjang banjir. Hal itu membuat
prasasti terguling sehingga tulisan yang awalnya diatas menjadi terbalik posisinya dan menghadap
ke bawah. Letak prasasti diperbaiki seperti semula pada tahun 1903. Pada Bulan Juli 1981 batu
prasasti kemudian dipindahkan ke atas, ke tempatnya saat ini di Kampung Muara, Desa Ciaruteun
Hilir, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Bogor. Usaha pemindahan ini dilakukan oleh Direktorat
Perlindungan dan Pembinaan Peninggalan Sejarah dan Purbakala, Departemen Pendidikan dan

Prasasti Ciaruteun yang terletak di dalam Situs Ciaruteun, ±19 km sebelah barat daya dari Kota
Bogor ini terletak di ketinggian 320 meter di atas permukaan laut. Prasasti dituliskan pada
sebongkah batu andesit berukuran tinggi 151 cm, diameter atas 72 cm, dan diameter bawah 134
cm. Prasasti Ciaruteun terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu Prasasti Ciaruteun-A dan Prasasti Ciaruteun-
B. Pada Prasasti Ciaruteun-A terdapat tulisan beraksara Pallawa dan berbahasa Sansekerta
sebanyak 4 baris yang disusun dalam bentuk puisi India dengan irama anustubh, sedangkan pada
Prasasti Ciaruteun-B terdapat goresan sepasang telapak kaki dan goresan seperti motif laba-laba
yang masih belum diketahui maknanya.
This inscription is known to exist based on reports from the leaders of Bataviaasch Genootschap
van Kunsten en Wetenschappen who discovered it in the Ciaruteun River, Bogor in 1863. In
1893, the location of the inscription changed due to flooding. This makes the inscription
overturned so that the writing which was originally above turned upside down and faced down.
The location of the inscription was repaired as before in 1903. In July 1981 the stone inscription
was then moved upward, to its current place in Muara Village, Ciaruteun Hilir Village,
Cibungbulang District, Bogor. This removal effort was carried out by the Directorate for the
Protection and Development of Historical and Antiquity, the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Ciaruteun inscription which is located inside the Ciaruteun Site, ± 19 km southwest of Bogor City
is located at an altitude of 320 meters above sea level. Inscriptions written on a piece of andesite
stone measuring 151 cm high, 72 cm in diameter and 134 cm in diameter. Ciaruteun Inscription
consists of two parts, namely Ciaruteun-A Inscription and Ciaruteun-B Inscription. In the
Ciaruteun-A Inscription there are 4 lines written in Pallawa and Sanskrit in the form of Indian
poetry with an rhythmic anustubh, whereas in the Ciaruteun-B Inscription there are scratches of
a pair of soles and scratches like spider motifs whose meaning is unknown.
Sketsel atau penyekat ruangan ini dibuat dari tiga panel yang dahulu digunakan sebagai jendela
terbuka diatas pintu, kemungkinan besar penyekat ruangan ini berasal dari Kastil Batavia.
Disambung dengan hengsel besi dan panel – panel nya bisa dilipat. Ukiran perempuan dibagian
tengah merupakan Dewi Minerva dari mitologi Romawi , yang mengenakan topi baja dihiasi bulu
burung dan juga dikelilingi oleh meriam dan bendera. Di kedua sisi penyekat ruangan ini dihiasi
dengan ukiran gaya Barok bermoti gulungan.

Sketsel or room screen is made from three panels that were used as open windows above the
door, most likely this room screen came from Batavia Castle. Connected with iron hinges and
panels can be folded. The carved woman in the center is the Goddess of Minerva from Roman
mythology, who wears a helmet decorated with bird feathers and is also surrounded by cannons
and flags. Both sides of the room are decorated with Baroque carvings with scrolls.
Pada awal tahun 1970-an, petugas PBB dalam bidang rencana pembangunan mengusulkan
kepada Ali Sadikin selaku Gubernur Jakarta saat itu, untuk melakukan revitalisasi kawasan tua dan
bersejarah di Jakarta sehingga nantinya dapat memberikan keuntungan di bidang pariwisata. Usulan
tersebut diterima dan Ali Sadikin memanggil beberapa seniman untuk membuat karya yang menarik
bagi bekas Balai Kota yang diubah menjadi Museum Sejarah Jakarta. Pada awalnya, Harijadi
Sumodidjojo direncanakan akan melukis di kanvas seluas 20 m² yang akan dipajang di salah satu
ruangan museum itu.
Ternyata, dia malah membuat mural secara langsung di permukaan dinding seluas 200 m². Bagian
atas mural setinggi enam meter masih berupa sketsa tanpa warna dan tidak diselesaikan oleh Harijadi
sampai akhir hayatnya. Lokasi museum yang berada sangat dekat dengan laut dan konstruksi
bangunan abad ke-18 menyebabkan dinding tersebut menjadi terlalu lembap dan tidak bisa
ditempeli cat.
Sejak tahun 1974, ruangan berisi mural tersebut sempat dipakai untuk penyimpanan
objek etnografi sehingga dikenal sebagai Ruang Etnografi. Namun, ruangan itu akhirnya digunakan
sebagai ruang penyimpanan barang karena petugas museum sulit menjelaskan keberadaan mural
tersebut apabila ditanyakan oleh pengunjung. Hingga pada tahun 2010, sekelompok seniman Inggris
dan Indonesia tak sengaja menemukan mural itu kembali. Mereka bekerja bersama berbagai ahli
dalam dan luar negeri untuk menerjemahkan misteri lukisan tersebut dan membuatnya menjadi proyek
Misteri Batavia yang dapat dinikmati melalui pertunjukkan interaktif.
Secara keseluruhan, lukisan ini menggambarkan kehidupan di Batavia antara tahun 1980-1920.
Interaksi manusia yang hidup bersama di kota itu diceritakan berasal dari berbagai kultur dan etnik,
mulai dari Melayu, Arab, Cina, dan Eropa. Di bagian atas mural yang belum diwarnai,
terlukis Stasiun Jatinegara, Harmoni, Kota, Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa dan Tanjung Priok, serta
pecinan. Selain itu, digambarkan pula adanya pintu gerbang Amsterdam dan Kali
Ciliwung. Berbagai pemandangan sehari-hari yang terjadi di Batavia ditampilkan di mural tersebut,
di antaranya suasana pasar, pedagang pikul dan gerobak dorong, nelayan, saudagar Arab yang
sedang mengawasi hasil laut, tukang cukur, pesta makan malam yang dihiasi budak, gambaran
keluarga yang diusir dari rumahnya, serta pencopet yang berada di balik pesta topeng ondel-
ondel. Mural tersebut juga berisi berbagai model transportasi yang pernah ada di Batavia pada
masa itu, mulai dari sado atau delman yang ditarik kuda, sepeda, trem, mobil tua, hingga
penggunaan Sungai Ciliwung.

In the early 1970s, UN officials in the field of development plans proposed to Ali Sadikin as the
Governor of Jakarta at that time, to revitalize the old and historic area in Jakarta so that later it
could provide benefits in the field of tourism. The proposal was accepted and Ali Sadikin called in
several artists to create interesting works for the former City Hall which was converted into the
Jakarta History Museum. Initially, Harijadi Sumodidjojo planned to paint on a 20 m² canvas that
would be displayed in one of the museum's rooms.

Apparently, he instead made a mural directly on the surface of an area of 200 m². The top of the six
meter high mural is still a colorless sketch and was not completed by Harijadi until the end of his
life. The location of the museum which is very close to the sea and the construction of 18th century
buildings causes the walls to become too damp and cannot be plastered with paint.

Since 1974, the room containing the mural was used for storing ethnographic objects so it was
known as the Ethnographic Room. However, the room was eventually used as a storage room for
museum officials because it was difficult to explain the existence of the mural when asked by
visitors. Until in 2010, a group of British and Indonesian artists accidentally found the mural again.
They worked with various domestic and foreign experts to translate the mystery of the painting and
make it a Batavia Mystery project that can be enjoyed through interactive shows.

Overall, this painting depicts life in Batavia between 1980-1920. Human interactions that live
together in the city are said to originate from various cultures and ethnicities, ranging from Malay,
Arabic, Chinese, and European. At the top of the murals that have not been colored, painted
Jatinegara Station, Harmoni, City, Sunda Kelapa Port and Tanjung Priok, as well as Chinatown. In
addition, it also illustrates the gate of Amsterdam and Ciliwung River. Various everyday scenes that
occur in Batavia are displayed in the mural, including the atmosphere of the market, bear traders
and wheelbarrows, fishermen, Arab merchants who are watching the sea products, barbers, dinner
parties decorated with slaves, depicted families who were driven from his house, as well as
pickpockets behind the ondel-ondel mask party. The mural also contained various transportation
models that had existed in Batavia at that time, ranging from horse-drawn sado or delmans,
bicycles, trams, old cars, to the use of the Ciliwung River.
Lukisan yang menggambarkan sosok Petrus Albertus Van der Parra, salah seorang gubernur
jenderal di Batavia. Dilukis sekitar tahun 1751 hingga 1775 oleh seorang pelukis yang tidak
dikenal namanya. Pada masa perang dunia II, lukisan ini disimpan di rumah Jan Frank, seorang
konservator lukisan pemerintah, dan sejak tahun 1950 menjadi koleksi Museum Sejarah Jakarta.

Potraits of Petrus Albertus Van der Parra which happened to be the governor general of Batavia.
This portrait painted by an unknown painter around 1751 – 1775. When the world war II was took
place, this portrait was in the possession of Jan Frank, a conservator of government paintings, and
ever since 1950, the portrait of Van der Parra belongs to Jakarta History Museum.

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2. Durasi Video min 2 menit dan min 2 Koleksi yang di jelaskan

3. Apabila bisa Foto Koleksi yang akan di jelaskan ditampilkan dalam video

4. Latar belakang pengambilan gambar dalam video diusahakan tembok kosong

tidak ada gantungan pakaian dll.

5. Apabila posisi sulit untuk ambil seluruh badan boleh setengah badan, namun
tetap dalam keadaan berdiri.

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