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Angel Classes


1. A woman who is unmarried – Spinster

2. A man who is unmarried – Bachelor
3. Festival of hundredth anniversary – Centenary
4. A man who is fond of fishing – Angler
5. One who does not eat meat – Vegetarian
6. That which can not be tamed – Wild
7. An assembly of listeners – Audience
8. Murder of one’s brother – Fratricide
9. Murder of one’s sister – Sororicide
10. Murder of one’s mother – Matricide
11. Murder of one’s father – Patricide
12. People working together in the same office or department – Colleagues
13. Speaking of two languages – Bilingual
14. Speaking of one language – Monolingual
15. Speaking of three languages – Trilingual
16. Capable to heard – Audible
17. A post for which no salary is paid – Honorary
18. A disease which spreads all over the area – Epidemic
19. A man who talks too much about himself – Egotist
20. A speech delivered without preparation – Extempore
21. A lover of books – Bibliophile
22. That may cause death – Fatal
23. Absence of the governance – Anarchy
24. A man who draws comic picture – Cartoonist
25. Words written on the tombstone after one’s death – Epitaph
26. That which can be broken easily into pieces – Brittle / Fragile
27. That is contrary to law – Illegal
28. One who totally abstains from liquor – Teetotaler
29. Ruler who has absolute authority – Dictator
30. That can not be conquered – Invincible
31. That is no longer in use – Obsolete
32. That can not be imitated – Inimitable
33. A person who leaves his country and settled in another – Emigrant
34. A person who indifferent from please or pain – Stoic
35. A medicine that kills germs – Antibiotic
36. A disease which spreads by contact – Contagious
37. The science of flying aeroplane – Aeronautics
38. A place where dead bodies are kept – Mortuary
39. Incapable of being dividend – Indivisible
40. Of one mind or opinion – Unanimous
41. An enclosure for breeding nursing and keeping of birds – Aviculture
42. Items of business to be considered at a meeting – Agenda
43. An imaginary name assumed by an author – Pen name
44. Habit of walking in sleep – Sleepwalking
45. A person widely known for evil deeds – Notorious
46. Allow once due to a wife from her husband on separation – Alimony
47. A type of work or way of life that you believe is especially suitable for you – Vocation
48. A man who is womanish in habits – Effeminate
49. Person who is caused to suffer of a great cause – Martyr
50. Not liable to mistake or error – Infallible
51. That can be removed – Indelible
52. The state of being unmarried – Celibacy
53. A letter which does not bear the name of writer – Anonymous
54. Working for money – Mercenary
55. Piece of land surrounded by water – Island
56. Who is unable to pay debts – Bankrupt /Insolvent
57. Birth after the death of father – Posthumous
58. Hand written matter – Manuscript
59. The life history of a man written by himself – Autobiography
60. A person who believes that there is no God – Atheist
61. Government by a ruler who has unlimited power – Autocracy
62. A traveller in space – Astronaut
63. An assembly of listeners – Audience
64. A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs – Antiseptic
65. To give up the throne – Abdicate
66. The science of vegetable life – Botany
67. The science of which treats of life – Biology
68. Government by the officials – Bureaucracy
69. The life history of a man written by someone else – Biography
70. A man who eats human flesh – Cannibal
71. A place for burials other than a churchyard – cemetery
72. A place for cremation of dead bodies – Crematorium
73. That is free from national prejudices – Cosmopolitan
74. Substance designed to make the skin or hair more beautiful – Cosmetics
75. That can be believed – Credible
76. The artist who draws comic picture – Caricaturist
77. A government of the people, by the people and for the people – Democracy
78. A battle or a match in which neither party wins – Drawn
79. Want of rain – Drought
80. A disease which spreads over a large area – Epidemic
81. Articles sent from one country to another – Export
82. That is fit to be eaten – Edible
83. A selfish person who always thinks of himself – Egotist
84. Fit to be chosen – Eligible
85. A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another – Emigrant
86. Spoken without previous preparation – Extempore

87. Words inscribed on graves – Epitaph
88. One who believes in fate – fatalist
89. A man residing in a country of which he is not a citizen – Foreigner
90. A medicine for killing germs – Germicide
91. A person who eats too much – Glutton
92. Killing of human being specially by another – Homicide
93. That can not be read – Illegible
94. A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there – Immigrant
95. That is difficult to believe – Incredible
96. That cannot be conquered – Invincible
97. Who can neither read nor write – Illiterate
98. The killing of a new born child – Infanticide
99. That can not be repaired – Irreparable
100. That can not be removed – Indelible
101. That is contrary to law – Illegal
102. Capable to catch fire easily – Inflammable
103. Who lacks knowledge – Ignorant
104. One who knows many languages – Linguist
105. A room or building used for scientific experiments – Laboratory
106. An established principle of practical wisdom – maxim
107. A place where dead bodies are kept before post-mortem – Mortuary
108. A person who hates mankind – Misanthropist
109. Widely known for bad works – Notorious
110. A person who eats meat – Non vegetarian
111. Which is no longer in use – Obsolete
112. That is not wide – Narrow
113. A person who looks at the bright side of things – Optimist
114. A child whose parents are dead – Orphan
115. All powerful – Omnipotent
116. A garden of fruits – Orchard
117. Holding conventional beliefs in matter of religion – Orthodox
118. That can be seen through – Opaque
119. Who is present everywhere – Omnipresent
120. Who knows everything – Omniscient
121. Medical examination of dead body – Post mortem
122. A person who looks at the dark side of things – Pessimist
123. A remedy for all kinds of diseases – Panacea
124. One who lives on another – Parasite
125. A lover of mankind – Philanthropist
126. One who goes on a journey to a holy place – Pilgrim
127. One who has a great love for one’s country – Patriot
128. One who goes on foot – Pedestrian
129. One who lives alone and avoid people – Recluse
130. Killing of one’s ownself – Suicide
131. One who speaks on behalf of others – Spokesman
132. Which is not fresh – Stale

133. Person who believes that there is God – Theist
134. That can be seen through – Transparent
135. That is difficult to believe – Unbelievable
136. One who lives wholly on vegetable food – Vegetarian
137. A person who lends money at a very high rate of interest – Usurer
138. A person who has long experience – Veteran
139. Acting of one’s own free will – Voluntary
140. A place where clothes are kept – Wardrobe
141. That can not be tamed – Wild
142. A woman whose husband is dead – Widow
143. A man whose wife is dead – Widower
144. A place where birds, animals etc. are kept – Zoo

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