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The BSG Poll – Debate Follow-Up June 30 – July 1, 2024

n=802 Likely Voters

Mike Kulisheck, PhD | Managing Director

QS3. Are you: (n=802)

A man 49
A woman 50
Neither / Non-binary / 1

AAge1. Age Bucket for Quotas 1 (n=802)

18-29 17
30-44 26
45-64 32
65+ 25

ARegion 4-way Census region coded from state. (n=802)

Northeast 19
Midwest 21
South 39
West 21

QS15. How likely are you to vote in the November election for president,
Congress, and other offices? (n=802)

Absolutely certain 73
Very likely 14
Possibly will vote 10
Absolutely will not vote TERMINATE
Don't know 4


QS9A. Regardless of how you are registered to vote, do you consider yourself a:

Strong Democrat 16
Democrat 18
Strong Republican 15
Republican 19
Independent 27
Other 1
Don't know 4


QD1. What is the last grade or level of school you have completed? (n=802)

Less than high school diploma 2

High school graduate 23
Some college – but less than two years of college 15
Some college – two years or more/A.A. degree 16
Technical or trade school 4
College graduate/bachelor's degree/B.A./B.S. 23
Postgraduate courses 2
Master's degree 10
M.B.A. or law degree 2
Ph.D. or M.D. 2

QS21. For statistical purposes only, which of the following ethnic or racial groups best
describes you? Please select all that apply. (n=802)

American Indian or Alaska Native 2

Asian 7
Black or African American 13
Hispanic or Latino 13
Middle Eastern or North African 0
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1
White 72
Other 1

QDEB1a. There was a presidential debate on Thursday evening. Recognizing that
people have busy lives, which of the following statements best describes you?
I did not watch/listen to the debate live on Thursday 29
I wanted to watch/listen to the debate, but I missed it 16
I watched/listened to part of the debate live on Thursday 19
I watched/listened to all of the debate live on Thursday 36

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each of the following people? (n=802)

Very Smwt Smwt Very Not Never

favorable favorable unfav unfav familiar heard FAV UNFAV
QF1r1. Joe Biden 21 22 16 38 1 1 44 54

QF1r2. Donald Trump 24 16 11 46 1 1 40 58

QF1r3. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 10 29 18 22 17 4 39 40

QF1r4. Kamala Harris 20 24 13 35 6 2 44 48

QF1r5. Jill Stein 4 13 14 13 35 21 17 27

QF1r6. Cornel West 5 12 13 13 35 23 16 25

QHR1. If the November election for president were held today, would you vote for...?

Democrat Joe Biden 39

Republican Donald Trump 41
Independent Cornel West 2
Green candidate Jill Stein 2
Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 7
Someone else 1
Would not vote in the Presidential race 1
Unsure 6

A2WAY. And for whom would you vote if the choice were between...? (n=802)

Democrat Joe Biden 45

Republican Donald Trump 46
Unsure 9

QDEB4. How did you watch/listen to the presidential debate live on Thursday? (n=438)
On TV 83
Streaming on my computer or tablet 8
Streaming on my phone 7
On the radio (streaming or over the air) 1
Another way 1

QDEB6. From any source, how much have you seen or heard about what happened
during the presidential debate? (n=802)
A lot 46
Some 28
A little 12
Not much at all 13


QDEB7. Where have you seen or heard information about the debate? Select all that apply.
Which of the following has been your PRIMARY source of information about the
debate? (n=802)
News Primary
Sources Source
Social media sites like Facebook or X/Twitter 32 11
Social media sites like TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat 27 9
Network News on TV like NBC, ABC, or CBS 37 17
CNN 33 14
FOX NEWS 26 12
MSNBC 18 4
Comedy news/talk shows like The Daily Show or Last Week
13 2
National newspapers, like the New York Times, Washington
14 3
Post , or Wall Street Journal
Your local newspaper 11 1
An online homepage that collects news like Yahoo or Google 18 5
Online political news sites, like the Huffington Post or
12 2
Radio 14 3
Podcasts 11 2
Friends or family 37 7
Other 3 2
None of the above 6 6

QDEB9. Based on the debate coverage you've seen or heard, who are people saying won
the debate? (n=802)

People are saying Joe Biden definitely won 7

People are saying Joe Biden probably won 17
People are saying Donald Trump probably won 35
People are saying Donald Trump definitely won 40


QDEB12. Based on what you've seen or heard, which statement about the way the
presidential debate has been covered in the media is closest to your view?

Debate coverage has been fair 64

Debate coverage has been biased in favor of Joe Biden 19
Debate coverage has been biased in favor of Donald Trump 17

QM10. Regardless of how you plan to vote, who do you think is most likely to win the
election for president this year? (n=802)

Definitely Biden 18
Probably Biden 24
Probably Trump 30
Definitely Trump 28


QDEB14. Did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Joe Biden? (n=802)

Much more likely 15

Somewhat more likely 7
Somewhat less likely 11
Much less likely 29
Didn't make a difference either way 38


QDEB15. Did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Donald Trump?

Much more likely 26

Somewhat more likely 11
Somewhat less likely 4
Much less likely 23
Didn't make a difference either way 35


QDEB15A Did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?
. (n=802)

Much more likely 8

Somewhat more likely 15
Somewhat less likely 6
Much less likely 13
Didn't make a difference either way 58


QDEB16. [If did not watch debate: Based on what you’ve seen or heard, rate / If
watched debate: Rate] Donald Trump's performance in the presidential
debate on Thursday. (n=802)
Excellent 21
Good 22
Only Fair 18
Poor 26
Don't have enough information to rate 12


QDEB17. [If did not watch debate: Based on what you’ve seen or heard, did / If
watched debate: Did] Donald's Trump's debate performance ... (n=802)
Exceed your expectations 20
Fall short of your expectations 13
Was what you expected 54
Don't have enough information to rate 13

QDEB18. [If did not watch debate: Based on what you’ve seen or heard, rate / If
watched debate: Rate] Joe Biden's performance in the presidential debate on
Thursday. (n=802)
Excellent 7
Good 11
Only Fair 18
Poor 53
Don't have enough information to rate 11


QDEB19. [If did not watch debate: Based on what you’ve seen or heard, did / If
watched debate: Did] Joe Biden's debate performance ... (n=802)
Exceed your expectations 7
Fall short of your expectations 44
Was what you expected 35
Don't have enough information to rate 14

[If did not watch debate: Based on what you’ve seen or heard about what happened in the debate on
Thursday, do / If watched debate: Based on what happened in the debate on Thursday, do] the following
statements better describe Joe Biden or Donald Trump?

Trump Trump Biden Biden

much a little a little much Biden
better better better better TRUMP BIDEN Diff'l

QDEB26r12. Respects the rule of law 23 17 22 38 40 60 +20

QDEB26r19. Is more truthful 23 19 22 36 42 58 +16

QDEB26r7. Has the right approach to
25 19 20 37 43 57 +14
abortion laws and contraception
QDEB26r13. Will defend democracy 29 15 20 36 44 56 +12
QDEB26r1. Cares about people like
26 20 22 32 46 54 +8
QDEB26r2. Will fight for people like
29 17 20 34 46 54 +8
QDEB26r9. Has the character and
27 20 24 30 46 54 +8
temperament to be president
QDEB26r16. Is focused on the future 30 17 25 29 47 53 +6

QDEB26r3. Understands the issues 31 17 22 29 48 52 +4

QDEB26r10. Has the judgement to be
33 17 22 28 50 50 0
QDEB26r4. Knows how to get the
economy back on track and create 34 18 23 25 52 48 -4
QDEB26r5. Knows how to get high
34 20 24 22 54 46 -8
prices and inflation under control
QDEB26r8. Is up to the job of being
35 19 23 23 54 46 -8
QDEB26r18. Is a strong leader 35 20 22 23 55 45 -10
QDEB26r6. Knows how to deal with
immigration and get the border under 38 19 23 20 57 43 -14
QDEB26r14. Is too focused on the
33 24 19 24 57 43 -14
QDEB26r17. Is dangerous and
42 15 16 27 57 43 -14
unpredictable (NEGATIVE)
QDEB26r15. Is exciting 28 34 25 13 62 38 -24
QDEB26r11. Has the energy to be
39 27 19 15 66 34 -32

QD41. People can get news in lots of different ways, and some people wind up getting news from a
few different places. From which of the following sources do you regularly get your news?
And which of these news sources is your primary source for news? (n=802)

News Primary
Sources Source

Social media sites like Facebook or X/Twitter 31 10

Social media sites like TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat 26 10

Network News on TV like NBC, ABC, or CBS 43 19

CNN 31 11

FOX NEWS 31 15

MSNBC 20 5
Comedy news/talk shows like The Daily Show or Last Week
10 1
National newspapers, like the New York Times, Washington Post,
19 4
or the Wall Street Journal

Your local newspaper 18 2

An online homepage that collects news like Yahoo or Google 24 8

Online political news sites, like the Huffington Post or BuzzFeed 15 2

Radio 20 4

Podcasts 16 4

Other 5 4

None of the above 5 0

QD14. For statistical purposes only, we need to know your total family income for
2023. Will you please indicate which of the following categories best
represents your total family income? (n=802)

Less than $15,000 9

$15,000 to less than $30,000 16
$30,000 to less than $40,000 12
$40,000 to less than $50,000 8
$50,000 to less than $60,000 12
$60,000 to less than $75,000 10
$75,000 to less than $100,000 13
$100,000 to less than $150,000 9
$150,000 to less than $250,000 5
$250,000 or more 2
Unsure / Prefer not to answer 4

BSG conducted a survey of n=802 likely voters nationally. The poll fielded online June 30 to July 1, 2024.
The sample was weighted to ensure it was proportionately representative of voters nationwide. The
overall margin of sampling error is ±4.3% at the 95% confidence level.


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