will-going-to-oral activity

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(Will / Going to)

You have $120 to spend. Decide which answer is correct – if you are sure, bet more
money. If you are not so sure, bet less money. If you choose the correct answer you will
win the amount you bet! If you get the wrong answer, you will lose the amount you bet

Choose the Answer How much do you want Win/Lose

to bet? $
Susan will/is going to have a

Chris is going to/will get

married in July.

Take your umbrella or you

will/are going to get wet.

Listen! Andy is going to/will

sing a song.

I’ve decided that I will/am

going to eat healthier this year.

- Those bags look heavy!

- I am going to/will carry them
for you.

- Do you want to eat dinner

with me to tonight?
- No, I am going/will go out
with Sam tonight.

It looks cold outside. I will/am

going to take a jumper.

Can I borrow your car? I

will/am going to be careful!

- This homework is too hard.

- I will/am going to help you.

I will go/am going to the shops

on Saturday.

What time are you going/will

you go home?


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