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Directions: In this part, you will hear a talk or lecture. There are five questions for it. For each question,
choose the right answer A, B, C, or D.
Question 1. What job is the talk about?
A. An animal trainer.
B. An animal doctor.
C. A sports doctor.
D. A professor.
Question 2. According to the talk, what is the most important quality a person in this job should have?
A. A sense of humor.
B. Lots of money.
C. Basic medical information.
D. A good understanding of animals.
Question 3. What is different about being an animal doctor?
A. The training is easier.
B. You need to know where all the different animals’ organs are.
C. You need to spend more time in university.
D. You earn more money.
Question 4. Why does the speaker mention cat and dog in the talk?
A. To explain why dogs and cats are the most favorite pets.
B. To give an example for the different positions of the same organs in the different animals.
C. To compare the size of dog and cat’s heart.
D. To classify the different kinds of animal.
Question 5. What is the main content of the talk?
A. Becoming a doctor for animal is not as simple as many people think.
B. You can learn to talk with some types of animals.
C. The characteristics of some different animals should be distinguished.
D. Human has the same organs’ position, not like animals

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