mica airbnb

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Course: PR Specialisation
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Airbnb redefined hospitality and belongingness, being accepted,
being connected and sharing by rebranding itself.
It made hospitality a major part of its rebranding by having a new logo and
also making its consumer feels loved even when they were traveling
anywhere in the world.

Belongingness is something which every traveller tries to connect with the

Which place they are travelling to and Airbnb managed to portray that by
rebranding themselves.

By its new ad commercials, Airbnb was able to send out a message to its

element has consumer and to all travellers that Airbnb was not only easy to access but
also gave a sense of belongingness and love to wherever they travelled.

The new logo which means People, place, love and Airbnb, sent out a

message that Airbnb is makes all that happen even when you travel
anywhere in the world.

All of us wanted to be accepted by other, which is a difficult thing to feel

while we are travelling to another city with strangers around us, Airbnb has

redefined? managed to make the consumer feel that though its difficult but it is all
possible with Airbnb.

Being connected and sharing your memories have always been a major

Justify your aspect of travelling and showcasing that in the ad Airbnb has also managed
to make its consumer feel that it is easy to do that with Airbnb.

This study source was downloaded by 100000851700580 from CourseHero.com on 04-05-2023 13:23:38 GMT -05:00
Identify which Asset Technique

principle has Logo SCAMPER

been applied Belo Combine is the SCAMPER technique

which has been used in the Belo
logo. Airbnb has managed to

from SCAMPER combine, People, places, love and

Airbnb in its logo

on Belo? Specify
the reason.
This study source was downloaded by 100000851700580 from CourseHero.com on 04-05-2023 13:23:38 GMT -05:00
Noticeability – The ad showcased a lot of places a person can travel and not
only travel but feel live they actually live there even if they are staying there
for a day. There were scenes where a family was actually staying and
cooking while they were just travellers. Theis would make the consumer feel
the moment and actually connect with Airbnb.

Originality – The ad is original as we all know that this kind of ad was never

Evaluate the ad seen before. The ad showed places like Paris, LA and New York. Airbnb
actually said on the ad that do not go to LA or Paris but actually live there.

Relevance – The ad feels very relevant with the tagline as it actually makes

campaign the consumer feels that they are not only travelling but actually living there.

Memorability – The ad very strategically portrays the memories a traveller

can make while travelling which also leaves the consumer to think that even

“Don’t go there. they can do the same. The scenes played in the ad makes the consumer
remember the ad even when they are travelling anywhere and eventually
they want to travel more and more.

Live there” Strategy – Airbnb by the ad has played with the consumers mind in making
them think that they can actually create memories and be loved even when
they travel. Making the ad in such a way that it portraits belongness, love
and affection even to the places travelled.

using NORMS

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Image Principle Applied

Image 1 Typography principle of

Identify the visual literacy has been
used in the images in

principle/principles which normal texts has

been portrayed as images

of visual ideas
and them combined to
form the Airbnb Belo

applied in each Image 2 Hyper realism has been

used to depict the

image. message that you belong

anywhere. As we can see
that an octopus is outside
a mouse house.

This study source was downloaded by 100000851700580 from CourseHero.com on 04-05-2023 13:23:38 GMT -05:00

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