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Rev. 2




1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................2

2. SCOPE & PURPOSE................................................................................................... 2

3. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................... 2

4. INSPECTION FREQUENCY GUIDELINE....................................................................3

5. RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................................13

6. REFERENCES............................................................................................................14

7. ATTACHMENTS.........................................................................................................14

8. APPENDICES.............................................................................................................14

Prepared Reviewed Approved

Rev. Issue Date Amendment Description
By By By
2 11-Aug-13 Periodic review Nilesh Akhtar Umesh
1 21-Dec-09 Periodic review and revision Jay JIK ZAK
0 27-Apr-06 First Release JIK MJK MJK
Next Scheduled Periodic Review: August /2016

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This guideline outlines the requirements for inspection of stationary equipment categorized as
MICE (Mechanical Integrity Covered Equipment). Periodic in-service and out of service
inspections of stationary equipment are essential for maintaining the mechanical and
environmental integrity. Establishing appropriate frequency of such periodic inspections is
required to insure the integrity of the equipment as well as for economical considerations in
order to avoid overdoing such inspections which usually results into extra maintenance costs,
un-necessary effort and Plant down time and production loss.


This guideline establishes the maximum interval between internal, on-stream, external and
supplemental inspections for stationary equipment, based on the requirements of API 510, API
570 and API 653 inspection codes and / or Risk Based Inspection and for changing the
established inspection frequency. API Certified Inspectors are authorized to apply at their
discretion, the latest API inspection codes that may be published during the validity period of
this Guideline.

Guideline for Inspection and establishment of frequency of Pressure Relief Devices is

excluded from this document as it is already covered in TE-STA-GLN-00-0035 “Guideline for
the Maintenance, Inspection, and Testing of Pressure Relieving Devices”.


 CUI: Corrosion under insulation, including stress corrosion cracking under insulation.
 Dead-Legs: Components of a piping system that normally have no significant flow.
Examples include the following: blanked branches, lines with normally closed block
valves, lines with one end blanked, pressurized dummy support legs, stagnant control
valve bypass piping, spare pump piping, level bridles, relief valve inlet and outlet header
piping, pump trim bypass lines, high-point vents, sample points, drains, bleeders, start up
lines and instrument connections.
 External Inspection: A thorough formal inspection of the exterior of the equipment to
assess all aspects of the equipment as possible without suspending operations or
requiring equipment shutdown.
 Injection Point: Locations where relatively small quantities of materials are injected into
process streams to control chemistry or other process variables. Injection points do not
include locations where two process streams join (mixing tees).
 Inspector: Stationary Equipment Inspector/Engineer who perform visual inspection along
with NDE to ascertain the vessel, storage tank or piping condition.
 Internal Inspection: The direct examination of the inside of the equipment to determine
the thickness, condition and overall suitability for continued safe operation. Thickness
measurement taken at all inspection points and a complete visual examination are
required to fulfill this type of inspection.
 MICE: Mechanical Integrity Covered Equipment as per EHS 6160.
 On-Stream Inspection: Used to establish the suitability of equipment for continued
operation. Non-destructive examination procedures are used to establish the suitability of
the equipment, and the vessel may or may not, be in operation while the inspection is
being carried out. An on-stream inspection means essentially that the vessel is not
entered for internal inspection.

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 Piping Circuit: A section of piping that has all points exposed to an environment of
similar corrosivity and that is of similar design conditions and construction material.
Complex process units or piping systems are divided into piping circuits to manage the
necessary inspections, calculations, and record keeping. When establishing the boundary
of a particular piping circuit, the Inspector may also size it to provide a practical package
for record keeping and performing field inspection.
 Pressure Vessel: A container designed to withstand internal or external pressure. This
pressure may be imposed by an external source, by the application of heat from a direct
or indirect source, or by any combination thereof. This definition includes unfired steam
generators and other vapor generating vessels which use heat from the operation of a
processing system or other indirect heat source.
 RBI: Risk Based Inspection.
 Soil-to-Air (S/A) Interface: An area in which external corrosion may occur on partially
buried pipe. The zone of the corrosion will vary depending on factors such as moisture,
oxygen content of the soil, and operating temperature.
 Storage Tank: A stationary container, usually cylindrical in shape, consisting of a
metallic roof, shell, bottom, and support structure used for storing water, liquid chemicals
and hydrocarbons.
 Supplemental Inspection: These inspections are periodic examinations other than
external, internal, or on-stream. Supplemental inspections might include thermography, or
additional UT thickness readings etc. It is sometimes called a manual or call file inspection
 TML: Thickness Monitoring Location.


The frequency with which equipment should be inspected depends on several factors. The
most important factor is the rate of deterioration and the remaining corrosion allowance.
Corrosion rates will vary markedly with the types of feed stock processed, the temperature of
exposure, and the materials of construction. Each condition must be individually appraised to
establish the initial inspection period for new equipment. A service history record should be
established after the first inspection by on-stream methods or internal examination. On the
basis of this history, an inspection interval based on time, condition, or risk-based factors shall
be set in accordance with the applicable inspection code (API 510 for pressure vessels, API
570 for piping or API 653 for storage tanks) or RBI assessments.

4.1 Corrosion Rate and Remaining Life Calculations for TMLs

The Thickness Monitoring Location (TML) program of Meridium determines the Long-term
and short-term corrosion rates of the Stationary Equipment (pressure vessels / Piping /
Storage tanks) based on the thickness monitored at the specified TMLs. The determination
of corrosion rate may include thickness data collected at more than two different times. The
remaining life of the stationary equipment is calculated in Meridium based on respective
formulae given in API 510, API 570 and API 653 for Pressure vessels, Piping and Storage
Tanks respectively. The inspection frequency of TML is determined at half of the calculated
remaining life.

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4.2 Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Considerations

RBI assessment may be applied in determining the inspection frequency when an extension
of the frequency beyond this guideline or as defined in API 510, 570 and 653 is required.
When applied, it must include a systematic evaluation of both the likelihood of failure and the
associated consequence of failure, in accordance with API RP 580. The likelihood
assessment must be based on all forms of degradation, both internally and externally, that
could reasonably be expected to affect a Equipment in any particular service.

Other factors that should be considered in a RBI assessment conducted in accordance with
API RP 580 include: appropriateness of the materials of construction; equipment design
conditions, relative to operating conditions; appropriateness of the design codes and
standards utilized; effectiveness of corrosion monitoring programs; and the quality of
maintenance and inspection quality assurance/quality control programs. Equipment failure
data and information will also be used for this assessment. The consequence assessment
must consider the potential incidents that may occur as a result of fluid release, including
explosion, fire, toxic exposure, environmental impact, and other health effects associated
with a failure of equipment.
All RBI assessments shall be thoroughly documented in accordance with API RP 580, clearly
defining all the factors contributing to both the likelihood and consequence of a failure of the
equipment. After an effective RBI assessment is conducted, the results shall be used to
establish the equipment inspection strategy and more specifically better define the following:
i. The most appropriate inspection methods, scope, tools and techniques to be utilized
based on the expected forms of degradation.
ii. The appropriate frequency for internal, external, and on-stream inspections.
iii. The need for pressure testing after damage has been incurred or after repairs or
modifications have been completed.
iv. The prevention and mitigation steps to reduce the likelihood and consequence of
equipment failure.
A RBI assessment will be used to establish the appropriate inspection intervals for internal
and on-stream inspections, including a potential increase in the inspection interval limit, as
well as the external interval. When used to increase the inspection interval limit, the RBI
assessment shall be reviewed and approved by an appropriate engineer (as applicable) and
Inspector at intervals not to exceed inspection intervals defined based on corrosion
rates/remaining life as detailed in this document, or more often if warranted by process,
equipment, or consequence changes.

4.3 Pressure Vessel Inspection Frequency Guideline

There are several types of inspection intervals that must be considered for each piece of
pressure vessel. These inspections are internal, on-stream, external, and supplemental.
They can each be performed individually or in conjunction with each other. To insure vessel
integrity, all vessels shall be inspected at the frequencies provided in this section. The term
pressure vessels is intended to cover towers, drums, reactors, heat exchangers, re-boilers,
air-cooled exchangers and condensers.

4.3.1 External Inspection Frequency of Pressure Vessels

i. Each aboveground vessel shall be given a visual external inspection, preferably while in
operation, at least every 5 years or at the same interval as the required internal or on-
stream inspection, whichever is less, or as determined by an RBI assessment.

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ii. Inspection for corrosion under insulation (CUI).shall be carried out as per “Corrosion
Under Insulation and Corrosion Under Fireproofing Inspection Guideline” TE-STA-GLN-
00-0007. Inspections for CUI shall be carried out based on RBI analysis
recommendations (if performed) on vessels prone to CUI.
iii. Vessels that are known to have a remaining life of over 10 years or that are protected
against external corrosion—for example,
a) Vessels insulated effectively to preclude the entrance of moisture,
b) Jacketed cryogenic vessels,
c) Vessels installed in a cold box in which the atmosphere is purged with an inert gas,
d) Vessels in which the temperature being maintained is sufficiently low or sufficiently
high to preclude the presence of water do not need to have insulation removed for
the external inspection.
However, the condition of their insulating system or their outer jacketing, such as the
cold box shell, shall be observed at least every 5 years and repaired if necessary.
iv. Buried vessels shall be inspected to determine their external environmental condition.
The inspection interval shall be based on corrosion-rate information obtained from one
or more of the following methods:
a) During maintenance activity on adjacent connecting piping of similar material;
b) From the interval examination (specified in 4.3.1(i) of similarly buried corrosion test
coupons of similar material;
c) From representative portions of the actual vessel; or
d) From a vessel in similar circumstances.

4.3.2 Pressure Vessels’ Internal/On Stream Inspection Interval Setting

(Outside RBI Assessment Frequency):
i. For non-uniform deterioration such as pitting, cracking, refractory failure, etc. the interval
length is set depending on past experience and the judgment of the Inspector after
performing the Interval Analysis.
ii. A service history record shall be established after the first inspection by on-stream or
internal examination. On the basis of this history, an inspection interval based on time,
condition, or risk- based factors shall be set in accordance with the guidelines below.
iii. The period between internal or on-stream inspections shall not exceed one half the
estimated remaining life of the vessel based on corrosion rate or 10 years, whichever is
less. In cases where the remaining life is estimated to be less than 4 years, the
inspection interval may be the full remaining safe operating life up to a maximum of 2
iv. For pressure vessels that are in non-continuous service and are isolated from the
process fluids such that they are not exposed to corrosive environments (e.g. inert gas
purged or filled with non corrosive hydrocarbons), the 10 years shall be the 10 years of
actual service exposed life. Equipment that is not adequately protected from corrosive
environments may experience significant internal corrosion while idle and should be
carefully reviewed when setting inspection intervals, but in no case should these exceed
one half of the estimated remaining corrosion-rate life or 10 years since the last
v. External inspections for vessels in non-continuous service remain the same as for
continuous service, as outlined in 4.3.1
vi. Except as noted below, internal inspection is the preferred method of inspection and
shall be conducted on vessels subject to significant localized corrosion and other types

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of damage. At the discretion of the Inspector, on stream inspection may be substituted

for internal inspection in the following situations:
a) When size, configuration, or lack of access makes a vessel entry for inspection
physically impossible.
b) When the general corrosion rate of a vessel is known to be less than 0.005 inch
(0.125mm) per year and the estimated remaining life is greater that 10 years, and all
of the following conditions are met:
 The corrosive character of the contents, including the effect trace of
components, has-been established by at least 5 years of the same or
comparable service experience with the type of contents being handled.
 No questionable condition is disclosed by the external inspection.
 The operating temperature of the steel vessel shell does not exceed the lower
temperature limits for the creep rupture range of the vessel material.
 The vessel is not considered to be subject to environmental cracking or
hydrogen damage from the fluid being handled. Alternatively, a RBI assessment,
as permitted in section can be performed to determine that the risk associated
with environmental cracking or hydrogen damage is acceptably low and that the
effectiveness of external inspection techniques is adequate for the damage
mechanism. This assessment shall include a review of past process conditions
and likely future process conditions.
 The vessel does not have a non-integrally bonded liner such as strip-lining or
 The vessel does not have non-metallic internal coating / lining.
 Vessel does not have internal structures or load bearing internals which could
affect malfunction / in operation of the equipment
c) If the requirements of (b) above are not met, as a result of conditions noted during
the scheduled on-stream inspection, the next scheduled inspection shall be an
internal inspection.
d) When a vessel has been internally inspected, the results of that inspection can be
used to determine whether an on-stream inspection can be substituted for an
internal inspection on similar pressure vessel with same service and conditions.
vii. When an on-stream inspection is conducted in lieu of an internal inspection, a thorough
examination shall be performed using ultrasonic thickness measurements, radiography,
or other appropriate means of NDE to measure metal thickness. If an on-stream
inspection is conducted, the Inspector shall be given sufficient access to all parts of the
vessel (heads, shell and nozzles) so that the Inspector is satisfied that an accurate
assessment of the vessel condition can be made.
viii. When problems are experienced with external loading, faulty material, or fabrication, the
remaining life as determined above shall be reduced to recognize those conditions. If
deterioration due to fatigue, thermal fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen attack,
graphitization, erosion, creep, carburization, or temper embrittlement is detected, the
inspection interval shall be appropriately adjusted.
ix. For a large vessel with two or more zones of differing corrosion rates, each zone may be
treated independently regarding the interval between inspections or for substituting the
internal inspection with an on-stream inspection. The zone of the shortest remaining
half-life shall be used as the limiting case for setting the internal inspection interval, or for
substituting the internal inspection with an on-stream inspection.
x. For new equipment or process changes, the initial internal inspection frequency
equipment should be based on equipment of similar service. For new equipment and for
new process changes where comparable service experience is not available, an on
stream inspection should be scheduled halfway during the first run. This on-stream

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inspection should be performed no later than 3 years from unit start-up or commissioning
of the new equipment. The equipment should have a minimum of 2 internal inspections
at successive scheduled turnarounds in order to establish the most probable corrosion
rate and expected maximum inspection interval. In any case, the interval set shall not
exceed the limits indicated earlier.

4.4 Piping Inspection Frequency Guideline

i. Piping Service Criticality Classes

All process piping systems are categorized into 4 classes based on potential safety and
environmental effects should a leak occur, see Equipment Criticality Determination
Guideline QC-PSM-GLN-00-0002. Extra inspection efforts shall be focused on piping
systems that have the highest potential consequences if failure or loss of containment
should occur. The higher classified systems (high criticality) require more extensive
inspection at shorter intervals in order to affirm their integrity for continued safe operation.
The following 4 classes, as classified per API 570, shall be adopted.
a) Piping Class 1
Services with the highest potential of resulting in an immediate emergency if a leak
were to occur are considered high criticality or Class 1. Such an emergency may be
safety or environmental in nature. Examples of Class 1 piping include, but are not
necessarily limited to, those containing:
 Flammable services that may auto-refrigerate and lead to brittle fracture.
 Pressurized services that may rapidly vaporize during release, creating vapors that
may collect and form an explosive mixture, such as C2, C3, and C4 streams.
Fluids that will rapidly vaporize are those with atmospheric boiling temperatures
below 50°F (10°C).
 Hydrogen sulfide (greater than 3 percent weight) in a gaseous stream.
 Anhydrous hydrogen chloride.
 Hydrofluoric acid.
b) Piping Class 2
Services not included in other classes are in Class 2 (medium criticality). This
classification includes the majority of unit process piping and selected off-site piping.
Typical examples of these services include those containing the following:
 On-site hydrocarbons that will slowly vaporize during release such as those
operating below the flash point.
 Hydrogen, fuel gas, and natural gas.
 On-site strong acids and caustics.
c) Piping Class 3
Services that are flammable but do not significantly vaporize when they leak and are
not located in high-activity areas are in Class 3 (low criticality). Services that are
potentially harmful to human tissue but are located in remote areas may be included in
this class. Examples of Class 3 service are as follows:
 On-site hydrocarbons that will not significantly vaporize during release such as
those operating below the flash point.
 Distillate and product lines to and from storage and loading.
 Off-site acids and caustics.

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d) Piping Class 4
Services that are essentially nonflammable and nontoxic are in Class 4, as are most
utility services. Inspection of Class 4 piping is optional and usually based on reliability
needs and business impacts as opposed to safety or environmental impact. Examples
of Class 4 service include, but are not necessarily limited to those containing the
 steam and steam condensate;
 nitrogen;
 water, including boiler feed water, stripped sour water;
 ASME B31.3, Category D services;
 Fire hydrants
ii. The interval between piping inspections shall be established and maintained using the
following criteria:
a) Corrosion rate and remaining life calculations per section 4.1.
b) Piping service classification (as per API 570).
c) Judgment of the Inspector, the piping engineer, or a corrosion specialist, based on
operating conditions, previous inspection history, current inspection results, and
conditions that may warrant supplemental inspections. Such inspections include
periodic use of radiography, thermography, ultrasonic, acoustic emission and acoustic
leak detection.
iii. Inspector shall establish inspection intervals for thickness measurements and external
visual inspections and, where applicable, for internal and supplemental inspections.
iv. Thickness measurements shall be scheduled based on the calculation of not more than
half the remaining life determined from corrosion rates indicated in section 4.1or at the
maximum intervals suggested in Table-1, whichever is shorter. Shorter intervals may be
appropriate under certain circumstances. Table-1 contains recommended maximum
inspection intervals for the three categories of piping services (as per API 570) described
in 4.4 .(i), as well as recommended intervals for injection points and soil/air interfaces.

Table-1 Recommended Maximum Inspection Intervals of Piping

Type of Circuit Thickness Measurements External Visual
Class 1 As per Meridium TML Frequency, but not 5 years
exceeding 5 years
Class 2 As per Meridium TML Frequency, but not 5 years
exceeding 10 years
Class 3 As per Meridium TML Frequency, but not 10 years
exceeding 10 years
Class 4 Optional Optional
Injection points As per Meridium TML Frequency, but not By Class
exceeding 3 years
Soil-to-air – By Class
v. The inspection interval shall be reviewed and adjusted as necessary after each inspection
or significant change in operating conditions. General corrosion, localized corrosion,
pitting, environmental cracking, and other forms of deterioration must be considered when
establishing the various inspection intervals.

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vi. External visual inspections, including inspections for corrosion under insulation (CUI),
should be conducted at maximum intervals listed in Table-1. Alternatively, external visual
inspection intervals can be established by using a valid RBI assessment conducted in
accordance with API RP 580 and in line with section .
vii. Following the external visual inspection of susceptible systems, additional examination is
required for the inspection of CUI. The extent and type of the additional CUI inspection are
listed in Table 2. Damaged insulation at higher elevations may result in CUI in lower areas
remote from the damage.
NDE inspection for CUI should also be conducted as listed in Table-2 at suspect locations
meeting the temperature criteria for CUI. If the inspection of the damaged or suspect
areas has located significant CUI, additional areas should be inspected and, where
warranted, up to 100 percent of the circuit should be inspected. The extent of the CUI
program described in Table-2 should be considered as target levels for piping systems
and locations with no CUI inspection experience. It is recognized that several factors may
affect the likelihood of CUI to include: local climatic conditions, insulation design, coating
quality, and service conditions.
When CUI inspection is experienced, CUI inspection targets of Table-2 may be increased
or reduced. An exact accounting of the CUI inspection targets is not required. The
Inspector may confirm inspection targets with operational history or other documentation.
Piping systems that are known to have a remaining life of over 10 years or that are
adequately protected against external corrosion need not be included for the NDE
inspection recommended in Table-2. However, the condition of the insulating system or
the outer jacketing, such as a cold-box shell, should be observed periodically by operating
or other personnel. If deterioration is noted, it should be reported to the inspector.

Table-2 Recommended Extent of Piping CUI Inspection Following Visual

Approximate Amount of Follow Approximate Amount of CUI
Piping Class /
up Examination with NDE or Inspection by NDE at Suspect
Insulation Removal at Areas Areas on Piping Systems within
with Damaged Insulation Susceptible Temperature Ranges
Class 1 (High)
75% 50%
Class 2 (Medium)
50% 33%
Class 3 (Low)
25% 10%

viii. SBP Inspection: SBP(Small Bore Piping) that is primary process piping should be
inspected in accordance with all the requirements of this document. SBP that is secondary
process piping has different minimum requirements depending upon service classification.
Class 1 secondary SBP shall be inspected to the same requirements as primary process
piping. Inspection of Class 2 and Class 3 secondary SBP is optional. SBP deadlegs (such
as level bridles) in Class 2 and Class 3 systems should be inspected where corrosion has
been experienced or is anticipated. Deadlegs with TMLs should be tracked in a separate
piping circuit from the mainline piping. These deadlegs or low points are typically identified
and documented in the inspection record by the inspector. Deadlegs may be combined
into one circuit if their anticipated corrosion rates are similar. Inspections should include
profile radiography on small diameter deadlegs, such as vents and drains, and UT or RT
on larger diameter deadlegs.

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4.5 Storage Tanks’ Inspection Frequency Guideline

The interval between inspections of a storage tank (both internal and external) shall be
determined by its service history unless special reasons indicate that an earlier inspection
must be made. On-stream, nondestructive methods of inspection shall be considered when
establishing inspection frequencies.

4.5.1 Storage Tanks’ Routine In-Service Inspections

The external condition of the tank shall be monitored by close visual inspection from the
ground on a routine basis. This inspection shall be done by Production Operator.
Personnel performing this inspection should be knowledgeable of the storage facility
operations, the tank, and the characteristics of the product stored.
The interval of such inspections shall not exceed one month.

4.5.2 Storage Tanks’ External Inspection

All tanks shall be given a visual external inspection by the Inspector. This external
inspection must be conducted at least every 5 years or RCA/4N years (where RCA is the
difference between the measured shell thickness and the minimum required thickness in
mm, and N is the shell corrosion rate in mm per year) whichever is less. Tanks may be in
operation during this inspection.
Insulated tanks need to have insulation removed only to the extent necessary to
determine the condition of the exterior wall of the tank or the roof.

4.5.3 Storage Tanks Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection

External ultrasonic thickness measurements of the shell can be a means of determining a
rate of uniform general corrosion while the tank is in service, and can provide an indication
of the integrity of the shell. The extent of such measurements shall be determined by the
Ultrasonic thickness measurements shall be made at intervals not to exceed the following:
a) When the corrosion rate is not known, the maximum interval shall be 5 years.
Corrosion rates may be estimated from tanks in similar service based on thickness
measurements taken at an interval not exceeding 5 years.
b) When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum interval shall be the smaller of
RCA/4N years (where RCA is the difference between the measured shell thickness
and the minimum required thickness in mm, and N is the shell corrosion rate in mils
per year) or 15 years.
Internal inspection of the tank shell, when the tank is out of service, can be substituted for
a program of external ultrasonic thickness measurement if the internal inspection interval
is equal to or less than the interval required in the above bullet b.

4.5.4 Storage Tanks Cathodic Protection Surveys

Where exterior tank bottom corrosion is controlled by a cathodic protection system,
periodic surveys of the system shall be conducted in accordance with TE-STA-PRO-00-
0003 “Cathodic Protection Inspection Procedure”. The Inspector shall review the survey

4.5.5 Storage Tanks Internal Inspection Intervals

i. Initial Inspection Interval:

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The interval from initial service date until the first internal inspection shall not exceed 10
years unless a tank has one or more of the leak prevention, detection, corrosion mitigation
or containment safeguards listed in Table 3 below. The initial internal inspection date shall
be based on incremental credits for the additional safeguards in Table 3 which are

For example, the maximum interval for a 1/4 in. bottom that has a release prevention
barrier and a fiberglass lining would be determined as follows:
10 years (initial) + 5 years (fiberglass lining) + 10 years (release prevention barrier) = 25

The initial inspection interval shall not exceed 20 years for tanks without a Release
Prevention Barrier, or 30 years for tanks with a Release Prevention Barrier.

Table-3 Initial internal inspection

Add to Initial Interval
Tank Safeguard
Fiberglass-reinforced lining of the product-side of the tank bottom 5 yrs.
installed per API 652.
Installation of an internal thin-film coating as installed per API 652. 2 yrs
Cathodic protection of the soil-side of the tank bottom installed, 5 yrs.
maintained and inspected per API 651.
Release prevention barrier installed per API 650, Annex I. 10 yrs.
(Actual corrosion
Bottom corrosion allowance greater than 0.150 in. allowance -
150 mils) / 15 mpy

As an alternative to establishing the initial interval, initial internal inspection date and
reassessment can be established using Risk Based Inspection (RBI) assessment that
may exceed the initial 10 years interval but shall not exceed 20 years for tanks without a
Release Prevention Barrier, or 30 years for tanks with a Release Prevention Barrier
except as follows.

The initial RBI assessment shall be reviewed and approved by an Inspector and an
engineer(s), knowledgeable and experienced in tank design (including tank foundations)
and corrosion. The RBI assessment shall be subsequently reviewed and approved, at
intervals not to exceed 10 years, or more often if warranted by changes in service.
ii. Subsequent Inspection Interval
The interval between subsequent internal inspections shall be determined in accordance
with either the corrosion rate procedures of the latest cod edition or hired risk based
inspection procedures.

When using the corrosion rate procedures the maximum subsequent internal inspection
interval shall be 20 years for tanks without a Release Prevention Barrier, or 30 years for
tanks with a Release Prevention Barrier

If the minimum bottom thicknesses, at the end of the in-service period of operation, are
calculated to be less than the minimum bottom renewal thicknesses given in Table 4
below or less than the minimum bottom renewal

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thicknesses providing acceptable risk as determined by an RBI assessment. The bottom

shall be lined, repaired, replaced, or the interval to the next internal inspection shortened.
iii. Table-4 Storage Tank Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

Minimum Bottom Plate Thickness Tank Bottom / Foundation Design

at Next Inspection inch (mm)
Tank bottom/foundation design with no means for
0.10 (2.54)
detection and containment of bottom leak.
Tank bottom/foundation design with means to
0.05 (1.27)
provide detection & containment of bottom leak.
Applied tank bottom reinforced lining, > 0.05 in.
0.05 (1.27)
thick, in accordance with API RP 652.
iv. Minimum thickness of Annular plates Ring: Due to strength requirements, the minimum
thickness of annular plates ring is usually greater than 0.10 in. Isolated pitting will not
appreciably affect strength. For tank in service with product specific gravity less than 1.0
which requires annular plates for other than seismic loading considerations, the thickness
of the annular plates shall be not less than the thickness given in ‘Table-5’ plus specified
corrosion allowance.
Table 5:

For tank in service with a product specific gravity of 1.0 or greater which require annular
plates for other than seismic loading considerations, the thickness of the annualr plates shall
be in accordance with API 650, Table 5-1A or 5-1b, plus any specified corrosion allowance.

4.6 Inspection Frequency Analysis

Following each internal inspection, a Frequency Analysis shall be performed. The internal
inspection data for each piece of equipment is to be carefully analyzed. The Interval

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Analysis should be performed as the inspections are made and prior to start-up to ensure
that data gathering has been done correctly.

The analysis includes a review of the corrosion rates, service, operating conditions,
equipment and operating history, calculated remaining equipment life, etc. The Interval
Analysis should result in one of the following recommendations:

4.6.1 Interval Unchanged

If conditions have not changed and an adequate analysis of the interval has been
performed previously, it may not be necessary to change the inspection interval.

4.6.2 Decreasing Intervals

If a decrease is recommended, due to accelerated corrosion, mechanical damage, or etc.,
the Interval Analysis should clearly state the reasons for making the recommendation.
For pieces of equipment that require a complete unit shutdown to be removed from
service, decreasing the interval will have the result of decreasing the operating cycle for
the operating unit, unless provisions are made to allow the equipment to be taken out of
service during the run.

4.6.3 Increasing Intervals

If an increase is recommended, due to a lower corrosion rate, no significant deterioration,
etc., the Interval Analysis should clearly justify the increase in the interval. For pieces of
equipment that require a complete unit shutdown to be removed from service, increasing
the interval will have the result of increasing the operating cycle for the operating unit,
unless provisions are made to allow the equipment to be taken out of service during the
run. The interval of unit shutdown if restricted by the interval of other equipment which
can’t be inspected during the run, then it shall not be increased.

Change in frequency based on inspections and testings shall be documented in

Inspection Task frequency with reason for the change in ‘Schedule Changes’ in Meridium

4.6.4 Special Emphasis Inspection Interval Requirements

Special emphasis inspection programs are developed for monitoring special stationary
equipment problems such as:
 Corrosion under insulation
 Wet H2S cracking
 Deaerator cracking
 Dead leg corrosion
 Injection point corrosion
 Soil-to-air interface


5.1 Equipment Reliability Superintendent

i. Equipment Reliability Superintendent is accountable for the inspection program, including
the method for setting inspection intervals, and for auditing inspection intervals to maintain
technical assurance.

5.2 Stationary Equipment Engineer

i. Responsible for developing and implementing the inspection program.
ii. Responsible for reviewing and approving the inspection intervals.

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iii. Responsible for setting the appropriate inspection interval based on the equipment
design, operating conditions, past inspection history, and comparable service experience.
Carry out RBI on case to case basis.

5.3 Lead Inspection Engineer

i. Responsible for ensuring execution of inspection activities as per schedules.
ii. Review inspection observations, recommendations.
iii. Ensure completeness of reports in Meridium.
iv. Responsible to ensure compliance to Safety associated with inspection activities.
v. Area Plant Inspectors
vi. Responsible to carry out inspection as per schedule.
vii. Report inspection observations to Lead Inspection Engineer / Stationary Equipment

5.4 Production Area Superintendent

i. Responsible for the safe operation of his unit/area. Operating personnel must inform
Inspectors of operational changes (flows, temperatures, pressures, fluid composition, etc.)
that could affect the integrity of the equipment.
ii. Responsible for arranging routine inspections of storage tanks as per this guideline and
for maintaining records for such inspections.


6.1. Equipment Criticality Determination Guideline QC-PSM-GLN-00-0002

6.2. Cathodic Protection Inspection Guideline TE-STA-GLN-00-0005
6.3. Corrosion under Insulation, CUI, Inspection Guideline TE-STA-GLN-00-0007
6.4. Tank Monthly In-Service Inspection Checklist\Reference Guide TE-STA-SFM-00-0043
6.5. Process Piping Thickness Monitoring Exemption Form: TE-STA-SFM-00-0025
6.6. Pressure Vessel Thickness Monitoring Exemption Form TE-STA-SFM-00-0026
6.7. API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code
6.8. API 570: Piping Inspection Code
6.9. API Std 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction





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