Reports s2

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Español y Science: Ruby es una chica muy amable y atenta, que siempre intentar prestar

atención. Se esfuerza mucho para conseguir sus mejoras, tanto en el español, como en
ciencias. Ruby siempre muestra interés en las lecciones, incluso a saber alguna cosa más.

Espero que tenga un muy buen verano!

Alfonso J.

Science and Maths in Spanish: Gabriela is a kind and attentive girl, who pays attention in most
of the classes. She strives to achieve her best, both in Maths in Spanish and in Science.
Gabriela shows interest in the lessons, even to know something else.

I hope you have a great summer!

Alfonso J.

Science and Maths in Spanish: Aiden is a friendly and attentive boy. This year he is trying
harder to improve his Spanish and science. Aiden is showing more interest in the lessons, even
knowing a little more.

I hope you have a great summer!

Alfonso J

Maths in Spanish: Cuando está con Oliver, la actitud de Owyn es mala, le gusta poner excusas
para no realizar las tareas y se queja por realizar cualquier actividad o anotar cualquier
concepto. Cuando no está con Oliver, su actitud es más positiva, realiza las tareas sin rechistar
y de forma bastante correcta. A pesar de intentarlo, siempre acaban estando juntos y si
intentas separarlos, paralizan la clase de manera muy grosera. Buen verano!

Alfonso J.

Science: Eliam has a very good relationship with his classmates. He makes many derogatory
and pejorative remarks towards other classmates, which, although in a joking tone, would be
unacceptable in any other context.

On the other hand, his academic level is very high, despite being a bit lazy.

I hope you have a great summer!

Alfonso J.

Science and Maths in Spanish: From the first days Oliver has been very disrespectful to his
classmates, repeatedly disrespecting them and asking questions and making questions and
comments about personal matters to other students, and even teachers, quite unpleasant.
In class his attention is null, since he focuses on talking about any other subject, loudly,
interrupting the smooth running of the class and disturbing the students who are interested in
the explanations.

Oliver is very arrogant in class, being absolutely right and disputing any decision, instruction or
explanation that the teacher comments on. Every decision or instruction from the teacher in
class is an ongoing battle with Oliver to get him to comply, with the student continually making
derogatory comments towards the teacher or the need to perform the task. When he is asked
to change places, in order to try to improve the functioning of the classes, he refuses outright,
not complying with the teacher's instructions, having to intervene on occasion those
responsibles for the center, to make him change his mind.

On some occasions the student has not even brought a notebook or appropriate writing
material for that day.

During the classes Oliver limits himself only to stay in the class, and complaining about any
instruction given to him (take out the notebook, put the date, draw a diagram, write
something down in his notebook) wasting time in each and every lesson, making it very
difficult for the students to learn.

Oliver always comments that he has zero knowledge of Spanish, although he also has zero
interest in trying to learn any words, even if they are numbers, school objects, or body parts.

In the last Spanish exam, given 7 days notice, he had the web pages where the exercises are to
practice, in addition to having all the necessary vocabulary, supposedly, in his notebook
(although Oliver usually writes down what he feels like and never has any concern that this
information will be important to him in the future). He scored 1/80

In Maths in Spanish classes, he has no interest in having a notebook with the information he
will need for the end of the course test, nor does he care about mixing different subjects in a
"notebook". He is unconcerned with notes and everything related to each and every subject.

Have a good summer!

Alfonso J.

Science: Max has a very good relationship with his classmates. He makes many derogatory and
pejorative remarks towards other classmates, which, although in a joking tone, would be
unacceptable in any other context.

On the other hand, his academic level is good, despite being a bit lazy.

Have a great summer!

Alfonso J.

Spanish and Science: Julian tiene una muy buena relación con sus compañeros de clase. Realiza
muchos comentarios despectivos y peyorativos hacia otros compañeros, que aunque sean en
tono de broma, serían inaceptables en cualquier otro contexto.

Por lo contrario, su nivel académico bueno, a pesar de ser un poquito vago.

Alfonso J.

Spanish and Science Alfie tiene una muy buena relación con sus compañeros de clase. Realiza
comentarios despectivos, que aunque sean en tono de broma, serían inaceptables en
cualquier otro contexto.

Por lo contrario, su nivel académico ha mejorado bastante, a pesar de ser un poquito vago.

¡Que tengan un buen verano!

Español: Niamh es una chica amable y encantadora. Tiene una muy buena relación con sus
compañeros de clase. En español participa en clase y realiza las tareas encomendadas. Ha
mejorado mucho su español en poco tiempo. Espero siga con esta actitud y esfuerzo.

¡Que tengan un buen verano!

Alfonso J.

Español: Lilia es una chica amable y encantadora. Tiene una muy buena relación con sus
compañeros de clase. En español participa en clase y realiza las tareas encomendadas. Ha
mejorado mucho su español en poco tiempo. Espero siga con esta actitud y esfuerzo.

¡Que tengan un buen verano!

Alfonso J.

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